Morning Oregonian. (Portland, Or.) 1861-1937, February 21, 1912, Page 6, Image 6

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Supreme Court Ruling Held
Calamity to People of
Justice Burnett Sy Finding May
n rnpopnlar bnt BasecJ rat Law
Dunlway Asmlo 10
Stop Broadway Bridg.
RALF.H. Or. Fab. Jft'al:7
Two Important opinions were
down by toe Supreme Courx
..... r.varaea Judge Oal
loway. of Marlon County. In ths casa of
tha Corvallls ft Eastern T- the Stata
Land Board gives railroad
all the tuelands and aiaramanca '
AUM. Taoutoa and Sllets bays and all
of tse ttde.ands ana f"'"""" ""
. ..ring on what w.a formerly Benton
founty. but which 1 now largely Lin
coln County. , .
In the other ease llaiph Dunlway. at
tomy. ot Portland, loat again In hi.
efforts to atop tha building of the
Broadway bridge of Portland "
lower court of Multnomah County 1
arftrmed In W. F. Barrell n tha City
of Portland, at aX
MaraOaa Dvctalas Swra'.
Tlia Corrailla Eaatarn casa l one
of tea moat eweeptng In Ita affact or
any eaea that baa bn decided by tha
Supreme Court for yaara. W hile tha
only land In Immediate contest u
ona and S-10 acraa of tldelandl.
tfcalesa tha aatlra atratch of Ldelands
and marshlands aUonr tha ehorea of
Lincoln County ara given over lo tha
railroad company.
Thta, while It win reault tn loaa of
money to tha lrreduclbla school fund.
lll on tha other hand, ba ona of tha
a-reateat calamities that could coma to
tha paopla of Lincoln County." eald
lieorga O. Brown, clerk of tha State
Land Board, today, when apprised of
the opinion of tha court.
"Under ths stata law. If ths stats
owned this land, tha owner of abutting
property would ba absolutely protected.
Now tha paopla in laid open to tha
rr.ercy of tha railroad company and tha
company can dictate to every shipping
industry that might attempt to do busl-
int along tha coast as far as the shores
of Lincoln County ara concerned, or as
far as tha bays of tha county ara con
cerned." Railway Owaenkl, Arflnae.
Tha cise axosa originally out of
grants mado to tha old Willamette
Coast Kallroad to allow tha road to
obtain monay for construction pur
poses borne t'.me ( tha Stata Land
Hoard, to teat tha legality of tha (rant,
offered for sals tha small tract of land
Involved and tha court holds that It la
tha property of tha railroad rather
than tha property of tha atata.
"With tha wisdom or folly of tha
legislation in question wo hava noth
ing to do." wrltas Justlco Burnett In
Ms opinion. "It may hava been popu
lar at that time for tha Legtalature to
enrars In a project or promoting an
additional outlet for tha products of
tha stats, by which they might iro un
hindered to tha sea. At this tlmo It
might ba popular If we should declare
that tha whole itrant was properly con
fiscated, bat popularity Is not tha rule
when law Is to bo declared. Having
once deliberately granted away tha title
. to tha land la question, tha atata can
not recall the grant except by the i'r
rlM of eminent domain, with provision
for compensation, any more than an
Individual can deliberately avoid his
own free act and deed. Neither can
, the legislature arbitrarily take the
property of one Individual and five or
ell it to another.
Rrsral neldTaeoastlratleaal.
"We conclude that the act of Febru
ary U. 10, purporting to repeal ma
terial parts of legislation respecting
the grant In question. Is in violation of
the terms of tha constitution and af
fords bo protection to tha defendants
in their avowed purpose of selling part
sf the land so granted, and Salem Mills
Company vs. Lord, supra, is authority
f"r enjoining them In such attempt.
The decree of the Circuit Court is re
versed sod one entered hers In accord-
' ance with the prayer of the complaint."
The case of Burrell va the City of
Portland was a suit to declare Illegal
and enjoin the further execution of
two rontrai-ts. one between Portland
and Ralph Modjeskl for drawing plans
and supervising construction of the
Ttroadway bridge, and the other be
tween the ctty and the Union Fridge
Construction Company for building
tf- substructure of the bridge.
A grr.era! demurrer to the complaint
was sustained In the trial court and
t.e Supreme Court upholds the demur
rer. OtWr Caws Decide
Other opinions ware banded down to
day as follows:
,urr Clara va City of Fal.m; appealed
from Marloa Cventr: WTIilmm R.1it.
Jade: rvv.raed tn in opinion b, Cnl.f
June Kakia- This was a suit to quiet litis
to rl property.
Lamsorniea's National Bank of Portland
va. II. C. Campboii; asp.el.4 from Valuio
ttah County; J. P. Kavanaurh. Jadae; af
flrmeS km aa optaioa br Justice Moorm. This
was aa artlna ta recover enon.jr.
J. P. Oeaoara va C. C. har; appealed
fr ra Mul'nonua County; J. U. C'eland.
Ju-'.ae: atrirm.,1 ta an opinion by Ju.tice
si.-Krtd.. This was a salt te cancel a con
tra for taa sale of land.
Hesry and Kittle FtaehDeU vs. . at. T. and
J oh a Uumbecs: araeaied frass Doeslae
Count,. J. W. ii amnion. Jodca; affirmed la
aa rpmloo by Juatlc McBrlda. Tbls was
a suit ta corasol epectfla performance to
convey real property
t'oart I) lTnlmacs Inoanlty Case) B
cine law Makrs No Provision.
SK.VTTI.K. Wua. Feb. J.CharTe
II. Hufford. who killed Gladys Irene
Tsche at a New Tear's eve celebra
tion, must stand trial on a charge of
mur1er tn the first degree. Judge A.
v. Prater today dismissed the insanity
lroredtrers against Hufford and di
rected that his case be presented to a
!ury tn the Criminal Court.
Kvtdenre at the insanity hearing
tended ta shew that Hufford is sub
ject ta Insanity, bat the Iroeeeotlng
Attorney protested that the law does
not provide for a lunacy commission la
a murder case.
Vancouver Prisoners Tanncl
Urons; Iloom; Are Caujht.
VANCOUVER. "Wash, Feb. 10. (Spe
cial. Using a ball or handle of a
refuse pall, three city Jail prisoners to
day succeeded In tunnelling through
the two-foot brick wall of the city Jail,
and almost made their escape before
they were detected by John Secrlst.
Chief of Police. The three men bad dug;
the bole through the wall and into the
women's ward. Instead of Into the
broomroom. as they bad Intended. All
taking part In the attempted escape
ara said to be vicious and each had a
pistol on his person when arrested.
They are: William Murray, alias Wil
liam Currls: James Bean, alias Suther
land, and Fred Smith, alias Blacksy.
They were sentenced to serve 10 days in
Jail by O. Lioyd Davis. Justice of the
Peace, for carrying- concealed wearona.
The bole in the wall, which the trio
had made, was large enough tor a man
to crawl through. They crawled up
on top of the row of cells early this
morning, and were not detected In at
tempting to escape until afternoon.
Finding their mistake, they bad started
a aecond hole through the wall. Had
they reached the women's ws.rd es
cape would have been easy.
Students Eligible; Mrs. Abigail Scott
Dnnlway Cbosrn Honorary
President for Slate.
The first chapter of the National Col.
lege Equal Suffrage League to be
formed In the state perfected Its or
ganisation yesterday with the adoption
of a constitution and bylaws and the
election of officers. The meeting was
held tn the commit tee -room of the
Multnomah Hotel.
As a recognition of her pioneer work
In the cause in the West Mrs. Abigail
Scott Dunlway was elected honorary
president of the new chspter by a
unanimous vote, after a speech by Mrs.
A. E. Borthwlck. In which she paid
high tribute to the work done by lira.
Dunlway. Mr a. Henry W. Cos was
elected active president of tha new or
ganization. The leasrue was formed tentatively
February 12 at a meeting held at the
residence of Mrs. Ii. L Donald. At
that time Miss Charlotte Anita Whit
ney. National secretary of the league.
addreased those assembled and outlined
the leairue's alms and purposes. The
work of organizing a similar chapter
of the league among the women stu
dents st the University of Oregon was
begun last week.
Membership In the league is limited
to women graduates of colleges or uni
versities, and to women students who
have been at least one year engaged as
students at such institutions. This
last provision Is a departure from the
bylaws of the National league, and was
adopted for the purpose of making the
influence of the league aa broad as
possible during the coming campaign.
The question of admitting men to mem
bership may be taken up later.
The object of tha league Is to inter
est college women In a scientific study
of tha question, to equip them to enter
the campaign actively with arguments,
both oral aqd wrlten. The Portland
chapter will hold weekly meetings
hereafter. Tha meeting day has been
set for Tuesday and sessions will be
held alternately at the Multnomah Ho
tel and at the homes of the members.
A subscription list, headed by Mrs. L
. Therkelsen, who contributed 1100
at the meeting and offered to give 12S
monthly during the campaign, was
started yesterday.
Officers elected are:
Honorary president. Mrs. Abigail
Scott Dunlway: president, Mrs. Henry
W. Coe; vice-presidents. Mrs. L W.
Therkelsea, Mrs. Andre Foullhoux, Dr.
Mae Card well. Mrs. K. L Targert. Mrs.
J. B. Kerr; secretary. Miss E. Wold:
treasurer. Mrs. . T. Tsggart; direc
tors. Dr. Marie D. Equl. Mrs. A. A.
LJndsley, Mrs. Henry Hunt. Mrs. C
Edward Grelle. Dr. Kittle Plummer-
Tha following rommltteea were ap
pointed: Publicity, Mrs. U W. Therkel.
sen. Mrs, F. 8. Senn. Dr. Marie V. Madl-
gan. Mrs. Margaret Hoge; finance. Dr.
Florence Manlon. Mrs. A. IS. Borthwlck.
Miss Emma Buckman. Mrs. Sarah Ehr-
gott; literature. Mrs. E. T. Tasrgart. Dr.
Katherine Manlon. Mrs. N. W. Shaw.
Mrs. F. B. niley; press. Mrs. E. Wold.
Mrs. L B. Trulllnger.
Southern Padto Annoancrs Con
templated Service. Change.
DALLAS, Or, Feb. 20. (Special.)
Acting on a report that reached, this
city yesterday that the Southern Pa
cific Kailway Company contemplated
a change In its schedule of trains upon
the West Side, which would take away
from Dallas the evening train serv
ice now in existence between Portland
and this city, tha Dallas Commercial
Club held a special meeting last night
and adopted plans looking to the en
tering of a protest against any such
change being made.
Following so closely upon the heels
of the visit of the Southern Pacific
officials to this city a few weeks ago,
when Instead of signifying any inten
tion of cutting down the train serv
ice hers, they promised better service.
the move Is a surprise.
A committee of IS of the leading
business men of tbls city was ap
pointed last night for the purpose ot
waiting upon the Southern Pacific of
ficials tn Portland tomorrow and pre
sent to them the objections.
Anti-Labor Decision Not Ills, but
His Father's, Ho Says.
MORISTOWN. N. J, Feb. iO. Mah-
lon 1. Pitney, named for the Supreme
Court or the United Statea by Presi
dent Taft. took notice tonight of op
position to bis confirmation by the
Senate that has come from a labor
organization In the West.
-I wish simply to eny." tie said in
a statement tonight, "that I am an
enemy of labor. As to the decision
mentioned, and whatever construction
some may place on it, I have nothing
to say, for ths reason that it was not
mine. The opinion was delivered
orally and on the spur of the moment
bv mv late father, t lee-vnanceuor
Pitney in 1J. when I was the Junior
member of the supreme toun oencn
of this state."
Carload Just received, all more or less
damaged. These must be closed out at
once. Don't fall to call ana see mem
before buying. Prices and terms to suit
3Li Washington.
Ofriam PoBsor Fined $30.
h Kim. who was under indictment
In ths Federal Court 'or having opium
In his possession, pleaded guilty yester
day and was sentenced to pay a fine
Charles Leon Admits Thefts
Says Partner Innocent.
Mexican, Arrested at Medford, Con
fesses Long Series of Robberies
bnt Insists He Waa Xot
Aided by His Friend.
MEDFORD, Or.. Feb. SO. (Special.)
Telling a story of criminal opera
tions extending over a period of six
months with the bravado of a hardened
criminal and Joking with Prosecuting
Attorney Mulkey on the details ot his
crimes. Charles Leon, a Mexican, aga
21 years, Tuesday confessed in Jus
tice of the Peace Taylor's court to
robbing tha Model Clothing Company,
the Itogue River Electric Company,
the Southern Oregon Produce Company,
the A. A. Davis Flour Mills and the
Medford Distillery Company of clothes.
hats, flour, feed and wire and a cop
per colL
Throughout the recital of the con
fesslon Leon shielded his partner.
Pedro Lob us. but both were bound
over to the grand Jury, with bonds at
ISOO. The confession came when
Leon, confused by a series of ques
tlons, announced that he would make
a clean breast of everything. He
did so.
With a surprising faithfulness to de
tail he told of "spotting out" the places
he would rob and described minutely
the location of articles In the places.
He dented strenuously that Lobus had
anything to do with his crimes, but
constantly In his narrative he used
the phrase "we."
The plunder from the Model Clothing
Company, he said, was stolen by an
unnamed thief. Prosecuting Attorney
Mulkey tried in vain to make Leon Im
plicate Lobus in the crimes, but the
friendship formed In days on the ranges
of Texas, when both were cowboys, was
stronger than the law. He took all
the blame on his own shoulders and
overstepped himself a time or two In
his anxiety to protect his pal. He ad
mitted, that Lobus was to receive part
of the "swag." and that he helped chop
up a copper coll worth doo.
Pioneers, Friends, Students and
. Graduates to Give Day Over
to Exercises.
Or., Feb. 10. (Special.) Thuraday,
Washington s birthday, will Do cele
brated In elaborate style here, accord
Ing to the programme arranged by a
student committee selected from the
several classes. The alumni have been
notified and a large number have al
ready signified their Intention of being
back to their alma mater to portloipate
in the exercises of the day.
Trustees of ths Institution, friends
and benefactors, together with a big
concourse from Salem, and a complete
student tournout will pack to over
flowing any public hall that Willamette
now possesses. At 10 o clock in the
morning. In the college chapel, the
pioneers' meeting will be held. In which
E. K. Eaton, donor of Eaton Hail, will
be one of the central figures.
An elaborate "student feed" will ba
conducted during the noon uour in the
gymnasium, the different classes sup
plying the refreshments and supervis
ing all arrangements for the feeding of
several hundred or tne nunarry.
In the university chapel at 2:80 oc
curs the awarding of the athletlo
sweaters won In track, baseball and
football. President Homan and State
Treasurer Kay will be the principal
speakers. Although Waldo Mills, manager-elect
of next season's football
team, will have th-se exercises direct
ly in charge, having been selected to
preside over the occasion by the student
A basketball contest between the
teams from the senior classes in the
college of liberal arts and the college
r' law will be pulled off In the college
gymnasium at 4 P. M.
At I o'clock In the evening all tha
society halls will be thrown open for a
general reception of visitors from out
of the elty. the people of Salem and
the student body.
The students and student organisa
tions have worked .ard to make tha
affair a big success by their labors and
financial assistance.
Prominent Men Add Xame to Com
mittee In Charge of Fund.
The Willamette University endow
ment fund campaign la gathering mo
mentum. Some of the must prominent
business men In Portland outside the
rsnks of Methodism were added to the
campaign committee yesterday noon, at
the luncheon and bualness meeting of
the executive committee. Among the
new members of the campaign commit
tee are C B. Merrick, postmaster; C. W.
Nottingham. State Senator; Dr.- K. A.
Pierce. Ir. N. K. Cox. John Minto W. A
Holt. W. C. Bristol and Kobsrt Far-"
The committee appointed by the
Methodist at their regular
weekly meeting Monday, met with the
executive committee yesterday, giving
Information and suggestions. The com
mittee of ministers consists of Dr. J. W
McDougall. Dr. J. H. Cudllpp, Dr. W. H.'
Fry, Dr. D. H. Trimble. Dr. Benjamin
Young and Dr. William J. Douglass.
The campaign committee Is now di
vided Into teams of three men each,
one of these being appointed as a lieu
tenant, and being responsible for the
effort put forth by his team. The
teams are grouped under captains. The
lieutenants are to report to ths cap
tains, and the captains to the execu
tive committee. Lists of names of those
the teams are to visit will be furnished
them dally. New teams will be organ
ised as rapidly as possible, and ths
campaign pushed vigorously. This is
necessary because of the fact that the
large contributions made by James J.
Hill and R. A. Booth are contingent
npon the obtaining by the campaigners
of the remainder of the $500,000.
Trio of Decrees Granted In Other
Co sew at Oregon City.
OREQ"X CITT. Or, Feb. 20. fSpe
clal.) Mrs. Jane Bartram, of Port-
lilil ...i i'V- M'..
m 1 1
?. v.i
The wise man will prefer
on ounce of prevention to a
pound of cure. Our water
proof shoes prevent prevail
ing; colda. Double so!e with
oil-silk between, $5. For
dress, the best patent leather,
Special walking; shoes for
the man who "lives on hi3
feet," $lt0.
Lion special men's shoes at
$4.00 are extra values, and in
newest stylest. Our shoe man
requests the opportunity to
show you.
ULU1 1 GusKyhnProb.
166-170 THIRD ST.-
land, today filed suit for divorce
against A. J. Bartram, alleging cruelty.
They were abandoned January 137 1911.
and three days later, according to the
plaintiff, her husband left her. Hhe
asks that her maiden name, Jane
Caples Dodge, be restored.
Elmer E. Johnson sued Henrietta
Johnson for divorce, alleging desertion.
They were married in G ran ton. Clark
County, Wisconsin, November 23, 1883.
Alleging that be abandoned her. Mary
Frances Deal, through Attorneys Dlm
lck A Dimlck, has sued Balsen K. Deal
for a divorce. They were married in
Twin Falls. Idaho, February 2, 1910.
Judge Campbell today granted de
crees in the following divorce actions:
Hazel Farrell against William J.
Farrell. The plaintiff Is awarded the
custody of their child. Hazel, and S16
a month alimony.
Tasie May Held against J.' P. Reld.
Ouy R. Bowman against Kathryn E.
Transfers of Preachers Announced
for Ensnlng Year.
WALLA WALLA. Feb. 10. Appoint
ments for the ensuing year of the min
isterial workers under the Upper 'Co
lumbia Conference of the Seventh Day
Adventlsts, which held Its final session
here Sunday, were announced today as
J. K. Luther, last year in Ferdinand,
Idaho, is ordered to the Nes Perce dis
trict In Idaho; F. at Oliver was returned-
to Wenatchee; D. J. C Barrett
and. A. F. Mascher were returned to
FruitUnd. Wash, and the aurroundlng
district; Ole Lee was returned to the
Scandinavian district In Spokane. F. A.
Detamore will begin an active cam
paign in the Taklma Valley. F. B.
Hew will remain In North Taklma,
W. T. Hilgert. who was recently trans
ferred from Brooklyn. N. Y in the
Qreatef New York conference, was re
turned to Spokane. It E. Loop was re-
chosen field missionary agent. Miss
Ellen Swensen. who was a Bible worker
In Spokane, was released to do work
In Western Oregon conference. T. O.
Johnson will be treasurer of the Upper
Columbia Tract Society.
Inmate of Hospital Since 18 61 Goea
Without Regaining Memory.
Sarah Keene, the "mystery lady" of
the Philadelphia Hospital, is dead of
old age after 1 years spent in that In
stitution. She was taken to the hos
pital in 1861. suffering from smallpox.
She was cured, but while convalescent
lost her memory.
To Question as to who she was or
from where she came she. simply shook
her bead.
After the show Hotel Multnomah.
Health is the foundation of all
pood looks. The wise woman
realizes this and takes precau
tions to preserve her health and
strength through the period of
child bearing;. She remains ai
pretty mother by avoiding as far
as possible the suffering: and dan
gers of such occasions. Thi3 ev
ery woman may do through the
use of Mother's Friend, a remedyf
that has -been so long; in use, and!
accomplished so much good, that
it is in no sense an experiment.
but a preparation which always
produces the best results. It is fon
external application and so pen
etrating in its nature as to thor
oughly lubricate every muscle.
nerve and tendon involved dunna
the period before baby comes. Ifl
aids nature by expanding the skinj
and tissues, relieves tenderness
and soreness, and perfectly pre
pares the system for natural and
safe motherhood. Mother's Friend
has been used and endorsed by
thousands of mothers, and its usa
will prove a comfort and benefit tot
any woman in T-
need of such a yliOll)C
remedy. Moth- CTTr?
ers Friend is tJHIIW
sold at drug stores. Write for.
free book for expectant mothers,
which contains much information.
IRemova.1 Sale of Razors
Strops and Sliaving Supplies
An extra discount of 1-3 will be given on each exchange of razor or strop.
Why worry along with a dull razor or t cut-up strop?. Bring them in and get new ones.
$2.00 Razors... ..r. 95d
$2.50 Razors S1.45
$3.00 Razors SI. 95
$3.50 Razors -.82.35
$4.00 Razors S2.95
$5.00 Razors S3.45
Shaving Mugs
Three lots of Mugs, many
worth more than our regular
25c Mugs Q6 50c Mugs 19
75c Mugs 37d
Removal Sale of Pocket Knives
a-iA.i.MM " -"-ii,iai n uu1imm err"
Large' assortment, two to
steel. All styles and shapes
choice :
50c Pocket Knives
75c Pocket Knives
$1.00 Pocket Knives
$1.50 Pocket Knives
$2.00 to $3.00 Pocket Knives
AFTER YOUR SHAVE Use a Face Cream.
W.e have just the right kind.
Woodland Clarke Sz Co,
Prosecution ritnesess Say Judge
Hamilton In Bed at Time He Was
Said to Have Been Out.
ROSEBURO. Or.. Feb. 20. (Special.)
With ths taking of evidenca com
pleted at 5 o'clock this afternoon and
the arguments of the attorneys con
cluded five hours later, the fate of
Jesse Drake, accused of criminal libel,
will be placed In the hands of the Jury
early tomorrow. Important among the
witnesses Introduced by the state to
day were Judge Hamilton, tha prose
cuting witness; Dr. Sether, a local
physician, and Henry Stag, a gardener
employe! by Mr. Hamilton.
Judge Hamilton testlnedhat he was
stricken with illness on May 6 and that
he was unabla to leave his home until
May 28. or the day following the con
clusion of the McClaUen murder trial
Mother Kane is Very Sick
committee arid see his wife in regard
When the lodge secretary in a
gets word over the Bell Telephone
of a brother, he acts promptly.
Reductions 'A to Va From Regular
Every Razor we sell is sharpened by our
Razor Expert and and ready for use guar
anteed. Such makes as Wade & Butcher,
Peerless, L X. I, Pipe, Era, Ben Hur, Berg
and others.
Shaving Brushes
Every Brush guaranteed aa
represented or money back.
25c Brush....,..,..
50c Brush ..... ,
$1.00 Brush ,...-.,.
$1.50 Brush...... .....
$2.00 Brush..;
$3.00 Brush.
$4.00 Brush
$5.00 Brush
four blades, fine
of handles. Your
.?. .. 35d
SI. 48
Excellent cutting
, 25c Scissors
, 50c Scissors
$1.25 to $1.50
$2.00 to $2.50
Eether, Mrs. Hamilton and Mr. Stag,
who was employed at the Hamilton
hpme during the month of May.
In addition to reciting the dates of
his Illness, Judge Hamilton denied that
he took any part in preparing the in
structions delivered to the McClallen
Jury by Judge Coke. Neither was he
approached by the attorneys for the de.
fense, he said.
Four witnesses were Introduced
upon behalf of the defense and in
each Instance they told of noticing
Judge Hamilton on the streets during
the latter days of the McClallen trial.
None of these witnesses attempted to
set the dates and Bimply contended
they saw him during the month of
May. It Is the general prediction here
tonight that a verdict of guilty or
disagreement of tha Jury will result.
Packing Company Organizes.
ASTORIA. Or., Feb. 20. (Special.)
A new corporation known as the Lake
Packing Company has been organized
here and its articles of Incorporation
were filed in the County Clerk's office
today. The Incorporators are Ernest
Klrkberger. -8. 8. Gordon and O. W.
Sanborn and the capital stock is $50,
000, divided into 00 shares of tl00
each. The company Is authorized to
conduct the business of packing fish
and all kinds of vegetables and food
ROTHER KANE of our lodge is very sick
with typhoid fever at his home on Chestnut
Avenue. Will you please notify the visiting
Every Bell Telephone is a Long Distance Station
The Pacific Telephone & Telegraph Co.
$2!bo Razor Strops 95
$2.50 Razor Strops.... 81.45
$3.00 Razor Strops 81.95
$3.50 Brandt Automatic Strop
per with diagonal strop 82.00
Removal Sale of Scissors
fine Steel Scissors at Removal
-..14d 75c Scissors.... 47?
$1.00 Scissors 69c
Shaving Soap, Cream, Powder and other requisites
at Removal Sale Prices.
products in Oregon and Alaska and
also to own and operate steamers and
other water craft. The main office of
the company Is to be in this city, and
it is to erect and operate a salmon
packing plant in Southeastern Alaska
In the vicinity of Juneau.
Court Orders Seaside Mill Timber
Sold to Highest Bidder.
ASTORIA, Or., Feb. 20. (Special.)
Judge Taylor, referee in bankruptcy,
made an order today authorizing the
trustee of the Seaside Lumber & Manu
facturing Company, a bankrupt, to sell
the equity of redemption of the de
funct company's mill and timber hold
ings. The sale will be at public auc
tion and probably will take place about
April 10.
The equity was appraised at 110,
000, and if disposed of at a private
sale nothing less than J7500 could
be considered. By holding a public
auction, however, the highest bid can
be accepted. It is of little value to
anyone excepting the persons who
have purchased the mill and would
simply be a means of giving them ti
tle to the property without waiting
for the expiration of the year in which
the rlirht to redemption runs.
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