Morning Oregonian. (Portland, Or.) 1861-1937, March 15, 1912, Page 22, Image 22

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Don't Roast the Cook-
pectlve channel dredging fur the year,
III be submitted at the next ifat!'
Accidents Alone Will Delay
Work Beyond That Time,
Says O'Brien.
Tort of rurtluutl CominiUn Scrks
to Pnn1 Miiirr In Cuc liar
riman span I Nut Done
I Start of Irclicl.
l'n u n firr n dl.t; a are to b
ronst-nded with th nrw ll.irrlm.tti
rilj te thrown open to the pub
Jir 3Uy 1".
J. I 0!ir,-n. rlrrirei4rnt and gfn
era! man.irrr of the .-. K. & waa
tie author .f a communication read
at ymtTly rslon of the Irt of
IVrtUnil l'ornml..l"n. In which It
a -ked that the i.-rml; iued for the
work to b t arried on until March Z9
p eatnded to Jun1 3. for. while It
was flt rTtiin th Mrtictur would
ln ready by May IS. the extra time
wi. pouht In order to iurd asainst
The I'ort of Portland p ronn l voted
tn fiti n l the tint to May hut
rlku-d t- s;tvo nr. ill June "0. because
tr. frhrt. u.-untly at It hrisht from
Jane 1 to June C. would make the draw
f4!.f vtork a harrier to na vttat ton. At
t ame 1 1 m t h tm int. --toners ad
rnttte-I t eat h ot her a-To the ts hie
that t!iey had n Jur.jullrtton In the
l-rrtnl-e and that so Ion a.- the 'Var
IvpartmfM had sanrttontd the bridge
It wa.t u!ine.-c.-sary lor them to extend
trie time.
alppla ITvtrrf totn I re.
Some f t h members Insisted that
tb rtshts of the- Interests
should be proterird to the extent of
ilTllrilnc t rtond th permit beyond
li. but H w ni madn wtrrnt
wfiat would hartn If the itrrl erer
t in t ea--d th- n in an itncomplet.- I
stair. toM .iril trf r tr.c Is I hroujfh
h tfiw-r'nu maM. oniint."'ioner
o IXHv sooth , Mil ferltrts w hen be
aid that arrnir-mrnts had ben made
with th- I 'ianiotid Ilert to Ushter
rare to and f r f rm point in the
harbor uh th to vesel
that w rr drtain d Iwlo hy rea-on of
t'trir inat- T.i-n the -uM--. t dropped.
.Manager rb-t. of ttir- poriland ia
lokf t't'irpanv. h.-t!rd with the
.trniiton th prtpr-t f obtalntnw;
the f-rr of tiie trr,z t'olumbta
in making a fill on Die prpd new
te f'r t:e ma!i pUrst. whtrh I"
x:-1 n the w-t uir if th Wiliam
Mt. (uth t 1 h 4overnntent myr
ins. rM'rn-itrd that there would
l ahout l-i v0 i -ubic rd of ma -trtal
rr.turrd. It was planned to
fll pan 'f fh proerty to a level with
the railroa.t embankment n the rear.
whl h w ould b 2i ft. and ano:br
portion will be rained Z 4 feet. He
atd that the eompanv would begin the
work of butldtna bulkhea.M at oii and
It wa ntpeI to set t;i dreic started
In jrout ftx wek. as th first unit
f the plant would be needed durln
tfne com'ns Winter.
DrtdiP kane I Bettlrw.
A dm k I j. beintf built there so that
eiilpment from th present works, at
the ft of Flanders street, ran be
lic"ontlnued as H-lrrd and moved to
thr new 9it. Mr. Ifc.ibt suirested
tat a per diem charge be made for
ttte dredge and ! per ent abided for
work on Dhtrv ftr liaodlini; the pipe
line. The romrtiiiin was mt ready
to an nun e a figure tr the under
t i k ' n x and tune i a-ked in whK h
to sather tieiatls. so that the- can h
ronnitli-rd at a pelal me-tin. Tha
I'olumhta l nw mcaut-d in mukinc a
till fr the t:a?t Sflr freluht ta'.lon
of the Southern rai?l-. w ho h w ll re
al uire a n"n:h. In that ronnilin
rrrsident Mear said it h l been su
Vtel t turn that a the iVr: of Port
land is a mun.rtpul holy. it should nH
rntae in romnniv'al dredi:in. He
view ed te i ntr.i t in another lis ht. ,
savtnir that ultlmatelv the river would
have to be lredfe. there and the rail-
road work was nit only remuneratio, :
bit it provided a plaee for the ma -
tertal t be il-poitrd. I
n the .us ! m f ontmssionrr
!;illy th,- nw -trel dredge beina
htnlt bv 11. Willamette Iron A Ste.J
Works will le. named W illamette. Com
missioned Inrn n proposed .Multnomah
u the i it e. but on hint; Informed
that Major Mrlndoe had o named ns
of the new t ovrrn iilfti t ilrrtc for
f-e riv. r. he moved t.if Wllanieitf
b ti.-rd. It vol.-. lo p.y the run -
tra toj- :".T' (r work fim-hed on
tiv: nrw l:u;cr durtns t'rbruary.
efcoaer Kter latd Paaacra,
onmiisMPiirrs IVa-e and t Hrllly
and tlenrral Manager Talbot, as a com -mittef
tliai adjtixid damages alleged
t tie he n suMamed by tne schooner
l.ynian I'. K ter white in ttie river last
j-ummer. w hen she is said to hTe been
nnehored near a ledse in the low er
harbor and vauizht on it at low water,
report! that J J0T1. I had been paid
the owner", which wa approved.
As elaimj for damace have, been
filed in the pat by employes of the
omrr.islon injured at the drydork and
on vessels. U was asked that Manacr
Talhot compile a draft of rules for
procedure in su-h vases, as the commis
Mon will probably ImHo that In most
Instances only niedlj! attention should
be- shouldered.
James Corn foot Jfc Company, of Glaa
poar. wrote that they would handle the
Kuropcan anenry of the commission, as
a means of securing contracts with
veel ow ners for se-rvicrs here, at
about a month, a commission f
r 47 per cent, with travelina and other
expenses added. The price was deemed
Miih find It was suiri;eted mat thev
1-M asked to accept the work on a com
mission basis.
Tariff No. 1 was formally presented
to the board yesterday for inspection,
the sheet containing all rates n tow
inii. piloting and dry dock inc. instead
f having separate publication for
rach department. The Increase in dok
Inic rate as decided on Kobruary 1
and then made effective, were con
firmed by resolution.
4 ktok Mmy Be Sklftrd.
On motion of Commissioner Pease It
w as voted to retju'St Major M lndoe
'orps of fnc'neers. I'. S. to have
t) bin ;vernmrnt dredce Chinook
shifted from the main channel off the
government moorlr.;. She Is to pro
on the public dry dock tomorrow and
iriv b taken there at once.
Change are to be made In the maps
printed how inc the Columbia Iliver
lta."ln with refrnce to tts connection
w ith the waterway to the sea. as it
is deird lo hav them more complete
for t.e rPfleation of shipidna Inter
rts abroad. t- whom the will be er.t
The annus! report, a statement of
reenues and eir ndtture ftir the past
three months and data covering proi-
1 I . . . t r. . I nlP
Than t ! I.ntx-k.
Vhen the German Milp Krlnbrk was
towed Into the Columbia jreatrrday he
had be-n i'i da on the way from
Santa rio,.ha. a TOjrace that Is easily
ela!rd with th smart ones and 10 days
shorter than -that of the German ship
ThlHhrk. whlrh arrtred Mondar
had been out 45 days.
The Kelnbek did not Bet Into first
plac for speed, as the Lasbek made
the run In :o days and the Lyduate In
Zl days. The hieinbek was 27 days
toverlnz the same course, the Plona
was 1 days and the Barmbek JS days.
The -bek" fleet holds the best time of
the season for acjuare-rlKRera from
Santa Rosalia and with the exception
of ths run of the Thlelhek. It has been
a season of cood passases from there.
Das t. Arrtr.
Nana From. Data.
Alliance Eureka. POX
Iiom Cltjr tisn redro.... la P"
Oeo W. K:ler. an LIio. ... In P""
Cus H. EIdoh. Tlllimook r. 1
Kalcon n Krancisco Mar. 1
Brvak water. ...Coos Iay . '' " 1 -
Rmnok, io Ptco..
ltavr ..San Idro,.
Kan.aa City. . .an Tedro. .
l.uccric Manila
.War. 1
. jtar. IS
.Mar. 23
.Mar. 23
Scheduled to Depart.
Kama. For. Data.
Tile A K. for L. A.. Mar. 13
Hanrard S. F. for U A..M"'. I"
O-u. W. Elder. an 1)1. io.... Mar. l
Alliance Kureka M.r. 14
Soe II. Elroora. Tillamook.... Mar. IS
KoCUr San Pdro.... War. IT
Iirakwatar....('o.. Hajr Mjr. 1?
Kalron Pan Kranclaco M ar. l
Runok ...Fin rlo.... r.
H. av.r ..Kan Pedro Mar. 12
Kansas City... San Pedro.... Mar. 27
I. ucrlc Man I. a Mar. SO
More Alleged Swindles of A. F,
Walton Uncovered.
The latter was beset much of the way
by lluht northerly winds and met tho
principal setback on the Coast, thoujrh
many vessels from Santa Kosalta ex
perienre th worst delay in Retting1 out
of the t.ulf of California..
Marine Notes.
With :.;r.0no feet of lumber,
steaaier Casco cleared yesterday
San Kranclsco.
As ballast ha been discharged from
the Kilo, she is expected to be shifted
Into the harbor today from IJnnton
and will start her wheat cargo at the
.North Jtank dock.
There w-lt he loaded on the s-asoline
schooner patsy today In addition to
other rarjro for the SI us law rearlon
4 tons of steel rails that could not be
taken by the Osprey. The latter Is
due here Monday, havln? reached the
SI us law yesterday.
fjfk of wheat to move, on the Pnake
nivrr has resulted In the steamer Spo
kane, of the O.-W. N. Ac N. fleet, be
in c onlered out of servle-, and there
will be no t-learners In the trade until
some of the wheat In storase Is sold.
To romplet her lumber carico, the
schooner Irene will he shifted today
from rqually to St. Helens. Toe
a- booner Virginia, arriving- late Wed
nesday from the south. was towed
to Westport yesterday- The schooner
Annie M. Campbell, reporting yester
day from San Pedro, will go to Ka-
lama to load.
After succeeding: In cettlne a heavy
chain beneath the boiler of the wrecked
steamer Sarah Dixon, which was locat.
ed In 40 feet of water near K a la ma. the
crew broke the chain yesterday and an
other will be sent to them today. A
derrick will be towed there tomorrow
and the boiler lifted.
In 1 ted State Inspectors Kd wards
and Kuller have k ran ted permission for
tne records to be copied in the case of
Chester I-ewls. chief engineer of the
steamer Sarah Mmn, at the time her
boiler explodrd. and who auffered the
revocation of ht license. It la expected
that tnr decision of the Inspectors will
be appealed.
'If a master's license was granted
February dtMts it continue in force
a period of four years because 1112 Is
leap year . is a question propounded
tt Harry Montgomery, of the Custom
House force, yesterday. Mr. Montgom
ery held that the tl ket was pood for
j day and would expire Kehruary
I 13. as there Is no sentiment about
I n lo Mini regulations.
Carrying thousands of barrels of
flour, appraised at lis. 2 40, th Jap
anese strainer I'nkai Maru sat led yes
terday afternoon, bound for Taku and
Kobe. She I reputed to be a fast trump
and should make good time across the
Pacific. The Japanese steamer Man-
dasan Maru will be here the latter part
of May to load flour and. like the I'n
kai .Maru. la under charter to Mitsui
at Co. '
When a small boy. employed by tho
American Type Foundry Company,
souirht to pass the noon hour yester
day In mastering- the kna k or navi
gating a canoe he took a header into
the river off the foot of Ash street.
The diversion he promised himself in
tlie craft failed, but he furnished some
excitement for Hugh Hraily. the mu
nicipal grappler, Clarence UilUhand. en
gineer of the harbor patrol launch,
ami men from the d red are Columbia,
as three boats hurried to the lad's as
sistance and hauld him from midstream.
Mot omenta of Vcs.ol.s.
rORTI.AVh. March H Arrived Steamer
.nr:h.ind. from .-n Frnrico. Paild Jap
anese sirtmor I'nkai Maru. tr Taku.
Arooria. March 14. cnditin t the
mouth of the river at i P. M.. moderate;
wmd souihw-t. J4 mllen: weather. c.uri.
ArTired at 7 A. M Schooner Annie .
Campbell, from sJan Pe1ri. Arrteed at :"rt
A. Oermaa ship K'inbelt. from Santa
Kosaiia. Arrld at and left up at ! i
A. M. Steamer Northland, from San Fran
.:. Ieft up at A. M. Schooner VirKhna.
Arrived down at 9 and sailed at 11:31 a. M.
Sit earner Breakwater, for Cwi Hay. Ar
rued last nij lit bchooner Virginia, from
Mi Francisco.
San Francisco. March 14. Called at X A.
M. steamer K. H. leKfett. for Purt'.anil. Ar
rived at 4 A. M. f!amfr W. F. Herein.
fnm Portiand. Arrived t 8 A. M. Steamer
Koanoke. f rm San lleao.
Point Reyes. Marrn 14. Passed at 11 A.
M. Steamer Caiania. from ronlaxid. for
Port San Luis.
Point Lob". Marrh 14. Passed at 1 P. M.
steamer W. S. Porter, from Portiand. for
sn i'edro. March 14. Sailed Steamer
Feer. f.if Portland. ArrUwd yesterday
breamer Olvmplc. from Portland.
Sun Fr.innsoo, Mnroh 14. Arrived
Steamers Wit. lam F. Herrin. (mm the io
lumbia Kiver, Ne vail an. from j-alirta Cru;
1'tiiyno Mttru from liomrk-mc: Palsy Free
man, ft-om WUIapa: iniulunn. from Hono
lulu: Handon. from the Coiu!lle Kier.
Stal ed Steamers Franct II. leKVett. for As
to?ia: steamer Tampico. f.r Maaaiilo;
t'hHiner Meteor, fur t;-ays Harbor.
Seattle. Wash.. Mrch 14. Arrived
Steamers Bertha, from Southwestern Alaska;
Aneriy. from Anacortes; I'nlted Statea 1:k.u
tiuse tender Heat her, from Tatoosb. Failed
St.-amera HumhoMt. for Ska -; Pltv of
T'uei:. from San Kranclaco; Ie.hl. Bertha,
for T acorn a
Jacob Caoll riles Complaint W ith
District Attorney; Allofriiiff He
Wan Mulcted or $3500
Through I'orgcd Deed.
New allesed swindles, more than
doubling the Aortage of $3000, -under
which A, F. ValUn left Portland, Just
a month ago. have been added to the
list of charge against him. tnrougn
complaint filed with the District Attor
ney vesterday by Jacob Cassell, an eia
erlv farmer, who allearea tnai nauwn
swindled him of I3..00. through
fortreH ded. Information aa to the
probable whereabouts of Walton Is In
the hands of the authorities ana ms ar
rest Is looked for within the next few
Walton droDoed out of sight Febrc
ary 13. taking with him Invested
by a F.. Hallal In the Overland restau
rant at Sixth and Stark streets. The
flight was brought about by the creditor-
ctoatna In. thereby revealing to
Hallal that Walton had not spent his
Investment, in Pavlne the bills, as ne
had represented, and had not, aa he
promised, added an equal amount, irom
his own funds to tne capital oi me isn
iierNhln. Rent to the amount of $1000,
renair bills and supply bills were left
unsettled, and with the head of the
firm disappeared Hallal a money.
Coincident with these revelations,
charcea w-rc brought by a National
bank that Walton had :t50 by
depositing a note f r $1730, which was
found to be a forgery.
Testerday's charges, as related to the
District Attorney by Cassell. are that
Walton, prior to the Overland venture,
bousrht cnsscll's reMaurant. on Fifth
street giving In exchange a deed to a
lt;n.a.'re farm in Grant County. Wash
ington. The consideration In the deed!
was $4SO0. The transfer of the restau
rant was Immediate, while the record
lng of the deeil was delayed by Wal
ton's representations that he had some
minor details In the title to repair be
fore he could make a satisfactory
transfer. He kept putting off the final
trade, and In the meantime aband-onod
the Cass-ell restaurant and embarked in
the new venture, with Hallal. At length
he made transfer of the farm to Cassell,
but the grantee was auspicious and sent
for an abstract. When It arrived, yes
terday, lie discovered that Walton had
no title to gUe. lie Immediately aked
for a complaint, charging obtaining
money by falne pretenses.
Be fore com lng he re. Ws 1 1 on Is said
to have operated a real estate business
in Spokane, and was engaged In ques
tionable practices.
Cassell's experience was related
vaguelT to the authorities nt the time
of Walton's disappearance, but It was
understood at that time that the victim
had forced restitution.
Tide at A st aria Friday.
H:n. laow.
1 t A M 7 4 feet A. M . .. .3 fet
11.44 1. M 7 4 fee r p. M....Q.& feet
Hhl Hill Woman May Ixse IMace.
SAlaKM. Or.. March 14. (Special.)
1'nder an opinion of Assistant Attorney-
;nera 1 Cra wford. Hat tie Heeman.
recently appointed recorder of QoM
Hilt, probablv will have to give up the
position. The pinion holds that a
woiran unnot hold tiii5 position, even
if appointed.
Locution of Pugct Sound Mooring
Buoy Officially Given.
In the latest list of changes In aids
to navigation Inspector Beck, of the
Seventeenth Lighthouse District, Is di
recting the attention of mariners to
the following:
Columbia River main channel to Astoria
SmitH Flnl I.licht Moved and illumlnant
chansed from oil to electricity. It was
movl from the dork of the I'nlon Fisher
man's Co-operative Company, about hair a
mile bel 'w Aatrla. lo the northwest corner
of the fcalmore Cannery Dock In Astoria. It
! a fixed red post -lantern, electric incan-
Uesient liKht, of about 12 eandlepower. sus
pended from a white crus arm attaciied to
th northeast rorn-r of the bulldins; on th
dnrk. The lfsht Is unmatched.
Puret Sound Seattle Harbor Mooring
buoys to be established March 13, W12. To
te maintained by the City of Seattle for
monrinc vessels. cos and booms.
Mitorln: buoy. 1. a square steel buoy. red.
In ::4 fathoms of mater: Standard Furniture
Store, flacstaff '.'4 decrees true t S. t K.
mif ). mile: I'nlon Iepot. tower 83 de
grees true (X. E. by E. 7-ltt K. max ).
Mooring; buoy. . a square steei ouoy. re a.
in ;to fathoms of water: Standard Furnltur
stare, flaastaft la des;rees true tN. 7-1 d
V. ma. . I mile; I'nlon Depot, lower
0 decrees true ( N. K. s K. ma. ).
MKrtnx buoy, X a square sieel buoy, red.
In :M fnlhoms of water: Cathedral, north
plre47 decrees true iN. N. K. 1-1 k..
max.). 1 mtie: Anem lirom Mills, flag
stmt 11-' (ifcrees true (K. N. magr ).
Moorinc buoy. 4. a aouare mootien buoy.
unpailntl. in fathoms of water: Istan-
drd Furniture Sire. f '.acstaff Si de-
ar"'s tru- i.N. 11-16 K. nmi.l, 1 mllcf;
A 1 hers Bros. Mi Ms. f lapMaf f 104 drgreca
tru- i K. " N. map .
M'irlns; buoy. square steel buoy. red.
:17 fat horns of mat' r: Standard Furni
ture Store, fijicg'aff decrees true (X,
VI. mac ). 1 1..-HI miles; Albvrs Bros. Mill,
fldKtuff 125 degrees true (K. by K. map.).
Mooring buoy, o, a square steel buoy, red.
In a" fathoms ef mater: Pier Xo. 14 12 li
lecri es true N. by W . map. 1, 1 u miles;
Albers Bros. MtU. flapstaff W7 reprces true
(K. N. K. map.i.
Mooring buoy, , a square .steel buoy, red.
In 40 fathoms of water: Pier No. 143 ds
prees true N. by W. 1-16 W. map ). 14
milea: Albers Bros. Mill, flagstaff 113
deprees true i K. mm.).
Commencement Bay Moorlnp buoys to be
eatabllahed on March J.I. To bo tnaintaJned
by the City of Tacoma,
Moorlnc buoy. l. a round wooden buoy.
unpalnted. In '' fathoms of mater: St. Paul
t Tacoma Mill Wharf, flapstaff 1.214 de
grees true E. map.), l.too fe.-t; Northern
Pacific R. It. Wharf, flapstaff 21 i4 de
crees tru s. by W. H W. map.).
Mooring buoy, a round wooden buoy.
iinpainted. In ."2 fathoms of water: St.
Paul A Tacoma Mill v narf. flapstaff J 20V
derress true E. 8. map.); Northern Pa
cific B. K- electric coal bunkers 224 de
grees true (S. s. v . map. . poo feet.
i-em.amoo Harbor i.ipiit station Intensity
of lipht to bo Increased about April 1, lti2.
from 7. canoiepowcr to about H00 candle
power by changing the Illumlnant from oil
to Incandescent oil vapor, without other
Two Ixits of Cargo I'Vom Eastern
Con?t to I-oRccoived.
Besides trans-shipments of Atlantic
Coast cargo to be sent here this month
from San Francisco, where It is being
discharged from the ship Edward Se
wall, there will be almost a full caro
delivered by the steamer Riverside, of
the California A Atlantic fleet, which
Is looked for in the river about March
20. tihe sailed from Balboa February
23 with the hark Manga Heva in tow
and will deliver the latter at Pan
Francisco, where she will a ho dis
charge a part of her load.
The freight on the Kdward Fewall
consisted of 6300 tons consigned to the
Pacific Hardware at Steel Company.
The material represent approximately
273 carloads of 20 tons each, which
would make nine trains of 30 cam each.
If the rolling stock was assembled on
the same track It would extend two and
a half miles.. The company will send
230 tons around the Horn on the
ateamer Cordova, and she probably w ill
ShQ may not like it and you won't like her after she is cooked
A Winter morning generally means a cold kitchen, a slow break
fast, children late to school. Kitchen worries and cooking prob
lems vanish from the home where
is known. It is ready-cooked and ready-to-serve. It contains all
the rich body-building material in the whole wheat made digest
ible by steam-cooking, shredding and baking. You can prepare a
warm, nourishing meal in a few moments by heating the biscuit in
oven to restore crispness and then pouring hot milk over it.
Also wholesome and
delicious with stewed
or canned fruits.
All the "Meat" of
the Whole Wheat
Mad only by
Niagara Falla, N. Y.
rail here, as xhe Is to go north to enter
the Alaskan service.
Cnkai Maru Loses One Man AVhile
I.ouilhiir In Portland.
SomewhT within tho municipal con
fines of J'ortlMiid Kumc Tomichi. a
Japanese, rwterj uboard the Japanese
tramp tnkai Maru as all ahle seaman.
is hldinc frum deputies under L'nited
States Immigration Inspector Parbour.
He evaded the watchmen yesterday and
escaped from the vessel at the dock of
the fori land Flouring .Mills Company.
He is the only Japanese to get ashore
from the ship, except officers, and as a
means of preventing others from gain
ing the land. Mr. Barbour yesterday
ordered that one of his men accompany
the I'nkai Maru to Astoria. Before
leaving the vessel In the lower harbor
he will check over the crew as a fur
ther precaution acainKt any gettlnir
into the country illegally. It Is hoped
by the immlBration ofticer that their
system of watching would result in the
steamer getting away without the loss
of a sailor. In some Instances It has
jeen found necessary to build a "bull
pen near the forecastle as a precau
tion against escapes at night.
Astoria Tugboiit Damaged.
ASTORIA. Or.. March 14. (Special.)
While the tug Gollah was placing a
hauser on board the German . bark
Kelnbek off the mouth of the river this
morning, the bark lurched and the tug
struck the bark's cathead, snapping
off one of the tugboat's masts and
knocking down its wireless apparatus,
llepalrs are being made and the tug
will rcaunw work tomorrow. The bark
was not damaged.
prosecution under a city ordinance is
no bar to a second charge for the vio
lation of a statute.
Following a. dispute over a bill. In
gram mauled Lehman to a finish, in
the tailor's shop at Sixth and Washing
ton streets, and Lehman wore a large
hamburg steak on his eye when he
went to the police station to make
complaint. Ingram asserted that Leh
man was the aggressor. He was found
guilty in Municipal Court Wednesday
and a fine of $20 was imposod. t
Lehman thought this penalty too
light, and appealed to the District At
torney, with the result that the Issue
will lie tried again in Justice Court.
balance $3 per month. Bush &. Lane
Piano Co.. 353 Washington St.
Tour urueciat will refund money If Puo oint
ment falla to cur. any case of ItctatnK. Buna,
girwl'nr I'mfnitllnr Pll. In to 14 dara ot
Receiver of Two Black Eyes Files
Second Charge.
Iiissatisficd with the imposition of a
tine of $20 on the man who gave him
two black eyes, V. A. Lehman, a tailor.
prevailed upon the District Attorney's
ofrlce yestertlay to issue a seconu com
plaint for the same offense, and will
have Kd Ingram before another court
to answer for the act for which he has
been punished once. The action is taken
under a ruling of the. courts that a
SHMG stick
For Tender Faces
Indispensable for those subject to red
ness, roughness, and other irritations
of the skin. A shaving luxury. No mug.
no soggy soap, no germs, no waste of
timeor money. In nickeled box. 25c., at
stores or by mail. Liberal sample free.
Address "Cuticura." Dept. 2S, Boston.
(Krom the T'crnlnlnei World)
The quickest and surest way to make
a good comploxion out of a bad one is
to actually remove tne unn veil oi
faded or discolored outer skin. This
can ba done easily, safoly and private-
by a process of gentle absorption.
Get an ounce of pure mercollzed
wax from your druggist and apply at
night like cold cream, washing It off
in the morning. In a few aays tne. wax
will have absorbed the disfiguring
cuticl. revealing the fresh young skin
underneath; you will have a beautiful.
clear, natural complexion. The face
will look brilliantly attractive, and
youthful. This also effectually removes
freckles, moth patches, liver spots.
pimples, etc. Every woman should
keep a little mercolized wax on hand,
as this simple, old-fashioned remedy is
the best complexion beautifler and pre
server known. Adv.
Health Your Most
Valuable Asset
Torn can p-otrt your health, maka
tT"t a Tiro of al) uicrrovs cocdJtlcwa
bj Uxa us ut
Antiseptic Powder
Hm no equal as a preTvotfve.
Benin Th? tuot klfat xnruibrana
pamiira wh..ut trrttiMiu i w-U br
doctora for ist 2i jars. Ideal for
rtoorb. pjkaj ma Km 2 aA
Sol J by drccaisia errwhar.
Aak four doctor, or Mod for baoklat. i
U S. TTH, CkeaitfL Waiaiartaa, D.
to Public f8"8! I
3 qltm.i..p,ya t
1 SitKja
I. too, wish to add my testimonial to
the thousands you no doubt have, and
will tell you what your great medicine
did for me.
Several months ago I was taken very
sick with bladder trouble, had intense
pains and suffered greatly, at times I
could not stand on my feet or sit in a
chair and often was forced to cry out
with pain.
I consulted two doctors who gave me
different kinds of medicine, which did
me no good. It seemed as though the
more of their medicine I took, the
worse I became. The doctors seemed to
be greatly puzzled over my case and
after holding a consultation. I was
told that I had a severe case of in
flammation of the bladder and an
operation was very necessary.
I was being prepared to be taken to
the hospital, when a neighbor came to
my house and said. "Why don't you try
a bottle of Dr. Kilmer's Swamp-Root."
I was willing to try anything to get re
lief from my suffering. My wife
bought a bottle of your medicine
which I began taking, and soon noticed
a change for the better. I continued
taking it and got better right along,
my appetite returned and I was able
to resume work.
I have used about fourteen bottles of
Swamp-Root and know that had I not
taken it. I would have been operated
on. and perhaps never recovered. I
never fail to tell my friends about Dr.
Kilmer's Swamp-Root, as I know" it
will save many people from suffering
and perhaps, as in my case, a danger
ous operation.
Yours gratefully,
651 Pierce St. N. E., Minneapolis, Minn.
State of Minnesota )
County of Hennepin J ss-
Personally appeared before me this
4th day of Sept., 1909. Samuel Wilson,
of the City of Minneapolis of the State
of Minnesota, who eubscrlbed the above
and on oath says that same is true in
substance and in fact.
Notary Public.
Commission expires March 26, 1914.
Too much care can not
be used in selecting the
right stimulant for invalids.
Your doctor recommends pure
whiskey. Therefore, in order that
you should be protected, buy
Clarke's Pure Rye.
Because it is bottled in bond under the
supervision of the government, 100 proof.
Because Clarke's qualifies as pure rye under the
Pure Food Law and is so guaranteed. Because it is
made in the largest whiskey distillery in the world.
Because the distillers guarantee it to be absolutely
pure, rye whiskey. The best and safest for medi
cal use- . ...
CLARKE BROS. & CO., Peoria. HI.
I'ortlftnil, Oreson
Letter to
Dr. Kilmer & Co,
BlBChamtos, Y.
Prove What Swamp-Root Will Do for You
Send to Dr. Kilmer & Co. Bingham-
ton. N. Y for a sample bottle. It will
convince anyone. You will also receive
a booklet of valuable information, tell
ing all about the kidneys and bladder.
When writing, be sure and mention
The Tortland Ially Oregonlan. Regu
lar fifty-cent and one-dollar size bot
tles for sale at all iag stores.
The Army of
Is Crowing Smaller Every Day.
. . ! carters
tlaa. mil
lions use
them (or
mm, Indigestiaa, 5k Heaaacae,
r Genuine nmtw Signature
Lightens AH Housework
Cleans. Scours. Polishes
from cellar to garret
Hair Health
If You Have Scalp or Hair
Trouble, Take Advan
tage of This Offer.
We could not afford to so strongly
indorse Rexall "93" Hair Tonic and
continue to sell it as we do, if we were
not certain that it would do all we
claim it will. Should our enthusiasm
carry us away, and Rexall "93" Hair
Tonic not give entire satisfaction to the
users, they would lose faith in us and
our statements, and in consequence our
business prestige would suffer.
Therefore, when we assure you that
if your hair Is beginning to unnatural
ly fall out or If you have any scalp
trouble, Rexall "93" Hair Tonic will
promptly eradicate dandruff, stimulate
hair growth and prevent premature
baldness, you may rest assured that we
know what we are talking about.
Out of 100 test cases Rexall "93"
Hair Tonic gave entire satisfaction in
93 cases. It has been proved that it
will grow hair, even on bald heads,
when, of course, the baldness had not
existed for so long a time that the fol
licles, which are the roots of tile hair,
had not become absolutely lifeless.
Rexall "93" Hair Tonic is vastly dif
ferent from other similar preparations.
We believe that it will do more than
any other human agency toward restor
ing hair growth and hair health. It is
not greasy and will not gum the scalp
or hair or cause permanent stain. It is
as pleasant to use as pure cold water.
Our faitli in Rexall "93" Hair Tonic
is so strong that we ask you to try
it on our positive guarantee that your
money will be cheerfully refunded
without question or quibble if it does
not do as we claim! Certainly we can
offer no stronger argument. It comes
in two sizes, prices .'.0 cents and J1.00.
Sold only by the Owl Drug Co. stores
in Portland. Seattle. Spokane, San
Francisco. Oakland, Los Angeles and
Sacramento. .