16 TJli: .MOKMXG OUEGOMAX, FRIDAY. 3IAKCH 1, 1912. 7000 ENLIST TO AID CITY BEAUTIFYING Canvass of Greater Portland Plans Association Meets With Great Success. LARGE FUND IS RAISED Jlla-t From Count.' MhlMlc ) Mfaal for Iollar-.l-aner to fftrgin aIr t Ration V. J. Ilrian !lu Huilsc A membership computer. wht h b-Kan yetrdr mornlnc; at !:30 o"lork with a siren tiat from a thousand whistlrs over the rliy reMilted in the addition of 7Ao members to the Greater Port land I'l-ina Ao-Hitnn. and incrca.-ed the funds of Ihe a'K-UMn by more than that many dollars. The raiiipaicn was one of the livfltc-t ever conducted In Portland, and it sutrc-s surprised ereii the mt enthusi.i?tlc supporters of the movement. With the Must of the whistles a small army of workers started out to, sell membership buttons at II each, and within minute hid tlipoed of more than 3ftft t persons Interested In the tlevr loptnent of Portland mIuhe tho architectural Itnes urraned by Munici pal Architect Bennett. hn the cam oaf n rlnst-d Mt o'clock It wus re poi trd that nearly 7""J buttons had been so id aaapalsa Leader I'leasetl. V. Vincent June, i Imlrman of the memberhlp ronimtttee of the a-ona- imn and prime movr in the campaign reported that it w:is imiossible lust flight t?i sst-erttn int- cct number of battons sold, but il.tlarvd the number would be near The rampulnrrs worked In pn.ru over all the city. They went to the home in the reidnre districts and pa.ed out the button-, and they worked rn every corner of the uptown i let net. worker attended to t he work of pinntnK the but con on th prosper! lve turihuer while the othe iiMk the $1 and recorded the name and adurr-j of the pu re baser. tt her workers wrnt t hroush t bunlnex blocks aud nld hundreis of buton. t;vcrywhrre tt was reportel t'.al the plan mrt with approval Mid few who could afford the price lated In loinlnu the ao la t ion hct- At nn but ton numbers 1. IS and were sold at auctimi at the Ad Club ne dusrler. I. Sum tic I obtained No I for 10: tirt.rK'" A Iovejov No. J 3 foi i J U. and J. U Miller No. ;3 for 1 2 10 I'lrss- n Maav Hattoas. Many firms purchased lance number of the buttons for thnr employes. one firm bouirht 3i if the buttons In one bunch. There was much rivalry amm t;ic csmi-atuners to see who would -U i .ie largest number. IC. I. arpent sold 111 and oilier sold numbers not far b.'Iow that. Whether Mr. fan-enter i.ol l the record will not bo known until to-iay, after the count The bic cim pal it n iiuy was bruulH t- a fittlnK c'ose with a mass meeting Ism titsM at the Multnomah Hotel. T ie auditorium at tne hotel was crowd ed with supporters of the Citr flrautt fnl plan and they listened with Inter to addresses bv leading ntember of I ' e association. Ineludint; Tom liuh rdon and O. It. Merrb-k. The color i!rie showlnc the i:. ns in detail were t .rom n on a creen and nrre explained bv Mr. Merrick. Mr. I;Ui.ardon ex plained tne benefit f tiie city bulldinc n the future on a specific plan, and not makina the mistake which has been made bv nt'. er citie of bulldlr wttl -oit repard to the future. Hryaa Hya V. Vincent Jones reported the succe. f t' e campaign and explained the use hic t I P made tf t' e monev re ceived. It will he devote. 1 to further In the plans and k"epin the puMIc informed as to the proicrc: of the .-en-r rat public it v crttno.lcn bem carried on bv the association, be rnll. A nion t hoe wbe became mem hers 'f the a!s'i ii trn I ' purc.'iain but lon whs i!llam Jennlnes Hryan. Soon after he arrived in t? e city 1 e .i aoi oaci ed bv an ambitious cam paigner :.o tok l is name nd sd- dre and p:.4ced button on bif coat. JURY FIXES DEATH BLAME .i 4 irncr' Iiniicl Vcrtllct 1 Itr tiirnc, on !.. at Hold Flrr. 1' k f Hl-4'.i.it Ilrr rs, .ii' ti the ;timan I f -1 1. nitl. h ilctroc.J ly li--e .Miintji, w hl'l lv ii Cvr"llcl jttrv t. h.tv bct-n the muse if the aeiith vt l5ii.it r.ipp.i". who Jutnpcil from the ll if lhi builatnc at llic hcluht cf the flre. anil tileii n the fflilewlk l.tlnm. Thr tmiurtt iij heM ye.lr t.ir. It Ha tliMi.h'i1 hy tratimnny that l'Hp4a was iiiiut r frum ce to ttie lire ricpe in the Klrit atreet alile t.f the hirliitMC other tcntinioii Hhiiired thmt ttila escape put tin tv the A. Krank entate. to cuniply with the law as 1i their nhare vl the atruc ttire. Frank Kiernan. wh owna Ihe north half, aai-i that no ofneer ever called Ma attention to the lack. unJ that he would hava erected a fir eacape If ha had known that the law required It. MEW SKYSCRAPER MAY RISE t liansr luc in Ruililin; nn Sixth and Mark Mrma. W. L. Carpenter, ft Portland. ye terilav leaeed tiie hnl:dtniT at tha .outheaet corner of t'.il and ttark Ktrert for a terra of flva year. Tha t'jtMlnit will b remodeled at once, on the rround floor atora room will t,e provided, whtla tha opp1" fiora mill tie converted Into offlcea. The Improve tnenta wl'.l rot about i:a.9. Tha property L owned ty n.U K. Oordoo. of tan l-ranctaco. Mr. Cor- Ion announced yraterday that at tha expiration of tha lraaa ha will build a II or li-tory atructur on tha alt a. Mr. Gordon bousht tha property lens lan ! year ao for t4.00. The lca.a rloaed ycaterday waa baaed on a valuation of approximately $j2.0ii. Thta la aqual to atout oo per rent In ereaae In valnatlon en thta property In yeara. SPACE UNDER SIDEWALKS fncrtlon ladV- Trial ncnt.tl I Dne tM City Tlirrrfor. PoKTL-V-VD. Feb. (To the K!.- r to rue rrraon aia chjectlnf to ity ?rniIinB $i.".00. for .-ridce cht nl fSi'in fop t;rrater Portland J plan. Tl.ty tl.ilm it deprives outlying dttri n of rtewi,i arc llcltts. In sup port, other urjre the expenditures will enfit the whole city. Attain, it is no ziieithle tiiat the city i now active in fnrclna; propel ty owners and others out of tr-t end.. Thf thlni; are mentioned in order to call attention to a source of rev nue neiclerted by the city for years. Manv large property onrs use the vIy under riiy control, and pay the ii HT notMne ror It. nut Itel larice ren tala for basfmfnts which Include thi epace. If the city reei-ed It rnlr part of the rental Income! fur licences iiie troiinU in atreet below atilewnlks. there would unquestionably be ttonie iiddltional money to apend on arc li;;!)! bealdoa helplnic sfeatly on UK. More over, there l.i or ahuuld be a larjce Item for uae of thia ground In the pant. Morally. I. It rlKht for one class of citixns to rtrlve larire benefits frtm phkiikt . r:r.K I. (o. r'l'.KKX'r MKVTII D KMITS W HO II. I. IMT IMHTI. MI. 5 a A. O. laniells, president of the general confi-rence of Seentti lay Ad vent 1st s. the Koverntnu body of the organization, will be In I'nrtland tomorrow, and will peak twice t Women f V'nuil craft Mall, lie will -pe.-ik at 11 A. M. and 3 V. M. He is uttend ln tin Ion con f ereiice sessions throughout the country, and is now on his way to Ias An ireles. where h conference will be helil itcgrlnntn March JO, and luntln-? two weeks. He bns been in attendance at a conference at, I'ioVhiiry. Alberta, Canada. 17 miles north of al carv. He sjoke In Vanouer, It. C. lat inaht. will speak t Se attle toiii-rht. and will arrive in Portland at 7 o'clock tomorrow m ortiinc public tre m and pay pothlni; for It to the public, w hile the. burdens on all others inc?e:to? I it ilht hctwren man and mar.? It is to be hoped that the Council and Purine,.., men will kiv; tht matter mhm immexlia t t rotii;hl. with a lew to a-t i ve result All of which Is refpc-tfiitlv submitted to the citizens who 'e or nicht to be ln tcreMed. IH'UKRT K W KI'UIT. CHINESE PUZZLES CHIEF All ort. ial- Iklllqttrl ; but rioter -kr( u Wonder ii.s whctiicr I.e. or tin' .Mayor, fir. uit J uU-c. and otl-er prominent 1 1: lzcns are ro:niUtllt-ntcil. t'l'.irf of I'oib e '.ocr tei:s l;ov lie came to he not air.onK tr.ojM- present at a liannsict uiven List week l one t.f the Chinese Tons In commemoration of the li't year of the lait cycle of Cathay. Kach tons clvlni; a banquet aeked pernilhilon of the hear! of the police department to provide ntu.-lc after the Chinese r.iihloh. tin this occamon. a particularly roiir teouit representative made tae ri-qneiit. backed bv an American attorney. He aald that the Mayor, the Judges and others bad been tnileii. "You didn't c!ve me anv Invil.ition." said tl:e chief, j.iklnslc. "Why notr' Tlie Celestial blushed and showed treat discomfort. The hospitality of Ms race I. .id been Impugned. et he could not Rive ti e reason for fatllnR to offer trie Invitation. yvi.. es." said tlie nttorney. "why didn't you tisk the chief?" Ti e uplilli ant stammered, but at last blurted out the explanation: Hue nan say l:ini flillstlan." rra-lMti llorf Injure Cilrl. OKKC.i'N CI TV. nr.. Keh. 29. i jie- cinl Mis Kate Huff meisler. uaucn- t,.r of Mr. and Mrs. J. II. Moffinelster. .f iam.icu. a paitirtiiiy injur Wednr.-lay near her home nv nemu thrown nirainst a barb wire fence trom the hor-e !.he i rulini;. The steed became frlKlitenert and commenced balkliiK an. I n arinc. Mlsa 1 iof f ni Mster. besides belnc snaWcn. received cuts by s:r:kln the f-n. e. lr tiny Mount, oi this niv. was sumiiiono.1 and dresed ler wounds. ; ; r VI-' a. nooieiu. NEW SPECIAL FEATURES OF THE SUNDAY OREGONIAN Wiat Becomes of the Immigrant? Every vrnr tluiiisiinrls of tlie-e iieoi'le rVmo to America Irxun Europe to make their homes with lis. .lust xthat h:iiient to tb'-m ii. the roure of time is nbly gone into. Full iisi. illuMrateil. Our Cadets How military science U taught in the school if made Ibo Mil.ii et of an important an.l interesiiiitr pd'o: illiistrato.l. Christy Mathewson-e-The Cinr.' star pileher eon tributes the sixth of l.i- clevee articles on prote-sional basehull. Implies arc taken up. ilis-cclcrl ami cxplaine.l on this a'i'. Tables lu Slang tlooie Aile keeps up his hi-h staiidanl asrain this week. The piclutes are by Albert Leverim;. International Spies Tliey are a .-trar.po lot. are these men who have aroue,l sev.'ial Euo-au pouers rerently. A Lomlon rorre rH.nllnt supplies an excce.usicly interestiuir hali' pn:re on the topic. Ieap Year Day Half a pare is ilevounl to some of the stranae ami fn-otish eveni that February 1".' has evolve.!. Have Unknown Writers a Chance? This :iestinii. which many a stn:?'jliii? lie-iniier has .i-ked. alter pott in scores of stories back, is fully answered. Two complete short stories, illustrated. The Jamp-Ups Tht-y pve a coaching party and have another an. r.oxii:g experience. Kew AdTenture-. by all the comic snpplcmant people. MANY OTHER FEATURES Order Today Trom Your Newsdealer. n i mnn Tn mi Tin m LtKUD iU ML I fin Pioneer Finds Old Acquaint ance, Courtship Follows. AFFAIR STARTS AS JOKE (.'time Turk, of Mit. and Mrs. llnn niih Clmpiuan. of I'ortlaiul, Wed as KpmiU of Note in Persona! Column of Xcup:tier. Partly a Joke and because a friend challenged htm to lo tt James Turk. ued 66. an Oregon pioneer and a prosperous rancher of the Nehalym Valley, whose postoffice address Is Mist. r.. two months aso inserted an advertisement In a. Portland daily, newspaper statiiia? ltls circumstances and 4U'clurlufir that ho wished to cor respond with members of t he fair sex with a view to matrimony. The ad vertisement was "blind"; that Is. a box number in the newspaper office was STlvcn und the advertiser's identity waa net disclosed. "Just for fun." as she said. Mrs. Hannah Chapman. of 140 Stafford street, a widow of 45, decided to answer the advertisement, but she was un aware that she was un acquaintance of the advertiser. More than a score of answers were received and Mrs. Chap man's letter was forwarded from the newspaper office to Mr. Turk with the others, lit: pUkel on her as "the one bent bot" and the courtship started. Both were naturally somewhat embar rassed at first but they laughed it away and yesterday were joined In the bonds of matrimony by County Judge t'leeton. There was nothing in the copy of the marriage license In the County Clerk's office to ftivo the romance away, but a friend of Mr. Turk Inadvertently mentioned it in the course of a con versation. Mr. Turk was railed over the telephone at the home of his bride on Stafford street and after some coaxing admitted the facts to be as above related.. Mr. Turk is the owner of 500 acres of land m-ar Mist. or. He went to that M-d i-lct from Portland 111 years auo. YVhilo In this city he was for a time a policeman In Kast Portland and was also in the employ of the Mount Tabor Street Railroad Company, now a part of the Portland Kallway, TJiiht & Power Company system. .Mrs. Chap man had been a widow for 12 years. The acquaintance of the two dates back 12 or 14 years. Mr. Turk said. TIIIKI AM) IIAWTIIORNK PKKS BVTKl.lW .MAY V.MTK. .laii(ac. in iuolilaiiiii; Txto . Orgu " ': inn Art- I'olnteif Out j lv One r Members. I Consolidation of the Third Prrsby I.Tian Church and tho Hawthorne Talk I'leshyleriMti Church, and the eirection of a new stone, cdfi'-e at h new site bus been SUKesled by a member of one of these churches who docs not want bis Identity disclosed. There was some talk: of uniting these, two churches when Hey. Andrew .1. Montiroiii.-ry resigned and Ht-v. WiPium Taisoua accepted the cull to tho Third Church. It was reported that the eon Molldation uf tlte two c ii u relic into fine, strung church would be followed by the. ertcilon of a $10". "on stone, lrcsbylerinn Church east of the present location Hut Hawthorne Hark l'rcsliy. terlan Church was too loyal to Hex. 1J. Nelson Allen. Ibo pastor, t.j consider the proposition, and publicly iletlarcsl that it tas not a party to any con solidation niovoment. Tt Is understood that Kev. .Ylr. I'aisons ejpeeted that tha two churches would consolidate be fore he came to Hortland. Whcthor the failure of that movement hud nnythlnK tn do with his acceptance of the Ku sene call ran only be conjectured. Tiie Third Church and Hawthorne Hark Church are about equal In mem beislitji and financial strength, no it Is aald. The united mcmberslilu Is be tween lit" hhiI lfii. and the total properly held by the two churches valued at approximately 70.onn. They are now down-town churches, and there cult be little, more, expansion at their present locations. Hoth will have to seek new sltca. it Is asserted, in tho near future In prder to be In the resi dence, district. Jlotli nr. very prosper ous and sironif ciiuicoe.... Now Is tiie tinio to takn tip on... tion of consolidation." said the one member vest -rdav. "now that Kev. Mr. arsons Is soon to im for KuKene to take the. pastorate, of the Hresbyterlan Church. No pastor has yet lie-en called to the Third Church. Now. I would suasest to the two churches that com mittees be appointed to negotiate a consolidation of tho two churches and th- erection of a iii.fini) stone Treshy- terlan Church at about Kast Twtnty riftn or Kust Thirtieth street. I would suggest that Rev. E. Nelson Allen be retained as pastor of the consolidated church, as h Is known to be an able and faithful minister, who enjoys the support and confidence of his own church and Is widely known outside of his own church. This committee could be appointed from both churches at this time now that Rev. Mr. Parsons Is to leave. 'H is suggested that the Third Tro-a byterian Church be retained at its pres ent location as an endowment church to be maintained an such in that dis trlct, and tiie two churches to unite in the erection of a new building in the vicinity of Laurelhurst. which should be ih. home of the consolidated church That would leave the T-add Addition and the district there to be cared for by Mizpah Presbyterian Church, and the territory north of Sullivan's Gulch to be cared for by the Westminster Presbyterian Church." The Third Church will hold a con gregational meeting March 7 to act on the resignation of Rev. Mr. Parson? The Portland Presbytery will meet March 15. POLICEMEN GET ADViGE CCH n-:V f.l'ARD AnmtkSSKI) BY V. II. GFORfiE. Junior Republic Founder nriis I'alrolnicn Against 'stool-I'igeon Sjstent Six Itftiires I.lslod. Disregard of parents for the welfare of their children was censured at the Youiitt Men's Christian Association yes terday afternoon by William K. Georpre, founder of the Ueorice Junior Kepubiic, in an addresj to patrolmen recently detailed to special curfew duty. air. Georise. arrived early yesterday morn inir from Tacoina. and at noon he waa a guest of the directors of the Y. M. C A. at luncheon. After luncheon he met the patrolmen In the parlors of the bulldinfr. Mr. Geori:e advised the policemen to enlist the sympathies of the children on their beat, in the proper observance of law. and this, he said, could be done by au exercise of "tact. Boys, he said, could be induced to lend their Influence toward the observance, of law among other children, although he did not ad vocate "stool-pigeon" methods. The speaker extolled the Hoy Scout movement. He said General Towel!, the founder, had visited his republic at Froevilln and had told him that some of the plans followed there would be adopted by the Box- Scouts' organization. Mr. Georce will lecture today as fol lows: Washington Hicii School, !i:30 o'clock: Lincoln Hitch School, 10:"0 o'clock: Hortland Academy, 11:10 o'clock. He will then lulu with of ficers of the Juvenile Court. At 3:30 o'clock he will address the Council for Jewish Women and at 8 I. M. a mass mectinfr will be held in hla honor at the Y. M. C. A. Mr. Georire will address a . teach ers' meetinir at the Waahlnitton Hich School tomorrow morninsr. He will de part at II A. M. for Salem, where he will be the purst of Governor West. Mr. Georce spoke at the iouns Women's Christian Association last rlcht. oullinliK the nirls' share in the Junior Itepuhlle at Freeville. FIVE MEN ARE INDICTED Oritiid Jury Also Ilolurns Two Not True IlilN. William Iean. ex jonvict. who wa captured while trying to rob tho hous of C. A. ;allinfrr. SO Kast Twelfth street north, last Kriday nizht, was In dieted on a cdarpe of hurjrlary hy the Krand Jury yesterday. Tuther Hallett, who, arcordlnH" to Penn'a adniiKsior.s. wan his companion in the attrnptd tmrzlary, is included In the indh tmpnt. He lias not heen eaptured by the polU'f. It is believed that he was wounded by one of tiie several revolver bullets Kent after the flreinn mm by "V. O. and V. Van Attn, neighbors of Mr. Gallinper. who i-rrled. themselves in the house and gave chase to the would-be bur plars. V .liter SeJbor waa Indicted for an a? nault with a dangerous weapon on W. A. Mack, a detective for the O.-W". 11. & S. "o. It p iillrsed that Srlbor attacked Mack with a kettle filled with boiling water when thelatter oupltt to arrest lilm fr the alleged thft of wheat from car In tlie AHdna yards.. Other true bills returned were: I'liarlrs llbodes, aliaa Hlondie. eharpert Inducing- a younjr woman to become an Inmate of a dlaordrly house. II. K. Kders. larceny from the dwell ing of James P. Taylor, December 21. Not tnir hills rTiliH In th m?ps Friday Extra Special PIANO BARGAIN Kimball Upright Piano, $100 In order to .-tiinulnlo ;i still further intei-et in our Sacrifice "Removal Sale" of Pianos and Players we will offer this Kim ball Upright Piano, today only, for $100 Wo will eoon move fo our new loi-atiou on Morrison street, oppo site Olds. Worlruan & Kine. and in the meantime are offering some unparalleled bargains in our entire line of pianos and player pianos. ' Reasonable Terms of Payment. Open Every Evening. Soule Bros. 127 Eleventh Street, Near Washington Street. of W. Tl. Gtllilan. alias Ttansome, ac cused of passing a bad check on Charles E. Ryker. and Pria Alemchamoff. charged with the larceny of $105 from George Hadof. STATE DEFEATS RAILWAY Court Decides Company Has No Grant on Hawthorne Bridge. Jutlse Gantenbein, of the Multnomah County Circuit Court, who several weeks ago decided that the Portland Railway, Light & Power Company had no franchise across the Hawthorne bridge. Wednesday signed the findings of fact and conclusions of law In the case of the State of Oregon, ex rel Frank Grant, against the Portland Railway, Light & Power Company, the case in which the point was involved. Ordinance 7134 referred to in the find ings is the law granting the Mount Ta bor Street Railroad Company, prede cessor of the present company, a fran chise across the old Madison bridge. It was adopted In November. 1SS3. The full text of the conclusions of the law is as follows: Thr.t Mid ordinance 714 of the City of Portland did not contemplate or authorize th operation of the Mount Tabor Street Kallroaa t'ompany'i cars or those t It BPaiifnn ovfir said new structure designated aa the Hawthorna-avenue bridge. That tli franrhlae conferred upon the Mount Tabor Street Railroad Company by nd undir the authority of aaid ordinance 71 34 expired- with the dent ruction of tho old l!adleon-ltreet bridge, and that the de fendant ha now no franchise riicht or au thority to nitrate lt cbtb or-any cars over i b structure known as the Hawthorno avnu brldj:- Tht thf niaintiff is entitled to a judcr- mnt afrainct the defendant excludinc the drfndaut from the intrusion, usurpation and unlawful une and holding of Mid fran rhisc and privilege and that tho plaintiff 1 entitled to a judgment deciarinsT It to be unlawful for tho defendant to operate a street railway or street railway.: or to run cars on, over or across said Hawthorne avenue biidfce. DAILY CITY STATISTICS Marriaae Licenses. TURK-CHASM A N James H. Turk. city, legal, and Tl;uinah I'hasman, city, leal. LlPP.i'CRiK (Jcorye K. bipp. city. . anil Loclse XI. rook, city, IS. JO.E -M HAl.K .Vlex J. city. JS, and Dorothy McHn!. city, leial. U.XTKI.I.I-TI!RBITOM Sum I-antelii. citj-. is. and Rebecca Ttrbltoni. city, legal. Birthn. ros To the wife of Henry P. Cox, TX ood tbek. February l"i. a diiuKliter. LEWIS To the wile of AuscuMus M. Iinlii. In77 Jlontana street, Felirunry 16. a dauzhter. . , JOHNSON To the wife ot Viclor John on. 7 Church lret. February 1, a daush- "mAI-ONEX" To -the wife of Albert H. Ma lonev. February Hi. a dRugliter. HED1JAWAY To the wife of Kdtrar Red dawa. HXlt East Eleventh street, February 1H. a ion. KEKI.Y To the wife o David F. Keely. eorner state and Jane streets, February 1U. I?AMII.TOX To the wife of Herbert G. Hamilton. tr.:! FTast Eighty -slitb. .treel. February lit. a son. IlI-AiVFORD To the wife of Fred Blackford. Fulton. Fein u:irr 17. a Hon. PARKS To the wife of Pallaa H. Parks. 701 East Ankeny street. February 24. a son. iivvhii'I To tlie wife of Kudolph Hn- rlcl. Muvles Island. February ;n. a daughter. MI LI.HUI.l.f..N lo ine oe u. Mlllhollen. 13 Humboldt street, 1-ebruary 24, a dauffhter. DAILY METKOROUUGICAI. RKI'OKT. PORTLAND. Feb. 2P. Maximum temper ature 52 degrees; minimum. :tl degree:, nivir r.adlug, S A. M.. .. feet: change in last 2 hm rs. none. Total rainfall !. P. M. to ." 1". M.I. none: total since September 1, toil "7.::i Inches: normal. CI. .17 Inches: d ftclei.ry. 4.1S inches. Total sunshine. 1 1 hours. 4 minutes: possible, ji nours. . mu Harometer treduced to sea level!, at o 1'. M.. v'.l.liti inches. THE WEATHER. g j Wind. 5 -S 9 S Ftata ol STATIONS 3 2 1 2 Weataas St " s i : .' i r : ; RakT KaIhv- Tlonton r'.-vinarr Cli loa co Ienv. r les Moines ... luilutti Eiif ka ...... (iciivcuton . . H.-leiui .1 tti-kfton vi . . Kai,sr "Jty .. Mmnhtield .... Montreal N " w t.rlcans . New Vork North If. r.d ... North Yakima Phoenix T'orafllft ..... Port Innd . . . . . tosebiirie Sacraim-nto ... !t. JoUiS St. J'aul S.lH ItKf .... S.m I1 ko .... 8an Krancisco Spokane Tacoma Tatooah Tnland Walla Walla . V 'rioudv W 'cioudv NV Clear 'Ci'Midy W Clear XE loudy N'W'I't. cloudy W Ci. ar X Vloudy 41 . 7.1 O o ISO 1'4 1'ft O O MO ti .' 1- x r. ,IH 4 .00' S ; oo 1 Kir u. ' I uudy .V 70 u n X t'lear N" Ulear N Clear W U'lear w ;i"Ioinl N i.V' ar NWflear SE 't'lear XlVyar W it:;oudy X15 jriear E I'lear S t'loudy .S W near VWriear NWjirioudy SE ii'toutly v t'loudy NE 't'iear N !'-r XE 'Clear W 'Clear tj; o.e'' 4 o.fo'i4 4KO .no : 4t 0 7s 0 .( 4 . 0 4 .on 4 .ml 14 .in 4 00 6 till 12 . imi h 4 4i: o C i. ;o ii 140 uo.ns id. oo' in ::s o.i I. oil" 4 ..01V1I) i.oo ir. 44 O.fi 44.0.. 44 O.i .1M 4 WEATHER CONDITION'S. Hirh pressure obtnlns over the g-roatrr OLSON Market & Grocery Co. 145 First, Near Alder 16 lbs Fine Sugar $1.00 5 lbs White or Pink Beans 25c lib GhirardelliGrd. Chocolate 25c 3 Large Norway Herring - 25c 2 Large Irish Mackerel - 25c 2 lbs Swedish Anchovies 25c 6 Bars Any Kind Soap - 25c 2 cans Jersey or Pioneer Milk 15c 1 lb Spscial 35c Coffee - 30c lib English Breakfast Tea 25c Best Betters, Roll 70c and 75c BASKET FREE With $2 Order, Sugar Excepted MARKS The Upstairs Shoe Man A hoe Man jAfmm saves -mmilim MONEY FOR MEN AND WOMEN THE LOW RENT DOES IT 2 SO a"? 9 AA T.AFAYETTE BTJILDING Entrance 313'2 Washington, Near 6th N. Y. Saving Shoe Shop r-nrf.on f the country vast of th Rocky Mountain?, while a moderate depresstoa vrii.-. (-.?if. ml and Nevada., AMtliin the last 12 hours no precipitation of conep ciu. n ; has oci-urrcd. only .14 in-h heliiB r. nortf ti from Nebr.-iska. Th wruther is c olr alons tho tJaMf'irnla coast, in NI.'Tlrrt. Tpxar. the Mississippi and Ohio val i -t,.. p-r-im. Vi.l.lln ml North Atlan- tU- states.' It i warmer in th Kast Gulf srjttps the South tlantir States. -xc-pL T'-nn.'ssf, and in tht- Basin and Rocky Mountain States rtj'tmIIv. Tho tempera tures hi cmral United States and In t h N'tirth'-rn StatR of th Kooky Moun tains aro ronnlder.i'Jiy hfiow normal. -r,rf;ir.T,c jrr.f.ivor.iliio for crnerally fair Treat her Friday in this district, except In Southwestern Lrecon. wnr.) unsnuru n-..-i.r,- -iu nhtri 1n Tjrobablv foliowt-d by showers. No marked temperature changes are expected to occur ana easterly w inu will obtain. FORECASTS. Portland and vicinity Increasing cloudi nsti; northeast winds. Oresoii Knir. .xcpt showers southwest portion; northeast to east winds. Washington Uenrrally fair; northeast to cat wind. Idaho Kair. THEODOUE F. IRAKE. Aetintr KiFtriet Korpi-afir KINEMAC0L0E MOTION PICTUKES IN PORTLAND Free Illnalraled Welfare and Inihixtrinl Ieclure by National C'aah Hcela ter company Tonight. Krldnv evening at S o'clock, anil Sat tililav afternoon at 2:30, at the liunea low Tlieiitcr. a welfare and industrial lecture, illustrated by Klnemacolor mo tion pictures, will bo shown ly tho National Cash Register Coinpany of Davton. Ohio. Admission will be free. The. exhibition and lecture will Rive a comprehensive outline of the methods used bv the company at Dayton in transforming an uply factory site into ons of the city's beauty spots. Tho pln worked out by John H. Patterson, president of the National Cash Ueftls ter Companv, resulted In bringing em j. lover and employes to a better under standing. A model factory was built and an industrial success achieved. Tire- exhibit will also be interesting to the bovs and Rirls interested in srarden ine. Much thouRht has been given to the scope and arrangement of the lec tures with a view to making them profitable, entertainine and instructive to tbe. business man arid bis fnmil'-. ACCTION SALES TODAY. At Wilsons Auction House, at 10 A. M. Furniture. 171-3-3 Second Mrfft. MEETING NOTICES. TORTLAXU LODGE, NO. 55. A. F. ANP A. M. Masonic Tem p'e, special communnatiun Kri dar evening at T o'clock. Work in the K. C. decree. Stated cum-mtit.lr-ntfnn. 7 :ol. XVork in II. M dfjiiee. s o'clcick. by paft masters cele hratliirf 4ath nnnlveiPHry; visitor, welcome. Bv order of W. M. -'. M. STEALIMAX. Secretary. OREGON rOMMANDEKV, Vfi 1 Will meet at th Ma- MC". sonic Tempt? on Yamhill st. for tne purpose oi attending the funeral Of t he late Sir Knight II. T. Hudson at 1 1. M. March 1. E. C. WIFX5AND. Secretary. A. AND A. S. RITE Members a re requested to attend ihe f lifrrnl of our late brother, Henry T.. Hudson. -d. at our cathed ral, this afterncon at 2 o'clock. Services at the grave under the auspices of Harmony Lodge .No. 1. Bv order rttESIDING OFFICER. HARMONY I.ODGK. XO. 32. A. F. AND A. M. Special com munication this (Friday at 1:15 P. M-. for the purpose of con due tins: tne funeral of our late brother, H. T. Hudson. Members are requested to attend. Visiting brethren welcome. By order of the W. 31. TV. M. LE IAS. Secretary. MARTHA TVASHIXGTOX SOCIAL CLUB Regular mt-etln-g- this Fri fldy) ercnlns. Kast Eighth and Burnslde. Election of officers. Fro- ereculvn .".OO. ifATHILDS SCHULTZ. Secretary. ROSE CITY CHAPTER. NO. fii. O. K. S. Regular meetlnc this (Frlday evening, Masonic Temple. TVst Sldr-. at & o'clock. Members cordially Invited. Bv order v. M. SARAH B- GUER1N. Sec. SO wx 4c AMI SEMKXTS. AT SAI.K Ol'ENS I TOIKW. 10 A. M. t 1IKIL1G TIIEATKB 4Si!,i.',,NN,N.iKEXT SUNDAY Special I'rict Matineo Veinesday. Mort II. tfinser i'rcsMits In the Musicnl Fantasy "THE l'KIN K OF TONKiHT" Evenings Lower FI"or. .xcept last S rBr. 51. .lit; last rows, xi. Balcony. $ 1 .. Ti.. .VK-. Galicry. Wedn.-yday Matinee Lower Floor. $1. 75c. Balcony, 75c, 5ic. Gallery. :i5c. -5c. BAKER THEATER 11th and Morrison T"e are ereatinir a lanphirg riot this week. Everv nicht. matinees Wed. and Saturday. Ml XT AM) JKl K. Brlnsr the littlo ones. ,i peojle. 2 carloads of s.-enery. It's one biir noise. For tho i e of Mike hurrv If vnu want seats. Nights-. -"c. 5m. 75c. $1." Mat!., '...'. 5i:c. Next week "Tlie I i rl Km m K ret or'n. L Y R I C SaASL TVKFK FFB. 26 Tom MacGnlre. "Th Marry lander of Amer.cn": Th Premier Trio In "The. Beauty Shop." See Ihe Kadhim panci. Two perform an re olghtl,-. 7:30 and !:15. Malineen Dnilv. :::.. Fridav Mghl -horns ;lrl .oteeit. Jiext T eek, "Miss Tommy From Tex?." MAIN ft. A 100 MATINKK EVERY DAT M AT. I.Vi 50e UTS: 15c, 25c, 50c. 75 T1"ET:K Ff:k. 2B. M"arv Norman. rl Id" Fuller and corp of d-r.ierp. MtitMin's Farm yard Circus. Ferry Ma ram & Co.. Csrwn Brother. Jame t lemon and CiU! leo. Bem i vie Brothers, Orchestra. Ficlnres. M.aune livery 0j. tess SutiiTnn Consldfaa. u vti; FFB "fi. "The Picture of Iorian lire'v' Lnv Weleh & Compaaw. Adler and Arline Iro Berrn, Mme. and Mona. Ioras, Mr.dne? iirant. Lew raimore. Orchestra. Friccf', 15 and "5c. Vi:KK TFB. 30 Rope'l. Mrdee and Recce. Xloore anil St. Inir. Jlelen I-infrree ' Hurrv '. I.von. and Ihe Stanley .lrl. rn laeieone. I'anlaKen Orehentra. Snlly i.ev. Box ffle epen frfim 10 A. M. tn 10 1 . xi; Roxeo and fleet m- b"l ony reserved, l'hnne A 22:i: Xlaln 4B36. ItED. DI'NTORD At nls late residence, r.R2'i Hawthorne Ive., Fob. ::!), Gcorso Dunford. a years. Kemains at lx;rch under taking parlors. Funeral announcement later. TAYLOR In this city. February 29, at the family residence, :;:U Kait Uth St., An thonv XVarren Ta lor, aired :E3 years a mnntlia and 4 days. Funeral notico In later Issue. EOTRAL NOTICES. HUDSON' In this rity. February IS, at hi. late residence a;8 Flanders street. Henry T Hudson, ased 7rt years. 11 months. 18 dy. Kemains at tho t riora or the. Hol man Undertaking Company. Friend. In xitd to attend funeral services, which will be held at the Scottish Rile Cathedral. Morrison and l.ownsdale streets, at 2 P. M. today iKrld.'-' ilarch 1. Interment Kiverview Cemetery. FIPKK The funeral ot the late infant son or Mr. and Mrs. Herbert F. Flske will be held today t Friday). Interment Mt, Scott I'ark Cemetery. FI-OWKRS. floral drulgTM, Noh Jlill Flor ist. 120 2:ld and Ulisan. Main 502, A iilSl. JIOXniENIS Otto Schumann Marble Works, Kst 3d and Fine Blreels.. Eaiit 13. Dunning ft McKntee, Knneral Ulrectors. ;ib and i'lne.. 1'hone Main 480. Luly at tendant. Oflice uf County Coroner. MR. EUn'ARD HOI.XIAX, Ihe leadlnn fu neral director and undertaker, 220 Third at., cor. Salmon. Iady asaistant. A. B. ZF.I-I.KR ro., 5! Williams a to. Fhone F.ast 108, C 10S8. Iidy attendant. 3. V. I INI.BY & SON. 3d and Madison. IJidy attennani. j-none jiain a. jx x.i.. KAST S1DK lXjnernl IllrectorM, sueceor. to l H. Ilunnlng. Inc. E. 52. B 2S25. I.EKt'H. V'nderlaker. cor. Kast Alder and Siith. MSt 781. B !!. Ijdy attendant. MiEWKS COM TAN V. 3d and Clay. Mala 4152. A 2-21- Lady attenlant. 5 THE CEMETERY ; Beaatlfa! ML Scott Park I,AIt(.l PKIOlAJiKlVT, IIUIIKH IV. P O II T- LAMI'S O.M.V IHODCRN CKSIKTBRY WITH 'Bltl'E'l' IAL CARB of all burial plots without extra J charge. Provided with a perma- m nent irreducible M a 1 n t e n a n ca , 9 Fund. Location Ideal; just out- aide the city limits on north and a west slopes ot Mount Scott, con- lalning- 135 acres, equipped wita 9 tvery modern convenience. PRICES TO SUIT AI,I s " MOKHCH TJ11J BEST. ONE MILE SOUTH OF m Z LEiVTS. KBuVLAH A I) T (IMOU1I.E SERV. ! ICE FREE BETWEEN " I, K I S A O T H B s " CEME'l'ERV. ti it it I CITY OFFICE, 920-021 TEON BUILDING. MAIN 225, A 708S. CKMETliKY OFKICli. TABOK 1468; HOMil PHONE RING B 6111. THEN CALL LOCAL 4201. .a CLASSIFIEJAD. RATES Daily or Sunday. Per Line. One lime aania a.i t tv ft a. nfteo u 1 1 ve times xZo tame ad thxeo consecutive limea bame aa eix or wtch cuwmio . Itcmittancea mutt accompany oat-ol-tovrn order. In New Today all advertisement ara cbarscU by measure only. 11 line la na When one advert len-en t 1b not run In eon tevutive tnsuca the one-time rate appllea. Hlx nurds count a one uae un jwu -Tcrtlsementri and no ad counted for lew than two line. . . rbaret will he baited un the actual number uf lines appearlnc n the paper, regaruie xt the number ot words In each line. The above rate appiy 10 V T andcr "New Today" and all other clBMdf.ua Uoik cplinB the following: Mluatlontt vamr. tltuatlona Wanted, female- . uiii ncrcr.t cla.Hnlfled aarertlAe. ment o.er the telephone, providlnff the ad vertiser 1" a eubfcribcr to either phone. N lrice will be quoted over tlie phone, but bill wtH be rendered tbe (nlloninK day i l.- I.-- .ihu-niirnl advert Iwraen la will be acf-eotcd over the phone depend npon tha nromptoeM of the pa ment of telephone ad eriifemeot. Situation. Wanted and l'er oual edvertiement will not be accepted over the telephone. Order for one inser tion only will no nccepeu ior kmubw i" Rent." "Furniture for Sale." Bnslne Op portunities." Kooming-Houaea" tad "want' OREGON HUMANE SOCIETY OFFICE CITY HA IX. Main 69. A 7M- Healdence. 24 E. SMth N Eaat 477. n a t 4-.. V? o w :A Wtcrn St . . CI. T. A- i;UHlH"i a.- -o.m rv. V. lrtth. East 17a. iior Ambulance. A 6101. Pr. E:l 4. NiKhta. Sundars and Ho Li day a. A 8163; Pr. bx. i ruoK NEW TODAY. Suburban Acres Aak for Mr. Vnn lce. (HU'IX A IIKRLOW, 332 Chamber of Commerce. riENRY WOODRUFF a xi. itmB