29, 1912. , S THE MORNING OREGOXIAX, THURSDAY, FEBRUARY 1 I PACKERS UTE5 GO IN AS EVIOEIICE Court Finally Admits Records Said to Show Unlawful Agreements. WORK OF POOL DESCRIBED ticket for count r office ma mi1 of f the present Republican candidate hold their respective office more two I'rmn. So far nine Republ hare filed their announcement. They are: Roy Graves, for Hpreentatlv for Tamhtll County: W. U. Henderson , and L C Neat, for Sheriff: . Jane, for County Clerk: J. H. NeUon. for Recorder: If. Z. Foster, for Treas urer: H. W. Horrinr. Robert Jone and F. O. Hefty, for the Republican nomin ation for County Surveyor, and C Til bury, for Coroner. The Taft commit tee will meet here March I. and tart an iccrfnalve campaign for the renoro Inatlnn of President Taft. J. U lllckle, of Washington County, candidate for the Republican nomina tion for State Dairy and Kood Comml- loner. who h a number of relative and a lar; following of friend In lc M.unvllle and Yamhill County. 1 look ins over the political field here. Mr. Il l PROMISED TO LATINS BY Irrrflnand SoIbTrr Say. Defend ant Attended MeedoK IMans for Current Week's Bat ne Considered. CHICAGO. Feb. :. Jodg Carpenter overruled today an objection of tha de- f-ne In the packer trial to the Intro duction of the minute of the meeting i f the director of th National Pack Ins Company between 107 and 1$1. The Government attempted to read the minute to the Jury everal week but the defense made objection and the court took the ubject under 1 onMdcratlon. It wa at the dlree-mr- meetins. held on Tuesday after noon, that the Government contend no defendant agreed on selling prices, margins, shipments and the dlvtlon of terrliorv in violation or the t-nerrnan Parker Telia ef rl. ruHimiul Kulzberrer. president of trie Sulsberrer tc Son Company, uc n.ri to the Schwarxschlld Sul' krPi-.r ("nmtianv. vii called to t he (and. He told of attending th old tarkrrs" pool meetlna held every -v.. ffrnnon In the office of At lomev Voeder In Chlcaao. from 19I to iioj He named the JO defendant and ii.l thev attended tha pool meellnc at different time. The wltnea said that Armour Co. Swift Co- Morris Co. and hla owl company were always represented a these meeting. -what was done at these metlnr. -We compared hlpment and maxitln and talked over plans for the current --k- business" answerea jur. ou..- berjter. estrart Predeeed. Mr. tiuliborger described tha attempt mads by tha Armour. Swift a Morris mt.rti to ourchase control of the s.-hwarzschlM Fu licenser Company In li2. with the Intention of puttlns; the company In the proposed -billion dollar" packers' combine. The witness produced a contract ritd Aueu.it l3. Nlwpi himself sud Armour. Swift a Morris, by which he agreed to sell a majority- of tha stock at ll'O. to be paid for In share of the propo.-ed merger. Tha contract was read to the Jury. Mr. Sulzberger expressed tha opinion that the use of the test cost and margin stm was necessary In the dressed l.erf business, to compare result at j-laujfhwrinK plant and tha e41lnc at branch house. PORT OF CALL IS FIXED I o Angrlr to Re Visited on Voy aees. lo and lYoro Canal. I'S ANRKLR5. KK IS. Special.) General Passenser Agent KerrelL, of the Jiu:!nc iUil Steamship Company end the Sn Francisco A Portland Msnihip Company, arrived In Loa An-ir.-les from San Francisco today to omplet arransrementa for a regular hedule of stops of Pacific Mall steam rrs at San Pedro. The Pacific Company h.i hitherto maintained a lS-day aerv Ire between Sin Francisco and Panama. Hereafter these boats will make regular j stops at the Port of Los Angeles. If , business warrants it, th service will be expanded. A rate of $15 baa been made for th trip from Los Angeles to Panama. The new service by which Los An aeles will be mad a port of call for th Pacific Mall steamera will be started when the City of Para stopa here on St. Patrick's Jay. followed by th Axtec April 1 and the Pennsylvania April 17. Thereafter regular stops will be mad evy IS days. !! !i :! II. WORTH WF.aTKR STEEL SIA t FACTl'REK, TtUKo'JI UEKE, UlES IX SEATTLE. V- X Canal Will Add to Sense of Re sponsibility for Monroe Doctrine. PANAMANS HEAR ADDRESS W. D. Itoflaa. W. D. HofiuH. president of the Hoflua Steel Equipment Co. who died at Seattle Tuesday night, was one of the builders of the Cnlted Railways and one of the ownera of the Chamber of Commerce building In Port land. He also was president of the Seattle Dock Company, di rector In the First National Rank of Seattle, vice-president of the Superior Portland Cement Company of Seattle and Identi fied with varloua other Impor tant enterprises. He was CO years old and is survived by two sons Lacey and Douglass, Al though he was never a resident of Portland, be waa well-known here, having frequently visited the city. He was represented In Portland by M. F. Brady Son. who received a telegram yester day morning announcing his death. Mickle received promt throughout the country. of support REED ACCUSES DUPONT IXVESTIGATIOX OP DELAWARE S EX.1 TOR DEMANDED. Indorsement of Swain lor United States Senator Declared to Re Grave Offense. PHIPPS ANSWERS EX-WIFE Xear Millionaire Will Fight Former Sponge's Salt on Estate. SKATTLK. Wash. Feb. IS. Luther H. pbtpp. formerly of Chicago, who former wife. Sarah V. Phlppa. who 1 siting to obtain a share of hla ISOO.000 state, most of which 1 In and near Seattle, today died a reply to th suit. The Phlppa" were married in New Wbany. Ind.. in 19. In Mrs. 1'hipps obtained a divorce In Chicago, .-he allees that he represented then that he waa worth 150.000 and she set tled with him on that basis. Later, she alleges, she learned that he had iiH.000. and he la now worth half a million dollars. Phlpps contends that ih Chicago settlement relieved him of all obligation. He baa re-married. 600 STUDENTS CHEER T. R. Mock Nominating Convention Goes Wild Wlien Colonel Is Named. SEATTLE. Wash.. Feb. IS. (Special.) Mi hundred college men and women f th State University went wild, veiled, screamed, waved banner and beat party drum at the student' mock nominating convention last night when t.".e name of Theodore Roosevelt was proposed for 'Republican candidal for J'rejideat. Immense banners Indicated Demo cratic and Republican headquarters In th big assembly room and the full page, aeven-column ballot was used. Wood row Wilson was supported by the I wmtK-rtti and waa th only man of that party nominated. PETITION STAGE REACHED WASHINGTON. Feb. S8 An array of evidence heard by th Senate Judiciary committee In It inquiry Into the ap pointment of C P. Kwaln as United State Marshal, of Delaware, waa laid before Lb Senate today by Reed of Missouri. In urging the passage of bt resolution providing for an Investiga tion of .the election of Senator Dupont. of Delaware. Senator Reed Insisted. If this evidence wer given credence, the Senat should not only Investigate the 1910 election, but should demand of the Delaware Senator an explanation of his action In "recommending for appointment to the high office of L'nlted Slates Marshal a, man whom b knew to be engaged In corrupt practices." "I deem this to be my solemn duty." said th Senator, "and shal. be glad if a thorough Investigation results In com pletely exculpating th Senator from Delaware. -The disclosure mad by the wit nesses are of such character as to de mand further investigation. That In vestigation ought to be courted by any Innocent man." Senator Reed reviewed the appoint ment by President Taft, on Dupont's recommendation, of Cornelius P. Swain as United States Marshal of Delaware. Citizens of Delaware had charged that Swain waa a persistent vote-buyer and handled a corruption fund of S60.V00 In the election of 1310. Senator Reed added: "Swain, according to the testimony, waa appointed at the request of Sen ator Dupont, and If It be true that Sen ator Dupont recommended him for ap pointment to the Important office of United States Marshal for the stat of Delaware, a man whom h knew to b engaged In corrupt practice relating to election, then he offended gravely agalnat this body by being Instrumental In bringing such an appoints before th Senate for ita approval. Secretary of State Gives First "Public Address, Which Is Really for All Central American Republics to Bear. PANAMA, Feb. tl Secretary of State Knox made In Panama tonight the first of his public addresses on his trip to the capitals of Central America, Northern South America and the West Indie. This speech, while delivered before the acting president of Panama, Senor Rodolfo Chiari. was In reality ad dressed to all the countries he will visit, and Includes an explanation of the attitude of the l'nlted States to wards South and Central America. Mr. Knox' address, in part, follows: "The President of the United States believes that the early completion of the Panama Canal should mark the be ginning Tjf closer relations to all Latin America, as well as the relations of these countries to each other, and Im pelled by the thought that this Is an auspicious moment, through better ac quaintance, to lay the foundation upon which there should rest a broader con fidence, a closer sympathy an d more practical reciprocal helpfulness, has sent me hither as a bearer of a message of good will to our sister American republics. Neighborly Amity Urged. "I take this opportunity of assuring all the American republics that the purpose of the United States toward them Is that we should live In amity and that we desire only that more peace and more prosperity should come Into their Individual and national lives. "While It Is entirely clear to those who bar considered Intelligently the history of the relations of the United States to the other American Republics that our policies have been without a trace of sinister motive, yet It Is true that our motives towards you have not always been interpreted fortunately either at home, or faithfully repre sented by some of our nationality who have resided in your midst. Caaal to Be Great Does. "Much has been said about the effect of the opening of the Panama Canal, but I believe It Is given to few of u to realise what magic possibilities are potential In that event. It will create for our western world a better situa tion fraught with possibilities so vast as to dase the fancy. In this new world w must be found drawn closer by sympathies and mutual esteem, and working In harmony towards benefi cent ends. We who live on the western hemi sphere find ourselves by force of geog raphy In circumstances which make our situation peculiar. It waa a per ception of this, which your own think ers and statesmen have seen as clear ly as our own. which prompted the an nouncement by President Monroe, of the great and beneficent policy that now bears bis name. Uearoe Dee-trim Praised. Wben tha canal la opened and the ship of all countries of the world come sailing through tnese i;arribea.n seas, the peculiarity of our position will be accentuated, and the wisdom of that doctrine again will be confirmed. In Its future amplification. I perceive it will be a common heritage, binding together the nations of the hemisphere with a force no power can break. In my Judgment the Monroe doc trine will reach the acme of its benefi cence when it is regarded by th peo ple of the United State as a reason why w should respond constantly to 1 th needs of those of our Latin Ameri can neighbors who may find necessity for our assistance. It Is a paradox that the severance of the physical ligament that Joins the two continents of the New World will more closely unite them. Culebra a th old clot In the artery of In tercourse whose removal will give free circulation throughout the world or ganism to the vlvfylng currents of friendship, peace, commerce and prosperity." I. -4- . ..- 3 0-nw . 1 Til ii .ii L A : r v " "-.,.- ,rr -s-nri. A . MM, ? sjf $7', Lir'; -..: 1' :? -a "V '"nii"ej j we",,. " . ,,i i h"ttitw wm is.'"'f 1 i z . . 7171 ri: a m x r i f i. : ! . i ? i m . .j . vu-. i-sc- ii n--5 l T-Wr- ' em rMt-a I sa t iiv hi sr-M. ssaak ;si .n,, ,Htd.iii.;' 4 j STREET SCENE IN The Addition with Character On J to get a lot in Laurelhurst with the 15 per cent discount and second mortgage privilege Half the time gone and more than half the 200-lot limit sold. More than 100 home-builders have taken advantage of the building dis count and second mortgage privilege in Laurelhurst since February 15. Thi3 exceeds the combined sales in all the other high-grade, exclusive residence additions in Portland for the same period. Why This Phenomenal Record? Why Are So Many People Buying Home Sites in Laurelhurst? Because they want the builders' discount, they want to take advantage of the second mortgage privilege; but more than all else, they want a home in Laurelhurst. Go to see Laurelhurst and you will want a home there, too. Bear in mind that the building discount and second mortgage privileges will be withdrawn March 15. After that date the list prices on all lots will be restored. We will help you finance the building of your home in Laurelhurst. Come in and talk it over. MEAD & MURPHY, Sales Agents Phones: Main 1503, Main 4020, A 1515 Office 522 Corbett Building Office at Tract Phone E 989 Ask for Salesman TURKS AND ARABS BEATEN Italians Report Routing, of Willi Heavy Losses. Allies Vjmliill Ixniorrnts Active for dorxnH-nfs for Wilson. In. M'MI.VNVILLE, Or, Feb. Zi. (8pe ,uD Th political altuatloa In Yam hill County ha now reached th peti tion siase. toe Iemocrata are circulating- Yo.lrow Wilson petition and it ! readily l(tne.l. bile Koosevelf ltltlon failed to reach th electors, there being: only a amatl Kocsevelt fol lowing In thia county. lemocratle andldate her r slow In making Ihelr app-arance. with only two In th field. They are. Ira U. Nelson, for I'ountr Clerk, and IL S. Moloney. 'r K--order. Kport are current by leading t'em muiu taal inry Ul have a aixung FREE TOLLS ADVOCATED Taft Urged Sot to I'ermlt Railway to Ue Canal Koate. WASHINGTON. Feb. 18 Representa tive of the commercial organization In Boston, rhlladelphla. Fan Francisco and Portland. Or, urged President Taft today to see to It that no transconti nental railroad be permitted to operate steamship line through the Panama Canal. They advocated free traffic through the canal or toll favoring American shipping. Several renewed their appeal later before, the Senate Interstate commerce committee. William II. Wheele-. of th San Fran cisco Chamber of Commerce, and Jo seph N. Teal, of the Portland Chamber of Commerce, appeared before the com mittee. Mr. Wheeler contended that barring railroad companlea from oper ating steamer through the canal would not affect them Injuriously. Mr. Teal urged the committee to op pose the exaction of any toll on coast wise shipping using the canal. He aid the Lax should fall on those bis tearosMp companlea which would de rive ttv benefit. Senator Oore de clared that to Impose no toll would be unfair to the railroads, which had to pay a tax on their right-of-way. Wororn Overboard From Packet. MARIETTA. O.. Feb. :. Th Pitts burg and Parkersburg packet 1L K. Bedford sank In th Ohio River today, after being pounded by Ice. The wom en passenger wr compelled to swim. ROME. Feb. ZS. A severe battle, re sulting In the ntter defeat by the Ital ian troops of the Turkish forces and their Arab allies, with trreat loss. Is reported In official 'iispatchea received her today from Horn (which Is also known as Lebda, about TO miles east of Tripoli, on the Mediterranean coast). The engagement occurred at Mount Mergbeb, which lies some distance be hind the town. The Turk and Arab had taken up a strong position on th slopes, where they were attacked by Italian with Infantry and artillery. After a fight which lasted all day the Italians put the enemy to flight by storming the heights. The loss of the Turks and Arab I described In the report as very heavy. The Italians lost 11 killed and S3 wounded. Spring; Seems Near Now. HILLSBORO. Or, Feb. 18. Condi tions In the Tualatin Valley Indicate a early Spring. Early pear are bud-1Itik- while some varieties of peaches are pushing out. Grass Is making; a fine start, and early Spring; flowers have been opening for some time. Winter wheat Is In fine condition. Owing- to the continued rains, but little farming has been done. Potatoes are beginning; to move into market. Hop growers are cleaning up yards pre paratory to Spring cultivation. Fisherman's Jury DlRugrecs. riBAVTS PASS. Or.. Feb. 28. Spe elaH O. B. Crabtree was accused by George Hardine on February 20 of hunting and pursuing salmon and trout in Rogue River. The case was tried before a Jury yesterday. Five Jurymen disagreed, four were for acquittal and one for conviction. Whether or not there will be a new trial has not been decided by the prosecuting attorney's office. K". Osborne, accompanied Brown, all of Portland. by Ralph Centralla Cannery May Be Leased. CENTRALIA, Wash-, Feb. 28. (Spe cial.) H. S. Palmer, of Lake Bay, Woman Sues Firm for $25,000. ALBANY. Or.. Feb.' 28. (Special.) Nellie McDanlel, of Lebanon, filed a suit In the Circuit Court here tonight against the Lebanon Lumber Company for $25,000 damages for the loss of the life of her husband. Warren McDanleL McDanlel waa killed while working as a ratchet-tender In the defendant's sawmill at Lebanon January 4. this year. Portland Folk Get Ucenses. VANCOUVER, Wash.. Feb. 28. (Spe cial.) Marriage licenses were Issued Tuesday to Lloyd H. Anderson and Miss Irma A. Savage, accompanied by F. Fetlg; August O. Gnats and Hattle Van Matre. accompanied by Byron Snyder, and Willls-m Mitchell and Miss Millison . ..fw . -wc, t s c --r m .- . i ? ass-iri tfMiiiiii fr-r - j . ' aT : i - 1 LEARN THE CONVENIENCE of the NEW tr ' CAPtyl D xrr that requires no opener used only on Wash., will bo In Centralla on March 14 to Investigate the fruit conditions in this - vicinity relative to leasing the Centralla cannery. . Herbert Robinson, secretary of the Centralla Commercial Club, returned yesterday from attend ing the short course for farmers at Puyallup. and he stated that, after in vestigating the conditions at Puyallup, be is confident that the local cannery can be run at a profit. He believes that within two years Centralia will be Browing as many berries to the acre as Puyallup. EUROPEAN RESORTS AND HOTELS. IpIm Beer the beer of quality. The Taste Tells! ! Test The Taste! ! ! To open, raise the tongue, as shown above, and pull straight down. PORTLAND BREWING CO., Main 708. A 5325 Berlin (iermany Hamburg BERLIN HAMBURG HOTEL ESPLANADE Two of the Most Magnificent Hotels in Europe With all Latest Comforts and Luxury Important Extension of the Berlin Esplanade now in Progress niasfrated Booklet free from &S0, Fifth Avenue, New York. Daaseldorf Germany Dusseidorf MFTRnPflLID OF" THK LOWER RHIE. 13 hrs. from Lodon on Direct Route to Berlin, Dresden and Central Europe. The City of Gardens and Klne Arts. Commercial Center: 370,000 Inhabitants; . Equable Climate: Summer and Winter Residence; Starting Point for Rhine Trips: Outdoor Sports, Grand Opera. Con certs, Theaters all year round. DRAMATIC FESTIVAL June 22. July 12. ZEPPELIN' AIRSHIP STATION. First-class Hoteis, moderate tariffs. For full Information apply 389 6th ave.. X. Y., or Yerkehrsvereln. Dusseidorf. Dnsseldorf-r-Breidenbacher Hof ONE OF TIFK FTXBST KHIVE HOTELS. HldH- T COSUOKT. IrAKAUK. SWITZERLAND gel ret SWITZERLAND. Vnr Yoor Vacation and Save Money. Let Us fhow Von How This Is Possible. Send for our TRAVEL. LETTER NO. A 12.5. Illustrated literature maps and hot)i rulde. All free, Cse Our oervlo and fave Money. SWISS H 11KB.IL RtLIU1 AI 1 nnh Avenue New York City Oregonians when in Europe should visit the OREGONIAN'S LONDON OFFICE Situated at No. 3 Reseat 9L, 1. W.