THE MORXINO OREGOMA.V, THURSDAY, FEBRUARY 22, 1912. 20 ' v-k e 1 - " . . . fa f tltr i a. T ! i.1 I XT'! -A. t7!fU aTlisaae MAYOR SAYS CIVIL SERVICE USELESS uig v eDruary oaie 01 otauonery ijoiumuea ntovemes ior oeorge wasningion s mruiqay jn ru-atauu ymu Have Your Own Small Volume of Shakespeare to Consult While at Plays at the Heilig Book Store, at 55c and 19c I THE lEIER & FRANK STORE, ESTABLISHED 1857. DIETER & FRANK'S. THE MEIER & FRANK CO., 5tli, 6th, Morrison and Alder Sts. Department Should Be Wiped Out, He Declares, in Tilt Over Murphy Case. METERMAN MAY BE KEPT Attorneys and Members of Coramls- Ion Sajr 0nsr Too General. Slnnott Insinuate Ilas)illM Daren't Clre Iteason. "I think th whole civil servlr ,houM fc tpd out." wa tt. comment of Mirer Rmhlinr-t yetrlay afternoon, aftor tha Clrll Service ComraUalon bad taken under mdvleement tna caaa of t"orn;iua O. Murphjr. nunht to bm dl rnarcd far 1nconipctncjr "tor tha fooj ft tii rvk-e." With a atronr probabr.ltr that Mur ihy will ba reinstated br tha Commla- mn. to which ha appealed after dl mlMl by tha Water Iloard. tha Mayor a:d that h would prefer charge ara' Murphy. In caae he i placed la his former position aa chief of the meter dlTlaloa In tha water effl'-a. Attrmry aa Xarar Clash. linear B. Htnnott, counsel for Murphy. and 4lrr Hwni::it, wno uno r- phy'a dlamlaaal from tho ervtra. naq aaaral kaatad tllta during- tha proit reaa of tha maetlntr. which w-aa held at tua C'ty Hall yeaterday afternoon. Mr, r-:nnott declarlna: that It waa not for tha a-ood af the aarTica that hta eMent waa dlacnara-ea. put ror anomer rr ain not stated. Tha Mayor aniphatl ally dented tha Inalnuationa. Mr. Stnnett contended that proper rhargea had narer been ftlad aalnt Murphy. In that It had not been avan rr.eral!y atated In wrltlnc what tha rharfea were. The only thine; In that l:na. ha said, waa a notloa arter hia dll mUaai that ha waa diacharaed by tha V. ater Board "for tha jcood of tha rr Ira - H. M. Tomllnaon. Peputy City Attor ney, aald that tha charter requires nothlnc but a ireneral statement and that "for tha a-ood of tha aenrlca" con atltutea auch general statement In this case. Oeflatte Caarvea Wutt That scarcely seems to ma to be what tha statute require!." aald P. I Willi, one of the Commissioners, who was presiding. "It seems to me that trie cnaritea muat aet forth eomethlnir definite and to aay that a man Is alra f .y dismissed for tha aood of tha aerr-l'-e la not. In my opinion, just tha proper thina-." "I think, too." sal2 Commissioner Armstronc. "that tha charr filed In this rasa Is a little racue; that It would be better to have something mora defi nite " "The Water Board dlsrliarred Mr. Murphy for the rood of tha service, but he knows and Mr. J.lnnott alao knows why It did not prefer more serious charrea; It was simply to lac Mr. Mur phy down easy." rejoined Mayor Run ti ll rM. "Tea. T know Jast why ha was dis charged." heatedly retorted Mr. Sln nott. "I certainly know why ha waa discharged." Dxrtalaa JVat C.I Tern. Mr. WUlla then announced that tha Commission would take tha case under advisement and that It would announce Its decision later. John F. Logan, one of tha Commissioners, was unable to ba present, ewlns; to tha fact that ha was enraged In trying a murder case In Circuit Court. Murphy was head meterman In tha water department and waa let out after It waa found, as altered by tha Mayer and members of the Water Board, that ho had been guilty of selling city ma tertale to junk dealers and appropriat ing tha money. Ho denied the charges. No testimony was taken yesterday afternoon, as tha Commissioners de rided that It Is but a question of pro cedure, aa to whether proper charrea wera filed aa required by tha charter. COLORADO D0ESN'T ACT Orefon Wants Alleged Embezzler There Compromise Sought. Unpleasantness seems likely to ba engendered between Oregon and Colo rado aa a result of tha failure of M. P. Capp, Sheriff of Boulder County. Colorado, to arrest Nell y. Turrell, wanted In Portland to answer an In dictment charging the larceny by em heislement of t30 from the General 1:11m Company, for which ba worked as bookkeeper. Turrell left Portland December SO. 1111. and returned to his old home In Colorado. After hla departure hla al leged defalcations were discovered and be waa Indicted by tha January a-rand. Jury. LMatrlct Attorney Cameron, after waiting for mora than a week for fcherlff Capp to arrest Turrell. re quested Governor West yesterday to communicate with Oovernor bhaffroth, of Colorado, to have tha Colorado Ex ecutive Investigate and ascertain why Turrell has not been apprehended. Requisition papers have been Issued by Governor West and are new In the hands of Deputy Sheriff Leonard, of Multnomah County. Mr. Leonard aald yesterday that he haa been waiting for several daya for a report that Turrell had been arretted and Sheriff Stevens Is ready to send a man to Colorado after htm aa soon aa so advised. It develops that the District Attorney ot Boulder county. Colorado, and A. J Davis have been communicating with District Attorney Cameron by telerraph to have tha prosecutor use ht Influence to bring about a compro mise and thus eliminate tha necesslts of having Turrell brought to Portland to stand trial. AFTERNOON TRAIN To Dallaa Leaves rnlon Depot Southern Pacific train 75. Portland to Dallas, leaves Union Depot, not Jef ferson a treat, via tha F.ast Side and uivtito, at 4 19 P. M. Train 17. Jef ft rson street, at 4:30. doea sot make connections at Oswego. Two send ias af Goad nesftta I not for those suffering frra kidney ailrnenta and Irreru .art ties. The prompt use or "eley Kidney IMITs will e.spel rarkne ant rheumatism, heal it I strenrtnen aore. weak and ailing k flneys, restore normal action, ani v'tl. It health and atrenrth. Mm. M. F. paisbury. Sterllne-. 111., pars: -I a Tffred great pain In my r.-k and ki'ineys. ooui.l not sleep at m-il and cou:l rot raise my hands over my N ad. Fnt two hotties of Foley Kidney F'n cured mi" Sold by all drig aietv. After tha i Hotel Jraltnoreah. New Bordered Silks and'Press Good s m Highest F avr! Rich Simplicity in the New lilts at i i , ? Id t. ; FOR .the woman w-ho.has decided on $25 as " the price of her new Spring Suit there are none to equal these displayed in our second floor section. Richly simple are the Suits, one moctbl as sketched. Of fine pressed serge of midnight blue with either straight or cutaway jackets and plain skirts. Attractive in their se verity and excellence of tailoring. Then, too, smart little styles in tan and light and dark gTay homespuns, with cutaway jackets and collar of inlaid embroidered linen. And rich diagonal worsteds, in tans and gray. There's none equal to these ny-COC flf where, we believe, at this exceedingly low price YJ.UVr Other New Suits ZStSSTo&ffc narrow silhouette lines in street and afternoon models. They embrace a wide variety of styles, from the plain tailored with notch collars to the dressy types with revers cut wide and long to the extreme. Every price S30toS75. . More New Coats $ SSf 5 and white and tan and whito rich striped Zibeline Motor and Street Coats. Motor style with raglaa 6leeve cut out just above the waist line: Fits up snug at the neck. Street Coata with fancy cut collars and long pointed tassel end at back, reaching below the waist line. They're stunning priced at $40 and $45. The entire line ranges from S112.50 to S35. 441LIALF the women of New York seem to be wearinsr a bordered 'H dress," writes one of our buyers! And every fashion maga zine and authority substantiates the vogue for bordered fabrics, which has taken Paris, Xew York and the whole country by storm. Bordered Suitings, $2 Handsome Diagonal Suit ings, in cream, with light tan or gray border. Also light gray or tan, with self -color border or darker shade. Full 28-inch, yard, 2. Bordered Poplins, $2.00 A new showing of exclu sive bordered designs in French Poplins, 48 inches wide, in exquisite colorings. Street and evenin? shades. Yard, $2 and S2.50. Bordered Pongees, $1.50 See them in the Fifth-street window. Lovely new 44-in. natural color Pongees, in all over dotted design with beau tiful borders of pink, blue, lavender, green. Yd., $1.50 Bordered Challies, 65c-75c Scores of dainty new bor dered patterns in French and domestic wool Challies. For house gowns, dresses, etc; 30-inch. The yard, 75 and 65. Swiss Challies at 18c. Shown at the flannel coun ter, new swiss Challies, with and without borders. All new Spring patterns, 31-in., wide. Also Superfine Flan nels in new colors; yd. 1S New Chiffon Taffetas Chiffon Taffetas are des tined for greatest popularity this Spring and Summer. A new express shipment, in smart hairline stripes,'of blues, greens, tans. Yd., $1.25 Sale Gossard Front -Lace Corsets SELDOM, indeed, that the genuine Gossard Front Lace Corsets are offered at such savings as these. Not only graceful and modish in line, but remarkably comfortable. physicians recommend them as healthful. Boned with the best quality whaiebone that is ideal for its pliancy and flexibility. And aside from this sale, feature you'll be interested' to know that an expert Gossard Cor setiere is here to tell you about Front-Lace Corsets. Cossard And m Fashion Letter From Paris 16 Rue Ste. Ceclle. Paris, February 12. Todav the house of Drecoll held their formal opening To summarize: skirts are slightly wider, but -not Axceedine two yards. Coats from hip length to 24 and 26 inches long, with long: sleeves. Taffetas are strong", also ratine. Checked and striped suiting's shown prominently, also foulards. H a n d - p a 1 nted taffeta evening:' dresses are displayed. Eyelet em broidery is feature of taffeta gowns. Chiffons in floral designs are num erous; some tailored models of Tussore. The natural waist line prevails- In the dresses. Many kimono sleeves are seen; also double effects in skirts. The Bernard opening three days previous was especially notable for showing of tailored suits. The sil houette Is the same; coats average 24-Inch- fine stripes in tans, grays, mustard, champagne. Martlal-Armand show close-draped effects: many borders. IL mm m $10 Gos'rd Corsets $6.50 Of imported striped coutil in ! light, though firm, quality. Modish models with medium low bast line, fitting long and smooth over the hips. Support ers attached. Actual tC Cfl $10.00 grades, only P0.iJ Vf $15 Gos'rd Corsets $9.75 They're of a beautiful, fine, firm silk fabric, in the dainty snowdrop design. Long skirt models, with medium and low bust. 3 pairs supporters at tached. Handsome IJQ T7Ci $15 grades for only P7 This $8.00 Artistic Mission Hall Clock now $4.98 THEY'RE extraordinary values, even at the regular price. Frame of sturdy weathered oak, standing 5 feet 9 inches hiph and 18 inches wide. Polished brass hands, figures, pendlnm, weight and chains. The ideal elock for den, library or Cj1 QO bJL Special for this sale today at only.ea. P"'0 4 Off for 3 Days bri all Man- tel and Office Clocks Mantel Clocks Brass gilt, mahogany, flemish oak, cherry, marbleized and enamel iron Clocks. In crest ItTtZ V40ff Office Clocks Reliable timekeepers in wood fin ishes to match your office furniture. P r i e es ranging from $3.00 to IA OfV $20.00, today A vll Alarm Clocks set in Flemish oak case, standing 7 inches high and 9 inches long A very attractive Clock. Each to- OJ 1 1Q day at, special, P 10-Minnte Alarms the Clocks that are sure to awaken you.) Come r-ith, shut-off attachment. Spe cial for today JJ1 OO for only, each S1.UU m 1i N j 1 Men's 50c Ties now 33c AN immense purchase made by our chief in Xew York every Tie a great manufacturer had left after making up hia Spring orders! Greatest variety of 4-in-Hands ever 6hown in Portland. Oyer 6000 beautiful Four-in-IIands on sale today. Beau tiful new croBs-stripes, bias stripes, selfwoven and two- tone designs in every imaginable color ing. "Worth 50c and many even higher. See Morrison-street window. You should buy a dozen of these beautiful Ties today USE 3E $5 Velvet Bags at $3,48 JUST an even 38 of these beautiful, exclusive fringed Velvet Handbags, which we could not afford to sell in the regular way for less than $5.00. One style from fully a dozen illustrat ed. Rich, all-silk, black velvet and fash ionable long, narrow shapes, with gen nine German silver and gilt mount ings. Long silk cordeliere handle, silk fringe trimming. Lined in lovely white satin with white satin coin !j A Q purse. Lot can't last long at OJ-xQ New Millinery for AH Ages WHETHER a pretty Cap for the baby, a jaunty Straw Hat for the school girl or miss, a smart, new Tailored Hat for the young woman, or for the middle-aged, you 11 find ample selection among the splendid showing of Spring Millinery now ready! Hats for Middle-Aged Women Milans in black, white and natural, in upturned style, as pictured, trim med with wings and ornaments, $10 to $15. New Spring Flowers the smaller varieties, especially good violets, pansies, lilacs, moss roses; French rose buds, hyacinths, etc. Single or in clusters, 49 to $4.50. Tailored Hats, two big shipments yesterday from Fisk and Hyland, with daily additions from our own trimmers. Principally Milans, at $9 to $20. Children's Hats Milans, hemps and rough straws in mushroom, sailor and upturned shapes, trim med with gay ribbon bands and sashes, from $1 to JJSS. Savings Ring True in Our Big February. Sale of Pure Foods! TIEEY'RE positive savings savings about which there is no guesswork! Standard arti cles; whose regular prices are known the world over. By immense purchases we're able to offer our patrons hundreds of items for the February Sale at way-below-market prices. Profit by this great sale now. Glance at the few items we've quoted, then come, before it's too late. 25c Royal Baking Pow der, spl Va-lb. cn. 20d 45c Beef Extract at 25 80c Olives, bottle at 40 10c Jelycon, 4 pkgs, 25 Jap Style Rice, 5 lbs. 25 6 C.&B. Chow Chow, 50i 40c Meierfrank Cof. 35? Special Coffee, lb. 25d' 60o Japan Tea, lb. 32 Eng. Breakfast Tea, 21 6 Fancy Blended .Tea, 32 Maine Corn, 2 cans 256 Eastern Succotash, 2 cans at the special price 23d Lima Beans, 2 cans 23d 25c Walter Baker's Cocoa,, can, only 19 Del Monte Table Pears I ff 4 K selling at, a can, 206 Med Pete's, pound, 13 Prunes, 3 pounds for 25 Monopole Asparagus 23 Dried Apricots, pound, 17 I2V2C Shrimps, 3 ens 256 Layer Raisins, pound, 13 Cove Oysters, 3 cans 256 BIack ud White Tigs, three Oregon Red Salmon, 3 VonndB, special at only 21tf S!?i5f? I 25c Crescent Sardines, Norwgn. Sardines, 3 256 giai tb ran 1 10cIvorySp.,4bars3Od special, the can, .170 Red Beans, 5 pounds, special at only 25c Shredded Cocoannt, lb, 16 Holly Milk, four cans, 28 Carnation Milk, 4 cans 30 25c Monopole Salmon Steaks, can, special for only 20 P. V, Syrnp, 8 cans at 25 0. & B. Mixed Pickles, pint, offered special at only 33 vy'l ' TXv!! iV II 11' -'y.5:5tTi!f F,l.l II V '"Lir'Ttm,mi 99 Expert From "Willamette Factory Is Here Today! Second Floor, New Building. IIIOSE of you who are think- in'g of that new Sewing Ma chine for the Spring and Summer sewing will be interested to know that an expert direct from the "Willamette" factory is here to- tell yon in an expert way the dis tinctive merits of the famous Willamette Sewing Machines I He can tell yon just how they differ from other makes and prove to you the fact that you're securing highest quality in a Wil lamette at even less price than you pay for ( S itJ" iiuwiur-miai iuacnine. come in today ijr'-' yQ 'u 1)8 interested, we 're sure! We'll Deliver a Willamette Sewing Machine to Any Club Member on $2 Payment, Balance $1 a Week And remember, there's no interest or extra charge. Choose any style Machine and at any price from the Hand Ma chines at $11 to the Desk Cabinet Rotaries at $40. Every one fully equipped with a com plete set of attachment.. A Ten-Tear Guarantee, is sued by the manufacturer and irigned by the Meier & Frank Company, accompanies every Willamette. We can give you no better evidence of our faith in the Machines we sell than this staunch 10-year warranty. 10th Spring Sale of House Wares! days for brighten ing up furniture, pianos and wood work. 25c bot tle, as il- 1 Q lustrated, A 60c Liquid Ve neer at only 41 50c Johnson's Floor Wax, 42 $1.00 Johnson's Floor Wax 82 $1 Dustless Floor Mop at 791 $1 Wool Wall Dusters at 79 60c Old "XngL Floor Wax, 42 15c Brilliantshine Brass Polish, special during this sale, 12 65c Hardwood Floor Mops 53 "mm THOUSANDS of thrifty housewives were eager to take advantage of this noteworthy opportunity to save on the season's supply of Kitchen Utensils and House Wares, i ioc Le Page's Glue, only 8d 25o Llquidj,'iL'j.. .-j, 10c Shoe Polish at only 86 V a n e e r it 's a FT foiifZS&.il 60o Bake Shells, dozen at 39 necessity t h es e I vv V 10c Anti-Splashers at only 8 25c A. & J. Egg Beaters 19 S5c Potato Ricers at only 29 45c Bound HdL Griddles 36 45c No. 8 Cast Skillets 3G 45c Coffee Mills for only 36 65c Coffee Mills for only 52 $1.35 Mayonn'se Mixers 11.12 35c Cone Toasters,the kind that toasts four pieces of bread even ly an d quickly at one time. Just Ol as illustrated. Special at 25c Lava Bread Toasters 19 Rotary as Illustrated Is $35.00 1 1 jMiiii $1.15 Clothes Baskets medium sized, German willow Clothes Baskets. An extra good QO quality. As illustrated, ea. 7C 75c wall Clothes Dryers at 59 15c wall Clothes Dryers at 12 35c Salt Box, wood, at only 28 65c Salt Box, wood, at only 52 25c Towel Boilers, special at 19 25c Boiling Pins, special at 18 25c Bread Boards, special, 19 10c Cake Spoons, now only 8 20c Butter Moulds at only 16 30c Vegetable Slicers, only 24 15c Potato Slicers for only 12 15c Toy Boiling Pins, only 12 7c Butter Paddles, special at 5 50c Blneading Boards, only 39 35c wood Chopping Bowls, 28 75c Toilet Brushes, at only 594ft 85c Window Brushes, only 68 35c 10-foot Poles, special at 2S 60c Handle Floor Scrubs at 391 S5c Dust Pan Brushes, only 25 25c Scrub Brushes, 19c, 12c 10 40c Counter Dusters, only 32ft 20C Stove Brushes, special, 16 15c Shoe Daubers at only 12ft 50c Shoe Polishing Brushes 39 40c Paint Brushes at only 32 12c Varnish Brushes, only 10 5c Hand Brushes, special at 4 Jap Pot Brushes priced only 1 Clothes Pins, common, dozen, 1 Spring Clothes Pins, dozen, 6 50c Rayo Lanterns, only 39 75c Bracket Lamps, at only 59 50c Glass Hand Lamps only 39 $1.90 Bayo Oil Lamps, splendid n i c k el - plated ; Lamps, with glass s h ade. Just as il- lust rated. No. 2 Rayo Lamps, now $1.52 The New Corsage Bouquets at 25c THE fad of the moment these Corsage Bouquets, and they're beautiful! Worn peeping up above the waist line on the frock, tucked in at the first button of the coat, street or evening, and some of the smaller ones are worn in the hair low down near milady's ear. Used, too, for Spring Millinery! Loveliest of satin roses and dainty blossoms, when scented with sachet, areOC well-nigh real. Choice today at'' 40c Glass Hand Lamps only 32c1 40c Handled Lamps at only 32 75c 6-ft. Ironing Boards at 59ft $1.25 Meat Scales for only 99 90c Inverted Gas Lights at 39ft $1.25 Inverted Lindsay Lt. 99 15c Lindsay Mantles only 12 30c Self-Lyte Mantles for 29 20c Lindsay Globes, each 18 $1.50 fold'g Iron'g Bds. S1.19 40c Sleeve and Bosm, Brds. 32 d