S THE HOME TESJEPMOWE M TELEGRAPH COMPANY TITE MORXING OREGOIA, SATURDAY, 3IARCH .2, 1912. OF PORTLAND, OREGON Is a Strictiy Independent Telephone Company. The company is owned and controlled in Portland, Oregon, by Portland people. The Home Telephone and Telegraph Company of Portland, Oregon, has no agreement or understanding, secret or otherwise, with any competitive telephone company. The support given this independent company by the citizens of Portland prevents tele phone monopoly here. In merging the Independent Telephone plant in Seattle with theirs, the Bell Telephone monopoly states it will not ask to raise its rates for two years. What will the people of Seattle think of the prospect of increased rates in two years, so plainly promised by the Bell people? Ours is the telephone company "of the people, by the people and for the people," and it's here to stay. Its prosperity is the people's prosperity it is a home enterprise and deserves the support of every loyal citizen. The names of our Directors should be proof of our assertions: A. L. MILLS, President First National Bink, Portland, Oregon. EDW. COOKINGHAM, Vice-President Ladd & Tilton Bank, Portland, Oregon. HENRY L. CORBETT, Vice-President First National Bank, Portland, Oregon. THEO. B. WILCOX, President Portland Flouring Mills C6n Portland, Oregon. ELLIOTT R. CORBETT, Assistant Cashier First National Bank, Portland, Oregon. SAMUEL HILL, President Home Telephone & Telegraph Co. of Portland, Oregon. WILLIAM M. LADD, President Ladd & Tilton Bank, Portland, Oregon. EBEN F. WELLS, Treasurer Home Telephone & Telegraph Co. of Portland, Oregon. J. C. POTTER, Auditor Home Telephone & Telegraph Co. of Portland, Oregon. Are they not men interested in the welfare and development of the City of Portland? THE HOME TELEPHONE AND TELEGRAPH COMPANY, OF PORTLAND, OREGON ?7Z iL6 Vice-President. President. YUAN 15 SORRY AT RIOTS IN PEKIN Many in Chinese Capital Be lieve Situation Is Beyond Control of Premier. NOTE SENT TO FOREIGNERS Nominal JlaI of Oo eminent Saj Precaution Are Being Taken to Prerent Ttecurrenve of Out break In City. I tKi.V Mir. h 1. In iaf s-ow nijl'lnni ruin of omf litntrk tm of th r;tta; fired tT the riotr. and -lt :.u1torT Phrtotlnc in imrereni mtionp. th br!lf la h-ld in prkln to nlKht t'i Yuan K ha Iot con trr f :. ttut"n. Therf hare txen nnr firr toJ.v. but lootlnc h ten gome i n in orn quarters. tveryll.i-s m nulrt tnicht In tii t-initr of th torrtcn location. tH:- f4lrit from Nnklnc. who capr1 y 1tJ- from rrtdenra mhtrm tr:r r the rltr iai. whn tf. riotfri t flro to ttr.ii. rr afr. The-y ara -y.n at a ho -I in th lrcatton quar- rf. Yuan fM Kal !nlt tsud a not dtrd to the f-rritn mlwioitarlri, nvr-hnia and t..r rridnta of the -pital. aavtrs:: Y aaa Mil Kal 4rrr. Tv tiiturbne i- rapital n l!t unprtd by n . an l has fi!lil ri.r ii:h iorr. .:. f my chief )utl ta to prfrv or.,- tn th cap 'tjtt an! tn tr ! I har- Twn Mthrrto uniform It uo-ful. Tmo you wto ar Mranir In a trn tn1 I wta.i r"!'nlar:e to ronvr try a-.ncere re ir.-t for tv . vtirrncP. Krrr ma ; r of rr"utlfi ha hr taken nvw 10 prvnt a recurrence." "fr of th troop excer: ts.a Man i a ae to b depended and evl- ..n?v t': rare cn y to defend t.'.e . m ;ri.ii ar.d forh.dUen c;;iea ,mf tibiae. irnnt" or trie o.ri .tr. r ip rtane I tro-'p . a v bn hiouijlit ! fr, n l if t relib'v reperte.j i. at V an o' I Kal ! bnrtl bat k also tki- MtvKu truopp mho were jjrnt iif ifi 'nt'y be a :e tt waa b !. rfr a .ncrou element. Yuan S..I Kal. it . altr,crd. b-er, e nif4 vrtrini to rrtin the aupport of the aoiiitrra" hera by permittlr.a Vl lttI v guard to do tl ev paaed. b-it onir a imrfl bode cf men no remain al to bun. aM Raaala Cloa The atrvets rre thronsed all day but all !ioia wer cloaed. Lone lines of carta continue to bnnar Taluablea into fb ei:tlon fiuartr. pac binv limited tn t lecation T.arter. only a few nf ta better r'aa of tha Cbineae ar permitted to take rf there. Man Ohrintiana. hom rvrr, ara be Ire harbored in the mls compounda. Tb traina dpartinc for Tien Tatn arr crowded with fugitive. The number ef ki!d during last nlcht'a dlaturbwnca probably la under 100. The ohjei-t of tlie riotera evident ly ww loot, and not tlauchter. and the continue. firlnc apparently was de signed to Intimidate the people. Throuch the day while looting of stores and residences went on In vari ous parts of the city there were sct eral skirmishes between the loyal troops and ti.e mutineers In the out skirts. Ten looters captured In the act of carrying off property were executed on the spot br loal soldiers, several regi ments of whorn patrolled the streets, T;e Incendiary fires which were started last nlsht were all extinguished or have died out. The toss Is estimated approximately at 91 a. 000.000. FRAXCE TO REM A IX NECTRAL Reply to Note? of Knox Regarded in Pari a Unnecessary. PARTS'. M.ireh 1. Secretary of State Knox Invitation to the powers to plaee themselves on record with tha United States for the continued Integrity of China and for joint action there does not call for a reply, according to the opinion expressed in authoritative quarters here, aa It was merely com municated to the powers for their in formation. It Is pointer! out that France's atti tude In rearard to t'hlna Is one of th-u-fralttr and calls for absolute accord between the powers before any action whatever is taken. No lonn, either to the Imperia'ists or the Ccpnbllcans. will be made before the constitution has become stable and the rebellion has been ended. Afier that there will be no Individual loans, but an accord of the powers to aeaur guarantees and divide equally the advantaae. REBELS EQUIP FOR MOVE ON GH HUAHUA Supplies Loaded on Cars at Juarez for Expedition to Set Out Today. RIVAL CONSUL APPOINTED IxHal Junta sontl General C Inferos to Represent w Govrrnment at F.l Paso Gonzalo tn rile Goe to .Tail. ST. HELENS GETS BIG PLANT Second I.arset Creofotln)r 1'aetory In World KMablheil. ST. HKU'H Or.. March 1. Sp- rUL) Financed hy the Charlea R. Mc Corrolrk Lumber Compny. of San Franrl,eo. and aeverl other larse tim ber eompanir. of TortUnd and Col'im Mi County, th. Pt. llelrn. Creonotlna- CompAny hmn romrkirtl arranjtementa for the cen,tructton of one of th. Iirtnt rrtwoimt plants in the world at Xt. H.l.n. Th. plant will be on th. land known aa th. Klnu property, near th. t'olum- btt County mill, where the Ft. Helena TiTbr rompany'a railroad atrlke th. WtlUmett. Slouah J.jst abore St. Hel en. It will rtae a rapacity or treat ing 0.i0 f.t of timhr a rtay and mill enr-loy befw.rn Tj and 100 men. Five nundred feet of docka will be butlt alons the waterfront. Frank I. Bal. for the laat four year Tinatrr of Hie treatlna; plant at Eacle Harbor. will manage the ron- r.'n at St. Helene. This 1 the flrt creootinc pl.tnt on f-r-eh water ta be operated In the fnlred hlt and will be the second larceet plant of the kind In the worM. It l exported to have the plant In op eration by Auut 1 of thla year. KL. PASU, Tex.. .March 1. Enthusi asm in the rebel camp at Juarez found expression today in the appointment by the local junta of a Consul In F.l Paso and the loading of supplies pre paratory to the adranre on Chihuahua. The equipment for the expedition to the south was obtained from the Mex ico Northwestern. Thlrty-eiirht rars are iH'ln;; loaded with horses and TOO men under General Antonio Itojas will be in the column which General Inez alazar expects to et under way to morrow, on account of the neces sary track repairing, the troop train will not arrive in the vicinity of Chl buahua before Monday. The rebels profess to believe that I'ascual Orosro will not oppose them. General C'inlceros. formerly a private secretary to Hraulto Hernandez, who I resigned the secretaryship of the Plate of Chihuahua In order to head a band of Insurrectionists, is the con sular representative of the rebel kov entment. Consul Llorcnte. of the es tablished government. was undis turbed by tha creation of a competi tive consulate. Uonxalo Knrlle. the author of the manifesto In which General Trevlno was named provisional president and in hlrh there was a stronc anti American note, was placed in jail to day, according to a statement Issued at the rebel headquarters late today. only two of the firms here belna; suffi ciently interested, apparently, to sub mit any bid whatever. The proposals for the total amount of lumber ranged from 11411 to 16773. Owing to the fact that freight rates on Government shipments of lumber are extremely low from Portland and vicinity, beinK only about 11.25 per thousand feet, of the 14 bids there was only one which was not lower than the bids of the two Klamath firms, after making due al lowance for freight. LIBERAL WOULD SECEDE WKSTEKV CAXADA STIRRED BY SEPARATION TALK. PASCO CONCERNS TARGET Mayor Says Telephone and Lighting Systems Inadequate OLTMPIA. Wash.. March 1. (Spe cial.) Sweeping oliargres ara filed against the public service corporations of Fasco by J. H. Sylvester. Mayor, in a complaint entered with the Public Service Commission today. The Pacific Power & Light Company and the Twin City Telephone Company are made defendants, and it Is charged that the rates for municipal light and water are exorbitant: that the com pany has refused to Install a modern system in place of the old arc lights, as provided in the franchise; that the W'ater system Is Inadequate, no pres sure being available for fire fighting, and that the water is likely to cause contagion because of impure matter. The complaint cites that the tele phone system, its station facilities and instruments are Inadequate for the city. Defeat of Reciprocity With United States Declared to Show Hostil ity of Eastern Section. WINNIPEG. Canada. March 1. West em Canada was stirred today by the declaration in the Manitoba Legislature of William Molley, a Liberal member from Liverandrye, that he would sup port ft resolution looking: to the eepa ration of Western Canada from the Eastern part of the Dominion, which he charged with injuring and showing hostility for the Western section by Its defeat of American reclprocityj "No greater blow." said the member from Laverandrye, "has ever been dealt Western Canada than the rejec tion of reciprocity. The people of East ern Canada deliberately have set them selves to injure Western Canada and in the course of 10 years there will be such an agitation in Western Canada against their binding acts that nothing rut separation will surrice. His remarks were loudly applauded f.mons Lineral members. ciaL) The Chehalis County Fair As- I that place. E. L. Brewer, of Satsop, sociatlon has decided to hold the coun- I was elected president, and Jt E. Calder, ty fair at Elma In the future, and have of Montesano, secretary. The fair here permanently located the institution at tofore had been held at Ahwrdeen. Elma to Get Chehalis Fair. MONTEPANO. Wash.. March 1. (Spe Hood River Gels March Snowfall. HOOD RIVER. Or. March 1. Spe clal The bright sunshine of yester day was replaced by rlouds here todsv anl about 2 o'clock this afternoon a heavv snowfall began. The tempera t'jre Is just barely cold enough to pre vent the snow from melting. The or ctiardlsts hope, for cold weather at least two weeks longer to prevent a premature rising of the sap In trees. Vaii &e::a real mines employ 1.1.000 per. BIDS WERE COMPETITIVE Reclamation Set-rice Engineer Ex plains Recent Bljr Purchase. KLAMATH FALLP. Or.. March 1. (Special.! The fact that the Reclama tion Service recently maue a heavy purchase of lumber at Portland rather than In this city, where the lumber Industry flourishes, caused considera ble comment here, which has led to an explanation being offered by W. W. Patch, project engineer located here. The purrhase was 431.000 feet of pine for use tn construction of the second prelect unit laterals In the Poe and Nuss Vallev and Griffith district. Mr. Tatrh says the material was purchased under competitive bids and the specifications sent to Zt different firms of lumber dealers, including the half doier Klamath Falls firms. Ttlds mere receteved from 11 of these firms. The most interesting reading in the newspaper these days is the Gordon Hat Advertisement. Sunset Limited An entirely now, luxuriously furnished, vacuum-cleaned steel-car train, via the 70 Honn, San Francisco to New Orleans. a. WJ SUNSET lOGDCMftSKASTAl ROUTES Leaves San Francisco Tuesdays and Fridays at 6 P. M. Through Los Angeles and El Paso Connecting at Kew Orleans irith "'Sett Orleans-New York Limited" for Atlanta, Baltimore, Washington anfl Xew York; Illinois Central, Seaboard Air Line, Louisville & Nashville and other lines for St. Louis, Cincinnati, Chicago and Atlan tic Coast cities, as well as New Orleans-New York S. S. Line FOR NEW YORK DIRECT Dining: service unequalled. Parlor ob servation car, trith library, ladies' parlor, buffet; latest magazines and newspapers. Stenographer, barber, valet, shower bath, ladies' maid, manicure. Courteous and attentive employes. Excess fare $10. "Write or call at our city ticket office, Third and Washington, or nearest S. P. agent for further information and reservation.