Morning Oregonian. (Portland, Or.) 1861-1937, March 16, 1912, Page 11, Image 11

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Furniture Dealer Tells of Hear
ing Commotion Preceding
Kijhl of Ph.i-lcUn Called by l'ro-r-c-ntion
la Te-llf a K pc rt at
i:oquM f IWeiifO Rrlng
nn Wordy Squabble.
Called as m wime fur if.m stale In
the links inur.lrr trial ynstcrday.
Iorrs. of ollrr sc lorrf. furniture
and rx-rprt dealers, of 3S Kast Morrl
sn wneet. pave eyldenre which mlKht
l roiirtrned as distinctly advsntaiteoui
lo il defsnse when belnr cros-ex-
s nln'd Uv 1'sn J. Mslarkey. chief of
. onnsrl for the acrusrd man.
.Mr. Porres said that he In the
rtir of his store, whlrh adjoins that
r.' U-. H. Markrll. In the doorway of
sM-i Mirks shot and killrd . A.
Wormian, when he hrard a noise which
st'smstrd someone had Keen
hurled against the front of the build
ire TV.e shot whim ended Workman's
li'e ram out a few seconds later.
while lr porrrs was shoutlnc to hla
clerk to ascertain the cause of the
commotion. The witness said he
hastened to tha front of the store and
arrived Just in time to see wortman
sinking o the floor of MarkcU's siore
In his eath struggle.
Defrsxse Adsaataae.
The oefense will contend that th
noie whl.-h Mr. Iiorres heard was
caused kr Wortman. who welahed
ahout i 1 i pounds, throwinc Hick-.,
much smaller man. against t'ie build
ing. This would tend lo uphold Hick s
contention of self defense, on the lee
timony of the witness considered aa a
whole, however, another construction,
favorable to the state, may be placed
The furniture man said that he wag
in front of his place of business watch
ing furniture unloaded from a van
shortly before the shooting occurred
and that he saw lilrks standing; on the
sidewalk about IS or 20 fret from him,
possibly waiting for a Brooklyn car
to convey him to his home, as It
Hicks' habits to catch his car at that
point. Hicks remained standing In that
position for rlh,Jr r OT seven
irlnutes. Mr. Iwrre testified, and then
started walking slowly toward the wit.
neas. Hicks was within about flva
feet of him and the latter was about
lo address Hicks when a woman, a
Mrs. Plngenheltner. came down the
street from the direction of Grand av
enue and said she wished to pay Mr.
Iorres some money on account,
latertal A beat Tare Mlaates.
The witness entered tha store with
Mrs. Flnsenhelmer and walked slowly
with her to the office, a distance of
about 90 feet. He had provided her
lth a seat and was In the act of slt
tmc down himself when he heard the
commotion. He thought the Interval
hus h be three minutes, but his an
swers to questions Indicated that the
r rtHl wtrlch elarsed from the time he
entered tha store until the shot wat
f:red was probably much less. From
this the state's attorneys argue that
tr-ere was not much time for the at
tack upon flicks, which the defendant's
sttornevs allege occurred, and that
Hicks siiot with small provocation and
with little reason to believe that his
life was In danger.
Ir. W. tV. Hruce. the physician
alied Immediately after the shooting
and who performed the autopsy on the
JaJ man. said that the bullet entered
the left side and tore Its way through
the boily about an Inch In front of
U-e spinal column and Imbedded Itself
within an Inch and a half of the sur
face of the right side of Wortman's
straggle la Uedaeed.
"From this testimony the defense
argues that the revolver was pressed
close against the victim aa otherwise
tf.e bullet would have come out on the
other side. The deduction Is thus
drawn that the two men were strug
gling when the shot was fired.
This would be directly at variance
with statements made by Special Prose.
utor taiis In addressing the Jury la
advance of the taking of testimony.
Mr. iMtvis contended that Wortman was
backing away from lllcks with JUs
l:ajid oier hla face when the bullet
was discharged and that Hicks fired
with his arm extended. Experts will
be called to testify as to how far the
bullet would penetrate under varying
t Ircumstances.
F.fforts of Attorney Malarkey to have
Jr. tlrtice give expert testimony met
with objection from the attorneys for
tha state, who pointed out that the
physician was their witness, and the
state would be pound by his answers.
Thev contended that he was not com
petent to ouallfy as an expert on gun
shot wounds. Judge Gatens sustained
three oblectlona to questions asked
bv Mr. Malarkey and told lilin that
) would have lo call the doctor as
h:s own witness and take the responsi
bility for his answers If he wl.hrd the
witness to give expert testimony,
tessarwa Held oeelaaMe.
Mr. Malarkey essayed a fourth ques
tion, which Mr. Paris declared railed
fr the opinion of an expert and he
described the action as "one of Mr.
Malarkey's little tricks. Ju.lee (Sa
lens Instructed the Jury to disregard
the remark of Mr. Pavla and urged the
attorneys not to Indulge tn personal
ities. Mr. Malarkev insisted on hav
ing his objection to hi" antagonist's
remark noted In the record, saying that.
ly Mr. Pavi might not tn Itself be
piejudiclal to the defendant, still, a
number of them might warrant a high
er court In holding that prejudice had
hern Injected Into the trial of the rase.
This drew a reply from Mr. Davis. In
which there was another remark re
f.olink on Mr. Malarkey. and the lat
ter again noted Ills objection In the
Alter conslderahle bickering, the at
torney for the defense finally secured
a ruling of the court allowing Dr. Bruce
to say that a wound such as was dis
covered on Wortman body rould not
have been caused by Hick discharging-
the revolver with his arm extended.
Aaswer Held I alsaaartaat.
Attorneys for the stale affect to at
tach but little Importance to this evi
dence, saying that Hicks and Wort
man were moving about rapidly and
tliat only the testimony of eye wit
nesses ran establish what their posi
tions were with respect to each other
when the fatal bullet left the revolver.
The only other witness was Leo
Goetsch. a deputy coroner, who told of
cont eying the. body of Wortman to the
morgue. The effects found tn the dead
man's pockets were a jackknlfe. which
waa In a left side rear trousers pocket,
a handkerchief and a memorandum
book, the witness said. The memoran
book, which, according tn C.ntsi-h.
(i.Dliin'd addresses and entries of va-
rlotts kinds, was not produced In court,
and Mr. Malarkey s questions on cross
examination Indicated that the defense
might be much interested In Its produc
tion and contents. The witness said
be did not know what had become of it.
Body Opposing Votes for Women
Plans Statewide Opposition.
To prepare for the coming campaign
the Oregon State Association opposed
to the extension of the suffrage to wo
men he!d Its first public meeting of the
year Thursday afternoon at the resi
dence of Mrs. .Gordon Voorhles. Nine
teenth and Kearney streets, at which 40
women were present. Mrs. Francis J.
Pailey. president, announred that this
l K-t Osl 1. WILL, PREPARE
:: ' V;,.
:!.. A . i-r.
J r: J
f -ciK.-x,
F.adr M. Cederberga.
If. Bryn. the Norwegian Minis
ter to the United States, will visit
the Pacific Coast and Portland
early In April. Kndre M. Cetler
bergh. VIce-Consul for Norway,
received an official letter yes
terday from Henry Lone. 5or
weglan Consul In Pan Francisco.
Informing him of Minister Bryn's
contemplated visit. The exact
data will be given later.
The object of ihe Minister-
visit to the Coast, as given of
ficially. 1 to Inform himself as
to conditions on the Coast In con
nection with the opening of the
Panama Canal. As Norway ranks
second aa to tonnage In Portland
and as she has established regu
lar lines from Norway to Aus
tralia and other points In the last
few years, the opening of the
ranal is of especial Importance to
was one of a number of public meet
Ings to be held to start the campaign
to defeat the proposed woman's suffrage
amendment to the state constitution,
The secretary. Miss Kleanor K. GUc.
read a paper, prepared by Wallace Mc
Camanl. showing what Ihe association
had done In the 1! years of Its exist
ence and how It had won at the polls
whenever the matter had been submit
ted to the voters of the stste.
The treasurer. Mrs. Wallace McCa
tnant. submitted her report that showed
th expenses of tre last campaign to
have been 1770. and with the sugges
tion that It would take much more to
make the fight at the coming election
Miss Henrietta Falling, vice-president
of the association, read an interesting
paper on Its objects and alms.
Mrs. Herbert Holman and Miss Bain
of the Lincoln school, read papers on
the condition of women In the states
where women's suffrage exists, the lat
ter giving her personal experience In
I'tah. where she resided for four years.
Before adjournment and after ta had
been served It was announced that It
was the drsire to increase the mcmber-
shto much as possible and to that
end all present were requested to In
terest their friends in tne movement
and Invite them to become members.
C. A. Glossner. 14 Ontario St.. Roch
ester. N. i -. has recovered irom a long
and sovrre attack of kidney trouble, his
rvire being due to Foley Kidney Pills.
After detailing his rase. h says: "I am
only aorry I did not leam moner of
Folev Kldner Pill. In a few day's
time my backache completely left me
and I felt greatly improveu. ily Kid
neys becam.. stronger, dtzxy spells left
m and I wsa no longer annoyed at
night. I feel loo pr cent better since
using Foley Kidney Pills." All drug
FROM 45 to 50
Interesting Experience of Two
Women Their Statements
Worth Reading.
AshevilK N.C "I suffered for year
irith female trouble while going through
the Change of Life. I tried a loeaj phy
sician for couple of year without any
substantial benefit Finally after re
peated suggestion to try Lydia E. Pink
bam't Vegetable Compound, I quit my
physician and commenced using it with
the happieet results. I am today prac
tically a well woman and anxious to con
tribute my mite towards inducing others
to try your great medicine, as I am fully
persuaded that it will cure the ailments
from which I suffered If given a fair
" If you think this letter will contrib
ute anything towards further introducing
your medicines to afflicted women who
are passing through this trying period,
it is with great pleasure I consent to Its
publication." Mrs. JUUA A. MOORE,
17 East St., Asheville, N. C
The Cane of Mrs. Kirlin.
Cirdeville, Ohio. "I can truthfully
tay that I never had anything do me so
much good during Change of Life as Ly
dia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Compound.
" Before I had taken one half a bottle
of it I began to feel better, and I have
continued taking it- My health is better
than it has been for several years. If
all women would take it they would es
cape untold pain and misery at this time
of life." Mrs. Aucb KlRUN, 353 W.
Mill St.. Cirdeville. Ohio.
The Change of Life is one of the most
critical periods of a woman's existence.
At such times women may rely upon Lydia
E. Pinkham's Vegetable Compound. ,
Maniciring Parlors, Second Floor Jewelry Repairing and Card Printing, Main Floor
Shoe Shining, Basement-Picture Framing, 4th Floor 25c Shoppers' Lunch, Basement
Oldls, Wortmaini (15?
Occupying Entire BlocK-Bounded by Morrison, Alder, Tenth and W. ParR Sts. j
arg'ains Which Will Stir All Portlan
5000 Men's Ties
50c Grades, Special,
t New Soring Styles in 4-m-nanas
! y - S Right now we assert our leadership as. buyers as well as sellers. Here we offer 5000 Men's
J '' s"-. LV Four-in-Hand Ties made by one of America's best neckwear manufacturers, who special-
;. sn tiaa mnlfM nothinc else. On account of the extensive business which wre have
given this factory in the past, the manager has let us have all of his ties left after filling
his Spring orders, at a very low price providing we would not advertise his name. There
is an endless variety of pleasing patterns in every wanted color and weave the nn
season's best 50c values. We have priced them special for today's selling at, each tC
1 r m
Store Opens at
9:30 A. M.
Closes at 9:30 P. M.
Every Saturday
Other business days we open at 8
A. and close at 6 P. M. We have
arranged shorter business hours for
Saturday for the comfort of our sales
people as well as for the convenience
of our customers. There must be one
day for after-supper shopping, so we
will shorten that day by not opening
until 9:30 A.' M., which will give
needed rest to the salespeople that
they may serve yon better. "We our
selves are better served by serving
others best." Grocery phone clerks on
dutv at 8 A. M. Phone order early.
"ShawKnit" Hose
"Shawknit" Hose, standard of the market,
are guaranteed 'to give perfect satisfaction;
if they do not please you in every way we
will refund the money. 15 different styles to
i hoope from. Cotton and silk-o-lisle O C
in black and colors; all sizes, at 2.5c and
Men's Shirts $1.35
New Spring styles in Men's Negligee Shirts,
made of fine quality woven madras, with turn
back French cuffs and separate soft collars to
match each shirt; a large assortment of neat
blue, black and heliotrope stripes; OC
all widths; extraordinary values at pXsJJ
In Auditory today at 7:"0 P. M.
or Up-to-Date Men
A full line of sizes and grades.
Wear like iron; are fine and light.
e hose that gives universal .satisfaction.
oys $5.00 and $6.50
SuiUs $5.95
Juvenile Department Main Floor.
Just for the day 200 Boys KnicKerbocKer
Suits, in sizes 7 to 17 years, in all wool mate
rials such as Worsteds, Tweeds and Cassimeres.
Extra well made and tailored right up to the
minute. Real mannish effects, full peg styles,
linen lined and reinforced seams. All are
taKen from our regular stocK, only one or two
of a Kind. Good $5.00 and $6.50 to q
g'rades, specialized for this sale at p0.i0
New Norfolk Suits
$5 up to $15
A special showing of the new Norfolk style Suits for boys. The
handsomest line we have ever shown. The workmanship as good
as in men's high-priced suits. All the new. snappy style and
trimming ideas are embodied in the stock. Lots of t 1 C ff
blue serges included; sizes 6 to 17 years $5.00 to f XJJI
Boys' Hats 50c to $3.50
Our Juvenile Hat Store is without exception the best in the city.
We show so many new-style ideas that a person without the
slishtest thought of buying would enjoy a visit. All the new
much materials arc shown. 1 h? new Jreneti tens ur-J cil
tO fw.w
A Great Glove Sa
That Will Crowd the Sto
Women's Rid Gloves
75c, 89c, 98c
Another of our famous Saturday sales of women's Kid Gloves,
two-clasp overseam, sewn iu blar-k, white, tan and gray, with
three-row embroidered backs, with black stitching; all ,7C
sizes in
the lot, priced for today at onlv. the pair
Women's Cape Gloves One-elasp, prix seam sewn, medium
weight soft, pliable stock, assorted tan shades. Tn QQ.
all sizes. On special sale at low price of, the pair, 0J
Women's Kid Gloves One claap style, full pk. sewn. Paris
point backs, in black, white, tan, brown, mode, gray. QO
champagne, green and dark red; all sizes; the pair
Rayser Long' Silk Gloves
For todav onlv "Kayser's" 16-button Silk Gloves, with patent finger
black, white, tan, pongee, gray and navy; all sizes in this lot and
most exceptional values. Priced special for this sale at only, the pair
le H
in white, tan. gray and red; priced at DUC P
Men's Suits $15 to
Women's Waists at $1.49
On the Center Circle, Main Floor
An extra special sale of Women's Waists of lingerie and marquisette mate
rials, styled with high necks and short sleeves, trimmed in fine tucks. Valeu
ciexines laces, fillet laces and embroidery. The marquisettes are especially
at.trae.tive- have high necks and short sleeves, neatly trimmed. Ihe tailored
Waists come in linen, madras, pique and linon; are tucked and
embroidered ; have stiff collars and cuffs. Priced special at only
Cancly Day
At the Bargain Circle
Between the Elevator
Here's where HE gels HER Sunday candy, be
cause he knows it is pure and good and will
be sure to please her. Note these low prices:
40c Buttercups, assorted, special at 27
40c Candy Toasties, specially priced at 23
50c Chocolate Creams, assorted, special. 30 ?
40c Marshmallows, special at only, lb 25
50c Sugared Almonds, at low price, lb., 3o
40c Mint Chocolate Chews, special at 25
25c Jelly Beans, special at, the pound, 15
40c California Candy rigs, special at 25
40c Sponge Chocolates, special, the lb., U7C
40c After Dinner Mints, special at only 27
20c Cocoatines, at special price of only 20
25c Peanut Taffy, specially priced at 18
40c Caramel Chews, special at, the lb., 25
10c Milk Chocolates, special, 7c or 4 for 25
And you will fall right in with our ideas when you see them. We believe there
Ls no other store in the Northwest which is better equipped to give you good
merchandise at such low prices as Olds. Wortman & King. The new English
soft rolL box back and semi-fitted models are the favorite cuts. Our stock
comprises the very best quality blue serges, plenty of browns, tans, new blue,
grays, etc. Every suit is sold with a guarantee of satisfaction. jOC ((
The range of prices on these fine, new suits is from $15.00 to J)JJJJ
Men's $3.50 and $4 Pants $2.65
In the Men's Corner, main floor, southeast, a sale of Men's Pants m such a
tterriH that, most anv suit can be matched; The sizes range!
from 31 to 42 waist ; are cut regular or peg top. Medium and dark O f C
colors in worsteds and cassimeres. Kegular $3.50 and $1 grades Q&i.JJ
. kTr1ttt7V"cv Women's Imported Hose 25c Pr.
XWMnfZ ,n tBe hosiery store, main floor, a sale of women's imported Hose in the
??A'JV f'ne 'fflt went qualitv lisle thread, Hermsdorf black, very elastic, with
J .fJzfk. $ extra double soles and high spliced heels; all sizes in the lot, all 9CC
7 yii 4 fresh, new stock, and we special them at the low price of, the pair,
f V it
Women's 'Merode'
Union Suits $1.25
In white lisle thread, low neck, with no
deeves, or short or half sleeves, knee length ;
alo high neck, long sleeves and C?1 OC
sizes, special,
ankle length
Union Suits 531.7.5
New Spring weight", low neck, no sleeves,
knee length; aU-o high neck, long sleeves
and ankle or knee lengths. Silk shell finish
around top; all sizes. On spe- C"1 7C
rial ale at low price, the suit. p X
Lace-t rimmed Tight, special, the pair, 23
The original and the best .guaran
teed Hose for women. Six pairs are
guaranteed to wear six months with
out holes. Black and tan colore in
lisle thread; medium weights, all
sizes. The box of six flJO flf
pairs for low price of P.VV
Hose at S2.00 Box
Children's "No-Mend Hose" are the
best wearing of all. They come in
fine rib, fast black lisle thread with
stout Irish linen reinforced knees,
heels and toes; sizes from 6 to 10y2.
As the name implies, these QC
r w
Drugs and
Toilet Needs
5c Ivory or Fairy Soap for only SO
loc Toilet Paper, 1500 sheets, 10
$1.50 Oriental Cr'm. Gauraud's S9
50c Carman's Face Powder for 33
Ideal Hair Brushes, "Ideal," 50
15e Tooth Brushes, special only 8
3,5c Tooth Brushes, special only ISC
25c Whisk Brooms, special only 19
35c Witch Hazel, full lli-ounce. 250
10c Glycerine Soap, large cakes. 6
35c Absorbent Cotton, 1 lb., at 21
10c Jap. Rose Toilet Soap for 6
15c Face Sponges, special only 8
Sc Face Chamois, special only 3
5c Tooth Picks, 1000 in pack, at 3?
2.5c Mentholatum, special only 16
25c Hand Scrubs, special only 15?
10c. Hand Sapolio. special only 7?
25c. and 15c Nail Files for only 10c
10c Peroxide, i-lb size, at only 5?
$1.00 Listerine, large size, only 69?
25c Malt Xutrine, special only 15
25c Saaiitol Face Powder, only 15
Vanity Powder Box free, with each
box of Sanitol Powder.
don't need meudiug; the pr.,
31.50 Box t'ClarR-MaKe" Hose Sl.OO
"Clark's Make" Hose for Children, in fine ribbed
tan lisle thread: sizes 72, 8, ' only, and fine
ribbed white lisle thread, sizes 8, 8V2. 9. 9,2 an1
10, and fine ribbed black lisle, size 8 only. Clark
says: "If they don't outwear any other 25c hose,
bring them back and get new ones. fl1 ff
$10 Watches $7.89
In the jewelry department, mam
floor. A sale of 7-jeweled Elgin
mid Walt ham movements, in 10
year guaranteed gold-filled cases,
for women or for men; sizes 0-1
and 10, .iu open or hnnting-eases,
plain or fancy engraved. A limited
number of these $10.00 Watches
will go on bale at the 7
extremely low price of r Oi
50c Rings Only 19c
$LOO Rings Only48c
In the jewelry section, main floor. A sale of gold-filled
shell Riugs for women, men and children. Signets,
single aud cluster stone settings and novelty effects;
great variety of patterns. Every Ring guaran- Qp
teed for 5 years. 50c grades 19c, and $1 vals."0
$LOO Hat Pins 48c
A genuine clean-up' sale of Hat Pins in dainty stone
set effects, and novelty designs. Many worth more
than double the price "asked; values in the lot A Q
to $1.00 each, special at low price, each only "
25c Ribbons 15c
50O0 yards of 5 and 6-inch taffeta, moire and messaline
Ribbon.. exlra good grades, all pure silk, in black,
white and every wanted shade;
grades at 25c a vard; special for thi
Regular 25c pair, special, box 6 pairs.,
Apples S2.00 Box
200 boxes of Xewtown Apples, extra fancy selected;
every box guaranteed; worth $2.50 the box. CJO ff
Our original "Holeproof" hose for boys and girls
save darning,' time, money and aggravation, two
weights, medium weight for girls, fine rih. fast
black cotton: sizes 5Vi to 10; 0 pr. in box, $2.00
Boys' Heavy Weight, ribbed fast black Hose,
sizes 6 to 10. Six pairs guaranteed to C?Q AA
j wear six months. Special, the box Pvv
exceptional T
his sale at X
We special these for today at only,
Fresh Asparagus lOc
Large and white very choice, just received this lot.
40c Coffee 28c
Our own Imperial Roast a special and superior blend.
35c French Mushrooms 25c
French Mushrooms in Jelly Chestnuts in Jelly Cresca
brand makes a delicious dessert and sells r-Of
larly at 35c a can. We special them at only'
25c Imported French Peas 20c
25c Hotel Mushrooms 19c
Basement Sale of
25c Neckwear 5c
Hundreds of pieces of women's dainty Neckwear in
lawn and lace effects, pretty, new stocks; jabots C,
and side effects, worth to 25c each, special at only
Men's Pants $1.98
In the basement, a sale of Men's Pants, the well-known
Redding cassimeres, in neat patterns; sizes 32 to 50;"
well made and will fit perfectly; good $2.50 01 QQ
grades, specially priced for this sale at only P 0
Toilet Articles.
Maurine Goods are made in Port
land, they are absolutely pure
and every application Ls a lasting
benefit. They are scientifically
combined and arc sold on their
merits alone. Demonstration on
second floor, display, main floor.
50 Ft. Garden
Hose $3.50
Regular Price $5.35
50 feet of Garden Hose, complete, with
nozzle and' brass couplings; JJO tZf
regular $5.35 sellers, today at ?
Demonstration "Wear-Ever"
Aluminum Ware, 3d Floor
33.00 Set of 4 Pieces at $1.59
In the big kitchen goods store, third floor, a sale of "Wear Ever"
Aluminum ware, a set of four useful pieces-7-one Lipped Saucepan,
1-quart size, 55c; one straight Saucepan, Vi-quart size, C5c; one
Saucepan, 2-qt. size; one Preserving Kettle, 212-o,t- size,
95c; total, .?3.00. The four pieces special, at only P
90c Rail Plates Only 49c
In the crockery store, third floor, a sale of English Wedge- A Q
wood and Copeland Rail Plates, 85c aud 90c grades, special"''
25c Salad Bowls only 15d 45c Jardinieres, each 29c
25c Glass Dishes for lOc
The big assortment
comprises all useful
pieces, in neat, at
tractive shapes, as
follows :
8-inch Berry Bowls
Footed Bowls
Cake Stands
Glass Vases
Oval Dishes
Sugar Bowls
Cream Pitchers
Spoon Holders
C'elerv Travs ,
Oil Jugs
Vinegar Jugs
Covered Butters
Tall Celeries
Oval Shapes
Preserve Dishes
Water Pitchers