m I torn REST. u. TO tNT-: 7ll " . North. Botwoea irvi and Oreoo, T-roora bom al rooet B. .pie porch, moflern la ovary atal. laru etc.. ftcc.Be.Bl to rvaM and cio.. In. ro. owB.r Ta bor or ea.i at house; rent J $i$ rvK t 'molint V room cottage a Web tar it.. 1 block from "L" car. 1 for I -room cottage on Oolng t-: pouuui next week. B.eachrd Clam eoa. 44 4th ml. , turnlabaw Hew Visa -roor furnished fat tn Irving loft. Ib U a beauty. -room. e-Bri block. furnish . a.a. $?S. lUAPtX A HtW. f-T- ihemtor of tommere. TOR RCNT. a lehal houea on i.aet Grant at- tnoderi ban-alow. i: a UK"""- lLAa::ilT ionnuLLI. ;i ta lung. FOR KENT ! montn or year to reapooal b.a partlee. weil-furtuatied i-odeen a. room bouse, a.ao (ita bi4 eve, Horto. aaar Broadway. t lKLs ivZJio -e, T imc" plaoo; $ mo. !.-.. E Yamhill. App.y " H-.1. .is! Wet-r. M- -V'1. .Kujll ci..l-rrr-rnieh.ed hou. I bioe from Wi..ir a. a, u4 lo, cnolco loca tion. $ p-r niomh. yiara-ail 4 MODalRN furn.a.-icd fiv-roon cottage: also nut. I CO" froit f at. I or mora foooxa. p,i,tb;!.l ti- " W M.-l.Y firuleri-d T-room houee. eloee In. Houtr." -. par mo. M. K.alery. -learn buliU.ag . . rt RNIt.il :-:D . ' room a. hot-air fur nace aaar --rf.reon H n "-hool. 4..0 par mo,h. la.ja.ra .jmellolel;MBia.- - -ROOM furnlebed cottage. U't jard. we-k-I n . eeta-c. 1 o-li-i 4 7 l " - , ARrI J H "!ra a room cotlag. plana, 4 io. --!' N- . MOUSE." rooms, bi ll, rr-aa. comforts Mo. 4 i- m..w.a P. o. Caiii-th. AT. cl-an. 4-ro.. i bouaa. - E. llh. I'boaa iaioo4 Jia. i7l,-OJa Tat.-f jrr'.ad eampialai prlata kat&. i"l rioilaJay bt , iTftOOH f jralanal r.tta. roob aa.. Bar laWL f. J. Hnl Main II?. A l.l'K .H HK.NT fart of ciaa. furaiaaoO. to a.: a:ta Innlro Ilia ' ni..a for ' Urmt fMraitaro f" fair. l K.MTI:BE f'r aa . 1 1-ro.m bouaa. bral claaa conatllon. I'orrriaia ta:h. K w " tar h''-r. a.aetno i.ahta ,ncoma m"Ta tnaa i' mor.ix f.it moutn. or ln'.rTra!lo(t j.hona o'"- JRool flat for rant, f-iroltura for aalo; a baxaia at caati. ronaalilaot for t.n:.m nut; partita Irailnc city. J Iruia at. Mar.-.:l . . NEW mlaaioo fum'iura of l iwn eollaaa a'.l for aa.a; rat Hii floarara frolt. I ar- dana. wlil aaa anr ra aaparaia. " - Qraa4 ao .N. t JOU. O'lfVi F.a(; mini aacrlfl-a oi B rumaa oaa furnitura: a ro-jma to rant: iBa artar 5 o'clock. Kaat Flrat at. N Kaat 0H SAP Naw (LiraKura of 6-room modarn ft. waiiilll n.atanca: W rat ' " run. balanco I - lu.mth. Kant room raatoU Maraball 07. COVPirTI Irnvjrra frnlablnja of a roora f.at. lncll.n (lano. I-r aalo cbaap: rartlaa la.ac toa n. t'a-1 bataaaa iw a. M- iri a r. )Tla lanloo at. a v A p N aw furcltura of 6- raoUarn ai aa.klna dlatanro. Waat Sfrla: rath: ba aaco f- Bi'n?h. room rBt4 l-V iltn.i Kant fI; obo 1"ARTT lair. riiy m aarnrioa atirac t;a furnuura lnclu.1.n piw 5-wim buraio. r-nt M. niy I3I1 caall. I buna M.aioJ 1 f. 1. rLRMTT'H'i aln aan-room f'Ot lo Irada for la.i.la. Ton, I'.a-h or Porllaad prop arty. ataiBMTB''Ttb A a-rKia roltaia for raat aad furaltura for aa.o Cboap. lauulra C3 Caat lltX cor. cay . HOt'HES f'r rant, furaltura for aalo. cbaaa. Eaat lttil. , riHNIII Kb' of T-rocm hoiao for aaio; ho jao f tr rant. 112. il li t at. bta STOlir. T' BENT. fO far moau. J Uinl T 4V. raj I alrrtaoa. 1 ar.d :S rr nioath. at 170 l'nln ara aaar aMft; S t:r:nrrooma mc''ila1. UAKTVAN Tli' i-sOf. Ma.n A :".. FpI.ENOIU opportunity for dry foo-li bual saa la -X. lbi--b!y aatilad looatioa. fiiiidiB raw and moJ"n. on romar: alaa otr.ar amaliar atoraak ary d-alrao.e. aome haviac litr.c rauiat cooaocioa. Pboao TiborlM . OVHH propoaltloa on band abich puta mo ta D-aj'.na to rai t niy atof. o-a: location la ta. cry: -yar aaa. a.HBjtoa !.!.. acb and ;n. Addraaa X . Ora t on 1 aB. . ifORS for Mm; r.o or tB-yaar lrm; ;.-fjot troataaa. i-foot d.otti. ioaitlo iy bat Waahir.too:raat location. Inutra t'aopia'i AauHiM&l Corapanjf, Waat i'arlt ar.J Alder, , 7t.s i Fi Al.l.K otoro for lB on WaahlBftoa tra-t. naar TBlrd. M lao to Oult lao u u T. Andoraon. Uvl Cnambar of rnnmw. Main 34. br Cii KL. mora at oaat an i M ad laon-alroat br:dsa lo K'X accordta to ua l H.ira 2H H"norr aa. a't MM Tt n'fefS-roora cottaa for aaia. llant Tburinaa au 8 car. Pboao it. TI.. I"' 'l.ai and & LMf -r-vima. gtvol loca.ioa ni tualnaaa. li ltual t-.d. bUul,'N 9 floor room oa b:axk at Id, ebaaa, ;i Mark. h-.. u v r 4 n.lia.f a'.oro for raBt for a o4 at-a.iy baalnaa. 10O d OffVaa. riN3 n.oM orncr. nM rioora. both iiO.T.aa. caa of racap- :nor u i. ...... w w.ua.. ttoa room and otbar aarylco; 3U. App.y at rooni T 1 V OFT1CB-aM daab. roam to lot. Baw b;d aaat location IB city. racaptioB-room. pnooa, ate. rant BWdarato. AllJ.J OU2 U col b.da. Cyri'i; or a room la baildinj. la baat of buainaaa d.atrtct. roaooaab.a. Ar- p ' t:.,ara HJ sior n:Ta.LLt i'ATti ornKi A l-Bl: t o.a t r ar.lc-. Av'l a-auand 5:h a-.d Wajr lnr-on. JOH RtNT taak room and dcak. IrViud nt nao of priona. ta promtnonl bulldlnc: H mon-.B. L aid, orasjnlaiu Mlacrllaa-aoo. gilHHOlSE Ladlca and ntr aaparato ttapartnaof. Bboaar. tub. ataam and lia miBa taaaa: aao al room furaiaboa la ronaocuoa. tl Huaaal fculf TO IX-JK. ijy, n ft, aam. ono-atory roacrat balldlna. A.biaa aaa. aad Kl.ilnaworto. i-booo 1H7. BriEBOj orroRTiTTiES alMN A1 INUVBTRIAl. BTOCKa laMpnon aad otBar Bona oouioi mm aad. riatebar lay. Co.. l-i ABinatoB. Ka,VI(D. aa oxportoacod partaor la pooi- tr ralain. bo col ta land. Addraaa 1 j.arianva.1. v oodlaad. V aaa. lj- yoa baao lo wo caa maka yoa 10O fa 4 moajba: raosoy aaurad; S1 pbona Bumbar. J B7a. Uraaonian. iioVlvi-'CTL r. a t!.aiar for a.. a. aioao- la. vDtotD fltri,:. in)uira ii. C Mta- aa'na. a "tn t. bLXCTKlCAL t;LSINKJA, fioaa iocattwn. t la a ap if tabaa at ant- AJ 7i51. AIIvHii wttn library waaU aaaocla:o wttb corporatioa or l.rm. sa.aa r or comraia aloa. Ad.lrwjo 1I 17ta. POOLROOM. lllna-room. rant 1 moatB; boatnaa I palac flit monto. Ill Lua- bar txebaoa-o. CIJAK fTAND. hotoaan A dr aad ilorrt- o.t. At lr.olci. about f.ia. H i x -if RK.vi.TY ax" Ald-r gt. BLTC1';K aop for aaia al blyrt: Croak. Or . On buainea opanln For partlcuia addraaa C J. lafram. Uooabura. Or. jj4i7viiTuRE. a ta.-ala for aomaona wltb a (aw tr.ouaaud d ,ara. L. acbaAA aV W. tor. tb and Oak. W floor. - t;'Lr location for butchr. ma.i capital. (-a Albina aa . 1. car. CASH gro--ry for I11TO: ru clrar 1 180 month I 1' star'c it. 4V o'.N K--- I'AKl". tl brlni mil ad. ly yrir.t-r . '.J 31. cor. Taylor. Lto tb l1"1 'or oai: 3 rotxl car; rara barjaln. 1 1. J u Ira b kt'd..! Oaraca K bAI.r. ilrwry aor in Pyoutn ran ard. pr:ca rlghL Pbooo Main J73I. uirdwaRK and furrttar atora; caa cloar I m-r.in Call S4S Sturn t. Ri;.- r At BA.VT. ood locatloo. long- 1. tlau) T 4-lJ. uraTOBiitk !WrT MARKET, can depend on clearing $! monin I'all i:t,J s-nrX at. IjASLiI Jitt.o raataurant for aa.a. Cail S7l Va1:aon n-twan J ard 4 FOR. BAliv Raotaurant and Ilv!n roama; taady boardara; ij al:;aakl ac BrOIVT." OrTORTOnlFJ TOR SALE. W?LX-E'3triPPFD T1BINET BHl'P. r-OK A QL'ICK. SALE W.I.L. BF sr.I.D AT A UAi'Ill '1 K ADUI.ES9 B Mi. ORE G.IMA.N. piTTit'I:'l irlntri. tint auurDan toan. wall ta::!had grocery, brlrk alora and flva cvotna. ao.xl iot. located In tnlck.y popo.atad drafnet. Kor a'.c or ct.-hatso; honaat.y wortli w Prlc for quick aalo. COUIIy ikom " and lot 'ii aoout -' In Portland ajr . x ...... 'ur t tiara 11 yaara; umiy r--iaor. for a- iilB. JTbd Ii;-nont at., or r Pia. wraaoo...... A LI r liT 1MB l..ur. A lara mtnlra company wont mora rapltai to bi-lld amcltar. Proparty IB Ulack Hi:ia. . t d!oPi. IB rl'-h. will pay many thouaand per cant dlvl dana. anotirb or on dump to run montb. Inytlsatmr party oln IB about . day. Join u. Too deal cjl- rcl.y with compaay.K T4. OroBlaB. TOl"NOmarrlal man. aitenalv acqualnt anco al: o Icadlna botlnaa m'n "t I land, li In buainaaa. l in Port.ana, Bitr.B capital. oaa partacrablp In lor-al. il-tab.l.-i' 1 buainaaa. fir and marina Imuran.- praf-rr... wl.l not conaldar of-f-r ! nam and aJ Irca ara sltan. J 93. orcgonmn. m ilvM 1 ora. loM.vu opaard nacotlatad. rnrod. atrt.-ar. f)t'r. oioetrtrat. Irri tation. mlnln(. corjtructlon. raalty. tanb ln trul and anca! corporation onan Ira.l and dircticd. franc.-.iaa d Iru'l dada d.awn. HoricMoa. Pavia at MUrnai-f-n. Lawyar and Klnanclal AaBI. .14 I2J H..rnt bi.n.. Fcattia. waah. TOU can maa mon.y ty Invaatin 1 to 5 a mor.ta in r.rt m irt.ac cartlflcata. aacurad bT douM tbair . In Imrroaad real tata; af a a Ooyaraolaol bond: p par rant from data of ovary pay ment; lntmnt Inrraaaa la yalu ry aar. Nortnw-atara I'lTO JaorUBf Trual. 40I Wllcoa bldt . bPl-i;t,ll opiortuntty IB Baw thriving" t..a In Cortiol fruoo. for blackamliB ith outfit, buicncr and ho cobt:r. Ia ducarraata to rii.lit partlca. Call on or writ H. Jt. i'lak. room 1 McKay b.dg.. port. and. or bnarman Moatgomary. Ilamp- I n. t-. POOI-KOOM BARGAIN, t tM; long, cheap Iraa with acraa of roo-n. two ai.rrancea. flna location, itn ai d ilorriaon: Kmpraoa thaatar going up adjoining; almoat bw tables; trlca if-v. cb. ay term on balanoa, Phora ". KUT HCTT Look thl up. I ara going to rBt try raataurant for two month or lonr. ful.r equ.pptj. claartng lii per month; am romyallad to go Ea: on huainca. rant .:o a month, fail 270 Madron, batwoaa d and 4th. . JH. DAILY fAHl BI S1NESS. Ownar ratlring will a-11 at involco B trictiy eaaa bualneaa doing f:tuo dally. Will aell for part oaa aad richanga bal anco for good property. Partlcu.ar w. Mi. Uaitnct. 315 Lumbar Kcbng bldg. FOR SALE Practically nw itock of gen eral marcbandia at Aeblaad. Oregon. Mock and futuroo inrootory about llod. bpind.d opportunity for energetic bu4l t.u rrn. luquu Oua C Moaar, liio Tain bldg. Ol.rE!Ta"tabllhed grocory In lty of aouo; -II at Inyolco; doing a bualneaa of 4:aJ.O and maklni money; ao carry a bicj ock of crockery In addition, located cloa to Portland, take touvO to band. tine AV M-l. Oregonian. lull SALa Th largeat and beat qulpp4 Crtora popcorn machlna on tha Paclflo v'oaat; baat paying buainaaa la Portland for amount Inveated. Call at wagon, 4tb and Alder, or writ to R. Or.Klo, 4M Morrison t K,;L KoTATE7 oBlca. eld-ootabllshed. want rauabl maa a partaar to attead oaic. pboa. :c. a owner la out a great . deal ahowlag proparty: can clear Io to $Kx a month; reference iirbinfto. I J"0 rogalred. j3 Lumber fcxebange. FINE OK.VERAL. STOCK. Loaao oa bunding and fixture and In yo Ira atock: trado : another, trad t:o. at Invoice. Tboa are two fin Vh'eKLER at HALL, Hi Lorn Barmen pld. WAXTEP TartBor to take halt Intareat In a light maaufacturtng plant; a maa who caa taa caarg of an orflca and in an a c a man; aa.ary p-r month. Kinney j Ktata- pner. bol-2 Lamber LTxctang bldg- ' REAL" FACTS. IJy man wanlod wltb 3VH to pur chase ha.f Intaraaf in mercantile bualneaa that baa lncra.uo4 4I4.VOO In pat year; peraonivl attention wi.l caally douolo yol ume in 191A AO 1. Oregon ian. PI" Bt" K II AN MARKET lolng w dally; on of th lt propo itlon In th city. "70 buy It. Includ ing hue) and wagon. tt will bear your cloaeat Inreetlgauoa. Call SIS Lumbar fclichang bl.lg HKAL ESTATB man want aobar man: no eiporienc Bocaoaary beyond th ability to how farm land and city acreag; Ll- tla money required. Natu-nal Kcalty a Truat t o.. TI-1 Cliambar of Commerce bldg. Sot. ID manufacturing bualneaa wanta part ner lo keep plain account; fhla buaineag I paring IW4 a month over and above all enenaea; Jlida required. ;I Lum ber Lictiang. TOU are loalng one of the bait opportuni ties to mak a guaranteed Investment ever eflerad m Portland. A woodworking r ant. the only one of lt kind on th i o.t M. 1. rord. ;?4 .lrki: LaT eli.ie to buy a f inx restaurant thl wek for a song . b irninej -maker; on bast ttreet In clu ; any reasonable terra bc-eo-tei. Chaa. poppe, owner. 121 Kilt lint it MovInO-PICTCKc: Ihoatar for ie No competition; It roa are In tha market for theater, bar la your chance, aa It won't be on the market long: muat leave city: no agent. V all. Oregonian. " WAN"Ta7r Pt'SINKSS MASAOKR. To tak half Intareat In well-e.vtab:lsha firoftar.: mfg- bu4tnea and hav charg of ofi'ic a:id finance B HI. Oregonian. aAI.toN for e.i. S lr.:eret In boat prop osition IB Portland. '.OU, I wish tn re tire, no acenta: owners only. Addraaa AP .t. Oregonian. H ANTKU Oaneral merrbandlae atock. from 10.0 to 0.0v for land (unincumbered) In rouliiero or Eastern Oregon. P. J. Roadar. lo S&arlack bldg. PRUO STORES FOR SALE, a drug storea In Contra Orecea; the beat of future; t-9 cash, balanco mail paymenta AV OregonlAn. WaNTBO Partle Interested tn clearing land: somstalng lie; atump poller, now on exhibition cleao In. luqutr 410 Lum ber Fvcnange. TulM) man. with 0Ou, to Join m In a baalaaoa that will pay tiono in v0 days; money aecured; give phone number. J 474. Oregonian- HALF Inter t In aideat eatabllihed, moat centraiiy eocatad and beat-paying fuel bualnea tn tb Cl'y of Portland. For par ticular wrlll B !. Oregonian. NEW AVP SECOND-HAND FURN1TOIE. p.aot Hi: good trad: old tabllah4 firm: will IbvoIc about f:40. WHEELER at HALL, til Lumberman Bid. ii.AliO naaatkaper. weeklv. town of 2J..0. wali-oquii.ped plant. 1UXI; .;ov) cai.is owner ba other bualneaa. AV kioV Ore gonian. OKoCnVRT STORE Una corner, new Ma ture, clean atock. At Invoice, about H2oO. 11LOCK REALTY CO.. VM Alder Pt. AL'TOMOBILK boaln. partaar wanted, abl to keep plain account, etc.; profits large; I4..0 required. Call 248 Stark at. REST At' RANT, with three llvlng-rooma: rent $ - o ; ptic t -'0 caah and 10 par mont(i 3.03 Lombar Exrbaage. (1A4 CASH bay a lO-room. Waat Side, turns'- heat, only US' HIOLET 4kBISHOP, HI Third St. FOR SALE S-arr certificate. Mexican Rob ber Culture Co.. flrat eerlea. Apply P. Wagner, administrator. 47 Burnatd at. $17 DOWN IIS monthly, buy at ro-cer-. rnt -. la; price 1700. ae P. H O. F. Co.. 410 Lumber Kacbange. OHOCLalT New stock; downtown location; snsp; will Invoice; reason, muat go East at one. F 1T. Oregonian. CONFEtrriONER y cigars and light gro cery. fie location; una fixtures. 4o0. PIj04K REALTY CO.. 2 Alder St. PARTNER wanted, experlenc not seceo ary. way 9-3 week; require vary llttla money. Particular 148 Stark C I V. U.L Invaat 2o OX to 50 000 In tab llahed laundry or build naw plant. AH r 4. Oregonian. 1"K owner: po'.l hi'l and clear boalaesa: 4 iMrs; Tne location: niu: leavo city; 4.- cujh: no c:''Tita. ti.t 1M7H. UAT. grain, coal, etc, eoild business at low price. Call 24S - Stark St. IjAUNPRT wagon and root: a big snap for lioo. C til. Oregonian TIIE MORNING OREGOSIAN. THURSDAY, Bl .I FS OPPf) RTV TT I F. S BRITISH COLI MBIA U Canada PaclBe province and la larger and richer than i tne states of Oregon. Washington aad lno combm-d Three Canadian transcontinen tal railways snd numerous other r",w7 line are building tnrougb the Pro,B; opening op an lmmeuae area ot T'r'Di arri ultural. mineral, coal and lr"B,r Unda Thl U th lat grt opportunity on th North American continent to g In at th start." Brti.ih Columbia rii matu th beet In Canada. Let l you. fre of coil, our publication. '"'i. l.h Columbia Bulletin of lalorinatlon. giving la-.c.t ntai of development. meat opportunities, openings for Dustn of all kinds, eta Writs todiy. bend ui B postal card with your nam ano address Natural Resource Security col. Ltd.. 6v-ei Lower building. aacouvr. liC. IN order to enlarge our bu!ness still mora w. will sell luO to 1000 of our beat furniture lease account at 10 Pr cant reduction; three leases are on furniture that we hive old. and we a.ao ier- . sonally guarantee every monthly payment to b made promptly or pay them our aelvaa. Kast Mile r urnltura Co., SO urana lv., near Washington. PACim'tCa? 8ALK. Orocerv. illloaiea.'n aaid Ico crearn par lors, four living-room upstair. Dli-he. l-rtdliig alt no. Store and all complete. p r month. Invoice H. Price. If a..ld at onco. '. come and see thla. Heason for elllnx. p IF:- I'UAM BROKER AG K CO.. Hb-lt) Board of Tllile. A luil. Mar. 4. " bakert'and lunchroom. Fully equipped with Iiulcti bske oen, bakers' tools, delivery wagon and horse, lunohroom nicely fitted up for lunches, good location near streetcar barns; prlo ."4v If taken at once. OUI..-SI - HOLDS. 1 Board of Trade llldg.. 4th and Ola PARTNER WANTED. IT TAKES :i0. Have f ur fine lots worth II.IO. Want pa-iy with same amount lo Join mo In bun. ling modern cottago thereon. Two of tne houses already ao.d at 0O prof.U tjl' J. BLOMBERajCmn'erelailkj FOR SALE On" account of sickness, con factlonery. tobacco. Ice cream and light groceries: corner store, one block from s.-hooi. half block from picture show: llv-li.g-rooms In rear; rent llMl; easily worth 7ao. If taken from owner Itiv will ban die. L'nloB ava, North FOR SALE Restaurant. oO mir.utos 'rom city; 10-roora house, rent 3r.; n-.skea lou month net; only place In the town: Juai th. place for man and wife: snap for I7"1. Abbott ft t o., Wilcox bldg. WILL ii for easil. well equipped raatau rant; ha ladle' dining-room, located 1 ta growing town of Klamath ali P. O. Box ltJ. Klamath Kail. Or. FAMILY GROCERY STORE. Lot and building and good, clean torn t Invoice; It vmg-rooms ; dally cash sale 32 pri. e $-ij; $leo cash win nandi. Room -' Chamber of Cummerco Lldg. DON'T-Invest In-any business until T"" Investigate our propoaltion. Go In busi ness for yourself aod handle your own monev. Very lltt.e capital required. Quick rerults. 34 Morrison St. , LAUNDRTM AN omll partner; xprtence not necessary: muat be willing worker; 1 am thoroughly experienced, hav two good locations near Portland; lea than i00 will handle It. A 471. Oregonian. WE have many Hitulrloa from th East for business opportunities la all lines; register your business with us; It may be Just what our Eastern clients are looking for. Abbott 4. Co.. Wilcox bldg. wXNTEDleTnVaiTa partner, to driv delivery wagon In atrictly cash business; will pay you SIS week now and la th Summer; jvO required. Hi Lumber Exchange bldg. DA IK If lunch and restaurant for sals; well equipped and doing a good business; good location and leaae. See It for yourself. Th R. 4V C Dairy Lunch, lud N. lid at., near Steol bridge. Fl'HNITi'KR for aal. 11-room houae. Brst claaa condition. porcelain bath, fit wa ter beater, eloctrlo lights. Incom more than ( loo inonui. Rent $20 month. For Information plion Main 6ovd. .Bt"SINE3 MEN. Do yoo want to il your bulnsT Do you want a partner? If you do, call and s'e or phon me. Both phone, w. Uvri'nce, liio Lumber ExchanKe bldg. 1'OK SALE 4 valuable mining claim la tn coeur d'Alenee. Idaho, aurrounded by the large producers and proved up bsyond ft prospect. Abbott A Co.. Wilcox bldg. QUARTER Interest la sawmill; splendid op portunity for a hustler; small amount of rash required. See ."simmo-nunrj m o 4.4 Hamilton bldg. Main gv.-. AN OPPORTUN ITY to make frora J0 to 140 a day 'on an Investment of 440U. Terms given on second note. Room 7 Chsmber bldg. Phon Marshall 411S-. JlEbTAL'RANT Making good money: will stand clueeat In voallktlon. MU. Term ou rBrt. BUlfH REALTY CO.. I Alder St. CDiAR. confectionery and Ice cream parlori thla bualnea 1 paying H0 month over all xienea; trial givtn lo inveaUgat. 113 Lumber Exchange. Foil bAI.E Hardware and aportlug good at.ck In best suburban locatloa in city; will sacrlfic for caah If laaea at once. For rirt.cu.ar write A 140. Orenonlsn. poll oil F. for cash 6. 10 and 15-cent busi ness, well eetaoilenrd; fast-growing, gooi town; a.wmii:s and mine. owner, 117 North Tower av., Cnu-iia, Waau. W'ANTE1 Merchandise tock of any de scription or tn any vicinity; w buy for cash only. If you hav anything to offer, call Uin('d. RESTAURANT Owner doc th cooking, wants partner to act as cashier; owner will guarantee you $l.u month aad board. 3:3 Lunibor Exchange. FLKST one lie ta tha chance. We hav good location for saloon, poolhall and cigar tnd; many lhaueana workmen around here. otlt Front t. PARTY with teuO to Join In local woodwork lug manufacturing bualneaa of exceptional mrU; Immediate return, no chais o t. rtalne.l. W J7. oregonian. A BAR'S A IN. A good business for sale vary cheap on account of sicknoss; good locatloa, tmip rent; old established. 11m &d t. foil bALE Cheap. Baltimore restaurant. coms.rialy furn.ihed. ready for buainaaa; muat so : 1 at one oa account of rtckaesa. Apply ll-l Main sc. Vancouver. Wash. jgusT Bell (.d-rooni. American plan hotel, II pa 1 tx per day; West Side; cloar i0 per month; rnt terms. Pbona Main -t.-Vi5 svr, rriVl'lTTlllMlRf. West Side corner, rent $30; trade (II to IIS; genu-te nap; IJ-O. WHEELElt HALL, 411 Lumbermn Bid. 11MM TAITFlft SALOON. Independent llceii. rant 179. : daily income 2S; anap at thla price and must be sold at once. li Bio. oregonian. FINE, new, brick apartroent-houae, on Wit Side, to lease for term of year to ex perienced responsible tenant. C b3L. Ora gualan. PARTNER wanted for grocery tn growing dutuict- requires vry utile money, luliy oocured. call I4Sj Stark t- FOR SALE A pregslng psrlor. almost for nothing. Call UI .East 4lhL REPAIR SHOP want tady partner; re quire go. au as? on a a. GROCERY, cheap rent. In-olreB 1000: will ell for any raeonahl offer, as owner must raise tnooey 801 Lnmber Exchange. itooMrxo iiot'sps. ROOMS ONLY I-3J. room. liK-ated on 11th t-, well fur nished, has fumac heat, and la modern; rent 130. if on are looking for bargain and want to lee this, oom aarly. Falling bldg. HOTEL SNAP. In modern brick building, central loca tloa. with monthly profit exceeding 9.'O0 because th rant 1 only .&t par room. Marshall 393 or Mai-hall II. FOR 8ALE 14 room, good furaltur. .-ery coavealeuce. running water in all the rooms: good' money-maker; cheap rent with lease. Sjl Collage C Owner. HAVB 2 client wanting a modem, well furnlstieil la or IV-room roomlng-hou-e. Will pay cash for a good plaoe. C fc-S, Ciregonlsn. SHERIFF'S SALE. 34-room bouse, must ba old at once to pay creditor about 400.fSe O. J. Brooks. 1011 Chamber of Oommaroa Marahail 1192. FOR SALE Centrally located apartment bo uae, lot AflxlOO. I2.(X)0. Apply to owner, box C 830. Oregonian. IF YOU are looking for No. 1 little rooming-house, of 9 rooms," call 35 North Inth t.; would consider trade of house aad lot. lli-ROOM rooming-house, cheap for cash, or will trad for good lot. Owner. B04H Washington St. Mala 8753. A 7042. IM.0-EIGHT outside rooma. ail rented. J00 cash, balance 113 per month. 61-We- Ington it Owner. HOOE i rooms, tarnished; 10 mlnut walk from Wash. : rent reasonable; price I'WV 3 Hunsel bldg. ROOMINO-HOUSE. all modern. No. 1 loca tion, small payment down, balanc month ly: owner: price iJ'i. f0 W. Park St a-KOOM ho-.ise and furniture: always full; rent J 10. for sal cheap If taken at once. 413 7th it ROOMS on Tth , 1x rooms rented to man. Fbon owner, Marshall 4S& ROO.MIN'C-IIOCSES.. p H. GOODKIND CO.. INC. Iv0&-ldv4 Wilcox Bldg. Cor. 4th aad Washington ate. BOMB TRADES: NO CASH REQUIRED. IS-roora apartment-house, strictly mode em Nob Hill district, fully fur nished; want property near city valued $S2iu. 1 5-room apartment-house. Nob Hill, an furnished, trade for any property worth i.0O0. TS-room hotel, strictly modern, ground floor off;ce and lobby, elegantly fur nished; trade for . property worth 3,000. . 74-rocm corner btick. down town. West Side, lr.de for farm worth $6500; thl Is A No. 1 hotel. 73-room strictly modern hotel near our office, new and elegantly furalahed. went cloe-In acre-ge. clear, worth 8000. i:-Roora corner brick, modern. West Side, close In. want a bom valued at 8.1OJ0, or vacant lots. It-room brick building. East Side, cloee tu. rent 3 a room; want property worth I3SO0. lS-room. Kast side; trad for horn or farm: price $4300. WHAT HAVE YOU TO MATCH THE3ET REMEMBER. WE CAN TRADE ANY OF THE ABOVE PLACES WITHOUT ANY C4.S1L BUT TOUR PROPERTY MUST BE WORTH THE MONEY. WILL NOT CONSIDER HAViLT MORTGAGED I'ROPEitTY. PORTLAND ROOMING-HOUSB CO., 617-f.lK Henry BWg, 10 APARTMENT-. Long lease at list per month, all apartments rented; clearing ovei $200 per month; Nob Hill locauon; price 14500. Re quire $1X0 cah, or wlU consider good teal stat. 82 ROOMS. "New brick building, steam heat, el rltnlsy furnished, hous full and clearing over $30J per montn. Owner obliged to leave and will sacrifice for $V)oo fur nishings t-at cost over $90OO. Will taaa soma ral es'.at. APAR1MKXT-HOUSE. 78 room. Nob Hill. two. thr and four mom apartment. gantly furnished, clear 0 ft month; four year" lra, prlc t-ovii. Will tak good real -stata for part. 21 ROOMS. . , t . The rooms are elegantly furnished nd ar all on on floor. Tb nut 1 only ISO per month. Th aouo neyr clear l,s. than $10 per month. W 111 sell for $1400 and take good real ctrtat tor half. 11 ROOMS. RENT $25. NIc corner, room all on one floor, good tranlent trade, exceptionally wall furnished. Must hav th caah, so will ell for I6"0 cash. PORTLAND HOOMINO-HOUB- CO., 517-819 Henry Bldg. STRICTLY MODERN. 84 rooma. newly and elegantly furnished: 8 private baths, automatic elevator; first time on the market: o-way full and IB poaltlvely netting owner $oOO per montn over all enens. If you want something elegant, see this. .-tOOMED BEAUTY. rooms, beautifully f -rnlshea. in hlgh-clars locality; owner uses 4 best rooms and received incom of $85 per month: rood lease; rent only 145. DEVLIN FIREHAUGH, 1H'7 yeon Ding. bO ROOM!-, NEW. ENTIRELY MODfiRN 30 PRIVATE BATHS. FURNISHINGS UNSURPASSED. CONDUCTED Art EUROPEAN HOTEL. RECEIPTS $1-V. EXPENSES $700. PRICE .-.oo. CASH DOWN $2000. oli UNl'ER MARKET PRICE. ANYTHING ELSK YOU WANT 7 THEN PEE U3. O. C. It. ELLIS & CO.. f.flu-510 Wilcox Bldg. AI'ahijii... Furniture and lease of a $4 two and tt rea-room apartment, located within easy w:klng "distance, rent less than $4 per room, steam heat. I-story brick building, will trade for good Income property or acreage, with a small cash payment; we can show you $400 profit per month In thi place. GRUSSI A BOLDS. . . Ill Board of Trade Bldg.. 4th and Oak. KUUl..J-noi.irj ..o.-. - 18 rooms, rent $35. well furnished, in come $iM. price 41050. part cash. ft- rooma, rant $.Vio. lease, hot and cold water In each room, elevator, bet fur nished plac.ln the city; steam heat, elec tric light; book show net profit of $500 per month ; '$77:h'0 cn"h. .... PORTLAND BUSINESS EXCHANGE. 7OH-10 RotUchlld bldg Marshall 8S-5. . . . . - . ' ti . n.-i a ir .IS Kijtjsic A II .-v . Brick, w.th steam heal furnished by landlord. Thla I right In the central buaioc&a district, near our office: does a fine transient business; very cheap rent; lease full & years. Price cut to $Tw. Only $1."00 cash required. O. C. H. ELLIS A CO, 009-510 Wilcox Bldg. MART E. LENT CO. PORTLANDS LEADING HOTEL AOEKCT. HOTELS ROOMING APARTMENT HOUSES. , All sins and prices. 832-4 Falling bldg.. 3d and Washlngtoa. FOR SALE BY OWNER. 17 rooms, nicely furnlehed, 2-year lease, tn good location, price $00; $i00 down, $400 on payments monthly. Call at 48 Vs N. Id st. Don't mlsa this chance. Bl'KCIAL NOTICES. Prupus-Js Invited. BiDS FOR REPAIRING ROOF OF MULT NOMAH COUNXY ARMORY. Sealed bid will be received by J. F. McCorrnack, at the Armory building, Port land, Multnomah County. Oregon, until 10 A M. on Tuesday. March 5th. 191-, for repairing the roof of the Multaomah Coun ty Armory at loth and Coucn tret. Portland. Plan and peclilctalon may be -en on application to J. '. McCormack at th Armory building. No bid will bo considered unless aceom apled by a check certllled to by ft respon sible bank of Portland. Oregon, for an amount equal to ten per cent of the ag gregate proposal to bs forfeited as fixed and liquidated damages in case tne bid der neglects or r f us a to enter Into con tract and to provide ft suitable bond for the faithful performance of said work. In th event tho contract 1 awarded to bim. The right to reject any and all btc here by exprcsily reserved. T. J. CLKETON. County Judge. W L. LIGlll'Nr.R. County Commissioner. V. V. HART, County Commissioner. IN THE CIRCUIT COURT OF THS 6TATH ot Orugon for Multnomah County: In th matter of the receiverhip of tb BAJIT LnlY MANUFACTURING COMPANY, an Insolveut corporation. Pursuant to order of th above entitled court I will receive sealed bid for lha stoves, materials, ma chinery, etc. amounting to l-MSO 43. to gether wllh ofllco enures. 17K.00. per taining to the estate of the Bartiey Man ufacturing Company', located at No. 457 Norm S7th street. Portland, or., up to 13 o'clock noon of Wednesday. February Is, lll. Inspection of Inventory and property may be had during bustneaa hours. Caau deposit of 14 par cant must accompany sacb oiler and the right I ro sorvsd to reject any aiid ail bids. Dated at Portland. Or, thl 30th day of February. 113. K. L. 8AB1N. Reoelver. 7 Flrat street. THE undersigned will recolve sealed bid at his office, 7 First t, Portland. Oregon, up to 12 o'clock noon of Trlday. February 191-. for a Block of groceries Inven toried at $113-. 05, and a lot ot store fix ture Inventoried al $034. all located at 111 West Burlington at, St. Jobna, Ore gon. Caah or a cerUfled check for 10 per cent of tn amount of fared must accom pany ach kid. and the right la reserved to refuse any and all bids. An Inventory 1 on file at the office of the undersigned, and the property may b inspected upon application at said office. H. L. SAB IN. Trustee. Miscellaneous. UNITED STATES POSTOFF1CE AND COUKTHOU-E. PORTLAND. OREGON. Oltice of the Custodian. February 1. 1W1-. SEALED PROPOSALS will be received at thia otllce until 4 o'clock P. M, on the "th day of March. 1U12. and then opened, for mexxaolno floor, repair, etc, al this building. In acoordanc with drawing and specification, copies of which may b ob tained upon application. Cbaa. B. Mar rick. Custodian. -"HEREBY giv notice that I will not b responsible for any debta contracted by v, o v,tnn Rlirneri H. A Nawtnn. SPLENDID millinery business, bargain. $1.5. Phon Main 5s4- or A 8ou- tor particular. LOST AND FOUND. FOUND Where you can buy genuine hair mattreB retail at whole- prices; w xenovat mattresses and return aama day: w also rsnovat feather. Portland Curled Hair Factory. B. Metzger, -ao-li-H Front, phon Mala 474. A 13i4. LOST Lady's gold watch and pin. Mon day, oa East Pin urest. between 7hlh and Soth street, or on-E. 28th treet Jut north at GUsau. Reward. Frank Diur rtngar 28 E. lath street. Pbon Main 23 or A 323- LOST An EngUsh bull pup. brtndlo and whlt( return 10 $74 Eaat MorrUoo, Phono East 14l. Liberal reward. FoLND eiaturday Bight, ft colli dog. In quire of tho landlady. -IOVj 1st sc. cor. Clay. Phono Main -03L FOUND On West Side, purse containing money and key. Phono Main 1-24 after P. M. LOST Small white terrier puppy, 2 months old, from 472 Alder at. Tel. Mar-hall 423d. leOST Brow a otter muff, on Linntoa road, February -19. Main 70-3. Reward. FEBRUARY LOST AXD FOTJSD. XX) ST Black velvet hand bag containing money, pair of spectacles and key. at Bast Ith. between Belmont and Blae, Main 7.3. Reward. UN AN CI AL, BEGIN to avo today. First mortgage cer tificates pay 6 per cent net. The Invest ment Is the best In the world, and may be bought for cash or re.ular payments of $5 or more each month. Bankers, insur ance companies, shrewd capitalists and conservative investors buy mem. Call or write for interesting, helpful Information. Northwestern First Moriaago Trust, 402 Wilcox bldg. PEOPLE: S AJHjSt.S6.M oiwva. 160 shares people's Amusement Co. stock. Pay big dividend and can be bought cheap. FLAHERTY A CONNOLLY, 111 JOUUIIIUI W pay hiBliest casn price for builders" con tracts, tirst and second mortgages and other securities. Home Installment Co, 401-402 McKay blilg. Marsnall GtfOO. MONEY TO LOAN on Improved real e:at or for building purpose. No commissions. COLUMBIA LIFE at TRUST COMPANY. 910 Spalding Bldg. MORTGAGE- (first and second), contract and sellers' equities bought. E. L. Dever eaux. looil Spa. ding bldg, 3d and W'asa Ington. Main 63. FOR SALE $1200 first mortgage on 120 acres ot rich orchard land valued at $3GoO, earaing lo per cent Interest. AT 813, O re g onian. FIKST OR SECOND MORTGAGES BOUGHT or sellers' Interest In contracts of sal on real estate In Washington or Oregon. H. E. Noble. 319 Lumbermena bldg. FIRST and second mortgages, contracts and coniaus-loa accounts bought, real estate loans E. B. Miller. 410 Aaicgton bldg. WE buy notes, contracts mortgages (first and second), equities. F. H. Lewis A Co, 8 Lewis bldg. Money to Lo Feral Estate. MORTGAGE LOANS. Plenty of money to loan at $ to 8 per sent on city residence and business prop erty an- Multnomah County farma . EDW. P. MALL, too to 104 Chamber of Commerce, WE WOULD b rleased to make, replace, or aell your mortgage loan promptly and reasonably. See Mr. Harbolt. Mar. 42S0 A. J. DETSt'H CO., A 1559 ti40 Chamber of Commerce. tolon. 13000 to $20,000 at per crnt. liouO to $0000 at 7 per cent on Im proved city property. GOODSELL BROS, 433 Worcester Bldg. URGE supply of money to loan In sum of $500 and upward, on real estate secur ity, at 6 and 7 per cent, MALL A VAN BORSTEU 104 becond st-, near Stark. ON IMPROVED city property or for build ing purposes, 8 to S years' time: liberal repayment privileges; money advanced as building progresses. The Equitable Sav ings A Loan Association. 240 Stark - MORTGAGE LOANS. Made on real estate security. GLENART REALTY CO.. UNO. 422 Chamoer of Commerce, PLENTY OF ilON'Ei ON FARM OR CITY PROPERTY. WM. C BORCHER3. 207 OREGONIAN BLDG. $ 5000 00ON improved city or farm property; building or small loans at lowest rates: large loans a specialty. McKenzie A Co., 814-515-510 Genlnger bldg. ; FIRST MORTGAGE LOANS. FARM AND CITY PROPERTY. EDMUND L. DEVEREAUX. 10O'J SPALDING BLDG. MORTGAGE LOANS ON FAVORABLS TERMS. JOHN BAIN, B05 SPALDING BLDG. WILL loan $20,000 or less, real estate secur ity. Farrlngton A Farrlngton, 410 Com mercial Cluo bldg. WE have from $500 to $25,000 to loan on MORTGAGE LOAN'S, 6 and 7 PER CENT. Repay In 2 or 8 yrs. or monthly. CELLARS-MURTON CO, b-5 -eonbldg. MONEY "to loan at current rates; bring la your applications and talk It over. R. NT TUi FOKD A CO, Marshall 4547. 407 sp-ldlu, Bldg. TO . LOAN ON FARM. $4500; security muat be highly Im proved farm; mko appllctlon to GOODSELL BROS, 4oo W urcester Bldg. TO loaurestate moneys in any sum from ' $5oo up at current rates. Rooms lo-ll, Mulkey bldg, 2d andMorrlson sta, STRICTLY private money on real estate and real estate contracts; mortgages bought ad sold. Btrow, 711 Belling blug. $1000 to $00O0 to ioan at lowest rates, aiso larger amounts. ArowOnoga A Stephens, 301 Wilcox bldg. . $20oT6oo TO LOAN, large loans a specialty, building loans, lowest, rate. W. G. Bee-. -lo-lilO Failing blog. MORTGAGE LOANS In any amount. Liberal terms. Murlg-ges purcnased. Henry C. Prudhomuie Co, boi Wi.cox bldg. MONTHLY payment loan on Portland real estate; 1 to 8 year. Carler-Dugan Co, 420 Chamber of Commerce. MORTGAGE loans on city property; lowest rates. A. H. Birreli Co., 2u2 ilch.ay bldg, 8d and Stark. IMPROVED or unimproved property; small building loans, contracts auu murteage ' boughu W H. .N'ulin. 44b Sherlock blug. To LOAN $0000 In lump turn or smaller amu-nta; b per cent lutereat. By owner, O o25. Oregonlati. $3oo0 OK $14,000 to loan ou Improved city property. 3 to 5 years, at 6 per cent; no agents or brokerage. AB 704, Oregonian. MOR1UAGE LOANSi J. O. GOLTBA, FAILING BLDG. STATE funds. per cent. W. E. Thomas, agent MJitnomah County. 4oO Ch. of Com. MONEY, any amount, 0 to b per cent. W. H, beita A Co, iu bpaldlng bldg. MORTGAGE LOANS AT REASONABLE RATES. F. tl. LEWIS. 3 LEWIS JUt-DG. LOANS on real, personal, chattel or collat eral security. C. W. Pallet I, oob-D Ftntoo, PRIVATE luDuey loaned oa real estate mort gages. M. Miiuy, room 204 Gurii-ger oiug. ""MONEY TO LOAN ON REAL ESTATB. A, B. IlAhDiNG. -13 CO. of Com. MORTGAGE LOANS, tt AND 7 PER CENT. LOUIS SALOMON, 2-J bTAKK. aT. FOR THTOWE TRATE OF INT. GO TO NlCBol-i, bio 1 EON BLDG. Inuiii 'i'lili- AAANS. rniVAI- PAR II; 410O AND UP. -07 0K1.OO.MAN iii-DG. $-000 Oil any part to loan, laiereel 1 ef cent- Main llbu. Money to Loan Ch ttels and hajn.-iea. 3 to . lA DRAJ-J- lOU. FOR SALARIED PEOPLE) TODAT without security, mongago or lndorso ment; cheapest rales, best and most pri vate terms u Portland. o07 Spaiding bidft MONEY ADVANCED On furniture, pianos, aaia-1 a to. Loweat rata. BUTTON CREDIT CO. 101 fepaldmg Bldg. C. FRANK LANE. For ft loan ou pianos, household goods, ftutoa. livestock, storage receipt, mort gage, anything of va iuo. It will coal you leas. Call and get our prices. ttow Swetiand blug., 6m and Washington. Marshall 224U. MONEY LOANED. JEWELRi. DIAMONDS. SILVER, WATCHES, PIANOS. EIC ELBY COMir-ANY. 820 LUMBER -XU1A.VO. BLDQ, tl'U-iD LOOR) SECOND AND Si'AHlv 8TS. MONEY FOR SALARIED PEOPLE. Women keeping house and others fur nished wltnout eecunty; cheapeat raiaa. easiest payments. Com and get money when you want It, and pay a you cm. Otlicc in all principal cities. D. LL Tol man, 317 Lumper Excnange. ' C, FRANK NICHOLS CO. For ft loan on ftny kind of security. II WILL COST YOU LESS. No extra charges. Private ofrlc. Courteou and Confidential Treatment. CALL AND GET ACQUAINTED. COS Lumbermen Bldg, btu aad stark. . PRIVATE PARTY LOANS $10 to $100 On Furniture, Goods in Storage, eta STRICTLY CONFIDENTIAL. 820 i,umoer -caa ge Diag. Wby pay usurious interest to money shark wbwu th Atlas Security Co. will loan you money on diamonds. Jewelry and other portable article, almost bankers' Interest 7 -25 Failing bldg, 3d and Washington. bt.fvtt r, it unkpf to loan on aulos, planus, furniture, live stock, warehouse and storage receipts. ADOLPHUS LANE, ale Ablngton uidg. CASH ON CREDIT. EMPLOYES' LOAN CO.. 821 ABLNGTON BLDG. g LOAN money on diamond and Jewelry at half the rata charged by brokers. Marx A Bloch. 74 8d t. IMMEDIATE loan from $5 and up on all kind of securities. W. A. Hathaway, room 10 Washington bldg. Main 302. MONET loaned on diamonds and Jewelry: strictly con-deiitial. 141 3d. near Alder. A LOAN for th asking, salary or chattel. Th Loan Co, 414 Dekum bldg. lyAN3 on diamond and oUier securities, 1 . 1 (, TV..l,ln,tnn . 1 .1 Wm. Hall, -mom .. a- v'-i. FINANCIAL. Money to Loan Chattels and Salaries. "QUICK LOANS. ANY AMOUNT. DO YOU KNOW Thl new company was organlxed to to AN MONEY to working people and all other, at RATES ABOUT ONE-HALF what regular- LOAN companies charge? Toan made quickly and privately on pi ano" furniture, storage receipts, auto 'INSIST- RATES IN THE CITY. YOU CAN GET IT TODAY. Rebate Given If Paid Before Duft. 200-? BLADG, SSS--W Between 4th and 5th Sts, on Wash. St. Open Monday and Saturday till 9 P. M. i $ $ t DO YOU NEED MONEY T We will furnish you. strictly confiden tial and without delay, a loan In any amount on your auto, piano iornltur. livestock, storage receipt and all otner kinds of securities, on terms to suit, also on weekly or monthly paymenta. WE BUY AND LOAN On first and Becond real estat mort gage, contract nd chattel mortgage. U. 8 REAL ESTATE A BROKERAGE CO. Ill Hamilton Bldg, 131 3d. .Main 2084. $$ PRIVATE loans. $23 to $200, at 10 per cent per year; no trouble or red tape; on your furniture or other security; let us heio you. Room 62s, Lumbermen bldg. MOSEY sold on Installment; confidential: salaried people. F. A. New ton. Henry bldg. Loans Wanted. MORTGAGE LOANS WANTED ON AMPLE SECURITY. $1300. S years, 7 per cent. Albina noma, value $3000. " . , . $1030. three year, 7 per cent, house ana lot Villa Heights, value $3700. , . $2000. 8 years. 8 per cent, new homo, Waverlelgh Weights, value $4200. ' SHOCK). 3 years. 8 per cent, assignment o first mortgage of $7000 on valuable White Salmon property. SliaiiO. 8 years. 8 per cent, choice new ruburban home of 11 Vj acre In Washing ton County, value JsooO. $15.kK), 3 years, 8 per cent, valuable real estate In nearby town, conservatively worth $30,000. together with strong per sonal Indorsements. $15.00V. 3 or 5 year, per cent, mng nificentVarm of netrly 1000 acres, splea. diulv located, value $100,000. $25.or0, 3 to 6 years. 8 per cent, one ot the choicest and most productive orchards in the famons Hood River Valley. va'ua above $75,000. This couid be divided into $15,000 and $10.0o0. CTivrri ALL THESE LOANS WILL STAND RIGID INVESTIGATION. B. LEE PAGET. M. 763. 414 FAILING BLDQ. $S00. THREE years, 8 per cent.. 5-room modern house. Highland Park Add., oc cupied by owner; value $2600. $1600, 3 years. 8 per cent. 5-room mod ern house. Clifford Add, value $3000. $1700, 3 years. 8 per cent, 8 rooms, Hi story modern house, Menef.ee Add, on 40th st, value 3G00. I27O0. 3 years, I per cent. 7-roora mod ern. 1 -story house, Beaumont, value $W- . . 1&000, 3 years, 8 per cent, sash and door factory, located In Medford, bank valua tion $17,000. See Mr. Harbolt, Mar. 4280. ' A. J. DETSCH CO. A 155S. 840 Chamber or commerce. MONEY wanted to loan on first mortgages In amounts from $50 to $50,000. at 8 to 7 per cent. The only safe, no-risk Invest ment. Absolutely secured by selected. Im proved. Income paying real estate. North western First Mortgage Trust. 402 Wilcox bldg . FARM LOANS SAFER THAN CITY. We want $18,000 first mortage nearly 800 acres beaver dam land, hi.hly Im proved. Clark Co., Wash. Phone Main 291 $1000 ON 19 acres of land, part ready for cultivation; Polk County, Oregon; 2 years, 8 per cent; valuation $4000; private party. AB 819, Oregonian. I WANT SS00 or $1000; security, three lots In choice location on East Side. Call at once. A. K. Hill. 419 Henry bldg. Main 342. principals only 4U0011, $1500, $5000. $2000. Ample security. t nivinfiM 819 Chamber of Commerce. $2,100 SECOND mortgage, gilt-edge, pay able $50 monthly; will discount. A 6o7, urcKouiaii. MONEY WANTED Applications on hand for desirable loans, mortgages for sale, it . -' x .,,, ,- Co SOT WHoovhMir. $7500 ON West Side, corner lot, worth $20, 0"0, for 2 years. 6 per cent, private party only. AJ glo. Oregonian. $1000 WANTED on $3000 bungalow, 3 years. 7 per cent. Call Ordway. Main 6522. WANT $1200 on houso and 8 lots valued $11500. Call Main 8407; PERSONAL. HAIR HAIR HAIR HAIR. 600 PURE CUT HAIR SWITCHES. $12 84-Inch switches $1.45 $3 2o-inch switches 2.45 Hair dressing ...................... .23 Face massage .23 Shampoo ............. .25 Manicuring. 25c: 5 for 100 12 scalp treatments 8-00 Superfluous hair removed by electricity, guaranteed not to return. $4. $5 and PUFFS only $1.45. Cut hair In any shade; switches, any length. Prices hatf. Sanitary Parlors. 4QQ-412 Dekum blcig, 3d and Washington. RADICAL cure by the latest natural Jieal Ing methods. Including radium, all electri cal currents, lights, heat, vibration, radia tion, baths, massage, adjustment and manipulations. Most expensive, flnost equipped private office In Oregon; no med icine or operations. Over OOOO treated pa tients and not a death while under our care. Wo will be glad to consult with you free of charge. Dr. W. ii. Mallory, 812 P.othchlld bide. YOU can make money by Investing $5 to $50 ft month in first mortgage certificates, secured by double their value In Improved real estate; safe as a Government bond; pays 8 per cent from dato of every pay ment; investment Increases In value every year. Northwestern First Mortgage Trust, 4"2 Wilcox bldg. SWEDISH TRAINED NUfinfil ilelslngfors graduate: rheumatism, nervous and atom, ach ailments, under physician's direc tions; baths, ma-sage. No. 7 East llth at, second door south from East Ankeny cerllne. Phone Eaat g00. B lboo. A NEW hypodermic treatment for catarrh. Results guaranteed. Non-operative. B. M. Richardson. M. D, eye. ear, nose and throat specialist, 309 Northwest bldg, Oib, and Washington. GERMAN trained nurse and masseuse; long experience, bvst references; treatments for rheumatism, lumbago, etc.; massages and baths. S4t Williams ave, n,ear W'eidler st. V car. Phone East 86OS, C 2553. Open Sundays. DR. CATHERINE C. GATES I have had years practical experience treating nervous and chronlo disease. Consultation free. 807 Ablngton bldg. Marshall 814X Hours: 10 A, M. to P. M. ADAMS BATH PARLORS. 1H Sixth: scientific massagist: electrle blanket sweats and salt baths given for colus and rheumatism. Hours from 19 o'clock to 12. SURE cure tor tapeworm; formula guaran teed under tho food and drugs act; sent in plain envelope; $1. J. T. Perry, salt Lake, Utah. Box 445. MILLINERY parlor and achool; old hat remodeled reasonable; will teach you In I weeks; locations on hand bargains. Call 101 Goodnougb bldg, opposite Postotfice. IBE Spirit of God Circle, Progressiva sclent una healing of mind and body; lectur and healing. 10, 12, X, 4 daily. 11,1 N. Union avenue. : MRS. STEVENS. 18 years Portland's lead ing palmist and clairvoyant, has her lat book. "Palmistry Made Easy." on sale at 212 Allsky bldg, 3d and Morrison st. ELECTRIC thermal baths and mechano therapy treatments for rheumatism, nerv ousness and poor circulation, -tuft Mor rison st, DRESS SUITS lor rent. $1.00 month; keep your clothes cleaned, pressed, buttons sewed on, rips repaired. Prompt calls and deliveries. Unlqu Tailoring Co, o Stark. SWEDISH massage, bake oven and electrical treatment cure ihcu-.iisih auu Kindred disease. N'isbeth, tilo Lovejoy. Main 703-. A 2157. MRS. S. C. MORRISON, steam bath and massouring fcr liieuma .tism, lumbago, etc i4ia Jefferson. A 4470. Open Sundays. MISS RAGNH1LD JACOBSEN. Scandinavian trained masseuse. Phone Marshall "42. U74 Johnson u, cor. 21st. Take "W" car. SCOTCH lady gives mental scientist treat ments for rheumatism and lumbago. 475 Kast Everett St. Phone B 3146. MRS. SOPHIA B. SEIP, mental and spirlt ual scientist, 302 Allsky bldg. Meetings W ednesday and Friday. 8 P. M. Main 6324. MRS. DR. BAIRD, M. T 314 Hamilton bldg, specialty temai and children dia eases. THat MAR1NELLO System Scientific treat ment of hair, face and scalp, manicuring. cnlropody- 402 Central bldg, loth and Aer! MATHILDE ARNESON, trained masseuse, medical gymnastics; for women only. Phone number Woodlawn 2189. MADE OF YOUR COMBINGS. Switches. 95c; cur,s and puffs, 75c. San itary Beauty Parlors. 400 Dekum bldg. HAVE your wrinkle removed. Why look old? 515 Swetiand bldg, 6th and Wash. MOLES, superfluous hair removed. Mrs. M. V. HiA 2 Fliodner bldg. Main 8478. PERSON Al MRS. MARRCHE. spiritual science; consul tation daily; meeting Thurl 1, , 8 P. M-. house 10AL to5 P. M, 103 10th. MANICTJRING parior, facial and scalp treat ment, shampooing. Sli Swetland bldg. BUSINESS DRIECTORY. Accountants Expert and Certified. EXPERIENCED all lines; books open ej closed, written up. financial statements, private Instruction; service anywbers. permanent or temporary bookkeepers fur nished. 502 Swetiand bid-. Main 49- Assnyrr and Analyst. Wells A Procbstel. mining engineers, Cham- . . nr. 4 t TH ' 11 h I n cr I" YT . ls's ana aesayera. ivi ?s " MONTANA AS3AY OFFICE Laboratory, and ore-testing work. lSd Morrison at Analytical Chemlats. WOODARD. CLARKE A CO, analytical chemists, examiners 01 "' ' f-ioda, etc. Attorneys. A E COOPER, attorney-at-law. General practice, abstracts examined. Removed ta 1424 to 1428 Yeon bldg. M. 73. A2071. H. C. KORNEGAY. corporation, commercial, real estate law.. and collections. 11-2 Yeon. Brass and Machine Works. HARPER'S BRASS WORKS Brass eastln and machine work 106 N. 6th. Main 2702. Chemists. KORMANN and WEBSTER, general an alytical chemists; fully equipped labora tories. 11 North 6th. Chiropractic Fhyslclan. DP. TICKNEH. Columbia bldg, next Stay Thea-er. A 5255. Main 95.S7: rea B 297. C hiropoulsts. WILLIAM. Estelle and Flossie Deveny. th onlv scientific chiropodists In the city. Parlors 3o2 Gerllnner bldg, 8. W. cob, 2d and Alder. Phone Main 1301. CHIROPODY and pedicuring Mr. M. IJ, Hill, offices 429 FHedner bldg Main 347-, Chiropody . LEARN chiropody at Marlnella Shop, 401 Central bldg, 10th and Alder. Main 8S. Civil Engineers. E. A. MIDDLEBROOKS. CIVIL ENGINEER. Purvevs made, plans and estimate fur nished on city Improvements, subdivision. Irrigation, drainage and railroads. Phone Main 3204. 423 Chamber Com. Portland. Oregon. Coal. COAL ALBINA FUEL CO. BLOCK WOOD BRANCH E. S3D ST. WOOD. NATIONAL FUEL CO, coal and woods Marshall 960. A 8545. 3S7 Water st. Concrete Work. CONCRETE foundations, excavating, gen eral contracting. Wickstrom. Phone Mar shall 41C0. Contractor. W. L. BUCKNER. contractor. Jobbing, of fice and store setting. 8 N Sth Mala 5881. A 7002. Woodlawn B62. Dancing. PROF. WAL, WILLSON'S SCHOOL; lesson 25c; waltz, two-step or three-step guar anteed In tlrst lesson or money refunded; stage dancing taught quickly. B86V Wash. st, bet. W. Park and liith. Main itlo7. HEATH'S SCHOOL Lessons 25c: fancy stage and social dancing taught dally: ws-ltx and two-step guaranteed In 4 les sons. Class Monday eve. 109 2d st, be-tw-een Washington and Stark. PROF. FORD'S school of dancing. 87th and Hawthorne avenue. Classes Tuesday and Thursday evening at 8. Private lessoaa by appointment Tabor 3707; Detective Service. PACIFIC States Secret Service Agency At your service DAY and NIGHT. 421-23 Board of Trade. Marshall 878. EuucaliouuL STAMMER? Method for euro explained free. M. L. Hatfield, lt18 Grove. Oakland, Cal, Engines Gas and Steam. ROBER Machinery Co, Coast agents. Boa bury steam engine and boilers, gasoline en gines. 2S1-2MI t. Morrison st Phone E Mi, i'eed Store. ZIGLER A M1SNER, hay, grain, feed. Co ment. thlnglea. 204 Grand av. E. 482. Landscape Gu.rdeniug! FRED W. BULLOCK. 310 Yeon bldg. . Phone Marshall 2432. Lawns, Driveways, Shrubs and Plants. G H. SIEBELS. landscape gardener; prun ing specialty. 6b0 ij. Oth. Seilwood lle7 " Leather anil Findings. CHAS. L. MAST1CK. A CO, 74 Front. LeatoeS of every description, tabs, mfra. findings j. A. STROWBRLDGS LEATHER CO. Ea tablianed laSa. lbo Front St. MusicaL Emll Thleihorn. violin teacher, pupil Sevclld POO Marquam. A 4100. Marshall 1629. Alu-ictt 1 An auructiou . PIANO, vocal, viulin, mandolin, gullftrt banjo, wind instruments, private and dug instruction; sinuged insirun lunts loaned to beginners- National Conservatory ol Music, t-rand ave. and 13. Morrison. Osteop-iulc Physicians. DR. LEKOl -.ui'ifct, giauuate Kirkvllles Mo, Class of iSJSi post-grauuato 11)07, un der Dr. A. T. Still, iounuer ot tne aoienoa. 1122 Selling piua. i"'i j, B. Noiliirup, 415-10-17 DeKUxn bids. Nervous and Curoulo Disease. Pnone Otuco M. -10. Res. Eaat or B 10--, 1 1UUI0, juj au uuw. CoASl-ii-U- painl and varnisa is best aaapted 10 tuo -oa-t Clluiate. BA -' htv'i'tlR PAaNT CO. li)i becond st KAbtuo-EN A CO, juifltn. paints, oils, g.ass, aa-i and doors, cor. 2d and Xaylor Patent Attorney. PATENTS obtained, traaomarks, copyright re-isiered, all countries. Booklet Ire. FiA-,K HA--.-lK-.iN. -2d Worcester bldg. PAA-..MO piocuieu by J. -- Mum, attorn-al-law late of U. S. Paleul oiuce. Book let nee ill) tne Board of IT-HI bldg. L a. AND tOA.li-N i-.Aiu.Nla piuuurea bj( O. O. Maruu. 409 Chamber ot -ominerce Bldg. j. wivlGi-A, aumeatio and furaiga pal ants, inirmgeineut K-a. Ou De-um blug. A-uwubroker. LOANS 1 TO $1000 tPOll J - .J . UQY Co, 020 Lui per x, 3d floor. UNCLE -liERS' Collateral Aiank; 40 year la Fortiauo, 71 OLli st. rfloae -lain 1)10. X'avuig. l.Mi ,-roer Aspliail i-a.ig Company. 803 "Zt, mciric b.ui;. Oscar AAUber. A-urtlaatt. A'lpe. PIPE aad '.iigs. e-auieeia 'and ataaan aw -"- , ,i- m , a uuw Centrally looatou. Nos. 04 to 88 Front st, phones lain 517. A 2517. ruIlJi- WOOD fii-i- CO. aactory and pine a near -m and xoi- -. M. JAaa. bales. MOSLER OA- CO. 108 2d SaXag aria-loiy nrluea. secuud nand sale. pecuud-li nd OooU. We- buy clomiug, iuiulluia ana 1001. lilgh ii -rio p-i- tor aocou-niia uiouuag, litrnfiut. too-, -laisuall 2oo4. Z,. ay 111a niaueai p,ices lor second-hand clulili and -uoe. -l-in 1 ton, boo ota. MiimciuPi, Aim -Aid buow A-utl-rea. Tu L- A A--i A-- G. CO, bl alien uraud iK las jauowc-aa . mauaber. , it Al ajadALL. 208 Hamilton bldg. Show """'. slock, piou.pl aelivary, BalM keut, i. winter Lumuer to. .anAl Ml' G. CO, 4tu and Couch; nW "-ia -.-...o-uaiiu. main 2. uo. aoiiiet wora. " Alorugo and 'Aranslcr. " .. pi,i Aiaualer aloiage Co, offloob ".'id 'commodious 4-siory urica. warenouse. parat7 uon loom uud nreproot vaultB iori-auies; N. W. cor. 2tt and pin. pianoa aud Dirultur liioveu ana pacaad lf .hipping; .pecial rale. mad. on gooo il Cur lur-ugu cars 10 all uomja.iu ana t-re.-n ouliilt -HO. A OL-ON-ROc. 'AxtA-.bl! bll CO. General liausleiruig auu aloiage, safes. Pianos and lumituro moved auu packed lor swpuienu b;:bO From aU Aelepnoaa Mini tt' or A 2247. :,.bu AivA.NSi.it CO, established 187U. ira-sier and forwarding agents. Ofhoas a storage 474 Glisall at, cor. 18th aad 11 U. I IK.l.l aiai- v, - taiiuriug College. a. uiancnes lauoriug. dressmaking taught; cutting. Ctling. draiiiug, desisulng; expert teu-uui; luvestiButo. wiucao Lauies' iailoii"b' College, HM Central bldg, 101U ana viuer. 'Ay pevvrlters. 15 IO $05 will buy a B-1BUILT TYPS WRITER; rebuilt as good as new; all ma es to choose from at Gill's, 3d and Aider; terms to suit; every machine guar anteed, call or puou. for iepieaantauv. " Main b500 or tlOOS. WE are the ecnange for the largest type writer concern ou this Coast; investigate; all makes, all puces. The Typewriter lx cuaune. 301?a vVasuington t. NEW rebuilt. 5econci-!iand rentals, at out rate. P. D. C. Co, 21S1 Stark. M. 14v7. Welt DrlllTng. DRILLING wells. Phon Mala 1344 r writ A. W"eU IS MorrUoo st. irni 1 07.2