Morning Oregonian. (Portland, Or.) 1861-1937, February 28, 1912, Page 16, Image 16

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FEBRUARY 2S, 1912.
i u . 1 -
HF.LT WATEI MALE. 1 Hrl-P WAVTriV-MTSCrfXANEOrg I MTI ATIONS W A VTKfWFTIM AI .K. J ?.RJ-1: 1 - . ' Apartments. Flat-.
ad yuit men for verv part
the -i?v to rarr Orconin route, moit
be vod live hujt.r aad able to br:r
la ti buiOfM. Fronts rn from $-
to $.- rer ontt. n: your ppliT
lnm-!t!Jy with CHy Clreu::.-r, Koora
- v Orocta bldfl.
eperlaj :npToyment room t-ereh tp. $1 per
r.r.urn: guarantee memoir wit cur
;np'armni or refund of tnmb rMp fee;
a noathf fwM mem ever bio priv
I la the MMriMttta tnd undertake
to keep party tmpliy4 durHtf lb full
trn of mbership without turth
Weh rmirtat dsand for J1"--aje.
esrncd meo. Ara joa s-tt
tor fotr pool tion?
crtry. tmplrnwi deportment,
cord for ytir lill: Call (or aaam.
1 r 1 p.r.inna fired. 1 .
M.t.riN' wanted : we can us two r
it-. mtn of flood addre and food
r-n:r vis know bow to Mil flood: real
-?to esperinr preferable, but not -Mn:I:
we will teach you a buaina whlch
:!J bring yHM lmrcr rctomi then any
tiin vou, .- tried; w are the largest
and ino l pmcreasive conrem la tha wk
114 Fifth ft.
A k fT Mr. C tr,in4. .
4trMns In eU cm of tho bc real
at- proposition in Portland. If y
(t to r out of tho city and want
to tuake ii tt tnoery, como ind ooo mo. I
n a ou If yoo will wrfc. and pT
r ctmmiwloni lo tno rBM kind ff
'B Ak for M-ios nu4tr, lioord of
T- ' b;j. ..
Fh'T'M ml a rd ftorr tnn. locr
ofcofl. rtmlry and farm rnn. ritr
Y. M C- A Inrtutriol tmp'oyuint
p-t. 2d and Ah acs. I'rin rfTfDri.
?t cr- t rg:tr. Cai.s fr moo com
'f In dat'y
C A UP II' S lino rMr. oaporUnco-l oa R.
t. famtrurtlnn: afto rounc mTl pf-
fmrrl: and bard to otart . chanco
to a1an:o.
Auiii AOt paotry cook with botol ox-
. Ii. A CO. J4 North lad Pt
il mA with -r-Tlnc In rUroJ
. inttn an4 bvlo ihertcn ac
.ji.'.n' wiih I. C C titta.r"'ment
,.-t!on warti for Imro to va
to -y A.l'irooa. ltn oaporiooco, AS ft-ii.
r -ntan.
til.KMA .V to . p'ttrnMntf auppi f'r
vho-M, houN. Alrirfa lo own hand otatinc . pt Tpri"nf and
ry tro rtkilvirc CPI wi Po
r oo not app.jr
Addrooa All
V A NTHH F-prl-ned m-hnlo for ut
r-pi!r whop. t;o"-i a :i around ma a. Mar-r;-U
man prfarrd Muat atrVt:? o-bor
-d tnd'j:rluu. taio majco f'ir araay
rmr.!rm"iL RfTocoa, K. IC Vt.iwn
A i o . Ku(n. r.
1 WANT I!vo rpr-oiitia In tch com
tnun,;j of Orjq and Waahtoaioa for
h c ap-r iitio. g-ooa ioidoaffll
fk u4,i r. t . ao con. pt Itloa.
Jjl.J. I- pvtiril. Mauf-rturar a Afloat.
f.T Corooit bld i'ort :nd. Or.
1VAVTKD Uaaanl wtfo. wtthoat rhlldroa.
i-irtrao prrfrr-l. lo work on farm la
i: :a.Ti-tto Vair naoa aa farmhand, wo.
it. u tr houMtork. wajc-a par month
nd board, ootb atpl inurt.liy morn In f
at 1 triork at row a J0 FatHn bid.
ANTKD Aa cxportoarod. aurcaaful aaloo
mn ! tr.anac Bnanrlal propo:t loo :
tnul bo tnflu'-nrtai in rnmmuoltv and ht
a r-"! ra-o-i for jrMurln rrouita: band
r-r-:r.!; at a to aalary vaattd. AdUroaa,
a i A2. Or-rmiaa
UAMFf Hlflni roal tfo apoclarty
mn who can m'.I cJa buainoM propo-
Jiin ard aro ued to morln( tho ro
tttr and profoa.onal man; a a limit 4ii;
t.M connuvitoD btiA aJ ft-7. Orw
r"! . m
F!UPU'KR maa waotad; mot bo flood
n arltar anl aUrltor. thurouflhty ro
t.Kb'a. to take chmrtm of branch of rtaaa
Tu !:i'.nn moa to t-a aotab;!ahl In Port-
aid. AJJra F Orwomau.
VANTtP A rUabio Ufa Inouran-w writ or
wen axrutlvo ablifty. A flood propo-a-tioa
fr an rxpnnril writer wbo wanta
to btir bla proooat poaatioo. A bU
A I.rsMK.V wanted to toll raw platttnra of
c'.-in acraavo and city property lh
h:v-lao tub'lMf'oni. Aah for Mr.
H natnitton. lrft-ient Truat Company,
1" 1 Ho rd of Tra d o.
A sAL fc."-- MAN of r-at appoaranr who la
a r-l in. aar and rloa--r can inako bic
morn dunnir tho nni SO daya b cal!lr
fi j-rtpi ta fumtvtid by u. at t
"!i ' Kich4na Mdfl
HVrSi-TU II and np-tu-dato aalromaa
wh ) ca f urn l bord ; aalary to thoao
no can produco raulL EL'erabidfl.
t a NTKD ram patent aaelady to tako
cnirc of nij autt dpartmaut In a towa
of kouO pp'.Jiun ; must to a flood aaUo-
'.m-if and umlfriunil bow to mttt a
au.t iiiart:na;l auccaaaf ally ; (KU pay
-n.t rrdv pualtion it th rtcnt party.
vpalalra. Aak for I. Ko-
L rl wtahlra t loara hookkooplnfl. ota.
cib bao of rto w or uodor accuuntaat.
aa part pay for tuitioo; aaoiat a poaiuoa
when qualified. I Vh OrcfluOiaa.
"C"aNTEI .trl f-r AnrrI houaawork;
an..! (ami y. I'hooo L.ut 4'i ltwan
t' a:; J 11 A. ! or tail Hancock
at., rur. rrth
1j h"D Finn) or wUlah rl f r flenTal
hiiiiiora. out of cl'.y. c d wAtfa. mall
fami v. 1'uota Maranait Ud AH bA ura
V a ME! 1 iiritic1 a-irlo to work on
).r tcia. kiM ayprauilca vi&iaii. li
i-jt r.'iK.NT fr -nral busork:
fnni:r of thr-; jfaranroa required. ail
-'.A'.irn i. -;io' Main Si or A ".".
t 1 K I. fr UcM kouaowork and inner ti
minct. homo mora objoct thaa waflva.
...(.- Malt:
3ki i t-E't-E- AC.F.I woman for flanrai houao
r a . (rf rmaa pratorrod; floo aaea
v" vst r-l pn iMo lady t cara for
r.i.d i'wo moaiha old. Apply i0 Para
V ANTED A flrrman or Fwadiah fllrl to
i -nrai buuivaork. 461 WoltXiar oc
U"'T -KfwEEPKR. fol
jt r i. n a ni f- r in a I ' a.
AjInrT, J A !- r.
a. waltraaa-a aacond
n araa. bi. lxuia
Main 23. A 4"i
I: : Jt. T. ainiitioua woman f r arMclal Una
cf work, no -an atn : iporaa:o aa
VWTKD rttenocraphT. ono capaMa of
t caro of on ict. lloooa 41 k.lora
WAN'l i-I Kafiaod. capobio woman for ro
a-juiiiuta pooitioo. ial Co.. Aath-
tviu btac
4tn and Waahinfltoa.
W aa-ifli 'n b ;J . ia and Waaa.
Ma'n "- or A flJML
43i Uai.i.niioQ it. cor. Tiu, uptair.
pauoo Mala
w nt;p
i r. c a. I
A Cod Hconil flirt Cai
Ner:A Tth at.
W N'TEIV Eprtancod walat flnlahar. Ap
p t Mra, A. Trry. 4il Jarquaia bldfl.
iT r"iw .ii EN ED waitraaa for abort hour.
Thom-aoa'a rtaraau 144 4. a at.
;l. f ir flanoraJ tiiuMtrork; Cirman pro
ri-aj, in faxnUjr. 114 Kodaay.
o i K L. ttr r-nrl bonaowork la country,
; T-oruay. No. 6o N- SUt at.
-lirl or aroma a for houaowork.
Faoo Oak ina Had li.
OJKL fr flnaral houaowork: am ail family.
Ivi'KKtii'LhA caahiora, bill clorka, ole.:
I will floarantao your quairicaio na to flit
joaitioria la 4 Uaa. pcivato InatrvoUoa
t ai-cmbiaai; poaiUwa aocurod. J
au. orvfloakavo.
jriR.T-LA- targo front rooma. eompXo'.y
fjrm ri control ; " VS " car from
d-;xt. ht, ilgnta. batb. $10, !. lift. -v
r nioc : : ratao by waaa, ATft Couch. X.
r. er ij.t.
NTfcD -Iiparjad ocooonli-al cooa,
(..r a nrk:r,(-nan'i hot at. lrinaa pra
f rrn; e i.4 ki a root at.. btoa S and
4 i M.
lit i r amed-nsrr.LLAygors.
Ta iv roocy wnui abort torloa, or for
tair. bia pav . fraw boobt lalla how.
Clit4 prao enduata. baa Fraaciaca.
i ANTii llcturo play wntara; bis pays
ill taacb yoo. i'ictux.o nay
t'oo. Sao Krannarw
rat!acd bl?.
1 i-r.N "H lauah. at homo by FTneh t'"h
. r. M n.. - -4 E Vamhlil Tabor -T.
JptrVATE orhool DHOftTnAND and TYPE
'A H 1 TIN'). i zH 14(B at. Main ItwA
rr.rvAT:FH'."RT tyb. Ti pewhitinvh
i a r 1 1 h la:a to bumaaa ot ino
la y tl9mit i'aXluxa 4w IVokaak a4W
MEN and womaa to loara tho harbor trad
la riant arava; apoc:al inducomaata; pr
cilait pa:d wtlo Warring; too I a froo:
Prt laairutor; 17 yrara la tho aual-B-a-
S7 orhoola; a Jif-tima moioborabla
tlTao to oach tudoat Molar Bar bar CU
iso. a H. Fourth C Port'aad, Or.
afF.X an1 boya to" Icara automoblW ropalr
Inr. drmnar oa up-to-dato cara. oloctrlcal.
civil aniotrlo, aurayinfl; mothoda moot
practical; room and board whKo larnln;
pooitiona oocurad. aatlafac'Joa (uarantood;
cataioguo fro. National lchool of Enflta-
owriafl. 2110 W. Tip, Loo Anflvloa.
1URN' i:0fl to 1199 pr month Mlllofl city
avcra and frsi lanUa, axporianc not
Boraaary. Thia It an irnt chanco;
Iittlo monay r-quirad for offlco oxpanaoa.
Pantruiara National ftralty a Truat Co
T.'J Chamber of ommarco bldfl.
Tho moat thorough courwa. laclodlnfl
driving-. tachnlcaJ and praciio.1 work ta
all Ita detaiia, Opocial Inatruct'ono aad
drlvlnc leaaua for ladioa. aV Va4 aa4
M orr.aoa.
To teai-a to operate motion-plotaroa a
oor fin equipped tbrater. Laaeona reaaoa
ab:a ft-id1 Waahtnatton. paar 17th.
LEARN peratinc "movlnfl p let area; full
cnureo tauflbt in theater; geurg poaltlon:
priro reasonable: t?rme. 417 RothchUd
btilg.. 4th and Waahlnflton atj.
kAii.M AT mail ciraa. prepare
oaiieat aaJaria and promotioaa; no Ir
of(a. guro pay; fre book. Call today. a
etfic hta'oa School. McKay hldfl.
RA1LWAT maU clarka. J0 montk; Portland
tumlnaUoDi May 4; pr.pmraUoa freo,
FraaatLn luaUtuia, ixpt- k. M. Kochoa
tar. T.
INO I'l'-TLith; uI'i-iiATLNO. UEMaLL,
Jv3 OAK.
tjO WEEKI.T guaranteed In audeIIIo;
iboao who wiah an mdlato poaltlon
meat rail today. Inquire 43 North Vth.
bii OKT HAN U. hookkeepUifl. etc Praottal
aiietruciiona; pwoiiiopg occurad. Vor
rater block.
KITT ATI ON'd w,TFta wiAI.aV
arara ood t Uraa
BY credit and collection maa with bank
In and whoale omperlenco, beat of bank
rrrncee and bond; would conaider caan
irahip of Uirlvuifl country baiik. O aaJ,
up book, prepara baiaaca and atata
menla. Ittail a sterna till ling ham. au
ditor. 411 Lewlsbldfl. Matanall 711.
M ANTE I Poaltlon aa clerk In a general
atoro. 19 yeare' rKp-rlence. firot-claaa r"f
frcnco; prelrr loan f 6o0 to l&oO- Will
H. s a :i'K. K'lrnba.l N,bJ
BiKKKKKPER. typewriter, dealrrg poaltlon;
rfrrcnrea. Phooo M a ran all stid or It III,
WANTED I'oaltlon by flrat-claaa clothing1,
ahoo and furntahlcfl guirgman; no objec
tioa learlng city. Ail bN Uregonlan.
CAS,HIERnd bookkeeper, nine year ex-
piTU.aca with large nrm; beat oa
tn'M. AT . Urcouiu.
i.i iiikk !' I atrnrathfr. d f a 1 ra pool
tion; experienco; nral-claao rafarenoaa. P
Ml. t'louian.
IjuuK KEEPER drairea email aet of book.
L. Muiia.a. U'Jd K. Yamhill, Tahor 27.
BL itbAU,
tIS (tecond t.. Corner Salmon.
Women a Department. 25 Salmon.
All claaeea of unakthed. aki:id. profea
gtunal and clerical mala and female be p
furniabe1 on short notice. No f'tcuaritU.
i. vl. in M '. A A R'. ' i .
A I I" A ItOl ND German. eobr. honeaU
wants steady poaltlon In pmata place;
take ntco caro of garden, automobile and
mi.k rowa No uao of tobacco nor alcohol;
rvf-rmca. K ftoA. Oregon ian.
TOL'NO ma rf ied man. flrat-claaa aaiaaman.
clothing and furniahlnxa competent take
charge department, daairos pattloa la or
out oi c:ty; nigneai reiornce. moarai
alary. AH SSI. fireconlan
MARRIED man, strictly sober and r;iabl.
handy with too. a. wlshea work of any
ktnd. In citr steady or ox!d Joba; caa
aiJM d stramflttitig an4 piurobtng. In-
nulro J7 North l-.lh
MAN'ACEIl'of retail lumber yard In Oregon.
nr-fT Roguo Rler Valley; nine years
draa F'at 2. -417 B.aaooell ae.. Minneap
olis. Minn.
8TE A r Y work oa ranch wanted by thor
oughly experienced married man ; soor
and reliable; no children. AH M0, ore-
wanted a job to km m a siaucbter-
huuM out la country, will fed hoca and
rhl'-kfra at nni time. AUdreas Anton
Hms'Daoa. Z0 VatnhUl at.. Portland. Or.
AN ambit (oua young man. IS yeera of agw
and livinfl at bom, wishes to learn tho
carpenter trade. Telephone Sell wood 7T3
TWO younfl mn wlah position aa elevator
or Janitor, g. neral work lo hotel or build
ing, phono Mala 7-87: 4654 Glian St.
MAR1UED maa. experienced "janitor, any
kina of work In house and sruen; good
reference. D 0-17. Oregonlan.
WANTED Tty yoang- man Mng to arhool,
plaM to work morning and eventnga, for
buard and room. AK v41. Orrtonlan.
Y li NO man i . wir.fs retell two
on a farm or ranch. L M. Orefonlan.
VI KT-Cl-ASH Japaneao cook wants a posi
tion, city or country. A 87tf. Oretfonlan.
OOoD Japanea wanta poaltlon at housework
or school boy. X KM. monun.
MAN wants poalt Ion on a frm or fruit
ranch; flood milker. AC K34. Oregonlan.
y M C A. atudrnt wants work for room
and boaid AS 1Q. oregoman.
BY YOl'NO watch-maker, tako any employ
ment offer. H. Mnctalr. ad Wllliama.
Kril.lAHLE. exierlenced carpenter foreman
deeirea poaltlon. K fel?. Ore gonlan.
WANT work on email ranch, close to city.
S.'-Oi Alder st.
C H A I F F E I it. experienced. rMabe, beat
references. Phoae Eaat 4 lSd.
EXPK KI ENCED Janitor wanta position;
cood reference. A. Ott. 6 East at. N.
TO drive for pclvate f amiiy ; experience,
food reference. AK 640. Oroflonlaa.
TO('NG) Japanese would like to work aa
achoolboy. A UTS. Oregon tan.
Bkkrepera and ftDgrapbrra.
AN experienced buslneas wonua desires po
e' t ion aa bookkeeper or saleswoman.
Phone B 277.
EN PERI ENCED bookkeeper and stenog
rapher wiah- permanent position. Phono
Woodiewa 1J43.
TOl NO lady, experienced In general offlco
work and typewruer; rt. Tabor 609.
AH bookkeeper; several years experienco;
ran do atcnograpftto work. Main biil.
jroaa menace.
MLI.eC DK BILLAUT, i WuMnrtoa.
E;iav-at entrance. A 34o. AH the lead
ing Pari j an and New Tork ftalona
Prtrea moderate.
ri-!hT-CUA.S drwtmakfr wanta dreeaajLak
lr.fl and rem'xlrliQfl. Main 64.
CHILDREN'S and plain sewing-. a day.
Mra Norton. Marsiuall 4771.
'I K-TCl.A.-3 drremalu and ladies tali
ornif. &J7 Mon:g-m-j-y st Main luls.
pi. A I N MWlng. by day or wek. prlco rea
sonable. I none Marshall 1-ld.
Hii-T-CLASd droeanaMker a alira eng-afl-metits:
best refyrenca Phono 3i4 7.
iniSMAKE R from New York, aood fitter,
wants fre mor customers. Main 7"Vs
PUACTICAL n tirse would Ilka poaltlon aa
nurao and companion for invalid; no ob
Jctione to s ulnar out of town. H tit,
PKAcllCAL nurae. flood Christian woman,
w taea patient, mental or eptleptlo caae;
e oor ee f al treatment, patient's b'ine or her
own. M. N-, Mercy Home, 31 lrttn St. N.
CA Pa Bl at.d refined nurse, rare of In.
vaiid or a.derly peraon. or houaokeepinfl
far same. A V k1. Oregonlan.
GOOD practical nurse; doctor's referanooa.
Main 0'.'37.
WANTED -liouaekeeptns; poaltlon In or oat
of city by woman with child It months
old A It. O rag on la n.
AS wen KINO housekeeper In nice home. A3
oil. Oregon fan.
NEAT. experWnced Swedish g'rl wantg
housework In apartment-house; waflesj
Mata 2$. A 4773.
CX V E RIENCR D S w e dl a h w o ria n d Va"' fma
fiiycooklnfl. 40. MaU0i. A 47 7 A.
CAPABLE woman dralr sltuatHn. cook,
boerdinfl-houae botefc. Main goatf. A 47 7 i.
M lacel lea roue.
WANTED by widow woman To manage
camp board'r.g;-rouse, or will cook; best
references. W K.?s Oregoniaja.
DAT work. 25o hour; relleb.a woman, hnnae
KfKtwr in or out eitr. Main 314.
LAK curtains band laundered too pair.
(all. delivered Msltt UJ.
U E L f. Bl-K woman wanta a few hours
work T burs-ley. Maraheli U.
rnwi'TTENT woman wants any kind of !av
work lr feavUardaym. hoae Alaia aaooj
LAL'V 2i. wa.l rducatrd In FMropo. buel
na ability, wiahm employment part of
day aa f-orentaaa. h'.flh-cJLaa tnt. draw
InK. Franch. in roal ratal, companion or
anything a til tab!. AE M7. Omconlan.
WANTED by widow woman Managoment
of country hotel or any part of gamo;
many yearn experience; boat of rIr
encra. W bJ9, Oregonian
KXPE1CIKNCKD woman wlahea poaltlon.
rhambermaJd. housework; flood plain fam
ily. Eaat feTl! .
CASHIER, prlrato exchange operator or of
fice girl wanta work, kefprenwa Pbona
REFINED, capable woman would run ama.l.
cU-an roommfl-houae, bo houar-k-per ox
do your typewriting. D b-ltl.Uregoniaa.
NEAT experienced. young woman wlshea
nouekeplnfl poaltlon. or ftrat-oiaas cnom-
berwork, W MK Oregon Ian.
LADY wanta ) or 3 email children to caro
for. Call at 1851 Kaxt Taylor U comer
47th at.
A OOOD lauodreaa oea out waahlnfl nd
Ironing: by hour or dally. KUUw Tabor
300 8.
EXPERIENCED woman dealros situation,
kitchen helper, ohauxuer work. Main .0d
A 47T&. -
GIRL wanta to sell tickets In picture show
In evening and on Saturday and Bunday
ariernoona. a. o-. -r?a""
RFM-IAHIE womsn wanta laundry rf
Wednca.iays. Tburadaya, Fridays; full
nays, noouiawn
LA-DY wlahea to care for chlldrea la tar
ho ma Sellwood 401.
LACE curtains and linen laundered, 25o and
wo; ail work guaranteed. Tabor J17.
NEAT younfl woman wants day work. Ta
bor 1014.
TOl NO lady wantg private exrhange, store
work or demonstrating;. XI , Oregonlan.
Yot" NO lady wishes light housework and ba
as or.e f family. AH PS! Oregonlan.
A WOMAN would like any kind day work.
Marshall 1S13. .
EXPERIENCED cook want work In hotU
or board !n-houae. phono Main 1012.
COVTHTHXf fitter delrea position, bt at rererences. Add rose X HI!. Qrrgonlan.
POSITION wacte-l by arm waltresa in city.
Phone Main 331&.
POSITION by a girl, prefer inundry or
hotiaework; rererences. a, r.m. .r-sumBu.
WOMAN wlahea work for Mondays and Fri
days. te!I woodlbK.
EXPERIENCF.D young woman desire posi
tion In doctor's oilice. It wil,orcflonlnn.
GIRL desires position to assist In fenerai
JAPANESE woman wanta housework. Can't
yol NO lady wants day work: waahlnfl.
Ironing; and cleaning. Phone Main &o7.
WANTED Aflenta. 11 a wires. Here Is your
chance to make $10 to 920 a day, easy
picking-: others do. why not you? 92.VMI
to 4u0 In case of accidental death and
5 to l-v per week while disabled for
fl to 110 a year; highest commianona; ex
clusive territory. Write or call for in
formation. Abbott t Co.. Wilcox bids;.
WANTED Comfortable room in private
home or apt. Must b neatly furnished,
have electrio lights, flood air circulation
and ronflenlal surroundings, on West tilde
walking distance from P. O., rate not
oer $1 pr month, by young man. East
erner. In answer giro phone number and
a l-lreaa. AK -'7. Oregonlan.
tW O gentlemen want furnished cottafle on
Weal Md; state looatlun and price. W
k.tT, Ore-flonlan.
Room a.
VlOIEHN ft-room bungalow. Funnyaide dis
trict, year lease; responsible p&rty. no
children. Addresa AK b4. Oregonlan.
WANTED To rent large nnfumlahed room,
rluee In; modern conveniences. P 6J7,
Roomi With Board
GENTLEMAN and daughter deaire rooms
and select board; strictly private family;
muat be well furnished. Addresa All t4.
Furnished Rooms.
Now Open.
113 Room a
Now Open
seventh and Taylor fcts.
Residential and Transient; absolutely
rentraJ, two nuuulea from Poetof flce.
atorea, theaters and restaurants; Just off
business streets and carlines; quietest and
beat Iteration; handsome brick, ample
steam heat, hot running water and phone
la every room, suite and private batna,
elevator. Hvputable and comfortable.
From 7oo daily, J4 weeki. Any car xrom
Ttioae three beautlfuMy furnuhed hotels
aia 4lh St. 31 1 4lh t. X07 4ih st.
On Fourth t.. running from Taylor to
Salmon st-; brand-new brick; elegantly
furnished; steam heat, private hatha, hot
and rod water In all rooms; strictly up
t date in ail reaper ts. and at popular
prlrea. If you want something; out of the
ordinary. In the heart of the city, at rea
sonable prlrea, give us a call, a w know
you wilt Ilk 1C Rooms by the day, week
or month. Tourist trad solicited.
Co.-. 11th aad btark aMa.
New, modern brick bldg., elegantly fur
nished; elevator, hot and cold water,
seam heat. phones all looms, private
baths; single or en suite; raua 41 day up;
special monthly rate.
5oRDOVA ileteL 11th and Jefferson eta -Prand
new brh-k; aplendldly turn la bed, all
r ix una with telephone, attam heat, hot and
coid water, many with baths; every effort
la made for the comfort and convenience
of ita goeeta; the rents are moat reason
able; rooms by the week, month or day.
"J" car dirert from depot-
HOTEL FOR D, 73J Waahlnflton. corner Lu
cretla st. New brtck building. Just com
pleted; fine larfle outside rooms with tele-
Shone service, with or without private
aths; new and splendidly furmsbed; hot
and cold water; at cam heat; beat of serv
ice; very reeronate rates.
Davis and Third bta.
n rooms, steam heat, hot and
cold running watr In every room, free
auto bus to and from all train.
Lowest rates In the city.
Ask for our special low monthly rata.
131 Eleventh Street.
New, modern brick building; steam
heated, private hatha, hot and cold water
In r Hma. beautifully furnished, cosy, com
fortable; rnl reason able. Call and se
ui Regular and transient trad solicited.
as7 East Hurnsl'le.
Live on the Eaat Bide and save money
on your room rent; w have 1-0 modern
rooms, apeclal prlc on room and suitos
with private batn; rules &oc to $2 per
day. 92 to 17 per week East fiOto. B 175.
HOTEL LA SALLE. 10th and Ilurnsid at a.
Ahaoutety firvproof; new and elegantly
f urn ashed rooms; private baths, steam
heat, hot and .oid water, private phones
In each routn; special rate by the month;
phone service free. Phone Marshall 404.
Week 1 up. Transient oOc and up.
Are you Retting rooms like ours If not.
change. All outdde room a, hot and cold
water in each room, steam heat and bath;
also house keeping rooms.
One block from t't.ion Depot; 140 outside
rooms, with hot and cold water and eteaxn
heat . oilers special rate for permanent
guests: rates ' to i a day; e.tfO and
up per week. Phone Main ail3.
10SH Twelfth r-t. Marshall 270O,
la baaxt of buslnesa district; steam heat,
hot and cold water, free phone In every
room; $1 day and up; $4 week and up.
Hoi EL KENW1CK An Ideal home for bus-
nee people; Cfniraiiy locateu ; r levant
rooms; ai modern conveniences; 7th and
Taylor bls.. 1 block from Portland Hotel.
oppottoHiMfl jrjaier'honeAlain Win.
AHMlNIta HOTEL 410 Morrison at., opp. Thvater Niteij Xu'oianed roomi,
iui uuuvu rooms,
ow rau-a. Main btfju.
permanent, transient, iu
12ih and Washington.
Room al a day, lw wek; nothing- ai
tra for two In room; thoroughly modern.
UoTLL NURKIS, 17th and Alder sts. Mod
ern rooms, sunauie & e persona ATa
vat baths Rate $3 50 pp.
THE LAKRAWEE, 2-7 V Latrabee st.; mod-
era, per man uv euu ubusicui, -H up.
i 'to .n.
KLM PLACE. 414 Yamhill sc. cor. 11th;
rooms fj-i per wevK up, noi ana coia
wnu-r. steam heat, private baths.
i(HMS, furnished or unfurnished, inc.utiiug
UK tit. neat, vaiu, fnum tati avaUr
aervlow. aW7 14 kd, Tournsy bidfl.
Fu ml abed Koome.
LIGliT, airy rooms, modern, suite or sin;!1
luim heat: i and I't week ; 5 m.nut
aaik to theater and stores; free phone.
lorniabrd Keuou Jn Prixater amlly
aVA km v.
lurmar.ra situ wuruicu '
lO, BIN UiaKri a K
. ' , , ki. o a - -vi i
or para; muuera, ri-uuu. rw
v -1 . i-1 v .. .n i.. larirA frrmt rrvm Ti rt
ate home, strictly modern, suitable for
msrrletf couple, housekeeping; privuearea.
walking; distance. Phone Eaat 1UV4 morn
ing- or evcnins;
1 1 r. L. X i urn ta nm i um
bonto for one or to persons, bath and
phono; early breakfast if desired. Call
mornings. 7lMi E. Salmon at. Phono B 241Q.
FORRENT Nice furnished front bedroom
with Hgnt, it?am heat, bath and phono;
ts a month; private family. Upsuur Apart-
a u x vnsnvF.i.T furnished front room In
quier. no. me iunuuuu ih v.- .
suitable foj- 2 gentlemen or married cou-
TH REE large, nlcely-f urnlohed rooms on
ond floor; flax, bath and phone.. 871 N.
NICELY furnished room, modem oonvenl
encfS, very reasonable; usa of phono, walking-
distance. Ool Taylor gt. Phone Main
A i 1 J una or two laiurs, ur uiau
a ife to share furnished h-room cottaKo,
. . . J l:.. I -n r.fii IT
1 1 II Uliuuio-wuru lO'i j, van w. m. b-vw
tt- r .... vui.f.n.liln
t THREE or 4 completely furnished
rooms for housekeeping- ciost In, gas ranK.
private hath, phone, etc Call tH Grand
p ve.. near Kat Washington st.
LAP.OK. bay-window room, everything: new;
15 per week: hot water heat, -bath, phone.
pxl ate home; lo minutes wniK to r-ua.-oftl.e.
414 Market, cor. of 11th st.
NICELY furnished room to gentleman, hot
water heat, bath, hot ana com water,
phone, s adult in family; no other room
ers, walking distance, phone Mar. 3:ilW.
TWO dandy Bleeping rooms In private fiat,
hot and cold water, phone, and plenty
of llKht una sir, w a. kins distance, cneap.
a ia s. iMh st.
THREE completely furnished rooms, entire
floor. clnet. fleeplnir porch, electricity and
fjhuna ld. t2 K. Stark.
fnVT""room in mod-rn home: easy walk
ing distance. &70 Eaat il ad Is on. Phone B
COMFOHTARLK room. modern, walking
d'stance; S7 month. 30$ College st,. Flat
ETKAM heat: beaut If uly furnished room.
Inv.y home; I'ioO week. 8-U Montflomery
li m 2 E K E E P I N G and aleeplns;-room,
phone, bat h. electrio light, walking; dis
tance. 4-7 Harrleon.
FURNISHED room, private family, walking:
distance, reasonable rent, heat and bath.
560 GUaan.
FURNISHED sleeplnfl-room, suitable two.
heat, phone, bath, walklna; aistance. ztli
13th st.
NICELY furnished front parlor In modern
XI at BUlUlDie I " r wno w w, w jk j m-
scnabif!. 3 it 6th st.
PLEASANT light room with closet, suitable
for 2 gentlemen; flood bed; In new mod
am flat; waging distance, 84 Everett.
12-ROOM rooming-house ale cheap or sub
reut. &04te Waahlnflton sL Main 3703.
A 7042. -
cufcY alnflla housekeeping; room. $10 month.
Also nire suite, larfle bay window, X0
-ek. 411 4th st.
DESIRABLE front room for 1 or 3 flentle
men. oyn on la rue porch, hot water, also
a.eeplnc porch. West park. Marshall 4215.
$5 AND d pr month rooma for women;
gas. bath, piano, cooking; allowed. Oil E.
11th st.
M ELT furnished front room, for one or
two gentlemen. 414 Salmon.
NICE front room In quiet home; fentlaman
preferred. 700 Flander.
ItKAL'TlKVL fTnt room for 2 men, tn flati
wa.kUig djstance. 3S4 Jackson.
LARGE wll-turnlshed room, us of plana.
atfl 10th.
IiljO.vs WO 14th, n r Jefferson, waiklnfl
dlatance, i uono Main 8SV0.
VERY nice clean front room; excellent bed;
reasonable price. 303 12th st.
TWO front room near Multnomah Club;
wnlklng; distance. Marshall 4112.
6 LINN Y room, modern home; 112 one. $16
two. 410 Park etM. b&7.
i o ft IN G LE room, Htfht and pleasant, for
young; men; West Park. Marshall 421.
NICE, clean, llpht basement room, SL25 per
vrek. oo 6ih st.
LA ROE beautifully furnished rooms, run
nliifl water, suam heat. 163 17th at.
DESIRABI-E, convenient, for ono or two;
reasonable; easy walking; distance. A 2427.
FRONT room for two. 35 ISth L North.
I n f u rn H h ed Roo ms.
TH REE larfle housekeeping rooms cheap;
square grand piano for sale. 40 2d su.
cr. Ash. room 2.
Koome With Board
DOES a home appeal to youT THE WHITE
HALL cor. 6ih and Madison; larfle rooma,
bath, broad veranda, quiet, closo In, near
car, 4 block from P. o. American plan.
THE Haxel dlnins;-room reopened. tab!
board, sirlctiy tirst-class; aiso furnished
rooms, siea.ui heat, runulnfl water; prices
moueratt. ad St.. cor. Montflomery.
LAMHKON. 654 Couch St.. cor. 17th
Vvry desirable, clean room with steam
heat and running water; sood board; fine
location for teacners or puainees men.
Rooma with board, us of sewing-room, li
brary. SID Flanders. F. N. Hath. supt.
" MNTTOU. 201 13TH BT.
Attractive, clean rooms. steam heat,
flood board, close in. reasonable,
THB CALVARD. 4&J Morrison, cor 13th.
rooms and board; modern conveniences.
ROOM and board. Casa Kusa, i00 Jefferson
t., corner &th.
ROOM and board for one or 2 younfl men,
flrm-clnrs table, reasonable. 33 N. 17th.
FLRNlbHED room with board. 167 11th,
Rooms With Board in Private ramlly.
IN LARGE, now faouso, strictly modern and
newly lurnlahed. -with firat-cLis board;
use of piano and home privileges, room
exceedingly large, auitable for U or more;
price reasonable; walking distance. Phone
It 2721. .
BE A U T 1 FU I' Pari or bedroom, tom het.
electric litfht, tirst-ciasa homo cooking,
served family etyie, free PaclQc phone,
bath, 15 minutes' walk to P. O.; rates rea
sonable. Phono East 1UJ4 or call at W5
Belmont U S-S car.
NICELY furnished room, modem home, for
lientleinaa; no other boarders; excellent
nt-iguborhood, walking; distance. Phone
Marshall o4X
PLEASANT accommodation for thro or
four; arood board and home; modem con
vfnltDcoa; Holiaday Addition. Phone C
HAVE rented large beautiful home on East
Morrison, corner J 7th. Will open March
lt. Make reservation now. Mr. Anna
Hall." Eaat ItiUti.
PLEAS A NT, well lighted and heated front
bedroom, suitablw for two, with excel
lent board: modem home, use of piano,
wslklnfl distance. East 6j60.
TWO lovely front room, folding doors be
tween, with board, hot and oold water,
electric lights. Call and see or phone Ta
bor 87O0.
TWO rooms, clean, llpht. modern; price
13 and $3.50 per waoK. Either one will
a commodate two. Five minute to post
office. Homo cook if. 863 tHh,cor-Mill.
FI'KNIHHED rooms with or without board,
modern convenience, walking distance.
Main H033.
WELL furnished room and board for one or
two In private family; all modern con
veniences; reasonable. Marshall 1016.
LAKOE bay window room, one or two peo
ple. nlr-y furnished, furnace heat, gas,
electricity, aa'klnfl distance. Main 330.
NICK room, with board for 1 or J young
Is. Mrs. reasonable. Marshall 30L 7u5
NEAT-room, with or wltl-out board; modern
convenience. s4 E. Everett at.
ROOM or board for on or two younfl man.
ajtf Kvrott-PhoneMln2P74.
TWO-ROOM suite, also alcove room; pore he,
grounds; excellent board; Main 2071.
ROOM" board, for two ladies; no other
hoarders. 2J 2 K. 1st N. U or 1 car.
koo.M with board. 712 Flander au Phone
Main 1547.
ROOM?" with board. Call 8 Taylor, private
N 1C ELY Xurnl'hed room, suitable for two
gentlemen, with board. lMi 10th st.
ROOM and board In a private family home
coo kmc; within walkingdlstance. B 2472.
Fl tO N T room, suitable 1 or more gentie-m-'ti;
modern; prjvaie house. AU Market.
CECIL1AAPARTMENT8. 22d and Gllsan
sta.; best of service; desirable location,
with unexcelled car service; also easy
waik'ng diaia-nce; 3-room apt., with bath,
modern cn van lences. very rer-eonablarent.
THE MaJeetlc 4-room apt., newly furnished
private phot; oiosa 1a, Clay as
St. Clair and Washington Bta
Furnished and unfurnished apartments
ox s, ana o rooms.
Every apartment V furnished with
Hardwood floor, tiled bathrooms, large
elotets, mirrored doors, lnr;e room for
use ox tania ior cuicuaiuiui.
Single or en suite.
Reference required.
EMMA K. V UNDER. Managen
Cor. Park and Taylor st.
Cor. Tenth and balmon sta.
Walking Distance.
FnmLshed complete, 2. 3 and 4-room
apartments; buildings new and otrictly
modern; aarvlca hrsL-ciasa
THE BARKER, cor. 21st and Irving sta;
this new 4-story brick now open; fur
nished and unfurnished In 2. 8 and 4-room
suites; reception hall, electric, automatic
elevator. Holmes disappearing beds, built
in buiTt and writing desk, gas range. Ice
box, plenty of closet room, both phones,
vacuum cianer free to patrons. If you
want something nice, come to the Barker.
Phonea A 3744. Marshall 2001.
stone palace of luxurious homes. Trinity
.Jlace. between 19th and 20th streets. Just
off Washington; magnificent exclusive
apartments. In heart of apartment-bouse
district; rentals reasonable; every modern
convenience; sleeping porches, high-class
service; refined clientele; reference re
quired In all cases. Mrs. A. N. Wright.
supt. Phone Marsh all 1101.
12th and Taylor.
Just completed, most magnificently fur
nished apartments In the Northwest; loca
t Ion perfect ; rentals reasonable ; every
modern convenience. Including banquet
hall and roof garden; both phones In all
apartments; hih-c.aas service; references
required. Main l!27tf and A 7057
bia. 4 blocks south from Morrison St.;
new brick building, complete. y first-class
furnished In 2, 3 and 4-room family apart
ments; private bath ateam heat, hot wa
ter, elevator, free phone, vacuum cleaner.
Janitor service; rent per month, $30,
84t and up; must be seen to bo appre
ciated. m
fordItam APART M E NTS.
170 Ford st., just south of Washington:
most complete, highest class apartment
ever built In Portland; finished through
out In hardwood; tiled baths, superb fix
tures; elegant wall coverings; each with
private balcony; highest class service;
ery reasonable rents; 4 and b-roo.n
apartments; most conveniently arranged.
7U4 Lovejoy 6t.
TJnder new management, new, modern
brick. 2, S and 4-ruout apartments, fur
nished or unfurnished; we will rent you
apartments o per cent cheaper than any
piac in the city; good Janitor service.
Give us a call and be convinced. Mar
shall 2U23.
WASHINGTON Apartments, 6S9 Northrup
St. Vacant March 1. b-roota furnished or
unfurnished apartment, with bath and all
modern conveniences, telephone, steam
htat, hot and cold water, refrigerator, gas
range, gas, electrio light. Janitor services,
etc. Take W car to 2lst and Northrup.
Phonaa Main 437J, A 1U3.
Corner l-th and Harrison.
New brick, latest Improvements; fur
nlaned and unfurnished . S and 6-room
apartment; best service; reasonable rates;
reference; both phonea
LUCRET1A COURT, unfurnished, a class
by thetuselves; see them; Lucretla st,
bear ad and Wash., 2 to 5 rooms, all
large, .ight and outside ; large closets
and baths, hardwood floors, free phones
In each apt. phone prop, and mgr., Mar
shall 152'J. Janitor. Marshall 15ud.'
KENTUCKY APTS. New and modem three
or four-room nicely furnished apartments;
steam heat, private phone and bam; on
the Montavilla and East Ankeny carlines,
cor. Mh and East Oilean sts. ; also a
rtceiy furnished single room. Phone East
bo a 7 or B 1442.
New, modern brick building, corner 3d
and Montgomery ; two -room apartments,
furnished complete, private bath, phone
and elevator service; hve minutes walk to
business center; no children; rate $1.7
up. Alain f4Aiu
14th and Ciay streets.
Splendid location, solid brick building,
electrio elevator; we have unfurnished
B and 4-room suites, with private vesti
bules, phones, bath, etc
GRANDEST A f urnlsaed apartment. Grand
ave. ana iasi aiara; new brick building,
8 rooms aiJ't-'ndldiy furnished, wltn pri
vate ba.h. S:7.50; electric elevator, mod
ern con vtnltnctia; ctose-ln location; easy
wanting distance; Dest of service.
Beautifully lurnlaiied and unfurnished
apta; new brick buiiuing, aioam heat, pri
taia phones and baths, aibappearinjc beds,
built-in buflet, gas ranges and linoleum.
w-t AiarKet su, near 14th,
CL M L ERLAN D APTij.. West Park and
-oiumoia sts., one choice o-room unfur
nlshed apartment, vacant March 1; all
mouern conveniences; cnoice location,
fionting the park and only 5'
wain irom ouaines center.
noyt; rooms ana uatn. private balcony
new brick bull Jing, electric elevator, su
perb location, in walking distance; most
convenient axrauflenu:ut. low reut ana best
of service.
Lowest rates In Portland SIS ud: nlcelf
furnished and unfurnished S ana 4-room
apartments, private bath and phone, auto
matlc elevator; Janitor service; brick
ouiiuing; easy wanting aistance. A ivto.
NEWLY furnished 2-3-4 rooms. 1 22,50
to $4U. Slngto rooms, $d up. Free light,
phones, heat, hot tuid cola water, eleo-
tric viecator. Marsnoii tiuvi.
WINSTON ApartinenLs, 141 14th au, at
Market; new corner brick; all bright, out
side rooms . Z and d-rooin luliui cuin-
pietely furnished for houat-keeping : to
3i.ov. rur mim inatiun can Alain Itdv.
the American
Most up-to-date upurtiitent In North
west ; 21st and Johnson au. ; all outside
rooms. Apply ou pruiisi.w or call Mar
snail 330U.
tt Grand ave.. cor. E. Stark St., nicely
furnis nea z and 1-ruum apt., cheapest
flrat-tuoka apt. In the vlty ; walking ais
taiic. Pnone E. 3v0.
Two and thi cc-i ooni apartmenta; pri
vate phone and bath ; steam heat; walk
ing ois tance. W Lliaius. Phone i
413. APTS.
Modern brick building; elevators,
phones, 8 rooms. 0. Jl-oU; 4 rooma 40;
no children ; reference required.
BJELLA.ND, ldth and Lovejoy Unfurnished
apu-rtment front; sa-ictiy modern, new
bnck, 3 rooms; must be seen to be ap
prvciated. Owner. Main le07. A lo07.
UAiauUN APAitlMENTS. -t,
.ar Main. Close lu location. Elegaat t
toom apartment with Latn and private
baicony, Every cunv enieuca goou
All ouutide 2-room apartments; iiolines
beaa built-in writing denis, vacuum cia
r, janitor service; u.5u to iu, inciuaiag
light, private phunea A a-i:,Majn 1377.
Fumlsued and unt uruisned apartment.
0f5 Lovejoy su lake "W" car.
ROBE FRIEND APTS., 7th and Jefferaon
Very desirable 4-room apu, rent $4i. Call
Marshall 37l or Marshall Hul.
LoVEJoY apartmenta Main 21S. 17th and
Lovejoy. one newly furnished 8-rooai
front apartment
SAN MAKCO Apartment. E. Sth and Couch,
new brick, modern, 3 rooms, private bath
and phone; rate reasonaDie. Call E 276L share modern steam -heated apt.,
private bath and phone; 17.50 per month.
Phone Main 0372. Apt. 14. after 5 P. M.
WALDORF COURT. E. Sub. and Schuyler.
Modem apartmenta Last 647, C I01J,
Nicely furnished 3 and 4-room apta;
prices reasonable. 697 Wash.
tjj ELLSWORTH Furnished rooms and
apartments, modern, brick builulnr. close
In lod Lounsdale sL
TH"K1NG-DAVIS. corner King and Davis
at"-. uo .-.- uu a. reier-
encea. ,
T DAYTON Nice 4-room lower apt
heat, waA. Vl 20t -Undcra
NEWLY" furnished Tne Upshur, 2Hh and
Upshur ats., furnished 2-room apartments,
$15, $18, $20 and up. This include steam
heat, hot and cold water In every apart
ment, private phones, publio bath, electrio
light, gas range, laundry-room, all free.
Take S., ;3d or W cars. No children; dogs
not allowed. Phone Main 85.
. 171 King Ku
4. s 6-room apartments; aelect tenancy.
Apply on premises.
ORLANDO "APTs!r20tnknd Wash. sts. Two
and ihrce-rooni furnished apurtmenta; ev-
. ery convenience; try large rooms; steam
heat and private baths and phones; auto
matic elevator; easy walkln distance; ref
erences required, Marshall 1M.
Finely furnished outside 4-room aport
menu $40. worth $00: also beautiful 8
room corner apartment; every modern
convenience. The Altumont.
THE lAHs. TO-1 Hi YT fiT.
Three and four-room apartments, all
outside rooms, with siecpintr porches, pri
vate phone and baths ; modern in every
respect. Mara hail -lull.
GRACE Apta. 707 Northrup St.. corner
24th; 5 large rooms; hardwood floors,
front veranda, largo sleeping porcn, pri
vata telephone, water, heat and hot water
new ana strictly mouern.
Just completed; corner 3d and Hall; all
S-room furnished apts., large outside
kitchens, best arranged apts. in Portland,
$:5 and up. Easy walking aistance.
Modern, furnished and unturnlshed, 8
rooms; private phone, bath, etc.; close In.
E. bth and uurnsiae. Main 4 too; ui7.
429 East Morrison, corner 7th 2, 8 and
4-room apartments, lumisne'i up to date;
private baths; moderate price; new m'gt.
CLAY POOLE ANNEX, 325 Eleventh St., two
room furnished apartments, private bath,
all conveniences, good service; walking
d tance. Now uuaer new managemenc
Thb AVALON. 8-rooni apartment, with
iHoninsr norch. finely furnished, steam
heal, janitor service, corner of Clackamas
and Koss. jfnune j,.o- uii-.
ovc modern &-room npartment: nice llch
r.uimiL with caa raiiKe. refrlKerator and
free telephone. The Ormonde, oOtt Flanders
St.. Nob Aim, rnonc main o:o i.
the: LILLIAN, corner 6th and Montrom
ery, 3-room furnished apartments, private
batu ana pnuuo, wai-viiiK uibuuicu. aiar-
XHiil DAVENPORT Newly furnished 2 and
3-room apta., bei m city ior in. money
strictly modern. Muln o4u&. St5 JeLixr
COLUMBIAN Furnished and unfurnished
apartments, 1 1th and Columbia; very de
sirable ; modern conveniences; easy walk
ing- distance; low rates; best of service.
PARK. APARTMENTS, S"3 Harrison; beau
tiful Ii and 4-room furnished apartment
waiklnfl distance; best of service; prices
$40 to Ir" hone .Marshall di7U.
CEDAR HILL Apartments, 1 blk. So. 23d
and Wash. bls. Sunny, newly furnished
il-room apt: private phone, bath and bal
cony. A (). mot. -not.
inn. vnciui -T 1" ... iiun o, ,
and 4-room modern, furnished and unfur
nished; new furniture, new building. Ap
ply to janitor.
2 and 8 -room modern apta, nicely fur
nished; rent reasonable; also 1 outside
sieeping.-room. iuo tvoroit su
THE ON EON T A. 1 87 1 7 1 h New manage
men remodeled and tinted, 1. 2. and fl
roam suites, $10. $-0, $30; steam heat, easy
walking distance. -iain 4tiit or A 4i3.
New building, new furniture, S-room
apartment, best eervice. rent reasonable
Under new manaKement. nicely fur
nished and unfuruishf d 3 and 4-room
apartment. Marshall 2u:l.
BEAUTIFUL new modern 3-room apart
menu best location on West Side: walk
ing distance; rent reasonable. Phone
Mar hall 2i$.
6 AND 7-ROOM apartments In Ideal loca
tion, with exceptionally large perfectly
lighted rooms fur rent at very reasonable
terms. iO jonnson, cor. a.
Completely and richiy refumlnhed In
S, 8 and 4-room apartmenta; references
requlreo. 7it wasn. at. v w manaemenL
2-room furnished apartment; private
bath ana pnona. -ou m. Atarsbe.l
3 and 4-room furnished and unfurnished
apartni'-nts; strictly modern.
HAKKlaoN COURT, 34 bth, 3-room apt..
uuturnisheu. cneapeat rent in city. l
614?. A 7103.
4i (i-ROOM modern apartment, with sleep
ing porch, fine location, walking distance.
au con v en in-cea. x vi juttin i.ju.
act .u,
407 Hall u Main Newij furnished
and 11 rooms; walking distance.
JULlAETTB Furnished and unfurnished 2
rooms, corner 2d and Montgomery.
THE ELM 2 and S-room apts., furnished,
h-at, puone and bath. l'Jl 14th at.
MODERN lower corner 5-room flat. 24
College, corner Otn; reasonable rent. Mar-
simli t7S.
. . . v r i'Ui LV.' .. a t i 77". 1.
Johnson St., between :3d and 24 to. Phone
BOO MARKET ST. 5-room modern flat.
with tuniace. $30 per month. Key at
ouh- Portland Trust (Jo., aa ana ook.
WEST SIDE modern 0-room flat, steam
heated, uuf urninud. $4i: near Columbia
Apily at prenusea Pouisen, 307 11th at.
5-liooM lower, modern flat, arrangement
and finish will pieaso you; hasn't a dark
rotm; $5o. Gio Hancock. iiain -4b4.
COMPLETELY" furnished 5-room flat: water,
telopiione furnishea; $0; lower floor. 0o7
Glluan. Main 4i6L
Fuu ix-N 1 Modern "i -room flat, 444 Para
st.; fireplace and furnace; $.iU; no cnii
dren. pnone Tabor or East 14-11
ALMOST new B-roora flat, with porch; has
lire place, furnace; walking distance; rent
fHi.OO month. can ti inn wi.
MODERN a-room upper flat, two blocks
West Side high school. inquire 175 10th
at., corner Yamhill.
bli-AM-hKATKD, 7-room flat. 7S7 Irving
su, near 24lh , also large garage H ae
$17.0J 4-ROOM flat, modern, walking dis
tance. ib Vancouver and Cherry. East
n.FrtAXT five-room flat, modern conven
leuces, opposite new Muitnomaa Club. 5j2
MODERN d-room flat, large front sleeping
porch, fine yard. loLh and Ciay. Pnoie
Main .0&4, or Main 7007. References.
MODERN six-room upper flat, two blocks
West Side high school, inquire n. itttn
at., corner lamhii:.
$;o a-rootn flat, first floor, nicely furnished,
fireplace, private bath, walking distance,
very desirable. 671 Belmont. East 6U43.
In o .-mom modern flats, Uil and 6vl Vi
East 12th et., near Hawthorne ave., walk
ing distance. East 4UiH. .
0-x.ooM modern, light, upper flat; yard.
78U Va Kearney St., between 2id and 24th
st. Phone Tabor Im.
4-RooM nicely lurnlshed flat with phone,
buth and water, rent $!-. 2-10 North
lath st.
LOWER flat. $2-3: 8 rooms; 06 Hoyt st.
fiee Mr. Melson, Janitor. St. Francis Apart
ments, 21st and Hoyt sts.
UPPER flat,! iTrooni, with additional fin
ished room in attic; modern; large, light
rooma; adults. C04 E. Main. cor. lath.
NEW 4-room flat, sleeping-porch. 29th and
East Everett. East luid.
MODERN S-room flat, walking distance,
.wi, McMillan. C 2162.
FINE mahogany china closet and sideboard,
$f0. 402 E. 48th st. N.
4-ROOM furnished flat. North 1 6th, near
Washington. Phone owner, M. 5643.
MuDEKN 5-room flat, Sth near Jackson,
West Side, 10 min. walk. Main or A 1,23.
MODERN, D and G-rooms. 12th and Belmont.
A 71S3, Main 8258, Bowman.
LOVELY 4-room corner flat, furnace f rent
US. fnone aat 1 -"--
a-5 14 COLUMBIA. 6-roora flat, good con-
"ditlon. Key h0 14th.
THREE or 4-room flat, bright, pleasant
rooms; reasunnuic iv. i p -. n tmni
MODERN 6-room flat, 24 IS. 10th, near
MODERN 6-room flat on carllno.
54 oa.
UPPER 6-room fiat. 699 Gllsan st.
mornings or yup o-.i-. vvui.o.
FURNISHED and unfurnished flat for rent;
references, rjmuo u 1100,
I'-POOM unfurnished flat; hot and oold
water furnished, $10. ISO E. 7th.
TWO f -room flats. 825 Nnrthrup and 03
GnSan St. rnone giiu o.-.
FOUR-ROOM modern flat, furnished or un-
I urn i lieu, - . -" ---v .wo.
2-ROOiL unfurnished flat, steam heat, light,
&ot a&d oold waiax $1 iatf JO, 7ta.
" 405 East Sth sL North. Broadway car;
new 4-room flat, hardwood floors, tile
bath, fireplace, sleeping porch, private
front porch, gas range, linoleum on floor.
Rent $o0.
22d and B razee. E. 035. C 5322.
MODERN 5-room upper flat; fine neighbor
hood; furnace, fireplace. Bleeping porch,
lawn (owner takes care) ; sun in every
room; convenient to all kinda fine atores
and two carlines. Adults. Inquire 7i2
H on se keep in g Rooms.
NEWLY furnished The Upshur. 26th and
Upshur sts.. furnished 2-room apartments.
$10. $18, $J0 and up. This includes steam
heat, hot and cold water in every apart
ment, private phones, public bath, electrio
light, gas range, laundry-room, all free.
Take 8., 23 or W cars. No childreu; dog
hot allowed. Phone Main 859.
THE BEAVER. 12th and Marsuall Fur
nished for housekeeping; pas range, elec
tric lights, hot water, bath, laundry, free;
$15 pT month up; a clean place, best in
tho city for the money; short distance
from Union Depot. Take "S' or Itith-at.
cirs north, gt off at Marshall st. No dogs.
NEWLY furnle hed housekeeping suite, 2,
8, or 4 rooms, private bath, phone, rlec
tricky, steam heat, new building, walk
ing distance, 3 blocks east of Steel bridge.
274 S Holiuday ave. .
TWO nice, newly furnished, large, clean
front housekeeping rooms; close in; walk
ing distance; free phone, lights, bath, etc;
price reasonable to permanent couplo.
Phone A 5787. or call 511 Vt Columbia at.
ELEGANTLY furnished heated large rooms,
one suite with private bath. $&. light
housekeeping; one suite. $5; lovely home;
one sleeping room, $2.50; free phone. 820
Montgomery st.
$1.50 TO $!.5l per week Clean furnished
housekeeping -rooms; free heat, phone,
bath, laundry, yard. 406 Vancouver ave.
and 203 Stanton; "IT car, phone E. 6089.
Furnished housekeeping and alngla
rooms; low rates. 163 Park, corner Mor
rison. THE MtLNER, 350M Morrison Furnished or
unfurnished housekeeping-rooms; steam
heat, elevator, all conveniences, best local" n.
PARK HILI85SHTainhllI Suite of Ugh
housekeeping rooms ; a few nic alngla
4til EAST MORRISON, cor. Eaat Sth; com
pletely furnished housekeeping suite, rea
sonable CAMBRIDGE BLDG. Furnished and unfur
nished housekeeping rooma, cheap ront.
Apply room 36. 3d and Morrison ats.
building. Phone W'oodlawn 2379 or 997.
FURNISHED rooms for baching, $1.50 per
week up. 291 2d st.
Hontekeepidg Rooms In Private l-amlly
HAVE rented house opposite my home and
fumished for 2 housekeeping apta Ev
erything first-class and In tine neighbor
hood. 17th and E. Morrison. Pbona Eaat
3636. i
$25 NEW and elegantly furnished, oomy.
modern housekeeping suite. Including pri
vate telephone, steam heat, flue bath, not
and cold water, janitor service. 494 Mar
ket St., near 34th.
TWO elegantly furnished hotisekeeping
rooms, heated, ga range, fireplace, laun
drv, private porch, strictly modern. 4T5
Clay. b
3 NICELY furnished housekeeping rooma
William and Union ave. cars, walking
distance, private entrance; tight and bath
lnc 1 uded; $17 month. 850 Ivy at.
LARGE furnished room with kitchenette,
in Nob Hill home; everything Included;
sewing machine, cut glass, etc. 789 Gll
san. Marshall 1868.
LARGE sunny partly furnished housekeep
ing rooms; large yard, modern. Phona
Main 2257.
THREE or 4 furnished rooms, light house
keeping; furnace heat, go and phona 975
Clin ton. Phone Sellwood 758.
FURNISHED housekeeping suite; modern,
naikin,g distance, reasonable to adults. 314
THREE clean, well-furnished rooms, mod
ern conveniences, walking distance. 523
E. Ash.
NEWTLT furnished room and kitchenette,
modern, beautiful location, walking dis
tance, 4th door from Park st. 35 Mill.
2 FURNISHED housekeeping rooms, clean
and light. walking distance; $11 per
month : no children. 270 Market.
THH EE furnished housekeeping rooms,
good location, lower floor. til0 E. Burn
side. 1125 WILLIAMS AVE.. Walnut Park 3
housekeeping rooms; phone, light and wa
ter. 518. Phone Woodlawn 900.
TWO light, clean housekeeping rooms, 3
blocks from Post off ice; also large front
room. 242 7th st.
$15 Two rooms, connected. In new home on
West Side; walking distance; neatly fur
nished. Main 630. '
COM PLETELY furnished housekeeping
suite. 2 and 8 rooms, close In. 214 13ih
LARGE, light rooms. with heater, free
wood, free phones, gas, lights, near Stark
st.. cheap. 5 Park st. .
2 VERY nice furnished housekeeping rooms;
pantry, sink; walking distance. 211 Sher
man st.
FOR RENT 1 suite nicely furnished house
keeping rooms, also a single room; bath
and phone. 428 Hall.
ELEGANT housekeeping suite; porch, run
ning water, heat, bath, phone: also single
room; central location. C55 Flanders.
NEWLY furnished, single connected house
keeping rooms, 10 minutes' walk from P.
O. Phone. 649 6th.
NICELY furnished front housekeeping
rooms, light, bath and phone, $10 to $14.
tf0 12th st.
WELL-FURNISHED suite; gas plate, sink,
etc; $13 per month. 812 Columbia st.
IRVINGTON Furnished suite of housekeeping-rooms.
C 1S31. 443 E. 13th st. North.
ONE light, clean, well furnished house
keeping room very reasonable, 408 2d st.
FRONT room and small kitchen for light
housekeeping. 408 Main.
NEAT housekeeping rooms, reasonable, at
82 N. 11th. Come and see.
THREE nicely furnished housekeepinfl
room, two beds. 215 10th, cor. Salmon.
LARGE, clean housekeeping rooms; bath,
phones, walking distance. 407 Holiaday ave.
4 FURNISHED housekeeping rooms, gas.
bath, yard ; $14 month. 6t2 Front.
e,l, Two sunny rooms, gas, bath, phone,
hot and cold water; porch. 407 3d
""HOUSEKEEPING rooms, opposite Falling
school; very cneuy. r in. ,-i., rV-.
bl ; 14'1H. corner Clay; large, clean. 1 and
2-ro-'in furnished housekeeping suite,
FURNISHED housekeeping room. flrt floor,
yard, bath, phone. 450 YamhilL
BARGAIN in two housekeeping or sleeping
ro una. Is. O- too --yqie- aw
NF AT clean two-room suite, all conven
iences, central, reasonable. 327 7th.
WILL rent kitchen, dining-room and llvlng
room in flat for $40. 334 Jackson
FUPN1SHED housekeeping rooma cheap,
hot and coldwater. phone. 86 Park st.
to rwo neat rooms, modern, walking dis
tance, bath and cookstove. 309 11th.
MODERN S-room house. 28th, near Haw
thorne, inquire qui j.n-,. o. . uuu.
118 4.
6-ROOM modern house, fireplace, electrio
lights, lJ bearing irun. vreee, iuwiw- i
Vancouver ave; rent $22.50.
6-KOOM cottage, bath ana gas. 4:s ban
Rafal; inquire ,uwa.u vo., .j
ft-ROOM new modern house. 2 blocks from
St. Jonns car. ma oiiwiu. -. ""-
East 4150. '
7-ROOM modern house in Highland; 2 lots.
fruit, roses. - ---
Woodlawn 861.
MODERN 6-room house for rent. East Al
der and Jinn. r-aat oo.o.
GOOD S-room house, two lots. E. Sth at-
ana ye-m-. w "- -..
TW O 6-roora cottaea Grand ave. and Har
rison. N. F. Norcn, uo ur-uu ave.
DESIRABLE S-room house, good condition.
090 1st St., . mono oenwuuu imv.
FOR RENT A six-room cottage, with gar
age. 4. 'I itQ'iney myt..
$oW i.oN'lHLV vent buys bungalow; no first
payment necessary. Owner, East M743.
MODERN o-room nous. 10 uiutno suuia w-
Morrison. 4i ot-
7-KOUM nouse, lum-te, jjuiceiiu
piUmuiiiK. . w w w. . "
IRVINGTON $3S. 6-room bungalow, fin
yara. as n -
NEW, modern, 6-room 'house, boo Monroe.
Take tJ car, -mm -a. ruuu g c. o,t
7-ROOM house. 30a Sacramento at., bet.
W mS. Bii'i r-ou. v ,
TWO houses, on 17th at., near Broadway.
inquire m--...
6-ROOM house, good condition, close in.
p h one a o-c. t'ft 1 1 tn .
Desirable 6-room houte, clos In. RPS San
Rafael, near Union ave.. $'Jj. Eaat 1
MODEI-N 6-room cottage, $17 month. 201
jEaat ltfui P) iww wii.