KIHIIE'S BLOWS KNELL TO ATTELL i fcew Featherweight Champion V Blooms With Decision at ! End of Twentieth. - ABE t - IS SADLY WORSTED i,(in Pfrvn See Papain of On ( Time) Kin Vomer IliMed for r.mMiif Body and Foul Tac j ' Uca Johnny Dance) Jlx- l . .'"- I -OS ANGELES. rob. 11. A new r'-.impton waa born to pugilism la the Vernon arena today when Johnny Kll har.s. of Ceveland. decisively out .echt. outgamed and outpunched Abe AtTe'.l In their SO-round contest, and at the close m awarded the feather weight title by Beferea Charles Eyton. Oibane led from start to finish, and at no time wu the reeult In doubt, t. Nearly 10.000 peraona were Jammed the arena, which ordinarily eeate ttt Fully 10 00 others were turned a way at the gates. It waa the great t crowd that ever viewed a prlse- In Los Angeles. . Tha receipts amounted to approxl r. iTely I2S.000. The men fought for a pvxe of 119.00. of which Attell wa tt receive liSOO. win. loae or draw, and Ktlbane I1S00. Besides, they creed to divide evenly iO per cent of t ie moving pictures privilege. KOaiH la Cleverest, i Attell was clearly outfought. Ilia t-eaated speed and wonderful elever fss were not In evidence. Kllbane piade him look like a novlca In nearly erery round. In but one round, the seven th. did Attell aave a lead, and tr-.'.a was not by any means aa de risive aa that of Kllbane In the remain -tr. c" rounds. , .ttell brought the wrath of the bis; rowil upon his bead by fool tactics. (Tlma and again be would hold KIl- Dane's arms In a clinch, and once In tike eigma no v--- j arm with both hands ana triea to tend It back. In tha third ha -held-' tr-e Cleveland boy while In a clinch, aad In nearly every succeeding round his work called forth loud boos and eisaea from ths spectators. , ra tha sixteenth, after rushing to a r:.'acl to avoid Kllbane'a merciless tn'no en bis face and body. Attell butted tha Cleveland boy with his head. rpentng a great gash over Kllbane a left eye. from which tha blood spurted Irofusely. ' Attell EssaUtes EL At tha beginning of tha lth round R' fares Eyton stopped tha fight, and. grabbing a towel, thoroughly wiped off Attell s body. It waa seen to be cov axad with some grsasy substance. At t'l protested, but tha referee paid no attention to htm. - Kllbane'a work was a revelation to Ma friends. Entering the ring with tie odds X to 1 against him. ha never faltsred for an Instant. He waa light ning fast both with bis hands and feet. A straight left Jab to Attell'a nosa or or. eye waa his favorite blow. ' Attell seemed wild all through the tight, but this was due as much to K.lbane's footwork aa to any other cause. Aa early as tha third or fourth roxid It was aeen that Kllbane waa is inning and had the fight well In hand. He would rush In. peck Attell with left and right, then Jump back out of harm s way. This programme be car ried out so successfully that by the time the last few rounds were reached Attell began to show signs of tiring. Time and again ths champion tried to corner tha Cleveland boy. but each trre ha failed. Kllbane'a speed was bewildering to tha hitherto Invincible featherweight, and tha lattera actions p'alnly showed It. Deelateei Wildly Cheer. The decision of Referee. Eyton waa received with a wild whoop. Kllbane was caught up by his friends and car ried on their ehouldsrs out of tha building. "I want to telephone to Mary. be said, meaning Mrs. Kllbane. Attell. tired, his fsce drawn and bleeding, left the ling alone. Aa he reached the edge of the platform he eald to a friend: "Well. I bad to stand for It; I couldn't do any better." In the first preliminary Johnny 6VMff snd Joa Walker. Los Angeles light weights, fought a six-round draw. Claat Slegre Kaex-keel Osnt. The second preliminary waa between -sorrier"" Elder and Jim Cameron, a g sr.t negro heavyweight. Elder, with I." science, but a fearful punch, caught t'aa.eron on the Jaw in the sixth and !--u;g him over tha ropea until ha was cotinted out. Ktlbane was first to enter tha ring. H- climbed through tha ropea at :li an was greeted with wild cheering, lie wore green trunks. Attell climbed Into the ting at 1:17 aid was scarcely noticed by tha spec tators, despite the fact that he waa a I-to-l favorite In the betting. .attell and Kllbane met one side of Ike ring snd Attell "Joshed" the Cleve land lad because of his green trunks. Both men appeared In the best poa sf)le condition. Attell'a sora eya was nearly healed. - r" d la .Vear-Rtet. 't-Ightwelght champion Ad Wolgaat. looking In splendid health, and Joe Rivers, of Loa Angeles, were Intro duced Juat before Kllbane and Attell were railed to the rente of tha ring ate tha fr!nclpals In a lightweight championship battle July 4. The enormous crowd outside the arent clamoring for admission caused a general call to be sent to the Vernon constable's office for officers. Sev eral men who bad bcTught general ad mission seats for 13 claimed they were refused entrance by gatekeepers unless IMcy paid II more. A riot seemed Imminent and It was rlisrged that officers, peeking through t'e cracks from tha Inside of the arena, rVed more than 1 shots at the crowd. 1-en Baker, colored, and Adam Warner, utilla. received flesh wounds and were treated at the receiving hospital. No arrests were made. Fight by Rounds ;tco. tTl.e fight by rounda: Reaad t. Ft.-'b men walked slowly te tha center. A'.r aparrieg tner cliathed snd Kllbane ta a hard right to tha Jaw on tha areaa- For the next minute both men rMwt In the renter and not a blow waa chanted. They then clinched and K.I tne nt ia a left and a right to tha Jaw. H waa eaick aa lightning. They clinched a. in and mleeed a right. Round rUeoed t. K.cb m in tried to "fee!" eot bis ppo ne. Kt:tane suddenly dashed In and put vi.-ote left te tha Jaw and Jumped back af the war of a left cuater. Ac!! did n.t aeern tt faat on bis fet aa Klltane. asn tha I'teteiander dashed In. landing eel and left, and avoided any return. Ha tH i brought blood from AlteU's mouth .,. . straight left. Tha lads Clinched iil Ki.taae sgaia landed two bat4 laXta vm the fare, tinlm tae blood flowing. A I risht te Attell'a bad are aeerlT dosed that . optic It waa Kl. beiia's round. t Keened t. The clinched and Kllbane complained N th rex-ree that Atte:i bent hla arm. At- . tall then held on and at lha break dodd . a vicious left, emir to encounter a hard rihL Earn man waa Bhtlo roacMT. In tha next clinch Attell wa warned for -heeltnc - Kllbana put rlsht and laft to tha face. Tha ball ran r wl:b bote man In a clinch. Kllbane a round. . Bevad . Each lad came to tha cantor of the ring " In a alow wa.K and Kllbane Jabbad Abe twice. Atffll triad to ctiorb, but ran Into a bard rlsht. Tha bora clinched and t wraatlad about tha ring. K 11 ban landing t Dim bloara to AlfaH'e ona. Araln lha I lada cllnchad and lha crowd "booed" at At tail t"T holding. Thar thae r-rnke and At tel. backing awar. motioned for Kl.bnne to coma on. Tha Cleveland man did and put a atirr left to tha Jaw. Hound even. Roand a. Attaira laft aya waa awollan and nearly rleoad and Kllban. kapt parking St It. At tall contlooaiiv cilnchad and bald on. Tha spectators ware yalilng for him to fight. Attall backed KMbane Into the letter's own fernrr. but ea-h rr lssd hard rlghta. Kll bane backed off. atlll hammering at Attaira aore eve. Ttie round ended with tha lada In a clinch. Kllbane (bowed mora speed en hla f- t than did AttalL It waa an even round. Beand . Kllbane Jabbad Altelt'e bad are twtce. Re then ruaned. but was flopped with a atilt left to the mouth. It waa Attaira tint hard blow. Thar thaa atood eft and eachanged long-arm Jabs. Kllbane again ruabad and got la a hard laft te the law. Thl round rd,7.. honor, .ven. I SACRAMENTO. Feb. M Whatever Roand 1. I claims Billy Papke. of Illinois may Attall began te force tha lighting. Ha bare bad to the middleweight oham put a left to tha Jaw and Kl bane. backing . . , ia tba nn. ew.r. put left and right to the face. In a Plori'Mp of the world Is now "in clines, raca charged tha other with hold- , disputed property of Frank Mantell. of Ing. Kllbane nearly upaat the champion pwtucket T I. with a straight left to tha Jaw. Kllbane backed awar and Attell followed, putting a good left to the wind. In a clinch and with one arm free, each man exchanged hard body blowa. but at the bell beta ware smiling. Atta.l had a abade. Beend S. Kllbane ruehed. chasing Attell all ever tha ring, but did not land. Then Attell dropped both haade and leaned agalnat tha ropea. smilingly. Klibaae suddenly dashed In. put left and right to tha bead, then left and another riant, atartlng tha blood flowing afreah from Attetl'e mouth. Attall peetnrd tired. Hla face waa awollan. while the Clareland boy bora not a mark. In a clinch Attell got Kllbane'a chin under hla head and aent the Ohio boy back. Kllbane ouddenly Jumped back and ataggered tha champion with a terrific left on the Jaw. It waa atllbene'e round. atoand . After Addling the lada clinched and Kll bane pat a left te the wind. He aeemed much taster In the than the cham- i pion. After tbay broke Attall again rushed I and tried hard to land on the wtnd. but failed. Then, head to bear, the lada fought for wind, tha challenger having a abada the better of lu It waa KUbmna'a round. Round IS. Both man rushed and Attell got a bad left on the mouth. Attell mtaeed a right awing and Johnny Jumped In. putting a right to the rlba Abo waa getting wild. In a clinch Kllbane landed four rlghta to th i"- '" "": "'"-'" .i. niaed btm for holding and butting. Then. aura 10 me emueement ok ine crowa. At tell complained te the referee that Kllbane waa holding hla arm. It waa Kllbane'a round by a big margin, sad. with the fight half orer. tha Clevelaodar had a good lead ea points and aeemed much the fraebar. Baond II. Attall came In with his head 'down. He led for the rlba and landed bia laft low. for which ho waa warned by tha referee. Each boy appeared to alow down. Attall In a rush landed a right to Johnnye Jaw and Jumped back out of the way. In a clinch Kllbane sent In sareral hard blowa on the ribs, and Attall sgsln bald en. It was the tain eat round of the fight, with the honors Rwaad IX. The spectator, were now yelling "Kll bane." The men rushed into a clinch and the referee bad hard work In eeparatlng them. Kilbane landed a left on the Jaw at the break. Attell was wild In his leads. "Oolly. Kid, yon are hard to hit." he aatd to Ktlbane. Johnny In trying to dodge a left ran Into a hard fight on tho Jaw. but Immediately put hie laft and right to the rlba. Twice more Attall miaaed ewinga. Kouad even. Road 13. Alt!! In a clinch lut a hard right to Johnny's Jaw. The Cleveland lad then puahed Attell nearly tarougti tha ropaa "Ton knocked Ktvers out, didn't you? Attall esclalmed to hla opponent. "Wall, eome on aad make it two." Juat aa Attall aald "two." Kllbane landed a vtcloas left on Abo's Jaw. ending Attell'a ramarka. Twice Attall mlared. Kllbane a spaed aeemed to worry him. Kllbane landed hie laft and right on the face and the bell rang aa tha lada ware head to head, ex changing body punches. Kllbane'a round. Reaad 14. The lada rushed. Kllbane aeemed te force the fighting. Ho landed a hard left te the noes and the champion winced end than clinched, wreetltng tha Cleyelander about lha ring. An eacbange of long range Jaba followed end then In a clinch Kllbane brought a roar from the spectators by Imi tating the "Texaa Tommy" around the ref eree. Ho then at go left aad right to the face snd barked away from a vicious right. It waa Kllbasa's round, with Attell appar ently tired. BoWBd IS. Each man carao up cautloualy. Attell showed a burst of bis old-Ume speed by getting eut of a bad hole In his own cor ner, but an Inataat later Kllbane put two lefta to Aba'a sore eye. Aa they clinched In a neutral corner a apectator yelled to Attell that hla face waa greasy. "Well. It s coming out of ma; I'm a Jaw." amlllngly retorted the champion. Aa they broke Johnny rocked Abe's bead with a left and then landed hla right on the rlba. This alao waa Kllbane'a round. Kouad 1. Kllbane ruehed Attell and began a tattoo on hia face. Referee Eyton hare grabbed Attell end motioned Kllbane to hla corner. Taking a towel the referee rubbed tha greaao from Attell'a body. Kll bane again rushed, ducked an uprtercut and landed left to tha Jaw. Then witb a right ha ro-ked Attell'a head. Tha lada clinched and. head to bead. Kllbane rained blow af ter blow on Attell'a body. As the lada broke. Attell hutted Kllbane ever the ere. making him bleed profueely. The specta tor. Jumped to their feat and for a minute biaaed and hooted both Attell and Referee Kytoa. It was Kllbane'a round. Round 17. Both rushed and fought furloualy. Attell rnT.tplatned of Kllbane a holding, but waa htmaelf warned not to uae bla head again. In a clinch Johnny got In three blowa to one from hla opponent. Abe aeemed to realise that he must make a strong finish and ruehed. but waa met with straight lafte. Kllbane clearly outboxed the champion. At rloee quarters Kllbane nearly lifted Abe off hla feet with a right to the atomach. Kll bane'a round. Round IS. It was clinch and break with neither lad doing any daraace. After a minute or thte kind of work. Kllbane stepped away and then rocked Abe's head with a atralght left. Attell miaaed twice and Jumped Into a clinch. Abe was evidently tired and looked worried. Tha round ended with both In a clinch, but doing no damage. Round oven. Round IS. Each lad was wary. Kllbane leading first lie than backed Into hla own corner and a hen Abo ruehed. Johnny doiced a right and ruaned In witn a ettnging laft on Abe'e rlba. Tha epectatore were now yelling wildly for Kllbane. Attell Jumped to a clinch and waa purhed half way acroae the ring. Aa they broke. Kllbane landed hla left on the had. which made the champion look wor ried. The boya then clinched and Referee Kyton. in trying to break them, got a left on tha Jaw from Johnny's net. Kllbane s round. I Roand ta. Tha sosctatore lau-iy nowieo. tor aura.. Aa the lade came to tha center for tha laat round, they barely touched giorae snd Kil- ( bane sent in a ieu mat rocaeu Alien a , hea.L They clinched. Quickly changing hla , foot position. Kllbane sent In a hard right and left and Jumped back out of a clinch. Attell daehed In but waa wild. They fid dled and In a quick exchange. Kllbane near ly upeet Abe with a left to tha face. lie put another right to the head and they clinched, heed to bead, exchanging rlcloua blowa Kllbane sent a hard rlcht te Abe's head and tha champion waa plainly weaken Irg. They clinched aa the gong eounned. fteferee Eytoa pulled them apart and raised Kilban. a band aa a token of victory. Willetto Defeats Klrkbrlde. Wlllelts won another match of the 11.3 balkltna billiard tournament at the Acme parlors laat night, defeating Klrkbrlde. 120 to 117. the latter shoot ing for ISO. .Tha high run of tha two V1I u gnd 17. respectively. Tha average of both was Just a little below J. Wednesday night Williams defeat ed Johnson. 200 to S7. Tonight Freed man and Johnson will play, tne former shootlrg for ZOO and the later for 120. AH kinds of fireworks are more commonly seed la si nice thaa la the Lai tad staler PAPKE GOES INTO -BEEN" GLASS Frank Mantell Wins Clear-Cut Decision in 20 Rounds With One-Time Star. . BOUT HAS LITTLE CLASS Tom afonc Is So Dtucou rag-rrl Ovrr Illinois Lad's Showing; That He Announce! He'll Have Xoth iog to Do With Him. Mantell won so clear-cut a 20-round decision over Papke here this after noon that even Tom Jonea, Papke's msnager, was discouraged and an nounced that be would have nothing; more to do with the Illinois boy. Mantell did not clva a brilliant ex hibition, but ha had the better of the In-fighting throughout. What little open work was done waa fairly well divided between the two. ' Papke had trained hard for the fight but he did not have hla old-time eya or ring generalship, and time and again Mantell had the Illinois man backing away and leaning against the ropes. Less than a dozen of Papke'a vicious swings hit the mark. Only two rounds belonged to him. tha first and tha eighth, and the others were Mantell. Towards the end of the bout Man- tell gained a decided advantage when T. n k . waakenaf and ahnwad a deal re to hang on to his opponent. Jack Dillon was announced as a challenger of the winner. About 1500 persons saw tha fight. KXACS DRUBS ED PETHOSKEY t Sailor Takes His Punishment for 20 Rounds la San Francisco. SAN FRANCISCO. Feb. J2. "Sailor" Ed Petroskey, the local aspirant for middleweight honors, took a terrific drubbing today at the bands of Frank Klaus, the Pittsburg claimant to the championship. Klaua won tha decision v. ith nearly every round to his credit. Petroskey, with the odds 2 to 1 against him. received five punches for every one ha landed, but the 20th round found him still ready to swap blows and : a was cheered repeatedly for hla gameness, Klaua bad all tha better of tha In fighting throughout the bout and be labored Petroskey'a ribs and hammered his face until It was puffed and bleed lng. Petroskey held his own In ex changes at long range, and shook hi man with right crosses and uppercuta. but never stopped Klaua from boring In ta clinch. Petroskey aeemed at a loaa when It came to defending him self In the clinches. Klaus shook the sailor with a heavy left to the stomach In the first round, but Petroskey evened mstters with hard rights to tha head and stomach. The aecond round waa also even. with a hard exchange of body blows, petroskey brought cheers from the hundreda of sailors In tha house when be surprised Klaus by putting three bard lefts to tha Jaw and bad Klaus leading wildly. Petroskey staggered Klaua with four hard rlghta to the Jaw and took tha round, but from then on to tha final gong was kept on tha defensive by Klaua' terrific body blowa. Petroskey bled freely from a cut on tha noaa and the cheek after the 11th round, while Klaua lost no blood and left tha ring with only a badly puffed face. ACTOR TELLS OF BOIIXO FARCE Fight Fixed for Old Pnglll.wM at Benefit to Win IVlrea Cross. Frank Burton. who playa Captain Wllllama In "Paid In Full," now on the boards at tha Baker Theater, formerly followed' tha boxing game In and around Omaha. lie boxed for years as an amateur for tha Omaha Athletic Club, later becoming a professional and whipping such men aa Frank Fell. Lawrence llanley, Frank Burns and tne Wild Turk. "Tha most humorous experience I ever had." said Burton yesterday, "was at Cleveland before the Cleveland Ath letic Club, where I was matched to fight Jack Donovan. Donovan had been a mighty good pugilist In his day, but that had already passed and hla friends had arranged a benefit and farewell appearance for him. I waa billed to do the graceful act and, after putting up a aufflclently brave bluff, to fade away alowly and allow Donovan to retire as tho victor. Tha applause of Donovan's friends, however, went to his head and ha commenced to believe that he waa really winning tha fight through bla own prowess. So he com menced sending In his blows In the openings I made for him, hammer-and-tnngs- style. "After getting one particularly vic ious swipe. I. too, lost my head In a fit of anger, forgot my agreement with the backers of tha fight, rushed Dono van up to and over the ropes, and. with a final Jab. laid him out for keeps. I wss remarkably light on my feet In those days, which wss a fortunate cir cumstance, for It enabled ma to reach a cab outside tha club Just a safe frac tion ahead of a mob of Donovan's In dignant friends." DEATH IS SEQUEL TO FIGHT .tto Pufrllltrt Who Fell Unconscious In Bout Is Dead. yvEUlVn Uh Tharlaa Trill. rX.E EUA- l. FSD. ZZ. Charles Ellis. the negro welterweight who fell un- gconscious at ini start oi tne aizin rouna 0e his bout With Joe Motto here Tuesday night, died today at a hos pital. It waa thought at first thst a blow over tha heart received by Ellis was th causa of his condition, but ex amination showed that he was suf fering from cerebral hemorrhages. Police say Motto will not bo arrested unless someone swesrs out a warrant. A warrant baa not yet been asked for. XICOL TAKES PAPER CHASE Chester 1. Murphy Second In Hunt Club's Annual Event. James NIcoL riding Will Wehrung, won the annual Washington's birthday paper chase, held by the Portland Hunt Club yesterday, and Incidentally got the trophy put up by Mrs. F. T. Buf fum. Chestsr O. Murphy, on Platoon, came In second, and William Walker waa third wlUx Mike Wisdom. Mrs. F. HAS T. Buffum and Miss Mabel Lawrence were the hares. Tha course ran along; tha Ferry road and thence westward Into the hills and Anally ended at Hillsdale. Although It rained a little the course was good and good rldlns; was experienced. The dlstsnce waa six miles and bad four hurdles snd two water Jumps In It. Other entrants that finished and tha horses they rode are as follows: Ralph Jenklna. Mowvlta; E. R. Eldrldge. Un cle Paul; Joseph Cronan. Skyrocket; Henry U Corbett, Little Dym; C. H. Norlin. Tamarack, and Walter A. Grut ter. Lady Myrtle. LEWISTON" EX PLAX A REX A Great Amusesment Resort to Be Bnllt North of City. LEWISTON. Idaho, Feb. 22. (Spe cial.) Secretary Nlckerson. of tha Lewlston-Clarkaton Interstate Fair As sociation, announced today that tho fair association, the Northwest Livestock Association and the local ball club were planning to build an amusement resort north of this city. The organizations are planning to obtain many Important eventa for the new grounds. The amount to be expended on the resort is 7t,000. TEAM HIGHLY PRAISED BASKETBALL FIVE OF OREGOX MAKES FRIENDS OX TO UK. Faculty Director of Athletics at Gonzaga College) Compliments Students on Conduct. UNIVERSITY OF OROEuN, Eugene. Feb. 2z. (Special.) Tho University of Oregon basketball team which hfws re turned to Eugene from a tour of tho Inland Empire by way of Seattle won six of eight games played while away Besides winning all the matches but tho two with tho University or wash lngton. the Oregon lads. Judging from accounts of the games published In the Seattle and Spokane papers and from letters received by Graduate Manager Geary won a host of friends by their sportsmanlike, and gentlemanly con duct. One letter received by Manager Geary which Is especially flattering to the Oregon five, was written by James F. JiIcElmeed. faculty director of athletics at uonsaga college, Spokane, it reams aa follows: "Allow me In the name of the basketball team and student- body of Gontaga College to congratu Iste you on the men representing the University of Oregon. Your men aro great basketball players but above all else they showed themselves perfect gentlemen, a credit to the University of Oregon and to their coach Mr. Hay- ward. "It was a real pleasure for us to have them stop in Spokane and we sincerely hope that in succeeding years the uni versity of Oregon will give us a game here. "In the opinion of the spectators and players the game last night was the cleanest ever played on the Gonzaga floor." The only discordant note In the har mony of praise of Oregon's great basketball team was that struck by the Walla Walla T. M. C. A. team, who in The Oregonlan charge the Oregon men with greasing the floor, being un duly rough and beating them 40 to 22. According to the Oregon players, the Walla Walla team on account of not having played any conference college team before this season, had an ex aggerated notion of lta class. CHICAGOAX - DEFEATS CRANE In National Racquet Play at Boston New York Men Lead. BOSTON. Feb. 22. In the National Amateur Racquet championship tourn ament today G. A. Thome, Chicago, de feated J. Crane, Boston, 15-, 6-15, 17 14. 17-14. J. Gordon Douglas, New York, de feated M. Bartlett. Boston. 15-4, 15-9, IS-. R, Fincke, New York, defeated L. Waterbury, New York, 15-, J-15, 14-11, 17-U. 18-1. WOLFF SEEKS BOAT RECORD Motor Craft Will Be Speeded Sunday to Smash World's Mark. Bad weather conditions brought about a postponement of Johnny Wolff's at tack with bis famoua Oregon Wolf on the world's motor-boat record for 30 miles, at present held by the Dixie IV, with a speed of 40.4 miles an hour. Given favorable weather, the Oregon Wolf will make tha attempt next Sun day, starting off as near 2:30 o'clock aa possible. Dog Show Chiefs Chosen. Officials for -the dog show to be held In the basement of the Yeon building. April 3 to (. Inclusive, under the auspices of the Portland Kennel Club, were chosen last night, as follows: Dr. Henry Jarrett. of Philadelphia. Judge of all breeds; C. B. May, steward: E. P. Bodley, Official eeorer; F. O. Creasey. show superintendent. The bench show committee consists of Dr. Adlx, G. F. Downer, E. P. Bodley and J. J. McCarthy. Amateur Athletics. The first meeting of the Archer ft Wiggins Baseball League will be held at the store of the same name Satur day. February 24. at 8 P. M. The out look, with about half a dozen teams from the business houses of the city. Is promising. The Portland Cuba, on of the fast est nines In tha city in former seasons, is In need of a pitcher. The team Is also looking for out-of-town games. Both matters can be arranged by ad dressing John Swlnt at Garrett & Young, Manchester building. The Hibernians, leadera of the Bankers' Basketball League, added an other victory to their standing by de feating the United Statea National men. St to 18. at tha Portland Academy Tuesday night. The Lumbermen and the Security Savings & Trust also had a game scheduled but not enough men . kn.i'a.l t.w tn malre a. Tiill team fnr ' either bank. The Christian Brothers basketball five won from Fellda on their own floor Wednesday night. 16 to 12. but the second team succumbed to tha vis itors in an overtime battle, 19 to 17. The championship of the Archer & Wiggins Football League will be settled Saturday afteroon eta the Columbus Club field, when the Mohawks and the Sunnyslda teams, the champions of the Sunday and Saturday divisions, respectively, will play. The Amicus Club midgets defeated the Nob Hill Juniors in a fast basket ball game at tha Amicus Club yester day by the score of 23 to 13. Texas Welcomes Connie Mack. SAN ANTONIO, Tex., Feb. 22 San Antonio welcomed Manager Connie Mack of the Philadelphia Americans and 2 of his recruits to Texss today. After the arrival of tha Philadelphia team, hundreds of San Antonio fans gathered In a hotel where Mack and bis men were made "honorary Texans," in a scheduled programme of welcom ing addresses. DATES AGREED UPON I Amateur Boxers and Wrestlers to Meet Here May 9-10. , MANY ENTRIES EXPECTED Moltnomab. Athletic Club to Stage Events, Which Are Expected to Be Run Off In Two Days, or Three Days at Most, Amateur boxers and wrestlers will vie in Portland May and 10 for the Northwestern championships. These dates for tho Paclfio Northwest Asso ciation meet were agreed upon yes terday by T. Morris Dunne, secretary of the league, and Edgar Frank, chair man of the boxing and wrestling com mittee at the Multnomah Club. The classy meet will be staged at tha Multnomah Club gymnasium, the events having been awarded to Portland at the annual meeting of the Northwestern clubs at Seattle. Spokane had the titu lar eventa in 1111. Championship entries are expected from Vancouver, B. C; Spokane, Coeur d'Alene, Ballard, Rainier, Astoria, the Columbus Club of Portland, the Mult nomah Club and several others. If the entries prove too heavy for a two-day meet, with everything cleared for the finals on the last day, a third day may be tAcked on, aa was the case at Spo kane a year ago. "We handled the National wrestling tournament last Winter in two days, so I guess two days will suffice for the Northwestern championships," said Mr. Frank last night. The Multnomah Club now has three stellar meets on the home schedule Seattle on March 22, Spokane on April 19, and the championships on May 9 and 10. NORTH BEATS SOUTH AT POLO SIahers Too Much for Team Made Up of Englishmen. SAN MATEO. CaL. Feb. 22. The SlaBhers, playing as the Northern Cal ifornia team, defeated the Southern California polo team today, ht to 5 Vs. in the first game for the cup put up by W. B. Bourn, and - Individual prizes sdded by the San Mateo Polo Club. The Bourn cup is to be played for annually and become the property of the team winning it three times consecutively. The game was clean and hard fought, the teams showing themselves well matched. The Southern team was made up of players heretofore seen on the Canadian and English teams. The line up was: Northern California 1, R. M. Tobln; t, Thomas A. Driscoll, captain; S, W. L. Breese; back, W. S. Hobart. Southern California 1, J. Cheever- Cowdln; 2, Addison Hone; 3. Major Co lin G. Ross, captain; back. Lord Tweed mouth. Tobln lost his team a half point on a foul and Hobart a quarter point on a safety; Cowdin lost the Southern team a half point on a foul. No game Is scheduled for tomorrow and the day will be devoted to practice by the Slashers and Canadians, wno clash Saturday in the finals for the William H. Crocker cup LINE'S CONTROL FEARED STATE LASD BOARD TO APPEAL RAILWAY CASE. Decision of Oregon Supreme Court In Corvallis & Eastern Tidcland Dispute Opposed. eir ru rt. VeH 99 fKniwtnl That the' question of the advisability OI taxing an appeal to wio outucmw Court or tne umtea ouies in uib woo of the Corvallis d: Eastern versus the State Land Board, will be taken before the Land Board at an early session . . v. - - ..... .m . unrinuHterilv W1U L 1 1 v l nic . J . ' "... j be taken, are statements made today by Governor west. This case, which was lust aeciaea w.. . i c....mA r'itier la fAnalfiArerl ay 1IIW DUI V ' one of the most important in years, as in the reversing opinion ui mo court, the railroad company is given control of all of the tldelands and marshlands along the shores of Lin coln County, or what was formerly Ti . Pn.,nttr ri(a a 1 h ft Inrludps all oemuu . . J... j . ..... of the tldelands and marshlands along the shores or xaquina, e aim 01 letz bays. . ' w.ft taken the nosltlon that he. still believes that the state Is entitled to these lands: thai tne ieg- annnt rrant awav anvthlnT that It has no power, to grant away and that tne Legislature uiu inia mi thing In granting away the tldelands . i .wl - t n tha railroad com pany and thus bottling up every har bor in the county. It is the sentiment among memoers f the State Land Board that the de- -i i ..( 1 1 ,.,tiU KnqrrnltRlv for tne residents of Lincoln County and place them entirely at the mercy of the cor poration as far as harbor and com mercial purposes are concernou. Consequently tnere seems to bo " oubt that the members of the board ir..t that an anneal be taken to the United States Supreme Court. BALDWIN AVD BROWN IX DRAW Both Men Land Good Blows but They Fail to Drop Opponent-xTtr-rir vnpv TToh 52. Mattv Bald win, of Boston, and Knockout Brown, of New York, fought ten rounds here tonight, neither man decisively having the better of it. Tne Boston iigm weight landed at least ten right hooks on Brown's chin, but they lacked suf ficient force to down him. Baldwin's lip was eut in the fourth by a hard right swing that almost sent him to the floor. In the eighth Baldwin resorted to long range fighting and landed five times In succession without a return. Brown showered Baldwin with right and left swings in the ninth and made a whirlwind finish of tha tenth round, while Baldwin was weak. Stanford Soccer Team Wins. STANFORD UNIVERSITY, CaL, Feb. 23. Stanford and the University of California began a soccer football se ries here today, Stanford winning 4 to t. The contest marked the intro duction of soccer football as an inter collegiate sport In California. Unbols and Johnson Fight Draw. PUEBLO, Colo.. Feb. 22. Rudolph I'nhols. the Boer, and Eddie Johnson, of Pueblo, fought ten rounds to a draw before the Pueblo Athletic Club here tonight. Unhola was the aggres sor throughout, Cranks About Shirts SHIRTVILL See Window Display And see theworlcFs best products in "ready mades" and materials for WE SPECIALIZE IN FINE UGH IS INVITED Baker Man Asked to Meet Mc Intyre as Semi-Windup. BERG IS TRAINING HARD Unknown Maintains Secret as to His Identity He Takes Eight-Mile Run Early In Morning, Then Works on the Mat. a n effort l hnlnsr made bv the pro moters handling the Berg-Frankenstein grappling fest to secure Chester mi Intyre, instructor of the Vancouver, B. C, Athletic Club, and Joe Helnrlch. as a seml-windup to next Monday's excellent bill. Heinrich has been tele graphed to at Baker, Or., while Mc Intyre has practically agreed to termB. Mclntyre Is the light-heavy who lost two falls in three to John Berg a few weeks ago and Is said to be a crack man. He meets Berg In a return en A.AAmAnt ( viTifliivAr within the next fortnight, say British Columbia papers. Both Berg and Fiinkensteln are hard at work training for Monday's bout at the Bungalow Theater. Frank enstein seems to be shunning publicity, V... v. . .. .onaa-Ae rrflnlr T t H r t O Tl a St. Paul man. said that his unknown was out for eight miles or roaawor at daybreak yesterday. later putting in some hard licks in a gymnasium, nn von know Henry Orderman. the Minneapolis wrestler?" the unknown was aBked last night over telephone In an effort to disclose his identity. "Sure I know . the Scandinavian" came the quick response. "Orderman is one of the strongest men in the business and has been wrestling for five years. I met htrh Just previous to his defeat of Charley Cutler for the American championship at Minneapolis two years ago. He beat me easily, for he stands six feet In height and weighs close to 220 pounds. Ordeman'a grip Marvelous. i'iA . i ti hin nubile career as v.ucauBu r-, . v. i 1 .. .Mar " nHrleH RprCB COmlilK opponent, who 'has- wagered t250 thai he can oeat tne roruauu champion claimant. "He thus lairi tha foundations for the marvelous leg muscles he has. Then, too, his a J A kintiram rn n i nn ii f v iti ii um liaUO VI Miav,noii -"S hands and arms until today I bolleve he has the best pair of hands in the world. This means that his gripping power is sufficient to enable him to retain holds that would ordinarily be easily broken by an opponent. Wrestling fans are more than ordi narily interested in the mysterious in- i - . ...nriTi? to rumors. Is Americus. Peters, Olson and assem all in one. PORTLAND SCORES GOOD TENPIX MEN GET INTO HIGH RANK AT LOS ANGELES. Marks at Western Bowling Congress Above Average, but Leaders Hold Places. T.03 ANGELES. Feb. 2Z. Many good scores were made in today's bowling at tha Western Bowling Congress, but none quite good enough to displace the leaders. The tournament opened st 10 o'clock and ran continuosuiy up to midnight. A good-sired crowd was present all day. Snores made ronow: Men's doubles Whitney and Bush, HOTHCIULD DISTRIBUTERS. UJfi celeblued for three M - product SaareeoffiggL to Jgi generations Bond fffotiiA. twice tSrSf-'x.- " ?rffiZ& ml MM frfi. 1, il" Should Come to E! We never saw prettier styles you never saw a greater and more ex tensive variety we never quoted more at tractive prices. You'll aee everything that's new in domestic and imported things, with neckwear to match. MADE - TO - ORDER SHIRTS Oakland. 1147; Darrow and EckdahL Los Angeles, 1142; Dysinger and Brown, Los Angeles, 1141; Meiers and Shay, Los Angeles, 1123; Smith and Lustry, Los Angeles, 1112; Donohue and Kelton, Oakland, 1102; Meyers and Roop, Los Angeles, 1091; Lawson and Hamlet, Los Angeles. 1082; Henry and Kruse, Oak land, 1080; Turner and McKenrie, Los Angeles, 1075: Salano and Sarton, Spo kane, 1045; A. Arens and G. Arena, Portland, 1022; Lands and Kissinger, Spokane, 990; Outer and Garner, Spo kane, 980. Singles E. Darrow, Los Angeles, 602; B. Lustig. Los Angeles, 587; J. Dono hue, Oakland, 582; P. Sartor, Spokane, 678; R. Whitney, Oakland, 569; A. Mc Kenzle, Los Angeles, 665; L. Parker, Oakland, 660; C. Turner, Los Angeles, 557; G. Ahrens, Portland. 653; F. Dee. Los Angeles, 65Z: G. Henry. Portland, 551; A. Arens, Portland. 635; C. Kruse, Portland. 519; H. Kissinger. Spokane. 494; C. Guter. Spokane, 468: G. Lang. Spokane, 462; G. Garner, Spokane, 416. Five-men teams Rathskellers No.- 1. Los Angeles, i456; Pacific T. & T. Co., Los Angeles, 2421; Vancouver, B. C. 2340; Building and Loan, Los Angeles, 2313; Nuvidas, Los Angeles, 2278. JOHN-NT'S RISE IS STEADY New Featherweight Champion Sole Support of Blind Father. CLEVELAND. Feb. 22. Two years ago Johnny Kilbane, the new feather weight champion, scarcely was known outside of Cleveland. Ho had been a contestant in minor bouts since 1905, but it waB not until the fighting game opened in several Northern Ohio towns in the Winter of 1909-10 that he really began to attract attention. First Kllbane met and conquered the best boys of this vicinity. Then Im portations were made from the East and West. When Tom McCarey In 1910 promulgated his elimination contests In Los Angeles, by which was to be decided who of the native feather weights should have the right to meet Abe Attell, for the championship, he was tha logical entrant. Kllbane decisively defeated Joe Riv ers, Patsy Kline and Frankie Coniey, his closest rivals, thus earning the right to meet Attell in the battle for the championship. Johnny Kilbane was born and reared in Cleveland. He will be 23 years old April 18. He Is married and has a baby daughter. His habits are of the best. He is the sole support of his blind father. Johnny Kllbane's next ring contest probably will be with Bobby Reynolds, of Philadelphia. Reynolds, who is hers today, received a letter from Tom Mc Carey, of Los Angeles, asking his terms to meet the winner of today's contest there. Reynolds. It Is said, will not miss the chance to meet the champion the latter part of next month. Oregon Aggies Beat Idaho. xmcsrviTV. Idaho. Feb. 22. fSDeclal.) In the roughest game played on Idaho's floor this year Oregon Agri cultural College defeated Idaho tonight 30 to 11. The first half ended 14 to 7 in favor of O. A. C, and Idaho added in the ee'conil half only one field goal and two fouls. Cooper played the best game for O. A. C. Brock and Ritchie Fight Draw. CLEVELAND. Feb. 22. "Draw," said the referee at the end of the tenth round of the fight between Phil Brock, of Cleveland, and Willie-'" Ritchie, of San Francisco. Brock made a strons rally in the tenth which offset the art vantage that Ritchie had shown to that time. Fossil Starfish Form Flag. Albany, N. Y., Dispatch to New York Times. Director John M. Clarke, of the State Museum, has just received from the hillsides of Ulster County, near Saug erties, 900 feet above tidewater, strata of limestone formation which look like the fields of immense American flags. The stone is filled with small starfish which were petrified, Professor Clarko believes, during the Devonian period millions of years ago. He says that never before has there been found any limestone so thickly covered with star fish. Professor Clarke was notified of th strange figures in the rocks and sent men to Investigate, but he never an ticipated the Importance. BROS. rOBTtAKD, OHe