Morning Oregonian. (Portland, Or.) 1861-1937, March 01, 1912, Page 15, Image 15

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    1. 1912.
CHEERS OF 10,000
Mebraskan Entrances Multi-i
tude Roosevelt Berated . j
Soundiy in Speech. !
i 4iiimHirr I- .il;iml'il n--fr-mm-U
;. Ilr .ltark r-J'rr-iilrnt.
Tan l int I 'orsin tn in Val
I rnml a( "1 .tHrii.irlc.
he.e to iUtt he f hundrd
-. lr nrj-r t put him in th rr.
mil) la a- p.-t:(n te aK'-t to thtnri
that f. .lr m'l Its hliM.o.
..'VT'unHlr it fallen nl
..i.f man In It tm ni tu fee Ir--dnt. thry
i,4l b-ftr In it ku an.l grt nr Pi"t.r
aud i rr.rr over .nn.
r .! w iriv utc' that a
rn-.-. in- u h' Taft misrht
xT.v.l'nttr h od tai'H fnm lacd
jif'cii-ir tn n l-rh I f.
W if fi.. liae tn-.. to trat quit
;tfc-Itv lh- ih.r.l i rn is-"-- Yn HI ftrxi 't
i; rt t i.u!It'1 trlf .tttic h-a
ha' a mt wnu: anc th T'nI' lo
r Mm r. r - thifl irm. V:ii U tha
r..w-r ,,t a t't ulrni T irralT than ex
. r . art. Kit; rtrt. No itioti-
r. n tn Ir- 4--"v...-s an Inflinrtc as
41 i-ir(n;.-nt. At Ms ro-nmiTid
mr -1 ' ' of pnMl r-
it h oi-i lrn from ih puM
trAu: ir,.m. h-n h ,nf that Of -
f i p1iiM inr f r-.Ti hi br-tf "Vrf
thrrao . jm.Miii'n anj 'itif,mi' four
t- a n.:"i.n- k- not nine i.i hMnd
Mi ' f- man hn not tt
l t i- i n ! tut in charge of that
third I r-rm.
.- t f
1 i .- i a : i u a
in; n t-t.i k-) oV
' r ir""'rnrn,nt.
In t'i hrnrt of
i-r I from I ht;
th.v rl-it.
u .i-liir.-- Mr. l;rn
i.t ;ft for llif ITM
nt.I t.'irrr m rre
tn-tn hr r-uid
r..n. II" niH.l a
:.r party 1 a 1 1 -v . pr
f,r t ! 1 viniHT! In
i U'-n ll.i Kail.
Rmll la Hwwtmtmwmtird.
"Tl rr all.- Mr. lirv .in
r,.'r!y a -Ir-'. - i.y u hit h -u ."rrat
a n- n from an tf i b I 'r. (. ait
r.a!v to Th- only nff. i in. -
twn Impai-rimriit r havr li t
ilv an I t:.- r-ral M etat :th
r. rh. p. oj.if t. j'il t I
w.iu-H r th. r tru.t t. p. t t-- anv
h'.v th.- rt'lf rnt-u-r ;rh It
tni' ppl r in
1(art i n I rtm i "
I ,ir prt f 'f i ' n
h-rt.- of lor ru
in rofitln'itr.ic
m.i U flraf t
rwnn:ln -ti
rlr nrjr at it i- t r
- I tiio. : a
in t h !! I
Kir. nc -!''
t.if ut'
klr Not
! r R-.m u !i tiut ir.tltcat- ht.-
prrf.-rr.-.. a t :-c Ivmo. rtl. l'rr?I-.l.-nu.l
. firi.!il tt-. r plain In l':t
hu'i n- i-.r ; i . ;a r r hot t M:ntfic t !i
I'rc.-. - - n t " Ti. t". h' -1. wax !
ti A t l'tt.-;i to h I.t. . by ptT-
Mtnaf . la. 'i:r n' j r b nv oth'T
t7-n v trn l pcp'f t IwiiimH .
t.iifv1 I :in mv par?y t
in tM i-t isih,"" sal ! Mr. ! try. in.
hrlpir'ic rw-r. Tro rrin' nl fi;:it
ln v.ry i.u-ilt'nnrs."
a .Mr. trtn nt ro1 ttir u.ittrliun.
a inp.tniai1 b t'i nMiib"r of th r--
. rt in nrnnilt t. t U lnnl htart-.l
'litf."" but tii. ki mid from Iu.uom
ri.r'.ti- rn : drtj v n-l t '' hmki .
KM.ft t-lt l arrrr4.
In t! i 'ur of hi M'.
;.n on- mniion iivi W ii"r
.tu. I t!.f iiiilati. pronoun. Tit.-
litni- or l.a toil.-tt- t.iJ
a mil v rri rlvt l. but If IttH',. .lt tia.l
t ' w.'ln In t f- auiiin t r;t- u it-- n-tl-
.-aMv .n it l;.-ft-r n by Mr. Cran
t. tr t- -I'rr !! nt tit. I not nr.u..- janv
1 1. Iv Van Iniu-r, t a t rr?mn of t '
Is UUM ii 1 1 t " . u 1 1 1 v i i t . 4i in in 1 1 Nw.
r l 1 I. bill t for n.a 1 1 M. WiTi- ('-
i I'M f lb- .i.. nt"l itrrnor
W.'tt '., In l rtxln. .( .Mr lrvan a t h.
" ri Airr-i an-l ni.i l..v-.l privrttt t iti-i.-n
of tM p:r; Nation
rrk.ait rrltr mllla;.
I Kn b.Mttr pf-M.-allv th.n !
dot r l,i.t v:n two ao
la-'t I-U1 an.l iar:i tli. Miiib that
r f t br r. Mr. In v an ar
i in ort Inn-l v. r t hf M. - . II. A.
jh.ri'V b for t ' li'fk .trr.!iiv
fi.Tn-ot!. it.- ntt v a r- rpum
ftnirn i ii-1. t ompo.-. 1 of prir ItifMi L
I .mo. r.i : f tiu Matt an! was rs-
ortt.l tmmiMia iv ly in th M n 1 : rmnia tt
Hot. I. itr hf w a-- tto hinht on
; !i--tt of t lif I 'rot r .-ivt lttt!tif
.. n t'itib. tl: iCotarv t'liib a:ol In.
A1 "hib. bv whom in .i J . 1 1 1 1 v
KP-t!.-l with, "t h. von Ki'l. i l-'r
ovi .Mil " Tht nn-rubfr ff trio Tf
t tt i-n ommitt wrn : iovrrnir
--f!. ,( i iotih I i 'nmm it tf man M li r.
.1 u!tE Tmoiuhh !. H'-ri i:. Il.mi v,
II H. Vjn l'uar, II. IV U'.um-n. t
Ja. -fcon. r. - M Jtl.n M. StfV-t-nt.m
an-1 Will .M. IVt.-rHon.
Kp rout to I'ortlar.l. Mr. 1'rvan was
Join.-.t at I- tramlr bv Hi- folio imit
proi.ini.-tt t KaMcrn r-on i a is.
a t of a t oni iir omi'nifi turn to t'u
n W.alT.-r M. I'fTff, Turtiir t '11
v.r. T. H I'mnfcM. J. I. Slatfr. Jot.n
r .and .1. !. M Ktnnof. of 1j
t'.ran.if. I' V. Micuhan an.l Sam Taff,
tf Kt. t'Tpr i.s.
T r. il ork of arran.'tnc f'-r lasi
t.':it - n-f-Mn- t uiMitriun. n-
1-t.i t ! M-iiUri; 'f t tir.inTiff
;iti. .",.-, v.i fn tf.- ir..." f tW.- f :-
l. w u . , -.iitt.-c I". S. Vvn. irl
bv .a: . Kr.-i J P'-fl-tn. 5
Miiilni.ilr Ttll lion lo 4ot Stce
In .111 Ion J'miiplilrt-.
.vKKM. Or.. Kfb. 29. r-(HMal In
a b-ttr ni oat yesterday promil
r.,ntlv by SrcrrUry Olcott, it is t
out In full what steps a candidate ah II
tak. to fcur pa.-e in the tltclion
In plain tt.2 thr provirton of th
corrupt tb r a- t 5 to pamphlet
.ubl:!tv. th tftrrrtairy ay:
In nrd-r that ou may lx fully aiprted
of lh- law rotative to th puhltcation of
any conlrmplaird at tnunt in tr czn
patcn pamptiUt of )our pol!tlrl pnrty t
t hr fT.puint primary cie tin. 1 am T-
! tf ui.r ilrt-tine 'tir nltpMn t
rrviiK.ji of -.tioD :i7. LoniP Orrari.o
t-ttn - 7 Ktrction laaw llllt.
Hhfp'ln It 1 pr.t (.r. ;
-An an.liuulr. ami un! M be Ootlnr
id. s. . r.-tar f ttat- that h r. f ur llo-m
Prm!i n. thf frt ntla f nny r:itirtidat
f.r n.iin;; altnn f- mn lul or diatitft .f-r-
r. n.-n tlu- cliatrtf t i cnptfl of "l"
ir mrr riuiita. may tllf ith thf crrr-ta-v
of Ma:. f r pufi.u a: ln a hrr.-.n pro-
l.l.iti. not lut r l ban tha t hlr t -t hli d .lay
iVar. n 1 7. I MJl b. !'rr thf birnnla! prt
rtiary nominating ticclltin l April II. ll'l'J. I
i!h hia rVTA-.t -ul If lio vIpIi.w. a prnilft
or t i- m r ir t.-n iai nt rl or tut1 insula, n
1 1 'Oi,.l 1 1 - ottfl rnnu! t-r a. I f irtl. ov -r
hi or th-lr aiKiiaturt. tutin lh r-n.n
h) h. n.Milrt h- nominate!, prov hlr-.I. that
in iir hia fr.-ml. ahall tx al-)-.!
t.. n;.- iv u-h atalrmrnt. unb-p
h la petition for nomlr at f.n la uly nirl
ith t ' .- '"TP f.irv of statv. not tatrr ttiaii
Ih.- f-Ttv-tlrpt alrtv I March l. ll3'-M. brfor
miJ n min.iliDK lion t April l'-t UI"J. b
Karh . nd!tl4(p phall l.r a!laa-il ot
t-attr rt prlntrU nutir ami tho oip
l f tt him ri4f1 b- allnw -I out- pact in roiil
! rin with ht-ii aa hrrnnftfl'T prov nl. tl.
I . . Thr pmou or I rnona prNUiint,
' tn a h I n a. fn fM.n or oflf. n iik U'll t at. -
m.-nt for fl.U c. a-'.all I .b m.'d th author
an1 pun. a Uh ri i'f."
It i furt'oT H'ov .1.-I In arrllon 3I. i.-cn lama ..-ii..n .Hv
I. aw a. I'M I, that a rand'.!att for nomina
il.n fo no t.airo of Pmiri" t Attorney ha.l
pav f'r one pati- Ppa. tn hia party rim
iaK pa :u pi l-t f ami thai a t-umliUt
mav havr axl llt-mal ppac. at lh- rate -f
(oi pa:., hi.i that nt ni.-rf than thr-r
u.l.:.'i.-.ia! pa!. til t ailowd to any una
i a i. ;.ia''
Ttir t ;ut. a .in pot r4iilrr ttiat any n
Tt.. ahll t- niv.-n b thr r-Ur y tf
' to t j.ilt).tt-p f..r n-onlna: mn to an v
n .-. t ill. nrvrrili.'b . with thr ol'Jrrl of
j..iitr ui pr b'ti and filinpT '
iiriT am a c"rtt. niiMt'd niatrminli. 1 lnv
iakn !( lit-rt .f iltrTtinK your atttti
i i.n t" thr rvral prv a ..f t h 'r-rui-i
1'rat 1 1. a A- l' of 1 1; i ;ulr rolatl.
to thr pu I ! I. at tort .f rantl ulnt. " ata t-m.-n t
tit t h- i r l v c ini pit Ian patmph Ir ; to
il:t r-.tttJ t- th- r. ttatTP.I ot-ia .if if..
r nr iM.iitt. al i.irt!.-a prior to thr pri
mary n-Enint it n 'iM-ti.iti. A tril lit. 11 1
i'ij; in It vour abmra t
a-iot!it a portrait cut ami aratrmt-nta for
p. i '. 1 1 at K.rr. in, v oil ma y havr ampi
Km within in. -! to f ilr our . otp l.-t. I
pfitfon within th ttnif prot l by atntut.-
.iot lalf r than .Mar h U. i:M;'. u- -11 a
i.'tiiit ,r"' blied cut a .hi.i mat' in nil
fi pn(.l. .iM.n prior to Mrvrcli 1 1. l!IU.
a t: 1 t 'i iia I M r i i i no i r r. i li t or mt'umh- r -:
a . ic ,,( 1 ! ar b- .b priv - of pa.-
In voiir h..I prt cMtiiiOitn pt-nph).!.
In the fiai.t mi ! n.-l ib-l:v to avail
(.ifTHi.i lr I. t he f : 1 1 li i; of our . om pl-lf p. - I
tifi..(i mav be i.f.-rte.l m lat.- na .rrh -H. j
!!-. but I ti.iiil'l n'"p-ftfullj urn. upon .
n I ril ll tmmi-'liai etv nfit-r on hav j
nr. I l hr r- .ju i r-d numlx r of . inner. I
In oi.l- r lo fa. limit.- thr mrk -f thia otlU'p j
In t'ir ern-t kli'c t'i' and making lh ft-- I
tjir M . . rtirl. .r.iftnn to thr County Cltrkn.
1 t.ite I ritit r haa rIv n p"rni: i:iatruf -t
lor. ti tat iv r to t ki pr.-pa rat !n f por
n.i.t .ui for un n th ptoniiiaj of th
l-jri .am pni t-n pa m p h U-1 . lilc n nn v bf
f.itin.t r-fr-rina; i.iir ... of t)tr "Mrm-
,.-.:. biMi Kle. tloli t,a of Orecon. 11M.'."
a i-iipv of a rih !i ha ri.- n 1:T t ..for. a-jp-
Bryan Has Hearty Handshake
for Thousands at Hotel.
.a: Kr.-t J
i. t r-..nk T
Ilrvaaj Talk f limpill.
hi- '.- at tiio aud-.toriMin.
tirvar -" m part"
t h.
..r tio-"t'i"
i h-
i -
r i
Ml I- I
.-l Mail-
t I .vt
,i . T- a 1- a
a m i r'
I.MairaaifJ I j'I
; V : K
.ui ' a. f-t
. . i Vt I.
. l it v r i .
.. l ! ei 1
Il a y ;.. . . all I
. ' i . ' k" "C ;
. :i t
I'-f VI .
The ) .-c
IViii i-( Arcn4ii of tuuplit lty In
lunlr I Out on lUmds.
I ll.VTI! A l.l A. M ash.. Feb. J. Spe r. K. I. Julmnon. a d-ntit,
iharcrd with rompllnty in the murtliT
of li w rf n., and whu wa nd
TTiitlfvl to bail yotrrl:y by Judro Cirt.
tii.ff odf .I in r:tl.-ir.u t ht noc'sary
mhu totnU laio ttu aft.Tnoon. Jut.n
i. xi will b-'t bf nlta.M'il, howrvtr.
uriMl I'ra.-ffiitinit Aitornry Huxton ha
a prirovf.l tho horul.. So vc ral w ho
ph-di;. d t he ni.-f lvo do not hold ral r.
t it-- in onnty and it is doubtful
if thfir p It t arr valid.
It. t'lark. i ti.irfd jointly with John
wit ri firi il.-a:rf murdf r. va as
rr jirra i n-.1 ; h t af t or noon. I If il adil
not khiI:. and K. K. Honor. Mm nttor
tif v. u ko d fr a t tint in uiinni of tho
raov I r is jirtiha bb t hat t he trial of
both ni.-n will co over until the June
ti-rm of i-onn.
lUirjitioii Throne I li-tiiu-tl om
Hratic hut K-uMkan, Too,
Carina I)itliicui-hd Visitor,
Who JU Jovial fo All.
Tnr tfftption HCtordtnl Mr. Uryun at
the Tcrkina Hotel between 3 und 5
o'rlork yeaterday afternoon furnished
ronvinrinir proof that tht popularity
of the dintiiif;ui.hed Nebraakan with
Ore(fin people duos not wane. In 120
minutes he "hook hands with over 2n00
nion, women und children, and the
lobby of the hotel In whirh the recep
tion wui hf Id was so erowdf d that it
wha almost niH'f.Hsary to UHpend buf
nei aliOKothfr.
Il wait distinctly a democratic feath
ering. Leading members of the party
from every-section of the state Joined
with prominent Republicans in th
hearty welcome tendered Mr. Bryan.
Two or throe times In the afternoon
when the crowd of visitors had thinned
Mr. Uryan repaired to hia room for
rest, but it would not be 15 minutes
until thr lobby was ttRain crowded with
persons who wanted "to see Bryan,"
a nd the lii k. coud-natured handshaker
reappeared and remained every time
until the lust visitor had been frreeted
with a ft rni hand-clasp und Bryan's
characteristic fmile.
YVumna cqualntaace Here.
AmoriK those to me-t Mr. Bryan at
th hotel was Mrs. Martha Mradley,
of SJb Hoyt at reel, a native of Marion
County. 1 1J liiois. t h eoun ty in whu h
it ry an also w as born. M ra. tt radley
was Intimately acquainted with Bryan's
parents for year before the birth of
thf t'oinmotifr. B
The rt inarkablf ability of Mr. Bryan
to remember names, faces and incidents
was test d several times In the recep
tton yesterday, but in every instance
he was eual to the oerasion. ori: of
t heso tents was presented w hen W. K.
McCiari y. a I'ortl.i ud f la wf r. met tlie
Nebraakan. In the ineiiioralde ram
pa I km of 1 Sf;, w hrn Mr. Bry n made
his first race for the l'residoncy. Mr.
M (iarry was In tirand Hapids, Mich.,
when the leinor ratio candidate visited
that city. n that occasion Mr. Mr
Garry preHi-nted Mr. Bran with u. hugo
potato teariiiic li warts, nymholical of
the "lo-to-1" slogan of the campaign.
At t he t ime Bryan made splendid use
of the u i hi tie presf 1 on, and in an
address la tor in the o;.y ex hi hi ted the
potato with the t ate n tent that "even
nature itself sustained the verity of
the free m) ver theory."
"I onca presented you wilh a potato."
beaii Mr. Mctiarry yesterday as he
jrrirtt'il Mr. Bryan.
. h. yes." I nterruptf d M r. Bryan :
"that Has in lira ml Kit pi Is in 1 Mti.
Hiid both euJoed a k")I lauk'h.
Itanley'a Hrarmhlnnrr !totVtl.
Why in it that In all that la rue area
of iVnl ral Oregon t lie re is only one
man who in any way resembles nte?"
asked Mr. Bryan fu peaklnir with K. K.
Kubll und referrinu to "Bill" llaitley.
"It's be.-ause t'. ntral nn-nun produees
only iootl-lnok Inj; men." retorieit Mr.
Kubll as he releast-d Mr. Bryan's hand.
Many prominent Ke publicans und
representative cluxi-ns In all lines of
business a nil professional activity called
at the hotel and paid their res per ts t o
.Mr. Bryan in Hi- afternoon. Anions
thein were "Bil!" llanby. of Central
t ire k on. who in 1 he re rent Western
iovernors" excursion throughout the
Hast was mistaken a number of times
for Mr. Bryan; Father Md'evltt. T. T.
Jeer. ex- iovernor: W. Nottingham,
chairman K-publican state central -om- i
mi i tee ; Postmaster M err it k and 11. B.
M i lie r. ex-tonsul to China.
Rryaaj Is i heerrd.
KullowinK the luncheon at the Mult
nomah Hotel, Mr. Bryan was enter
tained with a short automobile tour of
the city, reach! n ir the Perkins Hotel
Vr nulttinK bu!tni at Sixth street.
whwp for six Vfars ft-rvH tii' ptih!i' o wpll
We owe our l fTKSS to a ilixrrilninatinK publli:
who re.-oicnix In Ol K poois rsil value. On account
of thr demand for UKI'KVDABI.K lioons in onr
lino sr find it neceswary to lease prenitses about
five times thf xlze of our present more.. V aro
coitiir to t'l.OK Ol T our present itock l A
III HHV. In onler to do no w know have to
make iikkp ( I TS in everythlnit to convert goods
into ca..!i.
Our Complete Stock of High-Grade Cutlery, Razors, Barbers' Supplies, Etc.
To that biff, coiuinodious store lately vacated by BALLOU & WRIGHT at 86 Sixth street, diieetly opposite the Wells-Farpo
bnildin?, and about 100 feet north of our present location.
Sale Starts Saturday, March 2, at 9 o'Clock
Buv earlv buv often. Supply all your needs at this OXE BIG BARGAIN SALE conspicuous for being GENUINE.
Note well the big reductions only samples of the SAVINGS for you in high-trade articles required by men, women and children.
A r in v and Navy Stroppinc AC
and lloninir .Machines, rett. l i
J. A. Henckers Twin Brand
Knzor. reKular I2.K0 and
tieortr Wostenholm 1. K. I.
regular 12.50 and $3.00
Wade & Hutrher. Sheffield.
Kiib.. regular 11.50 and M
The ftenuine i'arho JlaKnetio
Ka'or. no honing, no trop
ptnK. remllar $2.."0 and $J.O0
Mannanese stel Itazor. regu
lar fU.S.I
Koken Self - HonlnfC. HiKll
.Irade Jtazor Strops, regular
12.00 and 2.00
Torrey. and oilier makes.
Honing Strops, regular J1.00 e EC
and l.-'5 '33
Swarty Drj- Hones for bar
bers' use, a quick edge pro
ducer, regular $1.00
Manicuring Scissors, regular
J5c and 11.00
HenckeVH Flexible Manicur
ing Files, all sizes, regular
50c and 75c
Henckers Flexible Manicure
Files, regular 25c
Bent and Straight Shears,
genuino Holnish makes, 7, 8
and 9-inch
Pocket Knives, hundreds of QC
styles, regular 1. 50
Regular 1.00, NOW $ .63
Regular .75, oV .45
Regular .50. .oV .33
AU Blake, of Safety Ofl I'KB CKXT
AIIFrillll Oil 0 PKIl I'BVT
Knives & Shear.
Bristle Hair Brushes, bar- A C
hers' use. regular Jl.Oo f i
Rubberset Shaving Brushes,
regular 60c
Rubberset Shaving Crushes,
regular 25c
Williams' and Colgate's Shav
ing Soap, regular 10c, oW
three cakes for.
SnavingP Oft
N H- U
Willia in's
C o 1 g a t e's
Barbers' Horn Combs, regu
lar 25c.
Stiptic Pencil, stops bleed
ing at once, regular 10c
Genuine France Cook Knife
and Slicer, 7-, 8 and 9 - inch
regular 75c and $1.00 -
Knglish and Domestic Butch
er Knives. 6. 7 and 8-inch,
regular 50c and 75c -
Kitchen Knives, all
Carborundum Knife Sharpen-:
ers, regular 25c. ............
filled same day as
received. Exp ress
charges prepaid on
orders of $5.00 and
This is one of tho very FEW OEXUIXE SACRIFICE SALES
liold in Portland in recent years. Don't confuse it with so-called
' appraiser's," "rec-oivrrV' or "bankrupt" sales flaunted he
fore tlm unsuspecting public. AVe handle only goods that we
fully GUARANTEE as represented, and will cheerfully refund
your money if your purchase is not entirely satisfactory. Come
and share, in the FEAST OF BARGAINS.
92 12 Sixth Street, Near Stark
Phone Main 760S
promptly at 3 o'clock, where he was
verlved wilh three rousing cheers by
several hundred citizens.
At 6 o'clock Mr. Kryau was the honor
guest of 1. M. Watson at dinner at
Watsons Restaurant- In addition to
ir. Bryan, the dinner party consisted
of Mr. and -Mrs. I. M. Watson, .miss
lielta Watson. William R. George. Cir
cuit Judge and Mrs. Henry McGinn
It, v. and Mrs. J. 11. Boyd. .Mr. and Mrs.
R F. Irvine. C. S. Jackson. John r.
11. C. A. Mord.-n. Circuit Judge
C.ateiis. Milton A. Miller and George M.
Mam 1'a.M C'on-idci'.'.I by Inilcil
stales lilrict t'ourl.
In the I'nite.l Slates District Court yes
I -- r Si? '
Q Golden West Steel Cut
g Coffee is different A
single whiff of its ex- 7
g quisite aroma makes g
55 your mouth water. A
5 taste makes you forever J
a steady customer. A o
single trial convinces. S
Itontou 4'nnnty IVulltrowrr Obtain
Mm-W In .New A-'MH-iaiion.
M K. Or . Krb -V. I Special ) n iu ht at l h- 'o:tirrTrlal 'lu h
rotiTi! in thr ntct f th Urn ton
untv Kruit (inwrr Asori.itlon. Th- I tf i he ion wa rxilalnrl
i4ml il? tt-ttturt-ji iii4tui!Hn. a noan oi
Al;itii' nti H.-!Uiuniain fru it trow era
i,imi in a im-!I tmin ftirnt!hrd by'i-r O'"innor. of the l. i;. & K
K.itlav. Tn tt9i"n wa inarkrd
rr t h uiia"in. A la re numbor of
ha rl t t x hct".mf nii'tnl'TH nn ot
ta inl lJlr of thr itr-k. JJ.iny
ti7ni:U'l ttir ptirn to !nnt from
ortf fti li aiiilitlonal re In fruit treo
t h i a . r.
r..l r. :
r j
f ' r. t
' I
r.Mtt.l in of
rt . t- f j : a i thi
1 Uaio ."il.uei Qualtf) a- ot-r.
l iiial Kuli I -Ni!.
S Al-Kr fr.. KeS. J. iSTirrUl).
Tl- tot aI rru ixtratmn up ti t hi tune
'r t!:r rif 1 SI.Ui5 ana with thtji '
l-4i M;:nNrr a!rriN- rl;crHi anil
t b I of thr rt-n titration lft to
t-i -t n t i.r P " t month. 1 1 prml tr t
tU that tho r i"' ration tor the i-rlma-r:-
a wrllas the ieb ral ela tion will
b trtatrr ihl year ta It waa at
the. prvvijus election. The flsurei
are tj-.l n an etimat nai by the
4iMTrtiry of M:e.
t th- laft le tton thrre er 101.
l r'i:t!Tril at th r-imary and at
ti e tfrm't 1 t fr'un
ik ha iiitrr.
t. hl w :f provtJ.-l m-
ik n- vf hr rritlv- -in
r rctitms to ar Buac4 or tUr
Don't Be Afraid
to cut plenty if the loaf comes from the Rojal Bakery. It is amazing
Iior much Royal bread people will eat. Children cat it like candy and
thrive on it wonderfully. They on?ht to. We ne the best of flour
only and bake it under conditions as cleanly as can be. Better try it.
Royal Bakery & Confectionery
The Most Sanitary Bakery on Earth
terday three men. under indictment for
sellinir liquor to Indians on the Uma
tilla reservation, pleaded guilty and
were sentenced hy Judge Bean as fol
lows: Charles Saphelis. Jr., six months
and Ji'.to fine: John l-alie. six months
and KOil fine; Mox Mox. three months
and ;l"0 fine. It was the first offense
of the latter and the second of the first
two. The indictment apalnst Ueorge
McMillan, charged with fraudulent use
of the mails, was dismissed, for the
reason that lie had previously been
sentenced for the same offense in the
Juvenile Court.
The indictment against Ah Jung, for
manufacturing opium, was diniissed, as
he is held on another indictment of a
similar character in which it is oe-
lieved there is a stronger case against
him. Alfred Slade, indicted for white
slavery, was discharged, as he was not
the principal in the case and has fur
nished the Government valuable information.
The Dalles Pioneer Passes Away.
THE DALLES, Or., Feb. 29. (Spe
cial.) Mrs. James B. Condon, who died
here recently, was born May 19. 1S40
in Waterville, .N. Y., moving thence to
lsconsin, from which place she re
moved to St. Joseph, Mo. Starting
across the plains on April 1,
184, in Captain Iliram Smith's wagon
train, she arrived at The Dalles in Oc
f her the same year; she was married
r '.v...'. 3
The most interesting reading in the newspaper these days is the
Gordon Hat Advertisement
Slightly Used
Talking Machines
We have a few slightly used Talking Machines, taken in as part pay
ment toward a
Victor Victrola, Edison Amberola or Columbia
all thoroughly overhauled by our expert, that we wish to sell at once.
Any reasonable terms accepted. Twelve latest records of any n.ake
free with each outfit.
$200 Machine $145 $35 Outfit $19.75
$150 Outfit $100 $25 Outfit $15.00
$ 75 Outfit $52 $20 Outfit $12.50
$ 50 Outfit $32 $15 Outfit $ 8.00
If you are thinking of getting a Talking Machine Outfit, do not delay
any longer. The chance of a lifetime awaits you at
Graves Music Co.
Ill 4th St. Tel. A oc M. 1433.
Talking Machine Headquarters
here June 8 to James B. Condon. This
small record comprises the chief events
of the most interesting life of Mrs. Con
don. In church, in Sunday school, in
society, she was always found doing
all tiiat was possible to advance the
welfare and interests so dear to her.
Her record in Sunday school work i.s
unparalleled, as for over 44 years she
was in charge of the primary class.
A .Vi-mile telephone cable will soon con
nect Kntfland and delirium.
Cr. Geary and Taylor StreeUk
American plan from S4 a day. 3 par
ona from 97 day.
European plan, from 92 a day; 2 per.
ona from 83JI0 a day.
A refined house of unusual exeat
lecce, ceDtrally located. Illustrated
booklet upon request. . , .
W. E. ZANDER. Manager.
Sutter and Kearny Streets
An up-to-date modern fire proof
hotel of 250 rooms, taking the
place of the old Occidental Hotel
and Lick House
European Plan $1 ;0 per day and up
Take Any- axlcab from fbe Ferry at
the Expense of the Hotel
li i
Geary Street, above Union Square
European Plan $1.50 a day up
American Plan $3.00 a day up
New cteel and brick structure. Every
modern convenience. Moderate rates
Center of themtre and retail district. Om
car lino transferrins' ell over city. - Elee
trie omnibus meets train and steamers