Till! MORNING OIIEC.ONIAN. TUESDAY, 3IARC1I 5. 1912. 16 . V I tvir c--r ttlll RENT. w txTr.r mw ri.i-txrnc. t r in t t- : ( m ( f.c ...-.-. ! -C- ..: :.. T-T '. A ;tL,il -.n.:- . !.!!. 10 KH! -!..."J. .-! fl'li"". u W . u.: i ' - M.m MJ r-v Et A -l !" "4 " ii.i -' :r "Vi' i . u-otor man boi.cr. l,AI.,..:i.5 ALCTION UOC6S. .c! -j.t-. -- for wo4- .u ... r' U-- 1! r: n. I. .r1''-"S M vp. i ir.-i f . i:V f,...r- Vir. i'J 2- niir WASTO) TAXMJE "a AiAi-'tTT Vt EAIPI-GY-VN r !: AFTVK.VT r. Pi-K F K !M1. t. ( r.;.oT fo. m-n. . . ."."f! i - d . . - 1 -" . i i. .. rrni p-r ,l r--i";-- Ttn'., e w..: ar-u-a . -- rur-l of - mVrMp f . ;t;-n: ' ?:. H" ' ' "- ' P PO - -.1 i .r.e-.r.i' " i-1 P"- 1,1 . : n - .-I i-m--r . : U-P irtrr f'l t tti . -i xi.vmir-.i.:: ai'nou! further " e -)! . - 1 a t i.r. !; ! ?! t A K i . ... . f -or -" mn 1 r . - v f - V " A. i i t r.-r m ' a. rTiM-OY- Mr.,sr I-! .rM-":' NT in th: w- I I' Up. . i . ,i ;j l:r,j of Troi T i- N 1 :tatD - r -1 r 7 rf. II. -"! r-, ; -:r. .-It. I. mat' ... - N ? ! ! t : tf,.,.-tT ! I r. ! "1 IJt . t.I V a- -1. n- r u of . r , .r-r j .:t...i . U ' ,j ,.f -.tl. i!rnii'3ll"- rr ! . 4 . ' ill " ' (. tT - . I! .! i VTi v.u."i.-rrr r k v. - ...- ttiv c-xp'n (iri:ui.iil Ofc. Unl. mk.- hie i f.-if m I'ort- .u-: ic I mh4 ! A M- 7 , .-, .- .Mrr I-, t nr . I'stin l'-'-t: aph. m,T n t ';;".('. i' 1 1 ni'- V '-. V. - t: Ttt-- r.tii I fc lnurn- writtr it.cn for ah ni1 rr wbo wanta '. H . " -.T on rl ,.r- lr -f t.ik" 1 ' ; t p' -.lln (XT. t -; I'ItrI rum All S... 4rf- iii'-- t Mir i r w ,i i. s ! fT 1 tn- at u . . c -im.I frr-: fur- t in nt '.ic .(l'lrr m i T '-k.-iw an. .- -t c- m ! u v r : ,,. :.. h. 4ar.aiUiii Km- w vvri'i' i i iti' bo t un i.-.mitf nft-r pr. a Atv'v I", c- - 1-.1I . .-"Hi ,.(.t . t. .,, nun -n . . ii. f-.r II l r; ir.ir ri c -i!rc rrn J tri!: t. i-i"' r.rii.-fi uiun't v.l - H'Vi!.l T; ur- .1 i'-k in hr k roorv. A; Ml reonin. l-m" i i M 1 trip;.' fHltltriS r ta w r. . I:tl tXJirtUH A. -ii.T'-i a; v .:". i.i ub tr . " .r .jry and ra ' ' . I' j . ii n fio;-" S N, v vifkm b--Pt on ' 1 r 'tT : . - tv : c f j It j T1. nt. Ap- ; a rn- ar- popn- ' ' iz r In ir tin ct r 'm p tic. 'i- r 4.1- 1 I't'.rr 'in. p-T i i: -t a n . i J..1 . MUD. Alk . - ' - i u i T'M'Nu " tti-;--. ' Wl" N n . '7 a". t i 7: t t a ti i.iar J"'ttT ctur--n- hs: rvr cffdi arap fr a grr . v'iiVr'?i St io. Pfk um bid vl n-or.ej. App.y T1'1' tjf.lp of Uffi3 l-a." piione Tabor I. TV a NT'.I' tl r-" ' vr . ,., , Mr . !-. ih-itrt- ; 4 t , , f. -r ! v : it ""'. f'tur r P' - k i ' " ' onlo.t V NT r ll -1 prrt-- cd h"I(-r nri rka. rtkr-. II. V i -1 trett. NTiT : Ijni-.vii; .T.a- t:.at caui tkC r irr. 1I: H i ;ho ne r. t; l'T '-- ".r-.- J"tlh aa'man. Aak ! . r I- H-on 11 roa t ui. . t ...I - I STTrATIONS WANTK) KKMAIJ5. I ' '"'j I I W ASTED-M ALE. " " ' . " M.-e.l.no. luml.hi Boom, in Prlv.f F.mllj. Ap.rl.t.. . pr..,. kui i r- Fkil ca nt:i and Uctry mn. lr r-hard. Hairy aod farm rnn. rriir w:.1 Y. M. C A. induscri! Employniect n-r. 2d and Ah '-. lirtnn rfrDcam. No char- to it.nr. Cai.a Iwr maa com- ng ir; Otti.j t ANT iia rpr.oiatla :n aoo com moniiy of OTAon and WaatUntoa w b.h-c:ua pci.:ia; fooda auid oaiwnw t. jaactc. no compatltioo, BcNJ. I SJalTH. MniurciurflAnaU jrT Coruait bid.. For t-1 and. Or. WANTKD D-ad hnkr. Inquire JVS 1 npl U T. M- r.03 al liak.O'. Ilia nd HELP ATKl-MAtK OK FEMALE. WilT work a Iarn rnoxMP r-p.--t ur OPwanna . roii-nand bis sal.iry: t-ch ou rifit. WANTKI I'arty to run traiaurant; thina i'r natit par.?. a. v-.--. t ,onn, nr. - IV A V7KL Yum mi l' Iram rno:tg iiKtu:.' o;.rra,ni. I.arinml. 311 Oak. nr.ip h-ntft rt:M.i.r. nANTKl' TOT AY. mr.rM:at..n an.l nol-oiiora. t ti and c miiilaa on. altrr. . ana ptr wrrk: rwk for pmall crw. r.m for enrr liouiework, i to o;h-.r ! titirtf . ' I'AClKk: tWl'LOYMKNT '0 L.T:r9 irpt uS Murrtoop t. t7i "k kTl in-rp. ainndv riiy cn.kCmirnt a-Ii It in)itcai rnmrOv k-x itr ; rav Y'rk S--l i-it. I on t nr.fr unlra rnxl look .'S t'hono an.l rrrvlau xprrt-ri. r. if am. A,'p! quick io Al Owfiw VTKI M:-!l -aiii liv t o nrral Imu-rwork . cujt ! a Kxi ttialn rook; .r'nan t Nrrw clan prfrrrad. Take M. John fir t off at V-hburn l. In QUlrt al iter for Jcrrn BurrL 1T Chaat L , I V ;i' itor f o.-l acidr want-d by thn:id cirprnn; riprtt nca not r,n'tjl, MUr and fommfilon uar anvl. rj fr.-n. in l U ilo h h 4 . "--I ar. i Vorrtaon ta. W N r K I r:kHTlrrrd tt-r fT atrnerni hinvMrk i r.Artrn-ni. niu-t hr c'd ro-.k. 1. cht l.t :n:ry ; fmtiy t.f 3 n1u1t: r. -r--rn. r tiuii- .1 . Ihae .M-'n l-t"-!! I ? anl I M. N T Ki ;ir' . mul h t-ap. rin cd pa r-r nj.rf; 0 h-cn ir d; h:f ,U i J.,tuc!a B-l ' Apply from ft It A M. Anirioii Chicle t ftr Ilh ani Jnhnnon rnf ir- ktrtmkt r ..n l.t.or-m.t.l-r'm. tr t p . iliripr-irnrfl ltl l-il PT- i rrt r ic- pi'I. V. Klipr. ;il!V latlrt-. V t t:r Ttntruu .k.!t "ki u n a-il'"-!4.'lfi f rtr fT.-t i,n und pi cl" ctii- i-- vpp'r iht mrnin. I'.annun .;:i F.--t M''rtn at. i , M K 'iT! for corral hnurrk tn fma"' ftniUv. tin fhtlilrrn. ha aahii -l nut. n t 'nunrtl rc . lfc 'l Pi 1-ton- A . V NTFr -I aMv a'crailcr lpartrr.. t.t. rl lrinrH t.M J-k T"" K'or.n-'f. f ..r .N.ri ti rt b!i Mti and ah- TWi "urc t.li ! put up rr-i! ordr I ii a. -.-w.n.: win k1 n pn mjptl p ".!'. don't ph'-r-. l;ou.tl Ju" 1 A K !'-' ! i ' W a. ti--inl r .r ""r.l houwork. mail fj-nli otl )-nm. Hancock f; . .-Jii;r .7th. Tak1 hioaUvtaf :il:I. for Br.ral houesrork Oartnan of l'n iri pr-irrmi. irirpoon- : 4 i V A TUP l.nlv tu p-- faner lid.-a' ti.'h. App:y I". K. I-aundrj. dry clean- ! -k; 1irfl, "imin i. rite $ : wwk: lr'itokrr. IM h-r. Ilowf a l !'!' AcP'-y. -T" tVi''Htrtn wf. . t'F I : I K V 'r. I .'an i -k. e- fnd a: i r . Miit. pl.t. r. a- I'V. rrf.-reni e rpttr.-.;, m (, ?' Aldrr. V!n "Ji' . l.Y th, It uii ambltloua woman t I't. to .1 ;' p-r'f . npcrlvnca not r.uU rd. l MH. t'r. iff Ian. 4il:i. fo- un-rI h-Mi- ork. f.trnlly of to. kr M V fr. -t off on -1st. Kwt y- 'drp N I K I trtu.prapurr; iinift baa i x.rn i). , ttnl- kiina ai. Mrl: o- tid -:ai "iji.-kJ. tr.onlan. V TI"r l !t otdTi for world's tr hiatrn - from tile mill to tuo horn'."" ApplT aft-r '2 I'. M . ',l':'h.linnir'l'-- t' M I'KTKNT 'r! fir aeneml !n.u--w.: k nn, Mji::t In a rr ..f o rhitip; p!-a-n, . h nt-. t.rtr mf t all b''T Itrowiw . ANTTli-- 'lioolKlrI io asemt with ri,iur -K f nr rvKin ami board. IMtono r' MKeJ. liuVVK'! LAIUfc-S- AGKNCT T ajulrion Md . 4tn and Waaa. sta. Main fri or A -. II A NEN'8 LADIES' AGENCY. 4fti VS aanir.rton at. cor. 7 to. uatalrm Vhone Mala 2&2 WANT! D B'ftned. capabla woman for ra apA.nio position. Ma I Co., o Rata fnitd blda,.. etb and WaahlDtoa. YV, MtP t httd p.nra. with pome rxpr! rnct ; ff'TriH" required. tall 3U 1 1th V N 1 -l-ady rompopitor. atase xp-n- rv e. ! i; rcft-r-tf-rp Addrrsa Hood Kurr N-t. . Hoofi River. Or Wa NT r. T A 'd dirrirr o.k nn.l a cwd i unit r ook. Apply ni lUstaurant. f.l U'h t. W iMKI-Firt-r a-a tnd! tailor App.y llonsr tff Hair .;ol X'Tl,Tt bi'Ip. EllRtXH and Jtpprenttco Klrla. TcvatUlo, ioft Vro,i;arti bitlc 'l.-l f .r.iit.-. exporirpitetl only nantcd; a npprrnt t.-. 4 -4 MoTt.n Pt. tj, wtfi srlrl f"r ( nrral houpwork. pood V A NTKI i'k and rrond attrl for aubur- l.aa li-'RH 'al! A J-M-i. t I KI, for " rtil tiJUH'ork, family of X I'tioTH Taoor ."t4. V A NTKI I'hambermatd ai Turk Hd.l, Sttl b:i1 ;it;n. i ttll In inort; It; k. V NT El Woman for sniff) houscn rk. :.;, - Jt st. V v:T"dapr atth prra exprrit-nca nt t 'o.1 a"-. t :.:o-n"ti sr. C-TK1, ran l.str room : d board In e- hani(f f,, iigpt artl.es. X 7. trwor lan. OMl'KI'KNT iri f?r housework and cook In af'rr lo. Marahwll t. tTT-Ol home fo- liirh a. hool rl In rsrhanija fr,,- Mch a-rvir-. T'hon Rat 44.N. 51 It I KKY aT'prTi:i--"s wanted. Apply r:rr :".o . !. . Hyde. Yamblll. tX HKIil ENi'fc D aecond maid. Telephone A HF. I V W TF.I1 MIHKI.LAKOTS. MEN and woman to leara tha barbae trada la eignt wpk; apectal Ind u t-am an ta; par c3taa paid aahila leamln; tooia fiea; itii Inatructtra; II yaare In tba boal-neaa- 17 e--hooW: a tUrtima mainbarsntp tiven to aach student Moier laxbar CaU a. S ti. Fourth aUPorttand.Ur. ilfV. aaea IS to 33 to prepara for firemen or birmrr on r.aar by railroada. to lk month!-; eaperlen-- unnacossar ; no jrnkc; r-mot:on. mtr.eer or conductor. T to $2 ' nionthli ; od Ufa careera; 'rats a-: ml atauup. Railway Afcaocia tion, Oieaonlan. BELMONT AtTO SCHOOL Tna most thorouh count, lnclodle drtvln. ta.-hnUal and practical work la a:i Ita detail peca! inatruollona and drir.n laaaoa tar laoiaa. B. M aad M rr .aon. WANTED A MAX To 'earn to operate motion -pletoraa at our fin equipped theater. Lsaons raaaoa ab'.a. 52 w aehtngton, near l"tn- KaiTw"aT mall claraa. prapara iv, aa ca.lent ealariw and promottoaa; na lay Cia. aura pay. fraa book. Cal today, r clfic Ptatea ffh ool- f alay bi d g. KA1LWAI mail clarka, 490 moot a ; portlaod examinations alay 4. prpajaUon Iraa hake money wtitlB ahort atonaa, ar tor oaira bl P. fr boA.et tala baw. Vni:ed Prae btodicata. fraa ranctaco. WHY rot art lnt audsi:iT Jli flld. ocw1 aa ar- Hit r ml1 bow. Act n il otTiat'n mu I waNTKU Iietuea play wntera; bi pari tlon. "aa Frmnoiaeff TEA. IlJvRar ASOCIATIOX, 19 ai atTaxdJP"- FIUVTB HOKTHA.VP. TTPE RIT1N?. b.okk"ptr - Hamlltrm bid Mar. 4.1a a. RYv A1K a hwi SHORTHAND and tTPIi- WRITlNO. mo- 2 i4to st. Mai maw. ilTTATTON W A VTKT MAXJt. Hok kep-c and dee-aa. TO "' mae. la wye m .na roalo"i with ind fcipncraphrr. ar ftrn : vi!! t on - a-i-e am:; atary or prrniae AD ak. or o:rv. i YtfN" mar.. i.i:i'lM;,,,r and t-ma kr-pt r. v ,-ii r- . ..-aa IP'" Win, wan: a ; taction a i-'i '.Jii.b r rtni In or out of the cut; a:rT r.o oMaU X H, Oregonian yoi'Vi) mt'i with ennaMrrable aa."- i r-pf-iire at d aatep::ral aot 'ty aa aalna .n nifr d-tra Intrvlrar with s-e Hnu ftraifin. u- ft r let. A Of. Oroataai. UOOKKEtl'KU fend mnoprapii. r. all around ofrtc man. rlrrk and collector. rx-rrtnrrJ bank inc. rrai cMa- lum:T and other ;ins. ri'in-nai. AT Cire 'nlan. ' YOUNG man. rxp.-rienc-d ral rnta: an m tn. rap4!; of-doln 8!etucraplii; work, want position aa lemati in roal a tte office; to been with mnn hac aniall uarant c. V Mrt, Or"go"ian. Wlia. ALDll. OPEN. CLOSE OR WRITS up book, prcpaxa baianc and aiata mota. lojtall fyatema. OllllnjCham. dlttr 411 Lewli bid. Marahall 71.-. YC-I N; man aek enuatlott as t..i'kkcei-. . iimrketr .KinoKrj.phr. tpii; t.i J-a d;v; ?mall palary; -nt ruction ot- f:r prrfrrrU. 1 I . ).rrpmwn. VANTrJI By rralo rUT.oKrapIir. r-mp.o-mrpt In law offlre; good raft-ronr; man f iar? oxptrrienra n an Eaattrn of- ftc. Addrtaa U urcgoniaa. YOt'Mi baokkeA'per. 4 yeara' rnr)enc; will ir ctty. AP OrrKn::tr.. MlarfTliDfoua. TOVNTf man of good apt ranrr rP"-rn-mvd tn builiu . tnarrl o an ! if n h"tt of rt f. rt nce. ile?lr mnnii'm -it it butnri!i hfiiK; have about S.'hhi; wil. tuar to work hard and pmvf ahlitry ; It I'm 1 itt ! t apital I havr Is any Ind-irr-m-nt. do not answir u- propouion ivd! atand cinp--!! in vt !a-t inti mid .ip-auraJi'--' of struicht, ieit imat buamrss. A H Mil, Or"K'iil.in, MLNiC'lPAL FREB KMPLCTMKNT BLKEAl. IIS Second St.. Corner Fatraon. Women Uepartmrnt. 5 Salmon. All clAiari of unskilled. akiMed. prOf alona.1 and clcrtcal mala and female be:p luralaLed on abort notice. No feacuarged. Phone Main .-'5. A S24. t til LATION wanted wi... l..rB- Iosb.pb tirm bv .tll-rnind railroad iuhii : marri d . )rr' fipf rlenc- In 1o.-om"tl TiKinr.-r-Inr. firing, rar r-pHlrinc. ;tlr biakt m n Inist wnl pip-nitinii. A '."!. trgoniait. II(tVJ;.-T ibT youuB man .f ::1 winln: p eition al p-nl-m.tn a r si-lnt f to cur. lint a. 1 i u or -t aa u .it. hn: n; -pe-It-n.id with hurat-a and uiy; hat or Trfcr-iic-a I'h-'no It l'JTT. N'f'TIi'K to K'Hras and auto ow nrr- I am I'toklni; for a pudtion a 'im forninn r innrhlnti't. A-ldr-' or rail o icr. O. 1. 1 1 io vniinrn a . e. WSXTV.tt Itv rbfTur: pntfl'Mi In pnat fmilv: bohI rlrur upI r-Ptr man: wi.l i:ie if.od fferentt ii. W. Am-s. IiolI I ; a n s r -. t H a I" 1 tlint. i years' ewr!rnc. wiha ItoMit'on. do own r.'palilie In or out of ill, lived in p-rt 7 yrrs, rcft-icnta. Main or W hi. Or-;oi.i:in yiMMi man r-nurlms; to Mbn.-.in after M.in-h I would trat hh roni panlon or would Itkr In pome way to wmk pa.-saa. K frfiniiUn, W NTKI I'opHlon a r .-!) inarhinisr. ac a ' - or coinir eroal ' !un eur te flrt a im t ; ?irr I r. A K ?.".. Ore- WAN Ttl-1: minl nmn. (."ttion on f it in . hanri ny kind of I ill work ; et.-iTr w.iu's. uio titlH-r t-ondttjona. V Ml. tr Konmn. MtAT-CUTTtH nam amk Ui Iiinrtt : cuOd t-f r. m c?. At1 ;t. urh.tr :. Oie- a,ontan. V. rKItl K V"l mitn w ilir 1--l ruMilnsr f-ult r.iuch. maiilfd. Addr-- il Ca ble at. tXI'KRTK '."r;r horticulturist winiM man .tjtrinriil of fruit tai.cb. a h'lFtb r; Mhvt it r-r n.-r T ' r-! ui ian. Ytl'N; inn. ?l. nrat apprumn wants poitroo at aittnunr: iiia:rl'd and S""1 Iml'lit. SH-t fr.'ontan iii o; all-round fill m r aM taiiitiffm'"it of raiii'h. ct...rk prt lrrrrj. Al rt:rcrriic a. Al :. Ort-r-inlan. t 11 A I'Kh J"l" i; i.tntt t-.iF-Mo.n. 1 MAN and ffo 'f fi..Tinr w .h to t.ikr . tin;.- of rooiutnc-hoit.tr In il y or out. 'hii" I. "17. Itooni 1- CI I A l,"Fr'K'"H I'ar-slan. iiis position In private faiullj ; run also travh French and rtdln. '. Font ha. ;.n. lllv.. T;icotna. OtF.K or a -t ond cook want a p.iu.iI.oii In l'kI hott-l or riut. !' r. act-d man; ace App.y KatnPr Hotel. V. i. I. A- KtriST-'I.ASK Kii'.rn tailor ia look In for a po-l:ion H- It n no a tufvr. A'l- irt .1 .-oi. i'.-.'h ,M't. ftry. Ki iiST-t I.A.-S . ok. I- u.pi-ratM a in I . ! tn , nnv pl.o ) tr t.nte. AilnrrnJ A J -"-. T Kontaii. l' S1T1 N r'"l bv OlTlpfl i n-at aort h v rnv-i t i m u. 1-r.,f s.i or r'atl. lit fT ne. j. ACMr., t'rtonian. Aid. round, inirle. datr-s pop; t Ion on prt l;,l. pljir, iioil rai"t.ikT of g.irdett ami auiomoMlr; rf-ri.i-r. H Srtti. Mrrnonj tn. J W N :'. wni.t a feiv hoiiia' oik of any 'kind In ltiornlnir AN ',' Or-'sot'lan. JAPAFK wants janitor work mornlne;s. evenings or all day. Phono A -lott. MTI.T1.N rake t-aki r. Foreman, Flrat- t 'a. A'-' s4 1. n oiil.m. JAPANICK s:riienrr w1hr lo takr t-are of law n li' i-ontrart N. 1'J N. ."it h si KM'KKIKN "KL and pruno trrrp. Call Main 471. SIT!' ATIOX IVATH-ra ,K. tJookkrepera sod htenocrapherav Lk ou want a stenographer aud b-.olt- keeper. compriani n.i iu.n-t-i, ,iv, a cla:ia whrr there la a clianci of ad vamnnent for ood aorvtcc. AP StiU. Ore Suiuan. ' . POSITION a anted by a ur "man as stenokrav.h-r and to assist In rmrral or-ji,-e woik; rxp-rRuced. rcfertut.es. AD k.i. irratonian. JiX I'UniKNv'IiU voun lady atfti..irapher; can do bookk.-rylna and offico work also; refrreno-e; $".o. pbor.c Main KAI lti and a. i: urate ijp. wrltrr. with cxpr- Tlem-v, plrts permanent position. Sell- w oui 1 7 lis. YOfNll-lady. t prrU'i:-. j typiat jntu orYl-.; Hv,16uni, beat rclcrencca. i'hutio Tabor Ta I'K'tii EXCKD bookkepar desires popltton, city r t- f o re ace S. Tc i p i i o ne East 1S7. Ureasnaaaera. i; riTirfKN ' Kl drrpsmiikrr. 1 r. y.'flra hit Ii Vlaaa a ork. E:iTn and I'ort land r f"r- nr e ; w ork K'larantr.'tl ; havr f w tiax s ntiot c'Jpt-d. A2 Mti, Oreonian. or phono M t m a 1 To. NKW YORK ti. sigiicl . Uressfa niatlo " ui ; rnlRK aors a Fprcla 1 1 : u.tto altrm t ; o i ie. :t"4 A'l'ky b'dg. . Sd .ind M orrlaoM. U'DM.E DE I II.L.ANT. rtio Wanhlngton tEiia-st. entraucf). A 3U4". Hxelusiva d--iK"S la owns. tailored suit a tvabu, etc. rn.Ttm.K. practical nursr. want ;on- fin-in'it ca''p; d'Hitore' rt'forr.tir-a . ;trms roaponable. Phone W ooillnwn IU-3. 4 . L Kmr"n t. IN V A I-ID lad can have ruuin. care, home comforts; rrfttrencrs. T.lo-r i'-'IS. UOtiD pi a-ileal i.urar. doirtor'a referencea; c'utrffra tnoii'TRtf. Main i'? . U ouaelt erpera. ii I DPI.E-Ai 1KD annian a anta po-illou as hMiH-kepr In lio;-i or tdtamlo-rwurk ; t nuruuKlily expt-rb n rt. Addrct-a 14J 11th at Phon .Vain (:!. H- r'h R11N i-D wont an a it li pood refrr-fTic-i dralrea position aa honaokeeper in widower home. Al S:.4. irettolt'.an. A LADY vanli liOiiwork hv the day. Ad drrsa lTt'J ."Vth aft Southeast, Portland. Or. Mrs. A. A. Crernf. WANTED A position as houpckerper; baby 7 moi.ths old. 17 l.trli a:. Ni:A T WOMAN, srlrt it. dslr-s I ousek-ep-ii.: vldMwr. Main A 477o. Domeatlra. 6TIUNG. wtllUti; arlrl want grn.ra; hnuae work, jrefera A ood ho.niti. ph. me Tabor .'.17. Mir Llanroua. LA'-E urt alna la 'inhered : room Mis -ho u , 2.'m- : auudrt'-d h''J bleached . t ork Uar-antri-d. Main 7l'7. "WANTED I'aj aork of any klid by nnd-i:e-aed wuuiau. Atldrrsa 2'Jl d at., rooin p:.ri:n:d fami:-. h. trmiir Pi'Uiittone t.'i,vtor. v t ii rrf'-rrncrn. M-tin ixp.. e.-.ir.d 1 A 477;.. JCKAT colored woman wanta chaxrhcr work r second work; ref rcn.a, S7 Klan-J-ra X.AHY wlahra to ear for children la her home. br II wood 4tl. T01"N'7t lidy wiitita prUate t.hur.itr. s oro iork or demor arat inif. Marfo.iil 4o-"7. FINE launUrwsa would Mk. ork by lha day. ."n- mii ho'ir. fall A - I tt. -onWKiTAN woman w axils a ork by the day. Main 41VV LADY wlah' s t carr for children In hrr borne. !;woofl 4.' 3. EXl'tKlb'MTD a- cord maid, city eucaa. Phote A 41. DAY work by capX 3' onan. 1'h on: Main GIKI. 'JlX. wantn rhu. P-rw t l.o-isfwy-k. a.jy-JeoTid rk or "n rI 1AI Y aanta ouew ork li TT.nII family of atd'ilte. , .ttklr.n. Y v4 Orrc-'iMnn WANTED -Houpraeik by a ood irl. Ap ply 7ir7. WOf:l want-d by rav i.onia. Haraha:i 4'"457. A "WANTED A teacher of hiWIren. of much exprrt. ncr. w a::ta clianco to iracn cuimi-r- n who are "behind tuMr Bradc" or who, foy any rason. iu:cd help. Addr'" I mi E fr.ruthrra. Phone Tabor 11. WANTED by refined industrious lady posi . ... .. t -. t..-.ti o.i.rtmiipt nr room- Inc house; 6 yoa,r' experience; beat ref rrrnx; no objection to leaving Portland. . j j . t x inr. I Ira'it f . "ltv. INDt'STi;iors Pcandlnaviaa woman wnJB cieanluu or washing and Ironing by tho day. 1 hone K. -01. m jTa V and wife want positions In country Jrutel: can till any position; experienced. V.ITltES.-ES. t:ha!-nberinaUIa. houS-kcepors. iiui.o girlK. uahrwomen. St, l'2:s . a ncy. .-to 'a a hut, mhih v-' -q KXI'KHir.W'tli woman wants day' a work, washing, housecleanins;. Marshall o3ja. room . WANTED TO RENT. Hoaara. WA NTED -To ri nt, or C-rooin house or bungalow in Irvlnjfton or Mt. Tabor dis trict; must be midern and rent rcason nbb. t ail n mominni. FinsT-ci.ASS t'-ncuna wish to rent, with option of buylurf. house of not Ic-s than y rutimn Nob Hill dlPtrict preferred. Ad-dr-!s A J treffoiilHn. WANT before April firm, unfurnished T or .'-room house, Wrst Side. X SoO, Orago nlan. A 4 OK .".-room furnished rottase on the F.aet Mdc, March 15. AD bOS. Orego ritaii. WANTEl HJ-room furnished house. Fhona Main n7n. Apartment. WANTED BY THREE AIHT.TP. TWO I'.MOM.-i, HATH. MODERN HOT SK. PRI VATE FAMILY PEEK ERR ED, WITH HOARD- REFERENCES EX" HANGED. I Y. R E N T HAL, LU M BER EX CHANGE. WANTED Modern apartment, three fur irishrd or unfurnished room, not excevd l''g EM. -0 Lumber Kxehang?. Umlnewa Place. KM A 1.1. office tn biifin- pa district on the Va: Shi-. AO fct,4. Oregon lan. FOR RKXT. 1 urn tidied) Rooms. N'ow Open. 112 TUMimi Now Open HOTEL BTRON. HOTEt. CAPI.&& eevrnth and Taylor Sta. RetldenUal and Transient; absolutely eeni ri; t o minutes from Post of nca. stores, theairrs and restaurants; just off b-ii;ess atrrrta and carimte, quietest and Lt location ; handaom brick, ample team liet, hot runnln attar and phone la every room, aultea aad private batha, etevator. Reputaole and comfortable. From 7 Jo dalty, 44 weekly. Any car rxo depoia. NOW OPEN! NOW OPEN"! NOW OPEM Those three beauitfully furnUned hotela HOT ti HOTEL. HOTEL. MIN'OOK. PARSON?. ROWLANDS. ii3S 4th at. 211 4th o7 S 4th at. on Fourth at., running from laylor te haltnon st. ; b: and-new bri. k; elritantly lurniched; steam heat, private baths, hot aitd cold w ater In all rooms; strictly up t j date In alt respects, and at popular price, if you want aomcthtng out of the or'llnary. :n the heart of th city, at rea sonable prices, give us a ceil, aa we know you wil like It. Koomi by the day, week or month. l'orlat trade solicited. HOTET, BLACKSTONB. Co.. 11th and Staxk Sua. New, mo-1rn brick bid.. eintl f-T-Plshrd, elevator, hot aud coid water, steam heat, phones all rooms; private batha; ainirio or en iuit; rates $1 day up; special monthly rates. CORDOVA Hotfl. ilth and Jeffrrson sta. Hrand new brick: aplendidiy furnished; all ro-.ms wlib telephone, steam beu hot and cold water, many with baths; every effort la made for the comfort and convenience of Its quests; the rents are most reaaon etilu; rooms by the week, month or day. J" car direi t from depot. HOTEL FORD. 7U3 Washington, corner Lu crrtla at. Nw brick build In. Just com pleted; fine large outside rooms with tele phone, service, with or without private hams; new and splendidly furnished; hot and coid water; a twain heat; beat of aarv re; very rN"nnb!e rate. FOSTER HOTEL Davis aud Third St. ?00 outside rooms, steam heat, hot and mid running water tn every room, free auto bun to and from all trains. Low t at rat -a In the city. Aak for o-ir sp'cliti low monthly rata. HOTEL SAVON. 131 Eleventh Street. New. modern brick buildinr: at earn -heated, private baths, hot and co'.d water In raoms; bautlfuily furnished, coay. com fortable; rent reasonable. Call and aae us. Rcrular and transient trade solid tad. GRAND UNION HOTEU o&i East Burnslde, Llv on thu East Hide and aava money on your room rent; we have 120 modern rooms, apecial price on rooma and suttea with private bath ; rates 50c to S3 per Cay, S to 17 per week East -140, B 1215. RAINIER HOTEU One block from Union Depot; 140 outside rooms, with hot and cold water and steam heat; offers special rate for permanent eueets; rau-s bOc to f 2 a day; X00 and up per week. I'houe Main S413. HOTEL LA SALLE. 10th and Burnstde sta. Abotut.;iy r.r proof: new and elegantly furnished room: private baths, team heat, hot and cold walt-r, private phones In fucU room . special rates by the month; phono service free. Phone Marshall '4U. VAN fiOKDEB HOTEU 105 e Twelfth til. Marshall 2700. In heart of business duttrlct; steam heat, hot i:d cold a aier, free phone In every room; 1 day and up; $4 week and up. HOTEL REN WICK An ideal home for bus iness people; centrally located; elegant rooms; all modern conveniences; 7th and Taylor sis., 1 block from Portland HotU opposite HfiMg Theater, phona Main aUft. Mo PER MONTH Bright, newly furniahed room. West Side: steam hrat. electric lght. fre phone, lino bath. 4t4 Market st. ARMINIUS HOTEU 410 Morrison at., opp. iiker Theater Nicely furnished rooms; permanent, transient; low rates. Htm HOTEL NORRIS. 17th and Aider sta. Mod ern rooma. suitable 2 to 4 parauae, frc vate baths. Ratea 3.QO up. L.I u HT. airy rooms, modern, suite or aingle; atcam heat : and a week ; 5 minute walic to tn-tcr and scores; free phone, LINDELL iiOTk:U 3JS 4TH. THE KlNt-i. Cu9 Jefferson, Cheapest nd best looms, close to business center, $2.oQ week up. including pain. NU'E clean, comfortable rooma. reasonable, Ihone. hot batha, steam heat, lib J Taylor LAN DOR I'T. s ly;h t" for rent, coy sin room, hot and cold water, walking distance. ELM PLACE. 414 YamblM !., cor. 11th; rooms f3.oV per week up; hot and cold water, steam heat, private hatha. THE LARRAREE. Larrabee St.; mod ern : permanent and transient; $.50 up. Cioae in. HOTEL CONitRESS. N"(w open; handsomely furnished, nioflrrn conveniences, 2 blocks from P. O- tlh and Main THE DORMER. "V. ir.th st.. rooms reason ri!f. H conveniences. Main W75. A 4o"4. FvrnUhed Rooma tn Private Family. p. i;l HIT froul room; all conveniences, fur nace heat: walking dlstuaice. io-i Ullaaxi Fl H.VIjjHD room in m.-aern steam heated itpt.. d floor. Flat L, 469 Jeffcr ior.. Maui 7M4- FL'RVIillED room suitable for one or two gentlemen ; steam heal, reasonable. Main 7 v r. 7. $t MONTH Furnished loom ; phone. hih, cl.-ciric lishi, walking distance. 4L'7 Har- LAROE. bcantifully furniahed, steam heat, ri:in!n water. 163 17th at. TWO aunny roomi, HZ. modern. 410 Park. -M- 8527. ITS IfiTH PT-. newly furnished rooms very rra onable. Marph ail 47 3. KouMS and up; heat, phone and bath; .talking distam-e. -'-1 I3tli. FTRPT-CLASS room and board, two aingle beds; prlvarr family. 645 Yamhill wt. Rtj"IF -; 14th, near Jefferson, walking distance, r-uone Mln of3. LA ROE. pleaFant. swell furnished room, use of p:ano. 3 ft I IOiIk NEATLY furnished bedroom, gas. phone, tl a week. 4 HttK TWO front rooms, near Multnonah Club; walk!" rittanre. Marshall 411-. n k-"-; VNTLY funiib.eil room. ;rfet;y mod- COZY. warm, attic room. 57 Trinity Placa. fctwren 13th and loth. NEWLY f 'irnihd rooma. modern eonven icncos. for gentlemen. HP" Ho t at. jsEWLY fnnihed ron for rent for ene or two gent.rmen. 3il4 10th at- LA Ki fj pav wmaow room, uh nlture. per week; hot water heat, phone, bath, private home, ten minutes' v.aik to poftotflce. 414 Market, cor. 11th. BEAUTIFUL front room for 2 or 3. elec tric light, hot and cold water, all con veniences; breakfaat If desired. 275 N. 24th St.. cor. Overtoil st. Marshall 305o. 2 NICELY furnished bedroom and den. for 2 or S ladles or gentlemen: private phone in room. Phone Main -294 or call 773 Hon. PLEASANT aunny room, with closet. In a new flat, for one or two. heat, bath, phone, electric lights, free kitchen and laundry privilege. byi EverotL Phono Mar. 4S5T. HANDSOMELY furnished front room, all conveniences; surroundings of a home. Phone Marshall 437S. NICELY furnished light front room, close in, private residence, $2.60 to o.50 per week. 214 loth et. cor. Columbia. FL'KMSHED room with alcove, S3 weekly; smaller one. 655 Washington. FOR RENT 2 furnished rooms. 3-3 E. 11th. Rooms With Board NOW OPEN. NOW OPEN. NOW OPtN. THE PARK VIEW. Corner "West Park and Montgomery- btrlctiv hig-h-clasa famijy board. ng house, everything brand new and up to date, all high-class furnishings. steam heat, hot and cold running water in every room, private baths, beautiful largo sunny rooms and the view 1 unsurpassed, right on the Park, nice large veranda, lovely din lug-room, atrictly a homelike place at popular prlcea; give us a call ana see ior youraau THE LEONCB. 18 N. 2d. near Johnson . room ayta., nicely furnished, private bath and phone, onlv S.10; new management and xood service, rnone ai -i PORTLAND WOMEN'S 1'NION. 2-ld year. Rooma with board, use of sewing-room, li brary. MO Flanders. Mrs. E. N. Wilson, supt. DOES a home appeal to you? THE WHITK H ALU cor. 6ih and Madison; largo rooms, bath. Droad veranda, quiet, closa in. near car, 4 block from P. O. American plan. THE HaxeI dining-room reopened. table board, strictly tlrst-claaa; also furnished rooms, steam heat, running water; price moderate. 355 3d et.. cor. Montgomery. LAMBEitSON. 5i4 Couch St., cor. 17tb Very desirable. clan rooma with steam heat and runnln water; good board; tine location for teachers or busines men. vitoit 9A1 1.1TH ST. Attractive, clean, rooms, steam heat. good board, close in, reasonable. Nit" ELY furnished room and flrst-claaa ta.ble bord. :t74 Park st. ROOMS, w Ith board, everything flrst-claaa. i:; N-Tth 17th st. . tWoou i im board In Private awliy. NICELY furnished rooms, with hoard: also table hoard. .:.M twrt imata. 4.. tnf;e' excelh-n cookimt; ratea very reasonable; h it and rold water, bath and free phone; five mlnuf from P. O. 321 West Park at NHFLYfurnished front room, alth board, for t or 2 In private home; largo bay window facing park-, every modern con vrnienrc u" of piano, etc.; 7 blocks from poMomcc. jiatn vow. NICE, largo front room, with every con venience ind rood board. viry reiasonab.e. for two gentlemen, walking distanre. Nob Hi!i nisiriet. t i i-i d. " ACCOMMODATION In elegant modem home in Laurrihurat for two gentlemen; home privileges and excellent table. Phone Ta- nor .i in. TWO renin women to room and board wltn private lamll : strictly home cooking; walking distance. S East 12th t. North. Kksi -OTi. ri.KA5A.NT. large, cieaii roow for one. $22, for two. $40; all nw modern conveni ences. Sl4 nrar r-. rr-t HOMELIKE place; excellent board; prices r-afnnat I. four blorks from poatofflce. ! ..-. vain "t.l.V GV2 Salmon at. NIEI- V furnished front room in modern f'.at with board, walking distance. Phone A .''3 2. ROOM and board In a refined home; all con veniences. MS East Ash, corner 16th. phone r.astji NICELY furnished rooms, auitahle lor 2 gentlemen, with board. 195 Wth st. Ref erences. IF you appreciate a home with best home re-oklng. Main 705. TWO-ROOM suite, aiso alcove room; porches grounds; excellent board; Main 2U7L RuOM and board private family, walking .. ir .. , t- k oiriipv tin. tllSian -. . - . - ii rANT rooms, single or en suite, excel- fr". . i .i.i vn -A r:i i-.j - lent poaro. -n-o " " w" noAKh and room at 107 DTth N.. between J-.V . i .'II..,- ThAn Xf 1 Fiannerw wiki a...- ---. .... NK.'E rooms, with board, modern. 700 Ever ett t. . ROOM, board. I or 2; modern con cnlcnccs. ii.i t,asi r-aiiTioit. tt w .-vj. IHM'VS with board. 5H5 Eaat Oak. E. O.V. A partroenta. PAGE APARTMENTS. East Sth and Burnaldo sis.. 15 minutes walk, good location; new. modern brick bulldln. with very desirable 2 and '!-room apartmonts. for $25 and $-".0. These con vhnlrncea on tho West Hide would cost double the money. Investigate. BURCH APARTMENTS, 110 lst st. North. Now pen for reservations. Under new management. Elegantly furnished S-room apartments, with bath, all modern conven iences; fine location. Marshall 4141. WELLINGTON APARTMENTS, 13th and Everett 2. and 4 rooms, unfurnished, with private, hatha: $20 up; completely rt novated under new management; easy walking distance; convenient and beat of service. JULINA APTS., 45 Trinity place; beauti ful! v furnlihcd 2, 3 and 4-room apts. ; private bath, phone, hot and coid water in every apt.; good Janitor service; price J25, ?.(. ?-i:-o'' ana up. GRACE APTS.. 797 Northrup t., corner th; 5 large rooms; hardwood floors, front veranda, large sleeping porch, pri vate telephone, water, heat and hot wa ter; new and strictly mooern nr j ii t-r i. vtiui-.uii. Finely furnished outside 4-room apart ment. $40. worth $00: also beautiful 3 room corner apartment : every mcKiern con venlejicr. Tho Altamont. t . -v - cv fi-tl 1 I." IT thm LILLIAN, tith and MontKomery; tran stents can get 8-room completely fur nished housekeeping apt., with private bath, phone, by the week or month; walk ing distance. Marshall 137& f7oseVrEND PARTMENTS, 7th and Jef ferson, 4-room apt., only 4 blocks from llctllg Theater; very desirable and rea sonable: rent $10. Phono Marshall 371 or Marshall 1101. THE M AH R APT. Under new management, nicely fur nished and unfurnished S and 4-rooa apartment, Marshall 2028. THE AVALON, 3-room apartment, with sleeping porch, finely furnished, steam heat. Janitor service, corner of Clackamas and Ross. Phono East S172. WALDORF COURT. E. 9TH & SCHUYLER " IRVJNOTON. MODERN STEAM HEATED. BROPWAY CAR. EAST 547; C 3013. THE UK1LKMU,. 44H 11th. Under new management. Two and three -room apartments, all modern con venlences. THE MEREDITH. Completely and richly refurnished In X. 8 and 4-room apartments; references required. 713 Wash, st. New management. MADISON PARK APARTMENTS. PARK AND MADISON STS. 3 and 4-room furnished and unfurnished apartments: strictly modern. m -ROOM modern apartment, with sleep ing porch, fine location, walking distance, mll conveniences. Tel Main 4930. THE NORTHAMPTON. 407 Hall su Main 429H. Newly furnished S and U rooms; walking distance. HAD DON TlALU 11 thandna.ll Furnished apartments with sleeping porches, phone, Ueat and all modem conveniences. BANNER APTS.. 489 Clay. Completely fur nished 2-room apartments. moderate price. $- to Bhone Marshall 2074. 7--CRFTIA COURT Large 4-room outside VpaAmeut. with lease. Phone Marshall apt. -- ur.RYT. APARTMENTS. Furnished end unfurnished apartment. C?r. Lovejoy st- Take "W" car. GRAND OAK APTS. 8 Grand aye. 2 and 2-room apartments, nicely furniahed. new. private pnone and baths. $.5 to $30. SAN M RCO Apartments. K. Sth and Couch, new brick, modern. 3 rooma. private bath and phone: rates reasonable. Call E 7ol. THE MA J ESTIC Modern 4-room apart ments, well furnished. $45 to $50. 90 Clay. ONEONTA. 187 17th. 10. $!0 and $30 suites; V e a m heat. F. P. Egan. prop. JULIA ETTK Furnished and unfurnished 2 roo mi. Corner 2 and Montgomery. THE KLM 2 and 3-room apt., furnished, heaL phone and bath. li lith at. MODEDN 4-room apt.. Nob Hill. Phona Main M Flanders st. THE DAYTON Nlca 4-room lower apt, h eat, water, etc; jl 0. b Flanders et jTrooM modern apartment, up-to-dat fur niture; Jaxkaon bunsalow. 454 ilth at. FINEST -room modern apr. in Po-tland for t-'i. Katherine Apt. larsha.ll 2i. 6TEL.WTN APTS-. St. Clair and Wash. sts. Jut completed: moot beau:if:l"r equipped apartments in the city. '1 wo, three and four-room apartment; all fin inshtd in white enamel; sleeping poreher. private baths and phone?, mirror dor. lots of loset room, largo and beautifully furnlfihed room for use of tenants for en tertaining: a few single rooms, with bath, for gentlemen. References required. THE W REE LOON. Cor. Park and Taylor sta. THE WHEELDONT ANNEX. Cor. Tenth and Salmon sts. Walking Distance. Furnished complete. 2. 3 and -'J apartments; buildings new and atricuy modem; aervica UraL-cIa-s. THE BARKER, cor. 21st and Irving sts.. th!s new 4-story brick now open; mr- 1 Dished and unfurnished In 'J. 3 and "TOC;n snites; receptiop hall, electric, uto" elevator. Holmes disappearing beds, buiii Jn buffet and writing desk, gas range, ice box, plenty of closet room, both pnera ea, vacuum cleaner free to patrons. II J want something nice, come to the Barker. Phonea A 1744. Marshall 2P61. . TRINITY PLACE APARTMENTS, brick and stone palace of luxurious homes. Trinity Jlace. between 18th and 20th streets, Just off Washington; magnificent exclusive apartments, in heart of apartment-housa district; rentals reasonable; every modern convenience; sleeping porches, high-class service; refined clientele; references re quired In all cases. Mrs. A. N. right, supt. Phone Marshall 1101. " THE VILLA -T. CLARA, 12th anfl Taylor. Jnst completed, most magnificently rur C Is had apartments in the Northwest; 'oc tlon perfect; rentals rcafconable; every modern convenience, including banquet ball and roof garde a; boOi phones in ad apartments; hlgh-claas service; references required Main 2276 and A 7057. t HEINZ APARTMENTS 14th and Colum bia. 4 blocks south from Morrison St.; new brick building, completely flrst-clas furnished In 2, 3 and 4-room family apart ments; private bath steam heat, hot wa ter, elevator, free phone, vacuum cleaner, janitor service; rent per month, 2ft. $40 and up; must b seen to ba appre ciated. . FOR OH AM APARTMENTS. I7B Ford st.. Just south of Washington; most complete, highest class apartments ever built in Portland; finished through out la hardwood; tiled baths, superb fix tures; elegant wail coverings; each wl.n private balcouy; highest class service; very reasonable rents; 4 and 6-room apartments: most conveniently arraxged. THE CAM AR. 704 Lovejoy St. Under new management, rw, modern brick, 2. 3 and 4-room apartments, fur nished or unfurnished: wo will rent you apartments 20 per cent cheaper than any place in the city: good janitor service. Give a call and be convinced. Mar shall -HIT. NEWLY furnished The Upshur, 26th and Upshur sts.. furnished 2-room apartments, $15. $18. $20 aud up. This includes steam heat, hot and cold water In every apart ment, private phones, public bath, electric Jig hut, gas range, laundry -room, all free. Take S., 23d or W cars. No children; dogs not allowed. Phono Main 8o- LUCRETIA COURT, unfurnished, a class by themselves; see them; Lucretia st near 23d and Wash., 2 to o rooms, all large, .Jght and outside; large closets and baths; hardwood floors, free phones In each apL Phone prop, and mgr., Mar shall 1529. Janitor. Marshall 1500. CUMBERLAND APTS., West Park and Columbia- sts., one choice -room unfur nished apartment, vacant March 1; all modern conveniences: choice location, fronting the park and only 5 minutes' walk from butftnesa center. iCEELER APARTMENTS, 14th and Clay streets Splendid location, solid brick building, electric elevator; we have unfurnished 3 and 4-room suites, with private vesti bules. phones, bath, etc GRANDESTA furnished apartments. Grand ave. and East Stark; new brick building. 3 rooma splendidly furnished, with pri vate bath, $27.50; electric elevator, mod ern conveniences; close-in location; easy walking distance; best of service. ALAMO APARTMENTS. Beautifully furnished and unfurnished apt.; new brick building, steam heat, pri vate phones and baths, disappearing beds, built-in buffet, gas ranges and linoleum. 4fl Market st., near 14th. KINO HILL APARTMENTS. 171 King St. 4. S, 6-room apartments; select tenancy. Apply on premises. CECILIA APARTMENTS. 22d and Qllsaa sta. ; best of service ; desirable location, with unexcelled car service; also easy walking distance; 3-room apt., with bath, modern conveniences, very reasonable rent. ORLANDO APTS., 20th and Wash. sts. Two and three-room furnished apartments; ev ery convenience; very large rooms; steam heat and private baths and phones; auto matic elevator; easy walking distance; ref erence required. Marshall 184. THE LUZERNE. Just completed; corner 3d and Hall; all 2-room furnished apts., large outside kitchens, best arranged apts. in Portland. $25 and up. Easy walking distance. bT. FRANCIS APARTMENTS. 21st and WAV. A. mnmrn nH halli nHuat- h-j lonn w - J new brick bull -in, eiectric elevator, su perb location, in walking distance; most convenient arrangement, low rent and bast of service. " THE WESTFAU 410 6TH ST. ' Lowest rates In Portland $25 up; nicely furnished and unfurnished 3 and 4-room apartments, private bath and phone, auto matic elevator; Janitor service; brick building; easy walking distance. A 202S. WOLFE APTS. 210 MARKET S NEWLY furnished 2-3-4 rooms. $22,50 to $40. Single rooms. $3 up. Free light. phones, heat, hot and cold water, elec- tric elecator. Marshall 35-7. WINSTON ApartmeiiTsi 1 14th st., at Market; new corner brick; all b light, out aide rooms; 2 and iJ-room suites com pletely furnished for housekeeping! $25 to $37.50. For information call Alain L7HV. THE AMERICAN. Most up-to-date apartment In North west; 21st and Johnson sta.; all outside rooms. Apply oa premises, or call Mar anali 3300. ORDLE1GH APTSL " St Grand ave.. cor. E. Stark at., nicely furniahed 1 and t - room ap is. , ch eap e t flrat-ciaas apts. In the city; walking dis- tance. Phone E. $00. HA-NTHORN APARTMENTS. 251 12ti st i.aax Main, Cloae in location. Elegant 3 reom apartment with bath and private balcony. $-5 vry coavemaitce, gcoa service. LINCOLN APTS,, COR. 4TH AND LINCOLN All outside 2-room apartments; Holmes beds, built-in writing desks, vacuum r, janitor service; t-2.50 to (00, including lights, private phones. A 3472. Mam 1A7L """ THE PAGE APARTMENTS. Modem, lurnished and unfurnished. 3 rooms; private phone, bath, etc.; cloae in, K. th and Buruside. Main 41titi; B 1317. THE CHET0PA, ISth and Flanders sts.. 73 and 4-roont modern, furnished and unfur nished; new furniture, new building. Ap ply to Janitor. CEDAR HILL APARTMENTS, 1 blk. So. 23,J and Washington sts. Sunny, newly fi nished 3-room apt.: private phone, bath and balcony. A 7 5 -'3. THE M'KLNLET, 429 Eaat Morrison, comer 7tb 2, 3 and 4-room apartments, furniahed up to date: private baths: moderate price; new m'gt. CLaYPOOLE ANNEX, Eleventh st, two- raom furnished apartments, p rival ba,. a.l conveniences, good service; wa;ki C;atanc Now under new management. BJELLAND. lClh and Lovejoy Unfurnished apartment t front; ; stnctiy modern, nw brick. 3 rooms; must be seen to be ap preclated. Owner. Main lMi7, A ist7. FARK APARTMENTS. 5 Harrisonbeau tlful 3 and 4-room fuiuiehed apartment; walking distance . best of st-rv jc, prices 4Q to $50. Phone iiarshaJl 307O. " TH E WINDSO R APAItTM E N T S. 2 aud 3 rooms, private phone and bath, walking distance. Cor. K. 14th and Yam- bilL COLUM Bl AN Furnished and unfurnished apartments. Ilth and Columbia; very de sirable: modern conveniences; easy walk ing distance; low rates; beat of aervtc. FOR RENT 4-room apartment, a-il fur nished. 42ft Alder street. TO LEASE. JIo-i desirable 2-room apartment-liouse fit Portlaiitl; walking distance; no dark rooms, every suite hus unobstructed view. All modern conveniences. Responsible partv with means to furnish this plac can "make good Income. Man on prem ises from 11 to 3 today. Ardmay Apart ments 1 2th and Harrison sts. POWERS FURNITURE COMPANY, od d Yamhill. v THE R U EN A VISTA. Corner 12th and Harrison. New b-i-.-k. l.nTost improvement?; fur nished and unfurnished, 2, S and u-room ap.ii-tm'Miia: best service; reasonable rates, references required; both phones. Flat. CLOSE in on East Burnsido. near East Sth st.; five-room upper flat: rent WILDER BROS.. Common wealth Bldg., oth R"d AnKen. b-ROOM flat, modern, on Mill St.. near .th has gas and electricity, fireplace and lur nace. walking distance C. H. cable, ll Spaidini; bids. Marshall 1 -3- FOR KENT One unfurnished flt, lour rooms and bath, new and modern, witii poicnes and vard; rent 15. iVIU's Kcrby SauuKiiN 7-rooin flat. West Side. Johnson St.. between 23d and 24th. Phona Main 5MH. 00O MARKET ST. 5-room modern flat, with furnace. $.10 por month. ey- iiiii i t i . a v i.iMninn v r.tomK. walk- "ing distance." near 2 earlincs. 412 W Wasco st. East ::s05- UNFTRNISUEI) flat? 5 rooms, modem, rent reasonablo. M6 Montgomery St. Main MODERN 5-room flat, rent $22.50. on ear line. 4bSlt East 1-tli a"d Division. Mam 54o!. WEST SIDE modern ti-ioom flat, steam, heated, unfurnished, $4.".. near Columbia. Apply at premises. I'uulsn. 3i7 Ilth a- MODERN 5 - KUt) M f i;t. in o block- north Steel brids. fronting rivu-r; 50. 2ltt M.irin. , ,!,; Mt.'DEUN 4-room flat witli jiorches and tusemeiit. cheery and sunn ; adults. 7.V(' Williams ave. Wood lawn -l-';. ELEOANT 5-room flat. modern conven iences, opposite new Multnomah Ciub. 5U2 salmon. MODERN G-room upper flat, two blocks West Sid high school. Inquire 175 Itiih, St.. COt net MODERN six-room upper flat, two blocks West Side high school. Inquire 1.5 lUrn MODERN 5-room flat, with porch, fire place and walking distance, rent $27.50 a month. Call -Ill Ilth st. UPVER flat, 5 rooms, with nddll lonal f in Ished room in attic; modern; largo, light 1 . M.i!n tnr I Sth rooms, auutif. m - - NEW attractive 5-room lower flat, strietly mndern. all conveniences. 4Ptf Harrison. Key 4i 1 7. NEWLY-FURNTKH ED fl-room flat; bath: wood furnished; $25. Phono Marshall ;;$:. NICELY furnished ::-rooin apartments on Karl Belmont; per month. labor li 3041. 4-ROOM furnished fiat for rent, $22.50. 102 llll o L. b-ROOM modern fiat. 6uG Belmont. iear IGih st. 305 u 34TH ST $25. 6-room flat, yard, good o rd c r. Key 2ft 3 4 -h. MODERN 8-room flat. -.a'.kir.g distance, !0oV McMillan St. a.: -ia. MODERN" 4-rooin corner flat; furnace; rent 1K. Phone East 5. R 1404. S-ROOM Hat. with bnlh and furnace. 59 Salmon. Key at G'M. FOR RENT 5-room flat. No. 773 Missouri n v c. , 5 1 i- phone Woodlawn 202. FOR RENT 5-room fiat, $1S. 1268 Haw thorne ave. OLISAN, MODERN. G-ROOM UPPER FLAT. $40. SELLWOOD 1MK. MODERN 5-room flat. 5th near Jackson, West Side lo mln. walk. Main or A 1223. "" MODERN. 5 ROOMA. 74 Marshall ftt. TWO C-room flats, 825 Northrup and I Glisan st. Phone Main 3225. 3-ROOM furnished flat, sleoplng porch, large yard, West Side. Apply 333 Oak. Housekeeping Rooms. NEWLY furnished The Upshur, 26th and Upshur sts,. furnished 2-room apartments. $15, $18. $20 and up. This Includes steam heat, hot and cold water in every apart ment, private phones, public bath, electrlo light, gas range, laundry-room, all free Take S-. 23 or W cars. No children; dogs not allowed. Phone Main 850. THE UE AVER, 12th and Marshall Fur nished for housekeeping; gas range, elec tric lights, hot water, bath, laundry, free; $15 per month up; a clean place, best In the city for tho money; short distance from Union Depot. Take "S" or 16th-st cars north, get off at Marshall st. No dogs. $1.50 TO $2. So por week Clean furnished housekeeping-rooms ; free heat, phone, bath laundry, yard. 40S Vancouver ave. and 203 Stanton; "U" car. Phono IS. 603-. 4G1 EVST Morrison, cor. East Sth. com pletely furnished housekeeping suites, rea sonable. " THE M1LNER, 350 Ms Morrison Furnished or unfurnished housekeeping-rooms; steam heat, elevator, all conveniences, best 1 oca fc. HOUSEKEEPING-ROOMS In new concrete building. Phone Woodlawn 237 or 2ti. Housekeeping Rooms in Private Family. sTfURNISHED housekeeping rooms, good lo cation, lower floor. 600 E- Burnstde. NICELY furnished housekeeping rooms. 500 Jeiferson st. 310 M MX ST. A homelike cottage suite, furnished for housekeeping, clow in. THREE furnished housekeeping rooms. gas piaie. nni . ........ $15 FOI'R furnished nouaeiteeping rooms, gas plate, steel range. b-'O 7th. Main 4529. TJYTJ J4TH. cor. Clay; large convenient 1 and 2-room furnished housekeeping suites. HOUSEKEEPING 3nd cleeping-rooms, $3 and up- 563 Trvlng. ejo one furnished housekeeping room; sink, hath, gas. 651 East Morrison. ONE suite of furnished housekeeping rooms for rent. 4$ West Park st. nonskeeping Rooms In Private Family 1125 WILLIAMS ave.. Walnut Turk. .1 fur- r.ished housekeeping rooms, modern, Itht, j.hone and bath. Phone Woodlawn 000 TWC eonnectinj frnt H. K. . rooms. $IS: single II. K. rwmf. JO; iilso alecping- rooma, ull modern. 775 4itisan. $10 FRONT room and kitch'snette, good new furniture, complete for housekeeping; yard, porch. 786 E. Yamhill near 2-d. LARGE sunny p-irily furnished h o uek e e p - in? rooms; large yard, modern. Phone Main 2257. HOUSEKEEPING Lan-'C. light. clean rooms, $2.50 and up. U5 Davis, corner Fourtecnih. COZY single housekeeping. $10 month; also nice suite; large bay window; $3.uU week. 411 4th st. ' SINGLE Biid housekeepins rooms. heat. phone and bath: "walking distance. 3.1 , 13th. ONE or two clean furnished housekeeping rooms gas. tlectrieity, water, sink, laun dry. 2ls, Grand ave. S. E. corner Ankeiiy. HOt'SFK i;k:'1N room $12: alwj front room with lavatory and sleeping-porch. 35 li. 2-d st. N. S-ROOM suit-: .sinK. private bath: only $16 month- aUo front single housekeeping torn. $3 week. 4i Hall st. , THREE ompiete.iy furnished rooms, closet, sleeping porch, electru ity, phone, no oh .v.cilon to ehlldren: $1'- Eaat Stark. "I (ti 4 front housekeeping rooms, fur- "niiied up to date; elect-irity. heat. bath. 7u;; Multnomah st. Phone East. 4KQS. VF TLY furnished housekeeping rooms ; w n J king diPLH'iee ; very ential, reason -aole. 55".- Wash. 4 FT'RN ISHED housekeeping rooms, bath, pa, hot and cold water. 500 East Morri- 3 FURNISHED housekeeping rooms. 2S3 Taylor near -Ith. TWt ) and :;-i ooiii hou'keepiiig uite-S, 214 l.'.ih "- TWO inr.1 sin ale or eonneci d houae keep ing rooms. 10 minutes 1. O. 54tt titb. TWO or three houekeping rooms, sink, ratige, $15 and $20. 447 5th. NrCELY furnished housekeeping rooms; gas. bath, phone; $10. $14. 370 J 2th st. HOUSEKEEPING rooms and sleeping rooms, 140 11th st, ; 5 minutes' walk to P. O- NICELY furnished front linus kpinc room 12. "'. month; ln'ei;t ica te. 2SS 14tli. LA RGK bapem'-iii room and small kitchen; ' rent $10 per mo 2G N". 17th. L R('E f ' out housekeeping room reason able. '.'34 1 Mh st. VERY eoiivenieni; two or three-rooms sulre; eieain, airy: references. S27 7th. ONE largn room, wood, gas, electric light, $12. 31J Main st.