f I c fi SPOKANE BEER PRICES CUT War Anions Brewer. Iorc--n bjr Mash of 30c Barrel. S1VKASE. Wash.. March 1 S ;al ) A i.rlce-ciitilns nshl tnat ;:,rri.a t :nol- nearly ever brewing company nrprtvoted r. S-po kr. IK541. toJay a th-- result o. a ,-iurtion by li.e P Bre fi Maltm Company uf So Larre. m the price cf bottled beer. Bernard rVhad-. at tha hra.1 " '"e S.-nade Brewin,- compare, declar, td to day, mat. a. no c-nfrr-nre a held " Pi.maera of the Snokan Ef.in! Maltm; Comr.ny with h" ,r.r to mak..S the r. dulon. ne would "un then, ore- he.t.r and . trim U per haircl from the prlre t !' Ireu. made by the Br-ir.f & Malt.r.u Company '"'n onlv f rent per barrel. I J"" U $1. and If that company ha- I ha prlc. l per barrel. I will cut H $10 pr barrel." Mr. .S. ha-le declared. UNCALLED - FOR ANSWERS '. k 'ND MxT UK MAU HY Pllf I'tivG VfO CHECKS AT THE ORE- 'jCiKs,,'"'. . -tVIS.. Hi. .1. . . w-c-, . fAX r . f-.0 15 l ST. '' 3T' .Ti Ml. "74- ..- -. . J .o! ,. ;;. r. s-u. "o. S3'-, tel 44- . . ., .... K 7-3. TIM. lt. I3. M. , ...4 - -l. - v - rTT. TM. t"'. I"-S 5-'- 3" Pe- M .V. TT H--.li -"lO. 2 ss- " Jzv;. v'- M-- ' TeVaVx MT. OJT. r;.f -..: -u: .-.;: . r 4t 1M. T7. tua. "PI. .-.a. -". "a. -.. irl -J S-T. 1)1" - o-"' SJ-- V'4 '"I'-a ai-t.h ;wr ;i ""n - K"'- Jli77. T'Jl. MO. Mi. !'. tr-.i:i.. MX 'tl ; aa-a. Ml. -'. AK- 'l;' !' mV Ma.' mi. Mi. .;l). vl;. .s,,o.-i:.'m:. cm. . -M. w. AI Al - ;T,v-.f!'-r t m. r;-:?t n - :s s J5t.,:. Vi. v.. 3. w. . A?ri-t. .. Va'i. -;T. s. w. "- mi. r'abo't n..r r. not railed for thiO an !. '- will he rt-tr.iyed CLASSIFIED AD. RATES Tii .-iiT; iv:::::::: aame ad .r Kin cull.. Kemillaocea acceaaiiaav "t" vta. an adrertleineta ara a. the '- rala aallea. .Ti w-rd. r.oa( aa Una . c a- ,,!lLeaV Sd a. ad ceuM I.r '""a TharaTV b. alrertl-enen.. lb. rt"r. -.11 Tba ba U ""al aaaibee i7 liuea awpeartoa la tne paper. reaiUla It lbVa."e7 f ed. la Ua.. The '- ra. apply t. "'I""" aader -New Toar" and all abe claaaUKa. Il..n eeptn Ihe ullwll eatoaiUiaa aaied. Mala. Orasalaa -U1 aeep eta Ifled aertrJ aniiree lb leleptiooe. pror.llna the .d .enlm f a lb-rlhe t. aih T- arlrea will be aaxed aer tba Pb..aa. bu EHrnd bJ Tridered fo. lo- ta dajr. . .Ma uliuirtlaaiiiutlU will ! ravrla.l. lUttllUMM MUrrtltfnetau HI t b cr-pl r th l-pbfc Ordr foe recr- b lt fr "fOnil'lr TT - aaWa va- rnttR.a onct. w , i .1 v.ai in tht ritv. r"h. -? F"i 1uStt-r 'f Mr. r. 1 Mil r.dw.n r. ( : m. cl Me!! fnp-r-.l fit raki p c frwn Ury Hr.- Mtrrt) i I I' M Knru.U r. f u. : " -fi. !ntrln-i K v r : f;ni-fi r -!" ' Kait l-'unciaU nurfT. I F-t .lrtr l. M-rh ... l J r. M. Pw"t iin- at l-tnnii . M Eate s fatrto.- until ;iiiiiA mut : ir.i tftt. In :h--j cit. M-r 1. Jult ie--. c t 1 r. r un-rul wCI tk p'--- f.-'tn if fj- r f th Kit -' l t.r. t... 414 I- -'l"r. una. ln t tO A. I. ! : i- 'utt.i' f ti J-n w . l.t .uip i U l' l- froni J ; .r ..r Ui'r uii:f". A. H in.:m ui Muunt vott k, tVrrn iry. MWR.' i l- furttiT f t.r .irjh . V t t. m J. hm, tit t hI f-m fun,'' -. I 'k Pi.. nn-v 1 y. M. i tr'ii'vni .M-un: '-it rrO'ICi . TAT LOK Ti u.i rv ..f Anihorv rle-nrc. i- K- 1" . t . 2 I'. ' - i-, wii''1i'- t " I- " r. . nl LoO ! r n;.-..-. W n -t- At in. h K. M. Ile-nrrtj 1 i t toiKh t. i - '-' . J' ;! A . .a - li1" -" t- ticn K 4 1 Ud laJMim. MU dWj, A JrV4k M l M r T tnt rVh-HMM mnln- A Mr-t !. I'u-rl Hrtr. ?lh snd t IVm Mr Mo. Ladjr m4- M! I.KI HOI M ttM V-t1lf f- 4--rtff sod WMWIk. 1 ttird Cr. rVllfl V H 1 1 I I K CO.. 4!M Allium rhex4 ladjit-d. J r? I INUV A SbOV d fid M.'Iima !.! MifrrJal. I hotw Mi A EJT i-Hr. I nrl Ilr-toc. uiirUa. !. t ft. t:. " K4 M. 1 TT.It-rtak'. rr. ttM A'W mm ikTw OMl'4V d d Ckkj- Mia THE CEMETERY Beautiful ML Scott Park i im.i; I'MHIMMT, M l K R . P o R 1 - LM I T oze:H5i I KVI II.KI HUH " CLHI'LriAL CiKK '. a.) b-nal piota without aura i:a:,i I'Tovued with a ptrma- T cent iiruu. :b.a alalntaoaac - uod. Laicacion idea.; Jut out- . aic the city limiia ua nrtb aad - w.at atopra ot Mount sevtt. cwa- laJa.na J. a acr.a. equipped wilal ery uiouern coavenieaca. rmu to Mir ti. .Hlit'. r H r. Htf ll. MILK MilTH or a IHTv H I. I. I L II a " l l nMtiHIl.r. :r- " tit: ihi.i: hcii;k a " I I I t U 1 II M T . k: i k.1 ft. It . it ii t 4 I city uKflci; :-:i than a BrlLDlNU il.VlN A ?!. a a C K M fc T d K T tr Mi-K. TABOR a a mi. hi'VIL fUO. l.l.Sj a lnav '- iaCAi. 44. i- a " 1 1 t iirw today I Kt"' r- - I . I For Salt Farm. a wrSFilFvT. l I ' .- . . T .- l jr or oati noo-" , . i a 1 SEATS NOW SELLING HUUC THEATER 3 bI'i-.Vinu tomorrow SpeclI Tr. Mallr.ee Wedneiday. Murt II. .-u.ttr rret HENRYWOODRUFF In th. Mu'l. al Faniay "THE I'XIM K or TtlMt.HT- Kvenlnise Lower flour, except ll 3 r- .. l; :at 3 r... l. Balcony. 1 V 7.-. iiM. .llry. i'M-. e!n-itiy M'.in. l.oner Floor. t. T.V-. baUony. ".'a'. Wic. Gal'.ery. aac. aSc BAKER THEATER I lib aad MorrUon We are ere. tire a l..:shln riot thie week. MAT. TODAY LAT TIMK TO.NK.HT. MITT AND JEFF. Brir.r the little iie M people., S carload l r rerv It', on. b.( nui.e. for th. iO of Ml'. hurry If vou want .eat. NlKhl. 0H-' T.-c. 1- Mat., --le. "ai Next week tlartlnx'tomorrow mnilree The OIH from Rr-i or LYRIC THBATEB lOl'KTH AU a fci T": tvr.tf nr.FK i:b. saToiai ,'-"i-M,Th.; Il.rrr leader of America": The Trl. la "The ll-.ofr M.op.-' see Ihe Bd'u"! .. v aak w l-f It 1:J4I nl la. Malloee. IMllr. rldar M ht rhorn. I.lrl. r..aleM. Nl H eeb. 'Mia Tomme From Tni. m in a. iota . M ATI.NEE HI HAT l A r. I . Ml joe loHTi: lie. lie. e. Hm F.EK FEB. t. Mary Norman. Mil- Ida tuner ana eoere. ef nar.ccrw, .. . . ?.rd 4 irru.. Ferrr aram 4t la. i ,V"' Itrolher., J a me. leeooo. aad l.ule IMM, Kern l e Urol her.. relielr. Iletoee-. l lilUT iaVAllaae l:l:k I EB T KjuoII. Vcli. and Waece. M.re and M. 4 lair. Helen I'l't' I llerrr 4. I jun. and the Xlanler l.lrl.. lh.o. Ihotw. Fanlaae. Orehclra tiiilly ll" Iu affle. oiea from ! A. M. lo UP. M' Boe ami flr.1 nm bakooy rrered. Itione A :TJ: Main isa. S-:ilvia 4t Cealia Hcfiaed Tana-. " M K 1FB. "The rtelore of norlaa lire, la-w Welrb 4 ooipaow. Adleraod I M - .nd Mom. Itorai Aril ne. ijrm . - Mr. .-.d"e l.ranl. Iw Faliaore. " I'rire. la and -"" HEETIN'O NOTICES. ORKCON I.OlxlK. NO. in. A. A, K M A. M St ned commiini V' ailon 1M isaiiirday """" M -Ia, 4 n'.-l k. M"lilc Tempi-. XVA .l ln of " h -l i - NX ?n orell.r.n conllally inn.-d Hy o:.l-r M. A J. HAXIM-AN. Secretary lIEI. StvuKN-AC II- late re.iil.-n.-e. WS Mh s f A'iuu.i Samleii. Hmin at ivariei , "parh... :t.TI Bucll atrvet. OREGON HUMAIiE SOCIETY OlFltr. 4I1T HII Main . A8 BtMANa. OHICEB. betaeant C rat. Bnd.n-a. 14 r- 4th N E..t 77 R A. lniDn.lt.. lie. a aco SU vr. Ok Raton. Refc JJ E. l"'h Eajt 4.4a- Borw Ambulaoi.. A 6101. Pr- Ei. 4. JMxhla buiKlai. and UnalU A 4143. " La. 4 Trunk I NEW TflHAV WAREHOUSE PROPERTY $13,500 50x100, with trackage, located on 15th st., be tween Marshall and Lovejoy streets. See I. E. BELLINGER, With HARTMAN & THOMPSON 4, 5, 6 Chamber of Com. Hollar's Addition Ta an PKPT piae In Portland t bay OETxiKAPHiCAa. CKNTKK aad MOST tErilHaVl-a, raalaeoc prapat-ldT f trie ciu. . ., . IF.F.IMI 19 nitUEvnO-JJTTSN ,e and .. tb. ? tlioLCB.rT canoe aodar eonatraetloa aad Ut la, irv.eaiaata otua- aa. 11)3 ereaai RE3i Istala Cohijedj 4.HaV.NO A VE. aVAU alt. LT. MO MAU h ACRE ON RIVER In Hivcrsid district for Ask ftr Mr. Van Xke. Chapin & Herlow 332-333 Chamber of Com. NOTICE To Lanrelhurst Lot Owners If you ore. rontemplalinit l.utMInK and nt finan-l il asatftajn. e. rail Mr. B.irlincame or Aillon. with th laturcl hunt Cnmptnr. Main lai'3. A 1513. INVESTMENT! t?rw1 n r 3- corner nftoeeith and 3UX1UU Mamhall atreet. on track, f-piendid comer for wholesale - or ware l.i n.-e n'tc. Trice very low If aol'i at cnc. l or prUe and terms aak I F:l HH.H1 HTON 4'4 Veaa Mld. MORTGAGE LOANS On Buetnee and Keeidenco PTtrparty. ana-)- V. EVERETT. pa Qf R - C, n. MWONDH. q J 41 Board af Trade Bld. I Mortgage Loans ON UI'KOM .. I'.. .fV:KTIE. KAVOR-A-til.i: TEKMS. JOHN BIN. 3a-'. aldlaa Badla. a4, Maiiaea L.eer lar- ITmBress MORTGAGE LOANS ear JOHM E. CRCXAN, HO J JO n SpaldlBS Bids. MORNING" OREGONIAX, SATURDAY, THE BUSINESS BLOCK I offer for sale the entire block bounder, by Sixth, Seventh. Salmon anil Main streeti one block from COURT HOUSE, aeroe the street from the NEW EIGHT-ST0EY CON GRESS HOTEL, two blocks from HO TEL PORTLaVND an.l POSTOFFICE. tlm-o hlrn-ks from LARGE DEPART MENT STORE, one block from HEI LIG THEATER, tlir'ea block from new EMPRESS THEATER ami new 12-STORY JOURNAL BUILDING, one block from ARLINGTON CLUB and PARK BLOCKS; OREGON ELECTRIC RAILWAY , u Snlmim street, ilouble-track ELEC TRIC RAILWAY from BROAD WAY BRIDGE jihssc on Seventh street. THE LAST AND ONLY OPPORTUNITY to acquire an entire block in heart of the businei-s sec tion. Very reasonable price, easy terms. 5 per Vent on deferred payments. F. W. NEWELL, 502 Corbett Building. GREAT SACRIFICE 7f you hv J16.0HO caKh. you ran l.av pooitaitmon of my Infonio property i iat cost in over r.i,i'. and will pay 7 per cent net on 10.000. guaranteed lean. Will let no for :10.000 If nt nnrr. This Is a forrod ale. t nlcK jou have ca.h don't answer. (No stitii wanted ALl 843. Oresonlan. 1VTKI) 1.4M.4iKl-iFK I.A.N O 4)11 II INCH t actual value, and Binie rni-li, lor fiu.utiu eiulty in chon-e, Improveil, We.t Siiio resilience prmeri. t;ive full piirilcitlitrr. X :i'm. Orenoinan. ' i i-. ii:i:ituiK 4C TilOMPO.H. PUBLIC ACCOUNTANTS. AUDITORS, S24 u.rcealer Uloeka fbaaa Mala a.-al RY.M. FTATE PEA1.EBS. JinunAKKH A BK.VtOlCT. 602 Mca, ileVk'V'uf'oC:.. St.1-316 Falling bl. t h.pln llorlow. S3! CMimlxr Comiurc. Cook. B. b. Co.. 0U forUett bid. Jennm. a l. Main la 2o 0onlaB. FAl.lll-ll-JOMa CO.. U- 1- li4-o-4a Tb Oreon' Real E.tat Co.. Ornd T. t Iduanouiah ii, iHcii:oay Addltloal. REAL ESTATE I or Sale Lot. IK Toil n pay .o ea.h and U0 p.r month, ahlch will Inrluo. Intereal. I will noaac III buudlrg of your hom on any lul you iay .elect In Laiur.lhur.1. II want to buy or build a houi. on tn.. caay term., com in and talk it oi.r. J hi. I. your rh.nc. to .top paying rent Bl'ltl-INiiAMU ALLISON. Corbott Bld. Vain lio . 1BH ;i5k flTV PARK LOT. liX We have tao lol.. -VIxloO i-acll. that we can for lo down and 1" nionih; will lake a necond m'-rlKaK. on the loil ano.. ..t.ivldliiK a tul lilliiK I .redid on .mil lot Tin i. a lare upportuniiy. - I'rite SIini nor lot each. Sen llirktuan tie rnlnihoi g. With Hiirtnlan X- Tlliinipotl. i-lLtntH-r of .ominerre. 7a IMiWN VT. TABun. H'lllK. i hai e a .riom hour-e tliat ae ran .. '1 on excrplionnlly can, lerniM. Tlie ! of the lot is ."rtixloc-, liM-a'.e.l near lituh and st irk t4. Kmc ecrl.ni: house face? .at. Thl. mnt be a quick ale. Price 7at. M-i- llli-ktuau & 1'almhora-. With Maritnan Thompson. rhaintM-r of I'onimerce. C. irtVINi-.TOX UlTS. . Siihllv re.lrlcti-d rcirtence ite faclns on Hancock. K. St 11 and Tllla:nook n... from I1ik and up. 1 hi. property I turc to M"-iiI to you on aipht. 11. r. l'Al.MKI!-JONKl CO.. rhone Main Ml", A2.;a. .. t- i - 1 1 i"i vi riiTi: t1.il .Mill i,r..i I i,r..n.i.. n ....... ... . ... .- i.... p... Klin limit ; deli I '..a w.v.ti hnm.iiip: nothlnX heller in Por .n;.nri lor the man who appreciates mo-o irronnd nun a Cliv mi nuii.i o..owt a year fi-mn today; 1IOO. easy t.rmi. F -. li I'sotiian. H ' I . I . A n A V O t." A K T i : U " B I -CM K. lomtiio rt. at ciiir-r r.. -t.i ann I. i. In- jojuth and tart and within I b:o. ic of uppr.iai h lo imw K. iat-at- briilBe: pile- il-".iei II. I". P.M.MKR-JONKr" CO.. lot Wllint flid. Phoiii-. 111 So'll'. A "S.'i.l. liKALTUTl. view lot on .oulhern lop. near Council I're.t. 4Wi and up. Including cement .Uc.---.lkf. curli.. ar.dl .treet. nd water: budding re.irictioiiB; .oid on ea.y urtnr. 1'rotl.lent Trtnl Company, -tl So-. -0a Board uf Trade. Mrahil 473. A iica. IIIVINllToN LOT. .VHIOO fi.. fo. hie tiM on E. 24th niar Knoti si., on pivM rlicet and li-ondaay i.r.ine. i heap f.ir c.'iih. I'r!, c l'eei. IT. I'. I'Al.ilKlt-Jn.NKM I.U., "l Wllon B.U. fior. Main sol'O. A -S.i.' LAI KKI.1H KS r. rot e-p lol I havi.- th. lonar.v'. tin, i bi-forC I. :7h b. Miy T hir lot 1, r.iupMi on cotni-r, Kie north aii. ca.t. Will .ell oti e.i-.- term.. Y V.. CI.KMKVTS, Phone Ka.l P'.i. I. I.M INK ia. r'fl.-e. 7"0 l"t at a.M 'i b fioro A una mt r i-..;i i'n'- .".ill .oioji'.n and lo-lfon. II. laid i'raile li.Uc.. or lal.-- u lo l.oinlaird tr.rt ami muu'.re of Mr. Juhli.on al rial p.t.1 ulli Mil rniWX lo IT.H MONTH. lne view lol. matund fruit tree, re .tncted dlrtrft. nrar ear: cement wlk and curt-. Bull Han w.ler. Provident Tru.t compn. "nl. Board of Trade. M.r.hail 47.1. A 10-2. NVII.XI.r.M-BU.VH LOTS o. NKi TILLAMOOK. LINE. Tnie. beautiful' lo.-.ited h-ach lot oOv ton for a'e Nt f.'iiii r.i.-li, tin- price paid l.rior lo c-'inplei i..ti ot rnt'road. I'hono r.i-l I7"ii or M vi, Oregoiil.m. A HA IVi.l I N Kin. corner. lanlno. ea.t f-onl. l.-aillifol lea. n.-.r l'l nlr.sula Park. j..o l;.i milt. $lo per nionlii. lnquir corner cf Lomt-ar.l and Allona avr.. or of Jnhn.i-n A Uodsoti, avl-aJ- lioard of T-i!o hid. GoOPSKI.IVS AIiHITlo.V. A f'-w i hotce lot. irulll. dl.tely aviulh of th. Sandr road, al K. wlat t-; price !-- to $lli.: i-.i- t-im liOOlisELL. 11IIOS.. 43S orce.ter b'dg. SNAP ON" STtKri STREET. One quarter hlock on Strk .ireet. ner Tnire;l-.uri.t. fine nm for atore. nd flat.; muat he .old nl once: ct quick; Ihn wtl! nn 1.1 Ion. U tiregonlwn. I'lHl s A i.K -I Tioii e iota, near cir. Criiw- i. c. on Mount Seolt carline. r.c fare, for g.-.i.i; corner, .'n'; cloe to ritv .rhoul; term.. doirn. 5 a month. Call Tabor .'-J. ark for Bi-ard. i"Tfi TS BO it T LAND HEI CUTS. lr7a0 Sol for ea h. but for ll. 3 block from nice tree, rroniane a .i.. : cam. orlh l-iooo. f.-i.i raeh har iterman. Burnaldo. M. nanaica rrea w rA 1776. I'eRTI.AMl HKlilHTS Ile.iuliful level it.; choir, n. IK !iborhoil : wa.kln dl.tanco; srand Bweepir.. unoh.t ruct Ibl view of wool. cur. mera and mountain; 11U0O. irrm. AT sl. oregonlan. 7alo0. oo 21. t t . between Braxe ard Ktiolt t.; treet Irr provemenl all in and paid for lrtc Ijlid. Woodlaarn aaan or C 24. $-ir R1R option on fine lol .0x1 10 feet, on K.a.t ;d .L N.. two blocks north of Rom i-ttv carline: lot f.ce eaet. owner, even inae. Phor.e Woodlwn 14. No ax.ni4 ;Ap I'oim-r lot. ai'Kllw. Mount Tabor, fine m..w. muat .ell. Phone owner. Columbia yOU SAI.L B.VItliAIN". Two lot. Pa fe- t Sims-. Council Creet B.rk Addition. S s-14. u-egpnlan. llv lOWN. I0 a monih: buxtoo lota, re a trie ted district; Uupxovam.ata la: (U4k e-4 I' eoa bldg. iVisai Lot oiixlia), on We.t Tark L Van iiuyn Wail on, SIS Chamber oX Com. m.Tce. BARGAIN Lot facing at. btgb. lghuy. Bax an bom... i:At 5::d and imaa, a i Teca b:d. Main 11a. A 7 4 So. Will, ee i two !o:a. Norm irvineton. on tim. w-ilh arin-rit to bul'd: Inai .1 ilraenla lo ,uit. H. tiuetlkofer. -.I..-, salmon. 77 w'ANK. v- Ai-incton blug., 3 lota 53d tit., bet. Beaumont and Irvlagtea; gloiW: "mial h.v ." cih. BKAt TIKI !. We.t Sid Height bomwlt. io0 to liM.K"i. Meade. A -740. INTIL March i. an - Inniti lot, aton irhlluily iow. 1'hone C -u7. . - . I REAL ESTATE. I " I l-.UrC CI. 4 4.. Cart Block. Price. Town. '1 p.-,o S -'00 ""I "lM 7.-.U- '-0 ! rlliLtc. T.-.o lo0 Lot 1 . -IT .. i .,, 41 R.aa i.vkj !.".:, ; . is si lo .-. i,.iV w u.h wo Sc-ord mortgage privilege on.ahova 'th r . " Block. Price. Town. , . 1J' T.tr. Too ;-4 inn t;rax j3u0 A'uM good view- lora. rjjh lot Block. Price. Pow-n. 7 l;;o J sio s-il All abov- lol. are well located, and plat hou'ing the., lot. wJll bo niail.d you it Ue.ired. Sea Klrkmin at Palmhorg. With Hartman . Thompson, chaniLer of commerce. .-.nilOd ft. on E. Hoyt St., near E. Sjtcl, within 1 block of car: one of the best resi dence site. In the addition. Price 130O. View lot. on Hnscifern Place, near car line, surrounded by bcaullful home.. rice glsno. 0 , TiaixPVn ft. on E. Irving St., near r.. 3-iu Price $2.ioo. . H. B. PALMEK-JOXEai CO.. 404 Wilcox Bldg. Phone Main .Mi'.sj, A 2Vi3. PANAMA VILLA. Th most beautiful place, near Mt Scott and I shall cll the first in lots. loo less than the lot ro c'1'? J" arniaa Hie .treet. Brlce of lots 3.0 nd up. 110 a month. No opportunity like thl In th. market, but I want Pu'- iiasers to fs.1 more than satisfied. hen you sea Panama Villa, you Can t HHP buying. OTnCTnr,Riln. Boom 14 Henry Bldg . !' and Oak bt. Kor Sals llouec. HOMES ON EAST TERMS. Modern bunealow. four rooms ana fireplace. bookcases. plat.rall. ."Uteri kitchen, lot i.ax90: 12300; small cash pay. m.nl; balance to suit. - l-room bunglow. strictly modem, ryir- re.. fireplace, buffet, bookcase, hard wood floor., ga. electricity: good " Rfiia City Prk. close to car; aU tre Improvement pld: 33:1.10 nd up. ... 6-room bungalow. SOxKH, lot 1J"1 every modern convenience, buffet, wj" ca.e. hardwood floor. Dutch kitchen, full cement b.wment. furnace, fireplace, ic trlc fixtures. .i800, terma We have uv.nl a-room home, witn ai. modern com enience.; furnaca. nrapiaew hardwood floor, bookcase, buff.t. "u. kilrhen The.e are first-clas in evry Of tall; 37oO and up. . 7 room. nd sleeping porch. bem anj pan.led efl.cls. fireplace, f ,,rnm"h.,uJ. fet. bookcases. Dutch kllcheo. blocks to Hroadway car; f 67.10. PKOVIBRNT TRUST COM PANT. 201. ;o-' Board of Trade Bldg. Msr.hall 473. A 10a THREE GOOD UI.-VS IN UbALTIFH, BKAIMONT J4 .ini (Jood .lx room modern bungalow. 44..0I) Splendidly. slrlclly modern o rootn biini.-alow. IMimi Thoroughly modern two-story o roi in house. v.rv Turn homes are up-to-date In ery rarllcul.r. and will .ell on very easy lirm". S-e our Mr. Sallng t Hie Tr.ct Offlc. 41at and the Alameda : Tabor "'! BEAUMONT LAND COMPAN1 BAiniAiN. ; . . Heauiiful home in Wact-i leigh thorough lv modern southii.-st comer. H.ix Inn. i ro.uii. ail laigo an.l well-liKhte'l fireplace, i-ii toilet op anil dowiiatulr-". large snip ing polch. lull basement, matl mery tilli. liiinion furnac.-. lann. f'ull trei .m .hii:l.l.cry. cement walk, lo house arid ,,,ct paved; iviua! dl.-tance to Vi W or WK cnrlin-: no belter Mew In city, terms to .null. .See oiMU-r on premise., SJ4 t-oa-uortii. coiiier 2!i'h. "7K a l""ks Tvr ka ii n n ts. VTTEN,TIOM;t 1 ha'e a modern .".-room bungalow that i. Si) feet ft om a carline and minutes rule from the renter of the cilv. lhat t l-h to Ll with vou. The uuent muK li:g the first deposit will be paid t ie reg ular coinmlr.ion. Tins I. a good buy. as all Improvement, are paid for and the price is rlghi. 111 Main ll or A 3.u. for full lnlorinailon. NEW HUSK CITY BARK Bl:XGA LOW . Containing five rooms and reception hall. Butch kilehen, built-in buffet, hard wood floors, aitle and ccmTlt hiisellicltt. rn.liF. cleci;lc lixLu; . screen, and lino leum go with the house: must sell and w i'i ai ccpt rcasona Iilo terms. 1. ALLISON, "a n .-r. .M-J Corbett Bide;. M.:.n 1.-113. A 1MV MIL LOT OWNS R! HERB IS 0!-.': 1'A.VCE TO IM- PBiiVf voi r ri.i i;.rv with HOME FUT OR A ;' it'l'M ENT; WILIj F1N4.NI E ; IT AT A KATE OK LV. TEKEbT. PLANS I CLNJSHEU FRKBt IT WILL PAY VOU CJ COilai IN AtiB 1AL.H THIS OVtK. J. F. ATKINS. ARCHITECT AD BUILDER. HENRY BLDG. . THAT VACANT LOT. WHT NOT TURN A BURDEN INTO JMO.ME BROPEKTYf IF YOU OWN A Lot WE WILL FURNISH THE MONEY AND BUILD RESIDENCE OK TI-AT3. PLANS FREE II' WE BUILD. OUR BE! UTATIO.V TOI'R I'.HO illCfiOH. IT WILL PA V YOU TO SEE U. L R. BAILF.Y CO.. INi... CONTRACT ISO ARCHITECTS. 324 AHINGTOW BLD. itn-iv.v.-nv UtiMK "u.i.i." on TSxloO feet, fac ing on the Teunis club grounds. In the r,.nnr of the most exclusive resldenco district In the cit ; beautiful woodwork, --...I n-i W floors smirooin. l, , iin porch ' ard bil'lard room; ready lot- occupancy. I'n-i- Ho...imi. ii r p m.m i:r-ion es co.. 404 AI1. ox 111'lS i.i-ni il hiiun. mod'T'i. hsi'l o"d fio fell bas.mcnt. fumiie. stat'i-i.iry wash lul.s .-ii-.: I01 .-.Ovloo. oircc gaiaae; plenty in... all iieet improiimenis. etc.: Siinny riiie price i.-.m.. lerni. lo suit, or w ill con .ii.'r faim or Mliall-r- house or lot In exi lianK'- L. K. Stcimnets, owner. 217 AblnKtoii bldg r. M IIIV iv niviyiiTO.v. .--nil A 11 KM VRKAHLE OFFER gCTOO ' ... 1. limn iiliaoltllo i'iihI iriis is j 1,1 ...... f i..r ami bull .1 1' w : ow tier has no choice but to sill: bunealow Just built, thor- n...i.,-n- ,,.,k floors fli enlace and r.i 11 .,'e- . 1-i.c 10 Broadway car; only JoOO cadi, balance lea liian rent. II sii. Ore i;.,.iii!n. BEST-I1C1I.T HOME. Irington. Bossmere. oiinstead rark; .111 ..rin.-e 3 of my rtrlctly modern. 1. st completed C 7. e u ud ID-room houses w-nh all conveniences. I have 17 iiars" experience in hoiipsliurldinc; bet of term-. S. Petersen, architect, owner. 21 Hoard of Trade M. inVINOTON. -r.-notn modern house. large eooms. liaraaood floors, 2 f ir-plaees. 4 bedrooms un.i sleeping porch: faces east: lot .log KHi ft.: strict iippro cnicnts In and paid; in 1c. ITi-iii; terms. II I'. PAI.MKR-JONES CO.. 404 Wilcox Bldg. HURK IT IS. .isirrl. of an acre, o - room hou. running water piped In the bouse: 3 Mocks from etatlon; within lo minute o' renter of the etiy. on the West Side. -'i Easy terms. Provident Trust company. 21. 12. 103 Board of Trade blOS. S.nll.ll . - ' BOSK CITY PARK. l."i MONTHLY, i.i imnroi cments In and paid for: T ro. ms. milt-In loiftet and hookcars, solid oak floors, lirepia.-e. luiuace. cic .a lb, pal Realty Trust Co.. .211 Chambe uf Comntetce hldg. phone Main .il2U. Sl NNYSiDB SNAP. Modem five-room cottage; street im L..-.-ni nald : rnl and electricity, heat .... ..--itm: cement basement, sleD end walk: $1200 cash. Phono owner. Tabor 1.-.77. 1 iri'C. 1 . vi 1 " RST. ..-.00 loolt'y for -.ioli: my beautiful n home containing every modern conven ience: must iwii i'iui.'i v unman. VI.-IST PERFECT HOME. t.ir,u...ii- lt rooms: ok finish; sure to ,IK 1.0 baths; cor.. WUX1U0. choice rca-atlon. C lboo, Eat 273. W. H. Herd- maa. V-. r s VI E on xery easy terms, a number of new modern houses, located in Swinton. 7. ' . -,- ne i4mb.nl and Albina aye. or Johnson 41 Dodaoli. S2U-32J Board of Trade bldg A SNA P. Two-. lory house, extra well hutlt: largo lot! fruit and Sower.. n!y IJouo; jmail iTAmcnt down. S77 Obr.rlia L. St. Jobs car to Van Houten ava. u-l- n.ve .ome bargain In house and lota hun..lows and bu.inesa property on easy fermi Beal 4 Kobcoson. Sol B. 11th st, E. io--a- i-an notv-N NEAR KENTON. . 1 brand new. modern. Dutch kitchen. 2 block, to car. Fred W. German. J,!, Barrslde M. or A 2..B. uvOiilTOX New nungaiow. o . ooui. ". 1 ..-i. alilc strlctlv modern, 34700. lnclud ara -. term. e2i Yeon in; " v.,-,. Mam 112. A 7446. a 111 n) mans-in. new: 5lm.t"ad Park; "?0V.S)T co.-. 7WS.; o.:ly e-'op cash required. T, .---a 1V1:; swet.and bldg. ii'.-- -.. - . . "room house. brn nd lot SOxlOO; som e-KOOM n" term. 141 li. 4atb. cor- ai orrisoo "roB UNB HUMES, Cl.ai 4G,aMI.HM MARCH 2, 1912. . I . . , t WtKTKD KKAL F.STATB. ..... . r-. . v DcmnrvrE. A har.domeiy appointed home, elos in. near Hollatlay Park, bungalow style, on corner Icxnioo ft., facing south nd east, paved streets; gs-re. Pnce 31..600. H. P. PALMER-JON La CO.. P!. 1 1 COX p"i LAVRELHURST HOU8ES. We are agents for nil the good house In thl dunrict. See u for lowest price. Ofnce on ground. Photlt i Etlt V9. DELAHl'NTY 4 CLEMENTS, H'.itu ana r,a.t i..sm FORCED SALe'bCN-GAI.OW. . The owner of a 3-room bungalow In Ro.e Cltv Park Is leaving th city and must sell: small cash payment, balane per month; this 1 a snp. H 868, Oreconian. . ONE 5-BOOM furnished hou.. woodhous fu or dry w-ooo .or 1 " j - - - -sightly lots, overlooking the Willamette Klver. worth $i"0; my iulty "; must be add at once; lea than half buys AC BilJl ergu,ii.u. FOR SALE by ewner A new. f-room house complete In every neio... -7--- floors. furnace, two fireplaces. Dutch kitch en and a new garage Price vsl. half cash. 4S7 E. Sfllh st. North. Telephone East S31J. OWNER MUST SELL. Beautiful new 7-roora bungalow witn sleeping porch, modem and up to date: don't fail to ... It; flrt hou outh ot Alberta crllne on lSth L Call owner. Tbor 1544. A SNAP. Hose City Park equity of $1100 In S room modern bungalow for 3S00 Mali or term; mut eli at one.. Fr particular phone owner. A .001 MODERN 8-room house. 487 Et 31th to corner inompson .mi . . . .. all tret improvements paid. t?0. pnone v ihidiiiiu 17eH buva rt.rnom house, 4 lot. 6225 lh St. H. C a niocaa .ou.n m For Sale -BuslnewProperxy. I OFFER liufxino, corner 13th and Lovejoy . ... ..... . .. . ,h. I. r.rv do- Sl tor i.iiwii - -- slrahle for apartnieiils. stores or garage. .-. 4 11- . ..... t Mr nhnne Et.2S89. BOxoO JEFFERSON t-. between Jropt and ... . . .,s a-.o Or wonisn. rirgi; i.rm uwili, -- - For Sale Acreage. ACREAGE ABLTTINO ON TBB NEW FOURTTI-8TnBET ELECTRIC. One-half acre, one acre, two aerea or five acre.; 30OO 10 " per acr and upon mentally payment pln. Some at 2a0 per acre, 1 mile from carline. Kloh soil, and only SO min utes from 4lh and Washington sis. Office open evening until 8 P. THE SU AW-FEAR COMPACT. llu 5. loa FourtU gt. A So00. 4 s.VAP 1U0 acr-s. IS miles from V;couv er. VVa.h.. bout 4.000.000 fet of tim ber, mostly yellow nr; lano win -----pasture or fruit land nfter timber I re moved. Thi. land join the Venner.borj Swedish colony, whose land are selling st t.vo per acre and up In sub-dlvllon 01 10 and 20-acro tract. My price 15 per err. Term on.-half cash, ba'anc to uit purchaser. Intere.t T per cent on deferrea ?!,vmenta. Addre. D. Crowley. V.ncouver, W.sh. QUARTER ACRES. S3SV. Sc cr far. JO minute' rid from liusiues center; West side; beautiful view, all In cultivation; terms 310 per month. T. R. PHILLIPS CO.. Phone Marshall 41Si. 4U3-9 McKay Bldg, - 4-uw II down and $1 a week will put you Into Immediate ponresfion of one acre of good rich black loam garden laud, no stumps or rocks, ready for planting. About 60 min utes from cily limits on Palem electric road near two stations, also 2 acres set out to fruit last vcur. fenced and l-room house all for S.-.0O: 10 down and 10 per monih. Inquire of owner. 211-ilJ The Failing, corner 3d and Washington. A fine acre tract for 31400; a few feet from carline; 3i minutes' ride to business; no rocks or gravel, a rich black loam, wa ter. Sl.leWSIK. Hireei., irim.ni-. .... free: Improve and develop thi acre and . ... .tiv onH bo worth It Will Bupiroii iiic , ------- ir.noo In 5 vears; easy terms; do not an swer unless interested In reducing your living expense. i Oregonlan. CHOICB ACREAGE TRACTS. Close to Portland: rich walnut, fruit and garden land; only small cash Pay ment, balance pays for Itself In product now on the land, which we accept and ar th only people making thi liberal otsmr. yiBLAND TRUST COMPAJJT. idt Spalding Bldg. CHICKEN and FRUIT RANCH na Portland: a NEW SUBDIVISION, low.at prices: bet soli; One slew: wood, water -nd road. S acres. 3400 per tract; 10 A., JfiOO; 20 A. tS'X); 40 A.. J1200; 80 -. iooo- 160 A.. gdOO: liberal term. FRANK M'FARLAND REALTY CO. 809 Yeon bldg.. Portland. Or. - iiidictri ippr One of the best acres in Parkroe will . u ,. . -ui, -r a h.riratn : .mall or rui't 1,1, -- - . cash payment, balance easy terms; the owner Is leaving th city and must sell. See me at once about this. G 857, Ore- conlan. 4 AND 5 ACRES Ready for plowing and planting, no stumps, all level: no umiumio; euuui, .r, ,,-,. and churches handy; 10-eent R. R. face 10 city; good auto road, no hills; 4 jnlles from city limits; easy terms. See owner. 511 uerlitiger oiag, 1,-ix'i-: ...n-. bosvei-Ham ' land, under Irrlga nor, .nd ready for crop: best for onion. celery. culif iow-er, potatoes, etc; river and rail transportation: nothing better anywhere: low price and ea.y payments: investigate. 512 Couch bldg- IOW 4th :. S AND 10-aere tracts 317. to l'.riO per acre- perfe.-tlv level and clear; right on S P. R. R-: 1 mile from 1'nlted Electric- 26 miles west of Portland; 20 per cent down, balance lo suit. W. O. Galo w ay. ow ner. Banks, Or. $UHl PKR ACRE 1I aires, within 4S minute' ride of city. Half mile of electric station. 12 mile, from Portland, and Ilea fine. A. W. Smith A Co . 4.".ii Cnamber of Commerce. Phone Main .-.-.' KOK SALE SO acres open land In Yamhill l ouniy near Wlllamlna. tVi acres can be cultivated. One frut land. 312.0O per acre. Oregon Timber at Realty Co., 812 Ycon bldg. .rrt0 5 acres, absolutely free of rock. ub- lrria"ited. fin for gardening, peaches, BvrHW'ierrles.ctc; 4d nilnulca out on elec a b- line- best buy. near rortland; easy terms. SI! Conch bldg.. 10 4th st- FOR SALE 120 acres, on Columbia River, Skamania County, 1 .oov.CXa feet good saw timber nne fruit land alter timber 1 re moved Price 82iil0. Oregon. Timber 4c Realty Co.. SI 2 Veon bldg. 5 ACRES, highly Improved, on Electric, line. obliged to raise $30UO. Owner. iOS Ablug- ton bldg. 2"7T.r jjuys nv acres choice fruit and vege table land, unimproved, near railroad town, 1 hour from Portland; easy term. B12 Couch bldg- 10 4th t. AC K r. AC c v " . Half mile east of Roethe Station. Oregon City carline. Address W. L. Starkweather. Mllwaukle. Or route 1. FOIt full list of lots and acreage, near Multnomah. Or. Elec Ry, ee T. G. . . .-. . , . r- r-nD tlT C Hawiey; oiinw ..m. 11 ACRES. 8 cultivated, beet fruit land, Eaale Creek station. O. W. P. Owner, lid F.at 11th. near Alder. ACREAGE and farms, large and .mall tract.. Call Kinney 4k Stampfer. Mi-a mnwi g.acoia lOoO ACRES cleared fruit land; snap; 000! half ea.h. E S4S. oregonlan. 400 ACRES. 'close In: sale or trade. Rob ert A. Miller, 3S3 Worcester bldg. For Sal Hrimerteaoa. WE want locators for homestead or desert land under a proposed irrigation ditch. Tho land when watered 1 very valuable. Call 421 Falling bldg., or address B .bL Oregonlan. HOMESTEAD I can locate you on a flrst class homestead. Will f. Wood. 438 Chamber of Commerce. HOMESTEADS and bargains Camas prairie farm. Idaho coloiusation Co., Cotton wood. Idaho. THIRTY-homesteads, relinquishment, and Umber claims. S-3 Chamber of Commerce. For Sale Frnlt lands. FOR SALE All acn excellent fruit land: S3 acres apple Just coming: into boring. For Sale I"rms. " STRANGE. ISN'T ITf Oregon wheat farm. 320 acre, for only $10 per acre. Let u -!! you about it aH Rallw ayExchange bldg. , , ACRES. Improved land, on carline, rar Vancouver. Waeh.; will sell cheap for 4in. both phones. Sandy Road gro rery. East 47th and Sandy Road. RANCH 60 acres, with building. 1 mil from Portland, near electric Una; bargain for ail cash, by owner. 182 Morrison u joooo CHEAP 33 ACRES t MILES FROM PORTLAND PRICE SSOOO. Here is one of th best buy in a small well-equipped farm near the city. Trier, are 23 acres. 20 acres in a high state 01 cultivation, balance with Just enough .im- ber for the place. The soil is exceptional!! good and there Is no rock or gravel. Gom. 5-room house, barn and u,hun'ns"f Good bearing orchard of all kinds of fruit. Lois of grapes and Berriea. fh.: SONAL PROPERTY Splendid matched team. cow. heifer, harness, wagon, hack, buggy, chickens, cream separator, hay ana all farm Implements. Price for everything Is onlv $4000. This choice !S-ere home i. located Just S miles from the city limits of Portl.nd. level graveled road all the way. right on the banks of one of trie best fishing stream In the state. Onlj 2 mile from station with 10c fare to th city. Owner' wife Is ded. ." .lone and h 1 anxlou to sell right W"' HARGROVE AND SONS 1 -2 gth street north, cor. 6th and Gllsan. Main 43S1. A. 7Ct. FINS? DAIRT RANCH. loo acres on good wgon road. ( mil to R. B. town, all finest at gently rolling land, about third in cultivation, all could be If cleared; fine lot of oak furniture, timber, running water. 2 good dwellings, good bam and outbuildings, plenty or fruit, all the land would raise it. Thl lJlo doubt the best 800 acre for thprio In the Willamette Val ley. Will take om little Portland property as part pay. Can find me by phone.- Main iZ. mornings to and evening 6 to 10. 8. N. STEEL, Owner, 17). Jackson St. FOR BAI.B under order of court, th prop erty of tbe Bethewl Hendryg estate. 113.2. acres, near Husutn, in the heart of the famous White Salmon Valley; irri gated by a large spring exclusively be longing to th property: a spUndld fruit, vegetable and hay ranch. Terms of sale: One-half cash, balanc on 3 years' lime, 8 per cent interest, secured by mortgage. Sale will be made on or after March 111. "Bids must be in wrltlnk and may be left with the undersigned or filed in the of fice of the clerk ot the Superior Court. Goldendale, Wash. HOSANNA J. UENDRTX, Administratrix, Hunuin. Wash. Tli ACRES At Tigardvlll, 2 mile from electric sta tion; house and outbuildings: 6 acres under cultivation; running stream all year around on place, land lies fine; H miles of Portland; I23U0 for quick sale. A, W, Smith & Co., 4yr, Chamber ot Commerce, Phone Main 5S2H. OSWEGO BARGAIN. 34 acre, all in cultivation; good house, orchard, cow, horae, farm implements: school iu miles: station; .-,.-.tHI, 3oo0 cash, balance n00 per year, 6 per cent. A. W. Smith Co., : Chamber of Com merce. Phone Main Sb20. NEW HOUSE. AT STATION, n- acres; so minutes' ride of eity: all In cultivation, lies One. on good county road; bearing orchard; price SIsoo. terms. A. W. Smith ft Co.. 438 Chamber ot Com- mercc. Phone Main rs-jt YA.MHILL COUNTY FARMS FOR SALE. Large and small tracts, suitable for general farming, grain, hay. fruit, hops, dairving, etc; about 40 miles southwest of Portland, Or. Call or write for price Hat. W. a,. IVIO"". r.ino.1, ON account of sickness, a fine farm. G$ acres, muat be sold shortly; chanco to double money in short time; halt cash, R. Buetikoter. 205 Salmon. A BARGAIN Improved farm. 173 acres, buildings, stock all farm implements; 318. 000; 810,000 cash. 23 Taylor st. TO EXCHANGE. 20O- ACRE farm. 18 miles from Port and, HM10 feet from school and church, highly improved road by farm, mile and quarter facing same, deep shot soil, SO acres in high state cultivation, heavy flowing spring and stream on farm, good house, large ham and othor outbuilding; two orchard, saw mill on property cutting timber which will net 5iim in two years. Thl. land 1. chean at 32oi per acre. My pric 3100 per acre for quick exchange, or vour own price lor cast. . .mm one family for 40 years. Never before been offered for sale. W b38. Oregonlan. &Esir Vit.tlE TNT BRA IT MONT. T.-AAn, ioro on lOlixloo. all modern conveniences. Including hot and cold water In all bedrooms. If you are looking for good value Investigate tnis. i wo dioc from carline: house Just completed. wiR take small cash payment, agreement 01 -al- aAAna mnrtri,,. Or .111 SOOd equity of 'any kind: won't consider anything over-valued, but will make fair exenange. For full particulars pnone lapor ooit. A 180-AC.BE ranch nar Seattle, about 30 cleared: o-room nous, ana pjiiw. .m" acres 14-year-old orchard, barn and out building's, clearing fenced: some timber: close to school and on creamery route. B 647, oregonlan. 200 ACRES, all or part, choice land near Mt. Hood Ral'way for sale or exchange: deep, rich soil, well watered, beautiful cenle urroundings; a fine Bub-divislon proposition for Summer homes: would consider mortgage and contract In ex change; also a few city lot. We are the owner. AN ea. uresonnm. c.10 AC-otrc r,f- w-beai lnnd. cultivated, in Crook Co.; good improvements; value S22,- linn will Trade tor ciij income iii ii'.'.j or first mortgage; will assume 4u.vuc See Mr. Harbolt. Mar. 42S0. A. .1. DETSCH CO.. A 1539. S40 Chamber of Commerce. t h 1 i-K - n, u- 8-room house in Laurel hurst, elegantly furnished, worth $SOO0; arm aoti for ST.-vi and lake 83000 111 unin cumbered Laurelhurat lots. bal. terms at 7 per cent. 11. L. William., oo amo bldg. Phone Marahall 3117. FOR GALE or trad, foot valuable mining claim in in v oeur a iumn iushv. rounded by the large producers and provd up beyond a prospect. Abbott At Co.. Wil cox blag. EXCHANGE Southern Oregon orchards and cheap unimproved lands for Portland property and Willamette Valley acreage. Ask tor our exchange list. Baaaon In vestment Co.. Medfora. or. T.-rT4 cil.r or pxchance for land, seven TiasseiiBer rtO-hp. Thomas Flyer, fully equipped. Just out of shops. AC 837, Ore gonlan. idxioo LQT. in wash. Warranty deed and abstract, or will trade for flOO worth, of Jewelry; ladies preterreu. .boot qu?.. COLORADO landa and lot to exchange for cut-over tana or 01 11.-1 4,41,44, H ad ley, giu spaiaing mag. WANTED Automobile in exchange for busi ness and residence lot. Howard, 803 Swet laud bldg. Phone Main 7770. A 3027. ' REAL ESTATE exchanged, rooming-houses. any 111 a. Ak 1 or oun.. 817 HAMILTON BLDG. r CJ (V C V l 1 . , j y r " " - " good town, good lease; will stand investi gation AO all, urraiiuiau. WILL trade 2.0 od o-passenger auto, value 1 1000 tor horse, rattle or farm imple ments. Address AH S44, Oregonlan. 0-ROOM house to exchange for acreage, close In. Phone Marshall 31414. WANTED TO RENT FARMS. WANTED- Swiss man with 20 to 30 cow to take fine farm. Address H 85S, Or gonlan. rpB gAJLE TIMBER LAND. iriimitn i.ixna BOUUnT jv.N u DU1.L1, C. J. at'CRACKEN. 304 McKay bldg. BOUGHT AJ7D SOLD. io ACRES red fir timber land in T. 31 S., B, 3 w., Dougla Co, Or., cheap If taken moon. T. X- parent, r ernwooo. luauu. VOR SALE cheap, two timber claims in Clallam County. Washington, a W. Gra der, Hoquiam, Wash. i3 000000FEET dr. Lincoln Co., Or. J. L. Keith. Kalamaaoo. Mich., route 4. FOB BEN'T-JARMsi fAna rcr. ' . I have a fin tract of land, can furnish team, want a man with some mean to work with me and share crops. AH Ml, ir.K'-i" - 727577 RENT 10 acres fine garden land in city limits. Apply at Room 628. Slarquam bldg.. between and 10 A. M. or 1 and 3 P. M. HIGHLY Improved 22-acr ranch, som beaver dam. near Tualatin; blocks from station. tVaCP.S farm, Linn County, cash or share. 809 Railway Exchange. 13 WE DESIGN HOMES FOR MANY before they buy a uuuaing .iec. Let us submit your tot to them. !et our monthly, printed Bargain Llst. PLAN3 AND SPECIFICATIONS of artistic homes, 13 and 810. F1nelv illustrated book free. PORTLAND BUIl-DIN'G ASSOCIATION. 322 Mohawk nuiioit'g- MOpEP.X 7 or 8-room house in desiraole residence district, within reasonable dis tance of business center and close to car; must have fireplace and nice yard. Please aisle price and terms. B 844, Oregonlan. WE have many Inquiries from Eastern in vestor tor leal wii. ,.,,.-... .- r - . ertie.: reaister with us. Tfou may have just what our clients want, Abbott 4t Co., ileox biog. I WANT an Irving! on lot that is a bargain and I don't want to be bothered hy agent: give me your price and location. AH S39, Oregonian. HOUSE in Hood River, rented, three lota no Incumbrance, tor equity iu mi. w. age. AH Sto. orcgonuiu. WANTED Your acreage and farms at the right prices. 1 can sen meow - 1203 Teon bldg. WANTED TD1BER LANDS. WILL exchange o-pass. auto and pay cash uinercnce lor good i.ii.we. 1.1a.,.., -..j up to 7 million ft. PACIFIC COAST BROKERAGE CO., 31S-10 Board ot Trade. Marshall 42H9. A 1051. FOR SALE. Horses. Vehicles. Etc ROSE CITY STAHLK, 15TH AND ALDEK. We are still selling guaranteed horse and have 27 head of mares and gelding, wt 1000 to lSuO lbs.: they are all fat and ready for work: several well-matched teams: pair blacks. -W lb,, b e'AZ logs, matched iuto 3 teams, suitable for any kind of heavy hauling; tliey hava been used by transfer company and re placed with auto trucks and must bo sold, regardless of price; we have horses from 350 up and handle strictly commis sion horses and protect buyer and eel.er by allowing a free trial and holding the nioncy uniil free trial time expires: in that way you are protected and know just what vou are getting. ROSE clTT STABLES, 505 Alder. . 2430-lb. learn, mare and horse; good true workers any place; new breeching harness and 2V- Webber wagon, complete outfit; price for Immediate sale J195. Rosa Cliy Stables, 50j Alder. FOR SALE CHEAP. Good express wagon, new harness, lltlo lb. bay mare: leaving city and no use for rig: can be seen at Rose City Stables, 6t!a Alder. Mr. Meickel s lis. - HORSES. MULES AND WAGONS FOB SALE. 30 head horses, ranging In weight frorol ltrno to 14o0 lbs., age from 4. to 10 yrs. old; 3 span of young mules, good werk er, weight 1000 lbs. each: all ef these will be sold .very reasonable, a we am somewhat overstocked. We guarantee our stock to be a we represent them or money refunded. HAWTHORNE- STABLES, 420 Haw thorne Ave. iTso TAKES aWBll.rnatched chunky team. 7 and 8 years.old, weight about 2400 and are kind and gentle in or out of stable and will work single or double any place you put them, with a nickel-trimmed har ness and 24-ln. wagon with double box and spring seat, as good as new,- All for 12,10; allow two weeks' trial; have leased ranch and must sell. Ask for Watterson ranch learn, feed stable, 440 E, Morri son, cor. 7th St. GOOD farm teani, mare and herse, weight 21IVO lbs., and colt, harness and farm wag on, harrow, buggy. 1 dozen chickens, good milk cow, all for S210: also $05 buys 1200 1b lioiee. Woodstock, 57 tb, St. and 63it av'e. Take Woodstock car. Phone fctell wood 178. COME) and see another shipment of choic horses and mares, well broken, at rea sonable price and guaranteed a repre eepted. Tak Bo City Park car to 62d t. Adam a Campbell, prop. Phone Tabor 2181. JUST arrived with a carload of horee: some well-mated, young teams, weighing from 1O00 to ItHIO lbs.. 2 pair of mule.; can be seen at 2W4 Montgomery St. Phil Snetter s Bain. All stock guaranteed as repre sented. JUET ARP.IVED. FIVE span of Eastern Oregon chunks, the good kind, 4 to 0 yrs. old; inspect these before buying. Foot oC Main L I. J. Williamson. FOR SALE Team of chestnut sorreia, ages . 5 and 7, weight 2o0; well mated; can be seen at Ed Fitspatrlck', 1!4 miics south of Beaverton. ; WELL-BROKE mare, 8 years old. weight !ii;0 lbs; gentle, free from blemishe; ouly ss.i. pnone aiarsnau j--. OWNER of a olooded colt from L. S. Dil lon desires a tracker to taka in charge. F 845, Oregonlan. .'' 2-TON platform express wagon for sal-3 reasonable. 00 aciuj at. FOR SALE HORSES. Trustworthy horses, accustomed to city. 88 East 7th St. North. Automobiles. DON'T buv- an automobile until you sea our stock of" over 75 cars. We are exclusive dealers of used auto mobiles. Every car guaranteed. OREGON AUTO EXCHANGE. 21st and Washington St. . H" ANTED We want seven Cadillac auto mobiles, 1011 models, tour-passenger; must be bargains. OREGON AUTO EXCHANGE. 21st and Washington St. SACRIFICE SALE. IHIO Cadillac. 3-pass. good top, glass front, speedometer, tires in good shape: two extra cases and inner tubes: just overhauled; first check for lfi.10 take it. PACIFIC COAST BROKERAGE CO., 51S-10 Board of Trade. Marshall 42HH, A 1051. FOR bargains in used cars see u first; writ for list: we buy and sell. CUSTOM-HOUSE AUTO CO., Cor. E. 13th and Hawthorn AT. 7. PASSENGER 60-hp. Thomas Flyer, fully equipped: will exchange for city or coun try property valuation 32500. AD 844, Oregonlan. MOTORCYCLE. 7-h. p.. twin engine, same as new. Rose City Imp. Co., 1st and Burnside sts. ' UTO fot sale; will take half trade; price gl.'rOO: 5-passenger, 40-horscpower. AN S3S, Oregonlan. 00 HORSEPOWER. 7-passenger touring car. Just overhauled, SCOO. 181 East Water. Piano. Ot gap and Musical Inetrnmenta. PIANO for alc; I am leaving Portland; will sell my new full-size parlor grand Chlcli erlng piano, cost 730; will sell for 3430; 1- cash, balance 10 suit; make appoint- men'. E 847, Oregonlan. fTRST-CLASS upright auto-piauo, mahog any finish. Enquire room 59, U. S. Hotel. Don, Birds, Pet Stock. THOROUGHBRED Barred Rock baby chicks line etock; order now. Royce, Sellwood 1335. S. C. BROWN Leghorn eggs cheap; heavy layer, an quantity, any time. Main 4128; James Ireland, 414 Spalding bldg. PRATT'S poultry regulator for sale by J". J. Butzer. lfeS Front st - M-iaceUaneon. TURNING lathe, gasoline engine and other machinery in woodturnlng shop: also good milch cow. Call Sunday. 0O1 Buchanan St., cor. boulevard. St. Johns. Mr. Aver. FOR SALE A 350 Hudson hair dryer, also shampoo stand, only used two montli, half price. AO 812. Oregonian. 2 FOR SALS or rent, logging and HOISTING ent-lncs. locomotives, car, rails, RAILWAY EQUIPMENT CO., .4 First St. ALL makes typewriters rented, 13 a month. SOB1HWEST TYPEWRITER CO, 2C2 Stark L " Tertilizeb. Well-rotted, cow and horse manure de livered to any part ot the city. East 227''. ANNTJAL-SALE ot unredeemed pledge a'. Uncle Myers", 71 Oik near Oak. 40 year In Portland. a SHARES American Life 4fc Accident Ins. stock will sell cheap; need money; nc a gen ts. AN 854, Oregonian. FRESH dairy and family cows lor sale. mile east Lents. Foster Road. Tabor 111)-'. TWO complete bedroom sets, worth $150. at a bargain. Phone Marshall 674. SOO BUSINESS cards tl; a bargain. Bos City Printery. 192 H 3d. cor. Taylor. FOR SALE Miasion bookcase, dresser, also "W-W sewing machine. 746 Grand ave. 7-. 11x10 MUXDT logging engine, on alcd. good order, f'31 Worcester bldg. FINE 12-foot solid oak bar aad buffet; just the thins for club: cheap. 104 3d. HOUSEBOAT, large has launch slip; easy terms. Marsh, at 50u Teon. NEW visible typewriter for sal; a bar galn. AF 804. Oregonian. FILING cab., mod. size fs, Nst'l csh reg 1st.. S. w. cor. StU and Oak. Id Iloor.