THE .MOKMNC; OHEGOXIAX. SATURDAY, jrARCII 0. 1912. p , ( - I to i:xrHAsr,r. I mil salk ; ' AMI H E I L I G T U 7 ii 5 Sev.oth anil Tav-lor Tv.- Tl'.VrnM Si rjs TOPT Vl.lioee. I.IJ T I Mrs. Leslie Carter -mo dnti" TM. .f.m.-T ! r " .. r . i ... .:. ..! . .. roe ' . ;" , 1 l iv - II. oo. T ." . . r f : rr. Jk . I IN.. U I..H M. M ' T 3 .;;rs.. Tomorrow k. Ft II A :.!;- MKH Pr-s-M ALICE LLOYD It fr ! vou M'rl TMay -IJTTI.i; Mlv IIX-IT" r- i-t'wff f'r. 11 row ? T II :-n. ii run i. ru. f j: 7 ri II. HaJ'ony. t rw 1 1 row iec Gi!lj. ' . T-! l-t Time T"iifc'i. THE GIRL FROM RECTOR'S (voi -. On of h r7' ! (CK '-t ' f "f Ih yr K.-mr.f pr. ; - . ii. itt.. v. rIM AOlA( i:l.r-Vii ek. -4rMf i fmo-rn Mat, K"' r,' The Chorus Lady nrmt lima la mr rltr t ppolr pricax fflALINI'S FAREWELL ENTERTAINMENT MULTNOMAH HOTEL BALL ROOM McBo'aj Evening, March 11-8:45 Tickets can be gotten at the citir stand vi l . A lin r utIIMK Hl.KV lV sas3wmr NM.IIfH: IJW. It. 4N". H r K M r'?f I H.b1 T. la Jh r.": iki- -rnrd sntl Mi- Am Hn-l-r- il-oi Trn:ri-r; HI-" nr r-l l4n an.l lv-irtU; t bar Wit Kr- rnWt; 4 In H tlt ItMMlf. japress P H.rlue.1 tau.lollle. nrik i;i "incin "' Julia nrti: llei.nlnla rlimni"', rlill Be"--tf Iw-t tin X oiii. .n.: Le. t.ousetas llrnin aJid IHMiaWa: on bnrta. rrKea, 13m and f t K M K H 4 T.i.hri linir: il llel..a: Metmpall lan tii.'artt; and Br..tns; 1 ho t a Inalal tlrll.: l:ire. IU-II atd ltlilln: l"aa) lltnnp.. I'.uki ptlrn M I lH--H.., .I'W fr.MII ! . M t ' lhtra aod (i-. n.w b.h "oy rt-ryed t artala i.a. ; Hindi i-iioo ::.'. MaIi -- LYRIC 1 ii : r K KOI MTtl AM ffAKK .!.l Till' VVVK. TIKI VI VI (.1 llil . Matlil clt f,..n. ll.e llratber riir. ruio. ItHM. r nnnlmhatn al Vel. aad ll TnHHt IKOK Tl.v T. Iwraw. SialitlJ. Mallneea lall. Ittdi) Matu I.U- Mint aller rwh prtfrtfniW- WATER AT BOTH ENDS Or e. tx ' three :icre-. River at i.e end. 1 ill linn water'i at otlwr, it!i h.n I mii I v'i i. In "River- IHxl." fillet Ml'm-'.l.lTl t-i ion. A-k for Mr. Vn N'iee. Chapin & Herlow My $5250 Iniigtoa Eungalow U ' '' fl? rt '.t'H. .i rt 1 i'a'miii . t S:" f. ' -..- if l'-irf -t I uri - i .i v . t w I I h rv ri tin.Wt t ; i.T f f -th liri.l" jn. !.. fi.r i ..r- f .. f--r ;.. ti A,..-- il r-: It V-'ir if von Want H " ,iO i r i:Vt IJlO i II. 4!v Km Trata X. Walnut Park Home WlMtTII . I .r.-. ? $..:'. t ; ail irrrl .. i :i ; I . Hii.t pwtil. r.'oniK jnn j , i ., , t.i ,- ; in ) ! rrpt.t- l r ic j i'T -kfn apI p"" ini". ''1 crn-nt t ".i r f ; r : . r, a ''. t r. ' r.i : la-ir a;iI Kf.l.n. t'nT . NOTICE To Laurelhurst Loi Owners If iMj a rrntrmT! t ln butldir.n n1 utrt l.r.Miiil aittjrtie. rail I.v.r:!. or Ai;iii. U1 tn La'jrU General Merchandise ! n Kv-1 i v town in lit f ort ,ni h .i. 1 1 . total !! ... , r .!......! v ... 1- v U'i'i rt.rt u t - r i. i ii' i (! i t 'mi. i .i t r-"-1 i. MORTGAGE LOANS CO JCHNE.CRCXAJI, HOJ ... . ,.r l(l..H.a At IMUHfMlY FL2L12 ACCCvJ..iAoIS. A-DIT0..S, M HMCUU1 atlxk. kaiaa tamlat - ' i ! i i ! COUNTRY LIFE WITHIN THE CIH LIMITS H.ilf acre- tracts nlon? lec trir line. .Vtout car far. l'ri's ami terms within the n-ai-h -f any family. Ik you rvalue the differ ence" in et of living by having '.'"K) tenure feet instead vf as in a fit y lot f Call or send for descrip tive jmuiplilet. Platting Proposition IN CITY LIMITS 10 Acres ailjoiniii? K.tMinort'Uiiil on the eat. , mil.- In nil K 1 t'tillf-'e, ;l blocks from K:ir.tniorelainl ear line. H blocks from Wootl-tock rarline. One of the best 10 inn in the city. Adtlre owner. AM St;:i. Oreonian. THE riTTEST Apartment Site la the Entire City. About 13,fCK) -.qnare feet on one of the finest corners in town. Will take equity amonntinir to fl3. fUtO for jriHi.1 city proei-ty nt r.lMlnte rash valuation. Trice $:lti,000. At thi price the property is a bar ;ain. Submit offerinss at cash values. DORR E. KEASEY & CO. eeoml F'loor. Chamber of Commerce. Only $10 Per Acre 651 Acres On Yery Attractive Terms Thi lanil is within a mile of rail road, More and chool. Soil is excel lent. 1 in a pood fruit section and one of the most snecc-ftil dairy l.x-alities in re;on. I'ricc i at loa-t .." per acre ehtaHT than anything else olfered in the neighborhood. FLEMING- & HIDDEN. 1208 Yeon Bldg. SPECIAL 100x100 EAST EIGHTH AND EAST OAK $1000 1. i hail offered lor liii six months azo. Mr. Kitpprr nuriv a llh.ltl.ovv. I om mrrrr. FACTORY SITES Water and rail transportation facilities. West Siile. close to new loeation of rortlatnl lias C.I. See Mr. C-arin. Mohawk I.I-l?.. corner oil an.l Morrison. No plione inf.irmat ion. The one BKST plac in PortUml t" bu M'lllc'AI. i'KXTK K an.l MfST I'KSlKAIll-K rf-UI.Mtoo pri.pelt f fie i itv, K.KIMi l BKI.1M RKTTKP. K.i ii ml we '. II1.H1V ."IIOH'K rel-ii.T'--t C'lnstt uction ami Ihe im prov t.ui-n ta koihic tm. Tbs Oreson Real Estats Con .H Vl WW. AM MII.TXMAH ST. MORTGAGE LOANS On Builnt a and Re.ld.'nr Property. rrrf v. evkhett, fjjf h , c, n. ioi) I In t- C lit Bwa .1 Traih Blilr ' IIEll MTITt fur talc Lata. KiVE . ITT PARK enter lot $TiO; cornrr f 4Vb. ard road: muet be caan. fhoi:" hum T4 or Tbor i4S w ' hWANK. 34 Ahlnatan bldr.. S lota. au. bat. Beaumont and IrTt&ftoa. l;ocO. Biur. haiia I.Qi caab. . H.iICK l"t Sinnyl .- llat and E. Salman 4". Iii" a Agla. O.atr. Ivmi Oot B -'n u t-Tlr"L 1. Weal Plfi Ua.xht hotaaaltaa BjU t 1-J.OW). Alaa4. A ST4U. ! I Holladay s Addition KFAL FSTTg PlALtM. BKCBAKER at BEX&LICT. MI ato as Meg. at. o-se. i ni.lllffl t... Bia-Jio r villus Cheptn Berlow. S3! Chimbtr ClimM Jsnnlsge Co. Main 1S iM Or.olil A1 MtR-JONES CO, H. f- eve.-,- Wileos bldg. . Ib Onion Heal EMita Co- Or ae, a yuUnomb at. iHoliaday Addttlool. REAL ESTATE. l c Saja tta. SNAP. buva a S"i1i loi. Inclucllnic cement wslka. curb. Fm.t.rt t.. Bull Run waler. in a rirlct..l dimrlcu Tha only I will aril aama l lht you are to bulla within ! aavd. Trui 1 P' nt CJ" and I will tako -cob1 mortiia Jor the balanca lr neccaaary. AL boi. Ortjo- UIIO. POKTI.AXD HBIOHTS EXCUUBtyet-T. I i.av. abuul o per cent of ln real estate lr on Portland Helhta In my han.l.. Shall he pl-ad to ahow ovl bn or noma lte. any tlma. iou !'' act ncl lacta (I rcfr you to any of my cuatom-ra): no per.uaalon no acanta to b .re you. nd onera- prtcea n'y- 5J. Ilruoke. 2 Talbot roaal. MarihaU B-I. A IF TOU can pay I caab and par montn. which will Includa Interaat. I will Dnanca tha bulldlnc of your boma o any lot yon may aelacl In luralhurau U yoa want to buy or build a bouaa oa tbaaa aay terma. coma In and talk It aaaa. TbU la your chacca to atop paylas rat liUBl-INAME A AU.ISOit, M- Corbalt iJll. Main 1 ol. E. 1HVINUTON IXTS. Strhtlv re?tnct.-d reaiden.:a altea. facing: on Huncock. K. Mlt and Tillamook t.. from lliiti ar..l ui Tula property la aura to ai-p-al to Mm on sight. H. P. VI.MKK-JoNKS CO.. 414 W llcox bldg. Phon.4 Main S'UiW. A SH'i.l. UFAl TIKl'l. l-w lot on southern alopo. near Coutirll I rest. and up. Including rrmrni ulow:K!. curb, irrad-d atrweta and a. tier; building r-trlctiona; aoid on .any terms. I'rotidnt Trust Company. -"I. -.'i -. Uuanl uf Trade Manilla;! 47a. a ii'-i. . 110 DOWN $10 PER MONTH. Tin view ot. matured fruit traoa. ra alrtcled duttrlrt. mar car; cement walk and curb: Hull Kud watar. Provident Trust Company. 2-'. 20J Bord ol Trade. Marliail A 1022. LAUDS ADDITION LOT. $iut RKLliW VALl'K. by Si feet. All street Improvement paid tZj'K lemis. K 11. Holmes. 21 Jurk SI. Main A 3-Jl. ; r.K.iVEI.AND lots. 10 down. $1U montn: 7-ioom houj.. 1"'H dowu, lis month; I.enis .' don. ti month, owner. T.O'or 4-'T. i LOTS. I'ENlNSI'LA. FOR ;. cash. 110 ni'inlhly. Seward St.. bet. Tr, nmn and .Vr. rr-d W. German, a;li Hurtisiile. 'J f or batle llotieeia THAT VACANT LOT. WHY NOT Tl ItN A 1U UDRN INTO IMUJIB PKOl'EKTV? IK VuU OWN A l.i.T V. K WILL rlKNISII THE MONEY AND Bril.P It Ks 11 1 F.N i. E OR KLA If. PLANS KliKE IP WE l:riLl. OLR bepi'Tation Yoru rnoTF.crioN. ir WILL l-A VlOU TO SEE L'. L. It. BAII.KY CO.. INC.. I ONTRACT- 1NO AllClll lECTti. M4 AUINUTON Bl.r. IRVINUTON 1IOMS. Nave -room h.'usa. on Torino feet, fao lin on llio Tenn.a Club srounds. In tha c.nt.r of l!ie most exclusive residence dls tru t in the cltv ; bi-autllul wooilworK. walla .A..rrd ouk floor, suu ro.-m, aleeplng pot.-h and billlard-roouii ready lor occu pancy, i-rlco in Mm. II. I'. PAL-M Ei'.-JONKS CO.. 41 14 Wilcox bldg. SNAP La-caln: corner k. 60100; 1-room bunealuw ; new. built for a home; doubly constructed; strictly modern, furnace, fira p.ace, bookcaaea. eiectrlo and aa fll turee. Dutch kitchen, cement basement and walks: rood view; one block from Laurelhurst and carlme; corner of Slst and lioyb Phone East .01. Furniture n;a also be sold with bouse. TWi i-TiTTrDS. acre and new 3-room house. t -t Hl.le. ?0 minutes from Pustofflce: rutmina water plli-d to tract, aood walka in st..iim. b.aiitirul t iew of lualutln al-lev- tK.-'O: liml down. $JO per month. pitOHUKXf TIll'ST COMPANY. M;.rshKll 473. A If-'-', mi B..ur.l of Trade Hl.le. TKKMONT o adjolnlna lots, also 4 ad it, in. iiv bitA all fenceit and under cultl- VAilon. S'.rne fruit trees; would sell the lots t.iRcth-r or separately; terms or cash. Inquire of Mrs. Moxtcy, 11710 Allth ave. S E.. Tremnnt. LAV K F.I. HL R.ST 1IOLI5ES. We ate ac-mta for all the rood boueea In thla district. bec us for lowest prlcea. olnccs on cround. Phune East WbA pKl.AlU.srr LF.MENT3. lutb and East Qllsan bta. PIEDMONT SNAP. loOalTfi. corner, with houao coatlna; s7m f.r 17i'i. plemy of riiotr for so other' him", or will Bell luiixloo cheap. If looking lor n good r'co At low price, In ve.ttunTe. Phnne VVood'awn ln7. 'OK SALE, or win ojci'hnMko fur well-io-caccd vacant prop.-rty. Toxlno on West ....... f,iur ffood 7-room houses, rental I'ricc 111.0.H1. will pay cash differ ence Or SSHUi'i:. 'U a. M.arns, 41. WasliliiKton St. 11 1-; WMO.N'l' 1 3stli and Knott. Beautiful. '.,'r.niv modern, new f-nm bunsalow. cioe to car. nicely finished; must be to he aotirecluted. lertne. bee OwniT, 4i; E. SVth at. .N. Take ltoas City park car. '-. run IMS FIKNISIIKD. ." DOWN. Nti little home. - I'Hs. some fruit, lota rov r..r carilen: ral. .'. niontni: ohoio at i.hic. Fred W. Oeraian. a'J I'urnside. M. or A a KOOMS. K1RNISHED. $117.1. N'--at. pr jrtic.i My n-w collage and new furniture, lull lot. clin--' to addition wl-.ere loia ?"'ll for IOO: $10.-. la.h han- d-s Fr d W. (lerman. J-ll ilurnsiue. or A .770. ' PERFECT MODERN HOME. Irvlngtou. clione lutatlon. lo rooruL handsoiucly funs. icd. oak. a flreptai ea, 2 i.,hL Oaa.'tTieiit. fixturea lot IMJxlou. I l!vi K.tat J7.;. W. H. Hetdman. 1 ;" MY OWNER No nirints. nearly n Miimalow. partly furnished. Im Vrncl STe-t; cash Inrludea equity a.ol iLirmlure. l.utan. e x:tu monthly. 01 Last uinli. near Madiwn. I tiWS an eouity of J.t.'.iNl In two excellent two ttoiv house, rented. 8 rooms. on rated streets: will exchange f-vr city Imi of ciual amount. J. H. Tipton. Hob epalillng bldg OtVNER MI ST SELL. Modern .'.-room c-ittjige; street Improve- nielit oalrt: c.-ment walK. step lid Ukui'H : up-to-date eouipm slid heat- t. . .yt.-m inCiCo-ii hfmn. Talior 1..77. i ;".o FOR niodcrn 5-room bungalow, ft i.a..-ment. laundry tras. ahad full and fixtures; fine lawn and rosea, easy t..-ri. ood:awn aa-a or C 24'.'l. -m, M'lI'EKN i-room cottae. 2 blocke from I'nloil ave. iosinn. Income !.- per in. nth rey terms. Iahone Woodlawn Z'iz A-room bunaalow close in. oa esv pAm-nts: mm s oa r.usc Jim a... r.rr Hawtnoroe. Heals A Kuoinaon. sal E. 11th st. E. W2i p.Oi ...kt ..I a bargain. A-mom house and life lot close ui ; must have cash; mtirht con.tder some trade. Address own pi .r.T t ire ;im la ri. -i ,iiii NT. smelly mo.lern new rt-ioom bine. flrcplat.'. r'urnace. pnneled dniini-r....i-.' hurt. I. :i iokcae. gaiagr. on alley. I..- owner :? N. 1-' Hai:ht ave. FINE leiel lot. Rose City Park. IS Mocks fo.n bald-surfaced streets of Reaiimont: g-.-Mi. ca.n will handle. owner, AT i; Oreconlan. r v w-n:,'.! equity for g7.". beautiful new colonial home, every convenience, close to . sr. bal. of Jl'io.) on very easy Icrms. AO i.i i irecon tail. ,i i- vsll and S-1 monthly. Including Inter est "moves you Uito a nice four-nom bun galow, close In owner. 3i) Worcester block. Marshall 27H. l.H.Tlo.1 N PLt'KS west of Fltland sla- tton. Ml- tjroil line; worth I1.K, will take si: terTii.. HlUlllXi Sellwood 12M IhVlMlTtiN New b-room house. 4 bed rooms s eeping porch, bookcaaea a-.d buf fet. ett.loO. terms. Phoaa ar. 2a6a. Wax, klclod. l TjOT iOxli. comer E. Hth and Oak ats.. fVr ale al bargain. 1J. cash, balance a'ny lime within ycaia. Call 67S Ks oak or cbone East 2'.7... dv Awner a new ft room house. Just corn dieted Price, Iti'.-al: alOO" cash. No. MS TI in h el. N. Phone K. IS72. CVk' modem homes, .so vacant lota la Trvlnrt in. K. B. Klce. owner, otrlca phone VT. residence phone East 2431 vii-ic --room house, m-xlem. 1J4 East 79th , Monlavilla. glOia. Save commission. ",';l East i4i: or AP S71. Orcgonlan. IP vINC.Tnv Peautlful new hunitalow. ev. ,, 'modern convenience- Snap: owner. A t ii e Ionian. COB FINE HOMES, be Ueiahunu CllF.AP Vy equity In aeven Koa. City Vark- Tabor Sul'A eQully In aeveii-room bouse. fiv new SCNNTilDK bungalow, cash or Vontract. Owner. IS. at East Taylor. . i p. Two lots. .-room hou and kltc'.ien ' at os ego. .1. M Like. Q.r.i. Or. Ti:w 7-itmi,u house in Overlook chuap. L"k:i owner, Mo as-0. REAL ESTATE. For Sale Hoiue. HOMES ON EASY TERMS. Modern bungalow, four rooms and batn. fireplace. bookcaaea. platerall. Dutcn kitchen, lot S.lxMu; JH.TOO; small cash pay ment: balance to suit. B-room bungalow, strictly modern. I" Dace, fireplace, buffet, bookcases hard wood floors, gas. electricity; good view Hose City Park, close to car; all street Improvements paid; .t."oO and up. 5-room bungulow. aoxoS; lot 5VX T everr modern convenience, buffet, book cases, hardwood floors. Hutch kitchen, tun cement basement, furnace, fireplace, eicc tric fixtures. f.-iHi terms. We have several 0-room homes, wltn an modern ennvenlencee: furnace, fireplace, hardwood floors, bookcasea. buffet. Dutcn kitchen. These are llrst-claaa In every de tail; i:!730 and tip. . 7 rooma and sleepme porch, beamed and paneled effects. nreplacc. furnace. bur fet. bookcases. Dutch kitchen, K blocks to Broadway car: gi.T.VH. .,.- PROVIDENT TRl'ST COMPANY. 201 2mS 2ii.1 Board of Trade Bldg. Marshall 47a. A ln SPLENDID lO-ROOM HOl'fE. (suitable for hoarding or rooming-house. ON CORBKTT ST. Large cement basement, gas n1 elec tric fixtures, tt clothes closets. 3 toilet. PRICE ONLY (SMI. Party will accept aa low as 1000 down, balance oo easv terma to suit. This la a bargain al the price. Excluaive agents for good house bar gains." DOP.R E. KEASEY CO.. 2d floor Chamber of Commerce. LA CASA LOMA. (The House on the Hill.) Thla la a T-room. West Side. Anderaon bungalow and Includes everything that la correct and useful In bungalow building, with i grand view of mountalna and river and la undoubtedly the most ''!' and artistic bungalow In Fortland. Take Council Crest car to Council Crest drive, walk three blocke east to Chchalem and ML Adama drive or phone Alain 8UHO or A 41SG for appolntmenL COME NICE. ATTRACTIVE- HOMES. fi-room new modern bungalow: full ba.enient: south Sunnyside; 2"0; -w cajih. S-room bungalow, new; full basement, flrepluce, attic, corner lot; 12SU0; 2W cash. CHAPIN A HEP.t-OW. :ir.2-aaw Chamber of Commerce. Ask for Keller. MR. LOT OWNER! IIFRE IS VOIR CHANCE TO IM PRUVE TOPR PROPERTY WITH A HUME FLAT OR APARTMENT; WILL, FINANCE IT AT A LOW RATE OF 1N-TKK-.ST. PLANS FCRNISHED FREE. IT WILL PAY Vol' TO COMB IN AM) TALK THIS OVER. J. S. ATKINS. ARCHITECT AND BUILDER. HENRY BLDa. SAVE commission, deal with owner. B-rnom new. modern bungalow, hardwood floora. fireplace, built-in buffet. AH walls tinted; gas. elec.. water, sower. Waa never of fered for lea than 4r..aj; will take ISMIO: cash. bal. 25 per mo., purchaser as sumes JJOOn mine., 3 years: 1 block at.- car. J. H. Tipton. HQS Spalding. K( SB CITY PARK. $1.-. MONTHLY. All improveroettta In and paid for; 7 rooma. built-in buffet and bookcases, solid oak floors, fireplace, furnace, etc. Na tional Realty at Trust Co.. 723 Chamber of Commerce fa Ijti sc- Phono Mailt ol-J. HES1 DENCErS. Laurelhurst or Rose ".S'l easy terms, trade, o. F. Ford, Main lOo. 5dl Railway Exchange; y or stale Bualoeas Property, FOR SALE. $2rjoo 1 lot. auxloo. with two houses, ."37 Aihlna ave. .iliam 1 lot. 3(1x100. with 14-room house. 03! Alblna ave. . 3.ai0 1 lot. SOaliH). with factory bulld Inr covering lot; i41 Alblna ave. These proiiertles liH( feel north of Km- sell St.. In lower Alblna:casytrm. FOR SALE or to lease for a tertn of years -A modern slx-atory and basement brlcK. aprlnkler equipped, on Terminal tracks, very central; 7O.H0II square ft- floor space: suitable for warehouse or wholesale. Da- vld Slearns. 241) Washington aL X OFFER 100x100, corner 19th and Lovejoy sts. for 125.000. terms; thla Is very de sirable for apartments, atorea or garage. Owner. : Wasco aL,orpbODeEast 3S9. ACHE tracts, near city and car: graded streets, water, electric lights; Sl-im. u per tint cash, balance terms. Pu6 Miald lug blilg. FOR SALE Apartment houses: $.KI00 will secure from owner the finest apartment housn in city, clearing now i-i per month. Address AN S71. Orcgonlan. 331- FRONT liv 10t deep; apartment site on 7th st ; Immediate sale al tHIeiO: .1 cash, rtione Main 4-".i. SiTtiRES and apartments, prominent street. West Side. cloSC In. 1.I)IJ0. OWHCr. 3J4 Worcester bldg. tor Sale -Acreshge. HICK EN and FRUIT RANCH near ' Portland: a NF.W SUBDIVISION. Lowest prices: best soil; fine view; wood, water and roads; acres. Slot) per tract; ID A., .-; yi A.. ii: 40) A.. $12oo; 80 A., j'-ihki- liio A.. KXIO; liberal terms. FRANK M FARLAND REALTY CO.. :;ie.l Yeon Bldg.. Portland, Or. FULL ACRES. (lS-iliuute Ride. 0c Fare.) S.".0 on the easiest kind of terms wi.l buv a full acre: all In cultivation; lo min ut s on board walk from Oregon Electric station; every acre lies line and the best of soil. For appointment call at 73 ith at ar Oak. Main A 41S5. I'KlLt; s.eio. $.10 will secure you lo acres. halAnce easy terma; good soil, no rock or gravel, lies well; two miles to macadam road, 4 miles from rail and river transportation, 1 i, miles to school, within 40 miles of Portland. 114 Lumber Exchange Bldg. QUARTER ACRES. 5c carfare. 2t minutes' ride to bnalness center: SaM); terms. $10 per month. r. R. PHILLIPS CO.. 4HJ-404 McKay bldg.. Phone Mai-Khali 413w TWO ACHE15. Jenning-s I-ocige. on o. W. p. electric line- beautiful grove covering one-fuurth acre' balance cleared: best of soil. $1000 less 'than value If sold at once. Inquire at store. Owner. Cha. Redmond. CHICKENS. DI CKS. COATS. FRUIT. BERRIES. 5 to 2-ecr tracts on Oregon Electric, 17 miles from Portland, from 70 to $150 per acre. Fred W. Oermati, 32 Burn s de. M. or A 276. SEVER IL fine lo or 2l-arre tracts at $5 to $15 per acre; 25 miles from Portland, on railroad: rich soil; suitable for fruit or chicken ranch. M FAKLAND INVESTMENT CO.. 41H Corbett Bldg. FOR SVLE on easy t-rma or trade. 3 choice five-acre tracts, all In cultivation, close to Oregon Elecrrlc, at West Woodburn; fine location; fine soil. A V 072, Ore- gonlan 1W1 ACHES, unexcelled fruit or grazing land one mile from R. R. station. 115 miles from Portland, up Valley, at 137.50 tier acre one-tenth cash. Timber will pay eot of 'clearing. AO 22. Or-goman. CHEAP LANDS. .-nse to transportation b rail and water- beat shot soil; large or small tracts to suit- prl.e $15 to $30 per acre. C " SMITH SON. 210 Ry. Kxc. Bldg. FOR SALE 20 AI RES or part of 1L with new buildings; 7 miles rut on gotMl roa.1; cl.e to Oregon Elec tric line and railroad station. Chr. Rich er d son . Ita2nj5liiiIEIL WHAT! I I acres, all cleared, on county road. 1 mile from Beaverton. Washington Co-, lavs line; .oriuw from owner. N SoO, Oregontao. Le, "ion " Tp. 2 S-. R. 5 west. Make odiT. AnUirw a- ... m.i...i. 5 1 BUT 3 5 acre eholc fruit and veCr tZblm land unimproTed. near railroad toaa. 1 boor from Portland; eiy uriai. tiiCouch Bidy.. 1Q 4th au PARKKOSK y, ACHE. 1 block fpjm tandy Road and carKne: hieli rrountl. dandy Ttew earn and north; imp for cah or terma, X OrcK.,nian. 1 to block from eletrtc carlJne. A i4i0 par acra, eaay term. J. w. Hof- ferun Realty Co.. 1S Corttt bldg. "TrRKAGE for sale. Tilf mile .t of Roirtha Station. Oregon a alM.a U t s!tirlra. $, C'l'y Address w . l. tar ic weather. Or route L. C. ',t V Tp. . K- 5 weat. Maki M.ka offer. Addr ivi th at. tsouth. " 1W 50 in real money. I will jcli 10 acres t , bent tru-rk and fruit land, near porliand. worth per acre. Notiiin ill buy. AK 70, Oregoman. but C XcREAliE and farm, iarte aad aniail traoxa- - ' , - Lumber Irj-cchang bldg. i... At KKS. rloso In; mI or trade. Hob- ACREAGE ABUTTING ON THE NEW FOURTH STREET ELECTRIC Only 30 minutes oat with th new cars, mon t I y car fare $7.30. No rock or gravel, tine water at - feet. Mi new houses in sight, com pleted roads alone each tract, soma cleared, some timber, some with, run ninur water, all very fertile. Any sized tract you may desire from one-half acre up at -o0 to $600 per acre, upon easy monthly pay ments. Sea us. Ortics open uniu at P. M. THE SHAW-FEAR COMPANY. Main 35 102 Fourth 6U A 3000. ACREAGE. IMPROVED AND UNIMPROVED; LA RGB AND SMALL TRACTS AT VERY LONT PRICES AND ON MOST CONVEN IENT TERMS OP PAYMENT. IT WILL PAY YOU TO SEE ME BE FORE YOU BUY ACREAGE OR FARMS, I OWN THE PROPERTIES THAT I OF FER FOR SALE. J. O. EL ROD. G10 CORBETT BUILDING. SOME CHOICE BARGAINS. $V an acre for 44 W a-res of A-l land. within 15 miles of Portland. -$S5 an aero for 5S arres in same local ity as above, partly under cultivation and no wnste land. 1,25 an cr for one of the best improved fnrms m Oregon, within 1& n1'101 Portland and on good automobile roiid into the city. WE HAVE some choice 10-acro tract m th Columbia Homestead lots, over looking the Columbia River. Th-ne tracts are aelltnr for an aero and will easily douole in price within this present year, when the electric line la in operation. J. M. FRENCH CO.. 412-413 Abington Bldg.. 106-i Third Ft. 2O0 . down and Si a week will put you into Immediate possession of ouc arre t good rich black loam garden land no mumps or rocks, ready for planting; apout W. minutes from city limits on fcH'pn, electric road, near two stations; also half ere at Tigard for $:t00. same terms, ln er. 211-212 The Falling, corner d and quire of owner. 211-212 Failing bldg., cor ner 3d and Washington sts THE TEN-ACRE TRACT YOU HA E .BEEN LOOKING FOR. Close to Portland, and handy to e!oC tric station; all In hlzh stat. of cultl--atlon. det-p rich meilow soil; no rork or gravel: price $27 .i ot aero; a small -iyiii-nt down; anv terms on tne balance. THE WESTLYN TRUST CO.. 221 Yeon bidg. CHOICE ACREAGE TRACTS. Cloie to Portland; rich walnut, fruit and garden land; only am all cash pay ment, balance pays for Jtse:f in products row on the land, which we accept and are the onlv peopie making thfe liberal offer. FIR LA ND TRl'ST COMPANY. 00ti Spalding bldg. A GOOD buy if you want a fine acre tract: only m and close to carllne. All im provements In and paid. Beat soil in Ore gon; 36 minutes ride and the last chance to buy an acre to close to city. All Orrgnnian. E1THKR one or two acrex. 20 minutes out. on Oregon Electric. I20O per acre; Vz cash; magnilicent vitw: water piped to tract; go north from Multnomah .station to end of boardwalk: deal with owner. For tale - D onvrtt oada. FOUR him.'iteals In Coos Co.. joining, close .0 town and county road, very guod loca tions Two homesteads In Douglas Co., about ...tHMr.ooO feet of fir and cedar on each, some good farming land, plenty of water t-vo miles from town and schoril. N i m mo. Run e y & Co.. 424 Hamilton bldg. HUMESEEKEKS Land laws allow you 4S0 acres rich fannin land, near railroad now building. In Central Oregon; 31'0-acre locating fee $100. 1V1 4th aL Main 8774. A 1321. H . M EST E A D RKLI NQ U IH HMK NT. 1tw acre. 12 mll-'S fmm Carlton. Or., adjoining Meadow Lake Cluo property. For particular-! cull East 14., HOMESTKA D relinquishment, HU acres, 9 miles from Vale, county seat Mukheur Co.. Or. For particulars address Mr. Bow man, janitor, at Court hnti?e. Vale. Or. KHlMNQl'lSHM ENT, 5 miles from car; consi-ier.ible Improvements. 201S 7th st. Mitrshall 1S.14. 30 HUM EST E ADS. timber claims and r liiiquishmnts. 82 J Chamber of Com merce. i For Sale Fruit Lands. 0 ACRES choice fruit land. rear Lyle. Wash. per acre. R. H. Holmes. 351 Stark st. Main 224. A 3291. FOR SALE M acres excellent fruit land; 3a acres apples .fust coiuiug into bearing. S 841. orfrjonian. For Hale Farms. FINE DAIRY RANCH. 200 acres, 18 mJies from Portland, mile from town on O.-W. R. & N. Ry es acres highly cultivated, 25 acres ready for plow In Spring, 20 acres heavy fir timber, all Columbia River bottom land, large 7-room house. 50x00 -foot barn with sheds on three sides, 1 separatof-house, 1 6-horsepower engine, $12 cream sep arator, 21 cows. 4 horses, 4 hoes, 75 chickens and other poultry, family or chard, well stocked with farm and gar den tools, ship cream to Portland. This can be bought at bargain and on easy terms. For details call at 709-10 Roth child bldg. Marshall 1&25; Sunday, Main 362. 20 ACRES with fine 8-room modern house, cement basement, tiled fire place, porcelain bath, ample porches, nice fences, ground all cleared, family fruit, some good young orchard, only 10 miles from Portland Courthouse, and a bargain at $S500. Office open until t P. M. THE BilA W-FEAR COMPANY. Main 35 102 Fourth St. A S00. 7l ACRES. SNAP. One of the best bargains eer offered; 7i acres In Washington County, only 4 miles from R- It- station, on good county road; 10 acres In cultivation. 4o more easy to clear. Lai. pasture; fair house and barn, excellt nt soil, no ruck ; plenty of timber and some cedar. Fine orchard land. This in reallv a baraain. Price for eerything only $1.""M; ftHM cash. bal. 1N. per year; hurry if you v.ant this. Maiden & Knee land. t'3 Swetiand bldu. rMPyi'A valley land 2450 acres 2' miles from Rosehurg, Or.. on county road; two sets buildings, all fenced and cross fenced; 100 acres culti vated, about 9JO acres of flrst-clasa fruit r grain land, mostly eluared. balance tine pasture but hilly; One soil; enough oak wood on place to pay for It ; on Umpqua River: borne orchard ; tine for subdivision; price only 2." per acre, with . MH cash, balance 6 per crnt. See or write at once. W. C Hodgson. Ashland, Or. 10O ACRES, small amount cleared, house, barn and well, only mile from station on new Fourth street electric. miles from Portland Courthouse, part heavy timber, very best of toil and only 130 per acre. Good terms. A W2, Orefonian, YAMHILL COUNTY FARMS FOR SALE. Large and small tracts, suitable for general farming, grain, hav, fruit, hops, dairying, etc. ; about 40 miles southwest of For land. Or. Call or write for price list. W. E. Kidder. Carlton, Or. ai ACRF.S !:md near warehouie In Oregon's wh?it belt ; waiT, fence. house: $2-"Vw cah- wilt take mortgage or houst) and lot for ba.ance. F Orcgonlan. RANCH CO acres, with Dulldlngs, 18 miles from Portland, near electr-.c line; bargaia for all c..h. by owner. is2 Morrtsoc su FAR MX WANTED. FARM WANTED. To owners only: I have 1 whole block. I lots, on which are two good residences in fine location in Portland, worth $14, 000' no debts against same. I want a irood farm of from 60 to 160 acres; any good location, for the above. Owners only will call or write J. E. Smith. 13 Cham ber of Commerce. WANTKD Farm; prtee reasonable; S.W) first parment; balance mortgage on farm. By reliably experienced farmer. AB 8W. Oregon ian. W.4NTE1? TO RENT FARMS. WANTED To rent. t ore. with privilege cf" buying later, small improved farm near cream route arrJ school; hav t-afh to pay rent and buy later IX suited. T 669, Ore-aouiaa- SACRIFICE SALE. $.".40 equity in ten acres, two acres which is set to peaches and wamuts: miles from Portland, near R. R- and boat landing; has mail and telephone er Ice; all under cultivation and Is good, deep, rich soil: balance payable $125 quar terly. This Is the best buy near IorJ land. Rice, owner, R. 30S. 326 Hi Wash ing ton t1 . TO EXCHANGE For Portland property, l-'-O acres, less than 2-i miles from Portland: completely stocked; about 60 acres In Rri50 acres, near Goldendale. Wash., HO acres in cultivation, all implements and household furniture; no stock; no inflated prices considered. 205 McKay bldg.. WILL exchange my stock and grain ranch in Southern Oregon, close to R 1.., cc n tains 30O acres: will exchange for 1 ort land property either vacant or Improvfi. or will sell on easy terms: my price is $15,000; will assume up to JlO.ouO on casii basis. Y 011. Oregoniaru I OWN an excellent 7-room and sleeping porch, 2-story residence. In Ington dist every modern convenience, easy ter"' price $4250. Let me show you this prop erty. J. H. Tipton. 110 Spaming ook. EXCHANGE new small modem bungalow, completelv furnished, on corner lot one hlock from carllne in Portland, for lum ber at market price on board cars. . W. Wilson, Lewiston. Idaho. "ox -7 NICE, new. modern, five-room , rtsr.n fivft-room ana d" of Haw- thorne ave.; $3-00; wfU take building lot or lot equity as first payment on this, -v E. PouUen, 41 S Railway Exchange. TO TRADE Six-room modern house on mrn,r r.nvi.M. rtn carllne. for any siz-d fa rm, If absolutely good: will pay ttit e. Give full particulars in ntst ference. letter. E S5, Orcgonian IF YOU reallv want acreage clost in. an size or price.- cash or exchange or a large farm at snap prices, then ee F. L. Miller. 25 Yeon bldg. Marshall OSO. 1 EXCHANGE practically new furniture with every room rented in IS-room house, for good screae, 13 or more impAOveu. AF Oregon. an. 7-ROOM house. 1 block of Montavllla ear line, to trade for a smaller housw nearer city; will assume some indebtedness, own ers onlv. Room HI Washington bldg. Sl.riO0 MORTGAGE on 100-acre farm draw Ins 8 per cent Interest ; will t rade for clear lots or acreage. Jordan, 010 Lum-bermatis- bldg. MODERN 5-room bungalow; also half acre cleared; St. Johns. .Box S20 i?t. Jonbs, Or. 10 ACRES Improved Umpqua Valley fruit land part pa ment for modern home. Hall A Roark. 431 Cham. Com. WANTED To trade $1400 residence prop erty on East Side for runabout. V 03, Oregon ian, REAL ESTATE exchanged, roomlng-aouaei, anything Ask for Burrows. . S17 HAMILTON BLDO- , l.,00 7-PASSENGKR. 40 H. P. Studebaker. in good tunning order; for lots or equity In house and lot. AC Sr5. Oregon ian. DIAMOND liivalitrs and heavy silver purse for lot clear of inrnm branc' or acre close in. Address AH tC4. Oregoniari SOME cash and 20 acres of land for small ronming-house. 320 Lumber Exchange bldg. - FINE lot chickens for watch, diamonds or what have you? AT Oregoniaru WANTED BAL ESTATK. WANTED Strictly modern six-room house, located between Hawthorne ave. and E. T:.irni..a and West of 40th st. Medium price: give full description and phone number; state owner or agent. AL Oregonian. . RKSPONS'.BLE partv wants tract of land. Oresron or Northern California. lO.OOo to 2'.fH.O teres cheap lend, ready for coloni zation, with traiusportation. Address H MTS o'regonin. WANTED 7 or fi-room houao with sleep ing porch: Irvfngton or central East Side. Must be snap for cash. Give street and number. X S7S. Qreonian. WANTED Aereaae in Multnomah and Washington Counties; price must be right ; will deal only with owners direct. AM sr.i. oregonian. WANTED To huv or lease West 8Ide cor ner between Seventh, Fourteenth, Morri son and Jefferson ats. 2oS Board of Trade bUlfc. I WANT to buy a 4-room bui.Ka.ow with full biisrment and bath: small amount down and monthly payments; not over $1400. J 925, Oregonian. 5 OR H-room modern home, near Ml. Tabor carline. Owners only. AO 3i. Oregonian. TOR gALE TTMBEB LAN DA. 10" ACRES of No. 1 yellow pine. In Grant Co., or. tasn or win iuk eny as part pavment. E. E. Wilcox, 515 bo. Main St.. South Bend. Indiana. TIMBER LANDS BOUGHT AND SOLD. C J M" CRACK EN. u4 McKay bldg. PINE timber. Wheeler Co.; larffe or small bodies; give location and price. AB oOl. OreKoniam FOR RENT FARMS. 160-AC RE farm for rent in Clackamas County, within 20 miles of Portland; i rootn house, between 60 and 70 acres in cultivation. Address 1)60 E- Clinton st. Phone Sellwood til'l. HIGHLY Improved 22-acre ranch, some beaverdam. near Tualatin; 4 blocks from station. Main HUtf. ACRES for rent cheap. Main 4134. FOR SALE. Horses. Vehicle. .Etc. FOR ALE At Star Stables, SOS Front St., one span of sorrel mares, 6 years old, eirhL oo: one horse. 4 years old. weltf ht 1200; one black horse, broke sin gle or double, weignt nuu 105., prices iw, two span of geldings, weight about 1200 lbs. each, price $300 a span; one span of 5 and 6 years old, one span years 010. FOR SALE One fine gray mare, kind and gentle, weight about lloO; an ideal mare for light larming; will work in all har ness and 'farming implements; she was bred to one of Oregon's best Percheron stallions and should have a fine colt late in tho Fall; price JI2-5. Kramer Riding School. 30th and Jefferson St., city. JUST arrived, another carload of Eastern Oregon horses; in this lot art 4 mares with foal, 2 imported horses; 5 delivery horses. 11 draft horses weighing from 1400 to 1S.K pounds: all guaranteed, at How itt's Stables, bOth and Burn aide, Monta vllla. WANTED Fop field artillery, 13 bay horses, weight ll."-0 to 1250, at State Rill.; Range. finfi(amj. Oreeon. Sunday. March lo. 1012; subject to approval. For particulars ste Adjutant-General W, E. Flnzer, Ger- Ilnger bldg.. Portland, or. a-YE R-OLD bay gelding, combination sad dl and driving horse, singlefooter and pacer guaranteed sound and gentle; also rubber-tired runnbout, harness and .saddle. Phone Tabor 1862 or call at G4 E. 63d st. FOR SALE A span of good drivers for sale at the central cmuicc. i.n. WeW broke. Owner, Thurman. AS bht, Oregon ian FOR ALE 1 team of well-matched mares. " yVai-s old. absolutely sound, true and without a blemish, weighing 2600. 226 Rusdeil st. 8 HEAD of horses and mares, several set of harness, 4 farm wagons. These horses are all gentle and good workers. 247 Bast 12th, cor. Madison. GO to Rose City Park Sales btable at 2d and Sandy Road to buy good guaranteed horses at Hw prices. Take Rose City Park car. Adams & Campbell, props. 3 TF-VMS of good work horses, all sound, gentle, work any place, wll mated, from 1200 to I30 lbs., trom 0O to $275 per tejm. 334 Front st. A j fR M FR has 3200-lb. team, sound and true. $25, at Columbia Stables, 302 Front. OVS Lav horse, ate S. weight about 1 5o. 742 E. 3th st. .South. Phone Sellwood TE VM mares, true to work, weigh! about r.uo; going away, nuist seil them. Ritter, TWO nearly new 314 wagons; one camel back; will exchange for I No. 1 horses. 14 Union ave. vtip wj k 1 team ol horses and light fur nlture wagon, at a bargain; will sell sep arate. 220 R-SseH st. . $1H tt BUYS a black Percheron stallion, im ported bv J. Couch & Son. Address J. R. C. Thompson. Tualatin. Oregon. BY mare and horse, weigh $2000. sound, "good, hones, pullers wnh n-rly new harness; all for $Jj5Myers. 334 Front SL PAIR s.rrel maren, 4 and 5. one with foal bv percheron stallion, weigh 250O Ibn.; pri ce 275. 34 Front. piiu .nel mares. lroke singl" and dou ble, with harness, $1- Front st. THREE work hors;! for sale or :chan$c for oriving nuia- a. 14 Union av. FOR 6 VLB HORSES. Trustworthy borsea, accustomed to city. 88 East 7th st. North. TEAM, wagon, harness for sale; weight of team 3'uo 10s. JO Henry bldg. 1 HORSE and harness. $60. Groc-ry Co.. 11 Beech st. At National -PVSSENGEI1 aulomobilje $2 today. A 143.. rO cash. Phone Vehicles. KQ CARLOAD OF MARES AND GELDINGa JUST ARRIVED. If you are looking for a mare or horse for any purpose, come and look this stock over. Most of these horses-are city broke, so consequently are not afraid of an thing. Following are some of the bargains: Sorrel tram. very closely matched, weighing 2-''O0 lbs., with new heavy breech ing harness, at $1S5. Span of brown geldlnirs. 6 and 7 years old. chunky built, with new heavy breech ing harness; this pair Is very showy and are just as good as they look; $75 will take them. Span or black mare weighing 2400 lbs., 8 years old. at Span of bay mares, weighing 2100 lbs., and they are beauties; $lv; will take theiu. Seven head of horses from $35 up. AH good workers ; also several wagons. 1 f you are in the market to buy. come anil get 5 days free trial; by tra way you know what vou get. Call at 247 East 12th st., one block north of Hawthorne ae., right in park. CARLOAD MAKES AND GELDINGS. Pair mares. 25O0 lbs.. $105. Mare nnd horse. 2.VK lbs,, $135. Pair mares. :UOO lbs., $4.". Pair geldinps, 2S."0 lbs., S27.V Pair peldinns. 3110 lhs., $32. Pair geldings. 275t lbs.. S275. I'air mares. 2000 lbs., $250. We have 35 head, nil well broken and gentle In all harness; some as low as '40 each; all slock sold guaranteed and must he as represented on bill of sale or money refunded. We also allow a free 1ri.11, whieh"mean to take them home and try until satisfied. One week's trial. ROSE CITY STABLES, 5o5 ALDER ST. GUARANTEED HOUSES. "5 head of mares and geldings; 1n tl; lot are well-matched teams from $150 i' 5500 per span, according to weight and ago; iarm wagons, delivery wagons, sur reys, bupgies, pony and cart, and smali mules; harness of all kindR, both siiHTlo and double, second hand and new; In fact, everything in the horse line; atl stock sold with a written Rtiarantee to be a represented or your money refunded; bank and business references furnished. PORTLAND STABLES. E. W. Hagyard and R. I Evans, Props.. 15th and Couch Sts. HORSES, MULES AND WAGON 3 FOR SALJ 30 head horses, ranging in weight from 10O0 to 14H lbs., age from 4 to 10 yrs. old; 8 span of young mules, good work ers, weight lOOO lbs. each: all of these will be sold very reasonable, as we are somewhat overstocked. We guarantee our stock to be us we represent Uim or money refunded. HAWTHORNE STABLES, 420 HawthornsAve. ' Pianos. Organs and Musical Instrnmsats. UPTO-DATE player piano, 4 fcrty muM rolls given, half cost, cash or terms. 2' Tillamook St. PIANO in dark oak cate, looks lfke new; will sell very cheap. Room 10, Washing ton bldg. ' TWO large Kimball upright pianos in prlmo condition. $5 and $110; payments. Souio Bros., 127 11th st., near Washington St. ELEGANT $3i0 new mahogany piano, $135. C. O. pick Transfer & Storage Co., 55 2d. Automobiles. WHITE STEAM CAR. 3H10. 7 passenger. 40 horsepower, fulls equipped, f irst-claj-a condition. Will ex change for real estate up to $10,000 and pay cash difference. OREGON AUTO EXCHANGE, 21st and Washington. E. M- F. AUTOMOBILES. SECOND HAND. We have four 1010 E. M. F. automo biles that have been accepted by us as part payment on our new 11)12 fore-door models. Two of these cars have been rebuilt and painted, the other two are in the same condition aa received. In order to move these cars in the next fw days we are prepared to make prices that aro sure to Interest you. We carry a full line of repairs for tho above cars. STUDEBAKER CORPORATION, Chapman and Aldei t DO YOU WANT AN AUTOMOBILE? We are exclusive dealers of used cars. Over 75 cars to select from, all makes, all prices. Don't fail to see us before ou .buy. Evorv car guaranteed. ORECON AUTO EXCHANGE. 2st and Washington. A GENUINE BARGAIN. Wlnton Six 7-passenger auto for only $1500; will accept light auto as part pay. If vou are looking for a good car, at the right price, you had better look this up at once, as it will not be for sale lung at this price. ROOTS & LEWTH WATTE, i::0 Hawthorne ave. CADILLAC 1IH0 5 pass., fully equipped, thoroughly overhauled and repainted, looks and runs like new: bargain, only $!50. OREGON AUTO EXCHANGE. 21st and Washington. WANTED About 22 h. p. car. roadster pre ferred; nothing older than JUlO; casa for bargain. J. W. Clancy, 371 E. Burn, side. Tel. E. 013. FOR bargains In used cars see us Urn; writs for list; we buy and sell. CUSTOM -UOUBE AtJTO CO.. Cor. E. 13th and Hawthorne Ava ; FINE team horses, weight 3200. also gcd wagon and harness; will exchange for good auto; no junk. M. Maiden, A 302., M. 7770. , 3. PASSENGER automobile, bargain, or wiJl excnaxige for lot. Howard. Alain 7776, A, 3027. 603 H wet land bldg. WHITE 1011 R-passenger nuto, cost $33'io. best of condition, for sale or trade for clear property. B 1343, Eot 43ltj 7-PASSKNGEK. 00-horsepower touring car, 000: just overhauled; mtiHt sell at once; lea.vlng town. 1S1 East Water st. ONE private garage for rent, reasonable. 655 Kearney. Phone Marshall 1978. RUNABOUT, single-cylinder, will sell at a b argatn. Room 10. Wash! ngton bldg. NEW 5- passenger automobile, cheap for cash; consider diamond. T 872, Oregonian. Dogs, Bird, pet btoek. MUST raise money by 15th and will sacrifice 50 Barred Rock laying pulleta at $1.25 each; also 100 White and Buff Leghorn pullets. 50c up. Choice h.t Legnorn and T hite Rock cockerels, fine breeders. frizewlnning pen Fiahel's White Rocks, barpain. About 5O0 day-old chicks cheap. Special price eggs, settings or incubator lots: fertility fjuaranieed. Attructive prices on breeding pens, phone Oak Grove, Red Williaia Shaads, Oregon City line. Ri.ley Station. SEVERAL flrst-class fresh dairy cows, all heavy milkers and largo line stock; two thoroughbred Jerseys just fresh. 7oy Harold ave. Sellwood car. FOR SALE cheap; excellent White Wyan- -dotte cockerel eggs for sale or in ex change for setting hens. Geo, Philip, 3aj Benton st. Phone East 355. FOR SALE CHEAP A fine white English setter bulldog 1 female), registered; alsn thoroughbred Spits pups. Phone Main 4oS or Tabor 1317. ' THREE thoroughbred White Leghorn cock erels for sale, reasonable. 315 East 5 list, south of Hawthorn-3 ave. 8. C. BROWN Leghorn eggs cheap; heavy layers anv quantity, any time. Main 412S. James Ireland. 414 Spald 1 n g bldg. FOR SALE C German male canary birds. 1 vear old. Call S71' Front su or Mam 3369 PRATT'S poultry regulator for sale by J. J. Butzer, 1 Front st. . Miscellaneous. FINE large safe 10 sell cheap; would take smaller one as part pay and give terms on balance. M. Maiden. A 3Q-7. C 25."5. IF vou v. ai t satisfaction out of furniture polish, buy at s7 North 13th St.; home mad ;" no agent. mU ORCYCLE Racycle. 4 i horse-power, 1 cylinder, belt drive. 04 Kearney st. Main 7QtB5. ; ( MOTORCYCLE bargain; must some1 cash; good terms on balance to responsi ble party. Phono Marshall 43S3. GEVTLS Jersey cow giving milk; very L-heao. Main S142. A 62S7. Sfewari. during business hours. FOR SALS or rent, logging and HOISTINO ' naines. locomotives, cars, raila RAILWAY EQUIPMENT CO.. 74 First it. ALL makes typewriters rented. $3 a mouui. NOR1HWEST TYPEWRITER CO.. 2G2 Stark st. ' ' "fertilizer. Well rotted cow and horse manure, de li wr to any part of city. East 2276. WELL-ROT i'ED fertilized manure for sale. Fhoue Easte. ONEHerrins Hall safe for sale cheap. 55 N. ttQs SAFE ifed-slze Herring-Hall-Marvin cheap. S. W. cor. 5i h and Oak, 2d floor. y,n ALE Standard viable typewriter ,ry ci.eap. T 6o, Oregonian. 600 BUSINESS earns $1; a bargain. Boso City Friatery. ly..',, 3ti. cor. Xaylor. 4