V FOH BfMT. MotwpUil Bo an NWLY nKNISIlEtt NOW REAPT. The Upeaur. a and Cpehur -. fur nished 2roo:n apt. $2. a.'" i"-'2 50; 8 room apt.. - 1 to IOl Thl include tram heat, aot watr. privat poonea bath, elec'.rta light, g rang. luadr room. a. I free. Tak s. --.d, or W car north. NO doc a lot THS BEAVER. 12lh and VtnMII Fur nished for housekeeping: aa ranse, elec Irtc l.gata hot tur, bath, laundry. free: $'. per month up; a ciaea place, beat la the cry for tha monw; snort dtatane from Union Depot. Take or llh-et. ear north. get off at Marshall at. No dot. $1.30 TO iS p r week -Clean furnished hoosekeeplng-rvom. free haat. phone, beta, laundry, yard. 4am Vancouver ave. and tOS Stanton. -L car. phon E. 603. TUB MILNER. 830. Moi-1on rurulshed or unfurnished housekeeping -rooms; ataam heat, eievator. ail conveniencea beat local's. HOUSEKEEPING rami for light house keeping, with cook lovea J.-iO UR wees. -91 id at. bTNGLE and light housekeeping room. 1 Ht.wy at.; $'.o month. HutsEKEEPIN'i-iUWMS la new concrato bui.d.ns. rhor.t yoMliwp 237 or r.'t7. H-ekfeplnc W,o m la frltiw Family $.4 CLEAN'. 3 connecting housekeeping f-ont room, rlla balconl: fully fur nished: overlooking river and beautiful, healthful location, including lights, phon. bath and laundry privilege; walking d! tan.. nr Brooklyn car. 544 fc. th. ceil wood 110. SPLENDID, aing.a or an suits, heat, ilgh'.a bath, ws'klng rtlstanca to city propar: ! to -o month. 674 Couch. .V. E. cor. is-h. THREE nlca.y furnished housekeeping rooms, gas. bath. yard, reasonable. is Front at. . ELEGANT houaekeaplnf gulta; porch, run till water. heaU bath, phona; a eo aing.a room: central location. e-.o r iinutu, 1 LARGE furnished room, with kltchnll. l ata, telepuoue and gas. Call altar 11 A. M. f.00 Couch it- TWO neatly furnished housekeeping rooms. $4 11 per wees; bath, phona and uat: pri vate entrance. 2-4 12lh St.. near Salmon. $.' 50 AND CP Cheerful, clean outside 1. 3. -room h. k. suites, tain. gss. phono. Rueeell at. ,t.LI furnialie.l a connecting houskep Ing rooms; Lent, bath, phona: I- S70 WH at. 3 OR S front housekeeping rooms. f ur r shel op to data; e.ectrlclty. beat, bath. Multnomah at. Phone East 4"". f.lfEEEMXO- Large. light. e.-aa rooms. )1U and up. SS lai. corner lllh. 2 StNNY houaekeplng rooms. IIS. In c.uuir.f llfhu Ouv L'moa ae. N. Phona I 114 1. B I-AR'iE front rooms, alcove, nicely fur r n-1 for housekeeping, heat, light, e-i. -V Mill WeU-furnlshed houe-keplng rooma clcs In. r-asjaao.e ivsL Call at 211 Mcslli- !att St. ITRXI-'UEi) housekeeping rooms end fur Bishet rooms, hot snl cold water, bath. j j Kn4 npwarq. iti ,r m - 7HKEE or four nlce:y furnished roome. first flour flna yard, sood aalghborbood. Pbona r. it so. 1 no al. n c-iy furniehed for housekeeping, e e-t-lc l:rMt fl a month. 14 park JCl' ELT furnUhed housekeeping rooms. T N. 14th t- Uavla to Everett at. 24 Ji: rrtiN N Ur. light, clean rooms, f-nlehed for hows"keeprng. r-aaonable. M'li'EKF.EllXO rooms. 119 Itth. near Morrison, 1HKFH furnl-hed hone-keeping ro-vni. A Urar.d aa. N irth. Phono Fast 4 gl.l-14 . R. KH Clay, large, clean, twa room bousekseptng autta; sink and pantry. THREE nicely furnished housekeeping roorr.e. very reaaonaMe. 71 Kearney. l.o TUKr.B furnished housekeeping rooms. peat. run. s . - - llKuE. comfortable housekeeping room, reas-.nable. lv, First sc. nesr ytsrk. Xl.E'iAXT suits, sneoern. between tw car Urea rnn E. - lOVEUT housekeeping room. F.er thing fart'shed Esst 11. 10 East 0lh N. CLEAS. Hrht. well furnished housekeeping roo -n a B i h st. iAH;S doul.e parlor suite, housekeeping rooms: bsth. light, phona. J N. 23d s:. nr. AlTinx front room week. 314 Jackson. Sat. 14 per fl'RNltollED boosekeoplng room, first floor, yard. bAth. yhone. 4Q Tarr.MU at. U TO RENT 1T E. Tlh at North, between Irving and Oregon. 7-room house, nl most new. sleeping perch, modern In svery detslU furnaca. etc.; necesslbia to several rarnnee and close In. Phono owner. Ta v.of io). or call at house; rent tJT bo. fOU liNT New sis -room modern cottage on sfount bcott carline, 14 mlnutea out, two oiocka from station: cheap rent and long la.a lo right pirux. Addresa owner. K. N. -staehr. Foreet Prove, t.r. 2 rcOJl!. city water; good chlekan-honao: on a qjartcr of an aore; 4-cant far; 3 per month. Phone A 7330. Moused rooms. 124 afaryland av.. batn. gas. electricity- fumituro for aala, phona Woodlawn 2V1. after 4 P. M. FVn RENT Now g room bouaa. ail modern convenience, furnace, ate. on E. Oak. between lwth'and 80ta.App'.y T0 K. Oak. alOlERV t-non hotisa. choice location, on t.st nth. near Hawthorns. Apply 11 Hawth one. M aln IHI. B 111 C FOR RENT e-roora, cottage. Ornnd ava, near liarriaon. .N. F. Noren. asatn Grand ava. roR RENT Furnished or unfumlshad. -room new. modern house, e.eeping porch. .. C.ackamaa. 1 hone E. Ziti. NEVi'T moilera a-room house. ud Monro; adult Phono E. o.'4i FOR RENT -room house. Wast bide, ob Hill. M 4U4. IJ2.40 7-ROOM house; furnaca. porcelain pi u m b Ing. gae. electrto. Beilwood W7. FoR F.ENT Cotlaga, 4it lillaao near 17th t Key at 1-ltn at. North. I.HiiOM houaa. a.ast 1 Ilk near Washing ton, I'hor.e be. .wood 1 744. SEVEN room, i'9 Roaa et., corner rtroad way. wa.amg diatanea. JX fc-aat 477. a.Ri.itil modern house- 441 E. ltto. on bock from WW car. JiOliKR.V 4-room house. Wct tilde, walking d stance. J. U. Morrla. V7 I eon. RENT or aala New 4-room cottage, aer fruit land. Woodiawn 7. d-R K a ho ise, deeiraMo neighborhood. 2viA 'oov. aa Phono East t"Vl. lcKl.4l:li a-room house. 4t9 bsa Rafael, near I r .on ave.. 24; cos In. Eaat 14. -Mwil cotlaga. 61 1 4th St.; TsribibM Howaei iti.4X WET RIPE Furnished houaa, 7 rooms, all strictly modern, laundry In basemen t : la near Portland Academy. Wth and Mont gomery, wn-klng diatanea: reaaonabla rent. W. li. Lang. lv leoa hide. PAwaa Hie. TOR PJCVT 6l MONTHS OK YEAR TO P.EHiNlrJLE PAKTIE.-l WEtlcFrK-M.-Hall UuPEiUi a-KOOM UOl'S. AUO OAKAOE. 4 O RAND AVE. NORTH. NEAR P ROADWAY. , a-ROOM. we;-furnlahed cottage, also 10 lots, va.ua IsO"): my equity la leoTf; I w.ll aeil for -""O caan- nea owner at once. 1 N. :h at. 2tU 1 1 III. - r oo modara bouse, fur nished throughout with Oriental ruga, Ti.ahogany fu-nuu-e. grand piaao. reaaoa aa.o. App'y ti.man. VRiM aew bungalow, flna furniture an! m.Mia piano, sullabla for couple; T K. 2rh. near r;ark. rent 10, bousa open fun-ley. 12 to a p. M. NcIW. modern ho: a rooms, dresi is, bsndsumely furnished. -. g room, furnace, largo porch. Main -. A Fi KMHt.r. new a-room strictly modern cottage dealrmb.e location, Roestuere. near R e "l'tr. 3 t.o- k c-indy road- A 4q- -K.-. furnUhed fat. Stout at., rear yi4j,in; flrep.ace. jard. gas ;e.-trtclty; I ,o. Marsha.; JJO. Eey -OO f.oul. fJEPTlON Al.LT p.eaaant furnlahd Tat. 4 rooms and tee aucovaa. bat a. ZA n !aL , iprn -t.m upper flat. fumlehed. 7.V Bail Tsmhl.i. Phone East 4ie44. FrTtNI MEO hot.ee. PI 4 alllwaukl at. ; rent 4 Phono ba I-). t , y Kl.-ilEr -room flat and t-ath. references. Mi:i a IT. ipett j grove. liO 4-room house furnished, or wl!l ee.I eery rseeoff. 77 Otwrlln St.. Portsm'tt. fcli-i-V furnlahed 4-room (.at. pxlvwl batn. il Ho: a.tay I". lio(.si. 4 roome. bath, clean, comfortable. 4 adults. H m. wslk P O Call 4f IJlh. Kent t arnllare for r-sle. f'lratt-ire of 7 rooms for sale, bouse for real, t-1 "J Inoulre yo N tin. after noon. iooD fumltur r.f J rooms for aala. f.at for rent: Income tii. price 104. M sln sj;u "farn'turo, five rooma 111? AO; Ratur day P. Ja : leevlr.g. ill E. 17th t- B. k-Ht nM aew furniture, sewing machine, piano. 4uu; terms, X 1-7, Oregoniaa. rOf RENT. llonara for Kent. umltura lor rtaua. A h.N'AP f'Doltura of .fc-room flat. 6 m!n tea" wa.k from buain-aa center: . e- cash, ba.aaco easy paymanta 11th. near Vain. faViP x.e f ii rn 1 1 ii re of &-room modern fist, walking diatanea. West Side. ." cash; balanta .' ir.untn- nam t.i. oua room rented li atarsball 407. COMPLETE modern furnishings of a flo ronra Jiat. Including piano. f..r sale cheap; rartlea leaving toa n. Call between Hi A. M. and I P. M. 4u7H Hentoa at. CONTENTS attractlvaly furnished modern K.rnnm W ear morula n d bung.iiow. rent IJh; bargain. 1374. uicluding piano. If oJ4 Im mediately. Teiepoona petiwoou iri. la li'TH ET.. modern flat, larga room, fur nlabed compute, well arranged for room ers: earn reut aud surplus frum part; vary central. FINEST, moat conven lent f'al In city for rent. stnct:y modern; furnlturo for aalai bargain. 44S KeVrney. COTTAGE fr rral and furnlturo for sala cheap, rent ;o. Cai: II ltith U X or phone Main 7."J. ble STORES TO RENT. $V por rooatu; 14J lirand ava, soar East alorrtaon, and :J par month, at 170 fnlon r. near aoova; 3 livlng-rooma Included. UAKl MAN THOMPSON, ytain Io, A 2"iX 6TORB for lease; fla or ten-year term; 20-foot frontage; 54-foot depth. Positively beat Washington-street location. lnqulra people a Amusement Company, Wast Park and Alder t STORES, brick building, with Ilvlog-rooma. modern. First and carutbara, r 611. Ora gonlan. HAVE nno location for upatalra etora: will remodel to ault tenant; rent reaaonabla, long lease. Phono Main 704 L bEVEKAL. stores at aaat and Madison -aires t brMge, I to H0. according to also. In quire . . 1 Hawinornoave. 6IOUK and S living-rooms; good location for any buslnees. .IJ Ruesel lliln. AI.L of iv4 oak and rart of -Oti Oak 1L. npnoelta t'ornmerclal 'lub bldg. EXCELLENT location, pslntar. kalaomlnar, tailor, ate e-lj. Mala 7147. East 4.1WX STORB at 210 Columbia St. Apply J. F. bhea. corner 2d and Ankeny. Offlc FINE FRONT OFFICE. In Chamber of Commerce bldg., hard wood floors, both phone, trso of recep tion room and other servlca; 3l. Apply at rxm 7 1 l- OFFICE and desk room ta let. new bldg.. best location In city; reception-room, phone, etc; rent moderate. Apply 4UJ Vli cog bldg. . tiF.SK ROOM In nicely furnmhed outsida of fice, only !V Im-luding both phonea 27 fregoulan biig. - JlysT i-KNTRAI.I.T l-OCATi-H Orrl' E.i AM-nlght elevaior service. coetland bldg.. ith aid Wanamgton. roR RENT Oflu-a. eultable for doctor, dentist or lawyr; rnt vary chap. H 21. Oregonian. lrlKROOM or more on ground f.oor. 104 flak St.. opp. Com. Club bldg. - TWO fne orficea In Ti.ford bldg.. 10th and Mom eon. Phona Main 4'. TO lOOvvH ft, new, ono-alory concrete building. Albina ava and Kllllncawortn. Phone East 117. e ' ttratxKaa nrpoRTi'MTm. WANTED Party with mill to saw or saw and log 4i.4DO.44. feet flna timber on main lina tmnacontlnental railroad; more tributary, or will sell: fne chanoe; eitra timber: eommieelon correspondence wel come. AV F.J, VMrRV.lll.u. LN order to dispose of my business snd wind ap affairs here before March L ri: aell a good atabliahd grocry at Invoice of stovk and coat of future. This la a irlct ly bona-flda proposition. Owner. X bil tiregonian. A ORlA'EHf and crockery etora. close lo Portland, wbuh haa run -5 year, never being offered for aa.e before, always mad good money, wlahe to m il now at Invoice, eool cash: takes wO to handla AV HI. Oresonlaa. WA-NTED. Partner to take half Interest In light manufacturing plant; a man who can take charge of an office and m ansae men: -salary i: per month. Kinney ttlam pher. til l Lumber Eschange bldg. FAM1L.I UKUl tin mui.c- 7-ot and building and good, ciean stock at Invoice; living-rooms; dally cash aales J uric. UmjO: flBUO rash will handle. Room 72t Chamber of Commerce Mdg WS have uiauy Inuulrias from tha East for busia opportunities In ail line; regleler our business with us; It may b Just what bur Eastern clients are looking for. Abbott at Co.. Wilcox bidg WANTED Man with M to 3"00. with or without services, for Importing com pany; splendid opportunity for party wbo means bualnesa. AX 15, Or- goman. GENERAL MERCHANDISE, big trade, good future; beat corner In prosperous section of the city; good money-maker. Investi gate. Takra about 14400 ta hasdia L 411. Oregonian. FOR SALE Cheap. Baltimore raatnurant. completely furnished, ready for bualneaa; must aeil at once on account of sickness. Apply 21 Main SC. Vancouver, Waah. BATH HOUSE Ladles' and genie" asperate department: shower, tub. steam and awlm tning lanka: also 17 rooma furnished In c onnectloa o a Russel bldg. FOR BALE An up-to-dnte ladles tailoring establishment In the center of city; fine rooma cocao rent and Orst-clasa trade. J b'J. Oregonian. FOR SALE 4 valuable mining claims la tha Coeur d'Alene. Idaho, aurrounded by the large producer and proved up beyond a proepecl. Abbott A Co.. Wllcos bldg. r'cK BALE A manufacturing proposition, good trade established In city and coun try. e-'4oo hand.ea; noma trade J 6 id, Oregonian- WORK1NO partner for city creamery. py good w&gee. besides shnr of profits; soad businesa ll Lumber Exchange 1 WANT an A-l office man In my real es tate buslneea; right person more an object then money. fell 2t1 Lumber F-ichnngo. HARDER shr. 1 chair. 1 bathtuba. only shop hre; e'14 population. For particulars address D. E. Hales. Stanfteld. Or. uRim KRY store for sal at invoice, good classes of trade: long lease: cheap rent. Inquire 03 Lumbormcna bldg. CONFaVCTIONERT. cigar. school book a. etc., I nice large living looma prlc luo. !) Lumber Eachanga FORML'LA cleaning preparation for sala IleO; you can mak upwards of $44 per week on thla AD 114. Oregonian. WILL give part Internet In good Invention: ceed amall sum ta put It on marksu T bi4. Oregonian. FOR SALE Orocery on Fast Bide In excel lent locations (14u0. baianca on terms. O TnH, Oregonian. ESTABLISHED real estate office wants re lish; man as partner: aaa elear 14 week; 2 required- 10$ Lumber Exohanga Br.ilAlliA.vT wants partner; amount of cash: 4Z4 Bex week salary oregonian. AX1 aoa. M1NINO AND INTTUSTRIAl. STOCHS. Telephone and other bond bougnl and aold Fietchr Inv. Co., 24 Ablngton. WANTED Hakec with lo fl0H to Inveai with personal sexvlcea P Ml Oregoniaa. OWL PRINTING CO Pa wise and let us do your jobwork; luOO business card $Lfto. phone East VOL """ ELEc"TRI0A7. Bl SINESS. , Good location. Thla la a anap If taken at erne AJ 741. Oregonian. JTrTCHER ahop for aie at Myrtle Creek. Or nne buslnee opening. For particulars add reea C- J. Ingiam, Koeaburg. Or. A PC FLIC sating house at a bargain; best loce.lon In city; good bur for right party. N 1 2. Oregonian. till ofTORK. n barsaln for someone with a few thousand dollars. F. L nnhana. fi. W. cor. ftth snd Pok. 2d floor. PARTNER wanted 1 want a man with cash to Join m In buying a good bualneaa Address O 100. Oregonian. REAL ESTATB ownsr wants Interested help: profits large: reference axdiacged. parueulara 1 Stark St. WASHIXtJTOX-fT. restsursnt. must be sold; maae offer: lease, tsrma K. 77 k, Ore gonian. CORNEil grocery, doing bus-aes $100 dally. 4.1 Lumlier Eachanga ftOH SALE Restaurant and poolroom. M North 7th. opposite Custom-House. FOR (Al.K Restsursnt In good location; ase. !4oO 8 .. Orsgonlsn. Yt E ar now paying 4. per cent aeml-an-nually: Inveatlrata at onca 8"4 Tteon bid. 2 HAIR barber shop for aala AS ell. nrefon'an. 4ort itt .-INE--- l AP. DH. (I.CO: bring this ad. Roe City Prlnlery. 1 1 d. cor. Taylor. MEAT market, doing cash buslnssa of 170 del'r I2S Lumber Exchange. FOR bALE -Bekery; good location, reason able price Fboa Woodlawa 1014. BrslXESft OPPOBTCXTTTF.S WE ahouM Ilk to get in touch with some responsible man who will Invst I30OO or more. W are Incorporated, but recent ly found It necesaary for the good of the company to buy out a third party, w now want someone to tka thie man' piaca Wa can usa your services If you Lav office, sailing or supervising ability. W are doing a tin business, doubling sen. year. Laat year did '0.tMn; will do more thi year. Another good man and a llttl more money will make mora for all three of us. or If you do not care for th work, but have aom money to In vent where It will bring you aubstantial returns, answer this ad. This la not a, "business cnance." "real ettat" or v.-lld-.rat" heme. W art a substantial, conservative business house, whoso pro duct la well and favorably known to you If you llv in Portland or within 100 mllca Tell ua In your reply vrbo you are. lv soma reference and If you want to work with ua what your experience hag been and with whom you have been asso ciated. Wo want no on of quretion lill reputation or shady antecedenta we re not broke and trying to sav ourIve by thl meana Your money will not only Increaee the earning power of what wo hav already Invested, but will en able ua to take on mor bualneta which Is already offered ua Thl la a straight business proposition and meana that some one will get In on the ground floor or a good burners if they ar themselves all right. K 83u OregonUm FOR SALE. On of the beat business propositions in Oregon cr any other state: an oxcluslv hardware, implement, buggle. wagona paints, tin thop and plumbing In connec tion; everything up to date; only jarn war ptoro In a thriving Hill city of bOO population: aurrounded by a fin fruit and farming country; stock will lnvolc about 24.tK, also an sxciustve furnltur t"r In same city that muat go with the hard ware that will lnvolc leaa than U500; tores belong to same party; are In good buildings. waI located: bulldlnga will b priced right doing good bualncas: come and. stay around Uia business for a wk or so and see for yourself. .Call or writ. W. A. Mlteha'.J. n"J? Lumbermans bldg.. Portland. He will b ther for a few day only. SINN I'.-' IDE CONFECTIONERT. Bakery and confectionery, located in SunnyalU business district: bakery equip ment consists of brick Dutch oven, baiters tools and confectionery and cigar "tok, showcasea furnltur. lc cram tablea chslra In fact all modern and new equip ment; on of th bast winner In Sunnyelde and wa can make you th right prlc; pays e-0 per month. GRl'SSI A BOLD". 818 Board of Trad Bldg.. 4th and Oak. A LIFETIME INCOMK A large mining company want mora capital to build gmslter. Property In Hlack Hllla 8. D.. 1 dvlopd, I rich, will pay many thousand per cent divi dends: enouin ore on dump to run moniha Investlicstliig party going In about BO dsya Join us. Ton deal ol rectly with company. K 74. Oregonian. PHTSICIAX-DRUOOIST. An unusual opening for a young phy sician of merit to establish himself at the leading resort of th Paclflo North west; a guaranteed Income Is assured to proper party provided h Is abl to open and operat a drug store In connection. Addrees Bayocaan Commercial Club, Bay ocean. Or. lio.ND Ivaura. 4IU0.VOO upward negotiated, railroad, treetcar, power. lctrlcl, Irrt gatlun. mining, construction, realty, bank ing, trust and general corporations organ ised and directed; franchises and trust deeds drawn. Hosenbaum, Davis AV Mlchol mn. Lawyer and Financial Agents, -1- 222 Height bldg.. Seattle, Waah. YOU ran me e money by Inveetlng 44 to $40 a month In first mortgag' crtlflcatea secured by double thlr valu In improved real aalata; safe as a Oovamment bond; pay e per ent from data of every pay ment: Investment lncraaea In valu vry year. Nortnweetern Flrat Mortgag Trust. 4Ui v iicox Dial SPLENDID oworiunlty In nw thriving Insn In Central Oregon, for blacksmith with outfit, butcher and shoe cobbler. In ducements to rlKht partlea Call on or write II. N. Hlack, room 410 McKay bldg.. Portland, or Sherman Montgomery, Hamp ton, or. FOR SALE Th largest and beat equipped Crtora popcorn mschlne on the Pacific Coast: best paying business In Portland for smount Invssled. Call at wagon. 4th and Alder, or writ to K. Orllfln. 4X4 Morrleon st. EsTABLISHEK COMMISSION business for - aa.e; Incorporated couinany, with mem bership In produce Merchants Association. Central Kront-al. location, good leaae: tine opportunity, but requires quick action. For partlcuiara call at po7 Wilcox bldg. INVEST$T40 TAKIt OUT ISOO NET. I have an Investment that will net 1104 on an Inveetment of I14 In six months, parties answering this sdd must have (2a cash aud be able to pay li a month. For partlcuiara K 111. Oregonian. THB best bargain In thla city In a cigar. tobacco and ronrectlonery store, nn lo cation, long lease; S4U per month rent; reasons for gelling, bsd health, must go to dry climate. To see Is to buy. Owner, 2C7 First st. Phone Mam H-ftX P1CTCRB SHOW, clearing $10 per day; on account of other business will offer for a few daya with lease, compiot for $1000. tttl Is a snap. PORTLAND BUSINESS EXCHANGE, 71u Kotbchlld bldg. Marshall oBJ4. WAN TED. A reliable building contractor wants a good partner, on who can tak car of Hi office work or charge of the outside work; thla la a good chance for tha rlgnt man. AD Ma. oregonian. WANTED To rent, in aom good town out of Portland, building in good location, where there Is not too much competition; sultab'.a for poolrooms, with not lea than 6 lllng rooma in connection: rent muat be reasonable. W 9t'.. Oregonian. WILL sell for cssh, well equipped restau rant; has ladles' din In s" -room, located In th growing sown of K.lamata Falla P. O. Box 444. Klamath Falls, Or. YOUNG man, ag 21. wlsnes to purchaa a part Interest In snm good business: haa I4'M and good office experience. Write aiatlng nature of bualneaa AO 770, Ora gonlan. FOR SALE, near Portland, a millinery store In a town of 600; big farming coun try to draw from: the best of reason for selling; will sell at Involca Phon Eaat tO'b. GAKAUE floor. iOx200. on of lb beat lo catlona In th city: established patronage will be turned over ai nominal price to responsible party who take tnl floor at reasonable rental. East f.4.1. C 613S. OI. F established, solid business, pays 60 per cent on .O00 investment; closest in vestigation invited: owner bsa other busl. nesa that takes bis time. Addresa K 7v4. Oregonian. LAUNDRY WANTED! " Splendid opening for laundry and clean ing eatabllahmeut at Bayocean. the lead ing resort of the Northwest. Addresa Bay ocean Commercial Club. Bayoon, Or. " FURN1SHINO OOODS OPENING. Hay ocean la In need of a ator handling ladies' and men'a furnishings and kindred linea information supplied by th Bay oceaa Conirosrclal Club. Bayocean. Or. AS SALOON Good las. Independent li cense, stock enough for on year; doing nlc bualneaa; if yon mean bualnaaa, call room 22, Mllner bids, V to 11 A. M., S 10 4 P. M. $240 FULLY secured, with servloea will place you In a good business where you oan make much better than wages, fmr tlcular sH btark st. I WANT a partner with $4000 to tak over 7 acre of land In good part of city. Me my agent. John P. Weston, 707 Rotb chlld bldg. Marshall 4441. FR SALX Hardware and sporting good tock In best suburban location in city; will aacrinc for cash If taken at once. Kor particular writ A 4'. Oregonian. GROCERY Owner, tired of hired help, will tak rellabl partner snd guarantee good profits; requires vary littles monc ; fully secured. Call all Si Mark t. OLrBSTABLISHED cash 'bualneaa : owner In 111 haaith and wants lo letire from business; will pay f::uo to $4U0 every month. 323 Lumber Exchange. WANTED Merchandise toi.k of sny de scription or In af. y vicinity; we buy for cash onlv. If you have anything to offer, call Main ft -3. LIVE man with loOO to $20C0 to Invest, with personal service, in good business; must b Scandinavian. N 810, or gonlan. CAFETEKIA. doing good businesa leaa. good location; reason for selling made known to purchaser. 71 Main au. Van couver. Wash. FOR SALE $S0OO cash will handle $7400 stock of general merchandise; conalder la -M) cash and l-'SOo ranch In Willamette Valley. Ad d resa Box 1 2. Alsea. Or. PARTY with $ loo to join in local woodwork ing manufacturing buslnees of exceptional merit: Immediate returns; no schemes n tertalned. W M7. Oregonian. WANTED, an experienced partner In poul try raising; have got th land. Address K. A. Northman, Woodland. Wash. POOLROOM Stand cigar More; thl plc makea $300 every month. 32$ Lumber Ex chsnge. MOViMJ-PlCTUHB theater for sala e'.oes In. downtown distrlcL Inquir H. C sta vers, w 7th St. CI 'JAR 8. lo cream, candy, etc.; nice ator with two living rooma; guaranteed to clear 1! month. Call !H4 Btark St. NEW corner grocery store for sale by own er. F $11, Oregonian. BrsrvEs., oppor rrN ities WANTED To leaaa for terra of yeara. build ing with large floor apace, suitable for skating rink and no competition: must be out of Portland and In a good live town of not less than 3"00 to IO.UOO population: and reasonable rent; do not answer unlese vou have Just as advertised, as I hav no time to throw away. W (WJ. Oregonian. GOOD, llv businesa man with $2000 or more to Inveat and take an active Inter eat la a first-class company recently In corporated under th laws of Oregon. Mill furnish suitable reference aa to .ability. Thl la not a real estate prop osition. AV l7, Oregonian. BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES TASTED. WANTED Information of placer and quarts property, partly developed and needing capital A V . oregoii.au. ROOMINC-HOl'SES. 40 ROOMS, 30 BATHS. 4I10O0 DOWN. EVERY ROOM TAKEN; INCOME $1544 MONTH. Finest West Sid location, clos In. $ years' lease, all outsida room, elegantly fucnlshed. (round floor office, automatio ele-.titor, running water la every room, half with privat bath; prlc laoilO; hurry. Mr. DeKorest. O. C. R. ELLIS CO.. 50J-614 Wilcox B li g. . 4th an d Wash. Et. AX EXCEPTIONAL VALUE 75 rooms, atrlctly modern, good class furniture. private baths, ground floor lobby, rent only 1700; Is clearing o4 every month; $4500 will handl. A LITTLE BEAUTY. 14 rooma on block from Arlington Club: good furnltur; furnaca heat, and all full; prlc only $760. See DEVLIN A 1TREBAUOH. so 1 1 eon mux. APARTMENT-HOUlSE SACRIFICE. Owing to long Illness owner of One of the best apartment-houses In Portland win sell hi equity for 83 1-3 cents on th dollar; this offer Is for today only. Bargain-hunters, take notice. POKTLAND ROOM1NO-HOUSE CO., 610 Henry Bltlg. 40 ROOMS, 4-year lease, in th best town on the Coast; clears $175 per month above all expenses; everything new. all Iron bed steada rent very cheap price $1M0; no "agenta Address Mrs. M. H. Harrison, .Ray mond, Wash. - MART E. LENT CO. PORTLANDS LEADING HOTEL AQENCT. HOTELS ROOM 1 NO APAKTMENT HOUSES. All sixes and prices $22-4 Falling bldg.. Sd and Washington. FOR SALE By owner. S7-room brick build ing, hot and cold water. 2 years' leas, good location, between Couch and Davla ta; pne $1000. half cash, baianca $40 month. Call 48 a North Third t. A HOTEL SACRIFICE. Rent $5.45 per room, with monthly profit exceeding 1300, near Portland Ho tel; must be sold at one; $0000; $2O0O down or trade. Owner. I0I8 Chamber of Commerce. 41arhall 10-ROOM roomlng-hous with good dining room at your own price; paYty baa other business, must be sold at once. 110 7th t. Phon Main 2801. Oregon City. Or. ROOMING-HOUSE, good money-maker; 87 rooma furniture for sal at an attractive price L b22. Oregonian. 14 ROOMS, with running water In rooma fiood furniture, fin location: room full; ow rent, with lease. 84Q College, Owner. BEST 9-room house, olose In. West Side, Vi -block from City Hall; no agents; owner leaving city. AR goS. Orjgonlan. HOUSE 15 rooma furmsned; 10 minute walk from Was a. st; rent raseonabla 43 Russell bldg. LOST AND FOUND. FOUND Where you csn buy genuine hair maltresses retail at wholesale prices; w renovate mattrvase and return same day w alao renovate feathera Portland Curled Hair Factory. 11. Metzger. 224-224 Front. Phon Main 474, A 1374. LOST On Hawthorn av. between 27th and 2Mb. flis,. pair of gold-mounted noas giaases. Finder pleas advise ki. 11. Bald win. U33 Hawthorn ave. LoS'l' A black silk corded tK, on West Park, between SlHrk and Oak sta; liberal regard. 445 Taylur. A 5ob4. LObT Mink muff taken or lost from apt. 2. 654 Couch st. Liberal reward; no ques tions asked. wOl Selling bldg. FOUND Lady's purs. F. M. Johnson Touring Csr Servlca 4th and ait ark. Main 4-'4L $25 REWARD for return of Jewelry atolen from apartment 1. tha Lillian apartments; no questions asksd. LOST Wednesday P. M.. a string of flna pearl beada Return to 6 all E. ftjth at. N. LOST Pair of auloniobu aid curtains; SVaat Side. W. L. Beutlay 4k Co., 473 Washington at. LOST Lady' amall hunting-cas gold walch. Finder call Lyric Theater. Reward. LOST Bank book; name A. J. Ertd; re ward tor return. 44 2d u afECIAL NOTICES. .Proposals Invited. HOUSES FOR SALE. Notice la hereoy given that Multnomah County will sell to the highest bidder tor caan. tha tiouava designated as follows: 414 Yamhill street. A'orUand. Or. lvi Tenth street, Portland, Or. 411 Taylor streot, Portland, Or. 413 Taylor street, Portland, Or. 415 Tayior street, Portland, Or. loo Eleventh street. Portland, or. 1WO Eleveuth. street, Portland, Or. Th ai la to b mad on or after March 1. 1012. Blus for such hous must b submitted separately. No bid will be consiurd unless accompanied by a check, certified by a reeponalule bank of Portland, Or., for an amouul equal to 20 per cent of the bid, which check will be forfeited to Multnomah County unless the successful biuuer removos tu house with in 15 uios alter May 1, 1112. at wliicn dat th bullams ! be vacated. T. J. CL.EE ITON. County Juuga W. L. UliHfNEK, County Commisslonor. D. V. HAKT. County Commissioner. THE undersigned will receive sealed bids at his office, 7 Flrat t.. Portland. Oregon, up' to 12 o'nock noon of Friday, February 2-1. 1U13, for a stock of grocerie inven toried at $1132.05, and a lot of store tix turea inventoried at $o54, all located at 111 West Burlington st.. St. Joliua Ore gon, caah'or a certified check for 10 per cent of in amount offered muat accom pany each bid, and th right la reservad 10 rfus any and all bids. An Inventory I on tile at the office of the undersigned, and the property may be Inspected, upon application at said office. K. L. SABIN. Truatea BIDS WANTED. The Town Council 01 the Town of rtockford. Wash., will receive bids for supplying looo feet o-ln. iron water main and 2ovo loot 4-lu. iron main andfiec easary conneotlona, 1 or for leas quantities, acoordlng to apeclflcatlona now on HI at the office of the underaigned. Bids must be filed with the City Cierk on or before 7.80 I'. M-. March 11. 1012. Th Town Council reserve th right to rJct any or all bids. By order of the Council. Bated at kockford. Waah., Feb. 12, 1012. CARL W. M' DOW ELL, Cll Clerk. NOTICE TO CONTRACTORS. Sealed proposals will be received until 12 A. M., March 4, 1111. for the construc tion of 2 mile of ditch, requiring, removal of 10,040 cublo yarda 10 per oenl certified check bond to amount of contract re quired; $5 per cent of work completed paid for each month; right to reject any and all bid reserved. Plan and speci fications furnished upon deposit of 15; de posit refunded upon return of saroa Ad dress W. 11. Klngery. supervisor, of Bhel ton. Mason County. Washington. SEALED bids will b received at-th offlc of tno undersigned, 402 Ti.ford building, until 4 P. il.. February 2., 11)12. for eluctrlcal and machlno shop equipment for School of Sradea Copy of speclllca llona muy b obtained at tho office of th undersigned. Certlned check for lO per cent of the amount of th bid. payable to H. H. Thomas, School Clerk, must ac company each proposal. Board of Dlrec tuia reserves th rlgul to reject any and ail blda it- H. THuMAH, School Clark. Dated February 14. 1912. Mlscellaaeona TO creditors Lincoln restaurant. 4UH Mor rison at., tak notice: the above business having changed banda you are hereby re queaied to present your bills at above ad ores within ten days from this dat. Feb. 14. 11112. TO WHOM thl may concern: A my wife, Luctle Whit, has deserted me without cause, 1 will no longer be responalbl for bill made by her after this data A. O. White. I HEREBT give notice that my wife, Lau retta Peyton, has left my room and board, and I will not ue responsible for any debts contrcted by her. C. B. Peyton. 1 VriE undersigned, will not be responsible for debts contracted by my wlfa baud Feb. IX 1K12. H. O. Triplet!- FINANCIAI. WE buy notea .contracts mortgage (first and second). qultla F, H. Lwis 4Y Co., Lewis bldg. WE HAVE tOnO to buy mortgage wlthj WESTERN BOND A MORTGAGS CO, 414 Cemmarclal Club Bldg, . FINANCIAL. BEGIN to ssvs today. First mortgag cer tificate pay per cent net. The Invest ment Is th best In th world, and may be bought for cash or regular payment of $4 or mor each month. Bankers, insur ance companies, ahrewd capitalists and conservative Investor buy them. Call or writ for Interesting, helpful Information. Northwestern First Moris-age Trust, 402 Wilcox bldg. W pay highest cash prlc for builders' con tracts, first and second mortgages and other securities- Horn Installment Co.. 401-402 McKay bldg. .Marshall Swtl. I MONEY TO LOAN on Improved real estate 1, or for-nulldlng purposes. No commissions. COLUMBIA Lll-iS at lltLSl i.UJirA. 1. 18 Spalding Bldg. MORTGAGES iflrst and second), contract and ellers equities bousht. E. L. Dever aux, 1O00 Spalding bldg., 3d and Wash Inglon. Main B3. FOR SALE $1200 first mortgage on 120 acres of rich orchard land valued at $3l, earning 10 per cent interest. AT bl3, Oregonian. ; FIRST OR SECOND MORTGAGES BOUGHT or seller' interest In contract of sale on real estate In Washington or Oregon. H. E. Noble, 316Lumbermena bldg. $1100 FIRSTmortgaire. 7 per cent, for sale; will trade for good grocery stock. John P. Weston, 707 Rothchlld bldg. Marshall 4G61. FIRST and second mortgages, contracts and commission account bought, real estat loses E. B. Miller. 410 Abington bldg. WE BUY mortgages; seller real estate oon- tracta Nelson Broa $04 Lewi bldg. Money to I .oan Iiw-ai Estate. LOANS of 1500, $1208. S1S00 and upward oa Improved realty property; favorable term National Realty At Trust Co.. 723 Chamber et Commerce. MORTGAGE LOANS. P1nt7 of money to loan at 5 to 8 Pr cent on city resldenc and business prop arty and Multnomah County farms. ED W. P. MALL. 104 to 104 Chamber of Commerca WE WOULD b pleased to replace your mortgag loan which Is about to expire, promptly and reasonably. See Mr. Har boli, A J. Detseh Company, S40 Chamber of Commerce. Marshall 42S0. A 165D. LARGE supply of money to loan In sum of $500 and upward, on real estat secur ity, at tt and 7 per cent. MALL VAN BOKSTEL. 104 Second St., near Stark. ON IMPROVED city property or for build ing purposes. 8 to 8 years' lime; liberal repayment privilege; money advanced aa building progressua Th Equitaol Sav ing A Loan Association. 240 Stark st. PLENTY OF MONEY ON 7AKU OK CITY PROPERTY. WM. C. BOUCHERS, 207 OREGONIAN BLDG. MONEY-TO-LOAN ON REAL ESTATE, city property and building loana WESTERN BOND A MORTGAGE CO.. tlO iqmmei uiei MORTGAGE LOANS ON FAVORABLE TERMS. JOHN BAIN. 604 SPALDING BLDG. $500,000 ON improved city or farm property; building or small loans at lowest rates; large loana a specialty. McKenzl A Co., M4-615-51B Gerilnger bldg. FIRST MORTGAGE LOANS, FARM AND CITY PROPERTY. EDMUND L. DEVEREAUX. luua SPALDING BLDG. WILL loan $20,000 or Ies. real estate secur ity. Farrlngton A Farrlnglon. 414 Com mercial Cluo bldg. , $100. $2000, $3000, 8 PER CENT. Client has abov amount, close in. only Improved. Fred W. German, 82 Burnsldo. M. or a. ziio. WE hav from $5o0 to $25,0'0 to loan on MORTGAGE LOANS, 6 and 7 PER CENT. Repay in 2 or 3 yr. or monthly. CELLA-RS-MURXON CO.. 25 Yeon bldg. LIST your mortgag loan with us for quick return; we have th money. Se Mr. Har bolt, A. J. Detsch Co., baO Chamber of Commerce. Marhall42o0, A 1501A. " FIRST-MORTGAGE LOANS. AMOUNT WAITING. loOt) TO $10,000. M. E. Thompson. 42M Henry Bldg. gee Air. , w . .- . (sUOO or $14. 004 to loan on Improved city properly, s to e jroie, - ' , r . , 1 . "l "Ol HraiTin klL SCants or eruaei " .... "-- STRICTLY private money on real estate and real estate cwuublw, . .. -. - -and sold. Btrow. 711 Selling bldg. $1000 to $5000 to loan at lowest ratea also larger aniounta Trowbridge A Stephens, 301 Wilcox bldg. $200,000 TO LOAN, larg loan a apeclalty, building loana, lowest rates. W. G. Beck. 315-31 Failing bldg. MORTGAGE LOANS In any amount. l.ihj.ri.1 riimi slortaaaes purchased. Henry C. Prudhomm Co.. oQt Wilcox bldg. MORTGAGE loan on city property; lowest ratea A. H. Birrell Co.. 2i2 MuEay bldg., 8d and Stark. $2UU0 OK $2400 to loan on real estate. 7 per cent. 81H tod, of Trade. Phone Main 7402. WANTED Application for select loana on city property, at. Joinings, ouu .iicitay piog. iJdrltOl&V Or uuiuiyiwivu yiui'v.iij, " building loans, contracts and mortgages bough u W M. Nulio. 44 Sherlock blug. " MORTGAGE LOANS, J. O. GOLTRA, FAILING BLDG. STATE funds. 4 per cent. W. E. Thomaa agent M-illnomah County. 400 Ch. of Com. MONEY any amount, 6 to 8 per cent. W. H. belts A Co.. 310 Spalding bid-. MORTGAGE LOANS AT REASONABLE RATES. F. H. LEWIS. 8 LEWIS BLDG. LOANS on real, personal, chattel or collat eral security. C. W. Pallett. 30S-I) Kenton. PRIVATE money loaned on real estate mort gagea H- Mlley, room 204 Gerllnger bldg. ""MONEY" TO LOAN ON REAL ESTATE. A. H. HARDING. 813 Ch. of Coin. MORTGAGE LOANS, AND 7 PER CENT. LOUIS SALOMON. 220 STARK ST. " OR"TH."E LOWEST RATE OF LNT. GO TO NICHOLS. 615 YEON BLDG. SHORT TIME LOANS; PRIVATE PARTY; $100 AND UP. 207 OREGONIAN BLDGt 15000 OR any part to loan. Interest 7 par cent. Ma'n 1160. MONEY to loan, first mortgage. Improved city property. R. Bueukofcr. 265 Salmon. tlOuO Near in. East Side, $500, $300, subur ban. Atiy., 210 Allsky bldg. $i(X0 TO loun, improved rvil estate. S per cent . no brokerage. It 827, Oregonian. $3000 TO LOAN on Improved city property. Call M5 Oregonian bldg. Money to Loan Chattel and Salaries. $ $ $ i i DO YOU NEED MONEY T W will furnish you. strictly confiden tial, and without delay, a loan In any amount on your auto, piano, furniture, livestock, storage receipt and all other kinds of securlliea on term to suit; also on weakly or monthly payments. WE BUY AND LOAN On first and second real estat mort gagee, contracts and chattel mortgagea TJ S REAL ESTATE A BROKERAGE CO. Ill Hamilton Bldg., Ill Id. Main 2014. I 8 t I I I 1 5 to i. D. DRAEjfl $100. FOR SALARIED PEOPLE TODAY without security, mortgage or indorse ment; cheapest ratea best and most pii ai trm 1 Portland. 807 Spaldln; bidg. MONEY ADVANCED On furniture, planoa salaries, etc. Lowest ratea HUTTON CREDIT CO. 107 Spalding Bldg MONEY FOR SALARIED PEOPLE. Women keeping houaa and others fur nished without security; cheapest ratea easiest paymenta Coins and get money wnen you want It; and pay as you can. offlcca In ail principal dllea D. H. Toi man, 317 Lumber Exchange. ' C. FRANK. NICHOLS CO. For a lon on any kind of security. 11 Vv ILL COST YOU LESS. No extra chaxgea Private office. Courteous and confidential Treatment. CALL AND GET ACQUAINTED. 803 Lumbermen Bldg., bth snd Stark. MONEY LOANED. JEWELRY. DIAMONDS. SILVER, , WATCHES. PIANOS. E1C ELBY COMPANY. 120 LUllbEl: EXCHANGE BLDG. (THIRD FLOOR) SECOND AND STARK ST3. Why pay usurious Interest to money sharks when th Alia Security Co. will loan you money on diamonds. Jewelry and other Sortaol artlclea almost bankers' Interest 7 25 alllng bldg., 3d and Washington. CASH ON CREDIT. EMPLOYES' LOAN CO, $21 ABINGTON BLDG. WE LOAN money on diamonds and Jewelry at half the rates charged by brokera IMMEDIATE loana from $5 and up on all klnda of securities, W. A. Hathaway, room 10 Washington bldg. Main 302. MONEY loaned on diamonds and Jewelry; strictly contldentlal. 141fr 3d. near Alder. sv LOAN for the asking, salary or chattel. The Loan Co.. 414 Dekum bldg. LOANS on diamonds and other aecurltlea Wm. Holl. room B Washington bldg. PRIVATE party will loan 125 and up, 721 Chamber of Commerce Bldg. MONEY aold on Installment; confidential; salaried peopla F, A. Newton, Henry bldg. FINANCIAL. Money to Loan tbattelajnnd Salaries. MOXET'wAXTED" ON' FIRST-CLASS SE CURITY. $1500 3 years. 8 per cent. S-room mod ern bungalow. Clifford Add.. Albina; value 13 000. $17003 years. p'r cent. 8 rooms. Hi story house, Euclid Hghts.. modern; value $3800. 10750 3 vears. R per cent. 7-room mod ern It, -story house. Beaumont; value $o.-.oo. $50003 to 5 years. S per cent, 40 .acres fenced and cultivated, good bids.: a- Joins McMlnnville College: bank valuation $12500. See Mr. Harbolt. A J. DETSCH CO.. 840 Chamber of Commerce. QUICK LOANS. ANY AMOUNT. DO YOU KNOW This new company was organised to LOAN MONEY to working people and all others at RATES ABOUT ONE-HALF what regular LOAN companies chsrg7 Loan made quickly and privately on pl anoa furniture, atorag receipta autos and livestock. CHEAPEST RATES IN THE CITY. YOU CAN GET IT TODAY. Rebate Given if Paid Before Dua PORTLAND LOAN COMPANY. 106-7 MACLEAY BLDG. BOTH PHONES. Between 4 th and 5th Sta. on Wash. St. Open Monday and Saturday till 4 P. M. PRIVATE loana $25 to $200. at 10 per cent per year; no trouble or red tape; on your furniture or other security; let us help you. Room 528 Lumbermen bldg. Loans Wanted. MONEY wanted to loan on first mortgages In amounts from $50 to 130,000. at 8 to 7 per cent. The only aafe, no-risk invest ment. Absolutely secured by selected, im proved. Income paying real estate. North western Flrat Mortgage Trust, 402 Wilcox bldg - WANTJSD Loan ol $2250 for term of three years. Improved city realty property, in restricted residential district. Partlcuiara National Realty at Trust Co.. 723 Chamber of commerce bldg. - WE want to get a loan of I L200 on new 0-room house worth 13300; property 1O0 feet off Alulna ave. Johnson & Dodson, 52 Board of Trade bldg. MoNu,Y WANTED Applications on hand for desirable loans, mortgages for sale. Henry C. Prudhomme Co.. S7 Wilcox bldg. WANTED To borrow $2000 at 8 per cent for 5 y;ars. on a farm of 100 acres; gilt edged. M 812. Oregonian. WANTED 1000 on 5-room bungalow; 8 per cent; value $2600. Johnson A Dod son, 620-622 Board of Trade Bldg. $000 ON $loOO improved property, street paved, full lot, good locality. V 805, Ore gonian. $1400 Attractive bouse, $1S00 insurance, within block of car; tirst-class homes a 1 ound. S M4. Oregonian. WANT to borrow, $206 on good security. Addresa P. O. box 2Q23, Portland. $5000, 7 PER CENT; Improved semi-business property: prlncipala Main 1106. PERSONAL. HAIR HAIR HAIR HAIR. 600 PURE CUT HAIR SWITCHES. $12 84-inch switches $4.45 $0 2u-lnch switches 2.45 Hair dressing 25 Face massage .25 Shampoo -25 Manicuring, 25c: 5 for 1-00 12 scalp treatments 5.00 Superfluous hair removed by electricity, guaranteed not to return. $4. $3 snd $4 PUFFS only $1.45. Cut hair in any shade; switches, any length. Prices half. Sanitary Parlors. 400-412 Eekum bldg., Sd and Washington. RADICAL cure by the latest natural heal ing methods. Including radium, all electri cal currents, lights, heat, vibration, radia tion, baths, massage, adjustment and manipulations. Most expensive, finest equipped private offlc In Oregon; no med icine or operatlona Over ouoo treated pa tients snd not a death while under our care. Ws will be glad to consult with you free of charge. Dr. W. E. Mallory, 812 Rothchlld bldg. - PARTIES Intending to leave the city, wish ing to have their real estate or other prop erty looked after while away, should see us; we make a apeclalty of caring for property, renting, collecting rents, etc, etc. ; satisfactory service guaranteed. Ab bott A Co.. Wilcox bldg. SWEDISH TRAINED NURSE Helslngfors graduate; rheumatism, nervous and stom ach aiimenta uuder physicians direc tions: baths, massage. No. 7 East 11th St.. second door south from East Ankeny carline. phono East 2p0. B 1803. L NEW hypodermic treatment for catarrh. Results guaranteed. Non-operatlva B. M. Richardson. M. D-. eye. ear, nos and throat specialist. 809 Northwest bldg.. bth and Waanlngion. PILES. Blind, bleeding. Itching, or protruding. If you hav piles in any form, send for fre sample. Instant relief. Guaranteed parmauum cure In three to five daya; easily applied, absolutely harmless. G. Brewer, 181 14th t-. Portland. Or. W. L HOWARD, M. D. Modern Electro-Therapeutics. Chronic diseases cured without opera tion or pzin. Consultation free. 3t4-806 Rothchlld Bldg. GERMAN trained nurse and masseuse; long experience, best references; treatments for rheumatism, lumbago, etc.; massages and batha 34S Williams ave., near Weidier st. U car. Phona East 3ou8. C 256d. Open Sundays. DR. ALICE A. GRIFT. Diseases of women and chlldrn; has removed to Lafayett bldg., 813 is Wash ington t. DR CATHERINE C. GATES I hav had 11 years' practical experience treating nervous and chronic disease. Consultation free. 807 Abington bldg. Marshall 8143. Hour: 10 A. M. to 6 P. M. ADAMS BATH PARLORS. ltt Sixth; scientific massagist; electrlo Blanket sweats and aalt batha given for colds and rheumatism. Hours from 10 , o'clock to 12, BR WALKER, specialist for men, quickly cures blood and skin ailments, kidney and bladder troubles and plies. Consultation free. 181 1st St., Portland. SURE cure for tapeworm; formula guaran teed under the food and drugs act; sent in plain envelope; 7. J. T. Perry, Salt Lake, Utah. Box 445. THE 6pirit of God Circle, Progressive scien tific healing of mind and body; leclur snd healing. 10. 12. X, 4 dally, 1U1 N. Union avenue. MRS. STEVENS, IS years Portland lead ing paimlst and clairvoyant, has her lat book. "Palmistry Made Easy," on sal at 212 Allsay bldg-. 3d and Morrison sta ELECTRIC thermal bath and mechano therapy treatments for rheumatism, nerv ousness and poor circulation. 343 s Mor rison st. iiii S. O. Tablets, a marvelous cure for nervous debility and weakness from any cause; prioa $L Druggists or ouuL Dr. Pierce Remedy Co.. 243 ht Morrison st. DRESS SLITS for rent, $1.50 month; keep your clothes cleaned, pressed, buttons sewed on, rip repaired. Prompt calls and deliveries. Unique Tailoring Co., 8otf Stark. DR- A. A. AUSPLUND. Diseases of women and surgery. Exam ination tree. 302 Merchanta Trust bldg., 6th and Washington, phone Main 4047. IA.DIES Sanderson's Cotton Root Pills, the woman's medicine; price $2 box. Drug gists or mail. Every box guaranteed. Dr. Pierce Remedy Co.. 245 f, Morrison sc MRS. S.C. MORRISON, steam bath snd masseurlng lor rheumatism, lumbago, etc K47 fra Jetlerson. A 4470. Open Sundays. SCOTCH LADY gives mental scientist treat ments. ' East Everett st. phon B 414S. MRS SOPHIA R- SE1P. mental and spirit ual scientist, 302 Alisky bldg. Meetings Wednesday and Friday, a P. Ai. Mam 6024. MISS RAGNH1LD JACOBSEN, Scandinavian trained n tsseusa Phone Marshall ''42. 674 Johnson at., cur. 21st. Take "W" car. MRS DR. BAIRD. M. D., 314 Hamilton bldg.; specialty female and children's di- iAl(.lNELLO System Scientific treat ment of hair, face and scalp, manicuring, cmropody. 402 Central bldg., loth and Alder. MATHILDE ARNESON, trained masseuse, medical gymnaatica; for women only, phone number Woodlawn SISU. TiR. KETCHUM treata women's maladlea aiso chronic dlseasea Washington biug cor 4ih aud Washington. Main b474. MADE OF YOUR COMBINGS. 6wltcnea ic ; curia and puife, 75c. San itary Beauty Parlors, 4ou Dekum bids. LoRENZ NERVE TONlC TABLETS restore lost vitality. 26c box; 6 boxes $1.25. bup Tavlor Drug Co- 288 Morrison at- hive your wrinkles removed. Why look 0lr oij o no tv asn. w niKS superfluous hair removed. Mra M. D- Hi:L 420 Flledner bldg Main 3473. iaNICUR1NG parlor, facial and scalp treat- meat, shampooing. 814 Swetland bldg. B.iu OF FIGS Remedies for diseases of woman. 632 Davis st- Main 8216. SCIENCE treatments by appointment. Main 6304. Room . Writ B 604, Oregonian. SCLP treatment,"" facial massage. Room 55. Hotel Breslln. 422V, Wash, st. BUSINESS DKIEC'TOBY. Accountants Expert and Certified. EXPERIENCED all lines; books opaned. closed, written up. financial statements, privat instruction: service anywejr. permanent or temporary bookkeeper fur nlshed. 502 Swetland bldg. Main 448. Analytical Cliemiits. WOODARD, CLARKE & CO., analytical cliemists. examiners of chemicala drugs, f'tods. etc. Asaaycr and Analyst. Wells A Froebslcl. mining engineers. chm lsts and sasayers. 2t'4t4 Washlngton. MONTANA ASSAY OFFICE Laboratory and orc-tejung work 1S6 Morrison at. Attorneys. jZ e! COOPER, attorney-at-law. General practice, abstracts examined. Removed ts 1424 to 142S Y'con bldg. M 873. A20il. H. C. KORNEGAY. corporation, commercial, real estate law, and collections. 1122 Yon. ' Brass and Machine Works. HARPER'S BRASS WORKS Brass casting and machine work 106 N. Eth. Main 2i02 KORMANN and WEBSTER, general an alytical chemists; fully equipped labora tories. 11 North 6th. Chiropractic Physician. DR. TICKNER. Columbia bldg.. next Star Thea-er. A B2..5. Main 95H7: res. B 2974. hiropodiHts. WILLIAM. Estelle and Flossie Deveny, th onlv scientific chiropodists In the city. Parlors 802 Gerllnger bldg.. S. W. cor. 2d and Alder. Phone Main 1301. CHIROPODY and pedicuring. Mra M. IX. Hill, office 420 Flledncr bldg. Main 3478. Chiropody. LEARN chiropody at Marlnella Shop. (l Central bldg.. 10th and Alder. Main $. Civil Engineers. E. A. MIDDLE BROOKS, CIVIL ENGINEER. Survevs made, plans and estimate fur nished on city improvements, subdivisions, lrrls-ation, drainage and rallroada Phone Main 3204. 423 Chamber Com. Portland. Oregon. - Coal. COAL Highest grade fuel coal. $5.50 per ton; save $l.r'i per ton: order today. Phones. Main 7M4. A 40S. mil at.-rtva TriTEr. CO. BLOCK WOOD BRANCH E. 33D ST. WOOD. NATIONAL FUEL CO.. coal and wood. Marshall 960. A 8545. 337 Water St. Contractors. W. L. BUCKNER. contractor. Jobbing, of fice sn4 store setting. 8 N Rth st- Mala KKS1. A 7682. Wooilinwn 562. Dancing. PROP. WAL WILLSON'S SCHOOL; lessons 25c; waltz, two-step or three-step guar anteed In first '.esson or money refunded: stag dancing taught quickly. 3S6'i Wash. St., bet. W. Park and 10th. Main 7637. HEATH'S SCHOOL Lesson 25c: fancy tag and social dancing taught dally: waits and two-step guaranteed In 4 lea sons. Class Monday eve. 109 2d st b tween Washington and Stark. RINGI.ER'S ACADEMY. leading dancing school in tha Northwest, thorough coursea ten Instructors. 231 H Morrison, instruction dally. Marshall 818. PROF. FORD'S school of dancing. 87th and Hawthorne avenua Classes Tuesday and Thursday evening at 8. Private lessons by appointment. Tabor 8707. " Detective Service. PACIFIC States Secret Service Agency. At your service DAY and NIGHT. 421-23 Board of Trade. Marshall 872. Educational. STAMMER? Method for cure explained free. M. L. Hatfield, 1D18 Grove. Oakland. Cal. Knglne One and Steam, ROBER Machinery Co.. Coast agenta Sea bury steam engine and bollera gaaolin n glnes. 281-283 E. Morrison st. Phone B 51$. Feed Store. ZIGLER A MISNER. hay. grain, feed, ee ment. shingles. 204 Grand ave. E. 48X Z.eut her and Finding. CHAS. L. MASTICK A CO.. 74 Front. Leather. of every description, tabs, mfrs finding. j. A. STKOWBRiDOE. LEATHER CO. Es tablished 1S68. 180 Front t. landscape Gardening. FRED W. BULLOCK, 810 Yeon bldg. Phone Marshall 2432. Lawns. Driveways. Shrubs and Planta G. H. SIEBELS. landscape gardener: prun Ing specialty. 6S0 E. 0th. Seilwood 1147. Musical. Emil Thlelhorn. violin teacher, pupil Sevelk. BOO Marquam. A 4161). Marshall 1629. Musical Instruction. PIANO, vocal, violin, mandolin, guitar, banjo, wind instruments, private and club instruction; stringed instruments loaned to beglnnera National Conservatory of Music. Grand ave. and E. Morrison. Osteopathic physiciana DR. LEROY. SMITH, graduate Klrkvllle. Mo., class of lens; pust-gradnata 1907, un der Dr A. T. Still, founder of th acianoa, 1122 Selling bldg. M. 1M87. A 1085. Dr. R. B. Northrup, 415-10-17 Dekum bldg. Nervous and Chromo Dlseasea Phone Office M. 340. Res. East or B 1028. Paints, Oils and tilasa COAST-MADE painl and varnish Is best sduuted to the Coast cllmat. BASa urrirn paint CO. 191 Second L KASilUiSt.N A CO., jouooia. P""S o"". glass, sash and doors. Cor. Id and Taylor. Patent Attorneys. PATENTS obtained, trademarks, copyrights registered, all- countries. Booklet tree. VKTER HABERL1N. 326 Worcester bldg. PATENTS procured by J. K. Mock, attornsy-at-law late of U. S. Patent Offica Book let free. 71U the Board ol iraca oiag. r and FOREIGN PATENTS procured by n n m urtln. 409 Chamber of Commerce Bldg. V. W RIGHT', domestic and foreign pat- nta intringement case. 1U4 Dekum bldg. pawnbrokers. LOANS $1 TO $1000 tlJUll iwf..,r. ELBY CO.. 320 Lumber Ex.. 3d floor. I NCLE MYERS' Collateral Bank; 4o yaara In Portland. 71 Uth at. Phono Main 91Q. Paving. ;HP Barber Aephait paving Company, o "ua Electric mdg. Oscar Huber. Portland. Pipe. PIPE and tuu, euginooia and steam sua- M. L. Kllna Cntrally locaieu. Noa B4 to 88 "ronl st, phones Main 317. A 2517. PORTLAND V.OOD PIPE CO. l-avoiory and ofnc near "4ta and York sta M. 84SH, bales. the MOSLER SAFE CO, 108 2d St. Safe IHlf factory prlc; second hand salsa becond-H ud Good. wk buy clothing, lumiture and toola Higu ".., "'rlc, Bid lor secoud-cand ciouuafc llaisiiHli 2354. lurnitme, . : t w av ma nigneal prices tor second-hand 5yna and snuea Main 7ttu 430 Sta, wi.,..ckc. Bank and show r ixtuxe -uv LU'l'a- MSG. CO., brauon Grand Kc hoci Com tu ana oyu K. Lutae. manager. yj wlKDSALU 20 Hamilton bldg. Show ""', ,n stock ; prompt delivery, aaias tt,u m. N) inter Lumber Co. r.ii.sHALL nt'G. CO., 4th and Couch; new Mfec"ond-nar.u. Mam 2.O0. canm.t work. Storage nnd T.ausfer. , PICK Tialisl'ux oi Storage Co., ofllc and commodious 4-story bncK warehousa J oaraie "on rooms and fireproof vaults Jora'uablea; N. W. cor. 2d and Pin. sta; .oanua and turuiture movea ana paoksd , .? .nluuing; special rates made on goods i"uii-gcai. to all uomosuo and loremn poinia- v- TH A . , 1- h KR CO. UL-U.i-'w" . General tranaierring and storaga safes, nianos and luruitur moved and paokd ?J? sh.pu.ent. a7.SU Front .U T.lophonM Main 547 or A 2247. ;. 1.U0S TRANSFER CO., established 1870. aai-Vler and forwarding agenta Oftlca -0,5 .toraae 474 Glisan at., cor. loth and tilisan. Pnonea Main t!. A lit)-". Tailoring College . . 1 branches tailoring, dressmaking taught; cutting fltllns. drafting, designing; expert teacnurs; investigate. cnicago Lauies' Tailoring Coliege, 3ou Central bldg., loth and Alder; Typewriters. -15 TO B5 will buy a REBUILT TYPE WRITER; rebuilt as good as new; all maxes to choose from at Gill's, 3d and Alder- terms to suit; every machine guar anteed. Call or phona tor ivpra-euiauva Main S500 or tlOiiS. WE are the exchange for the largest type writer concern on thla Coast; Investigate; all tuai.es. all prices. The Typewriter Ex change, oilhi ivashlngton st. NEW rebuilt, second-hand rentala at ratea P. D. C. Co., 231 Stark. Id. 1407. cut Well Drilling. DRILLING wells. Phone Main 1314 or writs A, veit, 182 Morrison si. I