T REAL KCTATR I .- - I I - " 1 Yor k.lUouMi far lHuu. . For fraleAcrrag. . , - HOM Kit OS EAST TERMS. Vodera bjr.tkV. four room aa atn, f1rp.ace, b ' ,ic-. p:ir: DutcJ kit.hen. tot 5-. l-"330. luitii casa P-T-ni. baaRc- to suit- t-room tnaio . tr!ct!y mo1rt . "I"" . rirtnUc. bufft. bookcaM. barl w ood fii-a gaa. .ectr-.ctl? ; gd fcae City Par. clo4 to cr; ftti trt lirprovinru(t aid; 4-i ro and op. 4-room bungalow. ,o5. ln "f w y m-1n rnvrnin-. buffst, .1 cit. ha-tr.?od flrm. !utrb kitchen, ru.l -nent bment. f ira e. t.rep---:. trie nature. C-Oo. trmi t We ha vrvrii -ro i horn w1Tl all )fB conY.nl;. furnace, fireplace, hardwood f;oora, to-cei. buff. Lut' k.tchen These are nrst-ciasa la mry do te.!; t-7.0 and up. . T mama and sireplng porch. B, pnel-l irs ia, f.rp.a . furnac. buj fM. tokriM ru h kttchsa. olocas to Broadway ear; 1750 Urxt -f.wm horn at Ml Tbw ssrol Irm view of wioie c'ty: mdrn con. lor-: lot .'itl9o: larre tn-ture RoyM A as c rrry trece; baa ji.ful lwi. te . f .... f'-l cav. balance lrml I'hOVIuE.NT TRI'ST ' MPAN T. 21. u 3 Ftoar4 cf : fc-ldg. Marshall 47S. A lui. 0N TOUR HOUR RT PAY1NU 14 I'Kil WNTII. Tr truub a with moat opa butn a bom a on mt A-.m-ata ia tt:t thy tur-d-o ihfn.M v.i v :b a too b-ay laitlai lnvaa;maai and too targa pajo--nt. It la raaaona to cit that Too will maka proyrvaa, ao thi la two year h-a-o your varnlrc fr irrair. Taao cenidT tfct w:i-aiaeid proiwprty naturally aUan-a la aiu. Wujr a g wvj fcoma at a inrata prt'-a, la a rrtwin riiitrct. on lrmi that yoa rat euiaiuru'y iindi. then na your axn:n n-.r py much aa you aa aaJ avura tit a oun aa you can. VT bava Just tna hoo ou ini at S-. 11 liioa rtni. ail on Bor, with roomy front pvfrL. ira anougnf r ate.. Br.a In d'ninj-r..iTv. in- i - ra 4:b bfw-n two lara. I;ht chATt: Kra . ii Pp-I Into htua ait J a,:r:o Riturti and had (nt iuii-J. ;t la a ' with p.rntjr of ro-m f-r mo-iii a t ha t;:tri. t la r .rtefd. ha r.i -a urrouiiu.C4a ini ia c.oaa to to c.r- .lr:a c-ia ua lht yu ara p-rntanntly eon cta'l and )uu roar roova right la upv ia P ai-oi of S.. C. W. I'AV!.) rOMPAXT. Con:nrctal U. k. UI D S APT" ri N A iHraat.ful homi m inta ftoa rtia;r;ct. w'.thtn ry wa!kinr dM t ABC a of r-. eniv 14 M . from an-at. llrtdc New. md. rn thru.iut. acd att:a-ti.;y arraBI. Iircition ta... itinr-room. 4:oinji -r' . d"i. kt:t-in ar.d paaa pantr.ca on f.ri (hajt, 2 atrvp ln-roorna ar.d iar pip:n por h oa Mnl fi'Xr aT!c lr anoith f'r two rjn Hardwood t.w and flr-pla.. "ina b4MOitit and fi.rraca; lawn ar d hrubtry Kri.'w IT J a.jr Ifmia l.ail' onana A Hu'ki, I.i- '-lo bic- rhona Uarha'l or A 3C-k HAN DSoM B tur!huat h-imi N. m d arn In wrv d-ta I. an.! tn tt La urn hunt ditr.t. I b.oui frm car. ri lara tli. mc -rom and diTin-ro'TTi. brak-(aat-room. fcn-hn; 4 lnr-. airy a!-;-lnc-romi dr n -room with full-lr cih m.rror and rtmn.ng trr; hariw.u f oon, booaa f c.hd In whita rnatnd tnrourhout. with bautlful affect. A ry r bouaa. of LOiqua and atriV daatcn. and a snnp at !". axy t;rns. I.uUaatrann A H;i'k. 1-' t K trie b.d. f'hjn-a lary-.al! --I. or A S -'.. rn's t"R k-KOfK rr wit if A HOME n.T OR Ai'AKTMKNT: WIM rlNAN'fc. IV A I A W KATK Or IN TEHUT TUA N ri,"KNisHfcD FRkK. IT Ull.U PAY lr-.,' TU CuMi Hi A.N i ai.; t u ii o v tit, J. H. TK IX.'. ARCH IT k:'T A i f:t:XXI?ER, K r;XRY HI. tJ. Til AT "VACANT LOT. WRT Nt.T TI'H.V A IXKLCV 1TO !K'CXS 1'HH tHTT If Yi)C OWS A LuT w ;ii.L rrnM-H Ht & mu.nkt AND- HL II. l 1't-il-K.NCi I'K Fi.AT.-l FI.A.NS FKr:S 1 "rV E HVU.O. vL H hrU'wIATiuN IOl'II f :0 : c i iON- 4f K K. H UI K 1 CO.. fON'TRACT l.VO AK rtll-.CT J4 AH'N'i Ti'S BU1. Vt'iiNoN-AV K. HI N A LOW. A fin ft-rtvim tuncaluw wiib 3 rooms finiahaa In attic and In a; porch, ma trj a rocR'a in nice firriac. new K"S f .rnarf. fit;a f'.xtura. a fine borne In food lo.-a..a. um f t.oca from Alberta ear. lot .1 iK e-t worn aU riu. pri-a, a ma a4w. 11 ru.i and V.w pr tuooin. iKlSI A HuLI'S, ll poard uf Trade bid. tn and Oak. he? r-nriLT homr. Irrlnatnn. Roaatr.ere. U.mtad Fark; w iii . r:tl -e a of my trK tl y modern, tiat conn p..ed T. 4. a and lo-roora ooaee. wit b all con nincw I hare 17 yaare eaperinra tn biuooDui'dt&K : baet nf terma b. Fetereon. arm i tec t, e watr. 9-i board of Trad. il 2X BKAL'TIFL'L Irwtnron home 7 -roro houe on Kaai 1 Jib, D'r Scan ton ; modern la avary detail : rey a : .r at I e. lrya llv tr a - rooai with f :rp!a-a. pan'ed d'nlnc rocm; lutcb Vurva, du. 3 'ptr.tf rrua ar.d ap.r.a- porch: fuil baanint and f omara. Inn la a I araa: n at loo ry tarma. Lued lmann A Hurke U.l f"trlc bi-if K'hTU.ND Ht.i.H fj Nrciow. roon-.e and a.ap:a r porca : maaai vo atoae r)r plara. ealm.ar c wat-r heater. larae rrou nda butif u :ty wodd; Mch-c ;aa rial!: f)orh'o-l. ba Fur.day Or'fn.aa f"r d-t : da r!pti-n. For . hy ewnar. :.w0, ocd lerma AN P41, Ore g'c laa M 4-rovjra rottaf. eia-tric Hrhta, alee hath. No. 1 i .umr.i:.-. lot Afti !. east fr jnt. .o. 7vl Kr- .7worih . nar O ndatona a".. pr-a 1-. S'.'OU caah aud 1 fer aint h , whr rr.t i r : ' -i -1 A TS'JLPS. ? P-erd of Trad M. 4tb and Oalc. KKRrt IT Id, thtr-da of aa ecr. ft-room hoa aa. rannint water p id m the bouaa; J b.oca from atatlun. within 11 rn;nufe of ranter of tna rity. on tne Wmat fi.iim. 2 - t lrmi Provident Trunt am par. a. 2" I. 20S V -ard ef Trade :ds. Mar.ha.1 ;.l. A lO'-"- Any hon-at man w'th et1 position ran ftny one of our modern & rorn b-jn- 5'Owe un (:,at ..mBt b.i m; rthinC wa Froiirtiwe In T-rrar lark. f:.:-ra a.id iir. hn knl d'T.cia t.i 41 l -Ky la. :rei.I Ul ' RCLHI.'RaT HOt'SKi Wa are aa'nis f r a'l tn -xd b"u In t?i(fl d'tri,-t. 9a- Ua for loil prlcea. t'Cflcee oa gro-ind. 'bin Frt pa. lr;.AiK.NTT A CLKMfcNTd, ath aad Kaat Ultaaa bis. FATJTIFtL. room hotieo tn X-ald Addl t:n. new. tnodrn and ry attract I ; ia'-aro n tnrom ani dinlit-roorv; bari " 1 M" 1 ;-r. aaav a irg i.'4nr to .t;y. I'ti. a $n.aj c'd t-ri. Luedd'rr.aro at Huraa. V21 II ectrtc t g. CM? ROOM ftim!ahad houa w o! h o 7i f dry we-'.! f-r two )r ,r; II (to!f, a aht y U:a. kir g th Vii;ami--;-e K. ar. worth n y juu y J muat ba a J at o.i. t.aa tbaa haj buy a It. AC V-V r-a"in!AH Twlngtaa. lO f'wmi, oak fn : sora to p aaaa. iw Ha na : cor . pi jo-Tt rhorV io-a:a C laoti. tlaal VV. If. lird man. A KVAP. " Tw-t!wT hua. extra well hni:t; large tt. fult "1 fl-1- only f . a-:i p Trnt dtw-i. hit ybr:.a st.. m. Joans 'a lo Hou lea awe. I HaVF! a hrard rw 9-room bnnra'ow ani wi.l aait for 2i. U.'-a en. ba.rtncw l.ka rent; lta:rd on U -et ;de; all moil-ra raa tealer.caa. a b'g anap; cona..ter aome iraa a.l Jt 4t.l at. a.i-eJ'-X V.ViVN" AVE. POxlSO and g-M a. x-room havaa, .No, 4T. a at far nor: ft of Kiaeeeui at, la a rorr Ir bua'.rta 1 "trie "TK"Vi i O.J. t Inc. 3 Concord Tt: !g. MoriKRN ft-rom boua-. 4f Eaat lltb St.. roror Thmpa.n aM Ilti era I" rio w i r a a:reet linpwmrn'i pa:d. t v. ot tarma -5ona Woo-I awn or C I ,-. Qar. 9 I Y i " " Two-mora hotia. on o rar!!, ear a--hoo'ro jo. lot $tlJO. nm Meats, T iT A. 0,o:.iaa. $.V) ANT 113 a-r moirh. p-room heaeo, ba'h anl to;:ct. iut 4nlk, 2'i biocka car, 6o f-e, 2 j .-rUHilt oji. H;OLa:r A HL-fuF. 123 Third oH. fft il Iit aome bargains la houaa aad Ioa, Eung4iowe and t--- air.aa pruprty oa eaay r.rr.i He a a A) iLooinaoa. 3. U. 11th ai. kv iv.J IRV1NOTOX. If yo want a new mtri and waTI bu..t h vua tn h et pert of Irving too. call owner, i-aat terma AORI!l .wVja Ml'rCK KFFK. V '---o 7-rxiii ihUNiiu'N t inra'ow. rvcnirttpff comptet. owner kldT aai. J . 7. on : an. 1KV i'n'' w bungalow. rooms and large aide, atr icv'y nirn. $4 Too. utCitad-t-g ail aHwminta. eaay aartrs. gi Yeoa fc dg rnooe Mi3 IU A 74od. Hr-T a t-rvro h.jTiew. Rnaa City Park, r ea to car F" under va.ue; owner. X VV. tronin. ,-r.i inai'..- nw. rara . ' . no y !." caea required. rt .r J !' g FoK Jl: HuMU rea lar.un. JAi'K'") bn ia'ow, 4 4 11. h roui, alce-y fur&Laed deprLna(. fAO a aneai . . TTTE MORXIXO OHEGOXIAX, XVEDXESDAY, FEBKTJATIY 23, 1912, lo . : 1 ; I ZTZTZZ ? Z7T77373 i for rem-farms. 1 . : FOK sal-. WHY NOT T.F.T U? ELX vni; x tl.,Vlr- NOW 1 V have ral undrM of tho choicest rvsdence orfrln in poruana ou oj - ,.n imi.f ftf thirn can t first pamni as low a .oO or (town, batauu oo mobiaiy p aio In tho Hawthorn. Fuanyslda and Rm rii w i'rk u,i:r.i ta Our nai rmiriK butira.uwi and cottae on tna best iirta, near iu ctr.inei, irwm -- .vw. from ua NOW ? up up and tall ua your wanta or ctrua to our uff.ca; we fcava the largest of fi. ra In I'ortiand, and cur aaiea force cov ara tna city tborouciay. era tua city toroua- If a houie la (or tale In any district. kuo about U ana ua swii u.u you. Lat oa aelact that house today. nonrt r. keasftt a co.. Id t:or Chtmr of Com mere. KArfY f'ATM iiNTS. S mom mo'tfrn tungalow, cloaa to r 1T0, l!Ou iuwd. lwmty ra inula' ou fin.l dii'.rlfL 5 -room modern bunralow with 'feplnr porch. Two block from Ha wthornt-ave. t-.r riAA.1 litnn on I' A. OT W fil trade for auto. un;r..-umbrad iota, or f-r horn. ad rf'Unqutaltmant wat of mounu.n i-r.om houaa near VL Scott, at at U taarlng fruit treea. aoruLbry, etc "lric iwo-xtcry modern h" on 60x1 N lot. .-orncr. Li')n to ttoaa rir S (') tiood itrmi. ft-room hou. i;tr t.. b'tw Hawthorn are ar"! Punn:d- raxa. IK re m:n. aerv, 1 Fruit, atirubbry. etc jj 7-rom tr1-?t y m-rn h" In A rt!na. 2 Korfc from car. l.i.oO l ) dots aj4 cnoj ttmi. a rx. m -itory houe or YTmeraoD at R&ta fir al-4 pr mnntn. ;.v. (.room i.-ua and Vll"') tot, ool nirhl..irhvrl. In J-jUth I'-.rtiBnd i:ont for $; ;r month. l-ico. bmall pay jut a fw aarrrlra ome In and aeo tte. W hva otr-"f J jet a rd. UiriMM ;t::.J or A 4: 4 J. It HKM'i.KSON A JO . fOT Unu.d.ifi I ttie- .Vow .rt-m. d'-n. :ifpin porch, eaat r-T. t a.i ir t.-.verrj ni p.titi. .;irr re tfon ba::. rn.rrgr. bail !-, beautiful aiair- tr. t.r. i-tmrv. !' I'M. fnn-.i v.al: l-aam C-i.ln In 1.1 t trlm ri ..r whit, nan . t l Tut- ii kltoan. fir. fist urea, t hra (arc r-drima w lih th ro tory. tn'A ctn nt r-aarr nt. furnace, an fruvj. wod h"!t. c-n.:it wnia. air; . i ra lar. r. t; ii . t-I it; a r f material ar.d --n for avii.nc; -4i.V. uitta AH b-l-i. Ore- Etonian. BALANCt; I.- KLK MONTH, xar a a I,. !u-h.irti it - paantl fal bunialow. wi!; n;ra larne a tile anl ta.l ceiurnt baTn.nt. Ki US A E. f . a n h: f i i tK I'f.Arr. 1IAK"OOU 11.1 " av4 Tr 1.11' t-ln f-a'i.r-'. lu aa yon w.tul.1 hkv it. Evrr dta! la rlpht. If you are dinruit-l wih rr.fnp p.aca. let nta ihov you tnia. Taor iirT in-T tv l.APRELHt'RST. E tffoot a-roorn retd-nca. nw niid ti-to-t'.aif. aiaantly flrlbed ln?da, t ha beat that roony can hi; : frarr-ai e. Braplara elffant riactrlc chniidIre, saa; fu.i boa jcnt and laundry. ET-ry convntenraj raruent wa'ka. pav atrcata; lt biocka to car. lot M'HOi. i'rira aoeoiuiciy riui. tarma Cn'l (or C- T:-airn i-HAI'l V A liKRL tS?-3a Chamber of Commercov KEE IT TODAT. On!r $: porcelain h r 1. rmr.t '. new L ur.ee low, 5 room a ih. atr.. niierrd. Wired, tint haaamant. Int-h kitchen, buf- f-L wnit namal and mltmn On:h larre , porrhae. ! aw lot. one tio.-h to Koae i iiy j-ara car; Am and wanttnc xt O loian. vary eaay irmi; One ror rr- -Mkn: beauty for praon Tato-prlraJ l.onna b Jamai Sli tfpaldir.c b.df. . .l.ADAY RESinFNCIC. hoi, A haf"! twir li'.'.a. corner l'n paved trt -na.y appointed home. cfe In. .'iv Vara, bungalow at vie, on ft., facing uth and eaat; Jin- iati'4 in -e w.avu. I'Al.V.K-JONKS CO., 44 Wl'.coi H:d. TKT SIDn ItARCiAlN. BsI0O on Clay street, two good resl tf butn c-ntar. Fpianlld apartment 't. nDr muat sen. i rice oniy e.w. tHo. Call for . O. Kan. rilATTV A; HFTKLOW. S."3 Sil Chamber oC Coram erca. S01 TtKl-OW VAT.CC Omnm nirn'rrO hou. ona block Of ftf, houaa cost -'"' to build, lot worth owner coaipetUd to eil. Frlce S.'ludk terma R N. TUFTORD CO.. Mirahmi: 447 e7 Kralrflrc Bid? Nloe r'sy bungalow. 6 rooms and ba'h. H-G CITT PARK. Ilj MONTHLY. All Improve me.i' a In and paid for; T rooms, tu'it-tn oufft and bookcaaaa, aolld oak f UMf a. firpi. . S n'nac a. ate N ac tional Rwatty A Trust Co.. 7'.1 i'h amber of (Vwm.T'f b lc i'hori Mam 612. WKST rilDK IK'Mf-&-room mMirn it '.at". within IT m!n Ba rtrfa f Momtoa atrot: lot 4ix 10, wttb p.:r.ty of r- a r..i aevrai trull trees; a inta at JI-'X a.i raih. iJi Lutn b-r Kxchange. FCR frAII hy owner A n. room houee. cnmpxo In evry rlcta'l. with hardwood f.oore, furnara. two Dr-p:ace. tMiti h kitch en and a new raraga I'ric $s.-0, aa.f cash. 47 K. 2Jta at. Norih. T.rphor.e Last &oi II'KTLAND IIKHjTITS Near. modern -ruru Bat: mt afte,.,,d floors, rtreplnr, at v ping porvfi. go-J barunt- F-H aot h nr lu-el. i uona iaxaaaUl C4 or Maraha;! 14i. X !' I' H lO. U. I m 7 ." x 1 fO. and attrait. v V-roona house In thie dalraM" r'IOnr d'.eirtrl, large and taut:fvil gronntia. roeca. etc. MHuNO A Ic. Concord BIdg. F.R HALF. V'y ho:ne. a nw 7-rtora moJ ara bufcga mw. ? L.ta, v b.ork to car. 2' minuta r a rv e-v:ia aa rmt. tnu I f.ret paf-nrnt. H a piiti Tit-or ftoJl aeu Inge, o.T -- a pho;. k!u IF V'Jl' KN'iW A lA UijA l.S. Thm coma and it me efioar you a well buiit ti -ro. i nt"(ii' houaa. c'.oaa to 'ar, hard auri-K air--t. at actual aocrlhca I ri-o cf 3'-. McKay bldg. I1CXV I'JOd pmv.S MAR KF.NTON. 4 rootne. brand now. nodru, I'utrh k'tch-n. 2 tlotka to rar. V.-d W. Gtrmaa, k yrnnOt M. or A li'T iV KOAIS. FlVr-P.""J 1 L MUIOW, HA'Alh"I.Nr; I'i ! ti !.'T. rAt.!, FAeT iAt:lt:.-S. H 2a 3ft. tee hal rijanraa I ropcrty. INTOVE IT.I'KHTT. Rftck a; artiuntt, Weat S'-ie, loaaod years, $V-o par m nth . I.o.0 Apartmrr.ti, comt. West toiJa, In coma til" per nwnth. 'oo r'our Bna f a fa, vv aet bida taoonao 9 lid per month. 4.i0. ), g f ia;a lacom f 164 par moaU. $11 'X-O l""xl-. 4 flat. cIo In. l.0oa IlxkbluaA.N, l board of Trade Pldg. A rARTMrNT-HOlN E PITK. flTk WO corner, 3 o n at from Morrison tr t. tn 1 : apartruent-housa diatrtct; $0.te.0, f:i- dm l. KA! fKWA.N N A VOORfi, Lu;nDr Lxchange. .la Ai'KF) ARF.S ACrP.i Aero tract, all t ta fr.it traaa. 1 years old; fine locn'ioo. food road a B cant cwrfar. prl-e per aero, terms 10 par cant CAatt. pa. -v nee per cwot per month oa7 Teoo b Aak tit Mr. ocaa. AHIEAHE AT ACTUAL VALUE. Cn:y $ T. for 0 acrea. all undar cnltl Tation. c . to S.l;rn lr ' LrVc. fine pota to land or email fruit. taeh. balance eaay tarma twnr. 0 McKay b.dg. ' C H O I C K AC RCAGIr. 5 and 10 a. re tra-'.a la t!rh state of ruiti at ion, near siatiin oo -m Fc-trl--' very fr.e soil, runnrg water, eaay t-rrnt. La 1'e.rT. 5' omruervlal Mora. ga ACliFsl near Portmnd Hlgrite; price !(, aay tarrrs. feces east. fe b.o-ks -am camna. Thie la a soap. I'hoce Vr. M a d. M ar ahall -3 or ad dreaa F eo, ( TeonJan iTTi HCTa Bee acres ehoAca fruit and vege table land, anlmprovad, aeer railroad town, 1 hour t'ca Portland. -ay terma Ml Couch bwif., lo' 4th st. i. i. S and (-acre tract a. r.oew to Portland. 1 to 4 bltv he from 'Urtric carina. t- 4CO p.r acre; eaay trma J. W. Ilcf fer;in Realty Co 41 Coroatt hltlg. A'jr.FACF. FOR fALE. Half intio eat f 1' -. btat:n. Oregon :y car "nc. AJCr-e W. I Stjrk weather, M:-faukio Or rou:o 1. XI A'RFr". r!ttvated. b!t fruit land. F c C rer k st a t in, W. P- 0o r, lli Cast lAa Pear A-dea. Ta Irvinrton wa offer lha chotcat prop rlc ara.ijk&I man b.ow aotuaJ valua; our iiai ai lrcljir tha cho!ca :n t'lcJ m..nt. Portland liahta. Nob HiU and all onr r.dtciai utricta If u ra iired of rr ni-; tt toi buy a hou.a m 11 rnni'n l. nrwij I jrni -u Mid .i mi m condition, full lot. oniy 1 btoTt off Vrlon ava. f ri.a for bouse and furniture $7ni, only $4 ' caah. htm Nrtoo, ? Cham-T of Cornrr.arra i rrouitd floor. alntn il-'i. C R E A O B ABUTTING ON THE NEW rOTRTB-STRttrr eicctric One-half acre, one acre, two acrea or flva acres; .fK to $ifH per acre and upon moit hty payment plan. kmi at J.Vt per acre, l mtl from rHrllii. Hich aU, and only ailn utes from 4tp and Waahlnjion tta. of.' ice oon ovrntugs' until P. L THE SHAW-FEAR COrfPANY. Main ai. 10; Fourth at, A i-00. ONION UNO. ft acres. TU acres under high state of cultivation. 4 acres of tins la A-l onion laud. 1 acres produred 4S0 sacks of onions this lnat yar tat " d f'4T I--w P?r aack; balance of thia la hU'h land, but la fine soli. o-ear-o.d apple ire-a; facea on main mad. Just mile from T:card on talcin Kioctrlc This la a money maker, and can he bought for $423 per are, adjoining land Is selling f-r IMu per acre. C-n make terms. PRONLSTEEL-S CO., Farm Iept.t Io7m Oak BL ia acf;es ir RICH BOTTOM LAND AT WILLAMINA, TAMHIIX COUNTT. vn MAKE Vci: A H0M3 A.M INSURE TOU A :;'l"KAlT INCOME O'R FRICJ-3 AND TEH Mr ARB LIBERAL. L!T US nrr.p you to folvt! THK HK'H ;npT OF" LIVING. fllAfMN A UEK!)W, ?2-rt.ii ( himbr uf Commerce. ACRE AND ONE-F OCRTH AT UAi;t)KN HOME. 1 14 acres all 1n cultlratlon, level and flna land. Just 2 Mocks from la-tric station. 1 fc!irk from 2 aor-a Prire JISU, $."o csjh. bal ance good terms. rRONa-STFFT.E CO.. Fa-m I-pt., 1V17S Oak Ft. Ground Floor of Losrls Bldtf. A PNAP 1W acr'. 1 mt from Vnncouv er. Wsn., about 4. HK. feet o lim ba. m. "y V' iiow fir; land will maka flu p-aruro or fruit land aftr ti:rtb-r la ra nuivU. T'tla land Joins th Venuerahorg hw::.ih ruU.ny. whoso Ian da ara exiling at $ Pr acre and up In sub-dlvjitona -f la anl 10 -acr trarra My prk $;6 por acre. Trnia one-iialf run. balance to ault purchaser, Intrreat 7 par cant on deferred pavm-ata Addraea D. Crowley, Vancouver, Wash. QUARTER ACRES. 3?V0. fir rar fara. J4 mlnutaa ride from buetnva oentar: tVaet Hide; beaatif'.il view, all tn cultivation; tarma $itf per month. T. H. PHILLIPS CO.. Fhons Mar-hall 4139. 403-$ McKay Bide THE TUALATIN VALLEY Will b th garden apot of Portland; loo trio lines, good roads, schools, maka this th vall-y of small horoca & acres of timber land fr $40 down and $ monthly; 10 acrea double thla amount- P AC N- - W. OEVELOPME NT CO.. 403 Couch Hldg. INC- CHOICK ACREAGE TRACTS. Close to Portland; rich walnut, fraR and garden land ; only small cats a pay nient, baiaoice pays for Itself In products cow on the land, which wo accept and are the orly peopi making this liberal offer. FiKLANO TRUST COM PAN V. , 0$ Spa.diL-g Bldg. CHICKEN and FRUIT RANCH near r'ort.and: a MiW M un iaiu.. Loatai prices. bst sol': One vluw; wood, water acd.roads, 6 acrs, $400 per tract; 10 A kd A, '-xj; 40 A.. I2i: 60 A $."O0: 14a A.. I'UHHt; liberal fr ma rKANK M FAR LAND REALTY CO., hou eon bidg., Portland. Or. CHOICE ACREAGE CHEAP. Three, six or nine a Tee close to car and rUy limits. No better soli in Oregon; lis fire, running water; small cash pay ment and eaay terms. Investigate and you will surety buy. Will treble In valuo before yo.i have made all payments. Van duvn A Walton. M5 Chamber Commerce, Id ACRES. Very rholc soil, on uualn road and elec tric Un. bo minut rids to It ; on of the finest building a: tea to bo found; this Is poaulvely a choice plt-c; will sll on eaay ternig and might accept Portland property for part. J. bL rfmlth, 613 Chamber Comrnarca. 80 ACHK3 finest kind of bottom land, next to beaverdam land; all in cultivation ana crop; 1 miles from town and railroad, 0 mllea from Tort. and. 9160 per acre, one-third cash, balance easy teruts, 0 per cent. F. K beachrest. riiAl'lN A HERLOW, 82--aa Chamber of Commerce, SPLENDID FOR CHICKENS, Oood 4-roum house and $0x100 ft. lots, famtly orchard. biocka from eiectrio car aiatloa. very dalrable cloae-ln suburban home and splendid for poultry raising l good r.eitrhborliood, cloao to it ore. school, etc.. 9:b; easy terma. J. W. Hefferlln Realty Co,. 414 Cortvstt bltig. FI'E acres beaverdam land, under Irriga tion and ready for crop, ne:t for onions, calory, cauliflower, potatoes, a to. ; rlvir and rati transportation ; nothing better anyw here: low p-loa and eaay payment s; InV'f ilrafa. 612 Couch b'dg., 4ih s. FOK eAL) by owner. 1 acre, w!t uaa of addtt.onai 1H acrea; so car xnre. on u ra il on F.ieclrlo ; t'Titii to suit purchaser. F.r.o for chickens and g-vrden; aprlnj water. Call at I 1st st. to ft acres, abaolutety free of rock, aub- irrteaieu. nne zor gar3ning. peaenra, a: raw oerrlea etc : 40 mlnutea out on ei-c-tric tine, best buy, near Portland; easy TTrne. .;2 ; uch uldg.. 100 4.h st. Ai-HbAU and farm a. large and email tract a Call Kinney A aiampfer, 6i-s Lumttr Kxrhauge bldg. tar ra -1 4 1 meat ea d a HOMESTEADS. 4 C'alniS, '.H0 1 1 1!.KK.000 feat: oia!!o:i f-e h to $H, tinther good 0u:t aad v-ry accerslul. M ad L. ore gun 1 an. HOMESTEAD I can lorat you on a flret- c.-ai - hojneatead. WUI I. Y 00U, 4. W Cnarabar of Commerce. .M l..-TilA I. and taxgaina Camas prairie f.irn.a. Idaho Colon. xation Co., Cotton wood, Id o. TKN million, yellow fir, 9lu0; your last op portunity Zor goo c.aiUi. K. bie, re tniait. lor friale Ki lit Iuda. HKrfrw IT IH I -and In Oregon, cleared and p.wwed a-.d on 1 y ie( acre; ri.roja ta ! ilo " yarde; a boot. t lepncna, and rural malt delivery; direct market to Portland : ftnent fruit and berry land tn tha a taie, also tomato and potato land. If you are unable to farm a tract your a ST. we will p. nt to any variety of treea yoo deelre and take car of It for four ye ara fr $;uO pr acre. t'onalri-r this price, location and raurvad faciuttaa and then compare It with other sections of land tail or write for our hook.lt. THE UALLF.fl LAND oR 'H ARD CO-, 604 Hoard of Trad Rids;. 6W CASH. . HOOD KIVEK LAROAIN. 8 acrea of good or hard land, situated about 4 miles from Hood River, on county road: all planted to young orchard i prime condition; rnoetly 2 and 8 yara eld; sufficient water for raising straw berries or small garden. If you are looking for a nlc hcmaslt In the beautiful Hood River Valley, this Is your opportunity; ptira 9SiHKj, only 9 "00 cash required, bal ance eaay t-rr na P Pi Ik Oregon lan. HOOD RIVER BARGAIN. 39 acres, ail planted to commercial varieties of arp'ea. romtlr Newtowna and Fpitsenbersa part In bearing; fin spring; good bouse, beautiful lew. near town of Ho4 Kiv r. on main county road ; good tn-om nemt year; will take modem 7 room house aa part payment. Address p "!4. Oregnnlan. $- EQUITY to a 16-acre tract of orchard land. 4 tni.ea eaat or wooorrum. ror aaa at $3o cash ; muat raise th money aa once. 4 Cham. Com. Main i'22. Xit bAl: ftO acre esoelU-ot fruit land: S3 acre apples Just coming into bearing. N all. oregonlan, For NaJ Farms. 80 ACR Erf. 20 cultivated, orchard, timbers hot ao.. apring. stream, fenred, buli'l- It.ga, 4 mllea Corneiiua; per acre, A If h.N. ragon;n. fc 1JJ4 AOKLe WHEAT I -and r -. rent or traUe. Smith, 814 Hamilton bldg. KANCii ' acre, with buildings, IS miles from rortiana, near electric j.r.a; nargata for ail cash, by owner. 13 MorrLsoc at. 100 ACHK-, Improved firm, 4 mlleg to Put- too, J-tuet joaueo, uxto, vr wn RUSH OF NEW ?ETTLER3. GET HLR-i E FORE MAKCU 15- Get ready to ship at once. If you can't lliP Immediately, coma and aalect your land, and bring; your gooda later. t . Hundreds of settlers coming In, Cnolo tracts going faat. Low rates from Boat effeotlv March 15. T housnds and tnousai.tis ara coming. Biggest rush ever known. ti hr Urat, or you will get nra too Coming from bleak, snowbound states into this beautiful green valley, wher Al fa, fa la already kno hlRh. fruit treea In bloom, and farmers seeding, these land seeker will quickly clean up overyt-tng In sight. Our land Is limited In area. Kl'.-heat soil and moat abundant water supply In CaUIornla. H tit -loam 20 feet deep, no hard pan or alkalL Gravity irrigation. Enough . water to cover land U Inches deep. Alfaira 10 ton per acre. Now $14 per ton. Acr supports two cows. Cows pay 110 a month in butter fat. Creamery furnlauea all you want, taking half your monthly cream check In pay mnt. Cream collected at your door. 19 varieties weetableg all Winter. Two crops poiatuca a 5 far. Sweat potatoes 10u0 bushels an acr. ' Every fruit of North America, More deciduous fruit shipped than from any other like area in the world. Orange earlier than Southern Cali fornia, Y.u can sell all tha fruit you grow - In ad van- on the tree. Profits ss high as $1000 an acr. Don't delay. You cpn practically buy on your own terms. 8 years to pay out Tho?e living in Portland or vicinity call today on H. G. Terry. 1209 Ye 00 bldg. Others writ to LOS MOLTXOS TAN'D COMPANY, Ixs Molinos. California. FINE DAIRY RANCH. JW 0 acres on good wagon road, 9 miles to R, R. town, all ftneat of gently roiling land, about third In cultivation, all could be If cleared; f.ne lot of oak furniture, timber, run nine: water. 2 good drags, good barn and outbuilding, plenty of fruit, all th land would raise It. Thla la no doubt the b?st S00 eere for the price In the Willamette Val ley. Will take some Utile Portland property as part pay. Can find m by phone. Main 3S25. mornings to 9 and evenings 6 to 10. - S. V. STEEL, Owner, 971 Jackson St. 41 ACRES FOR $2250. 41 acres. 10 acres under cultiva tion, balance In green timber. This la all A-l soil, free from rock or grav eL all fenced and croaa-fanced, 9t0 worth of new lumber to build , house, good cUlrkan-houae, goo4 spring from which water can b piped to house, and barn, also living stream; 6 miles from Carollton. Cowing Count. Washington, prtca $22.rpt. floOO cash. FRONO-STEELE CO.. Ground Floor Lewis Bldg., 207 H Oak 8 Farxn Det. CO-OPERATIVE POULTRY RAISING PROFITABLE. Crawford Valley is Ideal for poultry raising; th eoi: is porous, yet very, rich In ail tho es-entialg necessary forf the growing of gralna. etc., and Is well drained ; location Is right on the N. P. R. R., but H mllea from Vancouver and -from Portland. Markets practically at your door, res the demonstration of poultry rais ing on tho model poultry ranch now tn operation. There la an expert on the ground ready and wilting to help you on your plana, aa we!) aa to show you the riKht way to handle your birds. Prics on land range from $0 to $250 per. acre and terms may ba arranged to am If you. I. S. CAMERON REALTY COMPANY, Vancouver, Washington. THE Btnte of Victoria, Australia, Invites you and orrers bona tide settlers the ilneat or lend aultnhle for all kinds of citrus fruits, alfalfa and dairy raising. $40 to $85 per a :re, uiulur Irrigation ; HI Vs years to pay for It. Here Is an opportunity beyond ex pectation. Lands are hlghty Irrigated, In th fertile Goulhum Valley. They are owned by the state. Cllmat mild and equable, like California. Cheap water and lots of It, Fin market. State owns rail ways. Fullest information cheerfully giv en. The Peck-Jutlah Co.. 6S7 Market at., Kan Francisco, agents for Land Depart ment, State of Victoria. April 3, a spe cial excursion will fav ran Francisco for Melbourne. A ustraila. Very low one way and round -trip rates. Free transpor tation on Vletorlau railways to all wish ing to investigate land offerings of the Vlctortan government. A bNAP: jO acres, 2 mile from Beaverton; 1 miles from U- Mary's near 4th-st, electric, easily worth $30; 2b acre In wheat, oats and vetch. Everlasting wa ter. For a quick sale, $240 per acre. Rmall traces at West fitayton. Or., on fi. P. R. R.. 61 mlleg south of Portland, 14 southeast of Palem, with Irrigation. Easy terms and special Inducements to th right people. Call or addresa $-. Chamber of Com merce blOtf. HARTMAN A THOMPSON. ( te Hartog. ) n ACRE3 In th Walla Walla Valley: all tillable: only four mile from Walla Walla and three-fourths mil from carllne; 10 rooro modern honso, big barn, orchard: twice aa much artesian water on the land as you can use; most of the land now In alfalfa and wheat, but the farm Is In th hart of the fruit dfnttict; land adjoining this Is selling from $00 to $700 per acre, dape-ndlng uj'on the amount of water available. The owner wanta to exchang for incomft Portland property. What hav you? Address 014 Lewis bldg., city. A BARGAIN. $A0 acre, over lico in cultivation. 83 acre In oak and ash timber, running wator the year round; large house and barn, ho: and cold water in houae, plenty fruit, school on the place, 3 miles to town nl I it-; most the crop in. Prlc $15. OOO; $10,000 own. baianc on tlm to suit. It ia worth $tH)0 today more than la asked for It; off the niaiket after Febru ary lK M. E. Burgess. Amity. Or. LOJ THIS UP. IM acrea lC1 mfla from Portland, 14 acrea under cultivation, new ft-room house, barn and ou1 bn tidings ; 1",000 mixed va-ri-tv of nurary aj.pni stork 2 years old on piece, worth eaiy $ T-i in th Fall : 2 wclli. r-irrie ami email fruit. Only- $37501 $ 1 .Vo fldwn, lalnu to suit. je M r. Llsbop. hi. Chiuuber of Commerce bldg. HARTMAN A THOMl'SO.V. &2-ACKE FARM, Very best of soli; nearly all In cultiva tion; good buildings and fencea, good roada, wall stocked with horaga, cows, hova ami chickens, a'ao fully equipped n un toots. Implements and ve nicies; evsrvthing gous at $51K. time on part, J, K. i nil tli, 613 Chamner Commerce. 10-ACRE SUBURBAN. All in cultivation ; very best of soil, good buildings, well and spring: located right close to Portland: It Is tmposstbi to find a better 10 acr-w than this; price 9tow. half cash and tlm on balance. J. K. bin It h, 61$ Chamber of Commerce. EXTRAORDINARY sacrifice Eighteen miles Portland; buildings, timber, water, excellent soil; tmmed tat a po'S!on; M) acrea, $.: also so -acre Wiilamett ranch. $."000, terms; Improvements, stream; some exchange. Owner, lu30 Grand, North. 11 At Kt6, all In cultivation and fenoed, 17 room hotai, furnished, big barn and out bull r.ga young bearing orchard, fruit and berrl, slock, tools and tuac binary, G. H. PEASE. Tabor 2?. I0B9 E. Alder. FOR PALE SS acres rich land. $3800, small building; ho acres, 8 cultivated, small bulldlnKS rich soli, $m per acre. Farms of ad aaes far sale. Address C ML Crit tenden. Hubbard, Oregon. ON account of alckneaa, a fin farm, 00 acrba. must b void shortly; chance to doubie mney in short tlm; half cash, H. Buetlko'er. 205 Kalmon. STRANGE. ISN'T ITT Oregon wheat farm. 8-0 acr, for only $10 per acr. Let ua tI) you about It. Si Railway Exciiang bldg. 114 ACHKfi. Improved land, on carllne, near Vancouver. Wash. ; will sell cheap for cash ; both phones. Sandy Road, gro cery. East 47 th and Sandy Road. BARGAIN Improved farm, 173 acr, buildings, stock all farm implement; !!, j; $i0vOn cash. 2h3 Taylor sC WANTED TO RENT-FARMS.' WANTED To rent a farm, furnishd or unfurnished, sharoa or rash rent; must hav suitable buiidlngs and muat b gjod a:'u W hi 1. Orgowiaa. WAN"Tt;! Ho..l lllver on-hard In exchanv. fir city p op.-riy. W. S. Kami, 40 Klia at. Marshall Ml. WitXTf.D Kwlaa man with 10 to W) cow to take fin farm. Addrua H (oa. Ora . gonlaifc 200- ACRE farm,' IS milei from Portland. 1000 feut from school and church, highly Improved road by f-rm, mile and quarter j facing same, deep shot soil, 0 acres in high state cultivation, neavy .towiua apring and stream on farm, good house, larpe barn and otnor outbuildings; two orchards, saw mill on property cutting timber which will net $5wK in two years. This land la cheap at $Jih per acre. My price 910O per acre for quick exchange, or your own price for cash . Farm been in i ever I "regonii been offered for sale. W 816, BEST VALUE IN BEAUMONT. 7-room house on 100x100, all modern conveniences. Including hot and cold water In all bedrooms. If you are looking for good value investigate thia. Two blocks from carllne; house Just completed. Will take small cash payment, agreement or sale, second mortgage, or any good equity of any kind; won't consider anything over-valued, but will mak fair eachanK. For full partlcu lars phon e Tabor B514. tw ;uvp VOR TRADE. Farm tn Klamath Co.; farm in Linn Co. faJm N MeTco: acreage OreBon Elec- -.! R.rnnm kiir.vulnv 7-TOOm new hOUBO arreage Mich.; farm Idaho; business block Vancouver; rea. b'.ock St. Johns; houses and lots all locations; or anything else you want to trcuie for. GARLAND & CO., 101 4th St. 6ICKNESS compeli me to dispose of my nicely furnished roominghouse of 10 rooms, centrally located. East Side; my actual cash equity $700. balance $15 per month; no Interest; will accept small psy ment down, or will trade for city lot, bungalow, or Improved acreage; must be sold at once. No agents. Phone East 800a. 200 ACRES, all or part, choice land near Mt. Hood Rsi'way for sale or exchange, dnep. rich soli, well watered, beautiful ' scenic surroundings; a fine sub-division proposition for Summer homes; would consider mortgages and contract In ex change; also a few city lota. We ar th ownera AN S43, Oregonlan. WANTED House and lot or lota in ex change for 40 acres, Tillamook County, niar creamery; black loam; good stream and fUhij!-:; equity $i0'; will assume. Owner. 4?5-Chuber of Commerce, Main f L'S9. WANTED to buy, modern unincumbered 7 rhom residence tn gnod location, from party who will take $1000 cash and bal ance in young orchard in Hood River district; owners only. Address O oil, Ore gonian. WANT Al'TOS FOR FARM. Have 160 acres land, want two 4-pas-engor autos up to $1900 for both. bal. (114D, terms; lund value 918 per acre; It la desirafihe property. Sea Mr. Logan, S15 tpaUUng bldg. ACREAGE FOR TRADE. I have some tine Improved acre tracts near station on Kalem Electric; will ac cept city property. LaiJarre, 200 Com mercial block. -PASSENGER auto, fine shap. all new non skid tires, to trade for good clear prop erty. Price $1250. What have you? Ward A Younger, suite 4ti Yeon bldg. Wo write lire Insurance. IT'S A SNAP. Will exchange for real estate th fol lowing: Large Columbia phonograph, 200 records, and large, fine cabinet; value $350. Y 74, Oregonlan. FOR SALE or trade, foui valuable mining claims In the Coeur d'Alenes. Idaho, sur rounded by the large producers and proved up beyond a prospect, Abbott A Co., Wil cox bldg. . EXCHANGE Southern Oregon orchards and cheap unlmpro ed lands for Portland property and Willamette Valley acreage. Ask for our exchange list. Benson In vestment Co., Medlord, Or. SELL Tor" trade160 acres with 2"i million f-et of timber In Benton County, running water through place. Price $."0O: would take bungalow or small cottage of about same value. 204 McKay birlg. HAVE especially good exchanges, baaed upon actual cash. If you wish to exchange your property on tame basis, any size or kind, then don't h' sitate, but see F. E. Miller, Yeon bldg. Mar 630. 60 ACRE3 fine alfalfa, potato and fruit land. 10 acres In cultivation. 2 small houses, barn, two springs. Will sell tnis for $4.i0, or will trad for city prop erty. 47 Spalding bldg. Uar. 4047. GOOD housekeeping and rooming-house proposition, worth $oO0, to tr'.de for farm. Eastern or Central Oregon preferred. Xol-2 Lumber Exchange. ltW ACRES SOUTH DAKOTA LAND In exchange for Portland property. Par ticulars and price from owner. Sherman A. Nelson, S04 Lewis bldg. FOR SALE or exchange for land, seven-pas-enger -hp. Thomas Flyer. fully e-iuipped, Just out of shops. AC Ore gonlan. " U5 ACRE.- aU under cultivation and level; price $3600; will trade for good house anu lot of about equal valua. 801-2 Lumber Exchang. 20 ACRES tn Rogu River Valley, clos to Med ford, unimproved; will exchange for vacant or improved; might assum. Price $4W0. S 647, Oregonlan. TO "EXCHANGE Lands In Eastern or Southern Oregon, for general merchan dise or clothing stock, from $15,000 to S.Ti.000 P. J. Roeder. 100 Sherlock bldg. A NICE little 8-room home in Spokane; cost $llw; will take lot in Portland worth $'. Tabor 3537 evenings, res. Main 10-2. RELINQUISHMENT 80 aeres. White Sal mon. What hav you to offer? 94 Cham ber Commerce. HOUSE at Hood River (rented) for lots or equity In lots, or acreage or equity In acreage. AP t38, Oregonlan lbV ACRES of ood farm land for sale or trade in Alberta, Canada. Apply AR S41. Oregonlan, cul-oKADO lanas and lots to exchange for cut-over land or other property here. liadtey. 8P Fpaidlng Bldg. WANTED To trade $000 mortpage for mil 7-passenger automobile. S 640, Ore gonlan . $30o EQUITY In Irvington home to ex change for bungalow or close-In lot. TEL, MAIN 174. REAL ESTATE exchanged, rooming-houses, auythlng. Ask for Burrows. B17 HAMILTON BLPO. WHAT have you to trade for bst down town roomln g-house, Portland. some thing wurth $2o0? 505 Yeon bMg. MY $5o0 equity in new bungalow, IVhtlOO lot, on black from car; will trade for anything of value. C 852. Oregonlan. TO EXCHANOBUO acres land In Minne sota, for equity In Portland resideno. F j. Roed er. 100 Sherlock bldg. 6-PAHH, auto Tor sale or trade, cheap. Phon Main 1 12. E. L. Fraly. WANTED REAL ESTATE. WE have buyer for houses In South Port land. A buyer for West Side Income property up to $30,000. A buyer for a house or lot on East Sid within walk ing distance. Marshall 3052. A 4154. J. R. HENDERSON A CO.. 607 Hpaldlng Blag. WANTED Ft. Ooorg lota W hav cash buyer for town lota In Ft. George, B. C fiend In your lowest cash price and legal description of lot quick. NATURAL RESOURCES SECURITY CO., LAD. 412 Bower Bldg., Vancouver B. C. WE hav many Inquiries from Eastern in vestor for real estate Investment prop erties; register with us. You may have Just what our clients want. Abbott r Co.. Wilcox bldg. WANTED 6 or 8-room bungalow or 60xl0y lot. do not answer thla ad unless you stat lowest cash price and location. S be4. Oregonlan. WILL leas or buy on very easy terms, madern house, 9 or more rooms. In good district, prefer Weat gule; highest refer ences. O 1334, Oregonlan. WANTED Acreage. Small payment down; near Portland; glv location and prlc. E b44. Oregonlan WANT to buy 5-room modern house, with place for garden; give particulars and terms. AP 819, Oregonlan. WANTED Your acreage and farm at the right prices. I can sell tuem. F. Dubois, 12t8 Yeon bldg CHliAP land within about 40 miles of Port land, from owner. Hilton R White, 3lS Henry bldg WANTED 6-room bungalow. Sunn -side dis trict preferred, for about $350u, with small payment cash. Y b85. Oregonlaii. I WISH to Invest $10,000 in Weat Side In come property. Am not an agent. A bits, Oregonlan. FOR BALK TIMBEB lAXli. TI.MBSB LANDS BOUUHT AND BOLD. J M i KACh'BX, 304 McKay bld. u acres heavy timber land, near Llnn- ton. mil. I'"'" " . - - acre. Owner. AV "93. Oregonlan, 11 ACRES red fir timber land In T. SI S., R. 3 W Dougla, Co.. Or., cheap If taken noon. T X. Parent, Fernwood, Idaho. 3 Oi)i 000 FEET Douglas yellow rir at Soo 'thousand. AV 891. Oregonlan. WANTED TO RENT-FAEMA CASK rent for your farm. If you hav, ac commodation for famlry; ten year ex perience J2aat 2263 evaalnga. No. tt 21 Ul at, Portland, Or, . lliiwv PARM. If you have $10.00 ensh to invest in a 6-vars loase of bOO acres, within fi. few miloa of Portland, with 140 head of cows. 14 horses. 3o tons of good hay and com plete outfit of farming; implements, ca.l and see us as this is one of the best, dairy propositions with best of lease, GHU&-SI & BOLDrf. , KIR Board of Trade bldg.. 4th and OaK. SMALL farm about 8 miles out and near Oswego; hijse, barn and ilne sell; renti on cath budis. I. G. DAVIDPON. S19 Chamber of Commerce. WANTED TIMBER LANDS. WANTED 25 to 60 million feet of cedar timber for shingle mill proposition. Ad dreaa No. 631 Lumber Exchange, Seatne. FOR SALE. Horse, Vehicle. Eta. Horses, Vehicles, Etc. . RUSK CITY STABLE. 1STH AND ALDER- We are still selling: guaranteed howaos and have 27 head of mares and geldings, wt. 1000 to I00O ibs.; they are aa xat aim ready for worn; several weH-matcned team: rair MackA. lLljO lbs., tl bav gold lngs. matched into 3 teams, suitable for anv kind of heavy hauling: they have heen tia-d V,v triiKfr comuanv and re placed with auto trucks and must bo sold, regardless of price; we have horses from r.il un ami lmndla Strictlv CflmmlS sion horaes and protect buyer and seller rv alio win (r a iree triai ana noiuins -i, money until free trial time expires; in that way you are protected and know ;uat what von ar jrec:ing. ROSE CITY STABLKS, "503 Alder. 24ri-lb. team, mare and horee: good trne wnrKers anv place; new breeenms narne.-u and Webber wagirn, complete outfit: price for Immediate sale Sl'JB. Rose City Stables, Kro A.ltler. VTtVt fiXX.W. PHKAP. Good express wayon, new harness. 1100 lh. bay mare; leaving city and no u?o for rir; can he seen at Rose City Stables, 505 a f.ier. i r. ueicers rig. GUARANTEED HORSES. Team, weight, 2ou lbs., 7 yrs.. $375. Teem, weight 2'.t00 lbs., 7 yrs., $425. Team, weight 23o0 lbs., 4 yrs., j:i5. Team, weight 2.",0 lbs., d yrs., fV2S Ttam. weiynt lil."it lbs.. 8 yrs., $'J'-:o. Team, weia-it 3Sio Iba., 7 yrs., Sir.a Team, weight 24'W lbs., 4 yrs., $:;5. Tenm uci:'ht !:i(Nl U9.. ti vr.. SoOO. 2."i other horses and mares tsome In foal), from SoO up: also small teauis of mules, complete pony outfit, farm waoni fnil -,t-'t HhIIvitv wa.om. Luetics, car nea of all kinds, in fact everything in the horse line; thla v;ock all sold with our written guarantee to bo as represented or your money rerunaea. 11 you ure gum a to Miv horses, make Inquiry as to our re sponsibility. We will furnish you with both bank and business refrencea. In this way you will be assured of doing buftine-s with a reputnble firm and It generally pays In buying horses, to deal with responsible people. E. W. Ha yard and R. L. Evans, Props,, Portland Stables, l"th and Couch sts. OLeiLALD mn and ranchers, attention. I have the best pair mares that stand in Portland: they are 7 and 8 years old, -welabt 2CO0 or bettor, well matched In o.-.inr nmi a! to and work like one horse are fast 'walkers and kind and gentle In or out the stable. I sell this tenm with n. havv brecchine harness and a 2-in. waaon with double box and spring seat for $:i65 and allow two weeks' trial. Can be seen at fed stable. 440 K. Morrison St., cor. 5th. Ass for Watterpon Ranchmares. ta wits a --oil-matched, chunky tenm, 7 and 8 years old. weight about 24t0 and are kind and gentle In or out ot' stable and wlft work single or double any place you put them; with a nickel-lrlrnmed harness nnd -in wauon with double box and spring seat, as good as new. All for Jf trf; ailOW IWO weetwa uiai, - ranch and must sell. Ask for Watterson Ranch team, feed stable, 440 E. Morrison, cor. 7th st. FOR HALE A pair horsws, harness and wagon; horses are J and 7 years old and iL.ht SiHift or better well inatchea size and shape; one dark iron gray, the other a dark brown. I will sell this out fit for $475, or sell separate; will allow two weeks' trial ; can be seen at feed stable. 145 E. 7th, cor. Morrison at. Phone E. 3 072. $210 BUYS compact farm outfit. A chunky team, 7 and 8 yf-ars old, weight, about 2'H. A fine nickel-trimmed harness with breeching and a farm wagon with double fcox and spring seal, good as now. all for -mo with two weeks' trial allowed. Ask for Watterson Ranch team at feed stable. 440 Morrison st. cor, an. NOTICE SPECIAL AUCTION SALE. t -i'i arrive at East i-ide Exchange Stable. '70 E. 7th st., Thursday. February 21 1012, with a carload geldings and mares, weight from 1000 to ir00 lbs., which I will sea at puouc auction on r nua, March 1, 1012, at - P. M. H. C. Buck. COME and see another shipment of choice horses and mares, well broken, at rea sonable price and guaranteed aa repre sented Take Roso City Park car to 02d st Adams A Campbell, prop. Phoua Tabor 2101. $S5 BUYS chunkv horse, 8 years old. welgnt llWt and sound; also brass-mounted har ness and panel top wagon, cheap; have disposed of dye bufifness cause of Bale. Ask for Mrs. Rogers' rig, or horse at boarding. 145 E- 7th St.. cor. Morrison, or phon K- 212, ak for Mrs. Rogers. LEAVING city, muat Bell gray horse, 1500 lbs, white horse, 1300: bay mare. 1300; black mare, ll&o, in foal; bay horse, lo0; saddles, good to buggy. tru to work. W. .r Hitter, 851 Second, near Mill. SALE Team chunks. 220O lbs.. 8 years old; work single or donble; $175; also wagon and harness; team ponies, sale or ex change for larger horse. 393 Wafer st. HAVE some horses, lust on my rancn. sound and well broke: weight 10OO to 1500. b".S E. 23th si. Woodstock car to Glad stone. FOK SALE Jti bftbCi UOUQ 1I IU mew J n horse- mi colt, harness and farm wagon. pri.-e $1. r'none seu. 1 1 a a. GOOD team. weigh4ng 400 lbs., harness and farm wagon, all $150. Phono Sellwood 1545. FOR SALE HORSES. Trustworthy horses, accustomed to city. 88 East 7th st. North. 17 SETS ot farm harness for sale cheap. 351 Burr.aide. WANTED A horse for his care and feed; very light work. 1113 Hawthorne ave. FOR SALE Strong black horee, 1350, farm or grading. Phon East 24. 81 K head of horses, harness, wagon and buggy- Call 213 K. 0th and Salmon. Antonio hi lea, "sacrifice.- Premier 6-cyIInder flO-h. p. 1911 seven rarsenger, equipped with mohair top, side curtains, wind shield, speedometer clock, electric lights, presto lights, demountable rims. 1 e.ir rim and tire, fuii set tools, tiro chains, trunk rack, tire Irons. This c-r Is going to be sold at a big sacrifice. OREGON AUTO EXCHANGE. 21st and Washington Sts. MR. AUTOMOBILE OWNER. Do you wisn to exchange your auto for Portland property, vacant lots? We have the largest list in the city of very choice property, we handle no junk. We also have farm lands and timber lands to trade for autns. oil' and see us and see what we have to offer. No agents. PACIFIC COAST BROKERAGE CO.. 51S-M9 Board of Trade Bldg.. Phones A 1051. Marshall 4l'j. DON'T BUY an automobile until you see our sto"k of over 75 cars. We are exclusive dealers of used auto mobiles. Every car guaranteed. OREGON AUTO EXCHANGE, 2Ut knd Washington Sts. NOTICE TO AUTO-OWNERS. Do you want to exchange your car for vacant lots or houses, bungalows, or any thing in Portland? We have soma line deals. PACIFIC COAST BROKERAGE CO.. 51S-51S Board of Trade. A 1051, Marshall 4 2 Hi. WANTED Two 5-passenRer auta, in good shape, not over 4uO cash. Will consider cheaper cars. I-ACIFIC COSST BROKERAGE CO., 318-51! Board of Trade. A 1051. Marshall 4299. FOR bartralns In used care see ua first; writ, for lit: we buy nnd sell. CUSTOM -HOC .S3 AUTO CO.. Cor. K. 13th and Hawthorne ava J-PAESENCER 6-hp. Thomas Flyer, fully eiutpped; will exenane for city or coun try property valuation AD 644, Oregonlan. MOTORCYCLE, 7-h. p., twin engine, aanie aa new. . Rose City Imp. Co., 1st and Burnaide' at. FOR SAIE 5-paasenger auto, 1&10 model, fully equipped; good condition; 3&0 cash. 123 North Sth st. 7-PASENGER car. fully -equipped and In firat -class condition; wUl aeii reasonable; owner leaving city. Phone A 2014. fe HGKSKI'OWBK. T-passenger touring car. Just overlinuled. $CX. 1S1 East Watei Dogs, Birds, Pet Stork. E. C. F.HOW.Nf Leghorn eggs cheap; heavy layers, any quantity, any time. Main 413. James Ireland. 414 Spalding bldg. j LARGS young dog, protection for man or child. East 6014- Miscellaneous, STANDARD MACHINERY COMPANY. We rent and sell machinery of all kinds, roncrets mixers, steam and eUect. hoisls; derricK engines, etc., etc 40 Second Street. m $.10 GASOLINE launch, nam Laguunie, t feet lor.g, ti feet wide, 12-horse power 2-cylinder: can be se-n northwest corner foot 01 Madison bridge. For business in quiro 55-North 2d at the bar. SPECIAL eaie on sewing machines; a'.Ightlj used Singer. Wheeler Wilson. White, Domestic and New Home: some other new $40 machines now $27.50, while they lasL S. S. Sine:. S-3 Alder st TWO oak roll-top desks, flat-top, tables, chairs, rugs, complete office furnishings in excellent condition; price a bargain. 4:'l Chamber of Commerce. Phono Marshall K FOR SALE RoUtop desk and swivol chair, 515; 10-gauge hamnierless gun. leather case, hne condition, $15. Room 15, 73', 0th st. , FOR SALE OR TRADE. 5-ton ice making equipment, complete City Market. Ice Cold Storage Co., ooO East Washington st. 6AFES Genuine Hal! safes, now and second hand, low prices, easy terms. Safes opened end repaired. Pur-'el Safe Co. and Port lard Safe Co., S5 Hh at. Main 6309. STUM P A G E 4 0 acre? lira t-cla-s fi r. W'i 1 1 cut 500O cords. 73c a cord. Near O. W. P. Good roads. Fred Bratzel, Gresh am. Or. FOR SALE A ponv and a caracul coat, each 52 Inches long, ;iS bust, worn a few times; cost JS5 and $-5. Sell for $45 and $10 respectively. East. 43 FOR S ALE Cash register, scales, coffe mill, cheese cutter, credit register, meat siicer. etc Th Portland Store Supply Co.. 250 2d st. Marshall 4543. SLIGHTLY used csh registers, credit reg, Isters. computinir stales, etc bought and sold. Tho Pacific store Service Co., --f Stark' st. M ai nJ 71 l.j 2-KARAT diamond ring, alw one Plano'a piano; beat make with GO rolls of music. Phone Tabor 2l7'X SNAP Restaurant, good location, every thing in good condition; rent 5150. In quire 24 4 lat St., Midway barber shop. FOR SALE Sanitary couch, princrss dress er, kitchen cupboard, tables, chairs, etc. Tab;T 3 ' YOU c-in rent an Oliver typewriter wit l oak stand for $3 per month; convenient at home. 3113 Ankcny st. TeKJMaln927L-' FOR SALS or rent, logging and HOISTINO t-n Sines, locomotives, cars, rails. RAILW AY EQUIPMENT CO.. 74 First st . ALL muKos tvpewriters rented. $3 a month. . NORlilWEST TYPEWRITER CO., 2tI2 Stark st. FOR SALE 1 one section and 1 two section, all-steel French range; also larg broiler. Chef., Arlington Club. CASH register (National), in flrst-eiaea con dition; price 5175; cost $300 now. Stubba Electric Co.. lith and Pine st. FKRTILIZER. Well-rotted, cow and horse manure de livered to any part of the city.East 2270. -ANNUAL SALE of unredeemed pledges at Uncle Myers', 71 bin st., near Oak. 40 years in Portland. FRESH dairy and family cows for sale, i mile east Lents, Foster Road. Tabor lli'J. FOR "SALE-r-Electrlc vacuum cleaner. A'P 845, Oregoniaa. ( TWO complete bedroom seta, worth $150 at a bargain. Phone Marshall C74. UNDERWOOD typewriter. rolltop de?k, chairs ajid wall maps. AF 835. Oregonlan. . SOLID oak rolltop desk and chairs at bargain. AF 831. Oregonlan. i.NDiAX motorcycle for sale. 954; Russoll st., room 10. 600 BUSINESS cards $1; a bargain. Bus City Printery, 12 3d. cor. Taylor. KEW visible typewriter for sale; a bai gain. AF 804. Oregonlan FILING cab., med. sie safe, Nat'l cash reg ister. S. W. cor. 5th and Oak. 2d floor. WANTED "mSCENEOUS WANTED Immediately. shoo repairing tools, stitching machine, linishlng ma chine, inats and anything suitable fop shoe repairing; also counter and fixtures; lowest cash price. 355 San Rafael st.a city. WE BUY CLOTHING. FURNITURE. TOOLS. Highest price paid for men's and ladlos ca&t-off clothing, shoes, furniture, tools, mechanic, logging. Call Main 2US0. 2u0 -1st St., The Giobe. WANTED A second-hand candy outfit, slab. kuttls, starch boards, furnace, etc.; must be cheap; give full particulars. A P. S52, Qregunian. BARGER'S AUCTION HOUSE. 370 E. Morrison. Phone E. 1022. Pays highest cash price for furniture. WANTED Swiss man with 20 to 50 cows to take line farm. Address H 853, Ore gonlan. -- ' WE pay the highest cash price for second hand furniture. Seater & Martin. Phon East SI 4. 34S Hawthorne ave. . TO BUY, cash register, scales, coffee mill. cheese cutter, credit register and meat s!lcer. Phono Marshall 4o4S. 250 2d. WA N TE iG ood second-hand Job preas'aNa country newspaper press. Describe, G. E. L., room 818, Electric bldg. WANTED Several hundred boxes cheap ap ples, either fresh or canned. K Slo, Ore guninn, WANTED Tinners tools, also com tea break. 8ft. . etc. Offers to F 836. Oregonlan. WILL tint rooms, S2.50 up: painting at rea sonable prices. Phone East 0124. t WANTED To buy setting hen. Phono Ta bor 3722. . WANTED Steamer trunk, good condition, cheap. Main 0283.' Auk for engineer WANTED A 6x7 extreme wide angle photo lens; state price. AS 83-. Oregoaian FORD "Auction Co. rays most cash for any kind of furniture. Main S5J5I. A 244a. HELP WANTED MALE. MEN WHO ARE WIDE AWAKE, that have been successful salesmen or business men and desire permanent em ployment with a company ot good stand ing; call at 10 A. M., 703 bpaldmg bUiy. WANTED Neat appearing solicitors; If you are not lock-Jawed you can earn 1 $10 daLy. no house-to-house canvtuss. Apply om 401. EUers blda". SEWING machine experts to take charge nf machines, garment lactury. Oregon City Woolen aim. Apply In person, Ore- gon City, vjr. , BOYS wanted, over 16 years. Vil-k steady work, good .pay. Apply 3-7 Sta.K Htre t. l-OL-NG man to travel a .u d.j,k. AT S42. Oreonlau. rir;T-t'L.ASt. reliable barber, steady, cuar F aiiu-o ilo! writ- or phone. T. R. Shock- : !, Sllverton. Or. PROFITABLE employment two younj moa with good personal acquaintance. Call ba wim .... a, Jin T.iitiiber Ex- tween anu -. change bldg. . LIVE wire, to .o' , ror ?"SO18 iiohaA bWET. 3d and Morrison ,7- rv-TED A n experienced dyr at Ea-t ' Portland Cleaning & Vyo Worke, 14 Grand ave. WAN ;TK D Solicitor; Rod money; no fake; giVe phoTie aad address. Al' MO. Ore- gonian . TrXMSTER One that la handy all-round T furniture Z2n-. J12 to J15 per week; ateady work. AS haa. urcgTOi WA MED Clean-cut young man, about 21. office assistant; Union Depot. WANTED !i' wholesale nousc. uu.ips lne. K"ViuB age. O 8o7, oregonlan. YOtS.CS boy wanted to work in check room. Tn reDlymit state ase and turnish retcrences. AT 844. OrfKonlan. WANTED by wnoiesa.o pruuuvj. ... ..VIU.rin(.il eee candler. Ai. b, Ore gonlan. EXPERIENCED gardener and caretaker for 'gentlemen's country place; reference, re quired. Y SS6. Oregoniun. i . PEERLESS CAFETERIA SO. 2. S6 6th at-. Wanted A general helper. WANTED Shirt cutter, nr; Couch st! Mt. Hood factory. BRIGHT boyn with wbt-els as messengers. Rose City .Messenger Co.. Si Park l. FIRST-CLASS ladies' tailor. K. M. Ungar Co., 202 Vj ith St., opposite Heiiig. IN basement, at" 170 10th St.. boys wltU bicycles can maao sm. ". PHOTO coupon; best ever orrerea: snap lor , agents. Cutpgrth Studio. Dekum bldg WANTED First-class sticker machine man. 1112 Hawthorne ave. BOY wanted with wheel. Powora & Kites. i;9 6th at. . WANTED First-class cont tailors at once. N-w York Tiliors. IHil' Wash, sr. TOl'XG man. stenosrariucr and t'fflre man; grow up with business. 606 Yeon. PERMANENT Income for salesmen. Ask: for . Mr. Burton. 1118 Yeon bids. TWO live salesmen, good Industrial propo sition. 207 Oregonlan, bide