Morning Oregonian. (Portland, Or.) 1861-1937, February 28, 1912, Page 13, Image 13

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    2S. 1M2. 13
Mayor Says Commission Rule
Too Important to Go on Bal
lot With Other Things.
Itavhllght Think Otjr Attorney,
Treasnrer and 3tnnlcipal Judg
Shoo Id B Elfirtod Instead
of Appointed.
"I promised tbs pepl of this eHy
that I would a-lra thrra rery oppor
tunltr to decliis whsihsr or not they
want commission icorarnrasnt. and
will keep the promise." aald Mayor
Rashllirht yesterday. I want to hare
a special election Just as soon as th
new committee, which I appointed las
week, can draft Its proposed plan (or
The Mayor farors submitting a char
ter that will not be tno radical, bu
which will make It possible to fadl!
late business and avoid doUya In It
transaction, he said, lie reallsea more
than ever the drawbacks of the presen
charter, which retards business all th
time and causes many delays.
Special Rlerttoa 5tmurr.
I think the question or whether th
rlty Is to rhana to commission cor
ernment la too Important to be placed
rn the ballot with anrthln else." said
the Mayor, and fur that reason
favor oiling; a special election Just as
soon aa the new committee can pre
para Its draft. It would be possible to
P4ace It on th ballot with the other
business at th primary nomination
election, but I am opposed to that;
feel that It la of such Importance that
It abould hare th full and undivided
attention of th people when It
to them for a decision. . T' h 1 1 th ex-
pens of a separate election la eon
Iderable. It Is nevertheless worth It.
If th people are to chimp from th
present charter to a new one.
In a general way th Mayor believes
that five commissioners should ba pro
vtded fir the transaction of business.
but be believes that th City Attorney,
City Auditor. City Treaaurer and Mu
nlrlpal Ju'tc abould be elected dl
redly by the people.
sfsaisiirs wiaeea r STerra.
"It seems to m that no rood purpose
would be served by maklnir th posi
tions of City Attorney. Treasurer, Audi
tor and Jtidgt appointive," said th
Mayor. "They bav their several du
ties to perform. ay way. and they can
perform them better, I believe. If they
are elected by th whole people: they
aril! naturally feel more Independent and
will be more fearless. It would be very
easy for a commission to build up
machine If riven all th appointments.
Aside from the officers, however. I
foel that th commission should b
irlvea ample power to tranaact busi
ness unhampered, aa buaineaa la nam
pared under the present charter. I
never reailaad how bad th present
charter waa until we started to tear
down th old City Jail and to build a
new en. W have been bothered at
every turn by charter provisions and
th work baa been considerably as-
layed. while th public welfare has not
only not been benefited, but baa been
actually harmed.
The Mayor haa not called meetlna;
of th new charter committee, but has
ordered copies of all th proposed com
snissloo. charters now before th Coun
:H, and will provide each member with
a copy. When they bav bad time to
read and dts-eat these forms, a meeting-
will be called and th work of compil
ing th new draft started.
Ptecl Bridge Posh Club Favors Hard
Surface on Larrabe).
Th Steal Rrlria-ft Push Club, at Its
meeting Monday night, passed a resolu
tlon asking that Larrab street b
graded and nard-aurrsred from Its In
tarscctloa with the railroad company'
grade to an lntrartton with Adams
street and th new O.-W. It. at N. Rail
read bridge. Officers wet- elected aa
follovrs: President. Francis Clamo;
secretary, Sam Ruby: treaaurer. C. A.
Johnson. The resolutions are aa follows:
-Whereas. It behoovrs the City of
Portland to keep open all streets and
thoroughfares. In contemplation- of th
future greatness of our rlty. as well
ss Its present needs, and that no thor
oughfare heretofore or now being used
within the City of Portland should be
cut off: and, .
-Whereae, Iarrahe street, on th
Tast aide, extending from Killings-
worth avenue south to Ilolladay avenue
la a street fully two and a half miles
In length. Improved In first-class man
ner, carrying traffic second to no Kast
tilde street of th same length: and.
Whereas, th new railroad bridge la
about to be completed and the old
Steal bridge ronectlng Ilolladay ave
nue with th West Side la about to be
removed: therefore, ba It
Resolved. That the said I-arrahe
street be extended from Us Intersection
with th toe-line of th railroad com
pany grade to an Intersection with
Adams atreet and the new Tallroad
bridge; and that said Larrabee street b
immediately Improved with hard-surface
pavement In auch manner aa th
Common Council may hereafter determine."
Prisoner's Brother Threaten Him
With rietol, but Officer Wins.
That th work of deputy gam war
dens frequently leads tbera Into dan
gerous situations Is shown by th re
port of District Warden Lewis, of
swlamath Falls, Or., In reviewing an ex
perience of J. J. Furber, Deputy Game
Warden. The Gam Commission had
been aware that deer were being killed
-unlawfully. A family of the nam of
'.'onnolly on the Klamath River had
been known to be violating th laws.
Furber watched the family during th
W'lntr. but was unable to obtain evi
dence against them until last Thursday.
Furber then found that a deer had been
killed, and followed the trail to th
Connolly home. On searching the prem
ises he discovered the head and th
hide of a large buck, and arrested Crts
Connolly, but had to hold th prisoner
there all night until morning. Crts
Connolly and his brother were th only
members of the family at home. Fur
ber told the two men to go to bed up
stairs, that h would remain tap. H
placed the deer head In an adjoining
room, leaving th door ajar. In th
morning tf head waa found to bar
been stolen, and upon requesting Cris
Connolly to produc It his brothsr drw
a revolver and ordered Furber to leave.
Furber sat down and aald that when he
left th Connolly would go with him.
cria Connolly than surrendered and ac
companied Furber to Klamath Falls,
where Justice Graves fined him 1100
and costs.
Oregon Aid San Francisco in Fight
to Continue Money Coinage There.
, , e
Commercial bodies In th Oregon D
velopment League ar Joining Califor
nia in opposing th proposed reduction
of the rnlted States Mint at Pan Fran
Cisco to aa assay office. Telegrams
were sent Monday from the offlc of
th development leagu at th Portland
Commercial Club to each of the mem
bera of Oreron's Congressional dele-
- . . - !
i V ,-)--' ' '
' .-f -rr- -'!
rj . f
' s
i fci-j-l. I i i ml
Arthar H. Jeae. ef ladlaaapelle.
Arthur H. Jones, of Indianapo
lis, lnd. supreme dictator of the
Loyal Order of Moose, will ar
rive In Portland tomorrow, and
will be th guest ef th local
Moo lodge. Ha will b met at
th train at A. M. by th recep
tion committee and escorted te
his hotel. At IX o'clock he will
go to h clunroom, whore an In
formal reception will be held.
After luncheon th committee
will take him en a sight-seeing
tour of the city, and will endeav
or to convince him that Portland
Is the plaoa for the convention la
Th Mooae order was organised
by Dr. Jame Pmlth in Louisville,
Kj. in 1S8S. It now has 125.000
members and 134 lodge. At the
Detroit convention 100 delegates
and 1400 visiting members were
In attendance. Th local lodge
haa a membership of betweea
2000 and too. and has rooms In
th Tull at Qlbbs Annex building.
gat I on. asking their support to Cali
fornia's representatives in th fight
against th proposed movement.
Th telegram follows:
Our commercial orvanlsatlon desire te
Join with California la opposing proposed
redoettoa of Lli States mlai at San Prea
dsro te assay office. This great historical
mint te of great aotnal commercial and
fiaaoelal convenience te tae satire coast.
Orsgoa and California commercial bodies
arc united for all that Belpa say part
of the Pacific Ceaet ead will wage a spirited
eampalsn la behalf of Ooveraxnent recogni
tion. Wire tr we eaa aeip voa la tma.
Oregna DeTclopment Lego C C Chap
man. ecretary.
Portland Commercial Clob. ri. T. John'
eon. rhilrmin Knttf f mrny.a.
That Tightness
of the Stomach
Caused by Formation of Nauseous
Gases, from Undigested Food In
stantly Stopped with a Stuart's
Dyspepsia Tablet.
Trial Package Free.
When you feel aa If your stomach
was being tightly choked when the
pain la Intense and yen break out In a
cold and clammy perspiration and there
s a lump in your throat and you ar
weak and nauseated all you need la a
Stuart's Dyspepsia Tablet to clear away
he wreckage of undigested food left
n th stomach and Intestines and re
store you te your normal aelf again.
That Kaeity Feeling af the atesaaca la
Instantly Relieved by a graarfa
Dyspepsia Tablet.
Thousands of people bav learned so
well how sur and dependable Stuart's
Dyspepsia Tablets ar for all stomach
Ills that they ar never without a
package at home and at the office, and
npon any indication that the stomach
Is a little weary, they, take a 8tuart's
Tablet after each meal for a few days
until the digestive organs get rested
p again.
Thla la a splendid plan to follow and
always results In much good. The ap
petite la Improved, the food la relished
more, your sleep la Dior refreshing.
and your disposition will mak you
friends Instead of enemies.
For Indigestion. Sour Stomach, Belch
ing Gas. Coated Tongue, Intestinal In-
Igestlon and all Stomach Disorders
nd Pains or for Loss of Appetite-
nothing is better than Stuart's Dyspep-
la Tablets for sur and Instant relief.
Use them freely they ar aa harm
less aa augar would be and are by no
means to be classed as "medicine."
Tbey bav no effect whatever on th
system except th benefits they bring
you through th proper digestion of
our food.
All drug stores sell Stuart's Dyspep-
la Tablets. The price la 60 cents per
ox. If you wish to try them before
urrhaslng. address F. A. Stuart Co.,
50 Stuart Bldg., Marshall. Mich, and a
trial package will be seat yon free.
" - - si -m av - a wr a
Charge Purchases Today and Tomorrow Will Go on Your mil rayame pru r irsi
Special 25c Lunch for Shoppers, Served in'the Basement Shoe Shining' in Basement
Olds, WortmaE ? lft m
'WedrLesdlsiy "fiouarly Sales
In the Basement 'Underprice Store
In our Basement "Underprice Store" we assemble merchandise of all kinds to meet the general needs of the
masses. Shrewd and economical people who shop consistently have found it possible to save largely on
their purchases. Many depend entirely upon this "Underprice Store" for their household needs and wear
ing apparel. Spend a profitable day here today. Make a special trip if necessary it will surely pay.
to $20
All day today In the Basement "Underprice Store," a sale of 200
Women's Tailored Sails, priced ridiculously low for garments of this quality.
The materiala are serges, worsteds, cheviots, velvet and tweed mixtures in
mart, neat patterns, all good colors, well made, plain tailored r Q QC
and semi-trimmed styles, perfect fitting; $15 to $20.00 grades ZJJ
All Day on Basement Circle
Children's $1.50 Shoes $1
Men's and Women's t$3
Shoes at $1.95
On the basement Bargain Circle. An all-day sale of hundreds of pairs of
children's and misses' Shoes, fine, soft vici kid, with patent tips, blncher
eut. A good, serviceable and dressy shoe. A full range of sizes, 8V to 2. Our reg- d f f
nlar $1.50 grades. We offer these Shoes at this special low price, the pair, only tip X avlvl
On the basement Bargain Circle. An all-day sale of men's and women's Shoes. Many different
style lasts. .In patent, gunmetal and box calf stocks in a complete range of sizes.
Our regular values up to $3.00. W7e specialize them for this sale at only, the pair
(fa IN THE $W
. at roar or JJ
1 Hour
lO to 11
Spend the whole ay
here in the store.
Women's $5 SilK Waists $1.98
From 10 to 11 A M: today, in the basement.
A tale of women's Waists; of good quality
messaline silk and net over chiffon ma
terials, in new and attractive styles; plain
and trimmed models; all t 1 QO
good colors; to $5 grades; at X l70
35c Novelty Jewelry Only 5c
From 10 to 11 A M. today, in the basement.
"Underprice Store." A one-hour sale of
fancy novelties in Jewelry. Hundreds of
nat and attractive patterns, beauty pins,
belt pins, hat pins, veil pins, etc. H
Worth up to 35e each. Special attjC
Men's or Women's Gloves, 5c
From 10 to 11 A. M. today, in the basement.
"Underprice Store." A sale of good, heavy
black cloth Gloves, for men or women, to
work aronnd the house or the garden. Pur
chases limited to 6 pairs to a eus-
tomer. Special during this hour at J C
12Uc Madras and Scrim, yd. 5c
From" 10 to 11 A. M. today, in the basement.
"Underprice Store." A sale of Mill Ends
of printed madras, in 1 to 5-yard lengths.
Mnv nieces of a kind: 86 inches wide.
Splendid patterns and oolors. lOe and J
12V.B crradea. Snoeial at only, yard a3 C
Apron Ginghams, the yd, 3yc
.From 19 to il A. M. toaay, in m casement.
"Underprice Store." A one-hour sale of
Apron Ginghams, in neat checked patterns,
light or dark colors. Purchases limited to
20 vards to a customer. Spe- 1
cial for one hour only, the yard O 2C
1 Hour
11 to 12
New Bargains every
time the gong sounds
Women's $1.50 White Waists 79c
From 11 A. M. to 12 today, in the basement.
"Underprice Store." A one-hour sale of
women's White Waists, in many styles;
plain lawn materials, tailored and trim
med with embroidery and laee-p7CI
Values up to $1.50. Special, only J C
Swiss Curtains, the Pair, 25c
From 11 A. M. to 12 today, in the basement.
A one-hour sale of fine ruffled swiss Cur
tains, in neat striped patterns, with self
ruffles; 2V2 yards long and 24 inches wide.
Good for cottages, for sash cur- Of
tains, ete. Special at only, pair, O C
Men's 15c SocKs, the Pair, 9c
From 11 A. M. to 12 today, in the basement.
A one-hour sale of men 's guaranteed Socks.
Black or tan, medium weight cotton, fast
stainless dye. Purchases limited to 12
pairs to a customer. All sizes in the Q
lot. 15o grades. Special this sale at J Q,
Women's 65c Belts, Spe'l, 15c
From 11 A M. to 12 today, in the basement.
"Underprice Store." A sale of women's
fine elastic Belts, fitted with a good as
sortment of new, attractive buckles. Good
silk webbing; all good eolors and 1 fj
grades up to 65c. Special at only IDC
90c Stationery in Boxes at 25c
From 11 A. M. to 12 today, in the basement.
"Underprice Store." A one-hour sale of
Box Stationery, correspondence style. 150
boxes in the lot; various kinds, plain or
initialed. Grades worth up to 90c QJ .
a box. Specialized for this hour at O C
1 Hour
12 to 1
Watch the dial. New
bargains eaeh hour.
Women's $4.50 Petticoats $2.48
From 12 to 1 P. M. today, in the basement.
"Underprice Store." A one-hour sale of
beautiful Silk Petticoats, of fine, soft qual
ity taffeta, styled with deep flounces and
dust ruffles ; all good col- (t c A Q
ora. Regular $4.50 grades at frO
25c Gingham Aprons, Only 17c
From 12 to 1 P. M. today, in the basement.
"Underprice Store," A one-hour sale of
women's Gingham Aprons, very good qual
ity, in neat striped patterns, good, full
sizes and excellent 2oc sellers. "T
Specialized in the basement at A . C
Women's Fancy NecKwear 5c
From 12 to 1 P. M. today, in the basement.
"Underprice Store," A sensational one
hour sale of hundreds of pieces of dainty
Neckwear for women. Lawn and lace ef
fects in stocks, jabots and side ef- J"
fects. Special for one hour only C
Children's 25c StocKings, pr. 9c
From 12 to 1 P. M. today, in the basement.
"Underprice Store." A sale of children's
Hose, 1 and 1 ribbed, with double knee, toe
and heel; fine lisle finish; sizes 6 to 8yj.
Regular 25-cent grades. Special Q
for this one hour at only, the pair, C
Dress Ging'hams, the Yard, 8c
From 12 to 1 P. M. today, in the basement.
A rousing one-hour sale of fine Dress Ging
hams. In a splendid range of patterns;
stripes, checks and plaids; all good, depend
able colors. Extra good quality. Spe- Q
eial, the yard, for this one hour only O C
1 H
1 to 2
Be among , the busy
buyers all day long.
$3.50 Lace Curtains, Pair, $1.00
From 1 to 2 P. M. today, in the basement.
A one-hour sale of fine lace Curtains ; exact
ly 100 pairs in the lot; fine Nottingham, in
good, desirable patterns; full siie curtains.
Mostly odd pairs, worth up tf ff
to $3.50 a pair. Special at j) X eUU
Women's $2, Corsets, $1.19 Pr.
From 1 to 2 P. M. today, in the basement.
A sale of splendid Corsets, good models for
full figures, made of extra heavy German
coutil, fitted with 6 hose supporters and
straps at abdomen. Sizes 24 rt " - f
to 32. Special at only, each p J. JL
Men's Negligee Shirts For 39c
From 1 to 2 P. M. today, in the basement.
"Underprice Store." A one-hour sale of
blue Chambray, black Sateen and black
and white Twill Shirts; good materials, cut
full in the body and sleeves, well O f
made; sizes 14 to 17; at only3iC
Children's $1 Dresses For 67c
From 1 to 2 P. M. today, in the basement.
"Underprice Store." A 6ale of dainty lit
tle Dresses for children. The materials are
good quality ginghams, in a broad range
of new Spring patterns and eolors. J
Sizes 6 to 14 years; $1.00 grades O C
il Chiffon Auto Veils For 48c
From 1 to 2 P. M. today, in the basement.
A one-hour sale of fine quality French
Chiffon Auto Veils, in a complete range of
the new Spring eolors, including black and
white. A large size veil that sells A Q
regularly at $1.00. Special at only iO C
1 Hour
2 to 3
Shop by the honr.
Stay in store all day.
Women's $5 Bath Robes $2.69
From 2 to 3 P. M. today, in ths basement
"Underprice Store." A one-hour sale if
women's eiderdown Bath Robes, with satin
trimmings and buttons, silk frogs and heavy
cords. In red color only. Our tf ty CO
regular $5.00 grades. Special Paaai07
5c and 10c Pearl Buttons 2c Doz
From 2 to 3 P. M. today, in the basement
"Underprice Store." A one-hour sale of
good quality Pearl Buttons, clear color, two
and four-hole assorted sizes; limit 12 dos.
to a customer. Our regular 5c and
10c grades. Special at only, dozen aW C
Full Size Bed Spreads at 94c
From 2 to 3 P. M. today, in the basement.
"Underprice Store." Shop by the hour,
stay all day. Here's a sale of Bedspreads
in the full, double-bed size, extra weight,
Marseilles patterns. Specialized Qk A
for this hour only at this price JTfC
Women's 50c Union Suits 29c
From 2 to 3 P. M. today, in the basement
"Underprice Store." A one-hour sale of
women's fine swiss ribbed Union Suits in
the Spring weight; low neck and sleeveless,
loose knee, trimmed with lace. In "y r
all sizes. Our 60-cent grades at ssssvC
$1 Fancy SilKs, Special at 49c
From 2 to 3 P. M. today, in the basement
"Underprice Store." A one-hour sale of
beautiful fancy silks in neat stripes, checks
and printed warps; suitable for dresses,
waists, petticoats, trimmings, etc. A fv
Our $1.00 grade. Special this hour r5 C
1 Hour
3 to 4
Sped. 25o shopper's
lunch. In basement.
25c Plaid Dress Goods, Yd. 15c
From 3 to 4 P. M. today, in the basement
"Underprice Store." A one-hour sale of
Plaid Dress Goods, double width; small,
neat patterns in good eolors for house
dresses, waists and children's " JJ
wear. Regular 25c grades, yard IOC
Gingham Petticoats For 59c
From 3 to 4 P. M. today, in the basement
"Underprice Store." A one-hour sale of
splendid quality gingham Petticoats, in
plain eolors and neat stripes, with embroid
ered flounces and self-flounces,
assorted lengths. All good eolors O C
50c Baby BlanKets at, Only 33c
From 3 to 4 P. M. today, in the basement
"Underprice Store." A one-honr sale of
Baby Blankets; msde of fine heavy eider
down, reversible, neat patterns, in pink or
blue colors. Good sellers at 60o O O
each. Specialized for this sale 3 O C
Men's 50c Underwear For 29c
From 3 to 4 P. M. today, in the basement
"Underprice Store." A sale of men's
new Spring weight Underwear; fine qual
ity, heavy balbriggan shirts and drawers.
Well made and finished. A full OA
range of sizes ; 50a grades at only 7 C
"0c Waste Paper BasKets at 18c
From 3 to 4 P. M. today, in the basement
"Underprice Store." A one-hour sale of
Waste Paper Baskets; extra strong, light
and attractive. Indian-made. For office
or house use. Good 50o grades. 1 Q
Specialized for one-hour sale at lOC
M a! U
1 H
Read every item. AH
are great bargains.
Children's $5.50 Coats at $3.29
From 4 to 5 P. M. today. A one-hour sale of
children 's new Spring Coats, only 50 in the
lot, smart styles for little tots. Black and
white ehecks and gray mixtures. Sizes 8
to 14 years. Worth $5.00 ea. d j O f"V
Special for this one-hour sale
$1.25 and $1.50 Dress Goods 59c
From 4 to 5 P. M. today, in the basement.
A one-hour sale of 56-inch Dress Goods; all
wool, medium weight, neat stripe and
checked patterns. All good colors, worth
regularly $1.25 and $1.50 a yard. Q
Specialized for this hour at only
Boys' Wash Suits at Only 48c
From 4 to 6 P. M. today, in the basement
"Underprice Store." A sale of 200 boys'
Wash Suits. Made of good quality ging
hams, in plain and neat stripe patterns;
two styles, military and sailor. A Q
Sizes 2y2 to 8 years. Special atxOC
Infants' 35c Kimonos For 19c
From 4 to 5 P. M. today, in the basement.
by tiie hour, stay in the store all day.
Here's a sale of infants' long Kimonos,
made of fine, soft outing flannel, in neat
striped patterns; splendid col-
ore. Trimmed in pink or blue, X C
Women's Knit Pants, the Pr. 19c
From 4 to 5 P. M. today, in the basement
"Underprice Store." A sale of women's
Pants, in the swiss ribbed, Spring weight,
loose knee; trimmed in lace; all sizes in the'
lot Don't forget to lay in your
supply for the Summer. Special
1 Hour
5 to 6
Hundreds of other
bargains not noted.
Good, Heavy Outing' Flannel 5c
From 6 to 6 P. M. today, in the basement.
A one-hour sale of good quality plain cream
Outing Flannel; fine soft finish, r
Supply your future needs at, the yd. O C
TurKish Bath Towels for 12y2c
From 5 to 6 P. M. today, in the basement.
A one-hour sale of heavy, unbleached Turk
ish Bath Towels. Sizes 17x24 inches. Have
hemmed ends. Hotels and rooming-houses
should lay in a supply at f
this price. Special, each J, su 2 C
$1 Furniture Tapestry, Yard 69c
From 5 to 6 P. M. today, in the basement.
A one-hour sale of extra heavy tapestry
Furniture Covering. 50 inches wide; very,
good quality, rich colorings of red, brown
and green. Splendid $1.00 grades, f Q
Special for this sale only at, yd. O J C
$1.25 All-over Laces for 55c
From 5 to 6 P. M. today, in the basement.
allover Laces in Oriental and Irish effects.
in white, cream or eoru color; good selection
of pleasing patterns ; regular $1 r P
and $1.25 grades. Special, yard ODC
Boys' 50c ElacK Shirts at 35c
From 5 to 6 P. M. today, in the basement,
a rare good sale of boys' sateen Shirts.
"Hydegrade," well made and cut full. Sizes
12 to 14; good 50o grades. Spe- O
cial for one hour only at, each vlOL
Children's Rompers Only 35c
Sizes 2 to 6 years, made of good grade ging
ham, in checks and stripe. 5 to 6 P. M. only.
Basement Grocery Specials
Butter, O. W. K- special 2 lbs. 736
Picnic Shoulders, special, the lb.
Krinkle Corn Flakes, 4 pkgs. for 25
Coffee, rood 30c trade, the lb. 23 d
Shaker Salt, "Sunflower," at only 5c
Babbit's Cleanser, 3 cans for only 25
Muscatel Raisins, off the stalK special for
China Lily Bulbs, special, 2 for 5c
Asparagus, Grand Island Brand, 20e
Asparagus Tips, Btaua ror boup, itC
Corn, 3 cans, 25c; the dozen for 95c
Peaches, sliced, lOo can, or doz. SI. 10
Baked Beans, special at 2 cans for 25c
today's selling at Zyt pounds for 25c
Sale of Household Needs
Wash Boilers, heavy tin, copper bottom, regular $1.75 grades on sale at ea. SI. 33
Pottery Umbrella Stands, assorted colors, regular $3.00 grades, this sale, S1.98
S-quart Gray Enameled Saucepans, specially priced for this sale at only, each 9c
3-quart Gray Enameled Pudding Pans, specially priced for' this sale at only 9c
14-quart Gray Enameled Dish Pans, great bargains at this special price, ea. 39c
8-quart Gray Enameled Tea Kettles, marked special for this great sale at only 59c
Notion Day Again
On the Bargain Circle
Main Floor Between the Elevators.
5c Wire Coat Hangers, specially priced at, 2 for only 5J
5c Spool Cotton, 6-cord, white or black, special, this sale, 46
Darning Cotton, white or black, regular 2c grade, sp'l 1c
f 5c Pins, 400 to the paper, 2 papers for 5d
5c Needles, all sizes, special 2 papers 5c
5c Hooks and Eyes, blk. or white, 2 for 5c
lOo Collar Stays, blk. or white, 7c ; dz. 756
15c Seam Binding, black or colors, for
Hair Nets, 5 in an envelope, all for 10c
12c Feather Stitch Braids, asstd. for 5t
8c Feather Stitch Braids, assorted, for 36
10c nair Nets, "Sylvia," special, each 46
Buttons, brown, black, etc., reg. 25c at 56
5c Hair Pins, wire, all sizes, 2 for 56
15o Dress Shields, special 7c, dz. 756
50c Dress Shields, O. M. 0., nn
Kleinert's, Naiad's, speel at !iaC
Hose Supporters, worth to 50c, 186
Tape Measures, reg. 5c grade, for 36.
25c Hairpins, shell or amber, for 186
5c Thimbles, special price only 26
35c Hair Rolls, all shades, for 256
10c Shirtwaist Belts, special at 86