19 TITE SIORXIXO OREGONIAN. WEDNESDAY, FEBRUARY 21, 1913. EARLY WOOL BUY MG Contracting Has Begun Eastern Oregon. in PRICES ARE 14 TO 16 CENTS i-evrral CI I pa Pnrchiwd In Gilliam and Wallows Co an lira Oper- allona Are lls)Tter In Idaho and ftah. Weal keying tha ahpa Back Baa starts ! a small way l Eastern Oresjea. A taw sootreeta bar beea made la ta tetany af Arllagtoa and ta Walls-" County. Taa prloaa paid ranged fraa 14 la la aaata, wtuoA ara assert tha um aa AAaordlac ta laldar Koahlaad. vaa yost returned from a trio tbroegh East are Oresjea sad Idas, tha grower axe faaltaa JuBllast vr tha prospssrt for ta- atssss prlee. Ha aald: Taa sheepraesi fcav bad a vers sta sias iitl Whaler, front a Mock staadpolnt. Thar la every ladleaUoa that there will a a aod alia af wool, aad tha s.uslrty win Be aefter isaa isaa tw -t M. aenraraJ mlllloa a a da aava aaaa muutol analalr Heller wewla. at Is ta la aaata, lhaaa arteaa Betag tha . . mbu Boater. Taa kaytag baa aatorailr encouraged, rrawara ta bald for laiar pncea. aioa a. wo - ... t J.la k BmB of BMCllUaB WOOlB. Tka daalara ara aat after fin wools, aa thsy Bellev thsy tald too muca xar ta. laat rear. "Coatraetln- la Orea-oa aa far haa beea iall Taa iraatn km aat thalr Ideas at a blab figar and tha Bayers ara dia mi to waiL" Tkere baa baaa heavy ontretln la rtab. whara aa bib aa It eaata waa paid far aao alia. Tha Amerleaa Wool and Cactoa Reporter says af speculative Buying la tba Wast: TB eeatrestlag la tha aoaatry far wool taa aa tba sheep back la atlU Being ear. rta4 aa by tlv or sta Baotua houses. Thara to aat ao mart activity la thla aa thara waa a waak or aa aao. bat tha Utah clip la aow nearly balf taken, aad oaaaldarabla af tha Ntn4t wool baa baaa ordered. Bay oral raerenaala wha themselves antarad lata lha Utah kualAM atata that prloaa aow Being paid by ethar waol flrma ara aa aurd. Thara haa baaa a lar amount of lha Utah dip contracted for at laat yaar"a prteee. aad a good amount baa baaa takaa at pncaa a caat aad a half or 3 eanta higher thaa was paid laat yaar. -Tha high prloo aow reached for wool la lha country baa eaoaad several bayara to withdraw, bat ooo or two who ware tha moat active at tha awry etart ara eoatlaw jrs ia take ea aaw amounts. The firm wha f.ret started thla advaaoed eaatraatlnc ware able ta obtala ault a larca amount of stock at a law price, aad thay eaa af ford aow to pay a higher price thaa thaae aha did aat obtala aay af tha wool at the low figure. Daalara wha entered the field firet bare drlvea othara out by of fertnc thaae bKhar raiaa. aad eaa eoaUana to take eenaiderabte waol ta edaaaa-e. "The amount of Iradlnc la Nevada baa aot baaa aeaxty ao great aa ta Utah, aad tha piKwe which aaaay of the a-rowera are d.aiaadiaa bare made d.alara wililnc to poatpoae eparatloBa Pnoaa paid la Ne vada are from 1 to la ooma. aad the boat ellpa ara aow bring is- a boat 1 aaata aa a aatnlmusu CEXXALS SLOW AT OLD rftlCEo Ka hfarJi Activity ta Wheat 1'ipmwid Co lli Artor Kad af Maatav Tradlnc la all caraal Unaa waa ea a email ara: a y eater day. Frteee of wheat, ate and flovr were aachaacad. Daalera do aot look for nrocb activity la wh.at until altar the and of the meats. Lecal reoalpta la care were reported by the htorcbaata Kirnanae aa fellewa: Wbaat Barley Hour Oata Bay Monday ...... i Tuaaaay J t 5 1 Tmt aaa a i. aatain4i2 4 1 111 ol ITS 111 JOT l.ar ace IHOw 4u laiw aoi i r .Mil 1 1 inna ara anmamarlaad by the Liverpool Cora Trade Newa aa fol lows: Itittxl Kingdom Crop' eoadltlona are iuur aati.factorv Keaarvae of aauve wh.at are rrnlhor amalt. 1'rtnca rrnp eoatlltfoaa ara meetly fa iviUa. Offra 'f native bal ara ea a moderate The trade u dialaaUaed ta force a furt.ir advance. Otnuuy Th.re ara 'no crop emnp.ainta. bat he iMnl froet waa vary ervare. Thara ere only mod. rat. ofrrin of narlve whrat. Thrr la "d buvtnc br tne M ad 1 terra naan, Home coctumplloo ia v.ry poor. Kuaala la IK eoutb tne crop eatleok la favorable. Arrla:a of wat ara vary light, but eoerae I rain. fair. The Voice rortoe la bayror w baal from the tntorlor markata aa a moderate ecala. but II ta expected that thara will be liooral burtnr la lha aprlns. Tn.ra la (.narally rmln In the eouta. Koamanie and HanT Tha crop eat looa Is aatxtai-tory. with lha waalh.r mud. ttalr The crop oullo-k la favorable. .Na- llve wnaal ia icrT aau " - wath.r 1. mol.ral.ly unrani6it. ttt.ain Th.r. have baaa h.avy flooda I'ortuaal Thar. hs. br aoma damare iv tb. crop by fleoda. and It la .ipact.J met th.re will bo aume ImpertaUoa ef wn.at la tha prtn. turopoaa Vuisl. Tna vlalbta eopplr thia wk amounts to T5.71u.OOo buah.la. aaaln.t TT bu.h.ls last w.k. Uaat wMk'a Curaa are ol.'iciilly ravd. thus howln a dacrraaa of I.TIOOOO buah.la Laat yer Ih.re waa aa lacr.aa. af l.TH.0Ofl buah.la. wr.-r. tne total amounted Is 10s.MW.OuO buansle. rmcsvxxs feri.i. at better nucrs jaarr Baaa rlad Buyers at It Ceato Es Markat atoady. A carload af etc s waa ahtpped eat ef town yaeterday. Thie ctsanad ap the surplus ea Front etraet and left the market steadier, afoot of the days business wss done at 30 cents 'With the etc season, now on. receipts of chickens have taltaa off materially aad prices have advanced. H.na sold readily at It eeats yaeterday. and food, large ones brencht Id eanta Sprint, were quoted at It 9 Id cents, gtber kind of poultry were enchanted aad dressed meats sold at fof mar prloaa There ware ao new developmente la the batter market, which waa quoted firm. HOr OKOERA OX RAND AT tt CE2TTS Daalara ramble to FtaA Sellers at Thla FlaT aio Peer teles Hi rioaae. Th.re were a number of order la tk hop market yoeterday at tt rente, bat they were sot filled. Holders were firm. pee ls :: y growers and deal. re having carloads. Many of tba remaining lota are email, rang ing from to bales down to 10. and the dif ficulty of handling three oa aa equal qual ity basts Is felt at this time, whea the orders are mainly for full cars of the same grade aad appearance. Almost complete returns ea beer sales ta January show a decrease of 511 per cent aa compared with the same month last year. Baak Clearlnga. Pssk clearings ef the Nortbwestsra cities yesterday were as follows: CI.sHnre. PsTsnres. Portland U.T73.0.U Seattle LSTHS-iJ 21.t.-0 Teroma T4.V171 rn.7tl-l fpokane 53. -1 81.30J Car of Herlda Grapefruit aealrei. A car ef Florida grapefruit was received yoeterday and placed ea sale at $3.T3 0 T i Apples have boea going Into ..coerampttoa ! .1 a more icIM rale la tha " week and price ars flrraljr maintained en ail gradea A car of celery and lettuce la dee today. No asparagus was recslved yesterday. rORTLAXD MAKKXTS. Urala. 11. ar. Feed. Eto. WHF1T Track prices: Blut.m. rluK red Bumiaa. Valley. Oo: ec; oil-fold, e. M 1LL.T LTrS Bran. IIZSO per ton; shnrr. t: middlings. tiO: rolled barley. t'LOCR Patents. tSO Per barrel: siralghta. .!: exports. M 0: Volley. (4.607 graham. 4.1; whole w h-at, 4.i. HA No. 1 Eastern Orfn timothy. $IT Olt: No. I Velley. lit 8 13; alfalfa. 13; ciov.r. (11: grain. 13aU3- Cor.X New, whole. S3; cracked. 3S per too. OATS No. 1 white. ISIflSl per ton. Vegetabiiie and Frolta. TROPICAL PKU1T8 Oranges, navels. tI7r3; Callfomia grap.frult. ta.&Ofie; Florida grapefruit. (Vila 7: henanas. 4 4e ah. por pound; lemons. per box. IHt.H riil'IT Alm.ris grapes. J.OO per barrel; cranberries, tltt011.au per bar- "pOTATOSS Buying prteoe: Borbenke. tl 0123 per hundred; sweet potatoes, tl per erateu VE'.ETABI.ES Artichokes. fl.M per os- en ; aeparairu .w" ' beans IHIIIte; cabhage. Pr pound: caullflewer. crat.; eel.ry. per craie; ciomnfi. a.. - - - plant. 12eo per pound; garlic. t10a per pouad; lettuce. X7t per crate; boihouee leu lace. - II pr bos: peppers, lao per pound: pumpkins. 1 v, tj So per pound: rad Uhee. tic per dos.n; plnach. 11 133 per box: reroute. c; siuasb. ltaOlo per pound; tomateee. t 34 per boa. ONIONA AasoclBtloa prlco. IXXt per ssrk. SACK VElKTABLEf To ml pa. 1110 per each; rutebasaa. 1 41.10: carrot a. gl tjl.lo: parsnips. 119110; bests, (1 as. AP1-LE8 Kency Rome Beauty. a.0 per bos: choice Rome Beeuly. 12: fancy Tallow Newtown. $2 eO: fancy f pltsenb.rga. 1T: Dalawere Red. tl.Tl; Wln.Mp. t3; Northera (ipy. tl.ao; Baidwla. tleOvl; Baa Davis. t i to. Btsple Creeerles. KALMON Columbia River. 1-poand talla $2.23 per doeen; t-pound tellm, $2 03: 1 pouad r:aa I20; Aiaaka pink. 1-pound talis, tl-i- COfruB Roasted. In drums. StHOtOO per pound NI.TS WalnutA ttlt( Pr pound; Bratll nut. I4vlci flliwrts. 14913c: al monds. lTi21e; pcen. lc; rocoanuts. 00a atl rr dueen; rhMtnute. 12He per pouad; hl-k.rr nuta 10. rr pound. HON IT Choice. It Ti per case; stralaed hoeey. loo pr pound. BALT Orsnulail. $13 p.r ton; ha!f grojnd. 100a, io per ton: oue. IK per ton. PHANH Small white. 4ie: large white. Se; Lima. TVtc; pick. tc. kfexicaas, o; bayou, to. BUT; No. 1 Japan, flic: cheaper grades. Ies: Fooihera bad, VeTc. M'UAR try granulated. tt-H: fruit and berry. 14 la; Honolulu plantation, 130; beet. It ll; extra C. t.0a; powdered, bar rets. M M: rubes, berrela 1 1 i. DRtFlD rl lT Apples. 14a per pound: apru-ota. lnlHc: peachM. 12914a; prune Italian. luWtfnSc; sliver. lo; figs, whlla and b.srk. l'TSt: eurranta. 10 9 lie; ralalna. loose. Muscatel. lT4c; blesched Thompaon. 11 wc: unbleached Pul laaaa. IHe: eeeded. TSve; dalee. Per sian. IHo per pound; rard. $10 per box. Dairy aad Ceoauury Produce. BUTTER Orecoa creamery butter, solid pack, toe: prints extra. reran Uregoa ranch, candled. It C 2c per dozen. . HCKB uregoa. nominal; WlscoBtta, dslal... nominal. POKK Fancy, 191 Ho per pound. VKAL Fancy. ltolllSc per pound. POULTRY -Hens. 139 lac: b-pTtngs. lt9 14o: durks, lTflTHo: gee. 10911c; tur keys, live. 16c; dressed. 20 B 21c. Provlsloas. HAMS 10 to 12 pounds. Utile; It to It pounds. l91o: 14 to Id pounds. 18 91c; 14 to II pounds. 14H915W-: tklnnad. lc; plmlrs, 11c: cottage roll. 13c LAHD Kettle rendered. tierces, ISHe: rube. 12e; standard tierces. 11 He; tuns, lle: shortening, tierces, lit; tuba, IHo. BACON Funry. 24c: at an (Sard. 2vs; choice, lttsc; Enclleh. 15H91c DRT BALT CVBKD Regular ehort clears, dry sail. 11 Vic: smoked. 13c; short clear, barks. 12 to 1 pouada. dry eelt. 12c; smoked. 14c; ehort clear becks. to 20 pounds, dry salt. llVto; smoked, lto: Ore gon exportA. dry salt. 13c; smoked. 14c Fars. FURS Portland prices for prime, well- handled skins, according to sixes: Mink. t49-b0: raccoon. uctl.&0: skunk (nar row etrlpel. tlOl; skunk (broad strip. ). T&crSl.tu: muskrat. 2ut 33c: gray fox. T3e ilii; red fox. IlkiM; marten. 149; beaver. tt60; fisher, (12920; badger. 40a Oil: lynx cat, l5; wildcat. TJcfltl.60; otter. 110914; lynx. HSwiW; ringtail eats. 23sj0e: elvet rat. 10i 23c; house cat. Itf Sue; mouatala lion, t.va lu; bear, IT012. Unseed Oil aad Tarpeatlaa. LINSEKO OIL Pure raw. in barrels, 7To; belled. In barrels, "c; raw. la oases. t2es belled. In cases, tto.' ' TVKPENTl.NIi Cases, TOc; wood barrels. eTHe. FLAXSEED OIL MEAL Per toa. .44. Hops. Veo4 and Hldea. HOPS lilt crop. IT 913c; olds, nominal; 11 J contracts, S0w23Ho. KOHA1H thoir, u e 33o per pound. WOOL Eastern Oregon. 14 Q lto per pound, according to ahrdlnkage; Valley. iitflTo per pound. I ELTS Dry. 11.-; lambs, salted. TB9Oo; short-wool pelts. 6.'4j.3c; butcher pelts, Jan. take-off. 3cVfl.u; reb. take-of r. tllu Lli HIDE Halted bMes. sOV410Ha per pound: ssited csir. latlTc: sslted kip. life 12r; green hides. OHc; dry cslf. 21c; dry hides, lstfiuc; salted stsgs, 7 if TVke; greea sisgs. IdHc. uaSCara Pr pound. Bfc ORAI.V BAGS In car lota T Ho each. VALUES AKE VERT FORM IX THE IIOSTO.V MARKET. Sbnio Lines Are Becomlns Scarce. Illddlnr for the New Clip I Actire. BOSTON. Feb. 10. Moderate eajoo of o meetie wool are being made, with values very firm. Trading la along broad llnea, el. thoogh soma of the nearby wools are becom ing ecarca. Kidding for the new clip contlnuea active In tba West, and It la reported that two thirds of the Ltak clip has been sold at from lto ta He. Pulled wool to moving liberally, but Interest Is falling off la tka foreign product." Quotatlone: California Northern. 61011c: middle eeuatsos. 4l9taa southern. 4404Te; Fall free. 42 f 44c. Oregon lae-t.rn No. 1 staple, tie: east ern clothing, too; vslwy No. 1. 4T04to. Territory Pine staple, tittle; Una me dium staple. He to-; Bne clothing, ftt9to; fine meltum clothmg. tlevtto; one-half blood combing, tltfaoc: three-alghtha blood combing. 61e32c; quarter blood oomblne. tT0iHa. Pulled Tirtra. 14 911c; fine A. 11013c; A supers. 319110. LEMUEL ELAM RECOVERING Man Who Shot Self at Raymond Well Knotrn at Cottage Grore. COTTAGE OROVH. Or, Feb. SO. fSpeclaL) Lemuel Klsm. who at tempted to commit suicide at Raymond br shooting himself In the head, waa a former resident of thla city, and had only left hero a few days before attempting- to taka his Ufa. Ula wife, orer wnoaa refusal to coma back to live with htm caused him to commit tha deed, left hero a few daya before him to lira with relatives at Raymond. When Elans left hero ho waa armed with a revolver and made tho romark to a friend, bo it has ainco been learned, that ha might never ba aoen alive again. Word received hero today states that Elam received only a flesh wound. Is recovering-, and haa been locked up pending; trial for attempting; bis own Ufa SMALLEST OF YEAR Slock Dealings in Wall Street on Reduced Scale. CHANGES NOT IMPORTANT London'! Orxratlons Arc Lss Tban On Tliouaand Shares Finan cial Offcrlnss Are Floated With Ease Bon da Stead. NEW TORK. Feb. . The day In the stock market may be epitomised la the siatemcnt that ths total was the smallest of any full day this year and closely ap- 1A aaeorda. Evea the proTe.JjB.'r smmtly ir",K"",d; " take en new commitments. The rr.o that csn bs ssld Is thst ths msrket maintained orar "mi"f '"ZXr W-tern. wlllch ara Inter-related, were strong and active for bo known reason, but the more speculative etocks movsd wltblo ths most restricted limits. , ,.M Londons opcrstlont wore less '"J0! -v ,,,,.u.i monetary development waa the borrowing here by London bankers of considerable money on call. TB" 3 to 4 per cent runner eii. of money hero. a...,rr i that an offering of ,000. ma i ..w r n lmDOrtaot mer cantile concern had been taken without pub lic offering and Indications that a tlO.OOO. ooo Japanese loan would be floated with equal ease made up .a..- fiK.nHKa total of the Introduction of a resolution In Congress rslllng upon the AtlornT-Genersl to myee- . v - .u.it amalt.r trust WSS Wltn- out effect on the stocks most concerned. Too copper thsres were Silghtly reactionary. Among Ihe dsy-a rsllwsy returns wss ths annual report of the Deleaare. Lackawsnna A Wcai.rn road for lail, showing a belanea available for dividends .quel lo 1.I per rent as against S-41 the prevloue year and ovrr 32 prr rent In ItKi The Baltimore Ohio road, of whose common sioca u - .- ir.4.d in durlnr the day. Inrreea.d lis set esrnlngs for January by sisi ooo The bond market was steady, but festuro- leee. Total Bales, psr tun, Oovernment bonds were unchanged CaU" CLCSINO STOCK QUOTATION". loosing slid. 3W 63 H 3' 4 MS lle M 4H 24 2ia 3v -IS J03V. S7Vj 119a 141W ins 2H 115 H 1"4 ', I3 Vat ISr) 121 IKS T 230 JAW S3 70 T2 20 1T4 .13H 141 H 13S W 24 H 43 lKWTs 10 J71H 21 41 H 2 115 41 1ROH I3014 18.1 17H (H A 20 10 SO 11 2d t 10s ) 132 . 24 1.12 2H T'a .19 143 11S 37 W 110 78 117 32 4 122 HXI 134 .10 139 27 15a "4 101k 78 23 49 8S 29 V, 70S 41S 1VK4 27. 73 4 AIM. Chat pf .. . Amal Copper . . Am Agrlcult .. Am Iet Hugar. American Can .. Am Car A Fdy. . Am Cotton Oil .. Am lid A Lt pt Ara Ice Scuri.. . Ara L4nse.d . . Am Locomotive Am fm.l A Ref do preferred. . Am Fteel Fdy.. Ara Putar R.f.. Ara Tol A Tel . . Am Tobecco pf. , Am Woolen . . .. Anaconda M Co Atchison do preferred.. Atl Coast Line.. . Malt A Ohio . .. . Bethlehem Steel Pros R Tran . . C'ansdlaa I so .. Central leather do preferred.. . Central of N J. . Chea A Ohio ... Chloaxe A Altoa . Chi Gt West .. . do preferred. . Chicago A N W C, U St PauL C. C. C St L. Col Fuel A Iron. . Col A rtoutbern. . Consol Gil .... Corn Products D A Hudson.. D A It Grande.. do preferred.. rlsti'.lers Secur Erie do 1st pf do 2d pt Oen Kiretrlo ... tit North pf ... C,t North Ore . . . Illinois central, laterbor Mr-t .. do preferred.. Inter Harvests.. Inter Marina pf lot Paper ... .. Int Pump Iowa Central . .. X. O Southern.. do preferred.. Laclede CSS . Louis A Nash.. Minn A St L .. M. 6 P A S A at Mo. Kan A Tex do preferred.. Me Pacific .... Nat Biscuit .... National Lead .. N Ky Max 2 pf. N Y Central . . . N Y, Ont A Wet Norfolk A W.at North Ameiicea Northern I'ac .. pariflc Mall .... Prnnrylvanla ... People's Gns .. P. C C ft L.. IMtteburg Coal . Prees.J 8 "ar. 7 Pull Pal Car .. Hy Strel Spring lu-adlna Kr Public Steel . . . Rock Ialand Co. do prelsrred. . t L A B F 2 pf St L Southwest. do preferred.. Fines fh.ITI.ld.. Southern I'ao .. southern Ky .. no preferred.. T.na Copper . .. T.zaa A Pacific 71 11 if 3 Tol. St L A Wca . 1 do preferred.. Union ParlAo .. do rr.furred.. V a Healty .... i; 8 Rubber ... U S Steel do preferred.. I'tah Copper . .. Va Caro Cliem.. Wabash do preferred.. Western M'l . .. Wealing Klec. W.slern Vnlon.. Wheel A L E.. l.ehlsh Valley.. China Copper.. Kay Conseie . .. 2 l4i P2V. et 43H BOS M S 64 7 1 B. 7S 64 S 137 23 lrt ar.a l0 23 23 ."-) 1S 1 oo 201 v s:-n Am Tobecco Total oaies for the day, 127.70O aharea. BONOS. Furnished by Ovarbeck A Cook Co.. of Portland; B'd. Asked. A mer Tel A T.I con v 4s 110 111 AmrrVin Tobscco 4s 93 93 American Tobacce 6 120 120 Atchison general 4a 99 S 9t Atchlsen conv 4s 1"I 1'"S Atchison ndj 4s stamped 92 92 Atchison conv 6s .....107 1nH Atlsntio Coast Llns cons s 9n ihi. A I C oast Line "L A N coll" 4s. 93 93 Baltimore a Ohio tHs 92 9:1 Haltlmore A Ohio 4 99 90 Kroeklyn hapld Transit as 85 H5 Can Houtharn first 6s 101 lir Cheaaoeake A Ohio-4a 101 ll CHAW gen mtg. 4s 90 9T C B A W joint 4s 97 97 C B A J Ills 4s 100 lo0 C It A Q Denver 4a 9.'. 9T Central Pacific first 4s Bn 97 Chlraro A Ettst Ills 4s 80 f0 Culcaco R 1 A P ref 4s 90 90 Chicago R I AP Col trust 4s... 71 72 Colorado A Southern first 4s... Brt'a 97 Denver A Rio Cranda aa 90 91 Del A Hudson conv 4s 98 9B Erie first cons P L 4s 94S 60 Int Met 4 He 81 83 Japanese 4s fi t7 Japanese first 4 He 93 . B3 Japanese second 4',s !2 92- I.o-jlsvllle A Nsehvllis unl 4s... W'il f Mo Kin Tex 4s M 89S Vlsvourl raciric 4s 71 74 S New York Central 3 Us Kg !8S New York Central L S IHs 83 83 New Tork City 4s 93 9G New Tork City 4Ss of 1037.. ..107 107 No-folk A Western 4s 98 99 Norfolk Wet conv 4s lo 109 Northern Pacific P L 4s 1K 100 Northern psclflc 8s 09 70 Oregon Short Line 4S 93 95 Oregon Ry Nav 4s f3 9C Penna Ry 4s of 1948 10H MS Philippine Railway 4s M 87 Reading general 4s 9 !is p.epubiie or Cuba 3s 102 103 Southern rsclflo first ref 4.... S3 93 Southern Pacific col 4s 93 90 Foutacrn Hallway 4S ., 70 79 Bt L A 8 F ref 4s e.0 81 Ualea Pacific first 4 100)4 1C4 Bslas. High. Low. 'V.o6 "r.4 3 1. 1 00 V 3 1O0 Ms MS 7i0 12S 11 '"mo "26s 'ao5' '"soo '38i '" .A IIS 71H 100 1"3 a 108 1O0 21 Si 8m ll4 iiv; 1.IWO 141 141 AH) ll3 10414 "iJOO "83 h4" 104 Vt 104 100 104 104 "ioo "36" 'io'vi W0 74 S "H i.ivo jhos 2: 10V. 18 18 V.ioo T2 'iiii , a e e e ooao a a a a "jno iiis ieiii l.BOO 10 lfl 10O 68 68 2.8"o iio" issii 100 10 10 2O0 17114 171S ..... ..... 20Q 42 41 : 2ft ti 29 bo0 81 S 81 S 100 61 S 61 "706 io ihi" 1.000 180 s 120 "ion "ii4 'ii's 0 R MS 100 ios ios "aio "io'' "10 o o e e o e e a 0 a e e a e 1 a o a 0-0 eeaaa o a 0 e e e a a r a o a a aase a e e mill a a e e ""ino 'ac "isii 8" 1H2 S 132 HoO 20 20 "'j.'.O '63 'm ' 200 82 S 82 avo 110 110s ' V.1V10 iii" iio 100 78 78S 4"t 117S 117 20 32 32 PuO 128 122 w 2i lo Inn C.600 lua 104 "206 "ii"" is.ioo is im ""166 "sa 4 "8 "ioo "is- "siii ' "1.306 ioi' 107 4'lO 27 27 700 78 78 "o6 '2' '82 8.4'0 liM', 14 2UO 02 92 "406 '43 "43 Z9.800 00 6 V.POO "37" 'm IOO B3 M OOO 7 7 4.) IS 11 100 rt r.n 2.4iX 711 72 2.3O0 MS MS 1,200 6 S Union paclflo conv 4a ,01,, J2?i t nlon pacific ref 4s fnltcd States Steel S F S 102T4 1J Vnlted Ptates 2s regletered 100 I'nlted Stetee 2s coupon ....... .loo 100 fnlted Statee Ss registered H'2 I'nlted Ststes 8s coupon 102 .... United titalee 4s registered 113 JJ3 United Ma tee 4s coupon 11J 'iS United Railway 8 F 7 OS United Hallway St L 4s rO Wabash first 4s .'ll,. Western Union 4 1J0,, 10?v Westlntrhouse conv 6 0 Western Psclf'c Rs J , WlKconrln Centrsl 4s i.... 93 93' West there 4s 100 100 Storks at Boston. BOSTOK. Feb. 20. Closing quotations: Alleuet 39'Mohawk 65 Am Cop ex-dlr. 4 (.Nevada Con .... 18 A Z L A Sm... S4"i;Niplslng Mines. 7 B A C C A S M. North Butte. 23 -A Butte coalition. 2-JINorth lke Cal A Arlrona. . 0 C'ld Dominion... 46 Cal A Hecla. ...430 Osceola Centennial ls!Quincy Cop Ran Con Co 5.1 s-nannon 9 E Butte Cop M. 112 H iSuperlor 23 Franklin 12; Sup A Boa Mia.. 3 Olroux Con .... 4Tamarack ...... 2S Granby Con ... 33 U S 8 R M... 3o Greene C ex-dlv 7 do preferred... 47 I Royalle (Cop) 24 Utah Con ...... J Kerr Lake. 2l'1ah Copper Co. 6u Lake Copper.... 83 Winona J 1 Salle Copper 4;Wolverlne 9 Miami Copper... 21i Money, KxcJxance. F.tc NKW TORK. Feb. 20. Money on call stesdv. Sif2S: ruling rste. 2; closing bid. 2; olferel Bt 2 per cent. Time loans firmer. Sixty days, 2 par cent; 00 daya, 8: six months, 3eS- Prima mercantile paper, 8S6 4 per cent: sterling exchange firm, with actual busi ness In bankers- bills st M.84SO tor 00-day bills, and at (4 8740 for demand. Commercial bills 4. 88. Mexlcsn dollars t7c Government bonds steady, railroad bonus steady. 1 LONDON. Feb. 20. Bar silver, steady, 27 6-lOd per ounce. Money 808 per cent. The rat of dleeount In the open market for short bills is 8 per cent; for three months bl.la, M7--ld per cent. BAJf FRANCISCO. Feb. JO. Sterling on London. 60 daya 14.84; do, sight, 84.87. Sliver bars. 39e. Mexican dollars. 47o. Drafts, sight. 6c: telegraph. 7a. Condi I Ion of the Treaeary. WAPHIXOTO.V. Feb. 20. At the begin ning of business today the coudltlun of the United Statee Treesury was: Working balsnca iu Treasury of fices . t M.7!fi,Ioa In banks and Philippine treasury 33.fil8.4T0 Total balance In general fund... 119.817.8 Or Jlrtary receipts yesterday .... HK4.fo4 Ordinary dlaburaementa 1.612.X4a The deficit to dste this flscsl yesr. 824. 103. 2J1. ss sgalnst t4.S10.b31 Bt this time a year ago. These figures exclude Panama Canal and public debt transactions. STOCK TRADE FALLS OFF OXLV TWO LOADS ARE RE CEIVED AT THE YARDS. Bunch of Sheared Wethers Sells at ' a a. if. Tons of the) Market It Firm. After the active trading of Monday, busi ness fell off at tha stockyards yesterday, only two cars of stock arriving. Tha principal sale was a load of sheared wethers that brought 84.1S. A losd of hogs sold st 86.70 snrl the remslnder of the business was In odj and -ends. The tone of the market held Arm throughout. Receipts yoeterday were 7 cattle, 83 hogs and 2-8 sheep. Shippers were Newland Bros.. Troutdale. 1 car of sheep, and F. W. Williams, Junction City, 1 car of rattle and hogs. Tha day's aalea were as follows: Weight. Price. 2B ewes 00 3.00 8 hogs 0.40 1 cow 710, 2.85 1 buir 7 3.30 22S sheered wethers K'O 4.13 78 hogs 3 f-70 1 hog - -10 6.00 The isnge of prices st tha yards was as ChoJce'steers 80.00 16.60 Good to choice steers 5.73(o ti.oo Choice cows 6.00 u 6.6O Good to choice cows 4.73 6.00 Choice gpaved heifers 5.50 Good to choice heifers 6.00 & 6.25 Choice bulls 4.25'J 4.30 Good to choice bulls 4.00 4.23 Choice cslves I.snti S.00 Good to choice calves O.lodji 7.00 rl ' Choice, light hogs 6.309 6.75 Smooth heavy hogs 6.7i 0.00 Rough heavy 5.6u 6.75 Sheep Choice yearlings 4. 60 A 4.7B Cbolcs killing swes 4.00 ( 4.83 Cholcs lsmbs 4.7311 COO Good to choice lambs 4.50i 4.75 Cull S.7CHJ 4.00 Omaha Uvo stork Market. OMAHA, Feb. 20. Cattle Receipts. .6100: market, slow and steady to ea.ler. Native ste-ra, $3.07.75: com and heifers, 81.209 680; Western eteers. 8407.00; Texaa steers, 1.1 73tr5.8&: range cows and heifers. 3' 4 9; canners. e2.5093.H3; storkers and feeders. o.93'8,.30j calves. 47.5u; bulls, stats, etc.. t3.M(i 3.40 Hogs Receipts. 18.100; market, steady to 6c higher. H.avy. fti.OHH 0.13; mixed. 83.80 6 6; light. t:..7'KrJV05; pigs. (4.23wi.&0; bulk of sales. .V8Ji 0.03 ! sales, I...8JS1 0.UO gheep Receipts. 11.000; msrkot. slow to war. Yearlings, I4.tii3.30; wethers. 83.76 4.85; ewes, tne 3.83: lambs 6396.25. b low e Chicago IJvestock Market. ruipifio Feb. 20. Cattle Receipts. 8000- msrket. quiet and weak. Beeves, 4.3 f IH; Texas steers, t4.6063.65: Western steers. 64.HOQ7; stockers and feeders. S3.SO C0.10: cows ana neiiera, 4i.ivk cttivca. 80. ro v un.a Ttar.ints. 80.000: market, alow llnht. 83.80 4.20; mixed. 63.830.22; heavy. (.-..90&6.25; rough. 85.00fi6.10: pigs. 84.23 '16.90: bulk of sales. u.00.20. bueep Receipts. 220O: market, generally slow. Native. 83.80 ii 4.75; Western. e3 0t 4 80: yrarlinxs. tl.hOtr 3-73: lambs, native. 64.SOV a ; western. e..ov.ov. Alt FRANCISCO PRODUCB MARgJKX. Prices Quoted at the Bay City for Tegs tables, rrnlts. Kta. BAN FRANCISCO. Feb. It. The follow ing produce prices were current hare to dsy: Butter Fancy creamery, 84c. Hide Store, 20c; fancy ranch. 10c. Clirese lf 1SC rinlnna X?.i'5 U 2.50. Fruit Apples, choice, (1.23; common, 85o; Mexican limes, l alilornia leraona choice, 14.60; common. 82: naval arangaa l.ro"1.7; pineapples. 8203.60. llltuHi Bran, 824.006' 24.60; middlings, 831 O 64 Potatoes Oregon Burhsnks. 1.65ffl.60; Salinas lliirbenks. 81.96V2: river Burbanka, 11.40 O 1-6.1; sweets, 81.7suz. Hay Wheat. 8139 20: wheat and eata 11841630: alfalfa. 111913 60. Vegetables Cucumbers. 11.231.60; gar lic. 2v3c: green peas, 6tfl2c; string besns, nomlnsl; asparagua, lou15o; to ma'oes. nominal; egg plant, l.lftisoo. Receipt. Flour, 83C quarter - sacks; wheat, S1I13 centals; barley. 4740 centals; potatoes. 8150 sacks: bran. 2S3 aacke; mid dlings, 230 sacks; hsy. 227 tons; wool, IIS bales. Coffee aad Sugar. NEW TORK. Feb. 20. Coffee futures eloal ateadr at a net advance of lt?4 point a. February, 13.22a: March and April. jis.-oo; star, u.oc. j u no. i.i.a, j j . ll.le: Auifut. 13.33o: September. 13.370; October. 13.22c; November. 13.8uc; Decem ber. 13.27c; January, ij.-bc Spot coffee steady; No. 7 Rio. 14c: San tos No. 4. 13c: mild coffee quiet. Cordo va. 13ttl7c: nominal. Raw ougsr firm. Muscovsdo. teet, 4. too; centrifugal. 66 teat. 4.80c; molasses sugsr, 89 test, 4.03c. Refined firm. Dried. Fruit at New Tork. xrw TORK. Feb. 20. Evaporated ancles quiet and easy. On spot fancy are quoted at 210c; choice. 669c; prime, K 8 c. Prunes easy with a slow consuming de mand; quotations rani;e from 40 to 12o for Callfornias up to 30-4US and 6 013c for Oreicons. ' Peacbea very inactive, but prices ar stesdy: choice, ill; 11 So; extra oholoe, 11 tf lie; fancy, liaisc- Mrtal Slarkets. NEW TORK. Feb. 20. Standard Conner steady. Epot. 14.02 14-07c: February. 14.00 It 14-loc ; 3Iarcn, Apni ana aiay. ii.uo v 14.15c; June. 14.05VlA12c. London steady; spot. 62; futures, W1 13a 8d. Cuh-tom-House returns show exports of So.&oS tons so fsr this month. Lake Copper. 1239 14c: electrolytic, I4pi4c; casting. 13 14 c. Tin easy. Spot. 2.T0G4So; February. 4X66043oi llaroh, a2.S3e42.uao. Aarll, 4AM I New business, and plenty of it, this year for bitulithic pave ment. This tells the story. J. C WILSON & CO. TOCKS. BOND!. r.FAM AMD COTTOS MEMBEKJi NEW TORK Sloth KXCnAWOSV rikw TOKS COTTOX EXCHAXlii, CK1CAI.O BOABf) OF XRADK, THE 810CK AND BONO KkCUANGS. BAN t'BANC'ISCO. Mala Office Mills Bid;., San Fraacl.ra. Braueh Offices Vancouver, boattlo. Part land. Los Aagolea, Bam Utesa. tjor. aaado Beach. , rORTLAND OFFICKl m.i- wiaor Lnmbermens Baak Bnildlagt 6th and Stark. Thuare Msral s" Ilia. A-4187. THE BARBEE ASPHALT PAVING COMPANY Cctstructs Asphalt and Other Bitu minous Pavements. MS-COS Electric Bldg Portland. Or. Oakar Huber, sfanager. eiiJOc; May. 42.12 42.37c: Jane 41.80 H 42.25c. Loirffon firm; spot, 194 &s; fu tures. 4101 5s. Lead quiet. 4.06O4.10O New Tork, 6.659 4. Or. p;at St. I.oulr. London, fl3 13s. Spelter quiet. C504jU.75o New Tork. 6.37 61U2C H.ast St. Louis. London. 26 13s. Antimony dulL Cooksons, 7.23c Iron Cleveland warrants, 40s 3d In Lon don. Locall Iron was unsettled. No. 1 foundry" Northern, 614.75al6.23: No. 2. 614 23tJM.75; No. 1 Southern and No. 1 Southern oft. 614.78gl4.2-3. Changes la Available Supplies. NEW TORK. Feb. to. Special telegraphle and cable communications received by Brad street's show the following changes In available supplies as compared with pre vious account: Wheat Bushels. V. 8., east of Rockies, decreased.,. .1,621.000 U. 8.. west of Rockies, lncressed... S77.000 Canada, decreased 27.000 Total V. B. and Canada, decreased. .1,022,000 Afloat for and in Europe, Increased 100,000 Totsl American and European sup plies, decreased 22.00t Corn XT. 8. and Canada, Increased 1,215,006 Oats U. 8. and Canada, decreased .... 126.000 Chicago lroduce Market. CHICAGO. Feb. 20. Butter Firm; creameries. 28 if 27c; dairies, 21625c. Eggs Firm; receipts, 6779 cases; at mark, cares Included, 2326c; ordinary Urals, 25U2t!c: firsts, 2S'32SC. Cheese Steady; daisies. 17 17o: twins. 1617c; l'oung Americas, 17& 17o; long horns, 17$17c New York Cotton Market. NEW TORK. Feb. 20. Cotton futures closed: January, 10.49c: March, 10.12c; May, 10 29c; July. 10.36c; August, 10.32c; Sep tember, 10.32c; October, 10.63c; December, 10.43c Duluth Flax Market. DULCTH. Feb. 20. Closing: Linseed la store, on track, to arrive. 2; February. 61. 9; Mav. 82.01 bld TUAVlvaatUl' btltOOL OVER 400 SHIPS 1,210,000 Largest Steamship Company In the IVorld ATLANTIC SKuytcE yo LONDON" PARIS HAMBURG FKNNSVLVANIA Feb. 29, 3 P. M. AM KK1K.V March 7. 10 A. M- PRKS. UXfOLN Msr.-h 14. S P. M GH.1F WAUEiaLM2, Mar. 21, 11 A. M. .mmVoTg rllrt. 2nd cabin only. MEDITERRANEAN GIBRALTAR, .ALC.IER3, NAPLES. GENOA S. S. HAMRi-RO (11.000 Tons) Sailing APRIL 4 (IB noon) CRUISES (The Hamburg-American Line orig inated Ocean Cruising 23 years ago) TWO IDEAL CRITSES AROUND THE WORLD OPTIONAL I 14 DATS IV JAPAN I01B.H I 17 ' 1AYS IV INIHA Nov. IS. 1816 I Feb. 27. 1915 From New Tork From San Fi-lsco ?. VICTORIA LUISE "iS? DURATION EACH CRUISEI COST 116 DAYS !?630 up Including all neoassary expenses shoari aid ashore. H SUMMER CRUISES To the TAnd of the Midair -t Sun E-rht rJellgbtfol crul-mn .urlnar Jtid, uJst and Anjcwitl. from Hum barf to NorwtiT. North Cap. Hpltzber ica, Irt-laiid, e. Duration 14 to 2ft da?. Coat, 2Ji9 and up. Fplftirlld aervice. laxs) at-am9hlpa "VICTORIA IsriSB." "KRONPRIN y.EPPIV CECILE" and "METEK." Writ for kookiot of any eruta. KamburgAmerican Line 10 woweti St. San Prendrco, Cal.? O -W. R. N. Co., Nor. Pachtm. D, A R. U., uurimeton rtoute. 1 1 waukee A Puget Sound R. 1C. C. F. Pflumr. Mulkey bMg.; rroriev B. Pmlth. s Fifth St., Portland, Oregon. Copyright, 1912. HONOLULU 3HO FIRST CLASS ROOD TRIP. The most delightful apot on entire world tonr for rour vacations. Iellgbtful a bath- ice at ma iamoua oeacn or vv ukikl i am pTendid 8- 6. Sitjrra (.10,000 ton dlsplaca rnant) makaa tha round trip In IS daya. Ona ran visit on a alda trip tha Urine volcano of Kilauea, which la tremendously active, and see for himself the procau of world creation. No other trlD com oar ea with thla for the marvelous and wonderful in nature. Visit the Islands now. while you can do It ao easKy and quickly, and while the - vol cano la active. Prompt attention to telo arams for bertha. Saltlnga: February 16. March 8v March 30, April 20 etc. OCEAXIC S. 8. CO.. C7S Market btreet. 8an A'ruclaca. NEW YORK-PORTLAND REGULAR KKK1GHT SERVICE. Low Rates. Schedule Time. AMERICAN-HAWAIIAN S, S. CO. 21S Kallvray Excaaass Bldaie Partlaada Or. ALaia 837s A S8Z3, i XjkrwuA Ktaams romoai m . .. . . L, THE UNITED STATES NATIONAL BANK PORTLAND. OREGON UNITED STATES DEPOSITORY Capital - r - $1,000,000.00 Surplus Profits $900,000.00 OFFICERS: 1. c 11XSWORTR. President. R. IEA BARNES, A. al. WBISHT, AssUtast Cashier. LETTERS OF CREDIT AND TRAVELERS' CHECKS ISSUED NEGOTIABLE EVERYWHERE DRAFTS DRAWN on all FOREIGN COUNTRIES First Nationa Capital $1,500,00D Surplus 850,003 Oldest National Bank West of tho Rocky Mountain! LADD & TILTON BANK Established 1859. Capital Stock $1,000,000.00 Surplus and Undivided Profits 800,000.00 Commercial and Savings Accounts Letters of credit, drafts and travelers' checks issued, avail able in all parts of the world. OFFICEBS W M Iadd rresldent. Robert 8. Hevrard, Asst. Cashier. Edward CooklnKham. Vloa-Pre. J- W. Ladd., Asst. Cahler. VV. 11. Uunckler. Cashier. Walter M. Cook. Asst. Cashier. L.UMBERSVIENS National Bank Capital $1,000,000 4 O On Savina THE majority of the business successes today are the result of some individual's habit of saving. A great many started with a small bank account and through the advice, guidance and assistance of a strong bank have growa to large proportions. The same opportunity is offered you. Your account -is cordially invited. MERCHANTS NATIONAL BANK Founded in 1885 Washington and Second Street! The Canadian Bank of Commerce tKCOIirOHATfclD 180T. Lead Office Torento, Cann.la. Wew Torfc 1 Exchansa-Flaea, lyoadoa a bombard Street. ear two rinndrea other branches In the United States and Canada, a?rara cara ' taken T of colleotiona. drafts on all toreltrn countries and prlarj t17cftil, i United I StStaa aaa Canada Bought and Bold, and a .nara banking business transacted. Interest allowed on Time aad Special Deposits. PORTLAND BRANCH, SECOND AND STARK STREETS K. SIALPAS. Manacrr. TKAVKLKK8' GUIDE. STEAMSHIPS YALE and HARVARD Portland to Los Anteles. all hip.. . b.i.t,h n T Yin inrelu. ran snd ship 23.39 Portland to Los Angeles, all ship, round trip H5.TO Portland to Loa Anceles. rail and hlp. round trip Pertland to San Diego, all ship 20 XX Portland to San Dleifo. rail and hlp. . 23.00 Portland to San Slcgo, all ship, round trip 88.00 Portland to San Slezo. rail and ship, round trip S.OO RAILROAD OK ANY STEAMEB TO SAN FRANCISCO tile Exposition City, connecting' with the famous new turbine ateel steamers, TALK and HARVARD, largest, tastest and the ONLY strictly first-class, passenger ships on the Pacific Coast without contradlc. tlou; cost S2.000.000 each. Carry no freight except express matter. Average speed 28 miles per hour. Baggage checked through to destination. Sailing four times per week. Break monotony by atopping over a few hours, or several days at San Francisco, thence travel where the sea is as smooth as glass, and 09 per cent of the passengers are not sick, for the short voyage of la hours. Make reservations Immediately. Eaa Francisco. Portland and L A. 8. 8. Co. A &. Frank Bollam. Agent. Mala 821. 123 THIRD STREET, H. W. iCHMEEB, Cashier. Vice Prealdent. W. A. HOLT. Assistant C as alee. auk COR7TE1 FIFTH AND STARK TKAVKLEm' titling. EXPRESS STEAMERS FOB San Francisco and Los Angeles WITHOUT CHANGE 8. 8. BEAR Sails 4 P. -L. Jt'ebrnaiT 4 BAN fltAN CISCO POBlLANo S. B. CO, Ticket Office. 142 Third St. Phones Main 4U2 and A 140. COOS BAY LINE STEAMER BHEAKlTATKiL (Tails from Alneworto. Docks, Portland, t f u every Tuesday. Freight received at Aiassrertk Dock dally up to S P. M. Pas seeiger fare, first-class, $10; second-ciasa 87. Including meala and berth. Ticket offlee AJnswortb Doek. lionea slain ant. Has lib A mt San Francisco Los Angel 03 and San Diego Direct S. S. Roanoke and S. S. Elder Call Every Wednesday Alternately at f . 3d, N0ETH PACIFIC S. S. CO, M SUnl Ms f aaaea Mala Ula, A ttUm fB(aa9BsBeBBBBBSBBBaTZSBBaBBaSBBlB 1