THE MORNING OKEGONLU TUESDAY, MARCH 12, 1913. . rr r i . i 1 i C BIG FLURRY 111 OATS!! Higher Prices Offered and Sellers Hold Back. EIGHTH OF CROP LEFT Mi-ailil. ilonrlnc Market ! Imrlnx Krmmlnilrr of S4an. I iinnmplln In tlie I-t-rl.,r i- InT-in. 1! fu.r, .r Ih niaikel ! ' ..f ,n. rln tr..l- at the preeent Urn.. T,,r. t, ...r- r.e."n to rvelleve the bule 'a n. r:.'rn. retc- wilt pin- t ( up lo the rlre of "' t' h-"iii no"!"" merely of Sir-a:- anil il-rinnd. Tte farts p-.!ol I" , . , .....rise, in .lew f tha Increased r f pt Inn. a .cih f tn. crop I. Irfl. -rntr( rA .-r.Mr rimpilM an-i there ir. f.ra r-iontha f the p-won VI l' taken rMrm . L'Hdi-r th. tmimi4itci lb wtar- ear-riot It. than a hall no. Vet rn'v la t'ailforela a atrong buyer, but ptunipCna In the country la a!.o heavy, a. la ,'jown t-r lha Inquiry tmm the country. Taa noeemment ordr for lon baa t Ka fit 4 out af the old crop sad iha quan tity reimplately ftliauit Iba eutplr h.14 In .tlhar of tbo "un4 citlea A loaal buyer ru In tha mara.t Teelerrtar f..r ton for whicb ha rfer-d 8 U TS. sat was ttnabla to find eellara. Th. wham markal waa firm and S to I e.t b'lh r aruiiM of tba belt.r California itmaiid. Hir continue, weak wliu fre. offerings hr farmer. Local raeelpte In cara were raprtad by th. Merchants' Vs.-har... aa rolloae V h-al. llarie.F"ur.i.iat. Ha v. Vc-aae M M 4-a .n 'tl .-.1 3 ' 1" S17I ..r .. I. .;' l'-t .' -1 "lha acb-y .iit atailatua of tba Mer chant. (' hr.a folloia- . . 1 . Itu.h-t 1 1- I t.12 ""HI Warrh II. 1tJ Manh 1. l.reh 1 . !' M.rrh I'.. l " March IO. It-" V.rrh 1 l'"'T M.rctt 1 . I"'"'1 larr-h l'" Mar.-h 1 I I'" Marrti 11. Il'-l Irtcrr.t. .'' .!,- I 1 ; i.14 t"0 i I -.-l.l.-o I M I. IH ! ;. " rt..-l t.l.'.l.taal ' l.--ia' 4.. tx.l TU.ta ... Wat a ctirtti" ruclin V( ir. ' IUr l Mir II 11 itn.nrit U.i.hela Huafieia T 17-..'-" 1 7''.M"- Si 7 J" , Jr..i,.nra U.l. i3.3rtO.tO" ul !?ui-nenta ifiour Inflod.dl v-hi n JlIlK VDUlDIC Vatr. 2 Uat 11 11 tnhl fl. I .'.T-. -j tU .N-dt ' . Aat tUMl I. t:v,, -r tin .. - 71 ,u. .tlt 7' . . 1--.h- Til-,- r'! MpnirDl. n to Am:: Tt)l imw Sm jv-t1 ,nj l,".-, M. A r aTTi ( nt Jl iiri.lK-t 4t. -w-.. ."-.r r.rt .-H T2 T-4 1- 4-7 ". mQ Tmrt mt B Cm ArHtTTh4- V-t Virrrt fthlp wnemt rn. Tlwt. Nf wrttat--' mrm on th DirarlKPt. th flrt ,ipTT.--nl rrtvin from Ktrvrt T r-rr.. reclvil th nitr hlp- "ThU im t h rir-Fl hipnt?nt of Df pot.-ir-ftj thtftl h fvrr fom-p ! ririt-.tid dlr.-t from Ti rr ronta.ri.-fi ?"rt hm- rtx, a o f-rBi-t of rind (nmiton and at.", inltt of Finriil prVV Tt nrv rotf oId t a .V pr 5 tund h-ainpr. Thrjr wvr nf .Knt quil if. A fw rriiM w-r .Id Mr. I'rion in otrt-r JMrr on tho trpt. and lht r-Ttifnd-r of th :Mpmnt w qulrkly bought up rt:.T No vtr-vlr-iht cmr of rtorid-. j-Mtof n --r b en brought to thla mr but t4 cod rtb-ption !-'' to yt-ttrr-,4 ttrrtt al HI prohMy d to other tuj in Tbt lom.tvi T- oiT"rrd t "5f4 " ,-4-r cr-.- nd t .it- p4rppr ttvt rent a p.MiBd. Tht trt a well ruppllrtfj with in.'t rt of tMforr,i4 Tff?iM". whlcb . r lr....y Ift prirtf. m i m x ; ir -i n n mr m..- m ow . rv.iaii Intai Mitri ItMlw-tm Art Hltlttta; A itF( da tn th htpP'n dem-.nd f.-r car, hu tdkrn murh of the atrencth 'tit of i hi- tvil market. W-t dealer quul .1 th.- n-i. e i.ut a f-w .fT--retl t-urreiit liiii at h.f a t nt undr S(uri qu- I'outtr r--r pt - erv heft A few ! rr tktM tl h. atn.l trail rami' in anL ntt at un hirfi) prit-rtw TJier were no t t ilf.',i'pm.-n! tn the rhrvK or t)ut: r nurkoti. Ieal Kerta I.m.j Hatr lrtr. It. 1- r enton. of th r..;v i ountv Mohatr --'li4in. r,.w.r.. llir..U(h the llrmllT. t- r.m:i.r -t.-- Mitt'ic their fl c with htm f-T th" uriuul mhalr pHl diie. He think thm wh. titt.fialr la rot sruiin a mty imtf .it at the pr -r::t litre, tha market w!!I h. n t- Wtofc up in the near future and that gr..r m tf ronrtdenl of n-arW or qmti m -ro.1 prt.-e a fier re.-eft ed !t The data f lh- 4i'e f the .Mtol a i:i rn'ini-l Haak (le-sHng. :rtx '-i-.tnrits 4f the N.trlti !: . ;i't ititrlav Were as follow 't'-irnit. P t!., . t .-t .t . . .$-t,7n.: I - it'tl. 3 7v-"l 1 . . ! T t .m.i 741 4Tt - ; k ....k.ti.- 74 4-.'. IOKIUXD MAKkKTV etretab'ea and Kritlls. r?:Of"i'AL rHtIT9 Oranges. -.. t . p " "alfrnU c: aief e-l. 'II t 1 l" I r O t . t . OtA tJ l $ I. J.t o pr buni h . lr :uona. $ 4. aO ., per r. h M r'Hl'il'i8 Almerta gtapaa. $1 ti'.. eraobernas. lU5ll-J par ,a.-- V v n ; Buln prie-) Burnhi, : 1 ; p. r hunorrd. aw-tret potatoes. ' ; i r ft' -t iiike. 7.. li We; per ' i- i'.ri. ii- per ptur.d. beatia. Lull'-. .-aobJige. 1 V 4T - w PT ib : cauii- t.ratn. . Mr. t eettl. Ktr. WtiK T -Tack prlrea- Bluest, m !-r; , !.( T - i nl K im:.q. 0 . alley. 7 ... ; Mil. I ST! K KS fciran. J23 par ton; shorts i:g:4: mtddllnga. J. 4- K I'atattta. .io par barral. stra'gnts. t .; eip.rts. I": Vallay. 4.V; graham. i u'.. l.o. beat. 1 4. Si. CoKN-Nm. wbula. 4; cracks. tUl HAT -No. 1 rojP'l Oregon timothy II ait. N ii I V.t,:.e. JI.I7! alfa''a. !' !;. c.'v- an.f -rr.h. I 1 h 1 !.."-. ..;": a -j 1 ha v -i OAT."- 1 w .;t -. toiUI per ton. Mapt t orrCK Kwaatsl, la srstsa. :g per pound l.MO?C Columbia River. 1-pwt.Btt tmlltk . WTT . " .r V...;. ..a povna rata, t.w, . - He. lua . . sn-TS Wetnot.. 181H P" rowed. ont.. I41se: filberts. 14wlSe: monda. 1.4?lc; parana. lc: rtfawutt J" 0 1 1 par doaen: cneetouta. iw . a rldery ntita. 8 10c par pound. HONET Cbolco. UTI par eeae: etrelaaa bon.y. lc pr poand. ALT Granulated, tit par torn: .r- rro'jrd. loo., t so pr ton: 3a. t par ton. BEANS imtll whlta. 4 3c: laria whtta. 4c; Lima. Ii,c; pull, like; Maxlcan. ia; bay oa. 5c. RIPE No. 1 Japan. 8H: rhanpar rdo. 4 9'; Ooa'h.rn 5ffT(-. . SCQAR Drr arnnulatad. t-H: frmrl nod ham t-r 1 L Hmm:u!i BiantailOtt. kML It 1 rala. II II; eatHnt. karrala. . PDIEU TR1 ITS Appl'a. 14 nor ponndi aprw-ota. ItVlaVtc: paax-bao. I4yl4; prunaa. Italian. 10H(r !; allar. Jc; r.m, 1. 1 1 - l t. d 1. h t 1 - mirrmnta. lOdl 11c; ral.lna. looaa. Muocatak w9 blaa'-bad Thomftaon. lUc: nnblanchad tanaa. tic: aa.d'4. IH : dalaa. tan. IS., par pound : Fard. tUo par ul-Par- h.i J C 1 natlT KlTTtR-Onfol cranmary bottor. aalr SISe. prima, aura. w a K.OH irn . urrrnl ra-aipta. 10w ' CH KEhK orafon. f:lA tl pownd: datataa. nomlnaL Pi UK Fancy. So Pr oooV V E A I. Fancy. Utile Pr poood. fHLLTRV Hana. lc; fnrlnaa UtUSe. r1u.Ha. In-, t"" lui. lurkoa. Iia. lov. dr.aa.4. Suo-.'le. RAMSIS to IX pouada. Ilc: " powada. ISfflde; 14 10 It poanda. ;?": I la It poaoda. 14,4JlS'c; ablnnod, lo. ptralra. lie. rottaa. roll. lie. ..u... LARD Kaltlo rand.rcd. tl.rcaa. iao.a. falsa. i:c; atandard llarcao. b e; ahort.nlr.. tlareoa. tsjc: tub. BACON Fancy. J4e; atandnrd, "Oi eboli-a. IKwc. Encllaa. Itlas. PUT SALT ClKEu Racalor abort elonrn. dry anlt. 11 He: amokad. lac; abort Invru. IS to Id pounds, dry anlt. . amakad. 14; abort claor backn. 1 pounda. dry anil. II Ha; amokao lie; Or on aaporta. dry aalt. Ito; aanosod, la I tn.aad (Ml nad Twrpaattn. l.l.vgKKD OIL Pnro rnw. la oarrala. T7e; boilad. In Tfcc; raw. la maod. boll.!. In ca.ra. Mc Tl H rE NT IKE Caaaa. TOe; wood kmrrala, 7 Sc. Haps. ITawl wad nidaa. HOf lJ'l crop. 3tac: olda. lorn Inal. 1112 contract. 2C il 7c. Moll MR lull clIP .'"olio pr poond. iruL Kaat.rn oraaon. 14 d) lac par poun.1 icroKlma to alirlnkada; Vallay. Idt l.e por poucJ l-KLTtJ Ury. lie: lamha. aaltad. TSt!; ahrt-wool pua. -.. : butchar polta. Jan. t.k.-orf. icuLi; Fab. laka-off. ILlDCJ l"lHIl)E. Kaltad hld.. It It' nid , ff pound: .altad ltltflTc; anlfd kip. 14 l;o; rn hld.a. tic: dry caif. lie: dry bM.a. 11 9 lie; anltad at at a. ItJ.iao; sroan ataaa. 4tJ Sc 1' a sr a KA Far pound, to.fjtc C R AIM BAtij In car lota. IiaO aacn. I FIRS Portland prlraa for prima. ' baml'.tl akin., accordlr.d lo autaa: Mink. I S40.h: raccoon. tuctyI-5t: akunk (nar 1 . -1 . .-.nb ihr.i..i atrlna I. mu.krat. :&; fray fox. 7o wtl.a; rad fo. Iai; marten. 4J; b.avrr. ui W. flahcr. tl- :": badrjar. 4') 1; Ivm caL fib: wll-lcaL 7 ic i II -i4: uitar. llOtjU. Ijna. llobSi); ringtail caia. rid 4 Or . cival cat. lOyiic; houaa cat. & CJ :k; mountain lion. Iull: Hull LARGESHEEP SALES RIG HIM II FN OK KWKS AM UKTIIKKS .MM ,T YAKDS. Cnlllr Move Krrloy t Sieudy IVUf- for All 'la!c! ShkU llog Bring $6. HO. Tht-ro waa a xd auppiy of cat lie and ah-p at tha opealnc of buaitivaa ai tha trtrkrril jreaterday. Tha demand wa good throughout the day. The balk of the trading waa In tha mutton dt. talon, whrre tha features -.era two of the likfK-ni of th aeaaon. A bunch of H.V1 i.ra. irtrtKlun Ji pound, aold at 4 mt. and a lof af wethera, I'M! head, ivraim 17 potir.l. wera delivered on conrtxi at i S?. Tbeae aheep came from lin.lriRa A bunfn of .:.. Uniha hrouaht k A'-.tut -!a of ilf-n wara diatwa-'d of at to .. Two Inada of contract trtr wre dv.tvred at i.o. Cows ranged In price from .1 to Two lota of gNfxl itink hoga were Id at Kec-npta fr Sunday and Monday w ere, rattle. 4 calves. ..15 hoga and -.'4-V sharp. Mrt "7-s ware Huh t'ommlngs. Alhany. 1 rar of h ep art it hoj; till Sheep "om panv. Itit.inga, Mont.. ! tara of slu-t-p; l. t Waab.. 1 "r of rattle and ra; aea ; H. Jt rlkvr. Hint n. Idaho. U i-atrti of t-ar1e : W. I. P'lhmati, r.m.Tv. Vaah-. 3 cara of ra:tie: StllwaM A Rlthttr. I.a t'.ranrte. 1 car of cattlr. I-a Oramle M-at t 'orn party. I. a lir jml, I car of cat! and hnit. Kl -de;i t Kho. il cars of rat t la and ralvea: J. W. Powers. V.-Uf. w., I rmr f h. M.-"arlhy Carl. Won id. on . a fdri f.f rattle. I-. E. SUnden. :. Anihonv. I.iaho, 2 ran tf cattle; Ki'.patrl.k Rro.. ! a-kt'. Idaho. enra of celt It. ttnd sheop. I J Ilrown. 1 ar of rat tie. nnd M K Tmlh. Krankiin. Idaho. 3 rars t.f catl'.a. The d -' wr a fol'awa: Weight. Tnre. ST poa . 7 lor. a 1 afa . 7 cwa ?i Bte-TS Mt lamha 1 - - li-t gli.'tt- 4 V . . . 1M . . . I -;" . . a t7 I a a .11-7 ft .Ml rt,4 t-w. k hoga bul' St era . . 14 . I'i7' . . . . le.7 . . t 14- . 11 ..11 H . . 1 .' . . 1oV . . . 4 . . . . 1" 17 . . 1 UKl . . 1-'-N . . I.h; t . . 1 ..inn . ,i:t"7 . . 1 ; . . . . 14." . 4 t 4.. ft. tat ft ;o n. ttt tt ate-ra tiffrt ... fa'a-v-ia. cuntrart j " s ' e ra ltI -ers .t row a 1i o-a 4 bti'ia I bu :t Wmia o bu: 7 hn ; oj.. wethers, rontra. t 5 t 4 4.;;: 1-7 lot Tlie f.-.I.O-.S iiga of priors at tha yard was aa steers ;.Hd to . hoi. Stferg t ho.-e cow s Co..! t hone, row i',ot.-e apiire-1 heifers ;..d to . h tea h-lfers .... I S.M.-t. hill 'U a a . . .Ylor rt. to .. !.;:- .V5 .. 4 7:.Tr . . r .o i .VfVi .. .v ft .v.' ;.-rt. to bu'.ia )':inlif raUes j ;.o.i to choioe ri" I M rtm- - I rhnii light hricx -..-.roth h-avr hog i K.ish heavy 1 P I ') r f.r!m ca 1 .... e .'a itn.t tt 4,1' 4.2.1 h.- . e trig ewr us I ,.). .. f.-d W'Of.T l.imbi . . . . . hoira gt-atn-fed lamt h.i.t pr ti'g lirti't ;.-.,l ;o .ho-e latniba 'an to good lamha . . .a 4.;.. Omaha I-letork Market. OMAHA. March 11. Cattle Receipts. 4"": Trarket. a.ow. strong Nat ve stet-rs, '... ii 7 ': cows and heifers. $1 .." i tV 10 . W. at- .rn at.-era. $ I Te;ia steers. 1 o 0 ,V3n range rows and heifers, $3.23 g i lo; canTiera. I'.'b3.V; t-kera and 1 f.-a-tj.- rs. . calvea. MttS; bui 1. ttAk't. e:t . .i (' - H..! Ke. ;pts. market, strong to 6. lusher. Heavy. .. 4-f ti 0 ; mu. l, $.: titiio. ;tchc. k 10, i.4o; bulk wf s.. s. ! .'.'fi i.4.". Sit-- p --K i(a ft'.tat, market strong to 1h- h i tt .' 1 r . ear!) na. $, 4" n t : W'i: Tn. 4 .. j :t. ra.. $4 Hi: lamhs. $.VWsT.(H. aal ttiarew. M A.H v.a.. March 1 1. 1 nrentine. firm. 4 . tutio-s .".1 barrel: recel.aa. lif t..i-re4j hipments -'4 harreia. stiMka. ;t,- i. .j,t rrit. Hoan. firm: 4M ounda: receipt, j.'.a iHiutitl. s'lii-menis. Imh pourds: stok. v iM.uml. v-"1 B. D. SfJ.t.; K. . f-s v. tl H I. .-. K, 7'.5. kt. 7.2o; N $7 3: 7 V.; WW. $7.4.V. BOrJD DEMAND BROAD Stock Prices Work Lower at the Close. FOREIGN NEWS INFLUENCE AdicrM! DciUion by Supreme Court Kpcleil Kailroad Traffic In Went show ImprovemeiiL IH-iuautl fur l.ouu. NEW YORK. March 11. Tha moiamant of atuka todav aaa charactcrlaird by un cartalnty durlnit tha areat.r part of tha araalon. but In final daalinaa prlcaa crum bled all around, with quotatlona not only at tha lowoat. but lencrmlly under fatur dav'a low lav.L Foralcn oK-hantca aarmed to rr-flact In rraaaed apprahan.lon over the lahr altu ntlon Tha Inlted Stale. uprame Court. hoUtlnc Ha weekly open aeaalon. adjourned for an hour Juat before the market cloaed. whieh ava r to lha poalbllliy of noma Idirru deelalnn lat.r In the day. a con tingency which waa not without effect on Rea.llna. wboaa atatua In relation to Its cdVl boldinaa la now befora the court. Railroad traffic In the Weat ahowa aoma rmiirovament. bul abnormal cold haa caueed ron.lderabla delay In movement and a . reaultant Increaaa lo coat of operallona. It la a foregone conclualon that net ro turna of all tha Important road. In tha Ueat. Northwe.1 and Southwe.t for tha threa month, en.llni March 11. will b dla appolntlntf. Loana wara made to Berlin today at a rate. It la aald. allfhtly better than thoaa of I. at week. Tha local Intjulry I. broad anlni with a alluht Increaaa for to and to day accommodation., Banker, look for higher ratea. Tha bond rn.rjtet ruled steady with a fairly broad demand: Total aalea. par vafue. 12 IlJ.aao. I nlted State. Oovernment bond, were unchanged on calL CI.OS1NO STUCK QUOTATIONS. Cloalng Salee. High. Low. iild All', fhal pf .. I" 4H Am. I t opper .. 22.4' "I1. 7"1. '" Am Atncult ... l..t I'-'1! 5" ' Am Hevt fugar. 4u id " 7 American Can .. ld,."-"0 14 l.'t1. 1 ! - Am :.r A Fdy.. . S.'.1 J-t o4 Am Cotton oil.. low 4S 4W 4'4 Am HJ U pf Am Ice fecurl.. SOI 2S "iH -"- Am Llnaeed Am Locomotive. 3. 3 o-'S Am Sinel Kef. 10.70H TtlSi 74V, 74 do pref. rreil.. Im im 1H4S HH Am Uteel Kdy. . St w i'.'1 XH1. Am Kugar R.-f.. -i us 1 1 7 1 1 1 Ik Am T. ! A Tel.. l.bon HSi 141 140 Am Tobacco pf. 4" lo:.. lt: Am Woolen 1"" "t -t -7W AnacnmU M Co. 3 ." -1SH :i7 Alfhlai.n 2.i'" l'"r li'.'i'i 10.". do pr-f.rred.. 7H I "IIS l"1 All Coaat I.ln.. ! l:m IS1, i:sl Rait Ohio ... 1.3WI 1""S 1"3S Bethlehem Steel 2'M tW 3' 110 Hr.Mik K Tran.. 7'rl so". '' 4 I'anadlan Pa... 7 " 2:i'.'S S:l 2:lli Central leather. I.eoO :ii -'iL do pretvrre.l.. I'm Si. .".Vr e CVatral of N J 87" Cheg A Ohio ... l."0 74 73H Chicago A Alton 174 Chi C.t W.-.t . .. ! IS I 1" do preferred . :!" ."' 3.1 Chicago A X W I '"I 141 S 141 S 141 C. M A Rt Haul. .7M lumi 107 K'7t i C. c A Kt L Col Fuel A Iron. 100 24 H 24 "a t'ol A Southern o Conanl t:a I.JH 141 14 H"'. i'oTtl I'rjduct. .. 3.3"0 1U ll1. II1 Iei A Hudson.. l.WOO 170 1 lM'S OAR Oranile do preferred.. 2. 41 41 'i 41 OLtllUTa' tiecurl trie 34 . XT. 33 U do 1st Pf 2" " ',4 .'.3' do 2d pf .... 3" 4i 44 4, 44 C.en Electric ... 2.1'HI Hi.-.t, KH , 14H ;t North pf a.s"0 ia 13--. i::2' (it North tire .. I.H 1', Knj l-'. Illlnoia Central. 4fK) ISRt, l:l"l 13.-.r. Interbor Met ... .!' 14. Is'. I'a do preferred . ll.'M'O 3! 37V, 37 Inter Harvealer S.JOO 113 H0'4 112 Inter Murine pf 10 Int Pi, i-r Int I'ump "O Iowa Central ..... 1" K C Southern 2l do pr-'f'-rred lJ,.-!e.l. tli.a ... 2- I".-- 13 !"' l,ula A Nah .. 2.KOO 17.7 13i l.Vl'4 Minn A St 1. -2 M. S P S S M ' 13" 13rt4 1311 '4 Mo. Kan A Teg. lort 2)" 2" : '-H do preferred HIS Mo P:i. Itlc I''" 4"H 4o'4 4 N.v lli.cull lH 147W 1474 147 Nntlonal Lead .. :.'" 5.V, 3.1 f-3 N R Mel 2 pf. S' -'"4 V V Central ... l.mat lll'S 112 1111 V V. mt A Wea 3"l 3'1 3i Srtt. Norfolk A Weat. 7.on l.en, livi 1o"4 North Am 3" 7:. 73H 7'4 N.inhern Pac .. 3 ton 1103, nil, IIK'J Pacific .V.,ll .... 3oo 311, 31 -j 31 ; Vennavlvanla ... 4.2"n V.-3". 123 1-3S People', lias ... 3rO lllrt", 1IMV4 H''4 P C C A St I... -'Oty 10.14. lfl.-.S I"."r'i Plttahtirg Coal .. 2.4"o 17. It', 1 Preuaed S Car.. l.."o' 32 V 31 32 Pull Pal Car ... ion l.V 1.".n 13'4 Itv Steel Spring 3i1 2W ', '-'0', Reading 47.2on 137H 1.V.4, 1.-.3S Republic Steel .. .".'Ill 101, 1H1. ll''i ilo pref.rred . Mill 71 W 71', 70i R.m k I. land Co. no" 23', 23 'i 23 u, do preferred.. .'." 4'. 4 4.S St 1. A S F 2 pf 000 41 ant, 4H', St I. Sonrhwi-at 32 ,lo preferred 72 Sl..e Sheffield .. l.tfHi 42 42 41 "i Southern Pac .. 3.'l I1K1S Io4 10 'i Southern Ry 7..Ve '.-vi 2S 2 -li do pr.ferr-d.. 1.4im 74 S 74 731, Tenn Copper . ttu" 3H 37'. 37 Trill A Pacinc 22 Tol. St I. A es 2" 13 13 12' do pr-f.rred.. loo 32'. 32'. 32 fnion P.i-lllc .. 23 7oa I.tki, Hull, !,!, -lo pr-f.rred.. 4-hi, nu at, I" S R-a'lv "' I" S Kilhher ... I "" 4", 4S 4 Va I- s Sle, l 73.3"d tf.l, 4 c.4 ilo preferred.. 7o" III", im lioik fish Copper ... 2.1" 37', r.K .". Vn'itm chem.. .',n 3 33. 33S W.'haeh " !" 7 7 7 do preferred v 1fi1, We.'ern M t'i Wiling K'ec .. 2 1"o 74 . 74 71 tVe.iern I'nion . 7''o . S4 u SI', Wheel A I. K.. 1. r-N S f. I.. h gh Vallev .. 32 1C.I H'.IT, 1.-.2". rhino Copper .. Sl"f) ;sr4 Rav Con.o'a ... 3.3'" I7S !7' 17S Am . .. .Ifo 243 244 144 Total an!' a for the rlay. 4'iO.fiOo sharea BONDS. M:w YORK. March 11. Closing quota tions : ',.! laj r. jaj s .lOY. C. gen. 3Ha R7 , do HMILv North Pacific ::s RuT. V. S. 3s reg 1H2V- North Pacific 4s.1nrt do coupon .... 112 S Cnlon Pac.flc 4s. looa. I". S. now 4. reg. Ill- Wla. Cen. 4a.... 113 do coupon ... .1 1 3 Japanese 4s SiJ'4 I. A R. G. 4. WW 4.7". HUSTON. March 11 Clostns; quotations; --l Allouei :to Mohawk i V'V.-, Amal. Copper.. 7 Ntf. Con 17S V't a li. 1. a 3...". i.."'4 Slplaslna Mine.. 7 'a Arlg. Com 4S North Butte '27 .'.Tf. P C. C... 1 "orth Lake rt.i "al Jk Arii l "M nonunion... 47 S.7r. Heda 4s- "-weoia 114 Centennial ' V. Juincy 71 A.7S Cop. Tl. C.... .rH Shannon 1 1 Kiiat liutte C. M. 1 ' '.Superior L'7 4 13 V Stio. Bo. M-. . o :t tr.'ux Con 4 V Tamarack J.-. .irmiht Con , C. S. R. M. . . . X .Vtk. ijtl Royalle cof. 2Ml do preferred.. 4 Vmi Kerr lake 2Ts t'teh Con. 14 4.T.". Ijike Cpper.... 37 1'tah Cop. Co... W- 4.. U 8aIIe i'oppar 5'4 Winona B , Miami Copper. . -f:. Wolverine UiS Condition of tha o . WASHINiiTON. March 11. At tha begin ning of bualne today the condition of th United Stale Trenury a: Working balanca In Treaaury office. $'il, 224. 1: in bank and Philadelphia Treas ury $;'.3.5..t2M : total balance In ceneraJ fund waa $13.313 1473. ordinary receipt trtaturday were $:.,:JoS. tHV. with ordinary disbursement of $4,1S4.- Deficit toajdate thia year la J0.-iw-v i-Vf5 as attalnst a deficit of o. !.'., .tit 1 at tnt time lat year. Theae flguivs eidude Panama Cancl and public dLt transactlona Money, Eichange. Ktr. N KW vnKK. March 1 1. Money on call. tadv. :-,gJS P" -'. rultng rate and cl-."g Lt.ii. per cent; offered at ifi per cent. Time loans, nrmer: 6 das. 3 per cent; vm day. 3 per cent; six months, 8Vi Pr cent. ;erllng exchange ateady, with actual bust- ne.a In bankers' bill, at 4.S42S for ttO-daj T kii.. .t.d at 14 N723 for demand. I prime mercantile paper cloaed at (tl per cent. I iVmmercial bins. .4.9. Far silver. 3V-,C. Mexican dollara. 47c Oovernment and railroad bonda, atead. LONDON. March 11. Far .liver, steady. 2d lS-ldd per ounce; money. 3 34 Pr c'"5 rata of discount for short bills, i;?1 per cent; do. t'ea months' bills. 3St3 per cent- f ' fKS FR1NCISCO. March 11. Sterling on London. daya 4.4a: .ight, l4.i7S- Sliver bars SSVic Mexlcan dollars 41 4 c. Urafts Sight, lc; do. telegraph. Sc. Metal Mack eft. NEW YORK. March II. Standard copper, easy spot and March. 14-lofc 14.3c: April and May. 14.1741 14.23: June. 1 4. 17 Vi 14.30. . a lirm .nor. Cll4 s. Hd. Futures. in.-. a l Arrivals reported at New ork tuday. 230 tons. Custora-House returns show export, of 8310 ton. so far thla month. Lake copper. 14Vjb14Vc: electrolytic 14 S u14Se; casting. 13i,jMi.e. Tin Steady: spot. 42 34S 23c: March. 12 70i".; April. 42.2rl ii42.ti2',c; May, June. 4 1.15M 41.73c: July. 41-iayu 41.00c London, steady: spot, 11 13a: futures. fl7 H's. 1 ea.l yulet. 4.iKet 4. loc. New York: 3 II.'. j 3.7 Vs c. East St. Lou la. London. 1 tls 3d. , . Spelter Firm. it. ! 7. OOc. Ne York, d lat hid Kast St. Louis. London. 20 los. .ntlmony Quiet: Cookson's. 7.25c. iron ("IrvrUtid warrants, Ms fid In Lon don, leocally Iron was unsettled. No. 1 foundry northern. I4.73fl I.V35: No. I. tM 11173: No. 1 southern and do waft. tl4.73 H l.2i. . SAX FBASCISTO PBODrC MARKET Price Quoted at tha Bay City toe Vege table.. Frail. Etc SAX FRANCISCO. March 11. Th follow ing produce price, war currant bar to- Rutter Fancy creamery. 31 He. Eggs Store. U4c; fancy ranch. Ilc. ' hresa 1 7 a It V c Onlona 13. prut Applet choice. $1.10: common. 7Sc; Mexican llmea. I3jrt; California lara om choice. 14; oommon. tLI5: naval or ange., tl. 7505 75; pineapple.. 2(3J. Mlllatuff. Bran. t;l34; mlddUnga. ''potatoes Oregon Burbanks. tl.13?iIo; Sallnaa Burl.anka. S ilo i 2.20 : rivor Bur banks, tl rHj l.f-3: sweets. f:f!3. Vegetablea Cucumber. 12 O 2.30; garlic. 211 3c; green peaa. &48c; atrlng beans, nominal; asparagus. 4Vc; tomatoes, nom inal: egKPlant. 2iJ0c Hat Wheat. tl0 2l: wheat and oat., Illtill: alfalfa. lIJuHSO. Receipts Flour, 2r4 quarter socks: wheat. 101S centals: barley. 2600 centals: potatoes. 2t4& sacks: hay, 146S tons; wool. S bales. ' Chicago l ivestock Market. CHICAGO. March 11. Cattle Receipts. . lh; market ateady to 10c lower. Rcevea, till : Tula, atecra. t4.7oa: Western .tears. t3.1oti 7; stocker. and feeders, t4.10 t'l; cows and heifers, t2.We.t0; calvea. ttl nOii K.30. Hogs Receipt.. 5T.00O: market, slow. Light. ti.4l'ri i.tl2'a: mixed. t'1.4rs.70: heavy. to 40 d.72ii : rouKh. $d.40 .Ml; pigs. t4.ol'ii 0.27.: bulk of sales, tti.331 H.I13. Sheep Receipts. 2e.trW: market, afleady to Itrunr. Native. 3 .75 ft 5.00 : Western. 4.3ntj 0.70: yearling.. $0. lo rl 0.30; lambs, native. 5.23 8 7.40; Weatern, 5.7i7.JO. Ilried FnUt at Near York. NEW YORK, March 11. Evaporated ap ple, quiet with price, nominal to un changed. On the spot, fancy are quoted at H,4il0i,c; choice. b4jbfc; prime. 7 Vi 4j c Prunes. easy, bul this I. .aid to be due to offerings of Inferior grade. Quotations range from 4Sc to 12c for California, up to io-4u. and SV,c to I2c for Oregon.. Peaches, steady, with more activity in a speculative way. Choice. 1114 & l?.c; extra choice. 110114c; fancy, llV'-c. New York Cotton Market. NEW YORK. March 1 1. Cotton Spot closed quiet. 20 points higher. Middling up lands, lu.Suc; do. tiulf. 11.05c .Sales, deliv ered on contract. 10.700 bale. Futures closed barely ateady. Mitch. 1 4.03c; April. 10.46c; May. 10.n3c; June, lO.iSc; July. 10.46c; Auguat. 10. file; Sep tember. 10.64c; October, 10.70c; November, 10. 74c; December. 10.77c; January, 10.72c; February. 10.70c. Chicago Prod ore Market. OH ICAtJO, March 1 1. Winter. itron;. Creameries, 27 H 3t-c ; dairies. 14 i 2Hc steady; receipts. S'.i.; at mark. cafi Included. It 11 be; ordinary firsts, llc; flrats, 2c. Choese. steady. Halsl-. 17Vt18c: Twins, 17 Si Q 17 --c; Vitunic Americas, 171,i iic; Long Horn. 17St!lSc. Klg-in Hittter Market. KI-OIN. III.. March 11. The quotation committee of the KiKin Board this after noon declared butter tlnn at UPc a pound. Output for the week. 7.".0,My pounds. ftuluth Hax Market. ni'U'TH. March 11. Close: Linseed In store. 4Oi4.: on track. J.O.'; lo arrive. March. eiOl ; May. $2.02 ; July, e-0J. flop at Xfw York. NEW YORK. March 11. Hops Steady. Y1C.A. PLANS TRIPS TllltKK PARTIES WILL tiO TO TOP OP MOVXT HOOD. Jiopliiiic County ( acs and Mount I'.nlnirr Also Will Be Objective I'oim This Summer. At leati-t Hirer trip to Mount Hood are Included in th programme of Sum mer outing for senior members of tlie rortland Younr Men's Chrlftian Aa-foeiatlon. Cne excursion to Mount Kainler and another to the famous ravei of Josephine County are also under consideration. Altogether the Y. .M. C A. has more elaborate plans for vacation outlines than ever before. Karh of tha Mount Hood trips will be condurted on a different plan. The. flrM will be the sixth annual "hike to the top of this peak. It will take about a week, the excursionists walk ing; from Bull Run. The camping: outfit will be taken by wARon and the party will fish and enjoy Bide trips along the way. It Is expected that a large crowd will go on this "hike." In order lo accommodate business men who do not find It convenient to leave the city for so long a period, a second trip to Mount Hood will be tak en by automobile and will require not more than three days, possibly only two. This will be arranged by the two Noon Business Men's gymnasium classes. A number of members of thee classes own automobiles and will sup ply them for the party. The third Mount Hood trip will be for both men and women. Ten days will be taken up by this outing. The party will pitch tents a short, distance above Government Camp. The trip to the Josephine County caves. If It materializes, will be the most elaborate excursion of the Sum mer. From 15 to 20 automobiles will be used to carry the party to Southern Oregon, where it will vtsit these caves, which are. one of the greatest natural wonders In this country. It depends upon the number of people who desire to participate whether this trip Is tak en. No dates have been set for this or the excursions to Mount Hood. The Portland Y. M. C. A. Is planning to Join with the. Seattle association in sending a party to the top of Mount Rainier. A group of men will be nuuie up here, but the outing will really be under the auspices of the Seattle Y. M. C. A. In addition to these excursions the association will conduct week-end trio, throughout the Summer. The most Important canoe trip will be the annual event from Salem to Port land on Decoration day and the day following. The oldest map of the heavens, contain In 14oo stara. was made In China tn tfoO P C and is In the National Library at OATS SOAR IN EAST Advance at Chicago Is the Sharpest in Weeks. SHORTS COVER ACTIVELY StrengOi of Coarse Grains , Keeps Wheat Steady In tlie Face of Lack or Foreign Interest World's Shipments Show Decline. CHICAGO. March II. Strength In tha feed gralna helped to offset wheat specula tors on the bull side, tho rather discouraR Ing effect of unresponsive foreign, markets. (stubbornness developed in wheat at tha outset, though Kuropean prices by no means reflected the advance scored were Satur da. Forecasts of stormy weather for tha entire grain belt made corn and oats tend to bulge and thus had Indirectly a harden Inir effect on the wheat trade, but on all swells the longs were disposed to take prof Its so that th clofe was Irregular and comparatively deficient In firinnras of tone. .. ,. l . rhr.i u era l.tnlO.OIKI v, oria a no lyo.e.. v. .. . - - - bushels less than last week, and o.OOO.oou bushels less than tne imm .e., Prospects of late Spring planting aroused widespread Interest In corn and resulted In new high price record, for tho season. In oats, the advance was the sharpest In week a Hhort. covered at a lively rate. i. A kl.hpr he- t na provision ,ni.c. cause of the grain strength. The gain In no case, however, exceeuca u.uic The leading future, ranged as follows: WHEAT. ...... t Close open. niso. ....... May U.04H Sl.OiH 10J Kept. . -. -T CORN'. May 72 .7.1V. .7SC .72 July 72 J. .73 W .72U -J Sept 72! .73i .iit OATS. ... xji hail r.rtv juiJ :::::: :o Sept. 42', .4is PORK?. Mar 15.97 1.00 15.S7 l-H July ltt.10 16.2.1 lJ.i" ' Bvift. 10.3. H Jo-.-u -" LARD. Mav . . 9 32 H.40 .. July . .47 --7H 9.M sept. 3.7w .t SHORT RIBS. Julv .. 8.S. b.i7, isit. .7v, Cash quotations were ion. Flour Firm. Jive -no. in - . . uuruv Frr1 or rnixtnir. 70 a 90c; fair to choice malting. l. m w --- Timothy seed u. Clover seed $1.75. , Pork Mea. new, $15.7ii; old, $la.3.rz Jjird In tierces, $1.16. Hhort rib Ioose, J8.62. i ,ruin BiaiiBiicB . . .. M a. a- anw 4 I rv 1 1 a'ar Total Clearances no., - - equal to 197.000 bushels. Primary receipts were 900.000 ousneis. compaieu w 000 buahels the corresponding day a year ago. The visible supply of whea. in the inlted States decreased 1.S3H.0OO bunhels for the week. The amount of breadstuff on ocean passage increased 3. 530.000 bush els. Estimated receipt. ir iwnu..v.. 31 cars; corn, 509 cars; oats. 22Z cars; hogs, neaa. ..In gat rxUtvn KrtincifWO. SAX FRA.NCISCO, March 11. Wheat- Steady. Barley Firm. Spot quotations .... i i n i kT, A 1 tin nir rAntitt. w neai .-5hiiiib. e 1 " Barley Feed, 1. 851.90 per centa.1; brewing, nominal. oats ilea, Ti.ivu i-. .... ., $1.75 -sj l.SO per cental; black. Sl.6atrl.80 per cenim. .'ail ooara maiw W'heat December. S1.60 bid; $1.60 asked per cental. Barley Decamlwr. $1.51 per cental; May. 91.9 1 per ceuit-i. Visible Supply of Grain. ,-AUI.' af c .w.h 11 a Th (a. vtRihlo IUD . r-w i tiitiv. - - - - , March ft. as complied by the New York Produce jsxenange. waa as ionuv.. rtiiohAiB. rrfrefue. sr. Tin ofMi i :t:moiO Wheat la bond!.......". 4.ob7.UK !M;t.0r0 " i - i -. .i. lo acK.v o,,n 0.r., ;.'".';.:i4.'2:'t.voo . nn.'ooo VlwZ In hnnd Soi.OtXr 34.000 The visitble supply of wheat In Canada last Saturday was aRftl.OOO bushels, an in crease of l...24.0O0 busheis. Kuropeiui Grain Markets. LONDON. March 11. Cargoes steady. Walla Walla for shipment. ftd. Knplish country markets, iirm keta, firm. French country mar MVERPOOL. March 11. 9s Sd; May. 7s 7ld; July, clear. Wheat March, 7s 6d. Weather Pnget Hound Orain Market. 8EATTI.E. March 11. Wheat: Wuestem. por; fortyfold. X'htC club, b7c; fife, bc; red Russian. 85c TACOMA. March 11. Whea-t : bluestem. fI 'o M c ; fort y fold. fc7c ; club. SO ht c ; red Russian. S3c- Receipu Wheat, tcven cars; corn, on car; hay. tyia cur. tfoneapollri WTieat Market. MINNKAPOIrS. March 11. Wheat May. SI.t7B: July. $l.M lA i l.iH-H ; canh. No. 1 hard. Jl.Ou',; No. 1 Northern. $1.00; No. 2 Northern. $1.7; No. 3 wheat. $1.0.. Harley. 70ci Sl.V "orn No. tt yellow. tWti67e. Outs. SHjTiIV- Kve No. 2. Mi 090c. Coffee and Stigikr. NEW YORK, March 1 1. Coffee fetures closed steadv. net four points higher to. six points lower. fci:ilts. 44-000 bags. March, 13,n:c; April. lo.34c; May. lH.87c; June, l:i.41c; July. i;..4oc; August. 13.50c: Sep tember. 13.4.; October, 13.32c; November,; December. l3.4tec: January, 13.40c; February. 13.3!c. 8pot coffee, quiet; Rio No. 7, 14c: No. 4 santos, 10 he; mild, quiet, Cordova. 1018c nominal. Raw sugar, firm ; muscovado. $9 test, 4.11c: centrifugal. w test. 4.31c; molasses. U8 test.. 3.Mc; refined, steady. Wool at St. Louis. ST. I.OT'IS March 11. Wool, steady. Tr rttorv and Western mediums. loii lHc; flna mediums. 15 17c; fine, lO(tf 15c. Hops at London . I.I V KHVOOIs. March 11. Closing: Hops in London Pa-'! CosPt. f1'"ff11 -". Bitulithic Pave ment excels in effi ciency, durability, facility of cleaning, re sistance to traffic, ease of maintenance and economy UNITED STATES DEPOSITORY THE BANK OF CALIFORNIA NATIONAL ASSOCIATION or SAX FRANCISCO FOlXDEll 1S4M. Capital Paid in - $8,500,000 Surplus and Undivided Profits $7,905,912 BRANCHES Portland, Seattle, Tacoma and Virginia City We buy and sfll Foreign Kxchanpe; issue Draft and Cable Transfers. Commercial Credits and Travelers' Letters of Credit, available in all parts of the world; make collections on all points and conduct a general foreign and domestlo banking" business. INTEREST PAID ON TIME AND SAVINGS DEPOSITS. PORTLAND OFFICE Northwest.Corner Third and Stark Streets. CHAMBER OK COMMERCE BUILDING. Mid. A. MAC RAE. Manager. J. T. BTJRTCHAEI.I., Aaa. Manacer. LADD & TILTON BANK Established 1859. Capital Stock Burplus and Undivided Profits Commercial and Letters of credit, drafts and ' able in all parts of the world. W at. TarM. President. . .. .. eM.ttn.h.m VI V. li. Uuncklc. C a. tiler. First National Bank Capital $1,500,003 Surplus ' 850,000 Oldest National Rocky THE LARGEST AND FINEST OLYMPIC New 45,000 Tons Eacb TITANIC AMERICAN LINE riyotontb Caertour, SautkararMon Atlantic Transport Line New York Leurjral Direct RED STAR LINE New Tern Dover Antwera Pari. VVEITE STAR LINE New tiKeatrntra UTerpoat New Yarn rTyntoalB Cherboor. SoathamaiaB Boston-Oueenstawa Liverpool Company-! Offlce. Koora "B" Bailey Building. Secono and Cherry Street. Seattle OE LOCAL RAILWAY AND STEAMSHIP AOEKTB J. C. WILSON & CO. STOCKS, BONDS, GRAIN ATD COTTON MEMBt.KS ' NEW YORK STOCK EXfTMNOJS NEW YORK COTTON E.( HAMiE CHIC AtiO BOAKO OF TKAOE THE M'OtK ANI1 BONO EXCHANGE. HAN FRANCISCO. Main Offlre Mills BltlK.. Kan Franclseo. Branch Office. Vancouver, - Seattle, Fortland. I.os Angele., San Uiesro. Cor- onado Beach. . PORTLAXn OFFICE: Main Floor Lumbermens Bank Bull dins;, fith and stark. Phones Marshall 4120, A 4287. THE BARBER ASPHALT PAVING COMPANY Construct. Asphalt and Other Bitumi nous Pavements. 605-608 Electric Bid.;.. Portland, Or. Oskar Huber, Manager. TRAVKI.KRS' C.CIOE. Canadian Pacific -EMPRESSES OF THE ATLANTIC AND OTHER STEAMSHIPS MONTREAL. QUEBEC AND LIVERPOOL. VIA THE SCENIC ROITB TO EUROPE 1000 MILES ON THE ST. LAW'KESCS RIVER AND LESS THAN 4 DATS AT SEA 2933 MILES PORT TO PORT THE SHORTEST OCEAN PASSAGE First Cabin $.50 and np Second Cabin 5S.75 and up CClaS T Cabin (li . .. i0.00 and np Thlrd-Claas Lowest ratea on request. Canadian Pacinc Office. 142 Third Street. Portland, and all local agents. i JtA AA-44t Mas EXPRESS 6TEAMERS FOB Ean Francisco and Los Angelas WITHOUT CHANGE S S. K INS AS CITY Sails 4 P. M. March IS KAN iKANCTSCO PORTLAND S. B. OO, Ticket Office, 142 Third St. rbonaa Main aOX and A 140. San Francisco Los Angelei and San Diego Direct 6. S. Eoanoke and S. S. Elder tall Fverr WedneadaT Alternatelr at s f. U. N0ETH PACIFIC S. S. CO, liZ Third fet- Phonaa Main 1314. A lta. COOS BAY LINE STEAMER BREAKWATER. Faila from Aln.worth Dock, Portland, 8 P. M. evory Tue.Jay. Freiglit received at Ain.worth Dock daily up to 5 p M. pa. euiser fare, llrst-class. 10: second-class i, inJludine; meals and berth. Ticket of flea Ainsworth Dock. Phones Main 3i0l. A NEW ZEALAND AND AUSTRALIA tl nion Line of N. Z.) VIA TAHITI AND WELLINGTON. Direct through steamers, sujling from San Francisco March B, April i and every days to Tahiti. Wellinislon and Sydney. N. S. TA ales The line to Isles of the South Seas. For reservation, see Coupon Railroad Agents or aOdrees Hind. Kolph & Co.. San Francisco. $1,000,000.09 800.000.00 Savings Accounts travelers' checks issued, avail. OFFICERS Robert S. Tie. ward. Asst. CaatrleA. J. W. Lald. Asst. Cashier. Halter AL. Cook, assl, Cnshla. Bank West o tha Mountain! STEAMERS IN THE WORLD sans MARCH 23 from ALSO APRIL, 13 APRIL 20 WHITE STAR-DOMINSON Mimlrcal ttaebec tlvu ,,al "HEGANTIC & "lAURENTir Lrzt and Piaaa Staamara a St. Ltwrsnot Rotit Only Four Days at Sea TO ECltOPB m COMr'ORT AT MODEBATK RATES Twia Screw S5. "Canada" ant! "Tralooie" ONB OLASS (U) CABIN SXBV1C THIRD CLASS CLOSED ROOMS Raff gate checked taronrh ta steamer la Braid. Embark night before salllaf. Ma hotel or transfer expenses. TRAVELERS' CTJTDE. "Next to the the tea affoiit tht treated representation of tpacioui grandest which the human eye is permitted to behold. " FrkJricli Ratal, thcfamoai tngraohtr. Plan a Trip Abroad As a Spring Vacation Sec the grandeur of the skies and sea ' and the never -en ding wooden of for. etgn lands; enjoy tha luxurious com forts of the palatial steamship of the KQSTH GERI2AI! LLOYE Which, with their coonectioai, will take you anywhere, for they circle the globe. EARLY SAILINGS FOR London Paris Bremen Oeorice Washington Saturday, March US Kaiser Wilhelm der Grouse Tues., April X Prim Friedrich Hilhelm Thurs.. April 11 Koenig Albert Saturday. March 30 Berlin Saturday, April IS FOR GIBRALTAR. ALGIERS, NAPLES, GENOA. , ........ ,. it I He k sea and Caucasus from Genoa. April 'J8 to May 29 $200 up. Cruise to Polar Regions from Bremen, July 1ft to 4.ilgttst 13 $125 np. INDEPENDENT AROIND.THJS WORLD TRIPS. $618. BALTIMORB-BREilEN" DIRECT One Class (II) Cabin Passengers, Wednesdays. Oelrichs & Co., 5 Broadway, N. Y. Robert Copelle. G. A. P. C. 250 Powell Street. Oiipo.ite St. Francis Hotel, S. .. Or. Local Acents. STEAMSHIPS YALE and HARVARD Portland to Los Angeles, ail ship. . . . tlS-31 Portland to Los Angeles, rail and ship Portland to Los Angeles, all .hip. roundj( Portland' to' Los Angeles, raii and ship, round trip - ; Portland to San Diego, all ship Portland to San Diego, rail ana ship. . Portland lo San Diego, all ship, round trip ai.wo Portland to Ban Diego, rail and ship. round trip 8 00 RAILROAD OR ANY STEAMER TO 6 AN FRANCISCO tha Exposition City, connecting with the famous new turbin. steel steamers. TALE and HARVARD, largest, fastest and the ONLY strictly first-class, passenger ships on lha Paeltlc Const without contradiction- cost 2,uu0,00 each. Carry no frelgnt except express matter. Average speed KS miles per hour. Baggage checked through to destination. Sailing lour time, par weak. Break monotony by stopping over a few hours, or several days at San Franciece. thence travel where the .ea is as .raooth as glass and 89 per cent of the passengers ara Sot sick, for the short voyage of 18 hours, slake reservations immediately. 6an Francisco. Portland and L. A. S. S. Co. A 4ii6. Frank Bo 11am. AganC Mala HU 12S THIRD STREET, i i