I . . ...inim a-a, a ax-. BO: enoic nem neeuiy. -. non-.m-w rs u I ILL dull II u UHlu 7ivS California Demand Due to the Barley Situation. HOLDERS HERE ARE FIRM in miMi Trail I nr. as Tax Time Approach, but Valuta Aro Steady CogrM of Grata Bar Market la fncertatn. A stsady demand her and In th valler far mii for shipment lo California ..-. ...w.i firm. Th.re war old of U but mart f th bolder wanted til. There ku -en Impewrw- -naal la th Callforala bW ero tloon. and u!1cm rml4 from that atat ara that aly a month's supply f arT e-s-ejn. TtM tact are rseponalbJ - Ha aMCfcaew kttrlBff of t h.4 Thr was ot BHk doing I lh ,.i. etihar locally or ta th ewsxntry. Th approach of tan time la told- torn kuk tha surer, bat d t an. ain dealr ta aaU ea th part f tanaara. maa bal4 at laat .. dm marks ta steady with rair (aaitlli meiameet, Tba road market hew tttua abaaaa. Tba teaa at tha bar market la assy. ama bajra ara erowted at TH aaata. It taa early ye ta detearmtn tba eovrse ef tba Spring markat. Cora thla Taar baa a largar pereontag t -aatsture thaa usual, and local dealer ara aot guaranleemg shipmsnts except that they will leave la good condition. T noal raoalpta la cara wara rapartad by tba Merchant Eacbaasa aa fallows: Wheat Barley Flour Oata Hay Monday I4J T T I " Taar ego 49 J 1 ftee-so, ta data 10 HI "l 1TI7 111 "Tt Taar age 8.40- 4Jt 150 teal Tba weekly wbaat ataustlca of heat Exchange (oUaw: American Vlaibla Bupplr flu hate. Fruary 1. 1KU reOruary -' lll 4i47a00 February II. HMO -5..'7 0-X February 23. It-- 3.-'.S o rebruary .4, 1' 44.470.or.o February J.".. l"7 . .... .43 ll l." rabraary 3-1, 10 4. "2. reOruary FT. I11 34.Vja.0o reeruary I. 1"4 M.MT.ono rabraary 34. IM) t4.3So.bul Inereaso. Quaaiiclason Pases gt Weak ending rob 17 Far Pti.hele r. k x&.yf! Continent .. t.SSO.OOO tMaplo C i at arias. AI.MON Colombia Rlrar. 1-poond tails. Ill's car dasea: S-osund tall. 2 .; 1- f;ats. 12.40; Aiasaa pma. i-pnm 13. COFPEK Roastad. la drtnns. ZBvaoa par pound NUTS Walnuts. 1691Sa par pound; Brasll auta. I401ac: fllbarts, KfflSc; 1 monda. i:e)21c: paeans, lbo: cocoanuta SOo 11 par duzaa; ehastouta. 1JH par pound j blckery auta 9 10c par pound. HONET Cboica. IS.TA per casa: stralnsd bonay. 100 par pound. SALT Granulaiad. flB par Inn; ha!f- srrotind. 100a. (4 So par ton; SOs, t par ton. UKAVS Fniall whlta. 4Hc: larca wblta, 44o: IJma. Tnc; pink. tc; Maxlcans. oio; bayou. c RIOE No. 1 Japan. J"c: rhaaper rradea. VfcSc: Booth haad. V 7r. SI GAR Dry cranuiatad. I 55; fruit and barry. It.&a; Honolulu plantation, fi 50; baat. St. lb; axtra C. $toi; powdared. bar raia. Kit: eub-a. barrsia i- DRIED rm iTS apples. 14c par pound; apricots, lswlIHe: paachas. l'1914ci prunas. Italian. 10J10c; sllvar. lc; fna, whtta and blark. In(14i: curranta lot 11c; ralalns. looaa, Muscatal. 4TVic; blaarhad Thompaon. 11 He; unblaarbad Ful tanas. 8c: sacdad. TS0Hc; dates, par siaa. fie pa pound; Card. 1160 par box. olid Dairy and Cans try Fiatfuca. BCTTER Oratat craamsry buttar. park. Sac; prints, axtra. looa rraah Oracoa rancn. eaadlaa. is C20e par dosaa. CHEkFE Uracoa. aomlnsJ: Wisconsin. dalatas. nominal. POKK s aner, 1 9 1 Ha par pound. VKAU Fancy. Is is Is He par pound. POULTRY Hans. 14c; eprlnrs. 1S1SH: ducka youn s. 17c; aaaaa. 11 Vt 912c; turkaya. ll Ta. i be; axaasaa. 20c lbl tba btr- 1.379 y A4.0OO .00 l.a4 c-x 1,1 . :o ' u;i.m 1.117.00 andfs endlnc Fb. 10 Fab. 1A, "11 rtimn:a Waa WuaS !7 IJ MO 7.A20.OOO S4.40 ia.S20.oo Totals 1 751 000 C0.ftll.noO 44.000,00 BAMS 10 to 11 poundi. 1891o; 12 1 poaada, lS91c; 14 ta 1 pour da lB91ao 1 la IS pounds. 14w91e; sklnnsd. loot picnics, lie; cottage roll. ISo. LARr Kettle ran n trad, tierraa i.ei tuba 12 . el staadard tlareaa. 11 He: tuba 1146: ehortantna. lIT-caa, Ise; tuba, ln BACON saner, Z4e; atannaro, xve; Cbalca. ISHe; ErrKab. HHlt DRT SALT CtHBU Reaular short claara. dry sail. 11 He: smskrd. 18c; short clear. backa 12 to Id poonda. dry alt. 12 Wc smoked. 14c; short clear backa 14 to 20 bound, dry sail. lle: smoked, lsc: ore (on S2 parts, dry salt. lSc; smoked. 14c Alt TBAHCISCO rKODCCB MAUI STT. rrkM Qoatad at tba Bay rtty taa Taaa- tabkaa. rrnlia. n. 8AX TltANCISCO. Fab. 19. Tba follow- tsa produca prlcaa wara current bars ta iyt frutter Fancy c ream err. 14 H o. Ksg-a aiora. lOSkc; taacy ranch, lis. Cnaree 1H f lsc. 1'ntone 12.2 u 2.50. Fruit Anslea. choice. 11.23; common. s!Ve btasicaa limaa, $S4; California laasaaa cbotca. S4.ou; carnanon. 3 i ; aaval araasaa i4.W: pineapples. -C 1 bo. sllllatuSs Braa. S24.008Z4.00: mlddllnrs. 3144 Fatataas Oraron Borbanks. Il.T091.to Early hoea. 31.6otf1.bO. btaoas Burbsnaa Lts9I; near Burbanks. Il.4etjl.til sweats. SLTSa. Hay Wbeat. S1S920: wheat aad eat A flloltSO: alfalfa. I1191SS. esetablea Cucumbara 31.291.00: rir lie. XteiTSc; rraan pasa. atrlsc: etriDS baaaa nominal, aaparacua. lojlto; to ma'oaa. nominal; aca plant. !3tJ2uc STEERS AT PHEKIIUM Packers Pay $6.60 for High Grade Cattle. SHIPMENT FROM THE SOUTH World's Shipments (flour included) Waek endlnr rvb, it From Utiehala V S.. Caa...S roo. Arjer.t'na .. . l.OVt f" Australia ...If.H.aH) Danub. portal. 2-0. " Hul 1.424 . Ind.a ....... 82.0vO Weak Weak ending andlns; r-b. 1 o Feb. a 1 1 Heceipte Flour. ft. AO oturttr sacks wheat, 8.15 centals; harlsr. ;i2.577 centals oata lit centals; potatoes, Slbo sacks; bran, T& sacks; mlddllnsa so sacks Puehell 1.304.O.O J,SiW o-o 302.C-M1 Ruahets S. I1.00 3 "OO J.0M.0OO f.2000 &M.000 T-.ts-a t.axSOOO .31.000 ll.ftST.000 World's shipments, saasoa lo data- Total since ame penoa J-ity 1. last season. 704.000 .. .24 .atll.ono .SJ.leJO.t"" .. .M.4.-.3 OOO ...t. HH"D .. .2V.te4.0OO From t" 8. and Canada Argentina ...... Australia Kanuhlaa Porta ftuaala ., , India Tata! 77 6 0O0 17 7'.i00 24. Pt.too 9 712. 0"0 144.711 on aO.7tu.004 . .10o,i2.0O0 S1.4SS.0O tTETEX CAES OF B..VXANA3 A1BITI Oibsuss Ara Firm aad Hla-bes Auaiiaa af bananss aj i lved yaalaiday la aoad condition, also a mixed car af caoe. Uflowar. brtttsea aad celery. Tba aranaa markat ta aery firm and local price bare been adraaced ta t.T89a. ara a trans at S39a.TB par boa. aa la laraar supply yean lay aad waa lower at ll920o a poaad. California shipper offered saw rhubarb. Maaary, Harbaaura. Rte. . NEW YORK. Fab. IP. Money on call steady, l:s per cant; rulm rate. 2 per ceytt: cloataf bid. Ss per cent; offered at 2S per cent. Time loana firmer; 60 days. S par cant to days, 2Sf ( par cent; sia months. Stew IS par cant. Prima mercantile paper closed at S psr cent. Merlins; exchange steaay. wirn actual bust. neis ia bankers' Mils at ao (or o' bills and at $4.a7;it for demand. Commercial bills, S4-S3. Iter silver. B'.'Sc M ex Iran dollar. 470. Gavtmrntnl bonds, steady: railroad bonds. steaay. LONDON'. Feb. 1. Bar sllasr. 2T T-ld: money. 1 per cant. Rata of dlacount for sbnrt bills, lt par cant; do, three months bills. tt-37-14 per cent. BAN FRANCISCO. Feb. It. Sterling on Loraon. oq aay. 3.be; ao. signt, 4.baa r liver bars. lSa Maxtcaa dollars. 47c Drafts, sight. Be; do telegraph. 74c Metal Market a. NEW TORK. Fab. 1. Standard copper crulat; spot and February 14ol4.1IHo; March. April and Star 14YI4Z0C London saay; spot. it3: future, i ISs. Lake cop- par. ie-itync: electrolytic. .4S0 14Vo casting. lJtV'4c Tin eteady: spot. 42.7S t? IS.2So: February, ET.G9 BEXX. rXDElt TWEXTT CE3CTS I 1 944.2'.e: ilarch. 42;-0tr41c; April. 42.2S l.ou- I I Pialirs Cleava I p at is aad It Coat. Fa-alt ry t'artiaage-a. Egt-s sold at sarious prlcaa yesterday. Tha general market waa quoted at 20 cents, bat soma dealers cleaned sp at It casta and a few at IS cant. Raoalpta war aot unusually beavy. bat there waa hardly any buying aamaad. x Arneai af poultry and creased meats war Usht aad Saturdaye price war i seated. Batter w firm at laat weak aeota- tma. ItEFOSlTED aVAXJt OF HOPS AT stALEM Faortla Marks Ra harllsww ITbarpiy ta tba raa Week. R was rapartad yastarday that a aarload af bap waa bought by a Salara daajar at St eat, bat tba report waa aot soaflrniaa. Sailer wara firm la thair Idaaa Tba Laadoa bop market baa bad a sarare alaap la tba past weak. Tba pros aable yastarday quoted Paeirics at Loadaa at 1ST ta SIS abulias. Thla comparaa wllk ta ajaetatloa af SIS ta 23S shillings aa Febru ary 14 aad represent a decline af 4 aaata a poaad aa choice aad cents aa tba Is war grade. 4r42.7'e: Hay and June. 42f42.Svc don easy: epoL i I "4 10. -aad oulet. 4 u 4.10o .sew York and I NS 4.U.-.C r:ast ht. jub. London. ilo Ida Spelter ejulet. 4.30S4i5c. Antimony steady; i'ookson'a 7 25c Iron. Cletraland warrants. 4HS 3d In Iea- aon. Iocallr Iron wsa unnettled. No. 1 foundry North. m. I14.7f. t 13.2S: No. 2. 11A2- t 1A7&. fo. 1 Southern and No. 1 bouth.ru soft, 14-.J 15.24. rlalbla Knirply af Oral. NEW TORK. Feb. 10 Tha risible supply ar grain ta tne initea Btaoae naturaay. ib ruary 17. aa compiled by tha New l ork Frodoc sTxcoanga, was as follows: Hueheia rarrassa. Wbaat .........B..-2Vl.e0 ei.17t.teM Wheat In bona. l...u.o.H 134.000 Cora 11.3 0."O ej2i7 000 Cora la boad 7.'. ck-0 , Oats 13. i.. Tbd.ooo Rre 1 ls2A" H.tH-0 Barley ... 2. Mid. 000 112.Ho barley In band. . ..(). 1 5.000 The visible rupplr of wheat la ClBldi last Saturday was 2,050,000 bushsls. aa Increase o 103. WO. 21 steers Jills K.20 21 steers 1244 0.20 27 steers 1 ".'." .'.1 21 steers lllltl 8.15 13 steers 1175 UtMJ 4 cows HV1 4. AO K cows 1012 0.2O 1 bull 1110 8.00 !' sues M 3.00 20 wool lambs 77 5.73 1 hog 250 6.7S 81 lambs off car 70 6.25 l'J cows 11-S 3 HO 22 Steers 1414 6 00 22 steers H.M 6.o 20 steers 1470 U.r)0 5 steers 1243 6.110 2 steers .lt'lO 6.H0 24 steers 12S.1 1 steers 1240 tt .V) 8 steers 1243 A.00 17 steers .-...J 074 H.teU 4 steers lino 6.00 41 steers ...U'to u.:i,- 21 steers 124.1 0.10 2s steers 13.1 IrK) 17 steers U44 3..V) 2 steers .I2.'ll (125 1 steer .....1210 5.75 24 cows 1034 5.35 A cows .111)2 5.23 2 cows ...122.'i .t0 1 row 1120 4.73 4 cows W.-.O 4.73 2 cows W1'5 4.00 6 cows ins J 4.73 2 cows S20 2.00 15 cows IrilU 4.00 11 cows 1044 6.10 lO cows 1043 5.2A 1 calf 4V0 6.00 14 calves 2'0 s.00 3 bulls 12.'5 4.00 ' 1 bull 1370 4.25 2 bulls 1205 S.'.O 2 bulls l.'fc 4.25 1 bull 15no 4 25 J41 ewes 102 4.15 1 ewes 102 4.83 2'M Ismbs 73 6.00 ('- lambs d 4.00 Ml rocs lWJ 8.75 IrO hois 24 41.73 I hog 210 6.73 t hoes 190 6.73 103 hogs 175 6.75 l5 hors 1S2 6.75 9 hogs 8v8 6.00 SO hogs 1ST 0.73 Swarar Marks Vary rtraa. Tba Xastara sugar marksts war firm yes terday with klgber prlcaa uatd aa raw aad refined. Tber was na baag lo ally, bat aa advaao today wwold ooxaatoa a Mrprta. Bank elearlnge cluea yastarday ww Forttsad .......... eeatia ........... Tseoma fxkM .......... North west ara of tha s a folle Claarlnxa Balaneaa. ....t J.U.. e-'4 .... 1.121. ." 22'.4;4 ... 7.lo.as 7i.s.',7 ... 7.4.127 Vs.JleO toe; Stoi FORrLAND MARKETS, tarala. Floor. Far. Eta. WHEAT Travk petrae: Bloestsra. club. - red Kaaslaa. tJo; Valley, -ro;d. ae. kf 1 LL5Tt FF Bran. I2XBO par to .rt .4; auddlings. -lu. railed bartay. e- u J" fLAJi. H Patents. II in per barrel: straights. tt.O.1; exports. (U-aO: ailey. A.0; grsaain. sas; raoit wnaat. iih. 11 A if No. 1 Eaatara Oregon tlmethy. (IT sit: os 1 t alley, tiivu; a.faifa. Sit; cuo'er. 911: grain. sixoglJ. CORN New. wbala. 4 14 : wracked. S3S p.r Ion. OATS No. 1 white. Ill (Til par taa. Cood I tie of tba Trie .wry WASHINGTON. Fab. It). At tfi begin. ring of buelne today the cor.dlt.ua of the I nlted atalee Treasury v.asr Working; beuanco In Treasury of fice f IVT.OSI.JeiO In banks and PhUiaulne treasury 34.041. i.t4 Total balance In g.naral fund.. 120.t042.74O Ordinary receipts Saturday 2.W.'4.44 Ordinary dtauraements 1.142..H10 The deficit 10 date this fiscal year Is t23.2'.3.3s. aa against a del 101 1 ef It.ll2.2ll at thle lime laat year. The risuree exclude Panama Canal and pabilo debt transactions Caffea suss. Sugar. !trW TORK. Fab. IV. Ccffa sloaad steady at a nal advaaca af troiu 4) to t potnta February. ll.iirc: March. IS.240; April ana May. u.c; June. l..3o; July. 1.2.ao: August. 14-tlo: baptember. 132,0: October. I4.J.0: Notaroher. lX2bo; Zaoem- ber. 13 21c. January. 14 31c. 8sot coffee steady: Hie No. T. 144a: tan- toa No. 4. ISStflSc: mild coflee ouiat; Cordova. lBH4t7H nominal. Kaw susar firm. Muacavsda. a taat. ASOc: centrifugal, ta) teat, e.evo; molaaaaa. bv test, 4-Ooc; raf.ned firm. Dried Fruit at New Tartu NEW TORK. Fb. . Eraporated applaa utt and unchanged. fpot fancy Quoted aVlOaci cboica, lk(lo; prune. 0 .c. ... Prunes aontinua wesa ana per) rep n. SI- though there Is considerable buying for out side account. Quotations range from IS lo 13o for rallforniaa up to f0-40a and ls to l-'c for oregana Faachaa omL but pncea arearjy wnn nrnt offerinsa. choice, llllwc; extra eboloe. llw)12c: fancy. i:.US- apa. 13 Oa U50 per bar- VecrtabJaa and Frmlin. TROPICAL FRUITS Oranges, nereis. 2.7JfJ: California grapefruit. I3SO04: t lorida grapafrulf, tSO: bananas. 4ww5 par pouaa; ivmor.e, uuikii per box. FR H i.L ITo A.meria gra( per barrel; cranberries, tl0lilI-5 reU POTATOrsv Buying prices: Pur bank a S1QL23 par hundred: sweet pot sloes. 11 j.r crate. V EilETAFLEtf Artlcbakes. $1 23 per d ox en: aspsrarus. lSHv-vc per pound: awns 13ol7Se: cabbage. Ixlime per pound: cau.if'.w.r. 12.25 crate; cel.ry. Id par crate: cucumber. tl.TS par dosan; ass- plaat, 12 He pee pound; garlic It 10c par pound: lertuca..ix per crate; hatheusa au iuca. Hcdll par box: pappara, use per povad: pumpklna. Ia7 2c per pound: rad- tahaa. S3 par dosaa; aplnarh. tl12S par boa: sprouts Sc; aiusto. la tie par pound; tomatoee. 12 23 par box. ONIONS Aaaociatloa price. 12.23 per sack. SACK TElETAPLE.a Turnip. 1191 10 per sack: rutaoasaa 11 C 1 lo. carrota. 11 M: rarenipa 119110; beats. It 23. ACPIea t sacy Hem Baaaur. t-tw aaar IThtrsuT Fred or Karkas. CHICAGO. Feb. 1. Buttef craamerlea, 212c: dairies. -'lti-V-a. slrgs alaaler: receipts. cases; at cmv inctuueu. i.ic; oruinary axata. :i..tc; urats. Stc. Cneee steady: ualsies. uv,viT4e: twine. le.917e: Toung Americas, llku like, long boms. 17SlTic -Easier; Naval titar-e. a WANNAH. Oa.. Feb. It. Turpentine firm. 47c; sales. 174; receipts, lib; ship ments. 2i'l: etocks. 27.5"). Ko.in Ilrm. sales. 222: recstpts. 1500; shli menta l'J73; stocks fl 24S. Quot: R, 14.:; i, 14;s; K. l-..7n. f. O. H and I. tt.73; K. ST-10. M. S7.20; N. 7.i0; WO, 7 av. WW. 17.4V Near Terk Cottea, Marfcea. NEW TORK. Feb. It, Cotton futures closed as follows: January, lo.42c; March. 10.14o: Mar. 10.54e: July, 10.42o: A uk us t. lOl1; riepterr.ber, l..Tic: October. lxlc; November, lo.4Jc: December. 10.46c. Elsrla Batter Market. EIX.IN. III-. Feb. 18. The quotation com- mlliee or tiie s.tia butter ooara tonay aa elared butter firm at 27 cent, a pound. Out pat for taa weak. TOO.ooo pounds. AH Llnce. Are Strong at the Xorth rortland Yards, and the Big Ran la Entirely Cleaned Up Darin the Day. The week opened with a strong market for all classes of ilrastoek. There waa good run. nearly 8.VK) head arriving over Sunday, aad a brisk demand elaaned bp everything bo for the day waa ever. Not anly war the pens entirely cleared, but sharp advances war rsoordad ta tba going price of cattle. Thla was tha oonsoquencs of tba nigh grade of a part of tha offer ings. Th feature af tha day waa tba sal of fire cara af axtra fancy steers at 16.60 and $6.60, They were brought la by Ooodala A Csasldy. from Caxella. CaL. and wara the bast steers ssen her In a long time. About IS load of gteerg all told war disposed f aad only three sold under Id. Th bast cows brought S3.SS and $3.85. Choir bogs sold readily at 16.75, about Or loads going at that figure Tws bunches of choice owes gold at t4.ftS and a poorer lot at . Wool lambs again found buyers at S5.75. Receipts for Sunday and Monday, wara Ml cattle, 14 c aires. tV'.S bogs and 180 sbsep. Shipper were C S. Walker, Josspb, 1 car of hogs: MeCullough a Rumble, Joseph, 2 cars of sheep; A, B. Thompson, Echo, 3 cart of cattle: Rugg Bros., Pendleton, S cara of aheap: C- C Clark, Arlington. 1 car of sheep; J. F. Aldan. Hllgsrd. 1 ear of cattle; J. Teal, Echo, 1 car ef cattlec C. A. Bowen, BabL Idaho, 1 car ef bogs; Farmer Union, Buhl, S cars of bogs; H. W. Raysr, Area, Idaho. 1 car of hogs; F. B. Decker, Sliver ton. 1 ear of begs; Ooodala A Cassldy, Oa selle. Cel.. 6 ear of cattlej Charles Mo Cullough, Haines. 1 car sf cattle; F. B. Bail. Baker. 1 car of oattle; P. J. Brown. Baker. 4 car of cattle; F. Fleetwood. Bearer. 1 car of cattle; W. T. Cross, Idaho Falls, cars of bogs: Paelno Cold Storage Co Eaton, Idaho. ears ef cattle and shssp; F. Newton. Payette, 1 car of cattle and calves: C. W. Williams. Payette, 1 cars of cattle; Johnson Bros-, Hansen. Idaho, S cars of sheep; H. C Laird. Enterprise, 1 car of hogs: C E. Ragsdale, Enterprise, 1 car of sheep, and Jo Allen. Enterprise, 1 car of bogs. The day's salss war as follows: Weight. PHca. .6OO4f6.60 . i .M-tt 6.00 . 4.50 a 5.50 . 4 2.', 5.50 . ft 3t.it 5..V) . e.uOfr 6.25 . 4. 25 4.50 . 4.W1 4.25 . T.uOi's 8.0O . 6.75 7.00 . 6.30 6 75 . 6.7 v ao . 6.64 0 6.73 . 4) 60 9 4.T5 . .Hiy 4 35 . 4. 73 4 6.00 . !. 4 75 . 3.75 01 4 00 The tanae of prices at the yarda rouowe: Choice steers tlood 10 cholc stsers . Ccolce cows Good to cholc cows . Cholc spayed heifers (rood to choice heifers Choice bulla Good to choice bulls . Choice cslves v Cood to choice calvss Ilea. Choice light bogs Smooth heavy bogs Kousb beavy .., Mieep Choice yearlings Choice killing sweg ,, Choice lamb. , Oood to choice lamb Culls Omaha livestock Market. OMAHA. Feb. 1. Cattle Receipts. 4500 msrket. slow to loo lower. Nstlve steera I.V2.' 4 i..a: cows sna netrers. .ivM3; Western steers, ItOO-ao: Texas sieere. 13.76 4Ji2i: ranse rowa and heifers. j4.5; cannerx. 1 2. to fy 3. : stocksrs and feeders, $ Liu 11 ! 20; caives, IS.7it7.;i; bulls, atags. SIC. 14I10.4U. lioc. Receipts, s.--a; market, steady re 6c lower. Heavy, sowe.ib; mixed. l.trO6 light, .v; plga, 14.25b6.6u; bulk of sa c. I3.SU 0. riheep Keveipta i3.vw: market, slow t lOc to 15c lower. leaning. 14.OS.03.o5: wethers, 13.7504.60; swas. 3tf4; lambs. 151625, Chiracs Livestock Market. CHICAGO. Feb. 1IA Receipts, 2V0O0: mar. kst weak, generally loc lower. Beeves, 14 tset.w; Texas steers. 14.60ft6.65: West ern steera, lA60w4.b5: stockers and feed- l.txun.iu: coas ana neiiers. uea.41: ea.vee, I.VTSt,!. Hon Receipts, es.noo; market, slow, gen- era..y 10c lower. Usht. j. 20; mixed, 1646.25: besv-v. 1 j.0 .2i; rough, IVle) tie. Pica, i4.2btfa.iro: du;k o( eaies. icioit 6.20. bheen ' tteeeipTA o.ow: Tnaraet- alow. Native. 1.3. SO t 4. rO; Weatem, 13.0094.85: esrllncs. 14.sow5.73: lambs, native. 14.30-t 6.75; Western, 14.756bO. the Supreme Court might render its deci sion In the anthracite case, with several ether Important cases psndlng thsre was a disposition among the trading element to await word from Washington whether deci sions wsre to be mode In any of the cases In which most Interest Is felt- Tbe copper steaks shewed continued firm ness. Their recent advance has failed to attract a large speculative feeling, owing to the belief that tha rise largely was manipu lative. A few Inactive stocks moved more widely than th leaders. American Snuff dropped five points and Bethlehem Steel 1. St, Louis Southwestern, General Leathsr pre ferred. Westlnrhouse, Mackay Companies and General Electric were th strongest, rising a point or more Improvement In freight movements on Westsrn road last week was reported. Gross earnings for the first half of February la many cases show considerable gains, chiefly on account of unusually la. rre receipts of farm nroducta while railroad managers onirint these conditions would con tlnue under normal circumstances during the rest of the month. It was said ths snlarged volume of traffic represented congestion due tn tha reeant eevere weather and that sustained improvement waa expected until there waa a corresponding change in busi ness oondluna n-,-m r . . . ' e borrowed money In tni n.rir.t New York bankers received bids of a i. n.r sent for one month loana Bank era ascribed the demand to commercial ao- Engagement of gold for shipment to South America continued, $850,000 being with drawn today for Argentina. This demand for gold showed that foreign market are onoe mora shifting upon Now Tork ths bur den of financing psyments to Argentina. T-. - Konrl market was dull and Steady. Total sales, car value. $1,894,000. United Btstas bonds war unchanged en calL ctnBl-fl RTOCg OtrOTATIONT Cloitin Law. Bid. Salss. High. 9.RO0 2P0 1.5O0 10 100 1.10 100 1.100 400 "floo 1,1100 200 jrwi l.uoo Allis Chal pt .. Amal Copper .. Am Agricult . . Am Beet Sugar, American Can Am Car A Fdy. Am Cotton Oil Am Hd A Lt pf Am Ice Securl. Am Linseed . ., . Ara Locomotive. . Am Smel A Ref do prefert ed.. . Am Steel Fdy. . . Ara Sugar Ref.. Am Tel A Tel. . Am Tobacco pf. Am Woolen . . . Anaconda M Co Atchison do preferred.. Atl Cosst LIns. . Bait at Ohio ... Kethlohem Steel Brook R Tran.. Canadian Psc .. Central Leather do preferred.. Central of N J. . Ches A Ohio ... Chicago A Alton . Chi Ot West .. . do preferred. . Chlrsgo A N W. . C, M A St Psul. C, C, C A St L, . Col Fuel A Iron. . Col A Southern. . Consol las .... Corn Products.. Del A Hudson-. . D A R Grande do preferred.. DlatUlers Secur Erie do 1st pf .... do 2d pf .... Con E lectrle . . . Ot North pf ... Gt North Ors . . Illinois Central. Interbor Met . . do preferred. . Inter Harvester. Inter Marine pf Int rnper Int Pump Iowa Central .. K C Southern.. do nr-r,'rred. . Laclede Gas ... Louis A Nash.. Minn A 8t L .. M. S P A S S M Mo. Ksn A Tex. do preferred. . Mo Pacific .... Nat Biscuit ... National Lesd . N Ky Mex 2 pf. N Y Central . . . N T. Ont A Wes Norfolk A Wes. North American Northern Pac .. Pacific Mail ... Pennsylvania ... People's Gas .. P. C C St L.. Pittsburg Coal . Pressed S Car. . Pull. Psl Car . . Ry Steel spring Rending , Republic Steel. do preferred.. Rock Island Co. do preferred.. Pt L A 8 F 2 Pf St L Southwest. do preferred.. Flo- Sheffield .. Southern Pao .. Southern Ry .. do preferred. . Tenn Copper . . Texsa A Pacific. Tol. St L A wes do preferred. . Union Paclflo .. do preferred.. TJ 8 Realty .... TT 8 Rubber ... U 8 Steel do preferred. . Ftsh Copper . .. Va-Caro Chem . Wabash do preferred.. Western Md . .. Westing Eire .. Western Union . Wheel ALE.. Lehigh Valley .. Chino Copper .. Pay consols ... Am Tobscco . .. Total sales for the day, BONDS. by Orerbeck 66 6tS 644 Ills 61 60M 63 Vi f.uj, 54 V, 11 51 4 "ioo "26'ii '26'vi z'ioo 'iik" 'Ti "sno COO 141H 141 700 loSVi 1"5 100 27W 27H I.o0 34 Sft 4o 104 14 300 lot 104 ""lioo io.ii iii-ii 1.200 29 S 2 200 JT8, T. r,oo 28 IS 2304 BOO IS. I 100 87 ST "too 'n ''ii '200 "ssii "sivi '"boo idi ioii. "ioo ika" iii" 800 10 10 "too '21 'ii" 25, 81 "i 61 Vs ir.o" 1S0H 87 5. 'ii's 67 100 IBS St.aoo 100 7"0 600 1.400 400 eoo 100 100 100 100 14.1O0 20 1 4lr.no 200 S.sw 400 son 1.100 ino goo 1.7'0 2.300 73 Vi 1T4 21 '4, 164 45 If, 67 i 65 72 84 4 5 ir.7 25 16 5 65 S 68 64 11s 60 40 20 82 71 103 2D US 141 105 26H 85 103 103 130 102 2S 78 230V 1 "3 870 71 20 17 H 85 141 1"4 5S 24 4.1 13SH 1.1 21 42 2S hi 51 40 359 129 37 H 51 105 20 10 11 211 100 152 132 Silt 145 r.3 32 110 37 110 7S llfl 82 122 J"5 104 lftH 31 IS) 27 15 10 73 23 4 3S 29 70 45 108 27 73 3A 21 12 82 164 2 BX 45 eov 108 Vj 67 64 T 1 67 71 84 4 157 25 l , ZH 168.800 shares. 2S 31 51 15o 130 37 "ifs 60 153 100 62 fi2 2O0 40 60 "606 "82 '82 300 110 110 V206 iios iiii" 40O 78 7S l.ocw) H7U 116 IOO .12 31 1.400 123 122 i.606 104 103 157S 20 23 H 49 155 20 '2.i 49 '31" 70 400 10S 10S 78 3il 21 13 82 164 43 lo4 BBS 66 V 72 84 5 137 26 13 Furnished portion d- A Cooke Co.. of Bid. Asked. ..110S 111 GERMANY A BORROWER SEEKIXQ FTXDS AGAtV Ef TIIE ST-TVV TORK MAJUEvET. Demand Sappotasd to Be Doe to Commercial Aotlyily Stock Barely Hove trj Wall Street. NEW TORK. Feb. lt. Reading was th only stock leadsr to tnov todsy more than fraction from laat week's sloe. That stock was under pressur and lost a point, but latsr mad It up. Tba market moved with Reading. Th ton was heavy eariy and prloee war out frantically. In th latter part of the ses sion ths list hardened. There was no slxa f an awaken In g from the comatose condi tion Into which the market fell last wees- Quotations at the close wsre barely changed ea the day. Tba pressure against Reading apparently was due t bear selling ea the Idea that Amer Tel A Tel cony 4. American Tobacco 4s 95 American Tobscco 6s 120 Atchison general 4s U9 Atchliton conv 4s ...100 Atchison adj 4s stamped 91 Atchison cony 6s 107 Atlantic Coast Line cons 4s.... 9tS At Cosst Line "L. A N coll" 4s. 95 Bsltlmore a Ohio 8 'is. Ksltlmore A Ohio 4s Brookl5'n Rspid Transit 4s... Can Southern first 6s Chesapeake A Ohio 4S C B A Q joint 4s C B A Q Ills 4s C B A Q Denver 4s Chlrsgo A East Ills 4s Chlcsgo K I A P ref 4s Chlcaso R I A P Col trust 4a. Colorado A Southern first 4s. Denrer A Rio Grande 4s Iel a Hudson codv 4s, Erie first cons P L 4s Int Met 4s Japaneae 4a Japaneee first 4s Jspanese second 4s.. ...... Louisville A Nashville unl 4. Vo Kid A Tex 4 He Missouri Paclflo 4a New Tork Central 1. New York Central L S ISs.. New York City 4s Now York City 441 of 1957.. Norfokl A Western 4s Norfolk A Western cony 4S... N T Ont A W 4s Northern psclflo P L 4s Northern Pacific 8s Oregen Shsrt Line 4e , Oregen Ry A Nav 4e Penna Ry 4 of 1944 Philippine Railway 4s.. Reading general 4s........... Rcpubllo of Cua 6s Southern Paclflo first ref 4s., Southern Paclflo col 4s Southern Railway 4s . St L A S F ref 4s Union Paclflo first 4s Union Paclflo cony 4a Union Faelfle rer as United States Stse4 0 F 6s.... United Staea 2s registered. . . . United States 2s coupon United Ststes 3 registered.... United Ststes Ss coupon United States 4s registered. United Ststes 4S coupon.... United Railway n F 4S United Railway 8t L 4s i5 Wsbssh first 4s 6'1 Western Union 4s 100 Westln'house conv 6. 91 Wsatern Pacific 6s. . ........... 8ft Wlscsnsln central 4s. 93 West Shore 4s 100 92 9-S . 65 ,.lois ,.1014. ,. 7 ... .loo . 8'1 . SOS . 90 .71 ,. 96 . IK! . t)S . 89 . (S3 . 87 . 931, . 92 . 9! . U . 93 . 68 . S3 . 93 S .107 . 9R .109 . 99 .loos . . 83 S . 95 .103S . S4S . 9SS .103 . 93 . 92 .. 79 ..80 ..100 ..101 .. 97 S ..102 J . .IOO . .100 . .102S ..102S ..113 ..113 IS 121 99 10T 92 loss 86 93 82 0H H.1 1"2S 10: 87 100 s 80 90 1 72 OS 93 99 89 r;S 14 93 P9 9S 94 S US KIS 93 S 107 98 110 95 100 S 70 85 96 103 87 S 98 303 95 S 92 78 81 1004 1"2 87 S I03S IOOS loos 113 113 69 80 57 100 94 89 H 93 101 SWITCH TO JUL! Wheat Bulls Heavy Sellers of the May Option. PRICE GOES UNDER DOLLAR Stock at Boston. BOSTON. Feb. 19. Closing quotations: Alloue, ........ 40.!ohswk 63 Am Cop ex-dlv. 65 Nevada-con .... is A 2. L. A bm... --o .-ipiaaxng aiiri.e. 1 g B A C C A S M. 6S North Butte..... 25 Butte Coalition. 2-"ViNorth Lake 6S Cal A Arizona.. 60'Old Dominion... 46 Cat A Hecla. ... 422 'Osceola 113 Centennial 18 Qulncy 76 Cop Ran Con Co. 63 Shannon 9 nun. op sa. iii nupenur ,q tnklln 1-v mid at 150s hid., sa Olronx Con .... 4 S 1 Tamarack 28 Granny Con ... 84 iu S S R A M . . 36 Greene C ex-dlv. 7 do preferred... . 47 I Rovalle (Cop) 24 1 tan con 1.1 Kerr Lake 2 T tab. Copper Co. 66 Laks Copper.... S6SWlnona 7 La Salle Copper 4Wolverln 99 Miami Copper... 24 I loafer Month Firm, Owing; to Belief That Crop-Scare' Period I Near at Hand Receipts Are large. CHICAGO. Feb. 19. It looked today as if th bull clique In wheat was switching from the Maj option to July. Huge tales of th earlier month jammed th piioe down tinder a dollar, but the close was firm and above par. Latest trading, left quotation varying from a shade off to up, as eomparsd with 4S hoar before. Big receipts of wheat at domestlo pri mary centers led th pit to Ignore the rela tive firmness at Liverpool, due to a decrease In stocks there. A falling off In the visible supply had some effect as an offset, but was discounted as having been expsoted. The renewed firmness, especially In July and September, was explained as partly th re sult of fear that th crop- ecaxe period waa at hand. Corn twayed with wheat. - The heary movement from the farms, though, tended to keep prices from recovering aa readily aa for the more expensive grain. Despite soms weakness at the start, eats appeared to bave no lack of friends, the close ahowlng a gain of So net. Bogs In unlimited supply saade packing house products shaky. Futures ranged as follows: WHEAT. Open. High, .was 1.00 .94 .95 .93 .94 CORN. .67 .67 .67 OATS. .62 T5 .114 PORK. 15.6T 15.80 16.05 LARD. 9.02 9.16 9.30 RIBS. 8.57 8.U3 S.SO May July Sept. May July Sept. May July Sept. May July Sept. May July Sept. . .67 . .66 . .66 . .62 . .47 . .41 .15.P3 .13.80 .10.06 . 8.92 . 9.10 . 9.25 May July Sept. Low. Close. .99 L00 .94 .95 .98 .94 .66 .67 .66 .67 .06 .67 .81 .62 .47 .47 .40 .41 16.55 15.62 15.80 15.87 16.87 16.02 8.92 1.02 9.07 9.15 9.25 8.30 8.S0 8.57 8.55 8.02', 8.70 8.77 ss follows: 86987o; fair to . . 8.50 .. 8.65 . . 8.70 Cash quotationa were Flour alasy. Rye No. 2, 2tT93e. Barlsv Feed or mixing. choice malting. 11.101 1.23. Timothy seed J12.10. Clover seed $16t22. Mess pork New, $15.30; old, $15.26. Lard In tierces. $8.70. Short rlhs Loose, $8-.30. Grain statistics: Total clearances of wheat and flour were equal to 63.000 bushels. Primary receipts were 1.119.000 bushels, compared with 559. 000 bushels the corresponding day a year ago. The visible supply of wheat In the United States decreased 1,880.000 bushels for ths week. The amount of breadstuff on ocean passage. 2.120.0O0 bushels. Esti mated receipts for tomorrow: Wheat, 89 cars: corn. 1045 cara; oats, 818 cars; hogs, 84.000 head. Grain at Baa Francisco. SAN FRANCISCO, Fsb. 19. Wheat-Steady. Barley Firm. Spot quotations: Wheat Shipping, 91.07 per cental. Barley Feed, 1.87 per cental; brewing, nominal. Red. 11.701.85 per cental; white, L76; black. 1.65L80. fnll hoard sales: Wheat May.' bid. 11.61 arked per cental; December. 11.66 bid. $1.61 asked. Barley December, $1.69 per cental; May. $i.bu. ' Europeeui Grain Markets. losnnu. Feb. 19. Cargoes, dull. Walla -XUI1.L for ahlnment at 3tts od to 36s td. English country markets, easy; r rencu country markets, quiet. LIVE R POOL, Feb. 19. Wheat March, 7s 9d: May. 7 4d; July. 7a 3d. Weather cloudy. Pnget Sound Grain Markets. TACOMA, Wash.. Feb. 19i Wheat Blue- stsm. 88c; fortylold, 86o; eiuo, sac; rea Tl.twl.n A4c Car receipts .wneat, o; corn, oats, a; hay. 7. prATTLE. Wash.. Feb. 19. Wheat Blue- stem, 88c: fortyfold, 0c; club, 86c; life. hoc; red itussian. stc Minneapolis Grain Market. MINNEAPOLIS. Feb. 19. Wheat May, noil;, .lulv 11 03. Cash No. 1 hard, 11.C4S: No. 1 Northern. 11.04; No. wheat, 1.00. Com .no. s yeiiow, ooeroac. Oata No. 3 white, 4949c Rye No. a 88c 33 ran In 100-pound sacks, S2O92S.S0. , fl.82 $1.85 B1 Oats $1,704, $1.56 Dntnth Flax Market. DUL1TH. Minn., Feb. 19. Linseed, store, on track and to arrive, 1-.0VS ruary. tl.uss: Hay. 2.ui. tn Feb- Investigate Inquire Inspect 20,000,000 yards ot bitulithio pavement laid in tba last ten years The best is always cheapest. J. C WILSON & CO. STOCKS, BONDS. OR ATX AND COTTOX aj rvi motkj NEW TORK Bioiti EXCHANOB, K.W TOKU. COTTON KXCHA.Noll, CinCAlrO BOARD OF TRADE, rrrjc blOCK AND BONO s-ACiLAiGR. SAN FRANCISCO. Mans Office Mllle Side.. San Franclse. Branch Offices Vancouver. beau tie. Fartlano. lo -aura. Ban sua vaar aad Beach. PORTLAND omcii Stala Floor Lumbermen Bans; Bn 11 diss. 6tb and btark. Ftvsees ilerahnll 4120. A-4187. THE BARBER ASPHALT PAVING COMPANY Cot struct Asphalt and Other Blta mlnous Pavementa. (03-608 Electric Bldgr, Portland, Or. Oakar Ilaber, Hsssgcr, UNITED STATES DEPOSITORY THE BANK OF CALIFORNIA NATIONAL ASSOCIATION 4SsT 9 Alt FRAXCISCO HOUNDED laeVi. . T .Tel.. A . Capital Paid in Surplus and Undivided Profits.... BRANCHES Portland, Seattle, Tacoma and Virginia W buy and soil Foreign Exchange: Insus Drafts and Cable TransforB, Commercial Credits and Travelers' Letter of Credit, available in all parts of the world; make collections on all points and conduct a general foreign and domestlo banking; business. '....$8,500,000 ...$7,905,912 City INTEREST JPAID OH TIME AND SAYINGS DEPOSITS. PORTLAND OFFICE r Northwest Corner Third and Stark Streets. CHAMBER OF COMMERCE) BUILDING. WM. A. MAO RAE, Manager. J. T. BCHTCHAELL, Asst. Manager. lumber wi ens National Bank Capital $1,000,000 47c O OnSavtno :"f aad stajus -j LADD & TILTON BANK $1,000,000.00 800,000.00 Established 1859. Capital Stock Borplns and Undivided Profits Commercial and Savings Accounts Letters of credit, drafts and travelers' checks issued, avail able in all parts of the world. OFFICERS W. M. Ladd, President. Edward Cooklngbam, Vlco-Prss. W. 11. Dunckley. Cashier. Robert S. Howard, Asst. C a hi or. al. vv. lAlia, Asab uaauier. Walter M. Cook. Asat. Cashier. First National Bank Capital $1,500,009 Surplus 850,000 Oldest National Bank West of tha Rocky Mountains r WHITE STAR LINE VV F lVevr York Plrmonlh Cherbourg Southampton FAST SLAIL ROUTE TO ENGLAND and THB CONTINENT. The Largest and Finest Steamers in the World OLYMPIC r . TITANIC S april 20 papven A I.A C4.RTB K EST A CHANT, TL'KKISII A.D ELECTRIC BATHS, SW1MMWC POOC, fSTr ELEVATORS, GYMNASIUM. VEKAK- nMI Cll'tt P1IH f'OirllT. ETC. 1TA1I . , WHITE STAR LINE New 45,000 Tons Each DAH CA'E, PALM COURT, ETC. Room B. Bailer Bids.. Zd and Cherry. Seattle! or Loral Railway and Steamahlp Acente. TKAYFLERS' GUIDE. TRAVKLERS' CCIDM. STEAMSHIPS YALE and HARVARD -. A tea. fat A n sFtkfL fill slhln. . . . 118.33 r, iri a,-, i .- AniFaless. rail and ship 23.35 JPOTtltUia W JU.OB ADC.IM, ""'ar-S aWMasa- trip 85.70 r a ;ari tr. t -na Ansfelea. rail and ship, round trip 5 IS Portland to San DIcro, all shfp w rrtt-1 itnii to an Dleiro. rail and ship.. Portland lo San Plexo, all lilP. i-ound trip ob-vw Portland to San Diego, rail and ship. round inp .vv BAIJLKOAD OR ANY STEAMER TO SAN stUACiS0 tti Expocttion City, oonnoctlnj with, tn famous now mroine ice. Leii-.e-i -, TAivsJE. and nAKV AICU. largesL, laaieoi ana th ONLY strictly iirsi-c.aas. passenger ships on ths Pacific Coast without contradic tion; COSl 4 -. UVAJ.Vruu eico. r w a9 ircuni xcpt axpreas matter. Average spsea .. miles per nour. ttagswm cnecKea mrouin -v oeetlnation. bauins; lour umei pw mwm. Break monotony by stopping over a tew hours, or several days at ban Francisco. hence travel where the sea Is as smooth (lass, and 89 per cent of the passengers are not sic a, zor tne snort voyage oi 9 uoura. Make reservations immeaiateiy. ban Francisco, fortiana ana u A. a. s. co. 4tSC Frank Bo 1 lam, AgenL Main 2L 12S THIRD STREET. TRAVELERS' GCIDaV NEW ZEALAND AND AUSTRALIA (Colon Line of N. Z.) VIA TAHITI AND WELIXSOTOX. Direct through steamers, sailing from Saa Francisco March 8. April 8 and every 2s ays to Tahiti. Wellington and Sydney. N. 8. Wale. The line to Isles ef the South Seas, For rssarvations ssa Coupon Railroad Agents Mia, solan as (.aw aa s raaoiseo, Americas Atlantic Transport Re j Star White Star White Star-Dominion A. E.DISNEY, Room "B," Bailey Bids;, Second and Cherry Sts Seattle, or Local Ry. and steamship Agenta Ash: aboil 'Olympic,"' "Tllnnlc" and Largesf, Finest Steamer In tha World. COOS BAY LINE STEAMER BREAKWAIBil. Sails from Alnsworth Docks, portlaaa, 1 P u arary Tueeday. Freight received at A lass m th Dock dally up to 1 P. 11. Pas seoger far, first-class. S 10; second-class. 17, Including meals and earth, ticket efttoe Alnsworth Soak. Pbans Main Me. 110. A 1234. PLAN YOUR SPRING TRIP NOW In addition to regular sailings for Europe and the Mediterranean soma especially attractive tours will ba offered during 1912 by the North German Lloyd London-Paris-Bremen Sailings Prinz Friedrich Wilhelm, Thur.,Mar.7 Kronprinz Wilhelm. . .Tues., Mar. 12 Gen. Washington Sat., Mar. 23 Kas. Wil. Der Grosse, Tues., Apr. 2 Mediterranean Sailings. Berlin (new) Sat., Mar. 2 Prinzess Irene Sat., Mar. 16 Cruise to Black Sea and Caucasus, from Genoa April 28 to May 29 $200 up. Cruise to Polar Regions from Bremen, July 18 to Aug-ust 15 $125 up. Inde pendent around the world trips start ing any time, east or west JS18. Travelers' Checks good all over the world. Oelrlrhs A Co., 5 Broadway. cw York. ROBERT CAPPELLE. ii. A. P. C. tow Powell St.. Op p. tt. Francis Hotel, S. T. or 14ca. Agents. EXPRESS STEAMERS FOB Sas. Francisco and Los Angelas WITHOUT CHANGE 8. S. BEAVER Sails 4 P. M., leDrnary zi. bA FKANClbCO A PORTLAND S. B. OU, l lcae. ii I ice, t a imra si. Phones Mxim 40i and A 1464 San Francisco Los Angeles and San Diego Direct 8. S. Eoanoke and S. S. Eldtr all Every Wednesday AlternaUly at S F, at. NORTH FACIPIO S. S. CO, I It Third Pavansa Maig, Uls. A Wtm i i