THE MORNING OREGOXIAX, WEDNESDAY, FEBRUARY 28. 1913. All the New Victor Records for March Are Here,. Fifth Floor Talking-Machine Section Hear too the New Columbia Records All Credit Purchases Today and Balance of the Month, Go on March Accounts, Payable April 1st Our Free Rental Bureau, 4th Floor THE MEIER & FRANK STORE, ESTABLISHED 1857. WEATHER REPORT FAIR TODAY, COOLER TONIGHT THE MEIER & FRANK STORE, ESTABLISHED 1857. M ay emi-Aimnal Motloii-lDressMaker r Ai- ft zttx tTTT-H Vi g ' TWENTY extra salespeople, special telephone order clerks, and then, for a time, we were almost z" unable to cope with the first day's business in this great Semi-Annual bale of JSotions and fjj f Dressmakers' Supplies! , ,f Hundreds of savings listed in our half-page announcement or Monday night and Tuesday night, which we can t attempt to repeat here. Every home-sewer, seamstrss and dressmaker should supply future needs now. "Charter OaK" Thread FREE 10c Spool SilK at Four for 25c KLECfERT'S DBESS SHIELDS. Afford absolute protertion for the finest garment-. Made of rubber, doable covered ami washable. 25c No. 2 Kleinert's Gem, only 20 27c No. 3 Kleinert's Gem, only 25 30c No. 4 Kleinert's Gem. only '2,1 1 SSc No. 5 Kleinert's Gem, only 30 60c Eton Shields, special at only 39 Ocean sizes PEARL BUTTONS. Kseellcnt onalitv two-hole Pearl Buttons. Three popular reduced. 5c Pearl Buttons, the dosen at 3& 10c Pearl Buttons, dozen at 7Ytt 12c Pearl Buttons, the dozen at 9 HAIR PINS AND NETS. 6c Carmen Hair Nets, 7 for only 25 Charter Oak is the best 6-eord Thread on the market. Our special price any day is 6 Fpools for 25c. In this sale, with every 2.H5 worth of notions purchased, sn ad ditional 5c spool TREE. 25c Sun Pins, Va-pound box at 18 4c Washington Pins, doz. papers 23 25c Prima Donna Hair Pins only 15 6c Wire Hair Pins, 4 packages 5 35c Sanitary Hair Rolls at only 19 HOSE SUPPORTERS Children's 20c Hose Supporters 10J 25c Pad Belt Supporters at only 19 60c Pad Belt Supporters at only 39 $2 Dress Forms, Now for $1.39 Every morning until 12 o'clock dur ing this sale, we will sell lOe spools of Carlson-Currier's Best Spool Silk, in black, or any shade desired at FOUR FOR 25. MISCELLANEOUS. 6c India Linen Tape, 3 pieces for 5 10c Eve Collar Supports, card 6 15c taffeta Seam Binding, only 8 To 20c white nainsook Shields at 6c Gem Pins, dozen papers at 39J SOc Windsor Hooks & Eyes, gr. 18 10c taffeta covered Collar Bone 8 30c M. & F. Hooks and Eyes 22 Hall & Borchert's non-adjustable Dress Forms, a boon to the home dressmaker. Can be placed on metal or other base. Our regular price is $2. Only twice a (1 OQ only vear we grade Our sell them at Adjustable Stand Forma a better than the ones at $1.39. price is only $3. 85c Canvas Coat Forms full length with haircloth bust, felt armpiece and collar attached, 69. 1.25 Gilberta Nearsilk Flounces plaited, with embroidered edges or shirring; all colors, 98. The Charming New Waists S UCII exquisite daintiness as displayed tue new lmcrenes aists ior Spring and Summer. Beauti ful sheer marquisettes and fine. French lawns with the loveliest of trimmings fine Val. laces, hand-embroidered, real cluny laces, filet, linen laces and real Irish crochet. The new set-in sleeve styles are prevalent. High neck, "V"-cut fronts, round, square and sailor collar styles. They're beautiful. Priced at from $4 to $45 Other Lingerie Waists The "Tailored Girl" will be inter ested in this special group of smart, new Waists at $1.7j. Attractive in their severity. With soft turn back collars and cuffs, also laundered. Of French, madras, linene and soisette. ilso clever short sleeved styles. Our price 5? l.To. Tailored Waists at $1.75 A special group of New Spring Waists at $2.23 to $3.00. Splendidly made of flasons, mulls, lawns and batistes. Nicely trimmed in laces, in sertions and tucks. Iligh and Dutch neck st vies. Plain fronts and with side frill. These at $2.25 to $3.00. Men's $6.50 Ruff-Neck Sweaters $5g FIRST FLOOR MAI BUILDING. A NOTIIER big: shipment of the Donular Ruff- ll Neck Sweaters for men, women on3 V 1 1 rnn o Yiai91v IrAon enough of them in stock 1 High grade, all-wool, shaker tjp knit, with genuine ruff-neck col lar, as illustrated. Oxford gray, cardinal and white sizes 34 to 36. Regular $6 and $6.50 if CT O Q grades, for men and Jfo women, today only $5.00 Sweaters $3.95 Splendid, closely-knit wool ruff-neckSweaters, of best $o , I0 Qtt ardinal, Oxford gray or white; sizes 34 to 46, at only fJ'J 1 1 in ii Cardinal $8 RUFF-NECK WOOL SWEATERS AT $6.95. Best quality all-wool Shaker knit Sweaters, in popular ruff neck style. Guaranteed to hold color and 6hape. Choice of Ox ford, cardinal, white, QC navy and brown. Each pyjtZJ CHILDREN'S $3.50 RUFF NECK SWEATERS, $2.S9. Boys' and girls' genuine Buff Neck Sweaters, unexcelled for school wear. Colors of Oxford and cardinal. Sizes 8 to 16, for boys or girls. $3.50 lJO OQ grades. Specialized at Ja&07 1 0,000 25c Ribbons 7 c FIRST FLOOR MAIX BCTIJHXG. ORDER BY MAIL. AX immense purchase of fully 10,000 yards of beautiful Warp Print Ribbons, se cured from the largest of manu facturers and importers at a price ! A great variety of pretty floral designs and colorings, 1 to 4 inches wide. Ribbons 9 worth from 10c to 25c. f Today, your choice, yard, Women's 15c to 25c Neckwear dainty Rabats, of sheer, dainty lawn . with pretty trimmings of valencinnes, torchon and venise laces and in- 7 sertions. Today 4 for 25c; each C Women's 12c to 20c Kerchiefs of sheer soft linen in hemstitched, cross-bar and embroidered styles. Q Today at 3 for 25c; each at only Sale of Women's Linen Vests of, the famous Ramie linen that, from a hygienic standpoint, is unequalecL Recommended by physicians for their absorbent, sanitary qualities. Low neck, sleeveless etyle, worth 00 to 4 times sale price. Today r 'ri -wi i- ira fii numm n in Our 7th-Floor Tea Room 1HE business man, the shopper, the enter tainer, alike all find dining here a pleas- rn ure and delignt. inere's an unmistakable air of quiet and refinement that's decidedly pleasing. An express elevator daily at noontime. We take you up seven stories from the hurry and clamor of the streets. A spacious lobby, where you may meet your friends. Telephone connections at your table on request. Unexcelled service and cuisine always. Varied a la carte menu. Tables reserved ty phone if you like. And Music by the New Meier & Frank Ladies' Orchestra, daily, from 12 to 2 P. M. Special arrangements made for afternoon teas. 2 to 5 P. M.. and for Saturday night bef ore-theater dinner parties, 5 :30 III rato 8:00 Music. JJ ii ii irii ii rZ Third m, V V UIUU1UWU Floor ifrS&ml TTTTT. . 0rder wnaergarmems yoc by Ataae uomDinaxions, Gowna and Chemise, stamped ready for embroidering. Three beautiful patterns. well made of fine nainsook, finished with French seams. Actual $1.50 garments, every Hie of them! f Today are sell ing at only, each m 98c Purchase Famous Hastings Dining Tables at Third Less ONE of the best features of our great February furniture event arrived for the last two days' selling! Hastings Dining Tables the best in America world-renowned for superior work manship and exclusive features! Two solid carloads comprise this phenomenal factory purchase to sell at an averatre of one-third below any prices we've ever quoted. Every Hastings Table is equipped with patented Tyden Dnostyle lock, a device which closes the gaps between halves of an extension table, centering the top and binding in the halves. 1 Besides the Hastings Tables illustrated and described are 78 styles, ranging from $8 to $200, in this sale at $4.50 to $160. ' $270 Hangs' Tab!es,$19.75 A ti-fL. -12-in. Pedestal Table, Xo. S73, a illustrated. Dull Ma- hoganv, E. English, wax or fumed. oak. Tvdcn Ihio-style CI Q "7C lock, removable top V $37.50 Hastmgs' Tab'cs, $25.85 This solid oak 6-ft., 4S-in. claw foot pedestal Table, as illustrated. Tyden Duo-style lock and remov able top. No. "13. COC QC Specialized at only ptJOiJ $44.50 Hastings' Tables, $29.75 No. 685. A solid oak, wax fin ish 6-ft., 4U-inch pedostal Table. Duo-style lock and removable top. Specialized for this CJOQ 7 sale at low price of PJ I J $47.50 Hastings' Tables, $31.25 . Solid oak. wax finish. No. 687. An 8-ft., 48-in, pedestal. Colonial Table, with Tyden lock and re movable top. SpOOl cialized in this sale P $50.00 Hastings Tables, $33.75 Solid oak. wax finish, claw foot 48-inch pedestal Table. Ty den Duo-style lock and removable top. N umber specialized at on .rv a aavA a v. ni' auiv only $33.75 t v $92.50 Hastings' Tables, $71.50 Solid Mahogany, in dull finish. An 8-foot, 60-inch pedestal Table. Fitted with Tyden Duo-style lock and removable top. fl?71 Number 811. Special V lJJ Reg. $40 to $50 Rich Oriental Rugs $27.7. 5 THIRD FLOO MAIX BCILDI7TG. IX the last few years we've put the selling of Oriental Rug3 in Portland upon a new plane! The price you pay is based upon our quantiy buying in the central markets, pins the small de partment store profit. Thousands of dol lars' worth in our great February Salo and Exhibit at one-fourth, one-third and even one-half actual value. Here 'a a lot of beautiful Mossoul and Kazak Rugs, averaging 4x7 feet in size. Rich, deep colorings, which distinguish these species. Our marked prices $40, $4.. and $-0. Make your choice today at low price marneu priori, $27.75 Oriental Room Rugs Reduced . Tb. T Spertea. Hmm. Meshed 13x10 Meshed 15x9:8 Bed jar 15:2x9:6 Kcrahan Kellcyi ..16x6:7 Krnnanftbah 1510 Kermanshali . . .13ur)x9:.T Kennanhh ...8:7x12:7 Artaal Sal M art k. Prlw. $100 $450 $550 $300 $600 $500 $375 $260 $295 $355 $150 $375 $275 $250 Tka Blaa. Ta. Spvetea. I.-pah an 13:8x10 L-pahan 13x10 Serapi 16x12 Sarook 13:3x10:6 Kasban .10:2x7:6 Mahal 14x11:3 Meshed 13:4x9 Artaal arta. Kale Plica. $600 $395 $600 $375 $510 $325 $600 $435 $650 $450 $325 7$235 $375 '$250 45c New Chiffon Lisse, Yard 29c THEY'EE the new Voile fab ricssheer, though fine and firm in weave and quality! Splendid for women's and children's Spring and Summer wash frocks and waists. Large variety of patterns and colorings. Stripes, checks, plaids and cross-bar weaves in light and dark shades. Well worth 45c a C yard. Today at only, yd. STANDARD 10c PERCALES, 7c Of a good, fine, firm quality that wears and launders splendidly. Plain and, neat stripes, checks, tiny figures and dots. Full 36 inches wide. Actual 10c Percales. IT Choose them today at this low price C 25c RAJAH-LIKE SILK, 17c. You'll wonder that we sell it regularly at even 23c a yard. So all the more im portant is this sale today at 17c. Plain Rajah-Like wash silks in good variety of light and dark colors; 24 inches 1 wide. Special today at only, yard A Big Cleanup of Drapery Rem'nts THIBX FLOOR MAIX BCILDIXG. ORDER .BY MAIL. IT'S the need of every available inch of space for new goods that forces us to clean np at once on this big accumulation of remnants. Thousands of lengths of Drapery and Curtain materials. Scrims, silkolines, cretonnes, Swisses, sondurea anl squares of tapestry, etc. Not a remnant but what is worth double the amount asked. Four big lots for Wednesday's selling: I -a. Remnants in one to four- 1 Q wvl 1 yard lengths, special at, each, I7C fa. O Remnants in two to six-yard Oft 'Wl & lengths., special, only, each JfC I f Remnants in two to six-yard ?Q M-Jl lengths, special, at only, each OJC I Of A. Remnants in two to eight- OQ aWUL TP yard lengths, special at, each, 07C T CT Large Remnants, Sundure 1A, fff lUL J silk, etc Special at about 3 UU Odd Lines of ChUd's 20c to 35c Hose 12V2C FIRST FIXOR MAI.V BUILDIXCi. HOSE for children in excellent Spring and Summer weights and every weave comprise this big group. Made np of odd lots and a spe cial purchase that has only just arrived. Fine Cottons, lisle and silk lisle plain, lace hoot and embroidered. Not all sizes in each kind, bnt a good assortment of sizes throughout. Made full fashion ed. Many with, seamless feet. Also plain knit Ilose with double heels and toes. Actual 20o to 35c grades, a av . Today, special at I ?I2l" 3 pairs 35c, pair, ts --A-'. re.. .- '"'iaa TELEPHONES PACIFIC, PRIVATE EXCHANGE 4; HOME, A 6101 $49 Pilgrim Acorn Steel Range $36 J ONE of the finest styles of Acorn Ranges-: America's Very Best sold only in Portland by Meier & Frank's. The Pilgrim Acorn is just as illustrated, a handsome, smooth-finished Steel Range, with large, roomy firebox, which will take either wood or coal. Six large 8-inch cooking holes, and 16x20-inch oven. The heavy pol ished steel body in a Pilerim will last a life time. Regular price $49, for Wednesday and Thursday, only $36.50 $36 Sanitary Acorn Gas Range, Special $29.90 propMMTl 1 tii iTlTiU--a..-1aMilir,lg. 3 Sanitary style, equipped with four regular star-drilled burners and one simmering burner. Large 18xl8-inch oven, with 16xl8xl3-inch broiler underneath, both heated by one set f star burners. Oven and boiler at convenient height. Regular $36 (jJOQ QO Acorn Gas Ranges. Secure them for two days at the remarkable price of r," aaaaaaaaaaawaaaaaaiMaMaMaaMaaaaaaaaaaaaaawiaaaanMaa Fresh Creamery Butter, 2ibs. 70c It's delicious this pure, wholesome delightfully fresh, finest butter. Special, us for 70. Standard Corn, special, 3 cans for 2 1 Golden Dates, special, 3 pounds at 25 Eastern Succotash, special, 2 cans, 21 Sliced Beef, special, 35c jars for 25 Table Peaches, Pears and Apricots, spe- Sliced Beef, 20c jars, two for only 25 cial for today only at 3 cans for 50 F. A. Potted Beef, special, 3 cans 25 Sliced Pineapple, special, the can, 15 6c Searchlight Matches, 12 packgs, 40c Split Peas, special, 4 pounds for 25 Sliced Peaches, small cans. 3 for 23 Fancy Head Bice, special, 3 pounds, 22 . C. Corn Flakes, special, 3 pkgc, 23