i4 mr: 3ionxix orekomax, tu"esday, march 5, 1912. TAFT, LA FOLLETTE AND Tl AIDED HERE Nominating Petition for Trio of Presidential Aspirants to Be Filed This Week. LOCAL CHIEFTAINS ACTIVE! 1 rendition Counrii n Its plan to ej-tah-1fh power plant on the Walla Walla Hirer, a fw milc from Walla Walla. IrotxriY.ownri 11 vine alonpr the trnm have Inrorporatcd the Walla Alalia lUvrr Por Company and will rn-lMvor lo ccur I he water rUrMs contemplated hy the Oreson town. The Pendleton Council propose to establish a municipal lUrliUiiff plant on the south fork, of the river. The new company would take the water only a hort dmtanee from where the nllecun Council flesiree to take It vupply, and hy diverting ttve water develop over 2n00 h"rwpow. The in tention la to furnish pomer for manu facturing; pitrpons in thla rlty. The mmpinv haa h?en Incorporated under tie lams of Orriron. and stockholder, all property-owners alon the proposed atte. believe they can check Pendleton's effort f.r Independent poww. MeSr? ICci-rlTcd From Wisconsin Candidate Saj He Will Soon Henme IfU Work on Ktr inz Line of Politic. evtfa Art. pre 4llp.itrh.." It w aurrmritstiTely announced t the Taft. Koonevelt and l,a Follette ht.if quart era. respectively. In Port land yeMerdjiy tli. 1 1 petition nominat ing :n--e three men candldaten for the KrpuMl. n nomination for preM lent would be flle with the Secretary f Stare before the rml of thl week. Mor than 400" . .(nature to the Taft petition, or ovr four time the re o'lire nu tuber to pl.ce bl name on 1 he rrlmery nomt n.unc bullot. hare leahd headquarter in the Setllnc b ltldinc The fwtttinn were rlrrult-l in nine .-ounilrs outiie nf Multnomah 'ount r, la Multnomah County alone. "nTft names were secured to the Taft peti tion an.! 3o t;ned the eamc petition In I'matill "oun:y. FEeptibltran In the fofi'wtna: otiier counties of the state as 'ted to romplet.- the T-ft petitions: Washington. Mart on. Morrow. Monday, Waco. Haker. tlilltam and Klamath. 4er Telia mt H "I notice by the M W". R Ayer. rhalrmin of the Port land Tart committee yeterdy. "that Mr. Roosevelt irnf harm;; maOe any lrornl.e Ut June that he would sup port President Taft for a seioinl term. Thl i very adroit on hi part. It i not material at the present time. He t tryirjr to dt-.tra.-t attention from the real t.je. which I, when did he chanse his mind about being- a candidate tatm- self- l obserTe that at the close of hi letter he declares tuat his position on June 2.. 1 1 1 . was exactly as It alwavs had been. Ills own word were 'that I will not be a candidate Ir. 1912 my self and thl wa the point tnat Sec retary Mever and Secretary Sttmson artJ upon. 'The erlaratlnns of that letter and the previous statements of Mr. Kooe velt simply show that other influences have been at work and lend color to other assertions made In this city by the National cam pa 1k n manager for Senator I .a Follette tuat Mr. Itooeerelt was drafted Into the preacnt fjrht by tlie Interests back of the steel trust. Taft ar1era An It. Taft headquarters was Tistted yes terday by many Republicans from Kastem Ormon and Willamette Valley counties. Kncouraglnc reports were made by each visitor. In addition to the personal viaits of these Kepubll rana. several letter from Republican In rountlea outside of Multnomah also were received. Writing from Pendle- l!nr W tVllnar a. L. .... . . . . Taft committee In 1'matilla fountr. a tired the ajeneral committee that the Kepublioan of that fount y bad "the UooerTelt people n the hip." la another letter. Joan W. thyronine, Jr. of forvallla. Informed the commu te tnat Itooevelt sentiment waa not trorf In Iknton County. "I.0031 velt action In the laat few day." aid Mr. Ithycombe in his letter. hav turned a great many Republi cans aaatnet him ho heretofore had a areat deal of admiration for the ex Prenident At 1 Follette beadiuarter. Thomas Mi 'uaker. state manager, said nom inating petitions for the Wisconsin man were be In; collected from the out side counties and would be filed in the Secrr tary of State office before the close of this week. Mr. MrCusker recvived a telegram yesterday from Senator La Follette In mhlch the au thor said he e pet-ted In a few days a ram to "be no the ftrtnsr line." The text of the message follows: W are clad lo hear your a-ood re port and assurances a to Oregon. Like enouracement conies from other state. Senator Uronna goes to North Pwkota to speak and says be will carry that state. Other speakers will make a;restve campaigns In progressive terrltorv. I shall myself soon be on tne flrinc line. "For seTeral da I hare been re ceiving letters from supporters of Senstir 1.4 Follet te from all over the rte asfuriiit; nm t-'ar they have acain line.i lp f r him and are dolnc what t liey ran t promote hi cand idacr. atd Mr. Mr'u!kT. Thre lirpubll rin bad ceased work I ecaus- of in iruThfTil repir:s clr-ulated to 1hee(fct 1 h.t 1 r oilei t 1141 witn ira wn as a iandMa:e. The result is. U' admirers ar now worklnc all t h harder and w ill oniplcte the I. a Follette petition In a d.iy or two. Th'i doirlne to do ao ma sltsn the petition either at my of fice or a", the t 'our: house." Mweelt I'rt ! are o. K. F. W. Mulkey. ntute committeeman frr the N-itlns,l It'ocvlt ('ummltito, at! yr?:erd.t y that a pre Itmlnary ft arninst.on of the Kiwvrlt iet Itlons already circulated In this state showed t he m to be entirely regular and con tatnm: the nr.wry number of sign er. Vr. Mulkev ?ai-l the ietltlon would be fllrtd some time thl week. The mat ter of whether or not l:osveU I to be represented in the official pamphlet to be published by the state will be o end ml by t he niernlers of the execu tive committee of the National Koose- rlt orantxj4tton. As mnaer of the Roosevelt cam psicn. Mr. Mulkey was especially op-imu:l-' esierJay. When asked re- EJirrlln; tfis plans of lCooavelt sup- t V-rtec looklrjc to a rr:nil caro;alcn in the state, he remarked that he did not think any ortianixed effort would be required t- Insure the success of j;.wJli candidnrv in thl state. ""T' ere a a remark ble under-cover ef rnthustm In renn f-r Mr. Koose velt." said Mr. Mulkey. "lou may not come In contact with it anions; the busl ne men and poltt 1 -lans. bu: there Is a strong vntir.'nt for the ex-Prstdent amon j the people In the country. I am satisfied that the attacks that are teinc msMe on htm at this time are asistln his candidacy. The people of the country know Kooeevclt. have a thoruueh knolire of bis rerrd In the past an 1 know shit may be ex pected of Mm in the future. Wheu the votes In the April primary elretloa have been counted It will be found that he has received a blireep vote than eulier Taft or 1-a Fwlleite. M GAY IS FOfl SELLING FOHMKIt liOlUXE WANTS T SKK SfPPOnTLH CIIAXGK. VrlI-Knoii Portland Man Sayt cnalor Should Sonil More Time In Home Slnle. PORTLAND-TUALATIN TUNNEL PROJECTED Valley Land Owners Aid Plan to Expend $3,000,000 on Bore Under Hills. TUBE TO REACH CITY HUB Promoter of Vndertaklnjr, Sanpotnc of Sacxcfti In Halsina Amount Necessary by Fro Rata Sums on Iand VnPne Basla. Included in the many assurances of active support lien SelPna; I recelvlnsr in his randidscy for the Republican nomination for United Slates Senator are those of K publicans who former' ly have lovally supported Senator Bourne. Anions; the Intter I Dr. Harry F. McKay, who Is now enthusiastically for Mr. Selling In Tils candMacy for th L nlted Star-. Senate. It. MeKay is well known to the peo ple of Portland and Oroejon. and may he fairly t.iken as typltal of that class that discharges the duties of the cttl- sen and dw not ask nor expect favors from politicians. Ir. MKy supported Senator Bourne six year aic be-ue he believed the election of Botirne at thnt time would be the best expression of Oregon's faith in State inent No. l. and the whole system of popular Kovernment which has come to be known Nationally as the "Oreicon system." "I do nt believe a Fnlted States Senator from Oregon should be so habitually absent from the state as the senior Senator ha been In the past." said !r. Mckv yesterday. "No man can pronerlv reoresent hi ennstituent nitho-it a fairly conMunt nilnatln? with them. I make no charge of incapacity or dishonesty atralnel Senator Bourne, but am supporting Mr. Seliin because 1 be! m e be would more a curat el v and efficiently reprcecit the people of Ore aon. since he knows their wants and Is familiar with even the rmallcst dttalls of their local conditions." An additional factor In shaping Pr. McKay's course In Indorsing Mr. Sel in waa his belief In Mr. Selling's hos tility to araft In all forms. The ex pertence of lr. McKay In public offl' and political life was adequate for him to realtxe the peril of official dishon esty. "My view Is that the money of the people should be expended solely fr t he benefit of the people, snd I rfroanlxe In Ben Sel line a fearless and Irreconcilable foe to a-raf t. the proer man to represent OrcKon and have hand In the disbursement of funds from the National treasury." concluded It. McKay. It. .McKay is one or the many prom inent ll publican, supporters of S inte rn en t No. , who have ca I led on M r Selllna and pledged hlin their earnest support of his candidacy. AMorla Has XKrt Month. ASTORIA, lr.. March 4. Specla). The records In Loral Weather bserver Uilmore' office show that February was an except tonally wet month, th total rainfall bein 10.3 Inchea. or 3.3 Inches above the a vera if for the corre sponding month of the previous year. There were 2 rainy days. IS days were rloudv. were clear and & partly cloudy. Th greatest precipitation dur- tnz anv M hours was 1.94 Inches on Februarv 9. The least rainfall dur'na anv February since the records have been kept was In I6s. when there were 2 M inches, while the irreatest was In 1IT9. the precipitation durlna February of that year beinc 1 1 Inches. The maximum temperature last month was nhlle the minimum was 34 dejrree above sero. and the greatest dally ranice was 20 degrees. t 1LT MimCOROI-OtilCAI. RKPOKT. rORTI.ANB. Msrch 4 Maximum temper ature .' iTr-B . mtr.tiimm. T.H drreea. Ktvr rradln. t A. M . V 2 feet: chanic in laat r h"ir. nene. Tomi ra: fall. I". M. ti t I M non . total rainfall alnr fp- i-mher 1. li I. rT.SS Inchea; normal, t2.lt In- hea; dfu-i-ncy. 49 Inches. Total sun pninw. 9 hnura. toaatMe. 11 hears 1? mln- ute, 1 barometer reduced to sa Isrel; at 1. i... t : inches. WKAT11ER CONDITIONS. TAflOHt Wind. R'sf t W aathe ' irs.oi ik ,1'ieudy p..,M 4?o Afins Cloudy ,.,,t .n - n ftri Pi. eioudjr '"a r SK 'ritar hi. a t:N '(..urfr .r-- ' II 04 NF: t'loudy 1 e Motnra ? It V n.. uluth f oo R fl'ir i Kutvkt I 4 .o 4 I V Km ton .. U sE fi.m-ly 1 ltrln, I ts.i 4N )UJv .U-li.R H- ' 1- Mi "oinir . Kanoi 'it) 3-.o V i j.ul Warhfild t 5".e 4 iV "loudT M ir.!rrl i S" 4 SV Pt ioud N (:!-? ! C O.On K inurtT Y.tI I 3: ." ISrl 't.u,i- N rh Had 14 K I'loudy Vrth 1 aktma ; i:i IiiNE 'lrr I'hnlt ( ;., 4K .PI. cloudy Po. -ate.: ; IT'VUO 4 " 'Snow pirtlnd 0.- IK !t'iir Kii,rc 50 4 W 'Ham M:rimnlo I r I S 't'lottdy t 1.. u:a ! 3ft V14 E ;.iu.iy m I'm; I 2: 4 1 4 e :ar rait I.aa 4:o.: 4 n W Pi. cloudy .-an I -r. I :.;:i!sv,cifif Man Vraticlsco ... 5.; I S 'iudy Sp-okane 4" 0 . o t N'E "r Ta-oma I MU: K'ioudy Tsttsh Nlvnd ...J 4 o ?, K ,-:lttar Walla Wa . : 1 K , "lar Wu iingtuo ( 4 N 't'loudy W in til pe MO.fto XW iir WEATHER CONDITIONS. Ti l"Itf'rn'a dU'urbanre haa moved northward t tb Tea.n oait, hi I- pvr tronatrurtlon of a tunnel under Coun cil "rest and a connectina; subway tube under 1& blocks of the West Side to a point about the center of the business district, involving an expenditure of approximately $3,000,000. will, from present Indications, be undertaken this year by property owners of the Tuala tin Valley, according to an announce ment made yesterday. Fred Oroner. Frank rtowell, K. M. Brook. C. K. Wickland and H. Collier, of Scholia and Iaurel, are the principal Washtn&rton County men support in the project. They are anions; the larg est landowners In the Tualatin Valley, the five men owninsr property valued at more than $1,000,000. Joining them are a largje number of farmers and property owners who have tentatively agreed to subscribe their quota of the amount deemed necessary to construct the tunnel and subway. It Is declared that fully 90 per cent of the ownership represented In 200.000 acres of rich land In the Tualatin Valley can be counted upon for the financing of the enterprise. It is estimated that there are at least 300.000 acres of addi tional land which would be directly benefited by the tunnel that would provide another source of financial as- ; sistanre. While the promoters of the project are not prepared to announce the de tails or the rinanclal end. it was ao mltted yesterday by t, K. Wickland that a certain percental f the val ues of the lrnd In the entire district would be p'.fdtfcd to guarantee the cost of the bore. It is proposea io place these plednrea In leftal form so that they would be absolutely nego tiable. According to this plan. It would require a bond of only l an acre on the 00.000 acre, now virtually pledged, to pay tbe entire cost. It was announced yesteroay inoi within 30 day sufficient pledce would be obtained to make the proposition absolutely sound and attractive to the financial Interest that are expected to provide the ready capital for the construction of the tunnel and subway. That property owners and the busi- ne interest or tno w ei -ioc are eo thuslawtlc over the plan of the Tualatin Valley farmers and land owners Is indi cated In the assurances given the pro moters that a substantial share of the cost would be met by them. According; to the nearotlation -nder way. one of the chief features of the tunnel project will be a biar subway, or a continuance of the tunnel, which will extend from the Council Crest hill, on the West Side. to about the center of the business dis trict, a distance between 15 and 20 blocks. It is proposed to purchase a half-block and erect a depot at the ter minus of the tube. Usat aaid Weat IilatHefa Kaver Work. 'With the farmers and land owners In the Tualatin Valley lined up strotiK. and with the assum nces or financial support from West Side property own ers and business Interests, -there in no doubt now that the tunnel and subway 111 be built." sit id Mr. Wickland last nlsjht. "The people or the Tualatin Valley are enthusiastic over the project and sre willing; to do their share for the enterprise. We now have fully 85 per cent of the land owners pledged to srlve their Ananclnl support. In a few days these pledges will be reduced to lea-al form and converted to an Immense asset that will amarantee the cost of the tunnel We have every reason to believe that we can secure a guaranty for a $5,000,000 project If such were desired. Rapid Traaalt Deal red. The project has been dtacusaed sev eral veara. but this Is the first time that the interests on both sides of the West Side hills have been able to come to a mutual understanding;. The people In our district now realize more than ever that rapid transit will be the only factor to develop the Tualatin Valley, which has always been bottled up by natrual barriers. The valley contains as rich sou as can oe rouna in tne state. When transportation Is Riven the district by means of the tunnel and subway, a srreat territory will be brought within four to 10 minute of the business center of the city. There 111 be no bridge to cross and no tedious delay that are now experienced In traffic. Within Ave years that dis trict will be the home of thousand of people, and is sure to become one of the Kreatest pans or l oriinnn. "A preliminary survey for tne tunnel already has been made. Estimates for the additional cost of the subway have been prepared. Acrordlna; to present pUns the entire project would not cost more than $3.000.00'V PORTLAND HOTEL The largest and most magnificent ho tel in Portland; unsurpassed in ele pance of accommodations or excellence of cuisine. European plan 41.50 per day and upward. 6. J. KACTMA?ft, Mulltr. tugs. AMCSEHEXTS. New Perkins Fifth and Washington Sts. A Untpl in trio Verw TToot- rt Wi ftifSSa Portland's Business Activity ELctrto Aato Bos. Car. to mod from Unioa Depot crerr few minute.. L. Q. Swetland, Mr. HOTEL OREGON, Portland, Or., Wright-Dickinson Hotel Co., Props. HOTEL SEATTLE, Seattle, Wash. Wright-Dickinson Hotel Co., Props. Both hotels centrally located, modern in every respect, and conducted on the European plan. HEILIG Phones Main 1, Theater Tth as Taylor A 1322. Tonfffht :15 Tomorrow 'is;ht Special Price Mat. Tomorrow HENRY WOODRUFF In the Musical Fantasy "THE PRINCK OF TONIGHT Kvenlncs Lower Floor, S1.50. $1.00. Balcony. $ 1.00. 7flc. 30c iiallery. 5oc. Tomorrow Matinee l-owr Floor. $1. 75c. Balcony, 75c. i'Jc liallery, Hoc. 25c. SEAT SALE OrF-" TOMOKKOW 10 A. M- HE1LIO THKATER 3 Thursday, March 7 SPECIAL PRICE MAT. SATURDAY Mrs. Leslie Carter In Itupert Hughes' Play 'TWO WOMEN" Management John Oort. m KvenitiKs: Lower floor, ll rows $2. 7 rows 1.50. Balcony, first 11 rows $U next ft rows 75c. last 5 rows 60c. Oal-lerj- 50c. Saturday matinee: Lower floor, 1 1 rows $1.oO. 7 rows $1. Balcony. 5 rows $1. A rows ?5c, 11 rows &Oc. Galler' KC -25c. Z-t ifei is i - m I. " The Hotel Bowers Eleventh and Stark Sts. Under IVew Management offers all the convenience-! of a 'high-class hotel, with all the comforts of a home. European plan $1.00 per day up. American plan. too. Famous for Its grill, a la carte and table d'hoto service at reasonable prices. Special rate to permanent guests. F. P. WILLIAMS, MANAGER iiiHBBafcA-KsU" HOTEL CORNELIUS House of Welcome Portland, Or. Our 14-pas3enger electric 'bus meets all trains. A high-class, modern hotel in the heart of the theater end shopping district. One block from any carline. $1 per day and tip. European plan. E. P. MORRIS, Prop. A. GROUSE, Mgr W- T"? r- TMF.ATER JO.Z-'fc.Ilk A-4 V M.ln Z. A BSOT Geo- I Baker. Mr?. TONIGHT All WM, Mt.: d. (S5t). Sat. (2S-. 50c). Paul M. Potter, renaatlonal farce. THE GIRL FROM RECTOR'S Clever cast. One of the most laughable at tractions of the year. Evening prices 25c, ftOc. -:c. $1.00. Next week ROB ROY. MAIN . A 1020 MATIXEE EVEHI DAT MAT. l.-m 2SO NIGHTS: 15c. 25c. 60c, 7S TVEKK MARCH 4 Robert T. TTalne. In "The 'owrd": Mike Bernard and Mi. Amy But ler; WMson Brother.: Kle and Prevot; Manajran and Kdwardu; Charlotte Ra-vens-eroft; Clamle Roode. in co Eerr Day. maress The Imperial Oregon's Greatest Hotel 850 Rooms, 104 Suites, "With Private Batbs. NEW FIREPROOF BUILDING Moderate Rates. PhU Metechan & Sons, Props. Bclllraa tt Coatldna, Brrined VmiJevi:. 1VEKK MARCH 4 "nanelnr Ctrl"." with Julia Curtiit: BennlnKton Brother.; Phil Ben nett; Mae Uevlln A Company; Let tinufEet.; Merrltt and Iougia.; Orchestra. Friceis loc and -5e. WEEK MARCH -Tojahop Iastinie; Frits lleuston; Metropoli tan iuartel: Moore and Browning;; Tbe Co lonfal Belles; Kire, Bell and Bald tr In; Pan (atron. Popular prices. MATINEK DAILY. Box ofllee open from 10 A. M. to 10 P. M. Boxes and flint row balrony reserved. Curtain 2:30, ;:Laod9. Phone A 2 :, Main 46:46. CLASSIFI EDAD. RATES Daily or 6 an day. Per Lias. Oae time 12 frame ad two oonwullTf time. ... ..... St tam ad three consecutive times . 30e batne aai aix or seven consecutive times. . Ate Remittances must tDcompanj' out-of-towa erdera. la New Today all advertlsementa are charted by measure only, 14 lines te ttas Inch. Wbra ene adTertlsenient Is not run to eea ecutive issues the one-time rate applies. Six words count as one line on cash ad vert le merits aud ao ad counted lor less tban two lines. On charge or book advert tseraente the eharre will be based on the actual number of lines appeal in c In tbe paper, resardleaa f the number of words In each line. Tbe above rates apply to advertisements under "New Today" and all ether ciaaaliica Uons excepting the following: .Situations Wanted, Alale. bi!uatlona Wanted. Female. Orearonlan will accept classified! a avertl se mes ts over the telephone, provldlna the ad-vei-tiser la a subscriber to either pbone. No prices will be quoted over I be phone, but bill will be rendered the followinc day. Whether subsequent advertisements trill be accepted over the phone depend, upon the prumptnefc of the payment of telephone ad Tertlsenient. Mtuation Wanted and Per sonal advertisements will not be accepted ' oer the telephone. Orders for one lnbcr tton only will be accepted for "Houses for Kent," "Furniture for teaie.' "Business Op port aril ties." "Rooming-Ho uses" find "Want- NEW TODAY. SOME CHOICE BARGAINS SCfX an acre for 44b acres of A-l DU land, within 15 miles of Port land. $Otf an acre for 58 acres n samej OO locality an above, partly undr cultivation and no waste land. d1C an acre for one of the best vlfav improved farms in Oroeon, within 15 miles of Portland, and on pood automobile road into the city. WF HAVF soi11 choice 10-acr tracts lit lirtlC in the Columbia Homestead Intja, overlooking the Columbia River. Those tracts are spH inp for $1 tl an acre, and will easily double in prices within this present year, when the electric line is in operation. J. M. KRKX'H A CO., 412-413 Ablnirton Hlria.. 10Va Third St. XhEATJ-u FOtttlU In :'il"-2S3i!3 3si V Win:: ' vr - m a-i 3SE! WHEN IN Portland, Oregcn STOP AT THK HOTEL " Portland's tartest Northwest's Grandest Hostelry" Absolutely Fireproof 725 Rooms 300 Rooms With Bath lOO Sample Rooms Oernmn n entire black is tk beart of buttaes. and Duodil dirtricu. The met nurnifl cent Lobby, Rettaarant, Ballroom, Banquet Hall and Public Rooms In tbe Wet. Tbe ntmnr la comlort n csnTeuenca. Beadqaartn. B.p.o. B. Grata Lodxo ConTention, Portlandisij BUBOPBAN PL AH RATES Sl.S TO S.0O PER DAT Busse Meet Ercrj Train and Steamer H. C. BOWERS, Maaacer J. m. BROWWBLL, Awi.tant Manager LYRIC TOM MAl'OriRK. Slncina Celt from the Heather. THE TRIO, Weiss, Cunningham & Weiss, and MISS TOMMY FROM TKXAK. Two Performance Nightly, Matineea nallr. Friday iclit 4 horns airls' contest after eah performance. Festival. Klks or other biff conventions. M. C. Walters waa elecfod temporary secretary and a committee of five, Mrs. il. R Cresro. Mrs. II. 1). Judson. K.. A. Bijcs, George Kossman and D. W. Schick, appointed to prepare a con stitution. H. K. Markee, of Sumner Post, ii. A. H.. nid this post has more nin from 11 1 inoi a regiments on Its roster than any other state In the t'nlon Amonsr other spea kcrs were: R. P. Htirst, Ir. J. S. Swcnasnn, George Roj-sman. W. C. I-ynch, H. I Gancoe and W. J. Spire. DAILY CITY STATISTICS. prinut, -4t, Ka Births. o 1 iiv w i r o Ninth street. r Joneph l.o February -3", Illinois Folk Form Club. ( With Kujcene Pland. through si hose efforts the mretins; had been calld. acting aa temporary chairman. 100 men and women from Illinois met at the convention hall r the Portland com mercial Club last nlaht and took steps for the oraranlretlon or an Illinois ao- ciety. The or isation proposea closer sods! relations between Illinois people residing In this city, and to estehlish headquarters in i'ortrana rhirh be of arsistanco to nu- nnians comlns to Portland, eitn colonists or as visitors to the as Rose rATTCRfoX To the wife of W. M. Pat trson. Stxtlfth street and Seventictli ave nue Southeast, F'hrunry 17. a son. lHu!,T V To the w if ? uf I. K. Pliolty. 1 'aft Lincoln atrnet, February -3. a Oau ht or. K KK ft To the wife of Charlr-a A. Kerr, M3: Klxty-an-enth street tfouthrast, Feb ruary I'.'i. (iauit ht-r. BKW MAN To the w ife of Perl Iw man. I.-1 Knunrtcs tret. February 2. a daughter. MKN'.KN To the witV of Frank Kfen len. lc.T." Kast Twenty-second street, Feb ruary 2!'. a sn. W EI.' 1 H To th wife of James Welch, R.V1I K.t S-vntieth street Southeast, Feo ru rv a son. Jl.VO To th wif of I P. Jung;. 304 Fevonrl street. February a son. UCKKY To the wifo of I K. Luckey. Ml' avonn". February 14. a son. FES Bit To the siJfe of Jacob Fen-r, Kait ev,-rty-sron4 and Mill streets, Feb ruary 11, a dsunhter. F.M,IOTT To the wffo of Frerl M. El liot t. 1-1 H Grand avenue. February 14. a son. s MOIir.oW-To the srif f Jani'i Mor row. 74A4 Sixtieth avenue Southeast, Feb ruary 13, a son. I'OPNIK To th wife of Harry Pom Ik, 4lo First street. February S. .a ion. KKiEL To tho wife of 1-ouia Sl-cel, 810 Firt atreeta. February 27. a daughter. llt:TH To the wifu of Charles Huth. 3S7 Twenty-seventh street North, February , a rtmiRhter. CODj'EK-To the wife of E. John Cooper. .".33 East Thirty-atrventU street North, Feb ruary 14, a son. WARD To the wife of Harry Ward. 140 Eatt Thirtieth afreet. February 20. a son. bEMSKY To the wife of Joe Derasky, Itt't raruthera street, Februarv i, a son PTE IN BE flO To the wife of bimon Pttnherr. t;H First street, February 8. a (laUKllJ'T. boXKR To the wife of Ab Boir, C15 First street, Fehruary 11. a daUBhter. R.Y"A i To tho wife of Frank W. Royal, Ml?c;KEippl avenue. March 1, a dauKhfr. BATHER To the wife of Oeorge E. Bau der. 24o East Forty-sixth street, February 1.0. a son. HOWKI.I, To the wifa of - MpIvI. i. Howell, r.iso East Sixtieth street, February IK. a daughter. KRAVJTZ To the wife of Barney Kra vlta, ,sa Second street, February 2tf a sun. OLEO. DUNN In this city. March 4. at the resi dence of her daughter. Mrs. William chambers. SO." Minnesota avenue, Mrs. 1 'ha riot t Liunn. ajred K4 years. An nouncement of funeral later. JtOMTtMAX At her late residence, 4R04 Sixty-fifth street P. E-, March X Eliza beth Moiirmsn. aged 70 years. '2 months, H days. Announcement funeral later. BAER In New York City, February 'J4. at hia residence. 3l'2l I'ark avenue, Phillip Baer, beloved husband of Nancy Baer tn-e Blums uer. FTXEBAX NOTICES. GARDNER The funeral of the late Hugh Maniev fjardner, aged 39. beloved iun of Mr. and Mrs. (Jeorge M. Taylor, will av the reaidence. 178 Beech street. Wednesday. March n. st J-.45 P. thence to 1 entral Methodist hureh. cor n-r of Vancouver avenue and Fargo street wbre services wil be held at 1 1. M Friends respectfully Invited. Intermen M t. Scott 1'ark I'emetery. PICK ERINQ Emily Wood Pickering;, aced 07 rears, 3 months and 3 days, at ber residence, 371 Sixth street, sister of the late Mrs. Amanda W. Reed and mother of Mrs. K. S. Copland. California, Illinois and Massachusetts papers please copy. Funeral too ay ( j uesaay), ainrcn o, '& V M.. from residence. Services at grave pri vate. WIELF4NKS The funeral of the late T. II. Willbanka will be held today (Tues- oay. at Z I'. rrom tne parlors of H, E. Pease, Lents. Interment Mount bcott Cemetery. Fine quarter block on Park street with good income. "Will be sold on easy terms ami at a price iar below surrounding corners. You 'will be in terested if you will investigate. For further parficuars, see R, F. BRYAN, .")G5 Chamber of Commerce. 40 ACRES 3SOO 20 DOWX, 10 A MONTH. V'e are subdividing: our lands into 40-acre farms soil in it at $500 for mch forty. Southern Paciffc's Natron exten sion runs throufrh the land. No forty more than five milexs from the railroad. Remember, those lands have an aver age of 24 inches annual precipitation. AVe are plat tin a; tiie townsitos on the Natron extension, and will give frea to each of the first 1 00 farm purchasers four lots, one in each of four towns, hs prizes in the great movement "back to the hind." rltjXTI: It T.NO CO., Spa Minor Rids. FLOWERS, floral designs, Nob Hill Flor- it. iso t Jti ana oiisaa. jjain mis. a sih. Dunnlog- ft HIcEntee, Funeral Directors. 7th aau 1'lne.. Phono Main 480. Lardy at- tenoanu ornce ok vounty coroner. MK. EDWARD HOLM AN. the leadinr fu neral director and undertaker, 520 Xulrd at cor. eaimon. iadr sssiMtant. A. B. ZE1.EER CO., Pboue East 1CK8. C 1088. 694 William st Lady attendant. J. P. ITM.EV ft SON, 3d and Madhton. Lady attendant. Phone Main 0. A 1 690. EAST blOK. Funeral Dirertora. sncceasors to F. H. Running, Inc. L. 6i, B S65. BINGEX, Wash.. March 4. (Special.) At the school election held here yes terday. Kd H. t?udsdorf was elected for the three-year term of School Director, and R. C. Charters was Elected for the unexpired term of John AV. Phillips, resigned. AUCTION SALES TODAY. At Baker's Auction-House, 1 T,2 Park St., we start the sale for the furnishing of 26 rooms of rood up-to-date furniture. Sale starts at 10 A. M. prompt. BAKER a CROW ELL, Auctioneers. PENDLETON PLAN OPPOSED Private Properly Owner Wnultl BWh-V INisrr Tlsinl clirme. I Within last l: hours 1 ar tt pre-iputi..n aa occurred In Houth western Or-f.io, all f rria. .ri..na. I'tah. i"rlota-o. Taa. lk.a homa. i :r.njta. Aiabana. ,ew Jer- and fh iMptr'.ci of Ci.Jumb.. and a ha y ra; r, fa.t of two Inchea in Z i lifun a aa rst.rTd f-om ls Ahe,e. :.. whera J.:; tnch c-arreal In it last l! boura The rains ef th laat tl:r-e la?s will aea:ly relieve th drount y tt -istion n 5)utbem Cali fornia The wathr la eoidr in Southern ah-'H. the irn jMit!-'n of the Iakotas. turado. Nr Mn.-v Kanaaa. Oklahoma. TriJi U'uif'ina. Jl-iriiia. I'lrd n4 Nortbe-n C!!r.im'a; and n-ra!iy warmer a flier obtains tn othr aeotlona Except In tri a-.uth -st. the u'f Mtat-a. UttntoUt and at. hwn. temperatures. u surat. are b;ow imi-tiiiL Thai iTrit-a:na ir for ssaeralle fair t:.e cast. a. here ahowrs sl't prwbably oc- Irur. Laatrrlj ainds mil continue. FORECAST.. FVrt'a-id sn4 vicinity Probably fa!r; east- THE HAIR AND MAKES IT FLUFFY, LUSTROUS AND. ABUNDANT WA!.?.. AVAI.7.A. XVs-h. Mtrh iSj-tf ial In an effort to b!ock 4.h- t irn an-' n.t nm ra U uii'nitrto-nerartT fair, ra near the cnjfi. eaatarir to tr rrtaK otr l'uat ajun t -f Joati d Fli L r ' I v f r. i."ror,r. r. krvk Aiin It strict Forecaster. Never Any Falling Hair, Itching Scalp or Dandruff u you use a Little Danderine. To b. pos.rsrl of a head of hravy. brautlfiil hair; .oft. I'i.-trnu. fluffy, wavy and fr- from danlruff la m.reiy a matter of lining a littlo Oanderine. Th wy first application cltano tha Ural p. tip Ifhlnraa. d..troy and diMol.-rs every partible of dandruff and preventa tli liair from fallms out. It la risv and lnexpnilv to hav nice, aoft hair and lota of It. Juft k t a r.-rent bottle of Know-lton'a iJrnder- j fully draw It tliruutih your hair- tne now ail ilnnr atorea recommend It apply a little aa dre-ted and within tefl minute there will be an appear- an. e of abun'lanc; freihnea., fluf fincfi and an Incomparable a lop. and lustre and try a you will you cannot find a trace of dandruff or fallln hair; but your real aurprlne will be after about two weeks' ue. when you will eoe new hair fine and downy at first yea but rrally new hair sprouting out all over your sca'p Iianderlne la. we belleTa, the only aura hair e-rower: deatroyer of dandruff and cure for Itchy acalp and It nevrr falls to atop falling hair at one. If you wnnt to prove how pretty and aoft your hair really la. moisten a cloth with a little Danderine and rare- tak- Ina: one small strand at a time. Your hair will bo soft, srlofsy and beautiful In Juat a few moments a dclljrhtful eur prU aaits everyone who trlei this. tend.' By MEETING NOTICES. A. A.VD A. P. RITE. OREOO.V ljOTXiK OV PERFECTION" NO. 1. Rrgular tnectinc In Memor ial Hall. Scottish Hit. Cathed ra!, thla evenlnir at S o'clock. Drill Corp. please u. prompt. By orucr Yen. Master. MT. TABOR I.ODOE. No. 4, A. F AND A. M. Special com munlrstinrt thfs fTuesday) eve nlna. March ftth. Weat Side Tem ple. 7:40 o'clock. F. C. degree. Visit lnjr brethren Invited to at- order of the W. M. M- IU HPACLD1NG. Secretary. PORTLAND CHAPTER, No. 97. O. K. S. Stated communii-atlon this (Tuesday) evening at 334 Russell sr., H P. M. Degrees, liy order of AV. M. VERXO.V S. REYNOLDS. Sec pro tern. OREGON COtT NCI U ROTA T A RCA NUM. meets at the new tall. Royal Mdjj., formerly Tull A Gibbs, the first and third Tues da a of each month, it P. M, Viiitors cordially welcome. O. O- HALL. Becretarjr. Care Honeyuian Hardware Co. ORIENT LOIVIE I. O. O. V. membera are invlfd to attend Die funeral of thn child of Pro. J. T. Fox at residence. No. 372 Stvm street. Tuesday at 10 A. M. Inter ment Klvcrviesr Cemetery. W. W. TERRT. Sec 1 LKKCH. Undertaker, cor. East Alder and Sixth. East 781. B Lady attendant. bti:VKS COMPANY, 3d and Clay. 4U2, A 321. Lady attendant. J THE CEMETERY 5 : BeautiRil ML Scott Park ! a UKUE, FEK3IAKXT, a m o o t; R is. i- o k t- UMl'SUJiLV JIODIIRX CEMETERY WITH I'liKI-Ei'tiL CAliU r all burial Dlota without erfra charge, provided with a perma- . nent irreducible Malnteuanc Fund. Location Ideal; Just out- aide the city limits on norto and west alopes of Mount Scott, con " talnlng 36 acres, equipped WIIH .very inoderu convenience. " TRICES TO SITT A J tKKV iCU THE Bcl. " O.NIi H1LE SOUTH OF LEJlTS. It 12 (i L L A II " " AUTOMOBILE SKIll- " Z CE FREE Ut'UlLK.V Z " L E S IT A D T U H Z Z CEllETERl. ti ii I CITY OFFICE, 920-J2I YEON a, BUILDING. 11AIN 226. A 70s. a CEMETERY W'FICK, TABOH lift; HOU PHONE KING B till, 'i'lii-N CALL LOCAL 420L OREGON HUMANE SOCIETY OFFICE CITY HA 1. 1., Main B0. A TSSl UIMANI OHlCtR. berceant Crate. Bealdence. 24 . 24th ?t. East 477. R. A. Dunmlra, Rea. SZQ Wasco St. w. a. Eaton, R.v 73 E. 16th. East tlors. Ambulaoce. A 6101. Pr. E:t- 4. Kishts. Sundays and Holldajra A fl"-5; Pr. Ex. 4. Trunk SEW TODAY. BARUAI.V Ten acres, factory ltet 280 feet on R. H and Columbia boulevard, 400 on Co lumbia Slough; $20,000. Owner will take Interest In factory. X83, Orrgoslag. MORTGAGE LOANS XC? JOHN E. CflCKAN, jof J O sa3 sp.ldl.a side- I Ol.i.ls. IIKKKIDCiE A TUOXrsiM, PUSL1C ACCOUNfANTS, AUDITORS, I2 Uerceater Block. Phraa Mala U07 WEST SIDE SNAP 100x200 Savierand 26tn $5000 Cash, Balance of $15,000, 3 years, 6 per cent. Johnston, Bothfur & Co. 908 Chamber of Commerce Building. Fine Stores for Rent I NEW EDW.tPOS HOTEL (.RAM) avkmf: aau KKLNUKT STKU15T. AVe have two fin stores for rent In this buildinfr suitable for many linen of business. The size of the Ptores is about ltixTO feet, modern front, liripht. clean and attractive. Rent Is very reasonable and Ions lease fan be (dven. Call at the premises or at I. GevurtJt & Sons. First and Yamhill streets. ACREAGE near Hawthorne-avenue carline. oppo site entrance to Mount Tabor Park. Lowest-priced property In district one-balf-acre.lots $1400 and up. Larg er tracts if desired. See owner un ground. ARTIIt'R P. PIIIKII, East Sixty-fourth and Division Streeta. Phone Tnlior 1007. MONEY TO LOAN CITY HORTKACEH, FARM MORTGAGES, I.OWSST KATES, TEKS1S TO SUIT. A. H. BIRRELL CO., BUZ M KAV UL'll.lH.NCi. lUlrd a.d strk. IncomeProperty If yon have $3000 cash, you can have possession of my income property, which pars ' Pr cent net on $S500. Will let go tor J5800. I'nless you have cash, don't anewer. A.I 85". Oreonlan. Ladds Addition 8-room house reduced $500 for quick pale; this house is thoroughly modern. If you want a bargain in a home with in walking distance of business center, here la your opportunity. It. R. TI FFOKU A CO. 40T Spalding- "Ida. Mar. 4.147. NOTICE To Laureihurst Lot Owners If you are contemplnyng building and want financial assurance, call Mr. BurllnKame or Allison, with the Laurel hurst Company. Main 1503, A 1515. Mortgage Loans on Portland business and residence property at lowest current rates. UOKGA.V, KLIi;U.fc:K A BOYCK, AblDtflon Buildins. MORTGAGE LOANS On Business and Kesidence Property. C. V. EVKHETT, T77 C. IJ. SI-MOXDS. i In 11) Board of Trade Bldf. V