Morning Oregonian. (Portland, Or.) 1861-1937, March 06, 1912, Page 9, Image 9

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CHIP and
at$lo 6 5)
day Only
"Woodier Millinery
Morrison and Fourth Streets
Largest Exclusive Millinery
House in Portland
McFarland Toys With "One
Round Hogan" Ten Rounds.
frt-lir l-lkvc MoHoard la J
WouM Make 1 ulUornian Take
Citunt. hut He !rcfcr Mcrr
l 10 Katter Him Hound.
m:v yo!;k. r. wv M-
KrUml. In lTitj ll t: h t wi-iu h x. won
.ill t h- .iy In a tr n -roiinU lit
ac' i nut "One F:oinI ..; an. of fali
irma. at the Fairmont Athletu Cl'ib
f.rrr ton : b t
fcKarn-l m) rj.i!) al the war
that mny thought he rouM hvf worcd
a k nor li on . hut he appearr. to hot. J
hark to a!lw ll-'s an to laat ton
The t'hhiS" lun Jed enous !i
blow to km i-it men If
had mre M- m, hi he rrm,l
! dr-liht in innt ilitmc Hxan. with
out a Mowing him m.-r.' i h.n (no or
t iree clrao Mow..
naa Utile llratlrr.
llon wrtahed in .it the rmoidf at
1 . l-ounl. a p'uni ti avkt thn Mt
rirland. ,
The hmit brcjA with M- K.i rlan.l lea.I
m with two lfta t Hi- ic ami an
t!mM at a ritht wh:h olwl
n. ml M-KarlnJ t- th fl.,r y
f h f.r.-r of his own blw; h it he
n . in a -rrofid and l"Cn tivh t mc Mb
man alt orr the riffs anl Into ht
roinrr tin li ft to the far and nnht
..,-p r-Mt.
1 ! tr thi. romMnatirtn rp-t-H-t thr bitl and r m 1 to
luvr Tozn ptizlrl. T!ir . i t f orn!. 11
hit only at .-hort rn.-e ami lul not
I n-l Ainclc M raizht Mow in thr
j-Ton J
alirrlaa la Weak.
M.-Krliul ln.Ird tTh nshM to t ,r
ami awinsa to thr h-d In ;iir
t ip.1 ami lloan rrturnrl mrakl. In
?hf fourth Hoc in tart-l fr thr hM
t m to mx ui, but MrFarlan-1
ouirk n.I i-lr-Tr alth l-ft to tMc fa.r
arwi rifht biiprrrut . Ilo u.d t h.
Mow r ffri ivr I v t hrouch thr tlf t h.
"h a't rrnth an w -ri.
In r1-. I ittrr ruml h atartrd
Kt'tin n.-r blrr.iirs.
In I'.o rtalitii roun.l lloan
mAdr hia Khowtns. landtnic a
r;ht in; ht h itart-, MrFarlamt'a
no Mrimt aKry promptly m'fVa
all over ht nun au-iin an-l throuah tha
n nth n-l trnti hrld hia Ir.-l by natns
hia 1-ft t- f a. r ini a rtcht iiiT-nt.
HiKin trv1 to ?1uii barK. but plainly
Com pan v. immst. and fount y A
ariutor ;rorcr F. Hanniaan as arerrtary.
Home 1.i!rnt only will b uard In tiic
tram. Thr lm-al grounds will br put
In row J or.ditlnn anl art Ivr prncttrr
wl!l lirs-ln at onrr. Iocal fans are
bcprfiil f drveloplna onr of the
atronicat trama In tlie I-ower Columbia
Uivrr Aasoclation.
TratU. Gardner. Kowncs, Ird and
Oilier Mar on IJnk.
WASHIXtJTrty. March 6. Two hun
dred and thlrty-oii" players entered
thr eighth annual Sprinu polf tourna
ment whlh brffan here today.
In the ronteat for the brat srore be
tween Walter J. Travis, of Oardm City.
I I., and C IL Gardner, of rrovldence.
It. I., wit h a gold medal as a prize,
tinrdnrr Ird at thr clone of the day's
piny and will tin if h tomorrow.
W. t Fown"!. Jr.. the 1910 champion:
Allrn l-rd. of Chevy Chae. and other
noted players were on the links.
ItoMon Nationals Mart Siiutli.
BOSTiN. March 5 The advance
a-'iard of the ItoMon National Iguana
ba.ehall club departed tdav for the.
South to bt-s-in SprinK practice. Sev
eral players will join them a-lonjc the
road. At .Nw York eprcial train will
be taken for Augusta. O., the train
Inc utiartors.
.or: lm. lM-tliimn Tonlslit.
Oolnc In Ih faliiir of Johnson to
put In Htr 4ppriin4ntr. ihrrr no bil
liard tournainrnt nt tue Acmr parlor
Ut r.luht. TonlRht ijorc nd Krlfd
mn nxrrt lii cam. of :" up.
Nr Bom hit: Itrrrd latl".
ITI''.t. .V. Y . .M.r-h S. TNo Tuntan
hw:tf tan of tht rllv il.lm'. a n't
wtrl! r.-.ird f.r S frAnir.. Ttt tlv
mn im nthi r:!'i m to:I of 331 In
trier of n BxrM for nth rollrr.
101)0 Mm In Sen li-r DUIIke Plan
to Iliilanljc Thorn.
HELINOK'',F:.S. Mr h I. (SprrUL)
Humor ha prov'l rorrn-l onro nior
us to the Kuiiif l.-atton of 'lnlni tM
timo In riTl to t;-. pilot nrvlo. Thi
I unotlii hrrarh of Ih ronfttitutlon.
rtit to forlicn commrrc there Is a
niorr rrloua sldr.
T:-.rro arr more tn 10ft pilot., and
apprrntt-" In th I'lnnish jirrvUc and
l!.rir efficiency Iraa been vouched for
authorlttnii. It wp proved by a
.mml!ton thut Knian interest, are
fully safesusrded. All pilots are profi
cient In Kuolin. and tlicy take no Im
portint etej without consultlna the
Ivit.eian dmrslt'.
The nua-action Is ms.le thst the r"in
rih pilots should rcsicn In a body
rl!.er iheri l" thus forcibly Russlan
iir.l. If this cre lor.e there m-ould be
a scs'e anions International sMppers.
for thee nien pot only pilot ships but
thev ;o run U stations. 40.' llM
l.oucs and llal.tships and three Ice
breakers, without their aid naviga
tion a'tnc tie coast would be Iropossl
Me. The Insurance companies rontem
p:te railnc tlieir premiums for Kin -r.
1 e : i siiippin In anv event when the
rcri e t ll u!antzrd.
athlantet tn Hair IVaM-hall Tram.
rATMI.AMKT. Wash . Mrc!i S.
iSpev-ial Tr.e r-1 a me t baeelall
Irani was rrcrw-nntir.! lat rlcht ult'i
Andy Aikm. of t-e linncrr Telephone
Is an almost certain result of kidney
trouhie. . r- Toomev. m3 K. Oilve St..
r.'oomlreton. I i ... sat: "I suffered with
ba-kacie and trains In inv kidnes
whicli were almost unbearable. I -sve
Ko:ey Kidney- t'lils a aood trial, and
tiirj done wonde-s for me. Todav I
can' do a hard iay a work and not feel
lue ffte-ts." All druKgixa.
AkinMl hs more mlvi of r.av.gaVe
rivers th.n jui ohr "i I tn the I'nton.
...a -otl. ernrf. aw. over one millloa
baT.cls ef appla durmc tba aeaaoa.
rry slab. Kdlef.en Fuel Co.
Proposed Ordinance Will Be- Filed
Today to KfToke All Rlichts or
Company on Highway.
On the around that the Southern
Pacific. 'ompany does not need Fourth
street for operation of Its trains, elec
tric or steam. Will H. laly. Council-man-at-Large,
will file today nt the
tuy Hall a proposed ordinance, the
provisions of which revoke all Hunts
of the company on that thorouKhfare.
Mr. laly has made a prolonned
study of the conditions and said last
nlcht that be had not found any rea
son why the railroad company should
have Fourth street for any purpose,
lie said that any one of the lines run
nine Into 1'ortland from the southern
limits of the city could be utilised by
the Southern Pacific for the operation
of Its trains by means of common
"Asldo from the fact that 1 ues
tlon the Kood faith of the company In
Its announced Intention of running
electric trains over Fourth street." said
Councilman Paly. "I cannot see why
the company needs that thoroughfare.
F.ven if I am mistaken and the com
pany tiocs Intend to operate electric
trains there. 1 atill do not see any
necessity for tllvlne it the privilege to
run trains over tracka In that street,
when, as a matter of fact, the proba
bility la It has no rights there now.
"After the city has fought the South
ern raclflc Company for years, trying
to oust It from the operation of steam
trains for all that time. It seems to
me to be the height of audacity for
its officers to i-ome before the cltys
representatives at this time and ask
for the privilege of laying still an
other track there.
"There are lines on Front, First.
Second. Third and Fifth streets, any
on. of which the Southern Pacific or
any other line, could operate over tin
tier a common-user system, and if the
Southern 1'arlnr Company really wants
to operate electric trains into the city,
it could operate over one of these
tracks. I think It Is apparent that
the officials of the road realize now
that they have stood the people off
about as long as possible and that they
are offering to concede a small thln
for the granting of a bigger one. In
other words, they propose to electrify
Fourth street. If the city will let them
lay snother track ther. and :lve them
the right to use It for a long term of
I gramme, for it is recognized that If
the heir-apparent of Austria-Hungary
and his war advisers should presently
come' to loggerheads with Italy the
wnoie or isaumcasiern i.iirope w m ue
ablaze and the opportunity may arise
for Kussla to enrich herself at the ex
pense of some neighbor. '
But, besides that, there is the stimu
lus of the engineering activity now be
ing shown on the Turkish coast, where
a British firm shortly will construct
protected harbors at Samsun and Treb
ixond, where weather conditions have
hampered commerce for years. At the
same lime a French concern will build
a railroad from Sivas to Treblzond that
will act as a feeder to the port.
Constance McCord Shnrp AVrltes of
Wonders or Southern Kurope.
NAPI.KS. Italy. Feb. 1. (To the I!1l
tor. I Iiav;ng had such a delightful
I trip through the south part of France
and In Italy. I thought a few lines
might be of Interest to your Portland
Academy readers. My sister and I have
made use of the knowledge we obtained
st that institution on more than one
occasion, I assure you. 'Although not
absolutely necessary, a fair knowledge
of the French language is desirable.
Kngllsh Is spoken almost everywhere,
and with the few words one naturally
picks ui going along. It Is an easy
matter to make oneself understood.-
W e vlplted the principal towns on our
way down here, lintling many historical
points of interest, and easily recalling
ail the books we had read about tho
different places We visited. We refer
especially to-Mark Twain's 'works and
"The list Days of Pompeii."
We went to Capri In the wobbly lit
tle boat along with many other sight
seers. As the wind was rather brisk,
there were several passengers who suc
rumb.d to the inevitable, and were
heard to remark: "Oh. why did I spend
ten franca Just for this misery? Very
few were brave enough to go Into the
grotto, and those who did were glad
to get back. To see the sight means
being transferred from the steamer to
a much smaller craft, "and in a choppy
sea it reoulre. the skill of an aero-
Chance to Grab Territory Seen If
Other Nations War.
ST. PF:TKnSBl"R. liarch ;. iSpe
rlal.l In view of the possibilities of
International trouble durPng the next
few years in the Near Hast and the ad
jacent regions. Russia as planning
heavy increases, not merely In the
southern garrisons, but also in the
Black Sea fleet.
The Imperial Council now has before
It a scheme for the expenditure of
5.T40S00 as a first part of the con
struction of at least wo super-dreadnoughts,
several crnlsers. some submar
ines and extensive fortification im
provements, t
Austrian naval activity is partly re.
sponsible for this far-reaching pr
Quit It!
Swissco Stops It
bat to make the change. It Is worth
seeing but as one man put It. "Well,
we're all alive: but never again:" We
were willing to- miss the sight, as we
knew that we could keep interested
in many other places. The road up the
cliff affords an opportunity for a de
lightful drive, and it Is an easy matter
to put in a day profitably on this lit
tle trip.
We passed a day among the ruins of
Pompeii and found It interesting. We
had been told that they did not allow
lunches to be eaten there, but that was
not so. as we carried ours and pic
nicked at the proper-time without mo
lestation. 1 adore Rome. I think it is perfectly
delightful. The hills are lovely and
the streets so gay. The public gardens
or parks are fine but not so clean as
Central Park. New York, or the Bois
du Boulogne.
If I could write as Mark Twain did,
I could make a fine story about those
people going into the grotto, at Capri.
There were so many funny little inci
dents on record.
From Rome we go to Florence. Milan
and then back to Paris through Switz
erland. After that we will have a look
at the British Isles and then home. We
meet a great many people from Amer
ica and a few from Portland. It seems
to me that it would be hard to get lost
over here, as there are so many com
ing and going.
All things considered, we have come
to the conclusion that it is hard to beat
Portland. Of course we have no old cas
tles, nor catacombs, nor nobility, but
we certainly have the scenery and the
climate, and we have not lost an oppor
tunity of bragging about them, you
may be sure.
Tacoma Census Trial Opens.
, TACOMA, Wash.. March 5. The first
of the trial for alleged census frauds
in Tacoma commenced before Judge
Rudkin in the Federal Court when the
trial of Klmer L. Amidon was called.
The court overruled the motion of the
defendants to quash the indictments.
The Government will resume its case
at 10 o'clock tomorrow morning and
will place nearly 50 witnesses on the
The Japanese make vegetable isinglass
from six varieties of seaweed.
LJnexp ect ed
Ifeadraif la Maddenln.
Swlffro stop dandruff quickly, rrowt nw
hair and rtor- a ray and faded to it nat
ural youthful color.
Swuc atopi haldnM. hald ajvu. falling
hair. acbby scalp, anr acalp. brittle hair
or any hair or acalp trouble.
To provo that our claima ara true, wn will
end you a larjc trial hotite fr if you win
-nd tV In ailver or iinnpi to h"lp pay coat
of post ace a art pa 011109 to Hwlaao Hair
Itemed? Co.. 4739 P. U. lquare, Cincinnati.
SFtaart will he fund on ate at at) dru'
imst and drug department a everywhere at
Me and 11.00 a bottle.
THE problem of the empty re
frigerator and the unexpect
ed guest is solved by Bell Tele
phone Service.
The modern housewife is prepared to
meet any emergency if she has a Bell
All markets are within her reach even
though they are hundreds of miles away.
The Pacific Telephone
Telegraph Go.