14 TITE MORXIXf.- OHEGOXIAy, THURSDAY. FEBKTJARY 29. 1912. - I -. I mH RKNT. I IOK REST Htir MTATr.i rt-MAtK. I X1IH W TTRKSSn WAJ!IBIJt.l For :urilT ni.ht bar.Quet at h. M-ler Jc rrn at.ree. ..r.tn f.oor re.'u'-an. n.r U.o l.avin haj banquet .pr.K. neU ipir st r.taurar.t "i VI i''T tT and .ap.nenced ,1H f'-r en ,r,i'bnnl In email fariil X I" lon: 1.. .n r-ortlaiJ H. hr. """"l"; i: tl. trn.cor. .1 Sjtl. at. ?SIr'"?; r.ae rr-iJM n.ia: car r ca.l up in I aT-TstXnT .'.noaraplar lor "' eitn.ie, enen.nr. not 'rT ina.1 h.. la.r tJar.tloa ana b. "r", ac Cure., fa.r rr. - .ih """"u"'rl- n-e r 1 Q Oreonln. ri.KAJiA.ST-horn. In country anl W i m.-r.th to wir.an ov.r T.ara of a. ..er.eU.nal or. of ch'.Mr.n. XXX. W oo-t....-n. or.. K. r. n. o 1. . n4 ip.runc.d: eta:, aa.ary and pra v.oaa eapaneace. AO ait. oraaonUn. CmjK. de;icateaan. $10 wk.: chamberma; 1 ...,t or c.y.. -: -"'tr ot r.-r'. IW. far. paid. ''.'.VV.'v ).', i, Wuh. 8t.. r.wm 7 ..r N.l lad rented to do Cf1a work ; mu.t furaiah aod rafereneaa. 4"'L CO.. and 12 A. at. Portland Trunk Mil- -o-. 2t and. Fine ata. . irTEI-"A od aond irL CaJi morn- lna. .T N ortft lTth at. .VlHI. ornaral houao-ark lo coontry. a I TBur-ay. " WANrEl-A lunch girL rnriw rmwim. t ill. L W STKO -;irl or -onun tr huwork. i t . w ra.n : lout Q UJI.1 DOSCI OS ! D-I oitint.a ta aW d, t pule. i irtounitnl ..... . InairiaCIkOH Ai i.iiT Io..N-i ol.t-iior-. LkTHoa. 14 K in, L.Uai.. to aif. WOKK1.MJ JiAS. tilAN. 'K OK A UKKTIMB. W- tii aCv u.i-bvxJi". "- .-Hr.r "o ;..r ml mni;l li-or. ui-n .f tn. c-: rma ul wr.tic ,h .,m..rt W ui fur . ft. ' P0-'"" t ... in (rg-. n.oU- rn ur" - a.;it rnCtt poutn ol J'orttoJ. :hr,U.t:w: Hi. 1-w-r t no-- ""V" J i, .i ton & ju:i ir.t of Una nr t p.nf. IUu "-r-'P. tl.- P nl. u.. uriir'l f-"'"" 10 M you ri d tho ov. Mioa my o lb. J can urit o ..f Uia. If ou h or moro do, i.r 10 mk uo a flrat pamni. wo wi-i -rrii (i-iuro lrmts oo luit our lr. .. ...i -nil u product- on t&o UnU ia ly for lruur pc wunln flo yr" iH.n t larry. tui I u pru- to ott uJ -ir offr im c-tiutt. lo ry r .1, r h.Mi an4 r-;.y wm a fair ,-rt in lit nd a c-r.c tv own your ..n home. cil lmmJitr!y on reaaluf 4 msL rHAI IN HKHLOW. i t'yi&mir of 0mmrc. t f K i .N A Ht tiN KS 'Ol.i-fc.--. fc r '" Wi.iUnit ar. and liuU .. bti. til 00 opw'n to -.-u.i-a.ia iui' uajr an 4 otln M.nn, lu-ilay. March la. i.ritum 'itaaa a,fthnl. touch tTP writiuir. iuuu. anJ aiOK.--niry bM-t-k-pin . pnmaiihlp and oxlllary irfi, ha ihorou-rn-y tuirtit. Tim and money om ponded In altinf icrduatM to good ptiytn poo u ion oirc( iron. thir deaaa In xaool. Tuition. f-r tho day .hool comblna rf.Uri), 1" PT 0.011th. and for niicht trho, (iomttlnvd courtwii. p-r month. a-omo atuilanLa ar altowvd to pay p.rt of thnr tuition by ra-idinir to c.aa-:a ont imur a day. Ca.l and nad out why It will pay you to attend thi achool or addr- Iirhaona iiuainraa Coli, cor. Wuliwn uv and Ruli iU fct Bid-H Forti-vnd. Vy I e- aj .j . WaMLu alon at L-oa An ; ; can loam trd-. fatr - aftar aororid naonth; au tmub.ltv ctrtclty, plumbln.. bricalay In, practical or on act iai Joba; 19 atudn.a laa" fo yoara; only tw naontna riurU. L ailed ?rad ixhool, La An HKN nnd woraon to learn th bnrbor trada In oianl waa: apocial Indao-amanta; pr castaa paid w4.ua learaint; too .a fro: tirxri Inatructora; IT yara In tha bI-bm- ST -hooi-; a UXriitn moiuooraolp ivo to arb aiudanf. Moltf baibcr Coi IVya. Sfc N. fourth at Fort and. Or. " BELMONT AUTO SCHOOL Tha b-mi thorough eourmo. Inctodtsa dri.in. technical and practical work In all Ita dtai.a, .Spoc.al iuaiructlona and drtv.na loaaoa f-r ialaaa. aV nd U rr a. W AN T t - A M AN Ta Iarm to oprata motion-plctnras al ur firm uipiwd tnatr. L-Mgtii rwaaoa ab.a. 5.' 6 1 - ah:uttn. near 1 in. lI;ARNoparliua moln plcturaa; full c-ura taurht :n thratfr, l"'ur poaition; pneo r-tuwmbit; urn.. 417 HothchUd b.is.. 4t.i and Waautr.ctoo at. lj.il.MAl maati c.ru. prapara now, as c inl aaiaru and pruiuutiuna; oa la f:, aura pvy . frea two-. Cal tod. cidc ta'aa -hool Mc ivay b'dg. KaILWAT vaU clerkva, v0 month; Portland fiamiMUui.1 a: ay a. pra.-ara'.lon froa. rtua.4i laatltuto tpL o M. Jtocnaa tr NT. .... $" WKKKLT sumrantod t TaudeTllla; -pwriwn-a unnrary ; IhiM ho wi-h Im mdiAt rnf.f aravnta muat rail today. o North tub. a?AivK nooy rliiiaff abort atortoa. ar for tirr. bi pay; fraa book-ft ti.a how. i-iiod Fraa adlc..bao t ranciaca. VV'ANTkU I'lcturo play rltcr. bi pay; li taco you. It vctuxa timf a aao;.ta tum. fn 'ranc-co , , 1 .l NJ MKX T UAK.N MUV- JN'i l ltTtliJ. Ol t.UATi.SLi. lAibMUa.. 01 OAK. Tt-Av li taHJ' l-t!ftnd bUt. t'l-.-N't tausbt at homo by Frnch t"ach t r. Mu noiA, .amntll. Tabor IftfVATK achool SHORTHAND mnA TTPE liirN'i. i tn -w l-'n at. atatn Xul Firil VATrfsHi HtTH.U-T.l LWRI ilNiI boklipiRC- oi liamllton b(.t. Mar. 4-1. l.Atk..t t l'rr tb bailnu of tb oaa tary l;aut)r f r o rm. 4wu I a am b-d(. ITT ATIOMt WWTm M LI. NO married man. 4 yrt Tpr:anra o't-)iir and ulrtnn in I'rrt.and and . I'-tniijr, would Ilk pniCion with Hd frm rra thrw ta han-- for an n."nL 1,1 ork on tlry and cotntnllon. I art fi o c.xS rol rroct and bnd. 1 bd. rgoa.in U V credit and coiioctlon man with bank" mc ord bur-ulf iprknc. bt of bank r. i Trie- and bond; would coaatdar caah- iri..p cf U.rUiu country Lula. H orcatan. UlLL Al til. OI KN. ClA!K OK WRITS v booka prvparo ba.axicr and aiata-Di-nia. Itxatl stoma. Jti:!ncram, . tr 411 L'T.a Mdg. U a nhail Tit. I J man wanta a poaltloo aa a atenoc rnr)fr, aorta a ipr.aca. D Sow. vra U wNTfcL fooitlon by Arat-civah ciuthmg. h and furctanina; ..nitAO, no objvc 'ton Irav.na ei:y. AH KJ1, orsnlaa. !( . K K EE FE It, tpowr:tcr, daalr poaltina; r-r - oc-a. AiAra..a.l or it b. urt- 'u tan. 4-m in. K E ETEK dVa'raa am all at of book, . iihb.iL '-a al. TamhiT:. Tabor l7. MUrUa X AM prarttraJ mala oura. havinc 13 yarv htMpttal aipa-rl-nc, half aurtflraj n 1 m-Httti. 1 wou.d lika ponuion la pri im aunt tan urn or taklns; cara of cd-riy '.4-liia r tf"n timan; can r ft rnca f (. tadir.( pnyaiclan of thin town. A-N" OrvconlaA. MU.NICIPAL mR EMPLrOTMK.HT Bl'hiAl'. 215 ond rt.. Corner PaTmon. Women Wpartm'ni, 945 Salmon. Ait claaaoa of unaklild, ki:id. profaa roul atud clortcai mala and frrnala ha p tarnished on ahort not e. No fa caargtd. Phona Main a.'.'o. A 5''4. A HK-ST'L.AM moTtng-pictura o para tor wu:,f paition In city or country. Call 34 4:h at. riRST-CI-ASf fTwnrh rhf Juat out of m iin)mnl w an ta poaitlun In to wa or coun t -7 . K. A L. ha 7. Oregonjan. I-". rsi-T-CUAStl cardnr. fiortat and frutt man wanta position or work : ttrat-Clt f TTioa flanry. 4: 42 Frtmonl at. TWO young man wtah poaltlona aa aiavntor rr Jaoi:or. vanaral work In hota, or build-InA-. Phona lain 4oo4 Gilaan at. W ANTKH By yoona man votns; to achool. p!a to work morofrifi and veninca. for tur I and r-m. a K a41. Orjfonian. yir.N"l mn. 2. wam work on a farm, by inia fr-i4nr; pk llttlo EncUah. A4 wrm tiio Hawthorn a a. MAS wanta poatMon on a farm ar fruit ranch. o4 mi:kr. AC aa4.Qra;oolan. Ur T't"NT arat-htrakr. taka any mploy- U. fclac.alr, Si WlUlajvwa. MTV ATION WANTED HA I.E. MlirrllUMW. XARKiEU man. trict;r ler and reMab,. han.jr wltn to:. wlahea work of ar kind, la cite tady or odd Jbe; can a: do .teamfltun and piumbluf. In quire .7 North lath at. MA.NAOtlt of rotill luml-r yard In Oron, prefer Hou KIT.r Valley; nln. JT xr.rleru-.. irnod reference., married. AO-ci-aa F at X. -aiT BlaiaJoil atf, allun.ap o. Jalna.. EXPERIrTNCED aoda foonlain rruui want rrmao.nt p.eltlon on Weal Side: beat of re'erem-ee given. Addreaa 32 ilralalre. Apartment. A TOCNiJ married man want, permanent employment. Tan yaar- aeleemanehip. col lation,. Or Icauranc. and loan. AS t rirnman. ' EX jT.KlI-JNt'r.D .aTtcu.turlrl and horticul tural a libit mntxcmint oi nntu, " reference. Ad Irmi A K MS. urefonltn. AN'-ani..i:lou younc man. IS jreara of ( and living at home, .lahee to leartl carpanter trad. Telephone Eellwood !' EXPERIENCKD orcharrtUt pruning In town baturday. ynnlio. aania Job at AK 80. Ora- TOI SO man. II. S yeara" plumbing a prlence, wanta to work In ahop or Dara wara atora. AK a. oragonlan. atARRIED man ip-lanced Janitor, any kind of work In houao and garden; good reference. AO a 17. Oregonlan. riNKST Japanae cwk wanla poaltlon In flrt-!aaa family In city or country. Jl e-.T. Ortronian. JAPAN K.-1-: wanta aituation to do cook. re and huurk. or dUhwajhr. reataurant- A b. orronmn. . FKKNVH marhlnlat and blackamtth want po tiutt. cliv or country. AM b-is. Of gonian, WOri.D Uka to drive esprea wagon 00 rf.rcmUaton; ha good bam. A- liigga lb ne Kaat 4721. CM I Japanea wanta position to work early morning. AO 4. frtffuuiw. MAN and atfe want work on ranch, have two children. 123 Concord, F.IT1V by trat-claaa aJioe and clothing ata.eTtian. Addreas Y vi. Oregonlan CHAI'KH.IH, niH-nen'-"!. relable, beat ref.reace. fh-n Kit 41 :J. KKL.lAlU.M chaurr-ur aan poaltlon. prlvat or trn k. I'hor Main iT.;tf. TO driwa for prlvat family; experience! rvnl Mf-rcnca. AE 54'J. Qregoman. iTx PKKIK.Nt'iTD Janitor wnta poaltlon; good rclcnnce. A. tut, 6 tut 6d at. N. M Tl ' A T I O N W A N TT. II 1TMA 4fokkreirra and stenographer. 8TKNO USA FHEK -I.OOK KEEPER. perl o,fiJ . ttce.lmt r--f erentea; bond ; inod erat salary If chance fur advancement. A I. .t. oregonlan. k1 N S lady dealrea p.a!! ion a a-alstant bookke-'p.-r In lumber olfu: reference; evrenanc; quick at flgur. AO 811, Ore gonlan. AN experienced buelneas woman desires po pttinn is bookkeeper or aajeawomaa. Phone R ?7T. Ea FKHIENCKD bookkeeper and atenog r iph-r wiaht a permanent poaiUon. 1'hon Woodiawn 1J43. EXPERIENCED young lady atnogrpher. a 1th know: dee of bookkeeping, doelrea poalt Ion. I'lu-n" E.at 2-4 COMPETENT bookkeier and atenocrnpher deaira position, reliabl. Main 60-' Z. yOl'N'l lady wanla general ofrtr. caahler or at-rgraphle work. Marshall 4771. Araa-a maker. . FIR-T-Cl-ASS "dreaamaklng and ladlea tall trinr. ro7 Montjcoro-jry at. Main 101. Dt.KsSM AKE R from Nw York, good fitter, wants f-w more cuatomera Main "Hhtt. WANTED F:ln sewing; guarantee satis faction. Phone Eaat tW23. GENERAL, dressmaking, chtldran or plain eamg. reaaonat'le, in fnmtlle. K&at 4hlV TRACT ICAL nur would l!k poaltlon a pur and companion for invalid; no ob ject .ona to going out of town. H 43. I KACIICAL. nurse, good Christian women, wiinc patient, mental or epileptic case; aucoefai treat ment. iatlent'a home or her own. M. N.. Mercy Home. 31 lh at. N. WANTED Practical and maternity n u ra in c. terms very reasonable. Phone East CAPABLE and refined nurse, care of in- alid or eiderly person, or housekeeping; for same. AV uv. Oregonlan. OOiTd practical nurse; doctor's reference. Main 6tT. FOR AN experienced nurse phone Tabor f.fr5'.. Msln44g'A H o u eke' per. IXNT Ilk "beat room and board for 110 a week." How much will It coat me 7 No back bedroom or bwl-and-pltcher equipment need answer. Address AO Ml, Oregonlan, EXPERIENCED mlddte-aired larly a lh-e poitti.n aa houekaeper lor widower wlh r.tni:y; reference; wagca AH 13. Trgualan. WANTED situation as houeekeeper by young wldw; widower's or bachelor's home preferred. AJ frail. Oregonlan. EXPERIENCED woman wlehes housekeep ing fir-t-ci.ie references. 400 Monroe, Eat 4-:l. A LADY with a 1 year old child would like a position houae work or cook in email family. AH :i Oregonlan. WANTED Houeekeeptng poaltlon In or out of clt v bv woman with child la months old. A 16. Oregon. an. O or eaperN need family cook or hoti--kT)er, f l; good reference. Main f.5r9. NK AT. rettn-d young won. an with - year old daujr-t r. wiahea a p aitlon as houe-k-epr. AO fria. regon'.n. lntetlr. CO.MIETKNT girl deatff g-neral hovia 'rk in apartment house. Main 2u3i. A 477o. 1l-4-rManfon. LAI Y well educat-d In Europe, bual- ra ablli:y. wiahe em;-li.ymnt part of rtijr a govern , hlgh-r aa music, draw ing, t rruch. in real e-rate. cnui'inloD or antiirc aiiliaMe. AK Mi, Ornian. WANTKT by widow woman Management of country hot-1 or any part of me; many yars eperiT. .-. Let of rcfer niffc Y Kii, irregi.nlan. WANTED by widow w xnan To manag camp b'.rd!r g-i ouse. or will cook, best r- f -rer --a. W b.N rnnl:in. EX PF.KI KNc'ED woman a :ahea position, chambermaid. bouMwori; good plain f axn Ji. Eaat 71. - l.V'EINED. capabla woman wouid run small. ;.'r rtmiri-houK, be houeke.?er ox do your typearinag. D d4o. uregoni.ux. LAfE curtains beautifully laundered, sun dried anl beachd; ill work guaranteed, M . a 7.'.' 7. LA i Y aii'i'i to ca re for ch Udren In her home. eellwood 403. LAt'E curtalna and Hnn laundered. 2c and ud; a.l work guaranteed. Tabor SIT. NEAT young woman wants day work. Ta bor U.14- tvM i't. LNT fitter desire poaltlon. beat c.tr ref-rence. Adrea X M uregonian. k K fl ruN by a gtrl. prefer laun try or housework; r-f ereiic-s. AO bit. Orcfiontan, tM'KHl ENCE D young woman dealres poal tlon in dot tor a oriice, K bCl. uregonian. I'OSITION for rneral housework and Cook- li:g M E. 2th North. GILL dealree position to aaaiat la general houaeworfc. 4E. 11th, EAPEL1ENCED Swedish woman desires) faml.y cooking. Main JOt. A 4T7o. Ol.-l. ;-hea s-'tjttd work O' CliM-in. phone !ain chamber ork. EX P E M i E N C E U woman, situation kitchen helper, chamber work. Main j a 9. A 47Tj. JAPANESE wnnan wanta hou.-morii. Can t c-ik; wages frlo. pnone E.vsi UJao. EXPERIENCED woman, day work, wean ing, irunin g.c I can In g al am o3. A 4i7j, CoM Pi T ENT tonnn wants any kind of day work for eatuniaty Phou Main frvxjd.. WANTED Lace iiurtalns to laundry, at home. Phone Marahail 3004. CAPABLE woman want work by the hour. Main W MAN wlshee day work, waahlng. Ironing, c.eanlng. Phone A li-V-v. W ANTED AO E NTS. WANTED Agents, lire wire Here la your chance to make 1 10 to 4 -O a day. easy picking ; others do, why not you 7 tiM) to .o0 In caae of accidental death and $13 to $?0 per wk wnlie dtaled for $. to $10 a year; hiuheat comniiaaiona; ex elusive territory. Write or call for in formation. Abbott Ar Co.. Wilcox bidg. 1.00 PER CENT PROFIT. Agents cn cola money handling faatast selling bouaehoid article oa toe market. Call at room 6'4 Chamber of Commerce, between B 1 J and T P. M- WANTED A live energetic man to handle H r intu ru cm 1 vr ivnuin nrro on coramUslon basis: good opportunity for th right man. C Oregonlan. "WANTED Agent with eom capita! . ii.tik from t $- per day. Ca.l betweon 2 and 4) a, s jaotagioa etag. WASfTFD ACK.VT9. 1DB EEXI. t Kt.M. . . z . .rr.TTT. ... FamliT AO KNTri wanted to a-! I tha beat cloaa-ln aurnllvlaion in tha rlty; Ju-t oprned up Call at ofTtra. 110S-10 Spaldmr bldg-. WANTED TO RENT. MODERX 6-room bunicalow, Kunnyaldo dl trtrt, year l'aaa; reaponalbla iarty. no children. Addreaa AK M.. oreKonlHn. TWO gentlemen want f urn lata ed cottaga 00 t sida, ata i a locauon and price. W S .7, OrefoDlan. ' WANTED To rant by two adulta. amall furnlahed houae or f!nt; can fumiah bat of rrfrrencca. AJ bJJ. Oregon inn. WANTED Uy April flrat. mo-lern unfurn ished aix-room home, Veat tJdo, North. Stnta rent. E S42 Orctfonlan. W A N T F L H 00m , with or without board, for mother and daughter; must b al lowed (o have piano for teaching vocal and Instrumental mualc; n-ar thrlatlan tiefnea i'hurb preferred: rferencea re quired and given. AO b43.Oregonlan. WANTED To rent large unfumlahed room, cloae In; modern convenience. P 63T, Or-ygonlan. WANTED Ona or two room a. unfumlahed, f.r adulta. raaaocabla. walking dlaianca. alarahall 4481. at one. Room With Board. LADY wanta warm, sunny room, with board, outhweat aide, walking c lata nee, reaaon ah.e. Fhone Maxahali 107T. Y .ia. Ore fronlan. . I.rsINE.SS man living at Hotel Cordova wishes nrst-claas bOaUd in strictly prlvat family In vicinity. B fr40. Oregonlan. rOR RENT. Furnlnbed Room. New Open, 112 Rooma Now Open HOTEL BYRON. HOTEL CAPLEa. Seventh and Taylor bta Residential and Transient; absolutely central, two minutea from Poet office, stores, (heaters and restsuranta; Juat off business streets and canines, quietest and beat location ; handsome brick, ample steam hneM, hot running water and pnoi.es In every room, euliee and private bathe, elevator. Heputabie and comfortable. From Too dall, 4 weekly. Any car Xroa depot. HOW OPEN! NOW OPEN! NOW OPENI Those tr.re beautifully fuxnlsued hotels HOT La . HOTEL HOTEL W I N OO iv. PARSONS. ROWLANDS. 113 4tl t- 211S eth st. 2uT'j 4th st em Fourth St.. running from Tsylor to baimon at-; brand-new brick; elegantly furnished; steam brat, private bat ha, hot and cold watur In ail rooms; strictly up to date in all respects, and at popular prices. If you want something out of the ordinary. In th heart of tho city, at rea sonable prices, give us a call, as we know you will U It. Rooms by the day, week or month. Tourist trade solicited. HOTEL BLACKSTONTC. Cor. 11th and Stark St. New, modern brick bldg.. elegantly fur nished; elevator, hot and cold water, mm heat, phones nil rooma; privets hatha; single or en suite; rates el day up; special monthly rates. COKDOVA-ifotel, lllh and Jefferson sts. lrsnd new brirk; splendidly furnished; all rooma with telepnone. steam beat, hot and co.d water, many with baths; e.ery effort la mala for the comfort and convenience of Ita gut ata; the rente are most reason able; rooms by the week, month or day. J" car direct from depot- . HOTEL FoRD. 733 Washington, corner Lu cretla st. New brick building, just com pleted; line targe outside rooms with tele phone service, with or without private baths; new and splendidly furnmhed; hot aud cold water; steam heat; best of serv ice; very reasonable ratea FOSTER HOTEL. Dnvls and Third cits. 200 outside rooma steam beat, hot and cold running water In every room free auto bus to and from all trains. Loweat rates In tho city. Auk for our special low monthly rate. HOTEL SAVON. 131 Eleventh Street. New. modern brick building; steam heated, private baths, hot and cold water In rooms; beautifully furnished, cosy, com fortable; rvut reasons') la. Call and see u pegular and transient trade solicited. GRAND UNION HOTEL, t7 V East Lfurnside, Live on the Eat Side and save money on your room rent; we have l-O modern rooms, special price on rooms and suites with private bath; rates Due to Sit per day. I. to T per week East 0910. B 1275. lioTEL LA SALLE. 10lb and Burnslde st. Absolutely fireproof; new snd elegantly f urnubed rooms; privets baths, steam heat, hot and cold water, private phones In each room; special rales by the month; phone service free. Phone Marshall 404. RAINIER HOTEL. One block from l 11 ion Dm pot ; 140 outside rooms, with hot and cold water and a 1 earn neat, offers special ratea for pt-rraanent guests; rates buc to $2 a day; 1.U and up per week. Phone Main 041X VAN OORDER HOTEL 10:H Twelfth St. Marshall 27DO. In heart of buaineas district; steam heat, hot and cold water. lr-e pnone In every room; 91 day and up: 44 week and up. HOTEL RENW1CK An Ideal home for bus iness people; centrally located; elegant rooms; all modern conveniences; 7th and T.vinr ata.. 1 block from Portland HoieL opposite Hellig Theater. Phone Mala wiu. AKMi.MLS HOTEL 410 Morrison at., opp. La-vtrr T n.-a ter Nicely lurnisned room, permanent, transient, low ratea Main suio. HOTEL NORRIS. 17th and Alder sts. Mod ern rooms, suitable 2 to 4 persoua pri vate hatha Rates 13 oO up. LIviHT. airy rooms, modern, suites or single; sic am heat ; $2 and 111 week; 6 minutes walk to theater and stores; free phone. 1-1 NUfc. ll m- ' o.a 4 1 u. THE LA It R A I E E. Vt Ierrab st.; mod atn. permanent and tranaluiit. 2.50 up. C 1 oe n. N'E, clean, comfortable rooms, rensonable. Phone, hot Laths, steam heat. 8-7 Taylor ft. ELM PLACE. 414 Yamhill sL, cor. lllh; rooma f-:0 per week up; hot and cold eater, a team neat, private batha Furnished Roomi In private Family. ATTRACTIVE room with home privileges for one or two Indies employed during ti iy. References, 1'iice reasonable, Main 11- STEAM heat; b autifuly furnished rooma, love y home; $2. 'm week. 32 Montgomery street. H".x SrCKEKI'INO and sleeping -room a. Ih one, i .1 1 h. elect rio lltfht, waiklng dia-t.inc- 4-'7 Harrison. FLitNlSHED sleplng-rvom, suitable two, heat, phone, bath, walking distance. il 13th st. LAlUiE (ront room, nlciy furnished, S10; 4 bloc k from bteol bridge. 4d Clackamas st. C 2V34- Nlt'ELY furnished front parlor In modern flat suitable. f-r one or two; very rea B.nablfj. 3M 6th at. 12-KtHjiI roominc-houn sale chean or auh- rant. &t4Vx aaiiiiigtou st. Main Aioi. A T'.4-. LuY single houaekeepln: room. $10 month. Also nice suite, large bay window, wk. 411 4th st. 1ES1KAIUE front room a for 1 or 2 gentle men, open on larre porch, hut water. alo s.eeplng porch. Wist park. Marahail 4210. 112 Furnls hed room In modern atcam heated apartment. I:ulies preferred ; 2d fioor, flat D, 4ti'. J crier son. M. 70L NICELY furcl licil Lent front rooms, close In. prlvnte r idei.ce, 2 50 to S3..V0 per week. 2M lth st. cor Columbia. NEWLY furnished room In new flat, mod ern ronwnioric. s. eaay walkirjt distance. Nob Hill ui-trict, b'4'-a Everett. M. 42l. NICELY furnished room for gentleman; ho.vrd if desired. 60 E. Taylor. Phone aat 2w. NICE front ro'-ra In quiet home; gentleman preferred 7h Flanders. LakgE weil-furnlahed room, uae of piano, StSI 10th. RuOMS 2o0 14tli, near J'iTrao walking distance. 1 none Main fib 13. fl SINGLE room, light and plea-ant, for young men; West Park. Marahail 421&. NI"E furnished rooms In private home. North 10th St., fine location. NICK, clean. Ilrht basement room, 11.23 per week to30th at. aTesIr AHLE, convenient, for one or two; reasonable; easy walking distance. A 2427. A HANDSOMELY furnished front room In quiet home aurroundinga phone Main FUr.NISHED room. $1250 month. Apt. 4 Marlborough Apta., 2 1st sL arid Flanders. NICELY f urnlnhcd rooma. a J no one large ron:i. with uo of kltchcru 2.;d J2th at. 215 12tTTfT. Well-heated, nicety furnished, reasonable, close In. Phone A 6 til 2. $2.W. 14 WARM, clun rooms; well far nlahed. 306 7th St. ATTRACTIVE, homelike rooma, gl, $12, 29, 15; Nob MUL 62S Flandrra. FLONT room for two. 85 18ta st. North, Fornlbd Kuomi In lrlvata Family. BUNNY, well-furnished room, with cloaet. new modern homo, electric light, bath; phnna, hot and cold water and heat free. Ui:1 taverett at. LARGE-, bay-window room, everything new 15 per oek; hot water heat, bath, phone, private home; 10 minutea waik to Foat- ornre. 414 Aiarxet. cor. ox ma m. NICELY furnlalt.d front room. In private . home for one or two poraona. drib anu phone; earlv break f ant If deatred. Ca.ll inorpinga, E. balmon at. Phone B 241X POR RENT Nice furnished front bedroom with light, steam heat, batn ana pnona IS a month; private fa-mily. Upshur Apart ments. 6oi Upshur st Mi'kLV fnrniahA.! mom a modern convenl- cucca. very reasonable; use of phone, walk- inir autauce. 001 layior gi. rnonn WANTED On or two ladles, or man and wife to snare furnished a-room coitagn, ' with middle-aged lady. Call &il E. 2b tv. W-W car. reasonable. $2 THREE. or 4 completely furnished rooms for housekeeping c.ost in, gaa range, prlvat bath, phone, etc. Call 90 Grand ave.. near ivasi waanington av. WANTED Roommate for young fellow; prU ati family: everv home comfort: all ymg people; home cooking. Phone East OU-a. COMFORTABLE room. modern. waiklng diat&nce; $7 month. 806 H College IL, Fiat A. t'nfumUhed Rooms. UN FURNISH ED rooms, lighted and pleas ant, to rent; 10 minutes' walk from Post off Ice, from $5 to $S per month. 4k2 Mar ket at- Main 3ZU. THREE large housekeeping rooms cheap) square grand piano for sale. 40 St., cor. Aan. room Rooms With Board DOES a home appeal to you? THE WHITE' HALL. cor. oth and Madison: large rooma bath, broad veranda, quiet, cloae in. near car, 4 blocks xrom i . o. American pian. THE Haxel dining-room reopened. table board, strictiy first-class; also furnished rooms. steAm heat, running water; prices mouente. 3 Mo ad si., cor. aiontgomery, LA MHER&ON. BiVe Couch at., cor. lTth Very desirable, clean rooms with sieara heat and running water; good board; fin location for teachers or business men- piiKiLAND WOMEN'S UNION; '3d year. lloomg with board, use of sewing-room, II- crary. aiv r lanuera, r . " k- M A N ITOIT 21 1STH ST. Attractive, clean rooms, steam heat. good board, close in, reaaonaoie. THE CALVARD. 4b3 Morrlaon, cor Uth. rooms and bjara; mouern cupeoioucea IlOoM and board. C&sa Roao, 300 Jeiferaoa sc. corner bih. ROOM and board for one or 2 young men. flrat -class table, reasonable, so in. itn. NICELY furnished room and firat-cla&s table t.OFiro. .tt4 r-ara ei. FLHNISUKD rooms with board. 16T 11th, Rooma With Hoard t Private Family LEALT1KUL parlor bedroom, steam heat, eU-CLrto lltfht, tlrst-citu-s home cookinif. served famliy siyie. xree 1 acme yoon, r.aiH ik minutea' wva.lk to P. O.i rales re- snnaulc. Phone Eaat 1134 or call at Co 3 JUe.mont st, B-S car. NICELY furnished room, modern home, for aentleman: no otner ooaruers; Mteneu. i.Bi. hborbood, walking distance. Marshall tHW. Phone PLEASANT accommodations for three or four; good board and hotne; modem con vunittncui: Holladay Addition. Phone C 154. HAVE rented large beautiful home on Eaat Morris on, corner 17th. Will open March 1st. Make reservation now. Mra Anna Hall. Easi ltJOo. PLEASANT, well lighted and heated front bedroom, suitable for two, with excel lent board; modern home, use of piano. walking distance. r.aat buoo. TWO lovely front rooms, folding doors be tween, with board, hot and cold water, electno lights. Call and see or phons Ta bor 8700. TWO rooms, clean, light, modern; pric 3 and 3.50 per week. Either one wlU accommouaie two. ive m.uuiea ii yoai office. Home cooking. 863 6th, cor. MUL CUY room, suitable for one or two. con genial home, piano, choice board, reftued in 1 ghborliood. 7oT Mare nail et. A 400. KoO.M and board In a refined home; all con veniences. b'-Jo iaat A a. corner j.oiu. I' hone East lb43 LARGE bay-window room, one or two peo ple, nicely lurnisnea, turnace oeai, ku. vltctricliy, walking dUtttpce. Main o2SQ. COMFORTABLE room, walking distance, home cooking, home comforts; fb week; bathj Eat-i0. FURNISHED rooma with or without board, modern convenience, walking distance. Main -.J. NICE room, with board for 1 or 1 young .ladies, reasonable. Marahail S3 02. tt Everett. NEAT room, with or without board; modern convenience. e i-vereit su TWO-ROOM suite, also alcove room; porches, grounds; excellent board ; Main -07 L KuuM board, for two ladiea; no other boarder. 2-2 E. 1st S. U or I car. ROOM with board. Main 1547. 712 Flanders su Phone ROOMS; with board. Call 3 S3 Taylor, private boaruing-boute. ROOM and board In a private family; home cook Ins; within walking distance. B 2-ilA. TWO front roomrn near Multnomah Club; walking distance. Marshall 4112. hotof and board private family, walking distance, W car. t?l Kearney, $25. FKST-CLASd room and board, 609 Everett at, Aitartment. CECILIA APARTMENTS. 22d and OUaaA giB.. Lest of service; desirable location, with uutxceiled car service; also easy walk rig distance; --room ape. with bat a, modern con venlcncea, vory reaaonaoie renc 'IliE AVALON, 3-room apartment, with s.evpmg poi ch, finely f uruianed, steam heal, janitor service, corner of Clackamas and liuaa. phone Last 3172. ONE modern 6-room apartment; nice light rooma, with gas range, refrigerator aud fie tuit (. hone. T he Uiinondt, t.'0 Fiandurs sL, Nob Hill. Phone Main 8261. THE LILLIAN, corner 6th and Montgom ery, a-room lurnluhed apartments, private iath and phone, walking distance. Mar sha. 1 137S. i.ltii DA V LNPOR T Newly furniahed 2 and J-room apta., beat in city for ttie money; atriciiy modern. Main 435. JXfer eon. COLUMBIAN Furnished and unfurnished apartments, lllh and Columbia; very de sirable; modern con veniences; easy walk ing diutanco, low rates; be-M of eorvice. 1'AKK APARTMENTS, Harrison; beau ts ul a an 1 4 -room furnished apartment; walking uialanctt, beat of service; prices $eO lo 4lh Phone Marahail boTO. CLDAH HILL Apartments, 1 blk. "i?o23d and Wimi, sts. Sunny, newly furnished 14 -room apt; private phone, bath and bal cony. A T52X Mar. 3101. TH15 WINDSOR APARTMENTS. 2 and 8 rooma, private phone and bath, walking distance. Cor. E. J4ih and Yam hill. THE CHETOPA 18th and Flanders, 2."S and 4-rooin mouern. furniahed and unfur nished; new furniture, new building. Ap ply to janitor. THE ARCADIA, 2 and. 3-room mouern apta., nicely fur nished; rent reasonable; also l outalde aiecpir.-f00"1- Everett at. " IU.1L0P HALL, " HAWTHORNE AVE. AND TH ST. New building, new furniture, 3-room apartments, best service, rent reasonable, THE- M All K APT. Under new m ana semen t. nicely fur nished and u:if iirnibed 8 and 4 -room a, trtmnt. Marnall 2U2S. BEAUTlpi'L n'w modern 8-room aparf mnt, bettt location on West Side; watk Jm distance, rnt reaaonable. Phone Murshall 2n3. o AND 7-KOOM apartments In ideal loca tion. with exceptionally large perfectly lighted rooms for rent at very reaaonable terms. 716 Johnson, cor. 22d. " TH E M. E KE DJTi L " " Completely and richly refurnished In 2. 8 and 4-ro-m apartments; references required. 712 Wash, st. New znanagarneat, " THE CHELTENHAM. .-room lurnisned apartment; ptivats bath and pnone. 255 N. lViix. Marsh a.l gtiofi. MADISON PARK APARTMENTS. PARK AND MADISON S IS. S and 4-room furnished and unfurnished apartment, strictly modern. HARRISON COURT. 34 6th, 8-room apL. unfuruianed. cheapest rent In city. M- f. U. A 7 303 4:, t-KoOM modern apartment, with sleep ing porch, fine location, walking distance, ail convenience-. Tel Main 4 530. THT: NORTHAMPTON, 407 Hall at. Mam 4-' Newly furnished 2 aud Jt rooms; walking distance. BANNER APTS.. 489 Clay. Completely fur nished 2-room apartments, moderate price, t-Q to 24. Phone Marshall 2o74. jL'lTaETTE Furnished snd unfurnished 2 rooma Comer 2d and Montgomery. Xhh ELM 2 and 8-room apta., furnished, Jue4 pnone and bath, Ul 14th si. Apartments. THE ' "STELWTN APARTMENT8. Bt. Clair and Washington Sts. Famished and unfurnished apartments or 3, 4 and 5 rooma Every apartment 1 furnished with sleeping porch. Hardwood floor tiled bathrooms, larco closets, mirrored doors, large room for use of tenants for entertaining. A FEW BACHELOR APARTMENTS Single-or en suite. References required. EMMA K. WUNDER, Manager. THH WTTBELDON. Cor. Park and Taylor at THB WHEELDON ANNEX. Cor. Tenth and Salmon sts. Walking Distance. Furnished complete. 2, 8 and 4-room apartments; buildings new and strictly modern; service flrs.-clas. THE BARKER, cor. 21st nd Irving sts.; this new 4-story brick now open; fur nished nd unfurnished in 2. 8 and 4-room 1 1 tea; reception hall, electric, automatic elevator. Holmes disappearing beds, built in buffet and writing desk, gas range. Ice box, plenty of closet room, both phones, vacuum cleaner free to patrons. If you want something nice, come to the Barker. Phone. A 1744. Marshall 2061. TRINITY PLACE APARTMENTS, brick and stone palace of luxurious homes. Trinity .'lace, between 19th and 20th streets. Just off Washington; magnificent exclusive epartmenta. in heart of apartment-house district ; rentals reaaonable; every modern convenience; sleeping porches, hign-class service; refined clientele; references re quired in all cases. Mra A. N. Wright. aupt. Phone Marshall 1101. THE VILLA ST. CLARA, 12th and Taylor. Just completed, moat magnificently fur nished apartments In the Northwest; loca tion perfect; re n la. a reaaonable; every modern conver.tt-r.ee. Including banquet hall and roof garden ; both phones in all apartmeuis; hifc-h-ciass service; references required Main 2270 and A 70fS7 HEINZ APARTMENTS 14th, and Colum bia, 4 blocks south from Morrison St.; new brick building, completely first-class furnished in 2. 8 and 4-room fami.y apan- menta; private bath, steam heat, hot wa ter, elevator, free phone, vacuum cleaner, Janitor service; rent per muutu, $20, $30, $40 and up; miut be seen to he appre ciated, ' FORDIIAMAPARTMENTS. 170 Ford at., just aouLh of Washington; moat complete, highest claes apartmenta ever built In Port-land, finished through out in hardwood; tiled batiis. superb fix tures; elegant wall coveringa; each wlh private balcony; highest class service; very reaaonable rents; 4 and 6 -room apartments; most conveniently arranged. THhTcAMAR. 7t4 Lovejoy SL Under new management, new, modern brick. 2, 8 and 4-rooin apartments, fur nished or unfurnished; we wlii rent you apartment 25 per cent cheaper loan any place in the city; good jam tor service, 01 v e us a call and be con v inced. Mar shall 2023. THE BUENA VISTA. Corner 12th and Harrison. New brick, latest Improvements; fur-, nlshed and unfurnished 2. 8 and 5-roora apartments; best service; reaaonable rates; references; both phones. LUCHETIA COURT, unfurnished. a ciaaa by themselves, see them; Lucretla st., near 23d and Wub., 2 to 5 rooms, all large, .ighi and outaido; large closets and baths; hard wood floors, free pnonci in each apL phone prop, and mgr., Mar- nhall lo2p. Janitor, Marshall louo. KENTUCKY APTS. New and modern three or four-room nicely furniahed apartments; steam heat, private phone and bath; on the Montavilla and East Ankeny car lines, cor. 2 tth and Last Gllsan sts.; also a nicely furnished single room. Phone East 6367 or B 1432. MONTGOMERY APARTMENTS. Now. modern brick building, corner 8d and Montgomery; two-room apartments, furnished complete, prlvnte bath, phone ana elevator service; five minutes' walk to business center; no children, rales $27 up. Main IH06. KJELEK APARTMENTS, 14 th and Clay streets. Splendid location, solid brick building, electric elevator; we have unfurnished S and 4-room suites, with private vesti bules, phonea, bath, etc. GRANDESXA furuianed apartments. Grand ave, and Last Mark; new brick building. 8 rooma apiendmiy furniahed, with pri vate bath, $27.50; electric elevator, mod ern conveniences; cioso-in location; easy walking distance; best of aervlce. ALAAIO APARTMENTS. Beautliuiiy furniahed anu unfurnished apta; new uncK buiiuiug, steam heat, pri vate phonea and baths, disappearing beds, built-in buf let, gua ranges and Uiiolouxn, Hi Alar Ret st., near 14 in. CUMBERLAND APTS., West Park and Columbia sts., one choice 3-room unlur nibhwd apart m tin, vacant March 1 ; all mouern conveniences, choice location, floating tho park and oai 5 minute' walk lrom business center. ST. FRANCIS APARTMENTS. 21st and Hoyt; 4 rooma and batu, private balcony; new brick building, electric elevator, u perb location. In w aiking distance; most convenient arrangement, iuw rent and beat of service. THE WESTFAL. 410 OTH ST. Loweat raiea in Portland i'? up; nicely furnished and unfurnished 3 and 4-room apartment, private bath and phone, auto malic elev a tor; Janitor service; brick builuing ; easy walking distance, A 2u3a. WOLFE APTS. 210 MARKET ST. NEWLY furnished 2-3-4 rooms. $22,50 to nu. ninKie rooms, ud. free iikiil. phonea, heat, hot and cold water, elec tric eiecator. Aiarsnau oo. WINSTO.N Apartuienta. i41 J4th aU. at Aiaraet; new coiner orica; au oritrnt. out id rooms, 11 and 3-room buiiea Com pletely furniahed lor housekeeping. $2J to Jj4.oO. fur iniurmation caii Alaiu !7oU. THE AMERICAN. Most up-io-uato apar imcn t In North went; 21a 1 and Juhmou iu.; all outside rooms. Appiy on premises, or call Mar anaii 330U. ORDLE1GH APTS. $2 O ra ud a e.. cor. E. Stark St., n Ice ly furniahed 2 and i-rouin apt., cheapest firat-clas apta. in the city , waiking a la ta n Co. pnone E. 300. ALBEMARLE. Two and tuiee-room apartments; pri vate phone and bath ; aieam heat ; walk ing a i stance. 3ad Wiaiiauia. Jhone E. BJELLAND, 10th and Lovejoy Unfurnished apartment inoui,, binctiy modern, new brick. 3 rooma; raui be ntn to be ap pi c-cit.'d. owner. Main lAot, A 1807. U..lHji..S APAK1MENTS. 251 l2t SL. 1. ear Main. Cloae in location. Elegaut 3 1 ooin apartment w ah bath and private La. cony, 43. Every con Hniauce. gooU service. LINCOLN APTS., COIL 4TU AND LINCOLN Ail outaiu .-room aparuneuta, Uunnea beus. built-in writing UesKa. vacuum clean er, janitor service; 2.iO to SaU. Inciuuing li g bL. private pnonea. A 847, Main 1377. THE PAGE APARTMENTS. " Modern, lui uiaiied and uuXurnuihed, 3 rooma; private pnone, bath, etc.; close In. E. bin aud JJurusiue. Maiu 41U0; li 1317. THE M'XINLEY. 429 East Morrison, corner 7th 2, 8 and 4 -room apai tiuenl. (jiu;.iiod up to date, private tatna ; moderate price; new m'gt. CLAYPUOLE A.SNEX. 325 Eleventh at,, two- room xurmanea apartmenta. private batti, ad conveniences. gooU aervlce, walking O .stance. Now under new management. HADDON HALL 11th and Hall Furnished apariuionLs wi" iiuniita, pnone, heat and all modern conveniences. BERYL APARTMENTS. FurnlsneU and unlurnihiicd apartmenb .'5 Lovejoy su Take "W" car. ROSE FRIEND APTS.. 7th and Jefferson Very own"1"'' m-"ii nui 4o. u.aui Marshall a7lorMarshaa llol. L0VEJ0Y apartments. Main 215. ITth and Lovejoy. .'oc u.uisunu o-room front apartment SAN MARCO Apartments, E- 8th and Couch, new uricK. ooa, onvate nam and phone; rates reasonable. Call E 275L I.ADY will share modern steam-heated apt., private uaw. '". a,.v vi montn. Phone Main 032. Apt. 14. after 5 P. M. iKVl.VGTO.V. WALDORF COURT. E. lth and Schuyler. Modern apartments. East 54 7, c 3Q13. THE MORTON. Nicely furnished 3 and 4-room apt. ; prices reaaoname. o; v asn. THE ELLSWORTH Furnlwhed rooms and apartments, modern, brick bulldlnir. close In. 106 LounauaieaL THE DAYTON Nice 4-room lower ipu, heat, water, etc; $20. 6l Flanders st. NEWLY furnished The Upshur. 20th and Upshur sts,, furnished 2-room apartments. $15, $1S, $20 aud up. This includes steam heat, hot and cold water In every apart ment, private phones, public bath, electric lights, gas range, laundry -room, all free. Take S., 23d or W cars. No children; dogs not allowed. Phone Main 859. KINO HILL APARTMENTS, 1T1 King SL 4. 8 6-room apartments; select tenancy. Apply on premltea. ORLANDO APTS., 2mhand Wash. sts. Two and three-room furnished apartments; ev ery convenience, Cery largo rooms; steam heat and private baths and phones; auto matic elevator; easy walking oibiance; ref- crences required. Marshall 1 M. FIFTH AND COLLEGE. Finely furnished outside 4-room apart ment, $40. worth $0O; also beautiful 3 roora corner apartment; every modern convenience. The Altamont, THE LOIS. 7t4 HOYT ST. Three and four-room apartments, all outaide rooms, with sleeping porches, pri vate phone and baths; modern In every respect. Marshall 2011. GRACE Apts.. 717 Northrup at., corner 24th; 6 large rooms; hardwood floors, front veranda, large sleeping porch, pri vate telephone, water, heat and hot water; new and strictly modern. THE LUZERNE. Just completed; corner 3d and Hall; all 2-room furniahed apts., large outside kitchens, beat arranged apts. in Portland. $25 and up Easy walking distance. FLAT B. 549 Washington, steam heat, 6 rooms. Phone Marshall 452. 1 Lata. IRVLNGTON. 40B East 8th st. North. Broadway car; new 4-room fiat, hardwood floors, tile bath, fireplace, sleeping porch, private front porch, gas range, linoleum on floors. Lent $30. F. E. BOWMAN A CO., 2 2d and Brazoe. 13d,C2322, MODERN 6-room upper fiat; flue neighbor hood; furnace, f; replace, sleeping porch, lawn (owner takes care;; hun in every room; convenient to ail kinds fine stores and two cariine. Adults. Inquire T72 Kearney. MODERN 7-room flat. West Side, 775-i Johnson sL, between 23d and 24th. Phone Jtiain oodL BOO MARKET ST. 6-room modern flaL with lurnace. $30 per momh. Key at 602 Portland Trust Co., 3d and oak. WEST SIDE mouern 6-room flat, eteam heated, unfurnished. $4a: near Coiumoi Apply at premise. Pouieen, 307 11th sL 5-KOojJ lower, modern flaL arrangemen and llnlsh will please you; hasn't a dark ronu; $25. 610 Hancock. Main 2404. ELEOANT. 5-roora fiat, modern conven lences. opposite new Multuumun Club, 502 ba.mon. COMPLETELY" furnished 6-room Hat; water, telephone xurnlsneu; ou; lower uoor. 00 OiiFan. Main 4 ,01. 1 On l.i-N'i Modern 7-room flat, 444 Para it; fireplace and furnace; f.ii.ou; no cnu dreru pnone Tabor 7t3 or East 1431. MODERN 6-room upper flat, two blocks Wait side hlKh scnooi. inquire 1.0 xotn st.. corner Yamhill. sii.uv 4-LOOM flat, modern, walking dla tance. a35 Vancouver aud Cherry. Eaat 1004. MODERN -lx-room upper flat, two blocks West Side high schoov inquire no 10m st., corner i am hill. $ju 6-ROOM modern lower flat, 120 E. loth Bl., tumur AUUT. AJJyi OO JlirtOi. Aiucii I'none Lust 01 to. $25 3-room flat, first floor, nicely furniahed, fireplace, pi very dealra! fireplace, private bath, walking distance, aoie oil enuuiii. H.K31 iiwij. TVVO 5-room modern fiats, aul and 301 H East 12th eL, near Hawthorne ave., walk ing distance. East 413. ft.H(ii)M furnished flat, nice and llarht, fin location, 3 rooms rented. Phone Main 5043, owner. a. ROOM modern. lishL uUDer flat; yard. tSOa Kearney St., between 23d and 24lh ui. j none laoor iwov. Lu w EK fiat, a.5; rooms; 000 Hoyt st. bee Mr. Melsou. Janitor, au Francl Apart ments, 21st and lioyt bio. UPPER flat. 6-room. with additional fin isned room in attic; modern; large, light rooms; adults. 064 E. Main. cor. loth. $14 NICE 3-room unfurnished flat, bath water, DasemeiH, lare cioaei, "ice uei,u' borhood. 212 East oUtu. laoor hob. MiiiiKKN iV-room tiat: ha porch, tireplacfs furnace and walking distance; rent 27.50 month. Call 441 11th st. 4-KooM nicely furnished flat. West Side, walking distance city, uatn, teiepnoue, heat. Apply 333 Oak sL NEW 6-room Hats. isOS Belmont; gas ranges. w ater heaters, bookcases and all the latest improvements; $22.oV. 2."i HOLLADAY Addition; 8 rooms, walk ing distance, near 2 car lines. Inquire 412 H WaSCO. Jai. iiBUo. 5-ROOM flat, walking distance. Inquire 03 14th. A 4073. $10 CLEAN, sunny 4-room flaL 672 H Mis BiBslppi ave, E. 291 L NEW 4-room flaL aleeplng-porch. 23th and Eaflt Everett, iuast luyo MODERN S-rooin flat, walking distance. 20 M cm man, w .ibo, MODERN o-room tiat, o-tn near Jackson. VA--t s;iH 14 mln. walk. Main or A li!L'. jaoDERN, 5 and 6-rooms, 12th and BelmonL A 71b3, Main 825a, Bowman. LOVELY 4-room corner flat, furnace; rent 1 a. i'none .ofc o j- M-iv- THREE or 4-room flat, bright, pleasant ,.-.. I In.uHpA V.'I'JL. U a : I 1 Mo DEKN O-room flat, 24 N. 10th, near li urn siue, FURNISHED and unfurnished flat for rent, references. Phone Main 1433. a-KoOM. unfurnished flat ; hot and cold . il 1 !.! t wll t' rK Water IUi inanco. f'- '1 W o IT--room flats. 825 Northrup and 015 Gllsan at. i-none ai-.m --" FOUR-ROOM modern flat, furnished or un fumlahed, Eaat lbth and Ash. B 2000. 2-ROOM, unfurnished flat, ateam heat, light. hot ana coia w aici , ia . 1 m. FURNISHED S-room flat. 351 6th aL Uouackecping Rooms. NEWLY furnished The Upshur, 26th and l"tshur sts.. furnished 2-room apartments. $15, $1S. $20 and up. This Includes steam heaL hot and cold water in every apart ment, private phones, public bath, electric 11 gilt, gas range, laundry-room, all free. Take S., 23 or W cais. No children; dogs not allowed, pnone Main ooy. TH E LEAVER, 12 th and Marshall Fur nished for housekeeping; raa range, elec tric lights, hot water, bath, laundry, free; $15 per month up: a clean place, best In ihe city for the money; short distance from Union Depot, Take S" or lOth-sL cars north, get off at Marshall sr. No dogs. NEWLY furnished houaekeeplug eulte. 2, 3, or 4 rooms, prlvat! bath, phone, elec tricity, steam heat, new building, walk ing distance, 3 blocks east 01 2ieei Driuge, 274 Holladay ave. $L5u TO 2.5u per week Clean furnished housekeeping-rooms; free heat. phone, bath, laundry, yard, -.tin Vancouver ave. and 203 Stanton; "V" car. Puono E. 0U30. CLOSE IN. Furnished housekeeping and Bingle rooms, low rates. 103 Park, corner Mor rison. 147 15TH st., between Alder and Morrison, ho usekreping-rooms, single and In suite. Marshall 42&0. 'lliE MU.NEK, 30 4 Morrison Furnished or unf urn isned housekeeping-rooms; steam heat, elevator, all conveniences, best locat'n. lii5 Holladay Addition. 8 rooms, modern, upper flat; walking distance; 2u2s East 2d and Multnomah sl.s. Phone East 2H4S. 461 EAST MorrlFon. cor. East Sih. com pletely furnished housekeeping suite, rcu soliaole. PARK HILL. 35314 Yamhill Suite of light housekeeping rooms; a few nice single rooms. CAM BRIDGE BLDG. Furnished and unfur nished housekeeping rooms, cheap rent. Apply ro o m 3 0. 3d and Morrison sts. UNFURNISHED flaL 6 rooms; modern, gas range, water heater, linoleum, shades. 340 Montgomery at. Kent $30. Main 7785. HOUSE KEEPING-ROOMS in new concrete building. Phone Woodlawn -379 or 207 FURNISHED rooms for baching. $1.50 per week up. 211 2d st. Housekeeping- Rooms In Private Family. THREE desirable rooms, completely fur nished for housekeeping 541 Sixth st. S.50 MONTHLY One neat room. H. K. privileges; 2 rooms $16; g&a. 445 6th st. TWO or 8 very desirable housekeeping 421 7th. rooms; also single room. FURNISHED housekeeping rooms 20 E 11th SL N. pnone ja-2ti.. J15 Two sunny rooms, gas. hat h, phone. not anu cuiu aici ; yoic-u. f -J t u. FURNISHED housekeeping rooms cheap. hot anu coia water, pnone. so i arK st. 2 MODERN furnished housekeeping rooms; waiklng distance.- Jio ne-rry. S12 THREE furnished housekeeping rooms; gas plate, steei ranne. 01a (in. -nam -;;. THREE nice housekeeping rooms ; furnace heat, bath, pn.one.j4. nan. TWO rooma In modern apt.; kitchen privi leges. 407 Jenerson, Flat c FlRST-CLAtS large front rooms, completely furnished, very' central; W" far 'rV depot, heat, lights, bath. 510. ? in. per month; 1 a t cs b y week. 075 Couch, N . K. cor. t li. HAVE rented house opposite my home and furnished for 2 hou-.' keeping apts Ev erything fii-st-eiass and In hue utignuor- hood. ltth and E. 10 JO. Morrison. phone East LARGE furnished room with kitchenette, in Nob 11 ill home; everything includc-d ; sewing machine, cut glass, vie. 73.) Gli San. Marsiiail LSGS. 2 LARGE, clean, r.ovvly furnislud housokenp ing suites, A-xmuistcr carpet. linoletnu, sink, (irst Uoor. p-:.-h. ynrti, 5JS and $LS; 2 blocks SS car. 12-E. IMrd cor. Yamhill. 2 ELEGANTLY furn iitti Ijousckeepirg ri'oms, liea tod. gas 1 .in gt fireplace, lau:ij dry. private j"ich. st ilctl nn-dcru. - to THREE Inrec nictiy f arnishod rooms on 1st Uoor or 3 rooms vv it h alcove on s c.oini f!oori .is. bath and phon-s. 371 N. 22d isu, or jiiarsu.ill 4 4 OS. THREE nicely- furnished hmisekeeplng rooms, ground floor, 215 10th, corner Sal mon . r LA RGE sunny partly furnished housekeep ing rooms; largo yard, modern. Phone Main 2257. . $15 THREE furnished housekeeping-rooms. 127 East Ititu st., bet. Morrison and Alder. Pnono East 5350. , THREE or 4 furnished rooms, light house keeping; furnace heat, gad Hnd phone. 0o C Union. 1'hone Sell wood 75b. TWO lar.e connect inn rooms, gas, rane. Pink, phono, basement, private baih. newly luruished. 3S4 Park at. 1 Wo largo, nicely furnished, clean housekeeping-room; gas range; modern con ven ion cos. 557 11 adison st. NICELY furnished 2-room suite, furnace heat, gas. bath, beautiful lawn; reason able. Phone Main 5S2. 0V5 Lovejoy sl FOUR furnished houaeltecplng rooms, mod ern, rent $17; walking distance. Phone Alain 7773. FL'K.N LSI I i-:d rooms, also housekeeiing rooin. close in, $2 ner week and up, free bath and phone. ;;,. East Morrison at. THREE completely furnished rooms, entlrs Uoor. closet, sl-.-eping poicli. electricity and phone; $10. 825 E. Stark. TWO housekeeping rooms in private fam ily; reasonable; walking distance. 3'.'i Jackson, between 5th and dih. 2 FURNISHED housekeeping rooma, clean and light. walking distance; $11 per month, no children. 270 Market. TH R.;E furnished housekeeping rooma. good location, lower floor. 00i E. Burn side. NICELY furnished housekeeping rooms, also furniahed rooms; bath and phone; 10 minutes' walk from Posio:tice. 434 7th st. ONE or two clean furnished housekeeping rooms, gas, electricity, water, sink, laun dry. 23 Grand a e., S. E. corner Ankeny. TWO light, clean housekeeping rooms, I blocks from Postoiflce; also large front room. 24 J 7th sc $15 Two rooms, connected, in new home on West Side; walking distance; neatly fur nished. Main 0030. COMPLETELY furnished housekeeping suite, 2 aad 8 rooms, cloae in. 214 J 3th st. t 2 VERV nice furnished . housekeeping rooms; pantry, sink; walking dlsiance. 21 1 Sher man st. KLEUANT housekeeping uit; porch, run ning water, heat, hath, phone; also single room; cent rai location. 0-5 Flanders. NEWLY furnished, single connected house keeping rooms, 10 minutes' walk from P. 0. Phone. 540 0th. HOUSEKEEPING room? for rent, good loca tion and moderate prices. Call at ISO h 3d at. Main 77S7. NICELY furnished front housekeeping rooms, light, bath and phone, $10 to $14. 570 12th st. ONE light, clean, well furnished house keeping room very reasonable. 408 -d aL LARGE clean housekeeping rooms; bath, phones, walking distance. 407 Holladay ave. NEAT housekeeping rooms, reasonable, at 32 N. 11th. Come and see. 4 FIJHNISHED housekeeping rooms, gas, bath, yard; $ 1 4 m on t h. 0 H2 Front. HOUSEKEEPING rooms; light and pleas ant, 2 or 3, with piauo. 554 Taylor at. , II o uefl . . LOOK THIS OVER AT ONCE. Four brand-new &-room modern flats, -upper and 2 lower, for rent, corner lSth and E. Morrison sta. Mount Tabor car passes the door; six blocks from school; upper flat $2-1; lower $22 per mouth. THE SHAW-FEAR COMPANL . ' a-. 102 Fourth St, A 3500. FOR RENT New, mofiem, 9-room bouse. Kodnev ave. above Skldmore. Five rooms first floor, four large bedrooms upstairs, which, rented to roomers, should pay en tire rent of 525. IL Atwater, 028 Henry bldg. liMarshall BUT. FURNISHED or unfurnished flat on Gllsan Ft.; fireplace, furnace, gas and electricity, $37.50. House- and flats In all part of Ctt' T. K. TTJFFORD & CO.. Marshall 4547. 407 Spalding Bldg. $16.50 6-ROOM cottage, nice lawn, apri cots, cherries, pears and prunes. 40 Shaver st. Russell-Shaver car to door, near Thompson school. Ma!n2356 MODERN 8-room house. 28th, near Haw thorne. Inquire 861 Hawthorne. Phone B 118 4. 6-ROOM modem house, fireplace, electrla light. 12 bearing fruit trees, locatod 8J7 Vancouver ave; rent $22.50. 6-ROOM cottage, bath and gas 438 San Rafael; $13. iO. Inquire Edwards Co., 1 11 1st st. 6-ROOM new modern house, 2 blocks from St. Johns car. 1115 Concord si. Phona East 41i0. 7-ROOM house, delightfully located. $25; . In.r.nnri'h nAW- eOllDld also 4 rooma, oi . -- ' , 1.0 n fi.irn rent. 04 East 15th, Mornings. NICELY located modern 6-room house, with gas rnne. i-o v f 7-ROOM modern house in Highland; 2 low, fruit, roses. aa - Woodlawn bOL 7-ROOM House, 31 Ross at-.near Broadway. aiking aisiance, itm -:L77 FOR RENT New 6-room bungalow, 2039 E. ..... . . . - C'n.. r. r, r li.tt rtt gat K41TII -i;tn t., ftioum. v..- flt. APPiJ UCAL UUI. FU RN1SHED 7-room house, rtSO Schuyler st., Irvington. one block from Broadway car, re t o re n c e 4 Q" e '- r "1J"q DESIRABLE 7-room houn1, on Willamette Heights. Call Huicnin, 100 owenauu, rr- 1 10.1 xnurman. 6-ROOM cottage, corner houso on car l!no. gooa view 01 nns i..-s face streets. Main IMi'J. FoR RENT Five-room modern houae, ;it Tt'.S E. Oth St., . rllODO VY UUUIttW o For $15 per montii. 5 ROOMS, on Corbctt St.. West Side, 91. right on canine, r rea -. "i -, v. A Z 1 1 o. CO.Y 0-room modern house, nice yard, flnir ... , .1 !.-.... fit 1-1 Et. North. liuorr.oi'ii. -t"i i.ta. r0. Wnoulawn !0'3. IRVINGTON O-room hu nice yard. Call morning, woouiawn . iltl. FOR RENT Mode n six-room house, 22d. 710 .Lrhnnon ft.. 5-room bungalow al haast .:'tn ana di vision fts. cut. rii'Mic .Y....... i -, 7-ROOM house, light ana water m- -I.. I - V. I) ""ii cluden. -t-o 1.. in.i. u 1 6-ROOM house, desirable neinoornooa. Cook ave. r'none jv. -ue 1. FOR rent, by owner, 6-room bungalow; jiuiil ern; S5E) Montana ave. Call Main L'.V.q $22. .Vj 7 -room house, lurn.'i re, puree!. Ilwood .S1j7 piUmoing, f;.i. i.-'nvi 'jja 5-ROOM house, loth aud Hall. Inquire Hall. MODERN 6-room house for rent. East Ai- aer anu A.'tn. ' FOR RKNT Modern cottage, newly papered. 42 East 2 m. FOR KENT A new L'Uiiga.ow. mouern conveniences, no cmiuic. r.nij. Ti.it. GOOD 8-room house, two lots, E. st. and Wygani. ive:i"ii..oie iei in. i.r.... 'WO u-room cottages Urnnd av. and Har rison. N. F. Noren. 3i'fi:,i Grand ave. DESIRABLE S-room house, gotul" condition. 5U0 lit aL, O. X'llOIIO a2tr.ioou, 'OR I. ENT A sIx-roo:-.i age. 4.V. Rodney ave. ; otTage. with gar- f25 per montii. j l.UN'UH'V rent bus bungalow; no first " p a y n 1 e-n t necessary. Owner, ast 2741. iiDERN 8-ronrn house 15 blocks south of V on ls'on. 471 6th sL ir w mouern. 6-room house. .".06 Monroe. Take "U" car: adults. Phone E. 5242. ROOM house. 303 Sacramento Wins, nnd Rod. avea.; $30. sL, bet. . room nuniriiK'rv m r..i.si ..nn aim 1.1- vision PIS- v-n. ' '- " J t . 0-ROOM house. goou condif ion, nffi rtnn st. cioae itk. Phone a .n' -ROOM house 17 mln, ride on Salem Elec tric. For particular! Main 1901. Desirable, C-room houne, close in. .ly.S Sau Rafael, near Union' ave., $25. East 1ts:,. MODERN r-room cottage. $17 East 10th N. Rose City cai- $1 7 month, 201 i 4