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About Morning Oregonian. (Portland, Or.) 1861-1937 | View Entire Issue (Feb. 16, 1912)
TITE 3IORXIXG OTIEGOXIAN. FRIDAY, FEBRUARY lO, 1912. j xiiu Asajr o coo xji aiio xji taiu wviuuuii ui uwuuuiiu new opt 1113 n ici uaiiuioc y 1011. vui ncc xvialoa jjuicuu via we jl-vsuiia Friday Special in Basement Soda Fountain, 2 to 6 P. M. English Tea, Wafers & Chicken Sandwich, 15c $1.50 Framed Pictures, 69c THE METER & FRANK STORE, ESTABLISHED 1857. METER & FRANK'S. METER & FRANK'S. THE METER & FRANK CO., 5th, 6th, Morrison and Alder Sts. 15e 1 150th Friday Surprise Sale Begins Promptly at Big February Sales Continued February Sale Drugs and Toilet Goods February Sale Women's; Child's Hosiery Great February Sale of Men's Trousers Feb. "Baby Week" Entire Stock Reduced FOR THE GREAT 1150TH FRIDAY SURPRISE SALE Women's 35c Knit Vests for -17c SPLENDID mill purchase of Women's high neck, long sleeve, Knit Vests of medium weight cotton. All reg ular and out-sizes. Excellent 35c garments, Friday only 17c Women's 25c-30o Neckwear smart Tailored Stocks and fancy lace Rabats in white and colors. For the -1150th Friday Surprise at only X OC 50c, 65c, 75c Handkerchiefs lovely Madeira hand-embroidered with scal loped edges. Also broken line hand embroidered initials, ea. 37c THE 1150TH GREAT FRTDAY SURPRISE SALE New $1.50 Waists, 79c SECOXD riXHH MAI.X BULDIXQ THEY'RE remarkably neat and attractive these well made Tailored Waist, as shown in ketch. Splendid for business and ordinary-wear. Always look smart and trim. Of good quality madras and percales, with laundered cuffs and detachable collars. Neat striped patterns, in all colors. Fronts finished with inch pleats. And they launder beautifully. Actual 09 $1.50 Tailored Waists for the 0 f XlOUia ourpriso sjub ivuaj at , Women's and Misses' pood quality cotton Messaline Petticoats, FrL Surprise, 7Q THE 1150TH GREAT FRTDAY SURPRISE SALE 25c to 50c Ribbons, 17c A GREAT special purchase of 500 pieces of lovely new 23c and 50c Silk Ribbons! Warp prints, Dresdens, Taffetas and all-silk Messalines. Dainty satin Roman striped effects, floral and conventional 09 designs. See Fifth-street window display. For Fri- I O day Surprise, choose them at this low price, the yard m Great Homefurnishing Events Exhibit and Sale of Fine Oriental Rugs February Sale of Well-Built Furniture Great February Sale Framed Pictures Sale of Sample Embroidered Draperies 45 The 1150th Surprise rK 150 New $10 to $15 Lingerie Dresses SECOXD FLOOR MAIN BULDIVO HERE'S our buyer's first special purchase of new Lingerie Dresses for Spring and Sum mer ! Sant from the East by express and reached us just in time for the Friday Surprise today. They're charm ingly new and attractive, in a dozen different styles. Pretty little styles for Informal evening af fairs and it won't be long before youH ' want them for wear on sunny afternoons. Dainty models of four different styles in allover eyelet embroidery and three styles of allover floral embroidery. Then the dainty plain and embroidered marquisettes with peplum frill at waist, as illustrated. Others of fine lawns, batistes and dotted Swiss, trimmed in laces and tiny tucks. , And a tailored frock of natural colored linen-finish fabric with cordelicre bag to match. They're splendid every one of them. Only 150 in the group so come early for choice of $10 and $15 dresses $6.45 THE 1150TH GREAT FRIDAY SURPRISE SALE To $3.00 Gloves, 89c FIRST FLOOR MAI I BUILDING. IT'S an extraordinary offer, but we must' clean up all our odd lines! Real French Glace Kid, Suede, Chamois and Cape Gloves in one and two-clasp styles. Also a Few 12 and 16-Button Lengths. Think of this! Long Kid Gloves at . Less Than $1 a Pair. Broken assortment of colors and Q sizes. For the 1150th Friday Surprise m sale, choose them at only, the pair THE 1150TH GREAT FRIDAY SURPRISE SALE $2 to $4 Corsets, $ 1 .49 EVEX the famous La Grecque and Warner Corsets are included in the group. A special lot of odd3 and ends taken from our own splendid stocks. Good, staple models in both medium and low bust. All of the long hip type. Of fine quality coutil with two and three pairs of hose supporters attached. Sizes 18 to 30. Phone if you like and we '11 send the model you choose. Our f A fL regular $2.00 to $4.00 Corsets for the great Jf I. 1150th Friday Surprise event, on sale at only 20,000 Pairs of Men's 50c and. 75c "Eyx" Hosiery" at 29c ! Monster Mill Purchase of Lord & Taylor, N.Y., GoesonSale Today It'll Cause a Sensation Undoubtedly one of the greatest purchases of Men 's Hosiery any store in the country ever made ! Our Men's "Wear buyer arrived in New York just about the time Lord & Taylor, producers of the world-famous "Oynx" Hosiery, were clearing their mill stocks after an unprecedented year's business. Over the heads of one of New York's largest 6tores, he secured more than 20,000 pairs of the finest 50c and 75c grades, so we can sell them at 29S Among the lots are Pure Lisle Thread. Silk Lisles. Pure Thread Silks. Silk Plaited Lisle. Blacks, tan and every plain color. Hundreds of beautiful self-figures. Stripes and Two-Tones. Embroidered and Lace Boots. Light, Medium and Heavy Weights Practically every Men's Store in America sells "Onyx" Hose. They represent the highest quality stan dard. Every pair of "Oynx" Hose in this sale is new, just bought and in the original, labeled boxes. The entire purchase goes on sale at 8 o'clock today, and continuing Saturday, if any remain. No man should buy less than a half dozen pairs. All the new fancy patterns for Spring and Summer wear are included. Sale price, the pair 29. 2 TRADE, THE 1150TH FRIDAY SURPRISE 1 22 c Ginghams Only 9c FIRST fr'LOOH .NLW BLILDIVO A SPECIAL mill-length purchase of the famous Red Seal Ging hamsfully f000 yards in all. Good, staunch quality that launders well. In plain colors checks, stripes and plaids. Positive 122fi Ginghams, for the great Q 1150th Friday Surprise today, at onlyiC THE 1150TH FRIDAY SURPRISE 25c White Goods, 15c FIXE, firm quality mercerized .Madras so popular for -women's waists, children's dresses, etc., 27 and 30 inches wid. Splendid variety of patterns. Actual 2c Madrases for the Surprise 15c $1.50 Crocheted Bed Spreads, 78x90 SI. 21 $5 Satin Bed Spreads, 78x83 size 3.75 15c Pillow Cases, 42x36 and 45x36, at 10d 75c Seamless Sheets, 81x90 size, only 5J THE 1150TH FRIDAY SURPRISE $1.50 & $2 Leather and Fabric Bags, 93c DONT think them ordinary, unde sirable Handbags for they're Kmart, new this season's styles. They're remarkably good values even at the regular prices of $1.25 and $1.50. Many of the new flat shapes are included fine goat, seal leathers, neat velvets handles short and long. Splendidly made with silk and leather linings mountings of German silver, gilt and leathen covered. All fitted with, small coin purses to match. Tou will agree they're worth all of $1.50 and $2 when once you see 3 O them. For 1150th Surprise today only 1150TH FRIDAY SURPRISE $4.00 Knives and Forks at $2.49 FIRST FLOOR XEW BUILDING. ORDER BY MAIL. IT'S the famous Merden Sil verware, 'warranted full 16 pennyweight the heaviest plated ware we sell. Plain pattern, hand-forged. Sells regularly at $4. For Friday '8 Surprise, set 6 knives and forks $2.49 FOR 1150TH FRIDAY SURPRISE Felt Pillows $1.59 FIFTH FLOOR NEW Bl'II.DIXG. w E . expect every one or tnese Pillo,ws to be gone long before - night for -we've never be fore heard of an of fering in felt pillows at $1.59. Made just as pic tured here of good quality felt, ends run with ribbon. Choice of lettering Portland, Jeffer son, Washington, Lincoln, Columbia, St. Helens, Portland Academy, O. A. C, A. P. C, Y. M. C. A., T. W. C. A., H. M. A., U. of O., H. B. C, B. P. O. E. and Multnomah. You'd pay $2.50 for them regularly. Cover without pillow Friday S1.29 tf 1 Cf Q Complete with pillow, for the rfo I 1150th Friday Surprise Sale at r THE 1150TH FRIDAY SURPRISE To 75c Emb'deries, 25c FIRST FLOOR HEW BUILDING. THE daintiest of Corset Cover Embroideries in pretty eyelet designs. Used also for combinations and children's garments. Daintiest of eyelet designs, done on fine quality swiss, firmly finished 0 J edges. Regularly 45c to 75o a yard. Friday Surprise today THE 1150TH FRD3AY SURPRISE 10c-12c Flannels for 7c THERE'S always plenty of uses for Outing Flannels in the home. Splendid for night garments and children's underwear. Full 300 pieces placed on sale for the Fri day Surprise today. New patterns in 09 light and dark colors. Good quality. On sale today at the low price, yd. 10c 5,000 Pieces of Crystal Glassware for Surprise at EVEX better Glassware than the lot which caused such a furore at 10c about a year ago! This purchase for the 1150th Surprise Sale today includes over 5000 pieces of Crystal Glassware in the attractive Crystal Rock pattern. Eighteen different pieces, as illustrated above, including Water Pitchers, Berry Bowls, Celery Trays, Covered Sugar Bowls, Creamers, Spoon Holders, Covered Butter Dishes, Syrup Pitchers, Vinegar Cruets, Salt and Pepper Castors, Cake Stands, Footed Comports, etc. Positively no phone orders taken, not less than four pieces delivered and not over 12 pieces to any one' customer. "While lot lasts Friday, choice 10c. 1HC Great 1 150th Grocery Surprise Smoked Ham Bolls, special, lb, 12Va Fancy Blended Tea, the lb. only 38d Pure Eastern Lard, the pail only (0c Sperry's Corn Meal, the package, 10 d Blue Ribbon Butter, the roll at 74 Abetta Biscuits, seven packages, 25d Mecca Asparagus, special, can, 'JOC Ranch Eggs (no deliveries), do, '2& Special Coffee, on sale at .the lb., UGr Shrimps, 25c cans, at 2 cans for 35 Meierfrank Coffee, special, lb., 35 A. & L. Oysters, 2 cans, special, 23c Tea Room Blend Coffee, the lb. at 31) Queen Olives, 80c bottles, special, 40c 20c Home-made Doughnuts at 15 25c Loaf Cakes, Friday only 20 Former $1.18 to $1.40 Fiction, 42c P HE biggest Friday Surprise our Book Department has had in many a day. 100 titles of copyrighted fiction which for merly, sold from $1.18 to $1.40 each, special for Friday at 42c $1.25 Teachers' Bibles divinity cir ciiit edition. Leather cover, with con cordance, notes, references, etc. Special for Friday at only 98c Children's Picture Books our entire stock. Linen, rag and paper books, priced at from 3c to 50c, ir Friday you may choose at 2l 11CG telephones pacltic, PRrvATE exchange 4; home, A 6101 25c White Padded Gift Books, all favorite poets, Friday at 14 i