j TIIE 3IORXIXG OREGOXIAN. FRIDAY, 3IARCII 15. OREGON FLAGS O'ER SHE AT FLY FAIR California Pays Rich Tribute to Her Neighbor When Site Is Selected. SUN SMILES ON SCENE lajr Fertrrt as (Governor West and llwl of Beaver Stato IlooMers Take Por?lon of Plat on KiposttJon Ground. 'ni'imH rr"m First r in can Francisco this mornln? to select the jilio for the Nevada, state bulldtna; and was iclad to have the opportunity t" be present. Then ram Mayor Ralph. cr Jn Francisco, and l.leutenant-tior- ernnr Wallace, representing the state. When all were seated President Moore urged Into action at once. Tho time has come." he paid, when with the preparatory work: accom plished, we auk our partners In thlj great enterprise to take an active share In It. Goernor We.t. rf our sinter State of Oregon. Is hero today, arrom-rnl-d hy tl.e rral representatives of the people of Oregon. Title Deed Preaeated. "The site has been selected by threa gentlemen empowered to art and It row becomes our pleasure to present to Governor West, for the Mats of Ore iron, the ttrl ieed to the site." Taking from the hand of llarrla O. Ponnirk. the director of works, an en crossed scroll. President Moore cave It Into the keeping of (Jovrrnor West. As he did so the band massed about the platform broke Into the strains of the "tar-Spancled llanner." accompany ing Mrs. l:ose Ptoch -Ba uer. hit aanc the National anthem with thrilling ef fect, while hundreds stood with un covered nrais until the last notes had 1 led away. Then as the flag of'Oregon floated to the top of the Oregon fir. Governor V est stepped forward ami accepted the site In the name of the people of Oregon. betrner V4 ee t peaks. "I feel as If 1 had Just awakened from a dream." he said. "It seema but esterday when the wires carried the pews of a rreat cltv stricken and laid In ashes and the people of Oregon ris ing to the occasion with their sym pathr and aid. Now 1 see a city far arrester tan the old and remember that its citizens are spending; 1:0.000. to build a great exposition which will benefit not only the Pacific Coast but the world at large. "Oregon Is proud of the opportunity given her to show what she produces. We are gtad that we are In on the around floor Oregonlans are always In on the ground floor, anyway, and we shall make the most of It. Oregon may be rounted upon to do everythlnsr In her power to make the exposition a success." fteoaer Is Presented. As itovernor West concluded. Presi dent Moore stepped forward carrying a banner which on one side bore the flag of the United States and on the reverse side the name "Oregon." with the coat of arms of the state. "It now devolrea upon Governor West." he sal-!, "to plant this banner on the site selected." Accepting- the emblem, the Governor, accompanied by Mrs. West, the Oregon State Commissioners and the exposition officials, found their way through the crowd to, a spot some distance from the stand. Here. f!ir In hand, the Gover nor halted and said: "I take possession of this site In the name of the State of Oregon." He did not plant the banner, however, for a flag already marked the snot and the emblem was carried back to the stand by Mrs. West. ' Pair for Gawd af AIL President Moore seized the opportun ity to make a short address In which he called the attention of hla audience to the fact that the coming great ex position Is not for San Francisco nor for California, nor for Oregon but for the entire I'nlted States. Ha alluded to the approaching completion of the Panama Canal and Its effect upon the development of the West and then In troduced Governor Oduie. of Nevada, who. he said, had come to select a site for another sister state. Then there were cheers for Gover nor Oddte and for Nevada, and the applause- smothered the noise of the breskers on the beach when the Ne vada executive said: "Nevada Is glad to be second to Oregon, for she Is our sister state, too. We are glad that Oregon la first, and Nevada Is proud of the opportunity to have her for a neighbor now and during the great fair when our buildings will occupy ad Joining sites. Nevada la Cheered. "Nevada has not the population of either Oregon or California, but If every state rataea the sams amount of money per capita as Nevada will for the fair, the Investment of money within- a ra dius of a mils here will be the greatest In history." Then Governor Oddie marched off with the banneret of his state and. crossing the dividing line, planted the emblem In the soli deeded to Nevada. There were more cheers for Governor Oddle and the state of Nevada, and h In turn called for cheers for Governor West and Oregon, after which the Joy ous spectators rneeren everyone in sight who looked like he had anything to do with the fair or Oregon and Ne vada. A half dosen moving picture cameras were busy during every mo ment of the ceremonies, sweeping: the shouting, happy crowd with their lenses. The clicking of a hundred camersa sounded like a volley of musketry. Mayer l.aada Oeegealaaa. When the tumult had In a measure subsided. Mayor Itolph, In a few happy remarks, lauded the Orrgonlana for heir public spirit as manifest by the big delegation sent from the state to begin the work called for by the part nership of the commonwealths In the grest enterprise. Julius Meter, chairman of tho Oregon exposition commission, concluded the ceremonies with a few words In which he explained the advantages of the site selected by the commission, and de clared that the people of Oregon would raise thereon a structure of which the state and the exposition company should well bo proud. Aside from the ceremonies attend- Ipg the selection of the site, the 0-e-gonlans spent a busy and enjoyable afternoon, for the assembly at Harbor View was hut the conclusion of the afternoon schedule. A alee t'boke Street. Promptly at 1 o'clock the street In front of the St. Francis Hotel became choked with snorting automobiles des tined to bear the visitors on a tour of the city and the Presidio and to the fair grounds. .Kfflclent work on the part of tho committee on arrangements, assisted by the San Francisco police, got the pro cession away in good time. With the I -Tf' V'--"-"' " u"'"''"'"" ZLl 'mmi i ir . r- j . i ' " " ' i PORTLAND'S FINEST RESIDENCE SCENE IN T7- f f S7T1 NX The Addition with Character Today marks the end of discounts allowed on Laurelhurst lots. If you fail to select the site of your future home today, it will cost you an additional 15 per cent tomorrow. No second mortgage taken on Laurelhurst Jots after today. 200 additional new homes will be erected in Laurelhurst dur ing the next six months as the result of our sales since February 15. The opportunity to get a home-site in Laurelhurst for 15 per cent less than the list price will not come to you again after today. Can you afford to pass it up? Can you afford to lose $150 to $300, the amount of the discount? If you want a home in Laurelhurst, come in TODAY and select your lot. We will help you finance the building, and we will take a second mortgage for the unpaid balance on the lot. BUT WE WON'T TOMORROW. MEAD & MURPHY, Sales Agents Phones: Main 1503, Main 4020, A 1515. 522 Corbett Bldg. ' Office at Tract Phone E. 989. Ask for Salesman. Private automobile service from office to tract at all hours today. exposition bugler standing In a flying automobile In advance of the procee slon. trumpeting the advance of the visitors, the streets wero well cleared and the San Franciscans lining the curbs cheered as the machines whizzed l. Passing through the residence sec tion of ihe city, the procession uped through the beautiful wood-bordered : : SAW FRANCISCO CALL ISSUES "THE LITTLE MORNING OREGON! AN" FOR BENEFIT OF OREGON FIRST EXCURSIONISTS. T1IK SAN FRANCISCO CALTi WEDNESDAY. MAT3CTI nX 1912. THE. LITTLE wrmmnmt. VOL. I. NO. 1. SAN FRANCISCO. MARCH 13. 1912. FOR OtJR VISITORS FROM -OREGON. GOVERNOR WEST HEIOSJELESITES Oregon First' Special Leaves for South rvT.TLA.NP. March i: Th "CV crr I'lrni rfCiM pul e ;t ml rw t.-. for Pm Frnf.-r with l?i friiurnt rttlsvn of Or re on atarJ- Fvnty.(!v others Ifl n IMO .Shut Limited at S 0 iMt fmnc. I :" flavin ; n vtaKo to ifturi rfcri l.fr on tli tr!al The (jctrcfttton It hadd by Governor n4 Mrs. Wrt ott4 tho Orcffon ranajna-PaoTc t roitrn rommtMlon. com poJ ft Julius L Metor. ckalrman. C. S lfod!po of fUltr and V Tiat of f-cur. A'-trl the train are .! rtiifitu frm PnJirfn. KaWer, If rt:r. Tho Dll and cirr OrotfAai cltle. I rt frm Vm. t.t i Ii'btra. AhTan4 t -i a rloJ frcro Klamath I ul Join the etruroion j.'t ir tram proffre south. Bil DETECTIVE DIES J TRAIN Daniel Yiner Known for Capture of Tracv 5r .1 Dl-Pkh la Tk Cell rORTI.AXf. March I:. tn ll Wcmcr knoan throusho'it ti c raclM- toast as a ilctccIlM" and In rorl.r..l as the man srho rapturcl Harry Tracy, f.ll dcai of hc:irt f:ur" on ihr. s.m r'ranclsco raln tolay. Vtncr asd r-n for a number of tears In tho employ of th I nliJ Su'cs Nitooal hank and had been In California for bis health. rXKDON ASKED iOK Ci.trlrl tataracr sas ta l..trnsr far t Irsscacs- (5.--r Crab ! Tk C.) Hljai 'if. March 1! TV' c.?T--r Morr.s. ti'a frtncr t I -.t Nnkrr who Is rv Inc crilrc In tho snltt. l'ar. is rrr'd to rc 111 sod rrnr'o l. th prson hospital. Arr:-ai:cn f-r" Morns- rar- i r h i b-f, rnsde to Gover nor West r I'istrici Attorney Cam.mn. JU-MP PROVES FATAL aa Was Msrca at ! as "K la a laaaa lSrtil Duaalca la T Ctll POnTTjtvl'. Starch' 12 A man snflsrlnc frora tfrronna. who had rratstcrad aa "Klnar lomoa. Jumnd from tha window f a ! I hotel yea. tsrdar to the raefnent belaw to a I moat titstsnt eatn. Jut previously a bellboe eoeaoaiered the man In one af the corriaors erawllnc on alt fours. Tha bey screamed. vM,-ii ipesret U frighten -Kma ..i..r.io".-- who ran rfroniii ime of the rooms. or-cn-l t-e window anl tMnp.t lie haa sot been Id. ntin-.l PROHIBITION FIGHT 5accis( DMhS le Tkt Call roRTUAXI. March 12. Frtilhillnnlt In tris cllv and threuaetotit Or r s on wiir sift one of the moot actlva si ale rrasadea ever anoantln Uia waat. PHYSICIAN CASTS EYES ON SENATE Dr. Harry Lane Seeks Place as Democrat Ssrtw D. -.patch It Tht Call) ronTl.r. March 12.--Ur Harry Lar-c is a cattfll1si f.r t ie ilemorrstic nomination for trilled Males senator. line announced this tecl slon this mornlnc following a conference with local demo cratic leajrrs yesterday, when a petition ursine him to f Into tha fisht was presented to him. l have reconsidered my former decision not to be a candidate." said Doctor lana this mormns- "Oalnc to re cent developments Indicating a atronx sentiment tmonf democrats to hava my ntua eo on Ilia primary ballot I hava consented to make tha race -If 5 recelva tha democratic nomination I will go out and make a vlcorous campaign, covering all parts of the stats. I will tell lust whet I stand for wheal Hi my declaration, and there will bo no doubt as to my meaning on the Issues of the day' POLICE CHIEF'S PERIL Tkeeata Made Aralast Life by Ikiaree SkcUI Duaalca le The Cs1 rortT'.AND. March 12 Tho life or hlef or I'ollre Mlover has been threatened lv mem bers of the warring Chinese, arcordine? to a repewe-recMved by the chlrf hls moraine fol lowing -1 meetlrig f the Chi nese Mx companies held last night. . ' I. ' ' RAILROAD CLERK Parole Will Be Asked of Judge Morrow 5p-c.s ,.f?lcA le The Call IfriTIANl. March U T.tpl V Alexander, tho )i:n ). TV R. and N. com pany clerk .har(red with fors Infr vottchers. changed his plea from nnt guilty to guilty this morning before Judge Morrow of tha circuit court. Ills sen tence was ael for Thursday morning. lie will ask fur parole. CLERKS ARE BO.NDED Water Sward Take Waralaa; rOM Disappear are Sprtlai Dispatch U Th Ci7 TORTIUAND. Marrh It As a rult of rri icnt m I-earArra of Fred S- rnoderraf, a rlik in t b i:rad ofrlrc. (he uatr KoArd thin afternoon put under noiil three t lilef clerks. 11 aIMnl rlerks and 10 '--pertifis. ntrjrrcfltinic $1.0.'u) Kond-, Tli rltinf l.-rks nro unOrr SItVAAO ' bonilM ea-h. rlrka Sj.n0 tnt tnfipertor J.Ai eaii and 21 Inspectors H.O? 9 rach. TO SEND BOOKLETS rortlaad Moa Aplaed ! Vooat at ISfxckl Dixpmkk ! Th C.' ftALKM. Ore.. trrh 12. Coverrror Wat todae ap pointed C. O. Oiapman of Portland a member of the atatc board of Immigration and r leaned for f pendltnr itia apprbprlatinn ef ::,6)t mad br tha last lgislMtrtrrr (or immlxrfction purpoiti. ATTORNEYS FIGHT WITH HARD WORDS Prosecutor Objects lo Term, "Galled Jade" Special Dispatch It The Cell I'ORTUAND. March 12. Piko Duvis and Dan Malarkey nrariy came to blows litis morning In Judge Gaten'a court In the trlol of Burt Jllcks for fctlttng W A. Wort man in a dispute oA-er labor troubles. " Tho xrooble bgn when At torney Mularkry asked W. S. Ilalvor If lie had read of the attempts to break up the H.-iden-Fow!! meeting nt the Gipsy Smllh tauernacio. Satur day afternoon. Attorney Da vis was on Ins fect In a mo ment, demanding to know If the defense charo-ed the state with having anything to do with the trouble at the taber nacle. Tho two attorneys be. gan shaklnc tlirlr fingers In j-(i others' faces The galled Jade winces, and that's wl.st you arc.- said Mularkey to Davis. "If ou don't quit shsklng vo'ir fingers In my face I 11 make you wince," replied At torney Davis. Then tho Judge stopped the pleasantries. BOAST OF BRASHEAR KHfr" aaya Vaaeawvrr TV1I1 W tm reasaat Spcctal Dispclck to The Cell PORTLAND, Marrh 12 The drpeter hn v theiitn.v linn tlr.keted perfectly. Van rouvr will repeat, winning th- t!12 North went,em leasua flaw." opt'mlBtlrally declared "Kitty" Brsh.rt Vancouver rrmn.iger, wbeu In 1'orlJand today. BAY CITT. T'.f .Mil Vran Call h- hit pn a rtorel Idea of pubiuntna: as a part or ua reieuiar ia.u earn oay ourinjr tne tBy 01 ine urcon First rv -urufnUta "The l.ltt e Mornlns Crreoman. The headins; ot this nection or tne paper iouows inn urepornan axyie. ana is aes-isnca iv nt, t ers of th Portland ppia now in an Kranriaco. The firm leeue of "The Utile Xornlnit Oresjonian in thia rtln. m:ctiox or cAi iFOHMi papi;r DF.M(.F.D to iake ,orthf.rkrs ff.fl at houk WHILE IX bears data of March IX Brief news stories of Portland and Oregon for that day appear avenues of Golden Gate Park, striking the beach at the point below the Cliff Houae where the twin Dutch wind mills moved their arms in lazy wel come. Then the route lay through Un co In Park, aloncr cliffs overlooking the Pncifie. where in half-hidden batteries the great guns guard the approaches to the Golden Gate. Whirling through the Presidio grounds, the caravan reached the broad parade grounds, where a halt was made to witness the military review are ranged In their honor. The automobiles were ranged on each side of the square Into which present ly marched the combined bands of the Third Artillery and the Thirtieth In fantry. playing a lively air. Followins them with measured tread came sol diers, 3000 of them, spick and span ii drean uniforms and white gloves. They were formed for review by Colonel Wisser. commanding the Presidio, who had ordered the big spectacle in honor of the visitors from the north. With beautiful precision, the differ ent regiments formed into brigade front to the music of the bands. Reviewed by the commandant and his staff, the troops marched briskly back to the barracks and, with cheers for the Army and the officers who had made the pa rade possible, the guests of the passed on the Kx position site. A New Stomach Stuart's Dyspepsia Tablets Restore Lifeless Organs to Normal Condition. A Trial Package Free. Many a sufferer from Dysppsia. In digestion and kindred ailments of the digestive orjrans carries around an ab solutely useless stomach a dead load, and a cesspool for ever-Increasing dis orders. Tho muscles are seemingly worn out. the mucous llningr has lost Its secretive power, and food taken into the stomach lies there and fer ments, causing sour eructations, beleh Ings. heartburn, dizziness and other distressing conditions. 3Iany sufferers have given up In despair until they have been induced by some interested friend to try a box of Stuart's Dys pepsia Tablets. Stuart's Dyspepsia Tablets are the dyspeptic's hope. They are a natural restorative of healthy action to the stomach and small Intestines, because ther supply the elements that the weak stomach lacks pepsin, golden seal and other digestives. If you are afflicted with any of the symptoms above described, be assured that your digestive organs are losing power, they need help and there is no more sensible help to be given them than to supply elements which will do the work of digestion for them. Stuart's Dyspepsia Tablets have been found by test to have digestive powers, one grain of the active principle of these tablets being sufficient to digest 3000 grains of ordinary food. It is plain that no matter what the condi tion of your stomach, or how far your disease has progressed, one of Stuart's Dyspepsia Tablets taken at meal time will do the work give your stomach an opportunity to regain Its lost pow ers, the muscles will be strengthened, the glands invigorated, and you will be a new man. ' , It costs nothing to prove the effect iveness of this cure. Send for a free sample package today. F. A. Stuart Co.. 150 Stuart Bldg., Marshall. Mich. All druggists sell Stuart's Dyspep sia Tablets, at SO cents a box. n&ijs for your Boys Require Well Made Shoes They give their shoes the hardest wear and should be provided 'with the kind that will stand the severest strain. Nine O'CIock School Shoes for Boys and Girls are made of the highest quality leather and sewed by the re inforced McKay process, which means a longer life and more wear than you can get from other shoes. All children should wear 9 O'Clock School Shoes and save the coupons to help get flags for their school. Ask your shoe dealer about our flag plan. Free A History .of Our Flag A beautifully illustrated book The History of Our Flag, by Francis.Scott Key 3rd, will be mailed free to every child sending 2 cents for postage. Send for your copy today and state name of your dealer. VStl MANU PACTURCR S" ST.UOUIS. " n is oniv one way vou can dependence, and that is by saving your money. The easiest way to acquire the sav ing: habit is by starting a bank account. Let us explain the facilities we offer our clients. Hartman & Thompson, Bankers Chamber of Commerce Building, Fourth and Stark Streets. city S 4Js4 d 4e- d-d d