Morning Oregonian. (Portland, Or.) 1861-1937, February 26, 1912, Page 12, Image 12

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RKU, mar
AVn A TiriRT FARC tn Bar City.
T&ori-r. 2Sth. Call at T"3 bpaldinf I
b.dg. far particular. Pay City Una to.
BH'K.N'K. fompfj m to dlapo of
r lfiT f urma r.)om:afhouH of lJ
r-Mjm a. centra,.? loca- 4. Eat 81?: wy
artual tub Multy :-. balaoc : per
month! bo interest: will accept small pey- dawn. a will trad for city lot.
burgalow. of improved trrta; muit b
o:d one No amenta. rnontfcMt sw.
2v ACRES. a;i or pari, choice land near
ift HnoJ ktiiwav for uii or cMnr:
d-o. rich ii. well watered. butifjl
.n n nirrAiiniUnr. a fill sub-dvlat
ttrorotti.n for .-urnmfr homi; would
r nn!r mortcar4 and eoctrart la
cninf: -o a Cr city Iocs, W ar th
ovoirt AN Ml, Oregon I a a.
FOR ALE or trade, four valuable ealrilag
claltne la th Cour d'Alwn Idaho, sur
rounded by the lars producer aad proed
p aeond ft prospect. Aboott aa Cav WU-
c x b'caT.
VI AN T t irhittft food -uburan Int. An
atew: 15 miDutcg out from 3d aad Mor-
r ion, f c r tne ui:ding of a garsr. Ph:
X&IO 40.T. w A. Ja. w J-. -
T P. M- to 10 P. M.
EXi'HANO.E good t-roorn r;der.e. mot-e-rt.
furnace and elect rk ftxtur In. fr
my pm. J. H. Tipton Co,. 1W4 fcpald-
i-x b.dy.
u ii i. auto uo to $750 aa half pay
ment an !0 acr fri!t land. Balance
raib. TMi la about 9 per cr. Call
&4 Fpaiding biCg.
iru a so t'TII DAKOTA LAN D
in tirhioi f-r Portland property. Par-
Ucu ra and price from owner, fc henna
A. N'eon. 4 fwn p:qg.
t in lat& &Ox lOO. Improvtd, clo
la. unln.-umbrd. clear tit. a. I ttphtagt
1 r mortfac aad sailer contract.
7ff2. Orttoalia.
to EXCHANGE Land In Ea-tm or
Futbm orrioo, for general mrrhaa
or clothing stock, from $15,000 to
5.VK0 P. J ROder. 1V Mfr.OfM phjs. i
WILL .icbaai f-r Portland property my
.v-c-r atocic and gram ranch in sotn
m orson. eloe to ri:road; price -".-
vO; might a-.. C ureaonian.
w a rr lota Tramoot. unincumbered, ta I
t-aa fr amr. r H tow far from trana
HtrtaUoa. J0Ok AO 1X Orison-
n-ax'Trck-Ta trad my uprtaSil plan, in i
wx-rf condition. fr a a vd lot. naar
rr:ino. " AJ gftH. Qronlan.
li.' r-KAU) lanaa ard iota t chmngm for
rUi.owr !auJ or othrr property oara.
Had -y. g'-" Sya'dlna; Hldr.
I WILi, trad my Victor with 23 doubl
fftco racorUa f-r anythlnar that U wortb
coat ma 7a Taoor
KLAL tiTATF. harcHi. roomlai-aouata,
TO EX"HAN'3B0 arr-a land in Mine
00 la. for aqutty In Portland realdemc,
J. Rod or. 1' ) 9 Pawl'vli bllg.
GAHUM) A CO.. 191 tb bC
S-TMr laa at 10 par month for
arcs. vO ara undr cultivation, 35 acre
In timothy and clor. od Improve
manta e-room housa. barn tXTs, runnlns;
at-r. ail fenced and crooa-f'-ncaHj. locat
ed t anile frarn Camaa, t larn county.
Wash onlv W mile from Portland: cream
muta R F. D. and phon aarvlce. 1 bU
farm la wall etocked wtth 19 milch coma.
I bull, ten a-yer-:d betfera. 4 yeairllnar
balfrra 1 steer. head of horse. .3 tona
f h and a full set of farmlua Imple
ments ard hotaaehold aoods; price of stock
and tmplementa. HWV.
Sia poard ef Trade P.d.. 4th and Oak.
TEN" Acres In fine atate of cultivation, and
some stock and furniture for sal, on top
of ML Sott O. L. Lehman. Phon Tabor
17? evenlnr.
V. K have manv inaulrn-a from Faatera
veatora for real estate laveatment prop-
ertiea; reaiatered srttn aa. Tou may have what our cUeate want. Abbott
Co.. Wl.coa bidg.
tTAVTED tw eaah. a modem houa on Port-
imsid Helanta. aot mort than rooms and
tn'ist b raaaonaMe; don't want ateep MI1
i:da Call 2w 7th at- Phone Main 7,1.
AV looklnc for ft bargain: have S100O t I
tS04 cash; fall part:cuUra or no attea
tion paid. AN 122. Uretanlan.
WANTED Toor acreac and farms at th
nrit prtcee. I can sell them. F. Iirbe)ia
3 Ttoa blda?
1 WISH to InvMt S10lO;4 In Wt fild In
come prop-arty. Am sot aa aent. A 919.
A H F.AP lot oa Eaat Fid. P. O. Hot Id,
184 ecrae of cbalc piMns? and tl tim
ber, situated ml. as from Albany and
thre-fourth mil l artat.on. on tu Or-
aron Elect rla H. R This tract will cut
Oco cords af wood, ana Is vary beet of
bottom land. Price. If takea wlthia 30
dava. IOv per acr. Addreaa C O. Burk-
hrt. Albany. Orecett.
M HAi'rtfN, .'04 MrMf b!dg.
l-k XCh.FS red fir timber land In T. 81 S..
K. 9 W.. toag:as Co.. r.. cheap If takea
soon. T. A. Par at, Fernwooa. laaho.
IN COM property la ti-haoca for timber.
ia to mU'ien. , i. vrtioaiaa.
Cap H rent for your farm. If you hav ac
commedatlan for faaiiir: ten yers ex
perience .aat - j eveainga xl
E 2;th St. portend. Or.
WANTED to 54 miUka fet of cedar
timber for ehinc-e mill propoaitlon. Ad-
drea No. bol Lumber Exchange. Seattii
AM open to any good loading propoattioaw
m aat nav your oreg.iniaa.
WANTED To rnt ft farm, furnished or
unfurniahed. ahara or ca-h rent; nnit
ba aultabla butiuinaa and muat b gooa
soil v ai j,
8-2i BUYS compete farm ourltt, eonauating
ci nana ana mare weir n ins - i K we.i
ma'caed and chunky, naw ligoi farm
vik'iB ana names.
$ .Jo tai( ale apan of brew gelding
witn narae: those roreea are aod 7
)ear ci, a re very close. y matched and
Wo-k like en hora.
13 takes draft team, weight 1 4 A
with buck ehain name, this team has
a ktnd die peel u oa and caa ba worked by 1
Four wagama. from 8 to 8 -Inch, tn !
good order, at a aacriSc. 347 aw 12th, en
D. 'M. a porta 01 navTnoroi ave.
80 H E AD ef mare and g:dlng to nick
from, wets; blag from I loo to 175U This
bunch la ail wail broke and plenty of
matched taam a he vera! maras tn foal by
imported sta. Hens, all aad very bora
sound, aaaotuta.y aa re presented, or your
money back. Call and ee thee bora I
hitched and polled. If you ara needing
Ml or ssnail team- It Isn't any trouble to
now tur a toe a. Come and sea them any
way iront at.
BARGAINS Matched pair of orr;a mar
and ajotdiag. wign mwa, eonno an true.
cod sty. a, gid; pair nay ga.amca, . .
1 r- , n:c-y matched, work any place.
ll-J: bg bay m re, aouna ana tru
g e sad doubt, loft; chestnut mare, good
ems . 959. pair brown chttnky-bul!t
heavy brown seising, weigh SVkmI. good
tme pnUT. t-o . bay mar. 7 year old.
1 3.. f 1 JO -4 rront at.
PAlK lew se:. chunky-built mares. etra
heavy, sound, sultab. for orchard work,
barraia. 2 bay marea, young aad
r r M. will sitt anybody, for qulcat aa.a
to. nair chestnut mares, 4 and 6.
in foal. $3AO. chestnut and brown marea.
2HT0 iba. both la foai by ton Perrhemn.
aound and gxd. true pullers. u. 3J4
Front st. .
aO i'RE.4. all ai delivery horses, farm
rbuniii. well matched draft team. we!-b-tng
14oO Iba. and heavier rc heron
m.-r with fjal t ltr.pvrted eta: Hon, at
t'owttt's ataoia aVRh and BurasMd sta.
COVE nd so avaothsr shlpm-nt ef choice
oa ana mares, we.i eroaea, at re a
snaD price) and guaranteed aa repre
sented. Tek Roeo City Park car to Od
a:. Ail anas A Caanpbeul. prop. Pboa Tator
a:L -
li a Y aara, 6 yeaw o.d. woirbs Xk la
foal by bspaened horsA wetsrht 2-Wl I
d n"t thmk aaybedy can beat tats on; lew
set. heavy, s iaa4 and nicest bite her od
earth. If yew want th best mare In
orearea. come aad see her. 84 Front st.
Iv K 8 ALE IIOREsV Trustworthy horse.
rcvtanad to city. IS Eaat 7th st. Nona.
II hETJ of farm aaroee for sale cheap.
W 1 a virr aide.
u.fc'i-A hers for fcia car and feed;
-ry 1 fht wr. 11IJ Hawthorne vek
rx b4 of h
haraeas. aifna aad
ata aad saEaoa.
buggy. CaU i.
Vehtelew. Et.
Taam. maro and aT'dlnr. J40 Iba..
ound and t rxj ta onery way, 5 and
yaara old. I.U-V
Taam. black -e!(1!nr. oand
and true. bo'h a1n&-l and doubl.
7 and 9 yaara old. 9
Trim, broaro rrMInrs. SIM lba. T and
yara old, iurd and tru. broken to
drlvft both Bin It. and doubl. aao to
nd: mnyon vanilng a team for orchard
work aUouid aeo triara, aa ihT low
down chunk and ft bargain at
Taam. mar aad Idlna;. roana, ft
and d yaara nid. wil broken doubt. munJ
and tnio. Thea hr-a art wU-matrhol
aod w!.l wearh 2oo Iba. If y'i want
j-xkL aound froah younf horaaa, a thla
(ar for
Tem black mara. wib lb.
abaoiutlT aound. both 4 yaara old- Tha
mare match lilt two pa and ara juat
ni-:r Lroken. On mar In foal to an
lMXMb. Parcnron anallloa, $Z2S.
Team, mar and baya In color,
both T rrara n'd. aound and tru. wcucht
340 Iba.. for $-T4-
Taam. mar and iraldlnr. wl;h 2V
Iba. awrviceabiy urd. 9 and- 10 years
iA Thla tam a hiniwd In from ft Jr
g'.rtt camp and for thtr welitht I dn't
think ther la a tltm In Portland that
n minuil ihtm. Tha nrlca la $-'.
which locludea ft heavy naw breach in
T act an of muiea. welarMna; frrun 1 Rrk0
Iba. to 2I0O Iba. par span; prtc from
1 160 to $-30 par a pan.
Khatland boat, cart and barnaa. Th!
mb la S rear old. aound and arentia
for anr child to lido or drlr; $'-H for
Hnraa, il50 Iba. dellry and hirnw;
anyona In tho market for auch an outf.t
ohouid ao thla bararaln for 150.
23 other had of horaea from 0O0 Iba.
to 14 lb, per bora; prlrea from
to 11 ;S rer horaa: also farm wakona.
de!lverr airona. aurry. buirciea. ain:a
and doubt harnea; econd-hand and nw.
In fact. vrvthlna; In th hora lln from
th It vary at ab.a on down, la for aala.
W win rural a you with both bank and
buafneaa refrracea, ao you ar aaaured of
deaMna: with a roputab! firm. A wrlt
tn auaranie oea with all atocic to bo
aa raproaanted or your money refunded.
Propa. l&th and Couch ata
1EAVING etty. must a:! rray noraa, i.iw
He.. white borae. Daj mr.
black mare. ll.v. In f.uU: bay horee. XoftJ: good to huexy. true to work. w.
j p.itter. Scjnd. near Mill.
ONE well-broke horae. 7 ycara old. 1400 lb.
Hiu Bros.' barn, -jvt isl
t-tanua. Oraraaa and Mailral Jnatrumeata.
FOK SALE CHEAP A tine $.V Crown pi
ano in apleudiil eonanion, up?u
siiort time. Addr-aa A ho1.. lrea;onian.
tre bae a few E. M. F. va that hav
ben ecr-ptd by uf as part payment on
new JUli fore door E. Al. F. tourln cars
and rodtre. .
Home have ben thorourhly ovorhauiea
ard painted and the trues so reasonable
that unlcii you look this up at one you
wt:l miss a video opportunity.
W cuarantce tbesa car to b ex
actly aa w a Lata. E- U. F. Northwest.
Chapman and Ader.
E 3d. F. 9. 1910 mo-iel. fuUy equip
pad and in perfect condition; a 111 a-vc-r;fic
thla car lor caah. It will pay you
to Inveawrai thla, becaus In deaiinf
direct with owner you can eliminate
gent's commlaa.on. P B13. Oregon lan.
Eaul'.r of one-haif In 200x100 on the
Alameda, ft blocks from car. graded streets
and water mains, finest new on Kast
Fid", balance easy payments: to trade
trade fur awod 4 or fr-paasenjeer car. 11
b"-4. OiYfoman.
Automobile owners, do you want to
trad jour car for Portland property? We
hate s m fin dcata on T Pacific Coast
Lrokeruc Co.. M ltf Board of Trad. A
lof.l. Marshall 4-19.
FOR SALE 1910 S-pasaencer auto, excel
lent running ronditi m. completely equip
ped, top. w ind aUicld. speedometer, Ka
lamps, etc., $oT;. or ma
sell. 123 North luth at.
offer; mui
I HAVE t'Mf rasa equity In ft-room buna-
lo-v. (. , caah equity In 0 acroa or ex
ceilent land, will aaciiang both for au
tmoiii;e; tin jur.ic. c e4. vraaoruo.
FOR barcaina In used car so us first; writ
Xor list ; we bur and sen
Cor. E. lath and Hawthorn A
1910 REGAL and Cadillac car, nickel trlm-
mlnxa. good end it Ion. pnoa 9 each.
M. 2 : 7 i. 4ZI 1? am 11 ton biug.
Gw 'U 4 t - Ion 1 1 uck. guarantee has aiX
month to run; (twt coau;ti-n; a snap at
price. f;'4J. K Oregonian.
WANTED To sell Anaaa. touring car. lat
moCcU Brat-ci ajs condition; bargain.
Phone venlnsTa. East 143
MOTORCYCLE 7-IL P twin angina; has
tot run mile. i Bumsia.
j a-i'A. auo for sa or traUe cheap. Phon
Ma!n "7-2. E. L. Fraly.
Ikta, Hlrtia. Te tarau
aV C. BROWN I-x horn in cheap; hea y
la vera, any quauut), any lima. Uain 41-.
J am -a Ireland. 414 Ppa dins; blfiir
LA young 1 g.
protection for man or
child. Eaat t. ."..
Extra trusere are aiwas useful: $Ao0
valuea, $2 2i; 13 OO values. 83 Jimmy
Puna, room 813, Oregouiaa bklg. Tl
Ciosicg out at leas than coat of produc
tion; maklna raom for new Drlnar suits
f.O coa.s at Jimmy Dunn, room BIX
5-ton Ice niakina: equipment, complete.
Citr Maritet. Ice Cod storage Co., 30
East Washington sL
A CLIENT ha arone East levlnr a fin
oak deek ar.d chair n.y offUe for sate
at a bargain price. wQ3 tpimocr pi com
NEW Model ft linotype. Uabcock cyllnd
pre. Joo presses and com pie t prtntlng
outfit. suttaile for running a small dally.
AV 947. Oregonian.
aAr E- -iiruum llsll aafs. new and second
band, low prices, easy terms. Safes openea
r.d repaired Purr el Faf Co. ard Port
land bafe Co. tU Mh at. Main eVitni.
fiTT MP AOK 10 acrce nrat-c.a-a flr. Will
cut bouo cords. 7iC a cru. Near O.
W. P. Good roada. Fr-d liiatxel. Greeh-
m. Or.
FuR fiALE A pony and a csracul coat.
eacn U ir-cnes ion. .. but. worn a sew
times; coat MS act t:S. Kelt for 148 and
810 repecuteiy. Kast 414.
FOR SALE Cash register, scale, coffe
milL chees rutter. credit rrcister. meat
s lrer. etc. The Portland 5 tors supply Co.
zo u at. a. ara 11 an "v
SLItJ HTLY ud cash retfiatera, credit rex
latera. computing scales, ate. nought and
old. Th Pacific tilwr bervlce Co., 3il
Hark IL M ain 771 L
YOU can rent an Oliver typewriter wtth
oak e:and for $1 per mont n ; conven.rnt
at borne 111 Ankrny St. 1 eL Main 2i3.
FOR FALI or rent. Toajglng and HOISTING
enarlnca. locomotive, cars, raila
KAU.WA 1 EJL 1PME.N r CO.. 74 First st.
FOR PALE One donkey en cine, first-class
condition, also rojes. blocks, dollies and
doill framea Address P o.. Oreajonian.
FOR SALE Full lln of houae furtitture.
has been In u only tbx moottia. Phone
w oodtawn is itf.
ALL uiaka tpt'wrlter rented. It a nuntn.
.NvMlUtr 1 1 E V. KlieiK CU.,
13 b;ark au
CAH rl?r (Na'IonaM. In first-class con-
ti.uon; prtc Ua; coat aul new. otubb
r.ectrie co.. an snu 1: au
Fort SALE Card printing press. Buff urn
automatic, nearly rew. with cabinet and
type. Address AU li. Oregonian.
CH.t FtMEL. box couch and lady writ-
ins; daa I r aalc cnenp, or trad for
.ickena pnon iatnr 4.
Well-rotted. co ar.d horn manure de
livered to any part of the cit. East 217ti.
FULL kit of carpenter toots, all practical
ly new. ci.'atK Address i N. etn, Ap
p eton HoteL
AN NC AL SALE of unredeemed pledces at
lacte atyers. 11 etn au. sear uaa. ev
year In Portland.
ttOLID oak rHt .p dk and chairs at ft
barealn. AF bJA. Orvaonian.
FKiJ-'H cowa. maklpir 10 pound of butter
w e-K. A J ei. z. orgDpiaa.
iM'lAN niwtofc) c.e f vr aaie. I3 ' iLuaaei:
at., room 1.
WW HL SINEWS car.'a 81: ft bargain. Rose
City prmtery. ltf, 3d. cor. Taylor.
NEW via.ble tp-wrlier for sau; ft bar-
aa:n. Ar got. Oregonlsa.
FH-ING cab.. md. six sa.'e, Nat'l csh reaj-
U'.er. aV W. cor. frta and Oaa. 3d Loor.
FVHNITL'UB of ill-room banaralow In Irv
ine ton for aale; muat vacat boua by
t't-i.ruary 2.' ; furniture nearly new and
will oil or part at a burgnin; no deal
era need apuly. Call at &33 aat 17th at.
North. Pt.on C J021.
$.110 OA.-OI.INK iaunch. name Latuunle,
fet Ion jr. foot wide. 1 2-horse power
2-cyiliider: art be aeen portbweat corner
foot of iladitao brldRa- For bualneaa In
qulr 55 North 2d at the bar.
Hiftnrat price paid for mt-ni and lad lea
cast-off cloth! nK. ah oca, furniture, tools.
rrerhan! IokkU:. Call llain 20 SO. tfi
lt at.. The Giube.
bT7:geTr""auction house.
870 K. iiorrlaon. Pbona E 12X
Paya biyhcat corh price for furnltur.
WE pay the htgheet caah price for second
bancl furniture. btr A Martin. Phon
Lji 31 14. M. Hawthorne ave.
TO iter, cash register, acalea. coffe mill.
rhe-se cutter, credit reitistcr and meat
ejecr. T'hone Marshall 44S. 2o 2d-
WANTED- Party to take part of car house
hold goo3s Portland. Or. to Pittsburg. Pa.,
soon. AL iZl, Cre con lan
V a N X EI Complete moving-plctur outfit.
What hav ou? S 40. Qregonlan.
m; atj
-A f'X? extreme wide angle photo
te price. AS "32. Qregonlan.
WILL tint room a $2,5" up; do palming at
reasonable prices. Phon Eaat 6124.
FORD Auction Co. pavs Dit cash for any
kind of furniture. Main 9.M. A 2443.
Special employment mt'mbershlp. fS per
annum ; guarantea momorr w HI eecur
e:-ip:oymeiit or refund of membership fee;
fivea 2 months' full membership prlv
egrfs la the association and undortakea
to keep party employed during the full
term of memberahlp without further
We hav constant demand for high
grade, experienced men. Are you fitted
for a- better poaltlon?
fee secretary, employment department.
Record for year U'll: Call for men.
2tl: positions filled. l&SS.
6 A LKMM EN wanted ; we can use two or
t ree men r f n uod address an d good
habits who know how to sll goods; real
estate experience preferable, but not ea
s ntiI; we will teach you a buaineas which
will brina; you lararer returns than any
thing you ver tried; we are the largest
and most progressiva concern In th West.
14 Fifth St.
Ak for Mr. Cleaveland.
ALL-ROUND country printer wanted one
who thoroughly understands and can nil
the noeda of a country newspaper office;
must ba able to handl Jobs and ads,
n-akfup. makeready. etc ; no boose or
ci pure;. tee; py every Saturday night and
willing to pay well for services. Address
with recommendation, stating amount ex
pected aa wages. W. C Black, Fallon. Ne?.
Fkllled mlM and la tory men, loggera,
orchard, dairy and farm men, register
with Y. M. C A. industrial Employment
Aitency, 2d and Ash sta, Bring references.
No charge to regisur. Calls fur men com
Ingjn dally.
I WANT live representatives In each 00m
munlty of Oregon and Washington for
hlirn-clasa spectaltlea; goods sold on money
bark ua.'n t-e; no com petit too.
Lt.SJ. L. SMITH. Manufacturer' Agent.
27 Corbett bldg.. Portland. Or.
WANTED An experienced, successful sales
man to manage a financial proposition;
must be Iniluentiai In community and hav
a ood record for producing results; bond
required; state aalary wanted. Addreaa,
ADKIJ. Oregonian.
W want a ciean-cut man for ft clean
cut proposition to put up to Portland
people in th establishment of ft local
Industry. A good cot tract to ft good
man. A R 82, Oregonian.
WANTED Salesmen, real llva specialty
mn who can sell clean business propo
sition and are used to meeting the re
tailer and prufenaioaal man; ago limit 40;
straight commission baaia. AJ 827, Ore
gon la :a
STENOGRAPHER and office asslatant.
young man with Rcnarai knowlcdg of
office work; must be familiar with city;
fve reference, a tat salary expected. J
'.'-. Oregonian.
WANTED A reliable llf Insurance writer
with executive ability. A good propo
sition for an experienced writer who want
to better hi present position. A b61.
SALESMEN wanted to sell new plattlns; of
cloaf -in aort-esre and city property In
h iff h -class aurt trillions Ask for Mr.
Hotstngton. Provident Trust Company.
-ol Hoard pX: .
WANTED Energetlo specialty salesman;
only I iv wire need pply ; salary, com
mission. Hunday 3 to 4 or Monday mora
ine. Common wealth bldg.
TlMitER claim a. Eastern Ore r on location,
for J150. For parUcuIara address E 03d,
WANTED First -claim lad'es tailor, good
wages paid to experienced tailors. A.
s eiss. 14 i 10m sr.
WEAVEU3 and awnners wanies at onca
Apply at Portland Woolen Mills, Bu Johns,
PROFITABIl employment two young men
with good personal acquaintance. Call be
tween v ana ia- a. si.. 11 Lrumoer -x
chnnce bldg.
WANTED Competent. trustworthy night
clerk, tor nrai-ciass notei. ftrereucs,
App:y John iterkshire. Hotel Raymond.
Kayinond, w asn.
HIGH-CLAS stock and bond eaJeeman
wanted Immediately, thoroughly expert
enced, liberal contract offered. Apply
r. A. L'vuv 011 Lew ia oiug.
wlr to solicit for largest hospital
rlation in America. Call from tf to
418 Mohawk bldg., 8d and Morrison
iiAL-i V.KN wante.l to handle a good. clo.i
In subdivision. We pay a Mich commission.
Call at 1110 Spalding bidg
2 FI RoT-CLA Sfi sash and door maehln
men. pitchivs tumatr Co., East hu
John. Columbia CO.
UC 'r.VSFl'L. live and tip-to-date salesman
who can furnish bond, satary to thoaa
who can produce tvsulfs. 4 1 EKera bid?.
HIGI-CLA3fl ndvertlsing solicitor wanted
tooay. xMnepce rjvnTii. I! hers I com
mission. Apply Ml Lvwl bld3.
BY wanted. Jfferon Drup Co.,
J.-ff'-raon ets.
3d and
PHOTO coupon; beet ever offered; snap for
agents. Cutrth Ptudlo. Dekum bldg.
WANTED Ftmt-claaa aticker machine man.
1112 Hawthorne ave.
BAt. wanted;
Sldo at.
steady Joli. 2CS Burn-
g n.n to cinvam new offer;
h"i Dekutn bldg.
PERMANENT Inoimo for salesmen. Ask lor
Mr Hurion. ihh iron bldg.
W ANTEI First-class upho!t.terer and fur
nltur finisher. Apply B-3 14 lUth N-
TWO live aulrsrnen. good tnduelrlal propo-
ition. .U urrKuaun Diug.
n:i.i tvN7i:n;TMAl.K.
LAI'Y eutployed can hav free rent of nlc
furnlalietl house lor taking car of gentle
man's apartment; flowers and graft. X
$ 2. Orfcfcoiilnu.
W E A VI ,I;S and "pinners wanted at onca.
Apply at Portland Woolen Mills. SL Johns,
Oregon. v
BRIGHT, ambitious woman for special line
of worn; no canvassing; experience un
necessary. J h'j, Oregonian.
EXPERIENCED coat finisher; must make
buttonhole; no others apply. Yam
hill, room 2w.
M1LU tH to 00 and new work; good
opening 10 rigui ptriy. viv pnon cum
ber. N 3-t Oregonian.
WANTED Responsible maid for upstairs
work and to assist In card of old.-r cnil
drrn; M ructa re u ired. 772 Marsnall at.
WANTED German girl for general houae-
work. good home. .au alonUay, 100 East
i;in St., comer Wash.
WAN ! ED Refined, caoaoie woman lor re
sponsible position, wan t.o., tiug Kola
child bldK.. 4:b and Washington.
GIUL to atst with household duties where
cook is k-yt. Apply momiugs, 741 Everott
HOUSEKEEPERS, cooks, waitresses, second
cli: m : crmnrna, nureea St. Louts
Acency. 253 (i Alder. Main 2039. A 475.
Washington b.c. 4ia and Wash, sis
Main or A 360.
$45 W W aau in k too au. cor. 7 1 a. upatftlrs.
Phone Main 2W2.
GIRL for general housework In small fam
ily. I'Md wac. otu I lllnmuoK St.
h n dressmaker, good ware to light
p-rtv A. ii-x nig. -t 1 r eumer bldg.
hA r'.rllKN' El rrl for general houaeaork.
Phon- Kip.
-A girl co tt and skirt Onlaher. C.
Co.. Sel!itig-K trach b!dg.
a -r
WAITRESS f'r private boardlng-hous. 404
MdiP-n. pnone hei 10 till &. M. 2).
WANTED A neat irlrl for dintng-rooiu ai
13 l-th ana storrisoo sta -
WANTED A reliable girl that ia abl to
handle customers In a ladies tailoring
place; must have experience aa saleslady
to handle bwt trade in town: arood wages;
steady position; state salary and wner
last empioyea. m n - . urcgoamn.
WANTED A lady for light office work.
two or three duva each wetk. On writ
!nf? a good hand and residing on West
8 id preferred: reference required. II
51. Oregonian.
WANTED A atenoarapher capable taking
care branch machinery ornce; duties iignu
moderate salary. State address, phone, ex
perience and aulary wanted. Y 677, Ore-
LDT wlahfnr to learn bookkeeping, ete.
can hav ofMce work under accountant.
as part pay for tuition : aeitst's position
when qualified. L 75U. Oregonian.
W'ANTMD Good glr! for K--neral housework,
lamny 4 aouita. Kearney si.
OiKL for genera.) housework. 7-MJ Hoyt st.
llOOKKE LTEiiS. cashiers, bill clerks, etc
I will cuarantee vour aua:i:icationa to fill
poaltions In 30 dm) s. prtvaie Instruction
by public accouuuai; position aecureo. j
j v. o r g t j n 1 a n .
VAHncvn.T.l? acta aantrd All kinds mus
teal actn piefcjrred. Cat) bet. 10 and 3
P. M.. 241 5i h at., cor Main.
FiKS T-CLASS Mano-player for plctur
bouse, one who can sinr. 2 Vs hours In
venlng. Box 2 2 V ale, or.
Double iour present Income: learn to
operate mo ins; pictures; operators earn
-!5 to fri5 weekly. W havo the omy rca
itchool of motion-picture operating in the
City of Portland. Actual theater experi
ence clveu. We heiD to secure position.
Also start you In the movli.g-pictura the-
mirr business. Ttimi try reasonable
Call and aee us today. Full Information
626 H Washing ton. near 17th.
MEN and women to learn th barber trad
In eight weeks; special Inducements; per
centage naid weiile learnlna; tool fre;
expert Instructors; 17 years In the busi
er; 87 schools; a 111 time membership
Wen to each student. Moler Barber Col-
ieg. aa r. rouria u, ruri'ng, wr.
EARN 1200 to Soa per month selling city
acreage ana iarm lanus. experience nui
necessary. This is an excellent chance
little money required for office expenses.
particulars, isatiooai rteaiiy irusi ,o.
723 Chamber of Commerce bldg.
Th most thorough course. Including
driving, technical and practical work In
all Its details. Special Instruction and
driving lesson for ladle. R. 23d and
To learn to operate motion-picture at
our fine equipped theater. Leasons reason
able. b26 Washington, near 17th.
RAILWAY mall clerk, prepare now.
eel lent salaries and promotions ; no lay
offs; aura pay; fre book, can toe ay. -a-
clfic States School, McKay bldg.
RAILWAY mall clerk. $90 month: Portland
examinations May 4 . preparation ire
Franklin Inatltut. Dept. 820 M. Roches
ter. N. x.
80 3 OAK.
fcBORTHAND, bookkeeping, etc, personal
inatrucUona; positions secured. bn Wor-
cester block.
WANTED Men to learn Motion-Picture op
erating. Theater experience taught. 62o ft
MAKE money writing abort atorlea, or for
paper; big pay; fre boogiet tens now.
United Press Syndicate, San Francisco,
WANTED Plctur play writers: blc pay;
we'll teach you, Plctur Play Associa
tion, San r ran Cisco.
Swetland bldg.
WRITING. 15 mo. 269 14th st. Mam asJ3.
bookkeeping. 642 Hamilton bldg. Mar. 4 IT. 8.
MOV1NU-PICTURB operating. Laemml.
Kvtjt time. Laemmle. 83 Oak.
LADlEa to learn the business of the Sani
tary Reauty Pariors, 4U0 Dekum bldg.
Bookkeepers sad Clerks.
up books, prepare balances and state
ments. Install a v stems. Glllingham. au
ditor. 411 Lewis bldg. Marshall 717.
UOTEU club or resort management wanted
by experienced man and wife; salary or
percentage; good reference. P. O, box
J5. Portland, or.
BOOKK ECPER, with some spare time, ae
ires small set of books to kep afur
noons. AK h33. Oregonian.
215 Second St., Corner Palmon.
Women's Department. 245 Salmon.
All classes of unsullied, skilled, profes
sional and clerical male ard female help
furnished on short notice. No f cuarged.
Phone Main 3.03. A 5'-M.
MAN of i5. who nas had 8 years experi
ence a superintendent of saw mill plants,
desires position ; has executive ability,
and knows how to handle men; would
take other position besides saw mill;
wants to get located In Oregon. J b&d.
Or ponian.
MAN who Is thoroughly experienced In all
branches of th brick business, wishes
position aa manager, burning with any
fuel; referenda. Address Geo. A. Bells.
o4 Elole Terrace. Seattle. Wash.
MO V l NG-PICTURE operator and pianist,
man and wife. 3 yc.ira' experience, 1st
cI:Lsa. Address C. C, Box 273. Goluendale,
EX P ERIE N El J a pa nese,
dener. want position.
A E cSO,
go n lan.
YOUNG married man wants position, any
kind, acquainted city ; references. AC
pJO. Oregonian.
CARPENTERFOREM AN wants situation,
reference snd experience. J. B. Young.
WANTED Job in r.-Muurant, yard, garden
or any kind of work by German. Jordon 1M74 Fact Glisan M.
bi 'IT AT ION r.a er or mill foreman In
mill of ,T to 50 M. capacity; A-l refer-
e new. A V l-V. Oregonian.
GENREAL housecieanlnjr. Janitor work, by
asy or hour. .ast i nompson.
A J A PAN USE boy wants work In private
Tamiiy. J- eo. oregonian.
ENPEUIENJED Janitor or porter requires
situation: re 1 e re 11 ces. y u rs ii.i U 3:3.V
FIRST-CLASS .iuas;e-niaker and meat
cutter wants posit ion. Phone Main 2S7d.
1 WANT work on ranch, close to city; good
all-arour.d ha ml. a h44. oregonian.
YOUNG man willing to tnke position after
school of sny gino. pnone Main -'tijo.
GOOD Jaianese wants position at housework
or school roy. ;v ai, oregonian.
Bookkeepers and stenographers.
CAPABLE young lady would like position
as assistant bookkeeper or general office
work; experienced In keeping newspaper
subscription accounts. B 2 1 1.
EXPERIENCED stenographer desires per
manent position, can furnish city rrer
en res. Phone Marshall 5c 6.
EXPERIENCED bookkeeper and ilenog-
ru pher w Janes position ; rcierences. sen
wood 1612.
YOUNG lady, experienced in general office
m ork and typewriting, references, labor
ioUNG lady of experience wiahe position
of sonographic or copy worn, lapor imi.
MLLR. DE BTLLAUT, 55 Washington.
E:ia-st entrance. A 394l. All the lead
ing Parisian and New York fashion.
Prices moderate.
LADIES' tailored skirts made at home or
by the day. Miss uaumbacn, 4433 61st
st. S. E. Tabor 2&15.
PLAIN sewing and hand embroldMTr done
at reasonable rates. Sell. 133. 562 E. 6th
FIRST-CLASS dressmaker want engage
ments in families; $3 per day. C 1545.
DRESSMAKING, children' clothea ft spe
cialty, phone East 4 62.
E1RST-CLASS dressmaker, by day or home
work. E. 41oI.
PRACTICAL nurse, good Christian woman,
wishes patient, mental or epileptic case;
successful treatment, patlent'a horn or her
own. M. N., Mercy Home, 31 16th t. N.
CAPABLE and refined nurse, care of In
valid or elderly person, or housekeeping
for same. AV 00. Oreitontan.
BY an experienced nurae, more cases,
kind, day or week. Tabor Z9.
GOOD practical nurse, doctor's references.
Main tVZ',.
W IOW', cirl 9 ye a rs. deal res position as
houaekeeiKrr In respect able, family; will
leave city. Y Oregonian.
LADY wants situation as housekeeper In
small family: country preferred. Mrs.
Ernst, route 2, Beaverton. Or.
COMPETENT banish girl wants general
housework. No washing. good plain
cook. Best of references. 404 N. 21st st.
Mince) laneou.
A YOUNG lady, neat, clean and of ajood
character, would I ike a position as com
panion to an old lady. Portland ref
erence, M 17, Oregonian.
LADY wants 3 or 3 small children to care
for.. Call at 1851 Eat Taylor at., corner
47th st. -
GERMAN woman wants day work, such as
wa&hlnfr. Ironing and cleaning. Call 7 P.
M.. room 9, Main 7t6.
WANTED Little girl to board, good sub
urban home near achooL $10 month. W
P10. Oregonian.
EXPERIENCED girl wants second work or
chamber work, private family. 1150 E
SL'd North.
EXPERIENCED lady would Ilk position as
chamber work In a hotel or housekeeper.
Phone East 4351.
REFINED young lady wants to travel as
companion with elderly lady. AG $33,
WANTED Orders for layetts; also hand
embroidery, by woman of experience.
Marshall 12S8.
NEAT colored girl, chambermaid or clean
offices. Phone Main 1101.
COLORED woman want chamber work ;
reference. 8S7 Flanders at., near Park.
LACE curtains and linen laundered, 25c and
up;ail work guaranteed. Tabor 317.
CURTAINS? wanted, hand laundry. Wood
lawn 2rV4. No mangling.
GIRL wants day
Phone M. 671.1.
work, H or whole days.
CAPABLE woman wants work by the hour.
Phone Main 6978.
LACE curtains washed by competent. Tabor
2445, C 2227.
MIDDLE-AGED woman wants
Ironing, cleaning. Main 5004.
COMPETENT fitter desires position, best
city references. Address X MU. oregonian.
LADY wishes to do day work. Tabor 2249.
WANTED Agents, live wires. Here Is your
chance to make 910 to f.o a day, easy
picking; others do, why not you? 82500
to 94500 In case of accidental death and
$15 to S20 per week while disabled for
$5 to S10 a year; hlghertt commissions; ex
clusive territory. Write or call for ln
formatlon. Abbott & Co., Wilcox bldg.
X DESIRE to rent a 7 to 8-room furnished
house, located in a desirable residence
Section; will take possession June 1; can
give reference as to responsibility. Ad
dress C. W. J., care Hotel Multnomah.
WANT to rent ft bungalow In good district
on East tilde; must he reasonable. As
834, Oregonian.
GOOD tenant with best of references wants
house of four or five rooms near gooa
school. Main 1963, A 1227. C 1174.
WANTED To rent, 6 or 7-room house In
Nob Hill district. AH S5. oregonian.
Booms With Board.
WANTED By two gentlemen, board and
room, private family; 2 meals, $00; norm
of Holladay. Y" 87W, Oregonian.
Furnished Rooms.
Now Open.
112 Rooms,
Now Open
Seventh and Taylor Ms.
Residential and Transient; absolutely
central, two minute from Post of lice.
tores, theaters and restaurants; Just off
buaineas street aril carlinea; quietest and
be t location; handsome brick, ample
steam heat, hot running water and phones
In every room, suitea and private baths,
elevator. Reputable and comfortable.
From 75o dally, $ weekly. Any car from
Those three beautifully furnished noteis
213W 4th St. 211 U 4th St. 207 4th St.
On Fourth at., running from Taylor to
Salmon St.; brand-new brick; elegantly
furnished ; steam beat, private baths, ho
ana coia water in au rooms; sincuy ui
to date In all respects, and at popula
prices. If you want something out of tn
ordinary. In the heart of the city, at rea
sonable nricea. viva us a rail, as WO know
you will like It. Rooms by the day, week
or month. TouriBt trade soncitea.
Co.-. 11th and Stark St.
New, modern brick bldg., elegantly fur
nished: elevator, hot and cola water.
team heat, phones all rooms; private
baths; single or en suite; rate 1 nay up
special monthly rate.
625 Washington St., opposite Multnomah
Atnietio r leia New Dries Duuaing; an
modern conveniences; well regulated real
dential and familv hotel: solendld accom
modatlons for transients; convenient to
the business center and th rate are mod
erate pienty steam heat). Marshall lyou.
CORDOVA Hotel. 11th and Jefferson sts. -
urana new bricK; spienaiaiy iurmsueu,
rooms with telephone, steam heat, hot and
coid water, many with baths; every effort
Is made for the comfort and convenience
of its guests; the rents are most reason
able; rooms by the week, month or day.
"J" car direct from depot.
HOTEL FORD, 733 Washington, corner Lu
pieted: fine large outside rooms with tele
phone service, with or without private
baths; new and splendidly furnished; hot
and cold water: uieain heat; best of serv
ice; very reasonable rates.
Tn.via and Third Sts.
-ho eutxida rooms, steam heat, hot and
cold running water in every room, free
auto bus to and from all trains.
Lowest rates in the city.
Ak for our t-pecial low monthly rate.
49t Market st., near 14th, new brick,
beautifully furnished rooms, single and in
suites; transient solicited, private phone
and bath, steam heat, hot ana coia water;
J car, direct depot; also 13th -St. car; every
mouorn comtort.
' 131 Eleventh Street.
New modern brick building: steam-
heated, private bams, hot and cold water
in rxms, beautifully furnished, cosy, com
fortable; rent reaaonuole. Call and see
us. iej;ular and transient trade soliclteo.
hotel LA SALLE. 10th and Burnside sta
'Absolutely fireproof; new ami elegantly
furnished rooms: private baths, steam
heat, hot and cold water, private phones
In each room; special rates Dy tne monm;
phone service free. Phone Marshall 4Q4J.
Week V2 uu. Transient 50c and up.
Are you getting rooms like ours If not,
change. AH outaide rooms, hot and cold
water In each room, steam heat ana pam;
also housekeeping rooms.
On block from Union Depot: 140 outside
rooms, with hot ana coia water ana steam
beat; offers special rates for permanent
auests; rates ouc to $2 a day; $3.50 and
up per wek. Phone Mam 3413.
10514 Twelfth St. Marshall 2700.
In liuart of business district; steam heat,
hot and cold water, free phone in every
room; $1 day ana up; 4 week ana up.
uoti.:l REN WICK An Ideal home for bus
lness people; centrally located; elegant
rooms; all modern conveniences; 7th una
rr.vinr mtB.. 1 block from Portland Hotel.
opposite Hetllg Theater. Phone Main U16.
f itiHT. airy rooms, modern, suites or single
steam hrat; $2 and 13 week; 6 minutes
.Aik: to theater and stores; free phone.
ARM1N1US HOTEL. 410 Morrison at,, pp.
Laker Theater Nietiy furnished rooms,
permanent, transient; low rates. Main bajy.
l'';li and Washington.
Room $1 a. day. $5 weeat; nothing- ex
tra for two In room; thoroughly modern
HO I EL NORR1S. 17ta and Alder sta. Mod
ern rooms, suitable 2 to 4 persons. Prl
vate baths Rates $3.50 up.
MODERN, furnlsnea as noueeaeepinfr rooms.
free pnone 7 n
Ella st. Phone A ib30.
THE LARRABEE, 227, Larrabee t. ;
rn. permanent and transient, $J.5
5t up.
ELM PLACIi, 414 Yamhill t.. Cor. 11th.
rooms pdi K. "v uu coia
water, steam heat, private baths.
ROOMS, furnished or unfurnished, lncludin;
llcht. neat, wtiiii, iiicHo auu e leva to.
ser vice. 207 2d. Tourney bldg.
THE KING. 300 Jefferson, nicely furnishet.
rooms. moueraw, v uu"i--a center
rates. Including bath. $2.50 week up.
FURNISHED rooms, 1HH Halsey at,; walk
ing aistance; e v
NICE comfortaM warm rooms; hot ba ths.
steam uc , . -uvuv w tvt t.
Furnished Rooms.
3S7 h East Burnside,
. Live on the East Side and save money
en your room rent; we have 1-0 modern
rooms, gpecial price on rooms snd suites
with private bath; rates 60c to 1! per
day, a to 17 per week East 5940. B 1275.
$1.25 UP. 4o4 Burnside; free phone, bath.
Call afterjl.
Furnish ed Rooms tn Private Family.
10 LOVELY furnished room In private
family; 2 east windows; all modern con
veniences; Ladd Addition. Phone Sell
wood 9sy.
BEAUTIFUL room; hot and coid water, for
1 or li; all conveniences; breakfast tf de
sired. 275 X. 24th sU, cor. Overton st
Marshall 3G.".
NICELY furnished room to Gentleman, hot
water heat, bath, hot and cold water,
phone, 3 adults in family; no other room
erg. walking distance. Phone Mar. 3626.
DOES new furniture and new house appeal
to you? if so. you will find the room
your are looking for at tf4'i Everett.
Main Ui21.
LARGE, beautlftilly furnished "room in good
home for 1 or 2; references. 738 John
son. LARiIK room for two gentlemen, also single
room; modern. 3ns 3d St., flat A, between
Co! urn big and Clay.
ELEGANTLY furnished, new tod a v. larce.
sunny room, in a swell private home, 71 ,
1 1 miiy riace.
LARGE alcove front room, central. rnrt li
able, phone, bath; private family; one or
gentlemen. Main iVllt or Main 1700.
lencca. centrally located, reasonable. 404
t-iay, pear 10th.
REFINED lady wishes refined young lady
ss companion to share apartment together.
References exchanged, phone Marshall l5t.
446 TAYLOR, near 12th, very neat, com
fortable room for gentleman, reasonable,
PLEASANT light room with closet, suitable
for 2 gentlemen; good bed; in new mod
ern fiLUiwalkiiig aiatance, 612 V. Everett.
NICELY furnished room, quiet home- five
minutes' walk from postofflce, heat, bath,
phone. 272 Park.
NICE front room in quiet home; gentleman
prererrea. iuu r lanaers.
8 PER MONTH, near business district.
racing parte Apply 28 r"ark st.
ROOM for two gentlemen in a strictly pri-
NICELY furnished front room, for on or
two gentlemen. 414 Salmon st.
NEWLY furnished front room in private
xarauy. o-,s ivtn.
ROOMS, 91.50 and up, heat, phone and
bath, walking distance. 221 13th.
LARGE well-furnished room, use of piano.
001 ivia.
SUNNY room, modern home; $12 one, $16
ROOMS at 553 Hoyt st,, cor. 17th. all mod
ern conveniences, $12.50 per month.
ROOMS 269 14th, near Jefferson, walking
Qiampce. mono juaan aava.
FURNISHED front sleeping room, cheap. 272
FOR RENT Large, Well furnished rooms
xor gentlemen. tyrant.
LARGE, beautifully furnished rooms, run
nmg water, iuj 17 tn st.
$2:50 WSEK. one; $3, two; airy and light.
iohq in. .m iuiq.
FRONT room for two. 35 ISth at. North.
Unfurnished Room.
UNFURNISHED rooms, lighted and pleas
ant, to rent; 10 minutes walk from Post
office, from $5 to $d per month. 4W2 Mar
ket st. Main 3293.
Room Wlfq Board.
Newly and beautifully furnished. In
suites of single rooms, steam heat and run
ning water in all rooms; rooms IlKht and
ain'; everything ideal and homelike; din
ing-room in connection; noma cooking,
also 4-room flat, private bath, etc. ; just
the place for an ideal homo for bachelor
gins; jaunary privileges. 413 Mill st.
DOES a home appeal to you? THE WHITE
HALL, cor. 6th and Madison; large rooms,
bath, broad veranda, quiet, close- In, near
car, 4 blocks from P. O. American plan.
THE Hazel dining-room reopened, table
board, strictly first-class; also furnished
rooms, steam heat, running water; prices
moderate. 385 3d St., cor. Montgomery.
TWO fine, rooms with hot and cold water,
ono with private bath, fine location, two
canines, home coouing. 617 K.earney.
v est biae.
LAMBERSON, 554 Couch st., cor. 17th
Very desirable, clean rooms with steam
heat and running water; good board; fine :
location for teachers or business men.
Room with board, use of sewing-room, li
terary, oju tf lanaers. t . n. Heath, supt.
MAMTOU, 261 13TH ST.
Attractive, clean rooms, steam heat
gooa ooara, close in, reasonaoie.
THE CALVARD, 45S Morrison, cor 13th,
rooms and board; modern conveniences.
ROOM and board. Gasa Rosa, 300 Jefferson
sc., corner 5th.
ROOM and board for one or
first-class table, reasonable.
young men.
ad N. 17 to.
Booms With Board In Private Family.
IN LARGE, new house, strictly modern and
newiy lumisned, with first-class board; ,
uso of piano and home privileges, room ;
exceedingly large, suitable for 2 or more; j
price reasonable; walking distance. Phone
IN LARGE, new houae, strictly modern and
newly furnished, with first-class board;
use of piano and home privileges, room
exceedingly iarye, suitable for 2 or more;
price reaonablu; walking distance. Phone
HAVE rented large beautiful home on East
Morrison, corner 17th. Will open March
1st. Make reservation now. Mrs. Anna
Hall. East 1606.
LADY with nice little home would like for
company one or two younr women to room
and board. All home comforts; references
required. 1153 E.Morrlfion. near Bltth.
NICELY furnished rooms and board in
private family; home cooking; $26
month and up. Call 6"5 Everett st-, cor.
-'otn. Tel. Marshall 3063.
NICELY furnished room, modern home, for
gentleman; no other boarders; excellent
neigh borhood. walking distance. Phone
Marshall 640.
SUNN Y room, with windows faclnir east.
for two ladles; board If desired; $l!5; home
privileges, in private ramliy. Main b504.
4lo'3 J'arK.
NICE room, with board for 1 or 2 young
ladies, reasonable. Marshall 3302. 105
392 SALMON st., nice rooms with good
home cooking, price very reasonable. 4
DiocKs xrom post ornce. .Main 2135.
NEATLY furnished room, with good board.
reasonable. osn iuverett st.
653 WASHINGTON st-, room and board $5.60
per weeK tor two gentlemen.
rtutAi or ooara tor one or two young men.
o-j r- veren. rnuno Jiain t.
TWO-ROOM suite, also alcove room; porches.
sjrounus ; excellent uoara ; Alain ZUT L
ROOM with board, 712 Flanders st. Phone
Main 1547.
ROOMS with board. Call 8S9 Taylor, private !
ooara in g-no use.
NICELY furnished rooms, with or without
ooara; pnone ana bath. Tti2 12th st.
FL RMSHED rooms and board. modern.
i u mace, granu view, air tiassaio ; u car.
CENTRAL location, home cooking. $d per
wees, -ui iud at., Aiar. b'o.
3 CONNECTING rooms, with board, sult-
abie ror worKing men. 45 Montgomery.
Under new management, nicely fur
nished and unfurnished 3 and 4-room
apartment. Marshall 2023.
0 AND 7-ROOM apartments In Ideal loca
tion, witn exceptionally large perfectly
lighted rooms for rent at very reasonable
terms. iio jonnson, cor. u.
LOVEJOY apartments. Main 215. 17th and
Lovejoy. One newiy xurnuned 3-room
Iront apartment.
SAN MARCO Apartments, E- 8th and yCouch,
new Drica, mouern, a rooms, private oath
and phone; rates reasonable. Call E 2761.
WALDORF COURT. E. 9th and Schuyler.
Modern apartments. r-asi ui, c 3013.
Nicely furnished 3 and 4-room apts.;
prices reasonable. 697 Wash.
THE KING-DAVIS, corner King and Davis
sts., one d-rooin vacant on 1st, refer
ences. l'HE ELLSWORTH Furnished rooms and !
apartments, moaern. orjeu. buildine1. close
In. loo ifOUDvuiiio au
3UCK-HARTFORD APTS., 21st And Fland
ers, ana ruoma mrnianea, 4 rooms un-
furnishea. moaern, cneap. Main 27b2.
wAvn OAK APTS.. 66 Grand avo a.
room, nicely furnished apts.. private bath
and pnones, 0 iIXJ lo o.ou.
rww TASDOHE, 28 10th at., a larsre. llrrhf
wull-iurnisneu, npai iiiicni. ana room with
ail conveniences. waiKing oistance.
rHE DAYTON Nice 4-room lower apt..
neat, water e-w. v f muuers st
THE Majestic 4-room apts., newly furnished.
private pnon a, uiose in. t,iay su
Apart narmw.
Cor. Park snd Taylor sta.
Cor. Tenth and Salruoa sts.
Walking Distance.
Furnished complete, 2. 3 and 4-room
apartments; buliuings new and strict. y
modern; service first-class.
THE BARKER, cor. 21st and Irving ts.;
th!s new 4-etory brick now open ; fur
nished and unfurnished in 3 and 4-room
siltes; reception hall, electric, automatic
elevator, Ho'.ines disappearing beds, bulit
in buffet and writing desk, gas range, ice
box, plenty of closet room, both phones,
vacuum cleaner free to patrons. If you
want something nice, come to the Barker.
Fhoneg A 1744, Marshall 2061.
stone palace of luxurious homes. Trinity
.Jlace, between lth and 20th streets. Just
off Washington; magnificent exclusive
apartments, in heart of apartment-house
district; rvntals reasonable; every modern
convenience; sleeping porches, high-class
service; refined clientele; references re
quired In all cases. Mrs. A. N. Wright,
supt. Phone Marshall 1101.
12th and Taylor.
Just completed, most magnificently fur
nished apartments in the Northweat; loca
tion perfect; rentals reasonable; every
modern convenience. Including banquet
hall and roof garden; both phone In all
apartments; high-class service; references
required. Main 2276 and A 7057.
bia, 4 blocks south from Morrison St.;
new brick uuildlng, completely fl rat-class
furnished In 2, 3 and 4-room family apart
ments; private bath steam heat, hot wa
ter, elevator, free phone, vacuum cleaner,
Janitor service; rent per month, $26, $30,
$4i and up; must be seen to be appre
J70 Ford st.. Just south of Washington;
most complete, highest class apartments
ever built in Portland; finished through
out in hardwood ; tiled baths, superb fix
tures; elegant wall coverings; each with
private baicony; highest class service;
very reasonable rents; 4 and 6-room
apartments; most conveniently arranged.
704 Lovejoy St.
Under new management, new, modern
brick. X 3 and 4-room apartments, fur
nished or unfurnished; we will rent you
apartments 25 per cent cheaper than any
place in the city; good Janitor service.
Give us a call and be convinced. Mar
shall 2023.
WASHINGTON Apartments, 6S9 Northrup
et. Vacant March 1, 6-room furnished or
unfurnished apartment, with bath and all
modern convenience!- telpDhone. at earn
heat, hot and cold water, refrigerator, gas
range, gas. electric light, janitor services,
etc, Ta He W car to 21st and N ort hxup.
Phones Ma 1 n 4376, A 1133.
Corner lth and Harrison.
New brick, latest improvements; fur
nished and unfurnished 2, 3 and 5 -room
apartments; best service; reasonable rates;
references; both phones.
LUCRETIA COURT, unfurnished, & class
by themselves; see them; Lucretla st.,
rear 23d and Wash., 2 to 5 rooms, all
large, light and outside; large closets
and baths; hardwood floors, free phones
in each apt. Phone prop, and mgr., Mar
shall 1520. Janitor, Marshall 1500.
KENTUCKY APTS- New and modern thre4
or four-room nicely furnished apartments;
steam heat, private phone and bath; on
the Montavllla and East Ankeny carlinea,
cor. 2gth and East Gllsan sts. ; also a
nicely furnished single room. Phone East
63S7 or 1432.
14th and Clay streets.
Splendid location, solid brick building,
electric elevator; we have unfurnished
8 and 4-room suites, with private vestl
bulea. phones, bath, etc
ORLANDO APTS. 20th and Wash, sta ;
two and three-room furnished apt,; every
convenience; very large rooms; steam
beat and private baths and phones; auto
matic elevator; easy walking distance; ref
erences required. Marbhall 184.
GRANDE STA furnished apartments. Grand
ave. ana nasi Mam; new brick building,
S rooms splendidly furnished, with pri
vate bath, $27.50; electric elevator, mod
ern conveniences; close-in location; easy
walking distance; best of service.
Beautifully furnished and unfurnished
apts. ; new brick building, steam heat, pri
vate phones and baths, disappearing beds,
'built-in buffet, gas ranges and linoleum.
404 Market at., near 14th,
Columbia sts., one choice 3-room unfur
nished apartment, vacant March 1; all
modern conveniences; choice location,
fronting the park and only 6 minutes'
walk from business center.
Hoyt; 4 rooms and bath, private balcony;
new brick building, electric elevator, su
perb location. In walking distance; most
convenient arrangement, low rent and best
of service.
" THE WESTFAL, 410 6TH ST. '
Lowest rates in Portland iZo up; nicely
furuietbed and unfurnished 8 and 4-room
apartments, private bath and phone, auto
matic elevator; Janitor service; brick
building; easy walking distance. A 203s.
NEWLY furnished 2-3-4 rooms, $22.60
to $40. Single rooms, $3 up. Free light,
phones, heat, hot and cold water, elec
tric elecator. Marshall 35U7.
WINSTON Apartments, 341 14th st- at
Market; new corner brick; all bright, out
side rooms; 2 and 3-room suites com
pletely furnished for housekeeping I $25 to
$37. 5Q. For Information call Main 1738.
Most up-to-date apartment In North
west; 21st and Johnson sts. ; all outaid
rooms. Apply on premises, or call Mar
hall 3360.
82 Grand ave., cor. E. Stark sC. nicely
furnished 2 and I-room apt., cheapest
first-class apts. in the city; walking dls
tance. Phone E. 800.
Two and three-room apartments; pri
vate phone and bath; steam heat; walk
ing distance. 333 Williams. Phone E.
tear Main. Close in location, Elegant 3
room apartment with bath and private
balcony, $35. Every convenience, good
All outside a -room apartments; Holmes
beds, built-in writing desks, vacuum clean
er, Jauitor service; $22. 50 to $30, including
lights, private- phones. A 3472, Main 1377.
sts.; best or service; aesiraoie location,
with unexcelled car service; also easy
walking distance; 3-room apt., with batn.
modern conveniences, very reasonable rent.
Just completed; corner 3d and Hall; all
2-rooin furnished apts., large outside
kitchens, best arranged apts. in Portland,
$25 and up. Easy walking distance.
THE M'K.1NLEy1 " '
429 East Morrison, corner 7th 2, 8 and
4-room apartments, furnished up to date;
private baths; moderate price; new m g t.
CLaYPOOLE ANNEX, 325 Eleventh su, two-
room xurnisneu ayniiiuenia, private batn.
ail conveniences, good service; walking
distance. Now under new management.
THE AVALON, t-roo:n apartment, with
sleeping porcn, niiujy luniisnea, steam
heat, janitor service, corner of Clackamaa
and Rosa. Phone East 3172.
ONE modern 5-rooin npartmeut; nice light
rooms, wim a. range, refrigerator and
free telephone. The Ormonde, o56 Flanders
at.. Nob Hill. Phone Main 8251,
THE LILLIAN, corner- 6th and Montgom
ery, 3-room tunusneu apartments, privaid
bath and phone, walking distance,. Mar
shall 1378.
2 and 8-room modern apts., nicely fur
nllshed. rent reasonable; also 1 outside
sleeping room. 7u6 Everett st.
THE DAVENPORT Newly furnished 2 and
ij-roora apts.. uwi m uny ior tne money;
strictly modern. Main 5435. 505 Jeffer
son. COLUMBIAN Furnished and unfurnished
apartments, nui anu uiumoia; very aa
sirable; modern conveniences; easy walk
ing distance; low rates; beat of service.
PARK APARTMENTS, 853 Harrison; beau
tiful a an'- t-iwiu ueu apartment;
walking distance, best of strvlce; prices
$40 to $50. Phono Marshali 3070.
CEDAR HILL Apartments, 1 blk. So. 23d
and waou. . " j lurnisnea
3-room apt: private pnone, oath and bal
53. Mar. 3151.
THE CHETOPA 18th and Flanders, 2, 3
and 4-room - """iau u.iia uniur
nisned; new furniture, new building. Ap
ply to 'Janitor.
HARRISON COURT. 394 5th, 8-room apt..
uniurni5nru, ia city. ,.
5148. A 7363.
WELLINGTON Court; 2. 3 and 4-room
suites, iuih", uiiiurnisnea.
alt modern. 15th and Everett, Main 145.
07 Hall t. Main 42l. Newly furnlhed
2 and 3 rooms; walking distance.
Fnrniahtid and unfurnished aoartmnnti.
635 Lovejoy st. Take W car.