Morning Oregonian. (Portland, Or.) 1861-1937, March 09, 1912, Page 3, Image 3

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No Groceries
No Liquors
No Restaurant
No Pots and Pans
No Tea Room
No Bakery
Mrs. Lindsay, With Her Son,
"Billy," Evades Federal
Subpena Servers.
Take Your Unrestricted Choice of
Dozens of Different Individual Styles in Derby Sailors
I jaTiV)fe R Gb.
JL 7terchanfdise of veril
iorcrnincnt Cannot Inlerropl Heir
to Philadelphia .Million. Xw
Souslit us It ii Asalnt
Mm rlilicr.
'HM".i; . March 8. .ci !al
Vhiie lh Federal jrud Jury wai com-fl-tlnir
its invi-Kttfc-atlon into the mys
trtouH tachinc of lr. Otoman Zar
Adusht Hnnih. founder of the sun wor
jt'i ir.r-s' temple, offlcinls of t M H1-f'artnr-nf
of Jus'lce learned today that
Mr. Kli-abtth IL.tnd.Hav and hr n.
'Wily" Lindsay, the rtitlanVIphla. heir
to millions, have fled to Kuroiir.
This information was received by
f"hs.rl K. Ifwoody, division superin
tndrr.f of the I'cpartment if Justice.
In a from Montreal. Juobcr.
Mrs. Lindsay and her boy. who disap
peared from I'hh-auo several mnntlm
iro. while the. JuvcniW- authorities
were nuklni; sn Investigation, were
traced to Montreal.
KuKltliea Kvailr ubpeaa.
Since the Government agents made a
raid on the M.txad.iznnn Temple and
arrested H.inlsh fir vlolaiim; the postal
laws ly sendinc unlawful literature
throush the m.ilN. Mrs. Lindsay and
the boy mre advised hy's fol
lowers to leave Montreal.
Necoti.itlons were beinK made with
the iMmitnion of ranmla to liave Mrs
I.indsav and her boy cross the border
line so that a sti h ieriA could be served
on th-em . appear as wlmesses before
the Federal Krand Jury in hicaKO.
Mrs. Llnl-ay. It has been learned
would not cross Into the states and in
stead left Montreal anil Is now on the
Civvrrameal I Halted.
"The I'nlted states Ooverniwnt can
not Intercei.t Mrs. Lindsay and her
boy." said Mr. Iewoodv. 'althouirti e
re anxious to have her and the youns
heir In fhl.-ico to testify before the
crand Jury, there is no way by which
we. can compel them to return to the
A crowd of boys who live In ti e
vicinity of the temple which has been
raided by operatives from the- 1'epurt
ment of Justice, made an attack upon
the bulldln? with bricks and stones,
ttanlsl barred the doors and then had
one of his disciples call up the police.
Several disciples of the Danish cult ap
peared before the irrand Jury and testi
fied further about the teachings of
Mazadananism. ,
'l4 to $9000 Is Total Wliii lt Ore
Ron Kept In Treasury hjr orrk'lal.
SAM'M. Or. March S iSpceinl.)
The office of State Architect, created
by the present State Hoard, effected a
.arlnit of tt0 for the state in tho
ours of Its first year's business, ac
cording to a statement prepared by
Slate Architect KniKhton today and
submitted to the Hoard.
The report shows that under the old
system a . proximately the commissions
that would be earned for archliccaural
work, based on regular architectural
hari-es. would have been $20.00. The
eines of the office for the year,
ln :iilini; the salary of the State Ar
i Mi.-, t. were 11 1.S30.
There Is still an additional saving
I'm' can be m ide In year to come, lie
sav. and woold have been made dur
ing the past year but for existing con
rr.ft.f Had these charges been elim
inated, lie says, the savins' for the
year would have approximately been
Amcne some of the pieces of work
roimn-j under this head hns been con
struction of armories, construction of
tn ll.lini.-s. at the l. A. C. and the con
struction of the new administration
hoildins at the State Asylum for the
Insane. This, latter work had been
previously contracted for. but the wins
ivr. held up before the session of the
The architectural work for the en
tire Kastern Oregon Branch Insane
Hospital was done by the State Archi
tect. "Under the new plan.'" said Slate
Treasurer Kay today, who was largely
sponsor for the Innovation of the
Board, "we have saved about half the
expense and have been able to have
the men at work continually. These
two features have proved satisfactory
to the Hoard and we are more than
j. lease ! ith th outcome of the il.m."
5 . I IB
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M - li
yi i LDitKii Hit n.i:s.
Mildred Bridges Is Spreading
Gospel of Absolute Life.
IS-i-iir-llil Mi-s Who I'alltil Hr-M-IT
Spiritual Wire of Irilit-t
licli'nx'd from .Imcnilc
Court's Authority.
M'.ntimi-'! Ktt'lil KIr.t
lrn lrarine 1 la i I mad After Aa
liinrlir Burlrfl hy Scfoncl.
TKLI.I'KI rK. lVlv. MHprh Jt.-Kour
arc tlrtl. one is dying and four Mhfr
pre injured n the rrMiit of m. now?IiJo
at Ophlr Top. nrar here, ioil.iv.
The pfi rr: Turn I .riicllrh. Mal
thrrn; IJvr SilMpena. Iliro: 'Carmen
.citinl. Hiro. and tNminic llllinl. Itleo.
Aleanrl Cabtnl will die. hut I'amU'l
IMrzale. I.oranto and Joseph Kar
inond may recover.
The men were clear i nsr a si Me from
tne Klo irn.)e Southern track when
tiicy wrre hurled hy a second allde.
lrfinlic land Data Soulil.
SAL. KM. -r.. March S. I Special.)
lUriiiHr of lack of any definite data
t h to the value and ur fulne.-.ji of some
ai re- of land benKlnir t the
ta.te and scattered throughout Ore r on,
.UiTBctton haw been made that State
Ind Affent Klnhurt make an rsten
i ve InveM iUun and acure fart a an
to these Und. It la hedlered that thU
will Kve the Stale Laind Hoard Miffl
,int lnforniation to so ahead with
salet in an intelligent bIi.
ri Virginia SalU irtli.
HON' H.l'l.r March S. The cruiser
West Virginia failcl for Hie liremer
tn N - Vard ttnlay ith Keai!-Ad-mi(nl
Ciiauncry Tiitma. retire!, a
p49.rrccr. The Ve?t Virginia hfia
t.en !f(u hi'il from the I'aclflc flet
and i.l ie placed in the 1'acifU re
nerve .jii.i.lrtn. Si:e ii due to arrive
at Bretnertt'ti about March 1 j.
hunlreilM of women are communicants
of the faith.
Arthur Kvelyn See, head of the Abso
lute Ufe cult, la now In Jail, having
been convicted on one of the rounts
on which lie was trici in tne courts
here. Ife was iharped with abduction,
with contrlhutlnfT to the delinquency
of a minor and of com-uhinase.
Mildred! HridK!. w ith Mona Reen and
See himself, uus one of t?ie striking
figures in the trial, which attracted
u ide-pprcad attentiin to the Absolute
Prophet la Defended. 1
The Bridges uirl. as well as Mona
Flees, visorotiidy 4lcfndd S-!. Mil
dred paid she was placed in the t'-in-
Pre by her parents and remained there
with their consent.
It was brought out in the trial that
Mildred wrote letters to Sec address
ing him as husband and shmin her
self wife. She identified the letters
and said that nhe was See's wife tn the
spiritual sense. The See cult does not
admit th necessity of marriage.
As Miss Bridges explained to the
jury in the trial, the Absolute Life Is
the panacea tot all domestic ills and its
aims to create a race that will be free
from el fishnets.
"I love Mr. See as I do God because
he tells mc the truth." said the girl.
eea Trulh (.Iven.
Here a re some excerpt1 from See's
Brook of Truth," from which .Mildred,
Mona Kces and other youn goddesses
of the temple learned the philosophy
of the Absolute lAto:
"To come to purl t y is to establish
freedom. Oh, woman, do not fear man.
Oh. man. do riot fear woman.
"Any experience In the world is not
"Be in; pure to you in your coneen
tion of an act. ull things are really
There s a bt more in the same vein.
If Stephen II. Bridges has become a
convert to the Absolute Life and id
living in the temple, he must have un
dergone a change- f mind since the
days last Summer of the See prosecu
tion. It was he who made the charges ,
against See and caused that prophet's j
arrest. Bridges accused Sec of ab- i
ducting his la lighter and such were
his feelings against the soothsayer
that he attacked him in the ante-cham-ler
of the courtroom one day when
the trial was on.
have prepared to make their annual
St. Patrick's day show March 15-16.
more elaborate than tiny ever before
held. usfn-r the mechanical hall,
foundry, power plant and puttern shops
to display the exhibits and the prac
t'cal demonstration work of the stu
dents. The department of forestry will have
nn exhibit, for the first time. Ono en
lire room will he devoted to this dis
play, whh-h will be under the super
vision of 1'rofessor Y. O. IVavy. The
foundry will be in operation both
nights, with practical demonstrations
of casting In various metals. Kleetri
cal displays, practical assaying" dem
onstrations. engineering1 tests and other
exemplifications of the work of the
department will be conducted In dif
fer nt rooms of the bu( Mings, where
the show is to be held. In the archi
tectural club's display, which is en
tered in the show for the first time,
a contest has been arranged among; the
members to secure the best arranged
J. B. Maun, of Portland, is general
manager and I O. McMillan, of Sa
lem, business manager of the show.
Professor Ay res. of the highway en
gineorinir department, has secured use
of t he model rock - r rushing" apparatus
and models of types of road built by
the state from Salem, and also he will
show a series tf stereopticon slirles
from Wash in gt on. I . C, I Uust rating
results of the gooil roads movement.
Three Smart Hat Specials
At $3.98, $6.50 and $12.50
We want you women and young women to know that all the best
and smartest derby sailors can be found in our millinery section. .
Are you interested ? Fine, isn't it, to have all the Spring styles and all
the new colors in millinery at one exclusive shop, where you can make
your own unrestricted choice. But that is not all. These stylish hats
are selling at such small prices in comparison with other stores.
Tailored hats that are becoming to every woman these style hats
have taken Portland by storm.
Whether or not you are ready to purchase the new Spring hat, we
suggest that you visit our millinery department Saturday and see the
splendid display prepared especially for this sale.
EXTRA Will Trim Sailors Free of Charge
As an extra Inducement today we will trim your sailor free of charge, providing
you buy the hat and trimmings here. We guarantee to do it well.
Colored Dresses
For the Children
Special 59c
Regular price 75c
tJoorjriaii in Semite Complains Thai
Some Claimant-. Are Favored at
Kipene of Others.
WASHINGTON". March Represent
ative KixMenlierc of Georgia, renewed
In the House today his one-man fili
buster of two weeks auo against tho
usual Friday consideration of private
pension bills. Repeated divisions, calls
of the House and other parliamentary
tatties were employed, hut Speaker
C lark, auiid applause, finally ended the
situation by ruling that th Georgia
Kepresentative's tactics wero "dila
tory." In the Senate. Senator Smith of
Geornia. complained that the .tendency I
in pr.intln;; special pensions was to fa
vir some claimants at the expense of
other. Ho said 1".255 private pension
bills had been passed ly tho last I'on-
jrress and that it must have been im
possible to hav piven careful atten
tion to all these cases.
Chairman Mrfunilirr. of the pension
committee, explained that In cases not
vouched for hy Senators on personal in
formation there was careful lnvcstis
lion by experts.
This is a new Spring style in
children's dresses.
Made slip-over effect, with
square Dutch neck and kimono
In plain tan, blue and white,
trimmed with fancy bandings on
sleeve, skirt, belt and down the
A very attractive style for little
lots from 2 to 6 years.
The dress is made exactly as pic
tured and the banding is a cunning
conventional figured material in dif
ferent colored effects.
" AT
. aw.
First Showing of Children's Dresses
Sizes from 2 io 14 jears -
The prettiest styles ever shown for children in washable materials, such as
percales, ginghams, poplins and linens, in plain colors, stripes and checks,
both light and dark colorings. The trimmings are pretty contrasting colored
bands, pipings, braids and embroidery insertion and buttons.
Some are made with round necks, others with sailor or round collars.
Novel little bows of black velvet lend tone to the misses dresses. They
have the newest set-in sleeves.
Sizes 2 to 6 years sell from 75c to $1.85 each
Sizes 6 to 14 years sell from $1. 00 to $6. 75 each
Rain Capes and Coats
For Showering Spring Days
Special $1.89
Regular $2.95 to $7.50
Nothing is more practical for the
showering days of Spring than a
raincape or coat for the little ones to
wear to school.
The capes are of plain navy or
red rubberized material, satin finish
A-ith plaid lined hood and arm slits.
Sizes 1 2 and 1 4 years.
The coats in this sale are craven
etted cloth with turn-over collar,
double-breasted box effect. In tan,
navy, black, gray and wine.
Sizes 4 to 1 4 years.
New Middy Blouses
The season is now opening for the purchase of middy blouses.
These new models are made of best quality material in all white
with navy or red collars navy blue with self or red collars or all
tan blouses.
These blouses come with or without emblems on the arm, and
some are finished in co-ed style with fold around the bottom.
Sizes 8 to 20.
Special Prices $1.48, $1.75, $1.98 Each
in i
New W. B. Corset
Special $1.69
Regular Price $2.50
A new Spring model W. B. cor
set showing the new straight lines.
Made with medium bust, lace fin
ish top and draw strings. Extra long
over the abdomen, hips and back.
They are made of the best coutil.
Six hose supporters attached.
An excellent model for slender
and medium figures.
Sizes 19 to 26.
with its appointed work, and com
manded or directed by a captain. These
will be Riven certain persons to see,
just as was done in the case of the
men's organization.
Notices already are beliiR sent out
for the next meet'.np. for tho perfect
ins of the workinpr organization, which
will be held next Tuesday afternoon at
3:20 o'clock at the Voung Women's
Christian Association.
"There is no doubt whatever of the
results to be secured through this or
ganization." said nr. Hancher last
niffht. "The Portland Mens Willam
ette Club has been ono of the most po-
roi: j:moymknt.
IImI ICUrr Ilojr Sonf 0m.
IKOt RIVKK. r , Mart h S iSr
it!.) AT'Uiip.inird bv Smut rnaittrr
ri'mr- rrtr of St. M:trk'n Kplopal
C'huri-li. three troor of Hood Klvor
bor out. ri tiHjay to !" prnt
tumTr'v v. !' to rvip wrd
v iinrTA r.dn n-)nm H. te founder
of tb or c.i ntz t ton.
Fllu AgainM Army Concentration
Iroat'U In Senate.
WASHINGTON. Marrh Indications
of the d'terminpt flclit that will b
rr.adr In the Senate for the retention
of many of the Army pot. which
woul.i in abumlonetj uti'ler the War Dt.
part men l plan. o fur as adopt el In
the Army appropriation Mil. became
apparent tmlav when Si-natora arose
and inadt tmimrifs as to the Ptntu of
the Am y bill.
Senator William A. Smith. Root and
Warren announced that they would
iipvak on tUe Miujecl.
!:n;lneerliis licjiartinciit at Corval
li I Arrnngins j:.!iilil.
on t'. ;N Af;i!icn.Tn:Ai. coli-kck.
rorvalll. Or.. March . (Special.
Hiuilcnis of the eriKineerlMC ilt-parlrnent
of the orev-.'n Krt. iiUural College
ITtins Is IIcM at Young Women'
Clii'lMiun AsfK-intlon mill Or
ionization IVrfi-ctrrt.
With the formation of the Portland
Women's Willamette Club yesterday
afternoon. the lie thoill.t women of
Portland entered earnestly Into the
campaign for the Willamette University
Kndowmcnt Kund.
The meeting was held at the Youngr
Women' Christian Association. In re
sponse to a call Issued by. a number of
prominent women of the various
churches nr.d there were present many
of the leaders of church and social
Mrs. ,p O. Halston was elected presi
dent, lieulaims H. Paget. Hol
nrook an.! Kinder, vice-presidents; Miss
Hcrtha ioores. secretary; Airs. C. 1
Clarke, treasurer. These, witli Miss
Murphy. Mrs. ott Uozorth and lir.
ilae Cardweil. will constitute the ex
ecutive committee of the organization.
The club Is modeled upon the same
lines as the Portland Men's Club, which
has accomplished so much In the Wil
lamette endowment campaign up to
this time.
Tho executive committee will be the
nucleus for a working organization,
which will be under the direction of the
executive, committee.
This working organization will be
divided into small companies, each
Leads all other iiiedieines in the.
cure of nil Spring ailments.
humors, loss of appetite, that timl
feclins, paleness iiml nervousness
It effects i(s great cures, not
simply because it contains sarsa
parilla. but because it combines
the utmost remedial values of dif
ferent ingredients.
Get it today in usual liquid form or
chocolated tablets called Sarsatabs.
tent forces In Hie raisinc of more, than I "Much the same plan of organization I tiie women's organization as were used
$tiil.000 whic h is already in sleht. I and tho same tactics will be used by hy the men."
The Pure Product of
Nature's Springs. You will
feel better and do better f orusing
Watesr m
?i Glass on Arising lor
Itullnr. nlndlnc and Clank Hook Making.
1-faoncs Mala CMU1. A i2Sl.
Portland Printing House Co.
4, !, Vrljfht. Fre. and ;en. Manacer.
KiHik, iNlalosue and 4 nrnmerviMl.
Tentb mad lalor 1'ortluatl, Orefoa.
The Bell Telephone Monopoly bought at
receiver's sale the Automatic Telephone plants
at Tacoma and Bellingham and wrecked the
same. They bought the Independent Tele
phone plant at Seattle in order that they might
have the "Ideal Plant," owned and managed
exclusively by themselves, a perfect monopoly.
The answer given by the citizens of Seattle
was a two to one vote in favor of a Municipal
Telephone plant.
Portland has competition and good
service is the issue. The president of the Bell
Monoply in the public prints stated he would
like to acquire the Home Telephone Com
pany's plant at Portland. Why?
The Attorney- General of the United States
has ordered an investigation into the various
consolidations to show whether they have not
already violated the Sherman Anti-Trust Law.
The people of Portland can retain compe
tition by using the "HOME TELEPHONE"