Morning Oregonian. (Portland, Or.) 1861-1937, March 09, 1912, Page 6, Image 6

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    fi TffK MOKMMw OREUOMAy, SATURDAY. 'MARCH 0. 1913.
i .
fllRFRT MFTHOD IS ! mrs. carter refuses to
R" n WinnPF Read unkind criticisms
jUrrUuLU U I LUUUL ActreM a ghe Did she Would Be the M08t rjrjuppy Woman in the
Whole Universe.
Senator in Lecture Says Real
; Effect Is to Give Mi
i nority Rule.
Abandonment ir HeprexMitatlve
(Kmnmrnl Drctsrrd to B He
uirn tVom II Ijcher F.volutton
to Primitive Jrin.
rr.INOKToN. X. J. March s.fir-n-
. K.nrv labOt I1. f M'"-
rhuwit. rrrmckrd vigorous oppttion
to te Initiative, referendum and re-a'.l (
here before the u"'
Fcineeton I nlomltj. Ill nc h was
oni. ft a "Hm on public affairs de
livered under t'.-e Spncr Trask lrc
rire fund.
Mr Iv1c .j'nouncd t-.e initiative,
referendum and recall as both obote
and Impra. HuM' an I subversive of
tre fundamental lil'a of representative
government. In rmplianlslns tar latter
point. he quoted trrr'.y from ..wks
written hr ;ovrnor tVinxl'O Wi:"U
hr.e president of Princeton I'nlvers-
. ,
' tt t nu:te tr'ic." said Mr Ixvlge.
A:hat the voters ar the means ly
ht.-h we ne.-ean! oMaln an ex-
prton of the p..p'ilr but a ma
jority of t!;e oter arc r.t necessarily
j... people, anil no ni ai "
r-rrent the real wishes of the 'o-P-
Matarllr Oflra ( haateaMe.
"Tlx majority of lhne who vole on
Inr -iven question mar be a f ry nar
row on. It may b a very ephemeral
ne. The majority of one year may be
the minority of the n-t. an.l et yon
til observe that In all the practical
rranement for the compulsory Inlti.
stue. rereremlum and for the reeall of
(kIk. the people, who can compel the
hnltlatlte and who In practice carry
te referendum, the number -who can
force a recall and who In practical op
eration mar be able to carry It. are a
mall minority of the voters.
"To atari the Initiative or the recall
in a'.l the provision that I have een.
only a minority. sometimes a very
mall percentage (f those who voted
at the election. Is required. When
the a-t asked for has been adopted by
the legislature and referred It appears
that a lar;re proportion of the voters
express no opinion, either from Indif
ference or from not comprehend Inir the
question, while the small and tntert:d
minority takep pain to vote for the
law. the submission of which to the
voters has been compelled by the orig
inal. nilana Owa Ward qtsotesL
Mr. Undue 'i noted a reference by
Woodrow Wiijon to the tine of the
initiative and referendum, as the "vir
tual abandonment of the repreaenta
rle principle ami an attempt to put
iti che hand of the voters themselves
tbe power to Initiate and negative In
order to enable them to do for them
selves what they have not been able
to ct d'ne aatifactorlly through the
repreentatives they have hitherto
cli"!n to act for them."
"While it may be better or worate to
adopt legislation by direct vote as a
subMitute for rrpre.ntatlve govern
rnent." continued Mr. I.odice. "there can
be no (jtiefltion nhitever that to aban
don representative government and to
t.ike up In Its place legislation by di
rect vote is to return from a hlKh
stage of evolution to a lower and more
primitive one."
Then he cited Instances In history
where policies such aa the Initiative,
referendum and recall of Judges had
not met with success.
"Representative government and lib
erty." he said, "faded away tog-ether
and the executive became all powerful."
-Wr. Marcus Simpson. Who pled at
Ixw Ansolo. Portland I to i dent.
Funeral services for Mrs. Marcus
S.mrson. who died suddenly of heart
failure at the Hotel Shoreham. Los An
scles. March . will be conducted from
t'ie Itobart Curtis at 2 V. M. today.
Burial will be at Klvrrview Cemetery
beside the body of her husband who
died In Oetohcr. ljn;.
In the Sprine of 1X!! Mrs. Simpson
and her husband came to Tortland from
Burlington. la. Mr. Simpson was for
ome time manager of the Portland
I.lnseed Oil Company, later going to San
Francisco. Following the death of Mr.
Simpson, Mrs. Simpson returned to
Portland and made her home with her
sister. Miss Carrie A. Molbrook at the
1 Iohurt-C'urtls. Accompanied by her
sister. Mrs. Simpson went to Los Ange
les last January, expecting to remain
in California until April.
Mrs. Simrson had a wide acquain
tance In this cltv and was m member of
ilrarf Methodist Church. Mrs. L. W.
Lyon, a sister, residing at St. Paul.
Mtnn.. has arrived to attend the funeral.
I :it::: !
. - ' . '.I
m r
F I were to pay attention to what
people aald about me. the unkind
nd criticising things I mean. I'd
be the unhappleat woman In the whole
Mrs. Leslie Carter smiled whimsically
aa she said all this, but underlying
her semiserlous words and the quick
smile one felt the sincerity.
She was perched atop of a huge
trunk In her canvas houne. You see
Mrs. Leslie Carter will not move or
budge, or have her being In the regular
and established dresi Ing rooms designed
for stars and leading women. She car
ries her own dressing rnom right along
with the rest of the show's equipment.
The ftage hands set Mrs. Carter's house
In order before they even unpack the
scenery. It's of canvas a big square
room with portable furnitures of gilt
and rose color. The hangings are of
rose of a wonderful soft rose and
remarkable as It may seem to a mental
Juggler of colors, the rose of the walls
Is a most harmonious background for
the flame colored hair that has come
to be recognised as part and parcel of
Mrs. Leslie Carter's Individuality,
trims Owu Real Hair.
And while we arc on the subject be
it recordod that she owns about a
thousand d-dlars' worth of real hair
and it Is fastened on to her head by
its own roots; for I saw It. Mrs. Carter
couldn't very well pose for pictures of
"after using your tonic my hair looked
like this" with a great cloud of locks
straying Niagara-wise down her bark,
hut she outshines any Sixteen Suther
land Sisters when she lets down the
mp of rippling thick hair. It stands
out all over her head like Illustrations
of FIJI ladies in our old geographies.
Hegular Tanguay I-don't-care re
bellious tresses has Mrs. Carter, and
in color it defies description. Of course
it's red. There's no denying that, but
never such another red was seen on
land or sens. In the electric light as
she sat swinging her feet, perched on
her big trunk her hair was like a nim
bus of flame, pink, deep rich pink In
its high lights and dull like beaten
copper in Its shadows.
She had dismissed her maid, a
dreary pongee colored female who wore
a won't -come-off expression of utter
and wholesale resignation.
Rnlldoar la Istrodsera.
On the one chair reposed Pimples, a
skinny little bulldog, of the Boston
variety, which smiled a d'-ntsl display
when Introduced and wagged an
apology for a tail in friendly greeting.
"Oet down Dimples, old baby lam
chile and let us have your chair."
coaxed Mrs. Carter from the trunk.
Klmples. being a well brought up lam'
chile did as he was bidden and having
ascertained that I had nofell designs
on his mistress, he went contentedly
to sleep on a pair of madame's carriage
fur boots In a corner.
To return now to our muttons, and
Mrs. Carter's lament: She says she quit
reading what the public said about her
a dosen years ago. "At first I used to
buy every paper and cry until I -was
sick when some newspaper attributed
to me acts I couldn't do or quoted me
falsely. Then I found it made me sick,
positively sick, and wore out my vital
ity, my energy and In a great measure
my health. So I Just quit. Fortunately
for me I've always had friends who
help me In this, they cut out the parti
cularly nice or helpful criticisms and
I read these gladly.
"Mind." she flashed out earnestly, "I
like honest criticism. If it Is written
with a view to help me I welcome It.
and profit by It. But the cruel, wicked
lies that have been lold. that have
found their way into print. Ah, me:"
Mrs. Leslie Carter's big green eyes I
assure you they are green narrowed
Into line long slits of black lashes and
one clenched fist was brought sharpjy
against her cheek as she posed In bus
relief against the rose curtain. "Ah,
me." she sighed. "They talk of vivi
section! It Is a mere scratch in com
parison to what the public, the. very
self same gentle public to which I've
devoted my life trying to entertain, has
done to me.
Optimist Through It All.
"But pha! I do not care; not now. I
am an optimist. Would you believe it
I loathe Interviews. I rarely see any
one from the papers; they have been
so unfair to me. at times."
By which expression I deemed it that
The Oregonlan had never been unfair
to Mrs. Leslie Carter and is not num
bered on her black list.
She wants season of repertoire next
year, she said, as we wound up the brief
chat: tt was all over while she was
doing up her hair. In her possession
Is an unpublished version of "Camllle."
which she "wants to play badly" she
said, but she probably meant wants
very much to play. Then she has in
mind La Toscaand a revival of her
famous Du Barry, than which no one
will ever play better. If she can per
suade her manager. John Cort, to see It
her way Mrs. Carter Is coming out to
the Coast next year in a repertoire In
cluding these and one or two new emo
tional dramas.
Plan on Foot to Take ViMtorn on
Trip Cp and Down Hltfr.
Xecotlations hae been opened by
ii e Li:k?' l 'l.' convention commission
for chartering a large ocean vessel
upon winch visiting members of the
organization will be entertained on
trips up and down the Columbia and
Willamette rivers, while the big re
union Is in progress next July.
It is prohahle that one of the boats
plying between San Francisco and Los
Ang-les will be secured. It is planned
to have this vessel leave Portland each
day of the convention and to carry on
board as many Elks and members of
their families as It will contain con
veniently. It will make short trips out
of the city and will maintain a sched
ule that will enable It to make about
three excursions each day.
This entertainment will be in addi
tion to the regular features provided
by the week s programme and will be
free to all visiting Elks and members
of their families.
selliiiR Petition. Circulated I'.lglit
Das. Have SI18 Nanir: Bourne
Tapers Signed by 4 000.
Vormcr Woodland Mayor's Wife lies
WOODLAND. Wash.. March . ( Spe
cial. Mrs. L. M. Love, who died sud
denly March 5. was buried at La Center.
Wash., the obsequies being In charge of
ihe Maccaheea. The funeral was one
i.f t' e largest that Woodland has
known for many years. She was the
wife of a former Mayor of Woodland.
The nominating petition of Ben Sell
ing, candidate for the llepubllcan nom
ination for I'nlted States Senator, filed
with the Secretary of State's office yes
terday, contained more names than any
other petition filed to date. The peti
tion naming Senator Bourne as a can
didate for the same nomination was
filed yesterday. It consisted of approx
imately 4000 names and was circulated
In SO counties. The petition had been
In circulation throughout the state for
several weeks.
Contrasted with the Bourne petition,
that of Mr. Selling was circulated only
eight days and a total of 618 names
was secured. Additional lists of names
to the number of over 300 were re
ceived from different localities in yes
terday's mails. The-y arrived too lata
to be Included with the main, petition.
Accompanying Mr. Selling's petition
was a copy of his declaration of prin
ciples on which he seeks the nomination
and In which ho pledges support to the
Oregon system, consideration of tli
tariff and Its revision with justice to
labor, both for the producer and the
consumer: the introduction of bills In
Congress securing larger appropria
tions for Improvements under contract
of rivers and harbors of the state; the
establishing of local Federal Courts for
more speedy determination of the
rights of settlers: more careful admin
istration of forest reserves in the In
terest of Oregon people: return of Ore
gon's reclamation fund; immediate de
velopment of Alaska's resources under
tiovernment control: pensions for vet
erans; regulation of corporations by
the Federal Government; support of an
elastic monetary system: Presidential
primaries; graduated Income tax; elec
tion of President. Vice-President and
Senators) by direct vote of the people;
free passage of American ships
through the Panama Canal: establish
ment of parcels post; opposition of spe
cial Interests and a careful system of
subsidizing American shipping for the
purpose of enlarging the merchant marine.
Mis Anna Fulton I)ead.
Miss Anna Fulton, member of a pi
oneer family of Sherman County and a
prominent member of the Order of the
Kastern Star In this state, died last
night at St. Vincent's Hospital after an
Illness of several weeks. Miss Fulton
was a daughter of the late Colonel
and Mrs. James Fulton, who came to
Oregon In 1817. They lived for a time
in Yamhill County, but later moved to
what has since been known as Sher
man County. Miss Fulton was born
there 60 years ago. The family has
long been prominent in that section.
Miss Fulton Is survived by three
brothers. Judge John Fulton and David
Fulton, of Sherman County, and C. F.
Fulton, of Portland, and two sisters.
Mrs. II. B. Isaacs and Mrs. Klixabeth
Sholl. of Walla Walla. The funeral
will be held in Wasco, Or.
Saturday Prices on
Patent Medicines
50c Sulpherb Tablets 3oC
$1 Hood's Sarsaparilla. . .693
50c Sal Hepatica 2 9 b
50c Pinex 31!'
$2.50 Eskay's Food..-S1.89
$1 Pyramid Pile Suppos. .G5c
50c Mentholatum '29d
25c Arnica Salve (Bucklen's)
special at
$1.00 Warner's Kidney Rem
edy at 75d
50c Watkin's Liniment. . -32c
$1.00 Kodol 69c
r$l Maltine and Cod Liver Oil
special at 73 C
$1.50 Gombaidt's Caustic Bal
sam at SI. 19
$1 Simmon's Liver Reg. .69?
50c Murine Eye Water. . -29c
50c--2 5izes$l
Saturday Showing of
Handsome New Leather Bags
They are among the finest we've shown. New, nifty shades
and leathers. All placed on sale at removal prices. We also
offer special inducements on Suit Cases and Trunks. Note the
following low prices:
LADIES' HAND BAGS in tan, black and brown; outside
pockets, fitted with extra coin purse. A regular $2 Hand Bag
at only ,c
WICKER SUIT CASES, 24 and 26-inch, reinforced sole leather
corners, linen lined. Selling $1.50 to $15 1-3 OFF
PEGIMOND SUIT CASE, sole leather corners, with and with
out straps; selling regular at $4. For today S2.59
TRUNKS $7.00 to $75.00 reduced ONE-FOURTH
Saturday 'Prices on Toilet Supplies
Iola Hudson's Oregon Rose
Cleansing Cream, regular
50c, at 2oC
Iola Hudson's Retiring Cream,
regular 50c, at 23c
$1.00 Danderine. 69c
$1 Potter's Walnut Stain 69c
$1.50 Oriental Cream... 98c
$1 Pinaud's Eau de
priced at
50c Espey's Cream.
KfV Skin
25c Euthymol Tooth Paste 9d
25c Mennen's Violet Talc. fc
10c Bon Ami 6c
IVORY SOAP, 7 cakes 25c
Cream. -31c
Saturday Prices on
Household Drugs
10c Old Dutch Cleanser Sc
15c Washing Ammonia, bot. 7c
30c Wood Alcohol, bottle 25c
25c Castor Oil (Crystal White),
bottle 14c
10c Chalk and Orris (tooth
powder), pkg dC
10c Spirits Camphor, bottle 7c
25c Witch Hazel (Dickinson's
best), bottle 17c
25c Sodium Phosphate (Merkj
pound 14C
25c Petrola (amber), can.ISc
25c Bay Rum, bcttle 16c
10c Many-use Machine Oil . . 6c
15c Lime Water, qt. bottle 9c
10c Sweet Oil, bottle 6c
35c "Woodiark" Liquid Soap,
special, pint bottle 25c
"Wood-Lark" Pcre Spices
25c Ginger, can.
10c Pepper, can.
Saturday Prices on
Rubber Goods
$1.50 3-qt. Maroon Water Bottle 98c
90c 3-qt. Water Bottle 63?
$1.50 3-qt. Red Fountain Syringe 97c
$2.50 2-qt. Red Combination Bot., 31-59
$1.50 Century Nose and Throat Atomizer
priced at 98c
Saturday Prices on
Fine Stationery
2-quire box Stationery, 85c value. . .49
1-quire box Imported Stationery, tissue
lined envelopes, 75c value 47c
1-quire box Stationery, 35c value... 17C
"Woodiark" Self-filling Fountain Pens,
the best pen made to sell at $1.50. Sell
ing now at 98c
Saturday Prices on
Beautiful Framed Pictures
One lot consists of about 400 subjects, handsomely framed; pic
' tures that we have sold heretofore at $3.00. Saturday you
may take your choice at only . . : J&
One show room filled with pretty etchings, photogravurees
nColoreI f acsTmiles, sepia prints, carbons . 'ft-, water
colors and pastels. There axe . probably 200 subjects to se
Sect from, all artistically framed. Values up to $7.00. Your
. choice Saturday at only qJ-.o.
Tt us develop your Kodak Pictures Our work is done by ex-
w o-narantee satistaction.
nprienced men woo bjiuw &
Saturday Prices on
Bristle Goods
Parisian Ivory Nail Files, Cuticle Knives
and Hooks at '"2C
Parisian Ivory Manicure Sets at 25c
35c guaranteed Tooth Brushes 29c
$1.50 Hair Brushes, excellent value. .9Sc
$1.25 English Cushion Hair Brush, 79c
Saturday Liquor Prices
$1.25 Old Overholt or Old Cloverdale Rye, bottled in bond, your
choice co
$1.00 Chicken Cock Bourbon, bottled in bond JC
$1.00 Carlisle Rye, bottled in bond C
$1.25 House of Lords, Scotch
50c Sherry, Burgundy, Zinfandel, Claret, Sauterne, Rieshng, To
kay, Muscatel, Angelica and Catawba, 34, 3 for .
25c Claret, ISC, 3 for. .500 75c Sherry, 61S 3 for. .J-j0
Good California Sherry, Port and Claret, gallon
Extra fine California Wines, gallon " il
Highest grade California Wines, gallon .. u
Out-of-Town Folks Mail us your orders.
. . . i i j
ana port in me worm.
We ship to every part
Ten Organized Bands Rob New
York Importers:
Truckloacls Driven Away in -Street
anil Arrests or Many Burplars
and Loft Thieves Po Xot
Diminish Crimes-.
NEW YORK. March 8. That ten or -Bnlzed
bunUs of criminals aro robb,nR
silk importers and lrj- R"'"!ol
valors in the warehouse- d Htrlcts of
New York Citv of merchandise worth
iiSO.OOO every month, according to offi
claU of the Team Owners' Association.
Accorrfln to merchant and truck
men, the losses In the past six months
hTve been double what hey rre b.
fure TliouKh several truck thieves
ami lof burglars have been arrested
Tn that time, there has been no ap
parent decrease in the ' number o f rob
beries. The thieves have little diff -cnltv
in marketinc their loot nnd It s
a Vnost Impossible to identify the goods
after the have been taken from the
ordinal packs Kes. The robbers, it is
sa d receive less than 10 per cent of
the actual value of the stolen Roods.
The team owners have organized a
defective force which will co-operate
with the police department.
At a conference the leaders decide to
rob a certain firm and five or six
members of the band are selected for
Ie work They take up positions near
nc firm's warehouse and watch the
work of loadin the truck. They .fol
low a certain truck until the driver
eaves' to deliver a package then one
of them mounts the drivers' seat and
takes Ihe entire load of Roods to head
quarters of the band. When emptied
the stolen truck Is abandoned.
City Primary Kiccllon Plan De
clared to Be Illegal.
ABEKDKE.V. Wash.. March 8. (Spe
cial ,OrolnK in perplexity is the
situation resulting from Tuesday s c ty
primaries, and as a result the Superior
Court is likely to order the clerk . to
place the candidates who filed from
wards where no candidate was required
Jo place such names on the
ballot The trouble arose over the
redist'rictinsr of the city and when sev
eral Couneilrnen awakened one morn
lmt several weeks ago they found
themselves serving: the city as Coun
cilmen from different wards Irom
which they were elected As the re
sult of the mixup several wards were
overloaded with officers, while others
were decidedly short.
Declaring that the plan of election
was illegal, extra caucuses were he
on the nicht of the primary ejection
and petitions for a writ of mandate
compelling the clerk to accept 11 tu
mps were filed in the Superior Court.
Arrangements Completed for Dig
' Republican Meeting .Mareli 16.
OKKOON CITV. Or.. March S. (Spe
cial.) Arrangements were completed
today for the bitf Republican meetins
to be held at Shively s Opera-H-Tuse to,
morrow, a week. In the Interest of the
candidacy of Mr. Taft. That it will
he one of the largest and most en
thusiastic meetincs ever held in the
county is assured. Ex-l'nited States
Senator Fulton and C. M. Idleman will
be the -speakers.
After the addresses a comnr'ttcr will
be named to look after tile . .tcrests
nf Mr. Taft In this citv ami county.
Sentiment anions the republicans here
i3 almost unanimous for Mr. Taft, it be
ing the opinion of even Mr. Roosevelt s
friends that he should not he a candi
date at this time. Republicans from all
parts of the county have signified their
intention of attending the meeting and
a.s it is certain the opera-house will e
crowded, overflow meetings probably
will te arranged.
Vancouver Girls Enjoy Party.
VANCOUVER. Wash.. March S.
(Special.) The. Carmemfltas. who be
came famous for the original and en
joyable Imp Year dance January 12,
gave a theater party last night at the
Hellig In Portland. After the per
formance thev had supper at Hotel
Multnomah. Mrs. William Marshall,
herself once a Carmenclta. was chap
erone of the girls, who were Misses
Alice Toolev, Clara Blinn. Bessie Mc
Carthy. Vlda Tooley. Mildred Tlen
thorne. Elizabeth Yates. Ruth McCown.
Jessie Avann. Adeline Schane and Mrs.
Florence Breslin. After the story of
the dance was published, with pictures
nf the members of the Carmencltas,
several received real proposals from
swains In the Northwest.
Take a Little Diapepsin Now and
Your Stomach Will Feel Fine
Five Minutes Later.
As there is often some one in your
family who suffers an attack of Indi
gestion or some form of Stomach
trouble, why don't you keep some
Diapepsin in the house handy?
This harmless blessing will digest
anything you can eat without the
slightest discomfort, and overcome a
sour, gassy Stomach five minutes after.
Teil your pharmacist to let you read
the formula, plainly printed on these
.".D-cent cases ol Tapes Diapepsin. then
vou will readily see why it makes
Indigestion. Sour Stomach. Heartburn
ar.d other distress go in five minutes,
and relieves at once such miseries as
Belching of t;as. Eructations of sour.
undigested food. Nausea. Headaches,
Dizziness. Constipation and other Stom
ach disorders.
Some folks have tried so long to find
relief from Indigestion and Dyspepsia
or an out-of-order stomach with the
common every-day cures advertised
that they have about made up their
minds that they have something else
wrong, or believe theirs is a case of
Nervousness, GaRtritls, Catarrh of the
Stomach or Cancer.
This, no doubt. Is a serious mistake.
Your real trouble Is. what you cat does
not digest; instead, it ferments ami
sours, turns to acid. Gas and .Stomach
poison, which putrefy In the digestive
tract and intestines, and. besides, poi
son the breath with nauseous odors.
A hearty appetite, with thorough di
gestion, and without the slightest dis
comfort or misery of the Stomach, Is
waiting for you as soon as you decide
to try Pape's Diapepsin.
Your Hair Looks Soft, Fluffy,
Lustrous and Abundant After
a Danderine Hair Cleanse.
Immediate? Yes. Certain? that's the
Joy of it. Your hair becomes light,
wavy, fluffy, abundant and appears as
soft, lustrous and beautiful as a young
girl's after a Danderine hair cleanse.
Just try this moisten a. cloth with a
little Danderine and carefully draw
It through your hair, taking one small
strand at a time. This will cleanse the
hair of dust, dirt and excessive oil
and in just a few moments you have
doubled the beauty of your hair.
i delightful surprise awaits, particu
larly those, who have been careless,
whose hair has been neglected or Is
scraggy, faded, dry, brittle or thin. Be
sides beautifying the hair. Danderine
dissolves every particle, of dandruff;
cleanses, purities and invigorates the
scalp, forever stopping itching and
falling hair.
Try as you will, you canntit find any
dandruff or a loose or falling hair and
your scalp will never itch, but what
will please you most will be after a
few weeks' uee of Danderine, when you
will actually see new hair fine and
downy at first yes but really new
hair sprouting all over the scalp. If
you care for pretty, soft hair, and
lots of it; surely get a 25 cent bottle
oi Knowiton's Danderine from any drug
store or toilet counter and just try it.
Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegeta
ble Compound Restored
Mrs. Green's Health
Her Own Statement.
Covington, Mo. ''Your med-rM has
done me more good than all the doc
tor s medicines, ai
every monthly period
I had to stay in bed
four day3 because of
hemorrhages, and
my back was so weak
I could hardly walk.
I have been taking
Lydia E. Pinkham's
Vegetable Com
pound and now I can
stay up and do my
work. I think it is
the best medicine on earth for women."
Mrs. Jennie Green, Covington, Mo.
How Mrs. Cline Avoided
Brownsville, Ind. "I can say that
Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Compound
has done me more good than anything
else. One doctor said I must be opera
ted upon for a serious female trouble
and that nothing could help me but an
"I had hemorrhages and at times
could not get any medicine to stop them.
I got in such a weak condition that I would
have died if I had not got relief soon.
"Several women who had taken your
Compound, told me to try it and I did
and found it to be the right medicine to
build up the system and overcome
female troubles.
" I am now in great deal better health
than I ever expected to be, so I think I
ought to thank you for it." Mrs. O. M.
CLONE, S. Main St., Brownsville, Ind.
Cleans when others fail
and requires less effort