I river and conditions exiwttns there with J reference to the operations of the fifh ; ermen. It la tiio opinion of the mem ' bm of the commlnntitn that as Ionic Special 2c Shoppers' Lunch Served in the BasemenHbhoe Shining m tne Pasemut StnnHarrl Sewinp Machines Sold on the Sl.OO a WeeK Club Plan on .the Secojridjnioor EOF ftKhrrrnen are permitted lo mt their ( net within 600 feet of the fall it Is j virtually impossible for any nrat num- J . ber of salmon to rearh the fails ami &rend tiie ladder to the upper river : and lis tributaries." I COURT TO BE DEEP ROB COUNTY Old Special Committee and Judge Cleeton Hold Conference Concerning Inquiry. CAPT. HINKLE TO DEPART ! Artillery OTHcrr Traiisfexrrd lo i t nwm .. l . l,. ...hli. MaOi. i EXPERT TO BE WELL PAID Mrnibrn of Conn o Appear Before iMTeMlgators and Explain Io Inr, mdrr Fire Affair of tereral Tear Questioned. Accomianixl by A. F. Will?, an ex pert irrounttm, rarabn of the spe cial rommltt. appointed by Governor West at the lntanre of the East 8I1 KnaintM Mn Club to Investls7t the affair of the Countr Court, railed n CouTitr Juda Cleeton and Commisslon-ea-a l.lthtnr and Hart yetenla- morn rnr to discus the scope of the proposed Investigation and way and means of commenrlna It. It decided that Mr. Wllley will M paid $1 a day for his service and that he will report his flndlnic to the committee, composed of " W. Ilodson. A. A. Cunningham and A. F. Miller, and that the committee will frame a report from It. Mr. Wllley. who was drill sated bv Govrrmir West to assist the committee, will work u:ider the direct supervision of the committee. At the request of County Judve Clee ton the Hunt was reserved for the member of the County Court to appear before the committee and explain under oath an matters which may seem haxy and at the suacestlon of Juda-e Cleeton. the attendance of other witnesses who may be able to assist the Investigation by testimony will be asked. The com mittee has. Its members aajreed. no power to compel the attendance of wlt neaaea by aubpena. but Judge Cleeton declared that he anticipate no diffi culty In aecurlnn desired testimony. laejarfrr ( Be Kxhaaatlt. A to the scope of the Inquiry It was decided that It will cover ail the points en which the Cour.tv Court has been criticised. These include the construc tion of the courthouse, the fees paid the architects, the fumlshlna; of the build. rk at Multnomah r'arm. the sys tem of keeptnc check on road expendi ture., the efficiency displayed In the ceaduct of the various county Institu tion, the sale of the Kenton aravrl pit and the sale purchase of other prop ertlea Certain phase of the Investiga tion. It It expected, will extend bark eight year, to the time when Commis sioner Ughtner assumed offlre. In answer to questions Judge Cleeton Informed the member of the committee that It ha not been the habit of the v'ountv Court, until quirt recently, to keep detailed minute of It sessions. Mueeeedine- County Court had found It Impractical, he aald. to keep a record of all Instructions given road supervisors, who, however, turn In each month a worn statement of the amount of labor and material employed and purchases made. The committee would And In the Commissioner's Journal records of only Important transaction". Judge Cleeton eatd. Ur(i matters are handled by contract, he Informed the committee, and eople of all contrarts may he found In the records Realty Mea ! Testify. It wa understood that expert real estate men will be calied to give testi mony relative to the value of the Ken ton gravel pit. which was sold to Mos Block lor ti.Olw. and sold by him to Itobert Shaw, clerk of the County Court, for iJIo. Judge Cle.on referred to ihe gravll pit sale as a transaction of which the members of the County Court are not proud. "Of course. " said Mr. Ilodson. it nre-iM b unfair to hold tie present t'ommy Court responsible for unwise contracts wh:-h may have been entered Into by It predecessor and carried out later, but I hold that the present County Court would be culpable had It continued Inefficient svstrms, and that without regard to how far hark their Inauguration dates. Heca'ise the Countv Court has been criticised In an evening newspaper for permitting the Sheriff and Countv Clerk to deposit public money to their oersonal accounts In banks and lrav Interest upon It. Judge Cleeton ' re quested that the commitee go Into this subject and report upon what the legal right of the Countv Court are with re spect to such mone. The Judge sail that the Countv Vurt has absotutel nothing to do with it. FISHERMEN RAISE CRY titration of Aniline Limit l Op posed hj Oregon Oily. Oregon City fishermen, accompanied by their attorney. v. S. lKen. ap peared before the Stte Hoard of Klsh and Game Commission Monday and entered a protest alnsl the proposed enforcement of an order of the Com mission extending the d-d line for net nshlng In the UUmrtte i:i-r at th.it notnt from It present limitation of " leet below the falls, down the river to the suspension bridge, or over three ttms the distance peclne. In the law. At the request of the fishermen, the Commission agreed not to attempt to enforce its order until the members of the Board could visit Oregon city. In vestigate conditions In the river and adjust the situation with due considera tion to Cie rights of the fishermen snd at the same time conserve the fl.hirg Industry on the Willamette and Its tributaries. One month ago the Commission l- j sued an order making the closed sea son for salmon tlshing on the Wil- ' lamette conform to the closed season on the Columbia River. At the same j time the Commission proposed to ex- i lend the dead line for net flehtng t Oregon Citv from the statutory feet below the fstls to the suspension bridge, a distance of about J"00 feet down the river. This part of the Co- j mission order was made under that i provision of the law which empowers the Commission. Independent of specific legislative enactment, to close any stream entirely to nshlng at Its pleas ure when such an order i deemed ex pedient for protecting the salmon In dustry. 'Ti order of the commission chang ing the dead line for fishing purpose at Oregon Cit" has not been enforced." aald George It. Kel'r a member of the commission, last right. rt haa only been suggested. Our Idea In proposing an extension in the dead line in the Willamette River at that point is to give salmon an Improved opportunity for reaching the fish ladder at the falls and ascend the Willamette and Its trib utaries. 'll Is the Intention of the members of the commlasion next week to visit Oregon City and personally Inspect th In accordance with i.peclal orders Ixsued by the War I "epartment. Cap ' tain Francis M. Illnkl-. Coast Artillery ! Corps who ws asalsrned recently to I service with the Coast Artillery Re I serves of Oregon, has been relieved from duty and will be assigned to the Thirty-third Company. Coast ! Artillery Corps, stationed at Fort Co l lumbla. Wash. Captain lllnkle will be 1 succeeded by Captain Robert W. Col lins. Coast Artillery Corps, who has I HIIMl't WIFF. PROVFH BKH sHKKTHKtNT P1.A1 I.KT, -THE l tBD." ' -a --"a'' . HI : ; ' " I i Mm. Hul-rt T. Ilalora (K-lbrr mn KtlaKe. Knher Van Kytlnsre (Mr. Roh ert T. Hnine-r , who la appearintt; with her huMband at thi Or pMeuin In t he t wo-tene playlet. "The owaril," i? related to Hnw Ky tin-?, t he nntvl artretis, who died.tn New York recently. Thfs wMk i-4 hT tint h in vauivi lle. She is a lister t lunar Kobe Straus. A t t o r n e - 5eneral of Marylund. who was nominated twice for tivo i lovernornh ip of that state. Mr. Haines uImo in a cousin of t'ntted States Senator Kay nr. of r Intnl. She and Mr. It.unes wer married I" months mho in Itultlmore. where the actress w.is prominent in so ciet v. Mr. Ilulne 1h lures he selectel his wlf from fotir ac-tr,s-es to p 1 a v the part of svvr-t-t heart in "The I'owurd" ie rause sh-r portrayed the role nat urally and with pTlWt ease, while iter competitors for the pl.tre lnslte-l upon lein noisy tn the xiuift hut telllnK part. arrived in Portland. The trannfer will be ntrs-de March li. Captain to!lln came to this city from Fort KlatflT. Wash. He is a native of Sout h Carolina and served throuch the Spanish-American War as a lieutenant In the volunteer service. II entered the reu'ilar Army as private tn und In li-! was promote.! from ll.it t.i Hon Sfrican I - Ma lor to Scond Lieutenant. He was promted to the rank of Captain in I9"T. ami tsraduateil from the Artillery Shonl in I ..-frret Is 1-lt over the departure of Captain lllnkle who in the short period of his service with the oreiron Artil lery I'orpa impresne! both officers and men with hit capacity to deal with the t.tsk of orcmiiitiK th nwly created corps. Adjuia n t -..neral Kinaier sai yesterday t ha t Ihe off ice r a of t h general start had congratulated them selves on their jjd f..rtune tn obtain ing the service of Captain Hinkle. and ret;retttd th.it he was not to remain here. (general h'inxer has requested t he War Department to deslKnate KuKene. r.. as the headquarters for Captain Collins, as that city already Is the iieaadnu rters for t he Com - t A rt filer v. Hoy lo Make a Pint cf j Unep.ed Cough Syrup ; i The Qslekral. !( Coach Resaedr ! lea F.ver I sej. Fally llade at Heme. Mops V.vc WnooplDSj 4'oacb Qol.kly. Yon mar not need the 2 which a SO cent hnttlc of 1'inex save you. but yott tin need the wonderful ctTr-tivonea of thia famous coiieli rcmedv. It will nsu allv stop the tno-l oltinate. rleep-senlcd eoiish inside of iM lituirs, and has no equal fr whnopin-;-ciiii"li. Get a .lO-ccnt U-itle of Pinex unit mix it in a pint bottle with home-made sncar vrup. w hich is easily made bv mixing a pint of frmnulatcd stiintr and 'i r1."' of warm water, and siirrinc for 2 min ute. This pies you a full pint a fam ily upplv if the" mo.t p!r-ant and ef fective couch remrdv you ever used. The wv this takes hold of a roujjh and dives' instant relief, will make you recret that you never tried it before. 1st i mills tea the appetite, is alichtlv lax ative and tastes j-ood lnlilren take it I willmclv. It has a wonderful rec-vrd in nn cf incipient lunjr trouble and i j srlendid for croup, asthma, bronchitis, thr.at trouble, etc. ! Pinex is a special and nipnir concen trated compound of Norway Wnite Pine extract, rich in pmiacol and otlier nate ite.1 hsltncr nine elements. Pinex has often been imitated. bt:t ' never success full v. for nothinir else will Produce the same resultn. The pennin is ctiaranteed to cive absolute satinfac tion. or moner refiinded. Your drumrist h.i Pinex. or will gladly (ret it for yott. !f not, send to The Pinex Co., it, Wayne, led. Pinex la fully guarapteed by Laue. Iavta Drug Co. distributer. Portland. CUnCURA SOAP SHAVING STICK For Tender Faces 0 Indispensable for those ubject to red i new. rou:hneas. and other irritations oftbetkin. Asharuu: luxury. No mug. y-?"sj no sorry soap, no germs, no waste of xM timeortnone. In nickeled box. 2c..at IS'at'wj stores or bv mail. Liberal sample free. ihili Addrrea-Cuticura." Ucpt. iS. Boston. e Occupying Entire City BIocK-Bounded by Morrison. Aider. Tenth and West ParK Jfs This mornine our doors will open upon the greatest bargain event that has been offered to the thrifty women and men of Portland for many a day. The big Basement Underprice Store" will be the scene of the feast. Tables will be laid for thousands; we want you to come. Women's WHite Waists 98c In the Basement "Underprice Store." There is room in every wardrobe for one or two of these Waists. Hundreds of shrewd women will profit by this offering of this season's styles in Waists made in the popular shirt style, with fancy embroidered fronts with white, stiff cuffs and collars. Are made of a fine linon material, which looks like linen and launders perfectly; sizes 34 to 44 bust. Priced no exceedingly low this sale, your choice only IOC House Dresses 9oc In the liasfineiit " iiiKlerprice store." a sale of women's hoiiM- Iieses, mailt- of fine t-nnlity ginvrham in a new mid attractive range of styles and patterns QQ iind all good colors. Triced special for only J O V Petticoats 59c Sale Trimmed Hats $7.50 Grades S3. 95 In the Basement "Underprice Store." For today we offer the first splendid sale of Women's Trimmed Hats a big sample line, which we bought at about half the rejpilar. prices. All are good styles and colors the Reason's most wanted kinds; an assortment so broad thai; every taste may be satisfied; beautiful combinations of colors, pleasing shapes of frames; hats which if bought iu the regular way would sell up te $7.50 each. An QJ? For today's selling only we price them at vPO?J ORDKR BY III t'le basement ' iiiulerprice store" an all-rlay sale of women's (Siiiishnm lVttiftnits of unusual quality in plain t . . . i . . . i j i ..I..:.. eoicrs ami in neat siriiK-n patterns, nitu nu -mmi rmbroiderod flouiices. All arc pood eolors, iu assorted lengths. Special for this sale, ea. 59c Ctiilclreii's 6 Coats $3.48 In the Basement "Underprice Store" a sale of children's smart, new, Spring Coats, made up of medium weight cheviot, blacK and white checKs and mixtures, in such good staple colors as navy, brown, blacK and white and gray, they are well made and trimmed in contrasting colors, braids and fancy buttons, sizes 6 to 14 years, regular $6.00 Jo grades special at this saleP" Dress Ginghams Special, Yd. 7c In the base merit "unrlerpriee store." a one-day sale of splendid quality Dress Ginghams, in a large assortment 11! patterns, stripes, checks and plaids, light or dark colors, for making women 's house dresses, aprons and little girls' dresses. Special for this sale, yd. Q, Outing Flannel 3V2C In the basement "underprice store," a rare offering of good quality Outing Klannel in splendid colors and small, neat checked patterns, suitable for kimonos, nightgowns, underwear ami children's O 1 wear; priced special for this sale, yard J aww HucK Towels a-N 6V2C In the basement "underprice store." an all-day sale of splendid quality cotton Hm-k Towels, size lfixH2 inches, with colored borders, suitable for home Use: especially good for hotels and rooming-houses; price, Cjj the dozen, special at 7oc; each, at only O G 12V2C Draperies at 9c Here's a rare good opportunity to save on drapery ma terial?. In this lot we group ;J.00 yards of dotted swi..: in white, striped swiss in white, cream and ecru, printed mndras- in beautiful floral patterns and deep rich colorings. Full 30 inches wide. Good l-Vic Q grades, offered special for this sale, yard, only J C Men's 50c Underw'r 35c In the basement "underprice store," a sale of men's fir cotton I'ndcrv. car in the medium weight for Spring we; .. Fine cloe-ribbed cotton, neatly made and fin ished. A complete range of sizes. Excellent Of jllc grades, offered special for this sale atOwC M-FLOOR-Hl Notion Day' Bargain Circle Main Floor Wednesday is the day when dressmakers and thrifty housekeepers lay in their supplies of notions and small wares. Today 's offerings are unusual. Take advantage. Collar Stays, the "Airlite," in black or white; our regu lar 10c grade, special, 7oc a dozen, ea.,' only C Kcksosilk Collar Stays, 40c dozen, or, ea., only 4 Spool Cotton. 6-cord. white or black, all numbers, regular 5c grade, offered special for this sale at 4c Darning Cotton, 2' ie grade, white or black, only 1J Shoe Laces, 4-4. regular 3 pairs 10c, at 6 pairs 10 Basting Cotton, 500 yards, 5c grade, special at 4 Hair Nets, all shades, on special sale at 5 for 10 Coat Hangers, regular oc grades, special, 2 for 5J Hair Rolls, all shades, regular 35e grades, at 25t? Skirt Hangers, wood or nickel, regular 15c grade. tf4? Ho. Supporters, regular 50c grades, special, 29" Skirt Markers, regular 25c grade, special, only 12 Hair Tins, wire, all sizes, 5c grade, spl., 2 for 5 Pins. 400 to the paper, regular 5c grades, only 2 English Twill Tape, regular 12c grade, special at 8 Pearl Buttons, 1 dozen on a card, 15c grade for 8J ironing Wax, regular 15c dozen, special, only 10 15c Dress Shields, siies 2. 3 and 4, special for 8J 15c Buttons, black and colors, bone, special for 5? Hooks and!' yes. regular 5c grade. 2 cards for 5(0 25c Dress Shields, silk, all sizes, special, only 19 25e Oversleeves, special during this sale, pair. X7C 2)c Featherstitch Braids, buy all you want for 7? oo urly Sales Toilet Paper 4c lOOO R.olls on S&le 8 to 9 A. M. todav, at the basement bargain circle, a great sale of 1000 rolls of Toilet Paper, two different grades, of fine "Egyptian Tissue and "Waldorf," unusually good grades; large size rolls. Limit, 20 rolls to a customer. A and none sold to merchants. Special, roll tmXJ Women's Fancy NecKwear 25c Grades for 5c 9 to 10 A. M. today, at the basement bargain circle, a one-hour sale of hundreds of pieces of dainty Neckwear in fine lawn and lace effects m various attractive styles; stocks, jabots and side effects. Good grades, worth to 25c each, JJ offered special for one hour only at, each ej t New specials offered at bargain circle every bour. Sa Men's WorK Shirts 50c Grade 39c 10 to 11 A. M. today, at the ba-ement bargain circle, a monster sale of men's Negligee Shirts for the man who works; three styles in the lot, black sateen, blue cbambray or black and white stripe drill; all good ' materials, cut full andQQ- long: sizes 14Vi to 17; one hour onlyejlVV. New specials offered at bargain circle every hour Women's Handbags . . - -v $1.50 tirades ovc 11 A. M. to 12 today, at the basement bargain circle, a one-hour sale of genuine leather Hand bags in assorted styles; some are leather-lined, fitted with strap handles and coin purses; are made strong and durable ; good values at $1.50 and $1.75 each, special, only OI7C New specials offered at bargain circle every hour. Sai Women's Union Suits -pecial, 25c 12 to 1 P. M. today, at the basement bargain circle, a rousing one-hour sale of women's Union Suits in the Spring weight, swiss-ribbed cotton, sleeveless, with loose fenee; mmmeo in lace, aa sizes in the lot. Purchases are limited JJ 4 suits to a customer. Special, the suit iDC Women's S5 Hats for $1.95 1 to 2 P. M. today, at the basement bargain circle, a sale of beautiful new tailored Hats, 150 in the lot, which we bought at our own price; hardly two alike. A sample line of all new Spring styles, just such as you are looking for. We offer them during this one hour at less than the cost of material alone, to say nothing d QfJ of the making; worth to $5, only fj) A oSJ New specials offered at bargain circle every hour. fj fro Y 9 V f) 1500 Yards of Fancy SilRs $1.25 Grades 53c 2 to 3 P. M. today, at the basement bargain circle, a sale of 1500 yards of beautiful fancy Silks in checks and stripes, splendid patterns and good color combinations, suitable for dresses, waists, trimmings, etc.; standard widths and ex cellent qualities at $1.00 and $1.25 ajO yard, offered special at only, the yard OOC New specials offered at bargain circle every hour. Wrnen s Corsets Reduced $1.00 Grades 55c 3 to 4 P. M. today, at the basement bargain circle, a sensational sale of women 's Corsets three styles in the lot; all new Spring models, made of good quality German eoutil with medium hip and bust; fitted with four hose supporters. Perfect-fitting, reliable corsets, sizes 18 fj fj to 30; well worth $1 a pair, special, only OO C k 3t.4 Lj Child's iol Dresses 35c 4 to 5 P. M. today, at the basement bargain circle, a sale of 500 children 's Dresses and Middy Blouses; dresses sizes 2 to 6, made in attractive styles, of good quality gingham, in plain colors or checks and stripes. The blouses are size 6 to 14. in three attractive styles, made of good materials in plain blue, tan or white. All are JJ JJ good grades at $LO0 ; special price, ea. O O C 25 Pes. Curtain Scrim 20c Grade 12c 5 to 6 P. M. today,' at the basement bargain circle, a sale of 25 pieces of plain Scrim, excellent quality, 36 inches wide, in white, cream or ecru, suitable for curtains and many other ! f purposes. A good 25c quality, the yard X east C Spend the whole day in the basement store today. $4 Hat Shapes $1.95 To those clever women who trim their own hats, or who go to our milliners to have their own ideas carried out, we offer a complete sample line of hat shapes which we bought at very advantageous prices. The most desirable styles, small, medium and large; worth tf - f JJ regular to $4 each, special for this sale t) 1 (i0 Wire Frames at 25c A sale of wire Hat Frames in black and white: all the most wanted shapes for making the new C JJ Spring hats. Offered special at only, each t O O Hat Braids59c Piece In the basement "underprice store," sale of 400 pieces of Straw Braid in 10 and 12-yard pieces, fine PJ f or coarse straw; black, white, colors; piece OtvC 52- n, Broadcloth Special Yd. 98c In the Basement "Underprice Store," a sale of all wool broadcloth full 52 inches wide and made from fine wool yarns; it will tailor nicely into Suits, Coats, SKirts etc, and will give perfect satisfaction to the wearer, colors are brown, tan, gray, light or darK navy, red, garnet, green, champagne and blacK, a most extraordinary cloth, priced specially for this sale only, at the low price of, yard 98c 50GO Yards Ribbon IV2 to 3 Inch Yd. 5c A sensational offering of 5000 yards of all-silk Ribbon, splendid quality of silk taffeta, soft chiffon finish. lVs to 3 inches wide; black, white and colors; spe- JJ cially priced for Wednesday's sale only,' yard OC 75c Flouncings 33c These are the making-up days for Summer, and far sighted women are doing their sewing now. We spe cialize for today only a beautiful line of 27-inch Flouncings in scores of new dainty patterns, O O in fine, soft swiss muslin, worth up to 75c yd. 33 0 Misses' Union Suits Special at 25c In the basement "underprice store," a sale of misses' fine ribbed Union Suits in the Spring weight, loose knee, trimmed with lace, sleeveless; sizes 14 O PJ to 18 years. Special for Wednesday only at east O C Nazareth Wants 11c This offer for Wednesday only in the basement. Chil dren's Nazareth Waists in medium weight for Spring and Summer; sizes 2 to 13 years. Every mother knows what these waists sell for regular. We spe- 1 cialize for the Wednesday's sale at only, ea. X X C Boys' Negligee -Shirts 39c In ihe basement "underprice store," a sale of boys' Negligee Shirts in four different styles, blue, chambray and percale, in neat stripe pafterns and plain linene, in cream or tan. or fine black sateen. Sizes 12 O Q to 14. Our best regular 50c qualities, special 3i O Gr c er les 50c Tea, Uncol'd Japan, Gunpowder or Ceylon, 35 Bacon, best English style, special, the pound, 15J Earns, Eastern sugar-cured, special, a pound, 15J Raisins, Muscatel, off stalk, special, o'2 pounds 25? Shoulders "Picnic Hams," special, the pound, 110 Pink Beans, extra special at five pounds for 250 Catsnp Blue Label, offered special, a bottle, "i.80 Laundry Soap, offered special at 11 bars for 25c Babbitt's Cleanser, special for this sale, 3 cans, 100 Butter, "0. W. K. Special," 2-pound squares, 720 Pineapple, grated, regular 20c can, speciail for 150 Corn Starch, special for this sale, 3 cans for 250 Milk Jersey Queen, Holly, or Yeloban 1 J special price, 85c a dozen, or two cans at X O J51 Enameled ware 49c Blue and white Enameled Ware, four-coated, white lined, with seamless bottoms, on sale in the basement today. The lot comprises 1-quart coffee pots, 17-quart dish pans, 2-quart coffee pots, 3-quart cof fee pots, 4-quart sauce pans and covers, 5-quart sauce pans and covers, 6-quart sauce pans and covers, 5-quart kettles, 6-quart kettles, 14-quart A Q dish pans; good values to $1.00 each, forTTC $1.75 Clothes Hampers at Only 75c Good strong . willow. On sale for one day only. 25c Dishes for lOc Extra specials in fancy decorated China dessert plates, fruit saucers, oatmeal dishes, spice jars, hot pan holders, pin trays, spoon trays, fern dishes, small jardinieres, cups and saucers, cake plates, sails and peppers, bon bon; dishes, souvenir plates, toothpick holders, egg cups, bread a.nd butter plates, f pie plates, etc., worth to 25c; your choice X J C i