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About Morning Oregonian. (Portland, Or.) 1861-1937 | View Entire Issue (Feb. 22, 1912)
WANTED Hori.oatai b'.er. !- hor FOT. xtuixl-tlabi. Out gooa tonmiw l --'. orca'')nia. tin r vt wTrn m ale. ir re a: a nTiK.rri, fAirsMAX WE WANT TOU AND Wll.l. PI-' B WlUhli fl. CAN MAKE IJ. fEK Hrr.K. WE GIVE YOl ' Lt H AND A'"T IN l-LO-.NJ SALES H.k. MR- Ju.NKi. 1 llil T.. -ON WANTf.K. , , Vin an4 w!f on farm. oei '"ior-i nd mil to ran Booties; Bjlnr em nrs. rtm.t r-awvr. fry. 15 . . Young tran la wora. on Irult rencn. a-o. r'"n a d toa- ;-r ian Urn hand. -I-3t) v ur farm tiandB. - to V'o- lo aI. plu. ctl 'c. . lAr.4 eeare-.. a4 cuttara, loggara. - p-rrra, tc lc. N. work c .trig In all tha trm. rarrrT E V rTOTM ETVT rVPAVT. f-r. .r- h I -t. lat and 'M Sta. 5 W a. EMPUOTVENTTV:PA"RrMK.NT We bv. rntant detnanil. fr V'; r-t(! a. espertanod man. An oa luteal far n baiter poeiilon. , .:r-tar. itnpIi'T'"'"' department. Record for year ill: Calls lor . t?'l- e.oait ? iff a "li !. 14 bjyS'R KTll ER and aaaiatant clerk, out of tswo. Off.c mn f r contracting firm; r who can u. K'mmfM typewriter rapid.': tad n-rt b iwnm-apb". w,,h '", Pn-no prairrl. nod b -nra noo trai;orta:iuc. .-an nn.l a-or fnrtorr foreman. !. up l a crun niiirt, rood wairaa. Ut.lara. r. K- hansbv .. : N. Jasu rUBMTt BK HABEH'H'fr.MAX Wa.NTFD ln tnor:r.lT rlr. .d In ary hrani-n of ha work. prmantnt poaii.on - corrptaiit man. Api.jr at onca ta K UrruntAQ. I WAVT A MAN rt a prariAiitv ! rr;Twatil and pr-a-ni.a f.e th Wilaoa truaa In tattl. T- "ma anj j.pAr Tn- Wllaon trjaa !a w.rn bj T Hot Sand popi. V!.': Tf VKAftV.K AM1 tjOLL UN UuMil HA('t .k.' J Y W. 1 1. J-O.N'. Harnla fpcia;u. , Mih Bu iJoth phona. WAMEU for U. . Arm. abla-bolad an. Btasriad mn. biwa.n aica of I and MX cl;i-na of Laltad t-tat.a. of ood cbar. attar and tatsvrala bablta who caa a -.a a.. rad an J writ to r.oa.i.a - f jaa-- Tor Infoima-.ioa appi to Hacnait c cfflrr. Woraaotar boca. laud aad C atrat. fortind. Or. X HA.Sf Iiv rap.-4nt:tvt la aarn com munity of Orison and Waafilncton for . ap-o.lica, ola nHMl p fuaiar.rra. no umi t ll ion. it.VJ U SMITH. 1I.JI irer Aat. t.T Coruaf. u;4-. fortiand. Or. W A.TE-An parlance!, aurcaaafal ala can to nu a Ona.-ciaI prt.aatiion : mu.t to li.rl j'ucai In community and hav a id racoM jar pro.lucU' rau.ta. bond rtuird; ata'a aa.arr waatad. Addroaa. A U iitroolan. V'ANTSU A r!lab'.a lit. Inauranca wrllar w.r aaacutiv aal'lty. A Jod propo- itlon for an ipr.nrl writer who warta to ba'tar bia prrornt poamoa. A ani. "'t-iniaa. iUX of o.4t app-aranco and ta'.kr to :'!: f ir Uria corporation, man w na haa had ajp-rl- In ln! lr uranc 1 va frrrd. App jr lo to H mooo. '.ac- tililf N war.t.d: w ha a plaea for lure gool r-al ratate aitlramoa. BRu.S il tet-K ex.. Oround Kloor Caa. a Bid(. t Mr. Hrady. TOi". j man to hand; tha Inaajranco dapt. Ift ronitfruon wlt.'i a real eacarfa and aort aac loan; commlaaion crnijr. AC Oraonlan. t ANTI.Ll Udy or fiantlamaa r-prrantir ronjio' KailffQ firm: :-aant wora; g jratird aa -axr and rummiaaton. N atf. 'rftriflfl. II t K N I- -.-.l A k rTK warttaj W want fit'rt at oaco. aood aia i a:! tromadiatl. Duncan as bona, (i-.trt.a. Waah. A f!.i.;HAN cf n. at apixaranc and a Mi;;n. ria la l.lln to work bard on rroapct f jmi.hed. will find It to bta ad Mr'ic to at I:t. liichary. UMIU'LA'. at.wk and bond aalaamaa aantad IrnmMulrlT. thorourMT prl ancad. l-rral contract orred. Apply A. Tavta. ill I -ear la bMc -Iniai. ;a-nt old man f-r ciio'k a w and dlnnor. AU inu.n. O N t. Ovrman-apaklna aalamaji: fin o pan- Ira f r R'xkd man. 92t tuambar ox Lam niarc birt. VAMf:n t'ompatant bookkeeper and tn-or-apoer. ore &parlenrad In construction aort preferrd. C i Orcgonian. URMHT boy to fe Job preaa and deliver wnrta. on not afraid of work. aaa, C-;r hotd f a llv propoaitwn: ao door be!! rincera war.ted. larK field If yoa link" a- iod. M "!. Oreconlaa. fa ! : H -4'l.A advertlainc aolarltor w an : ad toiler, aaiier-len'-e aaaeritlal. Iltearai com n App: &H Lfwla bMjc. i"A.rEl Soltrltora. houaehold artlria. 9 i.mrr and r-roru.aloa ffuarantd. Cal !..! Teon bM. TtllKK aoua mn. aaperlencoj canvaa- a-r. dow vffar. food waaaa. Ht iAum b it Al'l'Ki;TIi:E wanted. Abbott a Iunl- ar. Alder; MIT. I'HOTO coupon; teat ver offcre-1; anap for arf'-rita. l uterth Studio. t'eVum bltlje. fJ4-i aarted. w!'"i wS'tit good pay. tady aork App'r Mara jTJyS aanted with w h ! a ; good A p- r r at icre. 1T0 lt't at., baaemont- AI'T14. Bil.K painter wanted. Ma:;r A'jto I'ainMMg Co.. :lat and Waahlngtun. 1 KrlMtNF.NT Ineorna for aa'aaman. Aak for Mr t J rt . n. 1 1 1 Teon 01: K. tAI. Inatructora wanted for mala quar-t-t. nrat-elaa man. A bM. orcgonian. iKrtK wantaj. atradjr Job. 1J Hor r.a'n at. 1 W i:eatock aaleamen. aood tnduatrlai prcpoai'i.ifi. 207 oragonlan bolg- 2'iv e.anieil to Icato tinnr'a trada at 5 '. I .North A I K H N D bualnoaa collcra and ahort-h- 1 man. uraganUn. VAVTf t A man for claanlag. preaialng and r.painni. -t'a Vnlon avw. North HM F W TKT FXMAf E. AMTt ";irl or woman for eouaawork and eockmc. 2 la family, araaid bo u aa. Arj jrtaa Koora M Boweta lloiok V. .s"! rrv-M d.Ila-agad lady to car for In valid and a.t ta aouaawork. Call at 49 I. t Mark. ANTKti A nouitg lady or flrl for bouaa t. ami care for mother, 3 In fam I -. Knuta'3. T.t-T rowall Valley road. T-IR rrat-cUaa waltrea t.' V roc-m av d l.oard. 'Cfi.-e aa"t- a:.. of el'y. 'a Emp't Ha R T'1 . Ia1y of g.od appearanc lo do p c a work for :arc corporation la I'ort an.1 . aa.arj. Apply T -e Yaoa b;dc. MUS. iloiS ti" LADIES- AOENCT. Waahington b''. tb and Waab, ata Main r-j or A 3-"- HANSS.N LAD1E AOENCT. k4aSa V.aa:ir.atoo at., cor. Tia. upatalra. I Don Mala 3d3 toMTETCNT girl for houaawork; muat ta g -o-l t a 1 after 10. rd MaranalL WANTED A a-lrl far bowling allay. Ill a week. S N- V a gir1 for light houawwork. amatl fam r. Grant atraet. aArl:i-CuJr apprantu-aa Apply p A. V . Tu-a-Iar Coft.nan'a. 43 Kront at. t'.lflL. i a.a-at wrh ganral bouaowork. Its N . i h. Mala 140X ; a -N r r. ' 'orr ttent. gteady girl for aren rjl o-i.earork; govd a'l lta M. t;l':I. lo a. 'at In genoral houaa work ; ao c .o'a'.rg W 3d aa , . t " v. ; r'rl Htil-i! to work lit cia-ar alora a; l.,.r-a:. t.. city CtN'KTE.ST tenograph" Ida-o. A tit. Oraa-nlata. lor iccum; giaant m e mo-r i I err-p-iy-anl or t.(und ot r-i-rfiKersnlp re. , , J month- full iemr.reblp pfi I eg-a la th aoe.a,r.a and undertake, to kf party aropiol ''' ,- ot ,.br.( wit-out furtb.r ii i . , . . h - """"" ;- RENT. WA.i:-:u iir.a or Id to nter "lira training a.-tio.l: ajlary frat ear I0 per tnonta. eot.d aar li - per mn b, tnlrd year IJ pr mouin. with board room and laundry furniai.ed: nutaea wltr. a.-.ilenc. iili ere-'it for paal work on l-r.aenlat.on of a-Atlef actory credentlala. Ad.lreaa l.avmnj oi-aral HMpitai. Ray mond, Waan. fvTl iriady ao'.uinor.. 3 to trace; No aam to carry. Money rrery nigut. If " a . a hua' -r. - can ua. ou. ' t ti.o.. ne enta.e. bee Mr. !"''' yl3 l;i-l Alton, torner l.tli and biara at after - f. WANTIli-A r-llabie girl that I , , . - n , . r. in a ladle aloe to tailoring ta hand l.rt tra in town; rm IS CHOKL'.- JIKl. a . . f.a gt iminrj Attraction : t.M A M ana 5 P. -. I"rtt aU'levl, Ircull. u Boor jo.'r v. ! and Mirrla. :a. I K lm::g-at women ot ?'''" -' pcarar.ra alio hav naa ', ' Ir.g b.1-rip;lon for hlgfi-claa. "' I b- for 1 A- M . taamber of I oiumtrct. . . VA VTEI-ilrl f or atenngraphy and gen- i i ai.rt ror a iraaiui muat b rapid and ao.-u.-at: .banc, uliiictmrm; atate a--. eiprien.o fr and mn4. ADj. creaunian. T7aT Y wTalur. t to leirn Bookkeeping, ate. caa ha ofrtva work, un.l'r accountanu aa part ry f-r tulilon; aaa'at poalUoa when a-.autied. L foU, Oregonlaa. UAPT acent to work on aalary: ehaneo tot adaancemant. -J for be it bl. WANTE!' aa lo- al acent by Eaatarn mote. C.l befor 1--" T. M. SI r-wctiand b.tig. iTFI-"apab young women l ontor get I f"r Kor Pr,lcu- !..?. writ! Mia. Keg'". Supt. ifouulam Oenrral lioap.lal. llj-iaiim. U aan. CIKI. to asalat with hourework and ar.w .-haiig'i. hor.i mora objoct tnan wag 1'h.ui.o il i-.'l aTi'v-l Zn Kr,' tmI. capaDla woman for ra- AairoTpoiion. Via.-I Co.. W Hot cbi.d bidg.. 4th and Waahmgtoo. JIOrEKF.KlT.ltS. cookg. aaltreaa., gacond girla. chambcrmaioa. rur. J"ZL-: iderMala tO. A 4 . LAUV aienogia; ner for law of atrtDc, ai.rjr wanted. Aii 1. ora . HJ IT U A X Ti-1 M1.HCE U.ANROt'. RKAO-VEM lMI'OKTA.NT. r lout. a jour jrwcm Incom.: learn to or., rata moaing pi. lure. oprral.r aarn I--, lo .o e.:;. hav ti. only real t, hooi of n-.ot.on-p: -tur o;-raung in ma city of I'ort.mid. Actual l..caler perl n -o given. Wa h-.p to .. -ura poailiou. Abo aiart you in to moving-ilc.ur tue at.r liuim. Tmin very raonal..e. all and ae ua today. t UU miormat.on ra J.KVT YORK FILM EXrHANOa r. -li ' nun dki"ii Mr.N and wom-o to learn th barfr trada In right wea; apc-.ial tnd jeemnta; per rentaga paid wi; learning, loo f"i aipert Inalrurtora; 1J yeara In tng bual-r.aa- IT hoola; a lU-tlma Diamuarship f riven to lira aludenu Moier llarbor Cal i. i N. tourth at t'ortlaadOr. TaN". EUen at Ia can laara crau. f.tlr antra after accord month; an tomol llea, .tctrlcliy. pluinl lug. bricaiay Ir.g. praciical wotk on actual joba. l.oo atudenta laat flv eara; only f o at monl.ia requited. Li lted Irada itoooi. ua An-r-. BELMONT ALTO SCHOOL. Th moat thorough courae. Includlnr d-lving. technical and practical work Irt all Ita delailA special Inatr jctlona and driving Icaaon far ladia. Jk. d and St )rr.eon. WANTtU A MAN To !ira lo operni moiion-plcturoo at our fine equipped tneatar. Ix-aaona reaaoa able, b.6 v a-"hlr.glon. near lllh. 17- A K T to oporato moving p.cture. taught in thrater; poaillon aecureU: prica rea a.nil,;. trrnn 41? Koiliculid t.dg.. 4ta on. I aahlnclon. WaNTEO Karmerg and gardenara to Arrow cucumbor untler contract to pickla fac tory. Call or write. Knight lacking Cd, t lh and Ald-r ata. IIaTlV. AYnil cierka. prapara oow , at ceilrnt salarieg and proiuotioca: no lay olla. aura pay. frew book, fall today, t a cific MUH .-ich-aol. McKay bllg. RAILWAY mall clerk, e-ru month: Portland c.iamlnatwna May : praparatlon frea. r randan lualitula. lapt. aUO M. Rochaa tr. tv. T. 6IIORTH AN'D."bookkeplng. paraooai loatructloua: poaiuor.a aecurad. Cov V or ceater 1 .t-v k. MAKE moneV writing aliort atorlea. or for taper; big pkV. fr book.rt Kill BOB7. r..lei Preaa t-ndlrat. tan ranclaco. WANTtU l'iclura play wrttera; big pay; we'll teach you. rastux riay Aaaocia- tl-m. Pan Kranciaco. riSli ToAt litl..' ASoOClATlO.N. t-aetland bliig. Fill V ATE avlooi fllOKTHASD and TYPE V Kl T1NU. ti mo. 14lh at. Main KaliA PRIVATE SHORTHAND. TYPEWRITING, bookkeeping. Hamilton bl'lg. Mar. 421. LaT'iES to l-arn th buainra of tha sani tary I rani? anora. ma Hckuro lidg. WAXTtll MIU OR rEllU li.WKK EirPEIlS. caahlera, bill clarka. tc: I will guarantea your tiuaii.icaliona to fill toaitloii In daya; prl-aia liiatruclloa ir public accountant, uoaiuoa siurd. J 4iO. uregoi.uan. To WEEKLY guaranteed In audUl; -perienca unneveaaary; will start you Im med.ati.iyi aiual call aitnout delay. iS korth rth. UTIAIIIIM fl.NTr.l--. MALE. Haaaae.pera aad t Ifefca. W1l.L ALUll. OPEN. CLaj.-E L'f; WKITS up booka. prejar ba.aacea and atat tnenta. Inatall avatema liilllna t.ann. aa clltor. 411 l.el bl.lg. Marahull X i I. bT r.iAlKA I'H Ell. bookkeeper, deairea pt aitlon: aapvrtt nce.1. reital.i; cgcilcnt rcf erancea. J hS.i. Oregonlan. EXPERIENCED Monographer want p temporarily or permanent. C a-ii. Oregon!. Mlarell SALESV AN. with year erperlerc. ao quatnted with local territory, w.ahea per uiaiient connect. on with reapona:..: houaa; local and L llern rf. U aii. Orcgunlaa. Mt'MClfAl. IP.EE EMPLOYM.NT ULKEAl . 113 Second rt.. L'o.-aer Falmon. Tomn'a Uepart metit. to Salmon Ail ciaaaea of unarmed, aallled. prafea- lonal and clerical mat and femal h:p furnlahed on ahort nonce. No f . cuarged. Pliona Main 3o.'..'i. A Stl'M. WANT a poaltton on ranch by man ao.l w ,f e. who ar not afiaid to work, all-around ranch hand a good milk. r. In q ilra at .11 Aidr il dd floor, room o. l n .no Maiahall K A NIi worker: a Japaneae want situation aa ranco worker: will go anywh-r you tali, but the poalttos muat ba firm and at.aty. J. Kmy. kl 6th at. Nona. Portland. Or. 81TLATION wantd by married man and wlf on stock ranch or farm: man expe rienced In pure brd boraea and cattla. O -u. Cn-rgonlan. rOlXTHYMAS and wife, want ranch to car for or work; wife good cook and bouaekeeper. Apply Johnatou. gea. dcL. or pnona li eS-T. BI'TrHER. German, .14 yeara old. aaMaaga maar. slaugMor. ham and teef canner. no oooxer; city or country. Addr a AB .'o. Orea'Qnlalu WcL'l-i) Uka to plac my two boy, aged 111 and II yaara. In good bomea, wher they could aahanaa their e-rvlcea for room, board and c.noollng. PI. up A 7oS. "a Si.' E E U man. 14. wtahea a position any kind; boat of .reference. A e.i). Or gotilan. Cll AVVrElli wlahlng a Job aa driving for prnal party. Anona Tabor vw. ba laai n and 4 yol'Nii man of ability and neat appearanc alalia poaltton of any kind at once. All ' ireronian. YOI'NG man. .. delrea p-iaulon In office. Willi clianca for i' i va ncc m- nt . Inltlatlva aai-ry no object. AP Sa. Uri-ron la n. BY tpta chool atudent. car and ilriYlttf aute.moblia. careful, experienced driver; Interview appreciated, o ftlo. Oregonlan. AN; phlllppln boy deairea poaltton a waiter. baa boy or elevator. AM b-i Ciregonlan. OY wanta work, eandymaker or lea cream. li.V r-a.rr.on t. JAPAN E H high chol bry a po- , , i "r HJ tl acMya m a. P o. P '... clt y. cpANEE r.o- a ante saloon Job; cxparl- ucd. V 71. Oregonlan. CiISTHAiTOR war.ta land clearing; atat particular. H hll. oregonian. yrTT( Japaneae wlahea poaltlon In family. U -. Oregonlan. CHArFFET'R. Japaneaa. wanta poaltlon la Ian at awl. Andrea 414 Alorrlgott au tttt7 Atni vivn ni?FnnIA. THURSDAY, RiTi iTioN WAvrrn itmale. Ayotik keeper a 1 1 d Me no era p h era. CAPaYu.e" young lady would Ilka poaitln aa aaaiatant bo.kkeeper or general oltlca work, experienced In keeplr.g newpapr hacrlption account. li -7-4. ItiXPEKIENt'ED bookkeeper and atenog grapcer wlabeg position i rfrnc. Mare-ail ai:a. Ai'EltlENhI stenographer deairea per manent poamon. ran furnish city rcler- enres. Phono Marahait oc'n. WANTED Capable youne tno -spher wants position. Good reference.. Oregonian. EXPERT law atenographer deairea position. prior. a b4PU. E.PK!tIEN(EI stenographer, rapid accurate, dcsirea poaitlon:arahall-ol. UE.-IKE ao..d atenogtaptuo or clarlcal posi tion. Eiial f.'i:.. lyreaamaker. dT: ItlIJ.AL-T. " n3 YTaahlngton. Kl.a-lt A ". A!I th lea.l Ir.g I'jr.en and Nw Tor faahlona. prl-ea moderate I'LA I V m. w In g."Vii"lrt walats. underwear houaa .irea. mad reasonable. iiogVa l.ln aU l Main 79-1. V IK ST -CLASH dreaamaker want ngag nienta la lamlll.-.; 1 per day. Phoaa C 1J4S. . DRE.-SMAKINO and Indies tailoring by thB lay or at horn. Myhall4ti-'j. friTtiSs MAKER would Ilk ly w.ork. Prlte" l- lull, good fitter. Marshall li WANTED Dressmaking by oY: "r.V rter.ccd ems. n Phon Wood law- otNl. Ttau NIIUSB anl confinement caa. 1B; will do in houaewoiki li yoarT practice, tail at ! 10-h aU . ITiACTlfAL nura with good referenceg '(le.irea employment. Thona A 7H. Moaaekeeper. a i anv 3.1 ....J lik a poaltlon as noue.- V-crer for a melower; no obJoctloB w clii.oren. O S-M. oregonlan. POSITION a houaekeeper m good rPciB l.l. horn. fail all Wllllme-.t. olvd.. J'urtsmouth atatiora -t- Johug ana. WANTED Situation as houekpr for rD tlcman. fail SOU V oo m- o. . NEAT, capable womnn doalres housekeep- ir.g. wldoars ramiiy. am Iwrnrll lea. LADY want, situation aa housekeeper In small family: country pr.ferrad. Mr. Ernst, route 2. Beavrton.Or. A "MIPDLE-ACED lady wantg work In th morning. Call phona A tb2. WANTEiWTlouaework'hy two girls. Call Mii'"il -ol ave.. cur. Morris t. EX PEU1F.NCED-g rl. family cook. W UP- Mala iiZ3. A Miser II anewaa. St llOol.fUKI. want, home In family of two and to In light a age. Call Mar.naii en Wa.--- tnd 5. GIRL would llko position for saoond work; city West Sid. prcferr- Phon Main mi. SITUATION wanted by a young f orel gn girl to a.-lst W illi general housework lu 'mail family. Call E. 24th -V Alberta car. GooK competent Pw.dlth girl wl.h-g poal- tlo in amall tami.y. j-uou. rilwr-ClA6S laundress want, work Thura dav and Friday; referencea. Woodlawn lni I. . . WANTED Washing and Ironing at bomev t.'l,j lot and dellv.rd. Phona Marana.l 4tl.o. WANTED Mttl girl to board, good gub home naar gchool, 10 nionih. w Rl. oregonian. WoRK by ilny. waahlng. Ironing and clean ing, by young woman. (Iva years' experi ence, rtnom 1 o. t'liono .'"'' PLACE to oar for Invalid and do house work; prlca 130 a month. Phono Tabor soti. Bill A fluN wanted, by neat, aaperlenced i J S71. Oregonlnn. woman as cook. june. CLRTAIN9 wanted, hand laundry. Wood- Iw-n .o. lo R.niin. WANTED Waahlng to do at homo by X pelience'd woman. Main 1493. COMPETENT woman wanta day work. Ta bur 71. ' MIDUI.E-AOEI) woman wanta day work, any kind. Mr. M. l"non Marshall l:i. LADY accompanist wlahea permanent V??- with orchestra, phon Marshall WAN 1 ti fnni lie. j:.n.r.l honaework In Phone Woodiawn ai'17. OOoD woman wanta day work. Phono Mam Diiii LAtiT wanta work by day or boor. Main &4'T. room -a. WoMAN want work, 2So hour. Tabor 445. WA XTEIV AG ENTS. AGENTS and demonatrator. Good pay. Call after 10 A, M. 1'J North td. apart ment g" IPS canvaaaera to work In Portland; good nioney. fall for Mr. Ki-nyon at Hotel Alton, between and 8. WANTED TO KENT. tlOUB I DESIRE to rent a 7 to 8-roorn fumlslie.l house, located In a derimblo rraldrnr ection: will take poaseaalon Jun 1; can riv rcferenco a to rcsponelhlllty. Ad ilres. C. W. J., car Hotel Multnomah. W Al STUD Furnished bungalow, by family of two, fr or tj rooma. Phona Eaat aMU. WANTEFy To rent 6-room houre. about 9i5. - minutoa w;k from L'nlon and Hurnrida. C boS. Oregonlan. Kouma. V ANTED Uedroom In refined quiet homo br gentleman who travela considerably ; references ex'-nangeq. ji o-a. urrsuumii. Rooma With Hoard GENTLEMAN, with child 8 yeara old. wlsbea board and room, where child can hav a lltti cat during th day. F b4. origo- tilan. GENTLEMAN wlil pay S10 or 112 a week far boat board and room, private family-. AJdrca with particular., fJS Imperial Hotel. 'L RNiSlaED housekeeping room, wanted In j. rival r-a on West Hide. Ktat prlo and location. T KVo, Oregonlan. ft't.'-T MIU for end cf month. 2 rooma. aull abi fur four gentleman, sing! beu. all convenlencea required. K f14. Oregonlan. FOR BENT. i'uroinlied Rooms. RAINIER HOTEL, Ona block from L'nlon Depot; 140 ootsitj rooms, with hot and cold water and teum h-at; offers special rate for permanent guests; ralea Croc to $- a day; ii.oa and up per aMi. Phon Main 11413. ARRANGED for be.t da patror.t; ona double, on single vacancy, .rival bath rooms' d. nlii -room In connection. W EA VtH rid and Washington 6ia VAN OORDER HOTEL, lom Twelfth rt. Marahall 2790. In heart of buslnc-a. district; steam heat, hot an.! cold water, free phon. la every roin. 11 day and up; I4 week arid up. HOTEL REN WICK An Ideal home for bus Ineia people; cntraliy locateu; elegant rooms; an modern conveniences; 7tn and 'Tay.or i-. 1 block from Portland, Hotel, oppoalt Helllg Theater. Phon Main Hid. . irtL GARLAND, cor. Wash, and Trinity place New corner brick, elegantly fur iilahed outald rooms, pnvare phones, run ning walsr, at a am halt. fJ.&O par week " ELTON COURT HOTEL. American and European; atnetly flrst cas; aulte with batn. aingla rootoa. 11th and lamnni aia. LIGHT, airy rooma. modern, autle. or sing!; team h-at; 111 and S3 week; 5 minute aii. to tucnter and stores; free phuna. LINDELL HOTEL 3l'S 4TH. AKM1N1LS HOTEL. 410S Morrhxm at opp. r Theater Nlcciy furnished roouia; 1112 LARRAHEb.. 2J.i, lrrabe t; mod ern, permanent and tranalent, I..5U up. cioae In. MADRAS HOTEL, llith and Washington. Room 11 a dy. 10 week; nothing ex tra for two In room; thoroughly modern. liOiEL NORKIS. 17lh and Alder ata Mod ern rooms, suitable 2 to 4 pcraon. Pri vate bathe Kates H UP HOTEL CONGRESS. Now open: handsomely furnished, modern convenience, two block f-om P. O. r'th and Mala. MODERN, furnished a housekeeping room, fre. phon and bath. SoO and up. 178 Ella at. Phone A 7ooU. EI.M PLACE. 414 Yamhill St.. cor. 11th: rooms jl.-iy per week up: hot and cold'ih..l or II li f in. la he.! Inri.iriin. light." heat, bath, 'rlrphon and lvalor .rTice. -H7 -'I. Tourn.-v bMg. ftt'O front tooms. with kitchen, modern con yenlencea J'hona A 72. ThITk INi. ai ! Je'feraon. nicely fumls'ied room, moil rate, cioa to bu.inca. cntr; zataa. lnoiudig bath. fS0 we, as. -1 . iz I t. w i. rien rtmjm.. I ihiuiui timi " - Now Opn. 112 Room Now Open HOTEL BVTtON. HOTEL CAPLES. seventh and Taylor ma Residential and Transient; absolutely centrnl; two minutes from Poslofare. slurbs, theaters and restaurants; Just oft business streets and carllncs; quietest and beat location; handttome brick, ample a'.enm heat, hot running water and phone In every roo.u. suites and hatha, elevator. Reputubie aod comforlal-l. From 7io daily, 14 wkiy. Any car from depot . NOW OPEN! NOW OPEN! NOW OPEN! Tl.oae tare beautifuliv lurniahed hotels HOTU HOTEL HOTEL. Ml.NOOiv PA1U-IJN, POWLANKS .lau, 4th-st. 2114 4th t. 2CIn 4th t. on Fourth at., running from Taylor to ba.mon t.; I.ran-l-new brick; elesantly furniaiied; steam heat, privat bat hi, hot and cold wat.r In ail rooms; strictly u to date In all respect, and at popular prlcea. If you wsnt aomelhlng out of the ordinary. In th heart of the city, at rea olia,hie prices, glv ua a call, aa w know you will like it. Room by the day, week or month. Tourlat trad ioiiclta-cL HOTS 1 BLACK BTON Cor. 11th and rJtark bta. New. modern brick blag.. lertly far Blahed; elevator, hot and cold water, steam heat. phone, all rooms: privat bat ha: :til. or cn suit; rates 1 day up; peclal monthly rate. . ANGELA HOTEL. C2ri WaaMnrton at., opposite Maltnoman Athletic Field New bnck building; a.l modern convenience.: well regulated raal dentlal and family hotel; apicndld a.-com -mouatlons for transienla; convenient to the buslnea center and tli r.nes are mod erale i plenty .team heat). Marshall l'.'S CORDOVA Hotel. 11th and Jefferson J. rand r.w brick; pleridiilly furniaiied: all rooms with telephone. t.-am heat, hot and coid water, many with balha; every effort I. made for the comfort and convenience or It. gueais; the rents are moat reason able; rooms by the week, month or day. 'J" car d t rect from d e pot. HOTEL FORD. 733 Washington, corner Lo-' cret.a .1. New brick building. Jut com pleted ; fine large outsldo room, with tele phone service, with or without privat Istlis; new and piendldly furnished: hot . and coid water, (team beat; beat of Tr ice; very rea.onaule rate. GRAND T nToN HOTEL, RSii", East Murnslde. Llv on the East Side and rav money on your room rent; we have 120 modern rooma. ep-clal prlc on room, and .ulte. wilh private lath: rates fxic to $2 per day. 2 to 17 per week East oP-10. B 13iS. FOSTER HOTEL. Darig nnd Third Sta. fXiO outmiia rooms, atc-am heat, hot and co'.d running water In every room, fre auto bus to and from all train. Lowest ratea in the city. Ak for our F;iecial low monthly rata. ALAMO HOTEL. 4!Vt Market si. near 14th. new brick. Tieaiitlf ully furnished room, single and in suites; tranalent solicited, private pliona and bath, .team heat, hot nnd cold water; J car. direct depot; aiao 13tn-t. car; every mo.lern comfort. HOTEL BATON. lr;l Eleventh Street. New modern brick building: team heated, private l.atns. hot and cold water In rooms; buutlfully furnished, cosy, com fortable; rent reasonable. Call and sa ua Regular and transient trad, aoliclted. CALUMET HOTEL, lid PARK ST. Special permanent rate, by the month. f.20 double. 15 single; ehower and tub bath free; phone in th room fre.; ele vnlnr and all modern convenience. HOTEL LA SALLE. 10th and Burnside t Absolutely fueproof: new and elegantly furnished rooms; private bath, aieam heat, hot and cold water, private phone In ench room; special rale by the month; phone eervics free. Phone Marshall 4D49. THE REX. 54SH WASHINGTON ST. Week Sll up. Transient f0c and up. Ar you getting room like our If not, Chang. All outslila rooms, hot and cold water In each room, steam beat and bath; also housekeeping, rooms. Anrnl.lied Rooms In private Family. J20 PER month, bright, newly furnished room, in modern apartment-house. West Side. lmiuJliiK steam heat, electric llent. froe. phone, fine porcelain bath. 494 Mar ket at., near 11th. LADY desiring companlonahln, ha very desirable room, suitable for lady or mar ried coupla in modern home; walking dl.- . i. .....I...., Phnn. L- a .1 lUlii. ALL new furniture, hot water, neat, private home, bath, phone, ten minute.' walk to pustoffico. 414 Market, cor. 11th. Rant i-i per week. W K LL-FURNISH ED room adjoining bath, kitchen prlvileiei-a. reasonable, after 4 P. M. 742 Gilaan St. NEWLY furnished room. private family, modern in every respect, Juat llko home; breakfast If desired; male, o-oj loinsi. liriTI.1 fornlaherl hedrnom inH alt ting-room sultubl for two; steam heat, batli. nice bom. SJ1 13th. Main 212i. Fl'RNloIiED frout room for rent: quite rtatonabl to Uualrablo man or woman. 309 Flandor at. 448 TAYLOR, near 12th.; very nent, coin fortab;e room for gentleman, reaaonabia, central. ELEGANTLY' furnished new today, lara-e front sunny room. In a swell privat home, closojn. Tl Trlnltjr Piacev. TWO large front room for 1 or 2: bath, heat; 4 blocks from Wash. Lt 3.2a a wck. llOa N. ltiih t. NICELY furnished room, modern conven lencea, centrally located, reasonable. 404 Clay, near lutii. COMPLETE attic room, ona or two. heat and bath, la par month. 149 lath, near Morrison t. ATTRACTIVE room, 19 month; aleeplng room, 2 bed, 4 month each. 2a Flan der. SPLENDID large outside rooma, lawn, rare viewpoint, heat, llghta. HO. 116, 20 per month, o 7 o Cuch. N. E. corner ldth, LARGE alcove front room, central, reason able; pliona, bath; prlata family. Mala 713. ELEGANTLY furnlahed room with adjoin ing pore; modern; Nub Hill. Marana 2-a. $2.2.' I'ER WEEK, including" bath, tc. men only, cione in. 2o ltth. NICE outside room In a new, up-to-dat house; 11.00 up to S4 a week, los 17th at. LARGE, well-f urnlshcd front room, ault 2; .mail r Kiln." v2. b.'o Washington. ONE or two furnished room, with sleeping porch; rcasor.abl rent. 4otx E. Ankeny. ltooMa tor gentlemen; modern. 70S Ever ett. Slo room for young man. fin location. Weat Park. Marshall 4213. SUNNY ruom. modern home; 312 one, 31ft two. 8 Park .1. AL b..27. SUNNY room. heat, electrlo light, phone, bath, rent very reasonable, baa Flanuora. ROOMS 203 14th. near Jefferson, walking distance. Phona Main S$jS. SMALL front room, all conveniences; gen tleman only; 2 a wee. 4io 7th st. LARGE, bright front room in excluslv home. ApPiy 2o 13ln"': LARGE, weil-furnlshcd room, suitabl for to. walking dls'ance. util Tenth t, TWO larg front aleplng rooms. 10d W. Park. NICELY furnlrhed wiilWtng diMance, front room for two; 327 West Park. LARGE, beautifully- furnished rooms, run ning water. Hio 1.7th sc FOR RENT Large well furnished room for gentle on. 212 Grant. Cnfnrnlahed Ruorol. FIFTH and Stark, heat, light and hot water. Ap p 1 y anl Columbia plug. Room Wlra Hoar. NOW OPEN FOR HUtSINESS. Newly nnd beautifully furnished. In suite of alngl room, steam heat and run ning water in all rooms; rooma light and airy: everything ideal and homellKe: dln-lnir-room In connection; honia cooking, also 4-room fiat, private bath, eta; Just the pine for an Ideal home for bachelor girls; laundry privilege. 413 Mill .t. OV:s a hum appeal to you 7 THE WHITE HALL, cor. 6th and Madison; large room. bth. broad veranda, quiet, closo In. near car, 4 blocks froioP. O. American pian. LAMUERSON, 654 Couch .t., cor. 17th ery desirable, clean room, with .learn heat and running water; good board; un location for teacher or business nin. THE Haxel dining-room reopened. tab! board, strictly first-class: aiao furnlehed rooms, ateam heat, running water; price moderate. 3S3 3d at., cor. Montgomery. PORTLAND WOMEN'S UNION: 23d year. Rooma with board, use of sowing-room, li brary. 31'l Flanders. P N. Heatn, aupt. Ma5TiTOU. 2fll J3TH ST. Attractive, clean rooms. steam good boatd. cioae in. rcaaonable. heat. DESIRAllLE room and board, ultabie for tvio; eveiythlng first clmw. S3 17th L N. Knom, Wllh Hoard, Tnl'ilvatei F'iruJy HO.HU and room. ii East Oak at. Eaat 63. FEBRUARY 22, 1012. US' LARGE, new house, atrlctly modern and newlv furnished, with Wst-class board: us. of piano and borne prvileaea, room, exceedingly large, suitable for 2 or more: lirlco reasonable; walking distance. Phon Ji -7-4J N1CELT furnished rooma and board; furnaco heal, hot and cold water, bath and tree phone; excellent table board; rates very rea&uuable; i minute from P. O. 8-1 W. Park. . FOR TWO, in line home; largo bright, sun ny front room; largo closet, good board, furnace beat, hot water, excellent location; IJO each. Tabor 37UU. PLEASANT, well-heated front room. ult abie for a with good board. In nrlvat family; u.'e of piano; on carllne and with in walking distance. East 6050 VERY pretty front room, with board, large enough for two people, nicely furnished, niouorn conveniences, reaauna.blw Main Sl'ht). PLEASANT front room for 2 people: fur- i nace heat; near Muitnoman Cluo. aiax j sl.all 4112. COSY room for one or two. congenial home, ! piano, choice board, excellent neighbor I hood. 761 Marshall. A 4020. ' 2c;VVLY furniaiied front room, suitable for two; board If desired; reasonable, .-.ear east end bteel bridge. 249 E. 2d at. N. CHILDREN to board and care for, a good home, block from schooL Tabor 317. NICELY furnished rooma, suitable for two gentlemen, with boa,rd: 195 10th at. TWO-ROOM .u.te, aiao alcova room; porchea, grounus; excellent board; Main 2171 21a l 11TH BT., near Jefferson, homo cook ing, a per week. Marshall 2ua3. FIKX-t'LA&S room and board, prlvaia fam- ti y. 645 i am hill at. LARGB pleasant room aultabl for 2; good board. Si FIRST-CLAfciS room and board, privat home, for 1 or 2. 16d N. 21st. Main 422d. I ROOM with board, 712 Flandera at. Phon Main lMTj 12.00 AND up weekly, de.lrabl room, de- alrable location, snort wai ooa aiu. Apart meuta. HIGHLAND COURT. 22d and Gllsan Street. Th finest apartment-houise In tha city. The best of appointments, furnishing and .ervii e; In tha heart of the best res idence district; a few 1-iuoin furnished apartment, with every modern coualort and convenience; modurata rental. Reference. THE WESTFAL, 410 OTH ST. Lowest rate. In Portland 123 up; nicely furnished and unfurnished 3 ana 4-room apartments, private bath and phone, auto niatlo elevator; Janitor service; brick building; easy walking distance A2vliti. ALAMO APX3 Beautifully lurnished and unfurnished apta; new brick buuuiug. bteam heat, pri vate phones and batns, disappearing beds, built-in bullet, gaa ranttca and linoleum. 4114 Market at., near 14th! THE LILLIAN, cor. b'th and Montgomery, a-room furuishod apt., private buth and phone, 2-ruom basement suit with bath, heat and llgnts. Situ, waikins disuuicu. Marahall 13. S. GRACE Apt.. 797 Northrup t., corner 24th fi large rooms, hardwood floors, lrout veranda, larg. aleeplng porch, pri vate telephone, waler, heat and hot wa ter; new and strictly modern. JULIANA APIS., 43 Trinity Place Very modern, new 3 and 4-room apartments; fine location on wosliingtou ; new furni ture, now brick; price lor apartment, 323 up. WINSTON Apartments, 841 14th at,, at Market; new corner brick; all bright, out side rooms, 2 aud a-ruoni suites com pletely furnished for housekeeping 1 $23 to For information tail Main 1 1 39. CLA1 POOLE APARTMENTS, 11th and Clay, new brlca. 3 rooms wuh balcony; 2 wail Ccus; private batns; superb location; reasonable rent; best of service; every convenience. " ORDLETdH APT SI Grand ave., cur. E. stark at., nicely lurnished 2 and 3 -room apt., cheapest first-cias. apt, in mo city; walking dia tauce. Pnone E. 100. THol -SHEFFIELD, 7 th and Jefferson IA. ti room witn half, furnished or unfur nished. location. Cioa. to down town ulstriet. All outside room, bast ui service, luouern; reaauuaole rent, " THE AM E R I CAN. Most up-to-uale- upariuient in North west; 21at aud Johnson sua.; all outside rooma. Apply ou piemisca, or call Mar- nail o3oo. KINO HILL APARTMENTS, 171 King Su 4, tk 6-room apaiiuiviitai .elect tenancy. Apply on premise. . HA.NTUoRN APARTMENTS. 231 LiC-h .u. lcar Main. Cioa. in location. Elegaat 3 loom apartment with Usui and privat baicuuy, aa. Every cuuveniouua, good service. LINCOLN Al'TS.. COR, 4TH AND LINCOLN All outsid. 2-roum apartments; iaoinie beu. built-in writing Ueaa., vacuum clean er, janitor aervice. .2.ol to xoU( inciuuiiig liglita, private phone. A 3a ,2. Main 13 li. CECILIA APARTMENTS, 22d nd Gilsan sta., uest of service; desirable location, wnu unexcelled car service; aiao easy waik tig dilance; 3-room apt., witn bain, modern conveuiencea. very rea aunan.a rent. THE LUZERNE. Just completed; corner 3d and Hall; all 2-room furniaiied upts., large outside kitchens, besl arranged apt., in Portland, una up. Eusy wa.Klng distance. FIFTH AND COLLEGE. 4-room apurlmeut, u. worth 160; ai.o S-room apunuieui, bom hueiy furniahed. every modern convenience. Til. Aita moiit. THE ARCADIA. 2 and 3-roum lnoueiu auca., nicely fur nllsh.d. rent reaaoiiaoie; aiso 1 ou id b . ee-o i ii g pool- i w . tjuL'lilAN Furnished aud uufurnished Mparimenis, llLh ur.d Columbia; very tie a.raoie; modvia conveniences; easy walk. - PARK APARTMENTS, 333 Harrison; beau tiful a ana 4-ruoui luruisueu apaxtmeul; walking aialance, best of service; xiriue. A44J to 3oO. Phone Marshall ot70. THE M' KIN LEY, 429 Eaat Morrison, corner 7th 2, 8 and 4-room apartments, futmsned up to date; private baths; mouerate priu.; new m gt- Ci-Al POOLE ANNEX, 323 Eleventh t twa rooin iurniflhcd apartment, privat. bald, ail conveniences, good service; waiaiiia a Jlabce. -sow under new management. ONE inudern 6-rwilu nparluiint, nica ilgnt rooms, with ga range, relr.gerutor aud ll.e telulnuue. ilia Oilllollue, bob J;' .adder i Noo Hill. Pnon Main b2ol. THE PAGE APARTMENTS. Moderu. turnisn.u anu uuiurnlshed. 3 rouu. a. private puoue, bath, etc., cos. In. L. Dtn aud xurus:ue. Main 4100; a a3i. T11e" WINDSOR APT3. Steam heat, pri vate bath and pnone. beautiful porcnea, w a. king diaiance, home like and reason able reiiu. Cor. E. latb. aud xamhili. THE ONEONTA, 1S7 17th New manago ment ri-.iiouelcd aud tiiuc-'i. 1, 2, and 3 room suites. lu. 2'i, 3U; steam heat, easy waiKing uistaiice. iiaia IQJi or A 4.3'. THE MEREDITH. Completely ana riciny refurnished In 8 aud 4-ruotn apariineaia; reference required. 712 Wash, at- New management. VHE CHELTENHAM. 2-room lurnlaued apartment; privat bath and puuue. 233 N. It'iu- Marana.l UoS. THE MAHR APT. fnder new mauagemeut. nicely fur- nialied and un.ui liai.4 Suartment. 2U28. 4-rooni oTr-NfaRCO Apartment. E. Sth and Couch a rooms, private batlt new one, ' rates reasonablu. Call E. 2 73L and puuue "aRR1SON COURT. 3.4 6th, -room apt., UA" i .j .l.eaucat rent In city. M. Ol4. A. lv 1-i-tE LANDORE. 2ss 10th ec, a large, light. well-turnisud apartment and room It- all COnenic'UCea. T.TwTvt furnished apartmont; rent paid TTTiTl Aunl L 35). Call apartment 6, 30 Grand ave. TjJrPARTMENT9. Third and Mill; 4 and a eooms. uufurnished. steam he.-, hot and co.d water. 132 . Ci.-i.-i Y furnished. S room and bath, apart m lit. cnvuit phone: no children allowed. fa 1 1 East 27 UU 1 orparticuiars; rp-:.-T g.rooro furnished apt., with private k.fh balcony and phone, reasonable rent, CeuarHill Apt. Marshall 3131, A 7523. iniAlNTUEE Elegant 5-room apartment, viea't Side, walking distance; rent reoaon .m'. 2i 12th I- P" Main 7741. BERYL APARTMENTS. urnlshed and unfurnisned apartment 93 Lovejoy U Tak "W car. th- NORTHAMPTON. 407 Hall t. Main 42HM. Newly furnished 2 and 3 room; walkingdiBtance. THE Majestic. 4-room apt.., newly furnished, private phor.e. close in. 390 Clay st. TJt; M 2 and 3-room apts.. furnishedU h iat, phono ottil bath. 131 14th t. TI1E DAYTON Nice 4-room lower apt baat, water, aw-s 2, $6 Flandera gt. STELWTM APARTMENTS. BT. CLAIR AND WASHINOTOM STS. .1. 4 AND 6-ROOM APARTMENTS. FTRN1SHED AND U N FVR N 1SH ED, NOW READY FOR OCCUPANCY. IV ELEGANCE OF APPOINTMENTS. FURNISHINGS AND SERVICE UN EOCA1.ED IN THE NORTHWEST. EVERT APARTMENT HAS SLEEPING PORCH. HARDWOOD FLOORS. TIT-ED BATHROOMS. LARGE CLOSETS. MIR RORED POORS. LARGE BEAUTIFULLY APPOINTED ROOM FOR THE USE OF TENANTS FOR ENTERTAINING. A FEW BACHELOR ROOMS WITH BATH. SINGLE OR EN SUITE. REFERENCES REQUIRED. EMMA K. WUNDER, MANAGER, THE HEELDON, Cor. Park and Taylor ata. THE WHEELDON ANNEX.. Cor. Tenth and Salmon sis. Walking Distance. Furnished complete, 2. 3 and 4-room apartments: building new and atrlctly modern; aervice nrst-ulas. THE BARKER, cor. 21st and Irving tal this new 4-story brick now- open; fur nished and unfurnished In 2. 3 and 4-room uites: reception lialL electric, autorna.lo elevator. Holmes disappearing beds, oulit ln buffet and writing oesk. gaa range, ice box, plenty of closet room, both phones, vacuum cleaner free to patrons. If you want something nice, come to the Barker. Phone. A 1744, Marshall 2901. TRINITY PLACE APARTMENTS, brick and .tone palace of luxurious homes. Trinity ,'lace, between 19th and 20th streets, Just off Washington; magnificent exclusive apartments. In heart of apartment-hous district; rentals reasonable; every modern convenience; sleeping porches, high-class service; refined clientele; reference, re quired In all cases. Mrs. A. N. Wright. supt. Phone Marshall 1101. THE VILLA ST. CLARA. 12th and Taylor. Just completed, most magnificently fur nished apartments in the Northwest; loca tion perfect: rental reasonable; every modern convenience. Including banquet hall and roof garden: both phones In all apartments; hish-class service; reference. required Main 227d and A 7057. HEINZ APARTMENTS 14th and Colum bia, 4 blocks south from Morrison t. ; new brick builtiing. completely rir.t-clas. furnished In 2, 3 and 4-room family apart ments; private bath steam heat, hot wa ter, elevator, free phone, vacuum cleaner. Janitor service; rent per month, $2o. $30, 340 and up; must be seen to ba appre ciated. FORDHAM APARTMENTS.' 170 Ford St., Just south of Washington; most complete, highest claSs apartment, ever built in Portland; finished through out in hardwood; tiled baths, superb fix tures; elegant wall coverings; each with private baicony; highest class service; very reasonable rents; 4 aud 6-room apartments; must conveniently arranged. THE CAMAR. "04 Lovejoy St. Under new management, new, modern brick, 2. 3 and 4-room apartment, fur nished or unfurnished; we wlil rent you apartment 25 per cent cheaper than any place in the city; gooa jaunor eervic. Give us a call and ba convinceu, m. -shall 2'.i23. WOLFE APARTMENTS. Mill MARKET STREET. Newly furnished apartments of two, three and four rooms, renting from $22.30 to $40; also single rooms from $3 up; free telephones in every apartment, elec tric elevator, steam heat, hot and cold water. Call personally or phone Marshall 8397. THE BUENA VISTA. Corner 12th and Harrison. 'New brick, latest Improvements; fur nished and unfurnished 2, 3 and 3-room apartmeiila; best service; reasonable rates reference; both phones. NEWLY FURNISHED NOW READY. The Upshur, 2itli and Upshur sts.. fur nished 2-room uut.. A20: also $2.'0: 3- room apt.. $27.30 to 30. This Includes .team heat, not water, pruai pnuuea. bath, electrio lights, gas range, laundry room, all free. Take S. 23d or W car r.ortn. No dog. allowed. L11C11ETIA COURT, unfurnished. a class bv themselves: sea them: Lucretia su, near 23d und Wash., 2 to 3 rooms, all ' lartte. licht and outside: large closets and baths: hardwood floors, free phones lu each apt- Phon prop, and ingr., atar- eriall loy. janitor. arsnaii aoou. THE DE.ENDoKF. 2(.s ltiih. Near Taylor. On exceptionally nice 3-room unfur nished apartment, top floor, front; one nice 4-room unfurnished apartment, sec ond floor, front. Apply on premise for reservations. KJJELER APARTMENTS, 14fif and Clay streets. Enlendid location, sulid brick building. electric elevator; wo have unfurnished 8 and 4-room suites, with private vesti bules, phones, bath, etc. ORLANDO APTS. 2oth and Wash, st two and three-room furnished apts.; every convenience; very large rooms; ateam heat and private baths and phones; auto matic elevator; easy walking distance; ref erences required. Marsnail ibi. GRAND EST A furnlsned apartments. Grand ave, and East Slark; new brick building. 3 rooms spiendiuiy furnished, with pri vate oath. $27. ou: electric elevator, mod ern conveniences; ciose-in location; easy walking distance; uest ot lervice. bT. FRANCIS APARTMENTS, 21st and llovt: 4 rooms and baUi. private balcony; new brick bull-ling. electric elevator, bU perb location. In walking distance; most convenient arrangement, luw rent and neat of service. - JUL1AETTE Furnished and unfurnished 2 rooms, corner 2d and Montgomery. lluta. WEST SIDE flat, six rooms, modern, ateam heated, unturnisl.ed; nice location; $43. App.y on 307 lith su, near Col- Utuoia. a-ouiseu. TWO lower 3-room furnished flats, nice back yaru, rent iia anu ; hunt, phone car to 21al st. CLOSE In on East Burnside. near East bth C. live-room upper iiui, uui o. WILDER DUOS., Commonwoaith b ag.. Sixth and Ankeny. vnw bf.xt Modern lower flat, 234 North 2.'ilh. near Nurturup; 5 rooms and maids room, furnace, hrepiace, naruwoou iioois, udulis; references. Apply b75 Nortnrup. LARGE 6-room modern fiat for rent and furniture lor saie; centxaaiy locateu. ass 12th. near laylor. MODKN 7 -room Hat. West Side, 773 i Johnson t., between 23d and 24tn. Phou .Vuilt ool'l. Foiv RENT Modern 7-room flat, 444 Park bu: fireplace and furnace, $.17.30; no cnii areu. i-lioiio Tabor 703 or East 1-.31. MODERN six-rooin u;jpcr flat, 14 blocks West aide Hish School. Inquire 175 lulu st., cor. lainnnl. FOR RENT March I Nice modern 5-room upper fiat, 000 E. Alder st. Inquire BUS layur st. Main 03o3. LOWER flat. $23; 0 rooms; OOu Hoyt at, ....... ... -v..!a.-.ii innltor. St. Francis AnaxL- ments. 21st and Hoyt sts. ArAHTMENT Five-room flats, modern con veniences. Opposite New Multnomah Club. 5v2 toalmon. 6TEAM-HEATED 6-room Hat. flrat-class condition, good location, closo In, West Side. 364 Couth. UPPER flat, 6-room. with additional fin ished room lu attic; motiern; iarge. ilgnt w.' HilnlLs. tio4 E. Main. cor. 1Mb. UP-TO-DATE Bat, C rooms, $1S00. Tabor 1IU9, uc-o. c - ELEGANT flat In lino neighborhood. In- ..... cro Unnrnev. KTEAM-heated 5-room flat; ail modern. i. .I-..,. Baas. UPPER 6-room flat. 6:i9 Gllsan st. Call mornings oi puoou " aj jo- 6-ROOM flat, good location, strictly modern. E. llh and Ash.B 2UO0. TWO C-room flats, b23 Northrup and 693 G 1 Isan tt. phone Main 3225. MuDEKN 5-ioom flut. ota near Jackaon, West fririe. 10 min. waik. Mam or A lj. FOR KENT East lower flat. No. 4u3 Yam hill st.. between loth nd 11th. MODERN 8-room lower fiat, walking 11- $10- 300 Chapman. " House eeping Rooms. THE M1LNER, 3504 Morrison Furnished or unfurnished housekeeping-rooms; steam heat, elevator, all conveniences, Dest locat'n. HOUSEKEEPING rooms for llsht house keeping, with cook stoves, $l.i0 up per week. 291 2d su ONE front room, furnished for housekeeping, aciit, wnsnltiRton St. LARGE modern front suite, first floor, gas range, sink, porch, yard, fi. 412 loth st. HOUSEKEEPING-ROOMS in new concrot bulldin. Phona WovdJawn 2379 ox 2U97a NEWLY FURNISHED. NOW READY. The Upshur. 2tnh and Upshur tts., fur nished 2-room apt. $20. also $22.50; 3 room apt.. $27.30 to $o0. This includes steam neat, not water, private phones, bath, electric lights, gas range, laundry room, all free. Take S. 23d or W car. north. No do? allowed. THE BEAVER. 12tli and Marshall Fur nished for housekeeping; Kas ranse, elec trlo lights, hot water, bath, laundry, free; $13 per month up; a clean place, best In the city for tha money; short distance from Union Depot. Take "S" or ltith-st. cars north, get off at Marshall at. No dogs. 2 NEWLY .furnished, large front rooms, completely furnished lor housekeeping; strictly clean, modern conveniences, walk ing distance West side. Price very rea sonanie. oll Columma st! NEW and elegantly furnished housekeeping suites of one. two and three rooms; Ax minster carpets, brills bcils, steam heat; $10.50 to $30, Including eiectnc lights. The Helene, 250 N. 19th St. Marshall 217s. $1.5o To $2.50 i'r week clean furnished housekeeping-rooms: free heat, phone, bath, laundry, yard. 4oo Vancouver ave. and 203 Stanton; "V" car. Pnone E. 6t'31. UNFURNISHED 'housekeeping rooms In suites of two, $1 per week each, gas plates furnished. Xieirnont Apartments. 4oOVs Beimont st. THREE modern housekeeping rooms. $lu; light, water, furnished. 9S5 y Albina ave., L car. LIGHT housekeeping rooms, furnished and unfurnished; $2.50 per week and up. Cor. 19lh and Davis. 63 N. ISth. phone A 13S9. NEW" YORK. 7th and Belmont 2 and 3 room furnished apartments, new brick building, steam heated, walking distance. Housekeeping Room In Private Family TWO r.owty finished, well furnished, light, clean, modern, front housekeeping rooms, free heat, electno lights, phone, water and porcelain balh, walking distance, on Llock to 3 carlines. 4 43 Rodney ave., cor ner Tillamook st. Phone E. 3221. LIVING-ROOM, bedroom, kitchen, new fur niture. Axmlnster carpets, linoleum, pri vate lavatory, clean, light; two block. SS car. J 20. 182 E. 23d, corner Yamhill. East 4S31. SUITE of newly furnished housekeeping rooms, gas, electric and phono free; Dutch kitchen, private bath, $20. 300 Chap man. 3 NICELY furnished housekeeping rooms, walking distance, Williams and Union ave cars; light and bath Included; $17 month. 350 Ivy .t. TWO housekeeping rooms, opposite Falling School; very cheap. 721 First. Phono Main P0.-.3. NEvtLY furnished 3 connecting housekeep ing rooms, light, bath arid phone, $20. 370 12th. ONE or two clean furnished housekeeping rooms, gas, electricity, water, sink, laun dry. 2 Grand ave. S. E. corner Ankeny. THREE furnished housekeeping rooms, light, phone, bath, furnace heat; laundry privi leges. 607 East Yamhill. $6 per week. FRONT suite, handsomely furnished: run ning water, furnace, gaa range; $0. llo N. 23d; CLEAN, close-In. connecting suite of two furnished rooms, with kitchenette, to de sirable people 431 Taylor. 2 OR 3 newly furnlsned rooms for light housekeeping: light, waler and gas free: near east end Steel brliige. 249 E. 2d t. N. FRONT room In clean, new flat, also house keeping rooms reasonable; everything fur nislied. 23 u, East 12th. flat B. TWO large, finely furnfshed front room. 1st floor, all conveniences; prlco reasonable. Main S643. 86S 12th; ONE pleasant suite of 2 rooms, furnished, light included. Inquire Bullivant a Gro cery, 13th and Jefferson. LARGE, well furnished 2-room suite, gas raiiKO. bath, phone, etc; $22.30 per month. 312 Columbia Bt.. near 0th. VERY pleasant housekeeping-rooms; nicely furnished; lights, gas and phono. 104 East ISth si. Phone East 232: PLEASANT light room with closet, uttabl for 2 gentlemen; good bed; In new mod ern flat; walking distance. 682 H Everett. TWO-ROOM housekeeping suite, also ona single housekeeping room, rent reasonable. 434 7th st. . FURNISHED housekeeping rooms; walking distance. 309 Jackson, between 0th and 6th st. THREE newly furnished housekeeping rooms, will sell furniture; pay like rent. 3S0 E. 1st tt. North, corner Schuyler. FIRST-CLASS single large front rooms, rare viewpoint; W car from Union Depot; $lo to $20 per month or by week. 373 Couch. THREE nicely furnished housekeeping rooms, very reasonable. 781 Kearney. NEWLY furnished housekeeping rooms. 63 N. 20 th. , FURNISHED housekeeping rooms, close in. very cheap rent. 370 Va E. Morrison. GENERAL reduction in single rooms and apartments 735 Everett. Call and see. ATTRACTIVE parlor; nice small rooms, 2 beds. $4 month each. 628 Flanders. 1, 2 AiNoT-room housekeeping suites, mod ern. 40 Ella at. Marshall 2621. HOUSEKEEPING rooms, suite, 2 or 3. 504 yj WasnlnKton st. FURNISHED housekeeping rooms. 429 Mar ket, near 11th st. ; all conveniences. DESIRABLE suite on first floor; also attlo rooms, lial 14trn 3" FURNISHED housekeeping rooms. No. 2 Grand ave. N. Phone East 4398. NICELY furnished housekeeping rooms. 6T N. 14th St., Davis to Everett st. HOUSEKEEPING rooms, light and pleas ant, 2 or 3; with piano. 664 Taylor .t. TWO nice mpdern housekeeping room., close, cheap rent. 615 Mllwnukia ave. NICELY furnished housekeeping and sleep ing rooma; plenty of sunlight, lio 1 1 th. HOUSEKEEPING, large, light, clean room, 2..i0 anil up. 495 Davis, corner 14th. TWO clean furniahed housekeeping rooma. o47 Morrison. CHEAP HOUSEKEEPING. 390 Front St. NOTHING expensive, but neat, clean house keep lnJ't32N. NICELY furnished housekeeping rooms, che.ip: modern. 321 Main St., cor. 6lh. TWO pleasant housekeeping suites, also single room, furnace heat, water, 421 7th. COZILY furnished suite of housekeeping rooms. C 131. 443 E. 13th s'- N. 3 FURNISHED housekeeping-rooms. $3 per week; bath. 621 East 11th st. South. 1 CLE V lif-Tit, furnished housekeeping rooms, gas. yard, $14 month. 692 Front. Houses. THE GREATER MEIER 1 FRANK STOR8 RENTAL AND INFORMATION BUREAU. Home hunters, visit our up-to-date ren tal and information department. 4th floor, main building, and see the vacancies w have listed of desirable houses and flats. You'll save time in getting properly and comfortably located. We keep in touch with all vacant honses. flats and apart ments in the city. We also keep a list of new bulIJings In course of construction. The combined lists of all real estate deal ers This Information is absolutely free. 'WHEN YOU WANT TO RENT A HOUSE SEE US." THE MEIER & FRANK COMPANY. FOR RENT New six-room modern cottaga on Mount Scott carllne. 15 minutes out, two olocks from station; cheap rent and long leate to fight parties. Address owner, K. N. Staehr. Forest Grove. Or. MODERN 6-room bungalow, 884 E. 5th St., near S. P. car shops; rent ill; 6-room house, across street, $20. E. A. MGRATH, 331 Chamber of Commerce. FINE largo 0-room unfurnished house, half block from carllne. $S0. CHAPIN & HEftr.OW, 332 Chamber of Commerce. 4-ROOM house, bath, hot and cold water, electric lights. 995 Clinton st. ; $16. Woern dle. 10-11-12 Mulkey bldg, 2d and Morri son Bt, FOR RENT -An S-room house. 2 blocks east of Union, on Prescott St.; large yard. li'Oxlon, $25 a month rent, Phoue Wood lawn 3229 or C 212!). HOUSES and flats for rent. rC . llli'UJ.u "., MarehaIl45rT. 407 Spalding Bldg. 6-ROOM house, bath, hot and cold water, electric lights. J 20. Woerr.dle. 10-U-12 Muikey bldg.. 2d and Morrison sts. MOOERN 4-room bungalow, either fur nished or unfurnished ; 0-room house In pood location.50.'i Venn blug. Main 8770. RENT 7-room strietly mocem house 'n block Aibertn car. rvey at 110. ao-i 10th st. N- -'0. j-Y;qtoN 6-room bungalow, yard, $36. East 43S4. Main SCa3. $22.50- 7-ROOM lious.i; furnace, porcelain plumbing. ga. eieccnc cen.,000 o.,i DEc-RiAULE 6-room house, 3S0 San Rafao!, near Union ave., $25; close in. East 10.S5. 6-ROOM cottage, rent $10 month. Call 8S1 Thurman bt. FOR KENT Cottage, 5e3 Glisan. near 17th. West Mue, oey at .-o nun 01. .miiui. FOR REN.T S-roora house. West Side. Nob Hill. .Main 4JJi. 8-ROOM house in good condition. Inquire r.r.8 3d st. MODERN 6-room house to responsible par ties only. Inquira 2Z E. Stark; rent $19.