Morning Oregonian. (Portland, Or.) 1861-1937, March 09, 1912, Page 11, Image 11

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Main TT "
.. ..? A n3
"My "lr-ulr"
Mintf.u riiior
uaa Editor
. ..(, ml Tv'r
Mr. 1 . . f-.rt.r In tK .
Horn-o'- Tf. .li'FiiMn al : 11 ana
Bi(il at t.l rnKk.
BAKER THf4Tr.fl iEtnth l?''"
...-y,H ....nrtl. -Til J T7
tor . tm ri'"o at ana im-
OiM at I II OcJVll.
unPMKI'X Tllr: ITKR-i .Horrlnnn. between
-mii an-1 M.tiHi-Vil'i'- l"1' "'
liriwi al Ml and tonlstit at doea.
KrRK TIIK TEH M'nrn, an4 Wnnhlna
tnii .a TMi ii'""" al 1 l
tunlfM al 7 J and oclo:-
PT.l:-i THEATER .-rtl .
udeiii- ettrrnoon al MI.
Iiniim at 7 1 and 9 o cioca-
LTKI' TIIKlTlin-ICnnrlh and Starkt
V .l-nl ' Tommy rm ' Tn ri.rnwin al 2.3 and tonight
at ; J and .i o c -
rrPI E 1, J'TIR R'llE. OH JOT,
Tivr.l-I M rntsl II, Flrat-rus pic
lufi U A. M.-JJ f M.
i iilmauli Innate
eta ealaeaan an Maou
aadaal la Ika
e'elech kivr
1mm tin CHy Hew
Imiii aTara mr
I-iwrnr SotAnnt Mat Bk Aibed.
Artiona for divorce, alienation of
affection ami annault anJ battery arwt
a private vendetta, are the expected
outcome of a family row whU'h wan
quieted by latrolman Fuller, at :ll
r.t Sixth atreet. late Thur.i nlihc.
when .M. t Slate-. I4 North Hevr
teenth atreet. Interrupte.1 an Interview
hem cm hia wife ind r'rana Murhard.
Slater had trailed the wnmn tn the
place, and aaaerta that nhe wan drunk.
The indignant huahaml rommenred pro.
reeding-a by knocking MtirtiuM flown
nod kirkine him. Then one Scott, a
relative of Murhard. netmed a butcher
knife and Manned Slater tn the hand.
At tbla Juncture I'atrolman Fuller ar
rived ami tn.k charge of the proceed
In;. He declared ttie honora even ami
mad no arrent. He persuaded Mr.
Slater to return with her husband.
Fuller report that Slater will nue hta
wife for divorce and will commence an
action aicatnt Murhard for alienating;
hia wife affection. Murhard prom
ised to rome back n'lth a prohecullon
for assault and battery, while Scott li
quoted an threatening Slater with
PRKrMii.HQ la Pint 'in En. "The tVood
lawn Improvement t'litb will Insist
on the dredjctnif of I'olumbla slouch
beyond Kenton for eeweraae and ship
canal." said I harlen K. Vork. president
of the cluh. yesterday. Mr. York said
that so far the Invent iirationa of the
sloush have stopiel at Kenton, leavina;
out the territory east and north of
VYoodtawn which he declarea tn as
much inlerested as the Kenton
district. All the territory alopen
toward tlie stouKh. stild Mr.
ork. and the people will object to
usina I'olumbia slouich as an outlet for
sewerage unlsn tt la dredKed east
ward toward Troutdale. "If the nloua-h
u not oredKcd beyond Kenton." said
Mr. Vork. "It will be of no benefit to
WixMllawn district and we will object
to eras being emptied Into the
j-lmiijh " The City Knaineer has made
-.everl trips to Inspect Columbia
-Ornish with a view to dredKtnjr It out.
ttut han made no reprt an to how far
it siiuul'l be dredged. lie made his
Ust trip' Monday.
William Avtml to Bk l.ioiiTrn.
I'lana of a unique xas lii;ht are belns
prepared for the sieclal Illumination
of illlama avenue between Hawthorne
and KtilinBTsworth avenues. The light
mill consist of a slnsle burner of much
power and placed In tha el bow of a
curved hiffure. I. K. Sauvle. m-ho has
cen pntmotinc the plan tn Illuminate
Williams avenue, sain that the liirht
taill le attractive and yet Inexpensive.
The post will cost much less than
ihoe in ceneral ue. and the expense
of malnt atnance. will be less. lie re
port that the property owners on Wil
liams avenue generally are favorable
to havtnn: the street lishted. and he
think that the atreet sill he the first
llumlnated In the Nirth Kast Side.
Tnere is some aicltatton to liichl I'nloo
avenue and Broadway, but the move
n' nt Ir. not as far alonic as the Wil
liam avenue movement, and will proh--ihy
not take form until after the
llroadaay brldse I completed.
Sit.vrR Jinil.tcit to Be onsrRvrp.
St M iry'n p.irtsh. In the North Kast
Side, mill celebrate Its silver Jubilee
in June this ear. ortcanned north of
sull:van'n liulch. the church wnn dedi
cated 2 years aiio. The pariah then
tumprised all the territory north of
Sullivan's Gulch. Since then St. Clem
ent n. Holy Cross, St. Andrewn. Holy
Kedeemer. Holy Kossry. St. Mary Mac
it;rn. St. Inse and St. Stanislaus have
been formed In this territory. St.
.Mary's parish territory now comprised
Kat Thirteenth. Shaver. Thompson
street and the Willamette Klver. Tha
jubilee wtll Include all the parishes
that have been forniel out of SL. Mary's
Tae Keneral contract for tho erection
of the lhtiirt Branch Library hullcling
n Knrtt street has been let by Archi
tect H K. laiwrence to A. W. Kutsrhe.
an.l the pliimbtnn: to Sturares aV Sturae.
i'intru lion will start at once. The
btliUlu.s; mill be of tile construction
and the cost a til be approximately
jni.O'H- It will rover I'MlxlSo feet,
and 111 contain an auditorium which
will seat people, the same a the
auditorium of the Ka.-t Portland Branch
Library. The style of architecture for
the new branch is attractive, and the
bulldma" will be lamer than tha Kast
Portland Branch.
Mm. rrx' FTxrnni. Topat The
funeral of Mrn. Charlotte Punn. known
as "tSrandma" Punn. ho died a few sco at her home. H"3 Minnesota
avenue, will be held today from St.
.Marl's Church. Mrs. Punn for many
i ears wa an active member of St.
M.iry's Church. Alhina. and a member
'f the Altar Society. She had lived
tn Portland for many yearn and was a
KxTKNaioiv TO B Bftt-T. Construc
tion of the extension of the VoNjlHwn
rarline from Its present end to Kast
Thirteenth street wtll be started as
oon as the franchise has been Eivcn.
The franchise l part of the others
pcmtinc before the Council. Money for
ihc com of the extension amountlnj- to
;'h) has been subscribed and larsrely
paid tn by property owners.
gi mrrs Block Brixos IJJ.ioo. Wil
liam Held has bousht the quarter
Mock at the northeast corner of Kast
Stark and Kast Water street from J.
Kaymond Koicrrs. paylnar 3i."' for
the property. There ir no Improve
ment on the property.
TEMrcRx-K Workers to Meet. The
Woodstock Woman's Christian Tem
perance I'nion will meet with Mrn.
Stella I. Pre-- Monday afternoon. March
II. two blocks east of Mann's Station
en Kelly avenue.
This Pat Onlt. Women's silk and
wool t union suits, special. 2.a; 35 -cent
black cotton hose, special. 19 centn.
F. P. Younit Co.. JJ3 Morrison St.. op
posite Portland Hotel.
Ladies or Portlaxd. F. Frends Is
niiktnc a special low price In ladies
tailor-made suits of Imported roods for
a short time only. 30 Central bids;.
Real Wirn.0, the llcht. crisp kind
can only be had at Morris, tl th. near
V .ls-Fara;o bids
The Birr of ladles tailoring, only
na pries. Hi. Curnsy. i Mohawk.
At-atx Flii. Co. Lo meit prices:
best service. I'honi K. II, C 1111. "
Corpwooo I R t c b s reduced Jin
cents, all trades- Mails llii, A li.J.
Friextis A10 COXVtCTED Touth.
Sentenced a few days ao to a maxi
mum term under a constructive charge
of white alavlna-. Roy W. Hill. SO years
old. Is receiving the benefit of united
action from reputable residents of
Walla Walla and even of the officials
who convicted him. looking to hia beinu
pardoned by the Uovernor. Mean
while. Attorney retrain. Impatient at
the delay of the pardon negotiations,
has undertaken an appeal of the case
to the Circuit Court. Hill's mother Is
on her way from Walla Walla to as
sist In obtaining the release. The boy
was convicted on the testimony Of
women, who are held as "white slave"
witnesses In a Federal case involving
two Burnslde street foreigners. In the
Federal Investigation. Hill was exon
erated of any Interstate acts, and Ills
attorney asserts that he Is guiltless of
any felony. The girl on whose testi
mony chicflv he m'n convlrted wan a
protege of Hill's mother and lived with
the family. Arriving here, at the
solicitation of the foreigner. It Is al
leged, she wrote to Hill to Join her. and
he was arrested tnf next day after his
arrival. He waa sentenced to be Im
prisoned for six months.
TRot-RLat over Brer Mat Cai se Si-it.
Because Mr. H. W. I, Bruenning.
14 Sorth Seventeenth street, accom
modated a woman friend by allowing
a delivery of bottled beer to i made
at her bouse Instead of that of the pur
chaser, thereby thwarting the curiosity
of goipy neighbors, she wa haled
Into Municipal Court yesterday to
answer to a charge of stealing the
beer, but escaped conviction and now
threatens to retaliate with a suit for
damages. Though Abe Richmond, an
expressman, was the complainant of
record, a brewing firm I said to have
fathered the charge. Richmond aald
I lie beer waa accepted and he was
thrown out when he demanded hia pay.
Mrs. Bruenning retorted that her hus
band was a brewery driver and she
had no need to buy beer. She also
asserted that Richmond became very
Insulting when she refused to pay the
charges. Mrs. Bruenning wan unable
to furnish the required ball and was
kept In Jail over night-
Sewer 1 Pt.Aixr.D. Plans for a
trunk newer for Westmoreland and the
eastern part of Sellwood have been pre
pared by the City Engineer. The newer
la to be known as the "Innley-avenue
trunk sewer." It begins near the south
side of Westmoreland on Kant Twenty
second street and extends nouth to
Insley avenue and on Innley avenue to
the Willamette River. A tunnel under
S-llwnod for a considerable distance
will be required for this trunk sewer.
Two set of plans a required have
been prepared. Concrete newer will
cost 1159.23' and the monolithic and
lock-Joint sewer la estimated to cost
Jlritl.039. That part of Sellwood east
of Kast Flfteeuth street will be In the
new district, as the western part has
already been provided with sewers.
This trunk will provide sewerage for
Kastmoreland. Westmoreland and east
ern Sellwood. The sewer system for
Westmoreland Is now being constructed
and will be connected with the lnsley
avenue trunk sewer.
Ai.t.coEt "Stekrer" Arrksted. Ac
cused of being a stee-er' for out-of-town
confidence men, Robert Richard
son, giving hln occupation an that of
bartender, was arrested by Petectlves
Moloney and Swennes. yesterday, on a
charge of vagrancy. The officers as
sert that Richardson does not work and
passes most of his time around places
where swindlers congregate. They
suspect him of "tipping them off." to
new-coming swindler. At the time,
several yearn ago. when there was
great furore over the arrent and al
leged protection of the Harvey Pale
gang of swindlers. Richardson was
caught In the round-up. and it wan
through statements made by him that
much controversy arose.
Orrrit Mist Come From State.
Committee from the Kast Side Busi
ness Men s Club. U M. Lepper. chair
men, had a conference with Samuel
Hill, of the Home Telephone Company,
a to whether the company would sell
it plant to the Mate. Mr. Hill wa
non-committal, except that any offer
would have to come from the state. It
I expected that Oovernor West, who
will speak on the possibility of the
state acquiring the Home Telephone
plant Monday at the luncheon under
the auspices of Kast Side Business
Men' Club will outline some plan for
acquiring telephone lines. The club
asked the Oovernor to take up the mat
ter and give Information as to the
A V'str Ai.t ax to Visit Citt. Wil
liam Cattanarh. of Victoria. Australia,
who ha been ilelegated to Interest
settler In the land excursion to be
conducted under the auspices of the
Australian government, will arrive In
Portland next Tuesday. He will make
hi headquarters at the office of the
Perk-Judah Company. Railway Ex
change building. The excursion will
leave San Francinco April 1. For the
trip special rate have been provided.
The purpose of the xrurion 1 to In
terest settler In the Australian gov
ernment's big Irrigstlon projects near
FofR Cot-rLE Pivor-ep. Presiding
Judge Kavanaugh yesterday allowed
four divorce decrees, pesertlon was
the ground of complaint In every in
stance. Those divorced were: Stella
from John F. tlaynor. II. J from
Kllxabeth Higglns. Pearl from Thomas
Boolhby and W. P. from Luella Bur
gen, tirace L. Caven testified that her
husband. N. P. Caven. had forced her
to leave home after preferring ground
less charges against her and she was
allowed her freedom.
Father or Portland Wojsam Pitta.
Kbenexer fJraham Tate, father of
Mrs. Jennie Benrler. of Portland, died
In San Plego, Cal.. March 2. He was
nearly " year old. and a native of
Pennsylvania. He wa a member of
the tMdfellows- I.odge. the funeral
services being held under lodge au
spices In San Plego. Rev. R. P. Hol
lington officiated. Mr. Tate w the
husband of Mrs. F.lla K. Tnte. and the
father of W. F. Tate, of San Pieco.
Sister or Aarox Harris Pies.
Aaron Harris, assistant seeretarv of
the Portland Lodge of Klks. yesterday
received advice of the death of his
sister. Mrs. J. P. Cohn. at San Fran
cisco. She wan TO years old and hnd
lived on the Pacific Coast for more than
5i years. Simon Harris. Miss Rosle
Harris. Mr. S. L. stone and Mr. B.
I Stone, all of Portland, and Hcnrv
Harris, of Lo Angeles, also are sur
viving brothers and sisters.
Exhibition to Be Give The Port
land Art Association announces the
opening of an exhibition of paintings
and sculpture by artist working tn
Portland and vicinity. The exhibit
consists of about TO pictures and IS
pieces of sculpture. A cordial Invita
tion to be present at the opening, this
afternoon from 1 to 5 o-clock. is ex
tended to everyone Interested In the
growth of art In Tortland.
Luther TV Pyott. the minister, preaches
tomorrow-. Sermon theme: 11 A. M..
"The Harmony of Memory Amid the
Plscord of Experience": T:45 P. M..
What Should Be Included In the Pro
gramme of the Modern Church?"
Mator Names Arthi-r Wood. Mayor
Rushlight has appointed Arthur K.
Wood as a member of the Municipal
Vice Commission, to take the place of
II. II. Ilerdman. who wa unable to at
tend to the work, owing to his duties
In school work.
Joxes Exhibits Bi3 Ego. Thomas
Jones, of Si; East Twenty-eighth
street North, exhibit an egg. laid by a
Rhode Island Red pullet; the egg being
eight by seven Inches In circumfer
ence, and weighing four ounce.
Caxpt SmiAi. Topat. Regular 50
cent boxes of chocolate for 3S cents:
cocoanut hash. 20 centn a pound. Rehe'n.
404 Washington at., bet. loth and 11th.
lutixii tedar aU day, Oaka lua.
Lights to Be Provided. Accord
ing; to the announcement made by W.
H. Fitxgersld, of the lighting com
mittee of the Executive Board,
electric lights may be Installed at the
rate of about 45 a month in the three
Kast Side districts. Mr. Fltsgerald said
that the general plan is that all lights
are to be located where they will serve
the largest number of people, and the
locations may not be where petitions
ask. Pr. H. C. Flxott hss charge of
the territory south of Hawthorne ave
nue. Mr. Fltxgerald the territory be
tween Hnwthome avenue and Fremont
atreet the Eighth and Ninth Wards
and M. J. Murnane looks after the
Tenth Ward. When request comes for
light, said Mr. Fltxgerald. an In
vestigation will be made with the as
sistance of a committee of cltlsens.
before they are located and ordered.
Clubs or cltisens are Invited to ap
point committees to co-operate with
the lighting committee in the three
East Side districts. Loral committee
will know where lights are needed.
Nioht Pvpils Give Entertainment.
Pupils of the Portland night schools
gave a literary and musical entertain
ment last night In the assembly hall of
the Lincoln High School. Recitations
I and songs were given by pupils repre
senting various nationalities. 1 ne pro
gramme opened with a debate. "Re
solved. That labor unions are a benefit
to the working man." with Messrs.
McKenna and Brett, affirmative: Messrs.
Harper and Each, negative. Miss Mary
Farrow sang "The Little Greek Girl."
"The Watch on the Khlne" was sung
by Mr. and Mr. Wemme. Mis Torp
recited "over the High Mountain."
Iul Barredo. Filipino, recited "My
Native Iaind." Others who participated
In the entertainment were: Miss Peter
son. O. M. Stewart. Miss Matthies. Miss
Anna Scarnlci Romana. Madellna. Luna
and Lonokla Faclno. The night schools
will close March 29. During the month
the schools have been In session 700
pupils have been in attendance.
Elk Shipment Arraxoed. Word
has been received from Game Warden
Flnley of hln arrival at St. Anthony.
Idaho, from where the band of elk from
the Jackson Hole country, Wyoming,
will be shipped to Oregon. Mr. Flnley
advises that the elk will be held at
St. Anthony for two days, to enable
them to rest from the 80-mile trip over
the mountains, before placing them
aboard the train. They have not yet
arrived at the Idaho town, and prob
ably It will be another week before
the animals reach Joseph, Or., from
where they will be again trannported
to the pasture in the Wallowa Na
tional Forest.
Banquet to Br Given. The Portland
Alumni Association of Sigma Alpha
Epntlon will hold Its annual founder's
day banquet at the Imperial Hotel to
night, to celebrate the 6?n anniver
sary of the fraternity. The committee
In charge has prepared an elaborate
menu and a toast list. More than SO
Invitations have been sent out and
preparations are being made for several
out-of-tewn members In addition to the
30' members In the city. Folger John
son. T13 Selling building, ha charge
of the reservations. Following- the
toasts a short business meeting will be
held to elect off Iters for the ensuing
Bodt Is Sent East. The body of
Nicholas J. Roach, a brlckmason who
met death on Wednesday by falling
from the roof of the new Llpman-Wolfe
building, was sent Inst night to Sagi
naw. Mich., where a w idow and children
await Its arrival. The body was ac
companied by C. W. Granfield, of the
local union. More than 200 member
of the Portland organization escorted
the hearse to the depot from the chapel
of Punning & McKntee. The train left
at 7 o'clock over the Seattle, Tortland
& Spokane.
Series or . Hike Planned. The,
first of a series of hikes which prob
ably will be continued throughout the
Summer will be taken by the Maxamas
Sunday afternoon. Thev will start
from the end of the Fulton carllne
at 2:30 o'clock Sunday afternoon. Pr.
W. C. Adams will be the guide, and
will lead the crowd over the Tlgsrd
vllle road to West Portland Park.
Woman Ha Narrow Escape. Nar
rowly missing a woman who was pro
ceeding along the walk, a large piece
of terra cotta fell from near the top
of the recently-completed west wing of
the Courthouse yesterday afternoon and
was smashed Into fragments on the
Fourth-street sidewalk. The Incident
caused considerable excitement around
the Courthouse for a few minutes.
Government Wants Pairt Chemist.
The I'nlted States Civil Service Com
mission announces that an examination
will be held on March 30 to fill a
vacancy In the position of dairy chemist
In the Bureau of Animal Industry.
Further Information about this exami
nation can be secured from Z. A. Leigh,
at the Portland PostofTlce.
Western Pocahontas Coal at $6 50 a
ton: more heat for your money than
any other. Phone Main 35. A 3358.
Nrliumann-Hrlnk Win by Kxtraor
tlinary Snwtnes and Ratine
of Voice.
Monday morning the sale of scats
will open at the Heillg for the Schu-mann-Helnk
recital which takes place
Wednesday. March 13. under the direc
tion pt om Steers-Wynn Coman.
Schumann-Helnk's popularity In San
Francisco has broken all records. A
single concert there brought her $5000
net. as her own Individual share of
the receipt. Hundreds of music-lovers
were turned away unable to obtain
seats, and tha enthusiasm aroused by
the splendid cello-like voice of this
greatest of all contraltos was over
whelming. The delirious sweetness and delicacy
of her plsnisslmos are a cause for mar
vel, while the majestic beauty and
power of her voice when let loose like
the winds of heaven, swell to surging
billows of organ-like music, outrival
ing any other contralto of modern
Place your orders for calves" foot
Jelly, the most delicious In Portland;
and for anv kind of broth at the Wom
an s Exchange, 18S Fifth street.
The best to be found In Portland
Trv them at the Woman's Exchange,
18S Fifth street.
Lowest prices; best .service. Phone
E 18S, C HIT.
Smoke Causes Another Protest.
The City and County Medical Soci
ety has adopted resolutions, calling
upon Mayor Rushlight and the mem
bers of the City Council to take ac
tion to abate the smoke nuisance In
Portland. The Municipal Association
recently took this up with the Council,
and the committee on health and po
lice referred It to the City Board of
Health, which ordered It filed without
as much as considering; It, at the last
Cordwood, Slabwood, Coal.
Holman Fuel Co successors to Ban-fleld-Vcysey
Fuel Co. M. 353. A 3353.
Pry slab. 33 76. Ldlcfien Fuel Co.
Boy Scout Leader to Arrive in
Portland Today.
I. U. V. With Banners and Pla
card March Streets Ojiposlns
Movement Firt Meeting to
lit Held This Afternoon.
Owing to a hitch In arrangements.
Lieutenant-General Baden-rowell, head
of the Boy Scout movement, failed to
reach Portland yesterday and the re
ception w-hich was planned for hfm at
the depot and at the Multnomah Hotel
was postponed until today. He In
formed the local entertainment com
mittee by telegraph last night that he
will reach Port'and at 7:40 o'clock this
morning from San Francisco, In com
pany with James West, executive head
of the Boy Scout movement.
He will be met at the depot by a
committee comprising E. A. Wood.
William L. Finley and Robert Strong
and probably by a delegation of the
Boy Scouts of Oregon, and will be
taken to the Multnomah Hotel for
Flrnt Appearance at 3.
Hi first appearance in public will
be this afternoon at 3 o'clock, when
he holds a general meeting for boys
and men at the Uipsy Smith audito
rium. Originally It was planned to
admit everybody, but the plans have
been so changed that the meeting will
be open only to boys and men. Tonight
he wlli speak In the ballroom at the
Multnomah Hotel to a gathering of
about 600 persons who have been in
vited to attend. He will leave Port
land tomorrow morning.
Mr. Baden-Powell stands as the head
officer of the Boy Scout movement,
which has spread over many countries
of the world, including the I'nlted
States. Nearly every state has a
branch of the Boy Scouts, which is
growing rapidly. The Scouts are
taught to live close to nature and arc
taught various kinds of things of
value In evcry-day life. It.' is said
there are 300,000 Scout in the I'nlted
States. The Scout obligation embod
ies three solemn promises. The first is
"to do my duty to God and my coun
try and to obey the Scout law": sec
ond, "to help other people at all times":
third, "to keep myself physically
strong, mentally awake and morally
Scout I.awa 12 I" omher.
The Scout laws are 12 In number and
govern his every action. He is sworn
to be -trustworthy, loyal, helpful,
friendly, courteous, kind, obedient,
thrifty, cheerful, brave, clean and rev
erent. It Is contended by the leaders
of the movement that it Is non-military
further than It develops military vir
tues, such as honor, loyalty, obedience
and patriotism.
The visit of Baden-Powell to Port
land has brought out a vigorous, pro
test from the Socialists and members
of the 1. W. W., who are opposed to the
Boy Scout movement on the ground
that it tends toward militarism. When
it waa announced yesterday that the
leader of the movement was to arrive
in Portland at 2:30 o'clock, the Social
ists and others formed a parade and
walked through the streets, denounc
ing with banners the Boy Scout move
ment and Its leader. The paraders
discontinued when they learned that
Mr. Baden-Powein w ill not arrive until
today. They prohably will be out in
force again this forenoon.
Motbers Dear Indorsement.
The Oregon Congress of Mothers and
the parent-teacher associations, which
have had the Boy Scout movement un
der consideration, declared yesterday
that the report that they have Indorsed
the movement Is without foundation.
The proposition of supporting the Boy
Scout movement." said Mr. Robert H.
Tate, president of the organisations,
yesterday, "was presented at our Feb
ruary meeting and some members were
favorable to indorsing it, but it was
laid over for Investigation until the
meeting on Tuesdaj-, at which time It
came up for further discussion, but no
action wa taken toward giving official
"The purpose of the Congress of
Mothers Is to uplift childhood, give en
lightenment to parent, establish and
preserve high ideals ot home life. etc.
Since there may be an honest differ
ence of opinion among parents regard
ing many movements that arise and
since our organization i statewide, we
deem It un-vlse to indorse any move
ment in which there is not a unanimity
of sentiment In Its favor."
Mr. Ellen Malarkey Pai.Ms Away at
A?e Of .
Mrs. Ellen Malarkey, resident of
Portland for 4 years, widow of Dan
J. Malarkey, who was United States
Marshal for the Oregon district from
1S74 to 187S. died at the home of her
adopted daughter, Mrs. P. J. McMahon.
at 428 Harvison street, at midnight
Wednesday. She was 90 years old.-
Mra. Malarkey waa born in Limerick.
Ireland. In 1S63 she married. Her
husband died in J880. Surviving her
beside her adopted daughter are three
stepsons: C B. J. Malarkey, a mer
chant of Portland: John J. Malarkey,
Instructor in a college in New York,
and Dan G. Malarkey, superintendent
of the Kelly Lumber Company, at War
renton. Dan J. Malarkey. attorney,
was a nephew of Mrs. Malarkey.
The funeral will be held at 9 o'clock
tomorrow morning from ' St. Mary's
Catholic Cathedral, and burial will be
at St, Mary's Cemetery.
Phone Company Pays Stale.
SALKM. Or., March 8. (Special.)
The Pacific States Telephone & Tele
graph Company presented a check to
State Treasurer Kay yesterday for $13,
11 in satisfaction of Judgment and In
terest for the case recently decided In
the I'nlted States Supreme Court. Noth.
Ing was said as to the balance of the
taxes which will approximate about
$121. too, hut It i understood that an
Let Us Relieve
You of Worry v
You are guaran
teed the best pro
tection from trou
ble or danger of
loss in real estate
deals bv onr Cer
tificate of Title.
Investigate. Call
for booklet. Title
& Trust Co., 4tii
and Oak.
arrangement has been made so that the
balance will be forthcoming.
We wish to thank our friends for
tneir Interest and sympathy In our late
Ml! A Nit MRS K. A. WlLTTr-MSi.
Down Town Church
Of The Last, 3as
KVKMX., 7i3.
Orchestra Prelude.
Wang Boettger
Hoses Thos. Bendix
Anthem Full Chorus.
"Send Out Thy Light" Gounod
Offertory Violin Quartet.
"The Departure" Danera
Recessional Orchestra.
"March Militaire" Schubert.
"Kvolution of the Boy." Of special
interest to parents, teachers, boys
and girlx.
MllHMVi;, MiOO.
"A New Bible From the Higher Crlt-!sm."
No Sunday
I Complete 'Without Flowers oa
lour Table.
We Have an Excellent Assort
ment of Frefh Cut Flowers
and Potted Plants.
orxsetk , r
Opp. Hotel Portland,
'hone A 1t02.
Main 510-'.
n-..-rfct'M-; ji tr
21 -.
U'-.Si.-italS ? cTaf 3TS5Y
New Richmond Hotel
Fourth Ave. and Main St.
Absolutely fireproof.
Conveniently located.
All outside rooms.
Bates: $1 per days with bath, $1.50
J. S. McTERNAN. Mmttr
The manapemcrit of the Hotel
Multnomah wishes to an
nounce that Afternoon Tea
will be served in th& Ar
radian Garden daily, except
Sundav, from 3 to 5. Music
by Prof. V. M. Wilder's
Orchestra. Sinping by the
Emilia Leovalli Grand Opera
Trio. Other equally attrac
tive entertainment features.
H. C. Bowers, Manager.
East 629
B 6148
Largest Grower in the Northwest. Display at Salesyard, Corner of
Second and Main Streets.
Descriptive Catalogue on Request.
Main 4219, A 1452.
An entirely uew, luiurioualy furnished, vacuum-cleaned steel-car
train, via the
70 Hours,
San Francisco
New Orleans.
San Francisco
and Fridays
at 6 P. M.
Through Los Angeles
and El Paso
Connecting at New Orleans with "New
Orleans-New York Limited" for Atlanta,
Baltimore, Washington and New York;
Illinois Central, Seaboard Air Line,
Louisville & Nashville and other lines for
St. Louis, Cincinnati, Chicago and Atlan
tic Coast cities, as well as
New Orleans-New York
S. S. Line
Dining service unequalled. Parlor ob
servation car, with library, ladies' parlor,
buffet; latest magazines and newspapers.
Stenographer, barber, valet, shower
bath, latlies' maid, manicure. Courteous
and attentive employes. Excess fare $10.
Write or call at our city ticket office, Third and Washington, or
nearest S. P. ageut for further information and reservation.
" :
Location and soil ideal for BERRY, POULTRY, FRUIT
and DAIRY farms.
Several openings for small industries, such as PLANING
Our land reached by fast electric trains. Frequent service.
235 Stark Street PORTLAND, OREGON Main 6076 A 3774
V " -is- if
int. w. A. W1KK.
Our Interchangeable
Facings A "Wise" Idea
Our bridge
work hai Deen
brought t o
the hishest
state of per
fection. The
teeth on thii
bridge are in
tercingeabl At will with
out removing
from the
The Brt Red Rubber Tlafe. earl. 7.5
2 -Kamt tiolrt or Torrelain i rown a.oo
ld or Knuinel Killings, each
hilver Filling!, rrb M
me T I1 nmi
tistrr- ' More Falling Flute.
Wise Dental Co.
Of f iee Hours A. M. to P. M. Bundaj ,
9 to 1. Fhonen. Main 2(129, A 2)21(.
Failing- Bide.. 3d and Washington.
Dr. WlM'f Pemonal Service if Kequeated.
Ottering to 1 ami 17. Tourist A OommorciW Trade
"Tirlln AuMiinniihen"
Roc mi with Prirate Bath $1 a Day
Special Weekly and Monthly Rates.
Free Ban. 6 Minute from Ferrie and Depot.
528 KEARNY ST.. corner of California
Will Make Copper
Shine Like Gold
Copper pots, kettles and other
metal kitchen utensils can be
kept brilliantly bright easily
with the use of a little of thi
wonderful liquid metal polish.
Requires no hard rubbing.
Sold by grocers, druggists
and hardware dealers. Look
for the name and portrait of
E. W. Bennett on each can.
& Co.
CO. 1
Foster & Kleiser
HlKb Grade commercial and Electric
Eaat Seventh and Kent Everett Street
Phones Ewat 1111, B 2234.
European Resorts
Study our booklets, maps, hotel guide, nd
other intereMinit literature, which are sent m
absolutely free on request with handsome!
illustrated booklet and Hotel Guide. It will
pay vou. No Fee.
til ruth Ave. .Iept. 124 2evr Vorlt