TIIE MORMXtt OltEGOXIAN, . "WEDNESDAY. MARCH G, 1912. New Novel "The Prince and Betty" Now in Book Store, Basement, at $1.25 Also "The Boss," by the Author of Madame X, at $1.25 Business Men, Shoppers, Entertainers, Alike Enjoy Dining in Our Beautiful 7th-Floor Restaurant Ladies Orchestra, Express Elevator THE MEIEIt & FRANK COMPANY, ESTABLISHED 1857. WEATHER REPORT: PROBABLE SHOWERS TODAY. THE MEIER & FRANK CO., 5th, 6th, Morrison and Alder Sts. 23 All Portland's Xalkin gof M e-Oregn9 Exposition j 'Kiser' Photos j of Oregon shown by sterenptienn in u spe i rial auditorium on the fifth floor j today. 11 A. M. to 3 P. M. Over a hundred beautiful new band-colored subjects, depicting Oregon ' Miperb mountain scen ery, rivers, lakes anil seashore. PIrntv of seats free, of course! Reg. 50c "Standard" Shoulder Braces, 41c MA NT men. women and chil dren would he hetter off if they wr :i pair of tlii'w plemliil n" Shotililer I'.rares! I ol the rxlv rni-t. flntiiliten the hiui rs aii'l rnniel ilrep breiuh- A I ins. '' niruUrly. Tmlay at 5c Ribbon Hat Wire. 3 25c block of Linen Tape, 10c 5c Berkshire Hooks and Eyes, only -1 5- Mercerized Thread, colors, only 3 10c Queen Stocking Darners, only 7f 35c Washable Hair Rolls, at only 19 Child."!' 25c White Wilson Hose Sup porters, sizes 3 to 14. pair. 19. 10c Cnbks of colored Head Pins, for fi 3c Hat FV1. 8 and 9-inch only, 6 for HOW many of you have ever seen an actual, , full-size Woolen Loom in operation? Who of you ever visited a shirt or overall factory where lmsv hands guided the swiftly-driven machines to the completion of every detail? You'll see lliese and many more interesting manufaettiring exhibits in the. great "Made-in-Oregon" Exposition which has kept the Meier & Frank Store thronged sinee Monday innrninir. Scattered from fifth floor to basement are the exhibits, where tents, awnings, men's waterproof clothing:, pennants, a mohair loom, mattresses, bed springs, trunks, women's liat frameR, pas mantles, pottery, etc., are being made. Come today learn more about home industry more about the goods made in Oregon for Oregonians 1 Big Ribbon Sale Continued? HUNDREDS and hundreds of women purchased the season's needs in Ribbons yesterday. Beautiful All-Silk Ribbons for the new Spring and Summer millinery, girdles, hair bows, etc. all fresh and new! Sale con- tinnoii iirr'iin tnrlnv . .. . nw T"I1 ooc ana uc a.io- bons rich Warp I'rints. Taffetas, Latins Messalines, checks, stripes, etc., in light and dark colorings. The n priee, a yard, only X C $1 and $1.25 Ribbons the loveliest of Warp Prints, Dresdens, Satin striped bordered.' ete. Beautiful quality. 7 and 8 inches wide. Yard DUG ana tC KlDDOns laney warp prints, dresdens, cte., 25 57c 20c Plain Silk Bibbons Taffetas and Moires in all staple shades; 4 inches wide. Splendid for hair ry bows, ete. Yard at A mmC 25c All Silk Ribbons Taffetas and Moires in a full line of light and dark staple shades. For millin- ery, hair ribbons. At X, C 75c and 85c Ribbons beautiful fancy Warp Prints. Dresdens. Satins. Striped and novelty styles, a 7 6 inches wide. Yard x C An Added Note of Newness in Lace Trimmed Suits SK(IIM) KI.OOIt, MAIS BlM.DIXi. CHIC different! And there are scores of just Mich smart new models as the one sketched here each dis tinctive and exclusive in its own particular style. The very hist letter we received from our Paris office asured us authentically of the popularity of lace finished, semi-tailored and afternoon Suits. Then, too, clever little cutaways, short and caught with two and three but tons. Skirts cut straight and narrow. And the materials, as well as styles, were never more varied never so smart never more becoming than now! Whipcords one of the favored Spring materials both plain and two-toneL Fine presed and twilled serges, rich worsteds, hairline stripes, tweeds and imported weaves. Models to suit every fancy and need. Severn mannish tailored styles, semi-tailored and dnssy Suits for afternoon anil visiting uses. Come up to the second floor today and view the Suits that are fast filling the great K ady-to -Wear Salons. Priced at from S15 La Today, Big Sample Sale Kayser Underwear . ENTIRE CRATER AISI.E. MAIN BLDG. tilVEX I P TO THIS SALE. ORE than an ordinary sale, when the celebrated Kavser Knit Under wear with a National reputation for style, quality, fit and elegance, is offered at the astonishing savings quoted below! Kavser silk, cotton, mercerized lisle, spring-needle and ribbed Vests and Union Suits included. ENTIRE PURCHASE GOES ON SALE AT 8 O'CLOCK TODAY. Wise women will provide a supply. 50c Kayser Underwear this lot includes lisle and eottou Vests, low neck and no sleeve, with French bands and taped tops. Plain and fancy yokes; regular and out- sizes. Triced for today at, the garment $1.25 Kayser Underwear this lot consists of spring-needle and fine ribbed Vests and Union Suits. Plain, French and cro cheted yokes. Low neck, sleeveless, with rC loose or 33c 75c Kayser Underwear I $1 Vests and Tiffhts of at fine spring -needle and ribbed lisle. Plain and mercerized ; low neck, no sleeve, with French hem and taped top. Knee- Tights. Price A 9 for today at, U C the Kayser Underwear this price you'll find Women's Vests and Union Suits of cotton and fine lisle. Low neck, sleeveless, with tight or loose knee. Regular and out-sizes. Wc price for to day at only g I 1 SM tight knee garment $1.50 to $2 Kayser Underwear beautiful hand-finished Vests and Union Suits of silk and mer cerized lisle. Low neck, sleeve less, Avith loose or tight knee. All reg ular and out-sizes 63c 98c $2.25 to $3.50 Kayser Under wear here are highest grade silk and mercerized lisle Vests and L'nion Suits in low neck, no- sleeve styles. French crochet tops and hem 1.29 Investigate the Willamette Today ? IN the midst of Spring sewing, a "Willamette" should be in every home ! Think of the advantage in having a high-grade, easy running, efficient Machine to turn to. No better time to join the Willamette Sewing Machine Club than today Pay only $2 at purchase and $1 a week. The Model 104 Willamette illustrated is equipped with latest improved style "C" automatic drophead. Beautiful serpentine design of fine quarter-sawed oak. With each Machine we furnish a complete set of im proved attachments. Behind every Willamette Machine stands our ironclad ten-year guar antee, during which time we agree to replace all defective parts excepting the wear and breakage of needles and shuttles, free of charcre. M in M U71T it tOC Cl Con in today and try for yourself this spiendid Willamette Machine KO. 1U4 nulamette 5Z0.0U at 2ti.o0. Remember our easy club plan of payment. - Drapery Remnants Cleanup Prices THOUSANDS of lengths of Draper and Curtain materials Scrims, Silko lines, Cretonnes, Swisses, Sundure Silks, squares of Tapestry, etc. rem nants from our own splendid stock. 1 to 8-yard lengths; worth double the amount V itioted. In lots Sundure Silt at one-third off other lots include pieces at 80c, 1 i!c. ;!!c. atid some have been marked down to the remarkably - low price of only $22.50 Gas Ranges, $18.50 i rtii ri.ixiR mu ii.. ASA V INC worth wliib- t todav ti this splendid M.ule itli lir;iy rnmo. tnr lt ItS-inrh o-n t.cjtrd by t Ion; lir burner. BnuU Hud n!i th .irn- fir". Our nnlr pniv V-J'O. r-il for Wednesday O CfJ und Th.ir.!.T milt at thu prire P A O.O V Acorn Water Hfatr S1S-50 -. onal price i the .rorn N-. - f: Water ll"-ater, 4 tri ple rop r roil roi l riicl ion. with .T' feet of h.ilins riMv.iirr. Th"- coM water, rlividdl into hr- .-null lrram. i heated far morr th.r- iii;luv llian itli a tloulile roil, ffl C C ( Kit Wr.i...la and Thurdav nt ApiJmJJ OllltKH HI Mill. - . 1 1 a I! Vry' $ 1 .75 Lace Curtains $1.19 Brighten the home these early Sprinr ilays with fresh, new Curtain.t. Fully twenty different desipns included in these neat Kottiup'fiami. Centers with !mall figures and floral designs. White J1 1 Q mid ecru. 4i ins. wide, 2', vard long P $16.50 Velour Covers $12 Wonderfully rich these handsome Velour Couch Covers in rare Oriental designs and colorings exact copies of superb Oriental Rug patterns. Dark blue, rold, brown and green. 60 inches wide andfljl O '. yards long. Actual iflli.50 covers, today atS" M fit FreshButter,2!bs69c riRE KOnn I.IKlliRT JKMEVr TKKSII Oregon Croamerv Butter with a A cious wholesomeness above the ordi nary. On special sale today at, 2 pounds deli- 69c English Bacon, pound, at 15c4, Search Light Matches, 12 pack ages, -io Helns' Apple Batter, in stone Mexican Beans, 5 pounds, 25f Royal Baking Powder, 25c cans, rpecial at 20. Crosse & Blackwell'i Marma lade, 2. 75c bottle Olives, special, 40 Jellycon, 4 packages for 30d Rex Sliced Bacon, 2 jars, 25t CrosM & Black well's Lncca Oil at 75. Popcorn, 4 ponnda for only 25 Beef Extract, 45c jars, at 25 Best Asparagus, large can, 22 25c Walter Baker's Cocoa, 19 $ 1 5 "Ostermoor" Mattresses Semi-Annual Sale V::.-. -.aH , JTv-T A rTl'ALI.Y the lowest price we lifbe (iiiotcd m Antcrica i,y: on tlie celebrated Os- tenuoor Mattresses. Jstcrinoor? Think what this iVrTEisEa '"s! Full-size, oue f : Tn,x us.PAT.0Fr piece, Ostermoor Mat- trcsfi-s. weilang .Hi pounas. sola rven w tiert' at ri. In the Scnii-Ar.nual Sale ot beds and llcdding sjH'cially priced at only, each $18 0ternioor Mattressei made in two pieces, full ue, mrisittiiu: ol pounds. J 1 O O C Krrv one hand made. This sale ? 9JmtJ , $11.90 lr s v J $13.25 Ostermoor Mattresses 4-foot standard art ticking. Special at . . tl U.L. wemliin -u Hi-, covereu uu- fill a mm $7 Leg Couches $3.98 Stronjr. durable Leg Conches, exactly as illustrated. Cnstom niade in our own shop, and covered with preen denim. They're 6 feet lonjr by 110 inches wide. Sell regularly at tf0 fQ f7. In Seiiii-Aniiuiil Sale of Beds aud Bedding at DaJJ(j size, I $12.50 Hygienic Felt Mattresses made for us by the Carman lli'jr. Co.. of QQ Zf felted layer cut ton, art tiekinjr New TtmdkmWbny Rugs THIRD FLOOR MAIf Bl Il,DIi. ORDER. BY MAIL. TODAY we are ready to spread before you the most beautiful selection of new Spring patterns in the famous Bundhar Wilton Rugs and Carpets that have ever been shown in Portland ! i We are now exclusive Portland agents for these hiph-prade Floor Coverings which have been adopted, after severest tests, by the Government, the Pullman Company; in courthouses, public build ings, offices and homes everywhere! Rich, new designs in exquisite colorings of blues, greens, dark reds and tans. Bundhar Wilton Rugs in a full range of sizes: v 18x36-inch size for only S2.50 27x54-inch size for only S4.95 36x63-inch size for only S7.65 4.6x7.6-ft. size, only SI 6.3 6x9-ft. size for only S27.00 8.3xl0.6-ft. size, only 39.60 9xl2-ft. size for only 45.00 10.6xl0.6-ft. size, for 52.65 10.6xl2-ft. size at only 60.75 Bundhar Wilton Carpets, in designs to match any Rug. Sewed, laid and lined, yd. 2.25. $18 Brussels Rugs $16.20 A new shipment of heavy, durable Tapestry Brussels Rugs in artistic small figures, two-tone TnTj$14 Metal Beds, $8.25 frTTTTTTV Chill-less .Metal Beds, exactly as il- -7- imW 'ill I II till 1.. ....l tiir. finili in Tvnvv iriro?i-i.ii". louay c;o 'ic in the Scnu-Annual Sale at pv--JJ S17.50 Steel Beds, only 10.25 $20 Brass Beds, only S13.50 i;iaiM,agia.i ' n " A 6101 browns, tans, greens and blues; ff the 1S Tade. ,0xl2-foot size, at lO. '5 7.6xl0.6-ft. Tapestry Brussels Rugs at 12.60 8.3xl0.6-ft. Tapestry Brussels Rugs at 14.40 Save on Linoleums! $15 Tapestry Rugs $11.50 Full 9xl2-ft. room-size Tapestry Rugs in a great asortment of new colorings and patterns for bed rooms, living-rooms, etc.. Splendid $15 grades. For Wednesday and .Thursday' g -t E?t we specialize them at only, each 8.3x10.6ft.. Tapestry Rugs priced only 10.00 TELEPHONES PACIFIC, PRIVATE EXCHANGE 4; HOME, To make room for four cars of new Linoleums now on the road, we quote these big savings on all-odd rolls of our best printed and inlaid grades: 63c Printed Linoleums at only 45 77c Printed Linoleums at only 57c $1.13 Inlaid Linoleums, only $1.35 Inlaid Linoleums for SI. 09 Kilmarnock Scotch Rugs Size 36x63-inch 6x9-f oot . . 8.3xl0.6-ft. 9xl2-foot . Marked . 6.00 -18.00 . 27.00 30.00 Special 4.35 S12.95 19.85 24.85 Kazak Wool Rugs 10.6xl2-ft. 9xl0.6-ft. . 9xl2-ft. .. 12.00 10.00 11.00 7.85 6.75 S 7.85 me. Irene Corsets Here Exclusively SECOD FLOOR SEW HOLDING. OR years Portland women have known that the only place in the city where the genuine Madame Irene Corsets can be purchase is here in our second floor section. Let your next Corset be an "Irene" choose the Corset that's worn and acknowledged supreme by the fashionable women of New York selected from Sth-ave. shop. Arid from this Corset Shop come the custom-made Madame Irene Corsets that we have here in complete asortments. From New York where fashions are created and where every Paris mode is noted and con sidered in the creation of these superb models. The ultra-fashionable figure of the day possible to every woman corseted in a Madame Irene. Only the best of materials used in the making fine, firm, though light, plain coutil and batiste, brocha courille, silk bro cade, silk tricot and the elastic. Ask about the Maternity Irene at 6.50. They're a boon to womankind. Regular lines at 6.50 to $25.