MRS. LEEDS WILL BEAUTIFUL AMERICAN WIDOW. -WEARING PEARL NECK , LACE OVER WHICH SHE WILL RECOVER $110,000 DUTY FROM GOVERNMENT. No Restaurant No Meat Market No Pots or Pans No Groceries No Bakery No Liquors GET i Merchandise of Merit Only - hi BACK 2110,000 Decision Means Government Can Collect Only 1 0 Per Cent Duty on Pearls. NECKLACE COST $220,000 V Inner of Content With Customs Officer Is Now on Tour of World. She Will Live In London, as Xfw York Jars. WASHINGTON. Feb. 10. The Treas ury Department today prepared to aur render tha 1110.009 excess duties col lected on the $::0.000 pearl necklaca of Mrs. William B. Leeds, of New York. In accordance with tha decision it the Supreme Court of the United states. The Supreme Court decision. It Is said, by custom experts, practically mrans that tha 0 per cent amy on rearl necklaces seldom. If ever, will be collected in the future. Because sucu necklaces can be unstrung abroad and coma In at 10 per cent duty as "pearls In their natural state. Mrs. Leeds Is the widow of tha American "tin plate king" and has been pendlnc most of her time abroad since the death of her husband severa years ago. Paul Hellleu. the French artist, has said that she Is one of the most beautiful women In tha world. The pearl necklace on which the Corernment collected the excess duty was brought to the United States from Paris In 10. Mrs. Leeds contested the Gorernment's demand and tha case was pending until the Supreme Court decided the case yesterday. Mrs. Leeds Is now touring the world In a private yacht with a party of friends. Tha tour began several weeas . ago. Mrs. Leeds complained, after several weeks In New York, that the American metropolis got on her nerves. After her present tour she will make her home In London, where she has achieved social success. Several titled men danced attendance upon her there last season. Including Prince Murat of Ttnssla and Lord Falconer of Kngland. When she was In the United States she denied rumors she waa engaged In them or anyone else. INDUSTRY CHAMBER FORMS Oichalls County to Have Body Formed of All Clubs. HOQUIA1L Wash, Feb. 10. Spe rial.) Formation of arChebsUls County chamber of Industry, to be composed of representatives of every commercial or. a-antastlon In the county, la under or ranlsatlon. It has been Indorsed by the Aberdeen Chamber of Commerce, the lloqulam Commercial Club and the Montesarro Chamber or commerce, aa far aa the preliminary steps are con cerned, and practically all that remains now le the choice of delegatea and f -r-mal orgaalxauon. The County Chamber of Industry, tha prime mover In the organisation of which baa been L. H- Brewer, president of the Hoqulam Commercial Club. Is de. slrned to handle euMects of Interest to ine whole county. The plan Is for all suMects of county Interest to be taken up by the County Chamber to be gone over rarefatly before decision for or asatnst. Then these subjects will be reported back to the varloua eluba and will he acted upon finally by the Conn ty Chamber. A aecretary la to be era1 piowd to handle the work of the or (an Izatlnn. JOB IS BAR TO MATRIMONY MriMifrsiiher Applicants Must Sign Bond to Krmaln Single. VXiiilTKR. Wash, Feb. 20. (Spe cials Moved by the rapidity with which alrl stenographers and book keepers, working for the Bennett Hardware Company, married In the past year. Manager Bennett has es tablished a rule that young women, when accepting a position, must give a written guarantee, secured by a mall bond, that they will not be mar ried within alx months. Within tha past five months two of Ms stenographers have married. Miss Nora Utter and Mtsa Florence Page. Mr. Bennett la not opposed to mar riage: he favors It. he says, but It is demoralising to hla business. Since It has become generally known that so- many girls marry from this store. Mr. Bennett has been flooded lth applications for positions. So far he haa not aucceeded In finding a girl wo is willing to take tha place and guarantee that she will not marry within six months. PRINTERS REVIEW WORK Accomplishments) In Coast Topic at Los Angeles. Cities LOS ANGELES. Feb. JO. Business and pleasure were combined In the second day'a session of the Pacific Coast Printers' Cost Convention being held tn this city. The business programme of tha con vention today Included a symposium on the accomplishments of organisation and cqst systems In Portland Seattle. Spokane. Taroma. Vancouver. San Francisco, Oakland. San Diego and Los Angeles, responded to in the order named by C. If. Whlteemore. Harry Stuff. J. A. Borden. Kthan Allen. Jr.; John Bedford. James I. Roanlree. Em met! Phtl'.lpa. O. Arthur Kelly and Frank A. Frye. At the afternoon session. Chadwtck P. Cummin rs. of Philadelphia, spoke on "Estimating." which was followed by a general discussion of the subject. Big Fruit Crop Expected. HOOD RIVER. Or, Feb. JO. (Spe cial. The abundance of fruit spurs reuses experts to pare this year's blos som of pears, anples and peaches sa one of the heaviest In the history of the valley. To test the fruit spurs a number of persons have cut twigs, which, having been inserted In water rf a high temperature, soon burst In full Moesom, (nmnrtitlon to Fill Vacancy. RE"J XXA.V NEWS BUREAU. Wash ington. Feb. S Senator Chamberlain vat Informed today that the new su perintendent of the 11th Ilfesavlng dis trict would be chosen after a competi tive examination, open to all keepers In that district and not oa Congres sional recommendation. -V. 7 V V V MRS. WILLIAM II. LEEDS. IS School Teacher Rescued From Gang In Vacant House. POLICE ARREST TWO MEN San Francisco Cltlxen Reports En counter With Toughs Carrying; IJmp Form Lonely Dwelling; Invaded G!rl Story Vipie. a i xr pnivnsrn. Feb. so. (Special.) Bescued by policemen from a vacant house at Eighth and .-aioma sirens. v.-. .h. bad Keen carried by a gang of men. one of whom, a cripple, she declares, attacked her. a woman wow gave her name to the police as Llllle Mathews, 10 years old. a school tescher. waa conveyed to her home In a pitiful condition at an early hour this morn ing. Thoxnaa Maioney ana a..m.. w. .mi. tnn. are held In DUilO4H - ' the city, prison on a statutory charge. and the police are searcmn members of the gang. According to the police. John Jaroe- -. ..-! n.ini.lf thla mornlna. re - sun. ml - " . . ported to Policeman Jackson that he . Kaie rfosen men carrying an apparently unconscious woman into a vacant house at tunia u streets. Jameson had attempted to Interfere, he aald. but was driven off by tha gang. Policeman Jackson, with assisting - ... . thm hnuM anil found . - the women with her hair disheveled and her clothing torn, moaning on the floor. Malonev waa found hiding In a closet In the house, and Sullivan was captured as he was running' away. Wu Apparently Dragged. n-i i.afnil to be under tha Influence of drugs, was taken to headquarters, where she was ques tioned. She gave her name, age, oc cupation, and said she lived at uo Oeery street. In her statement, sne said that when walking on tha water front she tin oeen imi"J' .- i j hmA comnlained to a pollcemanl who struck the cripple and rdered him away. x'- i.K.r.nHlrr aha said, the crtp- ple followed her and In Eighth street was Joined by nan a aosen oinn wmi nd the Den a aragerea nrr miu learby. There, she said, the cripple i -n(i ah waa onlv aaved KKKru ' ' " " . ..Ke InlTlfV hV tllS Tl VS.1 O L irvui iuiw . .... - , - the police, when her assailants fled. rjeiorw eort. the woman Identified Bulllvan and Mahoney. the men arresxeo. as iwo membera of the gang. The prisoners laid that they rouna mo women iyina In n front or tne nouse on me mnj . i .a k.e Indoors to assist her. but fearing that their motives would he misconstrued, attempieo iiigm on he arrival or tne ponce. Portland Mis Meattoaed. From a rambling statement Miss .... . tnaria. it annears she came from Holllster to seek employment In San Fra-Cisco, snu iui -- ves and friends in uuionr,- 1th whom she had been4 in communl- ntlon. One letter she showed tha police was erned by Axel Nystrom. giving his ,l.lress as 44 and 4t East street. San rsnclsco. Nystrom wrote from Port md. Or, saying that he would be tn ,n Francisco yesterday and asking m Mathews to meet him here. Among other statements, the woman Id her brother waa a rinaerion ue tectlve from Kansaa City. Mo., and M V. . - - .....(.in. Hera for a worn. th at flt - -' who robbed a Jewelry store in tnat clt :y. She said she naa oeen wuiin wit h her brother on mat case ana ent to the waterfront last nignt in the expectation of finding mm in inn neighborhood. NSURANCE MEN WARNED Taking; of Klsks From Unlicensed Brokers Held Rebating;. SALEM. Or. Feb. 10. (Special.) In warning Issued by Stata Insurance Ferguson today. It la declared tnat declared that any Insurance company hat accepts business through a broker who is not regularly licensed to do t business In Oregon and taking the risk I and paying the broker any commission WOMAN VICTIM 4 i 4 on the business will be guilty of re bating. In his statement he says: "In the statutes of Oregon, section SS46, which covers Issuance of Insurance by a resident agent, provides as fol lows: It shall be unlawful for any Insurance company or association doing business In the State of Oregon to write, place, or cause to be written or placed, any policy or con tract tor Indemnity lor insurance on prop. rty situated or located tn the Stata of Oregon, azcept through or by the duly au thorised asent or agents of such Insurance company or association residing and doing Dusmess in mis ataie. Section 4041. Word "Agent." how con st rued. The word "agent la this act. wherever used, ehall be construed to Include and ap ply to a person, firm, or corporation, and any certificate Issued by the Insurance Commissioner to any firm or corporation shall bear upon Its face the name of each and every Individual member comprising such firm, and the names of the principal officers of such corporation; and any per son who solicits insurance, receives aa ap plication or order to write, renew, or pro cure any policy or collect any premium, or who attempts as middleman to place any lire insurance In this state, ahatl be deemed an Insurance agent, and shall comply with the provisions herein; and If such agent snau refuse or neglect to procure a cer tificate as provided herein, he shall be deemed gulttv of a misdemeanor, and upon conviction thereof shall be fined not lees than f.1DO for each offense, and In default of payment of the fine, shall be Imprisoned In the Count r Jail not leas than fifty days; provided, bowever. that this section shall not apply to the regularly employed office clerks of agents. In regard thereto, we dealre to call the attention of the public to the fact that all policies of Insurance of whatever character, covering risks in the State of Oregon most be Issued throurh recularlv tl.naH 1 J dent agenta: and. further, that any company -.-ft.tii euro Dusincea inrough a broker who Is not a licensed Oregon agent of the company taking the risk and paying to such broker any commission on the business, will be guilty of rebating; for In such a case the broker, not being an authorised Oregon agent of the company, must be considered the egent of the asaured. and payment to such broker of any part of the premium shown br the contract, would be the same as payment to the assured. PBESS HOST TOMORROW CLVB TO E.VTERTAI.V FRIENDS AT FIRST AXXCAL AT HOME. ITogranuiie Will Begin at S and Continue Throughout Afternoon. Reeeptlon Most Informal. All the preparations are complete at the Portland Press Club for the first annual -at home.- which the club will hold tomorrow afternoon to commem orate the completion of the first year In Ita present quarters. Although the organisation of the club took place 1 months ago. It waa not until last Washlngtons birthday that the prea ent comfortable quarters In the Elks' building were formally thrown open. Tha opening of the clubrooms occu pies a niche In the memory of the newBwrlters of the city, alongside which few things are comparably Im portant, and In preparing the anni versary celebration, tha members of tha club Intend to have the acale In keeping with the Importance of the event. A splendid entertainment, which wilk atari si a o ciocg tad continue through the afternoon, has been arranged by Charlea Ji. Hyan. chairman of the en tertainment committee. Mr. Ryan promises that it shall be fully up to all expectations. Tha rooms, which will be given over to the decorators tonight, will present an appearance of beauty unequaled by any previous occasion, notwithstand ing they have at functions In the past presented a most attractive appear ance. President Vincent wants It under stood that the "at home" Is not an Invitation affair and that there will be aa complete an absence of formality aa the newspapermen can secure. The club expects that all of Ita friends and tha friends of its members, both men and women, will be on hand prepared to join in the festivities. Refreshments will be served. Natron Extension Hurried. EUGENE. Or.. Feb. "0. (Special.) H. P. Hoey, resident engineer of the Southern Pacific Company, In charge of the Natron extension, returned to day from the rati head and reporta ZOO men at work clearing right-of-way for the next contract. Mr. Hoey denied absolutely that he was looking over the coast country for a Southern Pa cific line from Tillamook to connect with the Eugena-Sluslaw line. Teal Arrives to Argue Cases. OREOONIAN NEWS BOREAL. Wash ington. Feb. 20. J. X. Teal, of Port land, arrived hers today to argue rata raaes before the Commerce Court and the Supreme Court. Kayser Knit Underwear for Women In Many Styles Today These Extra Qualities Will Be Sold at Unparalleled Prices k .aSaaTawV7 Jfi rOty, s worth your We direct KM $1-50 and $2.25 Garments Special $1.00 Silk lisle vests with band finished tops. Silk lisle union suits,, sleeveless and low neck, with plain or lace fin ished knee. Band finished tops and plain or lace knee. Also silk lisle union suits with crochet neck, plain knee. Silk lisle suits with crochet neck and lace knee. Silk lisle vests with lace and crochet tops. New Handsome Room-Size Rugs Introducing Them at Special Prices $18.00 Tapestry Brussels Rugs for $12.45 Tapestry Brussels rugs, size 9 by 12, of extra good quality. These rugs are now shown in a variety of patterns in Oriental and floral designs. This is the rug for service and durability. $12.50 Wool and Fiber Rugs for $8.95 Wool and fiber rugs of quality. Just the rug for the bedrooms or spare room. These practical rugs can be had in brown, green, tan and blue. $35.00 Body Brussels Rugs $25.85 A large shipment of new body Brussels rugs have just arrived. This is an excellent nig for the dining and living-rooms. The assortment of pat terns is very broad in neat, small designs. There are tan and brown color ings. Quality considered, you will find them great bargains. Size 9 by 12. $33.00 Axminster Rugs $22.45 Axminster rugs of superior quality These rugs are the best quality ot 9 by 12. GEONOMY IS PREACHED CAREFCI- MANAGEMENT URGED BY GOVERNOR HARMON. Ohio Executive Tells Kentucky leg islators Office Holders Should Look to Own Shortcomings. . FRANKFORT. Kjr. Feb. 20. Gov ernor Harmon, of Qhlo. warned the Kentucky Stat Legislature and all public office holders today to analyze their own records and see how far they were responsible for the unrest that he said, was leading; to a demand for Innovations In government generally. Harmon spoke briefly In answer to a recent Invitation of the Legislature. H said In part: "Whatever we may think of the In novations in government, we are hear ing so much about it that It behooves everyone who holds a public position to make diligent self-search to find whether any shortcoming on bis part figures In the unrest ths proposal of these changes signifies. "While some doubtless advocate them for other rea sons, the greater number would not lend an ear without some real or sup posed grounds for discontent with pub lic anencles as they are. "Direct legislation Is aimed at the lawmakers as a body, and the recall at the individual members, as well s-S at executive officers and Judges. And it may fairly be said that the support these devices receive varies with the real or supposed need for them, as well as with opinions about the balance of advantage In them. 'I believe the rrform most sorely needed now Is in administration; bet ter results nt less expensa. "It ought not to cost a billion dol lars a year, or over fll for each man. woman and child In the eountry to maintain the Federal Government with Its limited functions. "True, these are times of private ex Underwear That We Can Recommend for Long Service Prices Range From One-Third to a Half Regular Prices By the prices we quote for today we want to convince you we're concentrat ing our best efforts on these sales, offering bargains you cannot get later. It is well while to read the particulars. special attention to the large assortment of styles. They are all goods and all sizes are herein represented. All new. fresh merchandise. Regular $1.25 and $1.50 Garmenta Regular 35c and 50c Vests Special 75c Special 25c Silk lisle vests with deep hand crochet neck. Swiss ribbed cotton or lisle thread Other vests of lisle with low necks and band tops. Also lisle union suits with ribbon band tops and plain knee. Regular 75c and $1.00 Garments Special 50c -Sillc lisle vests with band finished top and crochet trimmed fronts. Also vests of white lisle with band tops and crochet yoke. Union Suits $1.00 A soft, finished cotton union suit, in white only. Made with high neck, long sleeves and ankle length; also shirt sleeves, high neck and ankle length. Silk finished around the neck. Kayser Union Suits Special $1.25 Silk lisle union suits made with low neck and sleeveless and tight knee. Has a crochet yoke. Also lisle thread union suits with low neck, sleeveless, tight , knee and band top finish. Union Suits, Sfi $2.50 Silk lisle union suits made sleeve less and low neck, with band tops and Italian silk insertion and tight knee. in pretty Oriental and floral patterns. xminster rugs manufactured. Size travagance, but that is no excuse for public extravagance. Everybody may spend his own money as he pleases, but public officials spend other people's money, much of It contributed under hardship and all of It for purposes whlrh make It sacred for every patriot. "Federal expenditures bear more heavily on the people than state or local expenditures because the latter are raised by taxes on property only, while the former are chiefly raised by the tariff on articles consumed. "We need other reforms too, but this would bring quicker, greater and more general relief than any other. Any reduction of the tariff taxes, with care and economy in public expendi tures which go hand in hand, is a ready means to secure It." Tax Collections $14,372. ASTORA. Or.. Feb. 20. (Special.) The sum of $14,372.92 was collected on the 1911 tax roll of Clatsop County In the first six days the roll was open. County Treasurer Sherman will issue a call tomorrow for all the general fund warrants Issued in the month of Sep- fheB Im Only ana Tfiatts' QUBB2BB2& Cm rhm iWoHkS thfm f Curm m Cold la On Omy. I araravs remember the fata name., ok tbt this signature on erarr boa Be. SWA with low neck and sleeveless. The necks are plain band or hand crochet finish. $2.25 to $3.00 Garments Special $1.50 Union suits of silk lisle, hand crochet yoke, some finished with band toDS and lace knee. Also silt vests with shell eriffe. Vests, Special $1.75 Silk lisle vests with low neck, sleeveless. Trimmed with an Italian silk insertion and band top finish. Sale of Flannelette Night Gowns Half Price These night gowns are made of fancy stripe and plain white flannelette. They have military or turndown collars and collarless effects, cut with square or round necks. Some have yokes, others without yokes. Trimmed with plain bandings, pipings, braid, lace and embroidery. Many are side finished. Sizes run from 14 to 18 extra. Regular Price $1.10, 1.25, 1.50, 1.75, 2.00, 2.25 to 3.00 HALF PRICE 55c, 63c, 75c, 88c, 1.00, 1.13 to 1.50 Demi-Tailored Dresses of Serge That have just arrived and show the latest notes in demi-tailored dresses, which has grown to be an indispensable article in every woman's wardrobe. These Springlike little frofcks are in misses' sizes, and the beauty of line and cut will make a strong appeal to all women who admire individuality in dress. They are designed of a fine French serge in color combinations such as tan with brown trimmings, navy and royal blue royal blue trimmed with white, offset with large and small white but tons. The style is most distinctive, yet very simple. Price $15.00 Lingerie Waists Special $1.45 The lingerie waist grows more popular each day, and for your new Spring suit you needs must have a dainty white blouse. This waist of fine Persian lawn is made in a variety of ways, with trimmings of val lace and cluny in sertion, embroidery and tucking. Long or short sleeves. Free Lessons in Raffia Basketry tember. 1910. About $11,000 will be r- I quired tn pay the principal and inter- I FINAL CLEARANCE OF OUR FEBRUARY RAINCOAT SALE AT THE HOUSE OF COATS Alterations free of v-.,v charge. LHULln for men and women: sizes 14 to 46; $18 and $20; double tex ture Slip-ons. art plaid Inter lined; high storm collar, storm cuffR: a superb all - weather coat at $7.50 RUBBER SLIP-ONS for men and women: just re ceived new shipment. $2.95 $2.75 Girls' Storm Capes at $1.38 English Gaberdines AND SUPERB Waterproof Coats for men and women; $22, $25, $30, $35 to $40; superb double service, all - weather coats. Final readjustment, at $15, $12.50 and $10.00 IT?- 343 NCOAT Washington, One Door Above Seventh. perfect vests '11 New Spring Model C. B. a la Spirite Special $1.28 Regular Price $1. 75 This is a C. B. a la Spirite corset fashioned on strictly modish lines, suit able for slender figures. Showing the new girle top and low bust effect, with medium and long hips. Four hose supporters attached.- Sizes 18 to 26. This is an exceptional model in and workmanship. Price for this sale only $ 1 .28. fit est on the warrants included in this rail. , to Specials today and OLir - uno Thursday. 343 f COMPANY mi (iir i