OREGOXTAX, WEDNESDAY, . srAttcn 6. 1012. '' CITY NEWS IN BRIEF rr.etlr.A-reoirr 'tiy ctrruUiiti Manaetna; Editor & A3 c:.B fro a 5i1B 7.10 " - n . Itya . pofn i r Jf!f oio i AOU5 tjin.-uuodtnt bnlldtoi ...Meta 'u,v MA TOTO A AXISEMEST. l-Tl.I1 TVEATEW tsewAth r. T";TidT H,rrr WoMmfr In the mui-l "IT " -TH. Frlr.e. of Toi.l" TOU afternoon st 9:le And tonlfbt At I IS. HKm TnEATET. EU""H ,.I3lr n-etofe." Thl afternoon At Ml Antt to AlfM si J I.. CRfHCTM THtATK-'M'". S?!wt? Sutl and Hnl) -audeetiie. ..T!?" tsraoos at S:t and tanlgbt At :1 cleeS. EWPA.E5S THEATER TA' And WAetilA. ISS VllKln:. Ti afterBOAA) A. I.JS. Inai at 7:M AAd a'ejactt. HTCt TMBATEB "; Ar vakd'trlllA. Thla Artemeoa at SIS. tsnult At J JO and a dock. LTRIf T2IEATS IF"nrth and B:a MuweJ i'orod. "Sls Tonimy From Ts ' Tns a'teraeon at I and tomcat a! I 20 and a. it does.. i-roPLE-. star. l-am oh jr. T1VOI.I ANP i-BT5TL rtrsi-rca sle- toroa. 11 A. M.-13 P. X- Cni,tr.r.! to )lu Btnit-Powtiu Tllat thf chlMren of rortlant may listen to Ueutenant-General Mir Baden -Powll. lfalr of the Hoy frVout mow mrnt. who will arrive In Portland on Sat'irriAv morntn. Robert H. titron. ai Arthur E. WooJ. a ho with W. I Klniey. now ahaent on batinef. form a ri'mmttlrt who will assist In enter taining 1 iitln3ulhe1 visitor, wltl i-onftr with 1. N. Klelschner and R. 1 etln. the teachers' committer of the retard of K'lucatlon. at 4 o'clock this aftrnron. It la hop that a mass mrertn? of school thHdren my be held n Saturlsy aTlTBoon so that General I'osrell All! be able to speak to them. In the evening Jam-s Ijikl!aw. the lirltii.1 consul, wlil rnfrK'n Genera! l-owell at dinner In t.ie Multnomah MoreL At the ronc-I'Mlnn of the dinner. (General Powell will sdlress an as sembly of people lavltrd by the enter tAinrnent committee. lnnxcTox Fx.K Icct Kmdat. A meetlns; of r r- n t v cinWren And All other lnt-res:l In the aarderi con test started Among the !iool children, wtll he held at trie auditorium of th IrrtnaMon ei hoot Kriday ni;ht. 1-1 J. Jarrer. O. M. PltimmT. II. K. A. bee. t. U Lively and W. K. Uaotlninl. the committee for the dl'trl.t harms this mttrr in cliarre. bus pent out Inrtta tionv. T"ie m-ttint wt'.l be At o'clock. The tnT1tt!on pays tliat "this la an effort fathered And f irthere! by public pplrlted elttsen of Portland And throuchout the tale, and h In view the prat-tAjtl education of children In the rudiments of cardrnlnc. t'om mlttees h-ise been (irmel. whos effort will he to create a frlcntlly rivalry amon the children. Institute contests, and awaid prists at t:ie close of the taon" Tir.rs S.Rr t It Iihib. Ilounutnc out a f'ill st-or of fires, larse and mall mitrtin a space ff 24 hours, the r'lre rtinrtm-nl waa called early yes terdiy mrnlni( to the t'aslle Hotel. Park Mrt. between Waehlnston and Ahler. sh-rf a torealenlny blase for a time rndanjcer-'d the Urea of manv lo!aers ssil baie fwtr to sweep throu.h a n-t of old butl'llnss on Washing ton street Lodgera la the place were arouse! by policemen aol averal had narrow escapes. The cotlaste. a two lory butidtne. was completely sutted. though at tndlnx intact, externally, r'lrc lapcesl the flre-proof aides of the new Woodard-Clark buihiinj at Park and Aider streets, but lni no dam. A small Spanln xrtll on the othrr sid was completely w-recktfi. Aunttto Kri.-ksox Annrsrro A!frd Unckson. afalnst whom a secret Indict ment was returned b the late Federal srand Jury for sending indecent matter throncb fie malls, w-aa arreted yester day at his home at orient. lwtnc to the fact that be had an Invalid a Ife. wno w-as entirely depcnil'-nt upon htm for personal attention anil support, he a as released upon his own recognisance to appear later to plend to the Indict ment, lie acknowledge pt utlt. As t hrced. but says he bcltcres I:e had the rlxht to return through the mail what bad been personal!) ieliverd to him MvwTAit.t a i.'t i p l.xi-onsrs I'viox rrrc-T. Tne Mont tvllla Hoard of Trade r-nda ntht tnloreed the resolution of ths tireater Portland Plans Associa tion for the i.Ktt'nn or the L'nlon te-ot by tie 1 1 1 1 and llarrlman lines at the hre.l of the park blocks In harmony with the plans of the associa tion. The rsoiuiion ursrtns chance In location of the central liluary builUmc was tabl-d BirxstTT iScirs V'.ast T-pat. r.dward H. Hennett. Clc!l2ncr of the Greater Portland plans, leaves for New York at i o'clock this mornins. At An ex ecutive session of the Greater Port lind plans Association, held In the Ad Men t'lubrooms yesterday. It waa elrc'd-'d to have Mr B-'nnett compile a complrte rep-rt of bis plans within lha next st da. ind to have them pub lished In book form lor distribution. BraRr pi n-r-s Ovtt.TT. teore I. Bard. an lniector In the Customs rervtcc. who took lA from A smujr-pl-T as hu.-h money, p'eadod KUtlty In the l'nlte.1 Mat.. Pistrict t'otirt yes terd y. the true ,f Ms sentence bctn-t naed f(r Thuris. Ileard was recently- contctel of mand areny In tho Multnoma'i t'o-mty t .rctiit Court and was paro'j-'l altr sentence. 'oTri r taT'ox THAXsrrr.RCn. 1'nlverslty park postofu-e station will be trn-frred from i lambard street to Ionibar.l trrt. takinc effect Mirch 1. In earr; in.- this transfer out the resignation of Alf-ed II. Brown. ierk m ch trse. has hen accepted and John C Koberts hv been appointed as clerk tn charee of the new off'ce at a saliry of A year. Was. Fakkut to shak Mrs. Id Haraly will have char of the pro aramme at Central Woman's Chris n.n Temperance I nion. at :. w o clock tins afternoon, at room 3d lix1nouh huiMinr The subject HI be the l'nlon Si.nal And Toun Crus.tder. W. '. T. I". publicAllon. lrt t s.sks rfsrmi, Hctn. Th f-i-"ral of tne IT-year-oH daughter of xtr. and Mr T. II. Mlllbank-.. who .l e-I at the family residence In Lents Mon.ia-. As held jesterdty. B irlal ass msde at Mount Scott Tark Ceme terj Pa y r Toakt'M. assisted by John t: Mohler b"th of Pisgsh. Home. U -cs. Cal. will hold -erlea of m'et--..K-ti full r-wp-l tn church. -..t hrnix and Ksst Ankeney sts.j .Msnh to l A 1 will be welcome. -Mas Lom Batpwix r-ooLrm.B has A (i i.-'in stndio a here you can con si. t her on all maeters pertalninK to the decorums and furnishing of your home. Ill Alder st. Phone Main 43 Tun Artr" Most up-to-data isrtm'nt m No-thwest: ? 1 st god John -ion 's : s1! o'ttt.le rooms. arp'T on jrmlt. o- call .Mar, sii 3J. Ta. Kt; Ttn tlt-rt SMjiirP S5 1 ITTs. cose ant ctmfortabe. will be let to permanent guests at reasonable prices, i'l!! or phone Bowera Hotel. lanirs or posrrtAXP. K. Krends Is mskirE a special low price In ladies' tailor-ma le uis of Imvorted (jooda for l short time only. rA Wtitrs T. T" I ix iM sow and Mr. A. 1'. I leg'l wilt talH on So,-laI llvrlene.- on Thursday evenim. at add school WgATTKX Ptv-.suvtis Cost. J4.5A a ton. more nest for your roney than . other. I bone Main Si. A le. Tub BrsT of ladles' tsilorlng. only on prlr. s5. G urn ay. 40 Mohawk. Alt rt rt. Co. !. sil prices, tail lervlcA. Pbont K 12. C 1117. RaIUHXAD EXTZKSIOIf AWHtll At S mass meeting of the ci titans of South Mount Tabor And those living" Along the Powell VAlley re-Ad In th United Brethren Church.. Eat Thlrty-econd Avenue. Monday night, reports were submitted by the trvatees to the effect that two-thirds of the money required for the extension had been subscribed. At the meeting A considerable sum waa suhecrlbed. The committees were In structed to continue the csnvasi for fund until the entire um hag been raised. C. W. Hodson. reprenentlns the Jarobs-Stme Company, which re cently purchased the Kelly homestead farm on the Section Line road, aald In his address that After the extension In side the city had been built the In terested property owners outside would take up the matter of building a con nection with the extension at Kast Klghty-aeeond street and Twenty-ninth Avenue. Tom RichArdaon made an en thusiastic talk full of encouragement to the people who are working: to get streetcar facilities. CoxongoaTtoxaL Mrmvo Called. A general meeting of the congregation of the Third Presbyterian Church. Eaat Tine and Ksst Thirteenth street. ha been called for tomorrow night to con sider the resignation of Rev. William PArsons. the pAstor. who hAs Accepted a call to CentrAl Presbyterian Church of Kujjene. It l considered certeln thAt the reslsnatlon of Rev. Mr. Porsong will be Accepted And thAt commission ers wtll be Appointed to appear before Tortland Presbytery, which meets In Trinity Presbyterian Church. March U. to ask that the pastoral relations be dissolved. A full committee on pastoral supply will be appointed. Rev. Mr. Parsons will deliver hla farewell ser mon Sunday. March 51. Sam tel. Hilx. to Lrc-n-sir Ssrouel Hill, president of the Home Telephone Telegraph Company of Portlgnd. Or., wtll speak At the YVej-tmintsler Presby terian Church. Kaet Tenth and TVeidler streets, tonight at o'clock, having for his subject: "Cm What Does the Safety of Our Nation Depend T' Hla address will he Illustrated with streoptlron lantern slide pictures, -.homing the beauttlul scenerv Along the ColumbiA River, which slides Mr. Hill has had expresalv photographed and painted for this work. He will also show pictures of road butdtng throughout the world. Admittance will be free. Ckvach Scx-httx to Msn. The Ladies' Aid Society of the First Con gregational Church will hAVe an -all-nay meeting" today, assembling at 10 A. M.. iindsr the auspices of the novelty commlttee and sewtns for the Baby Home. A basket luncheon will be held at noon. At Z P. M. will be the regular business meeting, followed by pro s ram me At 1:J "clock. Mra. T. C. Burns, president of the Baby Home, will speak on lt work and what It has accomplished. Mrs. J. C. O'Day wtll give several musical selections, her accompanist being; Mrs. J. l. Neltan. MoxTAVitXA Asks fob Sfwcas. A committee from the MontavlllA BoArd of TrAde has been Appointed to urge the lAylng of swera on Kast Gltsan street, between Fast Sixtieth and East Klghty-second streets, as soon aa It ran be done, so that hard -surface pave ment can be laid. I'etltlona for a hard surface pavement have been filed and proceedings started for the Improve ment, but sewcrn are wanted first. The sew er on Kal till -an street la aaked for In advance of the district sewer so the Improvement will not be delayed. 5!:!'.'.! I. gang n Rrsioxs. Mrs. Sophia B. Selp has reslsned as president of the State Spiritualists" As sociation, according to a statement she made yesterday. She saa she has taken this action after "many yean of suffering and ausrense. peraecutton and prosecution." She refers to the Ault brought Against the assoclAtlon In June. I0. by 15. B. TA'axne. of Chi cago. And which has stnee been pend ing. Mrs. Slp glvea especial praise for faithful support to Mrs. Lucy A. Rose Mallory. honorary president. Mas MirTixo Will B lltt.o. Sec retary Ncwlln. of the Rose City Park Improvement League, said yesterday that the mass meeting called for March II of the cltliena of the Roee City Park district at St. Ro-e Hall. Alameda aveoue. will be held whether any action is taken on the Sandy boulevard franchise or not. If the franchise ts acted on favorably the meeting will take the form of a celebrAtlon. And If not the ortglngl purpose of getting the sentiment cf that community w-il be tarried out. Woxr.x to PiS'-r Social H-TniKxr." -Social H;giene" Is to be the subject at the Women's Alliance of the I'nl tart.m Church at the regular monthly meeting this afternoon at S o'clock. Mrs. T. Comerford. of Spokane: Dr. Mae Cardwcll and Mrs. Edward M. l.iiot will be the sneakers of the after noon. Miss Marie La Motte wltl give a violin solo. Followlns t!ie discussion 4 o'clock tea will be served. All in terested arc Invited to be present. Busi ness merlins At 2:10 P. M. OvgRtoog Waxts Moltst Ilnon Rail- wAT. The Overlook Improvement Club la worklns to secure a branch of the Mount Hood Railway, and has a com mittee out on the project. The club Is working to secure the route of the company on Its way to St. John and Vancouver. Also the club la working: for the Improvement of Maryland Ave nue end to secure a boulevArd In Over look near the brow of the bluff over looking the rlvrr. The club ha nearly Ii A.tlve members. Catholic Woxrx nLrc-r. At the annual meeting of the Catholic Wo men s LcAgue. yesterday, the folloA-Ing officers I'ere elected by a unanimous vote: Pre.-ldent. Mr". J. T. Sullivan; first vice-president. Mrs. James Lald law: scond vice-president. Mrs. J. C Cnitrllo; third vice-president. Mrs. Thomas Patterson: secretary. Mrs. Pavtd Hughes: assistant secretary. Mrs. Frank Kiernan: trrAsurrr. Mrs. W. K. Coman. Won ax o-ToorxAAtAX pics .Mrs. Charlotte Iunn died At the home of her daushter. Mrs. William Chambers. Monday. At the Ag of 14 ). She viae born In Ireland. Her husband died many years ago tn .ew or, -...e lived tn Portland wnn n-r - for JS years The funeral will be held tomorrow morning from the family .....l-nre si Minnesota avenue, and 8L Mary's Church. William avenue. SlTSUI FOR FlA STATtOK 4 '' '"" 7 Committee from the Kxecutlve Board .xa.ntr.-d site, offered for a Ore station In MontavlllA yesterday. A number of lie. haTe been offered and the com mittee vleted them. And wi:l likely de cide on a location In the ncAr future. A flrehous will be erected In Monta vlllA probably In the present year. Htut S. Gaapxka Pit. Hush Stanley -..ir.r .n of Mr. and Mrs. George M Tavlor. died at the home of his parents. IT Beech etret. Monday He a as 1 years of age. The funeraj w ill be conducted from the Central Metho dist Church. Vancouver avenue and Fargo street, today. Interment will be at Mount Scott Cemetery. Mtss Tixntc to LccTVRg. The Psrent-Tea--ber Association of the Ver non school sill hot.1 Its regular month-P- m-eting , Wednesday st I o'clock. Thre win b an Interesting talk by Miss Lillian Tingle on domestic science. Kvery one Is Invited to be present. Mission CiArt.E to Msrr. The Irving ton group of trie Florence Meade Mis aion Circle of the Vnlversallst Church will held an Important meeting at the residence of Mrs. J. C Sehaafer. 730 Wasco street. Thursday aftrnoon. March '. .Ml Interested are welcome. Tiist regulir metlng of the Fruit and Flower Mission will be heM at the T'sy Nurserv. I". North Ninth street. TMir. lay. MArrh Pmtsioiaxs. Select room, with board: newtv furnished. private family; rare taken of phone calls. AJS KverctL Marshall ati9 toOajt all 7. Oak BIB. Cpssishai. TaacHins Mat Come. Morton SlacCormac. president of the National Commercial Teacher' Federa tion, ha written from Chicago to the Portland Commercial Club announcing that th delegate to the annual con vention of the organisation, which will be held In Spokane In July, will arrange to have their special train routed for the return trip to Chicago so that they may come to Oregon, vialt Seaside and pafs a full day In Portland. About 200 person will come In the special from the East. They will 'come from Spo kane on the return trip by way of Seattle and will pass March II at Seaalde. March 2J t:ie party will be In Portland, and arrangement will be made for a sightseeing trip over the city and a reception under the auspices of the Portland Commercial Club. Dairie FouKii Sattsfactort. George A. Nelson. Deputy Dairy and Food Commissioner, returned yester day from Eugene, after an .absence of two month, during which lie inspected the dairies, meat markets, groceries and creameries In Lane County. Mr. Nelson reports that condition general ly were most aatlsfactory. proprietors of dairies being disposed to follow the suggestion offered by him in bringing their establishments up to the require ments of the Dairy and Food Com missioner's office. Sample of meat, lard, butter, milk And cream forwarded by him to the Fortland office were found by Chemise Well to be without adulteration or preservative. Mr. Nel son alo report there no case of short-weight butter found. Ciiom-s, Girls' Daxck Exjoted. The feature of the dance given by the choru girts of the Lyric Theater at the Moose Hall Monday night was the brilliant assortment of coiffure. Hair of every delicate hde was seen in abundance. From the grand march to "Home. Sweet Home." the 400 persons who attended were properly entertained without the formality of the stage. Popular Nellie Angler, escorted by B. F. MAlson, won the prise offered to the best v. Attzer of tho chorus girls. At the opening Bernsdlne CrutAh. a little girl of J years, made her public debut by singing "O You Beautiful Doll." to the delight of all who were present. Other dances will be given by the chorus girls, such was the success of their affair Monday night. CrTT Council Meets Todat. An ad journed meetlns of the City Council will be held this mornini; at :30 o'clock, chiefly for the purpose of act nlg on several franchises of the Port land Railway. Light & Power Company. The report of the street committee, recommending the granting of the franchises, will be read. City Auditor Barbur yesterday sent to City Attorney Grant claim of the city against the streetcar company named for bills aggregating about $43,000 in favor of the city. Some believe these should be paid before the Council grants the company any more frsnchtses. Mr. Barbur say. Ji-poc Morrow III. Circuit Judge Morrow has been confined to his home with a severe cold for the past two days and It Is possib.e that he may not be able to resume his judicial duties before next week. The Judge con tracted the cold last week but con tinued his work for a few days in the hope thst ll would wesr Itself out. but In.tead hla condition grew steadily worse. His throAt Is affected. Coi-rt TO Aid Exhibit Aoaix. Mose Mosesaohn. Assistant secretary of the Chamber of Commerce, yesterday se cured from the County Court a promise that the county will repeat thl year Its appropriation of s)50o to assist in maintaining the permanent exhibit of Oregon products which the Chamber of Commerce has on display In the Commercial Club building. Fifth and Oak streets. New Tork Mixisttr Comes. Rev. A. B. Simpson. F. P.. of New Tork City, president and founder of the Christian and Missionary Alliance, who Is visit ing several of the brsnches of that organisation on the Pactnc Coast will arrive In Portland today. He will speak four evenings, commencing Tuesday. March 12. at Gospel Tabernacle, cor ner of Kast Ninth and Clay streets. PR. CorrtT has returned. CITY CUTS FIRE WIRES MAVOK GIES ORPKM TO OUST NATIONAL AUTOMATIC. Auxiliary System J'ountl to Have In terfered With Proper WorWing of Municipal Alarm Boxes. Mavor Ruhligbl yesterday ordered Citv Electrician Savarlan to cut the wires of the National Automatic Firo Alarm i Telegraph Company from the municipal circuits. The Instructions folloAcd a conference between the Mayor and electrician, in which the latter reported that the auxiliary boxes had caused considerable trouble lately and had interfered with the city's svstem. A number of larse lumber mll.s and other Important establishments arc connected wltti the automatic lines, which carry alarms, as now- connected up. to the municipal department at tho City Hall. In order that property could be safeguarded and no dam ase be done, the Mayor ordered that city boxes be Installed wherever neces sary. The work of cutting out the auxiliary system will require consider able time. For several years, the private com pany has been operating without any franchise or permit, alihoujh many efforts were made by Its officers to obtain a grant. The City Council novcr voted for It. as tho Fire Department officials were opposed to havlnz private wires attached to the recular city svstem. Tho company therefore continued doing business without any permit. Mayor Rushllghfs action yes terday will 'brine the case to an end. unless the company affected files some action to stop the city from discon necting: the auxiliary wires. BETTER THAN EVER. Schumgnn-Helnk's Wonderrnl Voice MirpsjsrC!- That of Former Year. According to Ssn Francisco critics. Mme. Scliumann-Helnk wonderful voice Is better than ever this ecason. It has gained new tones and has added a heart-moving aweetneas. msklng It one of the most mArvelou voices known to muslcsl history. The San Frsnclsco Ca'.I of February 1 describes It as of "gorgeous, vibrant volume, rich with overtones, freed from cramping consonants and liberated like the voice of the winds. In addition to her en chanting art Is her ability to put some thlne of herself into her music, even as the comporers did when they wrote the songs she Kings." Schumsnn-Helnk Portland concert will take place at the Helllg. Wednes dav March 13th. under the direction ef Lois steers-Wynn Coman. The sale of seats open Mondsy. March 11. EAST SIDEJ0BE SERVED O.-W. K. A X. Plans New Ware house for Shippers There. As soon as th" new Harrlman freight house and trackage Improvements on the East Side are completed the O.-W. Funds of Lodges and Trust Funds For which an earning is sought on a temporary basis can be safely and profitably placed in the banK on a certificate of deposit. Such funds may be ready for use on a reasonable notice yet, while not wanted, earn ing' a good rate of interest if left a full year we pay 4 per cent. Portland Trust Co. BANK Third and Oak St. R. N. Co. as well as the Southern Pacific will be able to serve thippers east of the river. While the con struction work Is being done by the Southern Pacific Company, the O.-W. R. & N. Co. w ill share equally In the ex penses and maintenance charges Patrons of botli lines will be served there. The storage- warehouse will be I0 bv 40 feet. In addition to serv ices offered by this building, the au thorised Improvements provide for the accommodation of "5 wagons on a team track that ti'ill extend from the Burnslde bridge to Oak street. Plans for the construction of a two-story building and a runway from the Burn-sldc-street bridge now are being con sidered. J. D. Farrcll. president of the O.-W. R. & N. Co.. said yesterday, that ar rangements for the Immediate accom modation of freight traffic on the East Side will be made through the lease of a building to serve until the new structure Is completed. It Is probable that the old John Deere Plow Company building will be secured. Fnrm Sells for $30,000. Forest Bros. & Wirth. of Portland, yesterday purchased from J. Mattey a tract lying between St. Joe and Lafayette, in Yamhill County, known as the Meligan donation land claim for $30,000. The farm Is one of the best developed In Yamhill County. A large part of the farm has been set to apple trees. ALBINAFUEL CO. Lowest prices; best service. Phone E is:. C 111. i Cordvtood, Slabwood. Coal. Holman Fuel Co.. successors to Ban-fleld-Veysey Fuel Co. M. 333. A S353. CARD OF THANKS. Mrs Martha M. Taylor and family de'slrc to express to tliolr kind friends their sincere cratitude and thanks tor the svinpathv and beautiful flowers ex tended to them during their recent be reavement. Compasses, field-glasses, barometers, hydrometers, mlcrosi-opce. scientific ap paratus. Woodard. Clarke & Co. Dry slab. M 75. Kdlefsen Fuel Co. MEMORY METHOD IS MADE PUBLIC BY 0LGA STEEB The OLOA STEEB SCHOOL OF MUSIC ll-6i: Filer building, is now a permanent Portland Institution. For the purpose of demonstrating the su periority of our methods and giving them the widest possible Introduction wa shall make soeclal rates to all pupils entering before March 10. 19U'. All piano puplis will receive private lessons. Puplis who enter previous to March 10 may join the claxs of Olga Ptecb for six months' term at S per month. a0-lnute lesson weekly. After March 10 the regular price of o per lesson of 40 minutes will be restored. Tuplls entering previous to that time may continue lessons for six months at lhe"peclsl rete. Olga Steeb's method of technic, prac tice and memorizing, by which she has been enabled to memorise and play the largest repertoire in history, will be made a special feature of the work of this school. This system of work Is absolutely unknown to any one except ing the members of her family and can only be learned at this school. In the past two years Olga Steeb has played over 200 different composi tions In concerts and recitals, and her memory never falls her. Her repertoire contains 1100 compositions, any one of which she Is prepared to play on very short notice. With her method of work she is ensbled to memorise new music at the rate of from 0 to 70 pages per week, and to retain every thing memorized. Special attention is sTlven to begin ners. Children beginning with this sys tem should, as soon as they are far enough advanced to play lltCe pieces with great esse, memorise 60 composi tions a ycAr. OlgA Steeb always lesrned 100 compositions every year from her lsth to her 17th year. Her father, who originated this system of mem orizing, taught It to her when she was six years of ae. He ha never made It public It is now made public for the first time. Those desiring to take advantage of this offer should apply at once. Olga Steeb School of Music. Cll-612 Eilers building. r F. W. BALTES AND COMPANY PRINTING- Main 16& A1165 First and Oak COAL fei UBESTY COAL it ICE COMPAXfT Brooks Hats Without a Peer $3.00 Agency for Holeproof Hosiery For Men, Women and Children Guaranteed 6 Months AN Oriental Rug must be absolutely choice, perfect and reli able before it Measures up to Our Standard Our reputation f or handling such Rugs at modest prices is firmly established. Cartozian Bros. IMPORTERS OF ORIENTAL RUGS 473 Washington Street, Bet. 13th and 14th. r.lMFORMA HOTELS. BELLEVUE HOTEL SAN FRANCISCO Car. Geary and Taylor S tresis. EVERY ROOM WITH BATH. Amerfeaa plan from a ilayi 3 par- soaa from 97 a day. Earopean plan, from 32 a days 2 per saae from S3.60 a day. SPECIAL JIOXTHLV RATE. A refined house of unusual excel lence, centrally located. Illustrated booklet upon request. W. E. ZANDER. Mansers. HOTEL SUTTER Sutter and Kearny Streets SAN FRANCISCO An np-to-date modern fire proof hotel of 250 rooms, taking the place of the old Occidental Hotel and Lick House European Plan $H0 per day and up Take Amy leab from se Ferry at the Espeaae of the Hotel HOTEL STEVABT SAM FRANCISCO Geary Street, above Union Square European Plan $1.60 a day up American Plan $3.00 a da; up New steel and brick stnwrare. Every SaeAat convenience. Moderate rates. Center of theatre and retail district. Oa car lines transferrins ali over city. Elec trie mat bus aoaets trains apd steamers MMilWlii'. f ii 18 THE GEO. LAWRENCE COi EiTHIKO CANCER TO BEFEARE 1 . ttiA rnnrfr: no kjiife: no money re- U quired until you re wen. Guaj-antee of cure fur nished all patients. Call and see me. or write T. A. I.OG, D Cancer Spe'",,at. , Madras. Oregon. MM A. B. STEINBACH & CO. Clothes Show the Distinctiveness "OF CLASS" Made only in the finer grades, each garment a master-piece of individuality, style touches, niceties of finish and thorough worth. They are distinguished as the best ready-to-wear cloth ing by the most prudent dressers who know when a suit looks right. Spring Styles Now on Exhibition $15 to $50 Solid Oak and Mahogany Quality Office Furniture J lr Lasts for Life, but Costs No More KILHAM Commercial Stationers, Office Outfitters, Printers, A Engravers, Booklet Makers and Bookbinders f r Cor. Fifth and Oak Streets PLANTING TIME SHRUBS TREES ROSES Largest Grower in the Northwest. Display at Salcsyard, Comer of Second and Main Streets. Descriptive Catalogue on Request. . Main 4219, A 1452. J. B. PILKINGTON NURSERYMAN, PORTLAND, OREGON. Arrow Mtch COLLAR. Easy to put on, easy to take off, eaay to tie the tie In. Ctoett. reaboty CompeT. JtsAara. Tror. H. t in. n im ii istsj.j imjaiAAJsjssm Foster & Kleiser HlaTh Grade Commercial and Electric. SIGNS East KaTentli aaa East Everett streets rsones East 1111, B 2234. Portland's Fashion Center Some furniture is made for persons of means and taste and other furniture for persons of moderate circumstances or less dis criminating. This is strongly manifest in a business man's office fur niture. The successful man of af fairs takes a personal pride in the ownership and use of furniture of greater intrinsic value. It requires SOLID oak and mahogany to satisfy him. He is a quality man, do ing quality work. Appearance is an asset only when backed by real value. "EVERYTHING FOR . THE OFFICE" STATIONERY & PRINTING CO. r-t-f.k??'-.:v'..-: fcCHWAB PmHTMC COi OSOLICITS YCUR PATRONAGE J 2A5jr STARrv 0 I r