13 -ti- Mnpvixr. nffFGOMAX. MONDAY. MARCH 11, 1912. run M- I o..r ."a froiha I - ap-rim.nt .t kit sn4 "4 wIr la r a part -Tht- S inll uunJrvrooa. all J- tI. - ' - - -Nn ' d - nut . I " --'' , - Ill; . ll.f.NI-Ot.A, 1 J- ti and Couch H . k i r-r r..;., ..ir.:' or B suit. t . - f Mil U -... '- a-4 f; X" car. l"ac -,. IM; xvi.'r.K r.-i. uit- of l M41lJ ,,a It. w.i. nt ,.... i -O-rlruon. V. . .- (r..r,l tut-. r ?! i'h'.n AIin -.'"J. rhii -ii-.. Nl- Ki . f .j-r -hr-. htu-.-..--,il.tf rvotr. -.. -: i,m:ii. l-i-- asl.uigton. bath - r"--' t V( ( 1 1; U - T f'lJxi. -KurniUfl and unf-ir-'ri. . h..'iiK"P'n.' rouii. rn-.p rant. Apt To-n .id jn-lKorrwt.n a tT ; A M''-rn i-r.mni api mr .t ' s. 41-1 r. . .r .1.1. firrntl.r. u Un- d hou- -f.n rni. fr on or - o t.h. prior,-. - V 7 n . m-. fry modi, ra prw - " n-ih at. , , tun.- -I ' i' ,-jK Pr T Uth w.k fi.. tr .m . ttrat-rl . h l 4 r " ft.-f f:rP. wk r..t!l..-. Main I.'th at. ni.-..i:i- Hr : rri 'n l. CS V or t ! n ,1 1 1 hr. P-ft'X ttmUhi MthfJ:: r....ti.. t:i -1m n. ftl Pine fT. 5 - r ins . rf i pit . -N - .ltt. . . r. ,..t.l-I-. IIrt.liU -rK'. i t r.M.-HKr ..u-- 'i-.r. r-n.a. rT-.w.frii. TW or thr.f twtl fu,-nlhl h.niark-p-Ir-z r-"i . bull, r-nll. SJ 1 ; i--r niv ' It. I KK 1' K NT- - -4 ' i ' ' unliirntah! h ni k pi ts roiin. r ji.jb.r. Siw 12tn "fT. rVvFTv I-.rnt.n..! !. f:rt n1 b- k rno:t). ,trt rnnn- itnt; utti..'!f f'-r or i' ; v f- I t- .tr-1 Kvfi : tK 4 fu.'iifl tt-t-- fiat. hiu-Wf r n-T' iff. i. rl rr.-H. an. hjtli. vlr'P'tiuli lifiif 4. t.-iti.- ulf. ! ti . ! Main. y I I!I.'HKI h'ia k. i. In. ."Til. r-T KUn.l (ir-i h '-i- k - fifiirt4 anft no- 7U ( l.f- funiN I . t t; , i u a-i.i ni' ft - I i If -I - - f r. r I X- 4 ll! , . f tlK - in""l- r n h o j - rt for it. r 'J : n t K irn- . f'i -rf. flr-pi'. tr.-f- !: -.!. : I- r n nMMKK' ll. AM I.I AMr:A ST. f -. , t' I- r .r J -Ti rtu liniU ii.Ht: i- r n" 'l.. II I' MK K J"r ru.. 44 i:. M.ttr. h.f l -. 'tO :N T lit fc- Tth ! Nor!. ( K. lr!naj ar. d rr rn. 7 -rom hou. 1 MMt f. atplric porch, m 1r 1 mvri fatl. furea. t- ; nrfwiMt (o arai ciriinft bb J tn. I'boaa oor. T- (or or ra!i at rwu: Not M f t: 1 1 tw t tl irrma aa t'lK 1CKNT M-tt.Tn -i m r iJ-r. -f. with jVf(.ma ".' . fi .---r;.- h;h. isj. ba'i. rr ti t r.ir ui- t . . . t . t. n. f 1 tnci'tiif ... rat Tin i. orlti. dT nr of 1 iiM"k. -Tf;t - m-wi---'- h.'. i:. l -.'i an l VaIi-T. rPi 7- r.. i rn h .u-f . "7 n r.,1 .!: r. r. n l K. 1 hW f. . .. i.i r.Lne- r t- -li. M - i n tr r.t ' I i k i; iir'NT - x-r.f-n ru.l rn hu, 'n t;! t.if cl.-f ii -- c-Mii init:ir . -'-" P- r pi "i;1!. . fr . K trUs J 4 Hoard Ti l Kjt A.V VI . T-i ru Kr;.T. I w i i r r i i i a 4-7 -i- It A 4 . .M.ir!u : 4.4 7. I tii; nrT l.'':t m m o.vii .-ti . i i.- if . r- ii ; . u.nknt; l it . . ..ii i or!, ii Ii'i'itr .."l r'i-t. Mi:n IH a-n it v 9 ;. .m.l,un a W -.:n. ..ii 4'hani. of K'om. JOH Kp'M -Vip 7 r. -.! ?i m (Venial llfico:. ir i 'vi .-r , f i r tun Mr ' f-r ufi'itrn'it",i) r ip' M '. I 7? KNM f ." ilr- V i. ;no.:. , n tmp-om ru. 1'..4 V. . rk. tir 1 1 fs-in lli.i-i.tli. i n-jrt At 4 f'f-a-n at. .f ' f" 1 i ;., rif ar ;"-U0l houw. ri" '". mi. tifr l f rr.i,i- s 4.A hotln- y w, phri" .t M.'t'KCN om tiAM-a. t.. nrjr Hw- t',..-n K'-v at m1 lUaih'j't r tele- pi Mif n 11-4. ;r. .i Km tin j I r- a .',r:i'n, f P1.' t 1 1" '.''tv ! u . I. iir 1 1 ti , v . r L.l i .-ii h'Us". tn o - i iP' ,rfi, iu k .. .1 ... , ... vi .M ' f r i ; J f. i..,( 'TT A ! K '--7 K. I-TH i'i:i'r.ti i.ia-J ar'ti Ann.pv at K, M . '-n ami ! 1 M Vain will Mr. aar.. fru.t. .'lj.tr (. .j,. t .4Mi ai.-l nh.ll. t: . mi.it in k i! r-Mima, imk Mtnt ruuv . 1 r-rit II.' It i. a p a' . a' - ) 7 h V j' 4.'. . K 1 K f't I h..it. k..p,n rotTa. c p - ' l-f .-'i. mm h.tn k ,im; : tf. all clltltl- 1 it k r i.iri--l..l h.Mi. k " r-.ina. 2 r.K.m -ii .i n. man i . i ti i ,tli t or pru-w uJ wii !i.r; lii' i!(h h.t-a. Ii Mini! A ITU. Si" i i - RO "r n- - .. i ai.J ti t ij. e I iirnthfvl II'hi. i I r I I . N l - ' l r..-n . ..... rr,y ,,r.-ix . f .i c in r ai .-'7'V rOR RFT. iwratalkral Hm 'WKST rlt'F:. I.OSE TN." 5 -room m-xl-rn nt :". cctrirtty. fur r ". rjr a-.tracttvr :- f urnlahd. inr.urt ire ch.na and labia :no: prrh. i nitiiDl;n: n "at m4ritlrol !W in ih cit . ri- an-l ian maWa . ib n Idi i Sum: ncr hum. Ak f-r lira. :. 4- fi . Board of Iradc b.d. I ' i. r- St l-i Ri. . r i , - t.t 'uaf. furnit i'l. full -r,,rJ pn.- Irr n lin aid araraar: g'a ifr; r aa-.raMa r-nt. Cioaa i car. In iijir4 r (Jrf nuara. '" craxnc-nto t' r I'n'-'n Rtr UOUtKN Kir Ten-room hu t IrTlnaj tor., ompl-ttly furniahrd. w.! fnt for trorttna or r. larsa jard aad raa;a. tnqjlra W. U Ckj. Lld Ii.lo I'ltiL I!l7 fnrrrrif. I i rrw - room hur.aTalnw. la-dv fu-ri'ri. i!. fk'"Mc Irbifd. brr in.-a arJ .a:- vard f.r r.1-n. Il J aria. n..iiri 1111 tmt .-rif rrnmn. ur 'h..n- H or K !. Wfl.l. ruih momlilv and ltl rant ( 7 ...m m.S rn hmiff rtr.'i t 'f p.ni I-' i.;f .r rt..rd r 4 iumi prtMlrKf. I'honr Kat 4:i9. 1'i I.M-Hrit 4-r. n J.-t N. In- - h.-. h..l and tla w atr. mmm'-- f.a'li tflfihrtnf. nittr aari-f; j , . - ; ir-t-u-v Undl.id: . f ; hr Aptav V Hi MS lurtiifnfH . it r turn'. n .wo. V'l.:iuctla ilctauia. oA. Mar- t-f"'VI m-KJfrn hmw. lawn, roar j. fjr ra.f. t lrrp;ca. Crovkatt, room 2. Waaa- tri'nn iMs. FOR RUM Nina-room. wn-furDlhd nirtdf rn houM with araravft. 349 Orand . North, nr ar H roadway. ; April 1 Viv. -rortm. l(-pln( porrli. a. I rm-l.'n lrnprov. ii itta. wu.ktnaj dia i..n -. K.it l.ia Ph'iPH K. 4't4. y, ,, KKNT r'urpin'i- d 7 -room Iiuum Kaat M-1-. p-r m-Mith Irirphon Main 1" ' . ':i,um--t H'ffl. Jn IKV IN;ti.N 7-r.M'Tii furnlhfd houf. ' f.s4 S hu ler. take Froada a car to L- l-.'th. ' rt-U' ot c:'n. mi"ilem. ....mplftrly fur I h..Mf. .'.74 .Mill. Main Hatf fnr Krmt famllara lo KI.K'IAM I u ri 1 1 ur of i-room bunnainw tr mm i . In- iMiliiiK pla r piano. chfp if tk-n within th nrtt 4H hours; bungalow I.ir rr nt. Hh hardwood floor and all modern rn r nt-m ra; rent t ery reaaon ahif. :.". ktat i-d. or Tabor -. llaw thorna KKK.-M AIR. tflNMtiliT. ;r-iaa lawn. r.aa. fruit and flower, firm t i-rKm cnttaaif. handaomely f ur nmtird. rent J13.:m. will ntrifl your om n irrma. v2 Albina.. "L" car. y l:ir; ILK -t U rm.mi fi.r a.i very rra a na'-! . ri-aaoti for ale. a;oliir Kuat. t a'.I !i''.rnli;r r a''T odok. 4ii t'lay a'. r M ini N:r.;. SAVT. ntoiuyT llnao on aplendul new run nini iar. ni-f!y furniahrd. auitahla for I mi. tari;ain. Ai;tin .7ih and ThuriiiHJi. I it N I TI UK of 7 room a. fin thlnf for any-.n.- loiikin (or a bum whrr -they r.-n niMKe ih.-!r r-n:. l.u a iu lfto si. I4ih v. h-f. Y.-imhMI and Ta lor. rK r'N rooti. a. tv rywille convmlepca. fr ih-.p Tint, fur nit ure for a;If. out -aide ni'-nia. au'kiny d-alaucr. 546'- Kar yi l; N ITI 'K K of f ve-room f (. nicely lo vatrd i"nlr'. f4i'; raah. ba'anra p.i pirni.ti 1 1'h ai . nr.ir Main. KI rl.MTI'HK f roma. rent $lj..'a. tka tn li a'l 'K riiL. i bara;aln If tako thia iTintn. -ill t'-'i Hol t:. i i KNITI KK of T rooina for a la. hmiK for n-p:. di r.M:n rnii d. pa mure than e.fri. J'-t'i Vine at. liKSIK iilK !-r"iui upimt flat. ith r and. i. ..rnp.rt.-ly furni.ihrd. Nob Hill. M!n 'hhi T apprrri.iir . nf- rlvifjni furtiiahinijB ro..iii tl..t. r.rs'-ln. 'afi. A 1.-4'. yi'HS ITICK .f 7 r-Km ho-i lor aaif. ri.itm . f..r . nt M.iin 7 I'1"'. STi;i:- n it f ::-(.t iy !.r:.k. jr-od location f.ir f .rt-f" iir.-.T. m-at ti'.-irkrt. rea aurai.t. diitcate-n. mitlin.-r. barbwr tii KM KIidi - M"ll;Ji a.; pr i,. -ipnl transfer j-lnt for (ha n . .i i.mu . tuiMirii: r.-ad- April I. Kor lr.-. t aii- V O. A I.Mniin MO ilenry b'da. " T oi: K NT. inrn-r aor-. J.ld ami Thjrman ata; it vl i.ooii ' tu..tt )ii. suitable f-r dry . t.r f urn i din;. ;i"if.f" ;-r rent in 1-ni.diiar rmrtha-( fr- rifr -d a'td : tinal :;i i-n' a: one at a'-''1 Al-I-1' VrKit l-'-lif. OK KKNT Mor-a. N- and Haw thorn ave. i K-tat f nd of brld(. A pp.? Hawtnorn lKt a Co. lT... r.-. ..nr-'o,- con--reta bulldlu. ;iina ave. and K t limiaori h. l'hooa V'a-t llfc7. "rfap rnt. v. lcidf. L Art-it .Kht at ore. about ,iST3. nar lt ar.d Main at Inguira at Flrat. JTii.i. -i..ff, .ouniTi and ahelra. fl.V ; p ?..r rnit. 1 !4l.: N. ..d. alao 44 ao4 OAk JT. opw Ci'B r.t. , K U ;lNiT iX Club Bids. ST . f mtn'h. OffWaw OFFK K oV'd'iH room In w building. IB beat of bunnria d.atrlct. rcaaoaai.a Atv ply 40Ki:aratldg. tir.-K riMtn for rent. ltd or althout rleak. .i;t P..4. i" ff C. I'ul'.ic atcnoeraplur in pa 'iif : i -iii" "vT .V i- TVTn n. a i.i.i u'Aiti jr ncKA. Al-PU'.l eievt.T eie. Ml Baatiajd V. . . f h a .d aiM i:on. tMf'ltltH; m.iHl. offii- room a. ry .irf'n. .iiep itaL Apply room Jtk Jl and Mi .moon. (.(. Kl' I' m. . '.V t ti r tii-hf ) tiutald room, for r-M. i:-ott.-"'ii l -,lgJ KI KOA.N T ba!lro.ni. alao nl.-a- nda bail for rnt. Inquira lfr-aor i:in r. " MlIlaneoua, BATHHOISK Itilra antl Btntar aaparmta depaxttnrnt; ihor, tub attain and awla mine UDki. a. so 27 rxtmi furaiabad La cocoactloa S3 KumI bldg TO lEAa. HXx:4 ft.. nw. one-lt'Tv conrreta but'd'naT. A:tm.i ao. ard U iiiinsawort h. Pbona K- t 1 1 7 .i y re ii l. . Itr idt. rUMXaTH OlTOKTlMTirS it Ki: Y Tic b.a' - i.nb.iii at irc in Port land, i- n'i aii. "o mm in-nih; new ptorc. iir i(.x-L. taul nivoKe about 1'hoi.a I i.r :: ; , i ; ii,,!, 'V, w i ! net 'OO a mon',h ; "jo1 iu.i;wni. rt.ni for lodxr.-dancaa and no . tiu ri i.m ir t. u- hT could mk xd, I'hr.ip r -n; . n - . furn.lur for a i AM "-'. '"'v-ninn. l-'M'i - V f '1-f '.II h. d r-tnl r ' . 1 1 u; uypl t.d tciti.a. una I-ifIhv har .i.u if tk.n f'!i n .-n f-r li!Pc, one naiMi.-m Ifatuis . Addivts T t r i 'lii in Kl i . m T-ii v N !t.vk and riui. tn?t U.V'; .-lit be h-li Milhv f r ;.; ihOTf m nrapon. M k at., room 3v. M-r,l r."fc,,. J.M. b.'YH THIS. Th HAVfiky clraning anil prrjialnt; f.'k l-h al ; o d. i -itaolislied, paylu i.utft. wper man 1A' tlirin 1'irttil. rt-itPc Hood .ir.rea. Hi!' arid r.. r : gat ior . a-od i) - ! Al-!i-.i d . piiie Jii If taken Mt . -e (t - nia- .1 A i; r tr-m! .11. U llkli I oil. T;,kc a in fort ian.i .in.l niut '.! m of th- I eat inn-j and a Hi t inm ll . I .7 '. of C. 1 i r - i y .'. SA. K trnd. a gr,M cry atora w:i: .-k and flEtu- i'.tmi wl'l -.ni'ier . incr l4ni or iiiy pn-p rly. A l.ircaa p,.w .-.! V at i-v mad I'M one 1 ah.tr 14. T" ,jj iTk" Tf ' arrot ,t1. a and c-n.-ii4! m in.! f-T a.Ce on Mount S-.t: ,r- ,. ri bt :kf soma tr-.d'. 7:pJ , , ,- op i tv- . 'viTjih.cr , no. rtiKurunt, In llH'Jt !' I r tra-te I'T real estate, pruo r. 1 1 . W ni-. it. 1 t; 1. .in- . ri - - . hi. c. o to gi'tHi. -U an. pa, ins i . m f v w r n i c h t . 1 1 r't A1K I owr.t-r. manufaci urtna J-w- . r and lafi.lar ahop; a go'd l nation. W 1 tf.c -i t'-f huvf. K 'r Hn'n. K It s I-r- 'i "T r1,1, ri Wjhinirion; 3 i 35 . ; ."',. a'! piav-e fur taro i , "-r V ''. or.-fi'nlan. H x.-H r-urie-- C!tt' ': r,Bt p.-n-c J."". a'fi rcataurant clcarirc tJH nior.th. pr!.'-c i'.'V iP'.l l-umber Kjtchangc. rii I '! f and r oo I r .rn for aa ! a ; d I n g p..,d b .ti n lo rcnu Inquire of owner. -( rt ai. YvV-t "SII'K i '-vf rv dotrr ! buain?i , ntt rv r'd. -h trdr . prlca ti..nir. liJ Swetland b.dg. vCik'VaTk- M.f-c pi.tur theater, down t..wr. Ui'i 'Ti: f-'. or a ill trad for raal .tf. AM ''. r-B-'nlan- 11 v l; Ii ' : U V...- I. mMS i'ARP. $ l.l01: Ming thta ad. Hm CI'- 1'rint-r. r.'-,vv 3d. car. ""ajlor. FOR sI.r T pool Tah'es: a'ao romp.atl reatauranl- -a:i at &4 North 7;b a Brtrr4 oppoRTiMTirj FOR BALK A aood clean atock of updo data hard war and furnttura; aro" wti In vote about j.'-M; building and mi ;,:! only hardaara ana furnltur t?r in town of - popuiatlun with a monthly pmvro , of fMHNt, in one of tha bel far li.g communitiM in tho Wliiiainette i ai-l- ; goou rtraaon for elliug. AV 9 Orfn.i:n. MIST be sold bv March IMh. flrat -claaa i-k of Urtfffo'fl and mu'a fnrn-.ahlPl. i -an nd aril f.eeted. with ltrl-c. and up-to-date flxturra. (lo Cara. tab.ea. wardrobaa. rtc.. and mul ba ao.d befora aad date. Bio received and aalca mad a unti! jiooda diaptd of. Call at atora and examinw pioprrty. Thoa. K. Ban, receiver John Adama ator'. Oregon City. Or. ATTK.VTfON tatlora On amount of going rut Of buatn-. I lik" to nrifUa niy flrat - laaa lalior ahop. Im-luduiE fUtur and woolen, and lo my property lot '.'. 14v In the b JpiniM center of town, a ith t.re build log. In JnK-rooma In the rrar of the bulldmc; no comp-tulo- F-r particular writ A. T. Llndstrora. bplrit likf. Idaho. BAKKRY AND M NCI 1 P.O M. Ki!h muipprd lth lutcu bak- ocn. hakrry'a looi. deliver. wagon, lunchroom Pitely rtttd tip for lunrhr. Kod lv.atloi rear atrreu-ar barns; prUa $1' it takvn ai cnt ssi FOLXJ. 319 Hoard of Trade Hldn . 4th and fk. HI I LOIN; HI SINKSS. I a an i an In i created pt ty w .to nm t.iMH or fi'.'M-n to put up nme houn-a with me. 1 will put no etthfr property or caah to an o.ua! amount with him. C an " eli her hulidcr or buslnejui man. eno f urn Ut lied and rcnuirod. AJ 9"i-. Ore innhn. --------- EAST WORK, UOOU TAT. Reliable, njn a la man. with ro-d habit, glow, fully sc-ured. ffuaran'fe $'J.". a week and bonu. tracl, handle financ". HA IMS' HlfOV. I.:-;.;it i fmr.irtcr of ComniTce. Awk for Keller. I OK Pi (RATION ow nlng niagn iMrent o'd mina free from debt will allow broker liberal -ommlaaipn on alc of treasury hares, ahuolutely round-flmir propoaitrop. .-tock a aafe aa 1'niti-d taie bond. Ad-Irr-a -freldent." room 4d Hotel Rvron. Portland. r 2 I at-. Grant. Pay. Or. FOK RENT Park Hotel. 4't room, unfur nished, moncv-intk-r. nlftdy heated f"r flr-it-clas birirding-houe and hotel, two minutes' walk from S P. depot ami op posite depot pork; addrc owner. Geo. T Mall. Kng'Mie. Or. WANTED. t Part nor to take haif lDtrt In a light, manufacturing plant . a man who oaa tak char of an offlca and manage men; alary lltfS per month. Kinney St - pher. Sal -a L.umber Exchangbld. " PCSINKPS I'HANTK. Wanted-ood prtnoi. nn who can hand' alcTen and take full t-hare of the enttra bnaln.. smalt .-npttHl required. PACIKl'" COAST RRMKKKAfiK CO.. 514-311 Hoard of Trade FOH SAI-K At a prh c. 1''0 wot ; h of ahoes and dr- good !n - town of limo in hahpan.. urroun'lcd by sood farming, d tn r nd lumbering country; etoreroom ".".7d to let: would tke Portland proper ly or araall acreage. Box. lti. Clayton. Or. A GOING concern, mnufiicturlnt a tapl commodltv handled by nil the jobber and moat of the store of Portland, desire additional capital to further extend it hosins. Phone Kwt ftr.'. AM c-mpellrd to leava ,oon to open my bench hotel; must sacrifice my eweii fur pikhed apartment house; good lease, fine lo.ajinn. consider some trade. AH '. tre gonlan. WANTED Investor to pH $l.v,0 cah Into onnd. eKittmnia. brilHani proposition; ,ar to return "f-.oot per annum. Vn particular and luvtrMtlgatlon. AR So4. t ireonian PAltTY with $.".oiv to glO.ouft to become tn t -rested in lumber man ! fact ur tng. saw mill and mill work, modern plant: ready . to operate; good local trade. AE obi. rcgniMn FP SALE Oi ocerv store. West Hide; long leaae; gooi location; new build lug , ac n.iint of Waving state, will sell at a ssc :.nc Two or lump. Phone Main 1S-4. A 14. . S' KTNKi: wanted with lM In a tnanu !. t urtPg businefn. si rineat Investigation solicited. No competition. If ou mean business and hi the caali. V .ST". Ore giniiHU. n rtii SAl-K - onipteia photo studto. ood l'iialnesi. o..d p-iei- in countv sat; l ai -Kfil'i If sol. I at once. 11. . Webster. PoiO--io c. Wa h. MoVI iJ-PI''T1 KK show. cIom In. doing g.d bueinf fine location ; long I'l", loft. tnciudlnc scleral months' rent paid In ad - ance. Mmn 'f '' p ItTN F n with oo lo matnif actui a on '(C. tmn f.ir the Roe t'atulvaL K!ka" rn- em ion and to lake tit fair in; sinpie man pre if rn- u. y - ' ' '" - H'ANTLl) Mrchandla atucka of any 0 criptmn or In any vicinity; wa boy for caatt onlv. Tf you hava anything to of.ar. ca.: Main 2. BV OWNER; tcam laundry In a 11- town; no oppoaltlon; owner must go on hoina- tead. Ca.' or write W. A. Goidon. P. O. box 17. Redmond. Or. Y CNO it. an w Ishes to Inv e-t i MsVo anil f rvir ea in some going hiulnr. subject to rtaid rtaininHtimi: r'-e outline jour .r,ip..-u 'on. AV .(. i ir k'..n'Hn. FoR Al.K By owner. f1?i baUery. in Luav town iier port hind. tlotn; from $23 t $: i ai- c.in rusincu. in--- iir.irlan. A" opportunity to co Into the building ma terial bus.nes; i'.oen reuird. good poaition for man of experience. H 8l, CnS'nhn. V VNtV;D Party kIMi al.-nt '.v.o to Join .vcrtier In h-g protiu. i bustres. f.d iit. killing and curing. AP STO. orego tnan. EST PLISHKD corner grocery for. sale t incl. 3 year' I. , firM-class trade; about -' will handle. $l7.'.o cash, bai mrr terms. A'ldres AO Orgonlan. FOR bAl.K O he. ip. Bait. more retauraa' comp etf y furnished. rady for hualnea. mua -ii at on. uu c ounl of icknaa. A"p.y 321 Valr. U. Vancouver. A'aan. FOR LK loon. independent license. ntnres and aiock. tin location. E. Sort, OregonUn WAXTKU Small grocer . onf c.t lonei y or lunchea with living room; will pay ch. Y 01. reonln. 1 t. KARO. broker In tork of mrchtn dic; buinep tranr.ction atrictiy cobfl dentlal. itn teacon at.. Portland. Or. pTl'.TNFR for o!d reliable real estate office, 'rrffre n'-c fs-barged t'an clar weik; (rt e o v.if.i Lumber 1 'change. MiN.Nti AND INDCSTRIAL. STOCKS- I'Cicphone and other bonds bougot aaa so.d. Fletcher Inv. Co.. 23 Ablngton. WV NTKlTni;in with $1otMo for Imrr-it tine of t h- l-et retail lnmer yards on the ot. AK " trec-inisn. INTKKKST in m mill on tei nit. saw t-r "pecfern-d. thia will stand strict invcstla- ti-tn. fall at 4'4 Hamilton h'dy l"dn. It K i 11: Y "nl delicatessen d-itiK nlco bui- it !. icooil location. Rood If ac. AC ?07. r- gmii'in. vuVlA.-riCTL'hE theaier lor aa.1. oioea lu. downtown district, Inquira U- C. tai. tts itn st. GRnrERY -nd bakery. 3 living rooms, r-nt 1 month; 34 a day; price . Lumber F.xchar.ge. FOR PALE Half interest In restaurant and pool all. lM KtlHnggw orth ave. Ik' YOl WNT TO RIY liOOD RKI.I A HI.fcT GROCER V STORES. '"ALL ON K ULLtK, 3.1, rilAMPKU OF COMMERCE. 4-t'H AIR barber ahop d 'ing g .od buslne; sick res c'.ie oi selMmi. Address room 14 liaker Hotel. Hficr 1 .M. POOL ha v7 4Ta b I e. dolnc good bunincsa. gl.H c-ali or trade for improved 1-iid. AJ Oregon inn. FOR I EASE Our Laurel l"nitai! Hotel, at Xowb tg. furnished, to responsible parties. W 1 ; 1 K. Purd . Fo'"R gotwi. experienced enn vassera, paying proposition, no depoit. 14H East -Juth CuN-h'KH'l O N K '1 Y. lunch, llcing rooms, salo .."r trade. owii-r. r.ltti Russell st. ' It , A K-ST AM' nd bootblack ; low price; r--ni right; best location in city. P? fith t. FOR F M.H Coffee house and lunch coun ter. S. W X. 3d t , city. S-rITAIR ba ber shop for a'o at scrlfice ;t7.". Last BurnlJe :. ROOMIXG-HOrsr-S. T KNT V ell-furnif hed housekeeping room fine, down-town location; rent Jr.O. three year' lease; nione -maker: clears lort easily; rooms easily rented; prt'-e r1". part cash, balnne part trade and term. ExcIusUe agent. 13 ilar- q rm t.ldg MART K. LENT CO rOFTLANDS LEADING HOTKL AOBCT-HCTkii- ROOMING AP-klaSN. HOt'stl All l and brie Falling b:dg . 3d and Washtaga, FOR SALE 14 rooms, a'l housekeeping. ever convenience. running wat-r in rm.ni; mortey-tri-ker. ,4d Coi.cge s;. Qwnar. tNA T Houae for rent, f urn n ur for sal. 1 1 rooms, good home. Income, must aril IP's week. - Benton. b RooMS. new lv painted and papered. 1 1 pet week clear above owner apartment,; Him). owng:. -tl tlth t nrsiv o r for ti n i t i r.a w . vteh. KilN'TAL-S and jteneral buahies. J.ipinta Ltualnesa Agonry. Pi N. Oth. A 3lo3 IAtT AD fOl'ND. rorND Whrrt yon can bay ganaln hair mattraaaea rtail at wholvaale prlcoa; wa rnoat mattrraaea and rctjra aam day: m, alao rnovat feather. Frt;aoo Curlad Hair Factory. IL Meiigar. 2-2iJ rront. Phoct Main 474. A t"4- H.T Mink fur at ckpiavr. near .".7tl and Hawthorne rve.. or in Kcho Theater. He tu:n to 111 K,;it Mill si. or phou 4 and receive rrw arO. KKW A KtJ of -T uill paid fr the reurn f large bla k ladles muff lot !n Moos fall. I.raxe 3t 4H Couch Lldg. and r.- i crl v rew ard. I LL'ST. straved r molen A jeilow male An i no: -a tai : Ilhcral rva ard ; tio qur: ion ' ayk-d. o4i Ii . Itith t. X., Koae Clt J'ark. i c ijii. ' LOST One "no-foot Chicago te'l tape, on it-d -.hre Ht licid of l.ovejoy at.. abots Weamver Trrat, Upturn to iwia V1-Jt-j H.M'ranllc t'o.'s offlcf. Hew ard. 3.o reward for return next Sunda of gray i at witii Ji it tns. nanit "Toodie." S S. 'M '.. Mam -IL KO! ND ladi's fui on "tth t : ownc r,.n obtain same by proper Identification and pavment L.f ml at V. M- ' .'. A. UST Pan gold-rminicd apectaelo even ing s.rv'ceK White Temple Church ; re- w a rn. I'none .m ' o Lo-'T A smn li fo terrier wit h black and vellow forehesd; license No. 71. Henry Gullet. S' N. 2M '. Reward. jtT At untMide school, a gold hunting case watch. Finder plemo return to Ul?1-! K;ut Main st. and receive reward. SPF.C1 AL XOTH TA 1'ropoMtls Invited. NiTI K OK SALE OF VCNl' IPAL BONDS. Notice is herebv given thai the Tow u found of tin- Town of Butie Falls, in .lackfon Count. Oregon, wilt receive m alt-d proposais for the purchase of 1oihm of tho negotiable coupon bonds tit said town, bearing ti per cent semi annual Interest, said bond bearing date Man h I. PtP, due March 1. lu.t-- .Said sealed proposals will be received bv and may be bled with the Recorder of a:d town ml any time before 1 . M March -K PHI'. Each proposal or bid must bo accompanied by a certified check drawn on some State or National UnK of Jackson County. Oregon, for . per cent of the amount offered, the same to be forfeited to the town In case the pro pot-a I made la accepted by the to n tuid the person making tho proposal does not purchase the bonds In accordance therewith within 30 days after being no liired of tho accepiaiicc of the proposal mid being furnished with a transcript oi the proceeding of the Council and record oi' the town showing that, said bonds are lawfully Issued and valid obli gations of the town. No bid for lc.s than par and accrued in terest will be considered by the Council and th- Council irst-rvw tho ritfht to re ject any and all bid. Dated March S. 1W1-. IRA TfNT.ATE. Recorder Town of Pu'te Falls. bi LED proposal w ill be received at the office of Bridge & Webber, architect. 4- Hamilton building. Portland. Oregon, until li A- Thursday. Varch 21. WJ, for creating a contagious hospital at tne Multnomah Farm. plan and pecif icatlons may be obtained at the office of the architect. No proposal will be considered unlews accompanied by a check payable to the order of the County Court of MuMnomati Countv. certified bv a responsible bank, for an amount eu.ua' to ten per rent of the BBgregit; proposal, to be forfeited n fixed and liquiuaied damage in ease the blddei neglects or rrfus. a to r.lcr Into coutraet nd to provide a suitable bond for the faithful performance of ald work. In the event the contract 1 awarded to ftlThe right to reject any and all bids i h. r.by .xpr.rty County Judge. W. L. LHiliTNKii, County Cominlioncr. D. V. HART. County Commissioner. frEALKD bhis wi:ibe received at the ofTIca of H II Thomas. School Clerk, 42 Til ford building, urtil S P. March 14. pilj for tne following building: Old Fei ii wood school building. East Hid and Han.", k; hmi-e. lX T..rier at.; house, 177 1..rtf r si. ; house 171 porter st. ; houae. 1 c.'.i I'ortT ' - . house. 7.' for bet t st. ; house. lTrt Hooker st.; house. 174 Hooker st h'-Mise IT11- Hooker s.: hoi.. 1 s Ho'oker at.' Hid will be received on each i. tub lint separately. Cash or certified check for it v'-r t-1,ll " lhc "f c.ich bid paynole lo l;. II. Thomas. School rin k, will ai company each proposal. Cer tined ch'Cka will be returned to unauc- t nl bidder a. soon a the award is made rerttt'ed checks will he returned to successful bidders nfter buildings and dehrt have been cleaned away. Buildings nr.. to be puld f'r before being moved. Board of Director rnwrvri the right to i. ect any and all bid-. Ded March 1'. ri. 11. rfionias. r-i nnoi iera. FOSTOKFK E DEPARTMENT. Washington. Feb 1PI propose Is w ill be reed ved at ih oflke of the postoftico Department In th" city of Washlnstoti. utitll 4 H p. M . May 7. I stlj. for in can natl service pursuant to the act of March 3. 1L In !-is of the second clas. on the route hereinafter described. ervle t commence not later than July tl. H12. The. right la res-rved to reject ail bids. SCHEDCLE tF ltOLTE: No. 80. O. M. H.." from Sau Fratn '"CO to Sidney. Australia, rail ing at Honolulu and Pago Pago once every da a. IS trip a ear. Time to Sydney. o s. font ract for 1 year. Bond requite! with bid. $10nnoo. circulars con taining a description ttf the rime, inairue t'..n to bidder and blank form of pro I,Mal. with accompanying timda. can be ebtained of the H mh! Assistant FoHlina- ler General, Postnfftce Departm-nt. on and after March 1. 1W13 FRANK. H. HITCH- '.H'K. posTmaster General. IN the District Court of the Vnlted State "for the district of Oregon. In the matter of Harry W Sweeting, bankrupt : Sealed bid w ilj be received by the uuderaigned until 11:3 o'clock A. M.. March 13. at his office. No. Sort Wilcox building, citv. for th asset belonging to the above entitled estate In bankruptcy. to-wt; one i;lu model H. 5-toddard -Dayton automo bil. lolly equipped, of the Inventory alue of $'"iuo; on automatic dry con tinuous concrete mixer with Interna tional engine, of the Inventory value of $40u. For particular coll at the office of the truetee. The truatee hereby reserve the right to reject any and all bids. Date- at Portland. Or.. March 2. 1913. L. M. MOOUE, Trustee. BARGE E. LEON A KD. Attorney for Trustee,- ASSIGNEE'S SALE I'he undersigned, -aitt.-e f-.r I.ocwenberg AV Goinir Co.. will rceie scaled bids mi his t-ffice, L".th and Lo ejo Hteec!, Port la lid. Or.. Up to 1 P. M. March 1 ", for a slock of tools and houso furnishing hardware, inventoried as follow s: ii tools, f l4.StW..7 ; 1 ) house furnishing hardware, $-.lM-ll: all located hi w arehou 1Ath and Love joy street, fttd can cover Item 1 and together or a-par-ate. An inventory is on rile at th office of the utd r-iit:ned. ioods ni.iy be Inspected on appli' at i"n at aald off toe. t as 1 1 or i ertirled el cck f-r 1" per cent of the amount oflered imit accoirpany each bid. and tho riput Is reserved lo re ject an and all bids. Dated M arch I. t. U .rPRITZ. Assignee. SEALED bid will b received at the office of the undersigned. 4'rj Tllfnrd bide, un til ft P. M.. March 21. for lighting fixture lu the new Lincoln High School, nnd bids will be received until . P. M. March 28, 11. for carpentry work and I-lumbing on fixed and movable fixture for new Lincoln High school. Copies of seeiflcHtioiis may be obtained at the of fice of Architects White-house & Fnmlhoux, So Wilcox bldg. Certified check lor 1 per cent of the amount of the bid, pay able to R. JL Hioma. School clerk, must, accnmpaii v each proposal. Board of Di rectors reserves the right to r.-ject any and all Mds. R. H. Thomas, School ClerK. Dated March 7. :iU2. 6E LED proposals will be received by the Clerk of the County Court of Multnomah Countv. Portland Oregon, until in A. M., Thuidav. March l. JOli, for the fur nishing and delivering of ahout'27.u"0 feft of bridge timber at bridge on Cornell Road about two mile west of the end ..f Lovejov treet. IP. I ot lumber can be obtained "from the Clerk of the County T. J. CLEETUN, Countv Judge. W. I,. LIGHTNER, Count v Cummi-sloner. D. V. HART, County Commissioner. WILL receive sealed bid for a atock of yro. erles of the invoice value of about 4omi together with fixtures of about xitiuu. located at 141 7th su, Portland. tr.. up to 1- o'clock noon of Thursday, March 14. V.2. Inventory Is on file at rov office and the property may be In spected at the premises. Terms cash and a cash deposit of I per cent, current funds or a certified check, must accom panv each offer submitted. The right la reserved to reject any and all bid. Dated at Portland. Oregon, March ft. 1H2 R. E- Sabm. 7 F'rstsL MVST be sold by March 15. flrat-clas stock of dry good and men furnishings, can and well aeiectrd. with nrsi-clas and up-to-date fixture, show case, tables, wardrobe, etc.. and most, be sold before s iid date. Bid received and saies made unnl good disposed of. Call at store nnd examine property. Tho. F. Ryan. K-.-ctivcr; John Adaina store. Oregon City, Or. PA RT V wlrh two donk.-j to fsute on log ging contract. Geo. M. Cole. Yamhill. Or or co t- Carlton. Take Carlton Ry. to Cedar Creek. SPECIAL XOTICW. Proposal. InvK.d. SEALED IH r"cw'dJ'l..i" tff'.C,'i of ih- nnl.riii'l. 4a Tilford Mdic.. until . y M.. Vanli 21, tur ImiTnv.ment cf Bu.iiniaii .h.l sr""l8- Plans ana np.r1ft.-s.uons ma. bo ol-t:nfHl at the o. f.c of th. unuvrelsnrd: irtlfl.rt ch-K for i- cut of If!' amount of th. hid. pa ai.V to r;. II Ihoino. School Olrrk. m'Jft a.comp.nv prop,.:il. Board of Ii j.tr. r'r.. 'he rl.ht to lejoi-t any and all hl.l. . H. TliomHS. School flerk. l'at-d M.irrb S. I I'll. MlK.HaawiUJ.. FOU t-AI.E One numb.r th. Ruell .aw mill complete, including Power, plan.r and da.-il filn all r.dy to .'art run ning on a cont';.'-i "hu h go,-, with the Ki. of mill: 4.'".0 ft. of brMg. tim t.is at $1" per m. ft. for ri-ugrt and fit f,,r Burfoc.-d ilc'.iv.-r.'.I .iboilt one ml!, from th. mill. I'lenly t!ml-r avalUbl. Thi. prol.lti"n l only "P'n partie. uno are in p.'"'''"" " ta:' the mill at .in-. F. I.. P-tnird Co.. -1 ) '-on bldg. TO WilTJM IT MAY (ONCKRN: Thi. Ik to certify that I will not ne le.pnn.lhle for any check. or drafts prLacnf.d by Th.-nias W . Macklln P (SiKnedl MR. N. B. MACK LIS. mAsriAU THK Gil-UKKT CO.. KIXANt'lAL agents. Jloom S1..7 t. ai 11a bidB.. titli and Morrison, rortiand. or. Purchase notes secured by monsrige. l"r.sei. ured nol 5 If Principal and en dorsers are acceptable. Interest -bearing bunk time certificates of depoi.lt. Parties wlfhinir to sll securities as de scribed above ale requested to correspond with us or call in prsonat our office. vr. piv cash tor motitoaof.s. W PSTF. U V HIIXD Ac MllllTGAliK I'U., 418 COMMEIICIAU C1.CB B1.111. CASH PAIL FOP. MORTGAGES. Or seller's equity In contract of sal. on real estate In WasliinBton or Oregon. H. E Not.le. I.mnbermens bldg. Loans. W. ply hislicst run price for bul.deiT coa tracts. first and second mortgages ana oner securities. Horn. Installment Co 401-403 McKay bldg. Marshall 3u. slOKEY TO LOAN on imurov.d real eatat. or foe building purposes. No commissions, COLUMBIA LIFE TRUST COJrA-M. Ill Bpaldlng Bldg. fclOBTGAGiXS (first and soeond). contracts and sellers' equities bought. E. L. Dever aux. 1KK Kpaidlng bluaw Sd and Wash 1 n gton. Main 63. ROtiE CITY PARK second mortgage for sale. $1 LOO. 3 years, nets 11 per cent. Her man Moeller, 1UU9 Wilcox bldg. Main 1345. A 1315. UWSON-BIIOH'N INVESTMENT CO. SHORT-TIME LOANS. Reference: Bradstrect and Dun's. lou8 yeon Bldg. Main 3047. f IRFT and second mortgages, contracts and commission accounts bought, real estats loans B. B. Miller, 410 Ablngton bldg. WE boy notes, contracts, mortgages (first and seeonC.). equities. F. Ii. Lwls Co. I L.wls bldg. I IVil.L loan lin.ono or any part of this on good city property. T f.r.l, Oregonian. 1 IV A NT ,o00 from private .party on my farm worth 130.000. R 874. Oregonian. Money to Loaji Heal Estate. WE have the following amounts to loan at once on first-class real estate do.. In: fioO, 3 years. 8 per cent. -.",00, 3 yean, 8 per cent. Jtri'MMj. 3 years. 7 and 8 per cent. $411110. 3 years, 7 and 6 per cen. i;-.rn. 3 years, 8 per cent, fii.tno. z years. 7 and 8 per cent. $i;;.o-MJ, 3 yearn, 7 per cent. JulO-GOO, 3 to 6 year.. 7 per cent. See Mr. Harbo'.t. Mar. 4-0. A. J. DEISl'H CO. A 1539 40 Chamber of Commerce. WE WOL'LD be pleased to maKe. replace, .r sell your mc.rtgaga loan promptly and reasonably. See Mr. HarhoIL Mar. 420 A. J. DETSCH CO.. A 13S 84i Chamber of Commerca. MORTGAGE LOANS. Flit7 of money to loan it I t I p sent on city residence and business proa arty ana Multnomab County farms, SOW. P. MALL. tap to If4 Chamber of Commarcs, TO LOAN AT T PKR CENT. i;.ooo. IO.OmO. t.'iiin. fiioOO. J.1000. irjooa f,,i- r, vcurs tn Portland prop'ty. t;oolSEl.I. ItKO.. 4".3 Worcester iildg. JF vou ne.l money for your business or any legitimate enterprise, we would like to talk with vou. We keep In touch daily with from I'"' to r,00 people who have money from S10U up. Address AM &il7. ..Teeontan. IK you u-l?li to borrow on real estate, call at our .HfT.-.. HARTMAN & THOMPSON. -BANKERS. CHAMBER OF COMMEF.CE Bl.DG. jjiHGE supply of money to loan lo mmi of 5GO and upward, on real estat. iu.-. tty, at ft and 7 per cent. MALL VAN BORSTEL. 104 tjecond St.. near Stark. ON IMPROVED city pioperty or for build ing purposes, 8 to 8 years' time; i!b.ral repayment privilege.; money advanced a. building progresses. Tbe Equltaola 8a. lag. Jc Loan Association. 1140 Stark at. MONEY to loan on improved real estat. at 7 per cent: amount loaned. 1-3 the value of th property on our valuatlon;no bo nus or commissions; no brokers. United Artisans. 5'l Beck bldg. l'l.KN'TV of money to loan in large or small amounts at from o to 7 per cent on real estate security. R. F. BRYAN. .Vi. Chamber of Commerce. 4600 000 ON Improved, city or farm property; building or small loans at lowest rtw; large loans a specialty. McKaCii t C ei4-olf-altt Oerllcger bldg. WILL loan SRooO for a term of years on income-bearing property, 7 per cent. State particulars m detail. Addreas H 8o8, irr-gonlan. FltCsl"" MORTGAGE LOAN'S. FAtlal iSD CITY J'BOl'EKTV. EDMUND L. UfclVjREACX. 10U bPALDINU l3LDO. EMALl7and LARGE amounts to LOAN OS IMPROVED PORTLAND PROPERTY J H. TIPTON CO., HOg Spalding bldg. Aori AIR. EASToN. .Marshall i4i. WILL loan 120.000 or less, real estats secur ity. Far rin gton Farrlngton. Hi Com mercial Club bldg. COME To Nor: h western True! Company, HOli Wll c..x bldg.. for first mortgage loaus; rates right. , SOMK special amounts for West Side or close in East Side. M. E. 1 lionipsun, i'l'J Henry bkis. See Mr. Ridge. alloo. Jl-MO or S13ot to loan on improved city property for 2 years. O. C. R. ilia a. Co.. Qof-.-.IO Wlluox bldg. IMPROVED or unimproved property: sma.1 building loana, contracta and mortgage, bought. W H. Kudo. 44b Sherlock bldg. il.OO to SlriXaj to loan at lowest rates. a Isrger amounta 'Arowbriug. A titftoa.as, ol Wilt-ox bldg. UO,010 TO LOAi4, larg. loana a inwis. calldlng loans, lowest rates. W. U. 3hs glb-aio Falling bldg. MORTGAGE loans on city property: loam rates. A. K. Ulrreil Co.. 2ux alclujr o.ug. td aad Stark. MORTGAGE loans, uG0 and upward, on Im proved real estate., favorable terms. Jons, ttain, 505 Spalding bldg. MORTGAGE LOAiS in any amount. Liberal tcitna. Mortgages purchased. Henry C. Piuchomrue Co, sOi" Wiicnx o:dg MOUTGAGE loana O. F. ford. Main 103 ;,U1 Railway Lxcfaange. auA'l'GAuii LOANS, tt AND 7 PER CSHX. LOUIS SALOMON, -iia STARK ST. tiiORT TIME LOANS; PKiVATs, PAaTTj liOO AND CP, HUl OREGONIAN aLDU, iolnK, to loan, city property. C. A. Ambrose, .'13'-i Washington su Phone Main 6o78. MORTGAGE LOANS A A' KhAay..Aai RATES, F. Ii. LEWIS. 3 LEWla HLDc LOANS on reai. personal, chattel or collat eral security. C. W. Pall.tt. Hott-I) F.atea. PRIVAXE money loaned un real astat. mort gages. H. Mliey. room o Gerilager e.d., MOi"BVTO LOAN ON REAL ESTATS. X. g HARXiING. 313 Cb. of Com. REAL ESTATE LOANS. J. J. CAHAI.LN. ISi CHAMBER OF COMMERCE. MORTGAGE LOANS, j. Q. GuLIRA, FAILING flLDa. tTATB funds, tt per cent. W. E. Taoataa, agent Malinomah County. 400 Ca. of Com, MONEY, any amount, tl to b par cat. W, H, Belts at Co.. 310 Spalding bldg. loovO OR any part to loan; interest I per ...r. Tabor 77L Money to Lean Cha-ttela and fealariea. un.s:v loaned on personal property, mort gages and diamond. . Call 31. Lumoer Exchange. V, e LOAN money on diamonds and Jewelry at half th. ratea charged Ly broaara. Marx A Bloch. 74 3d st. MONEY sold on installment; confidential; salaried people. F. A. Newton. Henry bldg. LOANS on diamonds and otner securities. Wm. Holl. room 0 Washington bldg. A LOAN for tn. asking, salary or chattel. The Loan Co.. 414 Dekum bldg. MONEY loaned on diamonds and Jewelry; .trlctly confidential. 141 3d, near Alder. nN.iyciAL. Money to Loan Chattels and Salaries. CHATTEL SALARY LOANS. LOANS. WB MEET AND BEAT The rates of other LOAN CO.'S regardless of what ADVERTISE. SEB OUR NEW KATES: Borrow $10 pav back Sl'J.HO In pay ts. Boiro JT pay back -S.:Ci In J,ay ts. Borrow ."'.! pay buck ."-0.4o In ti pay'ts. CAN YOr BEAT THEM on LOANS 11' TO Sl'JO? If the HF.AP of tho family dies before the account Is paid in full and the payments are m:-.cie aa aereed WE GIVE THE WIDOW A RE CEIPT IN' FULL OF ACCOUNT. YOL" CAN GET IT TODAY. Rebates Given If Paid Before Due. PORTLAND LOAN COMPANY. Ioti-7 MACI.EAY BLDG. BOTH PHONE, r.etwecn 4th and ith sta.. on Wash st. ... Xl,.,!-,v nnd S..turdav till P. M. i pai.au , ' ' ON PLAIN NOTES. 10 20. "). 40. S0. 0". '0. 100. Cheapest and best place lo BORROW MONEY. Lowest rati-f. Easiest payments. REMEMBER. IF YOU WORK. WE WILL LOAN' YOL MONEY. OPEN H A. M. TO 0 P. M. Saturdaya-until 0 1'. M. STATE SECIR1T1 CO.. SOS Failing Bldg. I I I I I I M M I t I I ; ' J I I It t If t i DO YOU NEED MONEY? W. will furnish you. strictly cOBtMn tlal and without delay, a loan In any "mount on your auto piano n7; livestock, storage receipt and ; "! Lands of securities, on terms to suit. ... en weekly or monthly payments. WE BUY AND LOAN. On first and second real estat. mort as.es contracts and chattel mortgages, s- K BFAI. ESTATE A BROKERAGE CO. V'h almlitJif Bldi?. l Si Hain "Si. i ! MONEY AT LOW RATE. MAK.E YOUR OWN TEKMs. On anvthing of value, furniture, pi anos, autos. livestock, contracts or moit- ADOLPHUS LANE. 414 Ablngton Bldg. Alii IE 1141.1- -. PRIVATE PARTY LOANS ilO to 100. On furniture, goods In storage, e.c STRICTLY CONFIDENTIAL. 3.-0- Lumber Exchange Bldg. Open Monday and Saturday till 8 1. M. Call, write oi pov.m - - - (5 to D. D. DRAKE. .100. FOP. SALARIED PEOPLE TODAY without security. mortgage or indorse ment; cheapest rates, o.st and most pri vate terms in Portland. W7 Spalding bldg. Successors to rtutvou .e.... ww. .d i.-i, vririii V Do you need money today.' If so. call ar.d 1 will help you out. Money loaned uulckly and confidentially on autos. pi anos, diamonds or furniture at reasonable rates. M. MAIDEN. 603 stvetiana mag. M O N L 1 tun da,.w . Women keeping house and others far ci"bed without security; cheapest rate easiest paymenta. Come and get money when you want it. and pay w i you can. Offices in all principal cities. O. H. A- man. su LumuBi C. FRANK LANE. For a loan on pianos, household goods, autos. livestock, storage receipts, mon tages, anvthing of value: it will cost you less. Call and get our prices. tj( Swetland bldg., .'th and Washington. Why Day usurious Interest to money sharks whet, the Atlas Security Co. will loan you money on dlamonda. Jewelry and o.hsr Lortable articles, almost bankers Interest! Ei5 Falling hidg..3d and Washington. " MONEY LOANED. Watches, diamonds. Jewelry, etc. ELBY COMPANY. Room "UP Lumber Exchange Bldg. IMMEDIATE loans lrom 40 and up on all kinds of securities. W. A. Hathaway. room 10 Washington bldg. Ma.n oO LOWEST rales" on chattel security. Call Geo. Harvey. oOl East Davis. " Loans Wanted. 3.-,on I want this amount on my home, consistlns of 8 lots. Unproved with large house, barn and outbuildings to value of .-,ijol) tmal value S'.WOO; located in ttooa lawii; will Pay S Per cent and expenses. AH fcS.Oresoiilar.. H WE beautiful nine-room modern home ill Spokane. Wash., all oak finish, with two Sets of plumbing, located In best residence section, which I desire to exchange for seven or .ight-room modern home in Port land.. Address F. T.. P. O. Box llt'TO. Port land. WAN TED i 1 100 loan. t0."o0 security, will only pay 7 per cent and expenses. See Mr. ""COLUMBIA TRUST COMPANY. MONEY WANTED Applications on hand for desirable loans, mortgages for sale, Henry C. Prudhomme Co.. 807 Wilcox bldg. L0 4.NS wanted Slono and 2)0O. first mortgage. 4i per cent valuations, close in. Ciiiaens' Bank. Grand ave. and Alder. WANTED 10.000 for 1 year; security is lirt lien on properly worth more than Jlnonoo. A B el!4. orl goniun. PERSOSA1. A NEW hypodermic treatment for catarrh. Results guaranteed. Non-operative. B. M. Rlchardson. M. D.. eye, ear. nos. and throat specialist. 809 Northweat bldg.. bth and Washington. SWEDISH TRAINED KUBS1 iielslngfor. graduate; rheumatism, nervous and stom. acb ailments, under physician's direc tions; baths, massage. No. 7 East llta at. second door south from East Ank.a crime. Phuae East ggO. B 1003. GERMAN trained nurse and masseuse; long experience, best references; treatments for rheumatism, lumbago, etc.; massages and baths. S 48 Williams ave.. near Weidler st. U car. Phone East 3tlS, C 2553. Open Sundays. LVDIES-r-Wliy not wear your own hair? twitches, puffs and curls made from combings. Write today, extremely low prices on this work. E. M. Lerner, Irving. Or. NO MATTER how had the complexion. Magnolia Healing Soap will cure; per fect complexion In 15 days. Free sam ple. 3la Northwest bldg. MJLLI VERY parlors and school; old bale remodeled reasonable; will teach you In fi weeks; locations on hand bargains. Call 106 Goodnoughbldg.. opposite Postoffice. TUBERCULOSIS, paralysis, eyesight, nerv ous debility cured by German woman with wonderful magnetic healing power. Itt East lllth. cor. Asll. mono r.ast mm. Isna STEVENS. 18 years Portland's lead ing palmist and clairvoyant. Las her late book, "Palmistry Made Easy," on aaie at 2 12 Alisky bldg.. 3d and Morrison .Is. MUK FRANK teaches palmistry and card 'eading- results will surprise you. Les sons. ;,iic. Lewiston Hotel, 4th and Morri- SOP StS. THE Spirit of God Circle. Progressive sclen tihc healing of mind and body; lecture and healmg, 10. lli. J. 4 oaiiy. lul N. Ln.ua avenue. , DRESS SUITS for rent, tl.50 month; keep your clothes cleaned, pressed, buttons sewed on. rips repaired. Prompt calls and deliveries. Unlqua Tailoring Co.. 8u Stark. SWEDISH massage, bake oven and electrical treatmenta cure rheumatism and kindred diseases. Kisbeth. tilo Lovejoy. Main u. A H137. SCOTCH lady gives mental ccientist treat ments for rheumatism and lumbago. 475 Fast Everett st. ; Woodlawn car. Phone B '143. .iVEK SEAS CLUB (London Mau Britisii horn jadies and gentlemen are invited to send names for the formation of branch here. AO 827, Oregonian. 7777 SOPHIA B. SEIP, mental and spirlt uai aclent.st. otrice 30'.' Alisky bids. Main J&M. Meeting Wednesday. S P. M. tiL. treatment, facial massage. Room 05, Hotel Breslin. tep floor. 4Jfe vV'asliiugton st. Phone A 3o50. r sxXp Beauty parlor for sale or rent; will teach entire course free. AC 85ti, Oregonian. SCOTCH la'dy gives mental scientist treat ments for rheumatism and lumbago. 475 East Everett St., Woodlawn car. 13 2143. MK MAKRCHE, Spiritual science; consul tation dally; meeting Thurs.. 8 P. M. ; K.,!!? 1.. A. M. to 5 P. M., lliS 10th. uinl! CIV YOUR COMBINGS. Switches, 95c; curls and puffs, i'5o. San itary Beauty Parlors. 400 Dekum bldg. v"rsT s. C. MORRISON", steam baths and masseuring for rheumatism, lumbago, etc 347V, Jefferson. A 4470. Open Sundays. MOLES superfluous hair removed. Mrs. M. D H:il. 40 Flledner bldg Main 3473. DANDRUFF and baldness cured. White Rose Shampoo. 34.1 Morrison St. LADIES to learn the business of the Sani tary Beauty Parlor.. 400 Dekum bldg. DON'T forget Fram's card and dancing par ty March 14, Selling-Hlrsch bldg. 11 MRDRESSER and expert manicurist. Lewiston Hotel. 4th and Morrison, suite 20. BALM OF FIGS. Compound, Royal Tonia Tablets. 532 Davis St. Main H215. MANICURING parlor, facial and scalp treau men t. shampooing 114 Saetland bldg. BALDNESS cured. wrlnkles removed: guar anteed: open evenings. 51a Swetland bldg. rERSON.lt, H IIR HAIR HAIR HAIR. 500 PURE CUT HAIR SWITCHES S12 34-Inch switches . to :6-inch switches Hair dressing -? Face massage -' Shampoo --' Manicuring, :5c: for J- 12 scalp treatments o-oo Superfluous hair removed by electricity, guaranteed not to return. 14. 5 and 6 PUFFS only l.-. Cut hair in anv shsde: switches, any . - i..lr u.mmrv Parlor.. 400-412 Dekum bldg.. id and Washington. RADICAL cure by the latest natural heal ing memoes, inciuumg muiuui. ... cal currents, lights, heat, vibration, radia tion, baths massage. adjustment and manlpulatlonx Most expensive. finest equipped private office in Oregon: no med icine or operations, over OOuo treated pa tients and not a death while under our care. We will be glad to consult with ,ou free of charge; Dr. W. E. Mallory. M2 Rothchild bldg. DR. CATHERINE C. GATES I have ha 11 years practical experience treating nervous and ehronio diseases. Consultation free. 807 Ablngton bldg. Marshall 314a Hours:. 10. A. M. to P. M. BUSINESS DKIECTORY. Analv 1 ical Chemists. WOODAKD. CLARKE 4 CO.. analytical chemists, exaiuiueis o. v.-,-,."..- . foods. -te. . Assayer and Analyst- Wells ft rroebstel. mining engineers. di. lsts and assaycrs. 204 - Washington. MONTANA ASSAY OFFICE Laboratory and ore-testing work. 7S Morrison at. At I orneys. JL K. COOPER, attorney-at-law. General 'practice, abstracts examined. Removed to 1424 to 1428 Yeon bids. M. S.o. A 1071 W. H 1TN.JL1SH. general practice.' abstracts examined. 4t'0-40 Fen ton bldg. Main W12. H. C. K OR N EG AY, corporation, commercial. real estate law, and collections. 022 Yeon. Brass and Machine Works. HARPER'S BRASS WORKS Brass casting and machine work. 100 N. 5th. Main ,.u. Chlropractlcl'hysielnn. DR TTCKNER. Columbia bldg.. next Star Theater. A 5255. Main 9581; res B 29 Chiropodists. WILLIAM. Estelle and Flossie Deveny, th. only scientific chiropodists In the city parlors 3112 Gerlinger bldg.. S. W. cor. 2d and Alder. Phone Main 130L CHIROPODY and pedicuring. alr,a- M-, J' Hill, offices 420 Fliedner bldg. Main 34.3. Col. . COAL ALBINA FUEL CO. BLOCK WOOD BRANCH K. 38P ST. OOP NATIONAL FUEL CO.. coal and wood. Marshall 960, A 3545. 374 Water st llanclng. PROF. WAL W1LLSO.VS SCHOOL ; iessong 2oe; waltz, two-step or tlirre-step guar anteed in first lesson or money ietundr-1; stage dancing taught qul.-kly. Itsrliy Vvash. st. bet. W. Park and loth. .Main ilt-n. BERTHA BECKETT HEATH, teacher . of fancv. stage, social dancing; classes Mon riav and Frldav eveniniis. ai S. Pri-ate les-soh-s bv appointment. 101) 2d St., between v asnmgion anu iir PROF. FORD'S school of dancing. 3tn and Hawthorne avenue. Classea Tuesday and Thursday evening at 8. Private lessons by appointment. Tabor 3707. Ringler's Academy, dancing, dramatic, vaud eville. Ent. 3d fir. 231 M, Mor. Daily Instr-n. ' Detective Service. PACIFIC States s Secret Service Agency. At vour service DAY and NIGHT. 421-23 Board of Trade. Marshall 3i2, Educatlonal! . STAMMER? Method for cure explained free. M. L. Hatfield. 1018 Grove. Oakland. CaU Engines Alas and Steam. ROBER Machinery Co.. Coast agents. Sea bury steam engine and boilers, gasoline en gines 2S1-2S3 E. Morrison St. Phone ht 513. Feed Store. ZIGLER ft MISNER. hay, grain, feed, c ment. shingles. 204 Grand ave. L. 48J. Landscape Gardening. FRED W BULLOCK, artistic landscape gar dening, 310 Yeon bldg. Phone Marshall 24",2. Making new lawns a specialty. Shrubberv. plants and ornamental trees, etc. Prfces reasonable. Estimates free. O ii SIERKLS, landscape gardener: care of lawns. 586 East 6th. Sellwuod 11G7. Leather nnd Findings. CHAS. L. MASTICK ft CO.. 74 Front. Leath.r of every description, tabs, mfrs. findings J A STROW BRIDGE LEATHER CO. Es- tabllshed 1858. 180 Front sU Musical. Emil Thielhorn. violin teacher, pupil Sevclk. U'JO Marcjuoni- A 4160, Marshall 1620. " Orchard lirowlng. CONTRACTS taken growing, planting, satis- tactioti guaranteed. W. Vv". I'alllip. West Stayton, Or. Osteopathic Physicians. DK LEROY SMITH, graduate Klrkvllle; Mo., class of 1803; post-graduate 1007 un der Dr A T. Still, founder of the science. 1122 Selling bldg. M. 11)87. A 1083. Dr R. B. Nurthrup. 415-10-17 Dekum bldg. Nervous and Chronic Diseases. Phone. Office. M. 340; res.. East or B 1028. Taints, Oils nnd Glass. coast-MADE paint and varnish is best adapted to the Coast climate. BASS T...r..,.T. u i vi- i I'll Secor.d St. llbLi r.rv tr ..... - RASMUSSEN fc CO.. Jobbers, paints, oils, glass, sash and doors. Cor. 2d and Taylor. l'a t en t Attorneys. PATFNTS procured by J. K. Mock, attornej'-ai-law. late of U. S. Patent Office. Book let free. 71tho Board of Trado bldg. v . TEN TS obtained, trademarks, copyrights registered, all countries. Booklet free. v llER HABERLIN, 32il Worcester bldg. U.' S. AND FOREIGN PATENTS jrocurei by O. O. Martin. 409 Chamber of. commerce bldg. rr WRIGHT, domestio and foreign pat ents, infringement cases. 004 Dekum bldg. Talent Engineers. INVENTIONS DEVELOPED. For patenting and commercializing Phone Main 1285. COOP & SCHM1TT, aol Henry niug. run ii.m..."w" " -- Pawnbrokers. UNCLE MYEiis- collateral Bank: 40 year. . i. .i ti ,-.ti, sl. I'iione Main lilo. i tl r o ii,,".. ..... Paving. THE Barber Asphalt Paving Company 803 eiTs Electric b.dg. Oscar Huber. Portland. Pipe. PORTLAND WOOD PIPE CO. Factory and office near 24th and York sts. -4ain 348W. Safes. THE MOSLBR SAFE CO.. 108 2d st. Safe. at factory prices; second-hand sales. " gccond-JAand Goods. WF buy clothing, furniture and tools. High est price paid lor second-hand clothing. Iiirtliture, ooi-s. 7777".. tn,, highest prices for second-hand Ho'tnine and snoes. Mam 7008. 6:it) 5th. inura.r. HaAik and Show Xlxtures. i-Hi-- LUIKE MFG. CO., branch Grand Rap 1"ds Showcase Co.. eit and Moju R. Lutka. manager . u H B1RDSALL. 208 Hamilton bldg. Show ""cas'ef in stock: prompt delivery. Bale atteiit. M. Winter Lumper Co. 'mai-SH-VLL MFG. CO., 4th and Coucn; new "and second -'and. Ma'u -7U3. Cabinet work. Storage ana Transfer. c i) PICK Xraiisler 4: Storage Co., offices and commodious 4-story brick warehouse. ..Voarate iron rooms and tireprool vault. Jor venules; N. W. cor. 2d and Pine ats. . Lmnos and furniture moved and Hacked lor shipping; special rates made on goods our iiirJugh cars to all ooiwiu nd toreiitn points. Main olio. A lai- ... T l, A -vS," i:R CO. General tranalerrnig and storage, safes, pianos and furniture moved ana packed iir snipmenL 87-sa Front st. 'Aelepnone. ... .'.47 or A 2217. . oKfclGON TRANSFER CO.. established 1870. Transter and forwarding agent offices and storage 474 Glisan at., cor. 13tn and Glisan. pnones Main UJ, A 1100. Tailoring Colloge. ALL branches tailoring, dressmaking taugnt: cutung fitting, dralting. designing; expert teacher: investigate. Chicago Laai.. tailoring College, 3utf Central bldg.. lota and Alder. Li pewriters. 16 TO S05 will buy a REBUILT TYPE WRITER; rebuilt as good as now; ail crakes to choose fron. at Gill's, 3d and Alder! terms to suit; every machine guar ' aiiteed Call or phone for representative. Main 85JO or OOfis. Te handle standard makes of genuln. Eastern factory rebuilt typewriter, (no fjnk)! Price, -fight. Buy a reliable ma chine from a reliable house Paclfia Sta'y. -f'sT- Co.. 10 1 Second st WE arethe exchange for the largest type writer concern on this Coast; investlgat.; all makes, all prices. Th. Typewriter Hi- change, 31 t Washing lnjt. "c-"iv rebuilt, second-hand reutala. at cut ti, p D. C. Co., 2;;i Stark. M. 1407. Well Drilling. -DRILLING wcila. Phone Main 1344 or writ. A. Wen. 12 Morrison st I