V - TT1E MOKMiO UKEUUJ1AW. rKll)AYt FEBRUARY ZS, 3 A PAGE BRIM FULL OF FRIDAY BARGAINS COLLECTED FROM ALL OVER THE STORE Dress Goods Remnants HALF PRICE , In the dress good sectioo you will find for Friday ' Bargain day. the counters piled high with handsome dress goods patterns in remnants that axe marled at just half the regular price. These remnants are from two to five yards Ions; lengths that are al Novelty Handbags at 75c That were $1.50. A most varied collection of these smart suede, velvet, tapestry anad leath er bags, with long cord handles, will demonstrate in a most convincing man ner a bargain Friday opportunity. Some of the most clever hand bag ideas and styles of the season are em bodied in this offering. Bags in so wide a range of sizes and materials that almost every particular woman can be suited. New Lingerie Waists at $1.98 At the above special price we are offering you a dainty lingerie waist in two most effective styles. One of these models has a dainty yoke of embroidery combined with Cluny lace and tuck- ings. The other model is made with a side ruffle and trimmed with Maltese' lace and crochet buttons. ' Both styles can be had with long or elbow length sleeves, which are trimmed with insertion and tuckings. 2000 Sample Flowers Less Than Cost of Manufacture We bought the entire sample line of one of the largest manufacturers and importers of flowers in the United States. Forget-me-nots, Lilacs, Wistaria, Poppies, Dahlias, Rosebuds and large and small Roses. We believe that the prices we will offer them for on Friday will be a revelation to the people of Portland. -They are divided into three lots. 500 regular up to 75c, special 29c 800 regular up to 98c, special 59c 700 regular up to $1.98, special 79c .' Miilinery Straw Braids Ramie, chip and fancy braids also every desirable braid of the season, bought early from the importer at a fraction of their present worth. We invite you to take advantage of this great bargain opportunity. ways practica!. We cannot attempt a description of these materials, but we are sure that you are familiar with the high-class dress goods we carry, as well as the very fine and tasteful colors. . A remnant sale that contains every kind of cloth that we carry in stock and the lengths are long enough to make every piece you purchase a prac tical investment. 1912 MODELS IN LA V1DA and W. B. CORSETS NOW ON SALE We h avc X . f 'at r J -. . f -' - ' I t-V I Attention, Gentlemen a proposition that will look good to you. Silk Lisle Sox 15c Pair The Regular 50c Kind For you young men and men who are in need and will need good quality sox. Our men's department has a proposition that will certainly look good to you. if you will only drop in and look them over. Here are sox that will please you immensely, as the colors and patterns are just right in the light Summer weights, too. Plain colors, polka dots, checks and fancy stripes. They are also made with double heel and toe. which makes them last indefinitely. Sox to fit men with any size foot, of a fancy silk lisle, extra fine qualities. You wonder why we offer such qualities because we wish to clean up this particular Ikie in order to do o, we offer you the benefit of the profit. Odd and Remnant Lengths of Silks HALF PRICE There is only one way to get a real good idea of these silk remnant bargains that we are of fering -and that is to make a point to drop in and see for yourself just how very important is this sale. ... The bargains are indeed worthy, as they include every kind and quality of silks that we have been selling for the past Fall and Winter, both staple and novelty silks. , All these silk remnants range in lengths from one to four yards. You will find plain colored silks in all the popular shades that make ideal tailored waists, linings, pipings and for petticoats. Persian and figured silks in a wondrous variety of colors. Silks suitable for all kinds of things in the wearing line. . The smaller stripes can be used as pipings and bandings tor petticoats and dresses as well as for novelty neck wear and belts. Of course, the longer lengths are always practical for making whole garments, or com bining it with some other harmonious color which is in vogue this season. Every piece is marked at just half price. A Yearly Sale of Rubber Goods Arrange to Buy Your Rubber Goods Now HOUSEHOLD NECESSITIES Specially Priced for Friday Bargain FOUNTAIN SYRINGE. These fountain syringes are made of the best red rubber, with rapid flow tubing. Fully guaranteed. $1.25 2-quart iu 89c $1.50 3-quart size 98c Fountain syringes of chocolate rubber, full capacity. Guaranteed for one year. $2.00 2-quart size. . . .$1.59 $225 3-quart Me.... $1.69 COMBINATION WATER BOTTLE AND SYRINGE. Combination water bottle and syringe of white rubber. $225 2-quart tlx ... .$1.69 $2.50 3-qaart size. .. .$1J9 Combination water bottle and syringe of red rubber. Best quality guaranteed. $275 2-quart size $1J98 $3.00 3-qaart lilt. . . .$223 Day SANITARY DOUCHE. The Winner sanitary porcelain douche, fitted with rubber tub ing and three hard rubber pipes. $2.00 2-quart size $129 $2.25 3-quart size $1.49 WATER BOTTLE 69c Former Selling Price $1.50 White, maroon or red rubber wa ter bottles of the best quality. A 2-quart size. Bulb Syringes $1.19 Selling regularly at $2.00. Of red rubber, guaranteed. Bulb Syringe 93c A regular $1.50 bulb syringe of good quality. Rubber Tubing 29c. A regular 50c rubber tubing, five-foot lengths. Bath Sprays 98c. These bath sprays will fit any faucet. Lirge Stock of 32-inch Zephyr Ginghams To Go at 12c the Yard This U without question the most remarkable opportunity of its kind in many seasons. Gingham remnants of such beauty that it is hard to decide just which patterns you like the best Do you wonder why a gingham remnant sale should happen right at the beginning of the gingham season? The reason is this We have sold so many many yards of ginghams during the past Winter season, which has left us well stocked up on remnants, which we are anxious to get rid of. and for that reason we are offering them to our customers 'at the height of the season, when they need them the most They are all good, serviceable qualities that measure from one and a half yards to seven yards in length, 32 inches wide. Ginghams in small and medium check patterns and stripes, all so very suitable for house dresses and children's wear. Come early and secure what you want before they are well picked ver. Price just 12c the yard. lifmaniWblfe Gb. JL Merchandise of fteril Only.- . Drapery Yard Goods In a Cleanup Sale 5c Curtain Swisses. . .12 1 -2c 25c Curtain Swisses 19c Curtain . Swiss in all size dots and figured designs and stripes. 36 and 40 inches wide. 25c Figured Scrims 17c Figured curtain swiss in light and dark grounds in pretty Oriental and conventional figures, with fancy bor ders. All colors. A large variety of patterns. 25c Plain Scrims 19c Plain curtain scrims in white, cream or ecru color. 40 inches wide. 50c Plain Bobbinet 39c Imported bobbinet in white or Ara bian color. 54 inches wide. Makes ideal plain curtains. 60c Fancy Nets 43c Fancy curtain nets in pretty leaded glass or mission designs. White or Arabian color. 45 to 50 inches wide. 18c Plain Burlap 12 l-2c Plain art burlaps, 36 inches wide, in all standard colors, green, tan, brown, red and blue. 35c Plain Scrims 23c A fine quality of plain curtain scrims, 40 inches wide. 50c Curtain Scrims 39c Plain and fancy curtain scrims, 40 and 50 inches wide. In white, cream and Arabian color. 75c Tapestry 59c Plain and figured tapestries, 50 inches wide. Suitable for portieres or hangings, in colors of green, brown and red. Framed Pictures Cleanup Price 25c Each . This cleanup sale of pictures offers you all kinds of opportuni ties to secure beautiful pictures for any room in youj home. Framed in gilt, black, brown and antique gold mouldings. Consisting of etchings, water colors, facsimile, carbonette pic tures, etc. including such subjects as Madonnas, religious subjects, landscapes, firelight fancies and hundreds of other beautiful subjects. Inverted Mantles, 12c Rex inverted gas mantles, which give a pure white light. Very high-grade and extra strong. Northern Light Mantle Special 13c An upright mantle, unequaled for brilliancy and durability. Globe Mantles 9c An upright mantle, with double sup port cap. Can be used on any gas burner and gives a clear, white light. Inverted Mantle 13c White Diamond inverted mantle. This is an extra strong linen mantle and cannot shrink or break. Wood Fiber Mantles Special 23c Hardwood fiber mantles outlast all other mantles and give clearer, brighter light. Come in upright and inverted styles. Upright Gas Globes at . . . .16c Inverted Gas Globes, full or half frosted, at 12c A New Spring Suit $35.00 Depicting the Latest Style Touches These first early days of Spring all nature blossoms forth in an array of beautiful new plumage. Your old Winter suit is growing somewhat the worse for wear and in the sunlight shows up all the little defects which were not no ticeable during the rainy days. So, why not purchase a smart new garment that can be worn all through the Spring and Summer? If you secure one of these suits at $35.00, you will be sure to be properly dressed, as they are un usually good lcrUiV. . -ih their p'ain tailored skirts, slightly trimmed with a plait on each side of the panels, or maybe a few bone buttons. Every model also shows the raised waist line. The jackets are very trim and are 26 inches in length, all lined through with fine quality peau de cygne silk. Many are plain tailored with tailored revers and revers trimmed with silks or satin. Many fasten straight up the front and others to one side. , Just a word about the mate rials : Whipcord, imported erges, novelty goods, in tan, navy, black and white, brown and fine mix tures in novelty shades. ' : - -t ' IF I if Representative Linen Bargains - 75c Japanese Scarfs, Cleanup 39c Each This is a lot of slightly soiled embroidered Japanese scarfs. Size 18 by 50 inches. Also squares to match at the same price: size. 30 by 30 inches. 25c White Drawn Work Squares, 24-in., Clean-up 19c 15c Tray Cloths, size 16 by 24-in. Assorted patterns, 9c 40c Linen Huck Towels with scalloped ends and in neat scroll and floral patterns, size 20 by 38, spe.. .31c 20c Sheer White India Linen, 32 inches wide. Spe., yd., 16c 60c Lunch Cloths at 49c Each Damask lunch cloths in very attractive floral patterns. They measure 34 by 34 inches and are finished with a hemstitched hem. Casteton Sheets and Piilow Cases These Castleton sheets and pillow-cases are made from good, heavy sheeting. They are the best sheets for hard wear. All ready for use. Sheets, size 72 by 90, each 66c Sheets, size 81 by 90, each 72c Sheets, size 81 by 99, each 80c Pillow cases, size 42 by 36, special, each 15c Pillow Cases, size 45 by 38 1-2,' special, each. . .17c Pillow Cases, size 45 by 36, hemstitched, each 17c Flower Hats at $8.50 The Cleverest Ever Shown Crowds have thronged our millinery department the past week. The unheard of low price and the beauty of these hats have been the magnets. Daintily designed hats of violets, wistaria or made with small roses and trimmed in the back or side with contrasting shot taffeta, maline or velvet and lace. H-..0 as stylish, as well made and as good material as ours cannot be duplicated elsewhere in the city for less than $ 1 4.00. Added emphasis is given this announcement by the fact that flower hats hold a dominant position in the millinery world of the present season. Free Lessons in Raffia Basketry Every Monday, Wednesday and Friday, From 2 to 4:30 P. M. 1500 Corset Covers Selling Regularly at 35c, 45c, 50c and 75c Special 29c Once in a while we take a day off and do something reckless in the way of offering muslinwear at ridiculously low prices; a regular bargain spree. We're going to have a day of that kind in our underwear section Friday. So we are offering this special purchase of corset covers in a variety of styles at the one price, 29c. New corset covers, with allover embroidery fronts and trimmed with fine embroideries, drawn with ribbons. Others with yokes of dainty lace and insertion; lace and embroidery combination. All drawn with ribbons. The laces used on these covers are the new thread patterns, with pretty designs, and many trimmed with the new heavy laces. Arrange to Buy Your Beds Here Brass and Enameled Beds Are Lowered in Price f $ jfTTTrm IWBBt Brass and enameled beds in the best style and newest patterns. All the enameled beds can be had in white, cream or Vernis Martin finish. All the brass beds are satin or bright finish. Three-quarter and four-quarter sizes. $5.00 Enameled Beds, special $2.95 $6.50 Enameled Beds, special $3.95 $7.50 Enameled Beds, special $4.95 $8.50 Enameled Beds, special $5.45 $10.00 Enameled Beds, special $7.35 $12.50 Enameled Beds, special $8.45 $15.00 Enameled Beds, special $10.85 $25.00 Enameled Beds, special $17.85 $20.00 Brass Beds reduced to $11.95 $25.00 Brass Beds reduced to $14.45 $30.00 Brass Beds reduced to $17.45 $35.00 Brass Beds reduced to $21.45 $37.50 Brass Beds reduced to $23.95 $40.00 Brass Beds reduced to . $24.85 $50.00 Brass Beds reduced to $32.45 $65.00 Brass Beds reduced to $43.85 Bed Springs to Fit the Above Beds Reduced Extra heavy Yum Yum springs, with heavy cable edge and cable center supports. For three-quarter and four-quarter beds. $3.00 Yum Yum Springs for $2.19 $4.00 Yum Yum Springs for $2.98 Mattresses Also Included in the Reductions Sanitary felt mattresses of superior quality. Every one is guaranteed to be full weight and size and absolutely' sanitary. ' $6.50 Cotton Combination Mattresses . .$3.95 $10.00 Sanitary Felt Mattresses $7.85 $16.50 Extra Heavy Felt Mattresses . . .$11.85 $18.00 Silk Floss Mattresses. . . . .$13.95 $25.00 35-6. Hair Mattresses $16.68 Victor Talking Machines, 50c Down, 50c Week 1