Morning Oregonian. (Portland, Or.) 1861-1937, March 15, 1912, Page 20, Image 20

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Mam o.'fic S2C iPd 324 touch Street,
r piaster r. contract to saw
mill dry ki:r-
U..K.nlf tl - S3 M
T-we n and door men, $-W
s i d
ana flUPker. $... Call
A- M.
re-m hans. $ ' e-.
i .:k'f. I .o to $1"
M.'ti4 man en farm. $1 73 to $-
da' . f houp.
T-n to 1.1 r to aah at 112 pr ar-e.
Twr wood cuttera to cut toltonwtK-U.
SI A rd.
T'tii to hau. ties c rr tl. ml.a
,e Sir a large rtnmber of joba every
i for leaner, mt.lmcn. finnr, cook.,
funk:. d.ah. tiiirr. etc-, etc.
2.- and 4 Couch bet. 1st sr.d
T. m. c. AivHnr Ar csirLOT-
f-om mp.o)n fur men. . . .221
poaMia fp:d I-
fnp!j-m-nt rie-riNers"tiP $ P"
aio i curnnl'a member wr:
o;mni or refund of membership fe;
gives l a a ir.o!ba fill me-Tii.arsr"p pnv
t end ten oiontne' cwnl privrsa tn
( iAr!tt:ofi an.J undertake, to
frr ti ;. o during tha fui le"- (f
ar'a member sti.p itboul further
ron-t ctmand for higb-rrad. e pari-d
Kt'ARV !!.
"a 'a f-om en. t,. overs for raa
n; -.i
.Tffr Advisory and En-P''1-0
T'rrrwnf V. M. C. A.
THE rrGG-T - M. C. A. fmplot
WF. cV u to mere A 1 eat-avoet
nave th ambt:on to make money anl
ae tt wfto, (mm a salary. C'e
Ml'imn ar makle from tnie fv
( iih fheir f-mer ajlarr. and thetr wrk
la m piea-nt. D T',
ftB ar .1 nr. m . , I . r to h l. lOU ran AO
(hw.. tir i kl- at' rttia Br
I"r cw f rr n man. "
t-a la--' ad !- tablih-t huna
of tS kmd tn lha Wt. wo Jaa t.t
fi-Mi ant lar.t rft. -a. Aki tnr Mr.
4"Vai-nt aa mararr, Frl A. Jacba
WANTK- ihoeouc lv ftpn-i--.
rnnfjt ma'-hmUt ail round hou
who un-lr.lTl air. tnl i.t. aoi-in
alva ! to tah a r-ti..n a ar frotii
Po rp,d n an ommTrul
t--tjllt,oe (n ra!lrn. tIi a
to h4-oroir f.r-ron tf ti- fl r- t'io
cmvi: A --! V'b ftr da rifl tn. r-it
(ini hti-l.ra n'--! aip'-: fa"
Pri-o and rrfrrnv. .W J.
rPKRILNT N ' r N K : F-.-A K . .
Mni. I ' Xi1KXTtrt
vt ivimMC .TF.fY AM'
i Ap';r"ir Vti." want a ; 'i i'R"P- :
l'TTIU.N Al.l. A t I r t. -TaaE
WFTt.V T Ul T 0 M I" AN Y .
9a t.f.-mfn wA.vTrn-n- h M"r
r-arv tor. fr th nl '"TTu.v
intndnr ofrite. to ft A. M.
WANTSM- An up-t8-i'- k'M' - '
iin. on1 who :a t liorouh' in t""
w:rh r' ry tital of - o ia n-a aid
-ornttn: to tak rhara of aam- and
mnic" if -f iiH . tnuat a to
trtn wifioowa and artrnd to tha 'lverti
ins. ail'.irf d ari rt'k p
ta-nlraT lh 'fr- of rh - A
Iiora' m'iiv fr r h rlihl kir-l of a
irtn Wf-f. a'ar.rt n.irv, i.r:.ic n1
r-ord. !!: --a t.'. or'oinan.
TOl' an rn $j" a 'k -"-I'lto at .!
omp.o mn: : nnrvry : ma
r;i'nt t-m;orv now op-n. fpricnt
ot nrrrar ; t!m mon'; oo not !--'a-.
PK writ at on for par: icu AV
Hrir wiM.n-irMi.t.
CC'MPFTPNT irnc"ri'' to iV .tna
of innrai!. and nl f eive
q-j ii f!rt :-. H 9. 0c
fn jn
f PL!tir KI alfa.l. anfI for
C O a- an. I ..i t a. .-'jr.l tr.l im'f n
t n -. lii Vah.c-... o-. r .n..l
l rr:r Ktln-i. aatio aoman for r
pprlo:o po.rior.. a I Rjtb
e i! 4 trJa-. tM ar.: V airgton.
rTnTTT LA -3 omal.r and
lraor. a rra:. 1 Tct-ada!.
Varquan r-!l
XPK.RlFA'i KD U'li''
- at on. ' Apply 1 v
-d dr-nak
".! N. I'hona
TI'U I'HON E ft r:. p:
C A. i. . on 'o.a...
morn;pc. II to l..
XXPLRltN IU t'lmuifr for rx-l-j-n1 ni:
1 n-r-. col alary ai.d :on -aon. L
r-ii, Ortjoman.
CtlKI. o..
iio a u.'k
..ail atoll A. l . to P M. a:
V . N T t" l M
U-.j-ra irl
I. i;t ara' r a "ira n ". . nn:
) oii:.Y a-.-nd ari l $ V -o"fc $4... hua-
work. Faf-rn "'i. . Loua
Af ik. aln -::. A 7;.V
TlTvTHl- 1 1 1-1 . srn.--.ll
MiMoork O-'-oan n'T Sa-l:h jrofrrrd.
--t if 1 -" I .
TVAM--D A 'i: a " I 'r lifi M :.-u a"
lu . pia- . Daii( In -1 4 u 4 fwujt.
'a ! STi , Ssai a a;
jAl'AN . E fttrl r Uo for -r.: at hu-- -work
(,:.. f tao. 'iir E. Ill ot ttt
W - at
Y a I r i; t:.-s a:uu f atf :
iaa; i
rticf. E
1 4H' a u-,ii4
i. r'. .
A rv !.oi. Orr-
N g "I J at i,tinrk. .;
or N'r-c'n p'ffffra. " tnoto
"MR F. - I AIU. A' FNv V
W;..n: " t tid Wa. aim.
y n ot a
WAN I I . I T o
r- m s on a
I a r. i auli d o-"T
n-l com. App.y J'"1
and V
V NTf.D Fpnrn-d rh 1
fai! t; ai: mat tiava
a.ataa Tt.phn M 40L A 454.
A "1'MPKTKXT. r-.pTlncM an'raphar
R--iim:oi temporary. ! Pr wa-rfc.
-?" -l
N.E-a I, A DIES" A'lE.N.T.
jil t miMicMi cor ;ih. upataira.
-..r Va'n
i jrk.. .ipi;l nrkr and d-trit-utor
". ". l.-Mml y Co., Oialid Ar.
F. ln-1i:. a-
T WTIP-I4. "
ant -o'k. a r J "JT";
iTl 1 T- HtV .'u- of
I.o.i- A w "ff . Mam -J $..
47 74.
ti; HT. f-r a--ora. h-u--wi ork . no cM.drvs.
Cail mominaa. IZI in at. cor. of Clay.
JilllTERY aao ir. rprrl-nc4 and
-apS Fra y. 1 Id.
OIKL an'-dto aata- ;h a-nral hca-
i Kutatil
W.ME1 sia or lrrran atiri to ba.p
ptd-n. A rp' ! Ittt.
W'IN Mr 'ti-ral li.uaork bv tha
ir. A";,r r-f f"a noon. Sa nt h.
OFFi F- ft;rl n,d at 41 ' W aj.:n( ton
i a ) lt. A and 7 P-
Mil I INKJIT makrr p r
roanant polUr F. . 'J - lan
i:.IEHIEN'V-D -anir in a-ra.I family
htr:. t't-t O a-re'a
ro . ; vn at.
W NTFD- PT"I -aph atudlo aaaiafant.
p-t -d . ta-l. I'ntsartb. lkum bide.
Ti I H'. io aa-- in ,tf.'rk, per motilli.
Phon f ' tl'ikl R1 4'S.
AvTrn-l.jdv o tr in Waai.n:u.
Iiouj w oi k.
k MEI n axpr rtnd no'-t -h'ir walt
ia. W cmcn a c-air.
W WTt T -. ' - '
a hi; i .' i ill L'i '
l v.
jia.i.i.M r.v
a-. tn-kT an- .1.
t -vt nir:i is a ;
WANT "I -1 -a-t fo:
ir r :Ai- k -m l
1EHIFN" Kl ft.rl f"r a-ond aork. Ap-
o Hi N. at .
O I P. I. tr -'ra: ho.;aOTk. :
a: - a r .rinv.
EXPERIEN'"ET ftionr omn
wanted at r.c hr tic MIt A Frank
r.Tra inlv thoaw ha.)n had ft rat
tipmnro r.d appi at utioirnd'-nt
of!!r. ft to 9 S't A. M.
Psprfid pp; for li follow Ira;
i'Prfnniit- t'l.OAKS AND St ITS.
fipS Apil lo i:prrlntru1til' offK
t foro A. M.
I . i r m ax. woi -v E a ro
DHESSM AKFTR. ok. atnull
ramp. '2 Sal?l rhambrrmatdft. l
(lav j no room ; rtahlT. wk and
h-wird ; ir)tii-anl a aitraa. J : a--
onl sirl. htI anrca. $.10. far ad-
F.XP"l!IKN'fl raliurant cherkfr. $. and
Ptrat-c.aRS waltra. othrr. $10 and
(inti-k'-rr. "J Ciwrnan r Pwdth
cliorrtr'rtna.:. iIotm'-: ir- hin "f all kind.
Sr.'. sr. for. Tn.. uptalr.
(.Ii:L ai and qiit. k. ran fld lr4-nt
pa. with mall iJtnlly In buncaln in
Portland Hoiha; iint bo ftrng and
Ti(;.ln to nrk, wac S." waklv. Ilk"
p-rt'--d IIcii .ii ; foi rr t prinK at.
i'.liiua III ilruc at-rf.
sti:v;i;a pii Fit. iio i -iiiinc to ork
a f irk at rninAl i.P. with ptt-P-.
t of a sx.) aaiarv af;i ucnionstraunj;
Miniitx. A' -. t re jon Ian.
Gllil. fr'"B"iiTal hon--ork In -rt",',
to ad'illy and babr In famll . :rl ltt
rHm .ut. ti-j arl brakla t to st. Caul
A 4 aft-r MAM
W a N TX r ;trl fr cnral human oi k In
-ia!! lan.iA. Ir in.t"n M -ir: l na:
ami crtd plain nk ; aalarv i"a II
H k fr pT'Qtn Ka.t 4ii-
VII.I. K!V. rf. V tnt, ption-. ti .. to Urlv
dnlrtne to gpn up . puolif tannarraph' r
cfTua. j'aoiiM- i DMit Irokra Co.. -IS-1"
I) j rd Mf Trad.
WANTED An ap'rl- nr-d air: fot nral
houaM ork; miwi hav rafarnra. Apply
inirninp bctnr 11. .VtO Marshall at. .M-
WANTED l-adv rook for tJir-o or four man
In hop' aril, at a to naj(M. arid; r-a. 1". I.,
r-a-r "-n Moor1. IndpndP'. Of.
VylMJ :.t-lr of ff'Ml i'P"ranr and b'ii
naa ahilitr to d. apodal -aork In Port
land. AppI- T Yon blric. uffrr 1ft A. M.
W ANTED Mn or a omn ; aaarv cuftran
td. no prddllns. K '. Ofgonian.
A rTW r-o.l oii.-:r- laanlcd at 4-T E
M"-ri'in at.
MKN7 and m rm"n to 1-arn ttia barbor trarfa
in l:.t w-k: aprclai lnrtu-cm':ita; pr-r-n
patd whila U amine ; loola f reo;
Prt !;i!ruc-tora. 1 yrn In tha bual-n.-;
3" -iiooia: a llfum-j mombaiahip
ar;n to aarh arud"nt. Moier Harper CoJ
1 r. S X. Fo-j:in at-. I'ortland. Or.
MEN. a -- 1 4 to to prapai for fir-man
hrak-mn on nfiri.v railroad. to
tO month:) : unn-caaary: no
af r'k ; promotion, nginra.- or conductor.
l "o to nion:hl ; gd Ufa carora;
a-at ay. send aUniy. llaltaajr Aaaouia
tin. Oricotilan.
To opaia'e MO I vl-!'i"TL Hx. laarn
rv:air.r in al-ort time; opoiatuia nn!
J o-"I;t. Wa irach buaineaa on EAftY
t and a our fioa arhool. 3-6
n'Mhi,ifri. uar I7th.
WAN f i;t Oood charaf-r coroodlana;
aonaT and tianra t-ama for ou'ck engiar-
ivttita. twat P-JT for ftood oc'.a. APP.T
dai'y ;i A. a.. ind"p-indnt Wat-rn
i.m Excnarcv evcnta t- ta Mr.
LA Dl "t i. n r7. oi -t"d i.r. aMii.i 'K
u. ftl . (j'l ti-ur ! :ra'T. -t equipped
i.i .Vonhw.r . . K Lila
T.illui nc I'l'-ff; bldtf.. I'Kh
;.-t Ai.r.
" RAILWAY n.a.I clrrks. JM month.
I ortUnd namtnarion May 4; coa.:Uln
f Frattkhn laititut. Dept.
I "-ha;r r. N . Y
KAi'.WAi rtialt tl:ka pi-pro non. -it
,n(' and promotiona: no lay
dtn; an-H ii- f-- book, tail today.
t'r.c Sa' school. M--S Mill.
WANTED K-.p-rir:i' l imr-r to run
frr- f tunnel iii iui d Al'ti- and
t kf imii pa in ".ik. Hro n, 14 N
Tt:i at
al l K K mui.r) - rCinar abort atorias. or for
; r. I J, t ro ixMklct tela har
lnltd Pr- Sn!cat-. San F ar.ciaro.
HV bot ' Into viul'i Ilia? 11. g Dld. aod
u r). Cli.fir will Vw uu huw. Act
non. 1 1 . Morriaon at.
W ANT ED I'lctur-i p'n - r.tra. bi pa ;
"i: teeh you. I'tctura Play Aaaocia,-
i"n. San Era ncia'-o.
C 1.1 r P P.IVATE iiiSlN'r:s.i t'uLi-E'iE.
r. .' Ha:r :.:..n B dc .tmrt ha nd. T p--rl:tni;.
tiokk-rpin;. atr. iUrnJI 4..
wniTIN'J. i mo. nth at. Main
ir TION4 WANTFik MJ alk.
lloi'KKKKIK'! troiiB hi r EM-rin--d.
. a- hand;- .ir:fnnnuri. e, rapid on I'P'-
i i tar. : n or -ouni r-; rrlr
r;v-a A r" . ('rfgoman
Ai AlDtl. OPEN, CUf Oat VfhiT
t book, prapara baianea aod atata
rr aata. ln-rtil a a tarn a. iill1nr haimw -d't-r
4TI l.awta bUift. Marahall 7l?.
TOl V.; rt;n. inosiphr anprnrnrrO.
an p- r-nanani p-'i'tmr : i 'rrnm .
MM'iuf. K 71 Oraf'
J A.SI ri"N -an;d by rp-rlrn.-ad arouni-a-tt
and bookkpr. C. H- Earl. -4 Paaa
M kac Uavoeoaua.
CliAl FFEl ft. wlahra oi;:on. pttvatt r
t-ii'.k. cm aao motor boat. At.
7. Or-omn.
BiTai'KPM ITU dairra p-'att'n aitbar in
St.tia or A ajka, no horaashoclnj . tobT.
AF trrconian.
U VKKiKI) nun wania j-l drivinf anit;
o-n r--palrli;p( -aady; beat of trier-
a-.-a. rh-"4 A 747 .
MAHKfKD man wan a ry k in. I of work;
a i-r . . nrd t a b 1 r m a n. B Orvjon -
MTV T10N a :i'd n pi.i r !-t tn pirtu:
t h aatar or muaic aor . road a:id trMiia
pa--. Wooi'in
("'K FKFEt R war.a work can do w n ra-
pai- pk. otr. re'lab: man of AF
t r't' tn.
M Eprini ad c-k. c-virt. Irr ai.d
r- '.aide, aaitti mm'v potlou in ctl).
Vain T.. Him .... a ror urow n.
NO I aa-rvar p-a;tion; if jca's
petianc." C W., v; K. 4L'd.
lVrt!a"d. tr.
. F"Tv:i'll wania a-w. di.iinc ni.rnis
tr afTrrn-xna for one or two week. Ati
JlARNK.-MAKr.n. -ar, li'ahoat vtT
anrra. r-ka einploj mnt. Jcaao Uurdrn.
Iijd'a. Or.
Y ! N-; fore's nr w an w o: k on fai m
r fruit limti. AM I'T-ionbn.
FTEADY )vun( mon wanta work of vtiy
kind. A L v:rai'iii.
Ealcrtt. flrat -ciAa. wania pontlion
!, twn or countrv. p f1. Ofionur.
Al-l.-Ht-iVD y'. "'cr ai'l rriiap.c.
w jn;i -naftmrnt. r vrrjLin.
t.K KM AN. eparier -ad janttor. beat refer-
:KI I V l 1.17 rlMuVur drtlirea paillon. bt
r i r-('-rrr. 'a Phopa A 7 "..
Will, t nt nur room a. 2 .'O Bi:d Up I mod
err- th- --
d.-haahe- -art work i;j IiiCtl-cIatS
awan A.
t)Ut"KFF'R or taka .-ro of ra:. apft
aaieral ia-aaTa. llinkcr. 171 13th U
Y13 Pacond HU. 0rn-r Fa I mo a.
Woman'a Ln-artmnt. S45 Salmoa.
AU claaaaa . uoakiCed. akllled. prafaa
tnnal and clarlcal mala and femai ba.p
t-rulabad on ahort notice. No facaar:-U
Pbona Main 4o4, A 6t4.
WANT JOB I am a Japan. boy. I want
ai.y kind work in pai kin hou or meat
m.rVet. ua I had iitt.v . iptrpnca t th'
hu-inra I don't want mm li waaT;
1 want toJeain butlna. If you wnt m
tall A 7 .7 J. MaIU 014- C. L Yiwao. 2
5th at. .N. .
W ANTED Poaiuon ilh how ase and cabi
net manuf a. tur r tn and out of city, to
follow up prnapwta. Kcatniata. auperln
trnd and trvout ail ctasa-a oC pood work.
Mt of reference. AddrcftS. diall. AU
PARMER, mtddlo-aead. married. doirra po
n on ; alao all kind- a anion ork. f nut
prnwlnc; wife f!rat-.l.i5a rook; pk f"r
lanauagea. Koeanyi. 12S N. th. Main
I lilNTr;U nann poitn; hnoiypa ot-iaior.
ad and nwipair mk- up; aume ( x
perle.iro is J.h nin; country pr "'rreo.
A I ."., t ir'sonliin.
CHEF Juar arrived from t'.e Eaat. w :iiu.i
poalnon in hotel. atraMIy rmpraa; bft
of references; go anywhere. A !'"-. Oic
"nian YcF Nil J a preae
poaiiiou to do
work a poriar of any :her kind oi wotk
half day every . Phone A -J-1. Jia.n
RETAIL Miwmin. e; nen.eI and compe
tent i lothmr and'ahlnca or eeneral
Una. country. tahca position. city or
amull town. K S7V
ALL-ROVNI' want wotk on privai plaa.
tnko raie of sarden and automobile; rer
e; "m . D St" . Oreorilii.
A JAPANESE. rcd. a-perlcnred boy, wantt
position, clothaa pretacr. AR 6j3. Or
nian. WANTED Woi k by lnteliiger.! younar
tai rancfrl. lia reference and bond. In
or out of city. AM Ore a o n I rwi.
CARPENTER w .una w ork
tract. Add. U. P. K..
room 10.
b) day or rpn
Ab a:rvet.
SITFATTON wanted hr a :i enperlenced
w.naher In Uumlry. dotnc fitat-ciaaa work.
4 y-ra it piae.. K ST, .regonlan.
WINDOW vathlPi. bouo cleanlna; and car-P-t
washiii a apecialty. I'hona bellwood
1 1.0
TAILOR wl'h 1". year' ep'-ienre tn preaa
ing. alterationa and rapalnnc wanta ateady
position in rtvo hoa. H S. oreaoman.
Bookkeeper and Hteaocnaptiera.
pt M : los wani- .l ! cM-ert bookkeeper
wiili fair kn ledfo of atenicrph . and
ti ieara e-xi-eri.-in e a caihlar. In or out
of "town. Address ho A I h-7. QregoTiian.
fcV KN m ; p. A I'll EK. S'"rt ap-lr. lilfh ')"!
edm aiion. A monclia o.Tlio xperieme.
M mhall It.". .
YufNSnj I"'v tno4iper w.aliea poaltlon.
dtj rtVnnrf ; 3 y ears' ea porta nee. R
fc!tJ. Orepo-nlan.
KAPERIENiED vounc ladv ateno rapher:
can do bookkoepirc and offl -e work aifto;
i-f.-rencea; Phono M iln SIM.
POSITION bv triiptwor;hy. reltablo bualnraa
w oirian ; can applv to moat any pay Intf
bualuraa. A PL. Oreajoiilan.
COMTKTFVT atenoprraPher iiaire pn.ttlon;
(in furniah r-forT.rea, S.'llwood pKV".
YOI'N'i la lv wauta Kneral office, raahler
or atenocrnphlc wmk. Marahall 477L
YOI Nti ladv w irhca poaition as billing clerk
tr collecting. A SVV Oregon Inn.
FTRST-f"l.ASr4 ienOiir.iphr desires position;
he-t reft-renrea. A H Oreyoman.
I reaama k rrw.
Br!IHCLZ, ladles' tailor. 4JI Hroadway.
latest m nl-l in tailored ntt!. $J; (tonr.i
for all occasion a at special prices. phone
Ea-t ."TK. C --''O-
DTt ESS M A K IN C. taKonnc. lirrura $4 up;
w rtiata 1.5 up; ak.i : -V0 up. 5Uin
M ,
MI-IK. HE PII.LAUT. "." Waf'ninstnn af.
t EI!a at- entrance!. A 94ft. ln y gowns
frin !"; tailored mlts from
FASH ION A RLE dreaaTinknis; and p'-1"
tnar. . 1 - K. ?tli ft., near Sanoy road.
IF ;nv: id narJa pr.vate room. uamd
ntjr-. heme comforts, reasonable, ref er- T Vor I
EXT EE I KNCT.D w oman iKmrfs position as
matron l:i institution; references. F SSI,
Or (toiii an,
ENFEKlENt'ED prai-tlcal nurc. best of fr
erence Main yawl.
HOSPIT a73 nttre m nuil like more work ;
reference. Plioyie "nrl r.l.J.
Domes! tea
EXPERIENCED Biri rie'-'re fatnti eiiok
inc. aTcneral work. Main "j-. A 47i.
" A PARLK woman ilralrea cliamber work
St. I.oula AaTcy. Main 2it.1I. A 477.
fJlTRMAN crl drsires upstairs work, pri-
ate famlU . U.V Main ,'.!. A 477.Y
PR AfTI'.'A I. nuiinr. offl. e t.r cafeteria
work. Mi Mabel Wright. Phones A
M-h. Ma. ti -'-".74.
EXPERIENCED voman wain dav'a otk.
waahuiii. bouo-lr-an.iic. Marahall o"V,
Roftm S.
WELL-P.Dl C ATED .Inp-ni" pii!. married,
drairea a position in t;on. private family
in Weal Sl! . A K sf.. t ': rjonjan.
ADY wishes tia work. li"t at. phone"
A "7 . room 1.
W ANTED--Ioml',ri m riianihcrmaid by ex
perience.! middle-aril woman. A .v:d
L.O 'l' KT A I NS la u nd '-red. -." up; let
taaa work. oul'"k aervi-e. Ta nor T.17.
LACK curtains laundered. Marshall 4na.
W A NT 1 1 A C. E N T?1.
41 It. At :E NT lif re i b opportunii y for
you. W lira put tine o.i t !ie m:irKt lb-:
bt-at vlllnc i-iose-lu iiu'li vlnUm tn the
city; pr l -a low com pared wit h surround -Inc
poprty. Wa py a h'.ah lommia
slon. Cull at llu-l' bldr.
WE want a good ll-.e man to sell K'umath
Fall. 4r.. lota, prirea ITS to t.'uO a lot ;
C blm ki to factories, etit: Iltral eom
mlaaion: ca.I at offlca of Ward
u 1 1 a , V eon bl d g.
AtiKNTS wanted for douule t lr.5 Plano
plione For parti.-utara. Marx Mfg. Co..
.ete or StH-Kane.
'A ANTED Firfl c!ras .ifie'i'a lor firat-class
yro ;'"i i ion. JMione B L'd;.3 f ro:a C to b
T. M.
i COMPE TENT i-lean --nt n.on. fnm -
thine on c - n -el! . All) Commercial b dr.
GOO a:ore room for ki ocer y stock. here
flMiirea are (n. rent leaaorr able, give Un-a-rf
tion. efr AT '. Orofionlnn.
Col PEE "l'id like fully furn'lied 4 or 5
roo:n cottace. lose In. West side; rent
mut bo re-iaopshl-. ; hnp .irv-aonlsn.
BY MAY lat. strirtlv modern S or -room
tmfurnlalud hue. Wcat Side, bT responsi
ble parly, references. C hv ureginlan.
OFFICE alrl wlshas room in each an go for
cornnany or care of children In evenings.
Kooma With Hoard
yol NO nian wlhcs to board in prhatn
family In worth. 14:t." tlrand tc. N.
Harry Hlatt. cafe of F- S-bwerder.
7 .! N; man would like room In private
famllv. Eat Side, north of Jturnside. Aj
sti. .regoiilan.
ltiialneaa pimveea.
ATTORNEY. ad standlnc. wants one room
with privilege of eominon reeepilon-rooin.
Y-on ldd. AD Ml. OreaTonJan
If ou arc looking for apartment, f'at.
hoiisekedng rooms, single room or board
and room. aUe ua a eali. as me have list
of best p:ce In eltr.
U"M- l-vv i' a oo. a
ROOMS Furn 11 ed or unfurnished, with
ateam heat, light, bath, telephona and
elevator service. Tourney bldg.. JT 2d.
Fu ml abed Kwoia.
cai 1 MiiT HOTEL. 1-0 Tark at., flno
room. hl n'1 cc,d ', ateam heat.
elevator and all modern conveniences; m
pi-r moDth andup;ule ancomforiab:e.
AltMlNR S HOTEL. 411. Mnrriaon at., opp.
Kaker Theater Nicely furnished rooms,
permanent, transient, low ratea. Main otf50.
aToT"-"!, cONORES.. po open; handsomely
f itnlshed. modern conveniences, 2 blocks
from P- -- Tb and Mam.
M pLACR. 414 Yamhill at., cor. llth;
rooms Pr wk P! J cold
itaier. at earn heat. prDra t abat ha.
tTTe L.ARCABKE. Irrahe mod-
.in. P--' 4iiannt. tranfje-: ; --' up. c;oae.
A! PVR CRAND Nice clean room?, steam
heated. - week up. J-l Grand ave.
C"faTI y furn tab ed room. 3 jr weak aedt
up. SS4 .auunUl at.
t;i ESTS.
Eat fiilt and 4Iorrlnn tfts.
Une-half RlOf-k from Grand Avenue.
NoVuns It equal for comfort and rates.
Ai kro ledsed bv Xar the f tnest-equlpped
hotel on toe East STde. Short walking
d;M:ic-- to If adtng pl-u:e of amuaomcnt
and bu;nef- houses. Rrautlful outside
rooms, stem h-at. phort-s. hot and cold
running water. Si. to Pr month.
Rooms with private batb, - to
2-room suite, with bath for 4 persons,
onlv Jd. The lobby is exquisite and
larr-. Heat of service nitht and day.
Inspection ipvltcd.
Now Open
112 Rooms.
Now Open.
Seventh and Taylor bts.
RcsM'-ntia) and transient; absolutely
er.tra!; two minutes from postofIce.
stores, theaters and rest au ran ta; Just off
business streets and -ar lines; quietest and
best locstion: handsome bn-k. ample
ateam heat, hot running water and phonee
In everjr room, suites and private baths,
e lev g-. or. Reputable and comfortable.
From Tie dai . C4 peealy. Any car from
Those three beautifully furnished hnte'.e
213 4th St" -11 Ur lib at -'-'7'- 4th St.
On Fourth St.. running from Taylor to
Sa I man U ; lirand-new ""brick; elegantly
furnished; ateam heat, private baths, hot
and cold water In all rooms; strirtiy up
to date In all respects, and at popular
prices. If you want something out of the
ordinary. In tho heart of the city, at rea
sonable prices, give us a call, as we know
you will like It. Rooms by the day, weak
or month. Tourist trade solicited.
4s Washington Si.. Cor. VMh,
Convenient In the theater MPd shop
pine illattit-t: running water and tl"
pho.iea in every room, a cam heat ; rooms
with private hath. alngb or en suite;
ground floor lohhy : rates 7it- per day and
up: special weekly ratea 4 and up.
Nov giving apst-lal rates by the week;
rooms with private rath. 7 per week and
up. All modern convenience. No extra
' ia pe- f.,r phone or serv lcrt.
HOT PL FORD. 73J WaahlPg'on. corner Lu
cretla t. New brick building. Just com-1-leted;
fine large outside rooms with teta
rhon seey-ire. wltp or without prlva'.a
balbs; new and splendidly furnished; hot
and cold water; eieam heat; beat of aerv
lce. very reasonable rates.
Davis and Third tits,
rno outside rocma, steam heat, hot and
cold running water lu every room, free
auto bus to and from all trains.
Lowest rates In the city.
Ask for our special tow monthly rate.
131 Eleventh Street.
New, modet n brick building; steam -heated,
private baths, hot and cold water
In rooms; beautifully furnished, cosy, com
fortable, rent reasonable. Call and sea
us. 1 tegular and transient trade solicited.
"iM Eh at Humslde.
Live on the Eaat Side and save money
on your room rent; we have 320 modern
rooms, special puce on rooms and sultea
with prlv ate bat li : rates 5nc to 2 per
day. L' to T per week. East M4U. B 127v
One block from Fnlon Depot; 140 outslda
rooms, with hot and-co'd water and steam
heat: offer special tales lor permanent
guests; rates He to S- a dav: $2 ZA) and
up per wfk. Phone Main J413. .
HOTEL LA SALLE. 10th and Burnatde sta
Absolutely fireproof; pew and elegantlv
furnished room.-; prU ate bath. steam
heat, hot and cold water, private phones
In each room; special rates by the month;
phone service fre. Phone Marshall 4U4U.
lRi Twelfth ft. Maiahall 710.
In heart of business district; steam heat,
hot and cold wrtei. free phone In every
room; 1 dayand up:?4 week and op
HOTEL REN WICK An Ideal home for busi
ness people; centrally located; elegant
rooms; ail modern conveniences: 7th and
Tavlor its.. 1 block from Portland Hotel.
opiABiteHellig Theater. Phone Main Hit
LIGHT, airv rooms, modern, sultea or alngla;
sieam heat; Sj ai'd $.1 week; A minutesr
waJk to theater and stores; free phone.
Furnished Koocoa In Private Family.
ONE cheerful, nicely f urn J he. i room, with
ha i h and elect rli lichts; private family ;
prices reasonable; also two rmalU veil
futr.lahed rooms with same accommoda
tions, at lower price; eay walking tlf
t.i n-e. one-half bto.k f mm vnv. gentle
man preferred. 77i Johnsjn nt. iiiune
M.iin 1 1::4.
LAR'iK w.-ll furnislicd front room a,iid
board for t wo tn jn vate fa mily. .1 mod
em; flu' location, two blot ks from S. S.
car. Pnonc- Tabor 37'!V or cll at S01
East Taylor at. x
TWO furnished rooms, walking distance.
Jefferson cr. heat, phone and bath in
cluded. and $9 per month. 12 Chap
man street.
PLEASANT fro n t mom.
no1, rent rewaonaolo, fi
by. ::iv i. ytii N., tor.
nod'rn convrnl
tod boArd c lose
Broadway, Irv-
inc l on.
BR I'D IT and clie-rfu! room $Z.Z0 per week,
otaa bed, e i-t j ; hin c new, liot-waicr heat,
plione. bat. i. 414 Market, cor. 11th; 8
biovks from Obis. Wortman &. King.
N Ic'ELY furn i .it d rooms; modern conven
iences, centra?; located, reasonable. 404
Clay, near H:ii.
Fl'RNl-H ED room. C irtnellta Apt.. 13th
and jeff.r
iin; at! modern conveniences.
lhu: Main 447.
Apt. 3
NICELY furnished largo room, suitable for
one or to people. Apt. 3. .b4 Flanders
at., cor. IStli.
A HANDSOMELY furnished front room In
quie; home su' rotindings. choice locution.
Phone Marshall 4;?.
NICE rooms, running water, heated, bath.
phone; a !so basciut nt housekeeping suite.
-6 N.J7th.
NEWLY furnished room Jn new flat. Nob
Hi:; diet rlit . easy w alk iii g distance. M.
.'I. "l:i Kve.--tt.
Foft RENT I ur-nsh-il rooni?, rirtiy mod
ern, e. Morrison. phones It lrt.'iS,
fst 17.
LIOHT ouiV'V' room, steam heat, walking
dls:ani v. Marlborough, 'ls: aad Flanders.
Apt. -J.
ELEGANTLY furnished room, all modern
cnv rr.ien:cs; Nob if. II- Phone Marshall
JWICE frunt room, ery reaaonaole to light
parties. Flanders t.
ONE nicely furnish d outside room, modern.
all per mon I n. i none i ran.ii in:.
g;,;,y ATTRACTIVE room li: modern home,
w s i k i ng distance 11- East t!i. East 143.
TWO 3-rouin cultcs; light, heal, phone; 2l
and -V Main Mt3.
FLtvNIsilED new toda, librae room in small
prl vat h rome, vo--e u. it irnn.j rm:r.
3 KOOMH. unf urnialied. 0'- . Ella st. A
PLEASANT rooms for gentlemen; vary cen
tral; modern. 1S3 12th St.. near Taylor.
IKoMS au. table for one or two, hat. phone
and bath ; w aikmg distance. Zil 13tli at.
ROOMS From f2.W up. liath and phone.
tn i-
VKI'.V Heal ronn. S..0 per week foe I, -i
for -- -'"' I-'' "l-
T0 hUe.y furnished. Z tiiin. to P. O. ;
rooms week or day. 1 4tt 11th st.
ROo i MATE, refined, by young business
worn an. M arsh a 1 1314!.
CLE VN warm ronis with plenty of hot
water, reasonable. t-7 Main, near 11th.
NICE room, quiet home, minutes' P.
beat. bam, pnone. - - rma ai.
f& MoN'i'H. me- room. bath, splendid, loca
tion, walking d isi a nee. .'. r. th .
NICELY furnished rooms from weekly;
atLit.r filstanre. firi.'i Wasthintton.
AJ WEEKLY, front room; attic $1.30; dealr
"able lotatlon. S'- lZtli.
able location
2.r. WEEK. - gentlemen. 6 nunutis' waj
from fnpTornc. ..) j mn.
Kouma With Board.
Rooms with board, use of sewing-room, li
brary. 610 Hauliers. Mrs. E. Si. Wilson,
DOES a borne appeal to you T THE WHITE
HALL cor. tiin and Madison; large rooma,
bath, broad veranda, quiet, close In. neax
Cwf( 4 blocks from P. O. American piaa.
aMERSOn7 6M Coucn at-, cor. 17 th
Very desirable, clean room with steam
beat arid running water; good board; tine
location for teachers or busaneaa met.
Attractive, clean rooms. steam hea.
good be ad close 1 n, re ssooaale.
XI i E C ALVAHD. 4"2 Morrison St.. cor 13th.
teieci pm ate family boa r ding ehouse.
THE HAZEL Furnished ro-rr. with board;
tunning water, sttam, liaaL Sm 54 st.
Corner West Park and Montgomery.
Strictly hlgii-cias family boarding
house, everything brand new and up to
date, all high-class furnishings, steam
heat, hot and cold running water in
every room, private baths, beautiful large
sunny rooina and the view is unsurpassed,
right on the Park, nice large veranda,
lovely dining-room, atnctly a homelike
place at popular prices; give us a cail
and s ce f or yourself. Main aTS3.
LARGE mnnv front room with first-class
table board for -J gentlemen. : N. 17th.
Room. Willi Board, in Private family.
CLEAN, comfortable rooms, with or without
board; single or en suite, all modern con
veniences, walking fiance; comfort of
guests assured; inferences. 700 Flanders.
Marshall 4" JO
IN new modern home, nicely furnished,
room, extra lars. suitable for two. with
hot and cold water in mom: fine location,
w a I king distance; esv-elient board and
home comforts. H 27-1. t
2 ROOMS, with breakfast and dinner If de
sired, for 4 gentlemen : will be a good
home, fine location, family of . Phone
Marshall 31V .
NICE-light iocm and board in private fam
i;y. nnta bl-' for one or two young in-n,
within -asy walking distance, corner Rlth
and Eaat Murilson. Phono Ea sJij!o-
TLEASANT room, every convenience, with
board. 2 meals tbreakfast and dinner), at
13t) East I'.uti st., tiear Morrison; walking
distance. phone East 6"38.
SI N OLE room, good boa rd. modern con
veniences, gentleman preferred. .'.H West
Pa rk.
PLEASANT room, home cooking, walking
distance, home comforts, J,"V week. Eaat
P.OoM and board In retined home with all
roneniencca. 305 K. Ah. cor. 1Mb. Phoe
E 1.
PLWAS A NT. large, dean room for one e2.
for two ): all nw. modern conveniences.
S 17th, near Everett.
31f SALMON ST., room and board, close in,
home eYmklng. ratce reasonable. Phone
Main 1MJ&.
RtOM, In new- corner house, central loca
tion, fine s.irroundinz. reasonable. Main
l !.
IT'RNISH'.'.D rooms with board, homo prlvl
leares. 1-i .Mi Milieu at.. 3 blocks North
teel bridg".
GOOD rooms. govd board, modem conven
Inncea, close In, reasonable. 47:1 Salmon.
Phone Marshall 4-72. '
IF YOU are looking for a clean, well-kept
room with good meals snd prices right, in
a congenial family, pleaocalImain d;j.
NEWLY furnished funny room fir 2 gen
tlemen. excellent table board, home pnvi-
PLEAS AN T rooms and boa rd with good
l.oniM cooking, also table board. , N. -Md
ONE front room for two young men or a
couple. Phone Marshall Jit7. OOj Kear
n FIT ST-CL'SS room an! board in private
lUtt nrlh " , t Mil in 421!0.
FIRST - CLASS ROOM and board. 69
LA ROE front rooms wit h board for two,
private family. 703 Everett.
IF you appreciate a home with beat home
cooking, call 449 3d at.
TWO -ROO II suite, also alcove room; pore baa,
grounas. excellent board; Main u7.
PLEASANT rooms, single or en suite, exce
lcnt board; also table board. k0 Giisan.
liu V IU) and room. Eaat Oak. Phone
East r..v.
SPLENDID rooms with board, furnace heat,
grand view. 34Q llassalo. Ucar.
FIRST-CLASS, private family; large room,
'2 single bvds. 4i Yamhill at.
LARGS front room, suitable for four men.
4o: Mark, near loth. Table board.
THE WE-TFAL. 4 10 iTH teT.
Loweac raioa in Portland Ha up; nleeiy
furnished and unfurnished S and 4-room
apartments, private bath and phone, auto
matic elevator; Janitor service; brick
buiiding; easy wa:kmg distance. A 2Qii.
' "tHeTlKN DURA,
lwih and Couch.
Sleeping rooms, io per month and up;
billiard and pool room, targe parlor, tree to
Hawthorne ave. and Oin Street.
New building and furniture, 3 - room
apartments, walking distance, on excep
tional car serMce.
Corner 1-th and Harrison; new brick ;
2, 3 and o-mom apartments, furnished and
unfurnished ; all. modern Iniprovemema.
Apply on premises.
THE AV'ALON, beautifully furnlsTied 3 and
4 -room apis., new building, steam heat,
private ptione, disappearing beds, vacuum
cleaner. Clackamas and Ross mis. Phone
East 3172.
All outside '.'-room apartments; Holmes
beds, built-in writing dtks. vacuum clean
er, janitor service; 50 to S3U, including
lighis. private phones. A 347J. Main i;.7i.
biNa'i'UiN ApartuienLS, o41 14th at., at
Market: new coiner brick; all bright, our
aiue rooms, '2 and J-room suites com
p.eteiy lurnished fur nuuaekeepingl ta
S4.ou. For lutormation call Aiaiu iidtt.
JULIAN APT P.. 4o Trinity Place, between
P.un and i'utn st"-, just off of Washing
ton, so why pay nore farther up '.' Now
vacant, - sun 3-room, beautituily fui
nivned apart ments "
Tiibi AAtmCAX
Unit up-tu-uaie apariment In North
west ; 21 jl and Johnson ais. ; ail outslda
rooms. Apply oa xmium. or -ill Max
sr.ali 33CI.
East i th and Morrison, most centrally
located. and 3-room apartments, furn
ished up to date; private baths; moderate
rooms; new, clean and hom-iike; beauti
ful porches, walking duRauce. Cor. tC.
14th and l am lull.
TiihZ CHETOPA. ISth and Flanders 2. 3
and 4-ruom modern apartments, furnished
and unturnlstied ; new furniture aud new
budding. App.y to tne janitor.
THE LILLIAN, corner Oth and Montgoru-
ba t h, phone, w aiklng distance. Marshall
GUILD ATS., between Thurman and
Vaughn, -3d and 24 th, orie nicely fur-
nitsned u-ruom apt., oO, ono 3-room apt.,
unturniaiied, l.0l); one -'2.0o.
M A Di SON PA 1 1 K A PA it T MEN 1
I'ark and Madison sts.
For, 3 and 4 -room furnished and
untarnished apartments, strictly modern.
COLUMBIAN Furnished and unfurnished
apartments. 1 Uh and Columbia; very do
airable; modern conveniences; easy walk
ing distance, low rates; best of service.
SUNNY 3-ROOM APT., artistically furnished
apt., near and and Wash. ts.; excellent
view of mountains; reasonable rent. Ce
dar Hill Apia., 1x7 Green ave. A 7C-3.
KOSpTnFELD Apartments. East lilh and
ttark ; ioar i ootns, furnlshea or unXur
bisneu. reasons ole; htai, phone. Janitor
service. East 3 7o8.
EUNNY 3-room artistically furnished apt.,
near 23d and Wash, sta.; excellent view of
uiounlaina ; reaaunabl- ren t. Cedar Hlil
Acts., 1-7 Gre-n ave. A 1:3.
-ompletely and richly refurnished la
X A and a-room apertmema; refaranoaa
required. 71J Wash, st. New managemaa
Under c management, nicely fur
nished aud unfurnished ana 4-rc-a
apartm Jn u Marsnali a023w
PARK APARTMENTS. 33 Harrison; beau
tiful 3 and 4-room furnlshea apartmenta;
walking distance; brst of service; prices
$4 to 5o. I'tione Marshall JOtU.
UaiFOUbE ANNEX. 325 Eleventh L. twt-
room lurnnnaa p&ruuuh -
all conveniences, good service; wa.kU
d-atsuco. Now under new roanagemant,
gk.L.AND, 10th and Lovejoy Unf urnlabed
apartment (.frontx strictly modern, new
brick. 3 rooms, must, be seen to be ap
yreciatad. Owner, Main li07. A lSttf.
a. ROOM apts, nicely furnished, on East
Belmont. 23 per month. Tabor 22&3 B
THE FLORENCE One 3 and one 4 -room
hrand new. beautifully furnished apart
ment. iKS llth at. Marshall 414.
tup vnuTU x VPTON.
40T Hall au Main 42tf. Newly fumlxhe
S and U rooms; walking duunca.
c-i t t PTURVTB
Vrnlshed and unfurnished apartments,
as- Lovejoy st- Take "Vi" car.
nrjE-FRIEND. S. W. cor "th and JefTersoii.
-'. i.k-H inli In i ho l ix- - -.11
large outid rooms: w aJking dls. ; ; refs.
h7v MARCO Apartments. E. Sth and Couch
' brick, modern, private baths and
phone. 823 and Call E. 275 L
3UL1AKTTE Furnished and unfurnished
rooms. Corner 2il and Montgomery.
ONEONTA, 1ST 17th. 10. $20 and 30 sultea;
"steam beat. F. P. gan. prop.
the ELM 2 and 3-room apt., furnished,
he'it. phone and bath. 3fi 34h at.
AV M ON ANNEX Two-room apartments,
frnifedTeir Phone East 4o7o.
roVE10T APTS-. 17tU and Lovejoy- 3-rooo
iurnlshed aartmnL Phone Mala alo.
Cor. Park and Taylor sta.
Cor. Tenth and Salmon sts.
Walking Distance.
Furnished complete. 2. 3 and 4-room
apartments: buildings new and strictly
modern; servica iirst-class.
2d and Giisan Streets.
Elegantly furnished apartments ot three
and four rooms; also four-room unfur
nished apartments: sleeping porches con
nected with all apaciments; rate -trrmely
reasonable. se the HI-HLANU
COURT before locating.
THE BARKER, cor. 21st and Irving sts.;
this new 4-storv brick now open; lur
nisned and unfurnished m 2. 3 and 4-room
suites; reception hall, electric, automatic
elevator, Hulmes disappearing beds, built
in buffet and writing desk, gas range, ice
box, plentv of closet rooms, both phones,
vacuum cleaner free to patrons. If you
want something nice, come to the Barker.
Phones A l744.MarshalI 296L ,
alone palace of luxurious homes. Trinity
Place, between 19th and 20th streets, just
off Washington; magnificent exclusive
apartments, in heart of apartment-house
district; rentals reasonable; every modern
convenience; sleeping porches, high-class
service; refined clientele; references i
qulrd in all cases. Mrs, A. N. Wright.
fcupt. phone Marshall 110L .
704 Lovejoy St.
Under new management; new. modern
brick. 1. 3 and 4-room apartments, fur
nished or unfurnished; wo will rent you
h pertinents 2-" per cent cheaper than any
place in the city: good Janitor service.
Give us a call and bo convinced. Mai
shall 1'17. .Main 7UHS. .
73W Jloyt.
ETogantly furnished 3-room apartment:
sleeping porch, electric cooker a nd e cry
modern convenience ; very homelike; just
across tho street from the best and most
reasonable boarding-house In the city,
where arrangements could be made lor
dinners; references.
32th and Taylor.
Just completed, most magnificently fur
nished apartments in the Northwest; loca
tion perfect ; rentals reasonable; every
modern convenience, including banquet
ball and roof gardn; both phons in au
apartments; high-class service: references
required Main 227H and A TO-1.
Ov. ned by Dr. David llnrriman Rand.
Now completed. It ia one of the most
unique, light and airy apartment-housea
in the clt; strictly modern 3 and 4-room
apt., furnished and unfurnl.hcd, con
taining two Holmes disappearing beds in
each apt. ; many other special features,
sleeping porches, etc.
bia. 4 blocks south from Morrison st.:
new brick building, completely first-class
furnished In 2. 3 and 4-room family apart
ments; private bath, ateam heat, hot wa
ter, elevator, free phone, vacuum cleaner,
janitor service; rent per month. $20. J0.
4 and up; must be seen to be appre-
NEWLY furnished The Upshur. 26th and
Upshur sts.. furnished --room apartments,
$13. $18. $20 and up. This includes steam
heat, hot and cold water In every apart
ment, private phones, public bath, electric
lights, gas range, laundry-room, all free.
Take S, 3d or W cars. No children; dogs
not BllOWeU. t-llOll Jiam
170 Ford st., just south of Washington;
most complete, highest class apartments
ever built' In Portland; finished through
out in hardwood; tiled baths, superb fix
tures; elegant wall coverings; each with
private balcony; highest class service;
very reasonable rents; 4 and fi-room
apartmenta; most conveniently arranged.
ONE 3-room unfuraishcd ami one 4-room
furnished, in small, homelike, well-kept
apartment house; abundance of heat and
hot water; private hatha and excedent
service. 3 blocks from City Hall, on 4th
street; arranged so that one room ean be
renLeii 11 so a.&ireu. iciwcutw
34S 4th street.
LUCRETIA COURT. unfurnished, a class
bv themselves; see them; Lucretia st.,
near 23d and Wash., 2 to 15 rooms, all
. large, light and outside; large closets
aud baths; hardwood floors, free phones
In each apt. Phone prop, and mgr., Mar
shall 152a. Janitor. Marshall 1-U0.
Everett 2. 3 and 4-rooni, unfurnished,
with private baths: - up; completely
renovated under, new management; easy
walking distance; convenient and best or
l&G N. 22t, Near Johnson.
New modern brick, just opened under
new management. 3-room furnished apts..
n -. Kotli nhnne and
'Vbcst of service, $3v up. Phone Marshall
Beautifully furnished and unfurnished
spts., new brick building, bteam heat, pri
vate phones and baths, disappearing beds,
built-in buffer, ges ranges and linoleum.
4W4 Market st.. near 14th.
110 21st st. North.
Now open for reservations. Under new
management. Elegantly furnished --room
apartments, with bath, all modern conven
iences; fine location. Marshall 414 L
14th and Clay streets.
Splendid location, solid brick building,
electric elevator; we have unfurnished 3
and 4-room suites, with private vestibules,
phones, bath, etc.
171 King St.
4, 3, G-room apartments; select tenancy.
Apply on premises.
Quiet home place, one 4-room and one
3-room corner, nicely furnished apart
ments, and one 3-room unfurnished; hard
wood floors, tiled halls, every modern con
venience. The Altamont.
ats. ; best of service; desirable location,
with unexcelled car service; also easy
walking distance; 3-room apt., with bath,
modern conveniences, very reasonable rent.
ORLANDO APTS., 20th and Wash. sts. Two
and three-room furnished apartments; ev
ery convenience, very large rooms; steam
heat and private baths and phones; auto
matic elevator; easy walking distance; ref
erencea required. Marshall 184.
GRANDEST A furnished apartmenta Grand
ave. and East Stark; new brick building.
3 rooma. splendidly furnished, with pri
vate bath. J27.O0; electric elevator; mod
ern conveniences; close-in location; easy
walking distance; best of service.
CU M B E R LAN DA PTS., West Park and Co
lumbia sta.; 2 and 3-room furnished and
unfurnished apts., all modern conven
iences, choice location, fronting the park
and only 5 minutes' walk from business
NEWJ.Y -urnished 2-8-4 rooms, $22,30
to $40. Single rooms. $3 -p. Free light,
phones, beat, hot and cold water, elec
tric elecator. Marshall &5T.
i.aar Main. Close In location. Elegant 3
room apartment with bath and private
balcony, $--. Every convenience, good
GRACE APTS.. 707 North rup 7t7. corner
4th ; 5 large rooma; hardwood floors,
front veranda, largo sleeping porch, pri
vate telephone, water, heat and hot wa
ter; new and strictly modern.
Just completed; corner 3d and Hall; all
t-room furnished apts.. large outside
kitchens, best arranged apts. in Portiaid,
$2S and up. Easy walking distance.
Hoyt; 4 rooms and bath, private balcony;
new brick building, electric elevator, su
perb location. In a aiklng distance; most
convenient arrangement. ow reoj, and best
of service.
East th and Schuyler, block north of
Broadway; only high-class apartments In
Irvington; rooms large; all face on street.
ame as private residence. East 647. C
U13. .
UPPER flat, 5 rooms, with additional fin
ished room In attic; modern, larg-, light
rooms: adults. 604 E. Main, corner 3 Mb.
MODERN G-room flat, 5th near Jackson,
West Side, IO min. walk. Main or A 12-3.
MODERN 5-room upper fiat, fireplace, fur
nace, .tA 713 Kearney at. East 2021.
NEW. mouern 5-rooin flat, 033 3d St. Inquire
a ROOM modern flat, furnished or unfur-
?ihai. E. 18th and Ash. B 200.
tmodeRN 5-room flat, porch, fireplace,
, -i fait 411 11th t.
cneu v - ' - -
6-ROOM modern flat, TOO Irving St., near
23d. Ky at 7006.
ii-T vacated, modern fl-room upper flat.
"-; r.oreh. Main
5-ROOM flat, with bath and furfcace. t33
Salmon. Key at
SIX-ROOM- modern, steam-heated flat for
rent, unfurnished, rent $4.; aPT'l" on
premises. Poulsen, 307 llth at-, near
MODERN 4-room lower fiat, corner Clacka
mas and Ross, walking distance; also 0
room cottage on Wheier and Hroadway.
Phone Woodlawn 1V:. '
VERY convenient 5-room flat, w it h sleep
ing porch; light, airy, specially desirable.
0:1 Everett. Inquire Sheehy Bros., 130
33th. Phones.
MODERN six-room upper flat, all outsiaa
rooms. 0l Giisan si., between Slat and
"I'd - $ 4 ' . P h o n e Sell w ood 1 bOC.
LOWER modern A-room flat tn good
condition: bufft and furnace; rent J2a.
SoO Belmont. Phone Eaat 2S79.
6-ROOM flat, steam heat, gas range, hoi
and cold water, new and sunny. b7 E.
MODERN 5-rooin ilats: large outside
porches, choice location: $30. M. S.
Ronttry. Stearns bldg.
$25 HOLLADAY Addition. 8 rooms, walk
ing distance, near 2 carlinea. S12V Wascc
st. East 3S05. Inquire next door.
NEW7modei"n" 6-room upper flat. West Side,
walking distance, one block from carline.
To7 19th t. Main Mil.
MOULKN j -ruum Hal, West Side, iii -a
Johnson at., between 23d and 24th, Phoaa
Main 0591.
4-ROOM llat. modem. sas stove and water
heater, linoleum, walutng distance. olvi
Uoss st.. near Broadway; S2o. East 4t77.
FURNISHED, modern 0-room flat, wood
furnished, cheap. Jlt) Milwaukie St., Sell
wood car. "
600 MARKET ST. 5-room modern flat,
with furnace. $30 per month. Key at
502H- Portland Trust Co.. 3d and Oak.
Five and six rooms, modern. 32th Belmont.
Main S2o. A 71S3. H. IL Bowman.
5-ROOM modern flat. COO Belmont. near
ltoth st.
Housekeeping Rooms.
NEWLY furnished The Upshur, 2th and
Upshur sts., furnished 2 -room apartments.
.$18. $20 and up. This includes stearat
heat, hot and cold water In every apart
ment, private phones, public bath, elect rlo
light, gas range, laundry-room, all free.
Take S-. 23 or V cars. No children; dogs
not allowed. Phone Main SoP.
THE BEAVER. 12 th and Marshall Fur
nished for housekeeping; -as range, elec
tric ligh's. hot water, bath, laundry, free:
$13 per month up; a clean place, beat in
the city for the money; short distance
from Union Depot. Take "S" or 16th-t
cars north, get oft at Marshall st, No dogs.
llJth and Couch.
Housekeeping rooms, single or en aulta.
1 block Waaliington su
$1.30 TO $2.50 Pr week Clean furnish ad
housekeeping-rooms; free heat, pbona.
bath, laundry, yard. 400 Vancouver ava,
and 203 Stanton; "IT' car. Phone B.
SI PER WEEK, each, suites of two un
furnished housekeeping rooms gas nlaies
furnished. Belmont apts.. 4KH Belmont
THE MILN Eli, 3A0H Morrison Furnished ot
unfurnished housekeeping-rooms; ateaa
heat, elevator, all conveniences, best locafn.
HOUPEKEEPING roomers wanted. aAso
other roomers; good steady roomers. 223
Market st.
401 EAST MORRISON, corner East Sth,
completely furnished housekeeping suite,
HOUSEKEEPING-ROOMS in nev concreta
building. Phone W7 ood lawn 2370 or 2997.
FURNISHED housekeeping rooms, $1.50 to
$2 a week. Desoto House, 213 2d.
FURNISHED housekeeping rooms. $3 suite
and up. tl & First t.
Housekeeping Rooms in Private Family
THREE nicely furnished housekeeping
rooms. PIS East Salmon sts.. with light,
heat and bath; piano If desired; $2o per
month. Tel. Tabor 2170.
TWO large, clean, front, newly-furnished
housekeeping rooms: a snap to permanent
parties for $17 month ; walking distaucc.
r.l 1 u Columbia st.
CALL, see our. three-room suite for 20;
two largo rooms, kitchenette, washroom,
porch, toilet, beat, light, phone and laun
dry free. 735 Everett.
FURNISHED housekeeping rooms In private
family, with private bath ; 3 rooms $1 .";
4 rooms, $17; rooms $23 a month. SM3
Be ! m on t.
NICE room with kitchenette, newly fur
nished, electric lights, easy walking dis
tance. l. weekly; no children. 00 N.
-lat st., 1 u blocks from Washington.
LARGE sunny room and kitchenette, f ui -nace
heat, gas. bath, beautiful lawn
Phone 0Vs2. of."t Lovejoy st.
3 PLEASANT housekeeping rooms, gas, nice
lawn and fine neighborhood, $1. Wood
lawn 10i3. .
DOWNSTAIRS front suite, finely furnished,
bath in connection, free cooking gas, light
and phone 508 Clay st.
THREE furnished housekeeping rooms, coi
ner OHn and Lombard. Phone Columbia
r.:to. University Park.
HOUSEKEEPING rooms, single and en suite,
ratea reduced. 330 Taylor.
THREE pleasant, unfurnished housekeep
ing rooms, reasonable, no dogs. Main 2100.
THREE furnished housekeeping rooms,
lower floor. 6W E. Burnside.
THREE furnished housekeeping rooms. 2
Grand ave. North. Phone East 43-S.
TWO outside rooms, neatly furnished, for
housekeeping. 27.i N. 21st St.
03 N. 20TH, 3. 2 and 3-room suites, com
pletely iurnisncfj tor nuuJcvroo
FRONT housekeeping room, main floor, bay
window. J10 month. 408 Hall s
COZY housekeeping room, $10 month; nice
suite. $3.50 week. 411 4th St.
4 ROOMS, nicely furnished, main floor, $5
month. 411 4th st.
NEAT, clean housekeeping rooms, bath, gas,
phone, heat. 173 N. 17th St.
THREE desirable rooms, completely fur-
nished. for housekeeping. 541 6th st . .
FURNISHED housekeeping room, first floor;
yard, bath, phone. 450 Yamhill st.
FRONT suite, afso single room: walking dis
tance. 07 N. 20th st. Marshall 314.
HOUSEKEEPING rooms, single and en suite.
OU'J Everett. .
S-ROOMS. ground floor flat, furnished, gas,
bath, yard; $16 month. 092 Front.
LIGHT, large front room for housekeeping,
ren t reasonable. 434 7th st.
CLEAN, light, well furnished housekeeping
room. 3t.j 6th.
. OTH Completely furnished housekeeping-
suite. 2 blocks south of Fostoffiee.
EIGHT-ROOM house, with large yard and
garden ; near two carllncs. Apply 601
Eayt Taylor. ' Phone East 370.
b-ROOM modern house at SS2 East Davis.
Laurclhurt district, $:0 per month. Main
-ROOM modern house at !MI Eaat Glienn.
Laurelhtirst district, S27.3M per month.
Main i)ih.
4 ROOMS: pantrv. bath, hot and co?d water,
gas. oSS Pettygrovc st. Phone Main
' 8423
K E W, 4-room. n-:ar Russell and Williams
ave., gas range, water heater and water,
$2u. East 47u2.
7-ROOM modern house. No. 0 East 10th St.,
yard, fruit, to responslblo tenant. Owner,
fi!r East Cou eh .
6-ROOM, modern house, Kleeping-porch.
flreless cooker, 344 East 17th North. Take
B roadway car. Inquire on premises.
&ROOM cottage. West Side, walking dis
tance. J. D. Morris,. 607 Yeon bldg. Mar
shall 16r.
STRICTLY modern, new 7-room bungalow,
25.' Cor. 21st and Prescot t ; reference ,
Woodlawn 2714.
WE can rent your houae for you. Watson
& Therkelscn Co.. 300 Spalding bldg.
Phone Main 7M2.
DESIRABLE modern house. 7 rooms, close
tn. East Side. Inquire 72 Board of
IF vou have property to rent Watson
Therkelscn Co., 3V0 Spalding bldg.
Phone Main 7-u2
A HOl'K of 6 rooms, bath, gas and elec
tric Uahts. lartje basement. 4U0 Harrison
st. A pply next doors.
MODERN 0-room houso In modern con
dition. MS E. J 7th, block from "WR" car.
Rent ?17 a month.
NINE-ROOM house, Grand ave. and Shaver;
heat furnished. Inquire SOS Union ave.
ph one C 201 1.
X MODERN 4-room bungalow. 003 Ycon
-ROOM cottage, close rn ; $12 per mo. M.
g. pent cry. Stearns bldg.
MODERN S-room cottage, Williams ave.,
t0. East 472.
FOR RENT Five-room house.
203 Sacra-
memo ai.
MONTHLY rent buys home; no Hrst
crRjiarv. Owner, v.nct -J7l.
r.a ; t
rjFSlRABLE G-room house, close In. "SS
nn Raf'.el. near I'nlon ave. $25. East 105.
a POOM house, gas, near Ladd School. A
-j, , inquire 4"f4 Jefferson st.
5-ROOM modern cottaae. corner Union ave.
und Stephens. Main 7"07.
VOUI'-ROOM coUage. partly furnished.
elwctric licht aud no bath. 4So East Clay.