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About Morning Oregonian. (Portland, Or.) 1861-1937 | View Entire Issue (Feb. 29, 1912)
tttf: roKxrxa ohegoxtax, Thursday, fttrkttatit 2J, i9is. $4 KtAl F-VTATE. !ale I WHY NOT LETS 19 P?TLX. OL A HtJjl J .NOW ? Ya feat veri tn-trrd th eholcet ra ;..- oOr.ns in 1 ortand oa oar 1 b .. un u.en uf them ceo ta first Damnt a low aa H' or $-VJ tlua, w on mnth.y piotoi& la the Hiffthflrr., Sinnyid and Rm City 2 .' oar i;t coaiprn bur.f. ar.u tcui"! n t:.e best s-ru ifr tae ce.inr. Wum $2..o to l.'uvu. In Irvington ofrr the choicest prop- trtfi !...., r i.y L-.v r(u, viua. aur hl a ln.:a.. th choicest a Pd- bnt. 1'i.r .inl h'.iiMi. Nub Htd and ad h r r":ii.;i. u.iifi-'ti. If you are of rt i)tn. why not buy s bom i :i ti lb and tell us your want or roait to our v.':i, w have th largest of e in I'jri.uau. et;d i-ur sa.ce lore cov ers th c:ty taorougn.y. If t bouse U fr a;a In any district, wa tuui It aud caa ! it to you. lat a aUct that bouao today. DOT.R K. KEA5ET CO.. Id floor t barutxr of Commoroa, f.AJ rATVKNTa B-room rucd-rB tttm, rt'ioo la rar. lit 0. dowa. "ioty minutoo' out. good d:ri't -ro)tn m i-rn!' Pln- rr-B. Two o --k ir..m lia th.rt-f a . car lxu t ni on tm, r trauo f-r turn, unlr.-i..-irct! I 't. "p t hem -d rr;in-auiuiiieu: of tuouuta:ca, "s-rioa hoot tiftr ML Kvott. at ftOta t. 14 arin fru.t tra, arubbary. tc $- Uon. Urt two-:cry mo-1m hic-.o nn Bpt1w lot. go.-i orsr. iiw City I'axk cr. ... t;oo-l crma i-rt hr-. j.":h Hawthomo a r I inB).' in, 1 r.rr nm. rv lr i'ruit. snrubbary. ate T-ro--m atrtctr mrn ho-i In Alblna. J fc f-oo car. -i. down and ood trma l-rvj-n ;-tory JnuM on Fmroi U Jlr.r f. r $14 pr ir.ontn. ll.V'O room houM and 4fW lot, oo4 irh rbood. in ?outh I'ortlan J. hnia for : pr moaift. 2Zo. Pmall pay ay- I I aa j ment down Jur a f w Mmp'.tt. Com In and na W havo o'.?rm nmx aa xooa. Vftnoi:! Sv.'.J ur A 41.". J. K hkvl;:kson a jo.. 50" hj'i-j ri!r rirtf. t A U Vl'.tAlN 1 TH1T MAY ItK HAP rN PAVM i:MS I.IK hi KENT. : TTtia MfTimf. w.i-contrtjrf4 j ho'iM of Dv room! is locMt 1 In a vry d-irabi ditrt.t. with it Ktful rir rnuB!ir,i aol 0r. car l-;r(,": J wt ona bioca from car. Tho interior ta rady to ttnt .n.l I wi 1 (iiuii Voar ldrA In a la I.'nX If you rn pay l&l Pr oirr.n rcxu.ariy. tbat U1 bo aatlafac- torr, A, X. finARLE. FJ. T:h and E. G!laa ita. I - V car). i s rV Ho City lark. on b-o-k ta ear: fti:l bttfomont, la in dry traya. larg "'.Ivtr.g -room, Prwpiax-o, butTt. DutiO k:tcrii; & room I and bath or main fixr. 2 naw room fin- i lfhd uitair. built on year ao; fin lof. rriM. r.n-avr au-1 rhltk'-n para; frnioni i;ki pi.. rln tcw. Tr m horu fr t r'.co f - n k m h-tme .-) d n. bl anco muDt.i jr. Owner "tU rt'rt to uit- Jaa. U 81i baldinc bulg. Mrha;74'V A Hro ta an opportunity to pu-h- a ry cnrtipx "-room houa with on 7 !" rn. It ha ail t.. bni:t-ta on Yni'ic furd tn in ma; modern house of tilr; four be-lrootn. tw tol- I-'.k. haMw.Md nrvr. Th:i I a nn buy, winln ."i nii ut " walk f butn. hT!t'; ' Inr l, Hoa Convor-I b'd. Authorlse.l Aenta for .a-T Addition. " IKV I N v T O N Kr' V K Nw -room honM, o n 7..too f aet. fno ln on th Tenn Cl-ib iround. In th r-ntar of th m-t xriuiv rMnea d:''tct In the city: ba :t;ful woodwork., wail papered, oak fio-'ra, luaroom, I :epin( p-rcfk and btIM M room; road for o-cupaJi-y. I'rV-o t!0 jo. l. r. I'Al.MKIt-JtWK CO 4o U ilfci Iii-ia $ "C'" WIST SID & I'nTTA'JR. Nloe &-r- n co?te. .c:nc l.gnta. alee I bath in f.r? -ciav onn ititn tr rourhout. lot valvy .m fmit tra a"d plenty of ma:: fruit, ha f bl-vfc to ru:ion car on l.u-m l In eon' era Poruand. prlca. a --sp. 1 1-0. $ cash and $11 prt moeto. r,nr-t A BOLP. J!t p-r.i . f Trl Mdc . 4i an1 Oak. Null HILL HOMS rrTsMrv aw him in th best part of th Nob H.II dttr.ct ; lare ' nt room a. fl I b:rom and lw apttig po--hea. two batrooml. fhren Qreplar- o ip.l wln rj couen!-nc and command- ona of I tli nasal view la trie ct?r. K. r UHTA.N. Main 1HI. 0( Cham of Com A HIT. K"- CITT PARK. li St )NTHLV. All in and raid for; T rooms; tai.t-li b.jfT'1 ar.d bookcase, SMd eak f;or. nrepL'. furnace, etc. Ni Uniiti Ks!ty A Trust t o., T.3 ChamUr iommer e b dr. Chops !iri Oi-'W. W TO I IkiWS " For home on t.t instaliment p'aa ta Tttr o c l to car ba Jaa C : Lofin. aivg Spid oj b'df. cor. t-unr ft tit as broka. terma Cwor atog. $3, W.m'. 1.14. Few Swls -noalaew Property. A PVAP CNtT i:o iowx Pn!re5 Uvatl.n, attO. lat Rlda I rlca I lv fr rsnt d.acount If ytf j ean tae It before rsturdar; payments $'S mvc n, or ot'r 1'fir.i can b arrana. Ja 4' lttn &I1 Staid'nr ttdg, nm r of Portland Heal', y I'oard Al AH rVtiNT-riOt . : o-. cor I st., ptTS I a per rent net on -'" . th ashing pri Will :i for part rsh. tUn on balance, or wt.i tak g-id acreage on Oregin F. trio as pari pajment. Ctj 414 b df. W A VTn l!t cash offer for c.oaa-la aprt usr.t oa nmpt; inrsir $ Ivj pr month. Cs : 1 E :a v a. M ar. $ ' 'X t Js lnc"te-bearlnr bi!re) property, t. J'-hri. I'hone owaer, Maia 4MX. For e l-Ai'KiO tra-t. ! rnlnu'.r wslk from ear'ar an i w 'Mn gvo yarti of a sta tion f a lve carfsre. All crd and ta Man a' at of cu.u wl'h 2o fruit tra. strawberries an'l rs; .rrt and a rod, 8-rom bous -ament. lathed mo A p.a-t ersU . out-bu! I n r s tl. t a re e-7'tim! tr n'lirt c' Knr ir s-ni; p-tc. ant.. M 'n.tav nttt, of I '. VaX ; t irst cum, f -t srv.l. vi . a a r.xsKT. C2 Chamber of n. rce bldg.. Mai a -i. two ba:f-aere tracts. 10 rflnute" wa.k frm a- earfir ad wtthta urd f a t- r'.rto) of a lo for. 4-r'! bouses, a '.I ,, Ins'd tract Lw, err.r tract 1 81TV. one In at c'c. it ua stioa you th! property. ThtM pricea arw for m snort tin or. ly. rMlTH A rASKT. 4C3 Chamber ef (rnmroS bldg. M;a 2. 14) ACr HTS at etainn en Orefon Electric; ba 3 ra b-eertrn ar.d ba.ance la aa;.? e.-e.1. If ti n rirft-. t away I will s l thi cnotr. rv-fc f..r $ I . on asy lrn. l-.u:r.- arrsase sUS for fr.m $ t- S J pr acre. I, VA ronlnru fRF. A i - 1 1 K iA C R E Acre trcrs ail s--t In fr-tlt tra. $ , w M- f.r. oc:!-o. g.xxt roris. V ceul ra-fir. prlc !-;. per acre, term 10 ' pr cn -jh. bslmce 3 per cent pr month r. i won t.:r Aa tor 3tr. lucac FvR FALK-O are open land In Yamhill Coui. rer W t.ism.n 8 are. can be ru..;vie. fine frut tan-1. $ 1 2. JJ per acre. .ir(oa T.iur Sc Realty t-o., 7; Veoa bids. 1 1' PKit acre, a l cl'red. level. de, rich oil. can't b t-eat for fruit, tara'-n and Cjc: iier ti:i'-o.'et. and !- a -re tracts. wai terms, ad.'-nuing tracia incer e;t Ovi;.i. O!.' 1 S. ! 2 s to C mCT"-m. ai ui'V fre of TO- S. Bjb- j trr: c:ed. bn lor sran;nr. peach ea, i rrrlcs ;o. : 4U biiiium rut on - i tt ic Anr . l out. icjr Port and, te r. S!2 touch b 1 j . !'''. 4;h st. eaay wK Al.c; 1-' a MiMtnn C "in t t. on tliuumhu Kiver. 1 :.. feet good anw ::a af:.r t;mr la re- t'ric- . coa Timber A P.-aH v C- . i: le,.n b Al:E AT A - 'TL AL VAl.l i f .r.v 47- fr T a- re. :i uu.:-r i;.f,n, c oe to I. em K e trie. line pota to land or sins'! ;rjir. ;ah. Ptmaci m .y tern. a k n-r. McKvy h rtc. v ACRES near Po-tiand He !';. trrr; fa. ea eat ; e b, frt.m This is a snap pnon Mr. , Vead. urtait; -v-i or adres p trefaian, fjj,, H I TS Ce crs chotc fru't and v. se fatj ian I. ualm pr '.. Br ri ro.i 1 towo, 1 fcrtu: frm lor- r.u . -y trTij. . I ? j h :. 1 t ' a . 1 a d i el- se to Portland. 1 .::i .fC!r.t- carline. ' I4 p--r :; esr terrra J. W. lif- f r'. a l.'-a:iy v-'u.. 414 Co.-btt bldg. a ; r y. k g -: ro rt hale. Hi'f rri.e -as: Rw . t:i.on. Otno i r c.r ;-. Aiirea W L bta.'k sat hex. A' HiC'"" and r t a. tr ;. ts 1 K .ri."- A JLorubsr La.-nanae b.dg- ce n't si alt ;xsplx $41-8 REAL CM ATE. r bab -Acre. WuKKI.NO WAN. CHANi t 1K A UFtTIMC. Wnt -V be-bod)d nan willing" to wora at manual labor, dm a who are tired, ot t& city arind and working lor lh lrri rrA Wa ml, I furnllh VOU COOd pOl tin In a .rK, mouvro alexin brie n r.t A A mil. a.xifh uf PariianJ: WOlK Ihrou.iuut ha rar at OOd wilfl Wa m-i.i : vou & .mail tra.l of Und nea: mo p anc Ku.i a crop, work in the plant, A bftvf rxcf. 1 wra the foreman to let you ofT a few days a th occasloa -. .n-.nrl a iSkt VOU CtO OrH OB your farm. If you hav 60 or mora dol lar to nixt ua a nnt pymni. ftrrififfd luiuro tirmi, o taat your smlary ami a hat you produce on tho land 'M tvv fur tuur c.ace vllhln five yam loa' tarry, but et ca prova to you that our oOr la genum in enery cetaii. II you aro hatai and rea.y want a fair s a rt in and a chnc lo owe your own hum. cii trumedutteuy reading thta ad. CHAPLV A UERWW. 8"t2-3 Chamhar of Comracroc It) AlKt-i TT.a flnoat 2a acr- in Multnomah County, i ih Ml Hood iLtumobht roaU. u mil from Mt- llfod tleotrlc Una. -a;ra nr trrL 1 A acra In cultivation. Nlr houao. barn, chlckon-bousa cmnt .if ouna fmi,Y orchard. For country bom or cu'ca propoaltloo th"- ran t ba tauaitd. Frioa la rigaU No tradA. I acra br(wtn Portland and Or;rta Out. on main count road, flood lor bun- taU-w. with flrepiaro; beautUui vlw; Una aou; land not cl-arad. rloa way andr auxrouuUmg valuea. 4 ar e!n to TlaardTil!. H n!l from d'pot; land all riaar and aeonta to ctovvr, 4 - room hnuie. lind and paprd; 0'd well: vmal' bam and chckn-bouo. Prlca la attractive. No trJ-. W W Ksi'ET. 19 Commrrcial H'.dc . fecond and wMr.gton. A C ft a A o ABCTTtNO OJf TH1 KTTW rcrcRTH-rmrnrT n-ECTRic On a-half acta, ona aero, two acroa or fivo arrea; f"0O to JH0 rr arro and upon mont hly pay man t plan. orr at t"2' p-r aer. 1 ml! from rarlira. Kich and rnly mln- from 4tb ar.d Wan.nton a a. Offico opa OTcDiof uotu v f. THE HATT-mCA COM PANT, atala IX 103 Fourta, mu A oX THREB OOOD BtT TV BS AUTIFirL. BFAfMONT $410 Ovod ix -room moflarn bnnaalow. ii.-.mi Sr-IondMly. etnctly modern -room buni ilow. l.' Thorouchly modern two-atory rorn houna. Tne borne ar np-to-data tn v-ry particular, and wlil on very av torn. a our Ur. hlit.- at th Trrt Office. 41at and th Alamo !; Tabor I13t. Hi-ALMoNT UM COMPANY r K AUT I FtTX, IR VI N'OTO N Beautiful ni houa of $ room: roewp tlon hail, (pint balcony and nnhd at tic; hardwood rioori th rouch out ; alttlnc r om and ball ar nnlahel tn onk; blanr of lower Do-r In fir n1 upper fl or la o;. lorv; beautiful fireplace, and fumaca het; big- riot with wicdows; xaraao; rioae In. near car. In nn reidnc tis tnou If you want a b.g h-grad home, a tbla. R. r. BRTAV. Main IMS. S Cham, of Com, A. HIT. A r'NAP 1 k acres. 19 mile from Vancouv er, Wash.. about 4.0.o'O feet of tim ber, mostly ye'low Tir; lard wlil mak On prtur cr truit land aftr timber la re moved. The land Joins the Vennersborg Swedish colony, whose lands ar selling at $ par acre and up In auo-ui visions of ! and 2-acre tracta. My price $TS per acre. Terms one-half cash, balance to suit purchaser. Interest 7 per cent on deferred payment. Addrsaa D. Crow.ey, Vancouver, Wash, QTTARTER ACRES. 1188. e car far. 3$ minutes' rid from business center; Wsst Hide; beautiful view, all In cultivation; term $10 per month. T. R. PHTLUPfl CO.. Phone Marshall 412. 4gl-t McKay B'dg. P(RTKAND HKIOHTH. Beautiful new home of nln rooms, thor aucbtty modera In every respect, hard wood floor a hot water heat, on bltullthio treet ; all Improvements In and paid ; on ruritn and eommanding a wid and an obstructed view of the city, rivers and mouataiaa TL T. BRTAN. Main 1X1. IPS 'Cham, of Com. A 11?T. CHOICE ACRKAOB TRACTS. Cloee to portlacd; rich walnut, fralt and sardea land; only email cai pay rnent. ba anre pays fr Itae.f In products aow on the land, which we accept and are tb only people msAI-re this liberal offer. iTIHLA.NL TlU!r COMPACT. W08 fipaiding Blug, ful' R ' cnoic. one acre or u acre, nearly one block east from Errol station. Or-h-am or Caxatlero car, be fare, six -room bungalow, 4 rorn nicely finished. Dutch k'.uutn; alca cnicken-nause. soiall fruit, fine lot of roses ; gulug a ay and will r.4t aa epK:laliy rood price f -r quick ai. Inquire at brown hunnhw. W. iiar feavec. Phone M-iwaukie Kd r-04. AC RAVAOK T K AR" B K KVEilTON. $IC$ I'cH ACRE. 0t arrea U mile to electric Tina; about running- water year round; aJ joinlr.r lami sella In 8-erre tra.-ts from $ luv up- weu.d s.l acres; terms ran bo had. , Jaa. C. Logan. 8li r'paldlng bldg. CHK KiN aooi FRUIT RANCH aeat Port. od: a NEW LbDIVwIoN. Lo-t pr.cee. ieet ao.l . floe vw . wood, tr ar.d roaua. 8 acres, $0 por tract; la A-, . A. $. 40 A.. $ gO A, $. "i0: lao A.. $ i"0: liberal terma. $ RANK M FAR LAND R K ALT T CO $w 1 eon bi:. or. 18 AOIE8 OK RICH FRUIT LAXD. Well recommended by aU experts; fin oawool timber. $75 cash; $;& monthly. FACTFXC K-W rKVELOPMENT CO., 4 OA Couch ba-. CHOICE ACKEAutl CHEAP. Three, s: a or nine acres rloae ta ear and rlty limit. No pcrtcr soli lu Orerou; lis nae; rur.nini itcr, small cah pay ntent and term lastiKte and y.a w:li surely buy Will trebte In value before you hae made a.l paywrnta. an duyn m Walton, ill Cbmor Commerce. bi'LtlNUIU FOR chickens. Good 4 -room bouse and 4 iuiNi ft. lota fami y orchard. 2 ocks fnm electric car Statl ib, very desirsvi clnein suburban horn and splendid for poultry raising; good netenborhood. close to store, school. :c. iv 4; easy terms. J W. Hefferlln p.ealty Co. 414 Crb-nt b!:g. $ 1 E acra be verdam land, trader irriga tion and reaty f-r crop. bet f0r enluna, c ery. caul'f tnwer, potatoes, etc.; rlvr " and rail tr.vnsportatin, betir any where; low pm- ami easy p mn;; invi-'lral. f. 1 3 Couch Miln.. ptj 4;h U F.R A i.K by owner, 1 acre, with use of additional 1 V acrea; $c car fare, on Ore gon E.ectri': ; term to suit purchaser. I In fwr chickens and gaxden; spring; water. Call at $ 1st st 40 ACRES, part ru!?!vatlon; $70 acre, half prlc. ouy a l reel irota ia ner; must Sell; I fytcn. ijr. M 3'. Oregon Ua, blMHlUS home stks hlra Improved a'eo unlmproJ; rue soil, gnud riaJs, and carline. Hoom 4' tjregou.An bldg. 4 ACKE.S. close in; sate or trade. Rob ert A. ln:r. r,;n Worcester blf.. t or le 4iumet ead. HOMESTEAD.. 4 elaima. 6. am to liOo Py feet oetfoa fee $ K-O t- $; timber (ood qual'ty and .-y accj.b.. Al aiJ. ure HoM KrTEAD I ran 1-at you on a llrat c homestead. Wui T. Wood, 49 f'himhr of Commerc, li .W y.a i A lS and burt,alns Cama pram fu.-mi llauo colonisation Co., Cotton wood, Idaho. TEN million. ellow fir. $'0O; your last op portuaity fvr good. ca;izu K , Ora- HUMKSTEVD relinquishments and alfalfa lard to trade. t H'rd of Trade. rr ale Fruit I soda. $ftd EQUITY In a'15-aore tract of orchard land. 4 miles east of WooUum. for saie at $-iZrO cash ; must raise the .money at once. P. I Cham. Com. Main lt.x kjH r ALE acre excel. nt fruit land; 8$ tm artea J ust conuug- Into barlna. Ml. t 'reconlan. For Ssvle- 8v ACRE 20 eti!tlvated. orchard, timber, shot s: . sPrlr it. sirearn. fenced, build -lrxs, a m's (VPttius, $SO per acre. AB Crt-scniB. IJ24 ACRES WH'rlAT Land for a-tle, rent or trade. Smith, 81$ Hamilton b'fj RAN H acre, with buudiori, 14 miles from Pori-aoU. near elecinc I. n-, bars;ia tr sdj casa, by owner. laJ Aiorriava au RKAL ESTATE. For Pale Farma. 08 ACRE3, $11,000. M acrei of rood lerol land, frea from ro-k or grave.1, nil fenced and croea fen rod. facte on two county roJs. J uet 60 feet from achool. K. T. U.f teltfhone and cream rout; 8 nillea from boat landlnjr and R. R. atatlon; 10 mllea northraat of Van couver. Wajth. ; on a good grave,! rond. 75 acre of thla land 1 In h'.rh at at of cultivation, 10 acre nion t nat la almoit ready for th plow, 2 acre In rreoa timber, bal ance In pasture; living eprtnr run all th vear. Nw a-room bouaa that rot $KS(XX a new barn that coat flMO; 3 acre a of aaeorted or ohard. Tbla la a fin plaoa and la a bargain. Frir Ill.OOO; f5000 eaan. bal aoca oa good termo. "Kurra Dpt. 27 Cak at. Ground floor lewla blflg CHEAP TS ACTtK" 8 MILXS FROM PORTLAND PRICE 16000. Here la on of th beat buys In a email wU-egmppei farm near th city. Thr are arrea. ?) arra in a blah atate of ultlvatlin. balance with just enouah tim ber for the place. The aoil la exceptionally good and ttier la no rock or f ravri. Gxd fV-rrxtm houae. barn and otitbulMlnga food bearing- orchard of all kind a of fruit. Lots of rnppt and berrlee. PKR PONAL PROPKRTV Pplendld matched team. oow. heifer, harness, wnvon. back, burry. chlckene, cream s-psrator. hay and all farm Tmplerr.enta. Price for everything la only This choir Z5-acre home la located jum g ml lea from tba city limits of Portland, lev-1 graveled road all the way, rlcht on th banks of nn of th best flan inv at reams In the afar. On'y 2 mllca from atation with l(l far to th c?tv. Owner' wife Is dead. he la al aiona and ba la anxious to sell right away. HARGROVE ANT) PONS. 12S 8th street norh. cor. tth and OHaan. Alain 4ItL A, 7Xbf. FTNB DA TRY RANCH t" 0 acrea on good wagon road. 8 tu He to R. R town, all ftnent of r'ntly rolling l.ind. about third la cultivation, all could bo If cleared; ftp lot of oak furniture, timber, running water. 3 good drara. good bam and outbuilding, plentv of fruit, all th Und would rals It. Thla !a no doubt the best 00 acres fr th price In th Willamette Val ley. Will tak om little Portland property aa part pny. Can rind me by phona. Main mornings to $ and evening 8 to 10. 8. V. STKEU Owner, $71 Jackson 8L FOR SALE Ona acre. wlt house, barn. spring and rnmlly orchard, easy term. Kive-cent carfare.. Tho uae of ten acros of tin garden soil goes with thla place free, pour or fiv boarders can be kept. An excellent chance for aom Industrious coupl to set a See MacFarlano. Columbia Trust Co.. ground floor Board of Irad bid. Alain bvuv. A 118$. tOt-ACRB farm on Mill Creek. Meadow brook Valley, 8 mllca of Molalla. Clairka inaa County, one R. R. graded from Oro gnn City to Muiino, a mlica from Molalla; another R. R. projected, from Cazadero to Meadow brook, survey through property ; 10 arrea In cultivation, 8.0Ui.oH feet of merchnntahi fir and oak; dwelling. 3 tarns, family orchard. 5 aprlnga on prop arty; price 8M per acra. tnrma 1-8 cah In three ard five yes re. a pr cent; will con a 0p West 8lda Incomt property up to $lJi-;0'O. J. p. Harvey. $17 Yton bldg. $.1i'.4V-$.V.rt CAH, BALA NCR TE KM la acrea, highly Improved land, on edga of live it. IU town; 'JZ mile south of Portland: hus rood 8-room house, burn. chicken houae. fruit. etrawberrlre and green truck ; two cows. Rood team and gi. all fami Implements and toole and - cruckena Thla la a fine home and money-maker every day In the year. Phone Hart !!. and will show you or sjiva I'irinrr n ii'nnniion. A BARGAIN. 8fJ acres, over 2mi jn cultivation, 85 acre in oil ana ass tiinoer, running water the year round; large house and Darn, ana co.a water in houae. plenty fruit, school on the place, S miles to town and H. H. ; most tho crop In. Prlc $-.- vvv; iuvh uown. ua.ance on tim to suit. It la worth ); today mor than la asfcad ror it; on th market after Kwbru ary t. M. K. Hudm, Amity, Or. 10 ACUE8 of first-class black rarden land. . a;t in cultivation, close to me Willamette Ktver and tuwn, good orchard, ft no water. lavs level and oa mala county road within aitfht of church ar.d school house. Prlre only J.000. Mirht consider sime city pm party aa part payment. DeYoun; A jonnaon. m t nnmtwr of Commerce Itlde; A 8-ACRE BARGAIN". 1H miles from Main street, oreron City. on capital highway: good aide walk to ci:y. use iu-roota houae, out bulldlnga, amdml.1 and line water; acre In or chard and amall fruits; fine soil; splendid site for fine home; easy term a Call on or auureae v . a. Ltwton, Oregon City, R. 1. 43 acres, cloao In to Oregon City, all first class garden soil, no rocks or grave, all In cultivation, xtra good bldri. fin wa ter and well fenced, Prlc 4-m0 Includ ing about sj:4u worth of stork, imple ments nd tH!a. IeYounc A JoUnson, 014 Chamber of Commerc bldg. KXTHAOUPIXARVMcrincti ElghTn mues Portland; bultUinirs, tim br, water. x re tlent u, IramcJ lute poaseslon ; so acres. $"-; also -'-acre Willamette ranch. :J"OUl terms; Improvuiuer--s, atrtsm; aom exchaase. Own sr. Ihjo Orand. North. 11 ACiiKS. all In cultivation and fenced, 17-ro-ni hotel, furnished, bir barn and out buildlnas. young bearing orchard, fruit and berries, stock, tools and machinery. $JVUO. O. IL PEASK. TaVr yni i Qa R A Id er. C.w ACRES near Oak Und. Oregon, fJne'bldra, and well Improved for $.S per acre. Thla lsn.l will double In value In two years. l You nit at Johnson. $14 Chamber -of Com merce lil.a ON account of sickness, a fine farm, 68 acrts. must be so id shortly ; chance to double money In short llmo; half cash, H. liuetlkofer, 2ti5 baitnon. STRANOE, ISN'T IT T Oregon wheat farm. 820 acres, for only $10 pr acre. Let us ul you about lu 8i81iall way Exchange btdg. 11 ACRES. Improved land, on carline, nsar Vancouver. Wnsh.; w(!J sell cheap for cash; both phont-a. fandy Koad gro cery. Last 4Tth and andy Road. A BARGAIN Improved farm. 173 acres buildings, stock all firm implements; $l&, Im. $iaX0 cash. 2N3 Taylor su WANTKO TO RENT FARMS. WANTED To rent a farm, furnished or unfurnished, snures or cash rent; must ha aultable buildings and must ba movd soti. w mj. t'resjonian. WAM'KI' Hood Hlver orchard In exchange for city property. W. a. Kama. 40 E.ia t. Marshall 2.X1. WANTED Swiss maa with 10 to AO oow to ta Cam farm. Ad dree H bf3. Ore goulan. FOB BALK TIMBER LAN DA, TIM KER LANDS BOUGHT AND IsOLD. J. M CllA'.'KEN. U4 McKay bMg. 84 ACRES heavy timber land, near Linn ton, rail from cr-far carline, U0 acre. Owner. A vvS. Oregon lan. lCt ACP.Kd red fir timber land In T. 81 S., K. 8 W.. Douglaa Co., r.t cheap If takea von. T. X. Parent. Fern wood. Idaho. Fv R FA LE cheap, two timber clalma In C. alia mi County, Was hint ion. C, W. Gra der. Hoqutam. Waaiu S.vOO 000 FEET Douflaa yellow fir at lio thousand. A V Oregon tan. WAXIF.O TO RENT FARMS. CAFH rent for your farm. If you hav ao- comm-viatlon fr. family; ten years ex periet:c East eveninga No. 64 F 27ih st.. Portland. Or. FOB RENT 1KK 21 AClvES. nearly all beAverdam soil, on very easy term. No cash necessary. Ap ply 4"5 couch bldg.. bet ween 11 and 2. Ul'Wl l,Y Improved 22-acr ranch. some beaverdam. near TuaJatin; 4 blocks from station. Vain U'0. 7 v C 1 : rl ftrm, Unn i'Miat, cash or ahaxa. Sutli Icailway Exchange TO EXCHANGE. iX- ACRE farm, 18 miles from Portland, JOOO feot from school and church, highly Improved road by farm, mite and Quarter faclnr same, deep ahot aoU, b0 acre in bU'h atate cultivation, heavy flowing aprlnc and stream on farm, good house, large barn and other outbuildings; two orchard, saw mill on property cutting1 timber which will net J.V0 In two years. Thla land la cheap at l-'P per acre. My pric $100 per acre for quick exchanro, or your own prlca for cash. Farm been in ona family ior years. .Never oexore own oiicn cred for aale. W 836, Oreronlan. BEST VALTJE IN" BEAUMONT. T-room bouso on lOtJxlOO, all modern eoovenlenccs. Including hot and cold water In all bedroom. If you ar looking for good value Inveatlgate this. Two blok from car II no; bouse just completed. Will take a mall rash payment, agreement of aale, aecond mortgage, or any good equity of any kind; won't consider anything; over-valued, but will make fair exchange. For full particulars puone Tabor 3014. 24-ROOM hotel. $Go0; brkk building, with lnnr least; West t?lde; this hotel ran b fixed op aold for $.V0O to $&XNX lo-room, newly furnished, modern, on 11th iu 8.; rant $35; lucoiu $S, for $5oU, term a. Com In and exchange what you bava Cor what you want. O. J. BROOKS, 1008 Cn. of Com. Bldg. Mar. 8902. MO-ACRE unincumbered farm to trade; every aora under plow, with the finest modern aet of build inra In the stnte; only 8 year old; complete set of farming Im plements; will accept Portland or vicinity propertv and assume. Rt'THKlELp INVESTMENT CO.. P17 ard of Trade Bldg-. MIn 416, 20O ACRES, ill or part, choice land near mi. nooa itUHway ior anie or excnungs; deep, rich soil, well watered, beautiful acenio aurroundlnirs; a fine siib-dl vision proposition for bu turner homes; would consider mort gares and contracts In ex change; also a few city lota, W are tba owner. AN 813, Oregontan. WANT 2 AUT03 for 180 acres rnin Und in Harney County, close, to town of Harriman ana aiinei:r I,ake. 2i4j miles from new R. R- proposed, building now from Vale. Price $040, In cumbrance $1120, equity flOJO; this Is $'. per acre, be Mr. Logan, 815 bpaldicg Idg OOOD rooming-house, lease, cheap rent, clears ll'JS to fl&O par month; trade for house and lot. Boarding and roomtng'-houaa to trada for anythlnv of value. House and lot to trarle for acreage n-ar Portland. Bring your tradlrry stock to ua, we'll match It. 3ol-2 Lumber Exchange. BSO ACTtES-of wheat lanfl, cultivated. In Crook Co.; good improvements; vaiue 4, POO Will trade for city lncomo property or first mortgage; will assume siu.uuu. R Mr flarholL. Mar. 420. A. J. PKTHCH CO., A 159. &-PASSENOER auto, fine shap. al) new non mil M tirea. tn trade for aood clear prop eriy. Prlc $1200. What have you T Ward it Younccr. suite 46 Taon bltlf. Wa wrtta fire Inaurarre. FOR SALE or trad, foui valuable mining clalma In the Coeur d'Alenea. Idaho. 1 1 rounded by the large producers and proved up oey ona a pro pec u auvuu e , cox bldg. EXC HANOK Southern Oregon orchards and cheap unimproved lur.da for Portland Drouerty and Willamette Valley acreage. Ask for our exchange list. Benson In vestment Co.. Medtord, Or. HAVE eeueclali v rood exchanges. based upon actual cash. If you w l?h to exchnnK vnu r nrniiArt v nn basis, an V aiie kind, then don't hesitate, but aea K. E. Miller, lijft Yeon hldtf. Mar 6-10. ft ACRES tine alfalfa, notato and fruit land. 15 acrea In cultivation. 2 small houses, barn, two sprlncs. Will aell thi for $4.VU, or will trad for city prop- erty.- 4'7 Spalding bldg. Mar. 4D47. NEW, modern flat building, 50x104 lot. frlca $l'2,iH0- income 100 pr month H.'.oO to handle: exchange for Urat mort gage vacant lots or close In acrea. AN b Oregon Ian. 110O AGUES SOUTH DAKOTA LAND In exchange for Portland properly. Par ticulars and price from owner. Sherman A. Nelson, HO 4 Lewis bldg. FOR PALE: or exchange for land, seven pascngr rtO-hp. Thomas Flyer, fully equipped, just out of a hope. AC 837, Ore- Konian. A NICE little 8-room honia In Hpokane; cost 81 UM; w:ll take lot In Portland .worm $.hXK Tabor 35S7 evenings, res. Main X HAVE 10 acre of Irrigated orchard and farden land In Richland, wain., to trauo or rortand lot or rrocery or confec tionery. A M T.t, Oregontan RELINQUISHMENT SO acres. White Sal mon. What havo you to onrerr w cnam ber Commerce. 6 AM) 7 -room, modern bungalows, built-in cnnvenlnnces. flrepiaue, etc, for acreage, rt'4 Loard of Traue. HOUSE at Hood River rented) for lota or equity In lota, or acreage or equity in acrage. AK fi39. Oregonian. 1 ACRES of ood farm land for sal or trade in Alberta, Canada. Apply AR Ml. Orearonian. 1 HA V i: a lot In Washington, will trada for $100 worth of ladies' Jewelry. Tabor COLORADO land ar.d lots to exchange for rut-ovar land or other property bare. Hadli-y, 810 Spa. ding Bldg. FURNITURE of ft-room flat on 16th St., near Washington, for good, clear lot. Own er, phono II aln 5643. HAVE deed to lot tn Aatoria. I paid S500 cash for. Will trade for equal value. AJ bit.'.. Oregon ian. EXCHANGE East Side lot. value $1000, for West Side acreage clos In. C bill, Ore gon lan. I HAVE a $4u0 well-secured 7 per cent mort sago to trade fpr Portland lot; no equities, AN b4t, Oregoulan. WILL trade equity on, fin Rose City busl n s lot for autotuobile. AD 6U. ure gnntan, WANTEI Automobile In exchange for husl ners and residence lot. Howard. tiOl! Swei land bide. Phone Main 77id, A W27. CLOP E-IN" acreage to exrhange for gro cery stock. Jordan, CIO Lumbermen bldg. liLAL ESTATE exchanged, rooming-ttuua, antblijg. Ak for Burrows. l17 HAMILTON BLDO. D-I'A'ti. auto for sale or trade, cheap. Phone Main b72. i. raty. . 20 ACRE S fine land, for amall rooming- house. 829 Lumber txchanre bldg'. WANTED REAL. ESTATE. II AVE buyer for a rood piece of acreage cioae to t'ortiana anu transportation, suita ble to pint into small tracts. If you havo something; really good, se ua We mean btifllneaa. WARD A YOUNGER, Buit 426 Yeon idT- WE hav many lnquMea from Eastern In vestor for real estate investment prop Art lea: register with ua You may have Just what our cilenta want. Abbott A Wllrx b'dk'. WANT to buy a first-class apartment houM or other rood income-bearing; property up to $50,000, $JA.00O cash. No agents. Give full particulars In nrat letter. Addreas c (r6 Qrcgonian. IlEST home that can be bourht for $1000 or 92'XK. email payment down, $16 a mo. Give full (Itwcript lou. Owner only. AL $6. OregoniuJi. WANT an Irving-ton lot that Is a bargain and I don't want to be bothered by agents: give me your price and location, AH 39, Oregonlan. WE HAVE a buyer for a lot In ROSE CITY PARK. DeToung- A Johnson. 614 Cham ber of Commerce BMg. WANTED Acreage. fc"mal payment down: near Portland; give location and prlca E 844. Oregon lan. WANTED Tour acreage and farms at the right prices. I can sell them. F. Dubois, 12j3 Yeon bldg X W1H to Invest $10,000 In West 6Me In come property. Am not an agexres AE 8l, Oregonian. WILL pay $400 to I100O for good building; lot. b i. oregonian. FOR SALE. Horace, Vehicle. Etc. COME and e another shipment of choice horse and mares, well broken, at rea sonable price and guaranteed as repre sented. Tak Roae City Park car to fi2d at. Adams A Campbell, prop. Phon Tabor 2161. JUST ARRIVED. Fine span of Eastern Oregon chunk a. the good kind. 4 to 6 yra. old; Inspect these before buying. Foot of Main U I. J. Williamson. LEAVING city, moat sell gray horse. LIOO P a, white hore, 13t.K; bay mare. Hums Mack mare. 1150, ln foal; bay horse. 1000; saddles, good to buray. true to work. W. J Hitter, KM Second, near M11L FoR SALE Team of cheatnut sorrels, age b and 7, weigni -.; wji uiatea ; can be seen at Ed Fiixpatrlck'a, 1 U mile south of Beavertoiu FOR SALE HORSES. Trustworthy horses. s ecu itotnta to cy- " r.sat nn at. ortn. 17 SETS of farm barnea for aal cheap. 3M liurr!'f. FOR SALE Strong DmcK nrse. lHaO, farm or grauing. ravat xasi; FOB 6 AXE. Horse, Vehicles, Etc GUARANTEED HORSES. Team, weight, 2u0 Iba., 7 yra., $3T5. Team, weight 2'JOO Iba., 7 yra $425. Team, weight 2"0 lbs., 4 yra.. 32"S. Team, weleht 22o0 lbs., 6 yra., $325 t Team, weight 21o0 lLa, a yra., Team, meisht lhow Iba., 7 yra, 1 1 .. Team, weight 240 lbs., 4 yra., S.V25. Team, weight 2ii(M) Iba, 6 yra, $300. 25 other horses and mares .(some In foal), from $00 up; Also amall teams of mules, complete pony outflt, farm wajcons (all sizes , delivery wagons, buggies, har ness of all kinds. In fact everything in the horse line; this stock all aold with our written ruaxantee to be aa represented or your money refunded. If you are going to buy horse, make inquiry as to our re sponsibility. We will furnish you with both bank and business references. In this way you will be assured of doing buslneea with a reputable firm and It generally pays In buylns; horses to deal with responsible peoplu. E. W. Ilapyard and R. L. Evans. Props., Portland Stables. loth and Couch ats. HORSES, MULES AND WAGONS FOR SALE. RO head horea, ranging In weight from i-k to 14hi loa., ajce irom to iu yra. old; 3 span of young mules, good work er: weight 1KW lbs. each; all pf these will be sold very reasonable, as w are somewhat overstocked. We ruarantee our stock to be as we represent them, or money refunded. HAWTHORNE STABLES, 420 Hawthorne Ave, ORCHARD men and ranchers, attention I have the best pair mares that stand in Portland; they are 7 and 8 years oM. weight 2C00 or better, well matched in color and size and work like one horse: are fast walk era and kind and gentle in or out the etable. I sell this team with a heavy breeching harness and a 2 i-ln. wacon with double box and spring sea.t for $lifil and allow two weeks trial. Can be seen at feed stable. 440 E. Morrison st.. cor. 6th. Ask for Watterson'a ranch mare. $250 TAKES a well-matched chunky team. 7 and 8 years old, weight abnut 2400 and are kind and gentle In or out of stable and will work alngle or double any pla"e you put them, with a nickel -trimmed harness and a 2 "h - i n . wagon with double box and aprlnc; aeat. aa good as new. All for tt"0; allow two w cokr trial ; have leased ranch and must sell. Aak for Watterson ranch team, feecT atable. 440 E. Morrison, cor 7th at. ROSE CITY STABLES, 10TH AND ALDER. We have 20 head of mares and horses, all r en tie. fat and ready for work ; some we'l-ma'd tenme aa heavy as 8KM Iba. Prices from $-50 to $475 a span. A few cheap -onea aa low as SftO. All horses guaranteed and 1 week's fre trial allowed. ROS': CITY STABLES, 13TH AND ALDER. NOTICE SPECIAL AUCTION SALE. I will arrive at East Mil Exchanre Ptable "TO E. 7th St.. Thursuav. February 2. 11)12. with a carload aeMtngs and mares, weight from IvKK" to UiOu lbs., which I will sell at public auction on Friday, March 1. 1012, at - P. M. H. C. Buck. $65 F.UTS chunky mare, 8 years, weight lOfiii, sound ; also brass-mounted hamr-sa and panel-top wagon. Have disposed of dye business cause of sale. A f"k for Mrs. Rorers" rip at hoarding stable. 14" E. 7th, cor. Morrison, or tel. East 212, ask for Mrs. Rogers. BIX head of horses, harness, wagon and buggy. Call 218 E. 9th and Salmon. Automobiles. AUTO BARGAINS FOR THE AUTO WISE. Second-hand In name only, and buyers figuring wisely can save enough on the purchase price of their car to make gaso line and tires free for a year or more. Jry that we mean to say that we can provide cars of reliable, high-grade stan dard makes that are as good as new and in most cases giving better running satis- lactlun (being worked in) tnan cow cars, and veil from ouu-haif to one-third origi nal cofct. A lw snaps: 1011 White car, 4-pass., torpedo body, fully equipped, used very little, cost $30u0. Price $140. 1111 Packard 30. 5-pass.. phaeton body, fully equipped, guaranteed coat $4.yo0. Price $3 GOO. 1910 Pierce, 88 H.-P., tor tonneao, fully equipped, nn condition, t.wu. 1911 Chalmers 30, B-paas., fully equip ped, fore doors, cost lv0. Price $1100. IftlO MajrweU, 80 H.-P.. B-pass. fully quipped, like new, cost $1850. Price $7S3. 1P10 Mitchell. 80 H.-P., 5-pasa, fully equipped, fine condition, cost lloOO. Price 1910 Chalmers AO, 6-paas., fully equip ped, used very little, coat $2100. Price Maxwell Jr.. fully equipped. $325. 1P10 Btilck model 10, 4-pass, fully quipped, nrst-oiaa condition, cost $1200. Prlc 9050. etudebalcer aleotiio coupe. $400. Packard 80. phaeton body, fully equip ped, cannot be told from new, coat $40. Price $2700. 1910 White Steamer, fully equipped, cost f-auu. crice joao. Reo, 0-paa. fully equipped. $385. 1910 $1200. Garford, 7-pass., fully equipped. We are mire to havo the car you want and never spare pains to give satisfaction. Every car we aell 1 guaranteed to be ex actly as represented. CUSTOM HOUSE AUTO CO., Cor. East 13th and Hawthorn Ave. B 1218. E. 1199. SACRIFICE. Premier 6-cylIndcr 60-h. p. 1911 seven paasenger. equipped with mohair too. aide curtains, wind ahiold, speedometer clock, I e'ectric iignta, pre. to lights, demount a tue rlma. 1 extra rim and tire, full set tools, tlr chains, tn - k rack, tire Irons. Thla car la going to Do sold at a big sacrifice, OREGON' AUTO EXCHANGE, 21st and Washington Sts. ANOTHER SACRIFICE SALE. 1912 model White Gas, 4j H. P., 4-door car, has been run 104 miles. This 1 not a second-hand car, hut muxt he sold at a acriflcn price, cost new 17 day ago $3 It 20, will sell fur $2000; we need the money bad. PACIFIC COAST BROKERAGE CO., 61S-19 Board of Trade bMg-., Phones A 1051. Marshall 42.K. BUSINESS CORNER FOR AUTO. 80x100. West Side, suitable for stores and flans, or factory; on carline. Price $2.V70. $17-r0 cash. bal. 1 and 2 years, 6 per cent, or would accept 4 or 5-pass. auto for Vj of tho equity. Se Jaa. C. Logan, Sir, Spalding bldg. FOR bargains In used cars see ns first; writ for list , we buy and sell. CUSTOM-HOUSE AUTO CO., Cor. E. 13th and Hawthorn At. T-PASSENGER 80-hp. Thomas Flyer, fully equipped; will exchange for city or coun try property valuation $2500. AD 644, Oregonian. MOTOR1'CLE. T-h. p., twin engine, aame as new. Roae City Imp. Co., 1st and Burnable) sts. WANTED .Vpassenger car for acreage near Portland; car must be In good condi ' Hon. AM S09. Oregonian. 7-PASSENGER car. fully equipped and In flrst-class condition; will aell reasonable; Paving clty Phone A 2014. FOR SALE Thor IV. motorcycle; cheap, 87 titarfc, cor. West Park. FOB SALE, Automobiles. DON'T BUY an automobile until you see our I atork of over i5 cars. Wo ar exclualv dealers of used auto- mob ilea. Every car guaranteed. OREGON AUTO EXCHANGE, 2lst and Washington tits. 60 HORSEPOWER, 7-pasen(r- r touring car. Just overhauled. $tfw. 11 East water. Planoa. Organs and Musical Instrument. $300 UPRIGHT piano, fine condition, price aiuu. 440 aa. rnone Main ooj. Dors, Birds. Pet Ptock. S. C- BROWN Leghorn eggs cheap; heavy layers, any quantity, any time. Main 412s. James Ireland. 414 Spalding blag. LARGE young dog, protection for man or cnna. t;ast 6uo;. Miscellaneous. FOR SALE. Two drawer juarter-oalc drop type writer desKs. One 4-drawer quarter-oak drop type writer desk. Two 3-drawer quarter-oak typewriter One bookkeeper's dek. One counter and paper-roll. One rolltoo typewriter desk. A number of typewriter chairs and tab Tea One larre safe. All of w hich are nractlcallr new. THE SillTH PREMIER TYPEWRITER COMPANY, US' Yamhill St. FURNITURE for sale Must sell the fol lowing articles at a sacrmce at once ; compelled to leave city; mahogany dresser, mahoeanv chlfronler. oak chitton- ! r. ice box, single bed. commode, dminp- rnnm tauie ana six chairs. House Jo iu. li tn st. North, Telcphono C 1021. $210 GASOLINE launch, name Laguunle, 26 feet long, 6 foot wide, 12-horse power 2-cy Under; can be Been northwest corner root of Madison bridge, tor business in quire 63 North 2d at the bar. TWO oak roll-ton desks, flat-top. tables. chairs, rugs, complete office furnishings in excellent condition ; price a bargain. 4;:l Chamber of Commerce. Phone Marshall FOR SALE 25 head of fine Durham cows, . seven fresh cow, all to be fresh soon. R. W. GILL, Bclo, Linn Co., Or. FOR SALE OR TRADE" 5-ton Ice roakmr equipment, complete City Market. Ice & Cold Storage Co., 350 Last Washington sr SAFES Genuine Hall safes, new and second hand, low pricea, easy terms. Safes opened i ana repairea. i'urcel bale to. and Port land safe Co.. Sr Pth st. Main euo. FOR SALE Cash register, scales, coffee mill, cheese cutter, credit register, meat sneer, etc. The Portland store Supply Co., Xf0 -J4 St. ATarBhail 4i4S. SLiUHTLT used cash registers, credit rerf- tsicre. computing acalca. etc, bought and sold. The Pacific Store ttervlc Co.. --7 Stark st. Main 71i. 2-KARAT diamond ring, also one Pianola piano, beat, make wun rolls oi music I'hone Tabor 21V9. YOU can runt an Oliver typewriter with oak stand for $3 per month ; convenient at home. 333 Ankeny st. Tel. Main 6273. FOR SALE A $00 Hudson hair dryer, also shampoo stand, only use a two months. halt price. AO S12. Uregonlan. FOR SALS or rent, logging and HOISTING entrincs. locomotives, cara, ralia RAILWAY EWL'I PM EXT CO., 74 First St. ALL makes tjpewriters rented, lit a month. NORHIWEST TYPEWRITER CO., 2G2 Stark at. CASH register (National), in first-class con dition; price $170; cost $UoO new. Stubbs iiiiqctric to., tttu anu rinm su "fertilizer. Well-rotted, cow and horse manure de livered to any part of the city. East 2276. ANNUAL SALE of unredeemed pledges at Uncle Myers. 71 6th at., near Oak. 40 years in Portland. A CLIENT of mine has gone East leaving a tine oak desk and cuair xor aale at 0o Chamber of Commerce. SECOND-HAND Manda Lee Incubators for sale. 05 tlth st. phone Main :iiH. SANITARY roll top resk and swivel chair. $20.00. Call Wood lawn ZSl before noon. FRESH dairy and family cows for sale, "4 mil east Lents, roster Koad. labor li'M TWO complete bedroom sets, worth $100, at a bargain. Phone Marshall 674. INDIAN motorcycle for sale, U34 Russell St., room lb. 500 BUSINESS cards $1; a bargain. Ross City Printery, 11)2 & 3d, cor. Taylor. FOR SALE 6 oak office chairs, cheap. Apt. ; U, Marshall 20 tl. NEW visible typewriter for sale; a 1 gain AE 804. Oregonian. FILING cab., med. size safe, Nafl cash reg ister, s. w. cor. jth and Oak, "ia rioor SEWING machines sold for storage; all makes; $li up. 212 3d st. WAN TE D SCE LLAN EOU 3 . WK BUY CLOTHING. FURNITURE, TOOLS. Highest price paid for men's and lad lea' cast-oif clothing, shoea, furniture, tools, mechanic, logging. Call Main 2u30. 2j0 I 1st St., The Globe, WANTED Party to take half emigrant car to Southern Idaho, transportation with car; ship by March lOw Address 40& N. 2':h at. BARGER'3 AUCTION HOUSE. 370 E. Morrison. Phone E. 1023. Pays highest cash price for furniture. "WANTED Swiss man with 20 to 50 cowi to take fine farm. Address H bo3, Ore gonian. WE pay the highest cash price for second hand furniture. Seater & Martin. Phone East 3LI4. 3-19 Hawthorne ave. TO BUY, cash register, scales, coffee mill, cheese cutter, credit register and meat eiicer. Phone Marshal 4048. 200 2d. WANTED Several hundred boxes cheap ap ples, ettner iresn or canneu. is. au, ure- gonian. WANTED Tinners' tools. also cornice break, aft., etc. Offers to tr 3JS. oregonian. WILL tint rooms, $2.50 up; painting at rea sonable prices. Phone Last bl--. WANTED A 0x7 extreme wide angle photo Uns; state price, as bii::. oregonian. FORD Auction Co. Pays most cash for any kind of furniture. M aln him. A 24 45. "WANTED Good second-hand trunk, cheap. Apt. y. Marshall 2Ui4. BXLP WANTED MALE. WANTED TODAY. Two sash and door machine men, $2.50 to $3. flrader from olaner. $2.25. Four men to clean brick, city, $1 per thousand. nur woodcutters, $L10 cord. Two messenger boys, city. Farmhands, laborers, land clearera, etc., etc. Large list of new work every day. PACIFIC EMPLOYMENT CO., Main Office. 222 and 224 Couch St. A SALESMAN of neat appearance who is a gocd talker and closer can make big money during the next oO days by calling on prospects furnished by us. Call at 520 rtauway ncnao5 oiug. 2 LABORERS for grade work wanted. Ap ply ln person at Portland Cren. atorlum nt 7:30 ready to go to work; hours 10, pay 2 per day. SALESMAN, curry Rockford lfno of furni ture commission. Addreas, giving terri tory and lines carried, Rockford rame & Fixture Co.. Rockford. 111. EXPERIENCED salesman wanted to handle aide lir.o; season now open for this articre; reference required. Apply 694 4th St., Port- lar.d. : BOY wanted, over 16 years old, with expe rience. Oregon rnnting to., ana ix Buchanan bldg. WANTED Good salesmen and solicitors. Liberal commissions, paid to good men. Apply Z'Z E. Morrlbon St. CANDY HELPER with 2 or 3 years exper lnce for wholesale factory. Good-Robr lin Candy Co., Vancouver, W ash. YOUNG boy wanted to work ln check room, private club. In replying state age and furnish references. AT 844, Oregonian. EXPERIENCED gardener and caretaker for gentlemen's country place; references re quired. Y 8S$, Oregonian. FIRST-CLASS coatmaker; steady work for a ood man. S. A. Graham, Kelso, Wash. WANTED Shirt cutter. Mt. Hood factory, 2...1 Couch st. PHOTO coupon; best ever offered: enap for e k tr. 1 9. Cut berth Studio. Pel: urn bidg. YOUNG man. stenographer and office man; g ro w up with business. 505 Yeon. PERMANENT Income for saleamen. Ask for Mr. Burton. 1118 Yeon bldg. MOULDERS wanted. Columbia Steel Co., 10th and Johnson ste. VAi TED Young man to drive laundry wagon. State Laundry Co. . WANTED A collector who wants to work; atate references. C 854. Oregonian. ANTEl"" boys ovex 16 with wheels. Ill 2d, HELP WANTED MALE. WANTED. Bovs and young men for every part of the city to carry Oregonian routes; must be good live hustlers and able to brint? In the business. Profits range from $-0 to $y0 per month. File your application Immediately with City Circulator, Room 2 CO Oregonian bldg. Y. 24. C A. EMPLOYMENT DEPARTMENT Special employment membership. $5 nor annum; guarantees member will secure employment or refund of membership fee; gives 2 months' full membership priv ileges In the association and undertakes to keep party employed during the fyll term of membership wiUiout further charge. We have constant demand for high grade, experienced men. Are you fitted for a better position ? See secretary, employment department Record for year lt)ll: Calls for men, ?291; positions filled. 18S5. SALESMEN wanted; we can use two ot three men of good address and good habits who know how to soli goods; reil estate experience preferable, but not es sential; we will teach you a business which will bring you larger returns than any thing you ever tried; we are the largest and most progressive concern in the West. FRED A. JACOBS CO 145 Fifth St. Ak for Mr. Cleaveland. EXPERIENCED FURNITURE DELIVERY aia.n -wanted. Only thos thoroughly tin derstajiuing tho work need apply. Give phone number and reference. Address E b4U, Oregunian, WANTED for U. S. Army, able-bodied, un- marriea men. between ages of 18 and V cittsna of United States, of good char acter and temperate habits, who caa speak, rvad and writ the English lan guage. For information apply to Racruit ing officer. Worcester block. Third ard Oak streets. Portland. Or. SALESMEN to sell one of the best real estate propositions In Portland. If you are willing to go out of the city and want to make big money, coma and see me. I can uae you if you wiil work, and pay big commissions to the right kind of men. Ask for sales manager, 4H2 Board of Trade bldg. NOTICE. Skilled mill and factory men, loggers, orchard, dairy and farm men, rt plster with Y. M. C. A. Industrial Employment Apency, 2d and Ash sis. Bring references. No charge to register. Calls for men com lng ln dally. YOUNG man with experience in railroad accounting and having thorough ac qalntance with L C. C. disbursement classification wanted for Immediate va cancy. Address, giving experience, AS 83$, Oregonian. WANTED Experienced mechanic for auto repair an op. Good all-around man. Mar ried man preferred. Must be strictly sober and industrious. State wages for steady employment. References. K. E. Veltum Co., Eugene, Or. MAN and wife to work on farm; man must good general farmer, understand f.nm machinery and horses, wife to do cook ing and housework. Answer giving p - p'-MMMneo and salary expected; steady Job. Addreas box 40. Dllley. Or. 1 WAN T live representatives In each com-. m unity cr Oregon and Washington for high-class specialties; goods aold on money back guarantee: no competition. BENJ. L. SMITH. Manufacturer's Agent. 2 7C o r bett bldg., P or t land . Or. MAN and wife, woman to do house work and man to do general work on Hood River fruit farm; Norwegian, Swede or German preferred; give board and rooms and pay 5-k per month; purmtment to right party; no children. Oregonian. WANTED A reliable life insurance writer with executive ability. A good propo sition for an experienced writer who wants to better his present position, A SttU Oreg-jnlan. me-nTvho a re wTdb awake. that havo been successful salesmen or business men and desire permanent em ployment with a company of good sttiml ing, call at lo A. M., 7U3 Spalding bid.;. EARN $200 to $1100 per month selling real estate; experience not necessary beyond the ability to show city acreaee and farm lnnd. National Realty A Trust Co., 73 Chamber of Commerce bldg. WANTED Salt smen with experience f r three new additions, suburban lots; will make commission satisfactory. Room (J14 Henry bldg. SL WIN'. macuine experts to take charge of machines, garment factory, Oregon City Woolen Mills. Apply In person, Oio gon City. Or. PROFITABLE employment two young m- n with good personal acquaintance.. Call be tween l and 12 A. M., 311 Lumber Ex change bldg. LIVE wires to solicit for largest hospital association ln America. Call rrom 1 to 12. 416 Mohawk bldg., 3d and Morrison sts. BOYS wanted, over 1G years, with bicycles. iteady work, good pay. Apply S2t Stark street. YOUNG man to travel and employ solicit ors: nothing to sell; 520 a week and ex penses. AT b42. Oregonian. WANTED Experienced specialty salesman. work in Portland. Apply ZUd ft Stark st. Room 220. SUCCESSFUL, live and up-to-date salesman who can furnish bond; salary to ir.oso who can produce results. 4UU Et'.ers bldg. MALE stenographer for out of town; about 30 days work, can toaay. u to iu a, m., 1020 Chainlior Commerce bldg. WANTED Young man for collecting and oitice work; must lurntsn goou rciur ncea. Add ress AM SIK. Oregonian. WANTED An experienced dyer at East Portland Cleaning Ac Dye w orKs, us Grand ave. liOY wanted. Powers & Este drugstore. -129 6th; must have wheel. HELP WANTED FEMALE. v" A N T ED J I rl for general housework; amall f ami iv. I'hone Last between H:';0 and 11 A. M., or call 805 Hancock St., cor. 27tlu LADY wishing to learn bookkeeping, etc.. have of nee wortc. under accountant, as part pay for tuition ; assist' position when quaiitied. L 700, Oregonian. WANTED Experienced rapid young lady stenographer poassca ot executive nun It. v; permanent. Give phone number. T . urt"onian. SALESLADY". country; Howe's hotel, restauran t. Agency, 31 270 family heip. Washington. EXPERIENCED woman in sewing drapery materials. Apply Jr. A. Tayior company, 3 Tenth St. FREE SPACE FREE SPACE. Public stenographer; experienced. Call 815 Spalding bldg. WANTED Experienced girls to work on hair goods; also apprentices wanted, ir 631, Oregonlanj HOUSEKEEPERS, cooka, waitresses, aecond ctrls. chambermaids, nurses. at. j-onis Agency, -: 6 Aiuer. Main 2089. A 47-70 Ct iJi-- I'KNT Irl for general housework ; family of three; references required, oiu 1 iai.ucrs st. rnone Aiain oaoi or a )!'. WANTED Lady solicitors, salary guaran- id to fi. io per aay. can iur. tn uer, i 12th st. ; WANTED Reliable girls of pleasing address represent mgri-cms nmsiwiuo, ku money. call at t iiarquara Diug. MIDDLE-AGED woman for general house work; German prJierreu; gooa wagus. Marshall S460. WANTED Responsible lady to care ior child seven months oio. Appiy fant EL WANTED Girl to do second work and as sist In taking care ox small cnna. no n. Ft. V AN l'tl) Refined, capable woman for re sponsible position. Vlavi Co., 609 Roth chlld bldg.. 4th and Washington. CHORUS GIRLS, city work. Apply Inter state Vaudeville Circuit. 3d floor Mulkey bidg., 2d and Morrison. MRS. HOWE'S LADIES AGENCY. Wauiugu.n bidg.. 4th and Wash, sts. Main or A 3266. HANSEN'S LADIES' AGENCY. 60 Washington st.. cor. 7th, upstairs. Phone Main 2692. A MIDDLE-AGED woman, not too old; will ing tu help with light hou&cwork, at 4 - WANTEJ week. ) Girl for bowling alley; $12 per ems North 3d at. WAITRESS wanted for restaurant. N. 6 th at. . GIRL wanted to assist In general house work and care of children. 463 E. 9th N. WANT ED .UrI for waitress. Star Restau rant. 484 Washington st. WANTED Girl in confectionery and cigar store, at 7s6 Washington Ft. GJRL for housework, 3 In family. 1164 Rod ney. 'U" car. ADVERTISING SOLICITORS. Lytotv 316 Selling bldg . 9 to 0:30 only. EXPERIENCED second maid. Teiophon A 3445,