Morning Oregonian. (Portland, Or.) 1861-1937, March 01, 1912, Page 7, Image 7

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Republican State Centra! Com
mittee for Him and Admin
istration, 19 to 7.
t'rr iib final I'miury I- Krjr-ctcrl.
Unit thrrr l:rcnlrl Klectrtl
lrmhrr ppor Kcsolotloi.
I'avorinc tlon thief.
TA'"MA. v;i.. Feh. jr iSp-ii.
ft.r selemn? Ab'rii'n a th" plac
anil Mar J as the rim !r holdina
tn rt ante republican convention,
t"7 state central ronimtllee. In s-S-slotl
iMir at he T-om ll"'el. "" Tot
f l to ad'pt"i inr lollinf reso
luuon. ti. it r,ov1 t the republican
Sate. Central Committee of Wahln
ton: Thar It artherej to the principles
and pellde enunciated by th last Re
publican convention and It
heartl!- approver, i-oinrnend and In
Hor the patri'.tl-. fearlen and
J i-t Adnilnistrr. n of 1'rrsl.ler.i TVIU Howard Tf "
A motion to iiv.Je Hie resolution into
two sections ami t- ! " each sec
tion. w;th rppsKleralion of each aep
aratelr. wjs l".-t en roll call. Is to .
SO lrlel PrWf.
The Taft Indorsement came after the
arraUKement of all octall. of tbe slate
convention The. apportionment of
ielrcairs wa. ned at two tieleKates-at-Urce
and one for every IMO roles
ra.t for Governor rmsw In IS1)'
from arh ruunty. maklna- a total of
a deleEatm. These ilclcsatei. are
to be wlacird il county conventions
to be held on or about Saturday. May
4. the exact date brine left optional
Willi the rounly chairman.
l'rovlslon wa also made fur Con
creneional distrl.-t conventions to
tr. t two tlrlec.ites from each of the
Hire" rilatrlcis In Hie stale to attend
tr National llcpnbtb an convention, to
be held In Oilcaare- June l T'elepates
to tlie state convention which will ele t
e. xht drlca-ates-ai-lariie to the Na
tional convention will a!s art as dele
gate to the Connressional district con
vention to be hcM In Aberdeen coin
. i.lent with tho state convention.
ITtaaary I''""
Tc convention plan was adopt-d
unanimously, miihouic an un-nccefnl
effort was made by Thomas .Murphlne.
of Seattle, hoi. line a proy from Kin
Count to obtain the adoption of a
resolution demanding- of governor Hay
tl .t he call a spe- lal session of l
IKislatnre to ena.-t a Presidential
preference primary law. i;o. ernor
r-ad alrcadv refused to accede to this
proposal because a petition enlllnfc- for
this action had oMa.lie.l less loan
.r cent of the voters of the stale at,
-lnere after tt had been widely cir
culated In rranses and el.sewherr. The
.rntral romniltlce toduv ilonrncd
. ihont arllna- on tv.c pro;osi to re-
iv t he stil'K' t.
Interest In the rn.etinr entered In
t-e Taft Indorsement. Th.- roli.-ail on
:h resolution disclosed tliat only tl.r.a
f. f the seven votes rasl aKainst 'l'h
ir.Iorsemenl were east hv reitularly-
'. ltd n'elii!" re of Ihe stale central
o mn:ttec. r"onr o' the vons against
t'e lndorsnient rre .-..-i b men
.'..!ins prosles anl one was cast b a
;u. nil'er f t"e comrrittee e'crled bv
t', ....nmltter ltsel to fill Hie plate
f a reisu'ai l -e!c- led member who liaO
lv s-e ra taaiast Tan.
T 'e seven oti"e ff.nnst 1'ie I n -were
l.nsar I t4on. who
t-.-.t presentation of e.ltiillal its
.nt ii'):iinlin of Ad.i.ns fo-intv. was
elr. i.'d lV t-e rontTlltlre t fill t V.l
. -in v a'jsd l-v ti e r sicn.nlott of t'ie
larl ie. ted treman frtm
I i nit . tvtl il.or. of i"helan.
r--;ariv rlt-ie.l ccntmlt tceman ; I: K.
U t. cf T.tco:o. h't'tttnn a proxv
rr'.:u t'e rjiiiar t tiomiti tft-man from
t).l irit i'onnt : la ro s atcr. of Spo
kiii' t.oi.!tt' a prow from the fa'
,.ir .urifittteernan from I tl :imlla
o.nM. Jo to II. IVrrv. of S'-atrle. an f.r a newspaper svp.luate
v. r--.l lv a t'a ifornla tiiilllitn.'itre.
' ' 1 1 n a prtixv from Kerry 1 oiintv.
It t'e porthweslern part of the state.
v.vtl ' T'?re, trttli'S tntin s;att e;
'1 ...!'. Murp'ilne. known ns one of t'.e
I'n.'i'it! I.a Kitilfltf supttttrtcrs. who
iir-i t prov frotu KinK 1'ntinlt. anti
t t' Mmti !iw partner of Senator
I" i .ir-iT. of tt.kane. recularly elect
ed '.inttte. ir..;l.
I.." Moo r- an W'iis-tn ln?ed on
ptttt t'r their t itlf vo'Ipc half In
tr -i -"iinc to thf principles antl
.oi? Irs t r: ;?; latrd t ie List Iteptlh-
! a. i Nj'i-i! ii i i'iifiitmn. uml half a
ncam-i lb" li'ilm semcTit tf the
Tsft rtsoltiti'" ':!rman Coiner held
t si eat h et.t.ii .1 , minted ns one vote
c t li-t t'ie l.i.: .rtnorsrnii tit.
l.rsLrr Mmn rf k KrptihliOHn rt
I t M r " v Jra.hiTi. t-f K kr. h
i" .-i ,t, !( ration i tnrrntion l bm
ortir a rttiU i.U fur 1 :-pi t: t m 1 1 vf In
"on .;-. i"r.;n lc iiJ tii-trl- t. M
4- I ii m fMr of - p dti.t rj jn -t-iiif
t. puhMt-iiv m t - o :ir?l)ip of
.fr. .rMirr. nim.tlvf, n f-r--t;.un. antl
!.. .n t'.t mr An
.n in Mti.. f.-r ltr rl'.'or ; Naiion
Mtlr nf'rjitr'; A rr t r rion of tr.-r ,an.l til for AmrrJonn
" . riiti tc . (ri'r K'Hiinc in fr-it rr
r r.- , k '...!" n - 1 1 iwrk il" ; i n
t P-rnl'ii ' t' r Phi'tpptn: sir:rt
iiii:ti.n .f rii 'tj.: s-ntcral lirinrt
.i,ifr!t.ttr p .atton: n; prori-..
1 i ti tir !. .fi ep.I l.jrborf : proc i rnj.
iw iin.i rule t tt: pv
f -
H. ir.r i- fpiM.-,i ti J'-liria!
'K :ii t tin. tr iM.. f:ftijnM . nt-rt
v j i.-iti .in.! A ilrit ii .National rr-
t" a.iTuri.'n hi;; Affr Ins nnnif
-n t' tM'.:ot t ,in, rintil: Th
-r.'l!:i..ra f p.-.p:. nuil be l;n-
Trifslmtr t Irnpro '"
-. n Irwin. if Kumar. Fn!. wishes
" b- Pror-utli.ic Alton. rv for Klam
itT p'i ttkt ronniiii on tho Krpubii-
n ti k-t. uii'l WU'iarn II. of
lV'rt'.-r.i. Is a I.ri.ubli- an ;.n:tJate for
Hurr.4 m if M.fir I)rtlarc State
li)itlil Cut ! n M ImHrt.
.VI.1-:M. or Vrt. J i Si.i-i lal. 1 rr
r urv rs In i cr!-'k- it . I pro-Juct?.
annually expending- vast amounts of
money away from home for products
which could b produced l.ere. the Bu
reau of Mine has prepared a, report.
wMeh Is belne made ready for publica
tion. s..oali.c that the leaver st.vte lin
poned more trn 1 1 1 ..." worth of
a-eoioiticai products In !! and pro
liute.i t.nlv ll.Ottrt.'it") worth.
alore tl an I ln" barrels of fort
land cement were Imported, and over
1 : tti.ii o worth was used In t'.io city of
Portland district In 111. but not a
sln barrel was produced In the state.
At the same time mere were .uo.ooi
worth of c;a products uc!i as brick,
ti'e potierv. terra cotta and rtre clay
materials used In the I'urtland district
In lll and only li iont.onu wor:h of
these were produced In tlie state.
"tirrton Is In a very unfortunate. If
r.ot eint.j rrat.stnj; situation tin account
of the fact that ehe I. as such a limited
knowletiae or fr eolo-lcal resources."
the report declares, "tnir neighbor
states of rallfornla and Washlna-ton
. . . . sAAn ..n.'lnr manv thousands of
I dollars for a number of years In investl
I (.iime th mineral resources of their
t slsles. while irreeon has done prac-
tt.'allv nolnlne In that dlrecti'tn."
... l... . t - .... . I nrn.1 ti-1 ion in
firexon the report siiows that there
were n'.Z2 short tons of coal produced
In tl. ravine a value of :3S.:;. It
la further asserted that the coal mlnlne
production of Oregon Is sufferlnc from
the treat Increase In the production of
petroleum tn fallfomla ami the use of
petroleum for domestic fuel as well as
on the rallroaus.
There was a decrease In the produc
tion of 1.;.1 tons In 4ireon coal from
19'. to ll. hut the materially htcher
prices made a difference In the lotaJ
value, which was richer In 11P.
The report contains extensive Infor
mation concernlne the various minerals
and oils In the counties, of the state.
flraskan. .lrii Crrat Ovation at
Iloisc. Sa Itrptirdicana Arc
sojrlPl ly Colonel.
Bttifif idsho. Feb. (Spc laLI
William Jennlnps f.ryan. wh!!o the
aucst of H'tlse today. In an Interview,
predicted trouble ahead for the He
publtcan party with Colonel Theodore
Hoosevelt In the race for Iresldent.
llryan was a-lven a genuine ovation
liy thousands of people who listened to
Ma address In the theater here. The
overflow crowd had to be addressed
from tlie outside of the playhouse.
He chanted Itemocratlc harmony In his
set speech and admitted he was not
the strongest man In Ills party.
Roosevelt's letter has hart the ef
fect of precipitailnB a roo.i deal of
proeresslveness that the Republican
party had In solution." stated Mr.
Ilrj an. "There Ja trouble uhcad for
the Republicans. Roosevelt's letter
separates the two elements of the Ite
pnbliran party so that we shall soon
be able to Judge the proportion that
will be a cam to the public, no matter
how the contest letween the president
antl ev-Presldent turns out.
"The line, of course, cannot he drawn
with abs.tite aoruracv. because some
of the progressives favor latFolIelte.
and then. I tak- It for trfanted. a ood
tnanv of tnem will be restrained Jroai
supporting Mr. Roosevelt because of
their opposition to the two. term pre
cedent, and some will be alienated by
the fact that he Is not a pro-rcssle
en all questions. Ms altitude on the
trust question cannot satisfy tlie pro
gressives'." Sneaking of litmself. Colonel Uryan
said: "I am satisfied I am not the
strongest man and I will go out and
fight for n progressive T'einocrst as
stn--ereiy and as earn-stly ns cter I
fought for myself, and I liopc more
succes'f ull'."
mi i:in: xr:ii. at ki.amatii
Tk of 1 omplrtin? 1'anrl Takr
r ir Tm Prink ald in llc
Imltril lan to Irrl.
K1.AM TII KAlal. :ir.. Ih. r.
. sprcUl. Af t-r work. hit pincf last
auiiU to trrur a Jury to nit In tli
trial of Nolrcl f aultier. Irdl-tfU for
munlT in th- firi-t Urcrre. t!:c panel
VMft i-tiiiplf ! toilnv.
T'i (lft.,v In n'curlnE xhr ott:r i mpfi
wai owir.4 to thr tllfflrultT of nummon
Inc t:m from rrmotc pitrt ef f.te
rnnnty, wiirn thir nm -t lran.
Hlirvit of li'f Ji:rin,n ro f.irmfr. ore
a t.mbrr -ruliT. .'ti h 't i.mat. nJ
two K ..iniat .i li:i! 'nm.
Iltrttt .:torn- v Kuvk-n!Mll rxpct
t.- pro tiat .-fl'r a hail brrn
p.ifMi.'l .t X-- ronut ruttlon
ramp near b ilotjiiin. w-.t-r Ku' Jr
w;i rrrploji K ultlrr t .irt-atrnl t
kilt inv on who pn'.onfd In doa arnl
tat Mindv. Aticupt . I? II. whil
Kajiirr a.- rut of ran-p. bin Ik bf
rin k and h after- at tin f!ut it.
Uler (ihootlrff li:i ri-l'hril. i-nniji
t-ook. w!mm h a--tji,i tf piiion!ttir 1:1-
do,i ;t.hrrt th- pame plir!it. I-frn v!ii rf'.v on Knuliler'n
Vm in-r bn nn'nt-Ilr upl throusTli
lOTiftant ilrinktrc t.iat wm Irrenpon
alh'.r. Ir. UrorB" H. Mrrryman. who
prrformtf tt. autopsy on Orbhert,
tet f ietl t hat drwi t w from a cun
not mounl. rred I-wi-. camp fore
mar. t-.tif:eI t- lavinir pern Kaulder
wit:i th (run so tjp te hi:l to te
rook'i tent ami ettr. Lrwli heard a
Iiot and Kaiii;er rom out and
donn Mil with the gun.
(ill. am County I "an nor- Happy 0er
Ii-vlUnt tomliiion of Mrlil.
ONlHV. Or.. Keb. 29 Spe.-.a I.
Nrvcr bf-fore in t;-e I.i.tiry of Olillam
iL.niv ATf rondititMiJ no favorab! n
at prf-rnl f-r a bountiful liarvfnt.
wirfi trt l.i-avy rains la-t Septf mirr.
I "a 1 1 firain w .1.1 fovn in inoUt c round
and every kernel -nmr up. A rcmpara
tiriv mild AVIntrr. mith hea-y triov
nni plrptv of rain. m helped te crop
alnnc. an. I the field of wheat near
i'ltm and Olex are tn e-ellnt fcrowth.
Thr onnc wheat tn aome places rorer
tfir ground. anI. m rrnult of the
ear'y ytart and oo1 farmlnir. the wheat
out rrw the weed, which are not
elm- in to any extent.
The weather here now Is delightful.
twotden Wcddlnir Pay Remote.
V.VNOOi; V K R, W anh Feb, 2
Special. )- One coupl. whose wM
dlncr ocrurred In Vancouver today,
will hr- rompellv.l to live 200 years. If
tbev ar 10 clrhrate their 50th wed
ding anniverparv. this be in s Febru
ary Z9, Thry arc Samuel H. Codlinc.
of 8attl. and Mls Mary Kdna Uwr.
of ak land. (al. Their witness was
John T. Lamcke.
Grants Pass Police Head Held
to Grand Jury.
Ix-fcnsc rresrnts Little Kvldoncc.
how Icy I, riarrd Vniler 300
Bail Major Appear as
Witness for pcrenilnnl.
1 1 RANTS rA.-S. Or.. Krh. tfpe
ciai. 1 r M. Rom-ler. Chief of Police of
i;ranis I'ass. m-as bound over to appear
before the stand Jury after a prelimi
nary henrtna" today on a charge of
shooting an Innocent bystander In a
raid for lluuor last Saturday. The de
fense apparently proceeded m-lth cau
tion and Introduced as little evidence
as possible. Jurist' Ht.lnian. before
whom trie case mas heard, fixed ball at
Kls-Meeti witnesses mere subpenaed
to tell lioar the raid was conducted and
Me facts leading up to the shootlnar.
Iliia-h Wlchman. on mhosc barn the
raid m-as niane. said that upon return
in from locking; a chicken coop lie
sam- stranrrm in Ills barn and that
upon Inquiry he was told to hald up his
hands, that ttie men were officers. The
evidence showed Wlcliman re
fused, but tied with threats to return
and shoot the officers, at t!-.e same time
shnutlnir "Holdup alarm
aroused tl'.e rclhburhootl.
The officers then, tt mas hrouijht out.
left the barn under rear of bclnc shot
ami two took refuge across tlllbert
All witnesses as-ree that rive shots
were fired and tht Irowlev was down
rl e bank of ;ilbert f'rrrk and rlred the
two last shots. Witnesses further tes
tified t!-at the last shot was the one
that, struck HI. by. but one mitin-ss
failed t corroborate the cenera! theory
of the case. This mas V. '. Harmon,
wi.o told of .leclnir a man Just tlie op
posite la fiae ami description to Chief
The courtroom presented the nppesr
ance of a small nrsrnal. ovinjj to the
eNhlblt of Kims itia.ltt by il.e prosecu
tion ami defense. A peculiar feature
of the trial mas the Chief of Po
lice was defended by the City Attorney
and Police Jurise. jind on the other side
aiding the prosecution wart Fred Will
lams, a partner of the City Attorney.
The star mltness for the defense mas
n. i. Smith. .Mayor, mho dramatically
recited how he had instructed the orli
cers to ferret out the lovatlon of liquor
antl then to seize it.
it iiiVV!s ri:oposKi nx ox
Commercial t'lnh Adopts Resolutions
A-klns Co-oierallon of Hoad
in Adjustlns I'are-.
NKWItiRT. Or.. b. (Special.)
The. citizens of Newport are very
much pciturbed over the article, m hlch
appeared In The Pun. lay OrcRonlan rel
ative to eliminating the Summer excur
sion rnles to Ncm port. It is the -sen-era!
feelln-r that the statement In the
nrtlcle referring to 'warrln-c oyer
rates and dates for the annuat clam
bake" un.l "hostility to Corvallis
Kastern officials" Is unjust when ap
plied to Newport citizens In a peneral
It Is a-lniitted that last season there
mas a .sl:-rht disagreement anions cer
tain persons, pot the citizens of New
port In the az-rrrsate. t.ver holdinu the
annual clambake on Sumlny. Tiic only
question of rates ever raised: was dfir
Irfi! the recent rate hearinir esse be
fore the State Itallruad Commission,
when a few persons. snmOnot even
lesidents of the city, adopted resolu
tions and forwarded them to the com
missioners, antl otherwise published
t'ueni. This action met with condemna
tion generally b" ,:,e People of Ncm
port. Should the rallmay see fit to elirn
Inale the exclusion rates. It would be
a very serious matter for tlis citizens
of this place, mho are more or less de
pendent upon the tourist travel to sus
tain their business.
At the CoQinicrclal Club mcetlnc on
Monday tills matter mas the subject
of considerable debate, anil the roilom
Ins resolution was unanimously sd. pl
ed :
Krsolved. That this club i!rpreeat.-a the
r.en .paper reptttn concernlne Summer fares
to Nsssnn antl that we hope tun. In vlw
of the fad leal N- port peop hse built
tst first-class modern h.tleis In the It
j ear and hate unsr .ahers bulldlns. besides
a creat ef attracts r Uiincaluns. a
:arae. marm sea bath and other attractions
at a tmsl estimated cost fer tmpntt emeius
ef $l.V.ttOO. a. so extensive street imprOA-e-inents
bv the city, that the pasgrnser de
partment of the Southern PaclMc rallmay
sill take regnixance ef these fsets antl
meet us half war in regard to iares and
tra-elina avCommodatltne.
The club lias tendered an Invitation
to tlie Commercial Clubs of Albany and
Corvallis 10 come to Nemport and have
a -rreat booster mectlnff. Rates were
asked from the Sonihrrn Pacific for
this occasion, antl In reply to the re
quest the following letter m-as received
from John M. Scott:
"This is certainly a step in tite rl-cht
direction, and you may rest assured the
Corvallis Ac Eastern will be Kiad to
co-operate with you in every may pos
sible. It will also Blve us pleasure to
make the party a rate of one fare for
tlie round trip from Albany and $2.10
from Corvallis."
Preparations are now in progress for
this meeting, which probably will be
held early in April. Various side trips
and a banquet m ill he, arranged for tiic
entertainment of the visitors.
The club Is engaired In carrying on
an investigation of tile conditions of
the rosds leading to the Willamette
Valley and their adaptation for auto
travel. Also the road up the coast to
the Slletz Kay. and has invited the
Ptudebaker Auto Company to Join the
club in a pathfliidlna- trip.
A campaign of education upon sewer
ace lias also been undertaken by the
club, and will be carried on energet
ically until such time as the city Is
provided with an adequate sewerage
Letter of Oregon School Children
Sent to All Tarts of World.
SALEM. Or.. Veb. is. (Special.)
Superintendent Alderman said todoy
that there were hundreds of letters go
ing from Oregon school children to all
parts of the world where there are
Kngilsli speaking peoples and that hun-
mM&l II - , aw-V ill
"i9i2 March .912
Sn Ken Tue. Vd Tlnfc Trt 5st
SSs. S S- S sK "
s 10 is as . 1 c
3 -4 . 5 e 7 . 3 9i
IO II 12 13 14 15 16
17 13 19 20 21 22 23
25 2G 27 25 29 30
All-wool i the keynote of our
Sprine; fabrics and distinctly
American style the trend of our
fashions. Tlio human fifure is
studied instead of the KntrHsh
fashion-plate. The way in which
the root collar fits, and the sleeves
et into the shoulder, the rune of
the front, of the back, are
points that good taste and rora
mon sens will appreciate.
This week, .samples from various
man n fact urers (showine; the rut,
fabrics, eolors and patterns) must
interest all men and all are in
vited to look over our display.
166-170 THIRD ST-
Always Reliable
dred of lrtter.s were being received in
In addition to th move bM njr one
of scroat -durational valur, (t in prov
Inz of !i icJ. value in advertising tlie
i"tate. Ihl. bring: tt-tcd by the fol
low in article printed in the outh
Twerton "onn-ii s-hooTs M.isaz.'ne. of
Bat... England, in the iysuc of Kebru
ary Awy in th far Wen of the Tnitd
Ptatec. within st;hi of the mow -capped
p"tc of Muutit nfd. I i m th llti tonnflilp
of HorinR. It r hut J inJ!r Port
land. In Oriron. one ot tli r--iric t..nt
!air.r. T'.itp l a RCliool n lioHr nhr
"the bl-ir-k hoar. m (.r-n.- Som of th
in-hoinr nTfndtnc it uhm written a batch
of vr- !nt-r-itin-' personal Itt?r. which
In du c.ur- cam all the way to Houih
Twer ton School, to h antwered personally
by rom of our irholar.
What xr itement they eaui-ed among tha
flrt cla-- A t laxeft wr turner! ntit. and
vrr noon PorUnnd. Pilrm. thi? Coiunihta
with " trltuiary th fliamtt-. the fan
cad M-timtMin, Willi Mount Hood, etc.,
Imprt-ptlhlj-. but hop indHIMv. fixed
In interetd mind. Then in brlnht r"U
pi:!'s frown t hr and the many oth-r fa
turi l--HJ-d bv t'.e writer of th1 letteri".
a fu-h of rrallty to nil th inmphy
ffoxm tltat follow el and natiirallv the let-
in .uijivfr call d fortli a real effort
from ri-r ritr. H e rfMril thf mm a
drllKhlfu! and thoronnhly eliic.tloMal inno
vaiion. oir t.nly rfirt:t btna that there
were not twit- many lttr to ansTer.
Rurg-iar Alarm 'astenetl to Contri
htition Box rirlncs Capture.
VANCOt'VER. r.. I'.. Veb. 2?. Henry
Sialler. witM r.-as caucht in th t.'liurclt
of the Holy F.O!ry, several nlphts so,
l.learls'1 stullly today to three charges
of theft. Il! broke Into the church anr!
Hole t he. money from contribution
box on one occasion. Cm another he
entered the church and stole a hand
bag containing money front a woman
kneellnsc In nrayer.
Staller fell a victim to the inenuity
of one of the priests. Se-vcral times tho
contrlhtitlon box in the church had been
broken Into and all the money stolen,
so the priest rinsed up a burglar alarm.
If a person atte.mpted to open the box
the tvlrc ivert. connecter! and a bell
tarte.l rlnclns In the priest's house,
next tloor to the. church.
The bell hf.m m rins Ihe other
nlahl. and hcii It had stopped tho po
lice had been notified that there was a
hiirclar In the church. ttaltcr was then
causht in the church by two Constables.
Commercial dun to Rrlns Kate
Complaint to State Commission.
BAKKR. Or.. Feb. 29. (Special.)
rl.couiaKed In It. efforts to secure a
metjtlns with President David Eccles.
of the Sumptor Valley Ilailroad. the
Baker Commercial Club has Riven tip
the lda of an amicable settlement of
the. Ior- rate question, antl has or
dered Frank Jli-fun. a Fortland at
torney, to brlna: the matter before the
State Kailroad ommi.ton. Local lum
bermen protested to the club last Fall
that the rate of the Sampler Valley
llallrond was so hlth that Iocs could
not be brouitht here to be cut.- Mc
fune advised peaceful settlement, but
Kccl'-s always sidestepped appoint
ments until the. club became disgusted
ami ordered Mct'.'une to proceed. The
Commercial flub also decided to cir
culate the petition for a law provirlinn
uniform and relative frrieht rates of
both car and less than car lots.
Burglars Are Captured.
CHE HA LIS. Wash.. Feb. 29. 'Spe
cial. I F. M. 1'owerV residence was
rubbed last night. $6 bcinp stolen. John
Hoyt and Joe Murphy were captured
list nitrht after bin Kularlilnar an Adna
farmhous. Both confessed and will gosumer.
to Walla Walla.
fet.Trt'TLDW CO
ml Aft
I l li.
is S ir
ii '.
New House Dresses
We have just added a complete
line and values are exceptional.
Introductory prices $1.25 to
Prrccntacc of Failures Tiny 33
Adinilfff on Probation New
Rule Proves Beneficial.
nr.KUOX AGRirn.TlR.M. c-OL-l.EOK.
noi-valHf. Feb. 29. Thirteen
Ktnrients rave heen dropped from the
rV.r ot t'ie Arlenltural I'olieiee an.l -o
otfiers have been allowed to re-enter
under probation. This report wan n.a.le
rmbilc today by II- M. Tennant. reel5-tr.-ir.
The yeholostlo dellcleney wliirti
I as eaiised this action by the co!ee
authoiitlfx la less than ever reported
In nrevlona years. The colleee offlelal
arc a-rtlne,j by tl e work of the first
semester ard are agreed that the eJ
elusion of bin 13 Ftnrients out of an
enrollment of approximately 11'f") is
evbienee of an improved condition in
the rolleR-e work.
The result of this semester's work
has been watched with more than or
dinary Interest because it indicates the
value of new rulinars recently put into
operation. The new rule plnces all stu
dents on probation who fail to pass
in two courses. It also provides tiint
anv Ftudent whose s-cneral averace
drops below the requirement will be
dropned from the institution.
liu'rina- the college year 1909-10. 19
per cent of al! registered students
dropped hlow the passing: arade. In
1910-11 the percentag-e was reduced to
II per cent, and the present year shows
but 4.2 per cent failing; to meet the
scholastic requirements.
"I.uckj" List Grow Greater.
P.OSKBI'RG. Or.. Feb. "9. (Special.)
G. W. Ilelghton and W. AV. Howard,
under arrest at Vancouver. Wash., ac
cused of having; obtained money under
false pretenses in connection with their
piviug- away prize lots of land at a
theater in Grants Puss, operated in
Roseburg-. As a result there are a num
ber of local people who held "lucky"
numbers, and later Kave the accused
men $10 with which to secure -deeds to
the property.
While In Rosehurs the men claimed
that the land was located near a
famous hot spring- In California.
Ess; Price I. Poultrjnten Pnok.
CHEMAWA. Or.. Kb. 29. Ecks hav
ing" fallen to the price of 1 cents ow
ing to the mild Winter and abundance.
of green feed and insects that have
caused an unusual supply, poultry rais
ers have decided to pack excess prod
uct until hatching- season shall have
cleared up the market somewhat. The
retail price is considerably hijzher. tne
n argin of difference being- such that
noulirvmen here have about oecideo to
organize and deliver direct to the con-
thus saving; the profit of tne
ARM CHAIR is only
one of our many fine re
productions, which ex
press both comfort and
IN your selection of fur
niture, wall paper, dra
peries and floor coverings,
we are prepared to assist
you in every detail.
130 Tenth Street,
rhones Mar. 3819, A 463J.
has ageiin decreed that navy
serge suits shall be supreme
If you would get the best for your money, then you
must come here. We've made a big special purchase
of finely tailored
avy Serge Suits
And Offer Them Special at
Sold Everywhere in Portland at $30.00
Made of extra fine men's wear serge, strictly man tailored, coat 26
Inches long, lined with Skinner's satin, huffed-edged collar and revers
and panel skirt, with raisea waist line. Never before have we heen
able to offer such a beautifully tailored S 124. 7 5
Suit s.t ...........
New Man -Tailored Coats $14.75 to $24.75
New Lingerie Waists Special at $ 1.25
White Serge DressesSpecial at $10.75
126 Sixlh St., near Washington Second Floor
f Steward
I 4 Railway of the IjjJ 1
I North Coast Limited 1
: Atlantic Egress !
Daily through to Chicago via Minneapolis and
SI. Paul. Tbe North Coast Limited runs via
Mississippi Valley Limited
Daily through to Kansas City and St. Louis via
Compartment, Drawing Room and Tourist Sleep
in Cars. Dining Cars with service (hat is famous.
For rescrvatioDS and tickets, call oa
A. D. Cbarlton, A.G. P. A., SS5 Morrison St, rortlnnd.
We will deliver tickets tor you in the East.
Annual Roue Frri?oI, Portland. June !0l.
fon:amr.ra Frsto. Ttfoma. June .'O-Jitlv 4, ?
Groul fMir, Ordrr of Kcj. Portland. July
Gulden to'laUh Carnival. S'aUlr, July l?-30, JO;
VrlitrMtone: Xationct P--.rk. SraronjHnr 15-Srpt. tr,
Tanoma-Pacijic International Exposition. San Franci'.eo, 1915
Northern Pacific Railway
Oritmal. Direct ani 01? Linr to Gardiner Co'etray, Official Yellowstone Park Entrance
A Simple Remedy Beautifies and
Darkens the Hair Cure3
What a pity it is to see so many
people with thin, wispy hair, faded or
streaked with sray. and realize that
most of these people might have soft,
grlossy. abundant Jiair of beautiful color
and lustre if they would but use the
proper treatment. There is no neces
sity for gray hair under sixty-five years
of ase. and there Is no excuse for any
one, younr or old. havinsr thin, strag:
zlirtg hair, either full of dandruff or
heavy and rank smelllns with exces
sive oil.
You can bring- bark the natural color
-"T -. .en-.-?.' awr jBKaay-'! w?w.aKT.J
it - r v it v rr-. -n ' " n -,-
of your hair in a few days and forever
rid yourself of any dandruff and loose
hairs, and make your hair grrow strong:
and beautiful by using- YVyeth's Page
nnd Sulphur Hair Kemedy. For genera
tions common garden Sage has been
used for restoring- and preserving the
color of the hair: and Sulphur is recog
nized by Scalp Specialists as being ex
cellent for treatment of hair and scalp
If you are troubled with dandruff or
iti liii:' scalp, or if your hair is losing
its color or cominp: out. ?et a fifty
cent bottle of YVyeth's Sane and Sul
phur from your drui?rist. an.l notice the
improvement in the appearance of your
hair after a f3H' days' treatment.
Special agent. Owl Irii; Co.
-jn it
m -;fy