Morning Oregonian. (Portland, Or.) 1861-1937, March 09, 1912, Page 13, Image 13

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Delifhtfv.1 I.nnrhecn .Served in the Tea Room, Fourth Floor-Special 25c Shoppers' Lunch Served Daily In the Basement
TZi: d Hair Dressing Parlors. 2d Floor-Standard Sewing Machines Sold on the SI a Week Clob PlandFjoor
Woman's Club Meeting'
'No Mend' Hose 25c
Today 3 to 430 P. M.
In Our Auditorium, 4tK Floor
The Womau's Club will meet for reneral discussions
today at 3 P. M, in our auditorium. Several promi-.
nent speakers will be present. Public invited to come.
Here he Hoc upon hirli we stake our reputation
jt!p of quality. Tlie "No Mnd" Hoe. fine
nl)S.Mi. fat black r.itu or lisle thread, in light or
medium weiirht. ilh knee, heels and toes spliced with
.:.tit IrUh linen. The hot-wearing hr-e for children.
Occupying Entire BIocK-Boundcd by Morrison. Alder. Tenth and V. P&rB Sts.
v;,.., ; . in vij Tliev re true to name. "No Mend.
At 9:30 P. M.
oys' Wash Suits 98c
Made of the
World -Famed
Everv woman knows the merits of Hydegrade Galatea Cloth. A boy's
-nit made of this trood material will wear better and wash better than
suits made of other materials. These come in the Buster Brown
stvles. with sailor collars and military collars, in white, plain blue
arid tan and striped patterns; all are neatly trimmed; good QO
grades at $1.50 to $LoO. Special for this sale at, the suit JOL
Regatta Suits $4-98
Regatta Wash Suits In white linen and natural colors, in denims,
reps and piques; Buster Brown, sailor and military A QQ
styles; sizes 2Vi to 10 years, for this sale at only, each OHitO
Wash Suits $2.48
Genuine Manchester 'HydcgTade" Galatea, in
Russian, sailor and military styles; sires 2U
tn 8 years, in white and colors and $0 AO
nleasinz natterns. Priced at only
65c Ribbon
Special at 37c
In the ribbon section, 1st floor, a sale
of 500 piece- of 8-ineh Satin Taffeta
and plain Taffeta Kibbon; just the
thing for millinery purposes, sashes,
belts, hair ribbons, etc.. ju all the
newest sea.on;ible shade, to 9 7, a yard regularly, at only
Women's House
Dresses at
On tfce Center Aisle, Main Floor.
A new lot of women's House Dresses
on the center circle for today's selling.
(;m.I n,iialit v ercale, in neat patterns.
I'lit or l;irk colors; hiprh or Dutch
mi-ks. neatly trimmed and well made;
sikmI fa-t colo-, just what you have
been wail ins: for. Today 1 ACk
on the center circle, only V
$4.00 MesHBags
Special at $2.37
In the center aisle, sonth. a sale of
many styles and shapes in the Ger
man Silver Mesh lair. made of un
breakable links, lined or unlined.
Thev are pood values to CO w7
W.0i. fpecialid at only V
LOT 1 "00 doz. women's Kid Gloves, in 2-cla-p style,
pique sewn, iu black, white, tan, brown, mode, pray,
ravy, champagne, preen and dark red; all si't5QQ
in the lot. Socialized for this sale at only, iOV
I.vy in a rood supply lor today will be Glove Day.
Palm Beach Styles
$6.98 and $7.50
Palm Beach Styles- The popular low, square neck, Dutch
styles, military and Russian blouse and sailor suits trimmed
in Persian braids, etc. Materials are linens, galateas and all
Women's Outsize
Hose 39c 'm
Dept. First Floor Southwest.
Very few women in and about Portland
who have not heard of our splendid Hosiery.
Here's high-grade Imported Hermsdorf
r I t. T : .. 1 T1..A.J Uada finA Alaeti. nnal.
ity, light weight and long-lived because of
the extra double welt; spliced soles, heels
ana iocs; aw v - VuV 2,1 XMp KASP?
ciaiiy pncea ior mis iur, iuc yan v l-f: pf
liv. oniv nose xoc v
Never heard of the like before T "We are not surprised, because
we never saw such good Hose before, either. Just think ot it.
They have a pure silk boot, lisle thread tops, spliced no
heels and toes; come in in all sizes, Special for this sale OC
Children's 25c Stocking's
Box of 6 Pair, Special at $1
Hosiery Dept. First Floor Southwest.
Mothers: We know how hard it is for you to find good stockings
for your children. We've thought very seriously on the subject
and believe we have secured the best lines for you. Today
we offer Children's Fine Ribbed Black Cotton Hose; fashioned
feet and double knees. Also Tan Lisle Hose, linen t ff
heels and toes; sizes tt1,!- to 8 ; '-3c grades, 6 prs. j) 1 ,UU
Manufacturers' Samples
$1.00 Fabric Gloves 23c
A lucky pickup on the part of our buyer. 1000 pairs of Women's and
Misses' Imported Fabric Gloves; many different styles to choose from,
from the two-clasp short gloves to the 16-button long gloves, in mercer
ized Lisle, Taffeta, Chamoisette and real Milanese Silk; colors arc white,
black, natural, tan. brown, Copenhagen, pearl, medium or dark QO
gray, and some light opera shades; worth up to $1 a pair, special OC
Women's Rid Gloves
300 Dozer. Gloves Special at 75c' the Pair
200 Dozen Gloves (Special at 98c the Pair
Two vcrv special purcha-ses of women's Gloves just reached us in time for this
.Saturday sale. They are without exception the best pick-up which our buyer
made while in the market. Economical buyers will take advantage in today's sale.
LOT 2 300 doz. women's Kid Gloves, in the 2-clasp
Overseara sewn, in black, white, tan and pray, with
three-row embroidered back, black, with white
stitching, white with black stitching. All r7Ct
sizes in the lot. Specialized for this sale
its 25c
Sales in Basement
Union Su
n evening sale on the basement
bargain circle. Women's tine swi
rildtail l"niiii Suits in tl.e Spring
ci;!it: lvo knee, trimmed with
iarc, lc.- cle-. complete range of
-I?.--. Limit t l.i riMim-OC
r. Special for one lionr at
7:3Q to 8t3Q P.M.
25 Cent Hose
An evening sale on the basement bar
cain circle, of children's fine quality
HosC. 1x1 ribbed, double knee, toe
and heel: fine lisle finish, excellent
onalitv. Sizes 61 2. ". "i1 - and 8. The
regular 2-Vcent grade. We sje-
cialize thee for today only at ' .
$1 Auto
Veils For
On the basement bargain circle.
A sale of auto and face Veils. 400
in the lot, chiffon auto veils, Shet
land veils and black face veils, 11
pood prades, full sizes and every
wanted color. Worth up to f Q
fl. special for today at only "Ot
Special 25c Shoppers Lunch Served in Basement
Ice Cream Parlors Soda Fountain in Basement
On Sale
Today, 1st Floor
50e Marshmallow Chocolates, 27
40e Cream Almonds, special, 27 C
40c Turkish Paste, special at 25 Chocolate Drops, special at 20
S0e Opera Wafers, special at, lb..30
40e Coeoanut Caramels at only 25
25c French Mixed Candy for 20?
40c Butterscotch Chews, only 25
50c Chocolate Chips, special at 30
40e Fruit Tablets, special, only 27
"Toasties," a new one and a2r
good 40e one, special at only,-'
50c Whipped Cream Milk
Chocolates, special at only
New Coats
Children's Dept., 2d Tloor.
For today, in the hildren's'dcpart
ment, 2d floor, we offer a sale of the
snappiest lot of girls' Coats, sizes 6
to 14 years, we have ever had the
pleasure of showing to our patrons.
Novelty Gray mixtures with large
sailor collars and deep cuffs of blue
Panama material ; very striking styles.
Black and White Checked Coats with
red and Copenhagen collars and tailor
ed pockets, double breasted. Beauties.
Tan and Gray Striped Coats, strictly
tailored, with notched collars and se.t
ou pockets. Very classy little coats.
Navy Blue Cheviot Coats, plain tail
ored, well lined and a very seasonable
coat and a great wearer. flJC QQ
Worth up to $10.00, only piJJO
Matters Worth ThiilKi
Are Personal Appearance
and Saving Money
Men who depend upon Olds. Wortman & King for their clothing
always appear well dressed and realize a substantial saving in the
$15.00 up to $40.00
They are the pick of all the good reliable makes. We do not con
fine our purchases to one "advertised make" and buy the line
straight through in order to control it. We send our buyers into
the market to pick the best from each of the good lines and have
our own labels put on them and sell them with an absolute guar
antee of satisfaction to the purchaser. Our styles are the very
newest and the patterns the very best. There is a g A f ff
broad range for choosing at from $15 TO &iVVJ
Men's Riding Breeches at
S5.00 tip to 10.00
In the Clothing Department. Main Floor, we are showing a splen
did new line of Men's Riding Breeches in the English Bedford
Cords. Tweeds and Corduroys, all sizes in the lot. (J r ff
priced very reasonable at from 5.00 TO 9JLUv
)M 1
Get a New Hat and a
Free fiat Brish
The nifty, 'new Spring Blocks are in, 25 different shapes to pick from, and
''Gems," every one. Before you purchase your new hat be sure to see these.
Stetson Hats $4 $5
Cheshire Hats S3
and every man v. ho buys a Hat today from this splendid selec- Ty'fke
tion of black stiff Hats will be given a long-handled hat brush
Eng'lishTweed Hats $h25
The new Spring favorite in the Alpine shae, soft crush style, in JJ1 OtC
tan and gray mixtures, all sizes and the best hat in the city for only P
Place Cards
Tally Cards
lOc Dozen
25c to 50c Grades
In the stationery aisle, main floor,
tvest. a one-day sale of Tally and Place
Cards. Broken lines, odds and ends,
etc., which sell regularly at 1 H.
25c to 50c a dozen, special at vt
A Goo
d S2 Shi
irt for S2
Couldn't Sell It for Less if We Wanted. To
These particular Shirts were made for particular fellows. They come in smart, new
patterns in negligee style with the turn-back French cutis and collars to matcn.
One which we feature especially is a Ingu-grade rep m plain winte; also
New Today
Men's Extra Size
They are 2U inches square, pure linen
with ti-incli hemstitched hem; priced
for this sale at only ,
25c, 35c, 50c
white ground with black, tan and blue pin stripes. See window.' Priced at
$1.25 Underw'r 95c
Here's a sale that will keep the underwear salesmen
right up on their toes all day. It's the "Winsted"
line of Men's Shirts and Drawers in the medium
weight merino, a fine, soft quality in natural QC
gray, reg. $1.25 values, special for this sale
Men's 50c Sox at 35c
A very special purchase of the new and popular ac
cordion knit Silk Socks for men,. Colors are red and
black, heliotrope and black, brown and black, navy and
black, emerald and black. Two-toned effects, OC
unusual 50c grades, special for this sale, pair,
Sale Water
Glasses at
Good shapes, thin blown, on sale on
third floor. Take advantage of this.
S1.50 Vases 98c
Beautiful Art Vases in assorted shapes
and decorations. !ood selection here.
Beer Steins 39c
Very pleasing designs in Old Ivory.
40c Coffee at 28c
O. W. K. Imperial Roast.
40c ROULADE, 30c
Spiced Rolled Beef very choice.
40c BOILED HAM, 33c
At Delicatessen Counter, fourth floor.
50c TEA FOR 40c
I'ncolored Japan, Knglish Breakfast,
our own brand in air-tight tins.
25c TIGS, 2 LBS. 35c
Imported Smyrna Figs the very best
40c Jar Staffed Figs, special at 30
40c Jar Staffed Dates, special, 30
Druas aid Toilet Needs
On Sale Today In Department Main Floor
No Phone Orders Will Be Filled o
5c P'airy Soap, special at only 3
25c box of Toilet Soap, three cakes
Oat Meal, Witch Hazel or 1 Cr
Glycerine, spec 'I, the box for lwJv
To'ilet Paper. 15c grade, 1500 "I f
sheets, special at low price of
10c Toilet Soaps, Buttermilk.?
Witch Hazel or Glycerine, at"
5e Toilet Soap, same odors, at 3J
10c California Medicated Soap, 6
10c Sapolio Hand or Kitchen, 7&
10c Old Dutch Cleanser for only 8
10c Household Ammonia, for 8?
8c Face Chamois, special at 3
35c Absorbent Cotton, special, 21?
10c cake Bon Ami. special at 85 J
J.)C Dome , vioiei luiniouia, j ;
25c Energine, special at only 21
15c Tooth Brushes, special at 8
10c Jap Rose Soap, special at o
25c Sanitol all preparations, 15
fl.OO Fitch's Ideal Hair QC
Grower at special low price, 0-
15c WhLsk Brooms, special at 10
50c Dressing Combs, special, 33
25c Nail Files, flexible, spec'l, 15
10c package Emery Boards at 6
5c Orange Wood Sticks, 2 for 5
10c Cuticle Nail Bleach, spec'l, 5
25c Hand Scrubs, "special at 16
65c Rubber Gloves, special at 49
1.50 Hot Water Bags, only 89
jl.50 Syringes, special at, ea., 89
15c Face Sponges, special at 8
50c Face Powder, Ed Pinand's 29J
30c Sal Hepatica, special at 39J
n These Items
35c Hunyadi Water, special at 27$
50c Lavoris, special at only 40
$1.00 Swamp Root, special at 79
$1.00 Pierce's Remedies, sped, 79
$1.00 Scott's Emulsion, sped, 83
25c Little Liver Pills, special, 15
25c Squibb 's Syrup, white pine 16
$1.00 Wine of Cardui, special, 79
$1.50 Oriental Cream, ''ou-OQ-raud
's, " specialized at onlyO
$1.25 Hair Brushes, special, 69
$1.00 Lambert's Listerine at 69
1.00 Lvsol, Lchn & Finks',-at 83?
$1.75 S. S. S., sped, bottle, $1.19
25c Malt Nutrine, special at 19
10c package of Epsom Salts for 5
10c package Senna Leaves for 5
Hair Brushes worth to 50c, 2o?
Basement Sale of
Men's Shirts
$1.00 Grades at59c
On the Hasement liargain Circle, from 9:30 in
the morning to 9:30 at night a sale of Men's
Splendid Golf Shirts in the popular coat styles
with cuffs attached. They are made of fine
quality percale in neat dressy patterns; all
good, dependable colors, black and white, blue
and white, etc. Sizes 14 to 17. Splen- CQ
did $1.00 Shirts, priced at only, eaehO7C
Basement Sale of
25c Grades Only lOc
In the Basement " Underprice Store," for today
only, we offer a very special sale of Cobalt Blua
Border Semi-Porcelain Ware with gold trimmings
in the following pieces : Comports, Cake Plates,
Salad Bowls, Breakfast Tlates, Soup Plates, Pie
Plates. Fruit Saucers, etc. Worth 23c.
each. In Basement "Underprice Store"
MMItl. Hill. POINT OtT Al-
r;K or poktiaxh.
.mhI lltm.l- do-ie at ltcalijr
iMMiril Mwiine I rsr t'nhorf of
t, m p-U. IVtt;4n I :p-f one of t'
nioi ! pfr'nnl r'wi"n on orlr
ii. o ! ;rr1 eier,ly hv Smuel
Iflil. of rviult. w'i . p'.onrr In
t. j; 1 -. 1 - mov.' In K' Norlb.
mfl. bf.r ' ekly nftiri of
, prilanl K'll hcM at I1"
Vii'.lnont.i lf..t.. r tltll -. that
Porti.n4 mm olsn.1 t omr ona
( f rti:' tt -onifr.r, i.l anJ ahip-
r'n cntrr, a well aa nn of the
larsmt rltlex In the United Stalea.
The prakrr aalil that one of the
Krrate.t problems to b. met today la
that of lndu.-ln people to go back
to the land, cultivate the aoll and be
co:r.e actual produer. To make the
i-oiintrr life ailrartle h aald It waa
rxftirr to build KOod roada. Inatail
telephone linea and eatab!laa good
e hoolii.
In refernne to trie future reatnea
of I'ortland. Mr. tltll aald that th.
aeoicraputoal loratloo of the citjr la
ffreatlv In Ita favoc
"If you draw a atralaht line between
Nome. Alaska, and I'anama you will
find that thrre are only three placea
on the Pacific Coast where ther. ar.
natural outlets through the mountain
ransea to the aeacoaat." aaid Mr. Hill.
-lort:and Iji at one of theae broken
lines. This rlty la the most favorably
located for ahtpptna of any. The- Itn
n.enee produrta of tha lllddle West and
the great Inland Kmplre will find their
way through Portland on their way to
the markets of the orient. The Colum
bia Is a great canal itself. The time
will conic aoon when double tracks will
skirt either side of the Columbia Into
Portland. The Columbia Is the only
river In the West where railroads can
be built on water gradca tn the sea.
"The Columbia Kiver Basin will in
time become the most densely popu
lated district, the greatest agricultural
and horticultural territory In the world.
You have the soil and the climate, the
shipping facilities and the markets In
Ih Orient to make- this posslWe.
The growth and prosperity of Ore
gon will depend to a great extent upon
the construction of roads. You should
build main highways to the California
line and through Central Oregon. You
should provide quick and rhrtp means
of transportation for the producers on
the farms. Tourlsta and travelers will
be attracted her. because the scenery
of the Columbia lllver and other
streama In this state Is Incomparable
Switzerland Is a Joke In comparison
"Oregon has a fme and progressive
rUss of people. What you want to do
Is to keep up your high character of
rillzenttilp. With all the great ad
vaiuases and resources you have, your
state Is destined to become one of the
greatest and Portland one of the first
cities of the country."
kelso Plans w City Hall.
KELSO, Wash.. March 8. (Special.)
The City Council of Kelso is planning,
the erection of a 114,000 City Hall In
that city. A bond election will bo
called Immediately to raise funds for
the building. The offer .of a Seattle
architect was accepted last night to
draw the plana for the structure, no
pay to be received by him unless the.
bond ejection carries.
backache: almost inbkarable.
Is an almost certain result of kidney
trouble. D. Toomey. 803 E. Olive St.,
Hloomington. III., says: "I suffered with
backache and paina In my kidneys
which were almost unbearable. I gave
Foley Kidney Pilla a good trial, and
they done wonders for me. Today I
can do a hard day's work and not feel
tha effects." All druggists.
.Methodist Church Kducalional Lead
er Ooes to Astoria.
Dr. John W. Handler, of Chicago,
educational councillor for the Methodist
Episcopal Church, wllf preach Sunday
morning in the Methodist Churrh at
Astoria, where a sub-district ' rally Is
being; held today and tomorrow by the
cabinet of the Portland District Kp
worth Lieaguc. Dr. Hsncher is in the
Northwest at this time to assist in se
curing endowment for Willamette Uni
versity. This afternoon at 2:30 o'clock, the
first session of the rally wrll be held
at Astoria. Tonight there will be a
social hour, given by the Astoria Chap
ter of the League. Sunday afternoon at
1:30 Miss Mary Hepburn, superintend
ent of the Methodist Deaconess' Home
at Portland, will speak, telling about
the deaconess' work. She will explain
a plan that has been adopted, whereby
the Epworth League chapters on this
district will' assist in supporting a dea
coness nurse, wbo is to do work among
the poor of Portland. Sunday nlffht Dr.
J. w. McDoiigall. superintendent of
Portland District, will preach and ad
minister communion.
Austrian? are liable to arrest for lea
majeste if they vary the position of ths
postage stamp on s letter.
S. S. "KANSAS CITY" Sails 4 P. M., Tuesday, March 12
San Francisco Class $10, $12, $15 Class $6.09
Los Angeles Class $21.50, $23.50, $26.50 c2.. $11.35
I Two days sightseeing at San Francisco with meala and berth free)
Ticket Office, 142 3d Street "hones, Main 402, A 1402