V I I REAL ESTATE f REAL ESTATB. I ' " I lor Sale Farms. tMtyW- " I KKTf TOPT. F, Vo, or K.IH. o, Snlo-Ao--.o. M I - HEILIGTr A.Taylef Phone Mai 1 and A 1133- Robert B. Mantell TO.XH.HT. S:l. -HAM1JCT. Tomorrow V .1- M"-h.nt rl Vso" T amor row N:bt ' l:icb..le TjrliT Mgnt "King tear." Frtdar N'.ht "Ja:iil raar Saturday Matinee "Hamlet," Snturda N:hl "Macbeth." PRICES; Iu!rn Utr Floor. It re ii-w. 7 rw i o: Ha.roay. 8 rows 1 1. Co. row 11c 11 ri c: Oa..ry. mot-red and adn-.'aa'.on Boc. Tomorrow a maiine Lower roor. II row (1 . T row tt.OW. Balcony. 11 row 7ie. II row e; Gai.ary. wrM !. admis sion 25c- PEATS SOW 8ELXJXO. BAKER llth aad Morriawa Tenlght all wk Prga!n Wat.. Wd Sic Mat, tilt-. ale, SOc nrel time at pvpultr price paji fttx. B Lugeno Wa.ter. The pumi and mot uceful play Anarku lit r written. Ever.lng pr!'e 2V-. r.oe. "Sr. (! kxt vi rt.K 'mitt and Jic-rr. wrrx r n. is mi. vewu nrrw ad Her Oaipa-ay. la "Jodcwl": IWwtm and Mr-hanald: Cole a lixw; Rroi and White: H-f-t Jordan; 4,arMw aad Haere, ftlrhardao- e Pe-lng lNgt. Ma:tnre vary Day. oopress ' fa Bolllvan Cooeldiaa Krflned Vau.lra Ua nT.rs ixBsrART it citff nmr- remedy C1rcai Hrlv aad Mahotiey: The J feel ton ; Kut i'ralx-i and tompa ny Holmes aad Bnrhaaaat lailtou) Orcli IX , pricta I.v aad . CRIMES iA-ftTlnLC" UWU VTTXK FEB. 1 Tho Thre Fmraan Flano aad Kaywad : f"l Vt yekoff. th Mayer a Taalrtawai The H Markrt.j Mo (.rath aad loon l Tara K J la loarur rulacnropii. tenr. offtco from ' A. l. to 1 r. M. Plionro A mil, aiata aaoa. LYRI TIIEATX- lontu .u iiU if I v-irte Tr ar TOT ' FRF.mt TRIO. fkanrwr la Blaaa. Introdwrtac ," Taamaaj" lam. Taci land ll.la.' THE M CKjIi "lMr.M. -ftiaa Tummy' contaata, ovary parrorm anca. opaa to all rom-n Frl-lay alht rtiimii GlrU- Coott. Two parformaJiew "!r"t'y- Vlatlnaa dally. iCCTlOM BALES TO DAT. .t jjr. Fhatnatrom- raldan-, 145 N. toaar Hnyt). lino furnltur. earpota. rang. t. eio at 10 A- M. J. C WUacn aucuoaoar. At Bakar Awrtloa Hem a. i&J Park tfc f-i ml tura. rura. ate. Irora A. F. Hora l Aorta a raaldaoca. 6ai at l A. M. OREGON HUMANE SOCIETY mr! rrrr ni.i- Maia - a ima III MAM2 OI IICi-R. tr-raat Crata, K-al-Irnr. 24 E. 24ta N Eaat 4T7B. ft a. Duanira, Kaa fa Waaco St. W. a. Eaton, fta. 71 K Mtn. Eaat 1T4A. Uorao Amou.anra. A alOL Pr. EL A -Siahia. Sunday and BoUdajrA A dladj Pa, Ex. A Truna 1 ITEW TOOAT. Retail' Hants! Opportunily Seldom Offered Three Beautiful Stores IN THE Hotel r.lultnomah Building THTED, FOUSTH AND PINE. TO RENT To progressive merchants at moderate rental on short or long loasea. Tha Moltnomah is opened and its soccess is unprecedented. Each store will share in the hotel's prosperity. The coming Summer months with their conventions, etc, will bnn-j hundreds of tourists to the hotel daily. The hotel management backed its judgment with millions grasp your opportunity, Mr. Ketait Merchant, and assure a suc cess by having your 6tore here. Full particulars at cashier's desk, in the Hotel. MONEY TO LOAN flTT MflRTT.tGr FillV MUHTuAutt, lOinl HITtN UHH1 TO SCTT. A. H. BIRRELL. CO., Z3 H'Ktl ntlLUI.XOa Taled aad ataxab FOR RENT ACREAGE Twenty acre on Dua Una road Juet bond city limit five-cent far flro-rcem house pructlcally ail land can bo cultivated Kood (oil. WIIlTMfcll-KKl.LT rOaPaXT, Keank atrevt. NOTICE! TO LAL'RELKUaST LOT OWNERS If you ara contemptatlnc bulldlna; and want financial aealatanre. rail Mr. Hurllncama or Al ison, v. Ua the I-ouru-hurt Comi'ony. Main I50J, A lUi. MORTGAGE LOANS On Builsraa and Iteeldenco PToporty. S In . n. iovn. t In J lJ 4I ttard of Trade Hide. Mortgage Loans on Portland bua.nea and residence) property at l.iwr-at current ratea. MOK'.AX. llinHF.B A BOlCld, tMa-4Mt AMagte Buildlas. V THEATER 40 ACRES $500 Wo ara aubdtrldinr cur lanfls Into 40-acr farm Mlnff t 150 lor oaco forty, foutharn Pacific! Natron oxtan- lon rtin throu-rh th land. No forty mora tt.an flvo mlla from tn railroad. kmtmbtr, tha land. have an r mxa of 14 Jnrhaa annual praclpltatlon. w aro plattlnsj tho toarnnltao on tho Natron a-ttan-il..n. and will Slvo froo to ach of tho flrat 100 farm purchaser, four lots, one In fieh of four town, a prlir In th rreat movement "back to tho land." lirXTKIt. Lr CO, paMlar Blrlar. ACREAGE naavr Hawthorno-avonuo carllna, oppo lto antranco to Mount Tabor I'arat, LowMt-prlctd proparty In dlitrlct ono-half-acro lota 1140 and up. Ur- tract If doalrod. E owner on around. iRTnrR p. rniEn, Eawt Slzty-fawnai aad DlTlaro Strta. Pkaaa Tabor I7. MORTGAGE LO-ANS CCV JOHN E. CRCNAN, 7 J O aoa apaldlas Bids. .-' rill I l. IKHHIDGE at THOHNOt, FliELIC ACCDUSTANTSe-AUDlTOaS, 3d Harmttl UI-l- Faoaa Mala a7 REAL tTATE PEALER!. JrtlICT. 102 McaLa bl-IC. M. 64B. . Bach. Wtillam 0.. tlS-Sie Palllnr bid. Cbapia A Hr-rlow. sal chambor Comiaart Cook. B. B. A Co.. 6US Corb-tt bid. Janninca A Co. alaln 1S. ft Ortfonlaa. PALMtR-JONES CO. H. I', 4u4-4Oi-04 Wtcol bide Tba Oron Kaal Eatata Co.. Grand ova. at Multnomah at. (HollaJar Addition). REAL ESTATE. a or halo Lot MU.NKV TO LOAN ron BCILDINO PUBPOSEi Wo bave roonay on band to !oaa for bnlldlns parpoaa V- will furniih the money for tho lot alao. and tak back a acond rnnrt for aama Tbl 1 a prop mi a on which ahould appeal particularly to a contractor. lnyatlata our plan and wa will raadhy convince yoa tbat It la by far tb beat opportunity yon hara aver bad to operate In the bome-bulldln bual naea In I'ortland. Call and a ua at once If you contemplate bulldtn. BLKLINUAMK A ALLISON, Corbait Kid. Mala 1501. A IBIS. tEK US ABOUT THIS. I haTe althout quaatlon toe On eat acre OB Sanily boulevard, wjiar all Unprave manta. auch a water, graded atreeta, idewalka, lichta. phone, etc., ar In and paid for: sou b.ck loam, wilb no rock: prtcea and terma on thla are rtcbt and If dealred 1 can arraoga ta build for you on the aama attractive terma. Make an appointment with me and let me ahow you the beat propoeitlon you ever bad orered you. AS Oregonlan. liAetv 1 J i ua buiu One-acre- borne l. rkh ailuvlaj aolU four block from a.reetcar. 6 milea from Courthouae. In line of , city srealeet rowiL; graded atreeta. atdewalka and water under prveauxe Included: amall caad paymenta. balance eaay: l-'"0; will a.ao bulid your buzne to order on attractive ... ' . . 1 1 I . n O.NLT ITS down, choice lot, bOiSO, with ce ment walk. etc. paid: half block rrom Hoea City Park -car: above grade; Inex penalve to bui;d upon; electricity; botb phone; Sandy Bou.evard 1 (olaf to b paved. Price are jumping for Xaired 1 cationa; only $7o0; terma ITS down, 13 mo., for 3 da)a Jamea C. Loaran. 813 Hpa:dlng bldg. Marahall 2T48, A 3439. JUST THE RIGHT SIZE. Threo-flfth of aa acr. nieaaurlnr 1S1 xlad feet, on banOy boulevard and Port-land-Troutdale Electrlo Kallway. All cleared, po rock a. so gravel. One anil; price Includee cement aldewalka. macad amlaed etreet and water; price J00. lluO raah Tbl U a good buy. V t2X Orego nlan COMB to lAuralhurat office. SVth and Eaat U.iaaa ate. Tak car at ea ana atorrieon marked "Montavllla" or Laureihurat.' $1.'0 to aaved on each lot If you buy before alarrb 1&, Coma out and let ma explain how wa put you In your owa home for (000. Telephone Eaat bMa. even ing c 2630. DELAHOTT A CLEMENTS. CHOICE building lota. 20 minute from Courthouae. on S-cent car fare, good wa ter piped to the lota They are hlgb and tchtly and every lot 1 exceptional value. Cloee to car atatlon. For a ehort time I offer Iota at l-'7 and up for 25 down and 110 par month. Owner, 414 Spalding bldg. BEAUTIFT-'L view lot on eouthora elope. near Council creat. aow ana up. mcinuiin cement aldewalka curba, graded atreeta and water; building reatrlctlona; aoid on aaay terma 1'revldent Trual Company, SOL 22. 2v Board of Trade. alarabaU 47e. A lOii PORTLAND 11EIOHT3 Beautiful level alte: choice neighborhood; walking dis tance; grand sweeping, absolutely unob tructabia view of whole city, rivers and mountains; (4O00; terma. - AT 812. Ore gonlan. 1 DOWN IIO PER MONTH. Fine view lot. matured fruit tree, re stricted district, near car; cement walk and curb: Bull Bun water. Provident Truat Company. 2ul. 3u2. 208 Board of Trade. laarahalt 473. A 10I2. PRICE CUT LV TWO. Client must sell and we can deliver for eaah a One 100x10 at just one-halt the selling price of adjoining lota 9 700 re quired. 124 Chamber of Commerce. E. TAalH 1 LL-STKKKT SNAP. 100x100, ooutheaat corner E. 26th t.. worth jOu, for a few dey at 14000; IlluO down, balance eaay. 171 V ZSd at. Phone East DM. 6OxU0. Oa tb St.. 200 ft- from Multnomah Ho tel; will sell at reeeonablo figure if taken at once; terms; owner. u 817. Ore gonlan. rHGI'F: VIEW LOT. MT. TABOR. Etna eaat front lot. S3x2. worth 11230. but will eell for llluu. Owner. L aJL Oregonlan. PORTLAND HEIGHTS EXCLUSIVELY. Beautiful home and botnestte. all views, location and prices; can ault you. Main f..M. BKOuKE. Aal. LOT. 60xU0. on Hancock .. near K. 83d, Broadway audition: prlc S13o, one-thud raih. balance easy. Lueddemaon A Kurke, Llertrlo bldg. t: BOO ROSS ME RE tlOOO AOx1t0, corner, near carllna Jobs I Karnopp. By- Exch. bldg. PIPB5 THIS. timH equity F.aet Side lot of merit. Los than value;. Now. See owner, Arcady preea. 142 fecond at. IjOIC ahead, buy a lot where the Inoreaee In value la going to be very rapid: a aare Investment that will bring big return, yor rutrtlrulara writ L A. .regonlan. Vll'ST BE SOLU Lot boxioo In Broadway Addition, one block off Broadway, fac ing eoula. Will sacrifice for Sll&u. Lued d. mann A Burke. 1)21 Electrlo bldg. LOT CoiWK on Hancock au. nar E. 83.L Broadway AddlUon. Price 113(0. one-third raah. balance easy. Luaddamana A liutka. oil E'ectrlc bid. HAN'COCK-BT. lot. What 1 It worth to youf AJS 114. Ora-gonlaa- XitVINOTON lot boxlOO. on E. 124 on ear line. Price 14So. on good terma Luedue mann A Burke P.l kiectrlc bldg. TjIVI-sioN FT. Lota cloee In for I12S0; nothing like It ea the market. Call i4 hald.ng D.ct. 1RVINOTO!" PARK Iota on Soth t., beat la dlairlct; improvement In. mostly paid; must sell, owner. Sol Dekum bids. :50 iulty In lot. Eaat tVeah. between Shav er and Fal.lng. east frontage; a bargain. Phone Owner. Mam fcl.'H. LH-INOTO! lot. Improvement paid, snap, terma btovar A Auaalakar, 14 Couch blilg. FK oALt one lot on fcnal 2tl at, near g. . anopa Addraas Louie Johnson, aaer w.kmI. Or.. Rout 2. 110 down. HO month: buxlOO lota, re str;ctrd district; Imroveaaeata la; fAOu. 44 teon bldg BARGAIN Lot facing east, blgh, aightly. near fine bomee. Last & - J and Aiaiuoua. a.-. lia Hi. Main 1U A 74od. AT TOUR OWN PRICE. Lot la Roaemere. 60x100. AF 114, Ore gon lan- HO DuWN. fl WE Eat. Beautiful lot: no Interest or taxes; SS rr.tnutrs out- M I0. Oregonlan. la I itLHli'.ir aqulty in four lota, price ;-. let a 1077. WQUITT In Laureihurat lot. Phono Waod 1,,, I2 or C S4 morning a BEST cornrr la Overlook; baaement ax- cavateo. ouf " " . - Tnn 3roT?xTxa orrc.oxiA. ttjtsday, IF TOU can pay JOO caeh and 40 per month, which will Include Interest, I .11 finance tb-a bul'.dlng of your home on any lot you may select In Laureihurat. If you want to buy or build a houa on tnee eaay terma come In and talk It ever. Ihl Is your ehanra to atop paying rant. BURLINHAME A ALLISON. S22-4) Corbtt Bidg. Main 1303. A at T. TAROR BARGAIN One of thooe nx 14T lota, on Improved etreet. one block from new earilne. one blo'-lf from Mt. Tabor Park and boulevard. These lots are now selling for 11200 ' Will take illoO. ..0 caaa and 110 monthly. Thla la a snap for either a horn" builder or a speculator. Win bo worth I2SU0 when park la om- PHiGGrN8. PHONB BEIXWOOD LOOK HERE. HOW CAK TO0 AFFORD to continue paving rent and contributing to green grocer when you can buy an acr of rich alluvial o!l 2 block from streetcar, vmn graded streets, eidewalke. water under preaaur and In audition have a rtne home site with beautiful view for lliod on eaay lrm! W 821. Oregonlan HOLMAN-6TREET LOTS. Four lota nn corner E. 1Mb. and Hol man ta. lOOxltX) corner, for lluOO. or oorner lot I5S0. lnid lot 1430 eachi cbeapeat iota In th city. GRUSSI A HOLDS. SIS Board or Trade Bldg.. 4th and Oat, 'or Male EAST PAYMENTS. t a-room 2-atory houe and full lot. STtn ex.. between Hawthorne ave. and Sunny- Ide car; l?2m, .:'K down. 4-room cottage. .17th st.. 2 Mock aotith of Hawthorne: modern and Improvements paid; (24uO. I.ToO down. o-roorn bunxalow cloae to carllna. In Ivanlioe Add.; i760; small payment down, bal. like rent. 7 -room houaa, modern. 1 bile from car line. Roee City Park; SOxlOO lot; 3ft00, $M0 and terms. Don't ml this. B-room bunualo'. modern, with Bleep ing porch. 3 blocks from Hawthorne ave. car; good terms on this, or wt!l trane; f4-.0. Heo us about t-rrna A few bar gaina Com In nd eo u. We have other. ilarh. 3K..2. A 41C4. (Ee Air. Ilursu J. R. HENDEKSOV CO., 607 Spalrtlng Bldg. 4-ROOM BUNGALOW. ' Double construction. pitered. Cement basement, with electrlo light, cozy den and fireplace. You can't - duplicate thla for the money, l.'ixiO. ee Mr. Leonard, with COLUMBIA TRUST COMPAXT, Ground Floor Board of Trade Bldg. JM)0 WEST SIDR COTTAGE ISO0. Nloe 6-room cottaxa, electric lights, tile bath. In firat-clas condition throughout; lot 40x100; some fruit tree and plenty of small fruit; balf block to Fulton car. on Idaho st . In Southern Portland; price, a snap, 11800; tiuO cash and 113 per month. ORL'SSI A HOLDS. SIS Board or Trade Bldg., 4th and Oak. LARD'S ADDITION BARGAIN SHOOO S rooms, hail, living and dinlng-rnom with hardwood floora. den. breakiaal-room. kitchen, four bedroom. Bleeping porch, bath and attic: double construction; full cement basement, furnace, shades, combi nation fixtures. Improvements paid; $v00 ' caah. Phono Sellwood la2d. LAOD"8 ADDITION. A thoroughly modern bouse, with bard wood floora. fireplace. furnace, litijre porch, ecreens and awnings. 2oo feet from Hawthorne ave. corner, beautiful view, price 7uo0, terms. H N. TUFFORD A CO.. Marshall 4347. 407 bpaldlng Bldg. CSDER VALUE. An elegant Weat Park-st. bungalow, oorner lot, at reduced price. Including fine furniture; owner going abroad and will make low price and term Investigate, and If you want a fine home, you certain ly will buy. Vanduyn A Walton. 013 Chamber Commerce. 1200 DOWN. 7 -room ntouern boube, half block off Kllllngaworth ave., 8 full bearing fruit trees, Dcrnee, garden, etc.; fine lot 30x100 ft., beautiful view of Willamette Klver; a fine borne tor 120; terma 12O0 cash, balance like rent, J. O. Llroti. owuer, 01 Coroett blag. 1100 CASH. ROSE CITY PARK. 113 MONTHLY. AU Improvements In and paid for; T rooms, built-in buffet and bookcaaee. solid oak floors, fireplace, furnace, etc. Na tional Realty A Trust Co.. 723 Chamber of Commerce bide;. Phone Main 5121. HERbl IT 13. Two-thirds of sn acre, B-room house, running water piped In the house: 2 b:ock from station; within 13 minutes or center of the city, on the West Slue. 122. Easy terma Provident Trust Company. 2ul. 2o2. 201 Board of Trade bMg. Marshall 471. A 1Q22. foO DOWN and 115 per month buys a now modern bungalow, four rooms and bath, cement basement and BOxlOo lot. Good location, where values are rising rapid: l.or8e yard for garden or clilckona; oniy 1 1 H. HIiiOINS. PHONB BEIXWOOD 126- EAST SIDE home 3000; 60x100. well Im proved with fruit, shrubbery and lawn. 4 rooms, with bath, gaa and newly fin ished. 100 feet to two carllnes. on 21st St.. near the Ladd tract; 11000 down, balance eaay. Main (lu or 121 Rail way Exchange bldg. BARGAIN New B-room houae, fireplace, furnace, bookcases, veneer paneling, buf fet, large rooms, numerous lance closets, fine bath, large Bleeping porch, double construction, finely finished; muat be seen to b appreciated, owner. East 83w. ACCOUNT alcknees; beautiful bungalow, 11!1 lvon street. Richmond; paved dis trict; select nalKhborhood . amall pay ment, balance monthly; Immediate posaea sion. Investigate today. owner. luoO Grand ave. North. FOR 8ALK A new 6-room bungalow; Rose City. For price and terms, see owner Bt f-4 Chamber Commerce. I will sell at S50O sacrifice, as 1 must ralae SoOv. See this before you buy. Office phone, Alain 122. Tabor 3.-.S7. FOR BALE A new 7-room bungalow, block to streetcar; 400 will handle this, and "0 per month. "or Information, eee Whipple, at 124 Chamber Commerce. Of fice phone. Main lo22; residence. Tabor S3HT. BEST-BUILT HOME. Irrlnrton: 10 rooms, finished oak; will eatufy most exacting: two baths: comer, K'xloo; choice location. C-lStid. Eaat 273. Owner. W. IL Herdman. A SNAP. a-room East 81d house, corner lot, only S9B0 for quick erne. Hurry. , It will aoon go at I rt la reduced prlca Vanduyn A Walton. 013 Chamber Commerce. BROADWAY bargain 7 rooms, cpse In. built-in conveniences, hardwood floors, steeping porch, llrepiaco, furnace. -0 cash, balance easy. 4U1 Mohawk b!ug. Owner. LRVINGTON New bungalow, 0 rooms and large attic, strictly modem. $47o0. Includ ing all assessments, essy terms. 626 Ycon bldg. Phone Main 112, A 7436. OAxT'O BUfciLN KS3 corner with B-rooin house, right on oarline, 2J minute out; price 12V0. vnlh !.kV0. HIHLKI BISHOI", ISZ Third Bt. FCK HALh By owner; 7-room houae. fine car; price 123o: 1:k0 caah, balance 12 per month lllel Wilbur, St. Johns car. 20 MONTHLY, Including Interest, good 7 room house. n block to cnrllne; price jtO0; small pavment: Improved atreeta; close In. OWNER,30 Worcester block. ONE B-room cottage and 10 Iota, near car line; 80 minutes' rld: value !oiv; my equity 14373; will sacrifice for 1300. Own or. 18 N. ta st- a-ROOM modern bouaa Richmond, aightly location. Improvement paid; price s:i00o, caah ..oo. bai. am aa rent. 819 Wor eeater bldg. POULTRY MAN and wife, want rtnch to care for or work; wife good cuuk and housekeeper. Apply Johnston, gen. del., or phone B 2627. II EST BARGAIN EVER OFFERED. By owner; going away; 6-room modem residence at Willamette He.thra. fSjO; part cash. Telephone Main Ii21o. (3n CASH, new B-room modern bouse, lot 40x100, 2H blocks car; good neighbor hood: think of It. only (13. H1GI.EY A BISHOP. 132 Third SL liot'SKa' on easy terma See our Hsu Purse a Co.. 1H Chamber of Com.. Members Portland Really Board. XIODERN 6-room house, lot. near cars and sehool. paved streets- 12400 for quick sal. terma Owner. Woodiawn 14Q3 ARK you looking for a bargain In a 3 room house, modern, good locality. lOoo; your own terma. v.au ja oiiu. w. rmiia. 4-ROOM houae, modern, cioae In. on Euat bide: thl la a aacrillc; (looo down. av3 Couch bidg. KKW. modem 6-room bungalow. In good location, close In; can give good terma Beaia A Robinson. 801 E. llth St. E. 0023. (loo CASH, balance monthly. 7-room houae, Richmond l.ne, price ::2uA, owner, ool t.wetia.i.1 blug. Main T770. WILL 6ACRIF1CE 1HO0 equity In $206 bungalow for 1000: terma Main ea'3. FOR FINE HOMES. Bee Delahunt- 13i0 cor. bungaiow. m for king. 3'X0; bum bxokea; larauv Owuer. WeodX SUA 100 DOWN. 8-room bungalow In splendid condition, en good streot. In Rose City Park, near carllna: lot ftoxloo; price ej00; balance payable la0 mon.bly. Including; Interest. (100 DOWN. 6-room house near Kllllngaworth ave-. all Improve-nente paid. Price I21O0; 130.1 below value; balance can bs paid In small monthly paymenta (300 DOWN. 4-room house on East tTTh near Emer son; price (1400; balance IS per month. (2B0 CASH. A modern 3-room bungalow, close In, near Sur.nyslfle car: Improvements and paid; price only 12400. 2600. (200 CASH. B-room bungalow on E. S9th, near Hawthorne; Improvement in. (200 CASH BALANCE TO BTJTT. PRICB (2300. U-rt-rvrill iuiiRfiiuw, - t 8tth; lK:trlc fUtur and ahadM ln- cluded. - (100 CASH. Balance $23 month, Inoludlna; Interest. PRICB 2900. -room modern house on oarline: 10 mlnute service: lot BoxlOo; fruit treos; fine view of city. . DORR E. KEASET A COMPANT. 2i2 Chamber of Commerce Bidg. HOMES ON EASY TbRMa. Modern bungalow, four rooma and BBtn, fireplace. bookcases. platerall. Dutch kitchen, lot 65x0; t-'BOO; small caah pay ment; balance to suit. (room bungalow, strictly modem, rur nnce, fireplace, buffet, bookcases, hard- flnnra " trnm A le,-1 ricit V ' good ViCW Rose City Park. 'clop to car: all street Improvements paid; JH.io ana up. B-room bungalow. 30xB8. lot BOxllA every modern convenience, buffet, book cases, hardwood floors. Dutch kitchen, full cement basement, furnace, fireplace, eleo trlc fixtures. terma W have several 6-room home, with all modern conveniences: furnace, fireplace, hardwood floors, bookcases, buffet. Dutch kitchen These are first-class In every de tail; 137.10 and up. 7 rooms snd sleeping porch, beamed and paneled effects, fireplace, furnace, bur fet. bookcases. Dutch kitchen, 3 blocks to Broadway car: It'.IO. Large 8-room home at Mt. Tabor: excel lent view of the whole city; modern con veniences: lot B5xl8r.; large mature Royal Anne cherry trees; beautiful lawn, rosea, eto.: $70on; $5i0 cash, bnlanc term. PROV IDE N'T TRUST COMPANY, 201 202 2"3 Board of Trade Bldg. Marshall 473. A 1022 BEAUTIFUL LAUHELHURST HOME (5.: Terma One of the best-built houses In this beautiful addition. Seven rooms and sleep ing porch. Every known modern conveni ence. W can convince you that at this price thla Is the best buy In Portland. Ready- for occupancy.' Light fixtures, shades, etc.. all in. BURLING A ME A ALLISON, 022-6 Corbelt Bldg. Main 1303. A 1513; PROSPECTIVE BUILDERS READ. The meat In the cocoanut. We aave you time and money. Why? We are expert homebullders. We don't guess at It. w know how. We glvo you a year guaran tee. Come In and talk over that new home wl:h us, and be convinced that we save you lime and money. You're safe with u. We can plan and build It abso Ititelv right. We aift In financing It. too. ETTTTKItWORTH-STEPHENON CO.. INC. AKCH'LS. BLDRS.. 707 COUCH BLDG. MK. LOT OWN Bill HERS IS YOUR CHANCE TO IM PK.VE TOUR PROPERTY WITH A HOME FL4.T OR APARTMENT: WILL FINANCE IT AT A LOW RATE OF IN TEREST. PLANS FURNISHED FRfcE. IT WILL PAY YoU TO COiial IN AND TALK THIS OVER. J S. ATKINS. AP.CHITECT AMI BUILDER. HENRY BLDG. Piltr.O.STREET HOUSE. Nice d-room 2-atory house: furnace, fireplace; lot 40xlOO; street Improvements all paid, on FarK-j St.. near Union ave.; price I4SO0; 1.100 caeh and 125 per month: fine piece of property and good location; will exchange for 6-room bun salow. GRUPSI HOLDS. 318 Board or Trade Bldg., 4th and Oak. THAT VACANT LOT. WHY NOT TURN A BURDEN INTO INCOME PROPERTY ? IK YOU OWN A LOT WE WILL FURNISH THa MONEY AND BU11 1 RESIDENCE OK FLATS. PLANS FREE li'" WE BUILD. OUR lirll UTATION YOI'R PROTECTION. IT WILL PAY YOU TO SEtl Ui L. K. BAILEY CO.. INC.. CONTRACT ISO ARi'hl TECTS. "24 ABiNGiON BLD. LAURELHURST HOUSES. We are agnl for all the good bouse In thl district. Se us for lowest prices. Office on ground. Phone Eaat USJ. DKLAHUNTY A CLEMENTS. 3Uth and East Ghana ts. NEW Sunnyslde bungalow, large lot, fruit; caah or terma Owner. Tabor 2o'0. Yor Sale Acreage. IDEAL HOME BITS. I have a plat of swound about the slxe of four city lots, located close to the 2ot-foot scenic boulevard on the South Portland hills; this beau tiful building site has a magnifi cent view, is within 5-cent car limit and Is about a 13-mlnuto ride from tlie business center; ideal for man with auto: will sell on easy terms and might consider some trade: price JlioO. Address AD 63S, Ore gonlan. SMALL RANCH. Over Bti" acres, of which two-thirds Is cleared and fine beaverdam soil: one-third slashed; right on county road; close to school; near Portland and electric trane portatlon; $66 cash: 113.20 per month. PAC. N.-W. DEVELOPMENT CO., Inc.. 405 Couch Bldg. CHICKEN and FRUIT RANCH near Portlacd: a NEW riL'B DIV IsloN. Loweat pricea; best soli; fine view; wood, water and roads; 6 acres, (40U per tract; 10 A-, 10OO; 20 A., Sh'-". 40 A.. (12(10: 80 A l.'oi.O; lOO A.. t3"00; liberal terma FRANK M' FAR LAND REALTY CO, 8Ui i eon bldg.. Portland. Or. CHO ICEAC R E AtJlFcTl EAP. Three, six or nine acres close to ear and city llmlta No better aoll In Oregon; Ilea fine; running water; small cash pay ment and easy terms. Investigate and you will surely buy. Will treble in value before you nave mans an payments, van duyn A Walton. BIB Chamber Commerce. SACRIFICE. I will sacrifice my 20-acro tract. 12 mile! out, on the Oregon Electric, loo ynr.is from station; this Is a real bargain: make me an offer of terms. 'Address owner. AN 634. Oregonlan. 10 ACRES No. 1 land, fine B-room houae, barn and outbuildings, small orchard, on carllns; all In cultivation. This is some thing choice and can be bought right: money talks. Beala A Robinsaa, 861 E. llth St. ti. ou:j. CHICKENS. DUCKS. GOATS. FRUIT. BERRIES. S to 30 acre tracts on Oregon Electrlo, 17 miles from Portland, from $70 to ll.'.O per acre. Fred W. German, 329 Burn aids. M. or A 2776. ONE acre for rent or for aale cheap; two miles from city limits, near Mt. Hood Railway on Ascot acre tract. Call at 202 E. Wheeler st. after 7 o'clock P. AL or en Sunday afternoon. SAFE and profitable Investment; 883 acres, all subdivided. In B. 10. 20-aere tracts; electric station en ground; finest part of Willamette Valley; for few days, (130 per acre. Eckman, 620 Henry bldg. 2u, ACRES, near Multnomah Station. 20 minutes from Courthouae, 3-cent car fare. Price $2o0. small creek, all land cleared and under cultivation. Se owner, 414 Spalding bldg. I MUST sell my 2-acre tract near Mult nomah Station: 20 minutes out on, the Oregon Electric; only B-cent carfare; no reasonable offer will be refused. Call A 6361. FOR SALE B-acre tract, nice soli. mile from Portland, on carllne. (200 per acre, term: by owner. Phon Main 2613 or cail &10 YVaf-ftlngton. 2 ACRES sltelv and high, all covered with fine bearing fruit trees, near Multnomah Station. (2000. Particulars at 414 Spald lng bldg. ACKtAUE and farms, large and small traeta Call Kinney A stampfar. &31-2 Lumber Exchange bldg. i ACRE No reasonable offer refused. E. 60th st-. So tax. 1087 Chamber Cozmnoro. ri-T,r.uA.?Y so, ACRE AOS ABUTTING ON TCEW FOURTH -STREET ELECTRIC, Only (0 minutes from 4th and Washington eta. on West Side, In Tualatin Valley; roads all com pleted, soli the very best; any slxed tract at 1150 to (iOO per acre, and upon monthly payments- some cleared, some in timber, with run ning water. Office open evenings until ( o'clock. THE SHAW-FEAR COMPANY, Main la. 102 4th st- A 1300. APPEAL TO HONEST Ivnl'KTRlOT'S MEN. Tttir five or ten acres of rich cultivated land, either river bottom or first bench land, within walking distance of a good live town. 63 miles souuiwest or r'ori.ana, in Yamhill County. Best of schools, stores, churches- present terminus of railroad. This land Is especially adapted to poultry ralalng. fruits and gardening. If you want to work In a modern brick plant at good pay. while paying for your farm, we will sot tou work. Prices In keeplnc with kind of land offered. If you have (100 to make a first payment, we will ar- ' range mOPt Ilnerai terms on naianca. CHAPIN A HERLOW. 882-333 Chamber of Commerce. rnntcH ackeaoE TRACTS. Close to Portland: rich walnut, fruit and enrrien land: only amall cash pay ment, balance pays for Itself In producto now on the land, which we accept ana are the only people making tnis liberal outer, mi .-. -or-c-T. i-r'ivi l vv Bir.Lii.u i - - - . w . .. . .... . 906 Spalding Bidg. For Sale Buelnees Property, BEST BUY Must be sold at once, account of mortgage, store bldg., 5 living: rooms, 'l modern: Montavilla. on carilne: lot 60x02.; price -000. S3 Russel bldg. No agent. two-story hullAlng. stores and apart menta, prominent street, close In, West bide, good income: price ao,wv. owner, 824 Worcester bldg. For Sole Homesteads. EXCLUSIVE Information mailed to you of Government claim now open tor selec tion in California. Our feo Is 110: land near R. R. : plenty ol water ana limner, Acme Laud & Loan co., tioaxsi San Francisco. Cal. THREE homesteads In Douglas Co., close to town, school and nelsrabors; 2.000,000 to 8.000.000 ft. of fir and cedar on each, SDrini-s and creeks. 73 to 100 acres of farming land when cleared. Nlmmo, Kuney Co.. 424 Hamilton bklg. iiAvivCTCin RR.l'Oi:ifiHMEXT. Relinquishment In northeast corner of Lake county, witnin u mnes ut emuuiij on ilnilv onto line between Bend an Bums. 41S Abington bldg, 106ft Third at. ORRflo' relmauishment. new B-room house, barn, well, on county road. 343 llth st. Main is:ii. HOMESTEAD relinquishment, IS miles from Mc.Mlnnville. cheap. Vina bt, ciara, pu 2. Phone Main 40 .5-, A 7052. For Sole Fruit Lands. rmt RALE OR EXCHANGE. n-acra annle orchard. 4 years old. North Tskimai Wash.; all set 30 ft. apart; has ISO peach fillers; some trees produced 8 boxes last year; expect 2oo0 boxes this vear; 80 pear trees, 7o cherries and some imall fruit; price $7300; will take S8300 worth of vacant lots. Portland, for my equity; mortgage 'of (40O0, payable a follows: (1000 November, 1!13. there after $."00 each year until paid for. This orchard will carry all expenses and pay for Itself from now on; might consider 8H000 to I7.0 property in i'ortiana xau assume $.1000 to 4itou. DORR E. KEASEY A CO., Chamber of Commerce. For bale Farms. ELEGANT 20 ACRES, y SOMETHING VERY CHOICE. We have here Just th tract for the discriminating buyer. We con sider this elegant country home one of the best farm values near the city. It Is located Just 10 miles west from the Courthouse, and 21 miles from Beaverton In one of the choicest sections of Washington County. There are 20 acres, all in high state of cultivation. Tho en tire tract lies perfectly,, is the choic est of rich, mellow loam, no rock or gravel, and is perfectly drained. The buildings are all that couid be desired, have been built only four years, and the original cost of some was Just about what we are asking for the entire property. There is a splendid 7-room house. porcelain bath, toilet and wash bualn. concrete foundation, tlie fireplace, large wide porchea Very fine large barn, all modern convenleneea and one of the best built structures of the kind In the Stale of Oregon. Other modern outbuildings. Perfect water system, with large tower and windmill on concrete foundation. In fact, all buildings are modern structures, only 4 years old, and at would be a diffi cult matter for you to duplicate them for the price of the 20 acres. Owing to certain conditions, we are In a position for the next few days to offer you this elegant farm home for only I.IOO. half cash. You can get some Idea of the bargain you are olfered here, when you consider the fact that bare jicreage in the same vicinity Is sold for (400 per acre. This property Is located In splendid community, attractive and pleasant environment. Is Just 10 miles west from the Courthouse In Portland, and Is Just the place you have been looking for. The description herein given Is very conservative. We have given color to no detail. We wish to repeat that the price is oniy (3500. HARGROVE A SONS. 122 N. llth St., cor. 6th and Gllsaa. Main 4381. A 7239. 1000 FEET. Columbia River frontage, 90 acres on Sandy road. 10 miles from Portland and will take some city property In exchange, compelled to ell at a great sacrifice. WELL IMPROVED a ACRES. All In cultivation. 4-room house and barn and other odd buildings; rood bearing orchards. growing crop 8 milk cows, chickens. All Implements and tools; 10-mlnuto walk from railroad station; close to Portland: price 13300; (1300 cash. balance to suit. CALL JOHN DICK, 64l Union Avenue North. BEST IMPROVED FARM In IJnn County; 160 acrea fine (oil; 143 acres In cultivation; $2000 house, good tarn, all farm Implements, good roads: river and rail transportation; price (100 per aore: easy terma M'OOWAN A M'OOWAN. 3 Healy Bldg., East Morrison and Grand Ave. CO-ACRS FARM. Located right close to Portland: best of eoll: crop now in; orchard, etc This place Is fully equipped with stock and Imple ments: has running water; land around this selling at Moo per acre. This place can be had for $2."0 per acre. J. K. Smith, 61.1 Chamber Commerce. A FIRST-CLASS farm ITS acres. 60 In culti vation. SO timber, balance pasture: 8-room house, barn 4x46, fine creek through the place; everything In first-class order; all farm Implements; 22 Jerseys. 250 head of hogs, everything goes on th piece for the price of the land. 38 mlica out. Call W. W. Churoh. 2r3 Taylor St. 11 ACRES all In cultivation and fenced. 17 room hotel, furnished, big Larn and out buildings, young bearing orchard, fruit and berries, slock, tools and machinery, (3000. O. H. PEASE. Tabor 2fir2. 1089 E. Alder. FARMS Any kind you want; write for full price :ist; I am a farmer of this place; 42 7ears I have lived on my farm: I am no town or city lot shark: no padded pricea C. O. Burgess. Sheridan. Or. R. F. D. 1. H. N. S WANK. 308 Ablneton bldg.. Willamette Valley farm on Oregon Electric; must sell. RANCH O0 acres, with ouliuinga. 18 miles tr.m pnrt.ni;n. near p.c.uiu 1.11c, fi kiu for all caah. by owner. IS2 Murrlson St. TWO good 80-acre farms to trade for room ing house: value up to (4000. 301-3 Lum ber Exchange. 1013. 13 I . -rr FsYiTR. I WA-VTFD-REAL ESTATE. 800-ACRE WILLAMETTE VALLEY FARM. FINELY IMPROVED WITH TWO GOOD DWELLINGS. BARN AND OTHER OUT BUILDINGS; FINEST OF ROLLINO LAND. 1-3 IN CULTIVATION BALANCE IN PASTURE AND OAK TIMBER. ON GOOD WAGON ROAD, 7 MILE TO TOWN ON R. R. WILIv TAKE SOME GOOD PROPERTY IN TRADE FOR PART PAY MENT. PRICE (SO PER ACRE. S. N. STEELE. OWNER, 26TH OA-K ST. TO EXCHANGE. APARTMENT. Furniture and leaee of a B4 2 and 8-room apartment, located within easy walking distance; rent less than M per room; steam heat, 8-story brick building: will trade for good income property or acreage, with a small cash payment. We can show you (400 prol'lt per month in this place. GRCSSI A BOLDS, 819 Board or Trade Bldg.. 4th and Oak. MULTNOMAH OR GARDEN HOME ACRE AGS WANTED. Our client offers new 5-room house on Powell Valley road, near cars; price $2400, mtg. JfOo. REALTY EXCHANGE DPT HARTMAN & THOMPSON. 4 Chamber of Commerce. HAVE 50 by 100 lot In good district, close to carline, worth J1000 cash; wish to ex change same for 4 or 5-passer.ar auto; must be in flrst-clas condition: brokers or agents need not call, owners only will picaso call on J. li Smith, 513 Chambor Commerce. 41 ACRES y. In fine state of cultivation, remainder pasture, with some small tim ber, fine spring of water, 2 miles south east from Milwaukle. price $100 per acre, take part In Portland property. E. C, Box 273 R. P. D. No. 1, Milwaukle. ATTRACTIVE new 6-room cottage. Haw thorne ave. district: S3HCi0, mortgage (1500. Will accert lot and some cash. REALTY EXCHANGE DEPT.. HARTMAN & THOMPSON. 4 Chamber of jCommerce. TO EXCHANGE FOR REAL ESTATE. A 30to 40 M capacity sawmill complete, In operation, on N. P. Ry., w-ith full log ging equipment ond timber. Address OWner. t . U. JJOI wao. -emran... t naii. GEAR HE ART BEACH, front lot one block routh Of new hotel, on which is practical ly completed 5-room house. Total value (1350. Will exchange lor Portland lot. A K 810. Oregonlan. FOR SALE or trade, four valuable mining claims in the Coeur d'AIenes. Idaho, sur rounded by the large producers and proved up beyond a prospect- Abbott A Co., WI1 cox bldg. MODERN 7-room house and lot on P.ose lawn ave.. near Union ave., S3MK. Will trade for acreage along the Oregon Elec tric P- R- as far south as Woodburn. F. Abraham. 245'j Morrison St. LAURELHURST or Rose City stock taken as part payment on a beautiful new 8 room residence; paved streets, restricted district: every modern convenience. H 8:3 Oregonlan. WILL sell or trade my timber claim (about 7.000,000 ft.) for groceries, business or residence property In the City of Port land. Inquire at 622 Chamber of Com merce. WE have the best paying rooming-house and restaurant on Wash. st. to trade. RUTH FIELD INVESTMENT CO.. 017 Board of Trade bldg. Main 0416. Fott SALE or will trade for lots on Gari baldi Beach, a 1200 phaeton. 1 single har ness, leather fly net and a boy's saddle. AT 807. Oregonlan. 640-ACRE wheat farm, value about $16,000, exchange all or part for general mdso. stock in country. Cail 510 Rothchild bldg. WHAT have you to exchange for (1100 equity in young orchard tnearly 5 acres), near cars. 2u miles from Portland ? L 811. Oregonlan 11o ACRES SOUTH DAKOTA LAND In exchange for Portland property. Par ticulars nnd price from owner. Sherman A. Nelson. 804 Lewis blag. PORTLAND lots, 50x100. improved, close in unincumbered, clear title, to exchanse for mortgages and sellers' contracts. S 702. Oregonlan. WANT good business location; ha 2 4 acres, near BeaumonL E. R. Band, 020 Yeon hldr. FOR sale or trade, home bakery and lunch room; will take horse and wagon; price $400. Phone Tabor 30(10. NICE HOUSE AND LOT to exchange for rooming-house on East Side. Cail 510 Rothchild bidg. TRADE equity in bungalow. Alberta dis trict, for runabout or lota. E. R. Band, 020 Yeon bidg. 80 ACRES In Benton County. Wash., $.10 per acre, trade for 1st mortgage on house and lot In Portland. 805 Couch bldg. CHICKEN RANCH near Roseburg. value 11 200, exchange for roominif-housa. 510 Rothchild bldg. CLIENT has $300 cash, some splendid lots to exchange for rooming-house of 12 rooma 505 Yeon bldg. 640 ACRES, Eastern Oregon wheat land, value S20 per acre; want Land in Missouri. AP, 835, Oregonian. WILL exchange good timber claim, tree of indebtedness, for Portland property. R 84.1. Oregonlan. COLORADO lanes and lots to exchange for cut-over land or other property here. Haiiley, 81o Spalding Bldg. ACREAGE, farm 'and timber lands to trade for city property. 301-2 Lumber Exchange- FINE COUNTRY HOME to exchange for apt.-house or hotel, value (6500. Call 510 Rothchild bldg. REAL ESTATE exchanged, rooming-houses, anything. Ask for Burrows. H17 HAMILTON BLDG. FOR TRADES OF ALL KINDS SEE GARLAND & CO., !!! 4th St. 00 ACRES to trade for house and lot and some money. B. R. Lee, Canby, Or. WANT to trade house and lot for acreage -near carline. AM 821. Oregonian. EQUITY in house to exchange for lot. Owner. 603 Swetland bldg. Main 7776. WHAT have you to exchange for first mort gages? Abbott & Co.. Wilcox blag. WANTED lUOAL ESTATE. WE bave many Inquiries from Eastern In vestors for real estate Investment prop erties; registered with us. You may have Just what our clients want. Abbott A Wilcox biug. WE have customers for modern 6 and 8- ... .-,,, a,t hnnminwa in rood Lau relhurst district; term aesireu. Lueddemann A Burke. 821 Electric bldg. Phones Marshall 2281 or A 3025. WE buy real estate, rooming-houses or business lor caaa, wnnuui tunitiii3u. RUTH FIELD INVESTMENT CO. 017 Board of Trade bldg Main 8416. WANTED -4 or 5-room cottage, near car- line; will pay part auwu, oaiana wmi...?. AE 811. pregoiiiaa. WANTED Acreage near Fortlana; particulars, n. ua. ji et,onmn. FOR SALE TIMBER LANDS. 225.000.000 FEET yellow fir adjneent to Co lumbia Klver, excellent ibs"s ? chance; timber all first-class; will sen all or part; attractive price; cruise by fortys. AE 825; oregonian. TIMBER. S00.000.000 feet of A. 1 timber, all in one body. None better in Oregon. . -Harvey. Eugene. Or. " ri vr t.l'IW BOUGHT AND SOLD. C. J. M'CRACKEN. Ho4 McKay bldg. TIMBER relinquishment, SO acres; no agenta Phone Marsnaii -oio. i. g-eimno. WANTED TIMBER LANDS. TIMBER LAND WANTED. Wanted from owners, 2110.000 acres In good location, of white pine or fir; also large pulp proposition; at right prices, ju. S. Craig. Si.d Post bidg., .Chicago. WANTED TO RENT FARMS- CASH rent for your farm. If you bave ac commodation tor ramiiy; tea j" perlence East 2233 evenlnga No. 64 E 27th St.. Portland, Or. Jr-CR KENT FARMS. 2U-ACRE garden and chicken farm, on canine, improve-. ia101, v..6'" bidg. FARMS V.NTED TUMP Ian6s or other cheap lands suit able for pasture, give price, location, etc Clarence . Wolverton. Ashland. Or. WANTED Modern 8-room house In good Laurelhurst district, on easy terms; price, from (6tO0 to $7000; give locaUon, fu.l description, price, terms, etc E 80b, Ore- gonlan. WANTED TO BUY. Modem bungalow; must be first-class and reasonable; no agents. AO 7'j6. Ore gonlan. . CASH for Alberta district lots; give lot and block numbers, additions and your lowest price. Not an agent. AN S37, Oregonlan. ARTISTIC bungalow In good neighborhood: will pay HX cash and balance about s ..' monthly. Including interest; responsible people. K bUl. Oregonlan. POSITION of tales manager for acreage owner; have had experience and mn.le good. K 709. Oregonlan. WANT lot close in as $1,100 cash will buy. Vanduyn & Walton, CIS Chamber Com merce. FOR SALE. Horses, Vehicles. Etc GUARANTEED HORSES. Team, weigh 2Mo Its., 7 yrs., ;i5- Team, weight 2W0 Ilia. 7 yrs.. J45. Team, weigh 2:ir0 lbs.. 4 yrs.. Team, weight 22.10 lbs., 6 yrs.. Team, weigh 21 ro lbs.. 8 yrs.. S22-). Team, weight 1S0O lbs., 7 yrs.. Ifi-'O. Team, weigh 2400 lbs., 4 yrs. '- Team, weigh 2:100 lbs., 6 yrs., Moo. 23 other horses and mares (some in foal), from $.".0 up; also small teamB or mules, complete pony outtit, farm wagons (all sixes), delivery wagons, buggies, har ness of all kinds, in fact everything In the horso line; this stock all sold with our written guarantee to bo as represented or your money refunded. If you are going to buy hovses, make Inquiry as to our le sponsibility. We will furnish you with both bank and business , references, n this way you will be assured of doing business with a reputable firm and it generally pays In buying horses to tieai with responsible people. E. W. Ilagyniu and 1!. 1- Evans. Props., Portland fctubles. 3.1th and Couch e:s. . MAKES HORSES AND HARNESS WAUOX3 . Have leased mv ranch nnd will sscri fice for S2K5 well matched iron gray team. 8 and 9 years, weight 2.HI0, and very near new harness and very li'-'nc new wagon, with double box. $:!.".: a !':" pair well matched mares. 7 and 8 years, with bross mounted harness, also wagon, chtap. (185: a pair well matched (oriel horses, weight 2400. and harness, sin... pair chunky mores, weight 24ii. nnd hur ness. sound, pull, a little thin in flish. $140; mv family rig. a fine sorrel horse, kind auil gentle, with all gaits under tao saddle, with brass mounted harness and side spring rubber tiro but.-gy. robes, f'.c This property can be seen at fed s'.a bie. 440 East Morrison St., near ith- - A-iv V.'atterson ranch horses. JUST arrived wltlTloac! or mares and geld ings from Pierce Bros.' ranch In t.rniid R.mde Valley. This load consists of some well-matched farm chunks, several mar. s In foal bv Imported Percheron utallions. The lot Is' all well broke, and have never done anything only ranch work, nnd if vou are looking for something to do your ranch work and the right price, como and see this bunch. All horses sold with our guaranteed as represented or your money back. Coma early and get your choice. 31:4 Front St. THK WOODBURN farmers' annual stock Bale will be held at the fanners' feed bam In Woodburn, Or., on Saturday, Feb ruary 24, 11112. Chlut, the imported Percheron stnllion, owned by the Butte viilo Horso Company, will be sold that day; also Henry Fletcher's standard bred colt. A choice lot of brood mares, driv ing horses, draft teams and also some cheap work noises. For further particulars address D. M. Ratcliffe, manager and auctioneer. t I HAVE a bar team, very closely matched, aged 6 years, weight 2000 pounds. If you want a team to bo proud of. do your work, raise a few colts and be getting better for the next four years, come and See mv team try out. and If they suit ' vou, take them home and keep one week; if you find them exactly as represented, pay for them; If not. It doesn't cost you R cent: price for Immediate sale $335. Cail for Mr. Oliver, at 505 Adar: (325 TAKES team, 7 years old, weight 2400 pounds, with 3-Inch wagon and harness. $275 buys matched team, aorrels. wagon and hariess. (175, team mares, wagon and harness. $0.1, nice hay chunk; also two sets -C single harness. 247 East 12th, corner Mad- lson. ' ROSE CITY STABLES, l.ith and Aider. Fortv head of horses and mares, all sizes, ages and prices. Remember this is the only sale barn In Portland that actual ly allows you one week's free trial. ROSE CITY STABLES, B05 Alder. . OUit 3d assignment of horses from the "Sugar Beet Co." In Grand Rondo Valley, which Is discontinued, has Just arrived. These horses have been consigned to i.s at a price that will Interest any purchas er, weighing from 1000 to 1500 pounds, .ert be seen at Howitt's Stables, 80th and Burnside, Montavilla. COME and see another shipment of choice horses and mares, well broken, Bt rea sonable prices and guaranteed as repre sented. Take Rose City Park car to 62d Ft. Adams A Campbell, prop. Phoue Tabor 21 CI. FOR SALE Two gray horses, well matched, 7 years old. sound, weight 3000; 2 mures. 8 years old. weight 3100; 2 geldlm-a, 1 seven tho other a years, weight 2l)i'0; 1 mare, 8 years old, weight 950. Phone Main 6S41. 31U Lownsdale at. TEAM and furniture wagon for rent by ex perienced drayman, wholesale house pre ferred, very reasonable terms. R 846 Ore gonlan FOR-SALE CHEAP One fine block ma-. 6 years old. neighing 14.10 lbs., with Ion I: sound, true and without blemishes. 220 Russeil st FOR SALE cheap Good farm team, leaving city. 2S15 7.Sth St. S. end of Hawtilori. curilne, walk one block west and two suuth WAN1 leni, i.i-" -n on for huckster business, by the weel. , ' .. l.-at Kirlrt preferred. A Ml.s. Oreeonian. LEAVING city and must sell 10 head .t horses and mares at once; weight fro;:l Hrjo to 1,100 pounds. W. J. Rltter, 3.11 2d. HEAVY teams and dump wagons, cheap. 251 Arthur St. WANTED For cash. 1 good buggy horse. Phone Tabor 2276. 1401 E. Lincoln. WANTED Shetland pony stud; must be lo priced. AR 826. Oregonlan. jFor slE Bay mare, 3 150, single and double; price right. 28 E. 30th st. Dogs, Birds, l'et Stock. ONE thoroughbred White Leghorn cockerel, $1 6U- one thoroughbred Barred Plymouth Kock cockerel, $1.50, and six Barred Plymouth Rock pullets. $1 each. Call 310 East 6'lth St., near Hawthorne ave. PORTABLK poultry-houses; catalogue on re. quest. Williams Bros., Grays Crossing Tabor 629. WANTED Two dark tiger kittens, male. N 82s, Oregonlan. Automobile. DON'T BUY an automobile until you ee our atock of over ii cars. Wo are exclusive dealers of need auto mobiles. Every car guaranteed. OREGON AUTO EXCHANGE. 21st and Washington St. SX .P Resnl iflll, four-passenger, 30-H. P.. fully equipped, good as new. Call for demonstration. OREGON AUTO EXCHANGE. 21st and Washington t. FOR bargains In used cars see us first; write 11.,. - l,..v anrl aell CUSTOM-HOUSE AUTO CO., r. l::th and Hawthorne Ave. WANTED To ell 5-pass. touring car, late model, first-class condition; bargain. Phone evenings. East 1483. MUST sacrifice my 5-passenger car todny; snap. $375. Call 603 Swetland bids. Phone Main 7776. FOR sale cheap for cash. Maxwell runabout, good condition. Modern Confectionery Co.. 33th and Hoyt. W NTED 2 or 4-passenger car, 1910 or 111 model; must bo bargain for casii; state make and size. AN 835. Oregoniun. FOR SALE Single-cylinder Reo runabout, cheap for cash. 1007 East 22d il Norm. VHAT "have you to trade up to $500 for good delivery auto. N S2'2, Oregonian. WANTED A good 1911 second-hand lour passenger auto. Marshall 2410. "Pianos. Organs and Musical lnstrumente. A SWEET-TONED upright piano, perma nent. Main 44 15. UPRIGHT J. & C. Fischer piano. S150; terms. Soli. 3057, or F 811. Oregonlan. Mi!cellaneou. FLAT-TOP desk' nnd chair, hi sawed oak. good is new. 31 S Board of Trade. FOR SALE Two new showcases, one 8 ft., 1 5 ft. 3U7 Central bldg. Mar. 3613. FOR SALE Loganborry bushes and wire.. Phone Sellwood 3334. FOR tin shingles and valley tin seo F. H, Lei trier, cor. d and Jefferson. i i