THE MORNING OR EG OX I AN, FRIDAY, MARCH 1, 1912. 20 PILOT VESSEL MAY Wash your df.slies PORTLAND'S CEREAL EXPORTS FOR EIGHT MONTHS OF 1911-1912 SEASON. with BE TAKEN OFF DUTY Wheat. BuAhela. Flour, Biirr.-li GOLD DUST Clard. wssc.. flag. t:k, destination: July ? K aria. Nor. Hftnckonjr 2J K urn trie. Br. Hor :kotg Totl for July ' 3S.S1S 152.s:. Export for Ju:. 110 144.TT9 buahcls of wheat nd barren of flour. Br. . HnfcHonc 2.1 112.:S Kxporta. Aucuat. lulu .4.073 brela of flour. Port of Portland Commission Likely to Retire Schooner Joseph Pulitzer. 512,000 SAVING ENTAILED C.rnrriil .MsnaKor Tallin .UiC9 Dropping of JUai jt nil IcaTlng Ml Work lu Two Tua. A I or I a Slorf IMannrd. To r?l.r t'nr Pilot .. homi r .lorph Iu It t nr from rvlc with t he Port of I'ort land tmm l--ion' f It at th moui i 'f i h 'olumfita IiiT-r. thereby umj m rr without Impair In 1 1 f firtiwy of the pllotiiK and inuis orunljuttlon. Is the plan of Onrrul MatnautT Talhot that wtll b iulmutH u.t th next martini; of the romml.-f ion. S'tatttlr- hav ben jcath ert jifiowinr th number of pilots who h..rdd liu omlne v.,! from the F'ulitxr. alo tdo.-w J'inin-; her when taking- --' 1 to ja. and it l.t believed thai the nme work can dn ciily bv harm; the pilot on the tuics Wal Iil and Unciinta The lnuet Sound Tusboat O-mpanr .rtji but two v".--l. the T.tioh and UMih. and through an arrange rnrnt with tlie lnileenlt-nt pllo(i pum marine culdon aboard all vojih-Im de MrmK thern. The l'utitxr usually rrui.ot beyond the June of the tutc and in t.rrally ft rut to nak an in-b-uind rh I p. but in several InMancfi f he h4- p laced a pilot on hoard a i-franprr onlv to find when one of the i 'I?- -t a Inn i; i tie that her mwage l ad ben r-inrr-irtH for by t h opaoil t.n. Jn fttj.'Ii the f -e reveivrd for the pilot nervhrjt dtd not warrant th- epne of kepm him on duty. The malntn-.m- of I h Pulit ir in a bout 4 hh a moii th. whit h tncludta t vrt of providing food and lep tnc aiTitiumiHiationa for the pilot. In U inc h-r up th rom minion w ill have on- rrew 1e- to fed and pay. cet rid of the tff of opcratl'iK the i-hMner and trm outlay of flnanre for liic. will not be added to greatly by havlnc thern tarrv t he ptlttt. A not her tiietin to be takf n up ! to proTole a roninit-iry at An or la t !upplv the tit tie. In -fad of main t.ttntnar onlv one at Portland. The rom miion, if the yiMn N adopted, will rent a Mrroom I fr nd purr ha n-tme -oppllei at A"lrl.i. The rnmml-on wax t nave not ye--t-rday afternoon, but the absence of rommljt.nrr 1m.c from the city, th i?lnej- of ('omniiioionrr r,.Hmn and h tnabillt v tf I ommif iitiir K-illy to attend rnud It to be postponed un lit Tuela afternottn. ih i-o:;inh.!Ti. Br. ... Pt. vin--nt ;;s .: 1 I.usi.y Troutii, Fr. a... lnakonjl - . ll.".4.'l lJ3.ia:" -1 pi?rathixon. Itr. aa.. Hrckon j: K lotuM tM-tr'.. Ft. b.. J. or F. li;.04.-. li.. -.'T H na B.. Nr. aa.. u Vincent 214.4.T I 1-0.12.T ;n -..,. bk. Hum. Q. or K ll3.3:. !u.llrt I'a. fr. I.k.. Q. or F l.;.1.Tl':: ls..k Bonr:..,mp. Fr. bk.. t. or F lOS'-'ia 3.. Tor I for SeptTnbr apor!a. bcpttmbtT, lt10 112.327 October C Orrri' Br. aa.. Hniltnf X3.3... SA'-T lar.r r. r.r. ah., y or F.... 1...4J! 4 Km. at Lrfotive. Kr. bk.. Q. or F l!?.4'.i m srraihn'. Br. ra. Km. ralmaa.... l'2'J.7ttl 11 I'.vsja., e.. Honrkon nroan-. Kua. bk.. W. or F.. 74V. M ll:lopo;ia. hr. .. Vlljcent SSo.OfO :l-lv-rnj. Br. bk., J. or F 1H.ks2 2'i Brnibk. Jer. bk.. i. or F 124. tiivr.i', Br. aa.. Uama . .1.024.171 a3.!9a baahola of wheat. 34. WOO tl39.S.t iiw.;w jr-'.f" 1 1 .3.v 10S.131 61,340 44.M3 :46.13 170.612 Total for October. . . . 1.0ik..72 W4.4 1.M.8SS lu7.S3i Kiporti for lober, 1!1A 1.173,240 buahcia of wheat. 31,173 barrels of flour. 2'. lHiir. Itr. p... Shanshat... .71.T.:;: '-plin. G.-r. r.. v. r F 1 '. .'V 4 AfarM Br. lk.. . or K 1::2.713 7 lia.-nia'r.ii. Br. a... Dunkirk lt;.2''-'l II I.a B.mrh.. Kr. bk.. Q. or F 1 17.41 '.'7 K UTtierlr, Br. aa.. Manila 2a Jotnvllle. Kr. b-. or F 109.642 f 2.42 1 12. 1 St. 22 .S24 ' tvi. in Total for .Vorambar.. Kxporta for November. 77 l'I3 101O S70.8SO buahrla of 70.319 rheat. IkIC $ 7n.I7 Sl.4'.8 ..32.I9 lerember Anna. Wt. Ik. Q. or F. 4' Chieftain, pr. bk.. y. or F. II Jul-n tlomeav. Kr. Ph., W- or F....... 11 ltic Ktnit. Br. n, "Dunkirk l jkT!u.r).. Fr. h., Q or F I.urr-rlf, Br. a . Manila. ,.. ti m. K'tirn. Br. h.. tuh!in.. 1.-. liivrr. Br ... Ki. or K jwHrtain. Kr. Q. or F rn(Mjil. Br. bk . W- or F Vnar ail. Br. tk.. Q. or F Flti..trU-k. Br. T'TiTtrfe , SiriuixH. ,r. ah.. J. or F 1t 4 .'..l 77 4 1:2 r,:1! l.V 0P 11U.7I9 7r 7oh sr.o;i T io.-;m 14.1.o:; ;t.T.i;:7 "-7..... t;-j.::47 p.t.lM0 17 7 '-0 t.'i rtTI 114.44:: 1iti M4 1 17 (Mil Total for lmbor. . . for lvciiiber. j10 l.W7.4til buehelai hvat ; 1 13.07 L bairfls Hour. Ordinary dish-water only cleans the surface. Put a dash of Gold Dust into the water and it will go to the bottom of things, drive out every bit of I dirt, every germ, every hidden particle. Cola DUSt cleanses as well as cleans We promise you this if you use Gold Dust Your dishes will be sweeter and cleaner than ever before, and you will save at least half the time ordinarily consumed in wash ing them. Gold Dust does better work than soap or any other dish, washing product and saves half the time. January 2 Inv rl.-atie. Br. bk., Q. or F T.riai. Br. hk.. . or K A Br. Phanshai li- Sla-rra ytranda. Nr. 1. W- or F.... II lluffon. rr. tk.. or F- IH ..!. V. i1 Mrrult. f"r. bk., J. or F, t. tirieric. Br. avtv. Manila 71 in Br. hk . j. or F r.' l.avtivk. Crer. ph.. J. wf K reHnaarr " aMitrip. .;r. h.. or F. ...... ... a l: . arj. Nr. .. Mnila .4-iia ;oUn-vl. Fr. bk.. Q. or F. . 7 -lt-i.-. Kr bk.. 1 or F 14 Wm T fl. Br. bk.. Q- or F. :i-Hat"l Ioltar, Br. Taku Bar.. Su rt-. Br. . Manila I'ort Stanley. Hr. bk.. W- or F-... Total fr Febrnarv K a port (or Krbruary. . i lo.irkj in.m-i . 14.".. 7Mi i'.K tir iuoipii iMnto jii.ihmi $ :;7.::7a , 7 ! i ihiO 1 1 .V7:-4 !'7 -.'I! . 1 1.ol !4.i.-l 4s.r.ri ii. ii s; 07t TTnii 14 T.l ll'O.oof. , K'.T.O.. 7-7.H7n ."tl..VJI H.TTiM I bu5hl of wheat; 02,011 barrcla of flour. , 1-'J.76J iohn:;.i I!t..Mi 74,oo 1 1 i.tio.' n:..4i;n 1 1 7. 1 w ." l.".;uvj i i.v.m: . . .... 7..VHI Jt'.'J."'" lr.iH.- ii.voin !C 1 2" 5.i:i. SO.". .VI. 47 1 f . 1 2 2 bushels of wheat; 4i.7:; barrel of flour. ri:i: link mkks low cat Oprn Kitrr sl- New .Mark fur Halt .Inr to Interior. rtea4 are to ! quoted fr h-intlinc rnmmoilittri from Portland to point- on the 1 pper t'olumbta and Snake rtvt-rav. !; nn inn tn-ilay. by the ( pen It I ver TranntMrt.itnn ompany. Ht It waa te-ldead yesterdiiV to make further rediiriton batise the rail line bad reent ly dropped tar! IT a. The fleam boat in lere. boM lhat water k nip'titltn forced the rail rates down and t: at they will continue to be t mil .it d I hroiich t he tame influence. The lower turiiT of the railroatla ap plvinar to I'axo ran urn In five rl.4ien fntm 3 to 7 centx and the new mater rale mill be from to 1 cent; on the name comnnMlt t ie. To I 'tun till., the rail charge In from 35 to 70 cents ml by w.iter they will be from 24 to 5 rent. To l.r iMin t he rail cont is from j 2 cfntu to $l.3 and by water It in I e frtn 40 to SI trnt?. The water ch.irjjf.t an derided on are about Jo ! r rt'nl le low t he new rail rates and the Op.-n Piver ii extend It j..-rvt"e t- t.e Snake Ki'er territory when the of water permit, a nt itrenent t he jranire l S feet and frm 3"i to feet Is required. ii i;r nizriK.K. i:x.iki:i: r Kr present lcHljc-LI fn Knuln Url Job. l M M.trps Urn deig-n ated by " r. AiiRiff. rTree-1 iri c lUlph Mod Jfkt. df'mnrr of tha Brt.twjy brldce. rr.i'!'-nl fnciti'vr an. I he will ha e fn t t-baree tf thr m k of rrri tins !' .r. t at ir'-iiij. ,i (rittii't ftr r-i.-!i w.-i I I ! Pr n r I a n la Mtr P t.l' H Z .1 1 arid m'iiihftii f the bruis C"ii ;r 1 1 te- f t; e I o iurll Viewed tf. frtur,.itt..!.. tf t e Nrblce eiter'la. rfnn pan ir.i hv Mr .n;:T atd Tom . Te a ntft- r. t e '-iM.r petrf- resident rntlnfrr v t' e l (on P. r Lice A- fon .tri tion i'onipnr w1 l- i 1 aa finished tri. s-ibtriia ture -. Rtra t and the final payment f-r t:,e job ni l be anihnrurj at onre Repreentattvra of the penn v'anl i trl iV-npanv are epecfe.i to rrarh the city before lie Angler dpartji nd a a-oon a? the ftrt "lilpment of tuaterial arrive the erecting l to tart. hours and from Astoria In nours. ISiv th faalcst voyage down th rul lHt tr. relinic It off in bou 41 lours. f S0 pontoon hetnir built for th new Port of Portlann arenue. at mo yards of the Portland Slitpbu lid tni? Company, 2 are nearliiK rompletlon. I la vtni; flnlld dinrharclnc ballast eterday. the French bark Pt. Iul. will be towed from Ldnntnn to Irvlnu nock itMlay and becin loading wheat, as her lioinic I in place. Three days behind acheduVf. th steamer Geo. W. Klder cam Into port yestorday morninsr from San Mhro and way port. She will sail Saturday even 1ns: on the return. Arranjwnent have been completed for the steamer Sa. a jawea, to dovk at the foot of Waahinirion tre-t, on the south idde of the flip, wher Captain Smith ha leased the Pat property. Plans have been drawn for a teel tun to be built for the Columbia Con tract Company for service on th riv er, but It hr not been determined whether It will b completed her or some of the equipment brought from the Harbormaster Speier rid the Stark street float of a collection of Junk yes terday when a public auction waa held to dispose of Iron, barbed wire and other stuff that Hugh Hrady. the mu nicipal srappler. recovered from the Crux: CTilrm. from llnntkonr: Falcon, from t'olumbl B lvo Srtlled Steamers IVrmi, fr AntnfAvasta: Alkan. fr Ilnnnliilu schooner liie Pne-n. for Santa I.osalla; bark R. P. HlthM. for Honolulu. Uzard. Fb. LS. PjiimuH Hrititth bark Tommiiile. from portlantl. for Kalmotith. t'ooi Bar. Kh. ?!. Arrlvfd at A. M. Stam4-r AlHain-e and Breakwater, from I'ortlHnd. Seattle. Keb. t9. Arrived Steamer Northwtern. from South woMern Alaska; A. O. I,liiday. fmm H"ltlnchm; Bumtot, Washtenaw. Fwlrhavrn. from San htan- ctsro; Charles Nelson, from Tamma ; Queen, from Sound ports; ship b't. I'atil. from Port Blakl-y. Sail? Steamer 4'iirarao. for skMjfav: Queen, for San Francisco; barsje Ixotfnfana. lor Port Blakelv. CoroDAl. Fb. 59. Arrived Magician. from Min r rancisco. S0 ney . N . S. ". . Feb. ; t Arrl ved Belle of S-otlanfi. from San Francisco. MontevldM, Feb. ?. Sailed Crown of Arruson. from Fan Francisco. i t it r i ' a ft y f. is i n.orn Port la ml Make AnollKT Spurt Ovrr Pucet Sound in Wheal. P.rUnd sent $.!4 barrels of flour t tt-e irirnt anil California In Keb riarv. a pain of 1.J barrels over February. 1?II Of t-e lot io 7 bar i.l were e portal to th Far Kt and 171 tvarreW to California, while a j rar sao tne rlBntal shipments ere '.T barrel.-, and t allfornta bur JO 7 barrel wer.- f rwarld. Tfie total wHat ni'iVfrnw! fr th inont w.s 7s 1-I b ti . b i s. against r..KT bu-hel.. sent from Puet Sound. lt.t h port f-ll brlow t h cereal trade o a year ao. but Prt land lead for the nontr wch ."t.) buhe and for the sea-ton I'mIav i it Cltv Is 3.;7.0jO buhel ahead of h r competitor. The flour trade bas been parti--ularly n.o4l this seat.-on. as c-m pared with Mt. a there have cone from Portland 7"V!: barrel., while a year ao the business amounted t but 0 S . ; d : barrels. Ml AMf R INTKI-aUtiKNCE. Nam. To4mlte . . . I arlos . . . .. K.-ae i "if I oe te Arrive. From. Date. . . Fan Dirar-... In port ..sail Ktan.-lsco.In port . . San I'r.lro. ... In port K.der. liff. Sti It Klnioic. TiilamtM.k. In port Mar. T Hrra.4tfr....rr.i itay Mar. 3 t-ar n pelro. .. . Mar. 3 i;oanke S.n P-o. ... iar. A Mianre. ...... Ktirk Mar. & Ka ln Krajitriano Mat. KuTn.rlr Mantia Mar. l'cdro. .. . Mar. a ecr.raUile to enrt. Nan.-. Ko-. Pat. Ts' . S K fr t- A,.tr. I f-ii M. 1 d am H" ar- . . . . aria.. . . . V .aa.a m O 4 . , . );ra w HT. . n.nok.. . . . . Titan-e M-a r Fiirotl. ..... Bear Kumerir .S. F f-r I - A.. Mar. .San r--lro. . . . M r. . Fmpt iKn Mar. . .-an 1 ls. ... Matt , . iMf Bay Mar. , Sjn ItrK. . . . Mar. . Furrka Mar. . earn rv irrt . . . Msr. . an Franico Mar. . S'i P rtro. . . . M i. .Manila Mar. llairk lt. lcna-l 1'ndrr Hondo. Tl:a llrlti.ri h-rk Ti-rt Stanlrr. Kl.lrh .a. hr I'ntta-.f stMt.-, f ira.-ta! -.-.t t-n a aim of f. J. Hahriwk to raaoar d.nt.i:.1. f--r r.rr.'nal Injnrte. ra'la'.aa'-l Ta.'ardar Dn rf!a be-ftimr.'-r.! in thr aum of lll.v'. Mjarnar olr. f-1-,l Martin tstr 4.l:ra K.i n.ji -kitT i-f la jn. h Ttarr fl ..a lrarn.l va.larJiv that t"a t.ariirr firr rar.! Kan Kmn.-i., fr.rn I'l.rI.ritl WrnawtA af'rrro.m. maiaus. l-c run fivui I uriUuJ la 41 rlvor. tla lo aril aid bot tht had bacn plrkul up anrl ware unoUlmrrl. (-.rrylnn rrn.ral rirtn for polnta rlo.n th. raut. thr (tai-ollne choorwc f.tav. of th Klrhor. floct. I scharl- ulrd to atl tonlKht on h.r ftrat voy aco from TortUind. Slnr. betnsr built t North Bard ahe tin b..n und In the r,iat trad., but only -xcrnded the rir.r a far aa Aatona. RMa ..ra ooanad yata'rdar at the offica- of l.)or Morro, Corp. of En slnorra. I". K A.. f"r tha cnnatructlon of th. dra-duo Col. r. K Mlohle. whloh i. for aavTlro on Cooa Bay and an appropriation of .15.n0 waa made for tha work. The rrunnnn ira-nB. 'nmtaany. of Near York, and tha rVattl. I'onatru.-tton at Prydock Company fllrd prnpoaala. the former tivln four trnd trr and the latter el. The dredite la to have a :-inrh au.-tion. with a Imath of ;:: fret, beam of 4J feet and depth of hold of : feet. The bid will be forwarded to Wa-.htnaton for approval. Moirnirnl. of VrssarU. MBTUn. Fb. n. Ktamr Toaanna. from Ban Kranclaco: i. W i::Jr. f r. m H.B Kio ar.d way porta. PatiO Steamer Northland, for Han Kran c!a.o; at.a-ner Klamt h. for an Ileo. A.toria. K.s : .nd1lton at th. roeulh ..f'.i.. r?..r at a P. M.. aoioolh: arm!, north - .eat : mllra. .;!"r. rlear failed at I A. V et-arner J. A. l hanalor. for M..ntrr. y.'-tMl at A. M. Slaamar N.haJem. for Mlepa Harbor Arrived at and left up at 1 . 1 r. A. M. Steamer Toaemlt.. from ean Franrta-o Sailed at Ja A. M. r r Oatama. for ean Fran-iaoo. Arrived at 1.11 p. M. Siramrr Geo. W. Krn.lck. from f .a f.d ro. A .lor la. Keh. Zt- -ajl.d at r. M Si.amer f H. teit. for saa Franeiaea via lira. a Harbor. Arrived at 1 P. M. and l.ft midnlabt Ste.m.r 'io. W. J.rdr. f ".'o ean Tl... and wa. porta. at.n franf'vi, V.h rnved at noon l.r-.r. from ean I'edro. Am ved Koanolte. fr.m San Tt.arA. Arrived k. j I. 31 liintiifr I'aWi. from Portland. Arrived la.t nlaht et.-.m.r Hear, frota I'ort'ard .n t'raarlirn Fan. . rr l. li.ljuiaa. liia U..u, aViuuua. fivia fcaax. Title, at A.toria Friday. I'lch. Ixiar. A il S.t feet S:5 A. M J.J feet it. 01 I. M. . O.S foot NEW REMEDY PROPOSED MISAVCK- LAW MAY Bl. tsKI OS LOW S1IAKKS. lrputy li-.irict Attorney Collier Ie Iicc Statute Will I'ut Knl to Kxtort ioimte MelhotU. I'rosecutlon of loan sharks under the all-embraclnsr "nuisance" gt.itute I be ins considered by Leputy IMstrlct At torney Collier, who says that there la no other sta-tute In this Mate which fur nishes adequat protection against their extortionate methods. "To put a few of these fellow on the rockpile would be no more than they deserve, and would drlv the rest to reputable meth od." ray the proper utr. The nulsanre statute, in its refcre-nce. to -Injnrin the pernon or property of another," has been stretched t ow every sort of a irurestdon not otherwise, provided a&calnst by law. That taking .idvantatre of pressing necessity by load in k a loan wiih fahricaterl t-tiarcoa la an Injury to one's property. Is the contention on wh.h the prosecutor be lieve he ran obtain convict ions. Mr. Collier ia moved to action by tba dlstresslnj; cas of S. Caplan. a youtny clothin dealer, who conferred with htm Tuesday. Caplan borrowed $100 from tJeorsre A. Nichols, wit h office In th Wilcox buildlnsr. November 25. aaree Inar to pay 10 per cent interest. He cav a mortRHRp on hit" houehold furniture to Burt Jamea, who works with Nich ols. Th f urn itnre was covered with In- mcli In Cod Liver Ott i i . . .... : " ' ' r-t L ia VM-e :rSr'irTi: 1 W. HI a ATrElnl.X ! No Other Emulsion Eas The Quality There Are Two Size 1 6 oz. and 8 oz. Fact Brown Bottle Only. No To Eat Up Quantity All Druggists are Clad to Sell It Children Love It Taste Good Sample Bottle Free by Mail That those who ara seeking health and artrenjrth for tlieroselvea. children, rela tives or friends may experience the life eTlytnaj properties of this excluslva Nor way fxold medal owmlxed cod llrer oil niedirinal food emulsion aa well as tr know Oxomnlslon superiority In beintT most palatable and easy to take a, cn emus J-oi. bottla will bo sent by mall to thoso who send addresses by po'trard or letter to Ittv-muUlon, Tearl SU, N. T. D. sot ua. borax, an.p. a aphtha, aoda. anamooia or kero aena with GOLD DUST. GOLD DUST baa all deair abl. cl..oaiD .ual tia. ia a ..rf.ctly bartaieaa and laat iai form. Ci &hi "law thm COLD DUST TWINS aoyoor aeor" SAVES TIME and ENERGY Lightens All Housework SAPOLIO Cleans, Scours. Polishes from cellar to garret WORKS WITHOUT WASTE stiranrc to the amount of 500. and an asMgnment of the policy Hccompanied the chattel mortKHfcrc. Caplan paid 1117.50. principal and interest, between the date of the loan and February SI. In the meantime the house containing the furniture burned down, and the in surance company refused to pay the money without a releasav from Nichols. When t'aplan went to obtain it. think ing that he was clear of debt, a further demand was made upon him for 117.50 "brokavraire." he says. Why, 1 have paid you all you asked," he said. "Ves. but this is the brokerape," was he reply. "We can't do this for noth ing." At this stai:e Caplan appealed to the IMstrict Attorney, who advised him to make no further payments. Necessity forced him. however, to pay tha money and obtain the release of Hie insurance. Yesterday he went to the District At torney In arrest agitation, saying that he had paid the "brokerage" with a check and later found thai he had but a few- rents in the bank, fie was given assurance that no complaint would be Issued against him under the circum stances. v ?w : i h MTU Knight Says in a telegram from New York: "White and Tan will have the call for early Spring." and Knight is Right I SPRING ANNOUNCEMENT rz T T T XT is at hand regard less of the chilling wind that seems to pet the better of the Kentle chlnook zephyrs. A pen i into our windows today will banish all thoughts of Winter. Thoughts of "(iontle Pprlns" will chaise each other in quick sue cession through the Imagination. HICKS' JURORS NOW ELEVEN Venirrinan, PcinotTat, Promises to Vote for John II. Stcplienon. Bruno A. Schaar. a lathing; con tractor, and Frank Cepell, collector for an East Side lumber company, venire men, were passed for cause by both sides in the Hicks murder trinl yes- HaSjJ32aS Evorvtliin? now, tashionalilo and practical fimis a direct way lo KNIGHT'S, the, popular shoe store with the masses and classes. THE public is cordially invited not only to see our grand window display, but to in spect our 1912 SPRING and SUMMER stock of fine foot wear. Our window displays will re veal the most interesting exposi tion of fine footwear ever seen in the city. Men, women and children will be interested, for the very smartest and latest styles are vividly mirrored here. , The dominating styles this Spring will be found represented: made by the foremost makers of fine footwear in America. Sec the new tans, flat last both high and Oxfords for men. the new whites and tans for women and the whites both high and pumps for children. KNIGHT'S Morrison at Seventh Tull & Gibbs' Bldg. t-ita'fal iavi tf 't terday. In the examination of Schaar It developed that he is a Democrat and Attorney Davis, special prosecutor, asked him to vote for John H. Steven son, one of the attorneys for the de fense, a candidate for delegate to the Democratic National convention. The prospective juror said that he would. H. B. Schedeman, B. G. Wallace and O. I. Neal were excused by the court because they expressed themselves as firmly opposed to capital punishment. Richard Campbell, a carpenter, is not a citizen it developed on cross-examination and he was also excused. F. H. Hall, a hardware merchant of Pell wood, does not believe in the death penalty and was allowed to go. John F. Logan yesterday relieved Dan Malarkey. chief of counsel for the defense, in the examination of jurors. Mr. Davis and he engaged in frequent verbal tilts, each accusing the other of trying to prejudice the prospective jurors. These charges and counter charges have been a matter of frequent daily occurence for several days. Kleven veniremen have been ac cepted to date but neither side has ex ercised a peremptory challenge. The state has six and the defense 12. Defunct Bank Pays Dividend. VANCOUVER, Wash, Feb. 29. (Spe cial.) Four hundred and thirty-five depositors of the Commercial Bank of Vancouver, which is in the hands of M. B. Kies. receiver, today collected their second 10 per cent dividend. The first dividend, 10 per cent, was paid last May. There are about 1200 de positors. E. Durkee, a depositor, said today that a robber had stolen not only his watch, but also his proof of claim for money he had in the bank. Pay ment on the lost claim was stopped. H. C. Phillips, president of the de funct bank, will be tried in Kalama March 5 and about 40 people of this county have been subpenaed as witnesses. h Warmth and Strengt on a cold day come from foods that are easily digested and are rich in heat-making elements. For the out-door man or the in-door man, for children to study on, to grow on, to play on, there's nothing so nourishing and satisfying as Sh redlde d Biscuit It is better than porridges for children because they have to chew it The crispness of the shreds induces thorough mastication which develops sound teeth and makes digestion perfect It is the best "whole wheat bread," because it contains all the rich body-building material in the whole wheat prepared in a digest ible form. Delicious and nourishing when served with hot milk or canned fruits. Shredded Wheat Is The Whole Wheat Made only by THE SHREDDED WHEAT COMPANY, NIAGARA FALLS, N. Y. llliaili;niillHlaW;wtltiMllallhlfc J i 4