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About Morning Oregonian. (Portland, Or.) 1861-1937 | View Entire Issue (Feb. 27, 1912)
I 13 V EEAL FSTAT lor rt Late. HAWTHORNS AVENUE. eiojo Hare la a fine piece of nw k'umaia property, ea which tha Teatrto none eiplra la about five years: 116 ft. en Hawtaoraa ave, ISA ft. aa -. 14 ft. oa a. ley and 124 ft. Inalda, A ve'uxbl atrv.t front: compere tha prlca with that of ua.-eetrtcted proparty tcrua taa wajr and you will aaa that It w.ll pay you blc to hold It. epacie..y in it Quire out caah aad balance monthly 11 t pw real. Prlca aubjaci to flriRrt without notice. .-TKu.NO Co. line I. 0 Conform Authorised A.n:i for Ledd'e AHItloa. WHT la Walnut Par bulging ao many n.ra romesJ Ila IwiUon la tha v-ry r.-st. la situated oa tha highest elevation of t5a penuiau.e. between tha rl- -. baa tha largest b:n -hool oa tha Cowl, a liltfo am.,. library balding to bo r9m3.l4 thla furamr lo front of tho Mrs school, oa Ki.nngswortb, ava; alao has aia atraattar iinea MR BUILDER. Va hin 12 Iota oo Ml. Tonr with Tave4 atr-ta to tha property, btraat Im provement lo an J paid.. wt.i i tut or a.l on a amall payment down anl . you tha -ond mgri prlvliere. :o to tho right party wo will furn.ah f tnnn.y to bul.4 with. There, la a R..-rn4 f.,r naw house In aft. Tabor erul the pror rtv la cluaa to Ibo aow mi. Tabor City Par. faa Hickman Pe'mtwrs?. With NAKTHAN TROl'Si'V Bankara, LUmMr of Coovmwc bldg. P'"! FPCCtAI. ARK tul- HUlLPtSG TO fr.l.Vf Wo have made asocial e'fart to ? a itiaM of lota on aroall pay enie wrk end with eerand mrtr prlvi 1.,. Vve Rl give you a n-imb-r "f in yt. Tabor and R- city lark. It VI I pv you to Invea'!rfa. li!-- an at pa- no-. Wnk II.VRTMAN A TlH'l'0!. hertioer t owim"n . IF TOi; ran pa $ na " snan'o. wMrh will la'luda Inter.. I wl.l fr-eece tol 5ln of yoor homo oa any '.. ,a may select in Lur-lhu t. If yo want buy or huHd a aa .t terma era la and ta.a It aver. ;. j ia rur rhanea to a-op pertog rent. iH.BI.IN'iAMK A ALLISON. 5.$ Corbett lllil. Valnl'A A 1811 lOVC t. Uu'lun; afTlca. ;h iJ rii ala Tk car at 14 and Vrrlaoa rraika4 " .a" er "Ijiuraihorat. " to fiD. aA"l oo aach lot if yoa biy -fora il.r.h IX Coma out an J I.t mt - t aia bow aa put you Id yor aa hona f.r tXX. Talapbooo Baat aaa- Pt?LMtrXTTl.gMgNTg. ion M-c rin"! locate loi!? ..a.jra.t.urt A 1 l.tion to Portland. On. J -art moo-y hoc that I bava paid I In, ir-.ta::tif.r f-r ab"ut two aar. taa-a aiu .rt-pavlne Baaroota. Thla waa ..ona lo.. erat p:a .i on tha ""''.i n doubt mcrraaad la aiua. AoJraaa AV Vt". rraorin IlKALTIITL lw lot oa aoutbara a:opa. Coan-11 frrat. -" and up. Ineludm uml at.l.walka curha. yradad atraaia and wat-r: but;.!ir r-atrl.-tioca: aoid oa ay tr-r froviilrnt Tml Company. Jul. SS. SuS Board of Trada. Marahalt .. A Hlli SXAf IN- KIT. on Eaat Slat. n-ar Villa ..i. i r-tr . flna boll'linff ra . ilia n.t . a . n ai iTim: varv aaay tarma: t ihU lt !a worth IX .liii o a noi.njt w T..ri. tti.ta . 4th and O Ik. lid IWN lio rtu MONTH, flna t-w lt. mturr'l fruit traaa. atnetd d;trtct. rar ran caront w and curS; Hull Xuo w.tar. PtotIcI Tro.t CHnT. S.J. i Board Trada. Maru:l 47.1. A I02X FCRTU.VB IIKr;lITS nutlftil laralall'l rholra n-ihJorhod; walkinc d?taoca; y-and aaacpl-.c. urobatrui lb:a alrw f m cltv rtrra and mauntalna; StOCK. torrra AT MX Orafonlan. MOtrST TABOR. trwvjlJO on E. 3!h. naar naarthoma. unot,atrjct..l Tlw of clly. furtbar part I c- Utri r ' tr rat.r PrattT food ona. too. prlra all rUY (artar-Dusaa C'Ov. CO Chambar of i.ammrm aut.!ui bumn and boniaaltca. ail lw. lov-atlona and prlra; can null you. Main Ii31. BKOOKK. pfWS. lift par month. Including tm 'provemanta. camnt walk. curtta. Bu;i Rua watar. atr. : no Intar'at to taa: coud ;ex-a::ty. I-artlculara. Y t-Tl. Oraonlan. iFtri-bw Oiolea full lot on Ortoo at., tlna raal Titlal rratrlrtad d'.tnrC Vanduy A 614 Charpbar of Commarca. aJil" APAKTM KNT HUISK alta nrar 13tb. and Vark.t ata Orly I'.t.'iW. Strat Im-p-nrr. and plil. Part rah. IN l.auralhumt. fuil lou F. Uubola. Hfcl'lHTS l-OT. 'ar City Park llttvu. aaay trrma M-la. Phono A 'or Kale -II BAVS A IN. uo. room bonaalow in Flrland fwatrVtafl diatncl. IS Moba from car: raptlon ha.'C larga llvln and dlnlna-room. d-n and kite nan: aacund floor. ba-1ruoma and bath. :pln perch loala; alao llrlai por h tha aaroa I-. all acrnd. Thla la a dacrfr hou: axtra aay tarma CO-Oi'tRATIvr. REAI.TT i-C)MPAST. SJO Railway Kicbanya ( R"" banat-w aa K 4Tth a.. Roaa flty I ark. only I bkwk from cariln: fina flr p:ra and all m.Ura Improvvmanta; lanra . .ala Wltit Wltidoaa. ale. Only Jllii. t rajb. ila!anca to Suit. t-JRIt K. KtA.-KT A U rond Uor Chanibar of Commarca. SEK IT TOI) A T rVi! t. nw tunaalow. S wait fr-r:a!n bath. plirad. wirad. tlnt- d. (.mini haaamrnt. Iut-h k1tiho. buf f. t. vtilt anamal and mlaa:oo ftniaft. laraa Prrhaa. vlaw lot. fna Mxk to Koaa t'lty 1'ara car; vrry aaay tarnia: lint for Kar iln and chlrk"n; bauty for paraoa war'tra ra'-ltrato-r'd hma. ya Jamra Lfran. tli bpa.dlr.c bid. H VI.SET PT PfVOAl-OtV. Pino 4-mom bjnylow. fnmara. flra p!aa. buffet. bokraa. Ilutrh kitchan. lot Slo. ftn lawn, rn Hala. rar ;7th: a baraia at lt.:a. $tooa caah. bal anca to au:t. CRrwt pnuis. J! Board uf Trada . 4i and Oak. h.vti.L, m'.vii,ow. SwaH I-mom btinkialow. fina flraplaoa, IVitrh k!t'-hn. b'ir'-l. ate ri-'f larca at. ti. mrntr lot 5i?. on Fnt 39th, Daar Hawthorn: rr'"a inft: oma lrmi GRf-SI BfLl. ! Board of Trada Bld . 4th and Oak. ROS riTT PARK. IS MONTHLY. N All taipmmi'n'' In and tl for: T -ooma: bullt-tn buffat and boo kraaa. ao:id oai fioora. 6rapla. furnara. ate. Na tional Ra:ty A Tnit Co.. T- Chamber of Commwna btd. I'hona Mam llin IIOLUIPAT HOMB." -room. p r f f " modTn homo, fcaat rart of Hoiiadty'a Addition: aaat front: ampla room for atara; will aU althr furaihad or tinf-irnliihod. J. K. Smith. S!.t r!iimbr of t'ommar. l-ROOif modern homa. rloaa In on Kaat aaay walklnc divtanca: thla ta aoma'.Mnc roira and vry bt location; prtra ItfcOu. TV' 111 alra tarma J. E. Hmltrt. IIS Cham- bar of Commrra. f.-' fr-room. nol'n bunaalow. I.t tnlnutaa out. 1 biork of car. prlca IJCT; lot 4 (x lo.i. Taka rood flat or lot In rtty first pavmrnt. bal. ar. Main 6703. 30 S V. it'h. " SNAP SNAP. Modam A-roorn h"ui-. valua Jooo- own. a- romfllrd to atrlrlra for aoo. For Information call 4AT Spalding. K M. Tuf ford. TOR SALE Vy noma; a naw T-room mod ern bungalow, t lola. H block to car. 2' mlnuta far arvlca; aama aa rant: ama'.t nrt pirmftt. Rra phona T-vbor mxa lny. oTtca phora M.tln R A Kl! A i N. rHTRi"M HINOAI.OW. It AtVTH 'KNE PISTHJCT. '.o-.'i K.-T HARKlSt'N. B it AVVTHORNr dlttrlct. C ro.iT wood houaa. 1 blork to bawthoroa. IJ0 caati and -'0 par monm. rII..i-ET BISHOP. UJ Third St. IT'R pALB N B-room eottaya bunralow. Iutch k:t.-ro: lot fUxttft; pr'ra of houao and lot iJ'i It aold aoon. Phona Tabor aTrlOOM homo and V acra. with M-foot tach. nar Oak lirovt; n anap. s-o inrh. .'"d V'on hula. MY ' a-iolty In tiaw bunsio. 5xlnO lot na I-: -k from car; all! trada for anythlnc nfjal'ja. C CrnonUiL iOU SALK It-room bunralow. Rosa City; aaay pamrr.ta: new and modem: b'.orhi to rar vt."4 i'htmr Commeroa. Main 1ft.'-. -,-TH MKiLAND. 4. iood K-room Voiia. RTS'I"- Ownar. Q4d l oroatt ac. ,... cor. lit for kmr. IJO03. 'bamo broka.rma. Own-r. Vo.wtl. i:. ftt-"siinri.l buna.tlow. larr. I..t. fruit; " caah or Uirua. Ownar. Tnbor BEAL KJITATB ror haJa Hoajaoa H0ME8 ON EAST TERMS. Vollam bunralow. four iwmi ". flreplaca. bookcaaaa. plataralU kp"lcB kitehan. lot 5x; !50O; amau cnah pay mant; baJanca to ault. t-room bunralow. .trlctly modaru. jor rr. firaplaco. buff.t. bookcaaaa. hard wood rioora. raa. alociricUy; ood r Row City Park. eloa to car: All rwaa ImprOTamenta paid: a-WSO and op. 6-room bumalow. SoiM. lot tV1X vary modem eonranlenea. "".J?0?,, caaaa. hardwood f.oora. Dutch kllchan. full cemanl baaemant. furnaca. flraplaca. aloe trie nxturaa. aSHoo. tarma. Wa bara aovaral t-room homra. wlin ail modem conTanlancea: furnaca. flrap aca. hardwood floora. bo kcaaea. buffat. ! kitchen Thaaa ara nrat-claan In avary aa tatl: 13710 and up. . T rooma and alaeplnr porch, beamad panaiad rffceta. flraplaca. furnao o. oj fet. bookraara. Dutc kitchen. blocua to Broadway car: 7i0. Larra a-roora homo at ML Tabor: axral lant Tiew of tha whole eity: modern eon v.n.encee: lot o.-.xl3: larra mature Royal Anna cherry treee: beautiful lawn, roaea. ate : tvm; t"0 ch. balanca tarma IKOVIDKVT TIll'ST "ost'Ai;iV. loL Iu2. 2. Board of Trade Ull. . Marahall 4T3. A 102iJ (IJ'M. $41" i' ..ii in my California bunralow in I'.oaa City Park, aa e . ara olnc F.aat; rooma. dleappearmr beda. reautlful music room, fine location tor bahr rraml piano: built-in bookcMA rulna da- burfet. ama eeinna. - rrewlaet barraia la Koaa City Park. Seo my aaeat ieUTUAV a THOMPSON. Cna.-nher ofomiBfrc.;' A LAIRELHIRST SNAP, autlful. new botne. rood-rn In 'TZ ct and In rood die'ri't. two blocka Paa reape. caah. ba:anra ar easy. 1 hia n'J arty la worth li more than asked. Loed-d-mann A llurke. i- -ctrlo bid, phonee- Marshall i"Jl. A - MK. LOT OV. MSB! Htm I! Tul R C H ASC TT IM-PI-..K Yc"-R IKUPklirT ?IIr2..., S'"E IT AT A LovV HA I S Of IN- ukwi. rus. rvR.NioMto rir tAii-U PAY 1U TO CoalsJ LN NO lALa Tall OViR. J. 8. ATKINS. ARCUITK-T AM' ICILDBR. HSSPT ULIKJ, THAT VACANT LOT. WHT Nor TURN A BL-KPEH PJTO ro-uME I ROI'IltTYT If YoU OWN A OT WE WILL I'LKNISH THE MONEY ASP BL11J Kt.-lL-t.NCa1 UK IUU I .ASS IKKK Ir- WB btjilo. WljB reputation Torn pkotucj: ioj. tr V1I.U PAY YOU TO BKK V4. I w BAIIKY Co.. I.N'-.. CONTRACT- IVG AR. K.Tk'.TS il ABlMiTOX Bl.O. BESfT-BUTLT HOME. ll-nnrton. Koeamera. Omstead Park, win aacrtnea 3 of my itrl.-tly modern, lu.t completed . T. . V nod lu-room houaea. with all cooveniencee. I have II -ears' experience In housebuilding: beat or terma b- peteraon. ar. httast, oanar. J1 Board of JTrada. M-i FOKTUAND HEIgTiTo bungalow. ronmg and eleeplnr porch: maaalva stona fireplace- automatic water heater. larro rrounda beauUfully wooded; hlgh-cinr neighborhood bea Sundaya Oregonlnn for detailed deecrlptlou. "or aia by oancr; ali."0. rood tariun. AN 641. Ore gon lan. HKRE IT I A, Two-thlrdg of an acre. S-room house, running water pi pod In tha house; 2 bocks from atation; within IS minutes of enter of tha city, on tha Weat bide. .-;. Easy terms. Provident Trust Company. S"l. 2''J. :n Board of Trada bl.lg. Marshall 473. A 1"'L I NUKIl VALIE. An alacant West Park-at. bunralow. corner lot. at reduced price. Including fine furniture; owner going abroad and will make low price rd terma. Investigate, and If you want n One home, you certain lr will buy. Vanduyn at Walton. flS Chamber t.f Commerce. WILL sacrifice my e-julty In new 6-room modem house, heart of Roee City Park. 1 block from car. east front. rVo-f not lot. at tha prlca aeked It will pay 12 per cent Intereat In rent; amall amount of cash, balanca easy. Addraaa owner, AT CI 2. Oregonlan. Any honnat man with steady poaltlnn can buy ona of our modern It-room bun ralowg on Installment basis: nothing down. Pro pert lea In Terrace Park. Flhrrta and Richmond districts. Call 4ol McKay bidr. Marahall u. A BEAL'TIFI'L new. T-roora bouse and sleep. Inr porch, hreplaca. bullt-ln buffet, hard wood floora. corner atltb and Knott ata Coma out and look thia over. Owner will be there mli day Sunday. J. H. Tlploa Co.. owners. 1108 Spa.dlng bldtf. LALRELHl K.-T UOL'SKS. Wa are acenia f -r nU lha good boueea tn thla dtatrlct. Baa ua for loweat prices. Office oa rround. phone East vbk. PFXAHISIT A CLEMKNTS. ftuth and East Glisan Sta. FOR SALK By owner, naw fire-room mod ern cottage. fu:i basement, oament floor: laundry: located four blocka north of ivnlnsula Park, ona blook from car. Mar ahall AI33. between 1 and P. M.. or addraaa AiJ Oregonlan. 4fx0 FOB modern e-roara house, lot 60x100. facing eaat. blocka from Lnlon are. vi Avast Uth at. Also 6-room bungalow, easy terms. Phono Woodlawn or C JAJU. HAWTHORNB DISTRICT. 6room bungalow, lot Jox loj, street Im rmrenientt ail In. new and modem. 1 block from car. Cail or addraaa a02 Madlaon st. " CNL'F.K VAI.LS. Will a 1 my modern t-room 40,14 bttn gilow. Hawthorne diatrlct. for tlaK: taka lot aa part payment, owner, ot Lumber Exchange. Marshall KOilV modem home near PatTon and KUlingsworth aree . JSOoii on terms; will take good burd-ng lot as part paymeaL Call 414 Speidmr bids. 1 OWN an excellent t-room house and aleep li'g porch. moUern and comp'ete. new. fire, place, bullt-ln buffet. hardwood doors; price (4ooO. easy tarma. J. U. Tipton Co.. lion Spalding Mdg. A SNAP. ( room Faat Side house, corner lot. only t'.tuo for quirk ante. Hurry. It will aoon go nt thia reduced price. Vanduyn W HDD. 1 . ....... . lrvlngtt.u. l rami, oak finish; aura to fileaae; two balba; cor.. 't'.u. choice oration. C 1S0O. kaat 2:1. W. Al. llerd Bitn. A SNAP. Two-story house, extra wall bnllt; large lot, fruit and nowera. only f2t0; email payment doan. t77 Obarlln at., u Johua rar to Van Houten are. S1S.-K 7 -room, brand new. aVatorr honea. cor ner lot 60xlu. near 00th and Diviaion at., east front, aaay terms. Call or addraaa io'l ladlson st. MOlislKN b-room house. 447 Fast 11th at-, comer Thompson and ltth ata. Price with all street Improvement paid. I."0. terma phona Wood lawn s--9 or C Id-'H. Owner. r: have some bargalna In houaes and lota, bungalows and bualneaa property en easy terma. Ilea .a as itobinaon. 301 IS. 11th at. E. or. ""' " " IRTtNOTON. If you want n new modem and well built Vouen In beat part of Irrlngton, call Owner. Kaet 3ott2; Itrma HOUSE FOR SALE. Price f?x; $50 cash and $16 per month. Carter-Dugan Co., b-0 Chamber of Com merce. WORTH IVWO-KARE OFFER. Modern "-room rKVINtiTON bungalow. Everything complete; owner MUST aeiu J v7. Oregonlan. - IHV1NGTON New bungalow, 9 room and lerge attic, atrlctly modern. $4700. Includ ing all assessments, easy terms. b.'J Yeon bldg. phona Main 112. A T456. NEAR Laurelhurat. bnngalow. five rooms: modern. Hilton K. White. 80S Henry bldg. e-K-M manrlon. new; Olmstead Park; $'U.ov- coat $t KM): only $'-oO caah required. Howard, doa Swetland bldg. HOMES. $1000 to 15000. eaay terma. Call early for choice; modern improveraenla. y,i;a Gossan, T West Klllfnir worth ate. NK.AR Walnut Park. Ave rooma, corner lot. peer carllne. $J0UO. Hilton K. White. SOS Henry bldg; 6-KooM house, barn, 3 full lots: will sac rifice for IDvO cash worth $15o0. L bOJ, tregonian. WILL SACRIFICE $H equity In $206 bungalow for term Main a3. M."1EN t-room. walking dlatanca. Call at lit Eugene at. LptTrtLAND HEMHTS. -room cottage. Una city view. Marshall 4S27. A SS. FOR FIN 5 HOMES. oea tvlstiunt. jTr-K-ON bunga'ow. 4.". ltth st, 3-room. elc.'ly iuraiahed department. $.0 a monUk. wood f.oora larra mirror, beat of rranch window In ona bedroom, fine UW'" kitchen and large basement: furnace). lire riac. large porch and aleeplnr PorT"". .i In i--rfe.-l romllllon. houe facing !' pafty aapta to buy my furniture which t it 1 . .i ii at. Mi aura Thla la the fro.n car: a rooma. cvoet...... - , room, uinmr-room. breaklat-room. kn i man. on first floor: four a.e-pl. f -room, an second floor; hardwood f.oora. flro p.ara. and many bul.t In featuree; ment laae-ment and rood furnace: work man.hlp and material guaranteed "'TV" nrr: mohtng P.K.AL ESTATE. For Sale Houaea OWN TOUR HOMB BT PAY1-SO - TER MN7HV- Tha trouble with moat people . home on lnstallmenta la that they bur den themeelvee with a too hTy Initial Inveetmcni and too Urge payment. It la rraaonable to expect lial yon will make pro Kress, so that In two J" your earnings will be greater. Then eon aider that well aeleoted property naturny advancer In value. Buy a good home nt a "J'' In a growing district on term that you can comfortably handle, then na your earnings Increase, pay as much u you can and secure title a aoon a a !"- We have Just tha home you want at !"-! Five iilco rooma. sU on one floor ,'n roomy front porch, larf. l:r v 5Sfr7ctwruss.As.r2i nfee .urroundlng. and.U do., to two er- '""s'Uow u. that you are P"nly neeted and you may move light In npon payment of .-V qqm PANT, "eeclal HIOCK. fSTTziK r?k balance term. ,,v0 Iast Everett afreet. S rooma. modem. I4.WV Eaat 44th at. North, room, modern. i70O Eat f4chuylar and Md. 7 -room bungalow. .aMMEaat eiat gtraal North. 8-room bungalow. 14000 Eaat oOth North. -roora bunga low. ttirwv Fast 44th. T-room bjmralow. LH'ltR F. KK.A.-ET COMPANY. 3d Floor Chamber of Commerce Bldg. RAIPR CKICKEN8 AT HOMB. Thla tract. 10Ox:0. only block from earlina. oo F.aat 40th, corner Scott, can be bought for only 1:00 DOWN. There la a aplendld -year-o:d ftn"T chard, garden, berries, new chlcken-houaa. fenced for poultry, fine lawn, old t-roora dwelling, overlooking Heed Institute. A RAItOAIN AT 100o. IORU Aw KK.tStr A CO., Second Floor Chamber of commerce. BARGAIN. $30.K. t room bnngalow In rirland. rewtrlMed fllstrlct. 1H block from car; recaption hall. ;utr living and dining room, don and kit. ?TVn: second floor 3 badrooma and bath, sleeping porch 10x1: also living porch the same aire, all acreened. Thl la a dar.dv house; extra easy "",., I'o-ul'KRATIVE HKALIY COMPANT. 620 Hallway Exchange, 4th nnd Stark. Office Open Sunday. IRVI.NOTON BAHOAIN. , 17.VI0. It rooms, hardwood floora throughout: 3 frepla.-ea. elcoplng-porch. fixture Ml shades; flna lawn and shrubbery: " be.ow value. I'hona Marahall 2248. Mr. Itcynolfl , For Sale Huslneee Property. AP tr.TM NT-IIOL SK on cor. Hall St.. pay per cent net on SoO.ooO, the asking price. Will eell for part cash, time on balance, or will take good acreage on Oregon Eleo trle as part payment. Call 41 Spalding b.dif e Far hale Acreage. HIGHIeT CULTIVATED LAND. Southwest Iop. -In the Tualatin Val ley; fino soil, no rock, grarval or tumpa; 6-acr trnot 7S cash, fit per month, or other aaay payments; Just Ho acres left; examine plat and the title to property. PACIFIC N.-W. DEVELOPMENT CO, INC. 406 Couch Bid. QUARTER ACRES'. SIB. 5e rar fare, JO minutes rifle from buslnes center: West Side: beautiful view, all In cultivation; term I0 -per month. T. R. PHTT-.LIP9 CO.. Phona Marahall 411. 40- McKay Bide. CHOICE ACREAGE TRACTS. Close to Portland: rich walnut, fruit and garden land; only amall caah pay ment, ba ance pays for Itself In product now on the land, which we accept and are tha onlr people making thla liberal offer. i-lRLAND IUlT COMPANY. fcO Spalding Bide CHICKEN and FRUIT RANCH Bear Portland: a NEW bCBOrVISIUN. Loatst prices; beat Mil: One view; wood, watar and roada, a aarea, 6400 par tract; 19 A, .-..o. 2o A.. 6ou; 40 A.. (1200; (0 A i.-ouO- 1 no A.. MiKHi: liberal terma. FRANK M' FAR LAND RtALTT CO, ol Yeon bidg., I'ortland. Or. CHOICE ACREAGE CHEAP. Three, alx or nine acree close to car and city llmlta. No batter sou In Oregon; Ilea One; running water; small rash pay ment and easy terma. Investigate and you will surely buy. Will treble in value before you have made all payment. vn duvn A Walton, 613 Chamber Commerce. SPLENDID FOR CHICKENS. nood A. room houne and 4 0x100 ft. lota. family orchard, t blocka from eloctrlo car station, very desirable ciose-in auouroan home and aplendld for poultry raising; good neighborhood. cIom to store, school, etc. r.uue; eaay terma. J. W. Hefferlln Realty Co, 414 Corbett bide;. O-ACI'.B tract. 7 acres. 10 acres, between Portland and Oregon City; easy term: one-llfth cash, balance on or before 8 y-ra. at 6 per cent Interest. a acree near Oswero, 1 mile from river; price $1.V"0; small cash payment, balance long tiro-, or aachauga fur city. I. G. HAVIDeON, 619 Chamber of Commerce. lu ACRES In tha Goodnough Hllla, all In cultivation and planted to IS acre In al monda and 6 acrea In apricots, all three yrara old: price 3iH0, amall payment down, balnnre easy. K. Tv. Krachraat. ( HAIMN A HFKIXIW. S32-3oS Chamber of Commerce. SUI1LT.BAN ACREAGE. One acre on main county road, near Covrl. only 8 mllea from the city; price SOo; $1mi cash, balance $ir per month. 6 per cent Intereat. EVERY BODY ahould have one of theae. W. H. Koaa. old bpaul Ing bldg. BEAUTIFUL- TBRS ACRES. Slavln' Addition, naar Council Croat. Term to ault won. A. U McNAIR. Mam 71. 14 ACRES, richest Mil In state, all under high atata of cultivation; 40 minute out; near Beaverton ; 10-room house, all kind of fruit, good barn, jvo tons capacity; im provements worth IJ600: price i000; own er non-resident, must ealL HIOLF.Y A BISHOP. Ill Third 8L FIVE acre beaverdam land, under Irriga tion and ready for crop; beat for onions, celery, cauliflower, potntoea. etc.; river and rail transportation: nothing better anywhere: low price ana easy payments; Investigate. 613 Couch bldg.. 1Q1 4th at. lu ACI1K8 at atation oo Oregon tT.ectrlo: ha jii acree beaverdam and balance la eaally cleared. If taken right away 1 will aell thla choice acreage for $l4n, on eaay terms. Adjoining acreage sell for from giotk to J-ViO per acre. L S6. Oregonlan. A SNAP for $0u oa Sandy road; about 3-5 acre, cleared and all Improvement paid for- fiuiteal carlU-.e In city; move onto a good pleo of latia and reduce your living ejpensea. KJ nay. uniumu. IVs to 6 acres. abaolutIy free of rock, sub irrigated. On for gardening. peaches, atrawberrleaeto.: 40 minutes out on aleo trlo line; best buy, near Portland; easy term. 6-13 UQUCB oiag.. oe em sfc. $20 equity In B-acre tract, IS mllea from Portland for $10O It taken by March J 1 o. w rite room 308. SIo1 Washington. THbl oast ana moei v,w. ' land; all -city Improvement paid for; beat cariine id our, - - lng on thla fine tract; aaay term; $1110.. X Ol J, m.m. R 1CRE1 r-nu o eieotrto Una. all cleared, seeded nd fenced; a snap at tha price; email cash payment will oanaie. u uri- $15 BUYS five acrea choice fruit and vege table land, unimproved, near railroad town. 1 hour from fort. arm; vmj 613 Couch bldg, 10k 4th su 11$ and t-acre tracta. close to Portland, 'l'to 4 blocks from electric carllne, $200 to I40O per acre; eaar wrm ... nw ferlln Realty to., sis voruen 2O0 ACT5ES. rich noil, railway town, S mile Mexico, eaay terms. Information. Zolla Ooesett. 7 west Kunngswonn eve. . t- -. r. rm. laree and small tracts. Call KIr.ney A, blampfer, 681-3 Lumber Exchange bloc. OREGON7AN, TUESDAY, VfEBKUATIT 27, 1912. REAL ESTATE. For Sale Acreage. A C R B A O E AB7JTTTNO ON THH NEW FOURTH-STREET ELECTRIC One-half acre, one acre, two acres or five cres; t-oo to $..r per acre and upon monthly payment plan. Some at $250 per acre. 1 mlia from earlina. I'.lch eoll. and oniy oO min utes from 4th and Washington ata. Office oyen evening tintil P. M. THE SHAW-FEAR COMPANY, Main 35. 102 Fourth st. A 30O. HERE 18 A SNAP. T ere. $1 under cultivation, about 3 acre of beaverdam; good, well-built. I-gtory house, and good bam and well; young assorted family orchard. Thl place cannot ba duplicated and la actually aold at a aacrlflce. Only 5 mlnutea out on elecirlo and 10 -cent car fare. BRONG-STEELE CO. Farm Department. J7t Oak St. Ground Floor. LewU Bldg. 10 ACRES OF rich bottom: land AT WTLLAJflNA, TAMHIli. COUNTT. WILL MAKE YOU A HOME AND INSURE TOU A STEADY INCOME. OUR PRICES AND TERMS ARE LIBERAL, LET US HELP YOU TO SOLVE THE HIGH COST OF LIVING. . -1 1 . 1 . r V m. I ' V 1 1 1 j 83-S: Ci. amber of Commerce. A SNAP 140 acrea. 18 mllea from Vancouv er, w aan., aooui i,wv.w . . " . ..... ber. mostly yoliovr Or; land will make one pasture or fruit land after timber Is re moved. Thla land Join the Vennerehorg Swedish colony, whoso lands are selling at $5o per aero and up In sub-division or 10 and 20-acre tracta. My price $14 per acre. Terma one-half caah. balance to ult purchaser. Interest 7 per cent on deferred payments. Addresa D. Crowley. Vancouver, t tin. A Kr. " rvr. o ...... Acre tracts, all aet In fruit trees, a yeara old; fine location, good roada 6 cent carfare; price IsiO per acre, term 10 per cent casfi, balance 2 per cent par month. 807 Yeon bldg- Ask for Mr, Lucaa. For bwle Homesteads. It.'.iir fiin"J- 4 el alma, to i2,kV.000 rant: location fee 3to to 500; timber good quality and very accessible. M Soo, ore- gv?:im. HOMESTEADS, One timber, water. good o'l level prairie, natural rainfall, de- irahle hornet; fee right. Covey, 2 Oak. gon lan. room at. HOMESTEAD I can locate you on a first clasa homextead. Will T. Wood, 4A9 Chambor of Commerce. KBI.INWUISH MENT SO acre. White Sal mon. What have you to effart 24 Cham ber l-ommsrue. HOMKoTKADS and bargain Camas prairie farms. Idaho Colonlxation Co.. Cotton wood, Idaho. . iTNmlU!on. yellow fir .-0; your la.t op Vortunlty for good claim. K 614. Ore gonlatu For Sale Fralt Lsmde. WANTED to aell or exchange Non-resident owner, unable to give personal at tention, offer 61 acrea Hood ltlver ranch for sal or exchange for city property. IS acre full-bearing orchard. No better property In tho valley; close In; magnin cent view; attractive Investment; price right: terma will permit payment largely from earnings; buildings and equipment complete. Address ownera, A Sbo. Ore gonlan. f0 EQUITY In a 15-acre tract of orchard land 4 mile et of , Woodhurn. for ale at $350 caah; must raise the money at once. 824 Cham. Com. Main 1622. FOR HALE M acre excellent fruit land; S3 acres apples Just comlug Into bearlns. N Ml. Oregonlan. 40 ACRES fineat apple land. n?M 'V.,h'te Salmon Only $70 per acre. W orth 1120. HmatNS PHONfTsELLW-OOD 128. For Sale Farms. S6 ACRES, it ee. In cultivation: some timber ult able for wood; land rol'Jas; oll a deep H:h loam: Tualatin River join land; nice family orchard: large o-room uuue... .a . . K.mT all building tn good condition.; toeet.A I miles south of Cornelius. Prloe per acre; half cash, balanco to suit purchaser. Land Joining elllng much L,her- 1IHACRH3. An In enltlvatlon: on S. P. R. R. and Oregon Electrlo R. R.; good house; other building poor; aoout 1 mue itvm -nellua, and 1H miles from Foreat Grove. Price $4400. Terms If wanted. ho ACRES. Pig mllea south of Cornellu: 60 acres In cultivation, balance timber, suitable for wood; good springs; land rolling; good orchard; fair house: barn 64x74. Good buy at $7000; $zoou casn, oaiance 10 sun pur chaser. u . ... k in tE tn nA s-acra traata lo cated ift Washington County that can't be beat for ou ana me price is ngn. TRIBUNE REALTY CO- Comellua, Oregon. JTNE DAIRf RArTCH. $00 acre on good wagon road. $ mllea to R. R. town, all finest of gently rolling land, about third In cultivation, all could be If cleared; fine lot of oak furniture, timber, running water. 3 good drags, good bam and outbuildings, plenty of fruit, all the land would raise It. Thla la no doubt the beat $00 acre for the price In the Willamette Val ley. Will take some little Portland Emperty as part pay. Can find ma y phona. Main H2S. morning to t and evening 6 to 10. 8. N. STEEI, Owner, 471 Jackson St. 45 ACRES. $1 acree tn cultivation, balance fir tint ber suitable for wood; alt levol and very beat of soil; fine creek rumm? through farm: rood family orchard: B-roora house good, new barn: otit-bulldlnga. located 3 mllea north of Cornellua. Washington County. 1 mllea from S. P. and Oregon Klectrtc R. R.. only mile from Center villa Station on P. K. 44 N. R. K.. can be bought tor $10,000 If taken In the next few day; rood term. Inquire of Owner at Tribune Office. Cornellua, Oregon. STOCK AND DAIRY RANCH. 96 mile south Portland on Willamette Fiver, 411 acres. I'ii a-rea In cultiva tion, 76 acrea timber, balance fine pne tura. Ideal for stock or dairy ranch, also good hop rancn, rear or rarm ilea or rt. above low water on river bank; soil A-l fnmlly orchard. Implement-house and other outbuildings. PORTLAND BUSINESS EXCHANGE, 70-10 Kothchlld bldg. Marahall 1S2S. A BARGAIN. 6V9 acres, over 2oo In cultivation. 86 acrea In oak and ash tlmoer, running water tha year round: largo house and barn, hot and cold water In house, plenty fruit, echool on the place. S mile to town and R. K. ; moat tha crop in. Prlca 625, 000; S10.OO0 down, balance on time to suit. It is worth $0000 today more than la aakad for It; off the market after Febru ary 1. M. E. Burgess, Amity. Or. UAROAIN iood 10O-a ere farm 84 mile from Portland. 1 mile from atation. $S6 per acre; 40 acrea cultivation, bad. oak stump. 8-room house, barn and outbuildings; team horses, 2 cows, 6 brood sows, 4 doz. ohtckena, fine orchard, good living from start. Terms. 223 chamber of Commerce. 11 ACRES, all In cultivation and fenced, 17 room hotel, furnished, big barn and out bulldlnra. young bearing orchard, fruit and berries, stock, tools and machinery, $3000. O. H. PEASE. Tabor W 1098 E. Alder. 120-ACRE farm near Oregon City; high state of cultivation: stock, maohlnery and every thing goes. Owner must sell account of age. Call 414 Spalding bldg. ON account of sickness, a fine farm, 00 acres, muat be 'sold shortly; chance to double money In ahort time; half caah. K. Buetlkofer, 283 Salmon. STRANGE. ISN'T IT? Oregon wheat farm. 820 acre, for only $10 per acre. Let u tell you about It. 816 Railway Exchange lidg. 80 ACRES, 20 cultivated, orchard, timber, shot soil, aprlng. stream, fenced, build ing. 4 miles Cornelius; $S0 per acre. A3 o-a. presume.. Land for sale, rent or trade. Smith. 818 Hamilton bldg. 40 ACRES of" rand. $-room house and barn. 3$ mllea from Portland, on the North Bank R. R. Price H800, H cash. 14 North 4th. RANCH 60 acres, with buildings, IS miles from Portland, near electric '.me: bargain for all cash, by owner. 1B2 Morrison st. gXp 10 acrea fruit and potato land. N. "w. of HI11-toro. $S0O: $150; $10 per month. Dubois, LAOS Toon bldg. REAL ESTATE. For Sale-Farm. RUSH OF NEW SETTLERS. GET HERE LUFORB MARCH 15. Get ready to ship at once. ,. If you can't ship Immediately, come and aelect your land, and bring your good 'Hundreds of settler coming In- Choice tracta going last. Low rats from East effective March 15. Thousands and thousand ar coming. Bit-Beat n-.n ever known. Get hero'axxt. or you will get here too UComIng from tdeak. nowbound tate Into this beautiful green valley, where al falfa is already knee hiKh, fruit trees In bloom, and farm ax s aeeaing. these land seekers will quickly clean up everything In sight. Our land Is limited in area. Richest soli and most abundant water supply In California. Silt-loam 20 feet deep, no hardpan or "'Gravity lrrls-atlon. Enough water to cover land 03 Inches deep. Alfalfa 10 tons per acre. Now $le par ton. . Acre supports two cows. Cow pay sio a month in butter faL Creamery furnishes all you want, taking half your monthly cream chek In pay ment, cream collected at your door. 10 varieties vegetables all Winter. Ta-o crops potatoes a year. fweet potatoes 1000 bushels an acre. Every fruit of North America More deciduous fruit ahlpped than from any other Ilk area In the world. Oranges earlier than Southern Cali fornia. , You can sell all the fruit you grow In advance on the trees. Profits as high a $1000 an acre. Don't delay. You can practically buy on your own terms. S year to pay out. Those living In Portland or vicinity call today on H. G. Torry, 1208 Yeon bldg. Other writ to LOS MOLINOS LAND COMPANT, Lo Mollnos. California KTSETS 44 HEAD STOCK ON 25 ACKEeJ. A I -OS Mollnos fanner owning 2S crs hse Just bourht 20 tin milch eowa. He already owned 4 cows, IS hog and S horses. Where elrs In tho United State could 44 head of stock be kept on only 2-" acres? He will et a revenue of at least $100 an acre every year. Yet he bought his land under Irriga tion at about tha same price that Iowa or Illinois land costs, that will support almost only one-third as much live stock. Do you realize the wonderful value of California climate, coupled with a rich oil and abundant water for IrrlKatlonT Thousands of other do and are flocking In from every tate. frtso rlVfte you possession of on of the finest irrigated 20-acre tract In Califor nta. No seoond payment for two year. Elcht vears to psy out. This tract will pay $2000 a year growing Ifnlfa alone. Dairying and hogralslng It will pay twice as much. It will grow every fruit, Tetratable, ce real or plant that growa anywhere. You can sell your fruit In advance on the treee at $!CO to $500 an acre. Sixteen varieties of vegetablae grow all Winter. Moat abundant water supply tn theatate. Fruit trees now In bloom. Farmers aeeding alfalfa and planttng potntoes. Come nt once; bring your team, cow and farm tools. -Wild pAKture abundant. Cholc tract getting caree. You will never buy rood land In Cali fornia nertln at uch price and on such easy terma Write at once to LOS MOLINOS LAND COMPANY. Los Mollnos. Cal. CHEAPEST FARM ON THE MARKET. Onlv lo mile south of Portland: 40 acrte'23 in hth state of cultivation; fine view of mountains and Portland. 1 i miles to electric line, 2H to Sherwood; good house, barn and outbulldlnps, fruit, 1 acre In strawberries, fine spring and creek at tha back; this I the finest lying, best Improved and cheapest place in Ore gon, at $4200, terms. 20 acres, with stock, lo miles from Portland, lib o boat landlns, 8 to car; 20 acrea In cultivation; rood house and outhuiltllngs: 3 acrs In fruit, spring snd well, new wagon, buggy and farm tools, jrood team. 2 fino cows. 40 chickens, 8 plrs. nil for $2S0O. terms. We guarantee our statement and nav picture of our farms at office. W. H. SE1TZ 4- CO.. 810 Spalding Bldg. Main 0584 FOR SALE 38 acres rich land. $3S00. small buildings; R5 acrea 30 cultivated, small buildings, rich soil. $S0 per acre. Farms of all sixes far sale. Address C M. Crit tenden, Hubbard, Oregon. Miscellaneous. WANTED $10,0ry TO COMPLETE A SYN DICATE, EITHER ONE OR TWO PARTIES. An $85,000 purchase, S25.000 cash, bal ance In 15 years, at per cent- A large number of lots, resldeneea and business property a few block from Eaat Side business center. 1 am not In tho guarantee business, but I believe this Investment will pay 200 per cent, or a prqflt of $10,000 on each $5000. This may seem beyond reasonable legiti mate profits: however, such pickups are not uncommon, at any rate, come and see for yourseir, tnen consult tnree 01 me mo.f conservative and beat-known real estate men In tho olty. and I guarantee that you will admit that you can double your money In less than 12 montha and at the same time have an Interest In a property sure ana sare ana certain ravm advancement. GKO. FI. "WAGGONER, SOS Yaon Building. ONE AND A THIRD FARE to Oceanlake Park, on Garibaldi Beach. Thursday, the 2lith Call at 7o;t Spalding bldg. for par ticulars The Tillamook ay o. ONE AND A THIRD FARE to Bay City, Thursday, 20th. . Call at 708 Spalding bldg. for particulars. Bay City Land Co. FOR RENT FARMS. SMALL farm about 8 miles out snd near Oswego; housa, barn and fine soli; rental on cash basia 1 n rtAVTnHnV 81S Chamber of Commerce. TEN acres. In fine state of cultivation, and soma stock and furniture for sale, on top of Mt. Scott. O. L. Lehman, Phone Tabor 1720 evenings. 5 ACRES, good Vhoune and barn, 7 blocks to electric ears, Vancouver, Wash.; $13 month. F. W. Torgler. 108 Sherlock bldg. WANTED REAL ESTATE. Tr-tv hv hovers for house In South Port land A tiuyer for West Side Income property up to $:m,000. A buyer for a r , . Girt, within wnllr. noiise or o. o -- - " - , - - Ing distance. Marshall 3U5I. A 4164. J. R. HENDERSON St CO., 607 6paldlng Bldg WH7 have many Inqulrlee from Eastern In vestors for real estate Investment prop erties; registered with us. You may have Just whst our clients want. Abbott at Co.. Wilcox bidg. WANTED A home I want to buy a bunga low on the Fast Side, 6 or 6 rooms, on very easy terms: will look at anything reasonable: give location and price. Ad dress AS 831. Oregonlan. WASTED Acreage, Small payment down; near Portland; give location and price, ifc S44. Oregonian- WANTED Your acreage and farma at the right prices. I can aell them. F. Dubois, 1200 1 eon pick I WISH to Invest $10,000 In West Side in come property. Am not an agent- Ah. Sl, Oregonlan CASH for 6-room house. 829 Lumber Ex change bldg. FOR SAI J LAND. ti v. us n I.A?n BOUGHT AND BOLD. C J. M CRACKEN. 304 McKay bldg. 160 ACRES red Br timber land in T 31 S, R. 8 W.. Douglas Co, Or., cheap If taken soon, T. X. Parent, Fernwood. Idaho. WANTED TO KENT FARM S. WANTED To rent a farm, furnished or unfurnished, shares or cash rent; must have suitable buildings and muat be good SOU. VY 00, .... . WANTED Swiss man with 20 to 60 cows to tak tin farm. Addres H 853, Ore gonian. WANTED TO RKNT FARMS. CASH rent for your farm, Jf you nav ac commodation for family; ten years' ex perience 22s evenlnsa No. 64 K. S7th at, Portland. Or, TO EXCHANGE. CASH for rooming-house; about 26 room. S good lot In Tacoma and cash for good boarding house. Hood River orchard tracta for cash and of home In Portland In good resldono . district, 6-room modern house for automobile. $2800 house for mortgage or Iota House and small acreage wanted near Portland for lot and waamngiuu -...-e-. with $500 In cash. Wanted Small acreage tract worth 200 for acre near carllne and within 10c oar fare. Small house and lot worth about $1000 for diamonds aa first payment. Want lots for and 7-room cottage In best residence district. . $3000 first mortgage on 320 acre of land for cash or Portland property. 8-room modern house, street Improve ments in and paid. 2o00 cash, or will trade for good mortgage or smaller house. M- C. REED CO, 61T Board of Trade. Main 46.5. 306 ACRES fine land. 10 acres cleared and on balance there Is 10.000.000 feet fine timber; close to logglns stream; can be logged off at any time; price $10,000; will accept Portland property up to $5000 and time on balance; this proposition will bear close Investigation. J. HI. Smith, 013 Chamber of Commerce. SICKNESS-compels me to dispose of my nicely furnished roomlnghouse of 10 rooms, centrally located. East Side; my actual cash equity $700. balance 13 per month; no Intereat; will accept small pay ment down, or will trade for city lot. bungalow, or Improved acreage: must ba sold at once Nj agents. Phone East I003. 200 ACRES, all or part, choice land near Mt. Hood Railway for sale or exchange; deep, rich soil, well watered, beautiful scenic surroundings; a fine sub-tllvlsion proposition for Summer homes: would consider mortgages and contracts in ex change; also a few city lota We are the ownera AN 843, Oregonlan, fAlTH and Belmont, 6-flat apt., 8 furnished; also T-room house, lot 75xSO; exchange for good 6-room up-to-date residence : close In on good car service, cash value $7500: bal. terms; now bringing $100 per month. S 620. Oregonlan. FOR SALE or trade, four valuable mining claims In the Coeur d'Alenes, Idaho, aur rcunded by the large producer and proved up beyond a prospect. Abbott A Co., WU col bldg. EXCHANGE Southern Oregon orchard and cheap unimproved lands for Portland property and Willamette Valley acreage. Ask for our exchange list. Banson In vestment ,o, fllBuiuru, v., HAVE especially good exchanges, based upon actual cash. It you wish to exchange your property on ame basis, any ixe or kind, then don't hesitate, but e F. E. Miller, v'iiod -no- wv. FINE millinery business, stock and fix tures, exchange for good building lot, au tomobile furniture or player piano. AF SK4. Oregonlan. EXCHANGE good 8-room residence, mod ern, furnaoe and electrlo fixtures In, for city lota J. II. Tipton Co., 1108 Spald ing bldg. WILL accept auto up to $750 as half pay ment on 180 acres fruit land. Balance cash. TlMs is about $9 per acre. Call 004 frpaiaing oiuk 1100 ACRES SOUTH DAKOTA LAND In exchange for Portland property. Par ticulars and price from owner. Sherman A. Nelson, yo-t Aewis uiug. PORTLAND lots. 80x100, Improved, close in unincumbered, clear tlt;e, to exchange for mortgages and seller contracts, s 7C2, Oregonlan. , TO EXCHANGE -Land in Eastern or Southern Oregon, for general merchan dise or clothing stock, from $10,000 to . . - ...... . . - Ifin Qhwln.1, tl ! 1 - WILL exchange for Portland property my 400-acre stock and grain ranch in South ern Oregon, close to railroad; price 52. 000; mit;ht assume. C 813. Oregonlan. WANT 20 to 40-acr farm near town, with Implements, in exchange for clear city property and cash. 42U Lumber Exchange. Marshall 42'.)S. FOR lot or team of horses, my equity In modern 5-room bungalow, 37th, near Haw thorn; lot 50x100, lawn. Price $2300. I an or aoaress 30 aia..tun qi. A NICK Utile 8-room home In Spokane; coat SHOO; will take lot In Portland worth ' i'.KX. Tabor 8637 evenings, re. Main 1022. FARM to exchange for Portland propett ouse up to f 4000. Some cosh. Room 43 ton Court. 11th end Yamhill stF. liou El HOUSE at Hood River (rented) for lots or equity in lots, or acreage or equity in acreage. AF 838. Oregonian. CORNER, 2 houses, Albina, value $4600. for 40 acrea or over, improved; not over 60 mllea out- 415 Chamber of Commerce. WANTED To trade my upright piano. In perfect condition, for a good lot, near I; , CAC Ors0nnin. cariiue. aw cvj-j. v. -p COLORADO lanaa and lots to exchange for cut-over land or other property here. , , j , . e,o,- UM V I WILL trade my Victor with 22 double face record for anything that 1 worth $35; cost me $70. labor 85SZ. REAL ESTATE exchanged, rooming-housea, anything. Ask for. Burrows. 817 HAMILTON BLDG. TO EXCHANGE SO seres land In Minne sota for equity In Portland residence. P. J Boeder, 100 Sherlock bldg. FOR trades of all kinds see Garland as Co, 101 4th. TWIN FALLS quarter, under ditch; $5600 equity for coast farm. X -845, Oregonlan. 6-PASS. auto for sale or trade, cheap. Phone Main 8723: E. L. Fraly. FARMS WANTED. WANTED Unincumbered Willamette Valley farm. $12,000 up to $18,000. in exchange for Portland business proposition paying 25 per cent net: win eiauu n.i . Investigation; will consider cash valua tions only. Bee F. E. Miller, 825 Yeon bldg. Mar. 630. WANT well Improved dairy farm or stock ranch within 80 miles of Portland, near transportation: will consider ranch up to $40,000. H MS, Oregonian. WANTED TIMBER LANDS, WANTED 25 to 50 million feet of cedar timber for shingle mill proposition. Ad dress No. 681 Lumber Exchange, Seattla AM open to any good lorrglng proposition. What have you? N Slo, Oregonlan. FOK SALK. Horses, Vehicles, Etc ORCHARD men and ranchers, attention. I have the best pair mares that stand In Portland; they are 7 and 8 years old, weight 2000 or better, well matched In color end r'.ze and work like one horse: are fast walkers and kind and gentle In or out the stable. I sell this team with a heavy breeching harness and a 2i-in. wagon with double box and spring seat for $Srt5 and allow two weeks' trial. Can be seen at feed stable. , to f Uni-rlenn . . eftf fittl. Ask for W atterson Ranch mares. $"50 TAKES a well-matched, chunky team. 7 and S years old. weight about 2400 and ara kind and gentle in or out of stable and will work single or double any place you put them; with a nickel-trimmed harness and a 2i-in. wagon with double box end snrlnar seat, as good as new. All for $'50: allow two weeks' trial: have leased ranch and must sell. Ask for Watterson Ranch team, feed stable, 440 B. Morrison. cor. 7th. st. FOR SALE A pair horses. harness and wagon; horses are and 7 years old and weight 2000 or better, well matched In size and shape; one dark iron gray, tho other a dark brown. I will soli this out fit for $475, or sell separate; will allow two weeks' trial; ran be seen at feed stable 145 E. 7th, cor. Morrison st. Phone E. 1072. $210 BUT3 compact farm outfit. A chunky team, 7 and 8 years old, weight, about 2200 A. fine nickel-trimmed harness with breeching and a farm wagon with double ibox and spring seat, good as new. all for S210. with two weeks' trial allowed. Ask for Watterson R3nch team at feed stable, 440 Morrison at. cor. 7th. 40 HORSES, all sizea delivery horses, farm chunks well matched draft team, weigh ing 1600 lbs, and heavier Percheron mare with foal to Imported stallion, at Howltt's Stablea. 80th and Burnslde sta Montavilla COMB and see another shipment of choice horse and mares, well broken, at rea sonable price and guaranteed as repre sented. Tako Rose City Park car to 62d st. Adam & Campbell, prop. Phone Tabor tl81. GOOD team, weighing 2400 lbs, harness and farm wagon, all $150. Phone Bellwood 1545. FOR SALE HORSES. Trustworthy horsea accustomed to city. 89 East 7th st. North. 17 SETS of farm harness for sale cheap. 351 Uurrslde. WANTED A horse for his care and feed; very light work. 1113 Hawthorne ave. , ONE well-broke horse. 7 year old, 1400 lbs. Han Bros' barn. 2S4S4 1st. . SIX head f horses, harness, wagon and buggy. Call 218 fi- 8th and Salmon. FOB BALE. Borses, Vehicles. Eta. GUARANTEED HORSES. ' Team, weight. 2800 lbs., 7 yrs, $375. Team, weight 2000 lbs.. 7 yrs, S4.J. Team, weight 2350 lbs, 4 yrs., J.125 Team, weight 2250 lbs, 6 yra, b25 Team, weight 2150 "s.. 8 yra, $225. Team, weight loOO lbs,. 7 yra, loO. Teum, weight 24O0 lbs, 4 yrs, ii-a. Team, weight 2300 lbs., 6 yra. $J00. 25 other horsus and mares (some in foal), from $50 up; also small teams of mules, complete pony outfit, farm wagon (all !xe), delivery wagons, buggies, har ness of all kinds. In fact everything In the horse line; this stock all sold with our written guarantee to be as represented or your money refunded. If you are going to buv horses, make inquiry as to our re sponsibility. We will furnish you with both bank and business references. in this way you will be assured of doing business with a reputable firm and it generally pays In buying horses to deal with responsible people. E. W. Hagyard and R. L. Evana Propa, Portland Stables. 13th and Couch ata. $225 BUY3 complete rarm outnt. coneisi...a of horse and mar weighing 2150, well matched and chunky, new light farm wagon and harnesa ,,. $250 take nice span of brown geldings with harnees; these horsos are 6 and . years old, are very closely matched ana work like one horse. $325 takes draft team, weight 8400. with buck chain harness; thla team naa a kind disposition and can be worked by anyone. ...... . Four wagon, rrom o to o-i.-. -rood ordr, at a sacrifice. 247 E. 12th. one block north of Hawthorne ave. $S5 BUYS chunky horse, year old. weight 1150 and sound; also brass-mounted hur ness and panel top wagon, chean: have disposed of dye business cause of sale. Ask for Mrs. Rogers' rig, or horse at boarding. 145 E. 7th st, cor. Morrison, or phone hi. 21. asK lor jura. jwm?.o. LEAVING city, must sell gray horse, 1500 ll.s, white horse, 1300; bay mare, 1S0O; black mare, 1150, in foal; bay horse, 1050; saddles, good to buggy, true to work. W. J. Rltter. B51 Second, near Mill. Pianos. Organs and Mnslcnl Instruments. COMPLETE trapdrummers outfit for salt cheap. 220 Knott st. Phone East 2131. Automobiles. ""sacrifice. Premier -cylinder GO-h. p. 1W1 oven passenger, equipped with mohair top, side curtains, wind shield, speedometer clock, electrlo lights, presto lights, demountable rims, 1 extra rim and tire, full set tools, tira chains, trunk rack, tire Irona This car Is going to be sold at a big aacrlnce. OREGON AUTO EXCHANGE, . 21st and Washington Bts. DON'T BUY an automobile until you see our stock of over 75 cara We are exclusive dealer of used auto mobiles. Every car guarantee a. OREGON AUTO EXCHANGE, 141st and Washington Sts. FOR SALE 1910 B-passenger auto, excel lent runnln" condition, completely equip ped, top, wind shield, speedometer, gt.s lamps, etc; S3T5 or make offer; must sell. 123 North 5th at. ; I HAVE $800 cash equity In B-room bunga low. $375 cash equity In 5 acres of ex cellent land; will exchange both for au tomobile; no Junk. C 644. Oregonlan. FOR bargains In used cars see u first; writ for lift: we buy and sell. CUSTOM-HOUSE AUTO CO, Cor. E. 13th and Hawthorne Ava WANTED To buy a 5-passengor Packard: must be in good shape; tata. price and model. J St6. Oregonian. . GouD 4 Mi -ton truck; guarantee has six months to run; good condition; a snap at the price, $2800, K BOd. Oregonlan. MOTORCYCLE 7-H. P. twin engine; has not run 40 mllea 344 Burnslde. FOK SALE Hurley-Davidson motorcycle, . first-class condition. 673 E. Salmon t. Dogs, Birds. Tet Stock. 6. C. BROWN Leghorn eggs cheap; heavy layers, any quantity, any time. Main 412S. James Ireland. 414 Spalding bldg. 20 PULLETS 1 cock. White Leghorn, for sale. 278 E. &lst t-, corner Haaaalo, Montavilla. LARGE young dog, protection- for man or cljlid. East 6055, ; IMPORTED singers and females. Woodlawn car. 31)0 Shaver st. Miscellaneous. FURNITURE of six-room bungalow In Irv lngton for sale; must vacate house by Feoruary 2!; furniture nearly new and will sell all or part at a bargain; no deal ers need apply. Call at 638 East 17th st. North. Phone C 1021. $210 GASOLINE launch, name Laguunle. 28 feet long. 8 feet wide, 12-horso power 2-cylinder; can be seen northwest- corner foot of Madison bridge. For bualneaa lu- quire 65 North 2d at the bar. . MEN'S PANTS SALE. Extra trousers are always useful; $4.00 values $2.25- S5.00 values, $3.25. Jimmy Dunn, room 315. Oregonlan bldg. Take elevator. nnn CAT C OI) TI A Ft Ml 5-ton Ice making equipment, complete City Market. Ice Sc Cold Storage Co, .150 East Washington st A CLIENT ha gone East leaving a fine oak desk and chair t my office for sale at a bargain price- 505 chamber of Com merce. NiSW Model 0 linotype, Babcock cylinder press. Job presses and complete printing outfit, suitable for running a small dully. AV 47. Oregonlan. SAFKS Genuine Hail safes, new and second hand, low prices, easy terms. Safes opened and repaired. Purcel Safe Co. and Port land Safe Co, 85 6th St. Main 6308. STUM PAGE 40 acres flrst-ola fir. will cut 6000 cords. 75c a cord. Near O. W. P. -eood roada Fred Bratxol, cresh am. Or. FIVE-FOOT solid oak roll-top office desk and handsome chair, cost $'J0. will taka $50: strictly first-clasa. Address by lettor, D 644. Oregonlan. ONE fresh cow for sale, half Holsteln and half Jejej-, giving 4 gallons milk. Ad dress 8h and East Stork t. Phone ia bor 1044. for siLB A pony and a caracul coat, each 62 Inches long. Ks bust, worn a few times; cost SS and $25. Sell for $4o and $10 respectlvelyKast 4340. FOR SALE -Cash register, scalea. coffee mill, cheese cutter, credit register, meat silcer, etc. The Portland Store Supply Co, 250 2d st. Marshall 4548. SL1GHTL V used cash registers, credit reg isters, computing scales, etc, bought and sold. The Pacii'lc Store Service Co, 4-ti tark St. Main 7711. . FOR SALE Sanitary couch, princess drcss er, kitchen cupboard, tablea chairs, etc Tabor 8669. TOU can rent an Oliver typewriter with oak stand tor $3 per month; convenient at home.jA-keny St. Tel. Main 62.3. FOR SALS or rent, logging and H0I9TINQ enclnos. locomotives, cara talis, RAILWAY EQUIPMENT CO, 74 First St. j?Tih sale Full lino of house furniture. nas been in use only tar, montha Phona Woodlawn 13il. , AIL makes typewriters rented, 3 a month. A KOMHWEST TYPEWRITER CO., 202 Stark st. register (National), in first-class con dition! price $175; cost $300 new. Stubos Electric Co- Oth and Pino sL ' ' FERTILIZER. We'.l-rotted. cow .and horse imird Uvoredjo anpartftl1y.East7. rr,.r.r, SALE of unredeemed pledges at Unclt Myer.'T 71 Bth at., near Oak. 40 years In Portland. TWO complete bedroom sets worth $150. at a bargain; l'hone Marshall 674. T-vrvvRWOOD typewriter. rolltop desk, L cnaVrsO 1 wall maps- AF 835. Oregonian. "pot in oak rolltop desk and chair at a bargain AF 831, Oregonian. FRESH .cows, making 10 pound of butter . ."k AG 632, Oregonian. INDIAN motorcycle for sale. 95 Russell et, room 16 . . sFo-rTusiNKSS card, l: City frinieu. p7i NKW visible typewriter for sale; a bar- gain, aj o . v.., FiLING cab, med. size safe, Nafl cash reg- tster. . w . ...j,. ..." GAS range, used six weeks, patent broiler, 1!-Inch oven. 647 Kerby St. WANTED M1SC-LLAN-OC3. WANTED Fresh cow and horse In ex change for painting or papering. Lha. . Llndwarr. 220 Knott Bt. Tel. Lat;2181. WE pay the highest cash price for second hand furniture. Sealer A Martin. Phoue East S114. 848 Hawthorne ave. TO BUT. cash register, scales, coffee mill, cheeso cutter, credit register and meat siicer. Phone Marshall 4548. 250 2d. Wt.NlED Several hundred boxes cheap ap ples, either fresh or canned. K 815. Ore gonian. WANTED Tinners' tools, also cornice break. 8ft-. etc Offers to F 838. Oregonlan. WANTED to buy setting hen. Phone Tabor WANTED A 6x7 extreme wide angle photo lens; state price. AS 832, Oregonlan.