TTIK MORXINO OKEGOMAX, TUESDAY, MARCH 1012. r.w toiht. argain Lot 50x100 tVct on Up s-hur-st.. east of 20th. Track :cr S7500. JOHN BAIN, 5C5 Spalding Bldg. STORES FOR RENT l I IITOKII HllTCI. HORHIWV AND l I II ! I KKKT frr rmi in th. t.mna Quarter Block 5 1 S.OOO with four hiii"lln. K.M.m for C.irasrv ';.Tts ?- fr $'! rer annum. K-t Ninth an.; K;it W a.hltu'tin Mr-'tn. W KITHhll-hl- l I V ., 7U vtirih Mfrrl. RnL mur. rr.irM. FHtpAKn A feENEDlCT. 403 McE big. V vViflL W'.;!rn t"t-Sl Fal'trs; Mdr ( hipm A Hertow. 3-2 Chamber Com;nar C -. R. S- Jk to.. crt-tt bid. Jr.n!-! Co. Wm lv 2.' Orrfoalaav f A : WH-JuNiia i- I- 4t4.o-04 Wu-ol tide. Th- Oregon Krt F Cv. Grand ST, at Ua:tno.ih :. fio. jdy Addition. I r ."Nlr Le4a. I. A I: L H"MlITKS ; f a ! i to tu ;-ion-fet tot L-t rf - linn in from biiu" . rm-r I -ht - n 4: nn. Le ' '''r'"'. run'M in rric. i'-nrs 110 monthly Mr;.Vl ;!P Phillips thmI'n co. C .-' lUng iii'l. Ifoi.J t. AIl. iiAi-F l'.L4'K liMixt (,.,-r ..n t: ---t t. l't wen W o ..n i ( ii r.wrt street. In '.n- of the b- -i oiiiritttui district of The r'lv. p. - n K- llst-st. brtdjc lri'-r $1' . tr fi' II. P. P 1M i.N f.s CO.. 4tl -K- V'ig. peon.- Main "t:m. A 26-Vi IVKU.AM height- K l.liVta.Y. I hv shout ' p-r cm of the real ra'- (if pi t- on Portland Heights tn my i an S b- plea-d lo how you h nirs or imu iti unj tint. Ta r. t ru. r f. : tt ri-ft r ii to ny of my . iiTint. t ; no p ruAi-m, no i nn to l ..r- i ou i ri'1 nrn" prlr rn i . M Hr- , tU Talbot rvaU. iiatThall 4Jt, A -.--- lr' T'H ran pn , $ ra-h and 90 pr month, whtrh H1 lolui lntert. I f.nn'- th buiiilmc of your horn oa any ltt ou iua -lct in LurIhurC if yon rt t buy or bui .t a hov. oa tb Ay tmi. corn! ta and t.k It or. 1m i ur rhiinr to tp parl&s raat. bl'KL IN'iAVE Al.l loOX CwtbIt lid. V aln 15- A 1H L.A t iit t"inmi l im ii- .ir II juI hortt if , I t iiit ll-ft Ue In tltu xvtr. J ir--t. (rrf j ;,". trims. If. I. r.I..Mr.It-JONr..' t 'J . f. J .J"t bnli" i I'fl a.-mi.-, ; mxlj tni ail pT torn' l ofIi- 41M.1 t't U Hh nv II t thv OvM I It rnln n t J iKt TIKI' I. i-r iot on aouthem wlop. nr L'oun -II .'r'l. i;. Uil lip. lnelu(!in( rmrit .-Jm:k. t;urb. icraaed tr- t--r. bu:M;nc rtrl--tt'-n; nid oa . y t r to I'rv ii- ni Tru' Cfnpin jr. I'1-. -lJ lord ut TraUv. MarabaU 4X ' INK p r fl lot 11 00 . Vt t- .Ml, frtrn AU-lr a . n. . i.t trm '.l John'B nl lHv.t.n, i,"-i.' Htd of Triil- h.-ic. 'T tak"" 1, i-ar to l.ombnl t inquire vl lr. Jhnoo at real !! lnN trt I'Krt MONTH Kin virw Int. m'ur.l tfuil tra r- nctrj U tri.t. n. r car : crmrnt rik mt A curb: t.:t K aa a ttrr. Irorldanl Trut comt'y. -"I. 2-'. -i Hoard of lir.. 1 4X A 1022 M.y.M Uf Vt H LOTS ON N' U TH I.aMm K LINE. 1 or .! it i $ ."V f4r;i, t n prlc paid I :i.r t. i- .rr ; ..ri ol UiirBil FhuO h..e 7 - M l'r.-1.nuin. I mvtni ; i rx lo.vioo rnn-T ori.twr mirktt va.n. ' '.mi mi a t'tt.iti;u! bal.'liiiK site, tut K. n. Tl r MRI . i!.;U. Km' irnr, 't''. t :. t-L.tifjl u- . n--r VnTuli P(k. s: ! p- nnrh. Inquir f L.r;iri..t l';na a-. t x I'-ioa, Z'J Board of : f t-LKT i.."r s r-r.: -. ti : t p ; i) on I -i i 1 t t . b- - ' i : i.ii J itr.ini.ii ij . prire 4 ; X 1- 1 J I. I U'I '-,1- t j; . ttri .'ik. c prtM nil Mai lIUwIi VM M.lU"!'N. A T ".o , 9 " n : i J ,t , r t. .' lin- r. !;". m r ,v U N VK. 3" Ai'lr-Con K, t t.. Wl. U jit r.".U n t j r-i ; hk .-' tMiX I " , i ,? Mil"", on wt r.- r . 3 lo:a. . Vn o( Com- p. . " ' uni. ut-. r.-i K. 4 J x 1 7 Ui.k'iiii. C'wit i'Aik. rrris rl! b n iti'niMi tn moM a.i j n st -k:.:. Iln.i t . r.rar; I. i ! w; i7h t r' fi i. .-n-r to. .V !. North P an. fit) a mon;r. & rx to loa. r4 J it;'., fu ; o im a. a a . i t ' n ..t t. T L Mr!i;i i' K.v-p t li-" lUIlf i! !i:ru-t. i v rr i :r:r. a njtn&i of r- of I I r.; A n aw r.. p'"..r'-. b.o k ori Ki lta - it'i -t. k It:- . o- r . r i ?.-- ptio . IN I : i v i r. i i a- h oi ti'-T.- mm. 7 - s o.' m nw. on' t -riJ , Will "fAfwrrtfic qv:it m " tJr" "j n hmmsj, Two fin tor r-vr " 1 1 - l I flirfortl. Kllr fori, :,K1t:n ..ft l-r ni'.i any lln of kit.l n--" Vrv rrnlrMl and tli h.-. nnr '"V V4iu.tllc. Uov r-nl nd 1-! Kvn. 'a:l t I. ;vurt S...,-. Ktr-t an. I Yamhill wtrm-t. RRAf. FSTATK HOMK8 OV EAST TERMS. M'd'-rn buniKiov, four rtru and warn. flr-p;ar. lvokeaa. plataralU Dutca 1iitf-hn. of &6k0; i:50O. amU eaab pay ment; balance to suit . I -room bunraiow trlctty monam. a. f!rpic. buffet. bookctK-. H f!'xrm. ru. electricity ; od .JTT Ci'y Par, cloaa to car: ail airaa lmprom-rt pait; aj-'O and P b room bunc.Jov. . eliT yry modurn Cnnnunc. buff". ca. bardwond floor. Lmtrh kitoha. ru rmnl bmrnt. f-imaca. flrplaoa. trie DiturM. tinni -tt Wa hav avorvl -room homai m&drn eonntnca: f r nc f ! r p i w hardwood floor, bookeaa-a. buffet. Lmc kitcbn Thtt art flrai-tlaaa lb aary de tail; ST50 and up. . T rooma and ale-pin porch. bama aim panels rfferta. fir-pUca. furnaca, buj ft. b.okca. Put h a.tcha, a block to Rfd y car; ISTSO. . . FROVIDKVT TKl.'bT M pA VT. 202 Board of Trada Bids, ifaraftall 478. A luiJ. I. A r..A I.OVIA fTh Houaa on the II HI. Tht lm a T-room. Weat Side. Anderson b'incow and tneiudra everything that la rirrr.-t ar.l tiacful ta bunitalow bulldinr. nh a grand vlw of mountalna and rl-. r and la undouotedly Iha mol T and artt.ttc bungalow In fnrttand. Taka rounrll i 'rent car W Council Creat drive. w:k thre bl'f-ka eaat of ChebaWm and Mt. Adam drte or phona Main towO or A 41 f'?r uppnlntmrnt. i l.i IV. Sl-NNYSIUK. If iu bava tc-. ar actually wanting a home and are tlr.-d of looking at hou-. win. h don't come up to ynur atandanl. i hp -now ).u thia dandv borne wc art ot-f-rtna-. It baa ft roin. dm and recep-l.-n hall. ping pnrrh and attic and all oth.r modern ron-enlencra. and la a np at um. rv ulahtty corner lot in t---i of niisrtborlKNHl. a ad the very b c a r kh if : it t h city. K A I " K KM ANN MOOHE. Lumber Kirhing'. SINNTSIPE DISTRICT. N. modern -room bungalow; fireplace. hnoki'M-; beamed celtlpc. paneled dlnlna: rm built-in buff- I. irat hall, atucco rii'ng cioak room, hall a-at, ttnt-d will. ' putrh klt.heo. cemnt floor, laun lr rja. f.'oorcd attic, beautiful fixlur". indnw aha4la. In and paid for Th' place mut be aold on account vf il kmv prir. .1f.o r.KO. A. KSS, OWNER, noi fjir;inc.r bi-.. I'd and Alder. fh"ne Main -T. A IUO SACRIFICE. U.N RL'SSELL-bHAVER OARLIN'R. Mm Montana ave. and 4 Fhaver. lOOxtPO to alley, two h'Miiw. Income. month. lvlnr ronr T07 vacant. aulTable for ri.itn or bunin. ew er nd at t ea I Iiu prowm-nu paid . prlc i.iOlLAi:i A TVIKUltlCK. r tl Mark t. . HEAI'TIFrL IRVIMiTOV. Iteautifitl nw boufo of ft riKn: recep tion hall. Pleping balcony and rtnlah-d at-llr-. hurdwfxxl floors 1 li roue hout : aittln- room and hall are finished in ok; halan- vt lowT f Io-r In fir an! uppr xioor in old ivory; beautiful flrepla and furnaca ht. hlg clta wltn window; Krmgm. r-l' e In. pear car In fin- r-aldetice di trici. If jou want a htith-grade home. fc thta. R F. ItRYAV. Main IW. Cham, of Com. A 1-27. UK. LOT OWNE R HERB IS TOCR CHANCE TO IM b,vi. VfVfH PHDPt RTY WITH A HOME FL4T OR APARTMENT; WrU, HNAWi- IT AT A LOW RATE OV IN TEKEbT. FLANS FUKNIiJHBD if R SK. IT WILL PAY You IU 'UJaai aw TALK Tttia OVER J. ft. ATKINH. ARCHITECT AND BUILDS". HE.NRT BLDd. THAT VACANT LOT. WHY NOT Tl'HN A BL'RDEM INTO INruME FKOPEHTTT IF YOU OWN A tOT W E WILL FURNISH TH B MONEY AND BUILD RESIDENCE OR fS. PLANS FREE IF WE BUILD. OL H RfeTFCTATION TOl'R P KOTFSCTIOM. l WILL PAY YOU TO BE2 UaV 1. R BAILET CO.. INC.. CONTRACT ING AH . ril rSCTS. :t'24 ABINOTuN BLIX iN VI' Bargain; corner i-t. oOxinn; -room bungalow; new. bulit for a nom-; ouij conatru f-d ; airlctiy moi-rn. turnace, ure piac. bo'ikraa-a. electric and gas flx luna, Diilch klt.-ht-n. cement basement and walk; good Tlw; one block from Iurrihurt an. I carline: corner of Slat and Iio u l'bone L.-t 60 1. Furniture ni.iy also b- sold with nouae HERE IT IS. Two-thirds of an acre. 6-room bouse, rupumg wattsr piied tn the house. 3 biox as from station; linln 15 minutes of center of the city, on the W-st tide. Eav trrma. Provident Trust company. 2"t. 2d B-ard of Trade blrtg- Marshall 473. A lO'.'i $tOort -WEST SIDE, .".-room m-iern houne within 17 ramut' rtd- of M"rnnn street. block from mi iln-; lot l" ion. w It h plenty of rom i Mtt-l v-rl b-wrtr.g iruil trees. A ana p. utid $. cah will h indie. K A t r'KM A N N MOORE, Lumtx-r Exchange. Ki'SK cMTY PARK. 1". M' 'NTHI-V A I i in pro uni'iii" In and paid for; T morn, built-in Mifft and bookcaaea. solid ok f ioira nrepi.n-e, furnace. et-. Na ttoiiJiI K'-aity Ac Trul "o.. 7i."l I'hamlier -.f C.immrirr to!. Ph. .he Main .".I-'h. FoK SVLE t HEAP 2-room teuihou com pUtl' fttrnUlfd. verv cosv. nrar carline, minutr 1 1 de to city, gas Ughta-cook-ing. Bu i Run wat-r In. etc ; good loca tion. M :t pU, l.tving city. 1L W. Stth-nn. Wajihingtoa et. 1'hone M. tin;. l.".iH bus I'.'ihX) equity In beautiful, new bungulow of :x i V large rooms In htghl v ret rlctd residence dfatrlct. two blocks from c.-r. On k floors, furnace. frrpUie, coin'inatton fixtures by English, aii-ping balon. trraced lot; no agents nr. I! 7o. On-jtornn. LAUREL HURST HOUSE We are ax-nia f-r all tlie good houe-a In this d. strut. See us for lowest prices, office on grated. Phone East "'His. DELAIil NTT i'I.KmENTS, I'Mh and East Glisan tita riKl'M')T SNAP. 1ootl7r. romer. with house costing lt;M, for p!-ntv of room for an- .:n" h'is". or win s-H 1t'xJ0'. chep. If l..kin tor a good ptae at low price. In- M k -it 1' h i ne Woo-lSaw n "1 fit . H Jim i M f urn thed ho lie-, wood house Ik ! of drv W-d for two y-ara. It iholce. s ht .y lit. o rioikiig th Wlllam-tta Jm-r, worth l"Nt. my equity 4576. must be S 'ld at on-; 1as titan naif buys li. AC W oreg.intan. FOR SALE by osht A nrw. A-room houe. c mpl ta in evry de;all. w ith hardwood floor, two frrpiri. Dutch kitch en and a rirw funuTi Price IVfl. ha.f f4(h, 4. 7 L. -bin it. North, laic phone Wli FOR SALE er wiM ich-inae for e!::lo- i t -U a' an i ptoi i . o i"" wa S .if, four ool 7-rootn houses, rental o Pric f 11. ; will pay,fi dirf.r rn e cr (Mum - lecumbrance. David . 'rnrf. -t W aslinnton 4 li.M.MS. HI RNSlDfc. $1175 N'at n-w totta and tir furniture, full 1"- rle to nu-liti-.n where . ant !! act; for cash han t'iia. Ki'd v German. 3-. Buinstde. l or A -'i 7d. HKVI MUNT i.i-!h ail Knoit. Beauttfui. E:nl.y Biocern. n-w ""'". uuihwb, t-loe to car. nbelv furnished; mast be to be appreiated Terms See Owner. 4"7 E. o'.'tU at. N. Take Koae Oty Park 7-IUM M HOI SE. Ta o bio, ks to car. $.0 IntWN. NK 0 NEK." TABOR 4J7. l.i AKANTEED BARGAIN. N'-w T-r.K.m home in Irvington. walking lit.incr; modern throughout. s:crtne for I :oi, tTTr phone Kt L"t or ad - A -' Tenonlan K.o Iaurelhurat ."- Cash g'i. stghti. r.trai. furnace, fireplace. , 1 ur'S. con.pleie.y mod-rn. T roonia. ... ..,.. ..wnP nMiU mnli V la. ot tf.u;) IJ t'.v.-H I.At.ANi E MONTHLY. .n,v rw 3-room bungalow. K.s Clry r' t:isrict, nn ii..c. paneled dlning in. LufTet. lnvea:tgate. tu3 Swetlaud PERFECT MODERN HOME, irv iutoa. iio: e io-auon. in rooms. r.r.daome. f'.msri-d. otk; 3 fireplaces. 2 N.;ia. hiT:it, fitur-s lot taxluO. C E..s- TJ W - H. Herdman. f7' r-od-rn 3-room bungalow, full ' s--meM ba:nrni. laundry traa. ahales un.t f.xfir. fire lawn and r-os; eaay trn.r -od'aa n or C 24'Jt. IH ING IVN nTw Vroom bout, 4 bed roti, -ping porch, oookcaseg and buf-f-t; 'aX trims. Phone Mar. 2V'i W m. M c Lv o vi. N P-FOR eALK 1 1-room boua-. upstairs and handv P t.f for restaurant down stairs, rent $'2b month SHI IHt h . N. A SNAP 3-r-om modern bui.gnlow. .ainn. all )rr pro-oT-ntf pri $21 It taken at ,. f, 'K E Grant. rK SALE Jnvtn tiui'A.ow, ,0. furnished or unfur- T "t"i vi'awri 4T.V Mol-LRN a room hoi.. wa.klng distance. .d lemis- i Eugene t. KINK. aw M'NNL'M'K buuga ow. cash r .ontratt. our. I-" L,s; Tay'or. ' j RF W vr4T 4TF REAL ESTATE. f TO EXCKlXGE. FOR SAE. f REAL ESTATE. m I REAL ESTATE. f CrZ v... I EXCHANGE. Doi. Bird. Pet Stock. I 1 f or Salt-llM. rwr p- c t w- v i r 1 1- SNAP. EtKht-room bunvalow. thorouptbty mrMl ero. ha 5 lara rwmi and rmfHln nail dnwnatatni. a tdrooma up"!"- full ha nient arid furnar. wood tir-p!ar-. Th- Joi ta 45x1h. tre-lB tmprrvJ and paid f"i Tha boui la double cona true I'd through out. Includin douhlr floom; window a.iada. a-rni and prtty. Ugh ting fixture so nh the p:ai:. located Jut 2 blorkv from bunnyaldr car and 4 btwka tr-'iri Hawthorne ear; price only M4O0; rash, ba anca 15 Pr m"nih and lnter-t v u r,. tr voo r-Uv want a crKd buy. tlila at on re. I might ronaider a good lot and ame caah. owner. tiJO Hawthorne ave. fnont i nm on- THIS HOME OX EAST 47TH ST.. NEAR THOMPSON. la aplendld Talue; $:d0. It has S rooms, den. reception na leptnar porch. Owner will take some cash down ai will accept a k'od lot In part trjide. DOR It E . KKASEV COMPANY. Second Floor Chamber of Commerce. BARGAIN. Beautiful home in Waverlelgh thorough t i ......( mrn.r l'.. 1 AO 7 room, a'l laige and well-llshted fireplace. O-n. H'lIPl UJ IOJ unmiiFWii., .nv Ing porch, full baaement, stationery tuba Boy n ton furnace. lawn, fruit tree atreet paired: equal dlatance to WW or V K canine; no Pupr virw in -' to auit. K-a owner on premiaea. fc4 Ella worth, corner tfih. AM anilous to lell my new modern 3-room bungalow. tlUV mi, IUU rrmpiu nicut. built-in Dutch kitchen and buf fet rmrnt walk around houste. street lm provementa paid; prtca f:S5U. $100 down balance $1S monthly. owner after noons at the place. 1257 East 17th at Nort h WILLAMETTE HEIGHTS SNAP. Mm 7-room house, furnace, fireplace, donhlv conatructed. 4 bedroom, lot .'."X ion on Viudin ut.. near 231; prlc $.700, half cah: not many snaps like thia on the Weat fd-. ;RSSI ft FOLDS. , ri! Board of Trad Bldg.. th and Onk tJERMAN S SMALL HOME BAKGAINA --room houne, Tremont Pla-', io0. 4 -room houe. Innley ave.. $72.". 4 -room hounc, Portamoui h. :-roum houce. modern. Wood mere. !KK. KKKD W. t'.ERMAN. r,.M Burnslde. M. or A 2776. ritil) AUDITION' SNAP. rtn modern 7 -mom houtm. 4 bedrooma and sleeping porch, all latest improve menu, doublr constructed, tine, vtrage, prlca 6ioo. f:oH cah. $.Ti a month. iJRL'SSl HOLDS. SIS Board of Trade Bldg.. 4th and Oak. For alt Hiutneae Property. FoU SALE or to lejme for a -im of years A moo rn ?lx-atory ana n.n.'mrni nrn k, nrlnklr niumn.-ci. on Turmlnal trncks, vrry central; 7.non square ft. floor apc; suitable for warehouse or w noiesaie. ua vtd Sterns. l'4i Wa.-htngton st. I OFFER loOxl'H). corner 19th and IoveJoy sts. for Lo.W. terms; tni 1 v-rv o- sirabi for apartment, at ores or garage. wnr. 42 Wasco at., or pnoner-ast APAKTM KNT-HOUSE on Hall St.. pay'ng p.r cent net on .10.ih0. Will trade for arrtagc on Oregon Electric. Cal 414 Hp1d:ng bldg. CTopr-i m.H ar.nnmnti: nromln-nt street vt Fid, rioae ir; $i.0io. Owner, fl-4 Worrest-r bldg. Bearh Prjr1y. DO YOU WANT V SPLENDID VACATION THIS SI'MMER. With ail c&peniM-a paid, at one of the finest Dtracn reports in Or-gon 7 If so. drop us a enrd for full particulars. DOR K r. KEASEY & O.. Second Floor Chamber of Commerce. For Hale -Acreage. 20 ACRES, all or pai t. choice land near Mt. Hood Railway for sale, deep, rich poll: well watered, beautiful Scenic surround Ink'; splendid proposition for Summer homes: would consider exchange lo part for mort g-K and contract a; also a f-w city iot wo are tne owners. Ali 5l, i rrs?tnUn. CHOICE ACREAGE. t'lose In on Salem El-ctrlc. In tracts from three, five to '2 acr"s. Improved and unimproved; only f'J'Kt and up; ch-ai't i-Uxif to city hornj -titcs on th markft. Vanduyo A Walton, 313 Chamber of Com merce QUARTER ACRES. Ac carfare. HO minutes ride tn buslneat center; S.t.'iO: terms. Sio prr month. T. R- PHILLIPS t'O.. 4o:i 4u4 McKay bldg , Phrne! 4 Li I. TWO A 'KKS. Jonninc'a IiIk'A on O. W. I, electric II n -; tteauttful prove covering one-f ouri h acre, balance cleared: beat of soil. XIiniO -ss than vrtlo if sold at once. Inquire Ht ator-. (wnr, fhas. Redmond. CHICKENS, DUCKS. f.OATS. FRUIT, BERRIES. 5 to 20-arre tracts on Oregon Electric. 17 miles fnm Portland, from 70 to tl0 P-r a-re. Fred W. German. S-9 Burn aide. M, or A -77J CHOICE ACREAGE. 3 and 10-acre tracts In high state of cultivation, near station on S.ilem Elec tric; very ftne foil, running" water, easy terms. La Itarre, I'ttft Commercial blk. FOR SALR e0 acr-a open land in Yamhill fount v. near Wll lamina, f acr-a can be cultivated, fine trut Lind. SlU&O per acre. Or-Koo Timber A Realty Co., 12 Yeon bldg. FOR eaie or trade for real estate. 5-d ang-r auto In A I condition. fully qu'-e-iwd; also electric ItghtK. This 1 a bargain. Powell Garage, East ,17th and Haw thorns. Telephone Tabor 1 147. rOK SALE -i'"K acres of land in Eastern iregon. land In solid body, abundant wa tt r suoplv near projected R- R- J. P. Har--v. r om -til La llc Hotel. 10th and Humside. 10. ACRES of land In Eastern Oregon. ut In Harney, near old military road, balance in Crook and Lake; price $T per .-r-. J. P. Harvey. olH La Salle Hotel, loth and Burnlde. J ACRES unexcelled fruit or Krazlng lend, one mile from R. R. station. :C miles from Portland, up Vull y. at f.t.r.O per acre one-tenth raah. Timber will pay coat of clearin. AO 32, Qregonian. SNAP. WHO WANTS IT? acres. Improved; Tualatin Valley. H ilf cash. balance E, Z. paTjienta James Ferguson. 31 Worcester bldg. phone. Main KJ'-'S. KtiR SM.E 20 A 'Mi ITS or part of U. with new butlduitr; 7 miles out on good road; close to Oregon Klw. tr, line and railroad station. Chr. liich ardaon. B-a-rton. R. 1. No agents. X2 A"1.ES in Yamhill t ounty. ror .w"o. I ne-u ni(ir sou wt.i -. 1 " 'v.c i .it choi.-e Inveatment. See me at 414 Spald Ing bldg w hat:: S acr-s. all cleared, on county road. 1 mile from Beaverton. Washington Co., !us fine. $luJ caah. balance easy terms. f-om owner. N ". Oregonlan. FOR eA LE 12' acres, on Columbia River, amanla County, 1.3K.0Ao feet good law timber rlne fruit land after timber la re moved. Price $J3m Orgon Timber A Kealtv Co.. !I2 Yeon bldg. HEAL GARDEN LAND. 1 nr riacre tract on carline. easy terms; stand Inspection of biggest crank. tl6 Henry bldg. Ij i BUYS 3 acres choice fruit and vege table land, unimproved, near railroad town, 1 hour from Portland; eaay terms. Sir Couch Bldg.. ! 4th tit If ve Uft worth of swell furniture, in clU'ltng player piano, also .'-karat dia mond, for 7-passeng-r car; must be la K.od shape. Call Tabor 4J0. THREE acres tn townslte of Gladstone. aiue $irH. for sale, or would exchange for mortgagee or contract. Call S07 Wil ml bldg- t j AN'D 3-aire tracts, close to Portland, 1 to 6 bloc-. from electric carline. jin) to 4 per acre. eay term J. W. Hef-f-rlii Realty Co., n!3 Corbett b'dg. ACRE TIL ACTS, near eity and tar; giad ed alreei. water, electric lights; lt pr cent cash, ha i nre easy. per cent In t .r-t F R. Applegate. 1HH Spalding bldg. a ACRES, highly improved, on Electric line. m r water piped ta house and barn; oo:iied to raise $3X0. Owner, aos Abing- ton b'dg. " ACREAGE FOR SALE. Half mi e east of Roethe Station. Oregon Ci;v c-r:ine. Addrese W. L. Starkweather, t iwauhic Or route 1. ACRdAOE and farms, large and im.i tract Ca.l Kinney A biampfcr. Lumber Eacbaage bldg. $2 1" ACHES, logged off land near rail road; eaay payments. . 20t Hallway Ex change. : , 4H" ACRES elos- In ; sale or trade. R01 rt A. IU1T. noicntvc viu. CHOICE SMALL FARMS. CLOSE IN". HARGROVE A SONS CHEAP. 2 ACRES This little place Is one mLe from the city Umu.i. on good macadam road, just a few blocks from sta tion. He fare to the city, hourly service. There are 2 acres, good 5 nom cottaite. barn, chlcken-houscs. etc.. nice lot of bearing fruit and berries; price $-'SU; ? cash. 3-ACRE BARGAIN". We know thia to be the cheapest little farm home near the city. There are 3 acres, all In high state of cul tivation; every foot lies Just as you would have it. There Is no rock or graiel and the soil la that choice, loose mellow loam, ao easily worked and which produces abundantly all crop, being especially well adapted to vegetables of all kinds, fruit and b-rrlea; new cottage of I rooms, nicely finished; price $200t; Just 4 miles from the city limits. lvel, graveled road all the way. 10 ACRES FOR $3300. This is a cheap little farm and la just the place for the man who wishes to raise fruit, berries and keep chickens, the soil being a choice, loose, mellow. rollinK red shot and perfectly drained. The en tire tract can be cultivated. There In no rock or gravel and the soil is very rich. There are 10 acres, 7 acres In cultivation ; good 6-room house, celled. pafered and nicely painted. barn tux 4 0. fruit house, chicken-houne and runs; one acre of ' good orchard. Including 30 bearing Roal Ann cherries and a good va riety of all other fruit; several hun dred ; -year-old Italian prune trea and lols of grapes and berries; 110 better prune lund in the State of Oregon; price only ir.oo; good terms; located 1 mile from For est Grove. We have a very choice lit of small farms near the city and can be of much benefit to ou in get ting properly anU! satisfactorily lo cated .... HARGROVE & SONS, 122 6th Si. .Norjh. Corner ih and Glisan. Main 4ZSU A 72J3. TUALATIN AmE AGE. THE CREAM OF OREGON SOIL. 12 1, acres, near station, good 4-rootn houne, barn, good water, all In crop, straw berries, fruit, barley, et'. ; an ideal sub urban home ; about 3 blocks from high school; '2 trains daily; price .:;."0 per acre; y ith improvements and location it'a a rare buy for a home or speculation and will puy to investigate. J. S. HALL, No. 417 Abington bldg. , ACREAGE ABUTTING ON THE NEW FOURTH STREET ELECTRIC Only 10 minutes out with the now cars, monthly car fare i7.o0. No rork or gravel, tine, water at '2 feet. 50 n-w houses in sight, com pleted roads along each tract, somo cleared, some timber, some wirn run ning water, all very fertile. Any filed tract you may desire from one-half acre up at $-.".0 to $60 per acr. upon eay monthly pay ments. See us. Office open until 9 P. M- THE SHAW-FEAR COMPANY. Main 03 102 Fourth St. A 3300. RICH LAND. EASY" TERMS. 10 arc or more of the best land in Tamhil! County, two miles to town and railroad. 4M mile from Portland; Home t met have fin; running water; ionie -nrt In cultivation; some timber; $75 per acre; only $10 down, then $1 per month. t per cent. No rock or gravel. You can't match thia price and terms. isee us at once. F. E. SachresL CFIAPIN ft HERLOW, "Il2-r.oi Chamber of Commerce. - QUARTER ACRES $330. 5e cr fnre. 20 minutes ride from business center; West Side; b-autlful view, all in cultivation; terms $10 per month. T. R. PHILLIPS CO.. Fhone Marshall 4139. 408-0 McKay bids. CHOICE ACREAGE TRACTS. Close to Portland ; rich walnut, fruit and garden land; only small cash pay ment, balance pays for Itself In products now on the land, which we accept and ax the only people making thia liberal offer. 7IRLANI) TRUST COMPANY. Sot) Spalding Bldg, CHICKEN and FRUIT RANCH near Portland; a NEW SUBDIVISION. Lowest prices ; best soil ; Cne vie w ; wood, water and roads. 6 seres, $404 per tract; 10 A 5(H) ; 20 A.. $3"C ; 40 A. 1 100 ; 80 AW Z'0: 150 A.. $OO0: liberal term. FRANK M FAR LAND REALTY CO km Yeon bldg., Portland. Or. If down and $1 a week will put yotj Into Immediate possession of one acre of good rich black loam garden land, no stumps or rocks, ready for planting. About "hi minutes from city limits on Salem Electric Road, near two fnetlon. Inquire of owner, 21 1-212 The Failing, corner 3d and Washington. COURTNEY STATION HOME. crvr half an acre, lies two block west of station or Oregon City . carline, all cleared, new 3 -room bungalow, high and sightly, nice view of Wii amette. River; nothing finer in thta district for price aked. which is only $2d00. Jacob Haas. 40s Yeon bldg. OREGON CITY ELECTRIC. 10 acres n;r station, cleared nnd in cultivation; $4.0 per acre. 1 -3 cash ; ad joining land held at $7 to $Si0 per acre. B sure to see this. TROWBRIDGE A STEPHENS, SOI Wilcox Bldg. $100 PER ACRE, all cleared, level, deep. rien soil; cant oe Deal ror irun, garuen and grain; near station, big market; 3 and 10-acre tracts; esy terms, adjoining tracts under cultivation. Owners. 102 2d st. 3-ACRK BARGAIN. Is ml. west of Portland: good carline; K. F. D. and telephone, sehool. churches and store; all kind of fruit and berries: Louse, barn, chick -n -house. Price $21 0O. See owner. 472 Sumner st. 4m ACRES of sightly platting land. 2o min utes on line electric car service, fare T rente. This is the bet subdivision tract left open near Portlnnd today. I will sell for gr.on per acre. s-e me at 414 Spaid inr bldg.. for particulars. 10 AND 20-acre tracts near Eugene. (30 p-r acre, terms. 2"0 Railway Kxchange. ror fwle Honirteadf. HOMESEEK ERS I -and laws allow you40 acres ri.jh farming land, near railroad now building, in Central Oregon: S20-acre locating fee $100. 191 4th at Main 8774. A 121 HUU EST E ADS of value, just cruised, only one day to see land; level, good soil, tim ber and water. Fees right. Covey, 2t7 Oak. room 21. 30 HOM EST E ADS. timber claims and re linquishments. 823 -Chamber of Com merce. 1 For hale Fruit Land. HOM EST E ADS. 2 locations, orchard land, 2 miles from transportation in pioneer fruit district. Will T. Wood. 4ol) Chamber of Commerce. FOR SALE M acre excellent fruit land; 3U acres apples Just coming Into bearing. N Ml. oregonian. For bale Farms. 20 ACRES with fine S-room modern hous-, cement basement, tiled flre piacc, porcelain bath. ample porches, nice fences, ground all e'eared. family fruit, some good oui:g orchard. only 10 from Portland Courthouse, and a bargain at s30o. office open until ft p. M THE SHAW-FEAR COMPANY. Main 33 12 Fourth Su A 3300. 11 Vn ACRES, improved land, on carline. near Vancouver, Wash.; will sell cheap for cash; both phones. Sandy Road gro cery. East 47th and Sandy Road. ELEGANT 20 ACRES; SOMETHING VERY CHOICE. We have here just the tract for the discriminating buyer. We consider this elegant country home one of the best farm values near the city. It is located just 10 miles west from the Courthouse and 22 miles from Beaverton In one of the choicest sections of Washington County. There are 10 acres, all in high state of cultivation. T110 entire tract lies perfectly, ta the choicest of rich, mellow loam, no rock or gravel, and Is perfectlv drained. The buildings are all that cou'.d be desired, have been built only 4 years, and the orig inal cost of same was just about what we are asking for the entire property. There is a splendid 7 room house, porcelain bath, toilet and wash basin, concrete foundation, tile fireplace, large wide porches; very fine large barn, all modern conveniences, and one of the best built structures of the kind in the State of Oregon; other modern out buildings; perfect water system with large tower and windmill on con crete foundation: In fact all build ings are modern structures, only 4 years old. and It would be a difficult matter for you to duplicate them for the price of the 20 acres. Owing to certain conditions we are In a po sition for the next few days to offer you this eleganL farm home- for only $ k.'iOO ; i cash. You can get some Idea of the bargain you are offered here, when you consider the fact that bare acreage in the same vi cinity in sold for $tlU per acre. This property is located in splendid com munity, attractive and pleasant en vironment. Is Just 10 miles west from the Courthouse in Portland, and is Just the place, you have been look ing for. The description herein given is very conservative; we have given color to no detail. We wish lo repeat that the .price Is only (S3 00. HARGROVE & SONS. 122 North th St.. Cor. 6th and Glisan. Main 43bl. A 7203. MODEL DATRY AND CREAMERY. -Ml acres, join jbod railroad shipping point; railroad junction on place; 'J miles from Portland; railroad to be elec tilrlcd In the near future; well-watered wit h running streams and carries txclu slvo water rights to large streams right of v.ay for flume on place pays $S0 pee mnmh ; 'J.Srt acres nighly cultivated : 0 acres timb r, balance nne pasture; fenced and erosM-fenred : good farmhouse, bunk houce for men. Icehouse, chicken-hounes, machine shed, hoghouse and good family orchard. Complete steam creamery, with estab lished butier business, supplying Portland hotels; tine water plant, operated by windmill and stream, supplies all build ings. Two fine bamf. 1 modern sanitary dairy barn, with concrete floor, patent galvan ized stanchions and mangers for t;0 cows, barn equipped with "A-l" overhead litler carrier and modern throughout; other bam- equirped for handling sheep and .toung atock; separate barn for horses, it large silos, loins modern barn. I'.'O head thoroughbred and high-grade Jeisevs. s Iwad horses, 40 head resistered hop!. G'i head fbeep. fine poultry, full equipment of farm machinery, wagons, buckles, etc. Thin lm the finest in the. state and Is a bargain. Prices, terms and other details can be had at office. PORTLAND BUSINESS EXCHANGE. 700-710 ROTHCHILI) BLDG., MARSHALL 325. .V. ACRES AND STOCK. T4 miles from Sherwood : 25 acres in cultivation. in orchard, 15 acres good timber, 1500 cords of wood, good house, ha id ml outbuildings, well fenced, well and springs, good team. Jersey cow, new wagon, new stump-puller, plow, harrow and all small tools; $1000 cash, balance easy terms. 42 acres and stock. 16 miles from Port Iond. 2 to town and electric line; good cuun t y roa d . :i. a c res in e u 1 1 1 va t ion , 3 siiishcd: lund lies ideal; good house, barn and outbuildings, line spring, fruit. hnf 2ix-pound team, good w;gon, buggy and harness, 3 lino cows, 1 brood sow. 4 fat boats. 60 chickens. 1 plow, 2 cultivators. 3 harrows, all small tools, 100 bushels small cratn. more hay and kale than can be used. 17 acres crop in; price $5350; terms or part trade. See pictures at of tUv. W. H. SKITZ CO.. :I0 Spalding B:dg. Main 65S4. FINE DAIRY R.ANCH. soo acres on good wagon road. 5 miles to R. R. town, all finest of gently rolling land, about third In cultivation, all could be if cleared; line lot of oak furniture, 'timber, running water, two good dwellings, good harn and outbuildings, plenty of fruit, all the land would raise it. This i no doubt the best tsOrt acres for the price in the Willamette Val ley. WilJ take some liitln Portland property as part pay. Can find me by phone. Main 3525, mornings to 9 and evenings 6 to 10. S. N. STEEL. Owner, 571 Jackson St. FINE DAIRY RANCH. 200 acres, is miles from Portland i mile from town on O.-W. R, & N. Ry.. 63 acres li iff lily cultivated, 25 acres ready for plow in Spring, 2" acres heavy tir timber, all Columbia River bottom land, larue 7-room house, OoxtiO-foot barn with sheds on three sides, 1 separator-house, 1 5-horsepower engine, $125 cream sep arator, 21 cows, 4 horses. 4 hops, 75 chickens and other poultry. family or thurd. well stocked with farm and garden tools, ship cream to Portland. This can be bought at bargain and on easy terms. For details call at 70!-lO Rothehild bldg. Marshall oMi3 ; Sunday. Main 302. FINE DAIRY RANCH. 200 acres, IS miles from Portland, U mile from town on O.-W. R. & N. Ry-, fr acres highly cultivated, 25 acres ready for plow in Spring, 20 acres heavy fir t imber, all Columbia Rtver bottom land, larg 7-room house." S0x60-fnot barn with vheds on three sides, 1 separator-house, 1 6-horsepower engine, J125 cream sep arator, 21 cows. 4 horses, 4 hogs, 75 chickens and other poultry, family or chard, well stocked with farm and gar den tools, ship cream to Portland. This can be bought at bargain and on easy terms. For details call at 709-19 Roth child bldg. Marshall 3825; Sunday, Main 3(2. 10O ACRES, small amount cleared, house, barn and well, only mile from station on new Fourth street electric. S', miles from Portland Courthouse, part heavy timber, very best of soil and only 230 rcr acre. Good terms. A 652. Oregonian. 3-ACRE chicken ranch, close to Sherwood; fair buildings: $MH. 70 acre mile Tonquin: 10 acres onion land. luuO cords wood; snap at $75 per acre. 40 acres 2 miles Sherwood: 0 acres cleared, fair buildings, lots small fruit. MILLER & DOUSO.V, l Washington Bidg. '261 ACRES, 31 miles from Ferry at Van couver; electric line runs through the tract, best sub-division proposition within 12 miles of Portland: price S75.0OO; $25,000 cash: would accept good income property up to 125,000. balance to sulL Exclusive agents. DORR E. KEASEY & COMPANY. Second Floor Chamber of Commerce Bldg. AN ATTRACTIVE COUNTRY HOME. 7 acres. H blocks west from Postofflce. at McMinnvllle. 6-room house, new 2-story barn, chicken-house, walnut and fruit trees in bearing. living creek; ideal chicken ranch; price $4eo. terms. GODDAHD & WIHDRICK, 243 Stark St. HEADQUARTERS for wheat, hops, fruit land, stock ranches and diversified farms, some trades in the district where you are forced to succeed. JOHNSTON -BOTHFUR A CO.. 90S Chamber of Commerce Bldg. YAMHILL COUNTY FARMS FOR SALE. Large and small tracia, suitable for general farming, grain, hay. fruit, hops, dairying, etc ; about 40 miles southwest of Portland, Or. Call or write for price list. W. E. Kidder. Carlton, Or. RA.NCH-60 acres, with buildings. 18 miles from Portlaud, near electric line; bargain for all cash, by owner. 182 Morrison st. A BARGAIN Improved farm. 173 acres, buildings?-stock all farm implements; $18.- 0tO; fiv.uw casn. xayior i. 133 ACRES near Eugene. Improved. $40 per acre: terms. 2"! Railway Exchange. FOR 6 ALE- TIMBER LAXPA TIMBER LANDS BOUGHT AND SOLD. C. J. M'CRACKEN. 304 McKay bldg. FOR SALE cheap, two timber claims in Ciallam County. Washington. C. W. Gra der, Hoqulam. Wash. 13.noooo FEET flr. Lincoln Co., Or. J. L. K.eith, Kalamazoo, Mich., rout 4- 4-family apt. house. 4 rooms each. Haw thorne district; one house Westmoreland; one "Albert district; total value $20.010. mort. $;."0; will trade equity for vacant lots. Income on property $14S month. $12,000. mig. $3000. S-room residence on Grand ave.;' will trade for Willamette Valley acreage or farm up to $1O.0.0: will consider Eastern Oregon wheat land. See Mi. Harriott. Mar. 42S0. A. J. DETSCH CO.. A 1359. MO Chamber of Commerce. BUYS WORTH ATTENTION. 5 acres. 5c fare, fine soil; will be sold for what adjoining is held at. Terms, 1'4 acres. 5c fare; spring, creek, fine road; no waste land; terms or trade for good apartment. 10 acres, cheap or will trade. 70 acres, close in. cheap or will trade. Clients want: Livery stable, apartment, 2 6-room new houses for sale; easy con- triCt?-room new house for sale, 50x200 lot. Suite 437 Chamber ofCommorcc. GROCERY store for house and lnt. Hotel, building and lot. price $I.AMKf. Exchange for wheat and stock farm. Real estate for paying business. lxts and acreage for auto. Farm, Linn Co.. for house and lot. 7 lots, price $.WH, for imp. farm. And many more good propositions. GARLAND & CO.. 191 4th St. FOR SALE OR TRADE 115 acres choice fruit land; 25 acres dear. 5 acres in alfalfa, good house, barn, plenty of wa ter. This is a good tract to divide into R and lo-arre tracts. Some of the lead ing business men of Portland have or chards near by. Will sell or trade for Portland income property. Abbott & tu., Wilcox bldg. MY SI acres, 4 miles from -Forest Grove; house, barn, etc.. good well and spring, for rooming-house of 12 or lo rooms and assume; something my w ift A:an handle while I have other business to attend to. Thos. Small. Forest Grove. Or. t. "WILL exchange my 400-acre stock and grain ranch within half mile of railroad sta tion: will exchange for Portland property; might assume; price $20,000. C 66t. Ore gonian. , EXCHANGE Southern Oregon orchards and cheap unimproved lands for Portland propert v and Willamette Valley acreage. Ask for our exchange lisL Benson In vestment Co.. Medford. Or. MODERN S-room bungalow on East Taylor near 3th St.. to trade for good 4 or passenger car. Call 31st and Hawthorne, or phone Tabor 316. "WILL exchange 425 acres of best fruit land in the Sutherlin Valley for income Port land property. For particulars call U17 Lewis bldg. Phone M. MOP. NEW hotel, completely furnished, in grow ing central Oregon town, doing A-l busi ness; only unincumbered Portland property considered. T So7. Oregonian. ClLL exchange $900 equity in 6-room bun galow, paved corner at Mt. Tabor, for lot same district, or discount for cash; balance per month. AF S 16, Oregonian. - COLORADO lands and lots to exchange for cut-over land or other property here. Hadley. 310 Spalding Bidg. FOR SALE or trade, home bakery: must be sold hy the 13th. Phone Tabor 3060 or call 106 Hawthorne ave. REAL ESTATE exchanged, rooming-nous, anything. Ask for Burrow. 317 HAMILTON BLDG- ' TIMBER for apartment-house or income property. $3000 to $10O.00; might pay some casn. I'" liHll way CAcnanrsw. WANTED To exchange good contract tor lot and cash. 1112 Hawthorne. "0 ACRES-good land for small rooming house. 30 Lumber Exchange bldg. 40 ACRES in Yamhill County, value $2000. to exchange for lot in city. Marshall 303. WANTED REAL ESTATE. WE have many inquiries from Eastern in vestors for real estate investment prop erties; register with us. You may have Just what our clients want. Abbott & Co., Wilcox bldg. CONTRACTORS. ATTENTION. Wanted Two bungalows built on Coun cil Crest; $130 to ?2u-v each as first pay ment, balance month y. AD 836, Orego nian. WE have a buver for a flat building, mod ern, close in, not over $10,000, that nets 10 per cent. K. N". TUFFORD & CO.. Mar. 4547. 407 Spalding Bldg. "WANTED HOME. Wanted, four or five-room strictly mod ern bungalow, medium price. East Side, near carline. Owners only. Address ivitU full description AH S50, Oregonian. HOUSE in Hood River, rented, three lots, no Incumbrance, for equity in lots or acre age. AH S40, Oregonian. FOR RENT FARMS. WANTED To rent, 10 acres, ail cleared, near railroad. WATSON THERKEI.SEX. 306 Spalding bldg. Phone Main 7502. 40-ACRE farm, four miles from Newberg, four-room house, large barn and other buildings. Fhone Main S440. FOR SALE. Hordes, Vehicles, Etc. GUARANTEED HORSES. 83 head of mares and geldings. In the lot are well-matched teams from $150 to $."i00 per span, according to weight and age. Farm wagons, delivery wagon, sur rev, buggies, pony and cart, and small mules. Harness of all kinds, both single and double, second-hand and new. In fact, every thing in the horse line. All stock sold with a written guarantee to be as represented or your money refunded Bank and business references furnished. PORTLAND STABLES, E. W. Hagyard and R. L. Evans, Props. 15th and Couch Sis- HORSES, MULES AND WAGONS FOR SALE. 30- head horses, ranging in weight from 1000 to 14O0 lbs., age from 4 to 10 yrs. old; 3 ?pan of young mules, good work ers, weight lOOO lbs. each; all of these will be sold very reasonable, as we are somewhat overstocked. We guarantee our stock to be as we represent them or money refunded. HAWTHORNE STABLES, 420 Hawthorne Ave. WELL, LOOK AT THIS. $3S5 buys pair chunky mares, bay in color, well matched In size, 0 and 10 years, weight 2.S73, arc sound In every way, will work slngie or double, are kind and gen tle in or out of the -"table; will sell this team with a very nearly new harness, with 3 collars, all for $:iS5; allow two weeks" trial. As4t for Mr. Filmore's team. Farmer Commission Stable, 4 lo E. Morri son st. AUCTION SALE. Wednesday. March 6, at 2 o'clock, 28 geldings, mares and mules; this stock all ages and colors, from 1000 lbs. to 1800 lbs. ; Tight out of hard work and must be sold for the benefit of my creditors; also 10 sets of harness and several wag ons; sale will take place at 546 South Front st.. Portland. Auctioneer wanted. W. S. McMorris. owner. Tel. Main 62. $75 TAKES handsome bay chunky built mare, weight about 1030. also harness and rubber-tired buggv cheap. Ask for Mrs. Ropers in a re at Farmer Commission Stable. 440 E. Morrison st. or tel. E. 323, room 17. $250 1 AKES matched sorrel team, horse and mare, with heavy breeching harness nnd very nearly new '2 wagon with dou ble box and sj-ringseat. Farmer Commis sion Stable, 4 IO E. Morrison st. $o5 TAKES pair horses, 6 and 7 years, weight 2100 or better, and heavy harness, also a good 3ri wagon with platform hay rack cheap. Ask for Hay team. Fanner Commission Stable, 440 E. Morrison st. $&5 TAKES a handsome bay Welch pony with a fine saddle and bridle; this pony is kind and gentle. Ask for Mrs. Rogers' pony. Farmer Commission Stable, 440 E. Morrison, or tel. East 1072. $150 BUYS good work team, mare and a horse, weigh 2500 with harness; farm wagon and plow. Take Sell wood car to Insley ave., walk 6 blocks east to house 71. S-YEAR-OLD bay gelding, combination sad dle and driving horse, singlefooter and pacer, guaranteed sound and gentle: also rubber-tired runabout, harness and saddle. Phone Tabor 1S62 or call at 54 E. 63d St. FOR SALE 20 head of cheap horses and mares, weight from 3 000 to 1400, from 4o to $75 per head; two weeks trial a! lowed. Farmer Commission Stable, 440 E. Morrison st. 8 HEAD of horses and mares, several set of- harness, 4 farm wagons. These horses are all gentle and good workers. 247 East 3 2th, cor. Madison. GO to Rose City Park Sales Stable at 32d and Sandy Road to buy good guaranteed horses at low prices. Take Rose City Park car. Adams & Campbell, props. IF YOU have a horte, harness or buggy you wih to sell, we buy. sell or trade on com mission. Tel. E. 1072. Farmer Commis sion Stable, 440 E. Morrison. WANTED To buy one young mare weigh ing between 1200 and l.Vio pounds; must be sound and true. Phone East 4S-4. WANTED To rent, horse with view of buying. 3112 Ha wthorne. - FOR SALE: HORSES. Trustworthy horses, accustomed to city, t9 East 7th st. North, GOOD horse and express wagon. 235 N. 14th at. HORS KS. M A RES, K ARN ESS, WAGO N S BU ii-Ko NOTICE. If you are looking for a delivery horse or a driving horse, or a pair mares or a complete farm outlit or cheap horse or ranch team or horse of any kind or a farm wagon or. harness or buggy or. in fact, anything in that Ilii'', don't buy till yon call and look our stock over: we do a strict cash commission business and have largest stock in the city: have 40 head on hand and we allow two weeks' trial, with all our horses; we hold all money for 15 da vs. Farmers' Commission Sta-I:- 440 E. Morrison. Tel. E 1072. RANCH OUTFIT. 2400-lb. team, new- 34 -Inch Ptudebaker wagon, new ' heavy breeching ham whs. These horses are sound and true in eery way and broken boih single and double. Anyone in need of an outfit should see this bargain for $230. Portland Stables, 15th and Couch St. Pianos. Organs and Musical Instrument. PIANO for sale; I am leaving Portland; will sell my new full-size parlor grand Check ering piano, cost $730; will sell for $451-; 1 cash, balance to suit; make appoint ment. E S4.7, Oregonian. FINE Duplex snare drum, stand, cover and some traps to exchange for Underwood typewriter in good condition. Inquire after 6 o'clock at Highland Pharmacy. 10"0 Union ave. North. Phone C 1426. ELEGANT $J50 new mahogany piano, $1S3. C. O. Pick Transfer & Storage Co.. 53 2d. MANDOLIN for sale cheap; almost new. AP Ji Oregonian. Automobiles. E. M- F. AUTOMOBILES. SECOND HAND. We have four 1010 E. M. F. automo biles that have been accepted by us as part payment on our new 1!12 fore-door models. Two of these cms have ben rebuilt and painted, the other two are lit the same condition as received. In order to move these, cars in the next f w days we are prepared to make prices that ai 1 sure to interest you. We carry a full line of repairs for the above cars. ST UDE BAKER CORPORATION, Chapman and A3dei DO YOU WANT AN AUTOMOBILE? ' We are exclusive dealers of used cars. Over 75 cars to select from, all makes, all prices. Don't fail to see us before you buy. Evcrv Car Guaranteed. OREGON" AUTO EXCHANGE. Twenty-first and Washington Sts. FOR SALE. Winton Six, seven-passenger auto, guar anteed to be in first-iriass condition throughout. Just the car for heavy serr ice. Will accept part cash, balance real estate or five-passenger auto. 13SU Haw: tkorne ave., cor. 40th. MUST HAVE MONEY. My 4-eyl. 40-h. p. 5-pass. Knox, only run 4000 miles, in splendid condition ; looks liko new. for $310": cost $K4M last Spring ; don't wait : you wilt never g t such value for your money again. A I St;7, Oregonian. tLCYlT" 60-H. P. 7-PAFS rREMIER. onlv run 30 OO miles: like new: iirst-class condition: cost $:;.S50. for $1330 if taken today. AG (65, Oregonian or phones East T.2Q. B 1346. NOTICE to garage and auto owners I am looking for a position as shop foreman or machinist. Address or call at once, O. D. Cf.meron. 1440 Williams nvf. FOR bargains In used cars see us first; writ for list: we buy and sell CT'STOM-HOUSB AUTO CO.. Cor. E. 13th and Hawthorne Ave. T WANT CARTER CAR As pari, payment for 6-cyl.. 60 h. p.. 7 pass. Premier, that has only run 3000 miles: good as new. X S66. Oregonian 7-PASSENGER 60-hp. Thcmas Flyer, fully equipped; will exchange for city or coun-, try property valuation $2500. AD 844r Oregonian. 4-CYL. 40-H. P. 7 -PASS 'KNOX, fullv equipped, practically new; cost $3450t for $1200 if taken today. AF 854, Oregon; ian or phones East o'-'O. B 1346. ' FOR SALE 3-passenger auto, good condi tion; $250 takes it ; act quick. 123 N. "th t. MOTORCYCLE, 7-h. p., twin engine, same as new. Rose City Imp. Co,, 1st aud Burnside sts. LET us overhaul your automobile; work; guaranteed. Portland Automobile School, 123 X. uth st. . 60 HORSEPOWER, 7-passenger touring car. Just overhauled. $600. 1S1 East Water. , BARGAIN To sell quick. AI roadster. See at 502 Oak st. - 5-PASSEN;ER automobile, fine condition. $lnO cash. Phone today. Main 2S20. Dogfl. Birds, Fet Stock. 6. C. BROWN Leghorn eggs cheap; heavy layers any quantity, any time. Main 4128. James Ireland, 414 Spalding bldg. . PRATT'S poultry regulator for eale by J. J. Butzer. 3&S Front st. Miscellaneous. A BOAT. We are offering our 30-ft. launch very, very cheap. If interested write F. O. BOX 42. Portland, Or. MEN'S HIGH-GRADE SUITS. For the best bargain in Portland in men's suits, take the elevator, ride to 3d floor Oregonian bldg., and see Jimmy Dunn. His Spring models are here, up. to the minute in every detail; $13. 00 to 518.00 suits at $12.75; $27.50 to $30.00 suits at $18.75. Room 315, Oregonian bldg. Taka elevator, . ;, , SNAP SNAP. Have an option on 3u0 head of cattle which I can pasture on my land until Fall and sell at a profit of $20 per head: will divide profit with man who will loan me $6000; will furnish 20,000 security. C C. Harbolt. S40 Chamber of Commerce. GOLDEN oak. quarter-sawed, 6-foot office table, also golden oak quarter-sawed dou ble fiat top sanitary office desk, both for sale at a bargain. See Mr. Hastings, 453 Chamber of Commerce. SEAMAN concrete brick machine, complete; capacity 10 bricks; Peerless concrete brick.; machine, complete, capacity xo uncas. - First fair offer takes them. Astoria Fuel A Supply Co-, Astoria, Or. " ' FOR SALE OR TRADE. 5-ton ice- making eqdlpment. complete.- City Market. Ice & Cold Storage Co., 35" East Washington st. BAFES Genuine Hall safes, new and second-, hand, low prices, easy terms. Safes opened and repaired. Purcel Safe Co. and Fort-' land Safe Co.. 85 5th at. Main 6309. FOR SALE Cash register, scales, coffee'. milt, cheese cutter, credit register, meat - slicer, etc. The Portland Store Supply Co., 250 2d sL Marshall 4548. . . - ' M - .1 I SLIGHTLY used cash registera, credit res-, isters. computing scales, etc, bought sod sold. The Pacific Store Service Co., '22T Stark st. Main 7711. SHELVES for sal rJS tor saic; can ne useu in ury gouus grocery or coniecttonery storo-.'' reasonable. 306 Central bldg. very I'OU can rent an Oliver typewriter with " oak stand for $3 per month; convenient at home. 233 Ankeny st. TeL Main 6273., FOR SALS or rent, logging and HOISTING engines, locomotives, cars, rails. RAILWAY EQU1 PMENT CO., 74 First st. A CLIENT has gone East, leaving a fine oak.' desk and chair for sale cheap at 505 Chamber of Commerce. ' A.LJ-. makes typewriters rented, $3 a month. NOR'iHWKST TYPEWRITER CO- 1 262 Stark st. FERTILIZER. ' Well rotted cow and horse manure, de--livered to any part of city. East 2276. -, SAFE Med.-size Herring-Hall-Marvin cheap.r S. W. cor. 5th and Oaic, 2d floor. . r FEW very fine elks' teeth for sale. Tele-t phone B 3137 or address X 711, Oregonian.,. 600 BUSINESS cards $1; a bargain. Rose City Printery. liJ2 3d. cor. Taylor. ; WELL-ROTTED fertilized manure for sale.7 Phone East 4120. $50 BOATHOUSE. hoid 25x0x6 boat. Mason, boatyard, near fire boat. NEW visible typewriter for gain. AF S04. Oregonian. WANTED MISCELLANEOUS. WILL tint rooms, $2.50 up; painting at rea sonable prices. Phone East 6124. . WANTED A 5x7 extreme wide angle photo lens; state price. AS fe32. oregonian. W NT ED Pool or combination table; state price. AM ''. Oregonian. HIGHEST prices paid for ladies' and gents' clothing- Marshall 3145. Prompt call. FORD Auction Co. Pays most cash for any kind of furniture. Main 8951. A 2445. WANTED Second-hand .incubator. Fhone Tabor 227. Roa- li 5J