15 4 K BLOCK Tenth street, south of Morrison laeincr south anJ east; swell i tk.n for hi?h-class apartment i I . r j I loca- s or or- iarni.y coiei. nave o qjjs tion on this property for $30 $10,000 cash. ,000, DIETZ-MUELLER CO. 316 Abington Building: factory Site E. Eleventh and E. Flinders. PRICE 57500 100x100. situated at the eorner of E. 11th and East Flanders streets. CAN ARRANGE TERMS Mall & Von Borstel 101 Second Street. 4-0 ACRES $SGO W are subdividing: our landa Into 41-scre farms r,lnif at O0J ror ra..-n forty. Southern I'ariflc Natron exten Hon mm ihromi th land. No fortjr mora than fl miles from tne ranroaa Kwmbrr, these land have an aver- vat of 14 Inrha annual precipitation Vv art plattlnr the town-ltee on lira Natron Mtamiion. and will Klv freie to each of the first 100 farm purchasers four lota. one- In each of four loans, as prlxes In tha great movement "back to the land. Ill TKR I. AMI ro, le.oMlna: Bldg. iiiiiih. r: I lull"ll, PySUS ACCDL.,FA1.TS, AUDITORS, CM Wrtlrr , I'kas Mala aula) RKIL mtT DP! LFM, liRliUKiK BENEDICT. BUS MC Beck", 'wi.'llam O, IIM14 Falling bids. Chapto a Merlow. S.S2 Charuber Commtn C-x. B. 8. Co.. 60s. CortM.ii bide. FA ! M e 3-JONE3 CO. U. P, 4u4-xi-40s Wllc-os bid. T Oregon Leal Fasts Co, Grind tn SI nr.KV rTtTr. f or sle COVtE to LAureihurst office, (vth and East (iiaaa sta Take rsr al Id and Warnwa maraed ' WoatiTUJl or tdturs.nursi. Sl la (Jisa Bated oo each lot If yets bur before March IX Corns vat and :t n: sp.aia bow we pel you in yoar ova home Xor seou, Te.epnone ua saw. log C 2.' JA. DLlJlHrXTT CLEMENTS. CHOirE building lots. TO mlnotea from t 'ourt rious. oa 6-cent ear fare, good wa ter piped to tbs lota They rs high snd sghtiy aad every lot ts exceptional value. Clot to car station. For a sn-rt time I offer lota at U aad up for l-i oown and (10 par moots, owner. 414 opaid.cg biua COHNER tlz for ; hlsh aad sightly. IS per cant down, easy mouihly paynienla. I block from Ross City lark ear. choice for modsrats prtcod borne; aiao (-room modern boaaalow. la same block, for eoiy $2201 easy terms: a great Bargain. Pee Ja l. Lotaa. Fll ripalduis; blUg. BEAUT I FT.' I. Ttw rot oo eouthsra slope. ner Council Crest. $4.10 aad bp. Iaclldlnc csoaeat stOewalss. curba, arraued atrssts and water; hul.iHnp; reatrictluna; std oa . easy terms. r"roUent Trail Com pan y. 201. VX. Su Board of Trade. Marab.aU :. A 10ii MOUNT TAHOR. Two of the 0n1 slew lots ao the weet sIodo. tba nick of tbs location nvs years ao. 6')il.'j sach. 1H blocks from H'l inoot car.ie. lmprovad street, raa, sew. sr. etc. 1.1 la. Uood terms. Owner. 611 Gerllassr btdj. PORTX-AJJD WKIOHTS Beautiful less! site; cbolce aaishborbood; walking dls tancs; grand sweeping, absolutely oaob structab.e stew of whole city, rivers -nd araciaiu; teuOu: tarma AT HX Ore g uniao, 110 DOWN 1 FKU MONTH. Fins slew lot. matured fruit trees, re stricted district, near car; cement walk and curb; llull Kuo water. i'rovlda&t Trust Crnpany. I'M. HI. Hoard of Trails. Marshall 47. A ln-2 b ARQAIN 64 alO". 1 par cent down. 1 per per cent per month; remnt walks, ate paid: tbs finest lot la (veils Crest; s b.ock to car; fine homes a.1 around, prtcs iro. discount for cash, ess owoer, blS Dpaidlng bitlg. PVAP! ROSE CITT PARK. fVlOt This lot la worth tlv'O. Otn-f mnat sell at one. Location good, on sdth u lwv fset north of dsndv rosd. tli&a.) MAP.TMA.V A THOMPSON-, Cnsmber rf f i'mir.fr. f lJoO ROSS ERE I1J0O. BesloO Comer. 4M1U0. Inslds. Nar carllne; S cash. JOHN 1- K.VKNC'PP. Ky. Exch Bldg. SNAP APARTMENT SITE. SAxlou fest oo W. Psrk street, oear Hail: 7-room frame house, ranted at 1-3 per month; prt-e $1S.'U. IflUtUSD TUSINtSa EXCHANGE. 7"tt-H Kothchlld bldg. MarsbaU Bahrain, itvx 'improveme.nts paid. fp.endld Rosa City Para. lot. taat 47th betaern S klyou and ytsatun. Carllne S blocks. Heauroont rhard-suxfacsd). 2 M-Hkl H S.tS Qregonls pouti.anT iTcir.HTS. $TS4 tiMsli- with a msnllloent slew, el'je to the car Una Xot&ing to equal It at thla price. ITKON'3 A Co. flno), ofd Concord B'dr. CHOICE VIEW UjT. WT. TAPOll. Flnu east front lot. fts,9J. worth tl?d, but al l o-!l for 11100. Owner. L bl. Oregonlsn. fOHTLAM) HE1.-.HT8 EXCLUSIVELY. ilvsatirut homes and aomcattcs. all slews tovaxlona and prices; caa sutt yea. Mala (Ml. BKOOKK. A Aaja. BEAUTITTX bulldlr.g slta close lo. ca H.lchls west of City Park. All Improre menia. ooe Mock of car. Thlna of It! lit. A 1TS. FOH SALT Four lota, commanding n good near; 1xl0f sach: price I " J . csh. M. IX ri.-bwarta pril Chaiubsr of Commerce. Phone Mala IsJA ROSS MERE 4010O, 431 ,t.. I.Vf f-t from fejKty road; -v. I ;ja cash. bL easy psrmenta Boa k91 Hii.abora. Pbooa City li J LOTS. IRTNOTO.V PARK. (7B. t?3 Inya. Ilu BoO'hly. 1 b:ock from car. fine trees; no sbacka Fred w. clsr man. - B um 1 da M . or A 1T7. H. N. SWANK. 3'' Abtnrtea bldg.. S lota (Jd St.. bet. Heaumont snd lrrtngloa: : ": must haee ( cash, " H NC( K-bT. LOT What la It worth to youf A K 814. O-e-gowlaa. IRVINOTON lot. ImproTements paid. snap, terma Stoeer Aueslaaer. (14 Couca bl'J io DOWN. tt a moo:h: 9ils) lota, re stricted district: L'nprosameots la. 1M 4'X feua b:d g. AT TOUR OWN PRICE. Lot la Roaamero. ftOzlOO. if S14. Ors gonlaa. StARGAIN Lot facing seat. hlsh. sightly. naer doe homes. East IWd an.1 Alameda. tib Teon t'tlc !in 11-. A 7d. LAI H r.LH1. HT choice iot. Large equity d:countd betow ordinal price tr cash. C !.!. Oregonisn. ' LAIKKLH I lST r.NAP. One lot. en y t. If so. J immediately. (rtl Wl!'t b.dg. LAUREl-HURST eouity la four iota Prica (:s. Te.. U 1077. BF.ALMONT lot. (ISO below market: terms or cash t T snu'.tr- D Cregonlsn. BeTT'TIFUL Weal Pide Heights homasllss, -0 to (.'S.f'X Msde. A 2740. HEIC.HTS LOT. nar City Park. lllvul y terma Ma le. Phons A 2740. WIIL SACRirir-B lo .qty in T0 iangaiuwJor():srma lln saaj. lut'ITT In Laurelhurst lot. Phoas Wood-e-a I--' or C 21 mornlaia (OxSO lot East Boyt. 1V fest frooa car. cheap for cask. U S-A RI-AI FST4TB I TO EXCHANGE- a FOR SAMS. . ., I CSTATIi. I FKAI. ESTATE. ! I REAL ESTATE 1 7T7K. I Automobile I .... I - II III WHT la Walnut Park building so tn any Tf beet. Is (Ituated 00 the highest tiT has or ma t'eninau.a. hi.o ' " t the Isr.eat high school en tis Cosst. ... . . . ...... K 1, 1 ,1 1 r to ao.vv'v v wn.. , , .. . , . , - v - completed this Bur.ra.r In front of hlca aroooi. on e.i.n.issaorih its; Las six siresusr lines. th KKE V.f. ATIOIT THIS. X have wlthiiut question ins Baest acre 00 ready bouievaru. wusre an imkv---ments. such as water, graded strseta, sidoastka lights, phone, etc.. are lo and pai'l lor; toil otaca imih, " prices and terms en this are right sua u desired I tan srrsngn to ouliu r r you on the same sttract.ve terma Make so appo.ntmrnt with me ar.d let me show t, j tne best irop.l' too you ever hail rfrTe4 rrva. AN fc't. tlr'-:oalo! CCZT BUNGALOW. L- I.' 1 V K A V T K K .V . Brand new. s-rooro, modern, cement bsaement, tile flulan In bathroom and kitchen. buffet. bullt-ln conveniences. it.t. t im'w rinlehed. large porchea double floor. 1 block to Rose City Park car. large view lot. fine for garden and chickens: IJxO raa'i required, bai. monthly; lol adjoining If desired. See owner Hi riiald.ng blUf. Marsha. I 27'i. A If ToU can pay ;eio cash and 40 per month, whlrh will Include Interest. I wl.l finance the budding of your home on any int A m :F.-t in Laurelhurst. If you want to huy or bu.:d a house on these easy terma cms In and t!k It over. This Is vour rhsnes te stop psvlng rsnt. BURl-INIiAMS ft AL1.I3U.1, Corbetl Bldg. Main 15"A !?'.? Tivnr wnan irnr(ic RARGAIN. I 'have a. 11H2JJ feat, ail peered land. an handy road, price Includes cement si.1ewa.ka eiectrlc lights sod water; asout 6 blocks to the car and 7 Ho car- -tmk la In a. ranlilTT Srowlng dlptrlet and oa one of the leading t hor.mghfsres te the city: price ts ;, oown u belancs monthly. AC d-d. oregonlsn. A S-IVP T T-T T nTMl LOT. (calOS, en East Yamblll. heiween 2stH and ith. surrounded by fins homes, block to best cariir.s In the city, only ID nwnutes- waik t- sal Slue, price )') cash, balance par csat; worth nrti-sitl a PDLDS 114 Board of Trade Bidg.. 4th snd Oak. tJUARTKH block, good location, tins apart ment site. rrice rignu isrms al Two ene residence sites out ML Tabor way. Wall located. Convenient to ear- He ea. I. o. rAVireov. (tl Chamber of Commerce. A CHOICE LOT. 180 ft. from Hawtuorns eve., elose In. hrn and slxntly. Improved streeta sewer, s d-wslks s:l In. for only (J-w. on tsrma Improvements Inc uded In tills price. Lot faces city, beautiful rlew. Mr. Davlas. CslAPlN A HF.KLOW. JSI-rvj Chamber of Commerce. For Sale -llooe MR. WAOK-EARNER. All our little homes sold but fire: yon better gel In on this. New and com fort -al'ie. aatsr P'Pd Into house: lot 42g 1'2. four block, from bt. Johns ear. 1 b'ocks from Kenton car. Pries 171V. (-3 down. (10 per montb. Call for C. O. Reagan, CrtAPIN A HERLOW. (.t-3H I'hamber or commerce. 1 1O00 LAURELHURST HOME 104. New. strictly modern (-room house, fur nace. flreDlsoe. hardwood floors. 4 bed' rooms and sleeping porch snd all other latest ouuveoleacea. lot buxivu. street im- rrovoments In and paid, price (6OO0; ISvA cash and (ie per month, on bandy road, near 3'd at. OHl SSf A HOLDS. (II riosrd of Trads BlUg, 4lb and Oak, HERB IS WHAT TOU WANT. A dandy home, cear Kllllngeworth ave nue, d rjonu, choice lot, cement walks In and paid: splendid home, best of fix ture, modern, g-od locsllty. and the price Is right st e-V.o. Iliu down. (1.1. per month. It wla pay you to buy. be Mr. JUavlea, CHAPIrf A HERLOW. S32-3 Chsmher of ommerce. HAIIOAIN. Nice, lis, four-room bungalow, thor oughly modern, tiled 1'ulrh kitchen and bathroom. 6'00 corner, one block from ear; will laxs a little money, balance mortgage. Might take a lot la exchange If clear. Price l.'i"-l R BRTAN. MA!n 1P3. Poa Cnam. of Com. A 3 2TT L'mIaER VALITli. An slsganl West Psrk-st. bungalow, corner lot, at reduced price. Including fins fumttare; owner going sbroad and will maas lew price and terma Investigate, and tf yoa want a fins horns, you certain ly will buy. Vanduya A Waaou, oii Chamber Commsria I10O CASH. ROSE CITY PARK. (IS MONTHLY. ATI Improvements In snd paid for; T rocms. bullt-ln buf'ot anj bookcases, solid oak floors, fireplace, furnace, etc. Na tional Realty A Trust Co.. 7-S Chamber of Commerce bldg. Fbone Main 6L.HJ. UERU IT IS. Two-thirds of an acre, 5 -room house, running watsr piped !n the houes; 3 blocks from station; within 5 mlcutss of centsr of Uis city, on ths West bide. (,-2. Esv ternia Provident Trust Company. 2ol. -JA 201 Board of Trads biUg. Msnlisll 473. A K'-- R E AL BARGAIN. FROM OWNER. -room modern bouss. nl e ard. except ing roses, nice lawn, free from Incum brance; this placs s!l or partly furnished, paved to city, streetcar bv dour, wa.klng Oiataace. 1 his ts a aacrince ssis. com and see or phone bsllwood lUlb; (ooOO j WEST FIDH 8 SAP. Good old I -room bouse, oa comer Kg IIS oa Hamilton . ava. street Improve ments all paid, lot alone worth the price, (4v0; easy terma GRSJ.-..-I a BOLDU, (II Board of Trads Bidg.. 4th and Oak, NEW. modern o-room bungalow, with bs'.h. full basement snd s'.tlr: cove ceilings, built-in bookcases and buffet, beamed and paneled Oln in s-room. Dutch kitchen: fur nished or unfurnished: terma Csil today. Just off beautiful Aiameda. B or A car. .' E (.'J st- .Nor in. KuSK CITY BARGAIN T-room J- 1 "ry house located on Thomp son st. A corner lot end only te block lo car. Price (AOU. (luuU will h audio lt t2r,9T.) HAI'.TVAN' A THOMPSON, Chamber of Comnierco. miU.APAf RESIDENCE. A handsomely sppointed home, bunga low slyis. oa comer, looxioo f-et, faring south and east, paved streets, garage; price (17.S0O. H. P. PALMER-JO NFS CO.. eU4 W licox Bldg. IRVINGTON CflRNETL New. attractive, 8 -room house, sleeping porch, f.r.lshed attic. Msh:y polished one floors throughout, hanuaome fixtures, ele gant location, near lrvlncton Club; (S7.V). Inr:ud1ng all street Improvements, 1 sd. Oregonlan- BAKi A1N New 0-roora house, fireplace. furnacs. bookrasea. veneer paneling, buf fet, large rooms, numerous large claeets. fins bslh. larse sleer,.r,g porch. uoubiS construction, finely flnlihed; must be Been to be appreclated: Owner. East SedW. ACCOUNT slcknes: beautiful bungalow. 111 Ivon street, itichmona; psved dis trict; select neighborhood: smsll psy incnt, bslancs munthly; Immediate poeaes slon. lnvestlgsts tudsy. uwnsr. ludO Grand avs. North. FOR BALE Modern Cerootn bungalow-cot tars, on corner, U minutes from 1'ostoCflce. Mt Scott csrllns: reetricted dlatrtct; ce ment sldewa.ks, all Improved; deal direct with owner and save coram 11 eon. Phone F. E. Csrr. Main tVii4 or A 2i-. FOR BALE by owner New 6-room modem- bullt cot'Sge. patn inn ioi,ei insiae, lot AoilOJ. Mount t-cott illatn.-t. Price I1"h0. (;.0 cash, balancs easy pa meals. Phone Taoer 14J0. Ask for Beard. S-ROOM cottar- snd 10 lots. (0fO0; over looking tns w i;.ini:i: my equity s.i.i; socruu-e for (1&jv; must be sold. Owner Id North 6:h. (100 CASH. (13 per month, new (-room bun galow, lot loxmo, -a minutes out, rine neighborhood, IS blocks car; snap; tlltl. l.IOl.KT A BISHOP. Ill Third St. ROOM house with sleeping porch: oak floors, furnaie. n.-vpiei--. fiaturea sha.lea. buffet; corner lot -'o. prlo muat selL AC M9. Oregonlan. (o4vU; (20 MONTHLY, Including Interest, good 1- room House. 4 DIOCK o cmniiia, price (JKM; small T.svmeni: Improved streets: close in. OWNER. 630Woreestsr block. BtTT from owner a very elegant (-room bungaiow. best location, nose city rsr a. Call aoo East B 'd st N. NEW. modern B-room bongalow. In good location, eioee in; ran gne goou temia. Flais A Robinson. (11 E 11th SL B. tK:d. FOR BALE CHTAP A r:e (0 Crown pi ano la epieuu.o conuiLion. u"u vnij m slort time. A'ldreea A e: 0. Oregonlsn. FOR FINS HOMES. Mee Delahunt- go-TH PORTLAND. (fkej iood (-room bou-e. 7-xll0. Owner. l-4d Corbettat. JTe'A' Sunnyalde bunraljw, large kt. fruit; Xan Or Wma - ... 1 , . avwr . cor. bungaiow. in ror s.ng. uuwi V-. k . - C.arn-r WaaI IT 14 TTTT. THOHXTXO OTirr.OXTAX. THURSDAY. PEIVRTTA'RY 22, 1913. HOMES ON EAST TKKna. Modern bunirsiow. four roeroa and batn. flrep.ace, txiokcases. platerall. Dutch kitchen, lot lixo: t:100; small cash pay ment; balance to suit- . t-room bungaiow. atrlctly modern, rur nace. fireplmce. buffet, bookcases. Hard wood floors, gas. electricity; good view Rose City Park, close to ear: all street Improvements paid; (ill.'O and up. t-room bongalow. 3-X..S, lot oOxll-. very modern convenience, buffet book cases, har.lwood fl,Mrs. Dutch kitchen, full cemeot baeement. furnace, fireplace, elec tric flx-nres. :.'. terma We have eeversl d-room homes, witn an moelern conveniences: furnace, flrenlsce. hardwood floora bookcases, buffst. Itch kitchen. Theee are Brst-clsss in every de tail: I.17.-.0 snd up. . 1 rooms snd sleeping porch, beamed ana paneled effecu fireplace. 'un,m5"l., "JZ - i r,...rh kitchen, it blocks 1 'I, ov, . PI . ' . , . . to Rrosdwsy ear; IU750. , Largs S-room horns at Mt. Tabor; sg-el-lent view of the whole city: modern con veniences: lot HAsls.'.: largs mature Royal Anne cherry trees; beautiful lawn, rosea, stc: Ihii; f.'.'vj cash, bxlsnce terms PROVIDENT TRUST COMPANY. 0L 202 Sol Board of Trs.ls Bld. Marshall 47J. A 10-2. EASY PAYMENT-. S-roera 2-story hou.s and full lot. STta St.. between Hawthorns avs. and oonny ids cars: (o;i. JW dowa .,v. ,, 4- room cottage. (7th st- 2 blocks soo'h of Hsathoroe: modern and Improvsmsnls paid. (-ix. tW down. , 0-room bung ow cose to carltns. In Ivsnhoe Add.; (1760; imall payment down, bai. like rent, . T-room bouse, motlern. t b.k. from ear I!ne. ltoae City Park; SOxlOd lot; l-llwO. e..c0 and terms. Don't miss this. 5- room bungsiow, modern, with sleep "j. R- TTEN-DFILON A CO, FURNISHED HOME. New S-room bungalow, v. ell built. el gant Inside nnlsh. mission stela, with new furnlturo to match, splendid rugs ana carpets, and In fact, completely fur nshed. It OOxIOO. mo ft, from best car- line in the city, hard surface streets, ce ment sidewalk, ail pain- r i"w - rosea Thla home Is new and up-to-dat-va ith. everv modern convenience) ana worth (.-..t". Our price (.-SO. Terma Call for C. O. Reagan C1IAPIN 4 HERLOW. Memhera of pnrtlnnd Realty BoarQ. .-..Vi-niis Chamber of commerce. BE AUTTFX'T. HOME. FURNISHED. KNAP. , . New (-room bungalow with attic, full cement basement sad hot-water heating svstem; ail bullt-ln conveniences: flrs i.lnce. etc.: this home Is completely fur nished snd Is being sacrificed: Just one block from Hawthorne car In splendid restricted neighborhood; all street Im provements aro In; the price Is (3.0 on e.isy terma Come and see It today: it my be sold by tomorrow. Phone Tabor t.d. . "" ROSSMEHB HOME. New (-room reaidence of latest design, beamed eelllnita. paneled dining-room, bullt-ln buffet and china cloaot. bullt-ln book.-asee. cat.lnet enamel kitchen, tun basement, laundry, laundry trays, bed rooms and bsth. In three-coat enamel, bath, toilet, extra toilet, solid brass eleo tne chandeliers. Kas. uard-surface rcet. cement rl.lewnlks, nil laid: lot 1'rics (r.vtiu. easy terma Call for c u. 'oagan. . CHAPIN- A HERLOW Member. of Portland H-alty Board. 112-HJS Chamber of Commerce. BEAUTIFUL IRVINGTON. Beautiful new bouse of rooms, recep tion hail, sleeping balcony and finished at tic; hardwood Moors throughout; sitting room and hall aro finished In oak; balancs of lower f.oor In fir and upper floor in oid Ivorr: beautiful fireplace snd furnace bst; big closets with windows; garsee; close In near car. In fine residence dis trict. If you msnt a bleb-grade horns. ae this P. F. TRTAN. Msln 1KC3. . 65 Cham, of Com. A 122T. nOKSMp-nE. 41ST STREET. Investigate my new. beautiful houaet finely arranged; restricted district; lot 60x 100 lawn in, cement block chimney and piers In front, large buffo., art plate glass doors and mirror, elegant floora fine fire place, with cabinet and mirror work, pan try, large kllehrn. large bedroome. large closets with door windows; If you look at svery house In Portland you csn't find one like or as good for money; (.too; worth lioOO. Phone Main 4144. " PROSPECTlV-B BUILDERS READ The mat In the rn-osnut. We save you time anil money. WhyT We are expert hoinebul'.ders. We don't guess at It. wa know how. We give you a year guaran tee. Come In and talk over that new home a Uh ns, and be convinced that we save yon time snd money. You're safs with us. We can plsn and build It abso lutely right. Wo '! In financing It. too. BUTTE K WORTH - STEPHEN SON CO.. INC. ARCHT8. A BLDKS., 707 COUCH BLDO. l K. l.uT O WNE It: HERE IS YOUR CHANCE TO IM PTtDVE YOUR PKOPEitTY WITH A HOME TUT OR APARTMENT: WILL KINAN-B IT AT A LOW RATE OK IN TERKBT. PLANS FURNISHED FREE. IT WILL, PAY Yoll TO COME Us AND lALa THIS OVcR. J. P. ATKrXS, ARClIITE'.-T AND HCILDKR. IIEXRT 11LDG. IRVINGTON HOME. New S-room bouse, on 7IVxl0 feet, fac ing on the Tennis club grounds. In the renter of the most sxcluslvs resldencs district In the city: beautiful woodwork, wails pajiered. osk floors, gunroom, sleep ing porch- and bliilnnl-room; ready Xor occupancy. Price (10.5O0. 1L P. PAI.-V KK-JON'ES CO.. 404 Wilcox Bldg. (300 DOWN. 1 Block to Hawthorne Ave. The best and most cumplote bungalow In the district; double constructed, fur nace, hardwood floors, fireplace, book cases. In fsct every bullt-ln feature you could wish for; full attic all floored, full btsement with cement floor and laundry trays: price (3300: (100 down, balance 120 per month. Tabor 2i2. ' PORTLAND HEIGHTS. Beautiful new home of nine rooms, thor ourhly modern In every respect, hsrd wood floors, hot wster heat, on bitulithla street; ail Improvements In and paid; on cariiiis and commanding a wide and un obstructed view of ths city, rivers and mountains. B. F. BRTAN. . Main lfX boa Cham, of com. A 122T. THAT VACANT LOT. WHY NOT TURN A BURDEN TNTO INCOME PROPERTY? IK YOU OWN A LOT WE WILL FURNISH THS MONEY AND BUILD RESIDIiN-JE OR FLAT PLANS FRKE I1-- WE P.triLD. OUR REPUTATION TOUR PROTECTION. IT WILL PAY YOU TO 8KB Ui L. R. BAILEY CO.. INC.. CONTRACT lNf ARCK lTKCTS. "-4 ABINUTON BUD. NOB HILL HOME. Classy new home lo the beat part of the Nob Hill district; large light rooms, live bedrooms and two sleeping porches, two bsthrooms. three flrt-placs; equipped with every convenience and commanding ons of ths Unset views in the city. It. F. BRYAN. Main 1963. fKrS Cham, of Com. A 122T. IRVINGTON. T-room modern house, large room a hardwood floors. 2 flreplacee. 4 bedrooms, ard sleeping porch, faces sast. lot (OxlOO feet, street Improvements In and paid; price (TToO, terma U, P. PALMER-JONES CO.. 4V4 Wilcox Bldg. LAURELHURST HOUSES. We are agents for all the good bouses In this district. See us for lowest prices. Office on ground. Phone Esst 068. DKLAHl NTT A CLEMENTS, goth. and East Gllaan Sta (3? OOFO R modem (-room house, lot 00x100. facing sasl. 8 blocks from Union avs. yi Last tith st. Also 5-room bungalow, easy terma Phone Woodlawn S22tf or C tt-V. BEST-BUILT HOME. Irvlngton; 10 rooms, finished oak; will satisfy most exacting: two baths: corner, te'tl'Hl; choirs location. C lSrod, East 273. Owner. W. H. Hcrdman. A SNAP. S-room Esst Side bouse, corner lot, only (T0 for quick ssla Hurry. It will soon go at this reduced prica Vanduya A Walton. MS Chamber Commerce. ROOMS. NEAR KENTON. (1600. New and modern, bullt-ln conveniences! concrete foundation: ('0 cash. (15 month ly. Fred W. German, eU Buruside. M. or A 8 7 T 9. IRVINGTi N New bucgs'.ow. 6 rooms and large attic, strictly modern, (4700. Includ ing all ssscesments, essy terms. b23 YSun bidg. Phone Main 112. A 7456. WILL SELL my 6 -room bungalow at a aao rtr.ee; muat leave c'.ty in Hi) dsya; house B33 E. 17th North. Tel. Main 2706. C l'i21. Fee mile Huslneee Property. APARTMENT-HOUSE SITE. lOOxloo. west of Vth st, near Multno mah; best part of liolladay'e Addition: wl.l doubls in value In oue year; price (7500; it cash. K. A. M'ORATH. 231 Chamber of Commerce. BEST BUT Must be sold at once, account of mortgage, store bklg, 5 living rooms, sit modern. Montavllia, en csrilr.e; iot BiikW, price (oovd. 2J Kusel bldg. No ssent. ing porch. 2 biocks Irom o. -no; ca"- good terma on this, or Wl.l trsjle. (::;.-ui. tee us about terma A few bar g.lna Come In snd see ua s bave o-.h-rn. Alarsh, Swi'L A ! ( -r- AI.HEHTA b-iainess lot, (lOoO: easy terms; Improvements paid, ownsr. 1&17 ki. FlaildeXA i WOULD TOU LI KB II acres with comfortable I -room house, fair bsrn and other build ings, running wster. good well, fam ily orchard, level, fenced, all In cul tivation, very best of soil, on coun ty road, near to school and churob, in rLe Tuaratln Valley, close to rsllrotid snd electrla Una, 12 miles from the center of Portland, for 1120, (sffo ca?h. balance In ( years at T per cent? If so. let us tell you how yon may get it ALVORO-CA R R-HUN'TER CO., 111-221 Board of Trade. ACREAOH ' ABUTTING ON NBW FOURTH-STREET ELECTRIC. Only 10 minutes from 4th and Washington sta, on West Side. In Tualatin Valley: roads all com pleted, soil the very best; any sixed tract at (-'oO to (500 per acre, and upon monthly payments- some cirsred, some In timber, with run ning water. Office open evenings until I o'clock. THE 8HAW-FEAR COM PANT. Main (6. 101 4th sL A J50D. IDEAL HOME SITB. I havs a plat of ground abont the glse of four city lots, located close to the 2l0-foot scenic boulevard on the couth Portland hills; this beau tiful building rite has a magnifi cent view, is within 1-cent ft.--r limit snd Is sbout a lii-mlnute ride from the business center; ideal for man with suto: will sell on easy terma and might consider somo trade; pries (louO. Address AD b33. Ore goaian. RICH LAND. TTASV TERMS. How does this strike you? 10 acres of Tamhlll County's bent land, 40 miles from Portland. 2 miles from ral.road and town. Price (75 per acre, only (10 down and Sli Der month. No better land In Ore gon; no rock or graveL running water on some tracts; soma In cultivation. You csn't match this price and terms. See us at once. F. fc frencnrcsi. CIIAPIN at HERLOW. ".'!I-oo8 Chamber of commerce. li ACRES OF OEMjIXB BEAVER DAM LAND. Near Portland: electric lines, and on two county roads: school across the road nearly all cleared; (13. 60 monthly, or other easy terms. PACIFIC Jf.-W. DEVELOPMENT CO., Ino. 405 Couch Bldg. lO ACRES. (1500. naif In cultivation, half In big timber, ever-rSwiuIng creek, one mile from rail way, auarler mile irom location or ure. gon Electric, on county road, very rich suti. This Is cash valuation, but I must get away from Oregon and wlil take one- thtrii cash, balance payments. li bi-t. Oregonlan. ACREAQE AT HALF PRICE. 22 acres at only (500 per acre; adjoin Inr land sells at (luoo r,er acre: U mill from 2 csrllnes, 35 minutes' ride from center of Portland; 10c fare; dozen new homes surroundlnr nlaca aoinir UD. Terms (2000 cash, balance to suit buyer at 6 per cent. Jr you want acreage, see r. K. .Miller, v-z teon bldg. siar. uou. CHOICE ACREAGE TRACTS. Close to Portland: rich walnut, fruit and garden land: only small caah pay ment, balance pays (or Itaelf tn producto now on the Isnd. which as accept and are ths only people making this liberal offer. IIULA.NU liar CO-YlfA-M x. IrOS Spaiiiius .Bldg. ACREAGE. An acre of the host land In Oregon. with water, sidewalks and graded streets paid Tor; fast carllne. minutes ride A family can make half their living ei penses on this tract. Cleared ready for plowing. E-uy terms. B 823. Ore gonlsn. COUNTRY HOME. IS acres, all In nigh stnte of cultiva tion: good bouse. 7 rooms, bath. stc. good barn and outbuildings; Water piped to barn and foed ysrdts; nice family or chard, small fruit: cbout f.'oO worth per sonal properly; prlo (Oio: make suit able terms. Trowbridge A Stephens, 301 Wilcox bldg. - CHICKEN and FRUIT RANCH near Portland: a NEW Su'BDn IbluX. Lowest prices; best soli; Quo view; wood, water ami rusns: seres, i-iou per tract: 10 A-, (.-OO; 20 A.. (boO; 40 A., (ll'i.tt: gu A, (-',0- 10 A.. f.li'OO: liberal terma FRANK M FAR-LAND REALTY CO, ('Ji Yeon bldg.. r-ortiaiid. Or. CHOICE ACREAGE CHEAP. Three, six or nine acres close to car and city Umlta No better soil in Oregon lies fine: running water; small cash pay ment sad ensy terms. Investigate and you will surely buy. Will treble In value before you hnve made ail payiuenta Van duya A Walton, bia cnamoer commerce. 12U.-ACRE SACRIFICE. 15 miles from center of city. H mile from good town on Oregou Electric, all in b!gh state of cultivation; 4-room houto. barn, family orchard, bt st soil; surround ed by flno homi-s; ?.'!2od if old by March AO. A UOUO , vjtrir hivi ten acres on Section Line road, all cloared and cultivated; bou.e and fenced. This is a snap at ftiuoo, part cash. ROWE-THATCHER CO.. " (24-d Chamber of ConimtrcB. 10 ACRES No. 1 land, fine 5-room house, barn and outbuildings, small orchard, on carllne; all In cultivation. This is some thing choice and can be bought right; money talks. Beala A Robinson, SOI E. lUli st. E. 0023. CHICKENS. DUCKS. GOATS. FRUIT, BERiilES. S to 20 acre tracts on Oregon Electric IT miles fl-om Portland, from 170 to $150 per acre. Fred W. German. (29 Burn side. M. or A 2776. ACREAGE. A small family can "make a living on this half acre. All city Improvements paid for: fan carllne; fine soil. Only (02S and es- terms. B S1'2. Orogonlaru (0 ACRES, all cleared, on Section Line road. In flno condition. This Is a plat ting proposition that cannot be beat, HOWE-THATCHER CO., 824-6 Chamoer of Commerce, V ACRIi 1 block ML Scott car, on corner (7x2ie. equal to 4 lots worm I20 each, city water, street graded; only t00i turma. " HIGLEY A BISHOP. 132 Third SL SUBURBAN "HOMESITE OF CLASS. Tou have often ailmlred Its msple shade, perfect topography, running stream, etc Whole or part will be sscriflced to raise cash. Owner, Box Ts. Milwsukle. ONE acre for rent or for sale cheap; two nilioa from city limits, near Mt. Hood Railway, on Ascot acre tract. Call at 2i b. Wheeler st- after 7 o'clock I'. M. or on Sunday afternoon EE VEX acres, all well cultivated. 8 miles west of Postofrlce; fair buiiulngs, bearing fruits, berrlts. etc; two blocks of Oregon Electric station: price only (&2S per acre, phone Woodlawn 140U. BUY NOW. Ideal acre tracts on Basa Line road; will be sold on easy terms. Owner, (Id Henry blt3g! ACREAGE and farms, large and small tracts Call Kinney A 6tampfer. 631-a Lumber Exchange bldg 41 W KLlrCL LTIV ATED acres, close In on carllne. (324 per acrs. Might divide. Terms. 42 OreFonlnn bldg. X ACRE No reasonable offer refused. E. 80th st, 6c fare. 1U37 Chamber Commerce. 'For l-ssle Homesteads. THREE homesteads In Douglas Co, close to town, school and neighbors; 2,000,000 to (OvO.OOO ft. of fir and cedar on each, airings and creeks, T5 to loo acres of farming land when cleared. Nlmmo, Runey A Co.. 421 Hamilton bldg. HAVE 4 claims. T.OOO.OoO to 10,000,000 feet timber: will explain situation to those In terested. Call at 2.1 T Ablngton bldg.. Port land. HOMK.-TEAD reilnq ulsliment, IS miles from McMlnnvllle. cheap. Villa St. Clara, ApC 2. Phone Main 4t)M. A 7'ioS. BomeatesJs and bargslns In Camas Prairie farina Idaho Colonization Co, Cottonwood. Idaho. Fur Sale Fruit Lsmda. FOR SALF; 10 acres klosler apple land, partly Improved, easy term.', cioss to R. R. ; muat sell. Tabor 1248. 277; E. 34th st, " ' For Kale Farms, RANCH " scrvs. with buildings. 18 miles from Portland, near electric line; bargain for all cash, hy owner. 1 - 2 Morrison at. 20 ACRES nesr Molalla; 25 acres In cul tivation: small bouse: price (uoOO, easy terms. H. It. I-es, Canliy. Or. 1S3 ACRM. lmprm-ed. near Eugene. (40 peg acxei tr- 209 Railway S.xcTianga, ' . , . , , vimrTV SO ALIUS ii nwi" iraoyift 45 a. cleared and under cult, 875.000 ft, timber. 5 a. pasture, 2 a. bearing orch. 2 and S-rm. house, barn and outbldgs. (Stock gops with place. Spring and well. (3o00. (2S00 down, A good buy. 00 ACRES. YAMHILL COUNTT. 26 acres cleared, bai. timber. 4 a- or ehard. 6-rm. house, barn and outbldgs. Horses, waiton. chickens, pigs go with place. (oOtlO. half caah. IT MILES FROM PORTLAND, at Sherwood. 6 acres, all under culL 3 a, orchard. 10 yrs. old. Good 6-rrru house, and barn. 2 a. potatoes, garden and small fruit. An Ideal country home. (ooou, terma 1 ACRID AT GARDEN HOMB. 6 mL from Portland, 4 block from Elec Sta.- all cleared. S9S0. half caih. See IiuDDKIPGE, Ch. of Comm. bid.. HARTMAN & THOMPSON. (28 PER ACRE. 123 PER ACRE. 4S5 ACRES. Eight miles from Ooldendale, Washing ton, four miles from railway 0aniea fenced. 340 acres in cultivation. 145 acres Fall wheat, fair buildings, four horses, three sets of harness, wagon, back, two ganc plows, harrow, drill, etc About ten or 12 tons of grain hay and some grain. In order to make quick sale owner In structs us to oner this fine farm for (-S per acre on very reasonable terms, and Include all the above personal Property. See for full particulars. B. S. Cook at Company, boa corneti cm. IRRIGATED FARM. -'pARv E0?Ti1N S'D. IN- lr.o; uoai aiiiciiioi... . OREGON: BROAD ajTATEMEN f. BUT IKi E : I AN ALL rc mn"1 - , , ARE INDEPENDENT OF THE ! WEATH ER MAN; FINE FOR HOPS. HAY TRUCK FARMING. FOR FLORIST; -0 HORSEPOWER DEVELOPED; ELEC LIGHT. HEAT AND POWER FOR ALL ,, , , . ... r- e- s-vtj vni: T.1FK. ZI MERMAN. 310 BOARD OF TRADE BLDG. LAND ON YOUR OWN TERMS. 60 acres. 40 acres bottom land. 20 acres hlrher land, almost level, about lis acres timber In one eorner of place; 6-room house, barn, many outbuildings. .'00 sacks seed potatoes, 1 team horses. 8 cows, fam ily orchard. 11 hives bes, poultry, farm and garden tools; price (lS.Ouo. part cash and will consiuer romo "'""i. PORTLAND BUSINESS EXCHANGE T0B-10 Rothchlld bldg. Marshall 3S-5, JIUK IOAOC L L : tun . ' '. . . 1 1 r ) r - in minuter w alk tl to carllne ai. uitiiiuu., - vatcd. 15 acres stump pasture. 10 acres . Uv.l mrA nnfi! ,. . n I .. on a r-s ru tine; , ' .. Ka-n all fenced and Illie O-roOIIl uu. , - ; 13 cross-ienceu. lii-i.h . - j per acre, (inno cash. Wo will pay ( ;ioO for a bigger bargain. CLODFEL.TER BRO S 404 Couch Bldg 1U-A. 11'. DLDUrtilA.l . . Very bent of soil. In high state of cult vatlon. lots of berries, grapes, fruit, etc gOOd DU'.IUlIlga. Ruuu ct, -- Impossible to find a better 10-acre farm Located close in. nra ,o. part. J. E. Smith. 613 Chamber of Com merce. ' . ,., 1-1 fin. in rnltl A r IKM-t IjAOJ axo, ' - - - vation, 30 timber, balance pasture; 8-room house, barn 4Kx40. fine creek through the place; everymins in in - farm Implements; 22 Jorsoys. 250 head o hogs, everything goes on the place fo the price of the land. 18 miles out, Cal IV. W. Church. -'S3 Taylor st. 11 ACRES, all In cultivation and fenced, 11 room notei, iu, o... . bulldinns. young bearing orchard, fruit at:d berries, atocn, iwn auu ' (iiOOO. G. H. PEASE. Tabor 2002. 1089 E- Alder. inciirn to ciknmanla Co.. Wash, 160 acres, only (22 per acre; estimate c-ulse. IV. million; lorglne road noi .w- nnH .Kmit .It mile tnrouBn mo i"."j " , .7. ,7 , r from the North Bank RoaL ould make rnfui rriiii luua. ruuui: FOR SALE38 acres rich land. (3800, smal buiiaings; oo oo buildlnK". rich soil. tbO per acre. Farm of all sires far sale. Address C. M. Lrlt tenden, Hubbard. Oregon, triune Anv kind vou want: write for ful price list; I am a farmer of this place; 42 years I have lived on my farm: I am no town or City lot innnr, no yj-ou.-u. jj.iv., C. O. Burgess. Sheridan. Or. K. F. D. 1. WANTED REAt EST AT (V WHAT have you for trade or sale on cash basis? See us. We have buyers for a lot or house and lot In South Portland; for a cottage or bungalow In the Aiuina uisinci, no mwi than 8 blocks from Russell st-; for a cor ner lot or house and let. and for a good lot west of 30th St. In the Hawthorne dis trict. If your price ana terms are rigui. sea us. Marshall 6j2 or a tui. J H. HENDERSON A CO. (07 Spalding Bids. WE have many Inquiries from Eastern In vestors for real eaiate Investment prop erties; registered with us. You may have just whot our clients wanL Aboott A Co.. wiicox biog. WE have customers for modern 6 and 8- room housca and ounga.ows in sown x-au-reihurst district; firms desired. See Lueridemann & Burke, l2t Electric bldg. phones Marshall 22i or a s-.. WW but- real estate. roomlnB-houses or business ror casn. wiwiou, . RUTHFIELD INVESTMENT CO. PIT Board of Trade b.dg. Main 9416. for Alberta aietnci ioo, .ov block numbers, additions and your lowest , .. , . . V K-ir Oreronian. - - , , t ., In.'.. ParV. WANTED i or a ioi.a . .7,, j or Wltnin o or e oiotoB i-- . S iots together; state price and location - . etlJ. Ornvnnlin. in nu"ci. n s i T WANT about ha'f an acre near carllne Wltu DUllciiiga imi.u'. 83B. Oregonlam FOB KENT FARM8. If you have (10.0 00 caah to Invest in a ( years' lease of (00 acres within a few miles of Portland, with 140 head of COWS. 14 horses, i.-o tous oi oou "j i - Mmni.t. outfit of farmtue Imple- n.Anta. onll and SCO US. BS this IS OD8 of the best aairy propositions with best of leases. . 818 Board of Trade Bldg, 4th and Oak. SMALL farm near Oswego and about S miles OUL Cusn rent. I. G. DAVIDSON. 819 Chamber of Commerce. FARMS WASTED. WANTED To rent Improved farm that would do lor small uairy anu wuliw, near creamery route and reidy to move onto; would buy furniture, stock and im plements If any; will pay cash renL i Mo. Oregonlnru WE have 2 customers for low-priced Im proved 20-acrO tracts Cioee iu an line; customers must be satisfied at once. SMITH Ai CASEY. Main 2T.5. 4H2 Chamber of Com- bldg. HAVE city lot as first payment on small place. is bin, uregoman. FOJ SALE T1MBKB LANPaV. TIMBER, 800.000.000 feet of A. 1 timber, all in one body. None better In Otegon. i Js, Harvey. Eugene. Or. FOR ' SALE 210 "acres timber, near large river, 4u00; hair down; win soon uuuu. In v"alue. A 88, Oregonlan. TIMBER LANDS BOUGHT AND SOLD. C J y. CKACKEN. 304 McKay bldg. WANTED TIMBER LANDS. lljincn xo.- , - - - -Wanted from owners, 2u0.0o0 acres m good location, of white pine or fir; also large pulp proposition: at right prices. p.. LnnK, roa niu., - p WANT 8 to 15 million feet of good timber along tne toiunimi x.i.c, Immediate logging. Q 837. Oregonlan. WANTED TO RENT FABMS CASH rent for your farm. If you have ac commodation IW oiinij , " -. -T . perlence East 2233 evenings. No, Be E. 27th st, Portland. Or. TO EXCHANGE. I WILL trade my Victor with 23 double- face records tor myuimi ins " k" (35; cost me (70. Tabor So82. REAL ESTATE exchanged, rooming-houses. anything. Ask tor nurro. 31T HAMILTON BLDO. (0 ACRES, partly improved: will take house Up to (4'JUU on nrst payment, x. x x, canny, ur. TO EXCHANGE 80 acres land in Minne sota, for equity in i-ortianu rnicu.s. x . j. Boeder, lullSberlock bldg. (ISO BEACH lot: will exchange for good pnonograpn, piano or .-x. - -" vi ai Hamilton bldg. Marshall 2304. (2iKK EyUITY 40-acro farm, exchange lor like equity in new moucm ,uuvanow v. automobile. AC 821, Oregonlan. 00 A . j . e- hn.a Int and AI.HL3 l nuixw .w. - iome money. B. R. Lee. Canny. Or. WILL trsde lot for two tickets East. K 787, Oregonian. ae ACRES. WILL TAKE HOUSE. 88 acres of beautiful lying land. Improved with good houFe and build ings 20 acres cleared; line creek, on county road; 60 4-year-o!d walnut trees, good family orchard; place located 1 miles from North Plains, Washington County: cash price (65O0; will take bouse up to (itSOO. balance mortgage. cau 603 Swetland bldg. WE HAVE some good farms to sell or trade for city property. We have timberlands to trade for city pror-ertv. . We have city property to trade for acre- EWe have rooming-houses to trade for farm or city property or acreage. we can't adverUee all these. Come and see- S01-2 LUMBER EXCHANGE. RESTAURANT, doinc; good business, fixtures and lease worth (1200; will exchange for lease on farm, dairy or agriculture and atock: will buy implements: will pay difference. E 819. Oregonlan. CLACKAMAS CO. FARM. 80 acres, about 2S cleared, balance light clearing; near postoffice. church and school: small house, large barn, good out buildings; bearing family orchard, we.l and spring: splendid soil: price (oOOO; take Portland property to $3000, balance time. Trowbridge & Stephens. SOI W 11- cox bldg. WE have client who has farm land In East ern Washington, value (48,200, to ex change for apartments or any good in come bearing property of equal value: might assume small difference; what have vou got for quick action? Phone Marshall 2745 or call at J. H. Tipton Co, 1108 Spalding bldg-. t EXCHANGE. We have desirable property. Improved and unimproved, to exchange; city prop erty for farms and farms for city prop erty. If you want to exchange on a casn basis, see cs. GLENART REALTY CO. (INC.). 421-422 Chamber of Commerce Bldg. SICKNESS compels me to dispose of my nicely furnished roominphouse of 10 room's, centrally located. East Side; my actual rash equity 7'JB. balance S15 per month: no Interest: will accept small pay ment down, or will trads for city lot, bungalow, or improved acreage; must be sold at once. No agents. Phope East300d. FOR SALE or trade, four valuable mining claims In the Coeur d'Alenes. Idaho, sur rounded by the large producers aad proved up beyond a prospect. Abbott as Co, Wil cox bldg. WILL exchange first mortsrases for houses, lots, leases, farms, orchards, storks and bonds, diamonds, autos. pianos, rooming houses or apartment-houses. Abbott Ac Co, Wilcox bldg. WE have the best paying rooming-house and restaurant on Wash. St. to trade. RUTH FIELD INVESTMENT CO.. PIT Board of Trade Bldg. Main 9416. (14.000 Farm In" Keisor Bottom. 4 miles to Salem. 2 miles electric cars; will exchan-je for inside city property. M. C. Davis, 315 Hamilton bidg. ilarshall 2364. FOR SALE or will trade lor lots on Gari baldi Beach, a $200 pbaetun. 1 slnsle har ness, leather fly net and a boy's saddle. AT 807. Oregonlan. WHAT have you to exchange for J1100 equity In young orchard (nearly 5 acres), near cars. 25 miles from Portland? L 811. Oregonlan. 1100 ACRES SOUTH DAKOTA LAND In exchange for Portland property. Par ticulars and price from owner. Sherman A. Nelson. 804 LcwiB bldg. PORTLAND lots. 50x100. Improved, close in. unincumbered, crear title, to exchange for mortgages and sellers', contracts, a 7d2, Oregonlan WILL exchange my modern 8-room house in Beaumout for acreage or unincum bered residence lots. See Allen Sinkler, 917 Lewis bidg. M. 84O0; LAURELHURST Large equity in choice lot to exchange for good office furniture, small mortgage, good bonds or anything of value. C 829, Oregonlan. HAVE a choice lot of listings based on cash valuation, city property for acreage, houses for lots, etc. What have you? See F. E. Miller, 925 Yeon bldg. Marshall 0,10. TO EXCHANGE Lands In Eastern or Southern Oregon, for general merchan dise or clothing stock, from (lo.OOO to K'c.OOO P. J. Hoedcr, 109 Sherlock bldg. TO EXCHANGE ,"0x10' feet, corner East Morrison, this side of 18th st, price (S500. for modern bunealow up to (4000. Ad dress AB 810, Oregonlan. FOR sale or trade, home bakery and lunch room; will take horse and wagon; price (400. Phone Tabor S060. COLORADO lands and lots to exchange for cut-over land or other property hers. Hadley. 310 Spalding Bldg. FOR SALE. Horses, Vehicles. Etc. GUARANTEED HORSES. Team, weight 2S00 lbs, 7 yrs, 1375. Team, weight 210 lbs.. 7 yrs, 5.4:15. Team, weight 2.:oO lbs, 4 yrs, (325. Team, weight 22fl 1I;S, 6 yrs, :l2i. Team, weight 2150 lbs, 8 yrs, $223. Team, we.ght 1S00 lbs, 7 yrs, (150. Team, weight 2400 lbs, 4 yrs, (::25. Team, weight 2300 lbs., 8 yrs, (300. 25 other horses and mares (some In foal I, from (50 up; also small teams of mules, complete pony outfit, farm wagons (all sizes i. delivery wagons, buggies, har ness of all kinds. In fact everything in the horse line; this stock all sold with our written guarantee to be as represented or your money refunded. If you are going to buy horses, make inquiry as to our re sponsibility, we will funlsh you with both bank and business references. In this way you will be assured of doing business with a reputable firm and it generally pays in buying horses to deal with responsible people. E. W. Hagyard and R. L. Evans. Props, Portland Stables, 15th and Couch sts. HORSES AND MARES. Notice to quick and caah buyer: Have leased my ranch: will sacrifice for (il&O chunky, well-matched team. 8 and 9 years, weight 2400 lbs, harness and farm wagon with double box, in first-class order; (1S", chunky team, weight 2500. with breeching harness: (140. pair mares, weight 2200, br.-eelung harness; al.so 3 good single horses, ages from 7 to 10 years, weight from 1000 to 1200; this stock can be seen at feed stable. 440 E. Morrison L, cor. Ttb, Ask for Watterson horses. THS WOODBURN farmers' annual stock sale will be held at the farmers" feed barn In Woodburn, Or, on Saturday, Feb ruary 24. 1912. Chlut, the imported Percheron stallion, owned by the Butte vllle Horse Company, will be sold that day; also Henry Fletcher's standard bred colt, A choice lot of brood mares driv ing horses, draft teams and also some cheap work horses. For further particulars address D. M. Ratcilffe, manager and auctioneer. OUR 3d assignment of horses from the Sugar Beet CO. in ixranci rtonae vaney, which Is discontinued, has Just arrived. These horses have been consigned to us . . 1 r, , v. n ...111 lnlar.il nnv niirnh,,. er. weighing from 1000 to 1500 pounds, can be seen at Howitt's Stables, both and Burnslde, Montavllia, . COME and see another shipment of choice horses and mares, wen oroaen, at rea sonable prices and guaranteed as repre sented. Take Rose City Park car to G2d st. Adams A Campbell, prop. Phons Tabor 2161. FOR SALE Two gray horses, well matched. i years oia. eounu, .cibn, oooo, 8 years old. weight 3100; 2 geldings, 1 seven the other a years, weight 2000; 1 mare, S years old. weight 950. Phone Main 6841, 131 Lownsdale at. TEAM and furniture wagon for rent by ex perienced urayman. wnoiesaie nouse pre ferred, very reasonable terma K 846 Ore gonlan. FOR SALE Matched team, S and C years old, 3000 lbs, true, Cl.y oiuae. can Liy out at pearce A Pago Stables, E. 6th and Morrison. GOOD pair, mare and horse, sound, weight a4dV; Some Otners to CUOO xionx, in well broke. 838 East 28th st, Woodstock car to Gladstone FOR SALE CHEAP One fine black mare, 6 years oia, weitfuiug x-.oo . sound, true and without blemishes. 2-M Russell sl FOR SALE cheap Good farm team, leaving city. 2815 6Sih st- S. E, end of Hawthorns carllne, walk one uioca west auu two south, LEAVING city and must sell 10 head of horses and mares at once; weiRiu uum 100O to 1..00 pounds, w. J. itiuer, aoi xu. W 'ANTED A good farm team, about 120O pounds, mares preferred. See Pood, 5u4 Lumber t-xenange diui;. a&ain njvt. WANTED For cash. 1 good buggy horse. L 11U U la..' WANTED Shetland pony stud; must be low rrlced. AR eiu. uregonian. FOR SALE HORSES. Trustworthy horses. accustomed to city, ss r.asc its au .iori.ii. pianos. Organs and Musical loetrnments. FOR SALE Peerless electric piano: A-l condition, x'acllic i lim LO, u xtotncniiu bid?. Automobiles. WANTED To sell 5-pass. touring car. late model. Iirst-ciass conoiLiuu. ouiaam. Phone evenings. East 1483. MOTORCYCLE 7-H. P. twin engine; has not run so mues. sts niirapiaa DON'T BUY an automobile until you see our atock of over T5 cars. We are exclusive dealers of used auto mobiles. Every car guaranteed. OREGON AUTO EXCHANGE, 21st and Washington st. SECOND-HAND CAR. We have a few E. M. F. 30's that nave been accepted by us as part payment on new 1912 fore door E. M. F. touring cars and roadsters. . . , Some have been thoroughly overhauled and painted and the prices so teasonablo that unless you look this up at once you will miss a golden opportunity. We guarantee these cars to be ex actly as we state. E. M. F. NorthwesL Chapman and Alder. SNAP Regal 1B1L four-passenger. 30-H. P, fully equipped, good as new. Call for . demonstration. : OREGON AUTO EXCHANGE, 21st and Washington st. 1911 POPE-HARTFORD. SO-horsepower 7- pasnenger. fully equipped. Rolnbecker . air pump, 2x60 casing, 4-lnch tube, trunk, etc. All equipment of the very best. The car cost over (3S0O last May. Guaranteed to be as good as new. (2500 cash takes It; no trades. E 826, OregoniaiL A SPLENDID OPPORTUNITY. E. M. F. 30. 1010 model, fully equip ped and in perfect condition: will sac rifice this car for cash. It will pay you to Investigate this, because In deallnir direct with- owner you can ellmlnato agent's commission. B SI 3, Oregonlan. SACRIFICE. JP10 model Cadillac 5-pssenger, fully equipped, with speedometer, tires In first class shape, first check for (r75 takes it. Pacific Coast Brokerage Co, 518-19 Board of Trade. A 1031, Mar. 4299. WILL exchange my desirable lots at Ore gon's leading seaside resort for high power car. In good condition: slate make nnd model. P. O. Box 703. Portland. MI 'ST RAISE MONET. Will sacrifice T-pa-ss. auto, pood as new. Best real bargain in Portland. AB 820, Oregonlan. i WILL exchantre (12'X) corner. TTutUO, East f.Stn and Asa sts.. lor good .--passeni--cr car. M. C. Davis, 315 Hamilton bids. Mnln 2304. FOR bargains In used cars see us first; write for list; we buy and sell. CUSTOM-HOUSE AUTO CO, Cor. E. 13th and Hawthorne Ava Begs, Birds, ret Stock. 1 I07.. good laying hens, (S: 1 Brown Leg horn cockerel, (1.50; 1 male and 3 femuia Pekln ducks. ?4. Phons Woodlawn 27ti. 14111 Vancouver ave. PORTABLE poultry-houses; catalogue on re quest. Williams Bros, Grays Crossing. -'labor 62tl. i allbCeUoneous. BARB WIRE! BARB WIRE! 200 Spools. (1.75 per 100 lbs. Guaranteed New. J. SiMON & BRO, Front nnd Grant sts. Take S car. PIPE! PIPE! PIPE! H-lnch black pipe. 2c per foot, l-lnch black pipe. 2'..c per foot. 1- lnch black pipe. SU cents per foot. 1 !. -inch Mack pipe. 41,ic per foot. lV4-inch Mack pipe. 5Vic per foot, 2- inch black pipe, 6c per foot. Above pipe is all guaranteed with new threads and couplings. J. SIMON & BRO, Front and Grant Sts. Take S Car. PLUMBING SUPPLIES. We sell to All. st wholesale prices. Help ub fight the trust. We are posi tively the only Independent plumbing sup ply house In the rlty. J. SIMON & BRO, Front and Grant Sts. Take S Car. M E X S C KAV ENE T T E O'COATS. Closing out at lees than cost of produc tion; making room for new Spring suits; (20 coats at .10. Jimmy Dunn, room 315, Oregonian bldg. MEN'S PANTS SALE. Extra trousers are always useful- (4.00 values, $2.25; 15.00 values. (3.25. Jimmy Dunn, room 815, Oregonlan bldg. Take elevator. . TRUSTEE'S SALE. Planing mill, machinery, shafting, belts, pullevs, work tables, lumber, moldings, etc. 520 Raila-ae Exchange. Phone llar shall 224S and 25S9. FOR SALE OR TRADE. B-ton Ice making equipment, complete. City Market, Ice ex Cold Storage Co, 3o0 East Washington sL t QUARTER Interest In sawmill; splendid op portunity for a hustler; small amount or cash required. See Nimmo-Runey A Co., 424 Hamilton piog. main papa. BAKES Genuine Hall safes, new and second hand, low prices, easy terms. Safes opened and repaired. Purcel Safe Co. and Port land Safe Co, 85 6th St. Main 6309. BTUMPAOE 40 acres first-class fir. Will cut 5000 cords. 75c a cord. Near O. W. P. Good roads. Fred Bratzel, Gresh am. Or. . FOR SALE A pony and a caracul coat, each 52 Inches long, S8 bust, worn a few times: cost $S5 and (25. Sell for (45 and (10 respectively, ivaai s SLIGHTLY used cash registers, credit reg isters, computing Bcales, etc bought snd sold. Tbe Pacific Store Service Co, 22T Stark St. Main 7711. FOR SALE Cash register, scales, coffee mill cheese cutter, credit register, meat sllcer. etc The Portland Store Supply Co, 250 2d st. Marshall 4548. FIR wood, cut last year; split sticks; 11 cord lots up (3.K0 f. o. b. Portland; gram bay (II per ton. E. B. Morgan. YamhllL Or. fbu can-rent an Oliver typewriter with oak stand for (3 per month; convenient at home. 833 Ankeuy st. Tel. Main 8213. ANNUAL SALE of unredeemed pledges at Uncle Myers', 71 8th st, near Oak. 40 years In Portland. FOR SALE Full line of house furniture, has been in use only three months. Phono Woodlawn 1379. FOR SALE One 32-h. p. Fairbanks-Morse gasoline engine. Apply 628 Chamber of Commerce. ALL makes tvpewriters rented. 13 a month, NORTHWEST TYPEWRITER CO, 2o2 Stark st, FOR sale or rent, logging and hoisting en gines, locomotives, cars, rails. Railway Equipment Co, 74 First St. FINE fresh family and dairy cows. A. A. Heiman. half mile east Lents Junc tion. ' CCPT!T.T7P!It Well-rotted manure. East 2276. OLIVER typewriter, wide carriage, brand new, .IO. Dam xxu. " ROLL-IOP desk, bookkeeper desk and safe. AR 749. Oregonlan. TWO fat brood sows for sale. J 882. Ore- gDnian. . CHOICE young Barred Rock hens; nursery . strain. Main 6845. fTliNG cab, med. size safe, Nat'l cash reg ister. S. W. cor. 5th and Oak. 2d floor. FftESH family and dairy cows, quarter mile east of Lents. Tabor 1192. FRESH dairy and family cows, heavy mllk ers. 891 K. Washington. S-S car. BOX couch, chiffonier and ladles' writing desk, sale cheap. CalITajr 4( FIVE-YEAR-OLD Jersey with calf; fine milker. 2-12JB59th North. Tabor 103. 600 BUSINESS cards (1: a bargain. Rose Clty Printery, 192V4 3d, cor Taylor. NEW "visible typewriter for sale; a bars gain. AF 804, Oregonlan. WANTED MISCELLANEOUS. WE BUY CLOTHING, FURNITURE. TOOLS. Highest price paid for men's and ladies' cast-off clothing, shoes, furniture, tools, mechanic, logging. Call Main 2080. 2ud 1st st. The Globe. WANTED Set of I. C. S. books on com mercial law. Phone after 6 P. M. Marshall 4181. BARGER'S AUCTION HOUSE. 870 E. Morrison. Phone E. 1022. Pays highest cash price for furniture. WE pay the highest caah price for second hand furniture. Seater & Martin. Phone East SU14. 348 Hawthorne ave. TO BUT, cash register, scales, coffee mill, cheese cutter, credit register and meat sllcer. Phone Marshall 4548. 250 2d. WANTED Complete moving-picture outfit. What have you? S 760. Oregonlan. WANTED A 5x7 extreme wide angle photo lens: state price. AS 832, Oregonlan. WANTED Lunch counter and slightly used restaurant fixtures. B 824. Oregonlan. WANTED Tents, tent lies, cooking range. A none 13 oxux. WILL tint rooms, 12.60 up; do paintlng'at reasonable prices. Phone East bl24. FORD Auction Co. Pavs most cash for any kind of furniture. Main 8i)51. A 2445. HALF-HORSE motor. A. C. slnglepiiasc, 110 volts. A 85S. Oregonlan. WANTED To buy two second-hand cases for cigar store. Phone Marshall 394. WANTED Stump-puller; must be in good condition. 343 East 87th SL North.