GIVES ALL LYJUMPERS" Duke M. Farson Scorns Riches "With So Many Heathen Living in Chicago." BOND BUSINESS WOUND UP Kamil Jrwrl and All Other Trop rrt (liirn Vp ljr Man V1h !" lirrcs It 1 S-lrlh to K"nJ.T Tlie-m I.ongrr. WACKKSIIA, Wis.. llarch 3. iSpe rUI ) Within a few days Puke M. Famitn. hanker and dealer In bonls. wh. Ui had offices at 132 ioutn ia Salle street. Chl'-aK". will have retired from lmslnrss to devote himself whnl v to a religious rausc. .Ml he owns In t'ie world his houses and lands, hts business and his family Jewels, will he di.Iai"-d f itiid the proceeds turned over to the Holiness Asportation, bet ter known us the "Holy Jumpers." 11c Is president of the rult. When In ac tive business. Mr. Farson mas noted for his vlKorous methiwl. When he wanted to know all about a bond Is tie that ho thought of buyinK. he found means of lindina out about lu He was shrewd, capable and whole lirirtxl. And Just as he formerly dealt In tiomla with all his strength of nnn-l and soul, now h. has Kone Into the work of the Holiness Association without reservation. til llaslaraa I'ml Aside. No bu-inrss cares mill interrupt Itie future career of the banker, who do lard t'Hiay that he would himself ra!e his voice for righteousness and stive his time, ns iell as his substance, to the att.-e. "rcarhinK tile jrospcl in the highways an.l byways." The lease on hl fhl mo ofllees will expire May 1. He will not renew 'it. The huMnrss Itself, according to lr. Farson. actually erased January 1. and only the fitsr ends remain to be Fath ered up and cut. "I am i:ndinp nt my business af fairs richt now." said Mr. Farson at the headquarter of the Holy Jumpers. He hud come fresh from a meeting of his followers. "There is hardly rnousli of the business left at this time to count." he said. "1 never m ned an automobile, so I had none to sacrifice, but what family Jewels I cwncl and all of my property havo been (riven to the religious society I represent. . Hr -lleafbea la f'Blf-asro. "Why shouldn't 1 Klve up every talntr There are so many heathen in Chicago, in this country, in the world, that it Is selfish of any num. rmi.-h more of a man considered at one rime rich, simply to riantr on to his possessions and enjoy them. I am de otmK mv tunc and all my resources to the holiness cause." The Holiness Association is incor porated In Illinois. Its headquarters are at the old Fountain House. Wauke sha, formerly a famous Hummer ho tel, where there are aoO workers and preacher students in training COW WRECKS MAIL WAGON Kami Po-Uiian Hurled to Karth Mi.-n Animal Sutltlrnljr Kcnr-. I'ji. VA.Nftil'VFl:. Wash.. March 7. (Spe cial.! The rural mail delivery driven by K. Moore, carrier to Walnut Urove. was upset and the driver sent prawllntr to the irrtiund by the sud den Interference of a cow. which had been reaMinu peacefully by the road iJe. Moore mas drivlns alon the hiifh mav with his undelivered mail. "Bos' aie." after seeking pasture in the green prass. had become tired and laid down, yiuddrnlv alarmed by the wo-un, she reared up. striking the aon and overturning- It. Then the cow "mooed" for Its calf, w hi.:h mas mnblillnc around not far away, while t!:e niailcarrier pi. ked together the wreck. FUGITIVE IS FOUND DEAD Color;. tlo Man tvnccl oT Slrnllns SA000 Take Own I.ifc. SA 111 A. tVl . M..r h 7. Warren tavi" iprar.t. on tt: i-h.-vrir of the ""urrrny f n rc a Hi ri pmkco ron ta.ifAic '.oot In btCs from t tu roj-i-t.fft' lirr, wlirrf b- was mplovrj a . Irrk. wis fon1 !.. witl. hnll.-t oi in N trmple lute tor. Thn T.,is,rii w.-ro a'.iril:inc nrlKbor hnM f r hln;. r tru- of th r"k.-c- has hrrn foun.i nt t:e ant hor.ilt.-a hrMev that Iavii .ltj.trovr1 tt. HOME RULE BILL TO WAIT A-qnitli ujcyf t'annol Ite I '.cached Rofore tjitcr. I.OMH'N. March T. The home rule b:il Is not to b- Introdui-ed into the Hou of Common- before- Faster. I'remior Asqutth today. In announclne Its post ponement. satJ that the exigencies of rarltamentary business were such that it would ! Impossible to Introduce tha n e-surs. before the Faster vacation. The ITemlcr's statement ma creeted mita Ironic cheers by the opposition. i'im nor sTANns ip ron t. n. K-I"trttcr Ionlr-. t'liarsvs Made 1t I.a (VllctlP .lansRer. ST. F.U'U March T. "Bully" is t:-e m i.inord ltnchot cha-ectert-ed the progress of the Kooeevelt eanipalun upon Ms arrival here today. The charce made by Walter l- Ilou ser. campalan manajrer for Senator I at Fcl!ett tat Gcorae W. Perkins and ti e steei trut are Ilia "coo.t anKels" of Km-sevelt s campalm. said Mr. Flnchot. are as -untrue as th statement he made that Hoosevelt had 'doul!e-rroM-d la Follette.- MURDER SUSPECT IN JAIL I'oli.-e KrlMvr Man May Hate Killed llarltara lloliman. T.xi'oMA. March 7. Tacoma police cspect t.'.at J. C. Rromn. .lose cor-rei-t name is believed to be r.llsmorth mar utility ot the murder of little BANKER TO "HO r? . ,- llnlTtnun in Pnrtland BOmfl time bro- Brown is under arrest on the charge of attacking several chil dren here and will be tried for insan ity. The offliers nay he was released from tlie Oregon asylum shortly before the . . . . i i l . . ihr ' ltniman muruer. niuwu ...... I nay. that his mania for attacking Ht- tie Kirls has troubled him for some lime. Within a week of bemir a year aao. the bodv of Barbara HoUman. of "63 Korthwlck street. the 5-year-old dauchter of a laborer, was found In a bed in a roomlnc-house at 107 Russell street bv Mrs. Bertha Nelson, proprie tress of'tlie place. The body was mu tilated. The day before, the girl mas reported missing from her home and the police were enlisted In the search for her. March 11 she left her home early In the afternoon to ro to a meat market, and after that no trace of her was found until the dead body was discovered. Golnc Into room 10 of the house ear lv in the morninK to make up the bed Mrs. Nelson found the-little body. The room had been rented to a stranuer for the nig-ht and this stranuer was solicit by the police but never found. Portland police have no knowledse of Brown, or Ellsworth, arrested In Ta-i-oina. FOREIGN VISITORS FEW TK.WIX TO' HAY CITT IS NOWj AI-UtMIXil.V SMAI L. " j Orreon Mmtw Illghc.-t Proportion of Travelers antl rronts from Advert Konicnt. S.X FItANtMSfO. March ? Spe cial.) (JreRon occupies fourth place as a present source of travelers at San Franclscos Mr hotels, California towns cone first, the state of Washing ton second and the state of Nem- i ork third. The actually proven analysis ot m-here San Francisco Is cettlns her transient irucsts Is particularly Interest ing because of Its bearing upon the future attendance at the ranama-I'a-citle exposition. A critical examination of the registers of the four leading ho tels, those practically doinff the bulk of the hiKhcr-class business, entertaining most of the people of importance, and In the amtregate hoiislnn about one sixth of the dally hotel arrivals, shows ! a remarkable condition. The examination made for the tirst 10 days of January to obtain a standard month's bustnes'. showed that Salt I Francisco is re -eivimt a daily avenipe of ubont K'-'l transient hotel jsuests compared mith a total or ncarij -day just one year after the lire. But a. year after the tire division mas 7io u day from all parts of California to 20t) a ilnrtrum all the rest of the world combined. In January of this year tho entire Rain of "On a day Is to be cred ited to places outside of California, a (tain of nearly ami per cent In live years. The dally average initress of travel to San Francisco's hotels showed the followlliK state of affairs: From California. 42 per cent; from alt other states west of the Kockics. 21 per cent: from t.11 slates east of the Hockies. t per cent, from the distant territorial possessions of Hawaii, the Philippines snd Alaska, one per cent, and from all foretell countries' combined only to per cent. Forelxa Travel In Small. Looking forward toward the fair, and Its hoped-for benefits, to the wholo Western slope, mith Sun Francisco as a clearlna-house for the induced visita tion the percentaa.- of visitors from abroad and especially from Central and South America is almost alarmingly small. From all Kurope. out of a total of practically Vn arrivals at San Frencisco s foremost hotels, there came only M people In January: from all :i of the Laitin American republics only 23. mith but four of them from the hu'ce continent of South America. Many Cistern and Southern states have a verv fragmentary representation. Whereas San Francisco mas cettlnc so few in January she will continue to dram- comparatively fern- to the bid fair unless somelhln happens to arouse a form of Interest that reaches travellnR Individuals rather than merely the dip lomatic powers that vote to send an exhibit. The accompanying tabular list tells the stoiv. particularly further and fur ther tlomn the line, where the menk spots show that comparatively little benefit Is twin ic secured to the West coast. I'rrsoa.l Letters Attract Isltora. personal visitors and the personal letters home of such visitors are m hat do much to attract more visitors. Peo ple don't seek out places they have heard about In u may. The secret of the remarkable prowth of population In Ls Angeles is the pom er of personal letters. In the past 10 years, while bin San Francisco mas Kalninsr VJ.ooO in permanent population. lxs Anselea mas adding 20o.oo0. And nom'. mhlle lirrsnn has been sendinc nearly 0 of her home people to San Francisco's l.-a.fmc hotels each month, nrritiin has been Kettlnc Indirect good from the conversations of these peo ple on trains and In hotels. An interestlnc thlni; In connection m-lth the anal) sis of trel's trend at Sail Francisco Is the demonstration of the capacity of hotels. No San Fran cisco hotel has ever, even for a slncle tunht. held more nuests than a number epresented by Its total of nuest. rooms multiplied by 1.4. An average of tmo people to a room is never possible any m'here. and the average at the better and biBBer hotels Is not generally one to a room. This does not mean that hotels are running pertly vacant. It accounts for suites of rooms having but on" bed-room along mith parlors. Trav elers mith means pay the price but It Iocs not take so many such suesLs to till a hotel. That Is the case mith the Fairmont, which crowns Nob Hill In San Francisco. There many of the rooms are occupied by permanent guests and the possibilities of da'.ly accommodatlons are eomparatively suiall at times. The 'Saint Francis, paired mith the Palace in a close and Interesting professional rivalry, often turns guests away and the Stewart, which doe. a transient business that is amnring to Western hotel men. regu larly sends some of Its overflow to similler hotels. The unique position so long occupied by the old Occidental Ho tel m-hlch m-as never rebuilt after the fire, has evidently been Inherited by the'stemart. judging from the diversity of Its sources of tuvl and Its Island and army trade. Us lobby of an even ing being a little parliament of na tions. After Portland, it Is remarkable how manr Oregon people are remstered in San Francisco from Medford. tin Are Best Traveler. It Is Interesting also, to note that of the total dally arrivals at San Fran cisco's more Important hotels, 4 per cent are men. XI per cent women, and only three per cent children. Men make up a little more than 1 low of the dally totiil. momen about iS'i. mid the kids count for but 5') a day. The divisions Indicate either men come mostly for business or find Winter travel In Cali fornia ami stalng at very comfortable hotels a hardship too great fof faril woman to endure. Tho children are apparently left at home as a matter of economy. Where They Come From. :r. x t -i place. ; s ; 1 : : S " z : . i : : Ouest rooms ....... Trtial arrivals ..... t'alliornia Washington ....... w York ......... oreson Canadi Illinois Nevada Pennsylvania ...... t. S. Army Vlnnesoia Massachusetts ...... Colorado I'lah Ohio C. H. Navy.i Missouri Hawaiian Islands .. Kmcland Nebraska .......... Asia Michigan Montana ........... Kurope Idaho luw. Washington. D. C Texas Wisconsin ......... Arltona l'lnlipplnea ......... Australia Alaska New Jersey ........ Maryland .......... Mexico Indiana ............. Virginia ........... Kansas Louisiana Vort'a Dakota t'. S. Marine Corps.. Oklahoma Seuth Uakota ....... Africa Wvnmltlf Connecticut Kentucky ........... Vermont West Virginia Maine Ielas-are Tennessee .......... Ccorgia Hmiih Amerlra .n- Mexico Scotland ........... A lar-ama . . Central America .... Cuba I'. S. Ttevenue Serv... South Sea Islands. ... New llmifhlre .... smith Carolina Mississippi North Carolina Ireland Arkansas Florid. laiy average ..... Total nien .......... Total women Tola! children I'er cent men Per cent women .... I'er cent children.... rst! ot.-i! ;.v', r.20 21.12 Sa3''T!U4 SMI'KU 8' 712 31 i r.'s II 5JI 7 4H SO 347 .11 128 J2i 11 ?(.' 26IV.'1.V! 12i- l-'T Ssj 2-iT no i;4i 'joffl tit 24 1 1H4 im' 170 12 4:i! 42l 4ol 411 2ol 4.1 rSi "5 ii hi s ?,l 12! ?a 121 IS! :ioi all lOfl :::ii ::; B4I p. Pa no si si 80 70 r.T r.7 54 e4 4 J9 3". r.4 31 2t 24 2 22 20 14 14 1.1 12 12 11 tl 10 o T T T 7 T 7 S 5 4 4 4 .1 41) is 21 l 20i "i 13 Ji 1X1 IS, 11 1i! KM S. 21. 14 ' 6, 8. fl lo 5i 4: :.( SI :i p 1! 0 4' si ji. a i 4' Oj 01 3! 2! 4. II o O" ?! a! oi .1 01 i; il o: o m III 1 1 o 1 0 0 0 01 O n o' o S7I rati I74B11H;; Sail 724t IIOI Kill H7I Sol 14! 20.-, 24.1 S2.M 17r.,'.'4!V4 l.M 1 S7I 401 :;i 31 .1 401 (Is I m 21 Nummary of Sourrrs of Travel. Per From. No. California . S:l"3 West or Rockies H''7S Kast of lloekles HHO llssall. 1'nilit'pines. Alaska 0" Armv and Navy I! Canada 4o All foreign countries 207 Cent. 42 21 2 1 CLUB FIVE VICTORIOUS .HlLTX"O.MH DEl'KATS V. f. C. A. TEAM AT BASKETBALL. Game Is Mrs I One IMnjed oil Floor of Athletic Organization's Fine New Gymnasium. Multnomah Club's quintet won the championship of the City Bastetball League In the first game played on the new floor of the clubhouse, defeating the Y. M. C. A. Spartans, 31 to 23. The game mas a little Blow at the start, but became exceedingly warm. The score at the end of the first half was 16 to 10. with the club In the lead. When time mas called the tmo rtood even. 2S In all. but after about ten minutes' overtime the Multnomah quint took the game on a basket shot by Voun?. Both teams managed to throw a foul in this extra time, accounting for the final total. The club team had the best of the tame at the start, but after the lirst period m-as over the out come ofethe match was very doubtful. Young and Barton mere the stars of the game for the winners, m-hile McKee and Jenswold occupied the calcium on the side of the losers. Tho line-up: Multnomah Club. T.MC.A. Spartans. Case (2t BP 2i Cutllpp (61 Cllborn Norrls (41 1 F Young (15 KecK (21 if Hai ton 21 R '1 Kiopp (til I.I Itcferec Fensternischer. (61 penswo'.d .(15) McKe. ... Walters ... Maxfxtt I lllTZ HOLLAND BACK HO.MK One-Time Middleweight Contender to Manage Athletic Club. SPOKANE. Wash.. March 7. Fntx lloUaml. one-time pro.ninent rcntender for middleweight pugilistic honors In California, has returned to Spokane o:ii announced his temporary retire ment from the ring. will assume managomen: of an uthiVtfc club at Coeur d'Alene, Idaho, 30 miles from Spokaxr and ten miles from the Alan ractrack. where a Si.rlna: meeting is to be held. Holland hns permission fiom the Coeur d'Alene authorities to stage ten round boxing be:it and expects to bring to the Northwest several boxers now In California, IIAfl.V METKOKOIXXilC.VI. REPORT. PORTLAND. March 7. Maximum tem perature. 44 degrees: minimum. 42 degrees ''.I'er reading. S A. M . 4.4 feet; change In last -J huuis. .7 foot fall. Total rainfall 3 P. M. to 5 I'. M.). -Ol Inrh: lotaj rainfall since September 1. 1011, 27.."H Inches: normal rainfall since September 1. .".3 Inches; de ficiency of rainfall since September 1. 1911. R.oo inches Total sunshine, none: possible sunshine. II hours 2 minutes. Jtarometer 1 reduced to sea level i st 0 I. M.. SO Inches. THK WEATHBR. B 3 wlDd- s 77 s -l t f ' -J g State .t TATIOJrt B 5 a S Weatbes fS ? i o : S3 : : llaksr H-tio ........... p ston . .'. .... Calssry ........ Chl.sso Denver ......... 1'S Moines Iriiluia Knreka ;:leston H-letm .Iseksonvll! .... Kansas c:ty ... Mjrshfleld Suinm-al ....... New Orleans ... n York North Hesd .... North Yakima .. 1'tioenli ........ Pocstei:o Portland ....... Ponehur c ....... Sacrsmento .... Si. lxu's SI. Paul Salt Lake San T'leso S jn Francisco . . Scokane ........ Tacoma Island . WMIa Walla Wsn1net.ii .... Wlnnl;ec 44 O.I 4s O.i i. 1 o.i r.' o.i svj o.i 34 CI.4 o. 32 0.1 I'-' O.i ISO. r o.i 3 o r.o ii.: . o ' as o. 4SA.I 4s O.I 7' 400. 41 O.I J2'. 54 30 " ::2 o.i 400.1 Sol). Kil.i 34 O.i 44 O.i . 0.1 :: o.: , 4s I). I 120 ( I tsw ' 4 S i 10 V a sB S.N'K ( 14 NE 1 8 N 1 cl W L' s sw Snow 1 'lear Rain , Clear Cloudy Snow Cloudy iSnow 'Pt. cloudy , Cleudv cloudy "Ioudy Rain 'cloudy ;pt. cloudy 'Clear Clear Ra1n I'loudy pl cloudy ,Clear .Ctou4ly ' It- cloudy Clear rlowlr W-loudy Pt. cloudy ' Pt- cloudy .Clear Icioudy P.atn Pt. cloudy Cloud y ( Clear 2.-..HB I 6 w 1 10 NE 10 N . esw 4 si: 1 4 SB llF. lo E I' S NE I S W stv 12 E I A VW I 4-E I 4 E : 12'N i 1 o N W : s N tv . . w 1. S E i IO B S 1 r. stv i' 4 N ' C N WEATHER CONDITlONa Is-re high-pressure flld. central ever Saaicliwsn snd adjoining portions or M-n'sna and North IMketa. la spreading ,A.S..rd ovr lh Plains States. Tbe rr. r la generally allslitly above normal e.-i ef ts MiMlsslppI River, snd Is nearly normal oa the California coast, while aa elongated depression overlies the Basin Slates. Within the last 12 hours light pre cipitation has occurred In Southern Califor nia. Oregon. Washington. Vtah. the central Plateau snd Plains states. Mississippi and Ohio Valleys. Laike Superior region and New Kngland States. The weather Is cooler' in Northeastern Washington, the central plat eau and northern plains States, and is cor respondingly warmer in the Middle and North Atlantic States and St. l-awrence Vali.v. In other sections temperature changes have been unimportant. Kxcept in the Northeastern States, temperatures are generally below normal throughout the country. -The conditions are favorable for generally fair weather Friday in this district, with no decided temperature changes, and winds mostly easterly. FORECASTS. Portland snd vicinity Fair; easterly winds. Oregon. Washington and Idaho Generally fair; winds mostly easterly. THRODORE F. DRAKE. Aettnc 1'Urrlef Korean T sr. THE CEMETERY : Beautiful ML Scott Park S L.4HCE, PKRJI4.SiE.fT, a MODERN. PORT. a U.VB S O.MT MODERN a H M K 1 E K V V ITU I'liUriil LAI. C Ait hi ct all burial plots without extra charge, provided with a perms- " eeot Irreducible M a I n t e n a n c " k und. lcatlon ideal; Just out " aide the city limits on north and vest slopes of Mount Scott, con- taloing ia acres, equipped Willi " every modern convenience. TRICKS TO SI' IT A I.I. slKll'E THU Btsl. a OXU MI1.I3 SOLTU Of . LKMS. HEttllLAH a AITIIMOBILB SKHV. Z I-K KHtU otTttttt . LKKTI AAD 1UH " tKMETUHV. It Z CITT OFFICE, 20-lI TEON Z BUILDI4VO. MAIN 125. A 70S. Z CEUCTsKI OFFICE. T ABO ft Z lltl: UOUU FUO.NG KIMd U till, Z THiM cal.i. wCtt- 42L CLASSIFIEAD. RATES Ml, Banttar. Oae tfsse lt eante ad twe ceaseeatlvs times Je bame ad three eoaseeuUvji times bame ad six or sevea ouueraUve times. . ese Remittances must acconipaajr out-of-towa "laNew Today all edverUsemeats are charged kg aaeasure ealj. 14 Uaes te tae lach. V hea see advertisement la net run In een sertiUe Issues the ene-Hnse rate applies. els words conot as one line on casa m vertisenaeats aad aw ad ceanted tue less tbsn twe lines. On charge er hook advertisements the charge will be baaed on actual aamkee ol Unse appearing la the paper, regartUese f tits aumber of words la each Una. The above rates applr te advertlsemeets Oder "New Today" and all ether classifica tion excepting the follonlngi bit nat loos tt anted, Male. bitualione Wanted, l-emale- Oregaalaa will accept classified advertise, sneet. ever the telephone, providing the ad vertiser Is a subscriber to either phoje, Ne prices will be quoted ever the nnoae. but bill will be rendered the following day. nether subsequent advertisement will be accented ever the phoae depends opoa the promptness of the payment of telephone ad vertisemeals. Situations Wanted aad Per eoe.l .dvertlsements will not be accepted ever tbe telephone. Orders for one laser. Iloa only will be eeeepted for "Moose, for Rent." "Furniture fer sale." "Bmsloeas Op portunities." "Rooming -Houses" sasd "Wist. MEKTINO NOTICeS. OP.EUON CALIFORNIA RAILROAD COMPANY. Notice is hereby given that the annual meeting of the stockholders of the Ore gon 4c California Railroad Company Mill bo h"ld at the office of the company In the TVells-Fargo building. Portland. Or., on Tuesday. April 8, IH12. at the hour of 11 o'clock A. M.. for the purpose of electing a Board of Directors to servo for th ensuing year and for the transaction of any and all other business that may properly como before the meeting. Vm. D. Kenton, secretary. SEIJAVOOD LODGE NO. 1.11. A. V. and A. M. Stated com munication this (Friday) evc nins. 7:30 o'clock. Sellwood Masonic Hall. East 13th sire, t and snokano avenue. Adoption of by-laws. All members requested to be present. Visitors welcome. By order W. M. O. E. SMITH. Act. Sec. PORTLAND LOD1JE. NO. 55. A. K. AND A- M. Masonic Tem ple. Special communication this i Friday I evening. 7::w o'clock: work In K. A. degree. Special communication 9 P. M. Work In F. C. degree. Visitors welcome. By order . M. C. M. STEADMAN. Sec y. aw CRUSADE COMMANDER T. A U. D. Stated Conclave this jf "!3h KTlday) evening s:5 o'clock, ft- -.-Jf Washlnglon Masonic Hall. Or- 2rai"' der of Red Cross. All Sir ejr Knlahts courteously Invited to attend. F. H. NOLTNEK, Recorder. MYRTLE CHAPTER. No. 13. O. K s. Regular meeting this iln dsy evening In Masonic Temple, at 8 o'clock. Social. By order W. M. JENNIE H. O ALLOW A . Sec. I1D. JONES In this city. March 7. st the resi dence of her daurthter. Mrs. F. R. Walker "tM Harrison street. Bertha J. Jones, seed 7r5erZ 2 months and 11 days, mot iter of Mrs. Clara R. Myers, of this cttj . Mrs. William Belerle. si. Joseph, It. J. Jones, of this city, and t. C. D. Jones, of Omaha. Neb. Deceased was i a member of teeorge Wright Pt. RHief Corps. No. 3: Rebekah Lo-'g''- a St. J..seph Chspter. No. IKS. O. E. S.. St. Joseph. Mo. Funeral notice in a later ls ue. su Joseph. Mo., papers plesse copy. RHOADES in this city. March 7. st the fami y reslc-nce. 1.11 East street North. Charles H. Rhoades. aged 2 years kunernt noilee In a later Issue. rO'ERAI. SOTICES. MALA RK EY At the family residence 428 liaison street. Msrch 6. Mrs. Ellen Ma larker. ased SO years. 11 months, -tt ll.vs ' Widow of the' late Daniel Malark.y Funeral from the above residence at S..01 A. M. tomorrow ( Saturday). -March Thence to the Csthedrsl. FIfteefith Davis streets. Services st A. M. 1-rlends Invited. Interrosiit St. Mary's cemetery. C1MPSOX Mrs. Sarah J. Simpson, widow of the late Marcus Simpson, died at Los Angeles Msrch 5. Tne funeral mill be frofn the Vlrg.nla-Hlll House. 203 t our teenth street, st 2 o'clock P. M.. Satur day. March . Friends Invited. Dt'NNE The rimers! services of tbe late Mrs. chsrlotte Dunne will be held aj St Marv's church. Williams avenue and Stanton street, at B A. M. tomorrow (sat urdayl. Friends Invited. Interment Ml. Calvary Cemetery. BKADT.EI-In this city. March 1 7. Richard Rradlev sred '72 vears. faiher of Mra oZri. Dore. Mis. Leora Bradley. Ern est Bradley, of this city, snd Mrs. Will Amme of Seattle. Wash Funer.l serv ices will he held at Dunning A McEntee s chapel. Saturday. March 9. at 2 P. M Frlends respectfully Invited. Interment Rose City Cemetery. . M'crtt M At 7012 East Fifty-fifth avenus S R.. March . Ceorge W. McCrum. aged 0- vears. S months. 14 days, funeral sill ak'e dace from the above number today .FridivT: March 8, 2 P. M. iVIend. re si.ectful"y invited- Interment Multnomah ttrmetery. Koi'IlER At 52 East Everett street, 5arch 7. Adelaide Kocher. ased Kl are, njmonths. 2 days. Funeral will take place fifom the nhove number Saturday. March 1. 2i P M. Friends respecifully Invited. In tirmeni Greenr.ood Cemetery. OAFDINER The funeral services of the lite John Gardiner will be held at the of th. Portland Crematorium st 2 j m. today t Friday). Friends Invited. FV-ase omit flowers. VtONl'MKNTS- Otto Schumann Marble VAoeks. st 3d and l'lae Sts. t'Mt 74a. " l'LOHKIU, floral deslgas. Nob Hill Flor lt. ..-o jsd and olisu. Mala AOS. A 1IS4. Donoiag ' McKatee, rmaeral Directors, 71 h anS pine., rboae Mala 4a. Lad J at tcadant. Olnoe ef County Coroner. MR FI1WAKI) HOLMA5, the leadlsg fa. BCTBl director aad andertaker, 1X9 XBlrd S4, cor. Salmon- Lady aseistaat. A R. ZEI.I.ER CO.. S0I-4 Williams a vs. Phone tSSt IWSS. V lew. mmnj 1 p nM EV it BOM. 3d and Msdlsea. Iady atlendant. Phone Mala . A laoa. KAaT SIDE Foaeral Directors, seecessers te r. S. Duanlng. Inc. L- a. B tftse. IJiEf Undertaker, cor. Gaat Alder aad Blnh. East HI. B lssg. Lady attendant. BSJEVIES COVrASV. 3d and CtauT. Mala 41a J, A XaSl- Lady attendant, - A AMUSEMENTS. TTFTT TfrTHEATER JTLJU.A.L. A VTphoDCS Main 1. AlliiS Seventh and Taylor. :1 I Sp NiKht Mat Tonight Tomorrow peclal Price Tomorrow Mrs. Leslie Carter In Her Latest Play Success "TWO WOMEN" Management JOHN" CORT Evenings Lower floor. 11 rows $2. 7 rows $1.50. Balcony. 1. 7Je 50c. Osl lery fine. Tomorrow's matinee Lower floor. 11 rows 31.50. 7 rows SI. Bal cony. $1. 75c, Ouc. Gallery. 3S. -:. ACTO AND CARRIAGE CALL 10:50. bEAT Si ALE OPENS TODAY 10 A. M. HEIUG THEATER 3nc.HTs Next Sunday Special Price Matinee Teetday WERBA & LCESCHER Present England's Greatest Comedienne ALICE LLOYD In the Joyous Musical TJay "LITTLE MISS FIX-IT" Evenings Lower floor. 11 rows !. 7 rows 11.50. Balcony. IX rows II. 6 rows. 75c. 5 rows 50c. Gallery. 60c. . Saturday matinee Lower floor. 11 rows 11.50. 7 rows $1. Balcony, 5 rows 31. C rows 76c. 11 rows 50c Gallery. 35c, 25c BAKER TONIGHT All we' Sat. til Paul 3t. Potters THEATER Main 2. A 3160 Geo. L. Baker, Mgr. TONIGHT All week. Mats.: Wed. (2Sc), Sat. 25c. 30c). Paul M. Potters sensational farce. THE GIRL FROM RECTOR'S Clever cast. One of the most laughable at tractions of th. year. Evening prices 23c. 50c. 75c, $1. EXTRA ANNOUNCEMENT Xext week, starting Sun. Mat., Rose Stalil'a great com edy success The Chorus Lady First time Jn sny city at popular prices. FAREWELL ENTERTAINMENT MULTNOMAH HOTEL BALL ROOM Monday Evening, March 11-8:45 Tickets can be gotten at the cigar stand MAIN . A IIVI0 I AT1NKK Ktf;ii IMl m r. Ifle 2ie 50c NIGHTS r 13c. 2-C. 50c, 73c WEEK MARCH 4 Robert T. Haines In "The Coward": Mike Bernard and Miss Amy But lert Wilson Brothers; Rice and Prevost; tlanagan and F.dnarde; Charlotte Ravens croff: Clsnde Roode. WEEK MARCH 4. , .. Toyshop Pastimes: Frits Heuston: MetrofcolL tsn Quartet; Moore and Browning; The Co lonial Belles; Hire. Bell and Baldwin; Pan tasFseope. Popular prices. MATINEE DAI LI. Bos office oven from 10 A. M. to 10 I'. M. Boves and first row balcony reserved. Curtain 2:H0. 7:18 and U. Phones A Main 436. latine Kvcry Oa.v. ress Sitllivnn a Considine. Refined Vaudeville. WEEK MARCH 4 "Dancing Girls. ' with Julia Curtis; Bennington Brothers; Phil Ben nett: Mao Devlin A Company; Les l.ougets: Merritt and Douglas; Orchestra. Prices, loo and 25c. . LYRICs THEATER RTH STARK ALL THIS WEEK. TOM MACGIIKE. Singing Celt from the Heather. THK TRIO, Weiss, Cunningham A Weiss, and MIS TOMMY I BOM TEXAS. Tmo Performances Nightly. Matinees Daily. .riday Night Chorus girls contest - after each performance. OREGON HUMANE SOCIETY OITFICE CITY HA IX. Main 9. A 75SS. HCMAM& OHICER. bergeant Crate. Kesldenec. 24 E. 24th N. East 4770. P A. Dunmlre. Res. to 9 Wasco St. w. a. Eston. Res. 73 E. 16th. East 17SS. ilo.-ss Ambulance. A 6101. Pr. E:t- 4. sights. Sundays snd Holidays. A 0161; Pr. tj. 4. Trunk 7. AUCTION SALES TOD.1T. At Wilson's Auction House, at 30 A. M. Furniture. 171-3-S Second street. NEW TODAY. Swell Home; Snap Beautiful, sew. seven-room house, doublv constructed, furnace., two fire places: everything strictly modern and firstelass in every particular; lot r0x 100: one block from car: located on Taggert street, near Thlrty-njnth. A fine location. Price a real bargain, 16000. Some terms. tiRl'SMI HOLDS, 318 Board of Trade Illdg 4th and Oak. My $5250 Irvingtcn Bungalow goes for $4700; $2750 cash, and halanra on $2000 mortg-age if desired. As I am going away. I will throw in bookcases full of books, linoleums, shades, fire irons, fuel, for good measure. Assess ments all paid. It s yours if you tp-ant a nice home and have ,2750 cash. OWNKH, 4fl Kast Tenth St, X. NOTICE To Laurelhurst Lot Owners If you are. contemplating building and want financial assistance, call Mr. Purlingame or Allison, with the. Laurel hurst Company. Blain 1503. A 1&15. MORTGAGE LOANS ttOf JOHN E. CHONAN, 7 - O acz Spalding Bids. ' lt...l. UKKUIOGE THOMPSON, PUBLIC ACCOUNTANTS, AUDITORS, 124 Wareeateg Block. Faeaa Mala esT MALMS sS Vl 9 View" MOUNTAINS, RlVCr 3 Ar E-AaTa'Dji FnaTVTmgl miTWTDV lire WITUIsJ ! uuuniivi liiiij ii i linn THE CITY UMITS Half acre tracts along elec tric line. 5-eent car fare. Prices and terms within the reach of any family. Do you realize the differ ence in cost of living by having 20.000 square feet instead of 5000. as in. a city lot ? Call or send for descrip tive pamphlet. Only $10 Per Acre 651 Acres On Very Attractive Terms This land is within a mile of rail road, store and school. Soil is excel lent. Is in a good fruit section and one of the most successful dairying localities in Oregon. Price is at least $.1 per acre cheaper than anything else offered in the neighborhood. FLEMING & HIDDEN, 1208 Yeon Bldg. ota i'ictirks op END CENTRAL OREGON Will be shown every Monday, Wcdnes dav and Friday evenings at 8 o'clock FREE. BF.VD PARK COMPANY, Hotel Portland Court. MORTGAGE LOANS On Business and Residence Property. 5 C. V. EVEKKTT, pm Qf C. 1). SIMONIJS, lf 41 Board of Trade Uldc. V REAL ESTATE IEAXER3, BRUBAKER & BENKDXCT, 502 MciW faldff. M. 54S. Bck, William G., 815-318 Falling blflg. Cbapln 4 Herlow, 332 Chamber Commtm Cook. B. S. & Co.. 508 Corbett bldg. JenniriKB &. Co. Main 1S8. 200 Oregonlam. PALMKR-JONE3 CO., H. 4U4-405-40f Wlicox bid. Ttf Oregon Real Estate Co.. Grand T at Multnomah at. (Holladay Addition). JREAL, KSTATK For Sale Iot. HOMBSEEKEUS. SPECULATORS AXD A splendid opportunity to buy a TYest Sid lot. close In, ne view, 1 mile to City Hall. 15 minutes' walk; a bargain for $65; terms. AD S46, Oreeonian. IF TOU ran pay S50V cash and 40 pr - month, which will Include Interest, I will finance the building; ot your noma on any lot you may select in Laurelhurst. It you want to buy or build a house on tbes easy terms, come in and talk It over. This ts your chance to stop paying rant BURLING AM E & A L LIS Off, 122 -H corbett Bldg. Main 100a. A IBIS E. inVINGTOX LOTS. SfRhtly. restricted residence sites, facing on ji:im ock, i-:. -'Mh and Tillamook ets., from gl 1(H) and up. This property is sure to appeal to you on sight. H- P. PALMER-JONES CO.. 404 Wilcox blda Phones Main syt, A 2o'.i. EAST 12TU ST. Fine corner SxllS. facing down Har rison st., now occupied by Ladd's Addl tion office; a valuable corner for business when restrictions expire; price JjoUO, half cash, balance at 6 per cent. STRONG & CO.. (Inc.) 6U5 Concord Bids. Authorized agents for Ladd's Addition. LOOKING FOR A LOT? See us lor dependable bargains. DUBK E. KEASEY t CO., 2d Floor. Chamber o Commerce. SKD AM II ALL. 50x100. Southwest corner. 1 1 0,000. . S-e Mr. Kupper. CH APIN & H ERLO W. y.S- Chamber of Commerce. MISijLSSirpi AVENUE. Business lot, facing east, near Jlaon street; street hard -surfaced and paid for. Price $i;.Vh.: terms. GOUDARU & WIEDRICKs Stark St. BEACTIFCL view lot tm southern slop, near Council Crest, f'ViO and up. inchidinjr cement sfdewalKa, curbs, graded stieets and water; building- redirections; sold on eajy terms. PruvTdent Trust Company, 201. 2i2t -0o Board -of Trade. Marshall 47J. A lOaTJ. JIO'ITOWN IH PER MONTH. Fine view lot, matured fruit trees, r tricted district, near car; cement waik and curb; Bull Bun water. Provident Trust Company. 201, 202, 203 Board of Trade. Marshall 473. A 1022. LAOLS ADDITION 1AJT. 500 BELOW VALUE. 65 by 09 feet, all street improvements paid. U50. terms. R. H. ilolmes, iOl Stark st. Main 234, A Sl'Hl. . 40x100 LOT. West Side, walking distant e. paved street. 7-room house, fine site for apartment or stoses. SUMrO. part cash. Ilicgins. phone Sellwood ltOV 2 OROVELAN'D lots. S10 down. Jl month; 7-room houc. $' down, mouth ; 2 Lenta lots. $ down, 0 month. Owner, Tabor 427. " LOTS. PENINSULA. FOK SS25. $50 cash, ?I0 monthly. P-ward St.. bet. Trenton and Newark. Fred W. German, 329 Bumside. M. or A 2T76 H. N SWANK. 30S Ablngton bldg.. 3 lota, C3d bet. Beaumont Mid Irvlngtoa; S100O; must hae i0O cash. gii 000 LOT T.OxlOO. on West Park St., Vanl dukn -& Walton. 51a Chamber of Com- & IOTS l(jx2O0. 2 Mocks from Anabel on Mt. Scott line: :.7-0. easy terms. IilRa;ins. t'hone Sellwood l2tf. tHUlCE lot. Sunuysij--, 31st una E. Salmon bis. 42x107 : a bargain. Owner. Terms. Phone B 224Q. A GENUINE snap; 10 lots at Vaquina Uav loop. Newport,: cost me LV each. Soin) cash. A. louden. l-Vt N. nth at. HAVE a lot at Bayocean, value 1600. on which I have paid $200; will cell out my harcforl00. Apply W Oregonlan. TWO lots, close In, 3 blocks from Union ave., at a bargain. Main 1054. 001 Raii v,a? Exchange. 00x100 LOT, 2 blocks from Anabel, on Mt. ifeott line; gftitO. easy terms. Higgins. Fiione Sellwood 1S2. RE 4.UTIFX'L West Eide Heights homesltes, 8500 to 25.QOU. Meade. A 2740. A SNAP Lot 30x100. east front, S.VMJ cash. by owner. Wood lawn 1205. 5urxa LOT on r.'d and East Hoyt; cheap XWr cash. B I'b-L 1'or bale Lot. SNAP. S4O0 buys a ,"0xHi0 lot, including cement walks, curb, (traded sts., Hull Kun water, in a restricted district. The only way ! will sell same is that you ajrrce to builu within 10 days. Terms 10 p-r cent casr. I will take a cecond inortKas' t'ot the balance if necessary. AL &oo. Orcgo man. PORTLAND II EIGHTS EXCLUSIVELY. I have about bO per cent of the real estate for saie on Portland Heights In my lianas. Shall be pleased to show you . home or home sites any time. You wi.l .get eact facts (I refer you to any of my customers ; no persuasion, no agents to bore you, and owners prices only. Mrs. Brooke, 642 Talbot road. Marshall 4S27. A :3 t WANTED To sell contract n fine corner lot in Laurelhurst Addition; purctiase was niHde two vears ago and ltl iiks no uoubt increased in value, but will ell at coa?id erabln discount. Address AV J73. Ore gonian. For Sale -1 louse J2t0 CASK. 5-ROOM BUNGALOW. Cor. ."lliih and Grant sts.: all street im provements in: full cement basement; we. I finished throughout ; only 4 blocks from Haw thorne carline. Trice $2000. Balance can be arranged to suit. 5100 DOWN. $2vr month ill buy a 4-room buncalow on the Richmond carline. Fricc. special, only J1300. 5300 DOWN. Balance $20 month and interest. 3-room cottage on E. Caruthera street; full base ment: new build ins. Price $2"00. Pee us for pood hu&es at all prices in any section of the city. DORR E. KEAEEY & CO-, 2d floor Chamber of Commerce. CALIFORNIA BUNGALOW. LOT .r.oxlHL I'RlE $::2o0. WEST OF E. ;.4TH ST. An opportunity that seldom tomes: ele pant vl"w of city and mountains; paved street and all improvements. A tvplcal California buniralow. with onk floors larpe fireplace, bookcases, built-in scats, buffet, etc.; enameled bedroom?. linn closet and swell bath: extra lare .it tic would make 2 fine rooms; construc tion and finish absolutely tho best; $,.O0 down. bal. $20 per month, labor -J.2. MUST BE SOLD. BRAND NEW. $"00 bins cozv homo. 5 rooms, modern, complete hath equipment, baseimiit, buf fet, well finished, well buiV. larse lot. I bIock from Hose City Park car; pood netBhborhood. property growing in value, fine for garden and chickens; one or to lots adjoininn if desired; gllOO cash, bal ance " ve.ars, or other terms can be ar ranged. " See .las. C. Logan. 815 Spalding. 200.0 Will secure you a nifty 5-room modern bungalow on Division St.. near Last ..Ot.i rr..; street hard-surfaced; full concrete basement, fireplace, buili-in conveniences. Price only $2700. Owner out of city and must sell. OODDARD & WIEDRICK, 24:. Stark St. r THAT VACANT LOT. J WHY NOT TURN A, BURDEN INTO INCOME PROPERTY? IK YOU OTV N A LOT WE WILL FURNISH THIS K N D BUILD RESIDENCE OR FLA T . PLANS FREE IF WE BUILD. OLK REPUTATION YOUR PROTECTION. H WILL PA YYOU TO SEE US. L. R. BAILEY CO., INC., CONTRACT ING ARCHITECTS. 324 ATUNGTON BLD. New 9-rooin house, on 7."xl00 feet, fac Jn on the Tennis -Club grounds. In tha center of the most exclusive residence dis trict in the citv; beautiful woodwork, wans papered oak floors, sun room, sleeping porch and billiard-room; ready for occu pancy. Price Sl 0.500. H. P- PALMER-JONES CO.. 404 Wilcox bldg. gjjAP Bargain: corner lot, 60x100; 5-room bungalow; new, built for a homo; doubly constructed; strictly modern, furnace, fira plac.e, bookcases, electric and gas fix tures, Dutch kitchen, cement basement and walks; good view; ona block Irom Laureihurst and carline; corner of 31st and HoiL Phone East 601. Furnltura may also be sold with housa. TWO-THIRDS acre and new 3-room house. West Side, 2t minutes from Postoffice; runnlnc water piped to tract, good walks to station, beautiful view of Tualatin Val ley: MHf.0: $loo down. $2V per month. PROVIDENT TRUST CO MP A N Y , Marshall 473. A lOi'J. 201 Board of Trade Bidg. BARGAIN IN BEAUMONT. Close to car. center hall, four sunny bed rooms and sleeping porch, very attractive living and dining rooms, everything com plete, streets all improved ; 4y3o; good terms. MARY ADA MS, Tabor $;;.-.rt SNAP BUT -'"0 For sale. large lot, .VUIoo. including- 2 room house, at Lents, ."c carfare. 4 blocks from Mount Scott cur: mut be sold today. See owner, MRS. ALICE NEWMAN. .VJS i, Wash., near i7lli. LAURELHURST HOUSES. We are agents for all the sood houses In this district. See us for lowest prices. Offices on cround- Phone East Vt9. DELAHUNTY & CLEMENTS. 3lHli and EastGlisan StL 100x173, corner, with iiouse costing St7t0 for $70tK; plenty of room for an other house; or will seil looxlOo cheap. IC looking lor a- pood place at low ;jrice, in vestiRa' phon W n o d 1 a w n 2157. FOR SALE, or will exchange for well-io-cattd vacant properly, TuxlOO on West vide four good 7-room houses, rental s-u Price Sll.OOO; will pay cash differ ence or assum-' incumbrance. David S. atearns. -41 Washington at. PERFECT MODERN HOME. Irvington, choice location, 10 rooms, baiuisomety finished, oak; 3 fireplaces. 2 bit! s basement, fixtures lot IHixlUU. y V 4 I OTS 1i0x'o0. tiiroupli the block. 2 houro.' 3 and 7 rooms, 0xl7." ham. Mon tHvilla. L'.u tet from Stark st.; ?00. rapv terms. Higsint. 1'hone sellwuou .lSL't'i. J ; t"70 BY OWNER No a?culs. nearly new .-.-room hiinealow. partly furnished, im proved street; SMj includes cau'ty and furniture, 'balance $30 nioiuhtj. East 31'th. near Madison. T iiWV an equitv o ?:;.",00 In two exncllcnt two-storv liouse rented. S rooms. on naved sueets: will exchange for city lois of eoual Amount. J. U. Tipton. 110S Spalding 010.K. jiO CASH :ind $0 monthly est. moves you into a nic palow. close in. Owno.. block. Marshall 2751. ineludinc inter-fuur-ioom bun m:;0 Worcester rr-: r. . ... . .j.ipm'P ror- n?r lo!. on carline. vl. .n a ,pK..idld .u a real bargain, t. Talor 4c I p.. T.-Jrt l-iinmbfr of CVmnirrrr. ill .-AMI-! 'v-r.v monlh like r;.n, i. rshr-.l -Jery vii, "r "'Hi. und Aii.rrty. Alarsnnii - .Di.ivrTii- ew s-room house. 4 bed- lBVlNOTUN .e bookcases and buf- e,TTWi ' t"rma ho..e Ma,, Wm. McLeod. hot and-c'ld ul1'' ---CuioTBBIS"Ot'. inO ST. Improvement!, nt - stark st cor Priee ?37O0. terms, i'.ivh r-. btarK si., cor. 71tn. 2-?oi csVime" .mill payment down. 10 per '';yr.VvrjBiHHOP. m third st. " .."... Kf-Tulidil liome. 1181 Ivon liaUmce inontlily: investigate TTTTON 1U-XGALOIV. $:;O0 CASH. 1 vnice flreplscc, flitures, garage. 7 " rn," nu.deru; tM0. Owner. Marshall. -it a i'hw. : . now 6-room house. Just com- BT,, PHc" JlfiOII cash. .No. 6S3 rT-"v modern honis, also vacant lots In KLVV m"dcg' j. Itice, owner. Office phon. rlde'nce phone East lis!. -, , v p-Y RflXT. when we will r-11 you s hou-e'on your own terms, any district m the city'! Jordan. 6111 Lumberman's bids. Tl(-E 3-room house, modern. VA Kast 79th t Monlavilla. J1000. Save commission. Call Kast or AP 8T1- -'",8onlan- I-ioo ;.ROOM buniralow. on -iSth-st. car- ilneVicar KrancU; 11" cash; nicely ar ""nccd r.ntl"" lol. Msrshall 4Q. IPVIXUTOS Beautiful new bungalow, ev ery" modein convenience, sjnap; owner. A to's, oregor.ian. " I'OB FINS HOMES. See r)!ahunt rurip Mr equity in seven-room hease, Hose City Park, Tabor 30!0.