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About Morning Oregonian. (Portland, Or.) 1861-1937 | View Entire Issue (Feb. 17, 1912)
11 the sronxns'o oreooxtaw. Saturday, February 17, iois Store Opens 9:30 A. M. and Closes at 93Q P. M. Every Saturday-Other Business Days, Opens at 8 A. M.. Closes 6 P. M. Beautiful Medallion Portraits Made From Any Good Photo, Free With Purchases to me Amoum oi -u , f . . , --:ge ' H-e-l-l-o Salem! . I" J X 1 I !!kI y L Come on Down-If 9 So Handy Now 8 JfiSs s-wtman. King. fiagSi Only a Few of the Thousands of Saving Opportunities Are Here Mentioned Store Open This Evening Until 9s30 $1.75 Allover Laces 79c Lace dept. 1st floor. A sale of rich allover Laees in white, eream and eero, Oriental, filet and Venise patterns, worth to $L75 yard, special for this 7Q tale at low price of only UK- 20c Ribbon 12c At the ribbon counter on the main floor, rich, lustrous taffeta silk Ribbons in all wanted shades for hair bows, fancy work, 1 O eta.; best 20e quality, yd. 51.50Handbags Special 98c Many new shapes in women's Hand Bag, goat seal stock, with nickel, pit or ronmetal trim mings, all leather lined and fitted with coin purses; regular QQ values to $3-50 for. only -'vJL. 50c NecKwear Special 25c New novelties in women's Neck wear, silk ruffs, jabots, collars, etc., in lace or in lwn;OC values to 50o now for only 35c Beauty Pins Special 19c At the jewelry eounter, 1st floor, a sale of 12-karat. roll gold-plated, solderleas Beauty Pins, plain, ehased or stone set, values 1 Q to 35e for sale at low price ORDER BY MAIL. mil "' ft: fv A On Main Floor Between the Elevators All Portland will be eating Olds, Wortman & King Candies Sun day, because they know of their purity and sanitary conditions tinder which they are made. 5A Assorted Cream Chocolates, the pound, only 30 40c Coeoanut Biscuits, special, the pound, only 25J 40c Fruit Tablets, special, the pound, at only 27 40c Chocolate-dipped Caramels, the pound, at 25J 40c Turkish Fruit Paste, the pound, for only 25 40c Cream Almonds, selling at, the pound, for 30J 40c Marshmallow and Nut Nougat, the pound, for 27 40e After Dinner Hints, the pound, for only 27 50c Chocolate Chips, selling at, the pound, only 30 4'ic Cream Center Caramels, the pound for only 20C 40e Marshmallows, the pound at low price of 25 30o Peanut Brittle, selling at, the pound, only 25 Sale Childs'' Dresses Today S1.50 and $2.50 Grades 98c Children's $2.00 Dresses 1.29 A lot of beautiful snow-white Lawn Dresses, sizes 6 to 14, which our buyer picked np at ss than the cost of manufacture. Also Colored Dresses from our regular stock which sell, regular at $1.50 to $2.o0. QHq all you want of them at this price. Offered special during this sale at the special low price of, ea., only Also a line of girls' Dresses, sizes 6 to 14 ycir; our best regular $2.00 grades, on special sale at, eacn, $X.J Women's Fine Shoes $3.19 ' Shoe Store Main Floor. New arrivals in Women's High-Grade Footwear, including the white buck, patent colt, gunmetal and tan ca'f leathers. Call early and inspect this line. Today only we offer six stylei in "Women's Shoes, comprising patent colt stock in button or lace styles. gunmetal,button or lace and tan but- 0 1 Q ton shoes; all new, this season's best styles; regular $3.50 grades DJ(17 Women's $5.50 Shoes $4- 85 Today onlv, in the Shoe Store, main floor, a sale of Women's Dark Tan "Wil low Calf Walking Boots,, button styles with a heavy sole and rope stitched edge, an ideal wet weather shoe, made by one of the best concerns (J a QC in America. This season's best $0.50 values, pncea, we pair MJTmjj Men's $2 Shirts $1.35 In the Men's Corner Main Floor. A sale of new Shirts in the coat styles, with cuffs attached. They are made of high-grade French Percales, in neat patterns. Black and white, tan, heliotrope, blue stripes on white ground, etc. All pleas- t QC ing patterns, worth $2.00 each; specialized for this sale at ej) l.JJ Men's $ 1-52 S Hirts 85 c Main Floors Southeast. A great sale of men's coat style Shirts in a big assortment of pleasing patterns, with cuffs attached, plaited or plain bosoms, all sizes, cut full in the body and well made. These Shirts were all selected OC from our regular stock; are good $1.50 grades; special onlyOOC Riaft NecK Sweaters a shinment of those verv DODular "Ruif Necks." heavy Shaker-knit and Cardi gan weaves; colors are Oxford, navy, cardinal, white, dead grass and maroon; all sizes in the lot, and priced exceptionally low for this selling at 6.50 AND $7.50 Men's $1.25 Underwear Only 85c Men's S2 Underwear Only $1.45 Here's a remarkable offering of men's nat ural merino Shirts and Drawers; high-class goods, made by a famous mill, seasonable weight, regular S2 values, special 4tJ" A C at the remarkably low price of P M erge csniis 15.00 peeisii, You Can't Match Them Don't Care How Hard You Try The uppermost thought in our buyer's mind when he went to marKet was to get the best line of blue serges to be had he told the "adman" before he started that he would bring home the best $15.00 suits ever shown in Portland. "Just liKe I sold on State street in Chicago. Not much profit in 'em for the house, but great trade bringers." They are here and fully up to promise. Good weights, good colors, good materials, best worK manshlp. Sizes run from 32 to 44. You can't - fi! (f match these serge suits under $20. Priced P J.XMU $10 Raincoats at $5.85 Season end sale of men's Rain Coats, ddd lots; only one or two, of a kind; some "Slip-Ons" in the lot; some rubberized material in browns, tans and grays. These coats are also excellent for motor ing and driving in the Summer as well as rain in Win- OC ter. Our regular $10.00 values, for this sale at only ipJ.OJ Men's $5 Pants $2.98 Here's an exceptional offering of men's Trousers in patterns to match most any suit ; over 300 pairs in the lot ; all wool wor- O QQ steds and cassimeres, in sizes 31 to 44, worth to $5, sp'l Dl0 H A L 4 In the Underwear Section, on main floor, a sale of men 's medium weight wool, ribbed Underwear, natural color, made by one of America's foremost mills, regular $1.25 Ofp grades for sale at this sale at only t" Drug's an.cH Toilet Nee Priced Low for Today 1st Floor S 10o Castile Soap, imported, special at low price of 5 Toilet Soaps, standard brands, 25c box for only 1S Toilet Soaps, assorted kinds, loose, lOo cake for 6J lOo Cake California Medicated Soap, for only 6 Woodbury's Facial Soap, 25o cake for low price 15J Toilet Paper, 16-oz. roll, 1000 sheets, at low price of 6$ Boo Sponsres for windows and Uoors lor only lap 15c Vaseline, in 1-pound glass jars, for low price of 8 25c Hand Scrub Brushes, assorted, each for only 16 29o Absorbent Cotton, in 1-pound packages, only 21 5c package Toothpicks, 1000, hardwood, 2 packages 5 35c Puff or Soap Boxes, special at the low price of 19 25c Box Riveris Talcum Powder, special at only X5i 25c Scissors in all sizes, special, the pair, for only 19p 8o Face Chamois for low price 3J So Orange "Wood Sticks for only lOo doz. Emery Boards for only 6J 15o Bottle Peroxide, Vfc lb., only 8 35o Bottle "Witch Hazel, only 21 50o Listerine, 7-oz. bottle, only 40 25o Pasteurine Tooth Paste at 14J $1 6al Hepatica, large size, at 79 lOo package Epsom Salts, only 5 lOo package Senna Leaves only 5J BORDER'S MALTED MILK $3 75o Antiphlogistine, low price 69 $1.25 Antiphlogistine only $1.19 2oo Nail Files, assorted, each 10 50o Buffers, assorted woods, 25 $1.00 Hair Brushes, special at 69 50o Mentholatum, special at 35 25o Mentholatum, the jar at 16 25c Bottle Malt Nutrine, only 19 35o Hunyadi Water for only 27$ 25o Humphreys' Spe. Remedy 19J Pdpe's Cold Compound at only 25 hospital size, S2.75; $1.00 large $1.00 Lysol-Lehu & Links at 83 35c Tooth Brushes, special at 18 25o Whisk Brooms, special at 15 50o Dressing Combs, at only 35 J 50c Sanitary Belts for only 25 $1.00 Fitch's Hair Tonic for 85 $1.00 Bottle Swamp Root at 68 $1.00 Pinkham's Remedies at 79J $1.00 Pierce's Remedies, only 790 $1.75 S. S. S. Remed's, 1'ge, $1.10 $1 S. S. S. jlemedies, small, 790 size, OUC: ouc, small size, BOKDErT S v" A Til K ii iw i i.k. ijid.o nospiiai size, iptd. 4 t , . t-i.uu i"6" -J"v ""- - ANTIPHLOGISTINE Regular 75o size for 690; regular $1.25 size, only $1.19. On sale for today only, SilK Petticoats Special $3.69 On the Basement Bargain City today a sale of Taffeta Silk Petticoats of exceptional quality. They are made of the soft-finish taffeta that will give splendid wear, fit close and They are styled with deep flounce and dust ruffle, are neatly made and well finished. A splendid assortment of beautiful, rich tfQ JQ Spring colors, including black. Priced extra special for this sale at j7JcVJs Abasement at nor or Jt h&ng gracefully. Grocery S 60c Tea for 45c The 0. W. K. Brand in airtight packages, any variety, ourl 60c grade, special regular Fig 25c BasKet The best Smyrna Figs. Chocolate 25c Ghirardelli's best in cans. Eggs 25c Dozen Best Oregon ranch Eggs, brought in fresh daily, everyone is25f good, special, the dozen, at Oranges 23c Dozen "Suukist," two dozen for 450 OOc Raisins 40c Malaga, in fancy tins, imported. pecials 40c Coffee 28c Our own O. "W. K. Imperial Roast Coffee, regular 40o grade, OO specialized at, the pound, iOt Grape Fruit California Grape Fruit, each, 50 Florida Grape Fruit, 2 for 250 Florida fruit largest, each 150 Sale of Glassware ' In The Basement Dishes Worth to 35c Each for lOc 10c The big assortment comprises all useful pieces, in neat, attractive shapes, as follows: S-in. Berry Bowls Footed Bowls Cake Stands Glass Vases Oval Dishes Sugar Bowls Cream Pitchers Spoon Holders Celery Trays Oil Jugs Vinegar Jugs Covered Butters Tall Celeries Oval Shapes Preserve Dishes Water Pitchers Feataire Sale of IMamliets Continues With Unabated Interest $4.00 Blankets at S2.6Q JS4.50 Blankets at $3.25 $5.00 Blankets at $3.5Q $5.50 Blankets at $3.9Q S6.QO Blankets at $3.5Q JtO.OO Blankets at $3.9Q $6.00 Blankets at $42Q $6.QO Blankets at $3.95 $7.00 Blankets at $425 $8.50 Blankets at $495 $8.50 Blankets at $5.25 $10.00 Blankets at S5.75 Z 'I r California company Is short in its pay I ments the amount sued for. TAX NAY BE FOUGHT Corporation Levy Expected to Cause Legal Contests. DOUBLE RATE IS ALLEGED Attorney for O.-W. R. X. Inti mate Intention of Oppoeln Pay ment and Other Companies Are Expected to Proteet. Lcral complication arc expected to follow th demand of the City Auditor for the payment March 1 by the pub-llc-eervlce corporations supplying fa and electricity to the public, of the per cent corporation tax voted for by the people under the Initiative at the last reneral election. Notices of the tax are belnv prepared by the Auditor and will be In the bands of all Uicht and ft companies on or before March 1. City Attorney Grant said yesterday that he believes the companies will op pose the measure In the courts. At torneys for the O.-W. R. A N. Com pany have already Intimated an Inten tion of eontestlae the tax. and It Is thought the tner eomsaaoee Involved will take the same step on the ground of double taxation. Lsal Battle Expected. The result probably will be that the elty will not be able to collect the tax until lengthy legal contests are com pleted. It la thought probable the proposition will work Its way to the hlehest tribunal of the state and prob ably to the Supreme Court of the United States. The measure as passed by the people places a S per cent tax on the gross earnings of the corporations, and. If legal, wilt bring the city a large rev enue each year because the measure Is supposed to affect all companies of the city. Including the Portland Ball way. Light Power Company, the Mount Hood Railway A Power Com pany, the railway companies which manufacture gas for passenger and Pullman cars, compsnlee which furnish lights for buildings and all gas com panies which either manufacture the gas or supply It from natural sources. It Is understood the contention of the opposition will be that the tax Is on the same product which Is taxed In the franchises granted to the compa nies, or some of them at least. Attor ney Grant says he has not gone Into the question very thoroughly, and Is not able to make a comprehensive statement as to the status of the fran chises and the assessments provided,. Big RmiM Expected. The tax notice will be sent to all concerns supplying gss or eleotrlolty and. If all pay. It Is estimated that the total tax will amount to approximately ISO.eOt a year. Already Mayor Rushlight is arrang ing to use the money for building a municipal repair plant to ssto the city n large amount annually In repairing city vehicles and shoeing city horses. He says he haa not gone very far with his arrangements along that line beoaose of the uncertainty of the tax. but declares the money could not be contributed to a bettsr cause than the repair plant. Officials of the Portland - Railway. Light i Power Company have not In timated their Intention of contesting the measure as yet. but are expected to be heard from aa soon as the tax no tices are sent to them. The Portland Oas A Coke Company attorneys have not announced their Intention, either. - Whether the city will be confronted with only one general lawsuit to test out the law or will be made defendant In a. series of notions remains to be seen.' It Is the opinion of those Inter ested that there will be several suits to test out not only the general legality of the law, but also various phases. In cluding the right to collect from com panies not holding franchises and those holding franchises upon which a tax Is made. Whether or not one suit oould be made to cover all the ques tions Involved seems doubtful. ECCLES WINS DEED CASE President of Sompter Valley Road Gets Verdict Against Woman. BAKER. Or.' Feb. H. (Special.) Mrs. Eva Oulnn lost her case today against the Sumpter Valley railroad. In whlob she charged that David Eccles, the president, seoured her signature deeding her property to the road by In timating that her husband would be jailed for alleged theft of materials from the road. Judge -Smith, of the Circuit Court. In Ms decision held that too much time had elapsed between the actual sign ing of the deed and the filing of the complaint, the signing being In the Pumraer of 10T and the complaint In February. 1910. Mrs. Oulnn will ap peal the ease to the Oregon Supreme Court. LIBERAL VIEW IS URGED RIGHT TO CARRT CONCEALED WEAPON'S IS CONSIDERED. Defense la Case of Chinese Argues That Law Should Be Given Wide Interpretation. Plea" of exterritoriality was evaded only by a few feet. In Municipal Court yesterday, when Sam Sing, watchman for Moy Back Hln, formerly Imperial Chinese Consul, and now holding a similar office under the Republican government, was on trial for carrying a concealed weapon. The testimony showed that the accused was a yard or so outside of the sacred precincts at Seoond and Salmon street, which by International law, Is not American but Chinese territory. While balked of setting up a de fense on these grounds, Thomas CDay, for the defense, made a spirited at tack on the rigid enforcement of the new concealed weapons ordinance, which Imposes a fine of not less than 50 for carrying conoealed a deadly weapon, within the corporate limits. The attorney figured that this would forbid one to have a revolver under his pillow in his own home, and he made citations to show that the statute must be construed liberally. The city argued that the law was plain and forbade the carrying- of a con cealed weapon without exception. Moy Back Hln testified that he handled $3000 dally in advances to can nerymen and others, and employed a Deputy Sheriff at nights to guard the consulate, using 8am Sing as wat'eh- man the rest of the time. A special policeman In he employ of the Hop Sing Tong made the arrest. The Hop Sings, to which company the alleged murderers of Sold Bing belong, have answered accusations that tbev are seeking to Intimidate the prosecution, by charging that threats have been made against some of their members who are active for the defense. Moy Back Hln said he had been In formed that highbinders were coming from San Francisco, and as he had been threatened some years ago and was carrying extra large amounts of money at this time In anticipation of the Chinese new year, he needed tje protection. The weapon taken from Sam Sing apparently was quite new. The contention of liberal construc tion was new to the Judge, and he an nounced that he would take the case under advisement, and If he found the defendant guilty, would grant a sus pension of sentence. Lim Gow, who said he was 18 years old and had worked for eight years in one restaurant, was arrested by the same officer because he showed fight when an attempt was made to search him. He bit the policeman and a citizen who came to the rescue. The court thought the offloer had exceeded his authority and discharged the defendant. $88,808 SUIT IS FILED Phone 'Firm Takes Action Against California Concern. . John B. Coffey, receiver of the North western LongDIstance Telephone Com pany, yesterday received from Clroult Judge Gatena. by whom he was appoint ed, authorization to file suit against the National Securities Company, of Cali fornia, for $88,908.74. This Is an amount which Charles E. Sumner, wnose peti tion led to the receivership, declares William Mead and associates "Juggled" the telephone company out of after they had obtained control of both corpora tions. The complaint seta forth that the Na tional Securities Company entered Into a oontraot with William Mead and Charles E. Sumner, then sole stockhold ers of the Northwestern Long Distance Company, to purchase $550,000 worth of the telephone company's bonds at 80, advancing the money as needed for construction purposes, and that the PARK & TILFORD'S. Those famous candies cannot be bought elsewhere In Portland. Sig. Slchel & Co.. 92 Third, Third at Wash ington and Sixth at Washington. "KOH-I-NOOR" Pencils contain no trrlt have no soft spots, are always re liable. A trial will make you a con stant user. FEEL SHAKY, HEADACHE, BILIOUS OR CONSTIPATED? TAKE CASCARETES Sick headaches! Always trace them to laxy liver, delayed, fermenting food in the bowels or sick stomach. Poisonous matter, instead of being thrown out. is reabsorbed Into the blood. When this poison reaches the delicate brain tis sue It causes congestion and that dull, awful throbbing, sickening headache. Cascareta remove the cause by stimulating the liver, and making the waste move on and out of the bowels. One taken tonight will straighten you out by morning a 10-cent box means a clear head for months. Don't forget the children. 10 CeiltSe Never gripe or sicken. 'CASCARETS WORK WHILE YOU SLEEP.?