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About Morning Oregonian. (Portland, Or.) 1861-1937 | View Entire Issue (March 15, 1912)
11 Tnn Monxixn ukkuumaa, rnmiy. makcit 15. ivv. A mm mmwA 'nX FA r& Ma r7v kv 1 1 to mo fm I 7 j. n is pr h 51 rr tr sr w rail I "feP I WW J It c P PRICES Special Davenport and Couch Values I i 'S-r-' --v JLr ' l f?T ' Full Rteol con- $9.25 $17.50 CHASE LEATHER COUCH FOR $9.25 vfrm tH'ii; oak Irani"' nnl ni-iy nirioi. icei .oil prin-". Sprinir ci&c. An unusual value at iir rloMiiir nt price of $30 00 GENUINE LEATHER' COUCH FOR $14.65 Qnartcr ,,i,k frame; -M eel construction, spring edge ami diamond tuftiii" A Irulv . !0.IH Com-h. Crarcful .1. iiu.l mm iiriiMinc iit to nnv homo. On -all. at rioting il:t price of $30.00 HORSEHIDE LEATHER COUCH, $43 25 The best ever. ImsI Iratli'T- massive oak frame; h.avy head and foot columns; .(,-. I coiistrii. tii'ii : 4" oil tempered springs unl spring edge. Greatly reduced nt closing nit price of $23.00 VELOUR BED DAVENPORT FOR $13.75 Twrf-tone trrceii vl-'iir: oak finish; pan. 1 ends; ..tei-1 springs in seat; up- 'n.Lirrn I:ii-k vitv i-Iu-it anil very goou. A most remarkable value for the priee. ( I 'sing out f-r $50 00 UNIFOLD DAVENPORT BED FOR $2S.90-Substnntial .-.nstrii. tioii sti l l springs lor scat ana link spring ior ocu. .-ih- vll leather: lirnvil color. .Mission U'-iii in I carlv Knglish finish. Splendid value it closing out price for $123 EXCELLO DAVENPORT BED FOR $72.65 Const met ion ..r vi... I- link sunn.- led: can l' used with any mattress; serpen tine front : diamond tufting; genuine leath er. One of the best designs ever made. Special cloving out price for inn edge and diamond $14.65 lead and foot eoluinns; $43.25 OR $13.75 Twrf-tone el springs in seat; up- $13.75 DR $28.90 Substantial ; springs Tor bed. Span- $28.90 i anv mattress; serpen- $72.65 VI -.v VI. 11 CHI'Kt DI'.MM fOiril IOK cLa Crculir $ 5 lu ubtni ml- lv m.l.-. vi Uh ri prln. nil prtr.1 r.-rri:tcallr lr our clliK "' fi t ur $3.60 Leather Rockers W'c have six .Iitfrront pattonis in leather voekers. Some have leather seats only ami others have leather haek ns vel!. Our stock is liniite.l in all six patterns and an early se lection will have to he made to se- eure this exceptional val ue. All quarter-sawed col den, polished or waxed oak. KVirular prices as hic:h as 1.".00. Our elosinc out prii-p "ives voi i vour ehoico for $8.80 f Ml FOR id Mag nificent eel ON SALE FOR Oak Dining Table and Six Oak Chairs Entire Outfit for $24.65 Massive three-inch brass posts, with five-inch brass caps. There arc five fillers 1iovvti in cut: V' inches m size. 11ns bed is strongly made, he-ivilv braced at everv oint and its severely plain finish adds elegance to its ap pearance. It is the greatest bargain we have offered in 32 years ot business. Never sold in Portland for less than oU.UU beiore mis saie. Marked special at ' $24.65 Gigantic Value in . An vrvn Rrl $w.65 XL V&A Ji.WS. sale at the low price of J -4 : 3 l Hi $31.65 Here is an exceptional bar gain for the family that needs a new dining set. We 4iave bunched these seven ar ticles at a price that ia so low that the entire outfit may be had for less tlian the regular priee of the table alone. This demonstrates the genuine ness of this sale. Table is quarter-sawed oak. 48-inch top, extends to six feet, non dividing pedestal of oak. pat ent lock. Five dining chairs and a carver of same mate rial and finish. Never sold for less than $55.00. Closing out price of - $31.65 $6.65 Vernis Martin finish: two-inch continuous post, with three-inch chill to support the rods. Seven fillers, 7-inch in diameter and strongly braced at every corner. This is a bed that vou could not possibly buy on regular sale at less than double the price at which Ave are closing out our entire stock of them. When our stock is gone you will never again be able to buv this bed at less than regular price, JC $13.50 tpO.DD Leather Seat Dining Chair Solid oak, braced at corners. French leg, quarter-sawed panel back, upholstered in genuine leather and well pad ded.. Our stock is very limit ed, only a few remaining. Clos ing out price, $1.55 CLUNY LACE CURTAINS We have a special lot on sale at, per pair Our entire stock, however, has been reduced in the same proportion. Splendid variety for choice. $1.98 OREGON FIR WARDROBE You never saw a better value iu your life. Three feet wide, over six feet high. Two doors and plenty of room. No better val- 1 ? ue ever shown in the city ujOeXO i RoyalOakBuifet This buffet has a bevel plate mir ror, 10x38, with a five-inch shelf at top. There are two small draw ers and one large one. One of the small drawers is plush lined for silver. Long linen drawer and two cupboards. Regularly sells for $20.00. Closing out price, $11.35 Genuine Sturgis Go-Cart $5.55 Nvr notd f r i an t-v others. '! ApMitls w itt one mot Jon. ruhbr r lir" nl pry dir- lc. 'lo 1 11 K out nt $5.55 OUTFIT YOUR HOME ON EASY TERMS Ingrain Carpets 65c All new goods; 19 different patterns for your selection. Amongst the many designs there is certainly one that will just suit your purpose. Look them over and you will be well ple'ased with, the as sortment. Take your choice. All wool and 2-ply, Reg. $1.00 ralues. Closing CC out -price, yd. "" liPllf wsmm