( lt , TTTE rORXiyQ OTirGOyTAy. THURSDAY, FEBKUAKY 15, 1912- , . , ' V a iTcirrrv"ra f NEW TODAY. - HREE MORE ZONES LIIIE FOR TAFT c", Lane and Crook Counties Organize to Help Presi- dent Win. LL' NOW FORMED BUT 13 smpaign Is Progrt-salng In Ke malnlng District and Whole State Will Be Covered Soon. Visitors For-?e Victory. with the organisation of Tsft tjam committees la Polk. Lan and I rook counties yesterday total 01 jit pf ii counties of th ststs has j .mp:et-i arrane-ements for th gen- -al Tsrt ompaiKO wnicn i. rp"j jr.sJms; to the extreme ends of th Aim. Keporta of the three additional remittees which bare been fuilr -rliea were received yeaterday st Tsft committee headquarters in e S-lling building. Accompsnylng tea announcement was s pledge to everything possible to promote the ift spirit and to win for him the -t:r support of the Republicans In rtfon. Tkrre were Casstle la Llae, Following Is list of th members : three county committees organised sterday: Pols County William Cadel. r.t'-kreell: lA Grevea. Moor: Georse Mcl-'ulloaah. ;itoo: 0K.r. W..U. UMiit Vilm; Will m E.Us. raid Cvy: Mart '.raaord. Hon. ou W. H. Faitinoa. West salm: If. . i-oa'per. r. . LaurSary. Dallas; William 1J.i, Moomeuln. li. F. Swap. Indepen- "Ine Coun-.y t. T-. Bess, Fran Jessica, H Friend. y. W. W. Calklnn, J. W. HobDe, . Union J. A, ftralsht. K. O. Pottr. W. Karris. W. O. I. Mercer. W. IL .-lawxa. C. H. Vaad.obnraj. C. H. Burk-.J-r. C r. Hur:brv. S. L. Moora4. B. aeanborae. imii A. Drury. , A. Mc- a, ChMlar Ifoorea. rooS Count Robert mlth. J. F. BSM a. ckarlea Canni. Arthur T.mpl.ton. V. i. Chepoaaa. b:eters: J. H. Lswte. Andrew orraw. Hay Cre: Jm Wood. Iaa rw;er. J. KM.y. Aibwood: William Ven- vert. H. J. Overtarf. Vernon F-rte. Benn: r. Ramsey. J. A. Hoffman. M.to.lua. W. Myers. Cor. Bodmu. Culver; Carl irn. Wlltlana Via Alien. Rsdmond; AI.S -ntta. Vanora. C W. titarr. Charles 0Nell. i.trti Jo. W.Ivan. J. H. Thorn a. La- :oata; Cora-e Os&orn, niuom, t.ui- r: Wl:l!an Blair. Wllltam Farreil. oobt: Mr. Ays, La Pine; otto Oray. J. o.t. Fml Word was recelred yesterday from ereral other counties that orpranisa- ons are being perfected and that ths at of committee members will be renounced before the end of the week. The Lane County committee wss or aslsed at man meeting of Repub rtn as Is explained by ths following clesrrara received st Taft headquarters: "Eujcene, Lane County. Feb. 14. Our emmittee was selected at a mass ieUn; of enthusisstle Tsft support ra. We pledare every aeslatance la our "wer. (ilcned) L. E. Bean. Taft"a rirtwre la Clft. Amonc the Tlaltors st Tsft head' uartera yeaterday were: Dr. E. J. .mnrrrtlle. chairman of the Umatilla i'ouniy Committee; Thomas Thompson v nd E. W. McComaa. of Pendleton. All j eelared Prealdent Taft to be In com nand of the Presidential fsor In inatllla County. I J. F. Kertchera preaented the Tsft . emmittee yeaterday with lartra oil alntlnv of Prealdent Taft which will I race the walls of the headquarters or ths rest of the campalg-n. Th alntlnr Is Cts feet STuare and la aa zcellent llkeneas. "The smile that rout come off la particularly In vldence. SYRIAN FAMILY MISSENT Vrwelmeo Don't Know That "Seven Bis- Stacks" Means Botte. BUTTE. Mont, Feb. 14. Taken to -outh America by mistake. John Tufey nd Ms wife and child arrived here rom Syria, today after a Journey of IS tonths. One of Tu fay's countrymen, vho had come to Butte, wrote him IS nontha atro that he had secured a poet, ion for him. On the strength of this isaertlon. Tufey married and set out or America. Th only traveling direction far it shed by his friend w&a to ask to be Mrected to "Th Seven Bis- Stacks." "nabl to make his destination plain, -i was pLacel on a South American 'famtr and landed at Buenos Ayres. -'rom Argentina he was sent to Eng snd where his destination was made lain. CIRLS CALLED "COWARDS" CnlTerslty Co-Eds Asked to Start Reform to Stop Roys" Smokln?. rXIVERSITT OF WASHINGTON. Se ttl. Feb. 14. Speclaj) Declaring -.t women who will danr with men who smoke at varsity balls, are moral -owards. Bursar Herbert T. Condon. Tnrmerly of the University of Oregon. . aa urged Washington g'.rls to "take . brae" and start a reform along- these ines. The statement followed a charg that there was so much smoking In th womsn's g-ymnaalum daring th junior informal, at which th bursar was a patron, that th v-omen'a "gym" be came a dusky blue shade, and that smoke even found Its way to the seen "t tb dance- FORTS' BILLJS CUT DOWN Appropriation Mrsssr I Reported la IIOBse Estimate Shared. WASmxCTTON. Feb. 14. Th forti fication appropriation bUl today waa reported to th House. It carries lt.eiS.J3S. which Is ll.4JT.474 less than last year's appropriation and mora than 11.000.000 less than th War De partment's estimate for ltll. The present scheme of eeaooast for tifications will cost In th aggregate Sl(S,3t,40 when finished. Th scheme for the Insular possessions will coat approximately 1:3.000.000. LUMBER DEALERS TO MEET 1ve Different State Rf-prt -rnted at Seattle Today. iFlTTLH Wash, Feb. 14. Fpe- ri,i ) Opening with a Potlatch demon stration at which approxlmatsly 700 retail dealer from nin different states will b present lumbermen from all . . t mmnmM SS rarcs " i a wnw - per cent cf th forest I rod acta of Wtshlnitton and Oregon will mset In Seattle tomosrow to attend th ninth annual convention of the Western He tall Lumber raiera" Association. Th convention will continue until Satur day night, with delegate and visitor present from Washington. Idaho. Mon tana. California. Utah. Oregon. Nevada. Wyoming- and Colorado. Several of the men who will partici pate arrived today. A. L. Porter, sec retary of th association, was on hand early. H. M. 8tephenson, traveling representative of the Hoo Hoo supreme nine, also arrived, a did J. R. Moore head, of Lexington. Mo, secretary or the National Federation of Retail Mer chants, eaid to be th largest commer cial body In the United States. J. E. Lane, of Lewiston. Mont, vice-president of the assoclstlon. and who Is talked of for president Is here. Headquarters have been established at the Hotel Washington. All sessions of the -convention will be held on the 14th floor of the hoteL Th address of welcom will bo made at 10 o'clock to morrow by Mayor Dllllnc and by Jo eph Blethen. president of th Potlatch Association. The response will b made by R. A. Hlscox. of San Fran- CISCO. The onlv address scheduled for to morrow will b ore by E. T. Allen, of Portland, on "Forest Industry." CLUB TO SING TONIGHT AGRICTLTrRAIi COLLEGE STU DENTS TOlJE HEARD. Interesting Propramme Arranged for Musical Treat in Store for Those Who Go to IlelllR. Unusual Interest Is being- manifested In the entertainment tonight of th Oregon Agricultural College Gle and sad R. Cwsiraea. o af E4- gar B. Ceerara, W low PlaylaaT II aa Ben Saea a Feartar at the Caanru aa Tear. Mandolin Club, which will appear at th Helllg- Theater, and the sest sale has proved large, though there are still good seats for those who may decide at the last moment to enjojr the concert. Th fact that R. E. Coursen. son of Organist Coursen. of th First Presby terian Church, of this city, will appear will attract many of the admirers of the Portland lad. whose musical career ha been closely followed by those who know well his musically Inclined fam ily The programme to be offered tonight follows: "March, das Mandollnlst.e Messaeap Mandolla Club. "Comrades In Arms- Adam Glee Club. Baiaetloa Bohm R. R. Coure.n. "The Spring Maid" Lobar Mandolin Club. Barcarelle from Contas d'HotTmaa Offanbach Glee Club. "Recuardoe d Mexico" Rabagllattl Mandolin Club. "The Orenadter." trombone sols.... Hardy A. Woodcock. "Oa the Sea" Buck Glee Club. "Itonstrat Vlam" Scott Mandolla Club. Sfonolorue. "Sti'a Ma I -any" Lauder Hanry Kua.ll. "Cell.glana" Hoddlngbouae-Coursea Fna.mblo. DAILY CITY STATISTICS Ileatba. TOBK At Lenta. Or.. February 11. Ennie Tork. a native of Canada, aged S4. POPE At Sr.ot..nto street. Febru ary 11. w. H. Pop a native of Maaaachu atta. acd 73 years. CHIN WONG At Oood Samaritan Hospi tal. F.bruary 10. Chin Wong, a native of China, agd 51. LIXDviCIST At Bt. Vincent's Hospital, February 12. Andrew Llndquiet. a native of Kngland. aged 43. HF.L.MS At SSI Falling street February S. Ida A. Holme, a nauve of New Tork. aged ii y.arm. Births. FISL06 To the wir. of A. Fields, 22S Fifth street. February v. a a.n. K.vPS To the wife of William F. Roes, Larrcia Court. February 11. a daughter. JOlLSfTONE To the wife of E. O. Jona stooa 6V6 Jarfersea street, February 1. a sun. UTARKOVITCH To the wife of John t'yarkovltcb, S03 Fourteenth street a daugh ter. PAYIS To the wife of Jacob Davla. 8 Flr.t atret January Z4. a son. PRANX To tba wife of Carl Brann, HllU-la!.. Or.. February 1. a daucnter.. oro7.IA.no To the wife of A. nroslano. M tut Balmont street, February 11. a Saurht.r. COl.F? To tba wife of Ralph Coles. 24 B. Fiftieth straet. February 4. a daughter. MOKTOX To the wife of W. H. Morton. R9S Ellaaorth street, February 4. a daugh ter. CHRISTKNSrN To the wife- of J. B. Chnatonaen. teS fjaat Stark street, Febru ary 5. a aoa. MAIJfCH Te the aife of Victor atalach. 0 Katt Fifteenth street, January 17. s son. Ht'HWTSTKR To the wife of N. J. cbwenter. C82 Saratoga street, February a. a sou. DAVT Te the wife of W. K. Davy. Woodatock. Or., February 1. a son. oltWAHT To the aire of la. E. Stew art, a son. VAS WEFPT To the wife of Ouy A. VanW.rpt. 3721 Seventieth street a. E., Feb-ru-rT 12. a aon. WERNER To the wlf of Richard Wr aer. Going etreet. F.bmarr 10. a aoa. DVLKT To tbe wife of Harold E. Dul-r. 055 G.rard atre.t, F.bruary 10. a danshter. Fl'CHS Te the wife of Alfred Fucha. l vTrant street. February 10. a daughter. BANOO To the wue of Harold W. Bangs, Lenta. Or.. February 12. a aon. NOMURA To the wife of F. Nomura, TI Rodn.r avenue. February . a daut titer. MIIJ To the wife of 8. M. Mllea. 3T Eucere etreet. yehrary s. a daughter. MONACO To the wtfs of A. Monaco, Fehruary S, a daughter. MACKAMARA To the wife of James Mackamara. ti Firth street. January 2 a MS Mau-rtsar Lli eaae. MAITLAND-BRAOLFT Jamee Maltland, Cltv. 8. and F. APCh. 4ngueta Bradley. S3. NAOEIrUkteilL'R-Arthur A. Nsgel. city. 22. and Anna Kamcah.r. 17. HOrSE-KINii T. M. Hou.e, city, legal, and Margaret J. Kmc. Ur-L RANDsjl UTKNL'TaON i. A. Saadqulat. cltv. 22. and Johanna M. Knutaon. la. HARH-CROKER--H:alno Harr. Rainier. Or.. JV and Haiei ilkr. ju. LARitON--ANl,ERN O. O. Larson. Sherwood, or., ftl. and Ida L. Anderaon. 4.V BURTIS-PENDERGRAS J... J. Furtla, elty. lecal. and Laura E. Pendergraaa. . PURSUETNTDER Frank C. PtarsUy. Cltv. 2. ar.d Pearl M Bnyder. IB K AIl-M E YER-M AOEE F. G Ka'arn.y.r. Coeur d'Alena, Idaho, legal, and Florence at. Mas... 20 TRN'-HEIXJERSKX Jacob Tors, elty, XI. and Ethel Hell-reea, 19. WOOP-HLAOC Boas H. Wood. elty. St. aa Oussle Black, s h r ) :- fa. j " -- ;.7 " i I ... f I J ; - iv . ' I I - .1 L--abiJ I REGULARS REPORT L Lieutenant Grlswold Gives Fa vorable Mention to Oregon Men. BOSTON IS WELL HANDLED One Officer Suggests That Amateur Navigators and Executive Be Given Brief Instruction on Regulation Ship. OREOONIA2 NEWS BUREAU, Wash ington, Fsb. 14. -Th annual report of th chief of division of Naval Militia of the Navy Department contains re ports from various officers who mad inspections of th Naval klllltla of th several states during the past Sum mer. There are reports from three of ficers on th Oregon Naval Militia and three on th Washington Militia. Lieutenant R. M. Grlswold. United States Navy, stationed at th Puget Sound Navy-Yard. In his report favor ably mentions tbe Oregon Militia, and after calling attention to the fact that lt was first organized late In 1910. says: "In view of this. I believe that tbe spirit shown by bringing the necessary officers and men from Oregon to this Navy-Yard, manning the Boston and taking her to Portland without mishap. Is very creditable to the organization. The ship waa handled In a seamanlike manner and was carefully navigated, and the commanding officer, navigator and engineer officer form th nucleus of an efficient organization. Ship Is Well Haadled. As regards the permanency of th or ganization It Is difficult to maks a statement, but it Is believed that th absence of Internal friction, which was noticeable during the trip, and the fact that there are In it enough officers with seagoing experience and ability to have manned and taken the Boston from here to Portland without mishap, seems to point toward permanency In th or ganization. Greater efficiency on th part of the Junior officers and enlisted personnel can, of course, only be ex pected after more experience has been had on board ship. "In connection with the question of the training of the officers and men, the suggestion by on of th officers who made this trip on 'the Boston seems to be of value. It appears that In this organization, as In all others which are composed of citizens follow ing widely different vocations In Ufa. It Is very difficult for all the members to leave their regular employment at any specified time during the year to attend a regular assembly of the organ isation for the purpose of drill or cruise, and It Is suggested that If any officer or man of the organization makes application through the proper official channels at any time during th year for permission to take a cruise on a vessel of the Navy In commis sion, say for a period of 10 days or two weeks, arrangements might be made for him to report on board stioh a vessel and permission given for him to take th cruise, falling Into his reg ular place In the ship's company and acting In all respects as a member thereof. Advaatagea Pot n ted Oat. "It la recognized that such an ar rangement would Involve some corres pondence and soms difficulties, and that It would not always be possible to designate a vessel for any applicant to report to during the period that he was able to do so. Nevertheless, the advantages that -would be gained by men of the Naval Militia who were able to make such a cruise on a commis sioned vessel would be so great as to counterbalance th difficulties In volved, as It Is believed these green men can acquire more Information and acquire It more rapidly by actual con tact with the routine and methods of doing work In the Navy than by any other process. A similar report la made by Captain J. J. Reynolds of the Oregon Naval Mi litia, who concludes bis report by say ing: "The United States steamship Boston Is now permanently and admirably lo cated for purposes of drill and Port land divisions. Including engineers division, have been assigned as three deck divisions and all hands given stations at fire, and collision quarters. Drills are conducted twice a week and tb organisation Is In a healthy state and growing rapidly." Hall Pralsea Officers, A third report by Lieutenant W. E. Ball. United States Navy, said: "Th officers and men were all will ing and exceptionally Intelligent, but with th exception of the captain, navi gator, and senior watch officer and some half dosen enlisted men who had served In the Navy they wer entirely Ignorant of their duties. At sea tbe navigator and the senior watch officer stood all the watches. "The englneer'a department was well run. both engineer officers being men of experience, the chief engineer having served In the Navy aa an engineering ensign during the war with Spain." DAKOTANS JURNED BACK Central Labor Council's Warning Said to Have Halted Party. F. C. Borchardt. of Portland, ha just received word from his formsr home in Aberdeen.' South Dakota, that a special car of wealthy Dakota farmers have practically backed out of a proposed trip to Oregon because of th Central Labor Council letter discouraging Im migration. Mr. Borchardt also re ceived a copy of tha Aberdeen Daily News in which Is printed the labor leu tor with lengthy comment by the editor. Mr. Borchardt says 60 well-to-do farmers were In the party of Investors who dropped the trip to Oregon. They were coming to Oregon March T and Intended going over the state In quest of farming investments. They wer coming under the direction of th Im migration Land Bureau of South Da kota, which has sent hundreds of farm srs to Oregon. "I know prsctlcally all the men in th party." said Mr. Borchardt yester day. "Any one of them would be good for a 110.000 Investment In Oregon. Borne probably would have invested as much as 130.000. The party represented an Investment of at least $500,000. DAILY MCTEORO LOGIC AX REPORT. PORTLAND. Or.. Feb. 14 Maximum tem perature. r2 degrees; minimum. 40 dearree. River reading. A. M.. 7.S feet; change In last 24 hours. 0 1 foot fall. Total rainfall (j p. M. to S P. M ). .24 Inch: total rainfall since September 1. 1P11. 24.17 Inches: normal rainfall alcce September 1. I' 6 Inches; de ficiency of rainfall since flepteraoer 1. 4.S Inchea. Total aunahlne. 1 hour. 25 mlnutee: aoaalble sunshine. 10 1 hours. Barometer f.AVA MILITIA The Imperial Oregon's Greatest Hotel 850 Eooma, 104 Suites, With Private; Baths. NEW FXEE?00F BUILD HTQ Moderate Rates, ltll Motschu & Sons. Props. PORTLAND HOTEL Ths largest and most magnificent ho tel in Portland; unsurpassed in ela" ranee of aeoommodations or exeellencs of enisina. European plan $10 per day and upward. O. J. 1CAUFM A?f Jf, Haaagar. HOTEL OREGON, Portland. Or., Wright-Dickinson Hotel Co., Props. HOTEL SEATTLE, Seattle, Wash. Wright-Dickinson Hotel Co., Props. III a a a HOTEL CORNELIUS i House of Welcome Portland, Or. Our lw-passenger electric 1us meets all trains. A high-class, modern hotel in the heart of the theater and shopping district. One block from any carline. 1 per day and np. European plan. E. P. MORRIS, Prop. (reduced te sea level) at 6 P. at.. SO. 20 In oh. a. THS WEATHER. 5 3 Wind - S2 ! O -J S X "'ate ot STATIONS 2 -" s 2 Weather Is3:? 2 3 Baker .......... Kolas Boston raigary ....... Chicago Denver Des Moines ...... Duluth Eureka Galveatoa' Helena . . Jacksonville , Kinl City .... Marahfleld Montreal New Orleans ... New Tork North Head .... North Yakima . I'hoenlx .. ...... Pocatello Portland ....... Roseburg Sacramento St. Louis Pt. Paul Salt Lake Kan Diego Ban Francisco . . Spoksna Tacoma Tatooah Island . Walla Walla ... Washington .... Winnipeg 42 0 as o. 84 0. 40 8JO 6S 0. 82'0. 840. 64 0. 65 0. 410 r.s o 0O 4 TXT IT .Innll, 0J 4 00 8 SW IPt. cloudy SW Clear 0lt10: 06 8 NW Pt. cloudy cloudy Cloudy Cloudy Cloudy Cloudy Clear SB on 10 3 SW .SB GO 2 2 0;i4 W 8 Snow Pt. cloudy Cloudy Cloudy Cloudy Clear Clear Cloudy pt. cloudy Cloudy Cloudy Cloudy Cloudy Clear Pt. cloudy Cloudy Cloudy Cloudy pt cloudv 32 R4'o. 66 0. Ot 02 oo SW s 24 0 R4 0 ifci 0 51) 0 6o n 74 O 40 0 BIO 60 0 eo. 40 0 4O0 44 0 S'j'n BOO 14 00 10 w SB XV N SW NW SB W 9 NW NW W 4 0. BOO. 64 0. 84 0. ISW sw SW Cloudy Cloudy Ratn Clear Clear Cloudy SW 42'0 on 4 S'J.O. 00 12 s WEATHER CONDITIONS. A second disturbance probably of no very great energy la approaching Vancouver Is land and southeast storm warnlnsa were or dered at a few of the moat ezpoaed stations at 6:110 P. M. They will be displayed to night on Washington Sound, the weat portion of ths Strait of Fuca at Aberdeen and at the mouth of the Columbia River, pending the receipt of further advices In the msrn lng. when they will either be taken down or extended to other ports as ths conditions msy warrant. A severe storm Is central near Jacksonville. 71a., and high winds and heavy ralna have occurred In that atate and along the Georgia and South Carolina coasts. The rainfall la ths North Pacific ststes stnoa yesterday' has as a rule been very light, ths heaviest fall being at Ta coma, where It amounted to forty-one hun d red the of an Inch. MUd temperatures con tinue m the Pacific and Rocky Mountain states. The conditions are favorable for rain Thursday in Washington and western Ore gon, probably spresdlng to Eastern Oregon snd Northern Idaho lets In the afternoon. Ths winds wfll Increase along ths coast. FORECASTS: Portland and vicinity Rain; southerly winds. Oregon Rain west, fair followed by rain, east portion; southeasterly winds. Increas ing along the coast. Washington Rain; southeasterly winds, tncreaslnr along the coast. Idaho Pair south, fair followed by rain north portion. EDWARD A. BEAIt. District Forecaster. BtEETCrO JTOTTCES. . . A. A. O. N. M. S. Mem- -y here of Al Kader temple will SSrrtT tKk aotlc that there will be a business meeting at S mj o'clock on Frldav evenlns. reoruary in, in tne auaiior. lum at Masonic Temple. West Park and Yamhill streets. Receiving petitions. Ballot ing on candidates, consider ation of leaae, and trans acting other bualneae. Mem bers must obtain their cards before that date, as none win be sdmttted at any session or ceremonlsl. B. O. WHITEHOUSE. Recorder. OREGON' COMMAHDERT, K. T. Special communication this (Thursdsy) svenlng at T o'clock. Order of the Tem ple. The attendance of all Fir Knights will be appreciat ed. C. 7. WIEOANTJ. Recorder. COLUMBIA LODOE. NO. 114. A. F. A.ND A. M. fipectaj com muntoatlon this (Thursday) evening at 8 o'clock. Masonlo Temple. Labor In the E. A. de gree. Visiting brethren welcome. By order W. M. FRED L. OLSOX. See. ' PELLWOOD LODOE No. 8L A. F. and A. M. Special communication this (Thundayt evening. 7:30 o'clock. Sell wood Maaonlo Hall. East 13th st. and Spokane svs. Work M-kt degree. Vlaltora Wei Come. Br ord.r W. M. O. X. SMITH. Asst. BeeretazT. Jgffisa EMoaa a . . ! a 13 33353 j53ttU a sin Gepa aa '&" f -"JUL.... T TT.l T i "X - rr-" sij t 1 New Perkins Fifth and Washington Sts. A Hotel in the Very Heart ol Portland's Business Activity MODERN IN EVERY RESPECT Elsctrio Anto Bus. Cars to and from Union Depot every lew minutes. L. Q. Swetlsnd, Mgr. C. H. Shafer, Ass't Mr, Both hotels centrally located, modern in every respect, and conducted on the European plan. The Hotel Bowers Eleventh and Stark Sts. Under New Management offers all the convenience of a high-class hotel, with all the coraforta of a home. European plan fl.00 per day up. American plan. too. Famous for its grill, a la carte and table d'hote service at reasonable price . Special rates to permanent guests. F. P. WILLIAMS, MANAGER A. CROUSE, Mgr. AUCTION SALES TODAY. At Baker's Auction House, 1B2 Park at. Final wind-up of two days' sale of furni ture. Pale at 10 o'clock. DIED. OOSLINSKY In this city. February 18. at the age of 68 years. Mrs. Minns Qos llnsky. widow of the late Ellas Qosllncky. mother of Mrs. I. N. Fleiachner and Mrs. E. Meyer, of Portland; Mra. M. Phillips and Mra. M. Meyer, of Honolulu, and Phillip and Samuel Gosllnsky, of San Francisco. Funersl services will be held today In 6an Francisco, snd Interment follows Immediately In ths Home of Peace Cemetery, In San Francisco. HUGHES In this city. February 14. at ths residence of his daughter. Mrs. Ira D. Baker. 27 West Ekldmore street, John Hughes, sged 70 years. Announcement of funeral later. IT-NgRAL KOTICES. BURNS At 615 East Ash street. February 14, Theresa Burns, aged 80 years, 1 month, 8 days. Funeral will take place from SU Frances Church, East Oak and East Eleventh streets. Friday. February 10, l A. M. Friends respectfully Invited. In terment Lone Fir Cemetery. Remains at private reception rooma of the East Side Funeral Dlrectora, 414 East Alder street. PAULSEN 788 East Twenty-eighth street. February la, feusan Kataerlne Paulsen, aged 76 years, 4 months, 28 days. Fu neral will take place from the parlors of ths East Side Funeral Directors, 414 East Alder and East Sixth streets today (Thurs day). February 15, 2:30 P. M. Friends re spectfully Invited. Interment Lone Fir Cemetery. WORRELL 821 East Thirty-third street. February 13. William W. Worrell, aged 88 years, 27 days. Funeral will take place from the parlors of the 'East Side Funeral Directors. 414 East Aider and East Sixth streets. Friday, February 16, 2 P. M. Friends respectfully Invited. Interment Rose City Cemetery. CODDINGTON Isaih Coddington, formerly private. Company B, Thirteenth Regiment N. J. Volunteer Infantry, will be burled from Hoiman undertaking parlors today (Thursday). February IS, at 2 P. M. Would be pleased to have all old soldiers attend. Interment Klverview Cemetery. MOELLER The funeral services of the late Edward Moellcr will be held today (Thurs day), February 15, 2 P. M.. at Dunning A McEnte-s'a chapel. Friends respectfully Invited. Itemalna will be taken to Chicago, HL. for Interment. BOLTER The funeral services of the late Frank J. Bolter will take place at tho parlors of Finley & Son, Saturday. Feb ruary 17, at 1:80 o'clock P. M. Friends are respectfully invited to attend. LOWERS, floral designs. Nob HIU Florist, HQ H3d and Ulian. Main 60'. A ills. ""IlONlMENTS Otto Schumann Marble Works. Lsmt d and Pine Streets. East 743. lioonlng a AicEntea, e'aaeral xHrertorm, ttu aid A'lne. Jruon. Mala 40. Ladr as slataut. Ofnce of County Coroner. MR. ED WARD HOLM AN. the leading fo nersJ director and undertaker, X2V 1'lUro at-, cor, fealmon. Lady aaaiataat- A. it. ZKLU:H CO.. 44 WlUlaaas ara Pb.ee Esrt !. C 1088. Lady atteadaaa, i. P. I'INLEX A SON, Id aad slauisaa, Lady attendant. Phone Main . A It. KAhT elUB Funeral Directors, auccssesee to k. a. lamming. Inc. K. 2. B 80, LEUCH, Undertaker, cor. Keat Alder aaa Stxta. Cast 78 L B 1HH8. Ladj atteadaaa, Skewes Undertaking Company, Xd aaa Clay. Mala 41sa. A MUL Ladr Attendant. THE CEMETERY I Beactifhl ML Scott Park : LARGE, PERMANENT, ' HODER N. P O R X- LAND'S ONLY MODERN CEMETERY WITH FERPET UAL CARE of all burial plots without extra charge. Provided with a perma- cent irreducible Maintenance Fund. Location Ideal; Just out- aide the city limits on north and west slopes of Mount Scott, con- talnlng $35 acres, equipped with every modern convenience. 2 PRICES TO SUIT ALL. SERVICE THE BEST. Z ONE MILE SOUTH OF I LENTS. REGULAR I AUTOMOBILE SERV- I ICE FHEB BETWEEN Z LENTS AND Tllfl Z CEMETERY. II tl II CITY OFFICE. 920-921 YEON a BUILD1NU. UAi.-y nil, a nm. a a CEMETERY OFFICE. TABOR 14S8: HOME PHONE RING B Sill. THEN CALX. LOCAL, 420L . SEAT SALE TOMORROW . HEILIG Theater 7th Taylor TT?r?7T.a.. V.ln 1 and A 1122. 6 SFoiko Monday, Feb. 19 Special Price Matinees Wed. and Sat. WM. A. BRADY ANNOUNCES ROBERT B. MANTELL AND HIS DISTINGUISHED COMPANY Monday Night "Julius Caesar" Tuesday Night "Hamlet" Wednesday Mat.. ."Merchant of Venice Wednesday Night "Richelieu" Thursday Night "King Lear" Friday Night .-.."Julius Caesar" Saturday Matinee "Hamlet" Saturday Night "Othello" Evenlnss: Lower floor. 11 rowa $2. T rows $1.50. Balcony, 5 rows $1. 6 rows 76c. 11 rows 50c Gallery. 50c Both Matinees: Lower floor, 81-80. 81. Balcony. 76c 60c Gallery. 85c, 25c SEATS TOMORROW NIGHT JOHN prices: McCORMACK $3.00 Irish Tenor gS MARIE NARELLE $1.59 VT" GALLERY: HEILIG THEATER Res. -51.51 8:13 Adm. $1.00 Direction Stecrs-Coman TONIGHT HEILIG Theater 7th & Taylor PHONES: Main 1 and A 1122. One Performance Only 0. A. C. MANDOLIN AND GLEE CLUB Forty accomplished musicians and vocalists In a repertoire of vocal and Instrumental solos, classical se lections, college glees. Extra add ed feature, Harry Lauder's only rival. Pric $1, 75c, 60c, 26c- Baker Theater The Talk of the City THE FAMOrS Kleinschmidt Motion Pictures OF ALASKA. SIBERIA. THE ARCTIC. Nothing Like Them Ever Seen Before. Admission 25c Children 15c CONTINUOUS PERFORMANCE, STARTING 1:30 P. M. .Entire Change of Reels Thursday. See these new Flimsy Greater than the others were. Next Week Starting Sun. Mat. -j- X- n BUNGALOW Theater THE B. 9CHOENGOLD YIDDISH OPERA CO, From New York. Thursday, Feb. 15 "Darkest Russia." Friday, Feb. 16 "Two Orphans." Sunday, Feb, 18, "Shnlamlth," by A. Goldfadea. Prices 25c to tl. Tickets at Box Office. MAIN . A 10t i MATINEE EVERY DAY WEEK FEB. 12 Louise Dresser, La Som nambule, Harry Beresford Co.. Five Far roll Slstera, Van Hoven, "An All-Star Bill," Ernie and Mildred Fotta, llddler and fchelton. Matinee Every Day. mores Kullivnn Consldtne. TF-fl -rt Vaudeville. ufrR FEB. It 7 Etta Leon Troupe 7. The 4 BaU Players, Princess Luba Mlroff, llaW Von TFosSen. Kitty Koss. Albert I)on neu77 the Ortginal Society "Texas Tr" Danoera. Orchestra. l-rleesSc sjidSo WEEK FEB. 12 12 Navajo Girls 12, Bsrti Trio. Kloof and Ramsey, Manilla and Mack. Bert Boss, Frank Craig and Els mors ay. Pantagescope. Pantages Orchestra. LYRIC THEATER FOURTH AMI MlKg ALT THIS WS-ETt. WEEK FEB. 12 Extra! Extra! Extra! 7 Couples "Texas Tommy" Dancers Heaoeo bv the La Blanca. Miss Paulino Do -ere in "An American Princess." The biggest and beat show ever presented for tnemoney. Two performances nightly. Matinees dally. Regular Lyrie Prices. CLASSIFIED AD. RATES Dally or Sunday. per Line. One time lil? Kame ad two consecutive times Jo f.amo ad three consecutive tunes suo Same aa six or seven consecutive times. . Otto Remittances most accompany out-of-town eruers. W nea one advertisement Is not run in coa. seeutlve issues the one-time rate applies. Kix words count as one line on cash ad vertisements aud no ad counted lor less than two lines. On charge or book advertisements Uie charge will be baaed on toe actual number of lines appearing in the paper, regardless of the number of words In each line. Ths above rates apply to advert I eementa ondor "New Today" and all other classifica tions excepting the following: Mtnatlone Wanted. Male. actuations Wanted. Female. Oregonlaa will accept classified advertlse meota over the telephone, providing the ad vertiser is a subscriber to either phone. No E rices will be quoted over the phone, but 111 will be rendered the following day. Whether subsequent advertisements will be accepted over the phone depends npon the promptness of the payment of telephone ad vertisements. Htuatlons Wanted and Per sonal advertisements will not be accepted over the telephone. Orders for one Inser tion onlv will be accepted for "Houses for Rent," 'Furniture for 6ale," "Business Op portunities." "Rooming-Houses" and "Want ed to Rent." OREGON HUMANE SOCIETY OFFICE CITY HALL. Main 698. A 7589. HCMANE OFFICER, Sergeant Crate. Residence. 24 B. 24th N. East 4770. R. A. Dunmire, Res. 836 Wasco St. W. O. Eaton, Res. 73 E. 16th. East 1785. Horse Ambulance, A 6101, Pr. E:t. 4. Nights. Sundays and Holidays, A 0163; Pr, Ex. 4. Trunk 1- THEATER ihs-swh 23sa I Think Below (Value Hawthorne Avenue 100x100 ON THE N. E. CORNER OF E. 9th AND HAWTHORNE AVENUE. PRICE 117,500. DOESN'T THIS LOOK GOOD? Grand Avenue 50x90 ON THE N. W. CORNER OF GRAND AVE AND GLISAN. PRICE U500. THIS SHOULD INTEREST Grand Avenue 50x90 ON THE S. E. CORNER OF GRAND AVE. AND E. HOYT. SOME INCOME. PRICE 812,000. THIS IS Grand Avenue 90x90 ON THE N. W. CORNER OF GRAND AVE. AND OREGON ST. THIS IS THE NEW STEEL BRIDGE STREET AND WILL BE ONE OF THE BEST CORNERS ON THE EAST SIDE. PRICH 825,000. TAKE ADVANTAGE OF THIS. Union Avenue I HAVE SEVERAL PROPERTIES ON THIS STREET. NEAR BURNSIDE, AT PRICE AND TERMS WHICH I BELIEVE WILL INTEREST YOU. EDW. P. MALL 800-4 Chamber of Commerce. . BARGAINS IN BUSI NESS PROPERTY ON EASY TERMS. $5000 cash, $65,000 mortgage at f per cent, payable on or be fore: Washington street, at Sixteenth, through to Couch street, bv x lsu. lmproveo. Pays carrying charges. caeh, 847,600 mortgage at rtnr cent, rj&vable on or be $2500 fore, S. w. corner Thir teenth and .hiverett, 100x100, with trackage. Some in come. Saving in cartage will pay interest on mort gage. D. PARKER BRYOX dt CO., lac, C0 Yeon Bids;. Main 5908. Marshall 3333. MR. HOME BUILDER If you can pay $500 cash and $40 pel month, which will Include interest, I will finance tha building of your homo on any lot you may select in Laurel hurst. If you want to buy or build a house on these easy term come in and talk it over. This is your chance to stop paying rent, s L. ALLISON 522 Corbett Bldg Phones Mala 1503, A 1315. APARTMENT SITE 100x100 on corner 6th and Prescott sts., 2 blocks Union ave. car. "Will sacrifice for cash. Phone TVoodlawn 3229, C 2429. Don't Lose This! llth Street THAT 60x100, NUMBERS 428. 4SSH' and 430 11TH STREET, NEXT TO THE) CORNER OF HALL. OWNER SAY3 MAKE PRICE THAT WILL SELL IT. FORMER PRICE $11,500, NOW $9500, INCLUDING ALL IMPROVEMENTS. PICK IT UP. EDW. P. MALL 800-04 CHAMBER OF COMMERCE. GOT TO SELL 8 LOTS. IRVINGTON PARK PEICE $1600 CASH. CALL FOR C. G. REAGAN. CHAPIN & HERLOW, 332-338 Chamber of Commerce. IRVINGTON SNAP (CCAfl New, modern, eight - room pOOUU house: attic, four bedrooms, two sleeping-porches; lot 50x100; worth $7504, now $6400; $1000 down and $40 per month. Hurry! See it! A chance of a lifetime. I am leaving the city. 601 E. 26th street, n e a r Thompson. Phone East 6948. MONEY TO LOAN CITY MORTGAGES, FARM MORTGAGES, LOWEST KATES, TfciliMS TO SVT1. A. H. BIRRELL CO., S02 M'KAY BUILDING, Third aad Stark. INVESTMENT ! Cfavl fin s- w- corner Fifteenth and 5U1UU Marshall street, on track. Splendid corner for wholesale or ware house site. Price very low if sold at once. For price and terms ask f ELLARS-Ml'RTON CO, Yeon Bids;. Mortgage Loans on Portland business and residenca property at lowest current rates. MORGAN, FtlEDXER dt UOVCE, C03-5O6 AblnKton Building. MORTGAGE LOANS JOHN E. CRONAN, not- - JO 002 Spalding; Bids. COLI.IS. BERRIOGE THOMPSON, PUBLIC ACCOUNTANTS, AUDITORS, 824 Worcester Block. Phone Mala .r $12,500 - 100x100 and 8-room house. Kearney, near 2 1st. JOHN L. KARNOPP, Ry. Exch. Bide. A J ,' X